83_FR_26407 83 FR 26298 - Endangered Species; Recovery Permit Applications

83 FR 26298 - Endangered Species; Recovery Permit Applications

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 109 (June 6, 2018)

Page Range26298-26303
FR Document2018-12134

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits activities with listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that allows such activities. The ESA requires that we invite public comment before issuing these permits.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 109 (Wednesday, June 6, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 109 (Wednesday, June 6, 2018)]
[Pages 26298-26303]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12134]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R4-ES-2018-N072; FXES11140400000-189-FF04E00000]

Endangered Species; Recovery Permit Applications

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit applications; request for comment.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to 
comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities 
with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species 
Act (ESA) prohibits activities with listed species unless a Federal 
permit is issued that allows such activities. The ESA requires that we 
invite public comment before issuing these permits.

DATES: We must receive written data or comments on the applications at 
the address given in ADDRESSES by July 6, 2018.

    Reviewing Documents: Documents and other information submitted with 
the applications are available for review, subject to the requirements 
of the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act. Submit a request for 
a copy of such documents to Karen Marlowe, 404-679-7097 (telephone) or 
404-679-7081 (fax); karen_marlowe@fws.gov.
    Submitting Comments: If you wish to comment, you may submit 
comments by any one of the following methods:
     U.S. mail or hand-delivery: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Regional Office, Ecological Services, 1875 Century Boulevard, Atlanta, 
GA 30345 (Attn: Karen Marlowe, Permit Coordinator).
     Email: permitsR4ES@fws.gov. Please include your name and 
return address in your email message. If you do not receive a 
confirmation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that we have 
received your email message, contact us directly at the telephone 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Marlowe, Permit Coordinator, 
404-679-7097 (telephone) or 404-679-7081 (fax).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We invite review and comment from local, 
State, and Federal agencies and the public on applications we have 
received for permits to conduct certain activities with endangered and 
threatened species under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species 
Act of 1973, as amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), and our 
regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR part 17. 
With some exceptions, the ESA prohibits activities that constitute take 
of listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that allows such 
activities. The ESA's definition of ``take'' includes hunting, 
shooting, harming, wounding, or killing and also such activities as 
pursuing, harassing, trapping, capturing, or collecting.

[[Page 26299]]

    A recovery permit issued by us under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA 
authorizes the permittee to conduct activities with endangered or 
threatened species for scientific purposes that promote recovery or for 
enhancement of propagation or survival of the species. These activities 
often include such prohibited actions as capture and collection. Our 
regulations implementing section 10(a)(1)(A) for these permits are 
found at 50 CFR 17.22 for endangered wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.32 for 
threatened wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species, 
and 50 CFR 17.72 for threatened plant species.

Permit Applications Available for Review and Comment

    Proposed activities in the following permit requests are for the 
recovery and enhancement of propagation or survival of the species in 
the wild. The ESA requires that we invite public comment before issuing 
these permits. Accordingly, we invite local, State, Tribal, and Federal 
agencies and the public to submit written data, views, or arguments 
with respect to these applications. The comments and recommendations 
that will be most useful and likely to influence agency decisions are 
those supported by quantitative information or studies.
    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can 
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be 
able to do so.

  Permit application
         No.                 Applicant          Species/numbers          Location              Activity            Type of take         Permit action
TE 065972-2..........  U.S. Forest Service,  Gray bat (Myotis      Ozark-St. Francis     Presence/absence      Bats: Enter          Renewal and
                        Russellville, AR.     grisescens),          National Forest       surveys.              hibernacula and      Amendment.
                                              Indiana bat (M.       lands, Arkansas.                            maternity roost
                                              sodalis), northern                                                caves, capture
                                              long-eared bat (M.                                                with mist nets,
                                              septentrionalis),                                                 handle, identify,
                                              Ozark big-eared bat                                               and release.
                                              (Corynorhinus                                                     American burying
                                              (=Plecotus)                                                       beetle: live-trap
                                              townsendii ingens),                                               and release.
                                              and American
                                              burying beetle
TE 171493-2..........  Memphis Zoo,          Dusky gopher frog     In captivity at       Genetic diversity     Collect toe clips    Renewal and
                        Memphis, TN.          (Rana sevosa).        Memphis Zoo,          study of captive      from captive-bred    Amendment.
                                                                    Memphis, TN;          frogs and post-       frogs; attach
                                                                    Toronto Zoo,          release survival      radio-transmitters
                                                                    Ontario, Canada;      and movement of       to monitor post-
                                                                    and, Omaha's Henry    captive-bred frogs.   release survival
                                                                    Doorly Zoo, Omaha,                          and movements of
                                                                    NE. In the wild in                          captive-bred
                                                                    Harrison County,                            metamorphs.
TE 237535-3..........  Bok Tower Gardens,    Dicerandra            Lake Wales National   Ex situ seed          Remove and reduce    Renewal.
                        Lake Wales, FL.       christmanii           Wildlife Refuge,      banking, artificial   to possession
                                              (Garrett's mint),     Florida.              propagation, seed     (collect) seeds
                                              Warea carteri                               germination and       and leaves.
                                              (Carter's mustard),                         storage research,
                                              and Lupinus                                 and population
                                              aridorum (Scrub                             augmentation.
TE 53149B-2..........  Hans Otto, Tucson,    Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arizona,     Presence/absence      Lesser long-nosed    Renewal.
                        AZ.                   grisescens),          Arkansas,             surveys and           bat: mist-net,
                                              Indiana bat (M.       Connecticut,          scientific research.  harp trap, hand-
                                              sodalis), Northern    Delaware, Florida,                          net, band, radio-
                                              long-eared bat (M.    Georgia, Illinois,                          tag, light tag,
                                              septentrionalis),     Indiana, Iowa,                              collect hair
                                              Ozark big-eared bat   Kansas, Kentucky,                           samples, collect
                                              (Corynorhinus         Maryland,                                   oral swabs, and
                                              townsendii ingens),   Massachusetts,                              wing punch. Other
                                              Virginia big-eared    Michigan,                                   bats: enter
                                              bat (C. t.            Minnesota,                                  hibernacula or
                                              virginianus),         Mississippi,                                maternity roost
                                              Lesser long-nosed     Missouri, Nebraska,                         caves, salvage
                                              bat (Leptonycteris    New Hampshire, New                          dead bats, capture
                                              curasoae              Jersey, New Mexico,                         with mist nets or
                                              yerbabuenae), and     New York, North                             harp traps,
                                              New Mexico meadow     Carolina, North                             handle, identify,
                                              jumping mouse         Dakota, Ohio,                               collect hair
                                              (Zapus hudsonius      Oklahoma,                                   samples, band,
                                              luteus).              Pennsylvania, Rhode                         radio tag, light
                                                                    Island, South                               tag, collect fecal
                                                                    Carolina, South                             material, apply
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,                          fungal lift tape,
                                                                    Texas, Vermont,                             swab, and wing
                                                                    Virginia, West                              punch. New Mexico
                                                                    Virginia,                                   jumping mouse:
                                                                    Wisconsin, and                              live-trap, handle,
                                                                    Wyoming.                                    and release.

