83_FR_20971 83 FR 20882 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of the Government Securities Division Rulebook

83 FR 20882 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of the Government Securities Division Rulebook


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 89 (May 8, 2018)

Page Range20882-20889
FR Document2018-09693

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 89 (Tuesday, May 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 89 (Tuesday, May 8, 2018)]
[Pages 20882-20889]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09693]



[Release No. 34-83153; File No. SR-FICC-2018-003]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; 
Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of 
the Government Securities Division Rulebook

May 2, 2018.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
on April 27, 2018, Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (``FICC'') filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the 
proposed rule change as described in Items I, II and III below, which 
Items have been prepared by the clearing agency. The Commission is 
publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change 
from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the 
Proposed Rule Change

    The proposed rule change would amend the Fee Structure of the FICC 
Government Securities Division (``GSD'') Rulebook (``GSD Rules'') \3\ 
with respect to the fees associated with the delivery-versus-payment 
(``DVP'') service as well as make other changes, as described in 
greater detail below.

    \3\ Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined in the GSD 
Rules, available at http://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/

II. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the clearing agency included 
statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule 
change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule 
change. The text of these statements may be examined at the places 
specified in Item IV below. The clearing agency has prepared summaries, 
set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant 
aspects of such statements.

(A) Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The purpose of this proposed rule change is to amend the Fee 
Structure of the GSD Rules with respect to the fees associated with the 
DVP service and make other changes \4\ in order to reduce complexity 
and to better align pricing with the costs of services provided by GSD. 
The proposed rule change would also make conforming, clarifying, and 
technical changes. Taken collectively, the proposed rule changes are 
designed to be revenue neutral for GSD and may eliminate perceived 
pricing barriers to entry, as described below.

    \4\ FICC is not proposing changes to fees specifically 
associated with either the GCF Repo[reg] Service or the CCIT Service 
at this time because those fees are more aligned with the costs of 
providing such services. However, as further discussed below in Item 
II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ``PROPOSED FEE CHANGES''), FICC is proposing 
a change to the minimum monthly fee. The minimum monthly fee is not 
specific to any service and would apply to each account of either a 
Comparison-Only Member or a Netting Member; such account of a 
Netting Member could include GCF Repo and/or CCIT activity. The 
minimum monthly fee for an account would not apply if the total 
monthly fees incurred by the account pursuant to proposed Sections 
I, II, and IV of the GSD Fee Structure exceed $2,500. CCIT Members 
are not subject to the minimum monthly fee.
    For additional information on the GCF Repo Service and the CCIT 
Service, please refer to GSD Rule 20 and GSD Rule 3B, respectively. 
See GSD Rule 20 and GSD Rule 3B. GSD Rules, id.

(i) Background
    GSD provides clearance and settlement services for trades executed 
by its Members in the U.S. government securities market. GSD supports 
and facilitates these services through transaction processing and 
position management.
    Transaction processing for the DVP service includes the recording 
and comparison of transactions submitted to GSD for clearance and 
settlement through GSD's comparison system, the Real-Time Trade 
Matching system.
    Position management for the DVP service includes trade netting, 
trade settlement, and the management of credit risks, market risks, and 
liquidity risks associated with transactions submitted to GSD for 
clearance and settlement.
(ii) Current Fees
    Members are assessed fees in accordance with the GSD Fee Structure. 
The current GSD Fee Structure covers a multitude of fees that are 
assessed on Members based upon their activities and the services 
utilized. The number of fees and the methods by which they are 
calculated makes the current GSD Fee Structure unnecessarily complex. 
In addition, due to changes in technology and regulatory environment, 
certain fees in the current GSD Fee Structure have become misaligned 
with the costs of services provided by GSD.

[[Page 20883]]

A. Pricing Overly Complex
    The current GSD Fee Structure (as it relates to the DVP service) 
consists of trade submission fees, trade netting fees, Repo Transaction 
\5\ processing fees, and settlement fees.\6\

    \5\ The term ``Repo Transaction'' means: (1) An agreement of a 
party to transfer Eligible Securities to another party in exchange 
for the receipt of cash, and the simultaneous agreement of the 
former party to later take back the same Eligible Securities (or any 
subsequently substituted Eligible Securities) from the latter party 
in exchange for the payment of cash, or (2) an agreement of a party 
to take in Eligible Securities from another party in exchange for 
the payment of cash, and the simultaneous agreement of the former 
party to later transfer back the same Eligible Securities (or any 
subsequently substituted Eligible Securities) to the latter party in 
exchange for the receipt of cash, as the context may indicate, the 
data on which have been submitted to FICC pursuant to the GSD Rules. 
A ``Repo Transaction'' includes a GCF Repo Transaction, unless the 
context indicates otherwise. See GSD Rule 1. GSD Rules, supra note 
3. For the purposes of describing the proposed rule changes, the 
term ``Repo Transaction'' will exclude GCF Repo Transactions.
    \6\ Settlement fees consist of obligation fees and pass-through 
fees for clearing bank services. These fees are not being changed 
under this proposal.

    Trade submission fees are based on a seven-tiered structure where 
the fees are charged based on the number of sides of buy/sell 
transactions and Repo Transactions submitted and matched in a given 
month. There are two (2) tiered structures for the trade submission 
fees, one for the Dealer Accounts and the other one for the Broker 
    Trade netting fees consist of ``into the net'' fees and ``out of 
the net'' fees. The ``into the net'' fees are different for Broker 
Accounts and Dealer Accounts and are based on the number of sides of 
buy/sell transactions and Repo Transactions that are being netted (a 
seven-tiered structure based on the monthly number of sides of buy/sell 
transactions and Repo Transactions), and the par value of those 
sides.\7\ The ``out of the net'' fee is a par value-based fee for each 
Deliver Obligation and Receive Obligation created as a result of the 
netting process.\8\

    \7\ With respect to the DVP service, the ``into the net'' par 
value-based fee is currently $0.015 per one million of par value for 
Broker Accounts and $0.016 per one million of par value for Dealer 
Accounts for each Compared Trade, Start Leg of a Repo Transaction, 
Close Leg of a Repo Transaction, Fail Deliver Obligation, and Fail 
Receive Obligation. See current Section III.A.1(ii) of the GSD Fee 
Structure. GSD Rules, supra note 3.
    \8\ With respect to the DVP service, the ``out of the net'' par 
value-based fee is currently $0.175 per one million of par value for 
each Deliver Obligation and Receive Obligation created as a result 
of the netting process. See current Section III.A.2 of the GSD Fee 
Structure. GSD Rules, supra note 3.

    Repo Transaction processing fees are comprised of (1) two gross 
Repo Transaction processing fees, one for Broker Accounts and one for 
Dealer Accounts, and (2) a net Repo Transaction processing fee.\9\

    \9\ The gross Repo Transaction processing fees are currently a 
0.0175 basis point charge and a 0.04 basis point charge applied to 
the gross dollar amount of each Term Repo Transaction for Broker 
Accounts and Dealer Accounts, respectively, that has been compared 
and netted but not yet settled. The net Repo Transaction processing 
fee is currently a 0.08 basis point charge applied to the net dollar 
amount of a Netting Member's Term Repo Transactions within a CUSIP 
that has been compared and netted but not yet settled. See current 
Section III.E. of the GSD Fee Structure. GSD Rules, supra note 3.

    With a combination of the tiered structure for trade submission 
fees and trade netting fees, an ``into the net'' par value-based fee, 
an ``out of the net'' par value-based fee, and gross and net Repo 
Transaction processing fees, the current GSD Fee Structure can be 
difficult for Members to understand and reconcile. In fact, Members and 
market participants have often indicated to FICC that the current GSD 
Fee Structure is too complex and difficult to understand. The 
complexity of the GSD Fee Structure is also noted in the U.S. 
Department of the Treasury October 2017 report to President Donald 
Trump on U.S. capital markets (``Treasury Report'').\10\

    \10\ See U.S. Department of the Treasury, A Financial System 
That Creates Economic Opportunities: Capital Markets (October 2017), 
at 81, available at https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Documents/A-Financial-System-Capital-Markets-FINAL-FINAL.pdf.

B. Pricing Alignment With Costs of Services Provided by GSD
    With respect to the fees associated with the DVP service, a portion 
of the current GSD Fee Structure is based on transaction processing, 
with a number of fees charged to Members being driven by the number of 
transactions that the Members submit to GSD for clearance and 
settlement (tiered structure for trade submission fees and tiered 
structure for trade netting fees, as described in Item II.(A)1.(ii)A. 
above). As a result, under the current GSD Fee Structure, fees are 
higher for a Member that submitted a larger number of transactions to 
GSD than a Member that submitted a smaller number of transactions, even 
when the total par value of the trades that each such Member submitted 
to GSD is the same.
    With technological advancements, GSD's systems have become more 
scalable and efficient with respect to transaction processing, which 
has resulted in a reduction in GSD's costs associated with transaction 
processing. In contrast, GSD faces continued increasing risk management 
costs, such as costs of account monitoring, intraday margining, and end 
of day risk management. Therefore, GSD has had to shift its resource 
allocation so that a sizable portion of its resources is now dedicated 
to the management of Members' positions. Consequently, certain fees in 
the current GSD Fee Structure have become misaligned with the costs of 
services provided by GSD.
    As an example, the costs for GSD to manage a single $50 million 30-
day Term Repo Transaction \11\ for Member A and twenty (20) \12\ $50 
million overnight Repo Transactions \13\ for Member B are similar 
because the resulting daily positions are the same over the 30-day 
period, and similar resources are utilized to ensure the safety and 
soundness of the clearing agency to these transaction types. However, 
even though these transactions require similar costs and resources to 
manage, under the current GSD Fee Structure, Member B will be assessed 
a fee \14\ that is approximately 3.3 times the fee assessed on Member 
A. This is because under the current GSD Fee Structure, fees associated 
with Member B's overnight Repo Transactions are higher (e.g., on each 
Business Day, Member B will be assessed $0.17 per side of trade going 
into the net, $0.016 per million par value going into the net, and 
$0.175 per million par value out of the net) than fees associated with 
Member A's Term Repo Transaction (e.g., Member A will be assessed each 
of the following fees once: $0.17 per side of trade going into the net, 
$0.016 per million par value going into the net, and $0.175 per million 
par value out of the net; in addition, on each calendar day, Member A 
will be assessed a 0.04 basis point charge applied to the gross dollar 
amount of its Term Repo Transaction and a 0.08 basis point charge 
applied to the net dollar amount of its Term Repo Transaction).

    \11\ The term ``Term Repo Transaction'' means, on any particular 
Business Day, a Repo Transaction for which settlement of the Close 
Leg is scheduled to occur two or more Business Days after the 
scheduled settlement of the Start Leg. See GSD Rule 1, Definitions. 
GSD Rules, supra note 3.
    \12\ The example assumes there are twenty (20) Business Days in 
a month. Twenty (20) overnight Repo Transactions would span the same 
number of calendar days, i.e., 30 calendar days, as a single 30-day 
Term Repo Transaction. This is because each overnight Repo 
Transaction that starts on a Friday will settle on the following 
    \13\ Overnight Repo Transactions are Repo Transactions for which 
settlement of the Close Leg is scheduled to occur one Business Day 
after the scheduled settlement of the Start Leg.
    \14\ In addition, Member A and Member B would be assessed other 
fees, such as trade submission fees and clearance charges; however, 
these fees are excluded for the purposes of this example because 
they are not relevant to position management.


