83_FR_20842 83 FR 20753 - Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships

83 FR 20753 - Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor Relationships


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 89 (May 8, 2018)

Page Range20753-20773
FR Document2018-09721

The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is proposing to amend its auditor independence rules to refocus the analysis that must be conducted to determine whether an auditor is independent when the auditor has a lending relationship with certain shareholders of an audit client at any time during an audit or professional engagement period. The proposed amendments would focus the analysis solely on beneficial ownership rather than on both record and beneficial ownership; replace the existing 10 percent bright-line shareholder ownership test with a ``significant influence'' test; add a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard with respect to identifying beneficial owners of the audit client's equity securities; and amend the definition of ``audit client'' for a fund under audit to exclude funds that otherwise would be considered affiliates of the audit client. The Commission is also requesting comment on certain other potential amendments to its auditor independence rules.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 89 (Tuesday, May 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 89 (Tuesday, May 8, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 20753-20773]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09721]



17 CFR Part 210

[Release No. 33-10491; 34-83157; IC-33091; IA-4904; FILE NO. S7-10-18]
RIN 3235-AM01

Auditor Independence With Respect to Certain Loans or Debtor-
Creditor Relationships

AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is 
proposing to amend its auditor independence rules to refocus the 
analysis that must be conducted to determine whether an auditor is 
independent when the auditor has a lending relationship with certain 
shareholders of an audit client at any time during an audit or 
professional engagement period. The proposed amendments would focus the 
analysis solely on beneficial ownership rather than on both record and 
beneficial ownership; replace the existing 10 percent bright-line 
shareholder ownership test with a ``significant influence'' test; add a 
``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard with respect to 
identifying beneficial owners of the audit client's equity securities; 
and amend the definition of ``audit client'' for a fund under audit to 
exclude funds that otherwise would be considered affiliates of the 
audit client. The Commission is also requesting comment on certain 
other potential amendments to its auditor independence rules.

DATES: Comments should be received on or before July 9, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number S7-10-18 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, 
Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 

All submissions should refer to File Number S7-10-18. This file number 
should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help us 
process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one 
method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission's 
website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml). Comments are also 
available for website viewing and printing in the Commission's Public 
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official 
business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. All 
comments received will be posted without change. Persons submitting 
comments are cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal 
identifying information from comment submissions. You should submit 
only information that you wish to make available

[[Page 20754]]

publicly. Studies, memoranda, or other substantive items may be added 
by the Commission or staff to the comment file during this rulemaking. 
A notification of the inclusion in the comment file of any such 
materials will be made available on the Commission's website. To ensure 
direct electronic receipt of such notifications, sign up through the 
``Stay Connected'' option at www.sec.gov to receive notifications by 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Giles T. Cohen, Deputy Chief Counsel, 
or Peggy Kim, Senior Special Counsel, Office of the Chief Accountant, 
at (202) 551-5300; Alison Staloch, Chief Accountant, Chief Accountant's 
Office, Division of Investment Management, at (202) 551-6918; or Joel 
Cavanaugh, Senior Counsel, Investment Company Regulation Office, 
Division of Investment Management, at (202) 551-6792, U.S. Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We are proposing amendments to Rule 2-01 of 
Regulation S-X.\1\

    \1\ 17 CFR 210.2-01.

Table of Contents

I. Background
    A. The Loan Provision of Regulation S-X
    B. Application of the Current Loan Provision
II. Proposed Amendments
    A. Overview of the Proposed Amendments
    B. Focus the Analysis Solely on Beneficial Ownership
    C. Significant Influence Test
    D. Reasonable Inquiry Compliance Threshold
    E. Excluding Other Funds That Would Be Considered Affiliates of 
the Audit Client
III. Request for Comment
    A. Materiality
    B. Accounting Firms' ``Covered Persons'' and Immediate Family 
    C. Evaluation of Compliance
    D. Secondary Market Purchases of Debt
    E. Other Changes to the Commission's Auditor Independence Rules
IV. Paperwork Reduction Act
V. Economic Analysis
    A. General Economic Considerations
    B. Baseline
    C. Anticipated Benefits and Costs, and Unintended Consequences
    1. Anticipated Benefits
    2. Anticipated Costs and Potential Unintended Consequences
    D. Effects on Efficiency, Competition and Capital Formation
    E. Alternatives
    F. Request for Comment
VI. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
    A. Reasons for and Objectives of the Proposed Action
    B. Legal Basis
    C. Small Entities Subject to the Proposed Rules
    D. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance 
    E. Duplicative, Overlapping, or Conflicting Federal Rules
    F. Significant Alternatives
    G. Solicitation of Comment
VII. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
VIII. Statutory Basis

I. Background

A. The Loan Provision of Regulation S-X

    We are proposing to amend certain provisions of our auditor 
independence rules. The Commission has long considered auditor 
independence to be essential to reliable financial reporting and 
critical to the effective functioning of the U.S. capital markets.\2\ 
Independent auditors have an important public trust.\3\ Many Commission 
regulations require entities to file or furnish financial statements 
that have been audited by an independent auditor; such entities include 
operating companies, registered investment companies, registered 
investment advisers, pooled investment vehicles,\4\ and registered 

    \2\ See generally Proposed Rule: Revision of the Commission's 
Auditor Independence Requirements, Release No. 33-7870 (June 30, 
2000) (``2000 Proposing Release''), available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/34-42994.htm.
    \3\ The U.S. Supreme Court in describing the independent 
auditor's responsibility, stated that the accountant's ``public 
watchdog'' function ``demands that the accountant maintain total 
independence from the client at all times and requires complete 
fidelity to the public trust.'' United States v. Arthur Young, 465 
U.S. 805, 818 (1984).
    \4\ In this Release, we use the term ``pooled investment 
vehicle'' to refer to a limited partnership, limited liability 
company, or another type of pooled investment vehicle for which the 
pooled investment vehicle's investment adviser relies on paragraph 
(b)(4) of Rule 206(4)-2 (the ``Custody Rule'') under the Advisers 
Act. In general, paragraph (b)(4) of the Custody Rule provides 
conditions under which an investment adviser is not required to 
comply with provisions of the Custody Rule relating to the delivery 
of certain notices and account statements and is deemed to have 
complied with the surprise examination requirements of the rule with 
respect to an account that is a limited partnership, limited 
liability company or other pooled investment vehicle that is subject 
to audit (as defined in Rule 1-02(d) of Regulation S-X). In order to 
rely on this ``audit exception,'' the audit must be performed by an 
independent public accountant that: (i) Meets the standards in Rule 
2-01(b) and (c) of Regulation S-X; and (ii) is registered with, and 
subject to regular inspection as of the commencement of the 
professional engagement period, and as of each calendar year-end, by 
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (``PCAOB'') in 
accordance with its rules. Many advisers to private funds rely on 
the audit exception. A ``private fund'' is an issuer that would be 
an investment company, as defined in Section 3 of the Investment 
Company Act, but for Section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of that Act. See 
Section 202(a)(29) of the Investment Advisers Act.
    \5\ For example, Items 25 and 26 of Schedule A to the Securities 
Act of 1933 (``Securities Act'') [15 U.S.C. 77aa(25) and (26)] and 
Section 17(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange 
Act'') [15 U.S.C. 78q] expressly require that financial statements 
be certified by independent public or certified accountants. In 
addition, Sections 12(b)(1)(J) and (K) and 13(a)(2) of the Exchange 
Act [15 U.S.C. 78l and 78m], Sections 8(b)(5) and 30(e) and (g) of 
the Investment Company Act of 1940 (``Investment Company Act'') [15 
U.S.C. 80a-8 and 80a-29], and Section 203(c)(1)(D) of the Investment 
Advisers Act of 1940 (``Advisers Act'') [15 U.S.C. 80b-3(c)(1)] 
authorize the Commission to require the filing of financial 
statements that have been audited by independent accountants. 
Paragraph (f)(1) of Rule 17a-5 under the Exchange Act [17 CFR 
240.17a-5(f)(1)] requires that for audits under paragraph (d) of 
Rule 17a-5 of broker-dealers registered with the Commission, an 
independent public accountant must be independent in accordance with 
Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. See also id. (discussing Rule 206(4)-2 
under the Advisers Act).

    The Commission's auditor independence standard is set forth in Rule 
2-01 of Regulation S-X, which requires auditors \6\ to be independent 
of their audit clients both ``in fact and in appearance.'' \7\ Rule 2-
01(b) provides that the Commission will not recognize an accountant as 
independent with respect to an audit client if the accountant is not 
(or if a reasonable investor with knowledge of all relevant facts and 
circumstances would conclude that the accountant is not) capable of 
exercising objective and impartial judgment on all issues encompassed 
within the accountant's engagement.\8\

    \6\ Rule 2-01 refers to ``accountants'' rather than 
``auditors.'' We use these terms interchangeably in this Release.
    \7\ See Preliminary Note 1 to Rule 2-01 and Rule 2-01(b) of 
Regulation S-X. See also United States v. Arthur Young & Co., 465 
U.S. 805, 819 n.15 (1984) (``It is therefore not enough that 
financial statements be accurate; the public must also perceive them 
as being accurate. Public faith in the reliability of a 
corporation's financial statements depends upon the public 
perception of the outside auditor as an independent 
    \8\ See Rule 2-01(b) of Regulation S-X.

    Rule 2-01(c) sets forth a nonexclusive list of circumstances that 
the Commission considers to be inconsistent with the independence 
standard in Rule 2-01(b), including certain direct financial 
relationships between an accountant and audit client and other 
circumstances where the accountant has a financial interest in the 
audit client.\9\ In particular, the restriction on debtor-creditor 
relationships in Rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A) (the ``Loan Provision'') 
generally provides that an accountant is not

[[Page 20755]]

independent when (a) the accounting firm, (b) any covered person \10\ 
in the accounting firm (e.g., the audit engagement team and those in 
the chain of command), or (c) any of the covered person's immediate 
family members has any loan (including any margin loan) to or from (x) 
an audit client, or (y) an audit client's officers, directors, or (z) 
record or beneficial owners of more than 10 percent of the audit 
client's equity securities.\11\ We note that simply because a lender to 
an auditor holds 10 percent or less of an audit client's equity 
securities does not, in itself, establish that the auditor is 
independent under Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. The general standard 
under Rule 2-01(b) and the remainder of Rule 2-01(c) still apply to 
auditors and their audit clients regardless of the applicability of the 
Loan Provision.

    \9\ See Rule 2-01(c) of Regulation S-X; see also Revision of the 
Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements, Release No. 33-7919 
(Nov. 21, 2000) [65 FR 76008 (Dec. 5, 2000)] (``2000 Adopting 
Release'')  available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-7919.htm, at 65 FR 76009 (``The amendments [to Rule 2-01 adopted in 
2000] identify certain relationships that render an accountant not 
independent of an audit client under the standard in Rule 2-01(b). 
The relationships addressed include, among others, financial, 
employment, and business relationships between auditors and audit 
clients . . . .'').
    \10\ See Rule 2-01(f)(11) of Regulation S-X.
    \11\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 

    Thus, in the above illustration, pursuant to the Loan Provision, a 
lending relationship between any entity in the left hand column and any 
entity in the right-hand column impairs independence, unless an 
exception applies.
    When the Commission proposed the Loan Provision, it noted that a 
debtor-creditor relationship between an auditor and its audit client 
reasonably could be viewed as ``creating a self-interest that competes 
with the auditor's obligation to serve only investors' interests.'' 
\12\ The Commission's concern about a competing self-interest extended 
beyond loans directly between the auditor and its audit client to loans 
between the auditor and those shareholders of the audit client who have 
a ``special and influential role'' with the audit client.\13\ As a 
proxy for identifying a ``special and influential role,'' the 
Commission adopted a bright-line test for loans to or from a record or 
beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of an audit client's equity 

    \12\ See 2000 Proposing Release, supra footnote 2, at 65 FR 
    \13\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 
    \14\ The Commission proposed that the Loan Provision include a 
five-percent equity ownership threshold, but raised the threshold to 
10 percent when it adopted the Loan Provision. See 2000 Adopting 
Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76035. As the basis for its use 
of a 10 percent threshold, the Commission pointed to similar 10 
percent ownership thresholds elsewhere in the federal securities 
laws, including Rule 1-02(r) of Regulation S-X (defining ``principal 
holder of equity securities''), Rule 1-02(s) of Regulation S-X 
(defining ``promoter''), and Section 16 of the Exchange Act 
(requiring reporting to the Commission of beneficial ownership 
information by directors, officers and beneficial owners of more 
than 10 percent of any class of equity securities of an issuer). Id.

    Under Rule 2-01(f)(6) of Regulation S-X, the term ``audit client'' 
is defined to include any affiliate of the entity whose financial 
statements are being audited.\15\ Rule 2-01(f)(4) provides that 
``affiliates of the audit client'' include entities that control, are 
controlled by, or are under common control with the audit client. As a 
result, generally, an accounting firm is not independent under the Loan 
Provision if it has a lending relationship with an entity having record 
or beneficial ownership of more than 10 percent of the equity 
securities of either (a) the firm's audit client; or (b) any entity 
that is a controlling parent company of the audit client, a controlled 
subsidiary of the audit client, or an entity under common control with 
the audit client.

    \15\ See Rule 2-01(f)(6) of Regulation S-X.

    In addition, the term ``affiliate of the audit client'' includes 
each entity in an investment company complex (``ICC'') of which the 
audit client is a part.\16\ Accordingly, in the ICC context, an 
accounting firm is considered not independent under the Loan Provision 
if it has a lending relationship with an entity having record or 
beneficial ownership of more than 10 percent of any entity within the 
ICC, regardless of

[[Page 20756]]

which entities in the ICC are audited by the accounting firm.

    \16\ See Rule 2-01(f)(4)(iv) of Regulation S-X (defining 
``affiliate of the audit client''). ``Investment company complex'' 
is defined in Rule 2-01(f)(14) of Regulation S-X to include: ``(A) 
An investment company and its investment adviser or sponsor; (B) Any 
entity controlled by or controlling an investment adviser or sponsor 
in paragraph (f)(14)(i)(A) of this section, or any entity under 
common control with an investment adviser or sponsor in paragraph 
(f)(14)(i)(A) of this section if the entity: (1) Is an investment 
adviser or sponsor; or (2) Is engaged in the business of providing 
administrative, custodian, underwriting, or transfer agent services 
to any investment company, investment adviser, or sponsor; and (C) 
Any investment company or entity that would be an investment company 
but for the exclusions provided by section 3(c) of the [1940 Act] 
that has an investment adviser or sponsor included in this 
definition by either paragraph (f)(14)(i)(A) or (f)(14)(i)(B) of 
this section.''

B. Application of the Current Loan Provision

    The Commission has become aware that, in certain circumstances, the 
existing Loan Provision may not be functioning as it was intended, 
under current market conditions. It also presents significant practical 
challenges.\17\ Registered investment companies, pooled investment 
vehicles, and registered investment advisers have articulated concerns 
about the Loan Provision in both public disclosures \18\ and, together 
with their auditors, in extensive consultations with Commission 
staff.\19\ It has become clear that there are certain fact patterns 
where an auditor's objectivity and impartiality is not impaired despite 
a failure to comply with the requirements of the Loan Provision. \20\

    \17\ The audit committees of registered investment companies may 
be focused on this issue because, under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 
2002 (``Sarbanes-Oxley Act''), audit committees are responsible for 
the selection, compensation and oversight of such funds' independent 
auditors. See Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act [17 CFR 240.10A-3]. 
In addition, for audits conducted pursuant to PCAOB standards, the 
auditor is required to notify the audit committee of matters that 
may reasonably bear upon the independence of the auditor. See PCAOB 
Rule 3526.
    \18\ Several funds and investment advisers have noted concerns 
regarding the Loan Provision in their public filings with the 
Commission. See, e.g., AIM Investment Securities Funds (Invesco 
Investment Securities Funds) Form N-CSR filed on May 12, 2016; 
Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. Form 10-Q filed on May 10, 2016; 
iShares Trust Form N-CSR filed on June 6, 2016; Delaware Investments 
Colorado Municipal Income Fund, Inc. Form N-CSR filed on June 6, 
2016; Goldman Sachs Trust Form N-CSR filed on June 6, 2016; Advent 
International Corp. Form ADV filed on March 30, 2016; NB 
Alternatives Advisers LLC Form ADV filed on June 29, 2016; Indaba 
Capital Management, L.P. Form ADV filed on March 30, 2016; and MFS 
Government Markets Income Trust Schedule 14A filed on August 31, 
    \19\ Staff in the Office of the Chief Accountant (OCA staff) 
regularly engage in consultations with issuers regarding accounting, 
financial reporting, and auditing concerns or questions, including 
application of the auditor independence rules.
    \20\ Challenges associated with the Loan Provision have also 
arisen with issuers other than funds, although not to the same 
extent. For example, a foreign private issuer (``FPI'') and its 
external auditor encountered compliance issues with the Loan 
Provision as a result of the FPI's use of a depositary bank to hold 
its American Depositary Shares. In that case, the depositary bank 
was the record holder, but not the beneficial owner, of more than 10 
percent of the underlying equity shares of the FPI while also having 
a lending relationship with the auditor. See, e.g., JMU Ltd. Form 
20-F, filed on May 26, 2017.

    One challenge associated with the Loan Provision is that it applies 
to both ``record'' and ``beneficial'' owners of the audit client's 
equity securities. However, publicly traded shares, as well as certain 
fund shares, often are registered in the name of a relatively small 
number of financial intermediaries \21\ as ``record'' owners for the 
benefit of their clients or customers. Certain of these financial 
intermediaries may also be lenders to public accounting firms or be 
affiliated with financial institutions that may be lenders to public 
accounting firms.\22\ As a result, audit clients may have financial 
intermediaries that own, on a ``record'' basis, more than 10 percent of 
the issuer's shares and are also lenders to public accounting firms, 
covered persons of accounting firms, and their immediate family 
members, or are affiliated with companies that are lenders to public 
accounting firms (see Figure 2 below for illustration). However, these 
financial intermediaries are not ``beneficial'' owners. They also may 
not have control over whether they are ``record'' owners of more than 
10 percent of the issuer's shares.

    \21\ See infra footnote 23.
    \22\ We note that the Loan Provision can be implicated by 
lending relationships between an auditing firm and those that 
control the record or beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of 
the shares of an audit client (i.e., entities that are under common 
control with or controlled by the record or beneficial owner are not 
as such implicated by the Loan Provision).

[[Page 20757]]

    For example, open-end funds, such as mutual funds, may face 
significant challenges, because the record ownership percentages of 
open-end funds may fluctuate greatly within a given period for reasons 
completely out of the control or knowledge of a lender who is also a 
fund shareholder of record. To be more specific, as a result of 
underlying customer activity in an omnibus account (such as when 
beneficial owners purchase or redeem their shares in an open-end fund) 
or as a result of the activity of other record or beneficial owners, 
the record ownership of a lender that is a financial intermediary 
holding fund shares for customers may exceed, or conversely fall below, 
the 10 percent threshold within a given period without any affirmative 
action on the part of the financial intermediary.\23\ In this scenario, 
the financial intermediary's holdings might constitute less than 10 
percent of a mutual fund and, as a result of subsequent redemptions by 
beneficial owners through other non-affiliated financial 
intermediaries, the same investment could then constitute more than 10 
percent of the mutual fund. However, regardless of their diligence in 
monitoring compliance, the financial intermediary, the fund, or the 
auditor may not know that the 10 percent threshold had been exceeded 
until after the fact.

    \23\ Financial intermediaries such as broker-dealers, banks, 
trusts, insurance companies and retirement plan third-party 
administrators perform the recordkeeping of open-end fund positions 
and provide services to customers, including beneficial owners and 
other intermediaries and, in most cases, aggregate their customer 
records into a single or a few ``omnibus'' accounts registered in 
the intermediary's name on the fund transfer agent's recordkeeping 
system. Shares of other types of registered investment companies, 
such as closed-end funds, also are frequently held by broker-dealers 
and other financial intermediaries as record owners on behalf of 
their customers, who are not required and may be unwilling to 
provide, information about the underlying beneficial owners to 
accounting firms, and particularly accounting firms that do not 
audit the fund. In addition, a financial intermediary may act as an 
authorized participant or market maker to an exchange-traded fund 
(``ETF'') and be the holder of record or beneficial owner of more 
than 10 percent of an ETF.
    An open-end fund, or open-end company, is a management company 
that is offering for sale or has outstanding any redeemable 
securities of which it is the issuer. A closed-end fund, or closed-
end company, is any management company other than an open-end 
company. See Section 5 of the Investment Company Act [15 U.S.C. 80a-
5]. ETFs registered with the Commission are organized either as 
open-end management companies or unit investment trusts. See Section 
4 of the Investment Company Act [15 U.S.C. 80a-4] (defining the 
terms ``management company'' and ``unit investment trust''). 
References to ``funds'' in this Release include ETFs, unless 
specifically noted.

    Another practical challenge is that the auditor independence rules' 
broad definition of the term ``audit client'' gives rise to results 
that are out of step with the purpose of the rule and that can have 
adverse effects when applied in the specific context of the Loan 
Provision. As described above, the Loan Provision applies not only to 
an entity that the audit firm is auditing but also to those entities 
that are ``affiliated'' with the audit client.\24\ The auditor 
independence rules broadly define an ``affiliate of the audit client'' 
to include, among other things, both (a) an entity that is under common 
control with the audit client; and (b) each entity in an ICC when the 
audit client is part of that ICC.\25\

    \24\ See Rule 2-01(f)(6) of Regulation S-X.
    \25\ See Rule 2-01(f)(4) of Regulation S-X, in which an 
``affiliate of the audit client'' is defined to include the 
    (i) An entity that has control over the audit client, or over 
which the audit client has control, or which is under common control 
with the audit client, including the audit client's parents and 
    (ii) An entity over which the audit client has significant 
influence, unless the entity is not material to the audit client;
    (iii) An entity that has significant influence over the audit 
client, unless the audit client is not material to the entity; and
    (iv) Each entity in the investment company complex when the 
audit client is an entity that is part of an investment company 

    Open-end funds are often part of large and varied ICCs, and 
multiple accounting firms may be retained to perform audits of various 
entities within the ICC. If an accounting firm is not independent under 
the Loan Provision with respect to only one of a given ICC's funds, no 
fund or other entity in the ICC can engage or retain that accounting 
firm as an independent auditor consistent with Rule 2-01 of Regulation 
S-X. An auditor to one fund in an ICC thus must seek information 
regarding the record and beneficial owners of the equity securities of 
all of the other funds (and other entities) in the ICC and such owner's 
affiliates (see Figure 3 below for illustration). Other funds in the 
ICC that are not audited by the requesting auditor are not required to 
provide this information, and may only provide it, if at all, after 
negotiation and the establishment of information-sharing protocols, all 
of which can require substantial time and expense incurred by auditors 
and funds. Even where funds not audited by this auditor do provide 
information regarding the owners of their equity securities, the fact 
that fund shares often are held in omnibus accounts registered in the 
name of financial intermediaries creates further challenges in 
identifying the shares' beneficial owners to determine if they are 
lenders to the auditing firm that own more than 10 percent of the 
fund's equity securities.\26\

    \26\ In some cases, financial intermediaries such as broker-
dealers or banks hold fund shares on behalf of other financial 
intermediaries, such as retirement plan administrators or other 
broker-dealers, creating multiple layers of intermediaries between 
the fund and the beneficial owners of its shares. See also, e.g., 
Mutual Fund Redemption Fees, Release No. IC-27504 (Sept. 27, 2006) 
[71 CFR 58257 (Oct. 3, 2006)] at 58258 (discussing application of 
Rule 22c-2 under the Investment Company Act to ``chains of 

    Further, not only loans to accounting firms but also loans to 
certain ``covered persons'' at such firms and their immediate family 
members may implicate the Loan Provision.\27\ As a result, certain 
lending relationships with members of the audit engagement team, 
individuals generally in the supervisory reporting chain for the audit, 
certain accounting firm employees in the same primary office as the 
lead engagement partner, and other accounting firm employees--or with 
immediate family members of any of those persons--could be found to 
impair the audit firm's independence.\28\

    \27\ See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii) of Regulation S-X.
    \28\ See Rule 2-01(f)(11) of Regulation S-X (definition of 
``covered persons'').


[[Page 20758]]


    The Commission understands that accounting firms use loans to help 
finance their core business operations. Accounting firms frequently 
obtain financing to pay for their labor and out-of-pocket expenses 
before they receive payments from audit clients for those services. 
Accounting firms also use financing to fund current operations and 
provide capital to fund ongoing investments in their audit 
methodologies and technology. Accounting firms borrow from commercial 
banks or through private placement debt issuances, typically purchased 
by large financial institutions, both of which give rise to debtor-
creditor relationships.\29\ For creditor diversification purposes, 
credit facilities provided or arranged by commercial banks are often 
syndicated among multiple financial institutions, thereby expanding the 
number of lenders to an accounting firm. As a result, accounting firms 
typically have a wide array of lending arrangements. These arrangements 
facilitate firms' provision of audit services to investors and other 
market participants, but also multiply the number of lenders that may 
also be record or beneficial owners of securities in audit clients and 
that must be analyzed under the Loan Provision.

    \29\ The Commission further understands that insurance companies 
may purchase accounting firms' private placement notes. Insurance 
companies may also act as sponsors of insurance products, and may be 
record owners, on behalf of contract holders, of certain investment 
companies' equity securities.

    The current market conditions that have enabled these accounting 
firms' financing methods appear to have resulted in various scenarios 
in which the Loan Provision deems an accounting firm's independence to 
be impaired, notwithstanding that the relevant facts and circumstances 
regarding the relationships between the auditor and the audit client 
suggest that in most cases the auditor's objectivity and impartiality 
do not appear to be affected as a practical matter. Nevertheless, 
auditors and audit committees may feel obligated to devote substantial 
resources to evaluating potential instances of noncompliance with the 
existing Loan Provision, which could distract auditors' and audit 
committees' attention from matters that may be more likely to bear on 
the auditor's objectivity and impartiality.\30\ Audit committees' 
receipt of a high volume of communications of such relationships may 
dilute the impact of communications that identify issues that may 
actually raise concerns about an auditor's independence.\31\

    \30\ Auditors are required to communicate any relationships, 
including lending relationships, with the audit client that may 
reasonably be thought to bear on independence to the audit committee 
at least annually. See, e.g., PCAOB Rule 3526 (requiring a 
registered public accounting firm, at least annually with respect to 
each of its audit clients, to: (1) Describe, in writing, to the 
audit committee of the audit client, all relationships between the 
registered public accounting firm or any affiliates of the firm and 
the audit client or persons in financial reporting oversight roles 
at the audit client that, as of the date of the communication, may 
reasonably be thought to bear on independence; (2) discuss with the 
audit committee of the audit client the potential effects of the 
relationships described in subsection (b)(1) on the independence of 
the registered public accounting firm; (3) affirm to the audit 
committee of the audit client, in writing, that, as of the date of 
the communication, the registered public accounting firm is 
independent in compliance with Rule 3520; and (4) document the 
substance of its discussion with the audit committee of the audit 
    \31\ In this Release, we use the term ``audit committee,'' when 
referring to funds, generally to refer to audit committees 
established by a fund's board of directors or trustees or, where no 
formal audit committee exists as may be the case for certain private 
funds, for example, those responsible for the governance of the 

    Similarly, numerous violations of the independence rules that no 
reasonable person would view as implicating an auditor's objectivity 
and impartiality could desensitize market participants to other, more 
significant violations of the

[[Page 20759]]

independence rules. Respect for the seriousness of these obligations is 
better fostered through limiting violations to those instances in which 
the auditor's independence would be impaired in fact or in appearance.
    Moreover, searching for, identifying, and assessing noncompliance 
or potential non-compliance with the Loan Provision and reporting these 
instances to audit committees also may generate significant costs for 
entities and their advisers and auditors, which costs are ultimately 
borne by shareholders. These costs are unlikely to entail corresponding 
benefits to the extent that the Loan Provision's breadth identifies and 
requires analysis of circumstances that are unlikely to bear on the 
auditor's independence.
    In addition, the compliance challenges associated with the Loan 
Provision can have broader disruptive effects, particularly for 
funds.\32\ For example, in order for a registered open-end fund to make 
a continuous offering of its securities, it must maintain a current 
prospectus by periodically filing post-effective amendments to its 
registration statement that contain updated financial information 
audited by an independent public accountant in accordance with 
Regulation S-X.\33\ In addition, the federal securities laws require 
that investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act 
transmit annually to shareholders and file with the Commission 
financial statements audited by an independent registered public 
accounting firm.\34\ Accordingly, noncompliance with the auditor 
independence rules in some cases can result in affected funds not being 
able to sell shares, investors not being able to rely on affected 
financial statements, or funds (and, indirectly, but importantly, their 
investors) having to incur the costs of re-audits.

    \32\ Registered investment advisers that have custody of client 
funds or securities also face compliance challenges from the Loan 
Provision. These advisers generally are required under the Custody 
Rule to obtain a surprise examination conducted by an independent 
public accountant or, for pooled investment vehicles, may be deemed 
to comply with the requirement by distributing financial statements 
audited by an independent public accountant to the pooled investment 
vehicle's investors. An auditor's inability, or potential inability, 
to comply with the Loan Provision raises questions concerning an 
adviser's ability to satisfy the requirements of the Custody Rule.
    \33\ See generally Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act [15 
U.S.C. 77j(a)(3)] and Item 27 of Form N-1A.
    \34\ See Rules 30e-1 and 30b2-1 under the Investment Company 

    In order to provide time for the Commission to address these 
challenges, and recognizing that funds and their advisers were most 
acutely affected by the Loan Provision, the Commission staff issued a 
no-action letter to Fidelity Management & Research Company regarding 
the application of the Loan Provision (``Fidelity No-Action 
Letter'').\35\ In the Fidelity No-Action Letter, the staff stated that 
it would not recommend enforcement action to the Commission, even 
though certain Fidelity entities identified in the letter used audit 
firms that were not in compliance with the Loan Provision, subject to 
certain conditions specified in the letter (e.g., that notwithstanding 
such non-compliance, the audit firm had concluded that it is objective 
and impartial with respect to the issues encompassed within the 
engagement).\36\ Staff continue to receive inquiries from registrants 
and accounting firms regarding the application of the Loan Provision, 
or clarification of the Fidelity No-Action Letter, and requests for 
consultation regarding issues not covered in the Fidelity No-Action 

    \35\ See No-Action Letter from the Division of Investment 
Management to Fidelity Management & Research Company (June 20, 2016) 
(``June 20, 2016 Letter''), available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/noaction/2016/fidelity-management-research-company-062016.htm. The June 20, 2016 Letter provided temporary no-
action relief, and was to expire 18 months from the issuance date. 
On September 22, 2017, the staff extended the June 20, 2016 Letter 
until the effective date of any amendments to the Loan Provision 
adopted by the Commission that are designed to address the concerns 
expressed in the June 20, 2016 Letter. See No-Action Letter from the 
Division of Investment Management to Fidelity Management & Research 
Company (Sept. 22, 2017) (``September 22, 2017 Letter''), available 
at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/noaction/2017/fidelity-management-research-092217-regsx-rule-2-01.htm.
    \36\ The June 20, 2016 Letter described the following 
circumstances, each of which could have potential implications under 
the Loan Provision: (i) ``An institution that has a lending 
relationship with an Audit Firm holds of record, for the benefit of 
its clients or customers (for example, as an omnibus account holder 
or custodian), more than 10 percent of the shares of a Fidelity 
Entity;'' (ii) ``An insurance company that has a lending 
relationship with an Audit Firm holds more than 10 percent of the 
shares of a Fidelity Fund in separate accounts that it maintains on 
behalf of its insurance contract holders;'' and (iii) ``An 
institution that has a lending relationship with an Audit Firm and 
acts as an authorized participant or market maker to a Fidelity ETF 
and holds of record or beneficially more than 10 percent of the 
shares of a Fidelity ETF.''

II. Proposed Amendments

A. Overview of the Proposed Amendments

    Given the dynamics identified above, we are proposing amendments to 
Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X that would result in a rule that we believe 
would effectively identify those debtor-creditor relationships that 
could impair an auditor's objectivity and impartiality, yet would not 
include certain extended relationships that are unlikely to present 
threats to objectivity or impartiality.\37\ Specifically, we are 
proposing amendments that would:

    \37\ See Rule 2-01(b) of Regulation S-X.

