83_FR_2627 83 FR 2615 - Bridger-Teton National Forest; Wyoming; Invasive Plant Management

83 FR 2615 - Bridger-Teton National Forest; Wyoming; Invasive Plant Management

Forest Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 12 (January 18, 2018)

Page Range2615-2616
FR Document2018-00804

The Bridger-Teton Nation Forest (BTNF) will prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) to disclose the effects of continued control of noxious and other invasive plants through the integration of manual, mechanical, biological, and ground and aerial herbicide control methods. Effects analysis of treatments of invasive plants, including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other invasive annual grasses, will be projected over the next 10-15 years. The agency invites comments and suggestions on the scope of the analysis to be included in the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS). In addition, the agency gives notice of this environmental analysis and decision-making process so that interested and affected people know how they may participate in the process. The BTNF is currently treating noxious weeds and invasive plants under the March 1, 2005 Decision Notice, Management of Noxious Weeds on the Bridger-Teton National Forest. This decision needs to be updated since it did not include the use of new herbicides, aerial application of herbicides, or new invasive plant populations.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 18, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 12 (Thursday, January 18, 2018)]
[Pages 2615-2616]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00804]

                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency 
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents 
appearing in this section.


Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / 

[[Page 2615]]


Forest Service

Bridger-Teton National Forest; Wyoming; Invasive Plant Management

AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.


SUMMARY: The Bridger-Teton Nation Forest (BTNF) will prepare an 
environmental impact statement (EIS) to disclose the effects of 
continued control of noxious and other invasive plants through the 
integration of manual, mechanical, biological, and ground and aerial 
herbicide control methods. Effects analysis of treatments of invasive 
plants, including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other invasive 
annual grasses, will be projected over the next 10-15 years. The agency 
invites comments and suggestions on the scope of the analysis to be 
included in the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS). In 
addition, the agency gives notice of this environmental analysis and 
decision-making process so that interested and affected people know how 
they may participate in the process. The BTNF is currently treating 
noxious weeds and invasive plants under the March 1, 2005 Decision 
Notice, Management of Noxious Weeds on the Bridger-Teton National 
Forest. This decision needs to be updated since it did not include the 
use of new herbicides, aerial application of herbicides, or new 
invasive plant populations.

DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received 
by February 20, 2018. The draft EIS is expected in May of 2018, and the 
final EIS is expected in October 2018.

ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Forest Supervisor, Bridger-Teton 
National Forest, P.O. Box 1880, 340 N. Cache, Jackson, Wyoming 83001. 
Comments may also be sent via email to [email protected] or via facsimile to 307-739-50108.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct questions about the proposed 
action and the EIS to Chad Hayward, Project Coordinator, 10418 S Hwy 
189, Big Piney, Wyoming, 83113, phone (307) 276-5817 or email 
[email protected]. Comments are not to be sent to this address; they 
need to be received as directed above. Individuals who use 
telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal 
Information Relay Service (FIRS) between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern 
Time, Monday through Friday at 1-800-877-8339.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Invasive species are defined as alien 
species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or 
environmental harm or harm to human health (Federal Executive Order 
13112). When developing an invasive plant management strategy, it is 
critical to consider all available resources and tools. Integrated pest 
management (IPM) strategies utilize various invasive plant management 
options that focus on the most economical, efficient and effective 
control of invasive plants. Anything that weakens the invasive plant, 
prevents spreading, or prevents seed production can be a valuable tool.