[[Page 26300]]

TE 41910B-2..........  Scott Rush,           Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Louisiana,   Presence/absence      Bats: Capture with   Renewal and
                        Mississippi State     grisescens),          Mississippi, and      surveys and           mist nets or harp    Amendment.
                        University,           Indiana bat (M.       Tennessee.            scientific research.  traps, handle,
                        Starkville, MS.       sodalis), Northern                                                identify, and
                                              long-eared bat (M.                                                collect hair
                                              septentrionalis),                                                 samples. Gopher
                                              and Gopher tortoise                                               tortoise: scope
                                              (Gopherus                                                         burrows, capture,
                                              polyphemus).                                                      handle, mark,
                                                                                                                transmitters, and
                                                                                                                attach GPS loggers.
TE 75551C-0..........  Phillip Arant,        Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Capture with mist-   New.
                        Lexington, KY.        grisescens),          Connecticut,          surveys.              nets or harp
                                              Indiana bat (M.       Delaware, District                          traps, handle,
                                              sodalis), and         of Columbia,                                identify, band,
                                              Northern long-eared   Florida, Georgia,                           and radio-tag.
                                              bat (M.               Illinois, Indiana,
                                              septentrionalis).     Iowa, Kansas,
                                                                    Kentucky, Maryland,
                                                                    Missouri, Nebraska,
                                                                    New Hampshire, New
                                                                    Jersey, New York,
                                                                    North Carolina,
                                                                    North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                    Pennsylvania, Rhode
                                                                    Island, South
                                                                    Carolina, South
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,
                                                                    Texas, Vermont,
                                                                    Virginia, West
                                                                    Wisconsin, and
TE 54578B-2..........  Mary Frazer,          Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Enter hibernacula    Renewal.
                        Raleigh, NC.          grisescens),          Connecticut,          surveys, studies to   or maternity roost
                                              Indiana bat (M.       Delaware, District    document habitat      caves, salvage
                                              sodalis), Northern    of Columbia,          use, population       dead bats, capture
                                              long-eared bat (M.    Florida, Georgia,     monitoring, and to    with mist nets or
                                              septentrionalis),     Illinois, Indiana,    evaluate potential    harp traps,
                                              and Virginia big-     Iowa, Kansas,         impacts of white-     handle, identify,
                                              eared bat             Kentucky,             nose syndrome or      collect hair
                                              (Corynorhinus         Louisiana, Maine,     other threats.        samples, band,
                                              townsendii            Maryland,                                   radio tag, light-
                                              virginianus).         Massachusetts,                              tag, and wing-
                                                                    Michigan,                                   punch.
                                                                    Missouri, Montana,
                                                                    Nebraska, New
                                                                    Hampshire, New
                                                                    Jersey, New York.
                                                                    North Carolina,
                                                                    North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                    Pennsylvania, Rhode
                                                                    Island, South
                                                                    Carolina, South
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,
                                                                    Vermont, Virginia,
                                                                    West Virginia,
                                                                    Wisconsin, and
TE 63633A-5..........  Biodiversity          Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Enter hibernacula    Renewal.
                        Research Institute,   grisescens),          Connecticut,          surveys, studies to   or maternity roost
                        Portland, ME.         Indiana bat (M.       Delaware, District    document habitat      caves, salvage
                                              sodalis), and         of Columbia,          use, population       dead bats, capture
                                              Northern long-eared   Florida, Georgia,     monitoring, and to    with mist nets or
                                              bat (M.               Illinois, Indiana,    evaluate potential    harp traps,
                                              septentrionalis).     Iowa, Kansas,         impacts of white-     handle, identify,
                                                                    Kentucky,             nose syndrome or      collect hair
                                                                    Louisiana, Maine,     other threats.        samples, band,
                                                                    Maryland,                                   radio tag, and
                                                                    Massachusetts,                              wing-punch.
                                                                    Missouri, Montana,
                                                                    Nebraska, New
                                                                    Hampshire, New
                                                                    Jersey, New York,
                                                                    North Carolina,
                                                                    North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                    Pennsylvania, Rhode
                                                                    Island, South
                                                                    Carolina, South
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,
                                                                    Vermont, Virginia,
                                                                    West Virginia,
                                                                    Wisconsin, and

[[Page 26301]]

TE 75560C-0..........  Jeffrey Hawkins,      Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Bats: Enter          New.
                        Richmond, KY.         grisescens),          Connecticut,          surveys, studies to   hibernacula or
                                              Indiana bat (M.       Delaware, Florida,    document habitat      maternity roost
                                              sodalis), Northern    Georgia, Illinois,    use, population       caves, salvage
                                              long-eared bat (M.    Indiana, Iowa,        monitoring, and to    dead bats, capture
                                              septentrionalis),     Kansas, Kentucky,     evaluate potential    with mist nets or
                                              Ozark big-eared bat   Louisiana, Maine,     impacts of white-     harp traps,
                                              (Corynorhinus         Maryland,             nose syndrome or      handle, identify,
                                              townsendii ingens),   Massachusetts,        other threats.        collect hair
                                              Virginia big-eared    Michigan,                                   samples, band,
                                              bat (C. t.            Minnesota,                                  radio tag, light-
                                              virginianus),         Mississippi,                                tag, swab, and
                                              blackside dace        Missouri, Montana,                          wing-punch. Fish
                                              (Phoxinus             Nebraska, New                               and Mussels:
                                              cumberlandensis),     Hampshire, New                              Capture, identify,
                                              and 36 species of     Jersey, New York,                           and release.
                                              freshwater mussels.   North Carolina,
                                                                    North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                    Pennsylvania, Rhode
                                                                    Island, South
                                                                    Carolina, South
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,
                                                                    Texas, Vermont,
                                                                    Virginia, West
                                                                    Wisconsin, and
TE 76455C-0..........  North Carolina State  Bartram's hairstreak  Florida.............  Scientific research   Locate eggs,         New.
                        University,           butterfly (Strymon                          on survival rates     monitor and
                        Raleigh, NC.          acis bartrami),                             of various life       measure
                                              Florida leafwing                            stages.               caterpillars,
                                              butterfly (Anaea                                                  enclose host
                                              troglodyta                                                        plants, release
                                              floridalis), Miami                                                emerging
                                              blue butterfly                                                    butterflies, and
                                              (Cyclargus                                                        salvage of
                                              (=Hemiargus)                                                      parasitized eggs
                                              thomasi                                                           and larvae.
                                              bethunebakeri), and
                                              Schaus swallowtail
TE 77197C-0..........  U.S. Army Corps of    American burying      Logan County,         Presence/absence      Live-trap and        New.
                        Engineers, Little     beetle (Nicrophorus   Arkansas.             surveys and           release.
                        Rock, AR.             americanus).                                population
TE 77472C-0..........  Stream Techs, LLC,    Amber darter          Georgia.............  Presence/absence      Capture, handle,     New.
                        Athens, GA.           (Percina                                    surveys.              identify, and
                                              antesella), Etowah                                                release.
                                              darter (Etheostoma
                                              etowahae), Gulf
                                              penicillatus), Oval
                                              pigtoe (Pleurobema
                                              pyriforme), and
TE 88797B-1..........  Amber Nolder,         Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Capture with mist    Amendment.
                        Luthersburg, PA.      grisescens).          Florida, Georgia,     surveys and studies   nets and harp
                                                                    Illinois, Indiana,    to document habitat   traps, handle,
                                                                    Kansas, Kentucky,     use.                  identify, band,
                                                                    Mississippi,                                mark with non-
                                                                    Missouri, North                             toxic paint, and
                                                                    Carolina, Oklahoma,                         radio-tag.
                                                                    Virginia, and West
TE 824723-10.........  Reed Bowman,          Florida grasshopper   Florida.............  Predator control,     Fire ant control     Amendment.
                        Archbold Biological   sparrow (Ammodramus                         nest monitoring,      around nest sites,
                        Station, Venus, FL.   savannarum                                  disease screening,    installation of
                                              floridanus).                                emergency actions     predator exclusion
                                                                                          associated with       fences on nests,
                                                                                          severe weather, and   installation of
                                                                                          captive propagation.  nest cameras,
                                                                                                                collection of
                                                                                                                blood samples,
                                                                                                                raising nests to
                                                                                                                reduce mortality
                                                                                                                associated with
                                                                                                                flooding, cross-
                                                                                                                fostering of eggs
                                                                                                                and nestlings, and
                                                                                                                collection of
                                                                                                                eggs, nestlings,
                                                                                                                juveniles, and