[[Page 20884]]

C. Review of Current Fees and Rationale for Proposed Fee Amounts
    Over the past two years, GSD performed an extensive review of the 
current GSD Fee Structure with the goals of reducing pricing complexity 
and aligning pricing with costs, while on an overall basis maintaining 
GSD's revenue at the current level.
    GSD believes it is reasonable and appropriate to assess Members 
fees that are commensurate with the costs of services provided to 
Members. Accordingly, based on a review of the costs associated with 
position management vis-[agrave]-vis the overall cost structure as well 
as the current fees, GSD estimates that the transaction processing fees 
and the position management fees associated with the DVP service should 
account for approximately thirty percent (30%) and seventy percent 
(70%), respectively, of GSD's projected revenue associated with the DVP 
service. In particular, the position management fees would be comprised 
of an intraday position management fee and an end of day position 
management fee, each aimed to reflect the respective costs of services 
required in managing intraday positions and end of day positions. The 
proposed fee changes would better align GSD's revenue with the 30/70 
split between transaction processing and position management costs. 
FICC expects GSD's net revenue to remain relatively unchanged as a 
result of this proposal.
(iii) Proposed Fee Changes
    Based upon feedback from Members and market participants as well as 
a review of current fees conducted by FICC as described above, FICC is 
proposing to modify the GSD Fee Structure to (i) reduce pricing 
complexity and (ii) better align pricing with costs of services 
provided by GSD.
    In that respect, the proposed GSD Fee Structure would establish 
four (4) new fees, modify three (3) existing fees, and eliminate twelve 
(12) fees, each as further described below.
    FICC is proposing to add the following fees--

 Transaction processing fee for Broker Accounts
 Transaction processing fee for Dealer Accounts
 Intraday position fee
 End of day position fee

    FICC is proposing to modify the following fees--

 Minimum monthly fee
 Auction takedown fee
 Locked-in trade data fee

    FICC is proposing to eliminate the following fees--

 Surcharge for submission method
 Seven-tiered transaction based DVP trade submission fee for 
Broker Accounts
 Seven-tiered transaction based DVP trade submission fee for 
Dealer Accounts
 Seven-tiered transaction based DVP netting fee for Broker 
 Seven-tiered transaction based DVP netting fee for Dealer 
 DVP par value based into the net fee for Broker Accounts
 DVP par value based into the net fee for Dealer Accounts
 DVP par value based obligation fee (the ``out of the net'' 
 Gross Repo Transaction processing fee for Broker Accounts for 
DVP transactions
 Gross Repo Transaction processing fee for Dealer Accounts for 
DVP transactions
 Net Repo Transaction processing fee for DVP transactions
 Fees applicable to additional accounts

    The foregoing proposed fee changes would address pricing 
complexity, pricing alignment to costs, or both, as further described 
in the section-by-section discussion below. FICC believes the proposed 
fee changes that address pricing complexity would enhance pricing 
transparency, making it easier for Members (and prospective members) to 
understand the GSD Fee Structure. FICC also believes shifting the GSD 
Fee Structure regarding the DVP service away from a volume-driven 
approach may result in making central clearing more accessible to 
additional market participants. Taken collectively, the proposed rule 
changes are designed to be revenue neutral for GSD and may eliminate 
perceived pricing barriers to entry.
Section I of GSD Fee Structure
    In order to address the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC 
is proposing to replace the seven-tiered trade submission fees for both 
Dealer Accounts and Broker Accounts with a single transaction 
processing fee that would be charged to Members upon the comparison of 
a side of a buy/sell transaction or a Repo Transaction in the DVP 
service. As proposed, Dealer Accounts would be charged a fee of $0.04 
per million par value for transaction processing, and Broker Accounts 
would be charged a fee of $0.02 per million par value for transaction 
processing.\15\ This proposed change would also enable GSD to better 
align pricing with costs by assessing a fee that is more reflective of 
the costs that GSD is currently incurring for transaction processing, 
as described above in Item II.(A)1.(ii)C.

    \15\ Broker Accounts submit two sides per transaction. As such, 
a Broker Account would be charged a total of $0.04 per million par 
value (i.e., $0.02 per million par value times two) for each 

    In order to further reduce the complexity of the current GSD Fee 
Structure, FICC is proposing to delete fees in Section I of the GSD Fee 
Structure that are no longer applicable. Specifically, FICC is 
proposing to delete Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure, which 
imposes surcharges on a Member based on the submission method used by 
the Member. Current Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure imposes 
certain surcharges on Members submitting trade data to GSD using 
submission methods other than the Interactive Submission Method, e.g., 
the Multiple Batch Submission Method or the Single Batch Submission 
Method. These surcharges are no longer required because all Members 
currently submit trade data to GSD using the Interactive Submission 
Method, and FICC does not expect that to change in the future because 
of technological advancements in real-time trade submission capability 
across the financial industry. This proposed change would necessitate 
the re-lettering of the subsequent provisions in Section I of the GSD 
Fee Structure.
Section II of GSD Fee Structure
    In order to better align pricing with the costs of services 
provided by GSD, FICC is proposing to add two position management fees 
applicable to the DVP service in proposed Section II of the GSD Fee 
Structure. The first position management fee would be the intraday 
position fee of $0.04 per million par value that would be calculated 
for a Member each Business Day based on the largest gross position of 
the Member (including positions of any Non-Member that the Member is 
clearing for) that Business Day. FICC proposes to determine the gross 
position of a Member in 15-minute intervals between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 
each Business Day by netting the par value of all compared buy/sell 
transactions, Repo Transactions, and unsettled obligations of the 
Member (including any such activity submitted by the Member for a Non-
Member that the Member is clearing for) by CUSIP Number and taking the 
sum of the absolute par value of each such CUSIP Number.
    The second position management fee would be the end of day position 
fee of $0.115 per million par value that would be calculated for a 
Member each Business Day based on the end of day gross position of the 
Member (including positions of any Non-Member that the

[[Page 20885]]

Member is clearing for) that Business Day. FICC proposes to determine 
the end of day gross position of a Member by netting the par value of 
all compared buy/sell transactions, Repo Transactions, and unsettled 
obligations of the Member (including any such activity submitted by the 
Member for a Non-Member that the Member is clearing for) at the end of 
the Business Day by CUSIP Number and taking the sum of the absolute par 
value of each such CUSIP Number.
    The two proposed position management fees would better align 
pricing with costs of services provided by GSD because they would be 
driven by position management and, as stated above, GSD's costs 
associated with position management have increased. The proposed 
intraday position fee of $0.04 per million par value is aimed to 
reflect the costs associated with monitoring and management of Members' 
intraday DVP positions. The proposed end of day position fee of $0.115 
per million par value is aimed to reflect the costs associated with end 
of day processing, overnight position management, and various risk and 
operational activities required to assure the ability of FICC to 
continue to provide a dependable, stable and efficient clearing and 
settlement service for Members.
Section IV of GSD Fee Structure
    In order to reduce pricing complexity further, FICC is proposing to 
eliminate all netting fees provided in renumbered Section IV of the GSD 
Fee Structure, i.e., (1) the two seven-tiered netting fees for both 
Broker Accounts and Dealer Accounts, (2) the ``into the net'' fees of 
$0.015 per one million of par value for Broker Accounts and $0.016 per 
one million of par value for Dealer Accounts for each Compared Trade, 
Start Leg of a Repo Transaction, Close Leg of a Repo Transaction, Fail 
Deliver Obligation, and Fail Receive Obligation, and (3) the ``out of 
the net'' fees of $0.175 per one million of par value for each Deliver 
Obligation and Receive Obligation created as a result of the netting 
process. This would reduce pricing complexity and thereby enhance 
pricing transparency because the proposal would eliminate the necessity 
for Members to reconcile their fees to the multiple-tiered netting 
fees, the ``into the net'' fees, and the ``out of the net'' fees.
    In addition, FICC is proposing to delete from renumbered Section 
IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure the Repo Transaction processing fees and 
related language for Term Repo Transactions in the DVP service that 
have been compared and netted but not yet settled. This would reduce 
pricing complexity and thereby enhance pricing transparency because 
there would no longer be separate Repo Transaction processing fees for 
Term Repo Transactions. As proposed, Term Repo Transactions would be 
assessed the proposed position management fees, just like overnight 
Repo Transactions and buy/sell transactions.
Section V of GSD Fee Structure
    In order to reduce pricing complexity, FICC is proposing to 
eliminate fees applicable to additional accounts from current Section V 
of the GSD Fee Structure. FICC believes this proposed change would 
reduce pricing complexity and thereby enhance pricing transparency 
because Members would no longer need to differentiate and keep track of 
their main accounts versus their additional accounts. As proposed, each 
account of every Comparison-Only Member and Netting Member would now be 
subject to the same fee, i.e., the minimum monthly fee.
    In order to better align pricing with the costs of services 
provided by GSD, FICC is proposing changes to fees associated with 
accounts of Comparison-Only Members and Netting Members. Specifically, 
FICC is proposing to modify the minimum monthly fee in proposed Section 
V of the GSD Fee Structure. As proposed, the minimum monthly fee would 
be increased from $1,000 to $2,500 per account and would apply to all 
accounts of every Comparison-Only Member and Netting Member instead of 
just their sole or primary account.\16\ FICC is proposing to increase 
the minimum monthly fee to $2,500 per account because FICC believes 
this change would better reflect GSD's costs of account monitoring, 
which have increased as described above in Item II.(A)1.(ii)B.

    \16\ As proposed, the minimum monthly fee would apply to all 
accounts of a Netting Member, including any account the Netting 
Member may have as a Sponsoring Member.

(iv) Expected Member Impact
    In general, FICC anticipates that the proposal would result in fee 
increases for Members that currently have large directional term 
repurchase agreement positions. This is because under the current GSD 
Fee Structure, Members with Term Repo Transactions are charged less 
than Members with overnight Repo Transactions. In contrast, under the 
proposal the Members would be assessed the same position management 
fees for both their Term Repo Transactions as well as their overnight 
Repo Transactions.
    Using the same example from Item II.(A)1.(ii)B (entitled ``CURRENT 
FEES--Pricing Alignment with Costs of Services Provided by GSD''), 
under the proposal, both Member A and Member B would be assessed the 
same fee for position management of their respective Repo Transactions 
because the proposal would harmonize how fees are assessed for the 
management of positions related to overnight Repo Transactions and Term 
Repo Transactions.\17\

    \17\ When comparing with fees under the current GSD Fee 
Structure, excluding transaction processing fees and clearance 
charges, as proposed, Member A would see a fee increase of 
approximately 2.6 times and Member B would see a decrease of 
approximately twenty percent (20%).

    Meanwhile, FICC anticipates that Members with high volumes of buy/
sell transactions that maintain minimal positions would see a decrease 
in their fees because the position management fee associated with their 
activities would be minimal.
    FICC anticipates that the proposal would have a lesser impact on 
fees for Members with diversified portfolios of varying transaction 
(v) Alternatives Considered
    During development of this proposal, FICC considered a range of 
alternatives to the proposal, including:
    (i) A tiered, fixed monthly membership fee based on Members' 
historical activity level, which would provide certainty to Members 
regarding their monthly fee amounts. However, establishing an equitable 
baseline for such a fixed membership fee would be difficult because 
Members' volumes and positions vary (materially in some cases) over 
time due to market events, trading strategies or corporate outlook, 
and, as such, Members' utilization of GSD services would change 
    (ii) A single fee based on Members' end of day positions; however, 
under this alternative, Members with end of day positions would 
disproportionally subsidize intraday position holders who do not carry 
end of day positions as well as Members with large transaction volumes 
but minimal end of day positions;
    (iii) A combination of two fees based on Members' end of day and 
intraday positions, respectively; however, under this alternative, 
Members with end of day and/or intraday positions would 
disproportionally subsidize Members with large transaction volumes but 
minimal intraday and/or end of day positions; and
    (iv) A combination of two fees based on Members' end of day 
positions and

[[Page 20886]]

