83_FR_27927 83 FR 27812 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of the Government Securities Division Rulebook

83 FR 27812 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of the Government Securities Division Rulebook


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 115 (June 14, 2018)

Page Range27812-27816
FR Document2018-12754

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 115 (Thursday, June 14, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 115 (Thursday, June 14, 2018)]
[Pages 27812-27816]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12754]



[Release No. 34-83401; File No. SR-FICC-2018-003]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; 
Order Approving Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Fee Structure of the 
Government Securities Division Rulebook

June 8, 2018.
    On April 27, 2018, Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (``FICC'') 
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') 
proposed rule change SR-FICC-2018-003, pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 
thereunder.\2\ The proposed rule change was published for comment in 
the Federal Register on May 8, 2018.\3\ The Commission received one 
comment letter on the proposed rule change.\4\ For the reasons 
discussed below, the Commission approves the proposed rule change.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83153 (May 2, 2018), 83 
FR 20882 (May 8, 2018) (SR-FICC-2018-003) (``Notice'').
    \4\ Letter from Ted Bragg, Vice President--Head of U.S. Fixed 
Income, Nasdaq (``Nasdaq''), dated May 14, 2018, to Eduardo A. 
Aleman, Assistant Secretary, Commission (``Nasdaq Letter'') 
available at https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-ficc-2018-003/ficc2018003.htm.

I. Description of the Proposed Rule Change

    The proposed rule change would amend the FICC Government Securities 
Division (``GSD'') Rulebook (``GSD Rules'') \5\ to modify the GSD Fee 
Structure. FICC states that it designed the proposed rule change to 
reduce complexity and to better align pricing with the costs of 
services provided by GSD.\6\ More specifically, FICC states that the 
transaction processing fees and the position management fees associated 
with the delivery-versus-payment (``DVP'') service account for 
approximately 30 percent and 70 percent, respectively, of GSD's 
projected costs from the DVP service.\7\ Accordingly, FICC states that 
the proposed fee changes are designed to align GSD's revenue with that 
30/70 percent split between transaction processing and position 
management costs, respectively.\8\ In doing so, FICC would shift the 
GSD Fee Structure regarding the DVP service away from the existing 
volume-driven approach to a position-based approach.\9\ Ultimately, 
FICC expects GSD's net revenue to remain relatively unchanged as a 
result of this proposal.\10\

    \5\ Available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/rules-and-procedures.
    \6\ Notice, 83 FR at 20882.
    \7\ Id. at 20884.
    \8\ Id.
    \9\ Id.
    \10\ Id.

A. Proposed Changes to the GSD Fee Structure

    The proposed GSD Fee Structure would, in effect, establish 4 new 
fees, modify 1 existing fee, and eliminate 12 fees.\11\ These proposed 
changes are summarized below.

    \11\ Id.

1. New Fees
    In proposed Section I of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC would replace 
the seven-tiered trade submission fees for both dealer accounts and 
broker accounts with a single transaction processing fee that would be 
charged to GSD members (``Members'') upon the comparison of a side of a 
buy/sell transaction or a Repo Transaction in the DVP service.\12\ 
Specifically, dealer accounts would be charged a fee of $0.04 per 
million par value for transaction processing, and broker accounts would 
be charged a fee of

[[Page 27813]]

$0.02 per million par value for transaction processing.\13\

    \12\ Id.
    \13\ Id. Broker accounts submit two sides per transaction. Id. 
As such, a broker account would be charged a total of $0.04 per 
million par value (i.e., $0.02 per million par value times two) for 
each transaction. Id.

    FICC also would add two position management fees applicable to the 
DVP service in proposed Section II of the GSD Fee Structure.\14\ The 
first position management fee would be the intraday position fee of 
$0.04 per million par value that would be calculated for a Member each 
business day based on the largest gross position of the Member 
(including positions of any non-Member that the Member is clearing for) 
that business day.\15\ FICC states that it would determine the gross 
position of a Member in 15-minute intervals between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 
p.m. each business day by netting the par value of all compared buy/
sell transactions, Repo Transactions, and unsettled obligations of the 
Member (including any such activity submitted by the Member for a non-
Member that the Member is clearing for) by CUSIP number and taking the 
sum of the absolute par value of each such CUSIP number.\16\

    \14\ Notice, 83 FR at 20882.
    \15\ Id.
    \16\ Id.

