83_FR_23306 83 FR 23209 - Special Conditions: The Boeing Company Model 777-8 and 777-9 Airplanes; Folding Wingtips

83 FR 23209 - Special Conditions: The Boeing Company Model 777-8 and 777-9 Airplanes; Folding Wingtips

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 97 (May 18, 2018)

Page Range23209-23212
FR Document2018-10576

These special conditions are issued for The Boeing Company (Boeing) Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes. These airplanes will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport- category airplanes. This design feature is folding wingtips. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 97 (Friday, May 18, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 97 (Friday, May 18, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 23209-23212]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-10576]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2017-0636; Special Conditions No. 25-726-SC]

Special Conditions: The Boeing Company Model 777-8 and 777-9 
Airplanes; Folding Wingtips

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final special conditions.


SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for The Boeing Company 
(Boeing) Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes. These airplanes will have a 
novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of 
technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport-
category airplanes. This design feature is folding wingtips. The 
applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special 
conditions contain the additional safety standards that the 
Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety 
equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

DATES: Effective June 18, 2018.

Safety Section, AIR-675, Policy and Innovation Division, Transport 
Standards Branch, Aircraft Certification Service, 2200 South 216th St., 
Des Moines, Washington, 98198-6547; telephone 206-231-3217.



    On April 19, 2017 (for the Model 777-8 airplane), and May 12, 2015 
(for the 777-9 airplane), Boeing applied for an amendment to Type 
Certificate (TC) No. T00001SE to include the new Model 777-8 and 777-9 
airplanes. These airplanes are constructed with new carbon-fiber-
reinforced plastic (CFRP) wings with folding wingtips.

[[Page 23210]]

    The Model 777-9 airplane, a derivative of the Model 777-300ER 
airplane currently approved under TC No. T00001SE, is a stretched-
fuselage, large, twin-engine airplane with seating for 408 passengers 
and a maximum takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds.
    The Model 777-8 airplane, a shortened-body derivative of the Model 
777-9 airplane, is a large, twin-engine airplane with seating for 359 
passengers and a maximum takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds.

Type Certification Basis

    Under the provisions of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 
CFR) 21.101, Boeing must show that the Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes 
meet the applicable provisions of the regulations listed in TC No. 
T00001SE, or the applicable regulations in effect on the date of 
application for the change, except for earlier amendments as agreed 
upon by the FAA.
    If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for the Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes 
because of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are 
prescribed under the provisions of Sec.  21.16.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended 
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or 
unusual design feature, or should any other model already included on 
the same type certificate be modified to incorporate the same novel or 
unusual design feature, these special conditions would also apply to 
the other model under Sec.  21.101.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
conditions, the Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes must comply with the 
fuel-vent and exhaust-emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the 
noise-certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in 
accordance with Sec.  11.38, and they become part of the type 
certification basis under Sec.  21.101.

Novel or Unusual Design Features

    The Boeing Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes will incorporate the 
following novel or unusual design features: CFRP wings with folding 
    Boeing will incorporate this on-ground wingtip-fold capability to 
reduce the wingspan from 235 to 212 feet when folded. These folding 
wingtips comply with Code E gate \1\ compatibility when folded during 
ground operations.

    \1\ A Code E gate is designed to accommodate aircraft wingspans 
between 170.6 ft. (52m) and 213.3 ft. (65m), and outer main-gear 
wheel spans between 29.5 ft. (9m) and 45.9 ft. (14m). Boeing 777 
airplanes are in this gate-code category.


    Boeing will add folding wingtips to their Model 777-8 and 777-9 
airplane wings to maintain Code E gate compatibility when folded during 
ground operations. This wing-folding feature will be operable on the 
ground only. Boeing has no plan to carry fuel in the folding sections 
of the wings.
    Boeing has determined that a catastrophic event could occur if the 
Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplane wingtips are not properly positioned and 
secured for takeoff and during flight. In service, numerous takeoff 
operations with improper airplane configurations have occurred due to 
failures of the takeoff warning systems, or inadvertent crew actions. 
For these special conditions, a parallel is drawn between taking off 
with gust locks engaged and taking off with the wingtips folded, as 
either condition could result in a catastrophic event. Consequently, 
the FAA has determined that the level of safety in protecting a 
misconfigured airplane from takeoff with wingtips folded should be the 
same as taking off with the gust locks engaged. Therefore, condition 2 
of these special conditions has the same intent as Sec.  25.679(a)(2). 
Per Sec.  25.1309, the applicant must show that such an event is 
extremely improbable, must not result from a single failure, and that 
appropriate alerting must be provided for the crew to manage unsafe 
system-operating conditions. In addition, the applicant must ensure 
that the wingtips are properly secured during ground operations to 
protect ground personnel against bodily injury.
    Factors to be considered when showing compliance to these special 
conditions include, but are not limited to:
     With wingtips in the folded position, the conventional 
airplane-wingtip-position lights may have reduced visibility due to the 
upward position of the wingtips, possibly impacting ground-operation 
safety. Light placement may require special consideration to retain the 
current ground-operation safety, and mitigate any adverse impact this 
light position may have on pilot visibility during night-lighting 
     Due to upward wingtip positioning on the ground, 
significant loads may be imposed by wind gusts combined with taxi speed 
during the transition from the unfolded to the folded position.
     The FAA issued Policy Statement No. PS-ANM-25-12, 
``Certification of Structural Elements in Flight Control Systems,'' to 
address structural elements in systems that act as both structure and 
as part of a system. This policy provides additional guidance on the 
appropriate application of the fatigue and damage-tolerance 
requirements of Sec.  25.571, and the system-safety requirements of 
Sec. Sec.  25.671 and 25.1309.
    These special conditions contain the additional safety standards 
that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of 
safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness 

Discussion of Comments

    Notice of Proposed Special Conditions No. 25-17-02-SC for the 
Boeing Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes was published in the Federal 
Register on November 1, 2017 (82 FR 50581). The FAA received responses 
from four commenters.