Purpose and Need for Action

    Currently, approximately 75,000 acres within the BTNF are infested 
with invasive plants. Invasive, non-native species are threatening or 
dominating areas of the BTNF with negative impacts on native plant 
communities, big game winter ranges, sage-grouse habitat, soil and 
watershed resources, recreation, domestic livestock forage 
availability, and aesthetic values. A shift from native vegetation to 
invasive plants alters wildlife habitats, decreases wildlife and 
livestock forage, reduces species diversity, increases soil erosion due 
to a decrease in surface cover, alters the fire return interval, and 
promotes undesirable monocultures.
    The purpose and need of the project is to prevent and reduce loss 
of native plant communities associated with the spread of invasive 
plant species. Specifically, the purposes of this project are to 
prevent and treat invasive plants within the BTNF and to reduce the 
impacts from invasive plants on other resources by:
     Protecting the natural condition and biodiversity of the 
Bridger-Teton by preventing or limiting the spread of aggressive, non-
native plant species that displace native vegetation;
     promptly eliminating new invaders (species not previously 
reported in the area) before they become established;
     preventing or limiting the spread of established invasive 
plants into areas containing little or no infestation;
     protecting sensitive and unique habitats including 
critical big game winter ranges, sage-grouse core areas and other 
important habitats; and
     reducing known and potential invasive plant seed sources 
along roads and trails, within powerline corridors, rights-of-ways, 
gravel and rock quarries, fuels reduction projects, and previously-
burned areas to prevent the spread of invasive plants into new, un-
infested areas.

Proposed Action

    The Forest Service, through the application of an invasive plant 
treatment strategy, proposes to continue to treat invasive plant 
species on the BTNF. The proposed action would occur over the next 10-
15 years and would treat several thousands of acres annually. The 
proposed action would broaden the current management for control of 
noxious weeds to:
     Treat new infestations through a strategy for assessing 
new treatments and new sites;
     permit the use of newly developed, more species-specific, 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered herbicides;
     continue the use of integrated treatment methods, 
including herbicides, within wilderness areas where approved in advance 
and necessary to maintain native vegetation consistent with wilderness 
     broaden control methods to include the use of aerial 
application of herbicides where effective ground application is not 
possible outside of wilderness areas; and
     maintain or improve protection measures for herbicide 
    Adding the capability for aerial treatments is necessary to safely 
and effectively apply herbicides, in uniform applications, on the 
steeper slopes that characterize critical big game winter ranges. It is 
also needed to cooperate with integrated land ownership partners that 
are experiencing extensive

[[Page 2616]]

infestations of cheatgrass because of recent and severe drought (and 
that are negatively affecting native plant populations, especially 
those in critical sage-grouse habitat). An estimated average of an 
additional 5,000 to 15,000 acres might be treated annually for 
cheatgrass control in cooperation with intermingled-landownership 
partners. Potential treatment areas include crucial big game winter 
ranges, sage-grouse core areas and other important habitats, fuels 
reduction projects, previously-burned areas, roads and trails, power 
lines, rights-of-ways, gravel and rock quarries, and areas where 
invasive weeds are already beginning to proliferate.
    The proposed action would utilize a variety of tools, singularly or 
in combination, to implement an integrated strategy. Proposed control 
methods include the following:
     Mechanical methods, such as hand-pulling, mowing or 
     revegetation, where competitive vegetation is seeded to 
reduce invasive species, possibly after other treatments;
     grazing with livestock;
     biological control using predators, parasites, and 
     herbicide control using ground-based application methods; 
herbicide control using aerial application methods;
     prescribed fire in conjunction with other treatment 
     education programs to inform people of the effects of 
invasive plant infestations, methods of spread, and preventative 
management opportunities and practices; and
     prevention by using practices that reduce invasive plant 
spread, including a weed-free forage and gravel program and washing 
vehicles to remove seeds and plant parts.
    The selection of control methods is not a choice of one tool over 
another, but rather selection of a combination of tools that would be 
most effective on target species for a location. The BTNF proposes to 
use a combination of control methods based on site-specific conditions 
and circumstances, EPA labels, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
Service (APHIS) direction, and resource protection measures to ensure 
that treatment methods are properly used. No activities are being 
proposed to occur on private lands. It is anticipated, however, that 
the Forest Service may receive requests from intermingled and adjacent 
landowners to be a willing and able partner on projects that might be 
proposed to treat invasive plant populations that are found on multiple 
land ownerships that include National Forest System lands.

Possible Alternatives

    The BTNF will consider a reasonable range of alternatives, 
including a no action alternative. Based on the issues gathered through 
scoping, the action alternatives may vary in the amount and location of 
acres considered for treatment and the number, type, and location of 

Responsible Official

    The Bridger-Teton Forest Supervisor is the Responsible Official for 
making the decision concerning this proposal.