[[Page 26302]]

TE 78383C-0..........  Joel Casto,           Red-cockaded          Apalachicola          Population            Capture, band,       New.
                        Crawfordville, FL.    woodpecker            National Forest       monitoring,           translocate,
                                              (Picoides borealis).  Florida.              population            monitor nest
                                                                                          management, and       cavities, install
                                                                                          translocation.        and monitor
                                                                                                                artificial nest
                                                                                                                cavities, and
TE 32397A-3..........  James Godwin, Auburn  Black Warrior         Alabama.............  Presence/absence      Capture, handle,     Amendment.
                        University, Auburn,   waterdog (Necturus                          surveys, genetic      identify, and
                        AL.                   alabamensis).                               analyses,             collect tissue
                                                                                          population analysis.  sample (tail tip).
TE 37886B-1..........  Civil &               Nashville crayfish    Tennessee...........  Presence/absence      Capture, handle,     Renewal.
                        Environmental         (Orconectes shoupi).                        surveys.              identify, and
                        Consultants, Inc.,                                                                      release.
                        Franklin, TN.
TE 096554-4..........  James Robinson,       Blackside dace        Kentucky and          Presence/absence      Capture, handle,     Renewal and
                        Lexington, KY.        (Phoxinus             Tennessee.            surveys.              identify, and        Amendment.
                                              cumberlandensis),                                                 release.
                                              Cumberland darter
                                              susanae), and
                                              Kentucky arrow
                                              darter (Etheostoma
TE 100012-3..........  Michael Reynolds,     Green sea turtle      Baldwin and Mobile    Monitor and protect   Locate, monitor,     Renewal.
                        Share the Beach,      (Chelonia mydas),     Counties, Alabama.    nests.                excavate, and
                        Gulf Shores, AL.      Kemp's ridley sea                                                 relocate nests;
                                              turtle                                                            temporarily retain
                                              (Lepidochelys                                                     nestlings; and,
                                              kempi), and                                                       release nestlings.
                                              Loggerhead sea
                                              turtle (Caretta
TE 102418-3..........  Florida Army          Red-cockaded          Camp Blanding Joint   Presence/absence      Red-cockaded         Renewal and
                        National Guard,       woodpecker            Training Center,      surveys and           woodpecker:          Amendment.
                        Starke, FL.           (Picoides             Starke, FL.           population            Monitor nest
                                              borealis), Eastern                          management.           cavities, capture,
                                              indigo snake                                                      band, release, and
                                              (Drymarchon corais                                                install artificial
                                              couperi).                                                         nest cavities.
                                                                                                                Eastern indigo
                                                                                                                snake: Scope
                                                                                                                burrows, capture,
                                                                                                                handle, and
TE 002507-6..........  Florida Forest        Red-cockaded          Florida.............  Population            Capture, band,       Renewal.
                        Service,              woodpecker                                  management and        translocate,
                        Brooksville, FL.      (Picoides borealis).                        monitoring.           monitor nest
                                                                                                                construct and
                                                                                                                monitor artificial
                                                                                                                nest cavities and
TE 81202C-0..........  Michael Maltba,       Gray bat (Myotis      Alabama, Arkansas,    Presence/absence      Enter hibernacula    New.
                        Whitesburg, KY.       grisescens),          Connecticut,          surveys and studies   and maternity
                                              Indiana bat (M.       Delaware, Florida,    to document habitat   roost caves,
                                              sodalis), and         Georgia, Illinois,    use.                  salvage dead bats,
                                              Northern long-eared   Indiana, Iowa,                              capture with mist
                                              bat (M.               Kansas, Kentucky,                           nets and harp
                                              septentrionalis).     Maryland,                                   traps, handle,
                                                                    Massachusetts,                              band, radio-tag,
                                                                    Michigan,                                   collect hair
                                                                    Minnesota,                                  samples, wing-
                                                                    Mississippi,                                punch, and light-
                                                                    Missouri, Nebraska,                         tag.
                                                                    New Hampshire, New
                                                                    Jersey, New York,
                                                                    North Carolina,
                                                                    North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                    Pennsylvania, Rhode
                                                                    Island, South
                                                                    Carolina, South
                                                                    Dakota, Tennessee,
                                                                    Texas, Vermont,
                                                                    Virginia, West
                                                                    Virginia, and
TE 142294-5..........  William Holimon,      Red-cockaded          Alabama, Arkansas,    Population            Capture, band,       Renewal.
                        Little Rock, AR.      woodpecker            Florida, Georgia,     management and        monitor nest
                                              (Picoides borealis).  Louisiana,            monitoring.           cavities,
                                                                    Mississippi, North                          construct and
                                                                    Carolina, Oklahoma,                         monitor artificial
                                                                    South Carolina, and                         nest cavities and
                                                                    Texas.                                      restrictors, and
TE 027344-3..........  Chattahoochee-Oconee  Red-cockaded          Chattahoochee-Oconee  Population            Monitor nest         Renewal.
                        National Forest,      woodpecker            National Forest,      management and        cavities, and
                        Monticello, GA.       (Picoides borealis).  Georgia.              monitoring.           construct and
                                                                                                                monitor artificial
                                                                                                                nest cavities and

[[Page 26303]]

TE 84861C-0..........  Power South Energy    Choctaw bean          Alabama.............  Presence/absence      Remove from the      New.
                        Cooperative,          (Villosa                                    surveys.              substrate, handle,
                        Andalusia, AL.        choctawensis),                                                    identify, return
                                              fuzzy pigtoe                                                      to substrate, and
                                              (Pleurobema                                                       salvage relic
                                              strodeanum), narrow                                               shells.
                                              pigtoe (Fusconaia
                                              escambia), southern
                                              jonesi), and
                                              southern sandshell
                                              (Hamiota australis).
TE 61981B-3..........  The Peregrine Fund,   Puerto Rican sharp-   Puerto Rico.........  Captive propagation   Collect eggs and     Amendment.
                        Boise, ID.            shinned hawk                                and reintroduction.   nestlings for
                                              (Accipiter striatus                                               captive
                                              venator).                                                         propagation.

    Authority: We provide this notice under the authority of section 
10(c) of the ESA.

Aaron Valenta,
Acting Assistant Regional Director, Ecological Services, Southeast 
[FR Doc. 2018-12134 Filed 6-5-18; 8:45 am]

                                               26298                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices

                                                                          Location and case                                                                                                 Date of            Community
                                                  State and county                                    Chief executive officer of community            Community map repository
                                                                                 No.                                                                                                       modification           No.