Commenter 1: Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)

    ALPA stated that the special conditions should require 
demonstration of ground-handling effects due to the folding wingtips, 
and implementing a robust flight-test procedure to evaluate the effects 
of the folding wingtips during landing rollout and taxi under high 
crosswind and gust conditions, to ensure no exceptional piloting skill 
is required during these operations. ALPA also suggests including, 
within the Boeing Model 777 series airplane flight manual, the 
crosswind conditions under which the folding wingtips were studied.
    The FAA notes that demonstration of acceptable handling qualities 
is required by special condition 5 as written. The method of compliance 
demonstration, and associated documentation, is outside the scope of 
these special conditions, and the special conditions remain adopted as 

Commenter 2

    One commenter suggested various means for the applicant to address 
the special conditions, for example, the need for additional power cut 
outs that are separate circuits. The FAA partially agrees with the 
commenter, noting that special conditions are performance standards 
that may be satisfied by various means, including those the commenter 
proposed. However, the method of compliance demonstration is outside 
the scope of these special

[[Page 23211]]

conditions. Therefore, the special conditions remain adopted as 

Commenter 3

    One commenter expressed concern that the special conditions may be 
confusing to the United States Congress. The FAA responds that special 
conditions are part of the Executive Branch rulemaking process, which 
is independent of the United States Congress lawmaking process. Special 
conditions are unique to aircraft certification and, therefore, are 
written with the aerospace-industry audience in mind. The special 
conditions remain adopted as proposed.

Commenter 4

    One commenter stated concern over the applicability of these 
special conditions to future models on the Boeing Model 777 airplane 
type certificate. Should Boeing apply at a later date for a change to 
the type certificate to include another model incorporating the same 
novel or unusual design feature, these special conditions would apply 
to that model as well. The FAA responds that these special conditions 
provide requirements for a safe design for folding wingtips on future 
Model 777 airplane derivatives, as well as on the current Model 777 
airplanes. These special conditions will ensure that future models 
incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature meet the level 
of safety equivalent to that established in the regulations.
    The commenter suggested that the 1.25 factor specified in Sec.  
25.415(d) be applied to the portion of the system that is isolated in-
flight, and is not critical for safe flight and landing. The FAA 
disagrees with the comment. The structure the commenter addressed has 
no impact on safety of flight. Additionally, the special conditions 
require that the wingtips must have a means by which to safeguard 
against unlocking from the extended, flight-deployed position in-flight 
because of failures, including the failure of any single structural 
element. The special conditions remain adopted as proposed.
    The commenter suggested that the airplane must demonstrate 
acceptable handling qualities during rollout in a crosswind 
environment, as the wingtips transition from the flight-deployed to 
folded position, and transitioning from the folded to the flight-
deployed position, as well as during the unlikely event of asymmetric 
wingtip folding. The FAA agrees with the comment, but it is the FAA's 
position that the special conditions, as proposed, indicate that the 
airplane must exhibit acceptable handling qualities under normal and 
asymmetric operation. The special conditions remain adopted as 
    The commenter suggested that the FAA repeat the Sec.  25.675 text 
in special condition 6, in lieu of only referencing Sec.  25.675 in the 
special condition. The FAA finds that the special condition has the 
same legal effect either way, and finds no advantage to repeating the 
text of Sec.  25.675 in special condition 6.


    As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to 
Boeing Model 777-8 and 777-9 airplanes. Should Boeing apply at a later 
date for a change to the type certificate to include another model 
incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, these special 
conditions would apply to that model as well.


    This action affects only a certain novel or unusual design feature 
on one model series of airplanes. It is not a rule of general 

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.

The Special Conditions

    Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of 
the type certification basis for Boeing Model 777-8 and 777-9 

    Note: The term ``latch'' refers to the mechanism that allows the 
wingtip to carry flight loads in the down (flight-deployed) 
position. The term ``lock'' refers to the mechanism that prevents 
disconnection of the latch when the wing tip is down.