Nature of Decision To Be Made

    Given the purpose and need, the Responsible Official reviews the 
proposed action, the other alternatives, and the environmental 
consequences in order to make the following decisions: Whether to 
expand current efforts to control invasive plants; what control methods 
would be used; what herbicides would be used; what protection measures 
and monitoring measures would be required; and whether to include an 
adaptive management approach to address future spread of invasive 
    The EIS is a project-level analysis. The scope of the project is 
confined to issues and potential environmental consequences relevant to 
the decision. This analysis does not attempt to re-evaluate or alter 
decisions made at higher levels. The decision is subject to, and would 
implement direction from, higher levels.
    National and regional policies and Forest Plan direction require 
consideration of effects of all projects on invasive plant spread and 
prescription of protection measures where practical to limit those 
effects. Reconsideration of other existing project-level decisions or 
programmatically prescribing protection measures or standards for 
future forest management activities (such as travel management, timber 
harvest, and grazing management) are beyond the scope of this document. 
Cumulative effects will be addressed in Chapter 3 of the EIS.
    Even with careful consideration, unforeseen events can occur during 
project implementation that will require additional analyses. 
Unanticipated events can result in new information that could have a 
bearing on a decision. Forest Service procedures for addressing such 
new information, documents, and decisions are thoroughly explained in 
FSH 1909.15, Section 18.

Preliminary Issues

    Key issues identified to date include the current and potential 
impacts of invasive plants on natural resources such as big game winter 
habitat, native plant communities, wilderness values, watershed 
function, and threatened, endangered, or sensitive species and their 
habitats. Additional issues preliminarily identified include economic 
impacts; the effectiveness and potential impacts of various control 
methods on natural resources; and potential effects on non-target 
native plants and associated values, wildlife and fish populations, and 
human health from the application of herbicides.

Scoping Process

    This notice of intent initiates the scoping process, which guides 
the development of the EIS. Public participation will be especially 
important at several points during the analysis, beginning with the 
scoping process (40 CFR 1501.7). The decision and reasons for the 
decision will be documented in a Record of Decision. The decision will 
be subject to Forest Service Project-Level Predecisional Administrative 
Review Process (Objection Process) (36 CFR part 218).
    It is important that reviewers provide their comments at such times 
and in such manner that they are useful to the agency's preparation of 
the EIS. Therefore, comments should be provided prior to the close of 
the comment period and should clearly articulate the reviewer's 
concerns and contentions.
    Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names 
and addresses of those who comment, will become part of the public 
record for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be 
accepted and considered, however anonymous comments will not provide 
the respondent eligibility to participate in subsequent administrative 
or judicial review.

    Dated: January 10, 2018.
Chris French,
Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2018-00804 Filed 1-17-18; 8:45 am]


                                                Notices                                                                                                        Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                               Vol. 83, No. 12