transaction processing, respectively; however, under this alternative, 
Members with end of day positions would disproportionately subsidize 
intraday position holders with minimal end of day positions.
    Given the shortcomings noted above, FICC did not choose the 
foregoing alternatives.
(vi) Conforming, Clarifying, and Technical Changes
    FICC is proposing a number of conforming, clarifying, and technical 
changes. The proposed rule changes to make conforming, clarifying, and 
technical changes are set forth in proposed Sections I, III, IV, V, VI, 
VII, VIII, and XII of the GSD Fee Structure, as further described 
Section I of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing to rename the heading of Section I of the GSD Fee 
Structure from ``Trade Comparison Fees'' to ``Transaction Fees'' to 
better reflect the proposed changes to that section, as described 
    FICC is proposing to rename the heading of Section I.A. of the GSD 
Fee Structure from ``Trade Submission'' to ``Transaction Processing.'' 
In addition, FICC is proposing changes throughout Section I.A. of the 
GSD Fee Structure to clarify that references to a ``trade'' means a 
``buy/sell transaction.'' FICC is also proposing a number of conforming 
changes in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure. Specifically, FICC is 
proposing to delete a reference to ``submission fee'' and replace it 
with ``processing fee.'' FICC is also proposing to update the reference 
to ``subsection D'' to reflect the proposed re-lettering of that 
    Additionally, FICC is proposing to update the format of (i) the 
$.50 rejection fee to $0.50 in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure, 
(ii) the 15 cents yield-to-price conversion charge to $0.15 in the 
proposed Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure, (iii) the 25 cents and 
5 cents modification/cancellation fees to $0.25 and $0.05, 
respectively, in the proposed Section I.C. of the GSD Fee Structure, 
(iv) the 25 cents coupon pass-through fee to $0.25 in the proposed 
Section I.D. of the GSD Fee Structure, (v) the $.75 repurchase 
agreement collateral substitution fee to $0.75 in the proposed Section 
I.E. of the GSD Fee Structure, (vi) the $.07 and $.025 recording fees 
to $0.07 and $0.025 in the proposed Section I.G. of the GSD Fee 
Structure, and (vii) the $.07 recording fee to $0.07 in the proposed 
Section I.H. of the GSD Fee Restructure, in order to be consistent with 
the format of the other fees in the GSD Fee Structure.
    For better organization of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC is proposing 
to relocate current Sections III.B. (Auction Takedown Process), III.F. 
(Coupon Pass-Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral Substitution 
Fees), which cover fees associated with the Auction Takedown Service, 
pass-through of coupon payments, and the processing of repurchase 
agreement collateral substitution requests, to proposed Sections I.F., 
I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the GSD Fee Structure because each of 
these fees is a type of transaction fee.
    In addition, FICC is proposing to revise the section on Auction 
Takedown Process (proposed Section I.D. of the GSD Fee Structure) by 
replacing the words ``locked-in trades'' with ``buy/sell transactions'' 
because all trades associated with the Auction Takedown Service are 
locked-in. FICC is also proposing to change this section to reflect 
that, instead of the ``Trade Submission'' fees, fees for trades 
associated with the Auction Takedown Service would include the proposed 
``Transaction Processing'' fees in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee 
Structure and the proposed ``Position Management Fees'' in Section II 
of the GSD Fee Structure.
    FICC is proposing a conforming change in the proposed Section I.G. 
of the GSD Fee Structure by deleting the reference to ``Trade 
Submission'' fee schedule and replacing it with ``Transaction 
Processing'' fees.
Section III of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing the renumbering of this section from current 
Section II of the GSD Fee Structure to proposed Section III of the GSD 
Fee Structure.
Section IV of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing to rename the heading of renumbered Section IV of 
the GSD Fee Structure from ``Netting Fee and Charges (in addition to 
the comparison fee)'' to ``Other Charges (in addition to the 
transaction fees)'' to better reflect the proposed changes to this 
section, as described above.
    As described above, for better organization of the GSD Fee 
Structure, FICC is also proposing to relocate current Sections III.B. 
(Auction Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-Through Fee), and 
III.G. (Repo Collateral Substitution Fees) to proposed Sections I.F., 
I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the GSD Fee Structure. These proposed 
changes would necessitate a re-lettering of all subsequent provisions 
in renumbered Section IV of the GSD Fee Structure.
    In addition, FICC is proposing to rename the heading of renumbered 
Section IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure from ``Repo Transaction 
Processing Fee'' to ``GCF Repo Transaction and CCIT Transaction 
Processing Fee'' to better reflect the proposed changes to this 
section. FICC is also proposing two conforming changes: (i) Relocate 
and update the reference to ``Repo Broker'' definition to appear right 
after the first usage of ``Repo Broker'' in this section and (ii) 
reflect the remaining fee in renumbered Section IV.C. of the GSD Fee 
Structure in a singular form.
    In addition, FICC is proposing a conforming change in renumbered 
Section IV.D. of the GSD Fee Structure to reflect the proposed 
renumbering of sections in the GSD Fee Structure by changing a 
reference from ``Section III'' to ``Section IV.''
Section V of GSD Fee Structure
    Currently, the minimum monthly fee does not apply if the total 
monthly fees incurred by the sole or primary account of a Comparison-
Only Member or a Netting Member pursuant to existing Sections I and III 
of the GSD Fee Structure exceed the minimum monthly fee; however, this 
is not expressly stated in the current GSD Fee Structure. FICC is 
proposing to add a sentence to proposed Section V of the GSD Fee 
Structure that would make it clear to Members that the minimum monthly 
fee would not apply to an account if the total monthly fees incurred by 
the account pursuant to Sections I, II (a proposed new section), and IV 
(renumbered from III) of the GSD Fee Structure exceed $2,500.
Section VI of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing changes in Section VI of the GSD Fee Structure to 
clarify that references to ``trades'' means ``buy/sell transactions and 
Repo Transactions.''
Section VII of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing two changes to Section VII of the GSD Fee 
Structure. The first change is being proposed in order to conform to 
the deletion of the fee for additional accounts in proposed Section V 
of the GSD Fee Structure, as described above in Item II.(A)1.(iii) 
(entitled ``PROPOSED FEE CHANGES''). Specifically, FICC is proposing to 
delete the reference to the fee for additional accounts, which is being 
eliminated under the proposal.
    The second change is being proposed in order to make it clear that 
a Sponsoring Member would be subject to the minimum monthly fee set 
forth in proposed Section V of the GSD Fee Structure, as described 
above in Item II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ``PROPOSED FEE

[[Page 20887]]

CHANGES''). This is a clarifying change because, pursuant to the GSD 
Rules, Sponsoring Members are by definition also Netting Members,\18\ 
and, as proposed, each account of every Netting Member would be subject 
to the minimum monthly fee, which would include any account the Netting 
Member may have as a Sponsoring Member. This proposed change would make 
it clear to a Sponsoring Member that its Sponsoring Member Omnibus 
Account would be subject to the minimum monthly fee.

    \18\ The term ``Sponsoring Member'' means a Netting Member whose 
application to become a Sponsoring Member has been approved by the 
Board pursuant to GSD Rule 3A. See GSD Rule 1, Definitions. GSD 
Rules, supra note 3.

Section VIII of GSD Fee Structure
    In current Section VIII of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC is proposing 
(i) a technical change to reflect the reference to the GSD Fee 
Structure as ``Fee Structure'' instead of ``fee structure'' and (ii) 
changes to clarify that references to a ``trade'' means a ``buy/sell 
transaction.'' In addition, FICC is proposing a change to clarify that 
a CCIT Transaction, like a Term GCF Repo Transaction, would be 
considered to have one Start Leg and one Close Leg during its term. 
This clarification is being proposed because a CCIT Transaction is 
similar to a GCF Repo Transaction, and FICC believes this would be a 
helpful clarification for Members.
Section XII of GSD Fee Structure
    FICC is proposing a conforming change in current Section XII of the 
GSD Fee Structure by deleting the reference to ``comparison and netting 
fees'' and replacing it with ``transaction fees.'' In addition, FICC is 
proposing a technical change by deleting the outdated reference to 
``Operations and Planning Committee'' and replacing it with Board, 
which is defined in GSD Rule 1 (Definitions) as ``the Board of 
Directors of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation or a committee thereof 
acting under delegated authority.'' \19\

    \19\ See GSD Rule 1. GSD Rules, supra note 3.

(vii) Member Outreach
    Beginning in December 2017, FICC conducted outreach to each Member 
in order to provide them with notice of the proposed changes and the 
anticipated impact for the Member. As of the date of this filing, no 
written comments relating to the proposed changes have been received in 
response to this outreach. The Commission will be notified of any 
written comments received.
(viii) Implementation Timeframe
    Pending Commission approval, FICC expects to implement this 
proposal on July 2, 2018. As proposed, a legend would be added to the 
GSD Fee Structure stating that there are changes that have been 
approved by the Commission but have not yet been implemented. The 
proposed legend also would include a date on which such changes would 
be implemented and the file number of this proposal, and state that, 
once this proposal is implemented, the legend would automatically be 
removed from the GSD Fee Structure.
2. Statutory Basis
    FICC believes this proposal is consistent with the requirements of 
the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to a 
registered clearing agency. Specifically, FICC believes this proposal 
is consistent with Sections 17A(b)(3)(D) \20\ and 17A(b)(3)(F) \21\ of 
the Act and Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii),\22\ as promulgated under the Act, 
for the reasons described below.

    \20\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(D).
    \21\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
    \22\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii).

    Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act requires that the GSD Rules provide 
for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and other 
charges among its participants.\23\ FICC believes the proposed rule 
changes to the GSD Fee Structure, described in detail in Item 
II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ``PROPOSED FEE CHANGES''), to better align 
pricing with costs of GSD services would provide for the equitable 
allocation of reasonable fees. As described above in Item II.(A)1.(ii)B 
(entitled ``CURRENT FEES--Pricing Alignment with Costs of Services 
Provided by GSD''), GSD's costs have increased due to the continued 
increasing risk management costs and are no longer aligned with the 
current GSD Fee Structure. This proposal would better align GSD's 
pricing (e.g., fees associated with the DVP service as well as the 
minimum monthly fee) with costs attributed to GSD's management of 
Members' DVP positions and costs of account monitoring, respectively. 
With respect to proposed fees associated with the DVP service, a Member 
whose DVP positions result in higher position management costs to GSD 
would be charged a relatively higher fee as that would be reflective of 
the higher costs to GSD in managing those positions of the Member. On 
the other hand, a Member whose DVP positions require less management by 
GSD would be charged a lower fee that is reflective of the lower costs 
to GSD in managing those positions of the Member. Accordingly, FICC 
believes the proposed fees would be equitably allocated because Members 
with similar DVP positions would be treated alike under the proposal. 
With respect to proposed changes to the minimum monthly fee, each 
account of every Comparison-Only Member and Netting Member would be 
subject to a minimum monthly fee threshold that reflects the costs of 
account monitoring. To the extent applicable monthly fees for such an 
account fall below the proposed minimum monthly fee threshold, then the 
Comparison-Only Member or the Netting Member, as applicable, would be 
assessed the minimum monthly fee for that account. FICC believes the 
proposed changes to the minimum monthly fee would allow FICC to 
equitably allocate fees that are reflective of the costs of account 
monitoring among the accounts that are being monitored. FICC believes 
the proposed rule changes discussed in this paragraph would be 
reasonable because the proposed fees would be commensurate with the 
costs of resources allocated by GSD to manage Members' DVP positions 
and monitor accounts of Comparison-Only Members and Netting Members. In 
addition, taken collectively, the proposed fee changes are designed to 
maintain GSD's existing revenue derived from fees associated with the 
DVP service and the minimum monthly fee, in accordance with the current 
GSD Fee Structure, which fees have been in effect since January 1, 2016 
\24\ and July 3, 2000,\25\ respectively. Therefore, FICC believes the 
proposed rule changes to the GSD Fee Structure described in detail in 
Item II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ``PROPOSED FEE CHANGES'') to better align 
pricing with costs of GSD services are consistent with Section 
17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act.

    \23\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(D).
    \24\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 76840 (January 6, 
2016), 81 FR 1450 (January 12, 2016) (FR-FICC-2015-005).
    \25\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 43026 (July 12, 
2000), 65 FR 44555 (July 18, 2000) (SR-GSCC-00-07).

    Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act requires, in part, that the GSD 
Rules be designed to promote the prompt and accurate clearance and 
settlement of securities transactions.\26\ The proposed rule changes to 
make conforming, clarifying, and technical changes, as described in 
CHANGES''), would help ensure that the GSD Rules, including the GSD Fee 
Structure, remain accurate

[[Page 20888]]

and clear to Members. Having accurate and clear GSD Rules would help 
Members to better understand their rights and obligations regarding 
GSD's clearance and settlement services. When Members better understand 
their rights and obligations regarding GSD's clearance and settlement 
services, they can act in accordance with the GSD Rules, which FICC 
believes would promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement 
of securities transactions by GSD. As such, FICC believes the proposed 
rule changes to make conforming, clarifying, and technical changes are 
consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.

    \26\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act requires FICC to establish, 
implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures 
reasonably designed to provide sufficient information to enable 
participants to identify and evaluate the risks, fees, and other 
material costs they incur by participating in the covered clearing 
agency.\27\ The proposed rule changes to reduce the complexity of the 
GSD Fee Structure, as described in Item II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled 
``PROPOSED FEE CHANGES''), and to make conforming, clarifying, and 
technical changes, as described in Item II.(A)1.(vi) (entitled 
that the GSD Fee Structure is transparent and clear to Members. Having 
a transparent and clear GSD Fee Structure would help Members to better 
understand GSD's fees and help provide Members with increased 
predictability and certainty regarding the fees they incur in 
participating in GSD. As such, FICC believes the proposed rule changes 
to reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure and to make 
conforming, clarifying, and technical changes are consistent with Rule 
17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act.

    \27\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii).