     Focus the analysis solely on beneficial ownership;
     replace the existing 10 percent bright-line shareholder 
ownership test with a ``significant influence'' test;
     add a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard with 
respect to identifying beneficial owners of the audit client's equity 
securities; and
     amend the definition of ``audit client'' for a fund under 
audit to exclude from the provision funds that otherwise would be 
considered ``affiliates of the audit client.''
    The proposed amendments are designed to better focus the Loan 
Provision on those relationships that, whether in fact or in 
appearance, could threaten an auditor's ability to exercise objective 
and impartial judgment. We also are soliciting input on other potential 
changes to the Loan Provision or Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X that may 
be appropriate.
    Given that compliance challenges associated with applying the Loan 
Provision have arisen with entities other than funds, the proposed 
amendments would apply broadly to entities beyond the investment 
management industry, including operating companies and registered 

B. Focus the Analysis Solely on Beneficial Ownership

    Where a lender to an auditor holds more than 10 percent of the 
equity securities of that auditor's audit client either as a beneficial 
owner or as a record owner, the Commission's rules indicate that the 
auditor is not independent of the audit client. The record owner 
exceeding 10 percent may be a broker-dealer, custodian, or an 
intermediary omnibus account holder for its customers. Thus, as noted 
in Section I.B., the existing Loan Provision applies where a lender 
holds the audit client's equity securities of record, even though the 
lender may be unable to influence an audit client through its holdings 
of the audit client's equity securities, and may have no economic 
incentive to do so.\38\

    \38\ The financial gain of beneficial owners is tied to the 
performance of their investment and as such, beneficial owners may 
have stronger incentives to influence the auditor's report. Record 
owners, on the other hand, likely do not benefit directly from the 
performance of securities of which they are record owners, and as 
such, they may have low incentives to affect the report of the 
auditor. For example, record holders' discretion to vote the shares 
on behalf of their beneficial owners is typically limited. See the 
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Rule 452. The NYSE allows brokers to 
vote on certain items on behalf of their clients, if the broker has 
received no voting instructions from those clients within 10 days of 
the annual meeting. Brokers are only allowed to cast these 
discretionary votes on ``routine'' matters, which are generally 
uncontested and do not include a merger, consolidation, or any 
matter which may affect substantially the rights or privileges of 
such stock. Rule 452 lists the types of matters that brokers may not 
vote without customer instructions, which include executive 
compensation or uncontested elections of directors (other than 
uncontested director elections of companies registered under the 
Investment Company Act of 1940).


[[Page 20760]]

    Under the proposed amendments, the Loan Provision would apply only 
to beneficial owners of the audit client's equity securities and not to 
those who merely maintain the audit client's equity securities as a 
holder of record on behalf of their beneficial owners.\39\ We believe 
that tailoring the Loan Provision to focus only on the beneficial 
ownership of the audit client's equity securities would more 
effectively identify shareholders ``having a special and influential 
role with the issuer'' and therefore better capture those debtor-
creditor relationships that may impair an auditor's independence.\40\

    \39\ An equity holder who acquired such ownership by buying a 
certificated share would be both a record owner and a beneficial 
owner and thus would continue to be analyzed under the Loan 
    \40\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9.

C. Significant Influence Test

    Furthermore, we believe that the current bright-line 10 percent 
test may be both over- and under-inclusive as a means of identifying 
those debtor-creditor relationships that actually impair the auditor's 
objectivity and impartiality. For example, the existing Loan Provision 
applies even in situations where the lender may be unable to influence 
the audit client through its holdings.\41\ In such circumstances, the 
lender's ownership of an audit client's equity securities alone would 
not threaten an audit firm's objectivity and impartiality. Conversely, 
the existing Loan Provision does not apply if the auditor's lender owns 
10 percent or less of the audit client's equity securities, despite the 
fact that such an owner could exert significant influence over the 
audit client through contractual or other means.\42\ A holder of 10 
percent or less of an audit client's equity securities could, for 
example, have the contractual right to remove or replace a pooled 
investment vehicle's investment adviser. Although other portions of 
Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X apply, the Loan Provision's existing 10 
percent bright-line test by itself would not capture this debtor-
creditor relationship even though the relationship potentially raises 
questions about an auditor's objectivity and impartiality.\43\

    \41\ Cf. Accounting Standards Codification (``ASC'') 323, infra 
footnote 49 (providing examples where a holder may not have 
significant influence).
    \42\ Cf. ASC 323, infra footnote 49 (providing examples where a 
holder may have significant influence).
    \43\ See supra Section I.A for a discussion of the general 
standard under Rule 2-01(b) of Regulation S-X.

    We therefore propose to replace the existing 10 percent bright-line 
test in the Loan Provision with a ``significant influence'' test 
similar to that referenced in other parts of the Commission's auditor 
independence rules.\44\ Specifically, the proposed amendment would 
provide that an accountant would not be independent when the accounting 
firm, any covered person in the firm, or any of his or her immediate 
family members has any loan (including any margin loan) to or from an 
audit client, or an audit client's officers, directors, or beneficial 
owners (known through reasonable inquiry) of the audit client's equity 
securities where such beneficial owner has significant influence over 
the audit client.\45\

    \44\ See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E)(1)(i), (E)(1)(ii), (E)(2), 
(E)(3), (f)(4)(ii) and (f)(4)(iii) of Regulation S-X.
    \45\ See proposed Rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A) (replacing the phrase 
``record or beneficial owners of more than ten percent of the audit 
client's equity securities'' with ``beneficial owners (known through 
reasonable inquiry) of the audit client's equity securities, where 
such beneficial owner has significant influence over the audit 
client''). Under the proposed amendments, the rule would continue to 
have exceptions for four types of loans: (1) Automobile loans and 
leases collateralized by the automobile; (2) loans fully 
collateralized by the cash surrender value of an insurance policy; 
(3) loans fully collateralized by cash deposits at the same 
financial institution; and (4) a mortgage loan collateralized by the 
borrower's primary residence provided the loan was not obtained 
while the covered person in the firm was a covered person. We 
discuss the proposed ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard 
below. See infra section II.D.

    We believe the proposed significant influence test would more 
effectively identify shareholders ``having a special and influential 
role with the issuer'' and therefore would better capture those debtor-
creditor relationships that may impair an auditor's independence.\46\ 
This test focuses on a lender shareholder's ability to influence the 
policies and management of an audit client, based on a totality of the 
facts and circumstances. While this analysis would include a 
consideration of the lender's beneficial ownership level in an audit 
client's equity securities, a bright-line percentage ownership of an 
audit client's securities alone would no longer determine an auditor's 
independence with respect to an audit client.

    \46\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76035 
(describing the 10 percent bright-line test as identifying 
shareholders ``having a special and influential role with the 
issuer'' that ``would be considered to be in a position to influence 
the policies and management of that client.'').

    Specifically, under the ``significant influence'' test we are 
proposing today, an audit firm, together with its audit client, would 
be required to assess whether a lender (that is also a beneficial owner 
of the audit client's equity securities) has the ability to exert 
significant influence over the audit client's operating and financial 
policies.\47\ Although not specifically defined, the term ``significant 
influence'' appears in other parts of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X,\48\ 
and we intend to use the term ``significant influence'' in the proposed 
amendment to refer to the principles in the Financial Accounting 
Standards Board's (``FASB's'') ASC Topic 323, Investments--Equity 
Method and Joint Ventures.\49\ The concept of ``significant influence'' 
has been part of the Commission's auditor independence rules since 2000 
and has been part of the accounting standards since 1971.\50\ Given its 
use in other parts of the Commission's independence rules,\51\ the 
concept of ``significant influence'' is one with which audit firms and 
their clients are already required to be familiar. While audit firms 
and audit committees of operating companies already should be familiar 
with application of the ``significant influence'' concept, this concept 
is not as routinely applied today in the investment fund context for 
financial reporting purposes.\52\ Nonetheless, the concept of 

[[Page 20761]]

influence is applicable to funds under existing auditor independence 

    \47\ See ASC 323, infra footnote 49. See also infra Section II.C 
for a discussion of an audit client's operating and financial 
policies in the fund context.
    \48\ See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E)(``investments in audit clients'') 
and Rule 2-01(f)(4) of Regulation S-X (``affiliate of the audit 
client'' definition).
    \49\ See ASC 323 Investments--Equity Method and Joint Ventures 
(``ASC 323''). See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 
76034, note 284 (referring to Accounting Principles Board Opinion 
No. 18, ``The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments in Common 
Stock'' (Mar. 1971), which was codified at ASC 323).
    \50\ See Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion No. 18 (March 
1971) (``The Board concludes that the equity method of accounting 
for an investment in common stock should also be followed by an 
investor whose investment in voting stock gives it the ability to 
exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies 
of an investee even though the investor holds 50% or less of the 
voting stock.'').
    \51\ See supra footnote 44.
    \52\ See ASC 946. Financial Services--Investment Companies.
    \53\ See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E)(1)(i), (E)(1)(ii), (E)(2), and 
(E)(3) of Regulation S-X.

    Under the proposed test, the ability to exercise significant 
influence over the operating and financial policies of an audit client 
would be based on the facts and circumstances, and under the existing 
accounting framework, could be indicated in several ways, including:
     Representation on the board of directors;
     Participation in policy-making processes;
     Material intra-entity transactions;
     Interchange of managerial personnel; or
     Technological dependency.\54\

    \54\ See ASC 323, supra footnote 49.

    The lender's beneficial ownership of an audit client's equity 
securities also would be considered in determining whether a lender has 
significant influence over an audit client's operating and financial 
policies.\55\ Unlike the existing Loan Provision, however, the 
significant influence test would not set a bright-line threshold above 
which a lender is assumed to be in a position to influence the policies 
and management of that client. Instead, the proposed significant 
influence test would be consistent with ASC 323 by establishing a 
rebuttable presumption that a lender beneficially owning 20 percent or 
more of an audit client's voting securities is presumed to have the 
ability to exercise significant influence over the audit client, absent 
predominant evidence to the contrary.\56\ Conversely, and consistent 
with ASC 323, under the proposed significant influence test, if the 
ownership percentage were less than 20 percent, there would be a 
rebuttable presumption that the lender does not have significant 
influence over the audit client, unless it could be demonstrated that 
the lender has the ability to exert significant influence over the 
audit client.\57\ Thus, significant influence could exist in 
circumstances where ownership is less than 20 percent.

    \55\ The extent of a lender's ownership interest would be 
considered in relation to the concentration of other shareholders, 
but substantial or majority ownership of an audit client's voting 
stock by another shareholder would not necessarily preclude the 
ability to exercise significant influence by the lender. See id.
    \56\ ASC 323 contains a presumption that in the absence of 
predominant evidence to the contrary, an investor of 20% or more of 
the voting stock has the ability to exercise significant influence 
over the investee. See ASC 323-10-15-8. See also 2000 Adopting 
Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76034, note 497 and accompanying 
    \57\ Under ASC 323, an investment of less than 20% of the voting 
stock shall lead to the presumption that an investor does not have 
the ability to exercise significant influence over the investee 
unless such ability can be demonstrated. See ASC 323-10-15-8.

    ASC 323 lists several indicators that, as applied to the proposed 
significant influence test, would suggest a shareholder that owns 20 
percent or more of the audit client's voting securities nonetheless may 
be unable to exercise significant influence over the operating and 
financial policies of the audit client, including the following:
     Opposition by the audit client, such as litigation or 
complaints to governmental regulatory authorities, challenging the 
shareholder's ability to exercise significant influence;
     An agreement (such as a standstill agreement) under which 
the shareholder surrenders significant rights as a shareholder;
     Majority ownership of the audit client is concentrated 
among a small group of shareholders who operate the audit client 
without regard to the views of the shareholder;
     The shareholder needs or wants more financial information 
than is available to other shareholders, tries to obtain that 
information, and fails; \58\ and

    \58\ We recognize that there may be reasons other than a lack of 
influence--such as concerns under Regulation FD or the antifraud 
provisions of the federal securities laws generally--that might 
result in an issuer declining to provide financial information to a 

     The shareholder tries and fails to obtain representation 
on the audit client's board of directors.\59\

    \59\ See ASC 323-10-15-10.

    In the fund context, we believe that the operating and financial 
policies relevant to the significant influence test would include the 
fund's investment policies and day-to-day portfolio management 
processes, including those governing the selection, purchase and sale, 
and valuation of investments, and the distribution of income and 
capital gains (collectively ``portfolio management processes''). An 
audit firm could analyze whether significant influence over the fund's 
portfolio management processes exists based on an initial evaluation of 
the fund's governance structure and governing documents, the manner in 
which its shares are held or distributed, and any contractual 
arrangements, among any other relevant factors.
    We believe that it would be appropriate to consider the nature of 
the services provided by the fund's investment adviser(s) pursuant to 
the terms of an advisory contract with the fund as part of this 
analysis. In circumstances where the terms of the advisory agreement 
grant the adviser significant discretion with respect to the fund's 
portfolio management processes and the shareholder does not have the 
ability to influence those portfolio management processes, significant 
influence generally would not exist. The ability to vote on the 
approval of a fund's advisory contract or a fund's fundamental policies 
on a pro rata basis with all holders of the fund alone generally should 
not lead to the determination that a shareholder has significant 
influence. On the other hand, if a shareholder in a private fund, for 
example, has a side letter agreement outside of the standard 
partnership agreement that allows for participation in portfolio 
management processes (including participation on a fund advisory 
committee), then the shareholder would likely have significant 
    In circumstances where significant influence could exist, the audit 
firm would then evaluate whether an entity that is a beneficial owner 
of shares of a fund audit client has the ability to exercise 
significant influence over the fund and has a debtor-creditor 
relationship with the audit firm, any covered person in the firm, or 
any of his or her immediate family members.\60\ If the auditor 
determines that significant influence does not exist based on the facts 
and circumstances at the time of the auditor's initial evaluation, we 
believe that the auditor should monitor the Loan Provision on an 
ongoing basis which could be done, for example, by reevaluating its 
determination when there is a material change in the fund's governance 
structure and governing documents, publicly available information about 
beneficial owners, or other information that may implicate the ability 
of a beneficial owner to exert significant influence of which the audit 
client or auditor becomes aware.

    \60\ See infra Part II.D for a discussion of the proposed 
``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard.

    We believe that moving to a ``significant influence'' test would be 
advantageous. First, the ``significant influence'' test, which applies 
qualitative factors to broadly capture influence over an audit client, 
would be more effective in identifying lender shareholders that 
threaten an auditor's impartiality and independence than the current 10 
percent bright-line test.
    Second, the concept of ``significant influence'' already exists in 
the auditor independence rules and in ASC 323. For example, Rule 2-
01(c)(1)(i)(E) of Regulation S-X, which generally governs investments 
in entities that invest in audit clients and investments in entities in 
which audit clients invest, requires the auditor to assess whether

[[Page 20762]]

investments are material and whether the investment results in the 
ability to exercise significant influence over that entity.\61\ 
Similarly, the ``affiliate of the audit client'' definition in the 
auditor independence rules requires that a determination be made as to 
whether there are entities over which the audit client has significant 
influence (unless the entity is not material to the audit client) or 
any entities that have significant influence over the audit client 
(unless the audit client is not material to the entity).\62\ The 
parties that would be tasked with implementing a ``significant 
influence'' test in the Loan Provision--accounting firms, issuers and 
their audit committees--thus are already required to be familiar with 
this concept under the auditor independence rules. We believe that 
these entities likely would be able to leverage any existing practices, 
processes and controls for determining significant influence to comply 
with the proposed changes to the Loan Provision.

    \61\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 
76034. Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E) of Regulation S-X contains several 
provisions that use a materiality qualifier. For example, an 
accountant would not be independent if it ``[h]as any material 
investment in an entity over which an audit client has the ability 
to exercise significant influence. . . .'' See Rule 2-
01(c)(1)(i)(E)(2) of Regulation S-X. Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E) of 
Regulation S-X also contains a significant influence provision 
without a materiality qualifier, in which an accountant would not be 
independent of its audit client when the accountant ``[h]as the 
ability to exercise significant influence over an entity that has 
the ability to exercise significant influence over an audit 
client.'' See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(i)(E)(3) of Regulation S-X.
    \62\ See Rule 2-01(f)(4) of Regulation S-X.

D. Reasonable Inquiry Compliance Threshold

    As described above, another challenge in the application of the 
current Loan Provision involves the difficulty in accessing information 
regarding the ownership percentage of an audit client for the purposes 
of the current 10 percent bright-line test. For example, the shares of 
closed-end funds are commonly held of record by broker-dealers, which 
may be reluctant to share information about the underlying beneficial 
owners. In addition, also as indicated above, institutions may be the 
holder of record of shares in an audit client merely as custodian or as 
an omnibus account holder, adding a layer, and in some cases multiple 
layers, of complexity to obtaining information about the underlying 
beneficial ownership. Moreover, a beneficial owner may object to 
disclosure of its name, address, and securities position to the issuer, 
so that issuers may be unable to obtain the beneficial ownership 
information for these owners.\63\

    \63\ Pursuant to Rule 14a-13(b) under the Exchange Act, an 
issuer may obtain from broker-dealers and banks a list of the names, 
addresses and securities positions of only the beneficial owners who 
either have consented or have not objected to having such 
information provided to issuers. See 17 CFR 240.14a-13(b).

    We therefore propose to amend the Loan Provision to address the 
concerns about accessibility to records or other information about 
beneficial ownership by adding a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' 
standard with respect to the identification of such owners. Under this 
proposed amendment, an audit firm, in coordination with its audit 
client, would be required to analyze beneficial owners of the audit 
client's equity securities who are known through reasonable inquiry. We 
believe that if an auditor does not know after reasonable inquiry that 
one of its lenders is also a beneficial owner of the audit client's 
equity securities, including because that lender invests in the audit 
client indirectly through one or more financial intermediaries, the 
auditor's objectivity and impartiality is unlikely to be impacted by 
its debtor-creditor relationship with the lender. This ``known through 
reasonable inquiry'' standard is generally consistent with regulations 
implementing the Investment Company Act, the Securities Act and the 
Exchange Act,\64\ and therefore is a concept that already should be 
familiar to those charged with compliance with the provision.

    \64\ See, e.g., Rule 3b-4 under the Exchange Act (stating, with 
respect to the definition of foreign private issuer, that ``[i]f, 
after reasonable inquiry, you are unable to obtain information about 
the amount of shares represented by accounts of customers resident 
in the United States, you may assume, for purposes of this 
definition, that the customers are residents of the jurisdiction in 
which the nominee has its principal place of business.); Rule 144(g) 
under the Securities Act (noting, with respect to ``brokers' 
transactions'' that ``[t]he term brokers' transactions in section 
4(4) of the [Securities] Act shall for the purposes of this rule be 
deemed to include transactions by a broker in which such broker: . . 
. (4) After reasonable inquiry is not aware of circumstances 
indicating that the person for whose account the securities are sold 
is an underwriter with respect to the securities or that the 
transaction is a part of a distribution of securities of the 
issuer''); Rule 502(d) under the Securities Act (stating, with 
respect to limits on resales under Regulation D, that ``[t]he issuer 
shall exercise reasonable care to assure that the purchasers of the 
securities are not underwriters within the meaning of section 
2(a)(11) of the [Securities] Act, which reasonable care may be 
demonstrated by the following: (1) Reasonable inquiry to determine 
if the purchaser is acquiring the securities for himself or for 
other persons''). Registered investment companies also are subject 
to a similar requirement to disclose certain known beneficial 
owners. See Item 18 of Form N-1A (``State the name, address, and 
percentage of ownership of each person who owns of record or is 
known by the Fund to own beneficially 5% or more of any Class of the 
Fund's outstanding equity securities.''); and Item 19 of Form N-2 
(``State the name, address, and percentage of ownership of each 
person who owns of record or is known by the Registrant to own of 
record or beneficially five percent or more of any class of the 
Registrant's outstanding equity securities.'').

E. Excluding Other Funds That Would Be Considered Affiliates of the 
Audit Client

    The current definition of ``audit client'' in Rule 2-01 of 
Regulation S-X includes all ``affiliates of the audit client,'' which 
broadly encompasses, among others, each entity in an ICC of which the 
audit client is a part. In the fund context, this expansive definition 
of ``audit client'' could result in non-compliance with the Loan 
Provision as to a broad range of entities, even where an auditor does 
not audit that entity.\65\ Yet, in the investment management context, 
investors in a fund typically do not possess the ability to influence 
the policies or management of another fund in the same fund complex. 
Although an investor in one fund in a series company can vote on 
matters put to shareholders of the company as a whole, rather than only 
to shareholders of one particular series, even an investor with a 
substantial investment in one series would be unlikely to have a 
controlling percentage of voting power of the company as a whole.

    \65\ For example, under the current Loan Provision, an audit 
firm (``Audit Firm B'') could be deemed not to be independent as to 
an audit client under the following facts: Audit Firm A audits an 
investment company (``Fund A'') for purposes of the Custody Rule. A 
global bank (``Bank'') has a greater than 10 percent interest in 
Fund A. Bank is a lender to a separate Audit Firm B, but has no 
lending relationship with Audit Firm A. Audit Firm B audits another 
investment company (``Fund B'') that is part of the same ICC as Fund 
A because it is advised by the same registered investment adviser as 
Fund A. Under these facts, Audit Firm B would not be independent 
under the existing Loan Provision because the entire ICC would be 
tainted as a result of Bank's investment relationship with Fund A.

    Moreover, for the purposes of the Loan Provision, the inclusion of 
certain entities in the ICC as a result of the definition of ``audit 
client'' is in tension with the Commission's original goal to 
facilitate compliance with the Loan Provision without decreasing its 
effectiveness.\66\ Indeed, auditors often have little transparency into 
the investors of other funds in an ICC (unless they also audit those 
funds), and

[[Page 20763]]

therefore, are likely to have little ability to collect such beneficial 
ownership information.

    \66\ See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 76035 (The 
Commission, in adopting an ownership threshold of 10 percent, rather 
than the five percent proposed, stated that ``[w]e have made this 
change because we believe that doing so will not make the rule 
significantly less effective, and may significantly increase the 
ease with which one can obtain the information necessary to assure 
compliance with this rule.'').

    As a result, we propose, for purposes of the Loan Provision, to 
exclude from the definition of audit client, for a fund under audit, 
any other fund that otherwise would be considered an affiliate of the 
audit client.\67\ Thus, for example, if an auditor were auditing Fund 
ABC, a series in Trust XYZ, the audit client for purposes of the Loan 
Provision would exclude all other series in Trust XYZ and any other 
fund that otherwise would be considered an affiliate of the audit 
client. The proposed amendment would, without implicating an auditor's 
objectivity and impartiality, address the compliance challenges 
associated with the application of the Loan Provision where the audit 
client is part of an ICC, such as when an accountant is an auditor of 
only one fund within an ICC, and the auditor must be independent of 
every other fund (and other entity) within the ICC, regardless of 
whether the auditor audits that fund.

    \67\ See proposed Rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A)(2) of Regulation S-X: 
``For purposes of paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, the term 
audit client for a fund under audit excludes any other fund that 
otherwise would be considered an affiliate of the audit client. The 
term fund means an investment company or an entity that would be an 
investment company but for the exclusions provided by section 3(c) 
of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3(c)).''

III. Request for Comment

    We request and encourage any interested person to submit comments 
on any aspect of our proposed amendments, other matters that might have 
an effect on the proposed amendments, and any suggestions for 
additional changes to other parts of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. We 
note that comments are of greatest assistance where accompanied by 
supporting data and analysis of the issues addressed in those comments.
    We also specifically seek comment on the following changes to the 
Loan Provision:

1. Focus the Analysis Solely on Beneficial Ownership

    [cir] Should the Loan Provision be analyzed by reference to 
beneficial owners rather than record owners? Why or why not?
    [cir] Would eliminating the requirement to analyze record owners 
under the Loan Provision ease compliance challenges described above 
under Section 1.B.? Is there any further guidance the Commission should 
provide, or should the Commission consider alternatives?
    [cir] Would eliminating the requirement to analyze record owners 
under the Loan Provision raise other concerns about the independence of 
auditors? If so, what concerns would it raise and why?
    [cir] If the Commission merely amended the Loan Provision to 
provide for evaluation of the beneficial owner, rather than record 
owner, would other proposed amendments be necessary or appropriate? Why 
or why not?

2. ``Significant Influence'' Test

    [cir] Should we amend the Loan Provision to replace the 10 percent 
bright-line test with a ``significant influence'' test? Why or why not?
    [cir] Would the proposed reference to ASC's 323's provisions for 
``significant influence'' effectively identify those lending 
relationships that may compromise auditor independence?
    [cir] Would amending the Loan Provision to replace the 10 percent 
bright-line test with a ``significant influence'' test, along with the 
other proposed amendments, address the compliance challenges that we 
identify above?
    [cir] Application of ``significant influence'' for financial 
reporting purposes and evaluation of auditor independence may not 
necessarily be congruent. Accordingly, does ASC 323--Investments--
Equity Method and Joint Ventures, provide an appropriate framework for 
analyzing ``significant influence'' in the context of the Loan 
Provision? Why or why not?
    [cir] Are there challenges associated with implementing the 
``significant influence'' test that we should consider? Will accounting 
firms' and audit clients' relative experience with application of the 
``significant influence'' test, given its use in other contexts, 
mitigate any such challenges? To what extent do audit clients lack 
experience with application of the significant influence test, and what 
costs would such audit clients bear in learning to apply the test? Will 
funds, which may have relatively less experience than operating 
companies with the significant influence test, face any particular 
challenges in applying the test?
    [cir] Is the proposed ``significant influence'' test sufficiently 
clear? Are there specific circumstances for which we should provide 
additional guidance? For example, we discuss above the application of 
the significant influence test in the fund context. Is the guidance 
sufficiently clear? Would the application of the significant influence 
test as applied to funds be effective in addressing the compliance 
challenges generated by the current Loan Provision while also 
identifying debtor-creditor relationships that may bear on an auditor's 
independence with respect to a fund client? Why or why not? Is there 
further guidance that we should provide or other approaches that we 
should consider?
    [cir] Should the ``significant influence'' test (or specific 
elements) be codified in our rules? Why or why not?
    [cir] Authorized participants (``APs'') for ETFs deposit or receive 
basket assets in exchange for creation units of the fund. We believe 
that the deposit or receipt of basket assets by an AP that is also a 
lender to the auditor alone would not constitute significant influence 
over an ETF audit client. Should we provide additional guidance about 
the proposed ``significant influence'' test with respect to APs? 
Similarly, should we provide additional guidance about the proposed 
``significant influence'' test with respect to a market maker that is 
also a lender to the auditor and that engages an AP on an agency basis 
to create or redeem creation units of the ETF on its behalf?
    [cir] ASC 323 includes a rebuttable presumption of 20 percent. For 
purposes of the Loan Provision and the proposed significant influence 
test, should the rebuttable presumption be lower or higher than 20 
percent? Would a lower threshold (e.g., 10 percent) be more likely to 
capture relevant independence-impairing relationships, or to result in 
additional false positives that the proposed rule seeks to avoid? Would 
setting our threshold differently than ASC 323 diminish the benefits 
that we seek to achieve by using an existing standard--e.g., by 
requiring the reperformance of certain analyses at a greater degree of 
sensitivity? How much more complex would it be to apply a threshold 
other than 20 percent? Are there further relevant facts about a lower 
or higher threshold that we should consider?
    [cir] Would the proposed amendment raise any new concerns regarding 
auditor independence (e.g., are there circumstances related to lending 
relationships in which an auditor's independence should be considered 
impaired that would not be identified under the proposed ``significant 
influence'' test)? Conversely, would the proposed ``significant 
influence'' test result in an auditor's independence being considered 
impaired in circumstances under which the auditor should otherwise be 
considered independent?
    [cir] Should we consider alternatives to this test? If so, what 
tests should we consider, and what would be the anticipated costs and 
benefits? For example, should the modifier

[[Page 20764]]

``significant'' be removed, such that the test hinges on whether a 
lender shareholder has influence over an audit client? Why or why not? 
What is the difference between ``influence'' and ``significant 
influence'' in the auditor independent context and how does that 
difference inform the test?
    [cir] Should the nature of the services provided by the investment 
adviser be part of the significant influence test as proposed? Why or 
why not?

3. ``Known Through Reasonable Inquiry''

    [cir] Should the Loan Provision include a ``known through 
reasonable inquiry'' standard? Why or why not? What alternatives should 
we consider?
    [cir] Would the proposed ``known through reasonable inquiry'' 
standard with respect to identifying beneficial owners help to address 
compliance challenges associated with the Loan Provision?
    [cir] Are there specific circumstances for which we should provide 
additional guidance about the proposed ``known through reasonable 
inquiry'' standard?
    [cir] Does the ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard raise 
any new concerns regarding auditor independence (e.g., are there 
circumstances related to lending relationships in which an auditor's 
independence should be considered impaired that would not be identified 
under the proposed amendment and the use of ``known through reasonable 
inquiry'' standard)?
    [cir] Alternatively, should we amend the Loan Provision to apply 
the significant influence test to ``known beneficial owners'' of an 
audit client's equity securities, without also including a reasonable 
inquiry standard, consistent with the way beneficial owners are treated 
elsewhere in Regulation S-X (that is, when assessing compliance with 
the Loan Provision, the determination would encompass assessing whether 
the known beneficial owners have significant influence over the audit 
client)? \68\

    \68\ Under Rule 1-02(r) of Regulation S-X, ``principal holder of 
equity securities,'' when used in respect of a registrant or other 
person named in a particular statement or report, is defined to 
mean: ``a holder of record or a known beneficial owner of more than 
10 percent of any class of equity securities of the registrant or 
other person, respectively, as of the date of the related balance 
sheet filed.'' (emphasis added). This approach also would be 
consistent with the disclosure requirements for registered funds, 
which require a fund to disclose information about known beneficial 
owners of five percent or more of the fund's securities. See Item 18 
of Form N-1A (``State the name, address, and percentage of ownership 
of each person who owns of record or is known by the Fund to own 
beneficially 5% or more of any Class of the Fund's outstanding 
equity securities.''); and Item 19 of Form N-2 (``State the name, 
address, and percentage of ownership of each person who owns of 
record or is known by the Registrant to own of record or 
beneficially five percent or more of any class of the Registrant's 
outstanding equity securities.'').

4. Proposed Amendment To Exclude From ``Audit Client'' Other Funds That 
Would Be Considered an ``Affiliate of the Audit Client''

    [cir] Should affiliates of an audit client be excluded from the 
definition of ``audit client'' as it relates to the Loan Provision? Why 
or why not?
    [cir] Would the proposed amendment to exclude from the term ``audit 
client'' for a fund under audit any other fund that otherwise would be 
considered an ``affiliate of the audit client'' address compliance 
challenges associated with the Loan Provision while still effectively 
identifying lending relationships that may impair auditor independence?
    [cir] Would the proposed amendment appropriately exclude funds of 
an ``investment company complex'' (other than the fund under audit) 
that are currently within the Loan Provision's ambit?
    [cir] Alternatively, are there other changes we should consider to 
the Loan Provision to appropriately exclude certain affiliated funds?
    In addition to any comments regarding the proposed amendments, we 
also seek comment on the following potential changes to the Loan 
Provision and to other provisions in Rule 2-01 that we considered but 
determined not to propose at this time.
A. Materiality
    The proposed amendments to the Loan Provision do not consider 
whether the lender's investment in the equity securities of the audit 
client is material to the lender or to the audit client.\69\ We believe 
that adding a materiality qualifier to the proposed significant 
influence test is unnecessary to achieve our goal of effectively and 
appropriately identifying lending relationships that could pose threats 
to auditor independence. Nevertheless, we request comment on whether 
there should be a materiality qualifier as part of the Loan Provision.

    \69\ Certain other provisions of the existing auditor 
independence rules utilize a materiality qualifier. For example, an 
accountant is deemed not to be independent if the accountant has 
``any direct financial interest or material indirect financial 
interest in the accountant's audit client.'' See Rule 2-01(c)(1) of 
Regulation S-X. (emphasis added)

    [cir] For example, should we include a provision for assessing 
materiality in the Loan Provision such that an auditor's independence 
would only be impaired as a result of certain relationships where the 
lender to the auditing firm has beneficial ownership in the audit 
client's equity securities and that investment is material to the 
lender or to the audit client (and the lender has the ability to 
exercise significant influence over the audit client)? Would that 
approach more effectively identify lending relationships that are 
likely to threaten the auditor's objectivity and impartiality? Would 
focusing on the perspective of the lender, the audit client, or both be 
the most effective barometer of independence?
    [cir] If we were to add a materiality qualifier to the Loan 
Provision as described above, which qualitative and quantitative 
factors should be considered in making the materiality assessment? 
Would such a materiality assessment add unnecessary complexity to the 
significant influence analysis? Would a materiality qualifier tend to 
exclude most lending relationships from the Loan Provision? What 
guidance, if any, should the Commission provide?
B. Accounting Firms' ``Covered Persons'' and Immediate Family Members
    The Loan Provision is implicated with respect to loans both to and 
from an accounting firm, and also any ``covered person'' in the firm or 
any of his or her immediate family members.\70\ Some of the 
consultations the Commission staff have had with audit firms, funds, 
and operating companies involved lending relationships to or from 
covered persons or their immediate family members.

    \70\ See Rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii)(A) and (f)(11) of Regulation S-X.