    The second position management fee would be the end of day position 
fee of $0.115 per million par value that would be calculated for a 
Member each business day based on the end of day gross position of the 
Member (including positions of any non-Member that the Member is 
clearing for) that business day.\17\ FICC states that it would 
determine the end of day gross position of a Member by netting the par 
value of all compared buy/sell transactions, Repo Transactions, and 
unsettled obligations of the Member (including any such activity 
submitted by the Member for a non-Member that the Member is clearing 
for) at the end of the business day by CUSIP number and taking the sum 
of the absolute par value of each such CUSIP number.\18\

    \17\ Id. at 20884-85.
    \18\ Id. at 20885.

2. Modified Existing Fee
    FICC would modify the existing minimum monthly fee in proposed 
Section V of the GSD Fee Structure.\19\ The minimum monthly fee would 
be increased from $1,000 to $2,500 per account and would apply to all 
accounts of every comparison-only Member and netting Member instead of 
just their sole or primary account.\20\ FICC states that it is 
proposing to increase the minimum monthly fee to $2,500 per account 
because FICC believes this change would better reflect GSD's costs of 
account monitoring.\21\

    \19\ Id.
    \20\ Id. The minimum monthly fee would apply to all accounts of 
a netting Member, including any account the netting Member may have 
as a sponsoring Member. Id.
    \21\ Notice, 83 FR at 20885.

3. Eliminated Fees
    FICC is proposing to delete fees in Section I of the GSD Fee 
Structure that are no longer applicable.\22\ Specifically, FICC is 
proposing to delete Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure, which 
imposes certain surcharges on Members submitting trade data to GSD 
using submission methods other than the Interactive Submission Method 
(e.g., the Multiple Batch Submission Method or the Single Batch 
Submission Method).\23\ FICC states that these surcharges are no longer 
required because all Members currently submit trade data to GSD using 
the Interactive Submission Method, and FICC does not expect that to 
change in the future because of technological advancements in real-time 
trade submission capability across the financial industry.\24\ FICC 
would also make conforming re-lettering of the subsequent provisions in 
Section I of the GSD Fee Structure.\25\

    \22\ Id. at 20884.
    \23\ Id.
    \24\ Id.
    \25\ Id.

    FICC would eliminate all netting fees provided in renumbered 
Section IV of the GSD Fee Structure, including (i) the two seven-tiered 
netting fees for both broker accounts and dealer accounts; (ii) the 
``into the net'' fees of $0.015 per one million of par value for broker 
accounts and $0.016 per one million of par value for dealer accounts 
for each compared trade, start leg of a Repo Transaction, close leg of 
a Repo Transaction, fail deliver obligation, and fail receive 
obligation; and (iii) the ``out of the net'' fees of $0.175 per one 
million of par value for each deliver obligation and receive obligation 
created as a result of the netting process.\26\

    \26\ Id. at 20885.

    In addition, FICC would delete from renumbered Section IV.C. of the 
GSD Fee Structure the Repo Transaction processing fees and related 
language for Term Repo Transactions in the DVP service that have been 
compared and netted but not yet settled.\27\ FICC states that this 
would no longer separate the Repo Transaction processing fees for Term 
Repo Transactions.\28\ Rather, FICC states that the Term Repo 
Transactions would be assessed the proposed position management fees, 
just like overnight Repo Transactions and buy/sell transactions.\29\

    \27\ Id.
    \28\ Id. The term ``Term Repo Transaction'' means, on any 
particular business day, a Repo Transaction for which settlement of 
the close leg is scheduled to occur two or more business days after 
the scheduled settlement of the start leg. See GSD Rule 1, 
Definitions, GSD Rules, supra note 5.
    \29\ Notice, 83 FR at 20885.