    1. More than one means must be available to alert the flightcrew 
that the wingtips are not properly positioned and secured prior to 
takeoff. Each of these means must be unique in their wingtip-monitoring 
function. When meeting this condition, the applicant must add a 
function to the takeoff warning system, as required by Sec.  
25.703(a)(1) and (2), to warn of an unlocked or improperly positioned 
wingtip, including indication to the flightcrew when a wingtip is in 
the folded position during taxi.
    2. In addition to a takeoff warning in accordance with Sec.  
25.703, a means must be provided to prevent airplane takeoff if a 
wingtip is not properly positioned and secured for flight.
    3. The applicant must consider the effects of folding-wingtip 
freeplay when evaluating compliance to the design load requirements of 
14 CFR part 25, subpart C, and the aeroelastic stability (including 
flutter, divergence, control reversal, and any undue loss of stability 
and control as a result of structural deformation) requirements of 
Sec.  25.629. Thus, the effects of normal wear, and other long-term 
durability conditions (such as corrosion) of the folding-wingtip 
operating mechanism on freeplay, and its impact on loads and 
aeroelastic stability, must be considered. Where freeplay limitations 
are required to ensure aeroelastic stability, acceptable freeplay 
limits and freeplay check procedures must be established. If 
lubrication is required to control excessive wear, lubrication 
intervals must be established. These procedures and limitations must be 
documented in accordance with Sec.  25.1529. The freeplay-check and 
mechanism-lubrication intervals, if required, must be documented as a 
certification maintenance requirement (CMR). Guidance for CMRs can be 
found in Advisory Circular 25-19A, ``Certification Maintenance 
Requirements.'' The effects of freeplay on wing-joint torsional and 
bending stiffness, as well as wing frequencies, must be evaluated when 
showing compliance to loads and aeroelastic stability requirements. 
Also, the effects of freeplay on fatigue and damage tolerance must be 
considered when showing compliance with Sec.  25.571.
    4. The folding wingtips and their operating mechanism must be 
designed for 65 knot, horizontal, ground-gust conditions in any 
direction as specified in Sec.  25.415(a). Relevant design conditions 
must be defined using combinations of steady wind and taxi speeds 
determined by rational analysis utilizing airport wind data. The 
folding wingtip is not a control surface as specified in Sec.  
25.415(b). Therefore, in lieu of the equation provided in Sec.  
25.415(b), the hinge moment may be calculated from rational wind-tunnel 
data. The 1.25 factor specified in Sec.  25.415(d) need not be applied 
to the portion of the system that is isolated in flight and is not 
critical for safe flight and landing. The folding-wingtip system must 
be designed for the conditions specified in Sec.  25.415(e), (f), and 
(g). Runway roughness, as specified in Sec.  25.491, must be evaluated 
separately up to the maximum relevant airplane ground speeds. All of 
the above conditions must be applied to the folding wingtips in the 
extended (flight-

[[Page 23212]]

deployed), folded, and transient positions.
    5. The airplane must demonstrate acceptable handling qualities 
during rollout in a crosswind environment, as wingtips transition from 
the flight-deployed to folded position, as well as during the unlikely 
event of asymmetric wingtip folding.
    6. The wingtip-fold operating mechanism must have stops that 
positively limit the range of motion of the wingtips. Each stop must be 
designed to the requirements of Sec.  25.675.
    7. The wingtip hinge structure must be designed for inertia loads 
acting parallel to the hinge line. In the absence of more rational 
data, the inertia loads may be assumed to be equal to KW as referenced 
in Sec.  25.393. Hinge design must meet the requirements of Sec.  
    8. In lieu of Sec.  25.1385(b): The forward position lights must be 
installed such that they consist of a red and a green light spaced 
laterally as far apart as practicable, and installed forward on the 
airplane, so that, with the airplane in the normal flying position and 
with the wingtips in the folded position for ground operations, the red 
light is on the left side and the green light is on the right side at 
approximately the level of the wingtips in the takeoff configuration. 
Each light must be approved and must meet the requirements of Sec.  
25.1385(a) and (d). The lights must not impair the vision of the 
flightcrew when the wingtips are in the folded and transient positions.
    9. The applicant must include design features that ensure the 
wingtips are properly secured during ground operations, to protect 
ground personnel from bodily injury as well as to prevent damage to the 
airframe, ground structure, and ground support equipment.
    10. The wingtips must have means to safeguard against unlocking 
from the extended, flight-deployed position in flight, as a result of 
failures, including the failure of any single structural element. All 
sources of airplane power that could initiate unlocking of the wingtips 
must be automatically isolated from the wingtip-fold operating system 
(including the latching and locking system) prior to flight, and it 
must not be possible to restore power to the system during flight. The 
wingtip latching and locking mechanisms must be designed so that, under 
all airplane flight-load conditions, no force or torque can unlatch or 
unlock the mechanisms. The latching system must include a means to 
secure the latches in the latched position, independent of the locking 
system. It must not be possible to position the lock in the locked 
position if the latches and the latching mechanisms are not in the 
latched position, and it must not be possible to unlatch the latches 
with the locks in the locked position.

    Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on May 11, 2018.
Victor Wicklund,
Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, 
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-10576 Filed 5-17-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                23209