                                                                                                                                                               Thursday, January 18, 2018

                                                This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    comments-intermtn-bridger-teton@                          • Protecting the natural condition and
                                                contains documents other than rules or                  fs.fed.us or via facsimile to 307–739–                 biodiversity of the Bridger-Teton by
                                                proposed rules that are applicable to the               50108.                                                 preventing or limiting the spread of
                                                public. Notices of hearings and investigations,                                                                aggressive, non-native plant species that
                                                committee meetings, agency decisions and                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        Direct questions about the proposed                    displace native vegetation;
                                                rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
                                                                                                        action and the EIS to Chad Hayward,                       • promptly eliminating new invaders
                                                petitions and applications and agency
                                                statements of organization and functions are            Project Coordinator, 10418 S Hwy 189,                  (species not previously reported in the
                                                examples of documents appearing in this                 Big Piney, Wyoming, 83113, phone                       area) before they become established;
                                                section.                                                (307) 276–5817 or email chayward@                         • preventing or limiting the spread of
                                                                                                        fs.fed.us. Comments are not to be sent                 established invasive plants into areas
                                                                                                        to this address; they need to be received              containing little or no infestation;
                                                DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                                                                                         • protecting sensitive and unique
                                                                                                        as directed above. Individuals who use
                                                                                                                                                               habitats including critical big game
                                                                                                        telecommunication devices for the deaf
                                                Forest Service                                          (TDD) may call the Federal Information                 winter ranges, sage-grouse core areas
                                                                                                        Relay Service (FIRS) between 8 a.m. and                and other important habitats; and
                                                Bridger-Teton National Forest;                                                                                    • reducing known and potential
                                                Wyoming; Invasive Plant Management                      8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through
                                                                                                                                                               invasive plant seed sources along roads
                                                                                                        Friday at 1–800–877–8339.
                                                AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.                                                                                  and trails, within powerline corridors,
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Invasive
                                                                                                                                                               rights-of-ways, gravel and rock quarries,
                                                ACTION:Notice of intent to prepare an                   species are defined as alien species                   fuels reduction projects, and previously-
                                                environmental impact statement.                         whose introduction does or is likely to                burned areas to prevent the spread of
                                                                                                        cause economic or environmental harm                   invasive plants into new, un-infested
                                                SUMMARY:   The Bridger-Teton Nation
                                                                                                        or harm to human health (Federal                       areas.
                                                Forest (BTNF) will prepare an
                                                                                                        Executive Order 13112). When
                                                environmental impact statement (EIS) to                                                                        Proposed Action
                                                                                                        developing an invasive plant
                                                disclose the effects of continued control
                                                                                                        management strategy, it is critical to                    The Forest Service, through the
                                                of noxious and other invasive plants
                                                                                                        consider all available resources and                   application of an invasive plant
                                                through the integration of manual,
                                                                                                        tools. Integrated pest management (IPM)                treatment strategy, proposes to continue
                                                mechanical, biological, and ground and
                                                                                                        strategies utilize various invasive plant              to treat invasive plant species on the
                                                aerial herbicide control methods. Effects
                                                                                                        management options that focus on the                   BTNF. The proposed action would
                                                analysis of treatments of invasive plants,
                                                including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)                  most economical, efficient and effective               occur over the next 10–15 years and
                                                and other invasive annual grasses, will                 control of invasive plants. Anything that              would treat several thousands of acres
                                                be projected over the next 10–15 years.                 weakens the invasive plant, prevents                   annually. The proposed action would
                                                The agency invites comments and                         spreading, or prevents seed production                 broaden the current management for
                                                suggestions on the scope of the analysis                can be a valuable tool.                                control of noxious weeds to:
                                                to be included in the draft                             Purpose and Need for Action                               • Treat new infestations through a
                                                environmental impact statement (DEIS).                                                                         strategy for assessing new treatments
                                                                                                           Currently, approximately 75,000 acres               and new sites;
                                                In addition, the agency gives notice of
                                                this environmental analysis and
                                                                                                        within the BTNF are infested with                         • permit the use of newly developed,
                                                                                                        invasive plants. Invasive, non-native                  more species-specific, Environmental
                                                decision-making process so that                         species are threatening or dominating
                                                interested and affected people know                                                                            Protection Agency (EPA)-registered
                                                                                                        areas of the BTNF with negative impacts                herbicides;
                                                how they may participate in the process.
                                                The BTNF is currently treating noxious
                                                                                                        on native plant communities, big game                     • continue the use of integrated
                                                                                                        winter ranges, sage-grouse habitat, soil               treatment methods, including
                                                weeds and invasive plants under the
                                                                                                        and watershed resources, recreation,                   herbicides, within wilderness areas
                                                March 1, 2005 Decision Notice,
                                                                                                        domestic livestock forage availability,                where approved in advance and
                                                Management of Noxious Weeds on the
                                                                                                        and aesthetic values. A shift from native              necessary to maintain native vegetation
                                                Bridger-Teton National Forest. This
                                                                                                        vegetation to invasive plants alters                   consistent with wilderness values;
                                                decision needs to be updated since it
                                                did not include the use of new
                                                                                                        wildlife habitats, decreases wildlife and                 • broaden control methods to include
                                                                                                        livestock forage, reduces species                      the use of aerial application of
                                                herbicides, aerial application of
                                                                                                        diversity, increases soil erosion due to               herbicides where effective ground
                                                herbicides, or new invasive plant
                                                                                                        a decrease in surface cover, alters the                application is not possible outside of
                                                                                                        fire return interval, and promotes                     wilderness areas; and
                                                DATES: Comments concerning the scope                    undesirable monocultures.                                 • maintain or improve protection
                                                of the analysis must be received by                        The purpose and need of the project                 measures for herbicide applications.
                                                February 20, 2018. The draft EIS is                     is to prevent and reduce loss of native                   Adding the capability for aerial
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                expected in May of 2018, and the final                  plant communities associated with the                  treatments is necessary to safely and
                                                EIS is expected in October 2018.                        spread of invasive plant species.                      effectively apply herbicides, in uniform
                                                ADDRESSES: Send written comments to                     Specifically, the purposes of this project             applications, on the steeper slopes that
                                                Forest Supervisor, Bridger-Teton                        are to prevent and treat invasive plants               characterize critical big game winter
                                                National Forest, P.O. Box 1880, 340 N.                  within the BTNF and to reduce the                      ranges. It is also needed to cooperate
                                                Cache, Jackson, Wyoming 83001.                          impacts from invasive plants on other                  with integrated land ownership partners
                                                Comments may also be sent via email to                  resources by:                                          that are experiencing extensive