                                                   Clark (FEMA          City of Henderson         The Honorable Debra March, Mayor, City of        Public Works Department, 240         Mar. 27, 2018 ....        320005
                                                     Docket No.: B–       (17–09–0674P).            Henderson, 240 South Water Street, Hen-          South Water Street, Hender-
                                                     1801).                                         derson, NV 89015.                                son, NV 89015.
                                                   Clark (FEMA          City of Henderson         The Honorable Debra March, Mayor, City of        City Hall, 240 South Water           Mar. 15, 2018 ....        320005
                                                     Docket No.: B–       (17–09–2174P).            Henderson, 240 South Water Street, Hen-          Street, Henderson, NV 89015.
                                                     1772).                                         derson, NV 89015.
                                                   Clark (FEMA          Unincorporated Areas      The Honorable Steve Sisolak, Chairman,           Clark County, Office of the Direc-   Mar. 27, 2018 ....        320003
                                                     Docket No.: B–       of Clark County           Board of Supervisors, Clark County, 500          tor of Public Works, 500 South
                                                     1801).               (17–09–0674P).            South Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor,          Grand Central Parkway, Las
                                                                                                    Las Vegas, NV 89106.                             Vegas, NV 89155.
                                                   Clark (FEMA          Unincorporated Areas      The Honorable Steve Sisolak, Chairman,           Clark County, Office of the Direc-   Apr. 9, 2018 .......      320003
                                                     Docket No.: B–       of Clark County           Board of Supervisors, Clark County, 500          tor of Public Works, 500 South
                                                     1801).               (17–09–2785P).            South Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor,          Grand Central Parkway, Las
                                                                                                    Las Vegas, NV 89106.                             Vegas, NV 89155.
                                               New York:
                                                  Onondaga (FEMA        Town of Marcellus         Ms. Karen Pollard, Town Supervisor, Town Town Hall, 24 East Main Street,              Mar. 20, 2018 ....        360585
                                                    Docket No.: B–        (17–02–1132P).            of Marcellus, 24 East Main Street,           Marcellus, NY 13108.
                                                    1765).                                          Marcellus, NY 13108.
                                                  Onondaga (FEMA        Village of Marcellus      The Honorable John P. Curtin, Mayor, Vil- Village Hall, 6 Slocombe Avenue,            Mar. 20, 2018 ....        360586
                                                    Docket No.: B–        (17–02–1132P).            lage of Marcellus, 6 Slocombe Avenue,        Marcellus, NY 13108.
                                                    1765).                                          Marcellus, NY 13108.
                                                  Queens (FEMA          City of New York (17–     The Honorable Bill de Blasio, Mayor, City of New York City Department of              Apr. 18, 2018 .....       360497
                                                    Docket No.: B–        02–1503P).                New York, City Hall, New York, NY 10007.     Planning, Waterfront Division,
                                                    1768).                                                                                       22 Reade Street, New York,
                                                                                                                                                 NY 10007.
                                                   Benton (FEMA         City of Philomath,        The Honorable Rocky Sloan, Mayor, City of        City Hall, 980 Applegate Street,     Mar. 29, 2018 ....        410011
                                                     Docket No.: B–       (17–10–1546P).            Philomath,    980     Applegate     Street,      Philomath, OR 97370.
                                                     1801).                                         Philomath, OR 97370.
                                                   Benton (FEMA         Unincorporated Areas      Ms. Annabelle Jaramillo, Chair, Benton           Benton County Sherriff’s Office,     Mar. 29, 2018 ....        410008
                                                     Docket No.: B–       of Benton County          County Board of Commissioners, 205               180 Northwest 5th Street, Cor-
                                                     1801).               (17–10–1546P).            Northwest 5th Street, Corvallis, OR 97339.       vallis, OR 97333.
                                                   Marion (FEMA         City of Salem (17–10–     The Honorable M. Chuck Bennett, Mayor,           Public Works Department, 555         Mar. 29, 2018 ....        410167
                                                     Docket No.: B–       1368P).                   City of Salem, 555 Liberty Street South-         Liberty    Street  Southeast,
                                                     1805).                                         east, Room 220, Salem, OR 97301.                 Room 325, Salem, OR 97301.
                                               Texas: Dallas (FEMA      City of Mesquite (17–     The Honorable John Monaco, Mayor, City of        City Engineering Services, 1515      Mar. 27, 2018 ....        485490
                                                 Docket No.: B–1772).     06–3127P).                Mesquite, 757 North Galloway Avenue,             North Galloway Avenue, Mes-
                                                                                                    Mesquite, TX 75149.                              quite, TX 75185.
                                               Washington: King         City of North Bend        The Honorable Kenneth G. Hearing, Mayor,         Planning Department, 126 East        Apr. 13, 2018 .....       530085
                                                (FEMA Docket No.:         (17–10–1428P).            City of North Bend, 211 Main Avenue              4th Street, North Bend, WA
                                                B–1801).                                            North, North Bend, WA 98045.                     98045.
                                               Wisconsin: Brown         Unincorporated Areas      Mr. Patrick Moynihan, Jr., Chair, Brown          Brown County Zoning Office, 305      Apr. 4, 2018 .......      550020
                                                (FEMA Docket No.:         of Brown County           County, 305 East Walnut Street, Green            East Walnut Street, Green
                                                B–1801).                  (17–05–5248P).            Bay, WI 54301.                                   Bay, WI 54301.

                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12102 Filed 6–5–18; 8:45 am]              DATES: We must receive written data or                     received your email message, contact us
                                               BILLING CODE 9110–12–P                                  comments on the applications at the                        directly at the telephone number listed
                                                                                                       address given in ADDRESSES by July 6,                      in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
                                                                                                                                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                              ADDRESSES:                                                 Karen Marlowe, Permit Coordinator,
                                                                                                         Reviewing Documents: Documents                           404–679–7097 (telephone) or 404–679–
                                               Fish and Wildlife Service                               and other information submitted with                       7081 (fax).
                                               [FWS–R4–ES–2018–N072;                                   the applications are available for review,
                                               FXES11140400000–189–FF04E00000]                         subject to the requirements of the                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      We invite
                                                                                                       Privacy Act and Freedom of Information                     review and comment from local, State,
                                               Endangered Species; Recovery Permit                     Act. Submit a request for a copy of such                   and Federal agencies and the public on
                                               Applications                                            documents to Karen Marlowe, 404–679–                       applications we have received for
                                               AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                    7097 (telephone) or 404–679–7081 (fax);                    permits to conduct certain activities
                                               Interior.                                               karen_marlowe@fws.gov.                                     with endangered and threatened species
                                                                                                         Submitting Comments: If you wish to                      under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the
                                               ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit
                                                                                                       comment, you may submit comments by                        Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
                                               applications; request for comment.
                                                                                                       any one of the following methods:                          amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.),
                                               SUMMARY:   We, the U.S. Fish and                          • U.S. mail or hand-delivery: U.S.                       and our regulations in the Code of
                                               Wildlife Service, invite the public to                  Fish and Wildlife Service Regional                         Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR
                                               comment on the following applications                   Office, Ecological Services, 1875                          part 17. With some exceptions, the ESA
                                               to conduct certain activities with                      Century Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30345                       prohibits activities that constitute take
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               endangered species. With some                           (Attn: Karen Marlowe, Permit                               of listed species unless a Federal permit
                                               exceptions, the Endangered Species Act                  Coordinator).                                              is issued that allows such activities. The
                                               (ESA) prohibits activities with listed                    • Email: permitsR4ES@fws.gov.                            ESA’s definition of ‘‘take’’ includes
                                               species unless a Federal permit is issued               Please include your name and return                        hunting, shooting, harming, wounding,
                                               that allows such activities. The ESA                    address in your email message. If you do                   or killing and also such activities as
                                               requires that we invite public comment                  not receive a confirmation from the U.S.                   pursuing, harassing, trapping, capturing,
                                               before issuing these permits.                           Fish and Wildlife Service that we have                     or collecting.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:35 Jun 05, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00047   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\06JNN1.SGM     06JNN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices                                                                26299