                                              have provided fraudulent representation                  program, including but not limited to,                for each individual eligible for
                                              and are subject to § 636.13.                             information to verify the applicant’s                 payments.
                                              *    *     *     *     *                                 status as a limited resource, beginning               *     *    *    *      *
                                                                                                       farmer or rancher, and payment
                                                                                                                                                               Signed in Washington, DC, on May 14,
                                              PART 1415—GRASSLANDS RESERVE                             eligibility as established by 7 CFR part              2018.
                                              PROGRAM                                                  1400; and
                                                                                                                                                             Leonard Jordan,
                                                                                                          (7) Provide a list of all members of the
                                              ■ 5. The authority citation for part 1415                                                                      Vice President, Commodity Credit
                                                                                                       legal entity and embedded entities along              Corporation, Acting Chief, Natural Resources
                                              continues to read as follows:                            with members’ tax identification                      Conservation Service.
                                                  Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3838n–3838q.                    numbers and percentage interest in the                [FR Doc. 2018–10641 Filed 5–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                              ■ 6. Section 1415.6 is amended by                                                                              BILLING CODE 3410–16–P
                                              revising paragraphs (c) and (d) and                      *      *     *     *     *
                                              removing paragraph (e).
                                                The revisions read as follows:                         PART 1468—AGRICULTURAL
                                                                                                       CONSERVATION EASEMENT                                 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                              § 1415.6    Participant eligibility.                     PROGRAM                                               Federal Aviation Administration
                                              *      *    *     *    *
                                                 (c) Meet the Adjusted Gross Income                    ■ 11. The authority citation for part
                                                                                                                                                             14 CFR Part 25
                                              requirements in part 1400 of this                        1468 continues to read as follows:
                                              chapter, unless exempted under part                        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c; 16              [Docket No. FAA–2017–0636; Special
                                              1400 of this chapter; and                                U.S.C. 3865–3865d.                                    Conditions No. 25–726–SC]
                                                 (d) Meet the conservation compliance
                                                                                                       § 1468.30    [Amended]                                Special Conditions: The Boeing
                                              requirements found in part 12 of this
                                                                                                                                                             Company Model 777–8 and 777–9
                                              title.                                                   ■ 12. Section 1468.30 is amended by:                  Airplanes; Folding Wingtips
                                              *      *    *     *    *                                 ■ a. Removing paragraph (c)(3);
                                                                                                       ■ b. Redesignating the second paragraph               AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                              PART 1465—AGRICULTURAL                                   (c)(4) as paragraph (c)(5); and                       Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                              MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE                                    ■ c. Redesignating paragraphs (c)(4) and              ACTION: Final special conditions.

                                                7. The authority citation for part 1465                newly redesignated (c)(5) as paragraphs
                                              ■                                                                                                              SUMMARY:   These special conditions are
                                              continues to read as follows:                            (c)(3) and (4), respectively.
                                                                                                                                                             issued for The Boeing Company
                                                  Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1524(b).                         PART 1470—CONSERVATION                                (Boeing) Model 777–8 and 777–9
                                                                                                       STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM                                   airplanes. These airplanes will have a
                                              ■ 8. Section 1465.5 is amended by                                                                              novel or unusual design feature when
                                              revising paragraphs (c)(10) and (11) and                 ■ 13. The authority citation for part                 compared to the state of technology
                                              removing paragraph (c)(12).                              1470 continues to read as follows:                    envisioned in the airworthiness
                                                The revisions read as follows:                                                                               standards for transport-category
                                                                                                           Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3838d–3838g.
                                              § 1465.5    Program requirements.                                                                              airplanes. This design feature is folding
                                                                                                       ■ 14. Section 1470.6 is amended by:                   wingtips. The applicable airworthiness
                                              *      *    *    *     *
                                                                                                       ■ a. Revising paragraph (a)(5);                       regulations do not contain adequate or
                                                (c) * * *
                                                (10) Be in compliance with the terms                   ■ b. Removing paragraph (a)(6);                       appropriate safety standards for this
                                              of all other USDA-administered                           ■ c. Redesignating paragraph (a)(7) as                design feature. These special conditions
                                              conservation program agreements to                       paragraph (a)(6) and revising it.                     contain the additional safety standards
                                              which the participant is a party; and                      The revisions read as follows:                      that the Administrator considers
                                                (11) Develop and agree to comply                                                                             necessary to establish a level of safety
                                                                                                       § 1470.6    Eligibility requirements.                 equivalent to that established by the
                                              with an APO and O&M agreement, as
                                              described in § 1465.3.                                     (a) * * *                                           existing airworthiness standards.
                                                                                                         (5) Supply information, as required by              DATES: Effective June 18, 2018.
                                              *      *    *    *     *
                                                                                                       NRCS, to determine eligibility for the                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ian
                                              PART 1466—ENVIRONMENTAL                                  program, including but not limited to,                Won, FAA, Airframe and Cabin Safety
                                              QUALITY INCENTIVES PROGRAM                               information related to eligibility                    Section, AIR–675, Policy and
                                                                                                       requirements and ranking factors;                     Innovation Division, Transport
                                              ■ 9. The authority citation for part 1466                conservation activity and production                  Standards Branch, Aircraft Certification
                                              continues to read as follows:                            system records; information to verify the             Service, 2200 South 216th St., Des
                                                Authority: 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c; 16                 applicant’s status as an historically                 Moines, Washington, 98198–6547;
                                              U.S.C. 3839aa–3839–8.                                    underserved producer or a veteran                     telephone 206–231–3217.
                                                                                                       farmer or rancher, if applicable; and                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              ■ 10. Section 1466.6 is amended by:                      payment eligibility as established by 7
                                              ■ a. Revising paragraph (b)(6);                          CFR part 1400; and                                    Background
                                              ■ b. Removing paragraph (b)(7); and
                                              ■ c. Redesignating paragraph (b)(8) as                     (6) Provide a list of all members of the              On April 19, 2017 (for the Model 777–
                                              paragraph (b)(7) and revising it.                        legal entity or joint operation, as                   8 airplane), and May 12, 2015 (for the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                The revisions read as follows:                         applicable, and embedded entities along               777–9 airplane), Boeing applied for an
                                                                                                       with members’ tax identification                      amendment to Type Certificate (TC) No.
                                              § 1466.6    Program requirements.                        numbers and percentage interest in the                T00001SE to include the new Model
                                              *    *    *    *     *                                   legal entity or joint operation. Where                777–8 and 777–9 airplanes. These
                                               (b) * * *                                               applicable; American Indians, Alaska                  airplanes are constructed with new
                                               (6) Supply information, as required by                  Natives, and Pacific Islanders may use                carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP)
                                              NRCS, to determine eligibility for the                   another unique identification number                  wings with folding wingtips.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:59 May 17, 2018    Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\18MYR1.SGM   18MYR1