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:27 Jan 17, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00001   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\18JAN1.SGM   18JAN1

                                                2616                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Notices

                                                infestations of cheatgrass because of                   Possible Alternatives                                  such as big game winter habitat, native
                                                recent and severe drought (and that are                    The BTNF will consider a reasonable                 plant communities, wilderness values,
                                                negatively affecting native plant                       range of alternatives, including a no                  watershed function, and threatened,
                                                populations, especially those in critical               action alternative. Based on the issues                endangered, or sensitive species and
                                                sage-grouse habitat). An estimated                      gathered through scoping, the action                   their habitats. Additional issues
                                                average of an additional 5,000 to 15,000                alternatives may vary in the amount and                preliminarily identified include
                                                acres might be treated annually for                     location of acres considered for                       economic impacts; the effectiveness and
                                                cheatgrass control in cooperation with                  treatment and the number, type, and                    potential impacts of various control
                                                intermingled-landownership partners.                    location of activity.                                  methods on natural resources; and
                                                Potential treatment areas include crucial                                                                      potential effects on non-target native
                                                big game winter ranges, sage-grouse core                Responsible Official                                   plants and associated values, wildlife
                                                areas and other important habitats, fuels                  The Bridger-Teton Forest Supervisor                 and fish populations, and human health
                                                reduction projects, previously-burned                   is the Responsible Official for making                 from the application of herbicides.
                                                areas, roads and trails, power lines,                   the decision concerning this proposal.                 Scoping Process
                                                rights-of-ways, gravel and rock quarries,
                                                                                                        Nature of Decision To Be Made                            This notice of intent initiates the
                                                and areas where invasive weeds are
                                                already beginning to proliferate.                          Given the purpose and need, the                     scoping process, which guides the
                                                   The proposed action would utilize a                  Responsible Official reviews the                       development of the EIS. Public
                                                variety of tools, singularly or in                      proposed action, the other alternatives,               participation will be especially
                                                combination, to implement an                            and the environmental consequences in                  important at several points during the
                                                integrated strategy. Proposed control                   order to make the following decisions:                 analysis, beginning with the scoping
                                                methods include the following:                          Whether to expand current efforts to                   process (40 CFR 1501.7). The decision
                                                   • Mechanical methods, such as hand-                  control invasive plants; what control                  and reasons for the decision will be
                                                pulling, mowing or cutting;                             methods would be used; what                            documented in a Record of Decision.
                                                   • revegetation, where competitive                    herbicides would be used; what                         The decision will be subject to Forest
                                                vegetation is seeded to reduce invasive                 protection measures and monitoring                     Service Project-Level Predecisional
                                                species, possibly after other treatments;               measures would be required; and                        Administrative Review Process
                                                   • grazing with livestock;                            whether to include an adaptive                         (Objection Process) (36 CFR part 218).
                                                                                                        management approach to address future                    It is important that reviewers provide
                                                   • biological control using predators,
                                                                                                        spread of invasive weeds.                              their comments at such times and in
                                                parasites, and pathogens;
                                                                                                           The EIS is a project-level analysis.                such manner that they are useful to the
                                                   • herbicide control using ground-
                                                                                                        The scope of the project is confined to                agency’s preparation of the EIS.
                                                based application methods; herbicide
                                                                                                        issues and potential environmental                     Therefore, comments should be
                                                control using aerial application
                                                                                                        consequences relevant to the decision.                 provided prior to the close of the
                                                                                                        This analysis does not attempt to re-                  comment period and should clearly