                                                 A recovery permit issued by us under                      and 50 CFR 17.72 for threatened plant                          recommendations that will be most
                                               section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA                              species.                                                       useful and likely to influence agency
                                               authorizes the permittee to conduct                                                                                        decisions are those supported by
                                                                                                           Permit Applications Available for
                                               activities with endangered or threatened                                                                                   quantitative information or studies.
                                                                                                           Review and Comment
                                               species for scientific purposes that                                                                                         Before including your address, phone
                                               promote recovery or for enhancement of                        Proposed activities in the following                         number, email address, or other
                                               propagation or survival of the species.                     permit requests are for the recovery and                       personal identifying information in your
                                               These activities often include such                         enhancement of propagation or survival                         comment, you should be aware that
                                               prohibited actions as capture and                           of the species in the wild. The ESA                            your entire comment—including your
                                               collection. Our regulations                                 requires that we invite public comment                         personal identifying information—may
                                               implementing section 10(a)(1)(A) for                        before issuing these permits.                                  be made publicly available at any time.
                                               these permits are found at 50 CFR 17.22                     Accordingly, we invite local, State,                           While you can ask us in your comment
                                                                                                           Tribal, and Federal agencies and the                           to withhold your personal identifying
                                               for endangered wildlife species, 50 CFR
                                                                                                           public to submit written data, views, or                       information from public review, we
                                               17.32 for threatened wildlife species, 50
                                                                                                           arguments with respect to these                                cannot guarantee that we will be able to
                                               CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species,                     applications. The comments and                                 do so.
                                                Permit applica-             Applicant                Species/numbers                Location                       Activity                Type of take            Permit action
                                                   tion No.

                                               TE 065972–2 .....     U.S. Forest Service,       Gray bat (Myotis            Ozark-St. Francis Na-         Presence/absence sur-       Bats: Enter hibernacula     Renewal and
                                                                       Russellville, AR.          grisescens), Indiana       tional Forest lands,           veys.                       and maternity roost         Amendment.
                                                                                                  bat (M. sodalis),          Arkansas.                                                  caves, capture with
                                                                                                  northern long-eared                                                                   mist nets, handle,
                                                                                                  bat (M.                                                                               identify, and release.
                                                                                                  septentrionalis),                                                                     American burying
                                                                                                  Ozark big-eared bat                                                                   beetle: live-trap and
                                                                                                  (Corynorhinus                                                                         release.
                                                                                                  townsendii ingens),
                                                                                                  and American bury-
                                                                                                  ing beetle
                                               TE 171493–2 .....     Memphis Zoo, Mem-          Dusky gopher frog           In captivity at Memphis       Genetic diversity study     Collect toe clips from      Renewal and
                                                                      phis, TN.                   (Rana sevosa).              Zoo, Memphis, TN;            of captive frogs and         captive-bred frogs;         Amendment.
                                                                                                                              Toronto Zoo, On-             post-release survival        attach radio-transmit-
                                                                                                                              tario, Canada; and,          and movement of              ters to monitor post-
                                                                                                                              Omaha’s Henry                captive-bred frogs.          release survival and
                                                                                                                              Doorly Zoo, Omaha,                                        movements of cap-
                                                                                                                              NE. In the wild in                                        tive-bred
                                                                                                                              Harrison County,                                          metamorphs.
                                               TE 237535–3 .....     Bok Tower Gardens,         Dicerandra christmanii      Lake Wales National           Ex situ seed banking,       Remove and reduce to        Renewal.
                                                                       Lake Wales, FL.            (Garrett’s mint),           Wildlife Refuge, Flor-        artificial propagation,     possession (collect)
                                                                                                  Warea carteri               ida.                          seed germination            seeds and leaves.
                                                                                                  (Carter’s mustard),                                       and storage re-
                                                                                                  and Lupinus                                               search, and popu-
                                                                                                  aridorum (Scrub lu-                                       lation augmentation.
                                               TE 53149B–2 ....      Hans Otto, Tucson, AZ      Gray bat (Myotis            Alabama, Arizona, Ar-         Presence/absence sur-       Lesser long-nosed bat:      Renewal.
                                                                                                  grisescens), Indiana        kansas, Connecticut,          veys and scientific         mist-net, harp trap,
                                                                                                  bat (M. sodalis),           Delaware, Florida,            research.                   hand-net, band,
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared         Georgia, Illinois, Indi-                                  radio-tag, light tag,
                                                                                                  bat (M.                     ana, Iowa, Kansas,                                        collect hair samples,
                                                                                                  septentrionalis),           Kentucky, Maryland,                                       collect oral swabs,
                                                                                                  Ozark big-eared bat         Massachusetts,                                            and wing punch.
                                                                                                  (Corynorhinus               Michigan, Minnesota,                                      Other bats: enter
                                                                                                  townsendii ingens),         Mississippi, Missouri,                                    hibernacula or mater-
                                                                                                  Virginia big-eared bat      Nebraska, New                                             nity roost caves, sal-
                                                                                                  (C. t. virginianus),        Hampshire, New Jer-                                       vage dead bats, cap-
                                                                                                  Lesser long-nosed           sey, New Mexico,                                          ture with mist nets or
                                                                                                  bat (Leptonycteris          New York, North                                           harp traps, handle,
                                                                                                  curasoae                    Carolina, North Da-                                       identify, collect hair
                                                                                                  yerbabuenae), and           kota, Ohio, Okla-                                         samples, band, radio
                                                                                                  New Mexico meadow           homa, Pennsylvania,                                       tag, light tag, collect
                                                                                                  jumping mouse               Rhode Island, South                                       fecal material, apply
                                                                                                  (Zapus hudsonius            Carolina, South Da-                                       fungal lift tape, swab,
                                                                                                  luteus).                    kota, Tennessee,                                          and wing punch.
                                                                                                                              Texas, Vermont, Vir-                                      New Mexico jumping
                                                                                                                              ginia, West Virginia,                                     mouse: live-trap,
                                                                                                                              Wisconsin, and Wyo-                                       handle, and release.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES


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                                               26300                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices

                                                Permit applica-            Applicant                Species/numbers                Location                      Activity               Type of take            Permit action
                                                   tion No.