(B) Clearing Agency's Statement on Burden on Competition

    FICC believes the proposed rule changes to fees associated with the 
DVP service to better align GSD's pricing with its costs of services 
could have an impact on competition because these changes would likely 
either increase or decrease Members' fees when compared to their fees 
under the current GSD Fee Structure. FICC believes these proposed rule 
changes could both burden competition and promote competition by 
altering Members' fees. When fees are decreased because of these 
proposed rule changes, the proposal could promote competition by 
positively impacting Members' operating costs. Conversely, when the 
proposed rule changes result in fee increases for Members, the proposal 
could burden competition by negatively affecting Members' operating 
costs. While some Members may experience large increases in their fees 
when compared to their fees under the current GSD Fee Structure, FICC 
does not believe such change in fees would in and of itself mean that 
the burden on competition is significant. This is because even though 
the amount of the fee increase may be significant, FICC believes the 
increase in fees would similarly affect all Members that tend to 
maintain large directional term repurchase agreement positions\28\ and 
therefore the burden on competition would not be significant. 
Regardless of whether the burden on competition is deemed significant, 
FICC believes any burden on competition that is created by the proposed 
rule changes to fees associated with the DVP service would be necessary 
and appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act, as permitted 
by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act.\29\

    \28\ Though admittedly a fee increase would be more impactful 
for Members that are smaller than for Members that are larger, FICC 
believes such difference in impact is due to the relative market 
positions of the respective Members and not as a result of these 
proposed rule changes.
    \29\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).

    FICC believes the proposed rule changes to the minimum monthly fee 
to better align GSD's pricing with its costs of services could have an 
impact on competition but only to the extent that the minimum monthly 
fee applies to a Comparison-Only Member's or Netting Member's 
account(s) (because the minimum monthly fee only applies if the 
threshold amount is not reached as described above). There would be no 
impact on competition, however, if an account incurs applicable fees 
that exceed the proposed minimum monthly fee threshold because the 
minimum monthly fee would not apply to the account. When the minimum 
monthly fee would apply, FICC believes the proposed rule changes to the 
minimum monthly fee could burden competition by increasing Members' 
fees and thereby negatively affecting such Members' operating costs. 
FICC does not believe such burden on competition would be significant 
because the proposed minimum monthly fee would apply equally to all 
Comparison-Only Members and Netting Members that have minimal activity 
in their accounts. Regardless of whether the burden on competition is 
deemed significant, FICC believes any burden on competition that is 
created by the proposed rule changes to the minimum monthly fee would 
be necessary and appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act, 
as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act.\30\

    \30\ Id.

    The proposed rule changes to better align GSD's pricing (e.g., fees 
associated with the DVP service as well as the minimum monthly fee) 
with the costs of services would be necessary in furtherance of the 
purposes of the Act because the GSD Rules must provide for the 
equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and other charges among 
its participants.\31\ As described above, the proposed rule changes 
would result in fees that are equitably allocated (by better aligning 
pricing with costs so that (i) a Member whose positions result in 
higher costs to GSD for maintaining such positions would be charged a 
relatively higher fee, and a Member whose positions require less 
maintenance by GSD would be charged a lower fee and (ii) fees that are 
reflective of the costs of account monitoring would be allocated among 
the accounts that are being monitored) and would result in reasonable 
fees (by being designed to be revenue neutral and commensurate with 
costs). As such, FICC believes the proposed rule changes to better 
align GSD's pricing with the costs of services would be necessary in 
furtherance of the purposes of the Act, as permitted by Section 
17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act.\32\

    \31\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(D).
    \32\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).

    FICC believes any burden on competition that is created by the 
proposed rule changes to better align GSD's pricing (e.g., fees 
associated with the DVP service as well as the minimum monthly fee) 
with the costs of services would also be appropriate in furtherance of 
the purposes of the Act. The proposed rule changes would provide GSD 
with the ability to assess fees that are not only reflective of the 
services utilized by Members but are also commensurate with FICC's 
increased risk management costs, such as costs of account monitoring, 
intraday margining, and end of day risk management. Having the ability 
to assess fees that are reflective of the services provided by GSD and 
that are commensurate with GSD's costs of providing such services would 
help GSD to continue providing dependable and stable clearance and 
settlement services to its Members. As such, FICC believes the proposed 
rule changes to better align GSD's pricing with the costs of services 
would be appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act,

[[Page 20889]]

as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act.\33\

    \33\ Id.

    FICC does not believe the proposed rule changes to reduce the 
complexity of the GSD Fee Structure and to make conforming, clarifying, 
and technical changes, as discussed above in Items II.(A)1.(iii) and 
(vi), respectively, would impact competition.\34\ The proposed rule 
changes to address the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure would allow 
Members to better understand the GSD Fee Structure and allow them more 
ease in reconciling to it. Making conforming, clarifying, and technical 
changes to ensure the GSD Fee Structure remains clear and accurate 
would facilitate Members' understanding of the GSD Fee Structure and 
their obligations thereunder. Having transparent, accessible, clear, 
and accurate provisions in the GSD Fee Structure would improve the 
readability and clarity of the GSD Rules regarding the fees that 
Members would incur by participating in GSD. These changes would apply 
equally to all Members and would not affect Members' rights and 
obligations. As such, FICC believes the proposed rule changes to reduce 
the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure and to make conforming, 
clarifying, and technical changes would not have any impact on 

    \34\ Id.

(C) Clearing Agency's Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change 
Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    Written comments relating to this proposed rule change have not 
been solicited or received. FICC will notify the Commission of any 
written comments received by FICC.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change, and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the 
Commission may designate if it finds such longer period to be 
appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will:
    (A) By order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or
    (B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule 
change should be disapproved.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-FICC-2018-003 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-FICC-2018-003. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). 
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 
20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal office of FICC and on DTCC's website 
(http://dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings.aspx). All comments received 
will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are 
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying 
information from comment submissions. You should submit only 
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions 
should refer to File Number SR-FICC-2018-003 and should be submitted on 
or before May 29, 2018.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\35\

    \35\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-09693 Filed 5-7-18; 8:45 am]

                                                20882                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                including whether the proposed rule                       SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                the GSD Rules with respect to the fees
                                                change is consistent with the Act.                        COMMISSION                                             associated with the DVP service and
                                                Comments may be submitted by any of                                                                              make other changes 4 in order to reduce
                                                                                                          [Release No. 34–83153; File No. SR–FICC–
                                                the following methods:                                                                                           complexity and to better align pricing
                                                                                                                                                                 with the costs of services provided by
                                                Electronic Comments
                                                                                                          Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed                   GSD. The proposed rule change would
                                                  • Use the Commission’s internet                         Income Clearing Corporation; Notice of                 also make conforming, clarifying, and
                                                comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                         Filing of Proposed Rule Change To                      technical changes. Taken collectively,
                                                rules/sro.shtml); or                                      Amend the Fee Structure of the                         the proposed rule changes are designed
                                                  • Send an email to rule-comments@                       Government Securities Division                         to be revenue neutral for GSD and may
                                                sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                   Rulebook                                               eliminate perceived pricing barriers to
                                                ISE–2018–39 on the subject line.                                                                                 entry, as described below.
                                                                                                          May 2, 2018.
                                                Paper Comments                                                                                                   (i) Background
                                                                                                             Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                                                                          Securities Exchange Act of 1934                           GSD provides clearance and
                                                   • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                                                                          (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                settlement services for trades executed
                                                to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                                                                          notice is hereby given that on April 27,               by its Members in the U.S. government
                                                Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                                                                                          2018, Fixed Income Clearing                            securities market. GSD supports and
                                                Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                                                                          Corporation (‘‘FICC’’) filed with the                  facilitates these services through
                                                All submissions should refer to File                      Securities and Exchange Commission                     transaction processing and position
                                                Number SR–ISE–2018–39. This file                          (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule                     management.
                                                number should be included on the                          change as described in Items I, II and III                Transaction processing for the DVP
                                                subject line if email is used. To help the                below, which Items have been prepared                  service includes the recording and
                                                Commission process and review your                        by the clearing agency. The Commission                 comparison of transactions submitted to
                                                comments more efficiently, please use                     is publishing this notice to solicit                   GSD for clearance and settlement
                                                only one method. The Commission will                      comments on the proposed rule change                   through GSD’s comparison system, the
                                                post all comments on the Commission’s                     from interested persons.                               Real-Time Trade Matching system.
                                                internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                                                                               Position management for the DVP
                                                rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                           I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                  service includes trade netting, trade
                                                submission, all subsequent                                Terms of Substance of the Proposed                     settlement, and the management of
                                                amendments, all written statements                        Rule Change                                            credit risks, market risks, and liquidity
                                                with respect to the proposed rule                            The proposed rule change would                      risks associated with transactions
                                                change that are filed with the                            amend the Fee Structure of the FICC                    submitted to GSD for clearance and
                                                Commission, and all written                               Government Securities Division                         settlement.
                                                communications relating to the                            (‘‘GSD’’) Rulebook (‘‘GSD Rules’’) 3 with              (ii) Current Fees
                                                proposed rule change between the                          respect to the fees associated with the
                                                Commission and any person, other than                     delivery-versus-payment (‘‘DVP’’)                         Members are assessed fees in
                                                those that may be withheld from the                       service as well as make other changes,                 accordance with the GSD Fee Structure.
                                                public in accordance with the                             as described in greater detail below.                  The current GSD Fee Structure covers a
                                                provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                                                                              multitude of fees that are assessed on
                                                available for website viewing and                         II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                 Members based upon their activities and
                                                printing in the Commission’s Public                       Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the               the services utilized. The number of fees
                                                Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                          Proposed Rule Change                                   and the methods by which they are
                                                Washington, DC 20549, on official                           In its filing with the Commission, the               calculated makes the current GSD Fee
                                                business days between the hours of                        clearing agency included statements                    Structure unnecessarily complex. In
                                                10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the                    concerning the purpose of and basis for                addition, due to changes in technology
                                                filing also will be available for                         the proposed rule change and discussed                 and regulatory environment, certain fees
                                                inspection and copying at the principal                   any comments it received on the                        in the current GSD Fee Structure have
                                                office of the Exchange. All comments                      proposed rule change. The text of these                become misaligned with the costs of
                                                received will be posted without change.                   statements may be examined at the                      services provided by GSD.
                                                Persons submitting comments are                           places specified in Item IV below. The                    4 FICC is not proposing changes to fees
                                                cautioned that we do not redact or edit                   clearing agency has prepared                           specifically associated with either the GCF Repo®
                                                personal identifying information from                     summaries, set forth in sections A, B,                 Service or the CCIT Service at this time because
                                                comment submissions. You should                           and C below, of the most significant                   those fees are more aligned with the costs of
                                                submit only information that you wish                     aspects of such statements.                            providing such services. However, as further
                                                to make available publicly. All                                                                                  discussed below in Item II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled
                                                submissions should refer to File                          (A) Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                 ‘‘PROPOSED FEE CHANGES’’), FICC is proposing
                                                                                                          Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the               a change to the minimum monthly fee. The
                                                Number SR–ISE–2018–39 and should be                                                                              minimum monthly fee is not specific to any service
                                                submitted on or before May 29, 2018.                      Proposed Rule Change                                   and would apply to each account of either a
                                                                                                                                                                 Comparison-Only Member or a Netting Member;
                                                  For the Commission, by the Division of                  1. Purpose                                             such account of a Netting Member could include
                                                Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated                  The purpose of this proposed rule                    GCF Repo and/or CCIT activity. The minimum
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                authority.41                                              change is to amend the Fee Structure of                monthly fee for an account would not apply if the
                                                Eduardo A. Aleman,                                                                                               total monthly fees incurred by the account pursuant
                                                                                                                                                                 to proposed Sections I, II, and IV of the GSD Fee
                                                Assistant Secretary.                                        1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                               Structure exceed $2,500. CCIT Members are not
                                                                                                            2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                  subject to the minimum monthly fee.
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–09696 Filed 5–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            3 Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined      For additional information on the GCF Repo
                                                BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                          in the GSD Rules, available at http://                 Service and the CCIT Service, please refer to GSD
                                                                                                          www.dtcc.com/∼/media/Files/Downloads/legal/            Rule 20 and GSD Rule 3B, respectively. See GSD
                                                  41 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            rules/ficc_gov_rules.pdf.                              Rule 20 and GSD Rule 3B. GSD Rules, id.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014     18:41 May 07, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00096   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\08MYN1.SGM   08MYN1

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices                                                        20883