                                              23210                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                The Model 777–9 airplane, a                           folded. These folding wingtips comply                  imposed by wind gusts combined with
                                              derivative of the Model 777–300ER                       with Code E gate 1 compatibility when                  taxi speed during the transition from the
                                              airplane currently approved under TC                    folded during ground operations.                       unfolded to the folded position.
                                              No. T00001SE, is a stretched-fuselage,                                                                           • The FAA issued Policy Statement
                                              large, twin-engine airplane with seating                                                                       No. PS–ANM–25–12, ‘‘Certification of
                                              for 408 passengers and a maximum                           Boeing will add folding wingtips to                 Structural Elements in Flight Control
                                              takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds.                       their Model 777–8 and 777–9 airplane                   Systems,’’ to address structural elements
                                                The Model 777–8 airplane, a                           wings to maintain Code E gate                          in systems that act as both structure and
                                              shortened-body derivative of the Model                  compatibility when folded during                       as part of a system. This policy provides
                                              777–9 airplane, is a large, twin-engine                 ground operations. This wing-folding                   additional guidance on the appropriate
                                              airplane with seating for 359 passengers                feature will be operable on the ground                 application of the fatigue and damage-
                                              and a maximum takeoff weight of                         only. Boeing has no plan to carry fuel                 tolerance requirements of § 25.571, and
                                              775,000 pounds.                                         in the folding sections of the wings.                  the system-safety requirements of
                                                                                                         Boeing has determined that a                        §§ 25.671 and 25.1309.
                                              Type Certification Basis                                catastrophic event could occur if the                    These special conditions contain the
                                                 Under the provisions of title 14, Code               Model 777–8 and 777–9 airplane                         additional safety standards that the
                                              of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 21.101,                 wingtips are not properly positioned                   Administrator considers necessary to
                                              Boeing must show that the Model 777–                    and secured for takeoff and during                     establish a level of safety equivalent to
                                              8 and 777–9 airplanes meet the                          flight. In service, numerous takeoff                   that established by the existing
                                              applicable provisions of the regulations                operations with improper airplane                      airworthiness standards.
                                              listed in TC No. T00001SE, or the                       configurations have occurred due to
                                              applicable regulations in effect on the                 failures of the takeoff warning systems,               Discussion of Comments
                                              date of application for the change,                     or inadvertent crew actions. For these                    Notice of Proposed Special
                                              except for earlier amendments as agreed                 special conditions, a parallel is drawn                Conditions No. 25–17–02–SC for the
                                              upon by the FAA.                                        between taking off with gust locks                     Boeing Model 777–8 and 777–9
                                                 If the Administrator finds that the                  engaged and taking off with the                        airplanes was published in the Federal
                                              applicable airworthiness regulations                    wingtips folded, as either condition                   Register on November 1, 2017 (82 FR
                                              (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain                   could result in a catastrophic event.                  50581). The FAA received responses
                                              adequate or appropriate safety standards                Consequently, the FAA has determined                   from four commenters.
                                              for the Model 777–8 and 777–9                           that the level of safety in protecting a
                                                                                                      misconfigured airplane from takeoff                    Commenter 1: Air Line Pilots
                                              airplanes because of a novel or unusual
                                                                                                      with wingtips folded should be the                     Association (ALPA)
                                              design feature, special conditions are
                                              prescribed under the provisions of                      same as taking off with the gust locks                    ALPA stated that the special
                                              § 21.16.                                                engaged. Therefore, condition 2 of these               conditions should require
                                                 Special conditions are initially                     special conditions has the same intent                 demonstration of ground-handling