                                               TE 41910B–2 ....     Scott Rush, Mississippi     Gray bat (Myotis           Alabama, Louisiana,           Presence/absence sur-     Bats: Capture with mist     Renewal and
                                                                      State University,           grisescens), Indiana       Mississippi, and Ten-         veys and scientific       nets or harp traps,         Amendment.
                                                                      Starkville, MS.             bat (M. sodalis),          nessee.                       research.                 handle, identify, and
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared                                                                collect hair samples.
                                                                                                  bat (M.                                                                            Gopher tortoise:
                                                                                                  septentrionalis), and                                                              scope burrows, cap-
                                                                                                  Gopher tortoise                                                                    ture, handle, mark,
                                                                                                  (Gopherus                                                                          attach transmitters,
                                                                                                  polyphemus).                                                                       and attach GPS
                                               TE 75551C–0 ....     Phillip Arant, Lexington,   Gray bat (Myotis           Alabama, Arkansas,            Presence/absence sur-     Capture with mist-nets      New.
                                                                      KY.                         grisescens), Indiana       Connecticut, Dela-            veys.                     or harp traps, han-
                                                                                                  bat (M. sodalis), and      ware, District of Co-                                   dle, identify, band,
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared        lumbia, Florida,                                        and radio-tag.
                                                                                                  bat (M.                    Georgia, Illinois, Indi-
                                                                                                  septentrionalis).          ana, Iowa, Kansas,
                                                                                                                             Kentucky, Maryland,
                                                                                                                             Michigan, Minnesota,
                                                                                                                             Mississippi, Missouri,
                                                                                                                             Nebraska, New
                                                                                                                             Hampshire, New Jer-
                                                                                                                             sey, New York, North
                                                                                                                             Carolina, North Da-
                                                                                                                             kota, Ohio, Okla-
                                                                                                                             homa, Pennsylvania,
                                                                                                                             Rhode Island, South
                                                                                                                             Carolina, South Da-
                                                                                                                             kota, Tennessee,
                                                                                                                             Texas, Vermont, Vir-
                                                                                                                             ginia, West Virginia,
                                                                                                                             Wisconsin, and Wyo-
                                               TE 54578B–2 ....     Mary Frazer, Raleigh,       Gray bat (Myotis           Alabama, Arkansas,            Presence/absence sur-     Enter hibernacula or        Renewal.
                                                                     NC.                          grisescens), Indiana       Connecticut, Dela-            veys, studies to doc-     maternity roost
                                                                                                  bat (M. sodalis),          ware, District of Co-         ument habitat use,        caves, salvage dead
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared        lumbia, Florida,              population moni-          bats, capture with
                                                                                                  bat (M.                    Georgia, Illinois, Indi-      toring, and to evalu-     mist nets or harp
                                                                                                  septentrionalis), and      ana, Iowa, Kansas,            ate potential impacts     traps, handle, iden-
                                                                                                  Virginia big-eared bat     Kentucky, Louisiana,          of white-nose syn-        tify, collect hair sam-
                                                                                                  (Corynorhinus              Maine, Maryland,              drome or other            ples, band, radio tag,
                                                                                                  townsendii                 Massachusetts,                threats.                  light-tag, and wing-
                                                                                                  virginianus).              Michigan, Minnesota,                                    punch.
                                                                                                                             Mississippi, Missouri,
                                                                                                                             Montana, Nebraska,
                                                                                                                             New Hampshire,
                                                                                                                             New Jersey, New
                                                                                                                             York. North Carolina,
                                                                                                                             North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                                                                             Oklahoma, Pennsyl-
                                                                                                                             vania, Rhode Island,
                                                                                                                             South Carolina,
                                                                                                                             South Dakota, Ten-
                                                                                                                             nessee, Vermont,
                                                                                                                             Virginia, West Vir-
                                                                                                                             ginia, Wisconsin, and
                                               TE 63633A–5 ....     Biodiversity Research       Gray bat (Myotis           Alabama, Arkansas,            Presence/absence sur-     Enter hibernacula or        Renewal.
                                                                      Institute, Portland,        grisescens), Indiana       Connecticut, Dela-            veys, studies to doc-     maternity roost
                                                                      ME.                         bat (M. sodalis), and      ware, District of Co-         ument habitat use,        caves, salvage dead
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared        lumbia, Florida,              population moni-          bats, capture with
                                                                                                  bat (M.                    Georgia, Illinois, Indi-      toring, and to evalu-     mist nets or harp
                                                                                                  septentrionalis).          ana, Iowa, Kansas,            ate potential impacts     traps, handle, iden-
                                                                                                                             Kentucky, Louisiana,          of white-nose syn-        tify, collect hair sam-
                                                                                                                             Maine, Maryland,              drome or other            ples, band, radio tag,
                                                                                                                             Massachusetts,                threats.                  and wing-punch.
                                                                                                                             Michigan, Minnesota,
                                                                                                                             Mississippi, Missouri,
                                                                                                                             Montana, Nebraska,
                                                                                                                             New Hampshire,
                                                                                                                             New Jersey, New
                                                                                                                             York, North Carolina,
                                                                                                                             North Dakota, Ohio,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                             Oklahoma, Pennsyl-
                                                                                                                             vania, Rhode Island,
                                                                                                                             South Carolina,
                                                                                                                             South Dakota, Ten-
                                                                                                                             nessee, Vermont,
                                                                                                                             Virginia, West Vir-
                                                                                                                             ginia, Wisconsin, and

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices                                                                             26301

                                                Permit applica-            Applicant                Species/numbers                  Location                            Activity                    Type of take            Permit action
                                                   tion No.

                                               TE 75560C–0 ....     Jeffrey Hawkins, Rich-     Gray bat (Myotis            Alabama, Arkansas,                    Presence/absence sur-        Bats: Enter hibernacula       New.
                                                                      mond, KY.                  grisescens), Indiana        Connecticut, Dela-                    veys, studies to doc-        or maternity roost
                                                                                                 bat (M. sodalis),           ware, Florida, Geor-                  ument habitat use,           caves, salvage dead
                                                                                                 Northern long-eared         gia, Illinois, Indiana,               population moni-             bats, capture with
                                                                                                 bat (M.                     Iowa, Kansas, Ken-                    toring, and to evalu-        mist nets or harp
                                                                                                 septentrionalis),           tucky, Louisiana,                     ate potential impacts        traps, handle, iden-
                                                                                                 Ozark big-eared bat         Maine, Maryland,                      of white-nose syn-           tify, collect hair sam-
                                                                                                 (Corynorhinus               Massachusetts,                        drome or other               ples, band, radio tag,
                                                                                                 townsendii ingens),         Michigan, Minnesota,                  threats.                     light-tag, swab, and
                                                                                                 Virginia big-eared bat      Mississippi, Missouri,                                             wing-punch. Fish and
                                                                                                 (C. t. virginianus),        Montana, Nebraska,                                                 Mussels: Capture,
                                                                                                 blackside dace              New Hampshire,                                                     identify, and release.
                                                                                                 (Phoxinus                   New Jersey, New
                                                                                                 cumberlandensis),           York, North Carolina,
                                                                                                 and 36 species of           North Dakota, Ohio,
                                                                                                 freshwater mussels.         Oklahoma, Pennsyl-
                                                                                                                             vania, Rhode Island,
                                                                                                                             South Carolina,
                                                                                                                             South Dakota, Ten-
                                                                                                                             nessee, Texas,
                                                                                                                             Vermont, Virginia,
                                                                                                                             West Virginia, Wis-
                                                                                                                             consin, and Wyo-
                                               TE 76455C–0 ....     North Carolina State       Bartram’s hairstreak        Florida ..........................    Scientific research on       Locate eggs, monitor          New.
                                                                     University, Raleigh,        butterfly (Strymon                                                survival rates of var-       and measure cat-
                                                                     NC.                         acis bartrami), Flor-                                             ious life stages.            erpillars, enclose
                                                                                                 ida leafwing butterfly                                                                         host plants, release
                                                                                                 (Anaea troglodyta                                                                              emerging butterflies,
                                                                                                 floridalis), Miami blue                                                                        and salvage of
                                                                                                 butterfly (Cyclargus                                                                           parasitized eggs and
                                                                                                 (=Hemiargus)                                                                                   larvae.
                                                                                                 bethunebakeri), and
                                                                                                 Schaus swallowtail
                                                                                                 butterfly (Heraclides
                                               TE 77197C–0 ....     U.S. Army Corps of         American burying bee-       Logan County, Arkan-                  Presence/absence sur-        Live-trap and release ..      New.
                                                                      Engineers, Little          tle (Nicrophorus            sas.                                  veys and population
                                                                      Rock, AR.                  americanus).                                                      monitoring.
                                               TE 77472C–0 ....     Stream Techs, LLC,         Amber darter (Percina       Georgia ........................      Presence/absence sur-        Capture, handle, iden-        New.
                                                                      Athens, GA.                antesella), Etowah                                                veys.                        tify, and release.
                                                                                                 darter (Etheostoma
                                                                                                 etowahae), Gulf
                                                                                                 penicillatus), Oval
                                                                                                 pigtoe (Pleurobema
                                                                                                 pyriforme), and
                                                                                                 Shinyrayed pocket-
                                                                                                 book (Lampsilis
                                               TE 88797B–1 ....     Amber Nolder,              Gray bat (Myotis            Alabama, Arkansas,                    Presence/absence sur-        Capture with mist nets        Amendment.
                                                                     Luthersburg, PA.            grisescens).                Florida, Georgia, Illi-               veys and studies to          and harp traps, han-
                                                                                                                             nois, Indiana, Kan-                   document habitat             dle, identify, band,
                                                                                                                             sas, Kentucky, Mis-                   use.                         mark with non-toxic
                                                                                                                             sissippi, Missouri,                                                paint, and radio-tag.
                                                                                                                             North Carolina, Okla-
                                                                                                                             homa, Tennessee,
                                                                                                                             Virginia, and West
                                               TE 824723–10 ...     Reed Bowman,               Florida grasshopper         Florida ..........................    Predator control, nest       Fire ant control around       Amendment.
                                                                      Archbold Biological        sparrow                                                           monitoring, disease           nest sites, installation
                                                                      Station, Venus, FL.        (Ammodramus                                                       screening, emer-              of predator exclusion
                                                                                                 savannarum                                                        gency actions asso-           fences on nests, in-
                                                                                                 floridanus).                                                      ciated with severe            stallation of nest
                                                                                                                                                                   weather, and captive          cameras, collection
                                                                                                                                                                   propagation.                  of blood samples,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 raising nests to re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 duce mortality asso-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ciated with flooding,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 cross-fostering of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                 eggs and nestlings,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and collection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 eggs, nestlings, juve-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 niles, and adults.