    Additionally, FICC would eliminate fees applicable to additional 
accounts from current Section V of the GSD Fee Structure.\30\ FICC 
currently differentiates its fees based on whether an account is a 
Member's primary or secondary account. FICC would no longer draw this 
distinction. FICC states that eliminating fees applicable to additional 
accounts would reduce pricing complexity and thereby enhance pricing 
transparency because Members would no longer need to keep track of 
their primary versus secondary accounts.

    \30\ Id.

4. Conforming, Clarifying, and Technical Changes
    As described below, FICC proposes to make a number of conforming, 
clarifying, and technical changes.
    First, FICC would rename the heading of Section I of the GSD Fee 
Structure from ``Trade Comparison Fees'' to ``Transaction Fees.'' \31\ 
FICC states that this would better reflect the proposed changes to that 
section, as described above.\32\

    \31\ Id. at 20886.
    \32\ Id.

    FICC would rename the heading of Section I.A. of the GSD Fee 
Structure from ``Trade Submission'' to ``Transaction Processing.'' \33\ 
In addition, FICC would make changes throughout Section I.A. of the GSD 
Fee Structure to clarify that references to a ``trade'' means a ``buy/
sell transaction.'' \34\ FICC would also make a number of conforming 
changes in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure.\35\ Specifically, 
FICC would delete a reference to ``submission fee'' and replace it with 
``processing fee.'' \36\ FICC would update the reference to 
``subsection D'' to reflect the proposed re-lettering of that 

    \33\ Id.
    \34\ Id.
    \35\ Id.
    \36\ Id.
    \37\ Id.

    Additionally, FICC would update the format of (i) the ``$.50'' 
rejection fee to ``$0.50'' in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure; 
(ii) the ``15 cents'' yield-to-price conversion charge to ``$0.15'' in 
the proposed Section I.B. of the GSD Fee Structure; (iii) the ``25 
cents'' and ``5

[[Page 27814]]

cents'' modification/cancellation fees to ``$0.25'' and ``$0.05,'' 
respectively, in the proposed Section I.C. of the GSD Fee Structure; 
(iv) the ``25 cents'' coupon pass-through fee to ``$0.25'' in the 
proposed Section I.D. of the GSD Fee Structure; (v) the ``$.75'' 
repurchase agreement collateral substitution fee to ``$0.75'' in the 
proposed Section I.E. of the GSD Fee Structure; (vi) the ``$.07'' and 
``$.025'' recording fees to ``$0.07'' and ``$0.025'' in the proposed 
Section I.G. of the GSD Fee Structure; and (vii) the ``$.07'' recording 
fee to ``$0.07'' in the proposed Section I.H. of the GSD Fee 
Restructure, in order to be consistent with the format of the other 
fees in the GSD Fee Structure.\38\

    \38\ Id.

    FICC states that for better organization of the GSD Fee Structure, 
FICC would relocate current Sections III.B. (Auction Takedown Process), 
III.F. (Coupon Pass-Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral 
Substitution Fees), which cover fees associated with the Auction 
Takedown Service, pass-through of coupon payments, and the processing 
of repurchase agreement collateral substitution requests, to proposed 
Sections I.F., I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the GSD Fee Structure 
because each of these fees is a type of transaction fee.\39\

    \39\ Id.

    In addition, FICC would revise the section on Auction Takedown 
Process (proposed Section I.D. of the GSD Fee Structure) by replacing 
the words ``locked-in trades'' with ``buy/sell transactions'' because, 
FICC states, all trades associated with the Auction Takedown Service 
are locked-in.\40\ FICC would change this section to reflect that, 
instead of the ``Trade Submission'' fees, fees for trades associated 
with the Auction Takedown Service would include the proposed 
``Transaction Processing'' fees in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee 
Structure and the proposed ``Position Management Fees'' in Section II 
of the GSD Fee Structure.\41\

    \40\ Id.
    \41\ Id.