                                                A. Pricing Overly Complex                                 Accounts, and (2) a net Repo                           management. Therefore, GSD has had to
                                                   The current GSD Fee Structure (as it                   Transaction processing fee.9                           shift its resource allocation so that a
                                                                                                             With a combination of the tiered                    sizable portion of its resources is now
                                                relates to the DVP service) consists of
                                                                                                          structure for trade submission fees and                dedicated to the management of
                                                trade submission fees, trade netting fees,
                                                                                                          trade netting fees, an ‘‘into the net’’ par            Members’ positions. Consequently,
                                                Repo Transaction 5 processing fees, and
                                                                                                          value-based fee, an ‘‘out of the net’’ par             certain fees in the current GSD Fee
                                                settlement fees.6
                                                                                                          value-based fee, and gross and net Repo                Structure have become misaligned with
                                                   Trade submission fees are based on a                   Transaction processing fees, the current
                                                seven-tiered structure where the fees are                                                                        the costs of services provided by GSD.
                                                                                                          GSD Fee Structure can be difficult for
                                                charged based on the number of sides of                   Members to understand and reconcile.                      As an example, the costs for GSD to
                                                buy/sell transactions and Repo                            In fact, Members and market                            manage a single $50 million 30-day
                                                Transactions submitted and matched in                     participants have often indicated to                   Term Repo Transaction 11 for Member A
                                                a given month. There are two (2) tiered                   FICC that the current GSD Fee Structure                and twenty (20) 12 $50 million overnight
                                                structures for the trade submission fees,                 is too complex and difficult to                        Repo Transactions 13 for Member B are
                                                one for the Dealer Accounts and the                       understand. The complexity of the GSD                  similar because the resulting daily
                                                other one for the Broker Accounts.                        Fee Structure is also noted in the U.S.                positions are the same over the 30-day
                                                   Trade netting fees consist of ‘‘into the               Department of the Treasury October                     period, and similar resources are
                                                net’’ fees and ‘‘out of the net’’ fees. The               2017 report to President Donald Trump                  utilized to ensure the safety and
                                                ‘‘into the net’’ fees are different for                   on U.S. capital markets (‘‘Treasury                    soundness of the clearing agency to
                                                Broker Accounts and Dealer Accounts                       Report’’).10                                           these transaction types. However, even
                                                and are based on the number of sides of
                                                                                                          B. Pricing Alignment With Costs of                     though these transactions require
                                                buy/sell transactions and Repo
                                                                                                          Services Provided by GSD                               similar costs and resources to manage,
                                                Transactions that are being netted (a
                                                seven-tiered structure based on the                                                                              under the current GSD Fee Structure,
                                                                                                             With respect to the fees associated                 Member B will be assessed a fee 14 that
                                                monthly number of sides of buy/sell                       with the DVP service, a portion of the
                                                transactions and Repo Transactions),                                                                             is approximately 3.3 times the fee
                                                                                                          current GSD Fee Structure is based on                  assessed on Member A. This is because
                                                and the par value of those sides.7 The                    transaction processing, with a number
                                                ‘‘out of the net’’ fee is a par value-based                                                                      under the current GSD Fee Structure,
                                                                                                          of fees charged to Members being driven
                                                fee for each Deliver Obligation and                                                                              fees associated with Member B’s
                                                                                                          by the number of transactions that the
                                                Receive Obligation created as a result of                 Members submit to GSD for clearance                    overnight Repo Transactions are higher
                                                the netting process.8                                     and settlement (tiered structure for trade             (e.g., on each Business Day, Member B
                                                   Repo Transaction processing fees are                   submission fees and tiered structure for               will be assessed $0.17 per side of trade
                                                comprised of (1) two gross Repo                           trade netting fees, as described in Item               going into the net, $0.016 per million
                                                Transaction processing fees, one for                      II.(A)1.(ii)A. above). As a result, under              par value going into the net, and $0.175
                                                Broker Accounts and one for Dealer                        the current GSD Fee Structure, fees are                per million par value out of the net)
                                                                                                          higher for a Member that submitted a                   than fees associated with Member A’s
                                                   5 The term ‘‘Repo Transaction’’ means: (1) An
                                                                                                          larger number of transactions to GSD                   Term Repo Transaction (e.g., Member A
                                                agreement of a party to transfer Eligible Securities      than a Member that submitted a smaller                 will be assessed each of the following
                                                to another party in exchange for the receipt of cash,
                                                and the simultaneous agreement of the former party        number of transactions, even when the                  fees once: $0.17 per side of trade going
                                                to later take back the same Eligible Securities (or       total par value of the trades that each                into the net, $0.016 per million par
                                                any subsequently substituted Eligible Securities)         such Member submitted to GSD is the                    value going into the net, and $0.175 per
                                                from the latter party in exchange for the payment         same.                                                  million par value out of the net; in
                                                of cash, or (2) an agreement of a party to take in
                                                Eligible Securities from another party in exchange           With technological advancements,                    addition, on each calendar day, Member
                                                for the payment of cash, and the simultaneous             GSD’s systems have become more                         A will be assessed a 0.04 basis point
                                                agreement of the former party to later transfer back      scalable and efficient with respect to                 charge applied to the gross dollar
                                                the same Eligible Securities (or any subsequently         transaction processing, which has
                                                substituted Eligible Securities) to the latter party in
                                                                                                                                                                 amount of its Term Repo Transaction
                                                exchange for the receipt of cash, as the context may      resulted in a reduction in GSD’s costs                 and a 0.08 basis point charge applied to
                                                indicate, the data on which have been submitted to        associated with transaction processing.                the net dollar amount of its Term Repo
                                                FICC pursuant to the GSD Rules. A ‘‘Repo                  In contrast, GSD faces continued                       Transaction).
                                                Transaction’’ includes a GCF Repo Transaction,            increasing risk management costs, such
                                                unless the context indicates otherwise. See GSD
                                                Rule 1. GSD Rules, supra note 3. For the purposes         as costs of account monitoring, intraday                  11 The term ‘‘Term Repo Transaction’’ means, on

                                                of describing the proposed rule changes, the term         margining, and end of day risk                         any particular Business Day, a Repo Transaction for
                                                ‘‘Repo Transaction’’ will exclude GCF Repo                                                                       which settlement of the Close Leg is scheduled to
                                                Transactions.                                               9 The gross Repo Transaction processing fees are     occur two or more Business Days after the
                                                   6 Settlement fees consist of obligation fees and
                                                                                                          currently a 0.0175 basis point charge and a 0.04       scheduled settlement of the Start Leg. See GSD Rule
                                                pass-through fees for clearing bank services. These       basis point charge applied to the gross dollar         1, Definitions. GSD Rules, supra note 3.
                                                fees are not being changed under this proposal.           amount of each Term Repo Transaction for Broker           12 The example assumes there are twenty (20)
                                                   7 With respect to the DVP service, the ‘‘into the      Accounts and Dealer Accounts, respectively, that       Business Days in a month. Twenty (20) overnight
                                                net’’ par value-based fee is currently $0.015 per one     has been compared and netted but not yet settled.      Repo Transactions would span the same number of
                                                million of par value for Broker Accounts and $0.016       The net Repo Transaction processing fee is             calendar days, i.e., 30 calendar days, as a single 30-
                                                per one million of par value for Dealer Accounts for      currently a 0.08 basis point charge applied to the     day Term Repo Transaction. This is because each
                                                each Compared Trade, Start Leg of a Repo                  net dollar amount of a Netting Member’s Term Repo      overnight Repo Transaction that starts on a Friday
                                                Transaction, Close Leg of a Repo Transaction, Fail        Transactions within a CUSIP that has been              will settle on the following Monday.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Deliver Obligation, and Fail Receive Obligation. See      compared and netted but not yet settled. See              13 Overnight Repo Transactions are Repo

                                                current Section III.A.1(ii) of the GSD Fee Structure.     current Section III.E. of the GSD Fee Structure. GSD   Transactions for which settlement of the Close Leg
                                                GSD Rules, supra note 3.                                  Rules, supra note 3.                                   is scheduled to occur one Business Day after the
                                                   8 With respect to the DVP service, the ‘‘out of the      10 See U.S. Department of the Treasury, A            scheduled settlement of the Start Leg.
                                                net’’ par value-based fee is currently $0.175 per one     Financial System That Creates Economic                    14 In addition, Member A and Member B would

                                                million of par value for each Deliver Obligation and      Opportunities: Capital Markets (October 2017), at      be assessed other fees, such as trade submission
                                                Receive Obligation created as a result of the netting     81, available at https://www.treasury.gov/press-       fees and clearance charges; however, these fees are
                                                process. See current Section III.A.2 of the GSD Fee       center/press-releases/Documents/A-Financial-           excluded for the purposes of this example because
                                                Structure. GSD Rules, supra note 3.                       System-Capital-Markets-FINAL-FINAL.pdf.                they are not relevant to position management.

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                                                20884                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                C. Review of Current Fees and Rationale                 • Surcharge for submission method                       change would also enable GSD to better
                                                for Proposed Fee Amounts                                • Seven-tiered transaction based DVP                    align pricing with costs by assessing a
                                                   Over the past two years, GSD                            trade submission fee for Broker                      fee that is more reflective of the costs
                                                performed an extensive review of the                       Accounts                                             that GSD is currently incurring for
                                                                                                        • Seven-tiered transaction based DVP                    transaction processing, as described
                                                current GSD Fee Structure with the
                                                                                                           trade submission fee for Dealer                      above in Item II.(A)1.(ii)C.
                                                goals of reducing pricing complexity
                                                                                                           Accounts                                                In order to further reduce the
                                                and aligning pricing with costs, while                  • Seven-tiered transaction based DVP                    complexity of the current GSD Fee
                                                on an overall basis maintaining GSD’s                      netting fee for Broker Accounts                      Structure, FICC is proposing to delete
                                                revenue at the current level.                           • Seven-tiered transaction based DVP
                                                   GSD believes it is reasonable and                                                                            fees in Section I of the GSD Fee
                                                                                                           netting fee for Dealer Accounts                      Structure that are no longer applicable.
                                                appropriate to assess Members fees that                 • DVP par value based into the net fee
                                                are commensurate with the costs of                                                                              Specifically, FICC is proposing to delete
                                                                                                           for Broker Accounts                                  Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure,
                                                services provided to Members.                           • DVP par value based into the net fee                  which imposes surcharges on a Member
                                                Accordingly, based on a review of the                      for Dealer Accounts                                  based on the submission method used
                                                costs associated with position                          • DVP par value based obligation fee                    by the Member. Current Section I.B. of
                                                management vis-à-vis the overall cost                     (the ‘‘out of the net’’ fee)                         the GSD Fee Structure imposes certain
                                                structure as well as the current fees,                  • Gross Repo Transaction processing fee                 surcharges on Members submitting trade
                                                GSD estimates that the transaction                         for Broker Accounts for DVP                          data to GSD using submission methods
                                                processing fees and the position                           transactions                                         other than the Interactive Submission
                                                management fees associated with the                     • Gross Repo Transaction processing fee
                                                                                                                                                                Method, e.g., the Multiple Batch
                                                DVP service should account for                             for Dealer Accounts for DVP                          Submission Method or the Single Batch
                                                approximately thirty percent (30%) and                     transactions                                         Submission Method. These surcharges
                                                seventy percent (70%), respectively, of                 • Net Repo Transaction processing fee
                                                                                                                                                                are no longer required because all
                                                GSD’s projected revenue associated with                    for DVP transactions
                                                                                                        • Fees applicable to additional accounts                Members currently submit trade data to
                                                the DVP service. In particular, the                                                                             GSD using the Interactive Submission
                                                position management fees would be                          The foregoing proposed fee changes                   Method, and FICC does not expect that
                                                comprised of an intraday position                       would address pricing complexity,                       to change in the future because of
                                                management fee and an end of day                        pricing alignment to costs, or both, as                 technological advancements in real-time
                                                position management fee, each aimed to                  further described in the section-by-                    trade submission capability across the
                                                reflect the respective costs of services                section discussion below. FICC believes                 financial industry. This proposed
                                                required in managing intraday positions                 the proposed fee changes that address                   change would necessitate the re-
                                                and end of day positions. The proposed                  pricing complexity would enhance                        lettering of the subsequent provisions in
                                                fee changes would better align GSD’s                    pricing transparency, making it easier                  Section I of the GSD Fee Structure.
                                                revenue with the 30/70 split between                    for Members (and prospective members)
                                                transaction processing and position                     to understand the GSD Fee Structure.                    Section II of GSD Fee Structure
                                                management costs. FICC expects GSD’s                    FICC also believes shifting the GSD Fee                    In order to better align pricing with
                                                net revenue to remain relatively                        Structure regarding the DVP service                     the costs of services provided by GSD,
                                                unchanged as a result of this proposal.                 away from a volume-driven approach                      FICC is proposing to add two position
                                                                                                        may result in making central clearing                   management fees applicable to the DVP
                                                (iii) Proposed Fee Changes
                                                                                                        more accessible to additional market                    service in proposed Section II of the
                                                   Based upon feedback from Members                     participants. Taken collectively, the                   GSD Fee Structure. The first position
                                                and market participants as well as a                    proposed rule changes are designed to                   management fee would be the intraday
                                                review of current fees conducted by                     be revenue neutral for GSD and may                      position fee of $0.04 per million par
                                                FICC as described above, FICC is                        eliminate perceived pricing barriers to                 value that would be calculated for a
                                                proposing to modify the GSD Fee                         entry.                                                  Member each Business Day based on the
                                                Structure to (i) reduce pricing                                                                                 largest gross position of the Member
                                                complexity and (ii) better align pricing                Section I of GSD Fee Structure
                                                                                                                                                                (including positions of any Non-
                                                with costs of services provided by GSD.                    In order to address the complexity of                Member that the Member is clearing for)
                                                   In that respect, the proposed GSD Fee                the GSD Fee Structure, FICC is                          that Business Day. FICC proposes to
                                                Structure would establish four (4) new                  proposing to replace the seven-tiered                   determine the gross position of a
                                                fees, modify three (3) existing fees, and               trade submission fees for both Dealer                   Member in 15-minute intervals between
                                                eliminate twelve (12) fees, each as                     Accounts and Broker Accounts with a                     9 a.m. and 4 p.m. each Business Day by
                                                further described below.                                single transaction processing fee that                  netting the par value of all compared
                                                   FICC is proposing to add the                         would be charged to Members upon the                    buy/sell transactions, Repo
                                                following fees—                                         comparison of a side of a buy/sell                      Transactions, and unsettled obligations
                                                • Transaction processing fee for Broker                 transaction or a Repo Transaction in the                of the Member (including any such
                                                   Accounts                                             DVP service. As proposed, Dealer                        activity submitted by the Member for a
                                                • Transaction processing fee for Dealer                 Accounts would be charged a fee of                      Non-Member that the Member is
                                                   Accounts                                             $0.04 per million par value for                         clearing for) by CUSIP Number and
                                                • Intraday position fee                                 transaction processing, and Broker                      taking the sum of the absolute par value
                                                • End of day position fee                               Accounts would be charged a fee of
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                of each such CUSIP Number.
                                                   FICC is proposing to modify the                      $0.02 per million par value for                            The second position management fee
                                                following fees—                                         transaction processing.15 This proposed                 would be the end of day position fee of
                                                • Minimum monthly fee                                                                                           $0.115 per million par value that would
                                                • Auction takedown fee                                     15 Broker Accounts submit two sides per
                                                                                                                                                                be calculated for a Member each
                                                • Locked-in trade data fee                              transaction. As such, a Broker Account would be
                                                                                                                                                                Business Day based on the end of day
                                                                                                        charged a total of $0.04 per million par value (i.e.,
                                                   FICC is proposing to eliminate the                   $0.02 per million par value times two) for each         gross position of the Member (including
                                                following fees—                                         transaction.                                            positions of any Non-Member that the