    [cir] Should we amend the definition of ``covered person'' for 
purposes of the Loan Provision or elsewhere in the auditor independence 
rules, and if so, how should the definition of ``covered person'' be 
    [cir] In particular, taking into account the proposed ``significant 
influence'' test, should we, for example, remove or revise the part of 
the current definition that includes any partner, principal, or 
shareholder from an ``office'' of the accounting firm in which the lead 
audit engagement partner primarily practices in connection with the 
audit? Should all of these persons practicing out of an office from 
which an audit is conducted be included? Should immediate family 
members be removed from the definition? Why or why not?
    [cir] In addition, the Loan Provision provides that it does not 
apply to certain loans made by a financial institution under its normal 
lending procedures, terms, and requirements, such as automobile loans 
and leases

[[Page 20765]]

collateralized by the automobile. Should we consider expanding or 
otherwise modifying the specific types of loans that will not implicate 
the Loan Provision, given that the Loan Provision applies to covered 
persons of the accounting firm and their immediate family members? For 
example, should the Loan Provision address student loans or partner 
capital account loans? If so, how should it address them? For example, 
should it exclude them altogether or exclude them under certain 
conditions? If so, under what conditions?
C. Evaluation of Compliance
    Rule 2-01(c)(1) of Regulation S-X provides that an accountant is 
not independent if the accountant has an independence-impairing 
relationship specified in the rule at any point during the audit and 
professional engagement period. Some existing disclosure requirements 
require information about beneficial owners as of a specified date.\71\

    \71\ See e.g., Item 18 of Form N-1A and Item 19 of Form N-2.

    [cir] Should the rule provide that auditor independence may be 
assessed in reliance on such disclosures? Should we make any changes 
related to the frequency with which, the date as of which, or 
circumstances under which, an auditor must assess compliance with the 
Loan Provision or other provisions of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X? More 
specifically, should we permit the Loan Provision or other financial 
relationships to be assessed at specific dates during the audit and 
professional engagement period, or the beginnings or ends of specific 
periods, or under specified circumstances? If so, what would be 
appropriate dates, periods, or circumstances?
    We believe that if the auditor determines that significant 
influence over the fund's management processes could not exist,\72\ the 
auditor could monitor its independence on an ongoing basis by 
reevaluating its determination in response to a material change in the 
fund's governance structure and governing documents, publicly available 
information about beneficial owners, or other information which may 
implicate the ability of a beneficial owner to exert significant 
influence of which the audit client or auditor becomes aware.

    \72\ For funds, the auditor's initial determination would be 
based on an evaluation of a fund's governance structure and 
governing documents, the manner in which its shares are held or 
distributed, and any contractual arrangements, among any other 
relevant factors.

    [cir] Would this approach be sufficient for evaluating compliance 
with the Loan Provision? Why or why not?
D. Secondary Market Purchases of Debt
    The existing Loan Provision encompasses lending arrangements that 
may change depending upon secondary market purchases of syndicated or 
other debt. For example, audit firms may issue private placement notes 
for financing purposes, which could then be sold on the secondary 
market to new purchasers thereby creating new lending relationships 
between the audit firm and these new secondary market purchasers.
    [cir] Should such secondary market relationships be taken into 
account or excluded from the Loan Provision? Do secondary market 
relationships raise concerns about auditor independence?
E. Other Changes to the Commission's Auditor Independence Rules
    [cir] Should we make other changes to our auditor independence 
rules? If so, which rules and why?
    [cir] Would our proposed amendments have any unintended impact on 
other professional standards that may exist, such as the requirements 
of the PCAOB, professional societies, or state boards of accountancy?

IV. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The amendments we are proposing do not impose any new ``collections 
of information'' within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995 (``PRA''),\73\ nor do they create any new filing, reporting, 
recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements. Accordingly, we are not 
submitting the proposed amendments to the Office of Management and 
Budget for review in accordance with the PRA.\74\ We request comment on 
whether our conclusion that there are no collections of information is 

    \73\ 44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.
    \74\ 44 U.S.C. 3507(d) and 5 CFR 1320.11.

V. Economic Analysis

    The Commission is proposing to amend the Loan Provision in Rule 2-
01 of Regulation S-X by: (1) Focusing the analysis solely on beneficial 
ownership; (2) replacing the existing 10 percent bright-line equity 
shareholder ownership test with a ``significant influence'' test; (3) 
adding a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard with respect to 
identifying beneficial owners of the audit client's equity securities; 
and (4) amending the definition of ``audit client'' for a fund under 
audit to exclude from the provision funds that otherwise would be 
considered affiliates of the audit client.
    Under existing rules, the bright-line test does not recognize an 
accountant as independent if the accounting firm, any covered person in 
the firm, or any of his or her immediate family members has any loan to 
or from an audit client or an audit client's officers, directors, or 
record or beneficial owners of more than 10 percent of the audit 
client's equity securities. In terms of the scope of the ``audit 
client'' definition, the existing rule is generally broad, including as 
it relates to an audit client in an ICC.\75\ As discussed above, 
Commission staff has engaged in extensive consultations with audit 
firms, funds, and operating companies regarding the application of the 
Loan Provision. These consultations revealed that a number of entities 
face significant practical challenges to compliance with the Loan 
Provision. These discussions also revealed that in certain scenarios, 
in which the Loan Provision was implicated, the auditor's objectivity 
and impartiality in performing the required audit and interim reviews 
were not impaired.

    \75\ See supra footnote 16 and accompanying text.

    We are mindful of the costs imposed by and the benefits obtained 
from our rules and amendments.\76\ The following economic analysis 
seeks to identify and consider the likely benefits and costs that would 
result from the proposed amendments, including their effects on 
efficiency, competition, and capital formation. The discussion below 
elaborates on the likely economic effects of the proposed rules.

    \76\ Section 2(b) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. 77b(b)], 
Section 3(f) of the Exchange Act [17 U.S.C. 78c(f)], Section 2(c) of 
the Investment Company Act [15 U.S.C. 80a-2(c)], and Section 202(c) 
of the Investment Advisers Act [15 U.S.C. 80b-2(c)] require the 
Commission, when engaging in rulemaking where it is required to 
consider or determine whether an action is necessary or appropriate 
in the public interest, to consider, in addition to the protection 
of investors, whether the action will promote efficiency, 
competition and capital formation. Additionally, Section 23(a)(2) of 
the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. 78w(a)(2)] requires us, when adopting 
rules under the Exchange Act, to consider, among other things, the 
impact that any new rule would have on competition and not to adopt 
any rule that would impose a burden on competition that is not 
necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the Exchange Act.

A. General Economic Considerations

    Given that the actions of fund and operating company management are 
not usually observable, the information contained in mandated financial 
reports is important to investors, because it serves as a summary 
measure of outcomes of managerial actions and

[[Page 20766]]

decisions.\77\ However, financial reports are prepared by agents, and 
given the possibility that agents may have incentives to take actions 
that are not in the best interest of shareholders, agents may also have 
incentives to misreport such decisions and their outcomes. In order for 
the reported information to be useful to investors, it needs to be 
relevant and reliable. The independent audit of such information by 
impartial skilled professionals (i.e., auditors) is intended to create 
reliability in financial reports.\78\ Any potential conflicts of 
interest between companies or funds and their auditors may impair the 
objectivity and impartiality of the auditors in certifying the reported 
performance, thus lowering the credibility and usefulness of these 
disclosures to investors. Academic literature discusses and documents 
the importance of the role of auditors as an external governance 
mechanism for the firm.\79\ These studies generally find that better 
audit quality improves financial reporting by increasing the 
credibility of the financial reports.

    \77\ We use the terms agent and manager interchangeably.
    \78\ See M. Defond & J. Zhang, A Review of Archival Auditing 
Research, 58 J. Acct. & Econ. 275-326 (2014).
    \79\ See e.g., N. Tepalagul & L. Lin, Auditor Independence and 
Audit Quality: A Literature Review, 30 J. Acct. Audit. & Fin. 101-
121 (2015); M. Defond & J. Zhang, A Review of Archival Auditing 
Research, 58 J. Acct. & Econ. 275-326 (2014); Y. Chen, S. Sadique, 
B. Srinidhi, & M. Veeraraghavan, Does High[hyphen]Quality Auditing 
Mitigate or Encourage Private Information Collection?; and R. Ball, 
S. Jayaraman & L. Shivakumar, Audited Financial Reporting and 
Voluntary Disclosure as Complements: A Test of the Confirmation 
Hypothesis, J. Acct. & Econ. 53(1): 136-166 (2012).

    An accounting firm is not independent under the Loan Provision's 
existing bright-line shareholder ownership test if the firm has a 
lending relationship with an entity having record or beneficial 
ownership of more than 10 percent of the equity securities of either 
(a) the firm's audit client; or (b) any ``affiliate of the audit 
client,'' including, but not limited to, any entity that is a 
controlling parent company of the audit client, a controlled subsidiary 
of the audit client, or an entity under common control with the audit 
client. The magnitude of a party's investment in a company or fund is 
likely to be positively related with any incentive of that party to use 
leverage over the auditor with whom the party has a lending 
relationship, to obtain personal gain.
    The 10 percent bright-line test in the Loan Provision does not, 
however, distinguish between holders of record and beneficial owners 
even though beneficial owners are more likely to pose a risk to auditor 
independence than record owners given that the financial gain of 
beneficial owners is tied to the performance of their investment, and 
as such, beneficial owners may have strong incentives to influence the 
auditor's report. Record owners, on the other hand, may not benefit 
from the performance of securities of which they are record owners, and 
as such, they may have low incentives to influence the report of the 
auditor. Both the magnitude as well as the type of ownership are likely 
to be relevant factors in determining whether incentives exist for 
actions that could impair auditor independence. Beneficial ownership of 
more than 10 percent of a company's or fund's equity securities by a 
lender to the company's or fund's auditor is likely to pose a more 
significant risk to auditor independence than record ownership of more 
than 10 percent of the company's or fund's securities by the same 
    The current Loan Provision may in some cases over-identify and in 
other cases under-identify threats to auditor independence. The 
likelihood that the provision over-identifies threats to auditor 
independence will tend to be higher when the lender is not a beneficial 
owner of an audit client and does not have incentives to influence the 
auditor's report, but has record holdings that exceed the 10 percent 
ownership threshold. On the other hand, under-identification of the 
threat to auditor independence may occur when the lender is a 
beneficial owner--implying the existence of potential incentives to 
influence the auditor's report--and the investment is close to, but 
does not exceed, the 10 percent ownership threshold.\80\

    \80\ We are unable to estimate the extent to which the 10 
percent ownership threshold may over- or under-identify threats to 
independence because public data do not exist.

    We are not aware of academic studies that specifically examine the 
economic effects of the Loan Provision. The remainder of the economic 
analysis presents the baseline, anticipated benefits and costs from the 
proposed amendments, potential effects on efficiency, competition and 
capital formation, and alternatives to the proposed amendments.

B. Baseline

    The proposed amendments would change the Loan Provision compliance 
requirements for the universe of affected registrants. We believe the 
main affected parties would be audit clients, audit firms, and 
institutions engaging in financing transactions with audit firms and 
their partners and employees. Other parties that may be affected are 
covered persons and their immediate family members. Indirectly, the 
proposed amendment would affect audit clients' investors.
    We are not able to precisely estimate the number of current auditor 
engagements that would be immediately affected by the proposed 
amendments. Specifically, precise data on how audit firms finance their 
operations and how covered persons arrange their personal financing are 
not available to us and as such we are not able to identify pairs of 
auditors-institutions (lenders). Moreover, sufficiently detailed and 
complete data on fund ownership are not available to us, thus limiting 
our ability to estimate the prevalence/frequency of instances of 
significant fund ownership by institutions that are also lenders to 
fund auditors.
    Although data on fund ownership are not readily available, academic 
studies of operating companies have shown that for a selected sample of 
firms, the average blockholder (defined as beneficial owners of five 
percent or more of a company's stock) holds about 8.5percent of a 
company's voting stock.\81\ They also show that numerous banks and 
insurance companies are included in the list of blockholders. These 
findings suggest that the prevalence of instances of significant 
ownership by institutions that are also lenders to auditors could be 

    \81\ See Y. Dou, O. Hope, W. Thomas & Y. Zou, Blockholder 
Heterogeneity and Financial Reporting Quality, working paper (2013).

    As mentioned above, the proposed amendments would impact audits for 
the universe of affected entities. The baseline analysis below focuses 
mainly on the investment management industry because that is where the 
most widespread issues with Loan Provision compliance have been 
identified to date; however, the proposed amendments would affect 
entities outside of this space.\82\

    \82\ According to the SEC's EDGAR database, during the period 
from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, there were a total of 
7,585 entities that filed at least one Form 10-K, 20-F, or 40-F, or 
an amendment to one of these forms. This total does not include 
investment companies and business development companies.

    In Table 1, as of December 2017, there were around 12,000 fund 
series, with total net assets of $21 trillion, that file Form N-SAR 
with identified accounting firms.\83\ In addition, there were 23

[[Page 20767]]

accounting firms performing audits for these investment companies, 
though these auditing services were concentrated among the four largest 
accounting firms. Indeed, about 88 percent of the funds were audited by 
the four largest accounting firms, corresponding to 98percent of the 
aggregate fund asset value.\84\

    \83\ There are certain limitations regarding information 
reported on Form N-SAR and, as a result, this does not include 
information for all registered investment companies. If we were to 
incorporate private funds, the number would be significantly larger; 
the assets under management of private funds are also large.
    \84\ According to the 2017 PCAOB Annual Report, there were 535 
audit firms registered with the PCAOB that have issued audit reports 
for issuers (of which 338 are domestic audit firms, with the 
remaining 197 audit firms located outside the United States). The 
concentration in the provision of audit services for investment 
companies is indicative of the overall market as well. According to 
a report by Audit Analytics, the four largest accounting firms audit 
76% of accelerated and large accelerated filers, which account for 
97.9% of the market capitalization for public companies. See Who 
Audits Larger Public Companies-2016 Edition, available at http://www.auditanalytics.com/blog/who-audits-larger-public-companies-2016-edition.

   Table 1--Investment Company Auditors and Their Audited Fund Series
        [N-SARs filed for period dates: June 2017-December 2017]
Total number of Fund Series.................................      11,666
Average number of Fund Series Per Auditor...................         507
Average Net Assets (in millions) Per Auditor................     907,813
Four Largest Audit Firms....................................  ..........
Total number of Fund Series.................................      10,177
Average number of Fund Series Per Auditor...................       2,544
Average Net Assets (in millions) Per Auditor................   5,137,472
% of Four Audit Firms by Series.............................          87
% of Four Audit Firms by Net Assets.........................          98

    One key feature of the current rule is that the scope of the 
auditor independence rules, including the Loan Provision, extends 
beyond the audit client to encompass affiliates of the audit client. 
According to Morningstar Direct, as of December 31, 2017, 586 out of 
977 fund families \85\ (excluding closed-end funds) have more than one 
fund, 180 have at least 10 funds, 59 have more than 50 funds, and 38 
have more than 100 funds. According to the Investment Company 
Institute, also as of December 31, 2017, there were more than 11,188 
open-end funds and around 5,500 closed-end funds, with many funds 
belonging to the same fund family. Given that many fund complexes have 
several funds with some complexes having several hundreds of funds, if 
any auditor is deemed not in compliance with the Loan Provision with 
respect to one fund, under the current rule it cannot audit any of the 
hundreds of other funds within the same ICC.

    \85\ These fund statistics are based on information available 
from Morningstar Direct, and may not represent the universe of fund 

    In response to compliance challenges and as discussed above, 
Commission staff issued the Fidelity No-Action Letter to provide relief 
from the uncertainty surrounding compliance with the Loan Provision. 
The Fidelity No-Action Letter, however, did not resolve all compliance 
uncertainty, was limited in scope and provided staff-level relief to 
the requestor based on the specific facts and circumstances in the 
request, and did not amend the underlying rule. Staff continues to 
receive inquiries from registrants and accounting firms regarding the 
application of the Loan Provision, clarification of the application of 
the Fidelity No-Action Letter, and requests for consultation regarding 
issues not covered in the Fidelity No-Action Letter. As a result of the 
remaining compliance uncertainty, auditors and audit committees may 
spend a significant amount of time and effort to comply with the Loan 

C. Anticipated Benefits and Costs, and Unintended Consequences

1. Anticipated Benefits
    Overall, we anticipate monitoring for non-compliance throughout the 
reporting period would be less burdensome for registrants under the 
proposed amendments. For example, based on the 10 percent bright-line 
test, an auditor may be in compliance at the beginning of the reporting 
period. However, the percentage of ownership may change during the 
reporting period, which may result in an auditor becoming non-
compliant, even though there may be no threat to the auditor's 
objectivity or impartiality. Further, a higher threshold (20 percent) 
for presumed significant influence, as well as a qualitative framework 
for assessing what constitutes significant influence, could better 
identify a lack of independence.
    There are also potential benefits associated with excluding record 
holders from the Loan Provision. Currently, the Loan Provision uses the 
magnitude of ownership by an auditor's lender as an indication of the 
likelihood of a threat to auditor independence regardless of the nature 
of ownership. From an economic standpoint, the nature of ownership also 
could determine whether incentives as well as the ability of the lender 
to use any leverage (due to the lending relationship) over the auditor 
exist that could affect the objectivity of the auditor. For example, a 
lender that is a record owner of the audit client's equity securities 
may be less likely to attempt to influence the auditor's report than a 
lender that is a beneficial owner of the audit client's equity 
securities. By taking into account the nature as well as the magnitude 
of ownership, the proposed amendments would focus on additional 
qualitative information to assess the relationship between the lender 
and the investee (e.g., a company or fund). Thus, we believe that, 
where there may be weak incentives by the lender to influence the 
audit, as when the lender is only a holder of record, the proposed 
amendments would exclude relationships that are not likely to be a risk 
to auditor independence. The proposed amendments would thus provide 
benefits to the extent that they would alleviate compliance and related 
burdens that auditors and funds would otherwise undertake to analyze 
debtor-creditor relationships that are not likely to threaten an 
auditor's objectivity and impartiality. Affected registrants also would 
be less likely to disqualify auditors in situations that do not pose a 
risk to auditor independence, thereby reducing auditor search costs for 
these entities.
    The potential expansion of the pool of eligible auditors also could 
result in better matching between the auditor and the client. For 
example, auditors tend to exhibit a degree of specialization in certain 
industries.\86\ If specialized auditors are considered not to be 
independent due to the Loan Provision, then an auditor without the 
relevant specialization may be selected by companies to perform the 
audit. Such an outcome could impact the quality of the audit, and as a 
consequence negatively impact the quality of financial reporting, and 
therefore the users of information contained in audited financial 
reports. In addition, this outcome also may lead to less specialized 
auditors expending more time to perform the audit service, thereby 
increasing audit fees for registrants. We anticipate that the proposed 
amendments likely would positively impact audit quality for scenarios 
such as the one described above. Relatedly, if the proposed amendments 
expand the pool of eligible auditors, we expect increased competition 
among auditors, which could reduce the cost of audit services

[[Page 20768]]

to affected companies and, if such cost savings are passed through to 
investors, could result in a lower cost to investors. However, as 
discussed in Section V.B above, the audit industry is highly 
concentrated, and as a consequence, such a benefit may not be 

    \86\ See e.g., N. Dopuch & D. Simunic, Symposium, Competition in 
Auditing: An Assessment, Fourth Symposium on Auditing Research, p 
401-450 (1982); and R.W. Knechel, V. Naiker & G. Pachecho, Does 
Audit Industry Specialization Matter? Evidence from Market Reaction 
to Auditor Switches, 26 Audit. J. Prac. & Theory 19-45 (2007).
    \87\ The proposed amendments could result in some crowding-out 
effect, as the four largest audit firms may be deemed to be 
independent with more clients under the proposed amendments, 
crowding out small audit firms. We discuss this effect in more 
detail in Section V.D below. However, we believe that better 
matching between auditor specialization and their clients and the 
reduced unnecessary auditor turnovers could potentially prevent 
audit quality decline and in the long run may improve audit quality.

    Another potential benefit of the proposed amendments is that the 
replacement of the bright-line test with the significant influence test 
could potentially identify risks to auditor independence that might not 
have been identified under the existing 10 percent bright-line test. 
For example, a beneficial owner that holds slightly less than 10 
percent of an audit client's equity securities is likely to have 
similar incentives and ability to influence the auditor's report than a 
beneficial owner that holds the same audit client's equity securities 
at slightly above the 10 percent threshold. The existing Loan Provision 
itself would differentially classify these two hypothetical situations, 
despite their similarity. To the extent that the proposed amendments 
are able to improve identification of potential risks to auditor 
independence through the use of qualitative criteria, then investors 
are likely to benefit from the proposed amendments. In the example 
above, under the proposed amendments, an audit firm would evaluate both 
beneficial owners to determine if they have significant influence, thus 
providing a consistent analysis under the Loan Provision for these 
economically similar fact patterns.
    In addition, there may be instances in which non-compliance with 
the Loan Provision may occur during the reporting year, after an 
auditor is selected by the registrant or fund. Particularly for 
companies in the investment management industry, an auditor may be 
deemed to comply with the Loan Provision using the bright-line test 
when the auditor is hired by the fund but, due to external factors, 
such as redemption of investments by other owners of the fund during 
the period, the lender's ownership level may increase and exceed 10 
percent. Such outcomes would be less likely under the proposed 
amendments, which take into account multiple qualitative factors in 
determining whether the Loan Provision is implicated during the 
period.\88\ We anticipate that the proposed amendments would likely 
mitigate changes in auditors' independence status and mitigate any 
negative consequences that can arise from uncertainty about compliance 
and the associated costs to the funds or companies involved and their 

    \88\ The concept of significant influence, as described in ASC 
Topic 323, Investments--Equity Method and Joint Ventures, 
incorporates a rebuttable presumption of significant influence once 
beneficial ownership exceeds 20% of an audit client's securities. We 
discuss the effects of this provision in Section II.C above.

    The proposed amendment to add a ``known through reasonable 
inquiry'' standard could potentially improve the practical application 
of the significant influence test. As described above, some of the 
challenges to compliance with the existing Loan Provision involve the 
lack of access to information about the ownership percentage of a fund 
that was also an audit client. If an auditor does not know that one of 
its lenders is also an investor in an audit client, including because 
that lender invests in the audit client indirectly through one or more 
financial intermediaries, the auditor's objectivity and impartiality 
may be less likely to be impacted by its debtor-creditor relationship 
with the lender. The proposed ``known through reasonable inquiry'' 
standard is generally consistent with regulations implementing the 
Investment Company Act, the Securities Act and the Exchange Act,\89\ 
and therefore is a concept that already should be familiar to those 
charged with compliance with the provision. The proposed standard is 
expected to reduce the compliance costs for audit firms as they could 
significantly reduce their search costs for information and data to 
determine beneficial ownership. Given that this would not be a new 
standard in the Commission's regulatory regime, we do not expect a 
significant adjustment to apply the ``known through reasonable 
inquiry'' standard for auditors and their audit clients.

    \89\ See supra footnote 64.

    The proposal to amend the definition of ``audit client'' to exclude 
any fund not under audit but that otherwise would be considered an 
``affiliate of the audit client'' could potentially lead to a larger 
pool of eligible auditors, potentially reducing the costs of switching 
auditors, and potentially creating better matches between auditors and 
clients. In addition, the larger set of potentially eligible auditors 
could lead to an increase in competition among auditors for clients, 
and improved matching between auditor specialization and client needs. 
Though the concentrated nature of the audit industry may not give rise 
to a significant increase in competition, the improved matching between 
specialized auditors and their clients should have a positive effect on 
audit quality.
    The proposed amendments could also have a positive impact on the 
cost of audit firms' financing. The proposed amendments may result in 
an expanded set of choices among existing sources of financing. This 
could lead to more efficient financing activities for audit firms, thus 
potentially lowering the cost of capital for audit firms.\90\ If 
financing costs for audit firms decrease as a result of the proposed 
amendments, then such savings may be passed on to the audit client in 
the form of lower audit fees. Investors also may benefit from reduced 
audit fees if the savings are passed on to investors. The Commission 
understands, however, that audit firms likely already receive favorable 
financing terms. Therefore, this effect may not be significant in 

    \90\ Studies on capital markets across countries suggest that 
better access to financing leads to more investment efficiency. See 
e.g., T. Rice & P. Strahan, Does Credit Competition Affect Small-
Firm Finance, 65 J. Fin. 861-889 (2010); R. Mclean, T. Zhang & M. 
Zhao, Why does the Law Matter? Investor Protection and its Effects 
on Investment, Finance, and Growth, 67 J. Fin. 313-350 (2012); and 
J. Wurgler, Financial Markets and the Allocation of Capital, 58 J. 
Fin. 187-214 (2000).

    The replacement of the bright-line 10 percent test with the 
significant influence test also potentially allows more financing 
channels for the covered persons in accounting firms and their 
immediate family members.\91\ For example, the covered persons may not 
be able to borrow money from certain lenders due to potential non-
compliance with the existing Loan Provision. A larger set of financing 
channels may potentially lead to lower cost of capital for covered 
persons, increasing their opportunities for investment.

    \91\ See supra footnote 11.

2. Anticipated Costs and Potential Unintended Consequences
    The proposed significant influence test may increase the demands on 
the time of auditors and audit clients to familiarize themselves with 
the test and gather and assess the relevant information to apply the 
test. However, given that the significant influence test has been part 
of the Commission's auditor independence rules since 2000 and has 
existed in U.S. GAAP since 1971, we do not expect a significant 
learning curve in applying the test. We also do not expect significant 
compliance costs for auditors to implement the significant influence 

[[Page 20769]]

in the context of the Loan Provision given that they already are 
required to apply the concept in other parts of the auditor 
independence rules. We recognize that funds do not generally apply a 
significant influence test for financial reporting purposes. As such, 
despite the fact that they are required to apply the significant 
influence test to comply with the existing Commission independence 
rules, their overall familiarity in other contexts may be less. As a 
result, the proposed significant influence test may increase the 
demands on the time of funds and their auditors to gather and assess 
the relevant information and attendant costs.
    The replacement of the bright-line threshold test with the 
significant influence test and the ``known through reasonable inquiry'' 
standard would introduce more judgment in the determination of 
compliance with the Loan Provision. As discussed earlier, the 
significant influence test contains multiple qualitative elements to be 
considered in determining whether an investor has significant influence 
over the operating and financial policies of the investee. These 
elements include, but are not limited to, representation on the board 
of directors; participation in policy-making processes; material intra-
entity transactions; interchange of managerial personnel; and 
technological dependency. To the extent an auditor and audit client 
need to adjust their compliance activities to now focus on these new 
elements, there may be additional transition costs. The judgment 
involved in application of the significant influence test also could 
lead to potential risks regarding auditor independence. In particular, 
because the significant influence test relies on qualitative factors 
that necessarily involve judgment, there is a risk that the significant 
influence test could result in mistakenly classifying a non-independent 
auditor as independent under the Loan Provision. However, auditor 
reputational concerns may impose some discipline on the application of 
the significant influence test in determining compliance with the Loan 
Provision, thus mitigating this risk.

D. Effects on Efficiency, Competition and Capital Formation

    The Commission believes that the proposed amendments are likely to 
improve the practicality of the Loan Provision, enhance efficiency of 
implementation, and reduce compliance burdens. They also may facilitate 
capital formation.
    The proposed amendments may expand a particular audit client's 
choices by expanding the number of auditors that meet the auditor 
independence rules under the Loan Provision. As discussed earlier, the 
current bright-line test may be over-inclusive under certain 
circumstances. If more audit firms are eligible to undertake audit 
engagements without implicating the Loan Provision, then audit clients 
will have more options and as a result audit costs may decrease, 
although given the highly concentrated nature of the audit industry, 
this effect may not be significant. Moreover, the potential expansion 
of choice among eligible audit firms and the reduced threat of being 
required to switch auditors may lead to better matching between the 
audit client and the auditor. Improved matching between auditor 
specialties and audit clients could enable auditors to perform auditing 
services more efficiently, thus potentially reducing audit fees and 
increasing audit quality over the long term. Higher audit quality is 
linked to better financial reporting, which could result in a lower 
cost of capital. Reduced expenses and higher audit quality may decrease 
the overall cost of investing as well as the cost of capital, with 
potential positive effects on capital formation. However, due to the 
concentrated nature of the audit industry, we acknowledge that any such 
effects may not be significant.
    The replacement of the existing bright-line test with the 
significant influence test could more effectively capture those 
relationships that may pose a threat to an auditor's objectivity and 
impartiality. To the extent that the proposed amendments do so, the 
quality of financial reporting is likely to improve, and the amount of 
board attention to independence questions when impartiality is not at 
issue is likely to be reduced, thus allowing a fund board to focus on 
its role as an independent check on fund management. An operating 
company's board might focus on hiring the best management, choosing the 
most value-enhancing investment projects, and monitoring management to 
maximize shareholder value. This sharpened focus could potentially 
benefit shareholders. Furthermore, we expect that improved 
identification of threats to auditor independence would increase 
investor confidence about the quality and accuracy of the information 
reported. Reduced uncertainty about the quality and accuracy of 
financial reporting should attract capital, and thus facilitate capital 
    Under the proposed amendments, audit firms would potentially be 
able to draw upon a larger set of lenders. This potentially could lead 
to greater competition among the lending institutions, leading to lower 
borrowing costs for audit firms. Again, this could result in lower 
audit fees, lower fund fees, lower compliance expenses, and help 
facilitate capital formation, to the extent that lower borrowing costs 
for audit firms get passed on to their audit clients.
    The proposed amendments also may potentially lead to changes in the 
competitive structure of the audit industry. We expect more accounting 
firms to be eligible to provide auditing services and be in compliance 
with auditor independence under the proposed amendments. If the larger 
audit firms are the ones more likely to engage in significant financing 
transactions and are more likely to not be in compliance with the 
existing Loan Provision, then these firms are more likely to be 
positively affected by the proposed amendments. In particular, these 
firms may be able to compete for or retain a larger pool of audit 
clients. At the same time, the larger firms' potentially increased 
ability to compete for audit clients could potentially crowd out the 
auditing business of smaller audit firms. However, we estimate that 
four audit firms already perform 88 percent of audits in the registered 
investment company space.\92\ As a result, we do not expect any 
potential change in the competitive dynamics among auditors for 
registered investment companies to be significant.

    \92\ The market share of the four largest accounting firms in 
other industries is significantly high as well. According to the 
sample of 7,180 registrants covered by Audit Analytics in 2016, the 
four largest accounting firms' mean (median) market share across 
industries (based on two digit standard industry code) is 58% (57%). 
The upper quartile is as high as 78% with low quartile of the 
distribution being 45%.

E. Alternatives

    The existing Loan Provision covers loans to and from the auditor by 
``record or beneficial owners of more than 10 percent of the audit 
client's equity securities.'' As discussed earlier, record owners are 
relatively less likely to have incentives to take actions that would 
threaten auditor independence than are beneficial owners. An 
alternative approach to the proposed amendments would be to maintain 
the 10 percent bright-line test, but to distinguish between types of 
ownership under the 10 percent bright-line test and tailor the rule 
accordingly. For example, record owners could be excluded from the 10 
percent bright-line test, to which beneficial owners would remain 
subject. The potential benefit of distinguishing

[[Page 20770]]

between types of ownership while retaining the 10 percent bright-line 
test is that applying a bright-line test would involve less judgment 
than the proposed significant influence test. Excluding record holders 
that may not have strong enough economic incentives or power to impair 
auditor independence could partially overcome the over-inclusiveness of 
the exiting rule. However, it still would not overcome the issues of 
over- or under-inconclusiveness with respect to beneficial owners.
    A second alternative would be to use the materiality of a stock 
holding to the lender in conjunction with the significant influence 
test as a proxy for incentives that could threaten auditor 
independence. Specifically, the significance of the holding to the 
lender could be assessed based on the magnitude of the stock holding to 
the lender (i.e., what percentage of the lender's assets are invested 
in the audit client's equity securities), after determining whether the 
lender has significant influence over the audit client. For example, 
two institutions that hold 15 percent of a fund may be committing 
materially different amounts of their capital to the specific 
investment. The incentives to influence the auditor's report are likely 
to be stronger for the lender that commits the relatively larger amount 
of capital to a specific investment. As such, the materiality of the 
investment to a lender with significant influence could be used as an 
indicator of incentives by the lender to attempt to influence the 
auditor's report. Materiality of a holding may better capture the 
incentives that could pose a threat to auditor independence. The 
potential cost to the auditors and audit clients could be that they 
need additional information and an additional layer of judgment in 
assessing their compliance with the Loan Provision. Also, given the 
size of most lenders, a materiality component might effectively exclude 
most, if not all, lending relationships that pose a threat to an 
auditor's objectivity and impartiality.
    A third potential approach would be to assess the materiality of 
the lending relationship between the auditor and the lending 
institution. The materiality of the lending relationship between the 
lender and the auditor, from both the lender's and the auditor's point 
of views, could act as an indicator of the leverage that the lender may 
have if it attempts to influence the auditor's report. However, again, 
given the size of most impacted audit firms and lenders, a materiality 
component might effectively exclude most, if not all, lending 
relationships that pose a threat to an auditor's objectivity and 

F. Request for Comment

    We request and encourage any interested person to submit comments 
regarding the proposed amendments and all aspects of our analysis of 
the potential effects of the amendments. Comments are particularly 
helpful to us if accompanied by quantified estimates or other detailed 
analysis and supporting data regarding the issues addressed in those 
comments. We also are interested in comments on the alternatives 
presented in this release as well as any additional alternatives to the 
proposed amendments that should be considered. To assist in our 
consideration of these costs and benefits, we specifically request 
comment on the following:
     The costs and benefits of the proposed amendment to 
eliminate the requirement that audit firms analyze record holders under 
the Loan Provision.
     The costs and benefits of the proposed significant 
influence test.
     The costs and benefits of the proposed addition of a 
``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard in applying the 
significant influence test.
     The costs and benefits of the proposed exclusion of the 
funds (other than the fund under audit) from being considered an 
affiliate of the audit client.
     The effect of the proposed amendments on the competitive 
structure of the audit industry.
     The effect of the proposed amendments on the quality of 
financial reporting.
     The effect of the proposed amendments on audit quality.
     The effect of the proposed amendments on capital 
     The effect of the proposed amendments on audit firms and 
their covered persons' financing.