    FICC would make a conforming change in the proposed Section I.G. of 
the GSD Fee Structure by deleting the reference to ``Trade Submission'' 
fee schedule and replacing it with ``Transaction Processing'' fees.\42\

    \42\ Id.

    FICC would renumber current Section II of the GSD Fee Structure to 
proposed Section III of the GSD Fee Structure.\43\

    \43\ Id.

    FICC would rename the heading of renumbered Section IV of the GSD 
Fee Structure from ``Netting Fee and Charges (in addition to the 
comparison fee)'' to ``Other Charges (in addition to the transaction 
fees)'' to, FICC states, better reflect the proposed changes to this 
section, as described above.\44\

    \44\ Id.

    As described above, FICC would relocate current Sections III.B. 
(Auction Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-Through Fee), and 
III.G. (Repo Collateral Substitution Fees) to proposed Sections I.F., 
I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the GSD Fee Structure.\45\ These 
proposed changes would necessitate a re-lettering of all subsequent 
provisions in renumbered Section IV of the GSD Fee Structure.\46\

    \45\ Id.
    \46\ Id.

    In addition, FICC would rename the heading of renumbered Section 
IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure from ``Repo Transaction Processing Fee'' 
to ``GCF Repo Transaction and CCIT Transaction Processing Fee'' to 
better reflect the proposed changes to this section.\47\ FICC would 
make two conforming changes: (i) Relocate and update the reference to 
``Repo Broker'' definition to appear right after the first usage of 
``Repo Broker'' in this section; and (ii) reflect the remaining fee in 
renumbered Section IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure in a singular 

    \47\ Id.
    \48\ Id.

    In addition, FICC would make a conforming change in renumbered 
Section IV.D. of the GSD Fee Structure to reflect the proposed 
renumbering of sections in the GSD Fee Structure by changing a 
reference from ``Section III'' to ``Section IV.'' \49\

    \49\ Id.

    FICC would add a sentence to proposed Section V of the GSD Fee 
Structure that, FICC states, would make it clear to Members that the 
minimum monthly fee would not apply to an account if the total monthly 
fees incurred by the account pursuant to Sections I, II (a proposed new 
section), and IV (renumbered from III) of the GSD Fee Structure exceed 

    \50\ Id.

    FICC would make changes in Section VI of the GSD Fee Structure to, 
FICC states, clarify that references to ``trades'' means ``buy/sell 
transactions and Repo Transactions.'' \51\

    \51\ Id.

    FICC would make two changes to Section VII of the GSD Fee 
Structure. FICC would delete the reference to the fee for additional 
accounts, which is being eliminated under the proposal.\52\ FICC states 
that the second change would make it clear that a sponsoring Member 
would be subject to the minimum monthly fee set forth in proposed 
Section V of the GSD Fee Structure.\53\ FICC states that this proposed 
change would make it clear to a sponsoring Member that its sponsoring 
Member omnibus account would be subject to the minimum monthly fee.\54\

    \52\ Id.
    \53\ Id. at 20886-87.
    \54\ Id. at 20887.

    In current Section VIII of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC would (i) 
make a technical change to reflect the reference to the GSD Fee 
Structure as ``Fee Structure'' instead of ``fee structure,'' and (ii) 
make changes to clarify that references to a ``trade'' means a ``buy/
sell transaction.'' \55\ In addition, FICC would clarify that a CCIT 
Transaction, like a Term GCF Repo Transaction, would be considered to 
have one Start Leg and one Close Leg during its term.\56\

    \55\ Id.
    \56\ Id.

    FICC would make a conforming change in current Section XII of the 
GSD Fee Structure by deleting the reference to ``comparison and netting 
fees'' and replacing it with ``transaction fees.'' \57\ In addition, 
FICC would make a technical change by deleting the outdated reference 
to ``Operations and Planning Committee'' and replacing it with Board, 
which is defined in GSD Rule 1 (Definitions) as ``the Board of 
Directors of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation or a committee thereof 
acting under delegated authority.'' \58\

    \57\ Id.
    \58\ Id.; see GSD Rule 1, GSD Rules, supra note 5.