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices                                                     20885

                                                Member is clearing for) that Business                   compared and netted but not yet settled.              Term Repo Transactions as well as their
                                                Day. FICC proposes to determine the                     This would reduce pricing complexity                  overnight Repo Transactions.
                                                end of day gross position of a Member                   and thereby enhance pricing                              Using the same example from Item
                                                by netting the par value of all compared                transparency because there would no                   II.(A)1.(ii)B (entitled ‘‘CURRENT
                                                buy/sell transactions, Repo                             longer be separate Repo Transaction                   FEES—Pricing Alignment with Costs of
                                                Transactions, and unsettled obligations                 processing fees for Term Repo                         Services Provided by GSD’’), under the
                                                of the Member (including any such                       Transactions. As proposed, Term Repo                  proposal, both Member A and Member
                                                activity submitted by the Member for a                  Transactions would be assessed the                    B would be assessed the same fee for
                                                Non-Member that the Member is                           proposed position management fees,                    position management of their respective
                                                clearing for) at the end of the Business                just like overnight Repo Transactions                 Repo Transactions because the proposal
                                                Day by CUSIP Number and taking the                      and buy/sell transactions.                            would harmonize how fees are assessed
                                                sum of the absolute par value of each                                                                         for the management of positions related
                                                such CUSIP Number.                                      Section V of GSD Fee Structure                        to overnight Repo Transactions and
                                                   The two proposed position                               In order to reduce pricing complexity,             Term Repo Transactions.17
                                                management fees would better align                      FICC is proposing to eliminate fees                      Meanwhile, FICC anticipates that
                                                pricing with costs of services provided                 applicable to additional accounts from                Members with high volumes of buy/sell
                                                by GSD because they would be driven                     current Section V of the GSD Fee                      transactions that maintain minimal
                                                by position management and, as stated                   Structure. FICC believes this proposed                positions would see a decrease in their
                                                above, GSD’s costs associated with                      change would reduce pricing                           fees because the position management
                                                position management have increased.                     complexity and thereby enhance pricing                fee associated with their activities
                                                The proposed intraday position fee of                   transparency because Members would                    would be minimal.
                                                $0.04 per million par value is aimed to                 no longer need to differentiate and keep                 FICC anticipates that the proposal
                                                reflect the costs associated with                       track of their main accounts versus their             would have a lesser impact on fees for
                                                monitoring and management of                            additional accounts. As proposed, each                Members with diversified portfolios of
                                                Members’ intraday DVP positions. The                    account of every Comparison-Only                      varying transaction types/terms.
                                                proposed end of day position fee of                     Member and Netting Member would
                                                $0.115 per million par value is aimed to                                                                      (v) Alternatives Considered
                                                                                                        now be subject to the same fee, i.e., the
                                                reflect the costs associated with end of                minimum monthly fee.                                     During development of this proposal,
                                                day processing, overnight position                         In order to better align pricing with              FICC considered a range of alternatives
                                                management, and various risk and                        the costs of services provided by GSD,                to the proposal, including:
                                                operational activities required to assure               FICC is proposing changes to fees                        (i) A tiered, fixed monthly
                                                the ability of FICC to continue to                      associated with accounts of                           membership fee based on Members’
                                                provide a dependable, stable and                        Comparison-Only Members and Netting                   historical activity level, which would
                                                efficient clearing and settlement service               Members. Specifically, FICC is                        provide certainty to Members regarding
                                                for Members.                                            proposing to modify the minimum                       their monthly fee amounts. However,
                                                                                                        monthly fee in proposed Section V of                  establishing an equitable baseline for
                                                Section IV of GSD Fee Structure                                                                               such a fixed membership fee would be
                                                                                                        the GSD Fee Structure. As proposed, the
                                                   In order to reduce pricing complexity                                                                      difficult because Members’ volumes and
                                                                                                        minimum monthly fee would be
                                                further, FICC is proposing to eliminate                                                                       positions vary (materially in some cases)
                                                                                                        increased from $1,000 to $2,500 per
                                                all netting fees provided in renumbered                                                                       over time due to market events, trading
                                                                                                        account and would apply to all accounts
                                                Section IV of the GSD Fee Structure, i.e.,                                                                    strategies or corporate outlook, and, as
                                                                                                        of every Comparison-Only Member and
                                                (1) the two seven-tiered netting fees for                                                                     such, Members’ utilization of GSD
                                                both Broker Accounts and Dealer                         Netting Member instead of just their
                                                                                                        sole or primary account.16 FICC is                    services would change accordingly;
                                                Accounts, (2) the ‘‘into the net’’ fees of                                                                       (ii) A single fee based on Members’
                                                $0.015 per one million of par value for                 proposing to increase the minimum
                                                                                                                                                              end of day positions; however, under
                                                Broker Accounts and $0.016 per one                      monthly fee to $2,500 per account
                                                                                                                                                              this alternative, Members with end of
                                                million of par value for Dealer Accounts                because FICC believes this change
                                                                                                                                                              day positions would disproportionally
                                                for each Compared Trade, Start Leg of                   would better reflect GSD’s costs of
                                                                                                                                                              subsidize intraday position holders who
                                                a Repo Transaction, Close Leg of a Repo                 account monitoring, which have
                                                                                                                                                              do not carry end of day positions as well
                                                Transaction, Fail Deliver Obligation,                   increased as described above in Item
                                                                                                                                                              as Members with large transaction
                                                and Fail Receive Obligation, and (3) the                II.(A)1.(ii)B.
                                                                                                                                                              volumes but minimal end of day
                                                ‘‘out of the net’’ fees of $0.175 per one               (iv) Expected Member Impact                           positions;
                                                million of par value for each Deliver                                                                            (iii) A combination of two fees based
                                                                                                          In general, FICC anticipates that the
                                                Obligation and Receive Obligation                                                                             on Members’ end of day and intraday
                                                                                                        proposal would result in fee increases
                                                created as a result of the netting process.                                                                   positions, respectively; however, under
                                                                                                        for Members that currently have large
                                                This would reduce pricing complexity                                                                          this alternative, Members with end of
                                                                                                        directional term repurchase agreement
                                                and thereby enhance pricing                                                                                   day and/or intraday positions would
                                                                                                        positions. This is because under the
                                                transparency because the proposal                                                                             disproportionally subsidize Members
                                                                                                        current GSD Fee Structure, Members
                                                would eliminate the necessity for                                                                             with large transaction volumes but
                                                                                                        with Term Repo Transactions are
                                                Members to reconcile their fees to the                                                                        minimal intraday and/or end of day
                                                                                                        charged less than Members with
                                                multiple-tiered netting fees, the ‘‘into                                                                      positions; and
                                                                                                        overnight Repo Transactions. In
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                the net’’ fees, and the ‘‘out of the net’’                                                                       (iv) A combination of two fees based
                                                                                                        contrast, under the proposal the                      on Members’ end of day positions and
                                                   In addition, FICC is proposing to                    Members would be assessed the same
                                                delete from renumbered Section IV.C. of                 position management fees for both their                 17 When comparing with fees under the current

                                                the GSD Fee Structure the Repo                                                                                GSD Fee Structure, excluding transaction
                                                                                                          16 As proposed, the minimum monthly fee would       processing fees and clearance charges, as proposed,
                                                Transaction processing fees and related                 apply to all accounts of a Netting Member,            Member A would see a fee increase of
                                                language for Term Repo Transactions in                  including any account the Netting Member may          approximately 2.6 times and Member B would see
                                                the DVP service that have been                          have as a Sponsoring Member.                          a decrease of approximately twenty percent (20%).