                                              applicable to the model for which they                  as § 25.679(a)(2). Per § 25.1309, the                  effects due to the folding wingtips, and
                                              are issued. Should the type certificate                 applicant must show that such an event                 implementing a robust flight-test
                                              for that model be amended later to                      is extremely improbable, must not result               procedure to evaluate the effects of the
                                              include any other model that                            from a single failure, and that                        folding wingtips during landing rollout
                                              incorporates the same novel or unusual                  appropriate alerting must be provided                  and taxi under high crosswind and gust
                                              design feature, or should any other                     for the crew to manage unsafe system-                  conditions, to ensure no exceptional
                                              model already included on the same                      operating conditions. In addition, the                 piloting skill is required during these
                                              type certificate be modified to                         applicant must ensure that the wingtips                operations. ALPA also suggests
                                              incorporate the same novel or unusual                   are properly secured during ground                     including, within the Boeing Model 777
                                              design feature, these special conditions                operations to protect ground personnel                 series airplane flight manual, the
                                              would also apply to the other model                     against bodily injury.                                 crosswind conditions under which the
                                              under § 21.101.                                            Factors to be considered when                       folding wingtips were studied.
                                                 In addition to the applicable                        showing compliance to these special                       The FAA notes that demonstration of
                                              airworthiness regulations and special                   conditions include, but are not limited                acceptable handling qualities is required
                                              conditions, the Model 777–8 and 777–                    to:                                                    by special condition 5 as written. The
                                              9 airplanes must comply with the fuel-                     • With wingtips in the folded                       method of compliance demonstration,
                                              vent and exhaust-emission requirements                  position, the conventional airplane-                   and associated documentation, is
                                              of 14 CFR part 34, and the noise-                       wingtip-position lights may have                       outside the scope of these special
                                              certification requirements of 14 CFR                    reduced visibility due to the upward                   conditions, and the special conditions
                                              part 36.                                                position of the wingtips, possibly                     remain adopted as proposed.
                                                 The FAA issues special conditions, as                impacting ground-operation safety.
                                                                                                      Light placement may require special                    Commenter 2
                                              defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance
                                              with § 11.38, and they become part of                   consideration to retain the current                      One commenter suggested various
                                              the type certification basis under                      ground-operation safety, and mitigate                  means for the applicant to address the
                                              § 21.101.                                               any adverse impact this light position                 special conditions, for example, the
                                                                                                      may have on pilot visibility during                    need for additional power cut outs that
                                              Novel or Unusual Design Features                        night-lighting conditions.                             are separate circuits. The FAA partially
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                The Boeing Model 777–8 and 777–9                         • Due to upward wingtip positioning                 agrees with the commenter, noting that
                                              airplanes will incorporate the following                on the ground, significant loads may be                special conditions are performance
                                              novel or unusual design features: CFRP                                                                         standards that may be satisfied by
                                                                                                        1 A Code E gate is designed to accommodate
                                              wings with folding wingtips.                                                                                   various means, including those the
                                                                                                      aircraft wingspans between 170.6 ft. (52m) and
                                                Boeing will incorporate this on-                      213.3 ft. (65m), and outer main-gear wheel spans
                                                                                                                                                             commenter proposed. However, the
                                              ground wingtip-fold capability to reduce                between 29.5 ft. (9m) and 45.9 ft. (14m). Boeing 777   method of compliance demonstration is
                                              the wingspan from 235 to 212 feet when                  airplanes are in this gate-code category.              outside the scope of these special