VI. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA'') \93\ requires the 
Commission, in promulgating rules under section 553 of the 
Administrative Procedure Act,\94\ to consider the impact of those rules 
on small entities. We have prepared this Initial Regulatory Flexibility 
Act Analysis (``IRFA'') in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 603. This IRFA 
relates to the proposed amendments to Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

    \93\ 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
    \94\ 5 U.S.C. 553.

A. Reasons for and Objectives of the Proposed Action

    As discussed above, the primary reason for, and objective of, the 
proposed amendments is to address certain significant compliance 
challenges for audit firms and their clients resulting from application 
of the Loan Provision that do not otherwise appear to affect the 
impartiality or objectivity of the auditor. Specifically, the proposed 
amendments would:
     Focus the analysis solely on beneficial ownership;
     replace the existing 10 percent bright-line shareholder 
ownership test with a ``significant influence'' test;
     add a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' standard with 
respect to identifying beneficial owners of the audit client's equity 
securities; and
     amend the definition of ``audit client'' for a fund under 
audit to exclude from the provision funds that otherwise would be 
considered affiliates of the audit client.
    The reasons for, and objectives of, the proposed rules are 
discussed in more detail in Sections I and II above.

B. Legal Basis

    We are proposing the amendments pursuant to Schedule A and Sections 
7, 8, 10, and 19 of the Securities Act, Sections 3, 10A, 12, 13, 14, 
17, and 23 of the Exchange Act, Sections 8, 30, 31, and 38 of the 
Investment Company Act, and Sections 203 and 211 of the Investment 
Advisers Act.

C. Small Entities Subject to the Proposed Rules

    The proposed amendments would affect small entities that file 
registration statements under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, and 
the Investment Company Act and periodic reports, proxy and information 
statements, or other reports under the Exchange Act or the Investment 
Company Act, as well as smaller registered investment advisers and 
smaller accounting firms. The RFA defines ``small entity'' to mean 
``small business,'' ``small organization,'' or ``small governmental 
jurisdiction.'' \95\ The Commission's rules define ``small business'' 
and ``small organization'' for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility 
Act for each of the types of entities regulated by the Commission. 
Securities Act Rule 157 \96\ and Exchange Act Rule 0-10(a) \97\ defines 
an issuer, other than

[[Page 20771]]

an investment company, to be a ``small business'' or ``small 
organization'' if it had total assets of $5 million or less on the last 
day of its most recent fiscal year. We estimate that there are 
approximately 1,163 issuers, other than registered investment 
companies, that may be subject to the proposed amendments.\98\ The 
proposed amendments would affect small entities that have a class of 
securities that are registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act or 
that are required to file reports under Section 15(d) of the Exchange 
Act. In addition, the proposed amendments would affect small entities 
that file, or have filed, a registration statement that has not yet 
become effective under the Securities Act and that has not been 

    \95\ 5 U.S.C. 601(6).
    \96\ 17 CFR 230.157.
    \97\ 17 CFR 240.0-10(a).
    \98\ This estimate is based on staff analysis of XBRL data 
submitted with EDGAR filings of Forms 10-K, 20-F and 40-F and 
amendments filed during the calendar year of January 1, 2017 to 
December 31, 2017.

    An investment company is considered to be a ``small business'' for 
purposes of the RFA, if it, together with other investment companies in 
the same group of related investment companies, has net assets of $50 
million or less at the end of the most recent fiscal year.\99\ We 
believe that the proposed amendments would affect small entities that 
are investment companies. Commission staff estimates that, as of 
December 31, 2017, there were 54 open-end investment companies (within 
52 fund complexes) that would be considered small entities. This number 
includes open-end ETFs.\100\

    \99\ 17 CFR 270.0-10(a).
    \100\ This estimate is derived from an analysis of data obtained 
from Morningstar Direct as well as data reported on Form N-SAR filed 
with the Commission for the period ending June 30, 2017.

    For purposes of the RFA, an investment adviser is a small entity if 
    (1) Has assets under management having a total value of less than 
$25 million;
    (2) did not have total assets of $5 million or more on the last day 
of the most recent fiscal year; and
    (3) does not control, is not controlled by, and is not under common 
control with another investment adviser that has assets under 
management of $25 million or more, or any person (other than a natural 
person) that had total assets of $5 million or more on the last day of 
its most recent fiscal year.\101\ We estimate that there are 
approximately 557 investment advisers that would be subject to the 
proposed amendments that may be considered small entities.\102\

    \101\ 17 CFR 275.0-7.
    \102\ This estimate is based on Commission-registered investment 
adviser responses to Form ADV, Part 1A, Items 5.F and 12.

    For purposes of the RFA, a broker-dealer is considered to be a 
``small business'' if its total capital (net worth plus subordinated 
liabilities) is less than $500,000 on the date in the prior fiscal year 
as of which its audited financial statements were prepared pursuant to 
Rule 17a-5(d) under the Exchange Act,\103\ or, if not required to file 
such statements, a broker-dealer with total capital (net worth plus 
subordinated liabilities) of less than $500,000 on the last day of the 
preceding fiscal year (or in the time that it has been in business, if 
shorter); and that is not affiliated with any person (other than a 
natural person) that is not a small business or small 
organization.\104\ As of the year end of 2017, there are approximately 
1,042 small entity broker-dealers that may be subject to the proposed 

    \103\ 17 CFR 240.17a-5(d).
    \104\ 17 CFR 240.0-10(c).
    \105\ This estimate is based on the most recent information 
available, as provided in Form X-17A-5 Financial and Operational 
Combined Uniform Single Reports filed pursuant to Section 17 of the 
Exchange Act and Rule 17a-5 thereunder.

    Our rules do not define ``small business'' or ``small 
organization'' for purposes of accounting firms. The Small Business 
Administration (SBA) defines ``small business,'' for purposes of 
accounting firms, as those with under $20.5 million in annual 
revenues.\106\ We have limited data indicating revenues for accounting 
firms, and we cannot estimate the number of firms with less than $20.5 
million in annual revenue. We request comment on the number of 
accounting firms with revenue under $20.5 million.

    \106\ 13 CFR 121.201 and North American Industry Classification 
System (NAICS) code 541211. The SBA calculates ``annual receipts'' 
as all revenue. See 13 CFR 121.104.

D. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance Requirements

    The proposed amendments would not impose any reporting, 
recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements. The proposed amendments 
would impose new compliance requirements with respect to the Loan 
    Although we are proposing to replace the 10 percent bright-line 
test with a ``significant influence'' test that requires the 
application of more judgment, we believe that the proposed amendments 
would not significantly increase costs for smaller entities, including 
smaller accounting firms. The concept of ``significant influence'' 
already exists in the auditor independence rules and in U.S. GAAP,\107\ 
and accounting firms, issuers and their audit committees are already 
required to apply the concept in these contexts and may have developed 
practices, processes or controls for complying with these 
provisions.\108\ We believe that these entities likely would be able to 
leverage any existing practices, processes or controls to comply with 
the proposed amendments.

    \107\ See supra footnote 48; see also ASC 323, supra footnote 
    \108\ Although the concept of ``significant influence'' is not 
as routinely applied today in the funds context for financial 
reporting purposes, nevertheless, the concept of significant 
influence is applicable to funds under existing auditor independence 
rules. See supra Section II.C.

    We also believe that the proposed ``known through reasonable 
inquiry'' standard would not significantly increase costs for smaller 
entities, including smaller accounting firms. The ``known through 
reasonable inquiry'' standard is generally consistent with regulations 
implementing the Investment Company Act, the Securities Act and the 
Exchange Act.\109\ Smaller entities, including smaller accounting 
firms, should therefore already be familiar with the concept.

    \109\ See supra footnote 64.

    In addition, we believe that the proposed amendments to exclude 
record owners and certain fund affiliates for purposes of the Loan 
Provision would reduce costs for smaller entities, including smaller 
accounting firms.
    Compliance with the proposed amendments would require the use of 
professional skills, including accounting and legal skills. The 
proposed amendments are discussed in detail in Section II above. We 
discuss the economic impact, including the estimated costs, of the 
proposed amendments in Section V (Economic Analysis) above.

E. Duplicative, Overlapping, or Conflicting Federal Rules

    We believe that the proposed amendment would not duplicate, overlap 
or conflict with other federal rules.

F. Significant Alternatives

    The RFA directs us to consider alternatives that would accomplish 
our stated objectives while minimizing any significant adverse impacts 
on small entities. In connection with the proposed amendments, we 
considered certain types of alternatives, including:
    (1) The establishment of differing compliance or reporting 
requirements or timetables that take into account the resources 
available to small entities;
    (2) The clarification, consolidation or simplification of 
compliance and reporting requirements under the rule for small 
    (3) The use of performance rather than design standards; and

[[Page 20772]]

    (4) An exemption from coverage of the rule, or any part of the 
rule, for small entities.
    In connection with our proposed amendments to Rule 2-01 of 
Regulation S-X, we do not think it feasible or appropriate to establish 
different compliance or reporting requirements or timetables for small 
entities. The proposed amendments are designed to address compliance 
challenges for both large and small issuers and audit firms. With 
respect to clarification, consolidation or simplification of compliance 
and reporting requirements for small entities, the proposed amendments 
do not contain any new reporting requirements. While the proposed 
amendments would create a new compliance requirement that focuses on 
``significant influence'' over the audit client to better identify 
those lending relationships that could impair an auditor's objectivity 
and impartiality, that standard is more qualitative in nature and its 
application would vary according to the circumstances. This more 
flexible standard would be applicable to all issuers, regardless of 
    With respect to using performance rather than design standards, we 
note that our proposed amendments establishing a ``significant 
influence'' test and adding a ``known through reasonable inquiry'' 
standard are more akin to performance standards. Rather than prescribe 
the specific steps necessary to apply such standards, the proposed 
amendments recognize that ``significant influence'' and ``known through 
reasonable inquiry'' can be implemented in a variety of ways. We 
believe that the use of these standards would accommodate entities of 
various sizes while potentially avoiding overly burdensome methods that 
may be ill-suited or unnecessary, given the facts and circumstances.
    The proposed amendments are intended to address significant 
compliance challenges for audit firms and their clients, including 
those that are small entities. In this respect, exempting small 
entities from the proposed amendments would increase, rather than 
decrease, their regulatory burden relative to larger entities.

G. Solicitation of Comment

    We encourage the submission of comments with respect to any aspect 
of this Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. In particular, we 
request comments regarding:
     The number of small entities that may be subject to the 
proposed amendments;
     The existence or nature of the potential impact of the 
proposed amendments on small entities discussed in the analysis;
     How to quantify the impact of the proposed amendments; and
     Alternatives that would accomplish our stated objectives 
while minimizing any significant adverse impact on small entities.
    Respondents are asked to describe the nature of any impact and 
provide empirical data supporting the extent of the impact. Such 
comments will be considered in the preparation of the Final Regulatory 
Flexibility Analysis, if the proposed amendments are adopted, and will 
be placed in the same public file as comments on the proposed 

VII. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    For purposes of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act of 1996 (``SBREFA''),\110\ the Commission must advise the Office of 
Management and Budget as to whether a proposed regulation constitutes a 
``major'' rule. Under SBREFA, a rule is considered ``major'' when, if 
adopted, it results or is likely to result in:

    \110\ Public Law 104-121, Tit. II, 110 Stat. 857 (1996).

     An annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more 
(either in the form of an increase or a decrease);
     A major increase in costs or prices for consumers or 
individual industries; or
     Significant adverse effects on competition, investment or 
    If a rule is ``major,'' its effectiveness will generally be delayed 
for 60 days pending Congressional review.
    We request comment on whether our proposed amendments would be a 
``major rule'' for purposes of SBREFA. We solicit comment and empirical 
data on:
     The potential effect on the U.S. economy on an annual 
     Any potential increase in costs or prices for consumers or 
individual industries; and
     Any potential effect on competition, investment or 
    We request those submitting comments to provide empirical data and 
other factual support for their views to the extent possible.

VIII. Statutory Basis

    The amendment described in this release is being adopted under the 
authority set forth in Schedule A and Sections 7, 8, 10, and 19 of the 
Securities Act, Sections 3, 10A, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 23 of the Exchange 
Act, Sections 8, 30, 31, and 38 of the Investment Company Act, and 
Sections 203 and 211 of the Investment Advisers Act.

List of Subjects in 17 CFR Parts 210

    Accountants, Accounting, Banks, Banking, Employee benefit plans, 
Holding companies, Insurance companies, Investment companies, Oil and 
gas exploration, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Securities, 

    In accordance with the foregoing, the Commission proposes to amend 
title 17, chapter II of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 210 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  15 U.S.C. 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j, 77s, 77z-2, 77z-3, 
77aa(25), 77aa(26), 77nn(25), 77nn(26), 78c, 78j-1, 78l, 78m, 78n, 
78o(d), 78q, 78u-5, 78w, 78ll, 78mm, 80a-8, 80a-20, 80a-29, 80a-30, 
80a-31, 80a-37(a), 80b-3, 80b-11, 7202 and 7262, and sec. 102(c), 
Public Law 112-106, 126 Stat. 310 (2012), unless otherwise noted.

2. Amend Sec.  210.2-01 by revising paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(A) to read as 

Sec.  210.2-01   Qualifications of accountants.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (A) Loans/debtor-creditor relationship. (1) Any loan (including any 
margin loan) to or from an audit client, or an audit client's officers, 
directors, or beneficial owners (known through reasonable inquiry) of 
the audit client's equity securities where such beneficial owner has 
significant influence over the audit client, except for the following 
loans obtained from a financial institution under its normal lending 
procedures, terms, and requirements:
    (i) Automobile loans and leases collateralized by the automobile;
    (ii) Loans fully collateralized by the cash surrender value of an 
insurance policy;
    (iii) Loans fully collateralized by cash deposits at the same 
financial institution; and
    (iv) A mortgage loan collateralized by the borrower's primary 

[[Page 20773]]

provided the loan was not obtained while the covered person in the firm 
was a covered person.
    (2) For purposes of paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(A) of this section:
    (i) The term audit client for a fund under audit excludes any other 
fund that otherwise would be considered an affiliate of the audit 
    (ii) The term fund means an investment company or an entity that 
would be an investment company but for the exclusions provided by 
Section 3(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-
* * * * *

    By the Commission.

    Dated: May 2, 2018.
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2018-09721 Filed 5-7-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            20753

                                                  List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39                      (f) Alternative Methods of Compliance                 proposing to amend its auditor
                                                                                                          (AMOCs)                                               independence rules to refocus the
                                                    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation                   (1) The Manager, Safety Management                 analysis that must be conducted to
                                                  safety, Incorporation by reference,                     Section, Rotorcraft Standards Branch, FAA,            determine whether an auditor is
                                                  Safety.                                                 may approve AMOCs for this AD. Send your              independent when the auditor has a
                                                                                                          proposal to: Matt Fuller, Senior Aviation             lending relationship with certain
                                                  The Proposed Amendment                                  Safety Engineer, Safety Management Section,
                                                                                                          Rotorcraft Standards Branch, FAA, 10101               shareholders of an audit client at any
                                                    Accordingly, under the authority                      Hillwood Pkwy., Fort Worth, TX 76177;                 time during an audit or professional
                                                  delegated to me by the Administrator,                   telephone (817) 222–5110; email 9-ASW-                engagement period. The proposed
                                                  the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part                   FTW-AMOC-Requests@faa.gov.                            amendments would focus the analysis
                                                  39 as follows:                                             (2) For operations conducted under a 14            solely on beneficial ownership rather
                                                                                                          CFR part 119 operating certificate or under           than on both record and beneficial
                                                  PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS                                   14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that            ownership; replace the existing 10
                                                  DIRECTIVES                                              you notify your principal inspector, or
                                                                                                          lacking a principal inspector, the manager of
                                                                                                                                                                percent bright-line shareholder
                                                                                                          the local flight standards district office or         ownership test with a ‘‘significant
                                                  ■ 1. The authority citation for part 39                 certificate holding district office before            influence’’ test; add a ‘‘known through
                                                  continues to read as follows:                           operating any aircraft complying with this            reasonable inquiry’’ standard with
                                                      Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.          AD through an AMOC.                                   respect to identifying beneficial owners
                                                                                                          (g) Additional Information                            of the audit client’s equity securities;
                                                  § 39.13   [Amended]                                                                                           and amend the definition of ‘‘audit
                                                                                                             (1) Eurocopter Service Bulletin No. 332–
                                                  ■ 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding                   52.00.28, Revision 1, dated April 29, 1998,           client’’ for a fund under audit to exclude
                                                  the following new airworthiness                         which is not incorporated by reference,               funds that otherwise would be
                                                  directive (AD):                                         contains additional information about the             considered affiliates of the audit client.
                                                                                                          subject of this AD. For service information           The Commission is also requesting
                                                  Airbus Helicopters: Docket No. FAA–2017–                identified in this AD, contact Airbus                 comment on certain other potential
                                                      1124; Product Identifier 2017–SW–073–               Helicopters, 2701 N Forum Drive, Grand
                                                      AD.                                                                                                       amendments to its auditor
                                                                                                          Prairie, TX 75052; telephone (972) 641–0000           independence rules.
                                                  (a) Applicability                                       or (800) 232–0323; fax (972) 641–3775; or at
                                                                                                          http://www.helicopters.airbus.com/website/            DATES: Comments should be received on
                                                    This AD applies to Airbus Helicopters                 en/ref/Technical-Support_73.html. You may             or before July 9, 2018.
                                                  Model AS332C, AS332C1, AS332L, and                      review the referenced service information at          ADDRESSES: Comments may be
                                                  AS332L1 helicopters, certificated in any                the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel,              submitted by any of the following
                                                  category, with a cabin sliding plug door                Southwest Region, 10101 Hillwood Pkwy.,               methods:
                                                  installed in accordance with Airbus                     Room 6N–321, Fort Worth, TX 76177.
                                                  Helicopters modification (MOD) 0722338,                   (2) The subject of this AD is addressed in          Electronic Comments
                                                  except helicopters with a plug door jettison            European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD
                                                  system installed in accordance with MOD                 No. 2017–0022, dated February 8, 2017. You              • Use the Commission’s internet
                                                  0725366.                                                may view the EASA AD on the internet at               comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                                                                          http://www.regulations.gov in the AD Docket.          rules/proposed.shtml); or
                                                  (b) Unsafe Condition
                                                                                                          (h) Subject
                                                                                                                                                                  • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                     This AD defines the unsafe condition as                                                                    sec.gov. Please include File Number S7–
                                                  failure of a cabin sliding door to jettison,              Joint Aircraft Service Component (JASC)             10–18 on the subject line.
                                                  which could prevent helicopter occupants                Code: 5200, Doors.
                                                  from evacuating the helicopter during an                                                                      Paper Comments
                                                                                                            Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on May 1,
                                                                                                          2018.                                                    • Send paper comments to Brent J.
                                                  (c) Comments Due Date                                   Lance T. Gant,                                        Fields, Secretary, Securities and
                                                      We must receive comments by July 9, 2018.           Director, Compliance & Airworthiness                  Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                                                                                          Division, Aircraft Certification Service.             Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                  (d) Compliance                                                                                                All submissions should refer to File
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2018–09740 Filed 5–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                                    You are responsible for performing each                                                                     Number S7–10–18. This file number
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                  action required by this AD within the                                                                         should be included on the subject line
                                                  specified compliance time unless it has                                                                       if email is used. To help us process and
                                                  already been accomplished prior to that time.                                                                 review your comments more efficiently,
                                                                                                          SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                  (e) Required Actions                                    COMMISSION                                            please use only one method. The
                                                     Within 110 hours time-in-service (TIS) or                                                                  Commission will post all comments on
                                                  before the next operation over water,                   17 CFR Part 210                                       the Commission’s website (http://
                                                  whichever occurs first, inspect the jettisoning                                                               www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml).
                                                                                                          [Release No. 33–10491; 34–83157; IC–                  Comments are also available for website
                                                  mechanism of the left-hand and right-hand
                                                                                                          33091; IA–4904; FILE NO. S7–10–18]
                                                  cabin doors for correct operation:                                                                            viewing and printing in the
                                                     (1) Pull the jettisoning handle and                  RIN 3235–AM01                                         Commission’s Public Reference Room,
                                                  determine whether the cable clamp contacts                                                                    100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549,
                                                  the top or bottom horizontal cables, using as           Auditor Independence With Respect to                  on official business days between the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  a reference the photographs under paragraph             Certain Loans or Debtor-Creditor                      hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. All
                                                  3.B.2 of Airbus Helicopters ASB No. AS332–              Relationships                                         comments received will be posted
                                                  52.00.56, Revision 0, dated January 30, 2017
                                                  (ASB).                                                  AGENCY:  Securities and Exchange                      without change. Persons submitting
                                                     (2) If there is contact between a cable              Commission.                                           comments are cautioned that we do not
                                                  clamp and a horizontal cable, before further            ACTION: Proposed rule.                                redact or edit personal identifying
                                                  flight, install both cable clamps as depicted                                                                 information from comment submissions.
                                                  in the bottom photograph under paragraph                SUMMARY:The Securities and Exchange                   You should submit only information
                                                  3.B.2 of the ASB.                                       Commission (‘‘Commission’’) is                        that you wish to make available

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:44 May 07, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00016   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\08MYP1.SGM   08MYP1

                                                  20754                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  publicly. Studies, memoranda, or other                     D. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and                   The Commission’s auditor
                                                  substantive items may be added by the                         Other Compliance Requirements                         independence standard is set forth in
                                                  Commission or staff to the comment file                    E. Duplicative, Overlapping, or Conflicting              Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X, which
                                                                                                                Federal Rules
                                                  during this rulemaking. A notification of                  F. Significant Alternatives
                                                                                                                                                                      requires auditors 6 to be independent of
                                                  the inclusion in the comment file of any                   G. Solicitation of Comment                               their audit clients both ‘‘in fact and in
                                                  such materials will be made available                    VII. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement                 appearance.’’ 7 Rule 2–01(b) provides
                                                  on the Commission’s website. To ensure                        Fairness Act                                          that the Commission will not recognize
                                                  direct electronic receipt of such                        VIII. Statutory Basis                                      an accountant as independent with
                                                  notifications, sign up through the ‘‘Stay                                                                           respect to an audit client if the
                                                                                                           I. Background
                                                  Connected’’ option at www.sec.gov to                                                                                accountant is not (or if a reasonable
                                                  receive notifications by email.                          A. The Loan Provision of Regulation                        investor with knowledge of all relevant
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         S–X                                                        facts and circumstances would conclude
                                                  Giles T. Cohen, Deputy Chief Counsel,                      We are proposing to amend certain                        that the accountant is not) capable of
                                                  or Peggy Kim, Senior Special Counsel,                    provisions of our auditor independence                     exercising objective and impartial
                                                  Office of the Chief Accountant, at (202)                 rules. The Commission has long                             judgment on all issues encompassed
                                                  551–5300; Alison Staloch, Chief                          considered auditor independence to be                      within the accountant’s engagement.8
                                                  Accountant, Chief Accountant’s Office,                   essential to reliable financial reporting                     Rule 2–01(c) sets forth a nonexclusive
                                                  Division of Investment Management, at                    and critical to the effective functioning                  list of circumstances that the
                                                  (202) 551–6918; or Joel Cavanaugh,                       of the U.S. capital markets.2                              Commission considers to be
                                                  Senior Counsel, Investment Company                                                                                  inconsistent with the independence
                                                                                                           Independent auditors have an important
                                                  Regulation Office, Division of                                                                                      standard in Rule 2–01(b), including
                                                                                                           public trust.3 Many Commission
                                                  Investment Management, at (202) 551–                                                                                certain direct financial relationships
                                                                                                           regulations require entities to file or
                                                  6792, U.S. Securities and Exchange                                                                                  between an accountant and audit client
                                                                                                           furnish financial statements that have
                                                  Commission, 100 F Street NE,                                                                                        and other circumstances where the
                                                                                                           been audited by an independent
                                                  Washington, DC 20549.                                                                                               accountant has a financial interest in the
                                                                                                           auditor; such entities include operating
                                                                                                                                                                      audit client.9 In particular, the
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We are                        companies, registered investment
                                                                                                                                                                      restriction on debtor-creditor
                                                  proposing amendments to Rule 2–01 of                     companies, registered investment
                                                                                                                                                                      relationships in Rule 2–01(c)(1)(ii)(A)
                                                  Regulation S–X.1                                         advisers, pooled investment vehicles,4
                                                                                                                                                                      (the ‘‘Loan Provision’’) generally
                                                                                                           and registered broker-dealers.5                            provides that an accountant is not
                                                  Table of Contents
                                                  I. Background                                               2 See generally Proposed Rule: Revision of the

                                                                                                           Commission’s Auditor Independence Requirements,            Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Exchange Act’’)
                                                     A. The Loan Provision of Regulation S–X                                                                          [15 U.S.C. 78q] expressly require that financial
                                                     B. Application of the Current Loan                    Release No. 33–7870 (June 30, 2000) (‘‘2000
                                                                                                                                                                      statements be certified by independent public or
                                                                                                           Proposing Release’’), available at https://
                                                        Provision                                                                                                     certified accountants. In addition, Sections
                                                  II. Proposed Amendments                                     3 The U.S. Supreme Court in describing the
                                                                                                                                                                      12(b)(1)(J) and (K) and 13(a)(2) of the Exchange Act
                                                     A. Overview of the Proposed Amendments                                                                           [15 U.S.C. 78l and 78m], Sections 8(b)(5) and 30(e)
                                                                                                           independent auditor’s responsibility, stated that the      and (g) of the Investment Company Act of 1940
                                                     B. Focus the Analysis Solely on Beneficial            accountant’s ‘‘public watchdog’’ function ‘‘demands        (‘‘Investment Company Act’’) [15 U.S.C. 80a–8 and
                                                        Ownership                                          that the accountant maintain total independence            80a–29], and Section 203(c)(1)(D) of the Investment
                                                     C. Significant Influence Test                         from the client at all times and requires complete         Advisers Act of 1940 (‘‘Advisers Act’’) [15 U.S.C.
                                                     D. Reasonable Inquiry Compliance                      fidelity to the public trust.’’ United States v. Arthur    80b–3(c)(1)] authorize the Commission to require
                                                        Threshold                                          Young, 465 U.S. 805, 818 (1984).                           the filing of financial statements that have been
                                                                                                              4 In this Release, we use the term ‘‘pooled
                                                     E. Excluding Other Funds That Would Be                                                                           audited by independent accountants. Paragraph
                                                        Considered Affiliates of the Audit Client          investment vehicle’’ to refer to a limited                 (f)(1) of Rule 17a–5 under the Exchange Act [17 CFR
                                                                                                           partnership, limited liability company, or another         240.17a–5(f)(1)] requires that for audits under
                                                  III. Request for Comment
                                                                                                           type of pooled investment vehicle for which the            paragraph (d) of Rule 17a–5 of broker-dealers
                                                     A. Materiality                                        pooled investment vehicle’s investment adviser             registered with the Commission, an independent
                                                     B. Accounting Firms’ ‘‘Covered Persons’’              relies on paragraph (b)(4) of Rule 206(4)–2 (the           public accountant must be independent in
                                                        and Immediate Family Members                       ‘‘Custody Rule’’) under the Advisers Act. In general,      accordance with Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X. See
                                                     C. Evaluation of Compliance                           paragraph (b)(4) of the Custody Rule provides              also id. (discussing Rule 206(4)–2 under the
                                                     D. Secondary Market Purchases of Debt                 conditions under which an investment adviser is            Advisers Act).
                                                     E. Other Changes to the Commission’s                  not required to comply with provisions of the                 6 Rule 2–01 refers to ‘‘accountants’’ rather than

                                                        Auditor Independence Rules                         Custody Rule relating to the delivery of certain           ‘‘auditors.’’ We use these terms interchangeably in
                                                                                                           notices and account statements and is deemed to            this Release.
                                                  IV. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                           have complied with the surprise examination                   7 See Preliminary Note 1 to Rule 2–01 and Rule
                                                  V. Economic Analysis                                     requirements of the rule with respect to an account        2–01(b) of Regulation S–X. See also United States
                                                     A. General Economic Considerations                    that is a limited partnership, limited liability           v. Arthur Young & Co., 465 U.S. 805, 819 n.15
                                                     B. Baseline                                           company or other pooled investment vehicle that is         (1984) (‘‘It is therefore not enough that financial
                                                     C. Anticipated Benefits and Costs, and                subject to audit (as defined in Rule 1–02(d) of            statements be accurate; the public must also
                                                        Unintended Consequences                            Regulation S–X). In order to rely on this ‘‘audit          perceive them as being accurate. Public faith in the
                                                     1. Anticipated Benefits                               exception,’’ the audit must be performed by an             reliability of a corporation’s financial statements
                                                     2. Anticipated Costs and Potential                    independent public accountant that: (i) Meets the          depends upon the public perception of the outside
                                                                                                           standards in Rule 2–01(b) and (c) of Regulation S–         auditor as an independent professional.’’).
                                                        Unintended Consequences
                                                                                                           X; and (ii) is registered with, and subject to regular        8 See Rule 2–01(b) of Regulation S–X.
                                                     D. Effects on Efficiency, Competition and             inspection as of the commencement of the                      9 See Rule 2–01(c) of Regulation S–X; see also
                                                        Capital Formation                                  professional engagement period, and as of each             Revision of the Commission’s Auditor
                                                     E. Alternatives                                       calendar year-end, by the Public Company
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                      Independence Requirements, Release No. 33–7919
                                                     F. Request for Comment                                Accounting Oversight Board (‘‘PCAOB’’) in                  (Nov. 21, 2000) [65 FR 76008 (Dec. 5, 2000)] (‘‘2000
                                                  VI. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis          accordance with its rules. Many advisers to private        Adopting Release’’) available at https://
                                                     A. Reasons for and Objectives of the                  funds rely on the audit exception. A ‘‘private fund’’      www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-7919.htm, at 65 FR
                                                        Proposed Action                                    is an issuer that would be an investment company,          76009 (‘‘The amendments [to Rule 2–01 adopted in
                                                                                                           as defined in Section 3 of the Investment Company          2000] identify certain relationships that render an
                                                     B. Legal Basis
                                                                                                           Act, but for Section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of that Act. See   accountant not independent of an audit client
                                                     C. Small Entities Subject to the Proposed             Section 202(a)(29) of the Investment Advisers Act.         under the standard in Rule 2–01(b). The
                                                        Rules                                                 5 For example, Items 25 and 26 of Schedule A to         relationships addressed include, among others,
                                                                                                           the Securities Act of 1933 (‘‘Securities Act’’) [15        financial, employment, and business relationships
                                                    1 17   CFR 210.2–01.                                   U.S.C. 77aa(25) and (26)] and Section 17(e) of the         between auditors and audit clients . . . .’’).