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                                                20886                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                transaction processing, respectively;                      For better organization of the GSD Fee             Section IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure
                                                however, under this alternative,                        Structure, FICC is proposing to relocate              from ‘‘Repo Transaction Processing Fee’’
                                                Members with end of day positions                       current Sections III.B. (Auction                      to ‘‘GCF Repo Transaction and CCIT
                                                would disproportionately subsidize                      Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-               Transaction Processing Fee’’ to better
                                                intraday position holders with minimal                  Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral             reflect the proposed changes to this
                                                end of day positions.                                   Substitution Fees), which cover fees                  section. FICC is also proposing two
                                                   Given the shortcomings noted above,                  associated with the Auction Takedown                  conforming changes: (i) Relocate and
                                                FICC did not choose the foregoing                       Service, pass-through of coupon                       update the reference to ‘‘Repo Broker’’
                                                alternatives.                                           payments, and the processing of                       definition to appear right after the first
                                                (vi) Conforming, Clarifying, and                        repurchase agreement collateral                       usage of ‘‘Repo Broker’’ in this section
                                                Technical Changes                                       substitution requests, to proposed                    and (ii) reflect the remaining fee in
                                                                                                        Sections I.F., I.D., and I.E., respectively,          renumbered Section IV.C. of the GSD
                                                  FICC is proposing a number of                         of the GSD Fee Structure because each                 Fee Structure in a singular form.
                                                conforming, clarifying, and technical                   of these fees is a type of transaction fee.              In addition, FICC is proposing a
                                                changes. The proposed rule changes to                      In addition, FICC is proposing to                  conforming change in renumbered
                                                make conforming, clarifying, and                        revise the section on Auction Takedown                Section IV.D. of the GSD Fee Structure
                                                technical changes are set forth in                      Process (proposed Section I.D. of the                 to reflect the proposed renumbering of
                                                proposed Sections I, III, IV, V, VI, VII,               GSD Fee Structure) by replacing the                   sections in the GSD Fee Structure by
                                                VIII, and XII of the GSD Fee Structure,                 words ‘‘locked-in trades’’ with ‘‘buy/sell            changing a reference from ‘‘Section III’’
                                                as further described below.                             transactions’’ because all trades                     to ‘‘Section IV.’’
                                                Section I of GSD Fee Structure                          associated with the Auction Takedown
                                                                                                                                                              Section V of GSD Fee Structure
                                                                                                        Service are locked-in. FICC is also
                                                   FICC is proposing to rename the                                                                               Currently, the minimum monthly fee
                                                                                                        proposing to change this section to
                                                heading of Section I of the GSD Fee                                                                           does not apply if the total monthly fees
                                                                                                        reflect that, instead of the ‘‘Trade
                                                Structure from ‘‘Trade Comparison                                                                             incurred by the sole or primary account
                                                                                                        Submission’’ fees, fees for trades
                                                Fees’’ to ‘‘Transaction Fees’’ to better                                                                      of a Comparison-Only Member or a
                                                                                                        associated with the Auction Takedown
                                                reflect the proposed changes to that                                                                          Netting Member pursuant to existing
                                                                                                        Service would include the proposed
                                                section, as described above.                                                                                  Sections I and III of the GSD Fee
                                                   FICC is proposing to rename the                      ‘‘Transaction Processing’’ fees in
                                                                                                        Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure                 Structure exceed the minimum monthly
                                                heading of Section I.A. of the GSD Fee                                                                        fee; however, this is not expressly stated
                                                Structure from ‘‘Trade Submission’’ to                  and the proposed ‘‘Position
                                                                                                        Management Fees’’ in Section II of the                in the current GSD Fee Structure. FICC
                                                ‘‘Transaction Processing.’’ In addition,                                                                      is proposing to add a sentence to
                                                FICC is proposing changes throughout                    GSD Fee Structure.
                                                                                                           FICC is proposing a conforming                     proposed Section V of the GSD Fee
                                                Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure to                                                                      Structure that would make it clear to
                                                                                                        change in the proposed Section I.G. of
                                                clarify that references to a ‘‘trade’’                                                                        Members that the minimum monthly fee
                                                                                                        the GSD Fee Structure by deleting the
                                                means a ‘‘buy/sell transaction.’’ FICC is                                                                     would not apply to an account if the
                                                                                                        reference to ‘‘Trade Submission’’ fee
                                                also proposing a number of conforming                                                                         total monthly fees incurred by the
                                                                                                        schedule and replacing it with
                                                changes in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee                                                                        account pursuant to Sections I, II (a
                                                                                                        ‘‘Transaction Processing’’ fees.
                                                Structure. Specifically, FICC is                                                                              proposed new section), and IV
                                                proposing to delete a reference to                      Section III of GSD Fee Structure                      (renumbered from III) of the GSD Fee
                                                ‘‘submission fee’’ and replace it with                    FICC is proposing the renumbering of                Structure exceed $2,500.
                                                ‘‘processing fee.’’ FICC is also proposing              this section from current Section II of
                                                to update the reference to ‘‘subsection                 the GSD Fee Structure to proposed                     Section VI of GSD Fee Structure
                                                D’’ to reflect the proposed re-lettering of             Section III of the GSD Fee Structure.                   FICC is proposing changes in Section
                                                that subsection.                                                                                              VI of the GSD Fee Structure to clarify
                                                   Additionally, FICC is proposing to                   Section IV of GSD Fee Structure                       that references to ‘‘trades’’ means ‘‘buy/
                                                update the format of (i) the $.50                          FICC is proposing to rename the                    sell transactions and Repo
                                                rejection fee to $0.50 in Section I.A. of               heading of renumbered Section IV of the               Transactions.’’
                                                the GSD Fee Structure, (ii) the 15 cents                GSD Fee Structure from ‘‘Netting Fee
                                                yield-to-price conversion charge to                     and Charges (in addition to the                       Section VII of GSD Fee Structure
                                                $0.15 in the proposed Section I.B. of the               comparison fee)’’ to ‘‘Other Charges (in                 FICC is proposing two changes to
                                                GSD Fee Structure, (iii) the 25 cents and               addition to the transaction fees)’’ to                Section VII of the GSD Fee Structure.
                                                5 cents modification/cancellation fees to               better reflect the proposed changes to                The first change is being proposed in
                                                $0.25 and $0.05, respectively, in the                   this section, as described above.                     order to conform to the deletion of the
                                                proposed Section I.C. of the GSD Fee                       As described above, for better                     fee for additional accounts in proposed
                                                Structure, (iv) the 25 cents coupon pass-               organization of the GSD Fee Structure,                Section V of the GSD Fee Structure, as
                                                through fee to $0.25 in the proposed                    FICC is also proposing to relocate                    described above in Item II.(A)1.(iii)
                                                Section I.D. of the GSD Fee Structure,                  current Sections III.B. (Auction                      (entitled ‘‘PROPOSED FEE CHANGES’’).
                                                (v) the $.75 repurchase agreement                       Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-               Specifically, FICC is proposing to delete
                                                collateral substitution fee to $0.75 in the             Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral             the reference to the fee for additional
                                                proposed Section I.E. of the GSD Fee                    Substitution Fees) to proposed Sections               accounts, which is being eliminated
                                                Structure, (vi) the $.07 and $.025
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        I.F., I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the            under the proposal.
                                                recording fees to $0.07 and $0.025 in the               GSD Fee Structure. These proposed                        The second change is being proposed
                                                proposed Section I.G. of the GSD Fee                    changes would necessitate a re-lettering              in order to make it clear that a
                                                Structure, and (vii) the $.07 recording                 of all subsequent provisions in                       Sponsoring Member would be subject to
                                                fee to $0.07 in the proposed Section I.H.               renumbered Section IV of the GSD Fee                  the minimum monthly fee set forth in
                                                of the GSD Fee Restructure, in order to                 Structure.                                            proposed Section V of the GSD Fee
                                                be consistent with the format of the                       In addition, FICC is proposing to                  Structure, as described above in Item
                                                other fees in the GSD Fee Structure.                    rename the heading of renumbered                      II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ‘‘PROPOSED FEE

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices                                                     20887

                                                CHANGES’’). This is a clarifying change                 (viii) Implementation Timeframe                       charged a lower fee that is reflective of
                                                because, pursuant to the GSD Rules,                        Pending Commission approval, FICC                  the lower costs to GSD in managing
                                                Sponsoring Members are by definition                    expects to implement this proposal on                 those positions of the Member.
                                                also Netting Members,18 and, as                         July 2, 2018. As proposed, a legend                   Accordingly, FICC believes the
                                                proposed, each account of every Netting                 would be added to the GSD Fee                         proposed fees would be equitably
                                                Member would be subject to the                          Structure stating that there are changes              allocated because Members with similar
                                                minimum monthly fee, which would                        that have been approved by the                        DVP positions would be treated alike
                                                include any account the Netting                         Commission but have not yet been                      under the proposal. With respect to
                                                Member may have as a Sponsoring                         implemented. The proposed legend also                 proposed changes to the minimum
                                                Member. This proposed change would                      would include a date on which such                    monthly fee, each account of every
                                                make it clear to a Sponsoring Member                    changes would be implemented and the                  Comparison-Only Member and Netting
                                                that its Sponsoring Member Omnibus                      file number of this proposal, and state               Member would be subject to a minimum
                                                Account would be subject to the                         that, once this proposal is implemented,              monthly fee threshold that reflects the
                                                minimum monthly fee.                                    the legend would automatically be                     costs of account monitoring. To the
                                                                                                        removed from the GSD Fee Structure.                   extent applicable monthly fees for such
                                                Section VIII of GSD Fee Structure
                                                                                                                                                              an account fall below the proposed
                                                   In current Section VIII of the GSD Fee               2. Statutory Basis                                    minimum monthly fee threshold, then
                                                Structure, FICC is proposing (i) a                         FICC believes this proposal is                     the Comparison-Only Member or the
                                                technical change to reflect the reference               consistent with the requirements of the               Netting Member, as applicable, would
                                                to the GSD Fee Structure as ‘‘Fee                       Act and the rules and regulations                     be assessed the minimum monthly fee
                                                Structure’’ instead of ‘‘fee structure’’                thereunder applicable to a registered                 for that account. FICC believes the
                                                and (ii) changes to clarify that references             clearing agency. Specifically, FICC                   proposed changes to the minimum
                                                to a ‘‘trade’’ means a ‘‘buy/sell                       believes this proposal is consistent with             monthly fee would allow FICC to
                                                transaction.’’ In addition, FICC is                     Sections 17A(b)(3)(D) 20 and                          equitably allocate fees that are reflective
                                                proposing a change to clarify that a                    17A(b)(3)(F) 21 of the Act and Rule                   of the costs of account monitoring
                                                CCIT Transaction, like a Term GCF                       17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii),22 as promulgated                  among the accounts that are being
                                                Repo Transaction, would be considered                   under the Act, for the reasons described              monitored. FICC believes the proposed
                                                to have one Start Leg and one Close Leg                 below.                                                rule changes discussed in this paragraph
                                                during its term. This clarification is                     Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act                    would be reasonable because the
                                                being proposed because a CCIT                           requires that the GSD Rules provide for               proposed fees would be commensurate
                                                Transaction is similar to a GCF Repo                    the equitable allocation of reasonable                with the costs of resources allocated by
                                                Transaction, and FICC believes this                     dues, fees, and other charges among its               GSD to manage Members’ DVP positions
                                                would be a helpful clarification for                    participants.23 FICC believes the                     and monitor accounts of Comparison-
                                                Members.                                                proposed rule changes to the GSD Fee                  Only Members and Netting Members. In
                                                Section XII of GSD Fee Structure                        Structure, described in detail in Item                addition, taken collectively, the
                                                                                                        II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ‘‘PROPOSED FEE                proposed fee changes are designed to
                                                  FICC is proposing a conforming                        CHANGES’’), to better align pricing with              maintain GSD’s existing revenue
                                                change in current Section XII of the GSD                costs of GSD services would provide for               derived from fees associated with the
                                                Fee Structure by deleting the reference                 the equitable allocation of reasonable                DVP service and the minimum monthly
                                                to ‘‘comparison and netting fees’’ and                  fees. As described above in Item                      fee, in accordance with the current GSD
                                                replacing it with ‘‘transaction fees.’’ In              II.(A)1.(ii)B (entitled ‘‘CURRENT                     Fee Structure, which fees have been in
                                                addition, FICC is proposing a technical                 FEES—Pricing Alignment with Costs of                  effect since January 1, 2016 24 and July
                                                change by deleting the outdated                         Services Provided by GSD’’), GSD’s                    3, 2000,25 respectively. Therefore, FICC
                                                reference to ‘‘Operations and Planning                  costs have increased due to the                       believes the proposed rule changes to
                                                Committee’’ and replacing it with                       continued increasing risk management                  the GSD Fee Structure described in
                                                Board, which is defined in GSD Rule 1                   costs and are no longer aligned with the              detail in Item II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled
                                                (Definitions) as ‘‘the Board of Directors               current GSD Fee Structure. This                       ‘‘PROPOSED FEE CHANGES’’) to better
                                                of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation or                 proposal would better align GSD’s                     align pricing with costs of GSD services
                                                a committee thereof acting under                        pricing (e.g., fees associated with the               are consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(D)
                                                delegated authority.’’ 19                               DVP service as well as the minimum                    of the Act.
                                                (vii) Member Outreach                                   monthly fee) with costs attributed to                    Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act
                                                                                                        GSD’s management of Members’ DVP                      requires, in part, that the GSD Rules be
                                                  Beginning in December 2017, FICC                      positions and costs of account                        designed to promote the prompt and
                                                conducted outreach to each Member in                    monitoring, respectively. With respect                accurate clearance and settlement of
                                                order to provide them with notice of the                to proposed fees associated with the                  securities transactions.26 The proposed
                                                proposed changes and the anticipated                    DVP service, a Member whose DVP                       rule changes to make conforming,
                                                impact for the Member. As of the date                   positions result in higher position                   clarifying, and technical changes, as
                                                of this filing, no written comments                     management costs to GSD would be                      described in Item II.(A)1.(vi) (entitled
                                                relating to the proposed changes have                   charged a relatively higher fee as that               ‘‘CONFORMING, CLARIFYING, AND
                                                been received in response to this                       would be reflective of the higher costs               TECHNICAL CHANGES’’), would help
                                                outreach. The Commission will be                        to GSD in managing those positions of                 ensure that the GSD Rules, including
                                                notified of any written comments
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        the Member. On the other hand, a                      the GSD Fee Structure, remain accurate
                                                received.                                               Member whose DVP positions require
                                                                                                                                                                 24 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 76840
                                                                                                        less management by GSD would be
                                                  18 The term ‘‘Sponsoring Member’’ means a                                                                   (January 6, 2016), 81 FR 1450 (January 12, 2016)
                                                Netting Member whose application to become a                                                                  (FR–FICC–2015–005).
                                                                                                         20 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(D).
                                                Sponsoring Member has been approved by the                                                                       25 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 43026
                                                                                                         21 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
                                                Board pursuant to GSD Rule 3A. See GSD Rule 1,                                                                (July 12, 2000), 65 FR 44555 (July 18, 2000) (SR–
                                                Definitions. GSD Rules, supra note 3.                    22 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii).                    GSCC–00–07).
                                                  19 See GSD Rule 1. GSD Rules, supra note 3.            23 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(D).                            26 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).