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         23211

                                              conditions. Therefore, the special                      handling qualities under normal and                      3. The applicant must consider the
                                              conditions remain adopted as proposed.                  asymmetric operation. The special                     effects of folding-wingtip freeplay when
                                                                                                      conditions remain adopted as proposed.                evaluating compliance to the design
                                              Commenter 3                                                The commenter suggested that the                   load requirements of 14 CFR part 25,
                                                One commenter expressed concern                       FAA repeat the § 25.675 text in special               subpart C, and the aeroelastic stability
                                              that the special conditions may be                      condition 6, in lieu of only referencing              (including flutter, divergence, control
                                              confusing to the United States Congress.                § 25.675 in the special condition. The                reversal, and any undue loss of stability
                                              The FAA responds that special                           FAA finds that the special condition has              and control as a result of structural
                                              conditions are part of the Executive                    the same legal effect either way, and                 deformation) requirements of § 25.629.
                                              Branch rulemaking process, which is                     finds no advantage to repeating the text              Thus, the effects of normal wear, and
                                              independent of the United States                        of § 25.675 in special condition 6.                   other long-term durability conditions
                                              Congress lawmaking process. Special
                                                                                                      Applicability                                         (such as corrosion) of the folding-
                                              conditions are unique to aircraft
                                                                                                        As discussed above, these special                   wingtip operating mechanism on
                                              certification and, therefore, are written
                                              with the aerospace-industry audience in                 conditions are applicable to Boeing                   freeplay, and its impact on loads and
                                              mind. The special conditions remain                     Model 777–8 and 777–9 airplanes.                      aeroelastic stability, must be considered.
                                              adopted as proposed.                                    Should Boeing apply at a later date for               Where freeplay limitations are required
                                                                                                      a change to the type certificate to                   to ensure aeroelastic stability,
                                              Commenter 4                                             include another model incorporating the               acceptable freeplay limits and freeplay
                                                 One commenter stated concern over                    same novel or unusual design feature,                 check procedures must be established. If
                                              the applicability of these special                      these special conditions would apply to               lubrication is required to control
                                              conditions to future models on the                      that model as well.                                   excessive wear, lubrication intervals
                                              Boeing Model 777 airplane type                                                                                must be established. These procedures
                                              certificate. Should Boeing apply at a                   Conclusion                                            and limitations must be documented in
                                              later date for a change to the type                       This action affects only a certain                  accordance with § 25.1529. The
                                              certificate to include another model                    novel or unusual design feature on one                freeplay-check and mechanism-
                                              incorporating the same novel or unusual                 model series of airplanes. It is not a rule           lubrication intervals, if required, must
                                              design feature, these special conditions                of general applicability.                             be documented as a certification
                                              would apply to that model as well. The                                                                        maintenance requirement (CMR).
                                                                                                      List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
                                              FAA responds that these special                                                                               Guidance for CMRs can be found in
                                              conditions provide requirements for a                     Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting                Advisory Circular 25–19A,
                                              safe design for folding wingtips on                     and recordkeeping requirements.                       ‘‘Certification Maintenance
                                              future Model 777 airplane derivatives,                    The authority citation for these                    Requirements.’’ The effects of freeplay
                                              as well as on the current Model 777                     special conditions is as follows:                     on wing-joint torsional and bending
                                              airplanes. These special conditions will                  Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,          stiffness, as well as wing frequencies,
                                              ensure that future models incorporating                 44702, 44704.                                         must be evaluated when showing
                                              the same novel or unusual design                                                                              compliance to loads and aeroelastic
                                              feature meet the level of safety                        The Special Conditions
                                                                                                                                                            stability requirements. Also, the effects
                                              equivalent to that established in the                     Accordingly, pursuant to the                        of freeplay on fatigue and damage
                                              regulations.                                            authority delegated to me by the                      tolerance must be considered when
                                                 The commenter suggested that the                     Administrator, the following special                  showing compliance with § 25.571.
                                              1.25 factor specified in § 25.415(d) be                 conditions are issued as part of the type
                                              applied to the portion of the system that               certification basis for Boeing Model                     4. The folding wingtips and their
                                              is isolated in-flight, and is not critical              777–8 and 777–9 airplanes.                            operating mechanism must be designed
                                              for safe flight and landing. The FAA                                                                          for 65 knot, horizontal, ground-gust
                                                                                                         Note: The term ‘‘latch’’ refers to the             conditions in any direction as specified
                                              disagrees with the comment. The                         mechanism that allows the wingtip to carry
                                              structure the commenter addressed has                   flight loads in the down (flight-deployed)            in § 25.415(a). Relevant design
                                              no impact on safety of flight.                          position. The term ‘‘lock’’ refers to the             conditions must be defined using
                                              Additionally, the special conditions                    mechanism that prevents disconnection of              combinations of steady wind and taxi
                                              require that the wingtips must have a                   the latch when the wing tip is down.                  speeds determined by rational analysis
                                              means by which to safeguard against                        1. More than one means must be                     utilizing airport wind data. The folding
                                              unlocking from the extended, flight-                    available to alert the flightcrew that the            wingtip is not a control surface as
                                              deployed position in-flight because of                  wingtips are not properly positioned                  specified in § 25.415(b). Therefore, in
                                              failures, including the failure of any                  and secured prior to takeoff. Each of                 lieu of the equation provided in
                                              single structural element. The special                  these means must be unique in their                   § 25.415(b), the hinge moment may be
                                              conditions remain adopted as proposed.                  wingtip-monitoring function. When                     calculated from rational wind-tunnel
                                                 The commenter suggested that the                     meeting this condition, the applicant                 data. The 1.25 factor specified in
                                              airplane must demonstrate acceptable                    must add a function to the takeoff                    § 25.415(d) need not be applied to the
                                              handling qualities during rollout in a                  warning system, as required by                        portion of the system that is isolated in
                                              crosswind environment, as the wingtips                  § 25.703(a)(1) and (2), to warn of an                 flight and is not critical for safe flight
                                              transition from the flight-deployed to                  unlocked or improperly positioned                     and landing. The folding-wingtip
                                              folded position, and transitioning from                 wingtip, including indication to the                  system must be designed for the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              the folded to the flight-deployed                       flightcrew when a wingtip is in the                   conditions specified in § 25.415(e), (f),
                                              position, as well as during the unlikely                folded position during taxi.                          and (g). Runway roughness, as specified
                                              event of asymmetric wingtip folding.                       2. In addition to a takeoff warning in             in § 25.491, must be evaluated
                                              The FAA agrees with the comment, but                    accordance with § 25.703, a means must                separately up to the maximum relevant
                                              it is the FAA’s position that the special               be provided to prevent airplane takeoff               airplane ground speeds. All of the above
                                              conditions, as proposed, indicate that                  if a wingtip is not properly positioned               conditions must be applied to the
                                              the airplane must exhibit acceptable                    and secured for flight.                               folding wingtips in the extended (flight-