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                       20755

                                                  independent when (a) the accounting                     audit client’s officers, directors, or (z)             Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X. The
                                                  firm, (b) any covered person 10 in the                  record or beneficial owners of more than               general standard under Rule 2–01(b)
                                                  accounting firm (e.g., the audit                        10 percent of the audit client’s equity                and the remainder of Rule 2–01(c) still
                                                  engagement team and those in the chain                  securities.11 We note that simply                      apply to auditors and their audit clients
                                                  of command), or (c) any of the covered                  because a lender to an auditor holds 10                regardless of the applicability of the
                                                  person’s immediate family members has                   percent or less of an audit client’s equity            Loan Provision.
                                                  any loan (including any margin loan) to                 securities does not, in itself, establish
                                                  or from (x) an audit client, or (y) an                  that the auditor is independent under

                                                     Thus, in the above illustration,                     influential role’’ with the audit client.13            more than 10 percent of the equity
                                                  pursuant to the Loan Provision, a                       As a proxy for identifying a ‘‘special and             securities of either (a) the firm’s audit
                                                  lending relationship between any entity                 influential role,’’ the Commission                     client; or (b) any entity that is a
                                                  in the left hand column and any entity                  adopted a bright-line test for loans to or             controlling parent company of the audit
                                                  in the right-hand column impairs                        from a record or beneficial owner of                   client, a controlled subsidiary of the
                                                  independence, unless an exception                       more than 10 percent of an audit client’s              audit client, or an entity under common
                                                  applies.                                                equity securities.14                                   control with the audit client.
                                                     When the Commission proposed the                        Under Rule 2–01(f)(6) of Regulation
                                                  Loan Provision, it noted that a debtor-                 S–X, the term ‘‘audit client’’ is defined                 In addition, the term ‘‘affiliate of the
                                                  creditor relationship between an auditor                to include any affiliate of the entity                 audit client’’ includes each entity in an
                                                  and its audit client reasonably could be                whose financial statements are being                   investment company complex (‘‘ICC’’)
                                                  viewed as ‘‘creating a self-interest that               audited.15 Rule 2–01(f)(4) provides that               of which the audit client is a part.16
                                                  competes with the auditor’s obligation                  ‘‘affiliates of the audit client’’ include             Accordingly, in the ICC context, an
                                                  to serve only investors’ interests.’’ 12                entities that control, are controlled by,              accounting firm is considered not
                                                  The Commission’s concern about a                        or are under common control with the                   independent under the Loan Provision
                                                  competing self-interest extended beyond                 audit client. As a result, generally, an               if it has a lending relationship with an
                                                  loans directly between the auditor and                  accounting firm is not independent                     entity having record or beneficial
                                                  its audit client to loans between the                   under the Loan Provision if it has a                   ownership of more than 10 percent of
                                                  auditor and those shareholders of the                   lending relationship with an entity                    any entity within the ICC, regardless of
                                                  audit client who have a ‘‘special and                   having record or beneficial ownership of
                                                    10 See  Rule 2–01(f)(11) of Regulation S–X.           securities laws, including Rule 1–02(r) of             an investment adviser or sponsor in paragraph
                                                    11 See  2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9,      Regulation S–X (defining ‘‘principal holder of         (f)(14)(i)(A) of this section, or any entity under
                                                  at 65 FR 76035.                                         equity securities’’), Rule 1–02(s) of Regulation S–X   common control with an investment adviser or
                                                     12 See 2000 Proposing Release, supra footnote 2,     (defining ‘‘promoter’’), and Section 16 of the         sponsor in paragraph (f)(14)(i)(A) of this section if
                                                                                                          Exchange Act (requiring reporting to the               the entity: (1) Is an investment adviser or sponsor;
                                                  at 65 FR 76034–76035.
                                                                                                          Commission of beneficial ownership information by
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                     13 See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9,                                                             or (2) Is engaged in the business of providing
                                                                                                          directors, officers and beneficial owners of more
                                                  at 65 FR 76035.                                         than 10 percent of any class of equity securities of   administrative, custodian, underwriting, or transfer
                                                     14 The Commission proposed that the Loan             an issuer). Id.                                        agent services to any investment company,
                                                  Provision include a five-percent equity ownership          15 See Rule 2–01(f)(6) of Regulation S–X.           investment adviser, or sponsor; and (C) Any
                                                  threshold, but raised the threshold to 10 percent          16 See Rule 2–01(f)(4)(iv) of Regulation S–X        investment company or entity that would be an
                                                  when it adopted the Loan Provision. See 2000            (defining ‘‘affiliate of the audit client’’).          investment company but for the exclusions
                                                  Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76035.     ‘‘Investment company complex’’ is defined in Rule      provided by section 3(c) of the [1940 Act] that has
                                                  As the basis for its use of a 10 percent threshold,     2–01(f)(14) of Regulation S–X to include: ‘‘(A) An     an investment adviser or sponsor included in this
                                                  the Commission pointed to similar 10 percent            investment company and its investment adviser or       definition by either paragraph (f)(14)(i)(A) or

                                                  ownership thresholds elsewhere in the federal           sponsor; (B) Any entity controlled by or controlling   (f)(14)(i)(B) of this section.’’

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                                                  20756                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  which entities in the ICC are audited by                Commission staff.19 It has become clear               accounting firms or be affiliated with
                                                  the accounting firm.                                    that there are certain fact patterns where            financial institutions that may be
                                                                                                          an auditor’s objectivity and impartiality             lenders to public accounting firms.22 As
                                                  B. Application of the Current Loan
                                                                                                          is not impaired despite a failure to                  a result, audit clients may have financial
                                                                                                          comply with the requirements of the                   intermediaries that own, on a ‘‘record’’
                                                    The Commission has become aware                       Loan Provision. 20                                    basis, more than 10 percent of the
                                                  that, in certain circumstances, the                        One challenge associated with the                  issuer’s shares and are also lenders to
                                                  existing Loan Provision may not be                      Loan Provision is that it applies to both             public accounting firms, covered
                                                  functioning as it was intended, under                   ‘‘record’’ and ‘‘beneficial’’ owners of the           persons of accounting firms, and their
                                                  current market conditions. It also                      audit client’s equity securities.                     immediate family members, or are
                                                  presents significant practical                          However, publicly traded shares, as well              affiliated with companies that are
                                                  challenges.17 Registered investment                     as certain fund shares, often are                     lenders to public accounting firms (see
                                                  companies, pooled investment vehicles,                  registered in the name of a relatively                Figure 2 below for illustration).
                                                  and registered investment advisers have                 small number of financial                             However, these financial intermediaries
                                                  articulated concerns about the Loan                     intermediaries 21 as ‘‘record’’ owners for            are not ‘‘beneficial’’ owners. They also
                                                  Provision in both public disclosures 18                 the benefit of their clients or customers.            may not have control over whether they
                                                  and, together with their auditors, in                   Certain of these financial intermediaries             are ‘‘record’’ owners of more than 10
                                                  extensive consultations with                            may also be lenders to public                         percent of the issuer’s shares.

                                                    17 The audit committees of registered investment      CSR filed on June 6, 2016; Delaware Investments       auditor encountered compliance issues with the
                                                  companies may be focused on this issue because,         Colorado Municipal Income Fund, Inc. Form N–          Loan Provision as a result of the FPI’s use of a
                                                  under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (‘‘Sarbanes-       CSR filed on June 6, 2016; Goldman Sachs Trust        depositary bank to hold its American Depositary
                                                  Oxley Act’’), audit committees are responsible for      Form N–CSR filed on June 6, 2016; Advent              Shares. In that case, the depositary bank was the
                                                  the selection, compensation and oversight of such       International Corp. Form ADV filed on March 30,       record holder, but not the beneficial owner, of more
                                                  funds’ independent auditors. See Rule 10A–3 under       2016; NB Alternatives Advisers LLC Form ADV           than 10 percent of the underlying equity shares of
                                                  the Exchange Act [17 CFR 240.10A–3]. In addition,       filed on June 29, 2016; Indaba Capital Management,    the FPI while also having a lending relationship
                                                  for audits conducted pursuant to PCAOB standards,       L.P. Form ADV filed on March 30, 2016; and MFS
                                                                                                                                                                with the auditor. See, e.g., JMU Ltd. Form 20–F,
                                                  the auditor is required to notify the audit committee   Government Markets Income Trust Schedule 14A
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                filed on May 26, 2017.
                                                  of matters that may reasonably bear upon the            filed on August 31, 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                   21 See infra footnote 23.
                                                  independence of the auditor. See PCAOB Rule                19 Staff in the Office of the Chief Accountant
                                                                                                                                                                   22 We note that the Loan Provision can be
                                                  3526.                                                   (OCA staff) regularly engage in consultations with
                                                    18 Several funds and investment advisers have         issuers regarding accounting, financial reporting,    implicated by lending relationships between an
                                                  noted concerns regarding the Loan Provision in          and auditing concerns or questions, including         auditing firm and those that control the record or
                                                  their public filings with the Commission. See, e.g.,    application of the auditor independence rules.        beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of the
                                                  AIM Investment Securities Funds (Invesco                   20 Challenges associated with the Loan Provision   shares of an audit client (i.e., entities that are under
                                                  Investment Securities Funds) Form N–CSR filed on        have also arisen with issuers other than funds,       common control with or controlled by the record
                                                  May 12, 2016; Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. Form        although not to the same extent. For example, a       or beneficial owner are not as such implicated by

                                                  10–Q filed on May 10, 2016; iShares Trust Form N–       foreign private issuer (‘‘FPI’’) and its external     the Loan Provision).

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                          20757

                                                     For example, open-end funds, such as                 owners through other non-affiliated                        S–X. An auditor to one fund in an ICC
                                                  mutual funds, may face significant                      financial intermediaries, the same                         thus must seek information regarding
                                                  challenges, because the record                          investment could then constitute more                      the record and beneficial owners of the
                                                  ownership percentages of open-end                       than 10 percent of the mutual fund.                        equity securities of all of the other funds
                                                  funds may fluctuate greatly within a                    However, regardless of their diligence in                  (and other entities) in the ICC and such
                                                  given period for reasons completely out                 monitoring compliance, the financial                       owner’s affiliates (see Figure 3 below for
                                                  of the control or knowledge of a lender                 intermediary, the fund, or the auditor                     illustration). Other funds in the ICC that
                                                  who is also a fund shareholder of                       may not know that the 10 percent                           are not audited by the requesting
                                                  record. To be more specific, as a result                threshold had been exceeded until after                    auditor are not required to provide this
                                                  of underlying customer activity in an                   the fact.                                                  information, and may only provide it, if
                                                  omnibus account (such as when                              Another practical challenge is that the                 at all, after negotiation and the
                                                  beneficial owners purchase or redeem                    auditor independence rules’ broad                          establishment of information-sharing
                                                  their shares in an open-end fund) or as                 definition of the term ‘‘audit client’’                    protocols, all of which can require
                                                  a result of the activity of other record or             gives rise to results that are out of step                 substantial time and expense incurred
                                                  beneficial owners, the record ownership                 with the purpose of the rule and that                      by auditors and funds. Even where
                                                  of a lender that is a financial                         can have adverse effects when applied                      funds not audited by this auditor do
                                                  intermediary holding fund shares for                    in the specific context of the Loan
                                                                                                                                                                     provide information regarding the
                                                  customers may exceed, or conversely                     Provision. As described above, the Loan
                                                                                                                                                                     owners of their equity securities, the
                                                  fall below, the 10 percent threshold                    Provision applies not only to an entity
                                                                                                                                                                     fact that fund shares often are held in
                                                  within a given period without any                       that the audit firm is auditing but also
                                                                                                                                                                     omnibus accounts registered in the
                                                  affirmative action on the part of the                   to those entities that are ‘‘affiliated’’
                                                                                                          with the audit client.24 The auditor                       name of financial intermediaries creates
                                                  financial intermediary.23 In this
                                                                                                          independence rules broadly define an                       further challenges in identifying the
                                                  scenario, the financial intermediary’s
                                                                                                          ‘‘affiliate of the audit client’’ to include,              shares’ beneficial owners to determine if
                                                  holdings might constitute less than 10
                                                                                                          among other things, both (a) an entity                     they are lenders to the auditing firm that
                                                  percent of a mutual fund and, as a result
                                                  of subsequent redemptions by beneficial                 that is under common control with the                      own more than 10 percent of the fund’s
                                                                                                          audit client; and (b) each entity in an                    equity securities.26
                                                     23 Financial intermediaries such as broker-          ICC when the audit client is part of that                     Further, not only loans to accounting
                                                  dealers, banks, trusts, insurance companies and         ICC.25                                                     firms but also loans to certain ‘‘covered
                                                  retirement plan third-party administrators perform         Open-end funds are often part of large
                                                  the recordkeeping of open-end fund positions and
                                                                                                                                                                     persons’’ at such firms and their
                                                  provide services to customers, including beneficial     and varied ICCs, and multiple                              immediate family members may
                                                  owners and other intermediaries and, in most cases,     accounting firms may be retained to                        implicate the Loan Provision.27 As a
                                                  aggregate their customer records into a single or a     perform audits of various entities within                  result, certain lending relationships
                                                  few ‘‘omnibus’’ accounts registered in the              the ICC. If an accounting firm is not
                                                  intermediary’s name on the fund transfer agent’s                                                                   with members of the audit engagement
                                                  recordkeeping system. Shares of other types of          independent under the Loan Provision                       team, individuals generally in the
                                                  registered investment companies, such as closed-        with respect to only one of a given ICC’s                  supervisory reporting chain for the
                                                  end funds, also are frequently held by broker-          funds, no fund or other entity in the ICC                  audit, certain accounting firm
                                                  dealers and other financial intermediaries as record    can engage or retain that accounting
                                                  owners on behalf of their customers, who are not                                                                   employees in the same primary office as
                                                  required and may be unwilling to provide,               firm as an independent auditor                             the lead engagement partner, and other
                                                  information about the underlying beneficial owners      consistent with Rule 2–01 of Regulation                    accounting firm employees—or with
                                                  to accounting firms, and particularly accounting
                                                  firms that do not audit the fund. In addition, a                                                                   immediate family members of any of
                                                                                                            24 See  Rule 2–01(f)(6) of Regulation S–X.
                                                  financial intermediary may act as an authorized           25 See
                                                                                                                                                                     those persons—could be found to
                                                                                                                    Rule 2–01(f)(4) of Regulation S–X, in which
                                                  participant or market maker to an exchange-traded
                                                                                                          an ‘‘affiliate of the audit client’’ is defined to         impair the audit firm’s independence.28
                                                  fund (‘‘ETF’’) and be the holder of record or
                                                                                                          include the following:
                                                  beneficial owner of more than 10 percent of an ETF.                                                                   26 In some cases, financial intermediaries such as
                                                                                                             (i) An entity that has control over the audit client,
                                                     An open-end fund, or open-end company, is a                                                                     broker-dealers or banks hold fund shares on behalf
                                                                                                          or over which the audit client has control, or which
                                                  management company that is offering for sale or has                                                                of other financial intermediaries, such as retirement
                                                                                                          is under common control with the audit client,
                                                  outstanding any redeemable securities of which it                                                                  plan administrators or other broker-dealers, creating
                                                                                                          including the audit client’s parents and
                                                  is the issuer. A closed-end fund, or closed-end
                                                                                                          subsidiaries;                                              multiple layers of intermediaries between the fund
                                                  company, is any management company other than
                                                                                                             (ii) An entity over which the audit client has          and the beneficial owners of its shares. See also,
                                                  an open-end company. See Section 5 of the
                                                                                                          significant influence, unless the entity is not            e.g., Mutual Fund Redemption Fees, Release No.
                                                  Investment Company Act [15 U.S.C. 80a–5]. ETFs
                                                  registered with the Commission are organized either     material to the audit client;                              IC–27504 (Sept. 27, 2006) [71 CFR 58257 (Oct. 3,
                                                  as open-end management companies or unit                   (iii) An entity that has significant influence over     2006)] at 58258 (discussing application of Rule
                                                  investment trusts. See Section 4 of the Investment      the audit client, unless the audit client is not           22c–2 under the Investment Company Act to
                                                  Company Act [15 U.S.C. 80a–4] (defining the terms       material to the entity; and                                ‘‘chains of intermediaries’’).
                                                                                                                                                                        27 See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(ii) of Regulation S–X.
                                                  ‘‘management company’’ and ‘‘unit investment               (iv) Each entity in the investment company
                                                  trust’’). References to ‘‘funds’’ in this Release       complex when the audit client is an entity that is            28 See Rule 2–01(f)(11) of Regulation S–X

                                                  include ETFs, unless specifically noted.                part of an investment company complex.                     (definition of ‘‘covered persons’’).
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                                                  20758                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                     The Commission understands that                      provision of audit services to investors               receipt of a high volume of
                                                  accounting firms use loans to help                      and other market participants, but also                communications of such relationships
                                                  finance their core business operations.                 multiply the number of lenders that may                may dilute the impact of
                                                  Accounting firms frequently obtain                      also be record or beneficial owners of                 communications that identify issues
                                                  financing to pay for their labor and out-               securities in audit clients and that must              that may actually raise concerns about
                                                  of-pocket expenses before they receive                  be analyzed under the Loan Provision.                  an auditor’s independence.31
                                                  payments from audit clients for those                      The current market conditions that                    Similarly, numerous violations of the
                                                  services. Accounting firms also use                     have enabled these accounting firms’                   independence rules that no reasonable
                                                  financing to fund current operations and                financing methods appear to have                       person would view as implicating an
                                                  provide capital to fund ongoing                         resulted in various scenarios in which                 auditor’s objectivity and impartiality
                                                  investments in their audit                              the Loan Provision deems an accounting                 could desensitize market participants to
                                                  methodologies and technology.                           firm’s independence to be impaired,                    other, more significant violations of the
                                                  Accounting firms borrow from                            notwithstanding that the relevant facts
                                                  commercial banks or through private                     and circumstances regarding the                        least annually with respect to each of its audit
                                                                                                          relationships between the auditor and                  clients, to: (1) Describe, in writing, to the audit
                                                  placement debt issuances, typically                                                                            committee of the audit client, all relationships
                                                  purchased by large financial                            the audit client suggest that in most                  between the registered public accounting firm or
                                                  institutions, both of which give rise to                cases the auditor’s objectivity and                    any affiliates of the firm and the audit client or
                                                  debtor-creditor relationships.29 For                    impartiality do not appear to be affected              persons in financial reporting oversight roles at the
                                                                                                                                                                 audit client that, as of the date of the
                                                  creditor diversification purposes, credit               as a practical matter. Nevertheless,                   communication, may reasonably be thought to bear
                                                  facilities provided or arranged by                      auditors and audit committees may feel                 on independence; (2) discuss with the audit
                                                  commercial banks are often syndicated                   obligated to devote substantial resources              committee of the audit client the potential effects
                                                  among multiple financial institutions,                  to evaluating potential instances of                   of the relationships described in subsection (b)(1)
                                                                                                                                                                 on the independence of the registered public
                                                  thereby expanding the number of                         noncompliance with the existing Loan                   accounting firm; (3) affirm to the audit committee
                                                  lenders to an accounting firm. As a                     Provision, which could distract                        of the audit client, in writing, that, as of the date
                                                  result, accounting firms typically have a               auditors’ and audit committees’                        of the communication, the registered public
                                                                                                          attention from matters that may be more                accounting firm is independent in compliance with
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  wide array of lending arrangements.
                                                                                                                                                                 Rule 3520; and (4) document the substance of its
                                                  These arrangements facilitate firms’                    likely to bear on the auditor’s objectivity            discussion with the audit committee of the audit
                                                                                                          and impartiality.30 Audit committees’                  client.
                                                     29 The Commission further understands that                                                                     31 In this Release, we use the term ‘‘audit

                                                  insurance companies may purchase accounting                30 Auditors are required to communicate any         committee,’’ when referring to funds, generally to
                                                  firms’ private placement notes. Insurance               relationships, including lending relationships, with   refer to audit committees established by a fund’s
                                                  companies may also act as sponsors of insurance         the audit client that may reasonably be thought to     board of directors or trustees or, where no formal
                                                  products, and may be record owners, on behalf of        bear on independence to the audit committee at         audit committee exists as may be the case for
                                                  contract holders, of certain investment companies’      least annually. See, e.g., PCAOB Rule 3526             certain private funds, for example, those

                                                  equity securities.                                      (requiring a registered public accounting firm, at     responsible for the governance of the fund.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                         20759

                                                  independence rules. Respect for the                      challenges, and recognizing that funds                     relationships that could impair an
                                                  seriousness of these obligations is better               and their advisers were most acutely                       auditor’s objectivity and impartiality,
                                                  fostered through limiting violations to                  affected by the Loan Provision, the                        yet would not include certain extended
                                                  those instances in which the auditor’s                   Commission staff issued a no-action                        relationships that are unlikely to present
                                                  independence would be impaired in fact                   letter to Fidelity Management &                            threats to objectivity or impartiality.37
                                                  or in appearance.                                        Research Company regarding the                             Specifically, we are proposing
                                                     Moreover, searching for, identifying,                 application of the Loan Provision                          amendments that would:
                                                  and assessing noncompliance or                           (‘‘Fidelity No-Action Letter’’).35 In the                     • Focus the analysis solely on
                                                  potential non-compliance with the Loan                   Fidelity No-Action Letter, the staff                       beneficial ownership;
                                                  Provision and reporting these instances                  stated that it would not recommend                            • replace the existing 10 percent
                                                  to audit committees also may generate                    enforcement action to the Commission,                      bright-line shareholder ownership test
                                                  significant costs for entities and their                 even though certain Fidelity entities                      with a ‘‘significant influence’’ test;
                                                  advisers and auditors, which costs are                   identified in the letter used audit firms                     • add a ‘‘known through reasonable
                                                  ultimately borne by shareholders. These                  that were not in compliance with the                       inquiry’’ standard with respect to
                                                  costs are unlikely to entail                             Loan Provision, subject to certain                         identifying beneficial owners of the
                                                  corresponding benefits to the extent that                conditions specified in the letter (e.g.,                  audit client’s equity securities; and
                                                  the Loan Provision’s breadth identifies                  that notwithstanding such non-                                • amend the definition of ‘‘audit
                                                  and requires analysis of circumstances                   compliance, the audit firm had                             client’’ for a fund under audit to exclude
                                                  that are unlikely to bear on the auditor’s               concluded that it is objective and                         from the provision funds that otherwise
                                                  independence.                                            impartial with respect to the issues                       would be considered ‘‘affiliates of the
                                                     In addition, the compliance                           encompassed within the engagement).36                      audit client.’’
                                                  challenges associated with the Loan                      Staff continue to receive inquiries from                      The proposed amendments are
                                                  Provision can have broader disruptive                    registrants and accounting firms                           designed to better focus the Loan
                                                  effects, particularly for funds.32 For                   regarding the application of the Loan                      Provision on those relationships that,
                                                  example, in order for a registered open-                 Provision, or clarification of the Fidelity                whether in fact or in appearance, could
                                                  end fund to make a continuous offering                   No-Action Letter, and requests for                         threaten an auditor’s ability to exercise
                                                  of its securities, it must maintain a                    consultation regarding issues not                          objective and impartial judgment. We
                                                  current prospectus by periodically filing                covered in the Fidelity No-Action                          also are soliciting input on other
                                                  post-effective amendments to its                         Letter.                                                    potential changes to the Loan Provision
                                                  registration statement that contain                                                                                 or Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X that may
                                                                                                           II. Proposed Amendments                                    be appropriate.
                                                  updated financial information audited
                                                  by an independent public accountant in                   A. Overview of the Proposed                                   Given that compliance challenges
                                                  accordance with Regulation S–X.33 In                     Amendments                                                 associated with applying the Loan
                                                  addition, the federal securities laws                       Given the dynamics identified above,                    Provision have arisen with entities other
                                                  require that investment companies                        we are proposing amendments to Rule                        than funds, the proposed amendments
                                                  registered under the Investment                          2–01 of Regulation S–X that would                          would apply broadly to entities beyond
                                                  Company Act transmit annually to                         result in a rule that we believe would                     the investment management industry,
                                                  shareholders and file with the                           effectively identify those debtor-creditor                 including operating companies and
                                                  Commission financial statements                                                                                     registered broker-dealers.
                                                  audited by an independent registered                        35 See No-Action Letter from the Division of
                                                                                                                                                                      B. Focus the Analysis Solely on
                                                  public accounting firm.34 Accordingly,                   Investment Management to Fidelity Management &             Beneficial Ownership
                                                  noncompliance with the auditor                           Research Company (June 20, 2016) (‘‘June 20, 2016
                                                  independence rules in some cases can                     Letter’’), available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/        Where a lender to an auditor holds
                                                                                                           investment/noaction/2016/fidelity-management-              more than 10 percent of the equity
                                                  result in affected funds not being able to               research-company-062016.htm. The June 20, 2016
                                                  sell shares, investors not being able to                 Letter provided temporary no-action relief, and was        securities of that auditor’s audit client
                                                  rely on affected financial statements, or                to expire 18 months from the issuance date. On             either as a beneficial owner or as a
                                                  funds (and, indirectly, but importantly,                 September 22, 2017, the staff extended the June 20,        record owner, the Commission’s rules
                                                                                                           2016 Letter until the effective date of any                indicate that the auditor is not
                                                  their investors) having to incur the costs               amendments to the Loan Provision adopted by the
                                                  of re-audits.                                            Commission that are designed to address the                independent of the audit client. The
                                                     In order to provide time for the                      concerns expressed in the June 20, 2016 Letter. See        record owner exceeding 10 percent may
                                                  Commission to address these                              No-Action Letter from the Division of Investment           be a broker-dealer, custodian, or an
                                                                                                           Management to Fidelity Management & Research               intermediary omnibus account holder
                                                                                                           Company (Sept. 22, 2017) (‘‘September 22, 2017
                                                     32 Registered investment advisers that have
                                                                                                           Letter’’), available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/     for its customers. Thus, as noted in
                                                  custody of client funds or securities also face          investment/noaction/2017/fidelity-management-              Section I.B., the existing Loan Provision
                                                  compliance challenges from the Loan Provision.           research-092217-regsx-rule-2-01.htm.                       applies where a lender holds the audit
                                                  These advisers generally are required under the             36 The June 20, 2016 Letter described the
                                                  Custody Rule to obtain a surprise examination
                                                                                                                                                                      client’s equity securities of record, even
                                                                                                           following circumstances, each of which could have
                                                  conducted by an independent public accountant or,        potential implications under the Loan Provision: (i)
                                                                                                                                                                      though the lender may be unable to
                                                  for pooled investment vehicles, may be deemed to         ‘‘An institution that has a lending relationship with      influence an audit client through its
                                                  comply with the requirement by distributing              an Audit Firm holds of record, for the benefit of its      holdings of the audit client’s equity
                                                  financial statements audited by an independent           clients or customers (for example, as an omnibus
                                                  public accountant to the pooled investment
                                                                                                                                                                      securities, and may have no economic
                                                                                                           account holder or custodian), more than 10 percent
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                                                  vehicle’s investors. An auditor’s inability, or          of the shares of a Fidelity Entity;’’ (ii) ‘‘An
                                                                                                                                                                      incentive to do so.38
                                                  potential inability, to comply with the Loan             insurance company that has a lending relationship
                                                  Provision raises questions concerning an adviser’s       with an Audit Firm holds more than 10 percent of             37 See Rule 2–01(b) of Regulation S–X.
                                                  ability to satisfy the requirements of the Custody       the shares of a Fidelity Fund in separate accounts           38 The financial gain of beneficial owners is tied
                                                  Rule.                                                    that it maintains on behalf of its insurance contract      to the performance of their investment and as such,
                                                     33 See generally Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities
                                                                                                           holders;’’ and (iii) ‘‘An institution that has a lending   beneficial owners may have stronger incentives to
                                                  Act [15 U.S.C. 77j(a)(3)] and Item 27 of Form            relationship with an Audit Firm and acts as an             influence the auditor’s report. Record owners, on
                                                  N–1A.                                                    authorized participant or market maker to a Fidelity       the other hand, likely do not benefit directly from
                                                     34 See Rules 30e–1 and 30b2–1 under the               ETF and holds of record or beneficially more than          the performance of securities of which they are
                                                  Investment Company Act.                                  10 percent of the shares of a Fidelity ETF.’’                                                         Continued

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                                                  20760                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    Under the proposed amendments, the                    have the contractual right to remove or                      would include a consideration of the
                                                  Loan Provision would apply only to                      replace a pooled investment vehicle’s                        lender’s beneficial ownership level in
                                                  beneficial owners of the audit client’s                 investment adviser. Although other                           an audit client’s equity securities, a
                                                  equity securities and not to those who                  portions of Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–                       bright-line percentage ownership of an
                                                  merely maintain the audit client’s                      X apply, the Loan Provision’s existing                       audit client’s securities alone would no
                                                  equity securities as a holder of record on              10 percent bright-line test by itself                        longer determine an auditor’s
                                                  behalf of their beneficial owners.39 We                 would not capture this debtor-creditor                       independence with respect to an audit
                                                  believe that tailoring the Loan Provision               relationship even though the                                 client.
                                                  to focus only on the beneficial                         relationship potentially raises questions
                                                  ownership of the audit client’s equity                  about an auditor’s objectivity and                              Specifically, under the ‘‘significant
                                                  securities would more effectively                       impartiality.43                                              influence’’ test we are proposing today,
                                                  identify shareholders ‘‘having a special                   We therefore propose to replace the                       an audit firm, together with its audit
                                                  and influential role with the issuer’’ and              existing 10 percent bright-line test in the                  client, would be required to assess
                                                  therefore better capture those debtor-                  Loan Provision with a ‘‘significant                          whether a lender (that is also a
                                                  creditor relationships that may impair                  influence’’ test similar to that referenced                  beneficial owner of the audit client’s
                                                  an auditor’s independence.40                            in other parts of the Commission’s                           equity securities) has the ability to exert
                                                                                                          auditor independence rules.44                                significant influence over the audit
                                                  C. Significant Influence Test                           Specifically, the proposed amendment                         client’s operating and financial
                                                     Furthermore, we believe that the                     would provide that an accountant                             policies.47 Although not specifically
                                                  current bright-line 10 percent test may                 would not be independent when the                            defined, the term ‘‘significant
                                                  be both over- and under-inclusive as a                  accounting firm, any covered person in                       influence’’ appears in other parts of
                                                  means of identifying those debtor-                      the firm, or any of his or her immediate                     Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X,48 and we
                                                  creditor relationships that actually                    family members has any loan (including                       intend to use the term ‘‘significant
                                                  impair the auditor’s objectivity and                    any margin loan) to or from an audit                         influence’’ in the proposed amendment
                                                  impartiality. For example, the existing                 client, or an audit client’s officers,                       to refer to the principles in the Financial
                                                  Loan Provision applies even in                          directors, or beneficial owners (known                       Accounting Standards Board’s
                                                  situations where the lender may be                      through reasonable inquiry) of the audit                     (‘‘FASB’s’’) ASC Topic 323,
                                                  unable to influence the audit client                    client’s equity securities where such                        Investments—Equity Method and Joint
                                                  through its holdings.41 In such                         beneficial owner has significant                             Ventures.49 The concept of ‘‘significant
                                                  circumstances, the lender’s ownership                   influence over the audit client.45                           influence’’ has been part of the
                                                  of an audit client’s equity securities                     We believe the proposed significant
                                                  alone would not threaten an audit firm’s                                                                             Commission’s auditor independence
                                                                                                          influence test would more effectively
                                                  objectivity and impartiality. Conversely,               identify shareholders ‘‘having a special                     rules since 2000 and has been part of
                                                  the existing Loan Provision does not                    and influential role with the issuer’’ and                   the accounting standards since 1971.50
                                                  apply if the auditor’s lender owns 10                   therefore would better capture those                         Given its use in other parts of the
                                                  percent or less of the audit client’s                   debtor-creditor relationships that may                       Commission’s independence rules,51 the
                                                  equity securities, despite the fact that                impair an auditor’s independence.46                          concept of ‘‘significant influence’’ is one
                                                  such an owner could exert significant                   This test focuses on a lender                                with which audit firms and their clients
                                                  influence over the audit client through                 shareholder’s ability to influence the                       are already required to be familiar.
                                                  contractual or other means.42 A holder                  policies and management of an audit                          While audit firms and audit committees
                                                  of 10 percent or less of an audit client’s              client, based on a totality of the facts                     of operating companies already should
                                                  equity securities could, for example,                   and circumstances. While this analysis                       be familiar with application of the
                                                                                                                                                                       ‘‘significant influence’’ concept, this
                                                  record owners, and as such, they may have low              43 See supra Section I.A for a discussion of the          concept is not as routinely applied
                                                  incentives to affect the report of the auditor. For     general standard under Rule 2–01(b) of Regulation            today in the investment fund context for
                                                  example, record holders’ discretion to vote the         S–X.
                                                  shares on behalf of their beneficial owners is             44 See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E)(1)(i), (E)(1)(ii), (E)(2),
                                                                                                                                                                       financial reporting purposes.52
                                                  typically limited. See the New York Stock Exchange      (E)(3), (f)(4)(ii) and (f)(4)(iii) of Regulation S–X.        Nonetheless, the concept of significant
                                                  (NYSE) Rule 452. The NYSE allows brokers to vote           45 See proposed Rule 2–01(c)(1)(ii)(A) (replacing
                                                  on certain items on behalf of their clients, if the     the phrase ‘‘record or beneficial owners of more                47 See ASC 323, infra footnote 49. See also infra
                                                  broker has received no voting instructions from         than ten percent of the audit client’s equity
                                                  those clients within 10 days of the annual meeting.                                                                  Section II.C for a discussion of an audit client’s
                                                                                                          securities’’ with ‘‘beneficial owners (known through         operating and financial policies in the fund context.
                                                  Brokers are only allowed to cast these discretionary    reasonable inquiry) of the audit client’s equity                48 See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E)(‘‘investments in audit
                                                  votes on ‘‘routine’’ matters, which are generally       securities, where such beneficial owner has
                                                  uncontested and do not include a merger,                                                                             clients’’) and Rule 2–01(f)(4) of Regulation S–X
                                                                                                          significant influence over the audit client’’). Under        (‘‘affiliate of the audit client’’ definition).
                                                  consolidation, or any matter which may affect           the proposed amendments, the rule would continue                49 See ASC 323 Investments—Equity Method and
                                                  substantially the rights or privileges of such stock.   to have exceptions for four types of loans: (1)
                                                  Rule 452 lists the types of matters that brokers may                                                                 Joint Ventures (‘‘ASC 323’’). See 2000 Adopting
                                                                                                          Automobile loans and leases collateralized by the
                                                  not vote without customer instructions, which                                                                        Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76034, note 284
                                                                                                          automobile; (2) loans fully collateralized by the
                                                  include executive compensation or uncontested           cash surrender value of an insurance policy; (3)             (referring to Accounting Principles Board Opinion
                                                  elections of directors (other than uncontested          loans fully collateralized by cash deposits at the           No. 18, ‘‘The Equity Method of Accounting for
                                                  director elections of companies registered under the    same financial institution; and (4) a mortgage loan          Investments in Common Stock’’ (Mar. 1971), which
                                                  Investment Company Act of 1940).                        collateralized by the borrower’s primary residence           was codified at ASC 323).
                                                    39 An equity holder who acquired such                                                                                 50 See Accounting Principles Board (APB)
                                                                                                          provided the loan was not obtained while the
                                                  ownership by buying a certificated share would be       covered person in the firm was a covered person.             Opinion No. 18 (March 1971) (‘‘The Board
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                                                  both a record owner and a beneficial owner and          We discuss the proposed ‘‘known through                      concludes that the equity method of accounting for
                                                  thus would continue to be analyzed under the Loan       reasonable inquiry’’ standard below. See infra               an investment in common stock should also be
                                                  Provision.                                              section II.D.                                                followed by an investor whose investment in voting
                                                    40 See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9.          46 See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9,           stock gives it the ability to exercise significant
                                                    41 Cf. Accounting Standards Codification (‘‘ASC’’)
                                                                                                          at 65 FR 76035 (describing the 10 percent bright-            influence over operating and financial policies of an
                                                  323, infra footnote 49 (providing examples where a      line test as identifying shareholders ‘‘having a             investee even though the investor holds 50% or less
                                                  holder may not have significant influence).             special and influential role with the issuer’’ that          of the voting stock.’’).
                                                                                                                                                                          51 See supra footnote 44.
                                                    42 Cf. ASC 323, infra footnote 49 (providing          ‘‘would be considered to be in a position to
                                                  examples where a holder may have significant            influence the policies and management of that                   52 See ASC 946. Financial Services—Investment