    FICC plans to implement all of the above proposed changes on July 
2, 2018.\59\

    \59\ Id. at 20887.

II. Summary of Comment Received

    The Commission received one comment letter to the proposed rule 
change.\60\ The Nasdaq Letter supports the proposed rule change. 
Specifically, Nasdaq states that it ``supports the [proposed rule 
change] because it: (1) Simplifies and adds transparency to FICC's fee 
schedule; (2) introduces a sensible risk-based fee model; and (3) 
permits and incentivizes more market participants to utilize central 
clearing for U.S. Treasury Securities. . . .'' \61\ Nasdaq further 
states that the proposed rule change would likely result in more 
widespread use of FICC's central clearing services, reducing systemic 
risk by moving the industry closer to comprehensive central 
clearing.\62\ Nasdaq states that more widespread industry use of FICC's 
central clearing

[[Page 27815]]

services would also increase overall transparency of trade reporting 
data of U.S. Treasury securities.\63\ Additionally, Nasdaq believes 
that the proposed rule change would advance the goals articulated in 
the October 2017 report by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on U.S. 
Capital Markets \64\ by reforming FICC's fee structure to make it more 
simple, clear, transparent, and understandable to market participants 
and regulators.\65\

    \60\ Nasdaq Letter, supra note 4.
    \61\ Id. at 1.
    \62\ Id. at 1-2.
    \63\ Id. at 2.
    \64\ See U.S. Department of the Treasury, A Financial System 
That Creates Economic Opportunities: Capital Markets (October 2017), 
available at https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Documents/A-Financial-System-Capital-Markets-FINAL-FINAL.pdf.
    \65\ Nasdaq Letter at 1-2.

III. Discussion and Commission Findings

    Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act directs the Commission to approve a 
proposed rule change of a self-regulatory organization if it finds that 
such proposed rule change is consistent with the requirements of the 
Act and rules and regulations thereunder applicable to such 
organization.\66\ After carefully considering the proposed rule change 
and the comment letter received, the Commission finds that the proposed 
rule change is consistent with Act, specifically Sections 17A(b)(3)(D) 
\67\ and 17A(b)(3)(F) \68\ of the Act and Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) \69\ 
under the Act.

    \66\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
    \67\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(D).
    \68\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
    \69\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii).

A. Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act

    Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act requires that the rules of a 
clearing agency, such as FICC, provide for the equitable allocation of 
reasonable dues, fees, and other charges among its participants.\70\

    \70\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(D).

    As discussed above, the proposed rule change would make a number of 
changes to the GSD Fee Structure. Specifically, FICC would, in effect, 
create 4 new fees, modify 1 existing fee, and eliminate 12 fees. The 
proposed fee changes are designed, in part, to (i) shift the GSD Fee 
Structure regarding the DVP service away from a transaction or volume-
driven approach to a more position-based approach, and (ii) align GSD's 
revenue with the approximate 30/70 split between transaction processing 
and position management costs, respectively. Despite the proposed 
changes, FICC expects GSD's net revenue to remain relatively unchanged 
as a result of this proposal.
    The Commission believes that adding the 4 proposed fees and 
eliminating the 12 existing fees is equitable and reasonable because 
these changes are designed to apply to all Members in a manner that 
better aligns the fees (i.e., fees associated with the DVP service as 
well as the minimum monthly fee) with the costs attributed to GSD's 
management of Members' DVP positions and account monitoring. Under the 
proposed changes, a Member whose DVP positions result in higher 
position management costs to GSD would be charged a relatively higher 
fee because the higher fee would be reflective of the higher costs to 
GSD in managing those positions. On the other hand, a Member whose DVP 
positions require less management by GSD would be charged a lower fee 
because the lower fee would be reflective of the lower costs to GSD in 
managing those positions. In addition, taken collectively, the proposed 
fee changes are designed to maintain GSD's existing revenue derived 
from fees associated with the DVP service.
    With respect to the proposed modification to the minimum monthly 
fee, each account of every comparison-only Member and every netting 
Member would be subject to a minimum monthly fee of $2,500. This 
proposed fee is designed to be commensurate with the minimum costs to 
FICC associated with monitoring a Member's account.
    Therefore, for the above reasons, the Commission believes that the 
proposed rule change is consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the 
Act, as the proposal would provide for the equitable allocation of 
reasonable dues, fees, and other charges among Members.

B. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act

    Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act requires, in part, that the rules 
of a clearing agency, such as FICC, be designed to promote the prompt 
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions.\71\

    \71\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    As described above, FICC proposes to, effectively, establish 4 new 
fees, modify 1 existing fee, eliminate 12 fees, and make conforming, 
clarifying, and technical changes to the GSD Rules. These proposed 
changes are designed to reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure 
by helping to ensure that the GSD Fee Structure is more transparent and 
clear to Members.\72\ Providing more transparent and clear terms and 
descriptions in the GSD Fee Structure would help Members better 
understand GSD's fees and provide increased predictability and 
certainty regarding the fees Members incur. This increased 
understanding, predictability, and certainty could, in turn, help 
Members satisfy their obligations to FICC more easily, which would help 
promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities 
transactions.\73\ Accordingly, the Commission believes that the 
proposed rule change is consistent with the requirements of Section 
17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.

    \72\ See also Nasdaq Letter at 1-2 (supporting the proposed rule 
change because it renders FICC's fee schedule more simple, clear, 
transparent, and understandable to market participants).
    \73\ See also Nasdaq Letter at 2 (arguing that FICC's efforts to 
simplify its fee structure would encourage more widespread central 
clearing among market participants).

C. Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) Under the Act

    Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act requires each covered 
clearing agency \74\ to establish, implement, maintain and enforce 
written policies and procedures reasonably designed to provide 
sufficient information to enable participants to identify and evaluate 
the risks, fees, and other material costs they incur by participating 
in the covered clearing agency.\75\

    \74\ A ``covered clearing agency'' means, among other things, a 
clearing agency registered with the Commission under Section 17A of 
the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78q-1 et seq.) that is designated 
systemically important by Financial Stability Oversight Council 
(``FSOC'') pursuant to the Clearing Supervision Act (12 U.S.C. 5461 
et seq.). See 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(a)(5)-(6). Because FICC is a 
registered clearing agency with the Commission that has been 
designated systemically important by FSOC, FICC is a covered 
clearing agency.
    \75\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii).

    As described above, FICC proposes to, effectively, establish 4 new 
fees, modify 1 existing fee, eliminate 12 fees, and make conforming, 
clarifying, and technical changes to the GSD Rules. These proposed 
changes are designed to reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee Structure 
by helping to ensure that the GSD Fee Structure is more transparent and 
clear to Members. Having a more transparent and clear GSD Fee Structure 
would help Members and other stakeholders to better understand GSD's 
fees and help provide Members with increased predictability and 
certainty regarding the fees they incur in participating in GSD.\76\ As 
such, the Commission believes that the proposed rule change is 
consistent with Rule 17Ad-22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act.

    \76\ See also Nasdaq Letter at 1-2 (supporting the proposed rule 
change because it renders FICC's fee schedule more simple, clear, 
transparent, and understandable to market participants).

IV. Conclusion

    On the basis of the foregoing, the Commission finds that the 
proposal is consistent with the requirements of the

[[Page 27816]]

Act, in particular the requirements of Section 17A of the Act \77\ and 
the rules and regulations thereunder.

    \77\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.