                                                   • prescribed fire in conjunction with                evaluate or alter decisions made at                    articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
                                                other treatment methods;                                higher levels. The decision is subject to,             contentions.
                                                   • education programs to inform                       and would implement direction from,                      Comments received in response to
                                                people of the effects of invasive plant                 higher levels.                                         this solicitation, including names and
                                                infestations, methods of spread, and                       National and regional policies and                  addresses of those who comment, will
                                                preventative management opportunities                   Forest Plan direction require                          become part of the public record for this
                                                and practices; and                                      consideration of effects of all projects on            proposed action. Comments submitted
                                                   • prevention by using practices that                 invasive plant spread and prescription                 anonymously will be accepted and
                                                reduce invasive plant spread, including                 of protection measures where practical                 considered, however anonymous
                                                a weed-free forage and gravel program                   to limit those effects. Reconsideration of             comments will not provide the
                                                and washing vehicles to remove seeds                    other existing project-level decisions or              respondent eligibility to participate in
                                                and plant parts.                                        programmatically prescribing protection                subsequent administrative or judicial
                                                   The selection of control methods is                  measures or standards for future forest                review.
                                                not a choice of one tool over another,                  management activities (such as travel
                                                but rather selection of a combination of                                                                         Dated: January 10, 2018.
                                                                                                        management, timber harvest, and
                                                tools that would be most effective on                                                                          Chris French,
                                                                                                        grazing management) are beyond the
                                                target species for a location. The BTNF                                                                        Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest
                                                                                                        scope of this document. Cumulative                     System.
                                                proposes to use a combination of control                effects will be addressed in Chapter 3 of
                                                methods based on site-specific                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–00804 Filed 1–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        the EIS.
                                                conditions and circumstances, EPA                          Even with careful consideration,                    BILLING CODE 3411–15–P
                                                labels, USDA Animal and Plant Health                    unforeseen events can occur during
                                                Inspection Service (APHIS) direction,                   project implementation that will require
                                                and resource protection measures to                     additional analyses. Unanticipated                     COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS
                                                ensure that treatment methods are                       events can result in new information
                                                properly used. No activities are being                                                                         Notice of Public Meeting of the
                                                                                                        that could have a bearing on a decision.
                                                proposed to occur on private lands. It is                                                                      Montana Advisory Committee
                                                                                                        Forest Service procedures for addressing
                                                anticipated, however, that the Forest
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        such new information, documents, and                   AGENCY: U.S. Commission on Civil
                                                Service may receive requests from                       decisions are thoroughly explained in                  Rights.
                                                intermingled and adjacent landowners                    FSH 1909.15, Section 18.                               ACTION: Announcement of meeting.
                                                to be a willing and able partner on
                                                projects that might be proposed to treat                Preliminary Issues                                     SUMMARY:  Notice is hereby given,
                                                invasive plant populations that are                       Key issues identified to date include                pursuant to the provisions of the rules
                                                found on multiple land ownerships that                  the current and potential impacts of                   and regulations of the U.S. Commission
                                                include National Forest System lands.                   invasive plants on natural resources                   on Civil Rights (Commission) and the

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Document Created: 2018-01-18 00:42:33
Document Modified: 2018-01-18 00:42:33
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
DatesComments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received by February 20, 2018. The draft EIS is expected in May of 2018, and the final EIS is expected in October 2018.
ContactDirect questions about the proposed action and the EIS to Chad Hayward, Project Coordinator, 10418 S Hwy 189, Big Piney, Wyoming, 83113, phone (307) 276-5817 or email
FR Citation83 FR 2615 

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