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                                               26302                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices

                                                Permit applica-             Applicant                Species/numbers                  Location                            Activity                  Type of take           Permit action
                                                   tion No.

                                               TE 78383C–0 ....      Joel Casto,                Red-cockaded wood-          Apalachicola National                 Population monitoring,     Capture, band,               New.
                                                                       Crawfordville, FL.         pecker (Picoides bo-        Forest Florida.                       population manage-         translocate, monitor
                                                                                                  realis).                                                          ment, and                  nest cavities, install
                                                                                                                                                                    translocation.             and monitor artificial
                                                                                                                                                                                               nest cavities, and in-
                                                                                                                                                                                               stall restrictors.
                                               TE 32397A–3 ....      James Godwin, Auburn       Black Warrior waterdog      Alabama ......................        Presence/absence sur-      Capture, handle, iden-       Amendment.
                                                                       University, Auburn,        (Necturus                                                         veys, genetic anal-        tify, and collect tis-
                                                                       AL.                        alabamensis).                                                     yses, population           sue sample (tail tip).
                                               TE 37886B–1 ....      Civil & Environmental      Nashville crayfish          Tennessee ...................         Presence/absence sur-      Capture, handle, iden-       Renewal.
                                                                       Consultants, Inc.,         (Orconectes shoupi).                                              veys.                      tify, and release.
                                                                       Franklin, TN.
                                               TE 096554–4 .....     James Robinson, Lex-       Blackside dace              Kentucky and Ten-                     Presence/absence sur-      Capture, handle, iden-       Renewal and
                                                                       ington, KY.                (Phoxinus                   nessee.                               veys.                      tify, and release.           Amendment.
                                                                                                  Cumberland darter
                                                                                                  susanae), and Ken-
                                                                                                  tucky arrow darter
                                               TE 100012–3 .....     Michael Reynolds,          Green sea turtle            Baldwin and Mobile                    Monitor and protect        Locate, monitor, exca-       Renewal.
                                                                       Share the Beach,           (Chelonia mydas),           Counties, Alabama.                   nests.                      vate, and relocate
                                                                       Gulf Shores, AL.           Kemp’s ridley sea                                                                            nests; temporarily re-
                                                                                                  turtle (Lepidochelys                                                                         tain nestlings; and,
                                                                                                  kempi), and Logger-                                                                          release nestlings.
                                                                                                  head sea turtle
                                                                                                  (Caretta caretta).
                                               TE 102418–3 .....     Florida Army National      Red-cockaded wood-          Camp Blanding Joint                   Presence/absence sur-      Red-cockaded wood-           Renewal and
                                                                       Guard, Starke, FL.         pecker (Picoides bo-        Training Center,                      veys and population        pecker: Monitor nest         Amendment.
                                                                                                  realis), Eastern in-        Starke, FL.                           management.                cavities, capture,
                                                                                                  digo snake                                                                                   band, release, and
                                                                                                  (Drymarchon corais                                                                           install artificial nest
                                                                                                  couperi).                                                                                    cavities. Eastern in-
                                                                                                                                                                                               digo snake: Scope
                                                                                                                                                                                               burrows, capture,
                                                                                                                                                                                               handle, and release.
                                               TE 002507–6 .....     Florida Forest Service,    Red-cockaded wood-          Florida ..........................    Population manage-         Capture, band,               Renewal.
                                                                       Brooksville, FL.           pecker (Picoides bo-                                              ment and monitoring.       translocate, monitor
                                                                                                  realis).                                                                                     nest cavities, con-
                                                                                                                                                                                               struct and monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                               artificial nest cavities
                                                                                                                                                                                               and restrictors.
                                               TE 81202C–0 ....      Michael Maltba,            Gray bat (Myotis            Alabama, Arkansas,                    Presence/absence sur-      Enter hibernacula and        New.
                                                                       Whitesburg, KY.            grisescens), Indiana        Connecticut, Dela-                    veys and studies to        maternity roost
                                                                                                  bat (M. sodalis), and       ware, Florida, Geor-                  document habitat           caves, salvage dead
                                                                                                  Northern long-eared         gia, Illinois, Indiana,               use.                       bats, capture with
                                                                                                  bat (M.                     Iowa, Kansas, Ken-                                               mist nets and harp
                                                                                                  septentrionalis).           tucky, Maryland,                                                 traps, handle, band,
                                                                                                                              Massachusetts,                                                   radio-tag, collect hair
                                                                                                                              Michigan, Minnesota,                                             samples, wing-
                                                                                                                              Mississippi, Missouri,                                           punch, and light-tag.
                                                                                                                              Nebraska, New
                                                                                                                              Hampshire, New Jer-
                                                                                                                              sey, New York, North
                                                                                                                              Carolina, North Da-
                                                                                                                              kota, Ohio, Okla-
                                                                                                                              homa, Pennsylvania,
                                                                                                                              Rhode Island, South
                                                                                                                              Carolina, South Da-
                                                                                                                              kota, Tennessee,
                                                                                                                              Texas, Vermont, Vir-
                                                                                                                              ginia, West Virginia,
                                                                                                                              and Wisconsin.
                                               TE 142294–5 .....     William Holimon, Little    Red-cockaded wood-          Alabama, Arkansas,                    Population manage-         Capture, band, monitor       Renewal.
                                                                      Rock, AR.                   pecker (Picoides bo-        Florida, Georgia,                     ment and monitoring.       nest cavities, con-
                                                                                                  realis).                    Louisiana, Mis-                                                  struct and monitor
                                                                                                                              sissippi, North Caro-                                            artificial nest cavities
                                                                                                                              lina, Oklahoma,                                                  and restrictors, and
                                                                                                                              South Carolina, and                                              translocate.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               TE 027344–3 .....     Chattahoochee-Oconee       Red-cockaded wood-          Chattahoochee-Oconee                  Population manage-         Monitor nest cavities,       Renewal.
                                                                       National Forest,           pecker (Picoides bo-        National Forest,                      ment and monitoring.      and construct and
                                                                       Monticello, GA.            realis).                    Georgia.                                                        monitor artificial nest
                                                                                                                                                                                              cavities and

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:35 Jun 05, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00051     Fmt 4703        Sfmt 4703          E:\FR\FM\06JNN1.SGM       06JNN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 6, 2018 / Notices                                                                  26303

                                                Permit applica-            Applicant                Species/numbers                 Location                         Activity                 Type of take        Permit action
                                                   tion No.