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                                              23212                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 97 / Friday, May 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              deployed), folded, and transient                        to position the lock in the locked                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              positions.                                              position if the latches and the latching
                                                 5. The airplane must demonstrate                                                                           Table of Contents
                                                                                                      mechanisms are not in the latched
                                              acceptable handling qualities during                    position, and it must not be possible to              I. Executive Summary
                                              rollout in a crosswind environment, as                  unlatch the latches with the locks in the                A. Purpose of the Final Rule
                                              wingtips transition from the flight-                    locked position.                                         B. Summary of the Major Provisions of the
                                              deployed to folded position, as well as                                                                             Final Rule
                                                                                                        Issued in Des Moines, Washington, on May               C. Legal Authority
                                              during the unlikely event of asymmetric                 11, 2018.                                                D. Costs and Benefits
                                              wingtip folding.                                        Victor Wicklund,                                      II. Background
                                                 6. The wingtip-fold operating                                                                                 A. Need for the Regulation/History of This
                                                                                                      Manager, Transport Standards Branch, Policy
                                              mechanism must have stops that                                                                                      Rulemaking
                                                                                                      and Innovation Division, Aircraft
                                              positively limit the range of motion of                 Certification Service.                                   B. Summary of Comments to the Proposed
                                              the wingtips. Each stop must be                                                                                     Rule
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–10576 Filed 5–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                              designed to the requirements of                                                                               III. Legal Authority
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                IV. Comments on the Proposed Rule and FDA
                                              § 25.675.
                                                 7. The wingtip hinge structure must                                                                              Response
                                              be designed for inertia loads acting                                                                             A. Introduction
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                 B. Specific Comments and FDA Response
                                              parallel to the hinge line. In the absence                                                                    V. Effective Date
                                              of more rational data, the inertia loads                HUMAN SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                            VI. Economic Analysis of Impacts
                                              may be assumed to be equal to KW as                                                                           VII. Analysis of Environmental Impact
                                              referenced in § 25.393. Hinge design                    Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                                                                                            VIII. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                              must meet the requirements of § 25.657.                                                                       IX. Federalism
                                                 8. In lieu of § 25.1385(b): The forward              21 CFR Part 864                                       X. Consultation and Coordination With
                                              position lights must be installed such                  [Docket No. FDA–2016–N–0406]                                Indian Tribal Governments
                                              that they consist of a red and a green                                                                        XI. References
                                              light spaced laterally as far apart as                  Medical Devices; Hematology and                       I. Executive Summary
                                              practicable, and installed forward on the               Pathology Devices; Classification of
                                              airplane, so that, with the airplane in                 Blood Establishment Computer                          A. Purpose of the Final Rule
                                              the normal flying position and with the                 Software and Accessories                                 FDA is classifying BECS and BECS
                                              wingtips in the folded position for                                                                           accessories into class II (special
                                                                                                      AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,
                                              ground operations, the red light is on                                                                        controls). The Agency believes that the
                                              the left side and the green light is on the                                                                   special controls established and
                                              right side at approximately the level of                ACTION:   Final rule.
                                                                                                                                                            imposed by this final rule, together with
                                              the wingtips in the takeoff                             SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug                          the general controls, will provide
                                              configuration. Each light must be                       Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is                reasonable assurance of the safety and
                                              approved and must meet the                              issuing a final rule to classify blood                effectiveness of these devices. In this
                                              requirements of § 25.1385(a) and (d).                   establishment computer software                       final rule, FDA is also revising the
                                              The lights must not impair the vision of                (BECS) and BECS accessories (regulated                definition of BECS accessories from the
                                              the flightcrew when the wingtips are in                 under product code MMH) into class II                 definition in the proposed rule and
                                              the folded and transient positions.                     (special controls). FDA has identified                responding to comments received on the
                                                 9. The applicant must include design                 special controls for BECS and BECS                    proposed rule. Lastly, FDA is giving
                                              features that ensure the wingtips are                   accessories that are necessary to provide             notice that the Agency does not intend
                                              properly secured during ground                          a reasonable assurance of safety and                  to exempt BECS and BECS accessories
                                              operations, to protect ground personnel                 effectiveness. FDA is also giving notice              from the premarket notification
                                              from bodily injury as well as to prevent                that the Agency does not intend to                    requirements of the FD&C Act.
                                              damage to the airframe, ground                          exempt BECS and BECS accessories
                                              structure, and ground support                                                                                 B. Summary of the Major Provisions of
                                                                                                      from premarket notification                           the Final Rule
                                              equipment.                                              requirements of the Federal Food, Drug,
                                                 10. The wingtips must have means to                  and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).                             In this final rule, FDA is classifying
                                              safeguard against unlocking from the                                                                          BECS and BECS accessories into class II
                                                                                                      DATES: This rule is effective June 18,
                                              extended, flight-deployed position in                                                                         (special controls). This rule creates
                                              flight, as a result of failures, including              2018.
                                                                                                                                                            § 864.9165 in 21 CFR part 864, subpart
                                              the failure of any single structural                    ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to                J, to include the identification and
                                              element. All sources of airplane power                  read background documents or                          classification of BECS and BECS
                                              that could initiate unlocking of the                    comments received, go to https://                     accessories. The classification of BECS
                                              wingtips must be automatically isolated                 www.regulations.gov and insert the                    and BECS accessories is consistent with
                                              from the wingtip-fold operating system                  docket number found in brackets in the                the FDA Blood Product Advisory
                                              (including the latching and locking                     heading of this final rule into the                   Committee (BPAC) recommendation
                                              system) prior to flight, and it must not                ‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts,                that the devices be classified as class II
                                              be possible to restore power to the                     and/or go to the Dockets Management                   (special controls) devices with
                                              system during flight. The wingtip                       Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,                   premarket review.
                                              latching and locking mechanisms must                    Rockville, MD 20852.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              be designed so that, under all airplane                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      C. Legal Authority
                                              flight-load conditions, no force or torque              Jessica Walker Udechukwu, Center for                    We are issuing this final rule under
                                              can unlatch or unlock the mechanisms.                   Biologics Evaluation and Research,                    section 513(a)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act (21
                                              The latching system must include a                      Food and Drug Administration, 10903                   U.S.C. 360c(a)(1)(B)). FDA has the
                                              means to secure the latches in the                      New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm.                     authority under this provision of the
                                              latched position, independent of the                    7301, Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002,                   FD&C Act to issue a regulation to
                                              locking system. It must not be possible                 240–402–7911.                                         establish special controls for class II

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Document Created: 2018-05-18 02:15:53
Document Modified: 2018-05-18 02:15:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal special conditions.
DatesEffective June 18, 2018.
ContactIan Won, FAA, Airframe and Cabin Safety Section, AIR-675, Policy and Innovation Division, Transport Standards Branch, Aircraft Certification Service, 2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, Washington, 98198-6547; telephone 206-231-3217.
FR Citation83 FR 23209 
CFR AssociatedAircraft; Aviation Safety and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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