                                                  influence).                                             client.’’).                                                  Companies.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                      20761

                                                  influence is applicable to funds under                      could exist in circumstances where                    and the shareholder does not have the
                                                  existing auditor independence rules.53                      ownership is less than 20 percent.                    ability to influence those portfolio
                                                    Under the proposed test, the ability to                      ASC 323 lists several indicators that,             management processes, significant
                                                  exercise significant influence over the                     as applied to the proposed significant                influence generally would not exist. The
                                                  operating and financial policies of an                      influence test, would suggest a                       ability to vote on the approval of a
                                                  audit client would be based on the facts                    shareholder that owns 20 percent or                   fund’s advisory contract or a fund’s
                                                  and circumstances, and under the                            more of the audit client’s voting                     fundamental policies on a pro rata basis
                                                  existing accounting framework, could be                     securities nonetheless may be unable to               with all holders of the fund alone
                                                  indicated in several ways, including:                       exercise significant influence over the               generally should not lead to the
                                                    • Representation on the board of                          operating and financial policies of the               determination that a shareholder has
                                                  directors;                                                  audit client, including the following:                significant influence. On the other hand,
                                                    • Participation in policy-making                             • Opposition by the audit client, such             if a shareholder in a private fund, for
                                                  processes;                                                  as litigation or complaints to                        example, has a side letter agreement
                                                    • Material intra-entity transactions;                     governmental regulatory authorities,                  outside of the standard partnership
                                                    • Interchange of managerial                               challenging the shareholder’s ability to              agreement that allows for participation
                                                  personnel; or                                               exercise significant influence;                       in portfolio management processes
                                                    • Technological dependency.54                                • An agreement (such as a standstill               (including participation on a fund
                                                     The lender’s beneficial ownership of                     agreement) under which the shareholder
                                                  an audit client’s equity securities also                                                                          advisory committee), then the
                                                                                                              surrenders significant rights as a                    shareholder would likely have
                                                  would be considered in determining                          shareholder;
                                                  whether a lender has significant                                                                                  significant influence.
                                                                                                                 • Majority ownership of the audit                     In circumstances where significant
                                                  influence over an audit client’s                            client is concentrated among a small                  influence could exist, the audit firm
                                                  operating and financial policies.55                         group of shareholders who operate the                 would then evaluate whether an entity
                                                  Unlike the existing Loan Provision,                         audit client without regard to the views              that is a beneficial owner of shares of a
                                                  however, the significant influence test                     of the shareholder;                                   fund audit client has the ability to
                                                  would not set a bright-line threshold                          • The shareholder needs or wants
                                                  above which a lender is assumed to be                                                                             exercise significant influence over the
                                                                                                              more financial information than is                    fund and has a debtor-creditor
                                                  in a position to influence the policies                     available to other shareholders, tries to
                                                  and management of that client. Instead,                                                                           relationship with the audit firm, any
                                                                                                              obtain that information, and fails; 58 and            covered person in the firm, or any of his
                                                  the proposed significant influence test                        • The shareholder tries and fails to
                                                  would be consistent with ASC 323 by                                                                               or her immediate family members.60 If
                                                                                                              obtain representation on the audit                    the auditor determines that significant
                                                  establishing a rebuttable presumption                       client’s board of directors.59
                                                  that a lender beneficially owning 20                                                                              influence does not exist based on the
                                                                                                                 In the fund context, we believe that               facts and circumstances at the time of
                                                  percent or more of an audit client’s                        the operating and financial policies
                                                  voting securities is presumed to have                                                                             the auditor’s initial evaluation, we
                                                                                                              relevant to the significant influence test            believe that the auditor should monitor
                                                  the ability to exercise significant                         would include the fund’s investment
                                                  influence over the audit client, absent                                                                           the Loan Provision on an ongoing basis
                                                                                                              policies and day-to-day portfolio                     which could be done, for example, by
                                                  predominant evidence to the contrary.56                     management processes, including those
                                                  Conversely, and consistent with ASC                                                                               reevaluating its determination when
                                                                                                              governing the selection, purchase and                 there is a material change in the fund’s
                                                  323, under the proposed significant                         sale, and valuation of investments, and
                                                  influence test, if the ownership                                                                                  governance structure and governing
                                                                                                              the distribution of income and capital                documents, publicly available
                                                  percentage were less than 20 percent,                       gains (collectively ‘‘portfolio
                                                  there would be a rebuttable                                                                                       information about beneficial owners, or
                                                                                                              management processes’’). An audit firm                other information that may implicate
                                                  presumption that the lender does not                        could analyze whether significant
                                                  have significant influence over the audit                                                                         the ability of a beneficial owner to exert
                                                                                                              influence over the fund’s portfolio                   significant influence of which the audit
                                                  client, unless it could be demonstrated                     management processes exists based on
                                                  that the lender has the ability to exert                                                                          client or auditor becomes aware.
                                                                                                              an initial evaluation of the fund’s                      We believe that moving to a
                                                  significant influence over the audit                        governance structure and governing                    ‘‘significant influence’’ test would be
                                                  client.57 Thus, significant influence                       documents, the manner in which its                    advantageous. First, the ‘‘significant
                                                                                                              shares are held or distributed, and any               influence’’ test, which applies
                                                    53 See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E)(1)(i), (E)(1)(ii), (E)(2),
                                                                                                              contractual arrangements, among any                   qualitative factors to broadly capture
                                                  and (E)(3) of Regulation S–X.
                                                    54 See ASC 323, supra footnote 49.
                                                                                                              other relevant factors.                               influence over an audit client, would be
                                                    55 The extent of a lender’s ownership interest
                                                                                                                 We believe that it would be                        more effective in identifying lender
                                                  would be considered in relation to the                      appropriate to consider the nature of the             shareholders that threaten an auditor’s
                                                  concentration of other shareholders, but substantial        services provided by the fund’s                       impartiality and independence than the
                                                  or majority ownership of an audit client’s voting           investment adviser(s) pursuant to the
                                                  stock by another shareholder would not necessarily                                                                current 10 percent bright-line test.
                                                  preclude the ability to exercise significant influence
                                                                                                              terms of an advisory contract with the                   Second, the concept of ‘‘significant
                                                  by the lender. See id.                                      fund as part of this analysis. In                     influence’’ already exists in the auditor
                                                    56 ASC 323 contains a presumption that in the             circumstances where the terms of the                  independence rules and in ASC 323. For
                                                  absence of predominant evidence to the contrary,            advisory agreement grant the adviser                  example, Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E) of
                                                  an investor of 20% or more of the voting stock has          significant discretion with respect to the
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                                                  the ability to exercise significant influence over the                                                            Regulation S–X, which generally
                                                  investee. See ASC 323–10–15–8. See also 2000                fund’s portfolio management processes                 governs investments in entities that
                                                  Adopting Release, supra footnote 9, at 65 FR 76034,                                                               invest in audit clients and investments
                                                  note 497 and accompanying text.                               58 We recognize that there may be reasons other
                                                    57 Under ASC 323, an investment of less than              than a lack of influence—such as concerns under
                                                                                                                                                                    in entities in which audit clients invest,
                                                  20% of the voting stock shall lead to the                   Regulation FD or the antifraud provisions of the      requires the auditor to assess whether
                                                  presumption that an investor does not have the              federal securities laws generally—that might result
                                                  ability to exercise significant influence over the          in an issuer declining to provide financial             60 See infra Part II.D for a discussion of the

                                                  investee unless such ability can be demonstrated.           information to a shareholder.                         proposed ‘‘known through reasonable inquiry’’
                                                  See ASC 323–10–15–8.                                          59 See ASC 323–10–15–10.                            standard.

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                                                  20762                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  investments are material and whether                     ownership information for these                          concept that already should be familiar
                                                  the investment results in the ability to                 owners.63                                                to those charged with compliance with
                                                  exercise significant influence over that                    We therefore propose to amend the                     the provision.
                                                  entity.61 Similarly, the ‘‘affiliate of the              Loan Provision to address the concerns
                                                                                                                                                                    E. Excluding Other Funds That Would
                                                  audit client’’ definition in the auditor                 about accessibility to records or other
                                                  independence rules requires that a                                                                                Be Considered Affiliates of the Audit
                                                                                                           information about beneficial ownership
                                                  determination be made as to whether                                                                               Client
                                                                                                           by adding a ‘‘known through reasonable
                                                  there are entities over which the audit                  inquiry’’ standard with respect to the                      The current definition of ‘‘audit
                                                  client has significant influence (unless                 identification of such owners. Under                     client’’ in Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X
                                                  the entity is not material to the audit                  this proposed amendment, an audit                        includes all ‘‘affiliates of the audit
                                                  client) or any entities that have                        firm, in coordination with its audit                     client,’’ which broadly encompasses,
                                                  significant influence over the audit                     client, would be required to analyze                     among others, each entity in an ICC of
                                                  client (unless the audit client is not                   beneficial owners of the audit client’s                  which the audit client is a part. In the
                                                  material to the entity).62 The parties that              equity securities who are known                          fund context, this expansive definition
                                                  would be tasked with implementing a                      through reasonable inquiry. We believe                   of ‘‘audit client’’ could result in non-
                                                  ‘‘significant influence’’ test in the Loan               that if an auditor does not know after                   compliance with the Loan Provision as
                                                  Provision—accounting firms, issuers                      reasonable inquiry that one of its                       to a broad range of entities, even where
                                                  and their audit committees—thus are                      lenders is also a beneficial owner of the                an auditor does not audit that entity.65
                                                  already required to be familiar with this                audit client’s equity securities,                        Yet, in the investment management
                                                  concept under the auditor                                including because that lender invests in                 context, investors in a fund typically do
                                                  independence rules. We believe that                      the audit client indirectly through one                  not possess the ability to influence the
                                                  these entities likely would be able to                   or more financial intermediaries, the                    policies or management of another fund
                                                  leverage any existing practices,                         auditor’s objectivity and impartiality is                in the same fund complex. Although an
                                                  processes and controls for determining                   unlikely to be impacted by its debtor-                   investor in one fund in a series
                                                  significant influence to comply with the                 creditor relationship with the lender.                   company can vote on matters put to
                                                  proposed changes to the Loan Provision.                  This ‘‘known through reasonable                          shareholders of the company as a whole,
                                                  D. Reasonable Inquiry Compliance                         inquiry’’ standard is generally                          rather than only to shareholders of one
                                                  Threshold                                                consistent with regulations                              particular series, even an investor with
                                                                                                           implementing the Investment Company                      a substantial investment in one series
                                                     As described above, another challenge                 Act, the Securities Act and the                          would be unlikely to have a controlling
                                                  in the application of the current Loan                   Exchange Act,64 and therefore is a                       percentage of voting power of the
                                                  Provision involves the difficulty in                                                                              company as a whole.
                                                  accessing information regarding the                         63 Pursuant to Rule 14a–13(b) under the Exchange         Moreover, for the purposes of the
                                                  ownership percentage of an audit client                  Act, an issuer may obtain from broker-dealers and        Loan Provision, the inclusion of certain
                                                  for the purposes of the current 10                       banks a list of the names, addresses and securities
                                                                                                                                                                    entities in the ICC as a result of the
                                                  percent bright-line test. For example,                   positions of only the beneficial owners who either
                                                                                                           have consented or have not objected to having such       definition of ‘‘audit client’’ is in tension
                                                  the shares of closed-end funds are                       information provided to issuers. See 17 CFR              with the Commission’s original goal to
                                                  commonly held of record by broker-                       240.14a–13(b).                                           facilitate compliance with the Loan
                                                  dealers, which may be reluctant to share                    64 See, e.g., Rule 3b–4 under the Exchange Act
                                                                                                                                                                    Provision without decreasing its
                                                  information about the underlying                         (stating, with respect to the definition of foreign
                                                                                                           private issuer, that ‘‘[i]f, after reasonable inquiry,   effectiveness.66 Indeed, auditors often
                                                  beneficial owners. In addition, also as                  you are unable to obtain information about the           have little transparency into the
                                                  indicated above, institutions may be the                 amount of shares represented by accounts of              investors of other funds in an ICC
                                                  holder of record of shares in an audit                   customers resident in the United States, you may         (unless they also audit those funds), and
                                                  client merely as custodian or as an                      assume, for purposes of this definition, that the
                                                                                                           customers are residents of the jurisdiction in which
                                                  omnibus account holder, adding a layer,                  the nominee has its principal place of business.);       person who owns of record or is known by the
                                                  and in some cases multiple layers, of                    Rule 144(g) under the Securities Act (noting, with       Registrant to own of record or beneficially five
                                                  complexity to obtaining information                      respect to ‘‘brokers’ transactions’’ that ‘‘[t]he term   percent or more of any class of the Registrant’s
                                                                                                           brokers’ transactions in section 4(4) of the             outstanding equity securities.’’).
                                                  about the underlying beneficial                                                                                      65 For example, under the current Loan Provision,
                                                                                                           [Securities] Act shall for the purposes of this rule
                                                  ownership. Moreover, a beneficial                        be deemed to include transactions by a broker in         an audit firm (‘‘Audit Firm B’’) could be deemed
                                                  owner may object to disclosure of its                    which such broker: . . . (4) After reasonable            not to be independent as to an audit client under
                                                  name, address, and securities position                   inquiry is not aware of circumstances indicating         the following facts: Audit Firm A audits an
                                                  to the issuer, so that issuers may be                    that the person for whose account the securities are     investment company (‘‘Fund A’’) for purposes of
                                                                                                           sold is an underwriter with respect to the securities    the Custody Rule. A global bank (‘‘Bank’’) has a
                                                  unable to obtain the beneficial                          or that the transaction is a part of a distribution of   greater than 10 percent interest in Fund A. Bank is
                                                                                                           securities of the issuer’’); Rule 502(d) under the       a lender to a separate Audit Firm B, but has no
                                                     61 See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9,                                                                lending relationship with Audit Firm A. Audit Firm
                                                                                                           Securities Act (stating, with respect to limits on
                                                  at 65 FR 76034. Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E) of Regulation      resales under Regulation D, that ‘‘[t]he issuer shall    B audits another investment company (‘‘Fund B’’)
                                                  S–X contains several provisions that use a               exercise reasonable care to assure that the              that is part of the same ICC as Fund A because it
                                                  materiality qualifier. For example, an accountant        purchasers of the securities are not underwriters        is advised by the same registered investment
                                                  would not be independent if it ‘‘[h]as any material      within the meaning of section 2(a)(11) of the            adviser as Fund A. Under these facts, Audit Firm
                                                  investment in an entity over which an audit client       [Securities] Act, which reasonable care may be           B would not be independent under the existing
                                                  has the ability to exercise significant                  demonstrated by the following: (1) Reasonable            Loan Provision because the entire ICC would be
                                                  influence. . . .’’ See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E)(2) of       inquiry to determine if the purchaser is acquiring       tainted as a result of Bank’s investment relationship
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                                                  Regulation S–X. Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E) of Regulation      the securities for himself or for other persons’’).      with Fund A.
                                                  S–X also contains a significant influence provision      Registered investment companies also are subject to         66 See 2000 Adopting Release, supra footnote 9,
                                                  without a materiality qualifier, in which an             a similar requirement to disclose certain known          at 76035 (The Commission, in adopting an
                                                  accountant would not be independent of its audit         beneficial owners. See Item 18 of Form N–1A              ownership threshold of 10 percent, rather than the
                                                  client when the accountant ‘‘[h]as the ability to        (‘‘State the name, address, and percentage of            five percent proposed, stated that ‘‘[w]e have made
                                                  exercise significant influence over an entity that has   ownership of each person who owns of record or           this change because we believe that doing so will
                                                  the ability to exercise significant influence over an    is known by the Fund to own beneficially 5% or           not make the rule significantly less effective, and
                                                  audit client.’’ See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(i)(E)(3) of          more of any Class of the Fund’s outstanding equity       may significantly increase the ease with which one
                                                  Regulation S–X.                                          securities.’’); and Item 19 of Form N–2 (‘‘State the     can obtain the information necessary to assure
                                                     62 See Rule 2–01(f)(4) of Regulation S–X.             name, address, and percentage of ownership of each       compliance with this rule.’’).

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            20763

                                                  therefore, are likely to have little ability                 Æ Would eliminating the requirement                while also identifying debtor-creditor
                                                  to collect such beneficial ownership                       to analyze record owners under the                   relationships that may bear on an
                                                  information.                                               Loan Provision raise other concerns                  auditor’s independence with respect to
                                                     As a result, we propose, for purposes                   about the independence of auditors? If               a fund client? Why or why not? Is there
                                                  of the Loan Provision, to exclude from                     so, what concerns would it raise and                 further guidance that we should provide
                                                  the definition of audit client, for a fund                 why?                                                 or other approaches that we should
                                                  under audit, any other fund that                             Æ If the Commission merely amended                 consider?
                                                  otherwise would be considered an                           the Loan Provision to provide for                       Æ Should the ‘‘significant influence’’
                                                  affiliate of the audit client.67 Thus, for                 evaluation of the beneficial owner,                  test (or specific elements) be codified in
                                                  example, if an auditor were auditing                       rather than record owner, would other                our rules? Why or why not?
                                                  Fund ABC, a series in Trust XYZ, the                       proposed amendments be necessary or                     Æ Authorized participants (‘‘APs’’) for
                                                  audit client for purposes of the Loan                      appropriate? Why or why not?                         ETFs deposit or receive basket assets in
                                                  Provision would exclude all other series                                                                        exchange for creation units of the fund.
                                                                                                             2. ‘‘Significant Influence’’ Test                    We believe that the deposit or receipt of
                                                  in Trust XYZ and any other fund that
                                                  otherwise would be considered an                              Æ Should we amend the Loan                        basket assets by an AP that is also a
                                                  affiliate of the audit client. The                         Provision to replace the 10 percent                  lender to the auditor alone would not
                                                  proposed amendment would, without                          bright-line test with a ‘‘significant                constitute significant influence over an
                                                  implicating an auditor’s objectivity and                   influence’’ test? Why or why not?                    ETF audit client. Should we provide
                                                  impartiality, address the compliance                          Æ Would the proposed reference to                 additional guidance about the proposed
                                                  challenges associated with the                             ASC’s 323’s provisions for ‘‘significant             ‘‘significant influence’’ test with respect
                                                  application of the Loan Provision where                    influence’’ effectively identify those               to APs? Similarly, should we provide
                                                  the audit client is part of an ICC, such                   lending relationships that may                       additional guidance about the proposed
                                                  as when an accountant is an auditor of                     compromise auditor independence?                     ‘‘significant influence’’ test with respect
                                                  only one fund within an ICC, and the                          Æ Would amending the Loan                         to a market maker that is also a lender
                                                  auditor must be independent of every                       Provision to replace the 10 percent                  to the auditor and that engages an AP on
                                                  other fund (and other entity) within the                   bright-line test with a ‘‘significant                an agency basis to create or redeem
                                                  ICC, regardless of whether the auditor                     influence’’ test, along with the other               creation units of the ETF on its behalf?
                                                  audits that fund.                                          proposed amendments, address the                        Æ ASC 323 includes a rebuttable
                                                                                                             compliance challenges that we identify               presumption of 20 percent. For
                                                  III. Request for Comment                                   above?                                               purposes of the Loan Provision and the
                                                     We request and encourage any                               Æ Application of ‘‘significant                    proposed significant influence test,
                                                  interested person to submit comments                       influence’’ for financial reporting                  should the rebuttable presumption be
                                                  on any aspect of our proposed                              purposes and evaluation of auditor                   lower or higher than 20 percent? Would
                                                  amendments, other matters that might                       independence may not necessarily be                  a lower threshold (e.g., 10 percent) be
                                                  have an effect on the proposed                             congruent. Accordingly, does ASC                     more likely to capture relevant
                                                  amendments, and any suggestions for                        323—Investments—Equity Method and                    independence-impairing relationships,
                                                  additional changes to other parts of Rule                  Joint Ventures, provide an appropriate               or to result in additional false positives
                                                  2–01 of Regulation S–X. We note that                       framework for analyzing ‘‘significant                that the proposed rule seeks to avoid?
                                                  comments are of greatest assistance                        influence’’ in the context of the Loan               Would setting our threshold differently
                                                  where accompanied by supporting data                       Provision? Why or why not?                           than ASC 323 diminish the benefits that
                                                  and analysis of the issues addressed in                       Æ Are there challenges associated                 we seek to achieve by using an existing
                                                  those comments.                                            with implementing the ‘‘significant                  standard—e.g., by requiring the
                                                     We also specifically seek comment on                    influence’’ test that we should consider?            reperformance of certain analyses at a
                                                  the following changes to the Loan                          Will accounting firms’ and audit clients’            greater degree of sensitivity? How much
                                                  Provision:                                                 relative experience with application of              more complex would it be to apply a
                                                                                                             the ‘‘significant influence’’ test, given its        threshold other than 20 percent? Are
                                                  1. Focus the Analysis Solely on
                                                                                                             use in other contexts, mitigate any such             there further relevant facts about a lower
                                                  Beneficial Ownership
                                                                                                             challenges? To what extent do audit                  or higher threshold that we should
                                                     Æ Should the Loan Provision be                          clients lack experience with application             consider?
                                                  analyzed by reference to beneficial                        of the significant influence test, and                  Æ Would the proposed amendment
                                                  owners rather than record owners? Why                      what costs would such audit clients                  raise any new concerns regarding
                                                  or why not?                                                bear in learning to apply the test? Will             auditor independence (e.g., are there
                                                     Æ Would eliminating the requirement                     funds, which may have relatively less                circumstances related to lending
                                                  to analyze record owners under the                         experience than operating companies                  relationships in which an auditor’s
                                                  Loan Provision ease compliance                             with the significant influence test, face            independence should be considered
                                                  challenges described above under                           any particular challenges in applying                impaired that would not be identified
                                                  Section 1.B.? Is there any further                         the test?                                            under the proposed ‘‘significant
                                                  guidance the Commission should                                Æ Is the proposed ‘‘significant                   influence’’ test)? Conversely, would the
                                                  provide, or should the Commission                          influence’’ test sufficiently clear? Are             proposed ‘‘significant influence’’ test
                                                  consider alternatives?                                     there specific circumstances for which               result in an auditor’s independence
                                                                                                             we should provide additional guidance?               being considered impaired in
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                                                     67 See proposed Rule 2–01(c)(1)(ii)(A)(2) of
                                                                                                             For example, we discuss above the                    circumstances under which the auditor
                                                  Regulation S–X: ‘‘For purposes of paragraph
                                                  (c)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, the term audit client for
                                                                                                             application of the significant influence             should otherwise be considered
                                                  a fund under audit excludes any other fund that            test in the fund context. Is the guidance            independent?
                                                  otherwise would be considered an affiliate of the          sufficiently clear? Would the                           Æ Should we consider alternatives to
                                                  audit client. The term fund means an investment            application of the significant influence             this test? If so, what tests should we
                                                  company or an entity that would be an investment
                                                  company but for the exclusions provided by section
                                                                                                             test as applied to funds be effective in             consider, and what would be the
                                                  3(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15             addressing the compliance challenges                 anticipated costs and benefits? For
                                                  U.S.C. 80a–3(c)).’’                                        generated by the current Loan Provision              example, should the modifier

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                                                  20764                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  ‘‘significant’’ be removed, such that the               4. Proposed Amendment To Exclude                         the lender to the auditing firm has
                                                  test hinges on whether a lender                         From ‘‘Audit Client’’ Other Funds That                   beneficial ownership in the audit
                                                  shareholder has influence over an audit                 Would Be Considered an ‘‘Affiliate of                    client’s equity securities and that
                                                  client? Why or why not? What is the                     the Audit Client’’                                       investment is material to the lender or
                                                  difference between ‘‘influence’’ and                       Æ Should affiliates of an audit client                to the audit client (and the lender has
                                                  ‘‘significant influence’’ in the auditor                be excluded from the definition of                       the ability to exercise significant
                                                  independent context and how does that                   ‘‘audit client’’ as it relates to the Loan               influence over the audit client)? Would
                                                  difference inform the test?                             Provision? Why or why not?                               that approach more effectively identify
                                                     Æ Should the nature of the services                     Æ Would the proposed amendment to                     lending relationships that are likely to
                                                  provided by the investment adviser be                   exclude from the term ‘‘audit client’’ for               threaten the auditor’s objectivity and
                                                  part of the significant influence test as               a fund under audit any other fund that                   impartiality? Would focusing on the
                                                  proposed? Why or why not?                               otherwise would be considered an                         perspective of the lender, the audit
                                                                                                          ‘‘affiliate of the audit client’’ address                client, or both be the most effective
                                                  3. ‘‘Known Through Reasonable
                                                                                                          compliance challenges associated with                    barometer of independence?
                                                                                                          the Loan Provision while still effectively                  Æ If we were to add a materiality
                                                     Æ Should the Loan Provision include                                                                           qualifier to the Loan Provision as
                                                                                                          identifying lending relationships that
                                                  a ‘‘known through reasonable inquiry’’                                                                           described above, which qualitative and
                                                                                                          may impair auditor independence?
                                                  standard? Why or why not? What                             Æ Would the proposed amendment                        quantitative factors should be
                                                  alternatives should we consider?                        appropriately exclude funds of an                        considered in making the materiality
                                                     Æ Would the proposed ‘‘known                                                                                  assessment? Would such a materiality
                                                                                                          ‘‘investment company complex’’ (other
                                                  through reasonable inquiry’’ standard                                                                            assessment add unnecessary complexity
                                                                                                          than the fund under audit) that are
                                                  with respect to identifying beneficial                                                                           to the significant influence analysis?
                                                                                                          currently within the Loan Provision’s
                                                  owners help to address compliance                                                                                Would a materiality qualifier tend to
                                                  challenges associated with the Loan                        Æ Alternatively, are there other                      exclude most lending relationships from
                                                  Provision?                                              changes we should consider to the Loan                   the Loan Provision? What guidance, if
                                                     Æ Are there specific circumstances for                                                                        any, should the Commission provide?
                                                                                                          Provision to appropriately exclude
                                                  which we should provide additional
                                                                                                          certain affiliated funds?                                B. Accounting Firms’ ‘‘Covered
                                                  guidance about the proposed ‘‘known                        In addition to any comments
                                                  through reasonable inquiry’’ standard?                                                                           Persons’’ and Immediate Family
                                                                                                          regarding the proposed amendments, we                    Members
                                                     Æ Does the ‘‘known through                           also seek comment on the following
                                                  reasonable inquiry’’ standard raise any                 potential changes to the Loan Provision                     The Loan Provision is implicated with
                                                  new concerns regarding auditor                          and to other provisions in Rule 2–01                     respect to loans both to and from an
                                                  independence (e.g., are there                           that we considered but determined not                    accounting firm, and also any ‘‘covered
                                                  circumstances related to lending                        to propose at this time.                                 person’’ in the firm or any of his or her
                                                  relationships in which an auditor’s                                                                              immediate family members.70 Some of
                                                  independence should be considered                       A. Materiality                                           the consultations the Commission staff
                                                  impaired that would not be identified                     The proposed amendments to the                         have had with audit firms, funds, and
                                                  under the proposed amendment and the                    Loan Provision do not consider whether                   operating companies involved lending
                                                  use of ‘‘known through reasonable                       the lender’s investment in the equity                    relationships to or from covered persons
                                                  inquiry’’ standard)?                                    securities of the audit client is material               or their immediate family members.
                                                     Æ Alternatively, should we amend the                 to the lender or to the audit client.69 We                  Æ Should we amend the definition of
                                                  Loan Provision to apply the significant                 believe that adding a materiality                        ‘‘covered person’’ for purposes of the
                                                  influence test to ‘‘known beneficial                    qualifier to the proposed significant                    Loan Provision or elsewhere in the
                                                  owners’’ of an audit client’s equity                    influence test is unnecessary to achieve                 auditor independence rules, and if so,
                                                  securities, without also including a                    our goal of effectively and appropriately                how should the definition of ‘‘covered
                                                  reasonable inquiry standard, consistent                 identifying lending relationships that                   person’’ be amended?
                                                  with the way beneficial owners are                      could pose threats to auditor                               Æ In particular, taking into account
                                                  treated elsewhere in Regulation S–X                     independence. Nevertheless, we request                   the proposed ‘‘significant influence’’
                                                  (that is, when assessing compliance                     comment on whether there should be a                     test, should we, for example, remove or
                                                  with the Loan Provision, the                            materiality qualifier as part of the Loan                revise the part of the current definition
                                                  determination would encompass                           Provision.                                               that includes any partner, principal, or
                                                  assessing whether the known beneficial                    Æ For example, should we include a                     shareholder from an ‘‘office’’ of the
                                                  owners have significant influence over                  provision for assessing materiality in the               accounting firm in which the lead audit
                                                  the audit client)? 68                                   Loan Provision such that an auditor’s                    engagement partner primarily practices
                                                                                                          independence would only be impaired                      in connection with the audit? Should all
                                                     68 Under Rule 1–02(r) of Regulation S–X,
                                                                                                          as a result of certain relationships where               of these persons practicing out of an
                                                  ‘‘principal holder of equity securities,’’ when used                                                             office from which an audit is conducted
                                                  in respect of a registrant or other person named in
                                                  a particular statement or report, is defined to mean:   of the Fund’s outstanding equity securities.’’); and     be included? Should immediate family
                                                  ‘‘a holder of record or a known beneficial owner of     Item 19 of Form N–2 (‘‘State the name, address, and      members be removed from the
                                                  more than 10 percent of any class of equity             percentage of ownership of each person who owns          definition? Why or why not?
                                                  securities of the registrant or other person,           of record or is known by the Registrant to own of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                          record or beneficially five percent or more of any
                                                                                                                                                                      Æ In addition, the Loan Provision
                                                  respectively, as of the date of the related balance
                                                  sheet filed.’’ (emphasis added). This approach also     class of the Registrant’s outstanding equity             provides that it does not apply to certain
                                                  would be consistent with the disclosure                 securities.’’).                                          loans made by a financial institution
                                                  requirements for registered funds, which require a         69 Certain other provisions of the existing auditor
                                                                                                                                                                   under its normal lending procedures,
                                                  fund to disclose information about known                independence rules utilize a materiality qualifier.      terms, and requirements, such as
                                                  beneficial owners of five percent or more of the        For example, an accountant is deemed not to be
                                                  fund’s securities. See Item 18 of Form N–1A (‘‘State    independent if the accountant has ‘‘any direct           automobile loans and leases
                                                  the name, address, and percentage of ownership of       financial interest or material indirect financial
                                                  each person who owns of record or is known by the       interest in the accountant’s audit client.’’ See Rule      70 See Rule 2–01(c)(1)(ii)(A) and (f)(11) of