                                               TE 84861C–0 ....     Power South Energy         Choctaw bean (Villosa       Alabama ......................    Presence/absence sur-     Remove from the sub-      New.
                                                                      Cooperative, Anda-         choctawensis), fuzzy                                          veys.                     strate, handle, iden-
                                                                      lusia, AL.                 pigtoe (Pleurobema                                                                      tify, return to sub-
                                                                                                 strodeanum), narrow                                                                     strate, and salvage
                                                                                                 pigtoe (Fusconaia                                                                       relic shells.
                                                                                                 escambia), southern
                                                                                                 jonesi), and southern
                                                                                                 sandshell (Hamiota
                                               TE 61981B–3 ....     The Peregrine Fund,        Puerto Rican sharp-         Puerto Rico ..................    Captive propagation       Collect eggs and          Amendment.
                                                                      Boise, ID.                 shinned hawk                                                  and reintroduction.       nestlings for captive
                                                                                                 (Accipiter striatus                                                                     propagation.

                                                 Authority: We provide this notice under                    Obtaining Documents: You may                                    Monterey Counties and occurs within
                                               the authority of section 10(c) of the ESA.                 download copies of the habitat                                    habitat of the Santa Cruz long-toed
                                               Aaron Valenta,                                             conservation plans, draft environmental                           salamander and California red-legged
                                               Acting Assistant Regional Director, Ecological
                                                                                                          action statements, low-effect screening                           frog. We invite comments from the
                                               Services, Southeast Region.                                forms, and related documents on the                               public on the application packages,
                                                                                                          internet at http://www.fws.gov/ventura/,                          which include two proposed low-effect
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12134 Filed 6–5–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          or you may request copies by U.S. mail                            HCPs. The proposed actions have been
                                               BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
                                                                                                          to our Ventura office (below) or by                               determined to be eligible for categorical
                                                                                                          phone (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                exclusions under the National
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                 CONTACT).                                                         Environmental Policy Act of 1969
                                                                                                            Submitting Comments: Please address                             (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as
                                               Fish and Wildlife Service                                  written comments to Stephen P. Henry,                             amended.
                                                                                                          Field Supervisor, Ventura Fish and                                Background
                                               [FWS–R8–ES–2018–N047;                                      Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                               FXES11130800000–189–FF08EVEN00]                                                                                                 Section 9 of the ESA and its
                                                                                                          Service, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B,
                                                                                                          Ventura, CA 93003. You alternatively                              implementing regulations prohibit the
                                               Two Low-Effect Habitat Conservation                                                                                          take of fish or wildlife species listed as
                                               Plans and Categorical Exclusions for                       may send comments by facsimile to
                                                                                                          (805) 644–3958.                                                   endangered or threatened. ‘‘Take’’ is
                                               Pacific Gas and Electric Company Gas                                                                                         defined under the ESA to include the
                                               Pipeline Vegetation Management,                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                          Chad Mitcham, Fish and Wildlife                                   following activities: ‘‘to harass, harm,
                                               Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties,                                                                                            pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,
                                               California                                                 Biologist, by U.S. mail to the Ventura
                                                                                                          office, or by telephone at (805) 677–                             capture, or collect, or to attempt to
                                               AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                       3328.                                                             engage in any such conduct’’ (16 U.S.C.
                                               Interior.                                                                                                                    1532); however, under section
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      We have                           10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA, we may issue
                                               ACTION: Notice of availability; request                    received two applications from Pacific                            permits to authorize incidental take of
                                               for comment.                                               Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for                               listed species. ‘‘Incidental Take’’ is
                                               SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and                          two 20-year incidental take permits                               defined as take that is incidental to, and
                                               Wildlife Service, have received two                        (ITPs) under the Endangered Species                               not the purpose of, the carrying out of
                                               applications from Pacific Gas and                          Act of 1973, as amended (ESA; 16                                  an otherwise lawful activity (50 CFR
                                               Electric Company for two 20-year                           U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The applications                            17.3). Regulations governing incidental
                                               incidental take permits under the                          address the potential for ‘‘take’’ of the                         take permits for threatened and
                                               Endangered Species Act of 1973, as                         federally endangered Mount Hermon                                 endangered species are provided at 50
                                               amended (ESA). The applications                            June beetle (Polyphylla barbata) and                              CFR 17.32 and 17.22, respectively.
                                               address the potential for ‘‘take’’ of the                  Santa Cruz long-toed salamander                                   Issuance of an incidental take permit
                                               federally endangered Mount Hermon                          (Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum),                                must not jeopardize the existence of
                                               June beetle and Santa Cruz long-toed                       and the federally threatened California                           federally listed fish, wildlife, or plant
                                               salamander, as well as the federally                       red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) likely                           species.
                                               threatened California red-legged frog,                     to occur incidental to the initial removal
                                                                                                          and ongoing periodic management of                                Applicant’s Proposal
                                               that is likely to occur incidental to the
                                               removal of vegetation along two natural                    vegetation that occurs over and along                               PG&E (hereafter, the applicant) has
                                               gas pipelines that traverse Santa Cruz                     two separate natural gas pipelines. The                           submitted two low-effect HCPs in
                                               and Monterey Counties, California. We                      first proposed habitat conservation plan                          support of their applications for
                                               invite comments from the public on the                     (HCP), referred to in this document as                            incidental take permits (ITPs) to address
                                               application packages, which include                        the Sandhills HCP, concerns the natural                           take of the Mount Hermon June beetle,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               two low-effect habitat conservation                        gas pipeline located along Graham Hill                            Santa Cruz long-toed salamander, and
                                               plans.                                                     Road, Santa Cruz County, California,                              the California red-legged frog. The
                                                                                                          and occurs within habitat for the Mount                           Sandhills HCP addresses take of the
                                               DATES: To ensure consideration, please                     Hermon June beetle. The second HCP,                               Mount Hermon June beetle that is likely
                                               send your written comments by July 6,                      referred to as the North Coast HCP,                               to occur as the result of direct impacts
                                               2018.                                                      concerns a natural gas pipeline that                              on up to 2.9 acres (ac) of habitat that is
                                               ADDRESSES:                                                 traverses portions of Santa Cruz and                              occupied by the species. The North

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Document Created: 2018-06-06 00:54:12
Document Modified: 2018-06-06 00:54:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of receipt of permit applications; request for comment.
DatesWe must receive written data or comments on the applications at
ContactKaren Marlowe, Permit Coordinator, 404-679-7097 (telephone) or 404-679-7081 (fax).
FR Citation83 FR 26298 

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