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                                                20888                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices

                                                and clear to Members. Having accurate                     Conversely, when the proposed rule                    necessary and appropriate in
                                                and clear GSD Rules would help                            changes result in fee increases for                   furtherance of the purposes of the Act,
                                                Members to better understand their                        Members, the proposal could burden                    as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of
                                                rights and obligations regarding GSD’s                    competition by negatively affecting                   the Act.30
                                                clearance and settlement services. When                   Members’ operating costs. While some                     The proposed rule changes to better
                                                Members better understand their rights                    Members may experience large                          align GSD’s pricing (e.g., fees associated
                                                and obligations regarding GSD’s                           increases in their fees when compared                 with the DVP service as well as the
                                                clearance and settlement services, they                   to their fees under the current GSD Fee               minimum monthly fee) with the costs of
                                                can act in accordance with the GSD                        Structure, FICC does not believe such                 services would be necessary in
                                                Rules, which FICC believes would                          change in fees would in and of itself                 furtherance of the purposes of the Act
                                                promote the prompt and accurate                           mean that the burden on competition is                because the GSD Rules must provide for
                                                clearance and settlement of securities                    significant. This is because even though              the equitable allocation of reasonable
                                                transactions by GSD. As such, FICC                        the amount of the fee increase may be                 dues, fees, and other charges among its
                                                believes the proposed rule changes to                     significant, FICC believes the increase in            participants.31 As described above, the
                                                make conforming, clarifying, and                          fees would similarly affect all Members               proposed rule changes would result in
                                                technical changes are consistent with                     that tend to maintain large directional               fees that are equitably allocated (by
                                                Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.                          term repurchase agreement positions28                 better aligning pricing with costs so that
                                                   Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act                  and therefore the burden on competition               (i) a Member whose positions result in
                                                requires FICC to establish, implement,                    would not be significant. Regardless of               higher costs to GSD for maintaining
                                                maintain and enforce written policies                     whether the burden on competition is                  such positions would be charged a
                                                and procedures reasonably designed to                     deemed significant, FICC believes any                 relatively higher fee, and a Member
                                                provide sufficient information to enable                  burden on competition that is created by              whose positions require less
                                                participants to identify and evaluate the                 the proposed rule changes to fees                     maintenance by GSD would be charged
                                                risks, fees, and other material costs they                associated with the DVP service would                 a lower fee and (ii) fees that are
                                                incur by participating in the covered                     be necessary and appropriate in                       reflective of the costs of account
                                                clearing agency.27 The proposed rule                      furtherance of the purposes of the Act,               monitoring would be allocated among
                                                changes to reduce the complexity of the                   as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of               the accounts that are being monitored)
                                                GSD Fee Structure, as described in Item                   the Act.29                                            and would result in reasonable fees (by
                                                II.(A)1.(iii) (entitled ‘‘PROPOSED FEE                       FICC believes the proposed rule
                                                                                                                                                                being designed to be revenue neutral
                                                CHANGES’’), and to make conforming,                       changes to the minimum monthly fee to
                                                                                                                                                                and commensurate with costs). As such,
                                                clarifying, and technical changes, as                     better align GSD’s pricing with its costs
                                                                                                                                                                FICC believes the proposed rule changes
                                                described in Item II.(A)1.(vi) (entitled                  of services could have an impact on
                                                                                                                                                                to better align GSD’s pricing with the
                                                ‘‘CONFORMING, CLARIFYING, AND                             competition but only to the extent that
                                                                                                                                                                costs of services would be necessary in
                                                TECHNICAL CHANGES’’) would help                           the minimum monthly fee applies to a
                                                ensure that the GSD Fee Structure is                      Comparison-Only Member’s or Netting                   furtherance of the purposes of the Act,
                                                transparent and clear to Members.                         Member’s account(s) (because the                      as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of
                                                Having a transparent and clear GSD Fee                    minimum monthly fee only applies if                   the Act.32
                                                Structure would help Members to better                    the threshold amount is not reached as                   FICC believes any burden on
                                                understand GSD’s fees and help provide                    described above). There would be no                   competition that is created by the
                                                Members with increased predictability                     impact on competition, however, if an                 proposed rule changes to better align
                                                and certainty regarding the fees they                     account incurs applicable fees that                   GSD’s pricing (e.g., fees associated with
                                                incur in participating in GSD. As such,                   exceed the proposed minimum monthly                   the DVP service as well as the minimum
                                                FICC believes the proposed rule changes                   fee threshold because the minimum                     monthly fee) with the costs of services
                                                to reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee                   monthly fee would not apply to the                    would also be appropriate in
                                                Structure and to make conforming,                         account. When the minimum monthly                     furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
                                                clarifying, and technical changes are                     fee would apply, FICC believes the                    The proposed rule changes would
                                                consistent with Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii)                   proposed rule changes to the minimum                  provide GSD with the ability to assess
                                                under the Act.                                            monthly fee could burden competition                  fees that are not only reflective of the
                                                                                                          by increasing Members’ fees and thereby               services utilized by Members but are
                                                (B) Clearing Agency’s Statement on                                                                              also commensurate with FICC’s
                                                                                                          negatively affecting such Members’
                                                Burden on Competition                                                                                           increased risk management costs, such
                                                                                                          operating costs. FICC does not believe
                                                  FICC believes the proposed rule                         such burden on competition would be                   as costs of account monitoring, intraday
                                                changes to fees associated with the DVP                   significant because the proposed                      margining, and end of day risk
                                                service to better align GSD’s pricing                     minimum monthly fee would apply                       management. Having the ability to
                                                with its costs of services could have an                  equally to all Comparison-Only                        assess fees that are reflective of the
                                                impact on competition because these                       Members and Netting Members that                      services provided by GSD and that are
                                                changes would likely either increase or                   have minimal activity in their accounts.              commensurate with GSD’s costs of
                                                decrease Members’ fees when compared                      Regardless of whether the burden on                   providing such services would help
                                                to their fees under the current GSD Fee                   competition is deemed significant, FICC               GSD to continue providing dependable
                                                Structure. FICC believes these proposed                   believes any burden on competition that               and stable clearance and settlement
                                                rule changes could both burden                            is created by the proposed rule changes               services to its Members. As such, FICC
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                competition and promote competition                       to the minimum monthly fee would be                   believes the proposed rule changes to
                                                by altering Members’ fees. When fees                                                                            better align GSD’s pricing with the costs
                                                are decreased because of these proposed                     28 Though admittedly a fee increase would be        of services would be appropriate in
                                                rule changes, the proposal could                          more impactful for Members that are smaller than      furtherance of the purposes of the Act,
                                                                                                          for Members that are larger, FICC believes such
                                                promote competition by positively                         difference in impact is due to the relative market
                                                impacting Members’ operating costs.                       positions of the respective Members and not as a        30 Id.

                                                                                                          result of these proposed rule changes.                  31 15    U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(D).
                                                  27 17   CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii).                       29 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).                          32 15    U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 89 / Tuesday, May 8, 2018 / Notices                                                   20889

                                                as permitted by Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of                 arguments concerning the foregoing,                     For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                the Act.33                                              including whether the proposed rule                   Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                   FICC does not believe the proposed                   change is consistent with the Act.                    authority.35
                                                rule changes to reduce the complexity of                Comments may be submitted by any of                   Eduardo A. Aleman,
                                                the GSD Fee Structure and to make                       the following methods:                                Assistant Secretary.
                                                conforming, clarifying, and technical                                                                         [FR Doc. 2018–09693 Filed 5–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                                changes, as discussed above in Items                    Electronic Comments                                   BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                II.(A)1.(iii) and (vi), respectively, would
                                                                                                          • Use the Commission’s internet
                                                impact competition.34 The proposed
                                                rule changes to address the complexity                  comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                     SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                of the GSD Fee Structure would allow                    rules/sro.shtml); or                                  COMMISSION
                                                Members to better understand the GSD                      • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                                                                                                                              [Release No. 34–83155; File No. SR–FINRA–
                                                Fee Structure and allow them more ease                  sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–               2018–017]
                                                in reconciling to it. Making conforming,                FICC–2018–003 on the subject line.
                                                clarifying, and technical changes to                                                                          Self-Regulatory Organizations;
                                                ensure the GSD Fee Structure remains                    Paper Comments
                                                                                                                                                              Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                clear and accurate would facilitate                       • Send paper comments in triplicate                 Authority, Inc.; Notice of Filing and
                                                Members’ understanding of the GSD Fee                   to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                 Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed
                                                Structure and their obligations                         Commission, 100 F Street NE,                          Rule Change To Extend the
                                                thereunder. Having transparent,                         Washington, DC 20549.                                 Implementation Date of Certain
                                                accessible, clear, and accurate                                                                               Amendments to FINRA Rule 4210
                                                provisions in the GSD Fee Structure                     All submissions should refer to File                  Approved Pursuant to SR–FINRA–
                                                would improve the readability and                       Number SR–FICC–2018–003. This file                    2015–036
                                                clarity of the GSD Rules regarding the                  number should be included on the
                                                fees that Members would incur by                        subject line if email is used. To help the            May 2, 2018.
                                                participating in GSD. These changes                     Commission process and review your                       Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                would apply equally to all Members and                  comments more efficiently, please use                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                                would not affect Members’ rights and                    only one method. The Commission will                  (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
                                                obligations. As such, FICC believes the                 post all comments on the Commission’s                 notice is hereby given that on April 20,
                                                proposed rule changes to reduce the                                                                           2018, Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                                                                        internet website (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                complexity of the GSD Fee Structure                                                                           Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’) filed with the
                                                                                                        rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                and to make conforming, clarifying, and                                                                       Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                                                        submission, all subsequent                            (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed
                                                technical changes would not have any                    amendments, all written statements
                                                impact on competition.                                                                                        rule change as described in Items I and
                                                                                                        with respect to the proposed rule                     II below, which Items have been
                                                (C) Clearing Agency’s Statement on                      change that are filed with the                        prepared by FINRA. FINRA has
                                                Comments on the Proposed Rule                           Commission, and all written                           designated the proposed rule change as
                                                Change Received From Members,                           communications relating to the                        constituting a ‘‘non-controversial’’ rule
                                                Participants, or Others                                 proposed rule change between the                      change under paragraph (f)(6) of Rule
                                                  Written comments relating to this                     Commission and any person, other than                 19b–4 under the Act,3 which renders
                                                proposed rule change have not been                      those that may be withheld from the                   the proposal effective upon receipt of
                                                solicited or received. FICC will notify                 public in accordance with the                         this filing by the Commission. The
                                                the Commission of any written                           provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                   Commission is publishing this notice to
                                                comments received by FICC.                              available for website viewing and                     solicit comments on the proposed rule
                                                                                                        printing in the Commission’s Public                   change from interested persons.
                                                III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                                                                                        Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                      I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
                                                Proposed Rule Change, and Timing for
                                                Commission Action                                       Washington, DC 20549 on official                      Statement of the Terms of Substance of
                                                                                                        business days between the hours of                    the Proposed Rule Change
                                                   Within 45 days of the date of                        10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
                                                publication of this notice in the Federal               filing also will be available for                        FINRA is proposing to extend, to
                                                Register or within such longer period                   inspection and copying at the principal               March 25, 2019, the implementation
                                                up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may                                                                       date of the amendments to FINRA Rule
                                                                                                        office of FICC and on DTCC’s website
                                                designate if it finds such longer period                                                                      4210 (Margin Requirements) pursuant to
                                                to be appropriate and publishes its                                                                           SR–FINRA–2015–036, other than the
                                                                                                        filings.aspx). All comments received
                                                reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which                                                                    amendments pursuant to SR–FINRA–
                                                the self-regulatory organization                        will be posted without change. Persons                2015–036 that were implemented on
                                                consents, the Commission will:                          submitting comments are cautioned that                December 15, 2016. The proposed rule
                                                   (A) By order approve or disapprove                   we do not redact or edit personal                     change would not make any changes to
                                                such proposed rule change, or                           identifying information from comment                  FINRA rules.
                                                   (B) institute proceedings to determine               submissions. You should submit only                      The text of the proposed rule change
                                                whether the proposed rule change                        information that you wish to make                     is available on FINRA’s website at
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                should be disapproved.                                  available publicly. All submissions                   http://www.finra.org, at the principal
                                                                                                        should refer to File Number SR–FICC–                  office of FINRA and at the
                                                IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                                                                        2018–003 and should be submitted on                   Commission’s Public Reference Room.
                                                  Interested persons are invited to                     or before May 29, 2018.
                                                submit written data, views and                                                                                  35 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
                                                                                                                                                                1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                                  33 Id.                                                                                                        2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                  34 Id.                                                                                                        3 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6).

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Document Created: 2018-05-08 01:31:58
Document Modified: 2018-05-08 01:31:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 20882 

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