                                                  Fund to own beneficially 5% or more of any Class        2–01(c)(1) of Regulation S–X. (emphasis added)           Regulation S–X.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                    20765

                                                  collateralized by the automobile. Should                  Æ Would this approach be sufficient                 provision funds that otherwise would be
                                                  we consider expanding or otherwise                      for evaluating compliance with the Loan               considered affiliates of the audit client.
                                                  modifying the specific types of loans                   Provision? Why or why not?                               Under existing rules, the bright-line
                                                  that will not implicate the Loan                                                                              test does not recognize an accountant as
                                                                                                          D. Secondary Market Purchases of Debt
                                                  Provision, given that the Loan Provision                                                                      independent if the accounting firm, any
                                                  applies to covered persons of the                          The existing Loan Provision
                                                                                                                                                                covered person in the firm, or any of his
                                                  accounting firm and their immediate                     encompasses lending arrangements that
                                                                                                          may change depending upon secondary                   or her immediate family members has
                                                  family members? For example, should                                                                           any loan to or from an audit client or an
                                                  the Loan Provision address student                      market purchases of syndicated or other
                                                                                                          debt. For example, audit firms may                    audit client’s officers, directors, or
                                                  loans or partner capital account loans?                                                                       record or beneficial owners of more than
                                                  If so, how should it address them? For                  issue private placement notes for
                                                                                                          financing purposes, which could then                  10 percent of the audit client’s equity
                                                  example, should it exclude them                                                                               securities. In terms of the scope of the
                                                  altogether or exclude them under                        be sold on the secondary market to new
                                                                                                          purchasers thereby creating new lending               ‘‘audit client’’ definition, the existing
                                                  certain conditions? If so, under what                                                                         rule is generally broad, including as it
                                                  conditions?                                             relationships between the audit firm
                                                                                                          and these new secondary market                        relates to an audit client in an ICC.75 As
                                                  C. Evaluation of Compliance                             purchasers.                                           discussed above, Commission staff has
                                                                                                             Æ Should such secondary market                     engaged in extensive consultations with
                                                     Rule 2–01(c)(1) of Regulation S–X                    relationships be taken into account or                audit firms, funds, and operating
                                                  provides that an accountant is not                      excluded from the Loan Provision? Do                  companies regarding the application of
                                                  independent if the accountant has an                    secondary market relationships raise                  the Loan Provision. These consultations
                                                  independence-impairing relationship                     concerns about auditor independence?                  revealed that a number of entities face
                                                  specified in the rule at any point during                                                                     significant practical challenges to
                                                  the audit and professional engagement                   E. Other Changes to the Commission’s                  compliance with the Loan Provision.
                                                  period. Some existing disclosure                        Auditor Independence Rules                            These discussions also revealed that in
                                                  requirements require information about                    Æ Should we make other changes to                   certain scenarios, in which the Loan
                                                  beneficial owners as of a specified                     our auditor independence rules? If so,                Provision was implicated, the auditor’s
                                                  date.71                                                 which rules and why?                                  objectivity and impartiality in
                                                     Æ Should the rule provide that                         Æ Would our proposed amendments                     performing the required audit and
                                                  auditor independence may be assessed                    have any unintended impact on other                   interim reviews were not impaired.
                                                  in reliance on such disclosures? Should                 professional standards that may exist,
                                                                                                                                                                   We are mindful of the costs imposed
                                                  we make any changes related to the                      such as the requirements of the PCAOB,
                                                                                                          professional societies, or state boards of            by and the benefits obtained from our
                                                  frequency with which, the date as of                                                                          rules and amendments.76 The following
                                                  which, or circumstances under which,                    accountancy?
                                                                                                                                                                economic analysis seeks to identify and
                                                  an auditor must assess compliance with                  IV. Paperwork Reduction Act                           consider the likely benefits and costs
                                                  the Loan Provision or other provisions                                                                        that would result from the proposed
                                                  of Rule 2–01 of Regulation S–X? More                       The amendments we are proposing do
                                                                                                          not impose any new ‘‘collections of                   amendments, including their effects on
                                                  specifically, should we permit the Loan                                                                       efficiency, competition, and capital
                                                                                                          information’’ within the meaning of the
                                                  Provision or other financial                                                                                  formation. The discussion below
                                                                                                          Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                  relationships to be assessed at specific                                                                      elaborates on the likely economic effects
                                                                                                          (‘‘PRA’’),73 nor do they create any new
                                                  dates during the audit and professional                                                                       of the proposed rules.
                                                                                                          filing, reporting, recordkeeping, or
                                                  engagement period, or the beginnings or
                                                                                                          disclosure requirements. Accordingly,
                                                  ends of specific periods, or under                                                                            A. General Economic Considerations
                                                                                                          we are not submitting the proposed
                                                  specified circumstances? If so, what
                                                                                                          amendments to the Office of                              Given that the actions of fund and
                                                  would be appropriate dates, periods, or
                                                                                                          Management and Budget for review in                   operating company management are not
                                                                                                          accordance with the PRA.74 We request                 usually observable, the information
                                                     We believe that if the auditor                       comment on whether our conclusion                     contained in mandated financial reports
                                                  determines that significant influence                   that there are no collections of                      is important to investors, because it
                                                  over the fund’s management processes                    information is correct.                               serves as a summary measure of
                                                  could not exist,72 the auditor could                                                                          outcomes of managerial actions and
                                                  monitor its independence on an ongoing                  V. Economic Analysis
                                                  basis by reevaluating its determination                   The Commission is proposing to                        75 See  supra footnote 16 and accompanying text.
                                                  in response to a material change in the                 amend the Loan Provision in Rule 2–01                   76 Section  2(b) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C.
                                                  fund’s governance structure and                         of Regulation S–X by: (1) Focusing the                77b(b)], Section 3(f) of the Exchange Act [17 U.S.C.
                                                  governing documents, publicly available                 analysis solely on beneficial ownership;              78c(f)], Section 2(c) of the Investment Company Act
                                                  information about beneficial owners, or                 (2) replacing the existing 10 percent                 [15 U.S.C. 80a–2(c)], and Section 202(c) of the
                                                                                                                                                                Investment Advisers Act [15 U.S.C. 80b–2(c)]
                                                  other information which may implicate                   bright-line equity shareholder                        require the Commission, when engaging in
                                                  the ability of a beneficial owner to exert              ownership test with a ‘‘significant                   rulemaking where it is required to consider or
                                                  significant influence of which the audit                influence’’ test; (3) adding a ‘‘known                determine whether an action is necessary or
                                                                                                          through reasonable inquiry’’ standard                 appropriate in the public interest, to consider, in
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  client or auditor becomes aware.
                                                                                                                                                                addition to the protection of investors, whether the
                                                                                                          with respect to identifying beneficial                action will promote efficiency, competition and
                                                    71 See e.g., Item 18 of Form N–1A and Item 19 of      owners of the audit client’s equity                   capital formation. Additionally, Section 23(a)(2) of
                                                  Form N–2.                                               securities; and (4) amending the                      the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. 78w(a)(2)] requires us,
                                                    72 For funds, the auditor’s initial determination                                                           when adopting rules under the Exchange Act, to
                                                                                                          definition of ‘‘audit client’’ for a fund
                                                  would be based on an evaluation of a fund’s                                                                   consider, among other things, the impact that any
                                                  governance structure and governing documents, the
                                                                                                          under audit to exclude from the                       new rule would have on competition and not to
                                                  manner in which its shares are held or distributed,                                                           adopt any rule that would impose a burden on
                                                                                                           73 44   U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.
                                                  and any contractual arrangements, among any other                                                             competition that is not necessary or appropriate in
                                                  relevant factors.                                        74 44   U.S.C. 3507(d) and 5 CFR 1320.11.            furtherance of the Exchange Act.

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                                                  20766                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  decisions.77 However, financial reports                 beneficial owners are more likely to                  financing transactions with audit firms
                                                  are prepared by agents, and given the                   pose a risk to auditor independence                   and their partners and employees. Other
                                                  possibility that agents may have                        than record owners given that the                     parties that may be affected are covered
                                                  incentives to take actions that are not in              financial gain of beneficial owners is                persons and their immediate family
                                                  the best interest of shareholders, agents               tied to the performance of their                      members. Indirectly, the proposed
                                                  may also have incentives to misreport                   investment, and as such, beneficial                   amendment would affect audit clients’
                                                  such decisions and their outcomes. In                   owners may have strong incentives to                  investors.
                                                  order for the reported information to be                influence the auditor’s report. Record                   We are not able to precisely estimate
                                                  useful to investors, it needs to be                     owners, on the other hand, may not                    the number of current auditor
                                                  relevant and reliable. The independent                  benefit from the performance of                       engagements that would be immediately
                                                  audit of such information by impartial                  securities of which they are record                   affected by the proposed amendments.
                                                  skilled professionals (i.e., auditors) is               owners, and as such, they may have low                Specifically, precise data on how audit
                                                  intended to create reliability in financial             incentives to influence the report of the             firms finance their operations and how
                                                  reports.78 Any potential conflicts of                   auditor. Both the magnitude as well as                covered persons arrange their personal
                                                  interest between companies or funds                     the type of ownership are likely to be                financing are not available to us and as
                                                  and their auditors may impair the                       relevant factors in determining whether               such we are not able to identify pairs of
                                                  objectivity and impartiality of the                     incentives exist for actions that could               auditors-institutions (lenders).
                                                  auditors in certifying the reported                     impair auditor independence. Beneficial               Moreover, sufficiently detailed and
                                                  performance, thus lowering the                          ownership of more than 10 percent of a                complete data on fund ownership are
                                                  credibility and usefulness of these                     company’s or fund’s equity securities by              not available to us, thus limiting our
                                                  disclosures to investors. Academic                      a lender to the company’s or fund’s                   ability to estimate the prevalence/
                                                  literature discusses and documents the                  auditor is likely to pose a more                      frequency of instances of significant
                                                  importance of the role of auditors as an                significant risk to auditor independence              fund ownership by institutions that are
                                                  external governance mechanism for the                   than record ownership of more than 10                 also lenders to fund auditors.
                                                  firm.79 These studies generally find that               percent of the company’s or fund’s                       Although data on fund ownership are
                                                  better audit quality improves financial                 securities by the same lender.                        not readily available, academic studies
                                                  reporting by increasing the credibility of                 The current Loan Provision may in                  of operating companies have shown that
                                                  the financial reports.                                  some cases over-identify and in other                 for a selected sample of firms, the
                                                     An accounting firm is not                            cases under-identify threats to auditor               average blockholder (defined as
                                                  independent under the Loan Provision’s                  independence. The likelihood that the                 beneficial owners of five percent or
                                                  existing bright-line shareholder                        provision over-identifies threats to                  more of a company’s stock) holds about
                                                  ownership test if the firm has a lending                auditor independence will tend to be                  8.5percent of a company’s voting
                                                  relationship with an entity having                      higher when the lender is not a                       stock.81 They also show that numerous
                                                  record or beneficial ownership of more                  beneficial owner of an audit client and               banks and insurance companies are
                                                  than 10 percent of the equity securities                does not have incentives to influence                 included in the list of blockholders.
                                                  of either (a) the firm’s audit client; or (b)           the auditor’s report, but has record                  These findings suggest that the
                                                  any ‘‘affiliate of the audit client,’’                  holdings that exceed the 10 percent                   prevalence of instances of significant
                                                  including, but not limited to, any entity               ownership threshold. On the other                     ownership by institutions that are also
                                                  that is a controlling parent company of                 hand, under-identification of the threat              lenders to auditors could be high.
                                                  the audit client, a controlled subsidiary                                                                        As mentioned above, the proposed
                                                                                                          to auditor independence may occur
                                                  of the audit client, or an entity under                                                                       amendments would impact audits for
                                                                                                          when the lender is a beneficial owner—
                                                  common control with the audit client.                                                                         the universe of affected entities. The
                                                                                                          implying the existence of potential
                                                  The magnitude of a party’s investment                                                                         baseline analysis below focuses mainly
                                                                                                          incentives to influence the auditor’s
                                                  in a company or fund is likely to be                                                                          on the investment management industry
                                                                                                          report—and the investment is close to,
                                                  positively related with any incentive of                                                                      because that is where the most
                                                                                                          but does not exceed, the 10 percent
                                                  that party to use leverage over the                                                                           widespread issues with Loan Provision
                                                                                                          ownership threshold.80
                                                  auditor with whom the party has a                                                                             compliance have been identified to date;
                                                                                                             We are not aware of academic studies
                                                  lending relationship, to obtain personal                                                                      however, the proposed amendments
                                                                                                          that specifically examine the economic
                                                  gain.                                                                                                         would affect entities outside of this
                                                     The 10 percent bright-line test in the               effects of the Loan Provision. The
                                                                                                          remainder of the economic analysis                    space.82
                                                  Loan Provision does not, however,
                                                                                                          presents the baseline, anticipated                       In Table 1, as of December 2017, there
                                                  distinguish between holders of record
                                                                                                          benefits and costs from the proposed                  were around 12,000 fund series, with
                                                  and beneficial owners even though
                                                                                                          amendments, potential effects on                      total net assets of $21 trillion, that file
                                                    77 We use the terms agent and manager                 efficiency, competition and capital                   Form N–SAR with identified accounting
                                                  interchangeably.                                        formation, and alternatives to the                    firms.83 In addition, there were 23
                                                    78 See M. Defond & J. Zhang, A Review of Archival     proposed amendments.
                                                                                                                                                                   81 See Y. Dou, O. Hope, W. Thomas & Y. Zou,
                                                  Auditing Research, 58 J. Acct. & Econ. 275–326
                                                  (2014).                                                 B. Baseline                                           Blockholder Heterogeneity and Financial Reporting
                                                    79 See e.g., N. Tepalagul & L. Lin, Auditor                                                                 Quality, working paper (2013).
                                                                                                             The proposed amendments would                         82 According to the SEC’s EDGAR database,
                                                  Independence and Audit Quality: A Literature
                                                  Review, 30 J. Acct. Audit. & Fin. 101–121 (2015);       change the Loan Provision compliance                  during the period from January 1, 2017 to December
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  M. Defond & J. Zhang, A Review of Archival              requirements for the universe of affected             31, 2017, there were a total of 7,585 entities that
                                                  Auditing Research, 58 J. Acct. & Econ. 275–326          registrants. We believe the main affected             filed at least one Form 10–K, 20–F, or 40–F, or an
                                                  (2014); Y. Chen, S. Sadique, B. Srinidhi, & M.                                                                amendment to one of these forms. This total does
                                                                                                          parties would be audit clients, audit                 not include investment companies and business
                                                  Veeraraghavan, Does High-Quality Auditing
                                                  Mitigate or Encourage Private Information               firms, and institutions engaging in                   development companies.
                                                  Collection?; and R. Ball, S. Jayaraman & L.                                                                      83 There are certain limitations regarding

                                                  Shivakumar, Audited Financial Reporting and               80 We are unable to estimate the extent to which    information reported on Form N–SAR and, as a
                                                  Voluntary Disclosure as Complements: A Test of the      the 10 percent ownership threshold may over- or       result, this does not include information for all
                                                  Confirmation Hypothesis, J. Acct. & Econ. 53(1):        under-identify threats to independence because        registered investment companies. If we were to
                                                  136–166 (2012).                                         public data do not exist.                             incorporate private funds, the number would be

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                    20767

                                                  accounting firms performing audits for                   Loan Provision with respect to one                   auditor. For example, a lender that is a
                                                  these investment companies, though                       fund, under the current rule it cannot               record owner of the audit client’s equity
                                                  these auditing services were                             audit any of the hundreds of other funds             securities may be less likely to attempt
                                                  concentrated among the four largest                      within the same ICC.                                 to influence the auditor’s report than a
                                                  accounting firms. Indeed, about 88                         In response to compliance challenges               lender that is a beneficial owner of the
                                                  percent of the funds were audited by the                 and as discussed above, Commission                   audit client’s equity securities. By
                                                  four largest accounting firms,                           staff issued the Fidelity No-Action                  taking into account the nature as well as
                                                  corresponding to 98percent of the                        Letter to provide relief from the                    the magnitude of ownership, the
                                                  aggregate fund asset value.84                            uncertainty surrounding compliance                   proposed amendments would focus on
                                                                                                           with the Loan Provision. The Fidelity                additional qualitative information to
                                                      TABLE 1—INVESTMENT COMPANY                           No-Action Letter, however, did not                   assess the relationship between the
                                                    AUDITORS AND THEIR AUDITED FUND resolve all compliance uncertainty, was                                     lender and the investee (e.g., a company
                                                    SERIES                                                 limited in scope and provided staff-level            or fund). Thus, we believe that, where
                                                   [N–SARs filed for period dates: June 2017–              relief to the requestor based on the                 there may be weak incentives by the
                                                                   December 2017]                          specific facts and circumstances in the              lender to influence the audit, as when
                                                                                                           request, and did not amend the                       the lender is only a holder of record, the
                                                  Total number of Fund Series .....                 11,666 underlying rule. Staff continues to                  proposed amendments would exclude
                                                  Average number of Fund Series                            receive inquiries from registrants and               relationships that are not likely to be a
                                                    Per Auditor ..............................         507 accounting firms regarding the                       risk to auditor independence. The
                                                  Average Net Assets (in millions)                         application of the Loan Provision,                   proposed amendments would thus
                                                    Per Auditor ..............................     907,813 clarification of the application of the              provide benefits to the extent that they
                                                  Four Largest Audit Firms ............ ..................                                                      would alleviate compliance and related
                                                                                                           Fidelity No-Action Letter, and requests
                                                  Total number of Fund Series .....                 10,177                                                      burdens that auditors and funds would
                                                  Average number of Fund Series                            for consultation regarding issues not
                                                    Per Auditor ..............................       2,544 covered in the Fidelity No-Action                    otherwise undertake to analyze debtor-
                                                  Average Net Assets (in millions)                         Letter. As a result of the remaining                 creditor relationships that are not likely
                                                    Per Auditor ..............................   5,137,472 compliance uncertainty, auditors and                 to threaten an auditor’s objectivity and
                                                  % of Four Audit Firms by Series                       87 audit committees may spend a                         impartiality. Affected registrants also
                                                  % of Four Audit Firms by Net                             significant amount of time and effort to             would be less likely to disqualify
                                                    Assets .....................................        98 comply with the Loan Provision.                      auditors in situations that do not pose
                                                                                                                                                                a risk to auditor independence, thereby
                                                     One key feature of the current rule is               C. Anticipated Benefits and Costs, and                reducing auditor search costs for these
                                                  that the scope of the auditor                           Unintended Consequences                               entities.
                                                  independence rules, including the Loan                                                                           The potential expansion of the pool of
                                                                                                          1. Anticipated Benefits
                                                  Provision, extends beyond the audit                                                                           eligible auditors also could result in
                                                  client to encompass affiliates of the                      Overall, we anticipate monitoring for              better matching between the auditor and
                                                  audit client. According to Morningstar                  non-compliance throughout the                         the client. For example, auditors tend to
                                                  Direct, as of December 31, 2017, 586 out                reporting period would be less                        exhibit a degree of specialization in
                                                  of 977 fund families 85 (excluding                      burdensome for registrants under the                  certain industries.86 If specialized
                                                  closed-end funds) have more than one                    proposed amendments. For example,                     auditors are considered not to be
                                                  fund, 180 have at least 10 funds, 59                    based on the 10 percent bright-line test,             independent due to the Loan Provision,
                                                  have more than 50 funds, and 38 have                    an auditor may be in compliance at the                then an auditor without the relevant
                                                  more than 100 funds. According to the                   beginning of the reporting period.                    specialization may be selected by
                                                  Investment Company Institute, also as of                However, the percentage of ownership                  companies to perform the audit. Such
                                                  December 31, 2017, there were more                      may change during the reporting period,               an outcome could impact the quality of
                                                  than 11,188 open-end funds and around                   which may result in an auditor                        the audit, and as a consequence
                                                  5,500 closed-end funds, with many                       becoming non-compliant, even though                   negatively impact the quality of
                                                  funds belonging to the same fund                        there may be no threat to the auditor’s               financial reporting, and therefore the
                                                  family. Given that many fund                            objectivity or impartiality. Further, a               users of information contained in
                                                  complexes have several funds with                       higher threshold (20 percent) for                     audited financial reports. In addition,
                                                  some complexes having several                           presumed significant influence, as well               this outcome also may lead to less
                                                  hundreds of funds, if any auditor is                    as a qualitative framework for assessing              specialized auditors expending more
                                                  deemed not in compliance with the                       what constitutes significant influence,               time to perform the audit service,
                                                                                                          could better identify a lack of                       thereby increasing audit fees for
                                                  significantly larger; the assets under management of    independence.                                         registrants. We anticipate that the
                                                  private funds are also large.                              There are also potential benefits
                                                    84 According to the 2017 PCAOB Annual Report,                                                               proposed amendments likely would
                                                  there were 535 audit firms registered with the
                                                                                                          associated with excluding record                      positively impact audit quality for
                                                  PCAOB that have issued audit reports for issuers (of    holders from the Loan Provision.                      scenarios such as the one described
                                                  which 338 are domestic audit firms, with the            Currently, the Loan Provision uses the                above. Relatedly, if the proposed
                                                  remaining 197 audit firms located outside the           magnitude of ownership by an auditor’s
                                                  United States). The concentration in the provision                                                            amendments expand the pool of eligible
                                                  of audit services for investment companies is           lender as an indication of the likelihood             auditors, we expect increased
                                                                                                          of a threat to auditor independence
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  indicative of the overall market as well. According                                                           competition among auditors, which
                                                  to a report by Audit Analytics, the four largest        regardless of the nature of ownership.                could reduce the cost of audit services
                                                  accounting firms audit 76% of accelerated and large     From an economic standpoint, the
                                                  accelerated filers, which account for 97.9% of the
                                                  market capitalization for public companies. See         nature of ownership also could                          86 See e.g., N. Dopuch & D. Simunic, Symposium,

                                                  Who Audits Larger Public Companies-2016 Edition,        determine whether incentives as well as               Competition in Auditing: An Assessment, Fourth
                                                  available at http://www.auditanalytics.com/blog/        the ability of the lender to use any                  Symposium on Auditing Research, p 401–450
                                                  who-audits-larger-public-companies-2016-edition.                                                              (1982); and R.W. Knechel, V. Naiker & G. Pachecho,
                                                    85 These fund statistics are based on information
                                                                                                          leverage (due to the lending                          Does Audit Industry Specialization Matter?
                                                  available from Morningstar Direct, and may not          relationship) over the auditor exist that             Evidence from Market Reaction to Auditor
                                                  represent the universe of fund companies.               could affect the objectivity of the                   Switches, 26 Audit. J. Prac. & Theory 19–45 (2007).

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                                                  20768                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  to affected companies and, if such cost                 is implicated during the period.88 We                 specialization and client needs. Though
                                                  savings are passed through to investors,                anticipate that the proposed                          the concentrated nature of the audit
                                                  could result in a lower cost to investors.              amendments would likely mitigate                      industry may not give rise to a
                                                  However, as discussed in Section V.B                    changes in auditors’ independence                     significant increase in competition, the
                                                  above, the audit industry is highly                     status and mitigate any negative                      improved matching between specialized
                                                  concentrated, and as a consequence,                     consequences that can arise from                      auditors and their clients should have a
                                                  such a benefit may not be significant.87                uncertainty about compliance and the                  positive effect on audit quality.
                                                     Another potential benefit of the                     associated costs to the funds or                         The proposed amendments could also
                                                  proposed amendments is that the                         companies involved and their investors.               have a positive impact on the cost of
                                                  replacement of the bright-line test with                   The proposed amendment to add a                    audit firms’ financing. The proposed
                                                  the significant influence test could                    ‘‘known through reasonable inquiry’’                  amendments may result in an expanded
                                                  potentially identify risks to auditor                   standard could potentially improve the                set of choices among existing sources of
                                                  independence that might not have been                   practical application of the significant              financing. This could lead to more
                                                  identified under the existing 10 percent                influence test. As described above, some              efficient financing activities for audit
                                                  bright-line test. For example, a                        of the challenges to compliance with the              firms, thus potentially lowering the cost
                                                  beneficial owner that holds slightly less               existing Loan Provision involve the lack              of capital for audit firms.90 If financing
                                                  than 10 percent of an audit client’s                    of access to information about the                    costs for audit firms decrease as a result
                                                  equity securities is likely to have similar             ownership percentage of a fund that was               of the proposed amendments, then such
                                                  incentives and ability to influence the                 also an audit client. If an auditor does              savings may be passed on to the audit
                                                  auditor’s report than a beneficial owner                not know that one of its lenders is also              client in the form of lower audit fees.
                                                  that holds the same audit client’s equity               an investor in an audit client, including             Investors also may benefit from reduced
                                                  securities at slightly above the 10                     because that lender invests in the audit              audit fees if the savings are passed on
                                                  percent threshold. The existing Loan                    client indirectly through one or more                 to investors. The Commission
                                                  Provision itself would differentially                   financial intermediaries, the auditor’s               understands, however, that audit firms
                                                  classify these two hypothetical                         objectivity and impartiality may be less              likely already receive favorable
                                                  situations, despite their similarity. To                likely to be impacted by its debtor-                  financing terms. Therefore, this effect
                                                  the extent that the proposed                            creditor relationship with the lender.                may not be significant in practice.
                                                  amendments are able to improve                          The proposed ‘‘known through                             The replacement of the bright-line 10
                                                  identification of potential risks to                    reasonable inquiry’’ standard is                      percent test with the significant
                                                  auditor independence through the use                    generally consistent with regulations                 influence test also potentially allows
                                                  of qualitative criteria, then investors are             implementing the Investment Company                   more financing channels for the covered
                                                  likely to benefit from the proposed                     Act, the Securities Act and the                       persons in accounting firms and their
                                                  amendments. In the example above,                       Exchange Act,89 and therefore is a                    immediate family members.91 For
                                                  under the proposed amendments, an                       concept that already should be familiar               example, the covered persons may not
                                                  audit firm would evaluate both                          to those charged with compliance with                 be able to borrow money from certain
                                                  beneficial owners to determine if they                  the provision. The proposed standard is               lenders due to potential non-compliance
                                                  have significant influence, thus                        expected to reduce the compliance costs               with the existing Loan Provision. A
                                                  providing a consistent analysis under                   for audit firms as they could                         larger set of financing channels may
                                                  the Loan Provision for these                            significantly reduce their search costs               potentially lead to lower cost of capital
                                                  economically similar fact patterns.                     for information and data to determine                 for covered persons, increasing their
                                                     In addition, there may be instances in               beneficial ownership. Given that this                 opportunities for investment.
                                                  which non-compliance with the Loan                      would not be a new standard in the                    2. Anticipated Costs and Potential
                                                  Provision may occur during the                          Commission’s regulatory regime, we do                 Unintended Consequences
                                                  reporting year, after an auditor is                     not expect a significant adjustment to
                                                  selected by the registrant or fund.                     apply the ‘‘known through reasonable                     The proposed significant influence
                                                  Particularly for companies in the                       inquiry’’ standard for auditors and their             test may increase the demands on the
                                                  investment management industry, an                      audit clients.                                        time of auditors and audit clients to
                                                  auditor may be deemed to comply with                       The proposal to amend the definition               familiarize themselves with the test and
                                                  the Loan Provision using the bright-line                of ‘‘audit client’’ to exclude any fund               gather and assess the relevant
                                                  test when the auditor is hired by the                   not under audit but that otherwise                    information to apply the test. However,
                                                  fund but, due to external factors, such                 would be considered an ‘‘affiliate of the             given that the significant influence test
                                                  as redemption of investments by other                   audit client’’ could potentially lead to a            has been part of the Commission’s
                                                  owners of the fund during the period,                   larger pool of eligible auditors,                     auditor independence rules since 2000
                                                  the lender’s ownership level may                        potentially reducing the costs of                     and has existed in U.S. GAAP since
                                                  increase and exceed 10 percent. Such                    switching auditors, and potentially                   1971, we do not expect a significant
                                                  outcomes would be less likely under the                 creating better matches between                       learning curve in applying the test. We
                                                  proposed amendments, which take into                    auditors and clients. In addition, the                also do not expect significant
                                                  account multiple qualitative factors in                 larger set of potentially eligible auditors           compliance costs for auditors to
                                                  determining whether the Loan Provision                  could lead to an increase in competition              implement the significant influence test
                                                                                                          among auditors for clients, and                          90 Studies on capital markets across countries
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                     87 The proposed amendments could result in
                                                                                                          improved matching between auditor                     suggest that better access to financing leads to more
                                                  some crowding-out effect, as the four largest audit
                                                  firms may be deemed to be independent with more                                                               investment efficiency. See e.g., T. Rice & P. Strahan,
                                                                                                             88 The concept of significant influence, as        Does Credit Competition Affect Small-Firm
                                                  clients under the proposed amendments, crowding
                                                  out small audit firms. We discuss this effect in more   described in ASC Topic 323, Investments—Equity        Finance, 65 J. Fin. 861–889 (2010); R. Mclean, T.
                                                  detail in Section V.D below. However, we believe        Method and Joint Ventures, incorporates a             Zhang & M. Zhao, Why does the Law Matter?
                                                  that better matching between auditor specialization     rebuttable presumption of significant influence       Investor Protection and its Effects on Investment,
                                                  and their clients and the reduced unnecessary           once beneficial ownership exceeds 20% of an audit     Finance, and Growth, 67 J. Fin. 313–350 (2012); and
                                                  auditor turnovers could potentially prevent audit       client’s securities. We discuss the effects of this   J. Wurgler, Financial Markets and the Allocation of
                                                  quality decline and in the long run may improve         provision in Section II.C above.                      Capital, 58 J. Fin. 187–214 (2000).
                                                  audit quality.                                             89 See supra footnote 64.                             91 See supra footnote 11.

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                     20769

                                                  in the context of the Loan Provision                    choices by expanding the number of                    potentially could lead to greater
                                                  given that they already are required to                 auditors that meet the auditor                        competition among the lending
                                                  apply the concept in other parts of the                 independence rules under the Loan                     institutions, leading to lower borrowing
                                                  auditor independence rules. We                          Provision. As discussed earlier, the                  costs for audit firms. Again, this could
                                                  recognize that funds do not generally                   current bright-line test may be over-                 result in lower audit fees, lower fund
                                                  apply a significant influence test for                  inclusive under certain circumstances.                fees, lower compliance expenses, and
                                                  financial reporting purposes. As such,                  If more audit firms are eligible to                   help facilitate capital formation, to the
                                                  despite the fact that they are required to              undertake audit engagements without                   extent that lower borrowing costs for
                                                  apply the significant influence test to                 implicating the Loan Provision, then                  audit firms get passed on to their audit
                                                  comply with the existing Commission                     audit clients will have more options and              clients.
                                                  independence rules, their overall                       as a result audit costs may decrease,                    The proposed amendments also may
                                                  familiarity in other contexts may be less.              although given the highly concentrated                potentially lead to changes in the
                                                  As a result, the proposed significant                   nature of the audit industry, this effect             competitive structure of the audit
                                                  influence test may increase the demands                 may not be significant. Moreover, the                 industry. We expect more accounting
                                                  on the time of funds and their auditors                 potential expansion of choice among                   firms to be eligible to provide auditing
                                                  to gather and assess the relevant                       eligible audit firms and the reduced                  services and be in compliance with
                                                  information and attendant costs.                        threat of being required to switch                    auditor independence under the
                                                     The replacement of the bright-line                   auditors may lead to better matching                  proposed amendments. If the larger
                                                  threshold test with the significant                     between the audit client and the                      audit firms are the ones more likely to
                                                  influence test and the ‘‘known through                  auditor. Improved matching between                    engage in significant financing
                                                  reasonable inquiry’’ standard would                     auditor specialties and audit clients                 transactions and are more likely to not
                                                  introduce more judgment in the                          could enable auditors to perform                      be in compliance with the existing Loan
                                                  determination of compliance with the                    auditing services more efficiently, thus              Provision, then these firms are more
                                                  Loan Provision. As discussed earlier,                   potentially reducing audit fees and                   likely to be positively affected by the
                                                  the significant influence test contains                 increasing audit quality over the long                proposed amendments. In particular,
                                                  multiple qualitative elements to be                     term. Higher audit quality is linked to               these firms may be able to compete for
                                                  considered in determining whether an                    better financial reporting, which could               or retain a larger pool of audit clients.
                                                  investor has significant influence over                 result in a lower cost of capital.                    At the same time, the larger firms’
                                                  the operating and financial policies of                 Reduced expenses and higher audit                     potentially increased ability to compete
                                                  the investee. These elements include,                   quality may decrease the overall cost of              for audit clients could potentially crowd
                                                  but are not limited to, representation on               investing as well as the cost of capital,             out the auditing business of smaller
                                                  the board of directors; participation in                with potential positive effects on capital            audit firms. However, we estimate that
                                                  policy-making processes; material intra-                formation. However, due to the                        four audit firms already perform 88
                                                  entity transactions; interchange of                     concentrated nature of the audit                      percent of audits in the registered
                                                  managerial personnel; and technological                 industry, we acknowledge that any such                investment company space.92 As a
                                                  dependency. To the extent an auditor                    effects may not be significant.                       result, we do not expect any potential
                                                  and audit client need to adjust their                      The replacement of the existing                    change in the competitive dynamics
                                                  compliance activities to now focus on                   bright-line test with the significant                 among auditors for registered
                                                  these new elements, there may be                        influence test could more effectively
                                                                                                                                                                investment companies to be significant.
                                                  additional transition costs. The                        capture those relationships that may
                                                  judgment involved in application of the                 pose a threat to an auditor’s objectivity             E. Alternatives
                                                  significant influence test also could lead              and impartiality. To the extent that the                The existing Loan Provision covers
                                                  to potential risks regarding auditor                    proposed amendments do so, the quality                loans to and from the auditor by ‘‘record
                                                  independence. In particular, because the                of financial reporting is likely to                   or beneficial owners of more than 10
                                                  significant influence test relies on                    improve, and the amount of board                      percent of the audit client’s equity
                                                  qualitative factors that necessarily                    attention to independence questions                   securities.’’ As discussed earlier, record
                                                  involve judgment, there is a risk that the              when impartiality is not at issue is                  owners are relatively less likely to have
                                                  significant influence test could result in              likely to be reduced, thus allowing a                 incentives to take actions that would
                                                  mistakenly classifying a non-                           fund board to focus on its role as an
                                                                                                                                                                threaten auditor independence than are
                                                  independent auditor as independent                      independent check on fund
                                                                                                                                                                beneficial owners. An alternative
                                                  under the Loan Provision. However,                      management. An operating company’s
                                                                                                                                                                approach to the proposed amendments
                                                  auditor reputational concerns may                       board might focus on hiring the best
                                                                                                                                                                would be to maintain the 10 percent
                                                  impose some discipline on the                           management, choosing the most value-
                                                                                                                                                                bright-line test, but to distinguish
                                                  application of the significant influence                enhancing investment projects, and
                                                                                                                                                                between types of ownership under the
                                                  test in determining compliance with the                 monitoring management to maximize
                                                                                                                                                                10 percent bright-line test and tailor the
                                                  Loan Provision, thus mitigating this                    shareholder value. This sharpened focus
                                                                                                                                                                rule accordingly. For example, record
                                                  risk.                                                   could potentially benefit shareholders.
                                                                                                                                                                owners could be excluded from the 10
                                                                                                          Furthermore, we expect that improved
                                                  D. Effects on Efficiency, Competition                   identification of threats to auditor                  percent bright-line test, to which
                                                  and Capital Formation                                   independence would increase investor                  beneficial owners would remain subject.
                                                    The Commission believes that the                      confidence about the quality and                      The potential benefit of distinguishing
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  proposed amendments are likely to                       accuracy of the information reported.                    92 The market share of the four largest accounting
                                                  improve the practicality of the Loan                    Reduced uncertainty about the quality                 firms in other industries is significantly high as
                                                  Provision, enhance efficiency of                        and accuracy of financial reporting                   well. According to the sample of 7,180 registrants
                                                  implementation, and reduce compliance                   should attract capital, and thus facilitate           covered by Audit Analytics in 2016, the four largest
                                                  burdens. They also may facilitate capital               capital formation.                                    accounting firms’ mean (median) market share
                                                                                                                                                                across industries (based on two digit standard
                                                  formation.                                                 Under the proposed amendments,                     industry code) is 58% (57%). The upper quartile is
                                                    The proposed amendments may                           audit firms would potentially be able to              as high as 78% with low quartile of the distribution
                                                  expand a particular audit client’s                      draw upon a larger set of lenders. This               being 45%.

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                                                  20770                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  between types of ownership while                        lending relationships that pose a threat              proposed amendments to Rule 2–01 of
                                                  retaining the 10 percent bright-line test               to an auditor’s objectivity and                       Regulation S–X.
                                                  is that applying a bright-line test would               impartiality.
                                                                                                                                                                A. Reasons for and Objectives of the
                                                  involve less judgment than the proposed
                                                                                                          F. Request for Comment                                Proposed Action
                                                  significant influence test. Excluding
                                                  record holders that may not have strong                    We request and encourage any                          As discussed above, the primary
                                                  enough economic incentives or power to                  interested person to submit comments                  reason for, and objective of, the
                                                  impair auditor independence could                       regarding the proposed amendments                     proposed amendments is to address
                                                  partially overcome the over-                            and all aspects of our analysis of the                certain significant compliance
                                                  inclusiveness of the exiting rule.                      potential effects of the amendments.                  challenges for audit firms and their
                                                  However, it still would not overcome                    Comments are particularly helpful to us               clients resulting from application of the
                                                  the issues of over- or under-                           if accompanied by quantified estimates                Loan Provision that do not otherwise
                                                  inconclusiveness with respect to                        or other detailed analysis and                        appear to affect the impartiality or
                                                  beneficial owners.                                      supporting data regarding the issues                  objectivity of the auditor. Specifically,
                                                     A second alternative would be to use                 addressed in those comments. We also                  the proposed amendments would:
                                                  the materiality of a stock holding to the               are interested in comments on the                        • Focus the analysis solely on
                                                  lender in conjunction with the                          alternatives presented in this release as             beneficial ownership;
                                                  significant influence test as a proxy for               well as any additional alternatives to the               • replace the existing 10 percent
                                                  incentives that could threaten auditor                  proposed amendments that should be                    bright-line shareholder ownership test
                                                  independence. Specifically, the                         considered. To assist in our                          with a ‘‘significant influence’’ test;
                                                  significance of the holding to the lender               consideration of these costs and                         • add a ‘‘known through reasonable
                                                  could be assessed based on the                          benefits, we specifically request                     inquiry’’ standard with respect to
                                                  magnitude of the stock holding to the                   comment on the following:                             identifying beneficial owners of the
                                                  lender (i.e., what percentage of the                                                                          audit client’s equity securities; and
                                                                                                             • The costs and benefits of the
                                                  lender’s assets are invested in the audit
                                                                                                          proposed amendment to eliminate the                      • amend the definition of ‘‘audit
                                                  client’s equity securities), after                                                                            client’’ for a fund under audit to exclude
                                                                                                          requirement that audit firms analyze
                                                  determining whether the lender has                                                                            from the provision funds that otherwise
                                                                                                          record holders under the Loan
                                                  significant influence over the audit                                                                          would be considered affiliates of the
                                                  client. For example, two institutions                                                                         audit client.
                                                  that hold 15 percent of a fund may be                      • The costs and benefits of the                       The reasons for, and objectives of, the
                                                  committing materially different amounts                 proposed significant influence test.                  proposed rules are discussed in more
                                                  of their capital to the specific                           • The costs and benefits of the                    detail in Sections I and II above.
                                                  investment. The incentives to influence                 proposed addition of a ‘‘known through
                                                  the auditor’s report are likely to be                   reasonable inquiry’’ standard in                      B. Legal Basis
                                                  stronger for the lender that commits the                applying the significant influence test.                 We are proposing the amendments
                                                  relatively larger amount of capital to a                   • The costs and benefits of the                    pursuant to Schedule A and Sections 7,
                                                  specific investment. As such, the                       proposed exclusion of the funds (other                8, 10, and 19 of the Securities Act,
                                                  materiality of the investment to a lender               than the fund under audit) from being                 Sections 3, 10A, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 23
                                                  with significant influence could be used                considered an affiliate of the audit                  of the Exchange Act, Sections 8, 30, 31,
                                                  as an indicator of incentives by the                    client.                                               and 38 of the Investment Company Act,
                                                  lender to attempt to influence the                         • The effect of the proposed                       and Sections 203 and 211 of the
                                                  auditor’s report. Materiality of a holding              amendments on the competitive                         Investment Advisers Act.
                                                  may better capture the incentives that                  structure of the audit industry.
                                                  could pose a threat to auditor                                                                                C. Small Entities Subject to the
                                                                                                             • The effect of the proposed                       Proposed Rules
                                                  independence. The potential cost to the                 amendments on the quality of financial
                                                  auditors and audit clients could be that                reporting.                                               The proposed amendments would
                                                  they need additional information and an                                                                       affect small entities that file registration
                                                                                                             • The effect of the proposed
                                                  additional layer of judgment in                                                                               statements under the Securities Act, the
                                                                                                          amendments on audit quality.
                                                  assessing their compliance with the                                                                           Exchange Act, and the Investment
                                                  Loan Provision. Also, given the size of                    • The effect of the proposed                       Company Act and periodic reports,
                                                  most lenders, a materiality component                   amendments on capital formation.                      proxy and information statements, or
                                                  might effectively exclude most, if not                     • The effect of the proposed                       other reports under the Exchange Act or
                                                  all, lending relationships that pose a                  amendments on audit firms and their                   the Investment Company Act, as well as
                                                  threat to an auditor’s objectivity and                  covered persons’ financing.                           smaller registered investment advisers
                                                  impartiality.                                           VI. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act                and smaller accounting firms. The RFA
                                                     A third potential approach would be                  Analysis                                              defines ‘‘small entity’’ to mean ‘‘small
                                                  to assess the materiality of the lending                                                                      business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’ or
                                                  relationship between the auditor and                       The Regulatory Flexibility Act                     ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’ 95
                                                  the lending institution. The materiality                (‘‘RFA’’) 93 requires the Commission, in              The Commission’s rules define ‘‘small
                                                  of the lending relationship between the                 promulgating rules under section 553 of               business’’ and ‘‘small organization’’ for
                                                  lender and the auditor, from both the                   the Administrative Procedure Act,94 to
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility
                                                  lender’s and the auditor’s point of                     consider the impact of those rules on                 Act for each of the types of entities
                                                  views, could act as an indicator of the                 small entities. We have prepared this                 regulated by the Commission. Securities
                                                  leverage that the lender may have if it                 Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act                    Act Rule 157 96 and Exchange Act Rule
                                                  attempts to influence the auditor’s                     Analysis (‘‘IRFA’’) in accordance with 5              0–10(a) 97 defines an issuer, other than
                                                  report. However, again, given the size of               U.S.C. 603. This IRFA relates to the
                                                  most impacted audit firms and lenders,                                                                          95 5U.S.C. 601(6).
                                                  a materiality component might                            93 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.                                96 17 CFR 230.157.
                                                  effectively exclude most, if not all,                    94 5 U.S.C. 553.                                       97 17 CFR 240.0–10(a).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                      20771

                                                  an investment company, to be a ‘‘small                     For purposes of the RFA, a broker-                  these contexts and may have developed
                                                  business’’ or ‘‘small organization’’ if it              dealer is considered to be a ‘‘small                   practices, processes or controls for
                                                  had total assets of $5 million or less on               business’’ if its total capital (net worth             complying with these provisions.108 We
                                                  the last day of its most recent fiscal year.            plus subordinated liabilities) is less than            believe that these entities likely would
                                                  We estimate that there are                              $500,000 on the date in the prior fiscal               be able to leverage any existing
                                                  approximately 1,163 issuers, other than                 year as of which its audited financial                 practices, processes or controls to
                                                  registered investment companies, that                   statements were prepared pursuant to                   comply with the proposed amendments.
                                                  may be subject to the proposed                          Rule 17a–5(d) under the Exchange                          We also believe that the proposed
                                                  amendments.98 The proposed                              Act,103 or, if not required to file such               ‘‘known through reasonable inquiry’’
                                                  amendments would affect small entities                  statements, a broker-dealer with total                 standard would not significantly
                                                  that have a class of securities that are                capital (net worth plus subordinated                   increase costs for smaller entities,
                                                  registered under Section 12 of the                      liabilities) of less than $500,000 on the              including smaller accounting firms. The
                                                  Exchange Act or that are required to file               last day of the preceding fiscal year (or              ‘‘known through reasonable inquiry’’
                                                  reports under Section 15(d) of the                      in the time that it has been in business,              standard is generally consistent with
                                                  Exchange Act. In addition, the proposed                 if shorter); and that is not affiliated with           regulations implementing the
                                                  amendments would affect small entities                  any person (other than a natural person)               Investment Company Act, the Securities
                                                  that file, or have filed, a registration                that is not a small business or small                  Act and the Exchange Act.109 Smaller
                                                  statement that has not yet become                       organization.104 As of the year end of                 entities, including smaller accounting
                                                  effective under the Securities Act and                  2017, there are approximately 1,042                    firms, should therefore already be
                                                  that has not been withdrawn.                            small entity broker-dealers that may be                familiar with the concept.
                                                     An investment company is considered                  subject to the proposed amendments.105                    In addition, we believe that the
                                                  to be a ‘‘small business’’ for purposes of                 Our rules do not define ‘‘small                     proposed amendments to exclude
                                                  the RFA, if it, together with other                     business’’ or ‘‘small organization’’ for               record owners and certain fund affiliates
                                                  investment companies in the same                        purposes of accounting firms. The Small                for purposes of the Loan Provision
                                                  group of related investment companies,                  Business Administration (SBA) defines                  would reduce costs for smaller entities,
                                                  has net assets of $50 million or less at                ‘‘small business,’’ for purposes of                    including smaller accounting firms.
                                                  the end of the most recent fiscal year.99               accounting firms, as those with under                     Compliance with the proposed
                                                  We believe that the proposed                            $20.5 million in annual revenues.106 We                amendments would require the use of
                                                  amendments would affect small entities                  have limited data indicating revenues                  professional skills, including accounting
                                                  that are investment companies.                          for accounting firms, and we cannot                    and legal skills. The proposed
                                                  Commission staff estimates that, as of                  estimate the number of firms with less                 amendments are discussed in detail in
                                                  December 31, 2017, there were 54 open-                  than $20.5 million in annual revenue.                  Section II above. We discuss the
                                                  end investment companies (within 52                     We request comment on the number of                    economic impact, including the
                                                  fund complexes) that would be                           accounting firms with revenue under                    estimated costs, of the proposed
                                                  considered small entities. This number                  $20.5 million.                                         amendments in Section V (Economic
                                                  includes open-end ETFs.100                              D. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping                  Analysis) above.
                                                    For purposes of the RFA, an                           and Other Compliance Requirements
                                                  investment adviser is a small entity if it:                                                                    E. Duplicative, Overlapping, or
                                                    (1) Has assets under management                          The proposed amendments would not                   Conflicting Federal Rules
                                                  having a total value of less than $25                   impose any reporting, recordkeeping, or                  We believe that the proposed
                                                  million;                                                disclosure requirements. The proposed                  amendment would not duplicate,
                                                    (2) did not have total assets of $5                   amendments would impose new                            overlap or conflict with other federal
                                                  million or more on the last day of the                  compliance requirements with respect                   rules.
                                                  most recent fiscal year; and                            to the Loan Provision.
                                                    (3) does not control, is not controlled                  Although we are proposing to replace                F. Significant Alternatives
                                                  by, and is not under common control                     the 10 percent bright-line test with a                    The RFA directs us to consider
                                                  with another investment adviser that                    ‘‘significant influence’’ test that requires           alternatives that would accomplish our
                                                  has assets under management of $25                      the application of more judgment, we                   stated objectives while minimizing any
                                                  million or more, or any person (other                   believe that the proposed amendments                   significant adverse impacts on small
                                                  than a natural person) that had total                   would not significantly increase costs                 entities. In connection with the
                                                  assets of $5 million or more on the last                for smaller entities, including smaller                proposed amendments, we considered
                                                  day of its most recent fiscal year.101 We               accounting firms. The concept of                       certain types of alternatives, including:
                                                  estimate that there are approximately                   ‘‘significant influence’’ already exists in               (1) The establishment of differing
                                                  557 investment advisers that would be                   the auditor independence rules and in                  compliance or reporting requirements or
                                                  subject to the proposed amendments                      U.S. GAAP,107 and accounting firms,                    timetables that take into account the
                                                  that may be considered small entities.102               issuers and their audit committees are                 resources available to small entities;
                                                                                                          already required to apply the concept in                  (2) The clarification, consolidation or
                                                    98 This estimate is based on staff analysis of XBRL                                                          simplification of compliance and
                                                  data submitted with EDGAR filings of Forms 10–K,          103 17 CFR 240.17a–5(d).                             reporting requirements under the rule
                                                  20–F and 40–F and amendments filed during the             104 17 CFR 240.0–10(c).
                                                  calendar year of January 1, 2017 to December 31,          105 This estimate is based on the most recent
                                                                                                                                                                 for small entities;
                                                                                                                                                                    (3) The use of performance rather than
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  2017.                                                   information available, as provided in Form X–17A–
                                                    99 17 CFR 270.0–10(a).
                                                                                                          5 Financial and Operational Combined Uniform           design standards; and
                                                    100 This estimate is derived from an analysis of      Single Reports filed pursuant to Section 17 of the
                                                  data obtained from Morningstar Direct as well as        Exchange Act and Rule 17a–5 thereunder.                  108 Although the concept of ‘‘significant
                                                  data reported on Form N–SAR filed with the                106 13 CFR 121.201 and North American Industry       influence’’ is not as routinely applied today in the
                                                  Commission for the period ending June 30, 2017.         Classification System (NAICS) code 541211. The         funds context for financial reporting purposes,
                                                    101 17 CFR 275.0–7.                                   SBA calculates ‘‘annual receipts’’ as all revenue.     nevertheless, the concept of significant influence is
                                                    102 This estimate is based on Commission-             See 13 CFR 121.104.                                    applicable to funds under existing auditor
                                                  registered investment adviser responses to Form           107 See supra footnote 48; see also ASC 323, supra   independence rules. See supra Section II.C.
                                                  ADV, Part 1A, Items 5.F and 12.                         footnote 49.                                             109 See supra footnote 64.

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                                                  20772                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                     (4) An exemption from coverage of the                   • The existence or nature of the                   14, 17, and 23 of the Exchange Act,
                                                  rule, or any part of the rule, for small                potential impact of the proposed                      Sections 8, 30, 31, and 38 of the
                                                  entities.                                               amendments on small entities discussed                Investment Company Act, and Sections
                                                     In connection with our proposed                      in the analysis;                                      203 and 211 of the Investment Advisers
                                                  amendments to Rule 2–01 of Regulation                      • How to quantify the impact of the                Act.
                                                  S–X, we do not think it feasible or                     proposed amendments; and
                                                                                                             • Alternatives that would accomplish               List of Subjects in 17 CFR Parts 210
                                                  appropriate to establish different
                                                  compliance or reporting requirements or                 our stated objectives while minimizing                  Accountants, Accounting, Banks,
                                                  timetables for small entities. The                      any significant adverse impact on small               Banking, Employee benefit plans,
                                                  proposed amendments are designed to                     entities.                                             Holding companies, Insurance
                                                  address compliance challenges for both                     Respondents are asked to describe the              companies, Investment companies, Oil
                                                  large and small issuers and audit firms.                nature of any impact and provide                      and gas exploration, Reporting and
                                                  With respect to clarification,                          empirical data supporting the extent of               recordkeeping requirements, Securities,
                                                  consolidation or simplification of                      the impact. Such comments will be                     Utilities.
                                                  compliance and reporting requirements                   considered in the preparation of the                    In accordance with the foregoing, the
                                                  for small entities, the proposed                        Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, if             Commission proposes to amend title 17,
                                                  amendments do not contain any new                       the proposed amendments are adopted,                  chapter II of the Code of Federal
                                                  reporting requirements. While the                       and will be placed in the same public                 Regulations as follows:
                                                  proposed amendments would create a                      file as comments on the proposed
                                                  new compliance requirement that                         amendments.                                           PART 210—FORM AND CONTENT OF
                                                  focuses on ‘‘significant influence’’ over                                                                     AND REQUIREMENTS FOR FINANCIAL
                                                                                                          VII. Small Business Regulatory                        STATEMENTS, SECURITIES ACT OF
                                                  the audit client to better identify those               Enforcement Fairness Act
                                                  lending relationships that could impair                                                                       1933, SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT
                                                  an auditor’s objectivity and impartiality,                 For purposes of the Small Business                 OF 1934, INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT
                                                  that standard is more qualitative in                    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of                OF 1940, INVESTMENT ADVISERS ACT
                                                  nature and its application would vary                   1996 (‘‘SBREFA’’),110 the Commission                  OF 1940, AND ENERGY POLICY AND
                                                  according to the circumstances. This                    must advise the Office of Management                  CONSERVATION ACT OF 1975
                                                  more flexible standard would be                         and Budget as to whether a proposed
                                                  applicable to all issuers, regardless of                regulation constitutes a ‘‘major’’ rule.              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 210
                                                  size.                                                   Under SBREFA, a rule is considered                    continues to read as follows:
                                                     With respect to using performance                    ‘‘major’’ when, if adopted, it results or               Authority: 15 U.S.C. 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j,
                                                  rather than design standards, we note                   is likely to result in:                               77s, 77z–2, 77z–3, 77aa(25), 77aa(26),
                                                  that our proposed amendments                               • An annual effect on the economy of               77nn(25), 77nn(26), 78c, 78j–1, 78l, 78m,
                                                                                                          $100 million or more (either in the form              78n, 78o(d), 78q, 78u–5, 78w, 78ll, 78mm,
                                                  establishing a ‘‘significant influence’’                                                                      80a–8, 80a–20, 80a–29, 80a–30, 80a–31, 80a–
                                                  test and adding a ‘‘known through                       of an increase or a decrease);
                                                  reasonable inquiry’’ standard are more                     • A major increase in costs or prices              37(a), 80b–3, 80b–11, 7202 and 7262, and
                                                                                                                                                                sec. 102(c), Public Law 112–106, 126 Stat.
                                                  akin to performance standards. Rather                   for consumers or individual industries;
                                                                                                                                                                310 (2012), unless otherwise noted.
                                                  than prescribe the specific steps                       or
                                                  necessary to apply such standards, the                     • Significant adverse effects on                   ■ 2. Amend § 210.2–01 by revising
                                                                                                          competition, investment or innovation.                paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(A) to read as follows:
                                                  proposed amendments recognize that
                                                  ‘‘significant influence’’ and ‘‘known                      If a rule is ‘‘major,’’ its effectiveness
                                                                                                                                                                § 210.2–01   Qualifications of accountants.
                                                  through reasonable inquiry’’ can be                     will generally be delayed for 60 days
                                                                                                          pending Congressional review.                         *       *    *     *     *
                                                  implemented in a variety of ways. We                                                                             (c) * * *
                                                                                                             We request comment on whether our
                                                  believe that the use of these standards                                                                          (1) * * *
                                                                                                          proposed amendments would be a
                                                  would accommodate entities of various                                                                            (ii) * * *
                                                                                                          ‘‘major rule’’ for purposes of SBREFA.
                                                  sizes while potentially avoiding overly                                                                          (A) Loans/debtor-creditor
                                                                                                          We solicit comment and empirical data
                                                  burdensome methods that may be ill-                                                                           relationship. (1) Any loan (including
                                                  suited or unnecessary, given the facts                                                                        any margin loan) to or from an audit
                                                                                                             • The potential effect on the U.S.
                                                  and circumstances.                                                                                            client, or an audit client’s officers,
                                                                                                          economy on an annual basis;
                                                     The proposed amendments are                             • Any potential increase in costs or               directors, or beneficial owners (known
                                                  intended to address significant                         prices for consumers or individual                    through reasonable inquiry) of the audit
                                                  compliance challenges for audit firms                   industries; and                                       client’s equity securities where such
                                                  and their clients, including those that                    • Any potential effect on competition,             beneficial owner has significant
                                                  are small entities. In this respect,                    investment or innovation.                             influence over the audit client, except
                                                  exempting small entities from the                          We request those submitting                        for the following loans obtained from a
                                                  proposed amendments would increase,                     comments to provide empirical data and                financial institution under its normal
                                                  rather than decrease, their regulatory                  other factual support for their views to              lending procedures, terms, and
                                                  burden relative to larger entities.                     the extent possible.                                  requirements:
                                                  G. Solicitation of Comment                                                                                       (i) Automobile loans and leases
                                                                                                          VIII. Statutory Basis                                 collateralized by the automobile;
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    We encourage the submission of                          The amendment described in this                        (ii) Loans fully collateralized by the
                                                  comments with respect to any aspect of                  release is being adopted under the                    cash surrender value of an insurance
                                                  this Initial Regulatory Flexibility                     authority set forth in Schedule A and                 policy;
                                                  Analysis. In particular, we request                     Sections 7, 8, 10, and 19 of the                         (iii) Loans fully collateralized by cash
                                                  comments regarding:                                     Securities Act, Sections 3, 10A, 12, 13,              deposits at the same financial
                                                    • The number of small entities that                                                                         institution; and
                                                  may be subject to the proposed                            110 Public Law 104–121, Tit. II, 110 Stat. 857         (iv) A mortgage loan collateralized by
                                                  amendments;                                             (1996).                                               the borrower’s primary residence

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            20773

                                                  provided the loan was not obtained                      DATES:  We will accept written                        I. Background on the Montana Program
                                                  while the covered person in the firm                    comments on this amendment until 4:00                   Section 503(a) of the Act permits a
                                                  was a covered person.                                   p.m., m.d.t., June 7, 2018. If requested,             state to assume primacy for the
                                                     (2) For purposes of paragraph                        we will hold a public hearing on the                  regulation of surface coal mining and
                                                  (c)(1)(ii)(A) of this section:                          amendment on June 4, 2018. We will                    reclamation operations on non-federal
                                                     (i) The term audit client for a fund                 accept requests to speak at a hearing
                                                  under audit excludes any other fund                                                                           and non-Indian lands within its borders
                                                                                                          until 4:00 p.m., m.d.t. on May 23, 2018.              by demonstrating that its program
                                                  that otherwise would be considered an                   ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                  affiliate of the audit client;                                                                                includes, among other things, state laws
                                                                                                          identified by Docket Number OSM–                      and regulations that govern surface coal
                                                     (ii) The term fund means an
                                                                                                          2017–0001, by any of the following                    mining and reclamation operations in
                                                  investment company or an entity that
                                                                                                          methods:                                              accordance with the Act and consistent
                                                  would be an investment company but
                                                                                                             • Mail/Hand Delivery: 1999                         with the Federal regulations. See 30
                                                  for the exclusions provided by Section
                                                                                                          Broadway, Suite 3320, Denver, CO                      U.S.C. 1253(a)(1) and (7). On the basis
                                                  3(c) of the Investment Company Act of
                                                                                                          80202.                                                of these criteria, the Secretary of the
                                                  1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a–3(c)).
                                                                                                             • Fax: (303) 293–5017.                             Interior conditionally approved the
                                                  *       *    *     *     *                                 • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://              Montana program on April 1, 1980. You
                                                    By the Commission.                                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the                       can find background information on the
                                                    Dated: May 2, 2018.                                   instructions for submitting comments.                 Montana program, including the
                                                  Brent J. Fields,                                           Instructions: All submissions received             Secretary’s findings, the disposition of
                                                  Secretary.                                              must include the agency name and                      comments, and conditions of approval
                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–09721 Filed 5–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          docket number for this rulemaking. For                of the Montana program in the April 1,
                                                                                                          detailed instructions on submitting                   1980, Federal Register (45 FR 21560).
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                          comments and additional information                   You can also find later actions
                                                                                                          on the rulemaking process, see the                    concerning the Montana program and
                                                                                                          ‘‘Public Comment Procedures’’ heading                 program amendments at 30 CFR 926.15,
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                                                                          of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                      926.16, and 926.30.
                                                  Office of Surface Mining Reclamation                    section of this document.
                                                                                                             Docket: For access to the docket to                II. Description of the Proposed
                                                  and Enforcement
                                                                                                          review copies of the Montana program,                 Amendment
                                                  30 CFR Part 926                                         this amendment, a listing of any                         By letter dated February 27, 2017
                                                                                                          scheduled public hearings, and all                    (FDMS Document ID No. OSM–2017–
                                                  [SATS No. MT–036–FOR; Docket ID: OSM–                   written comments received in response
                                                  2017–0001; S1D1S SS08011000 SX064A000
                                                                                                                                                                0001–0002), Montana sent us a
                                                                                                          to this document, you may go to the                   proposed amendment to its program
                                                  189S180110; S2D2S SS08011000
                                                  SX064A000 18XS501520]                                   address listed below during normal                    under SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.).
                                                                                                          business hours, Monday through Friday,                The proposed changes are the result of
                                                  Montana Regulatory Program                              excluding holidays. The full text of the              a Montana state senate bill which
                                                                                                          program amendment is also available for               required adoption of regulations
                                                  AGENCY:  Office of Surface Mining                       you to read at www.regulations.gov. You               pertaining to in situ coal gasification.
                                                  Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior.                  may receive one free copy of the                         Specifically, Montana proposes to
                                                  ACTION: Proposed rule; public comment                   amendment by contacting OSMRE’s                       codify language from Senate Bill 292
                                                  period and opportunity for public                       Denver Field Division: Jeffrey                        under the Montana Strip and
                                                  hearing on proposed amendment.                          Fleischman, Chief, Denver Field                       Underground Mine Reclamation Act.
                                                  SUMMARY:   We, the Office of Surface                    Division, Office of Surface Mining                    This language, approved by the 2011
                                                  Mining Reclamation and Enforcement                      Reclamation and Enforcement, Dick                     Montana Legislature, directs the
                                                  (OSMRE), are announcing receipt of a                    Cheney Federal Building, POB 11018,                   Montana Board of Environmental
                                                  proposed amendment to the Montana                       150 East B Street, Casper, Wyoming                    Review (BER) to adopt rules pertaining
                                                  regulatory program (Montana program)                    82601–7032, Telephone: (307) 261–                     to in situ coal processing and provides
                                                  under the Surface Mining Control and                    6550, Email: jfleischman@osmre.gov.                   that those rules may not be more
                                                  Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA or the                      In addition, you may receive a copy                stringent than the comparable federal
                                                  Act). Montana proposes an addition to                   of the proposed amendment from the                    regulations or guidelines. The
                                                  the Montana Code Annotated, which                       Montana Department of Environmental                   Administrative Rules of Montana
                                                  requires the adoption of regulations                    Quality: Edward L. Coleman, Chief, Coal               (ARMs) currently have two regulatory
                                                  pertaining to in situ coal gasification.                and Opencut Mining Bureau, Montana                    provisions, ARM 17.24.902 and ARM
                                                  This change was necessitated by a                       Department of Environmental Quality,                  17.24.904, that specifically address in
                                                  senate bill approved by the 2011                        P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana,                     situ coal gasification and that list
                                                  Montana Legislature. Montana also                       59620–0901, Telephone: (406) 444–                     subchapters of the ARMs that apply to
                                                  proposes revisions and additions to the                 4973, Email: ecoleman@mt.gov.                         in situ coal gasification. Following
                                                  Administrative Rules of Montana to                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      passage of Senate Bill 292, the Montana
                                                  satisfy the new statutory requirement.                  Howard Strand, Office of Surface                      Department of Environmental Quality
                                                    This document provides the times                      Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,                   reviewed Montana’s rules and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                  and locations that the Montana program                  1999 Broadway, Suite 3320, Denver, CO                 determined that most of the rules
                                                  and this proposed amendment to                          80202, Telephone: (303) 293–5026,                     relating to underground coal mining
                                                  Montana’s program are available for                     Email: hstrand@osmre.gov.                             should apply to in situ operations. It
                                                  your inspection; the comment period                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            recommended that, rather than adopting
                                                  during which you may submit written                     I. Background on the Montana Program                  rules that would duplicate existing
                                                  comments on the amendment; and the                      II. Description of the Proposed Amendment             rules, BER should simply list the rules
                                                  procedures that we will follow for the                  III. Public Comment Procedures                        that would not apply to in situ
                                                  public hearing, if one is requested.                    IV. Procedural Determinations                         operations. To reflect this approach,

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Document Created: 2018-05-08 01:31:40
Document Modified: 2018-05-08 01:31:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments should be received on or before July 9, 2018.
ContactGiles T. Cohen, Deputy Chief Counsel, or Peggy Kim, Senior Special Counsel, Office of the Chief Accountant, at (202) 551-5300; Alison Staloch, Chief Accountant, Chief Accountant's Office, Division of Investment Management, at (202) 551-6918; or Joel Cavanaugh, Senior Counsel, Investment Company Regulation Office, Division of Investment Management, at (202) 551-6792, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549.
FR Citation83 FR 20753 
RIN Number3235-AM01
CFR AssociatedAccountants; Accounting; Banks; Banking; Employee Benefit Plans; Holding Companies; Insurance Companies; Investment Companies; Oil and Gas Exploration; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Securities and Utilities

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