    It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the Act, 
that proposed rule change SR-FICC-2018-003 be, and hereby is, 

    \78\ In approving the proposed rule change, the Commission 
considered the proposals' impact on efficiency, competition, and 
capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\79\

    \79\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-12754 Filed 6-13-18; 8:45 am]

                                               27812                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices

                                               III. Date of Effectiveness of the                          available for website viewing and                      Commission approves the proposed rule
                                               Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                        printing in the Commission’s Public                    change.
                                               Commission Action                                          Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
                                                                                                          Washington, DC 20549 on official                       I. Description of the Proposed Rule
                                                  The foregoing rule change has become                                                                           Change
                                               effective pursuant to Section                              business days between the hours of
                                               19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Exchange Act 12                     10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such                   The proposed rule change would
                                               and Rule 19b–4(f)(2) thereunder,13                         filing also will be available for                      amend the FICC Government Securities
                                               because it establishes or changes a due,                   inspection and copying at the principal                Division (‘‘GSD’’) Rulebook (‘‘GSD
                                               or fee.                                                    office of the Exchange. All comments                   Rules’’) 5 to modify the GSD Fee
                                                  At any time within 60 days of the                       received will be posted without change.                Structure. FICC states that it designed
                                               filing of the proposed rule change, the                    Persons submitting comments are                        the proposed rule change to reduce
                                               Commission summarily may                                   cautioned that we do not redact or edit                complexity and to better align pricing
                                               temporarily suspend the rule change if                     personal identifying information from                  with the costs of services provided by
                                               it appears to the Commission that the                      comment submissions. You should                        GSD.6 More specifically, FICC states
                                               action is necessary or appropriate in the                  submit only information that you wish                  that the transaction processing fees and
                                               public interest, for the protection of                     to make available publicly. All                        the position management fees associated
                                               investors, or would otherwise further                      submissions should refer to File                       with the delivery-versus-payment
                                               the purposes of the Act. If the                            Number SR–BOX–2018–21, and should                      (‘‘DVP’’) service account for
                                               Commission takes such action, the                          be submitted on or before July 5, 2018.                approximately 30 percent and 70
                                               Commission shall institute proceedings                       For the Commission, by the Division of               percent, respectively, of GSD’s projected
                                               to determine whether the proposed rule                     Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated             costs from the DVP service.7
                                               should be approved or disapproved.                         authority.14                                           Accordingly, FICC states that the
                                               IV. Solicitation of Comments                               Eduardo A. Aleman,                                     proposed fee changes are designed to
                                                                                                          Assistant Secretary.                                   align GSD’s revenue with that 30/70
                                                 Interested persons are invited to
                                               submit written data, views, and                            [FR Doc. 2018–12751 Filed 6–13–18; 8:45 am]            percent split between transaction
                                               arguments concerning the foregoing,                                                                               processing and position management
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                               including whether the proposed rule                                                                               costs, respectively.8 In doing so, FICC
                                               change is consistent with the Act.                                                                                would shift the GSD Fee Structure
                                               Comments may be submitted by any of                        SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                regarding the DVP service away from
                                               the following methods:                                     COMMISSION                                             the existing volume-driven approach to
                                                                                                                                                                 a position-based approach.9 Ultimately,
                                               Electronic Comments                                                                                               FICC expects GSD’s net revenue to
                                                                                                          [Release No. 34–83401; File No. SR–FICC–
                                                 • Use the Commission’s internet                          2018–003]
                                                                                                                                                                 remain relatively unchanged as a result
                                               comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                                                                                 of this proposal.10
                                               rules/sro.shtml); or                                       Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed                   A. Proposed Changes to the GSD Fee
                                                 • Send an email to rule-comments@                        Income Clearing Corporation; Order                     Structure
                                               sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–                    Approving Proposed Rule Change To
                                               BOX–2018–21 on the subject line.                           Amend the Fee Structure of the                           The proposed GSD Fee Structure
                                               Paper Comments                                             Government Securities Division                         would, in effect, establish 4 new fees,
                                                                                                          Rulebook                                               modify 1 existing fee, and eliminate 12
                                                 • Send paper comments in triplicate                                                                             fees.11 These proposed changes are
                                               to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                      June 8, 2018.                                          summarized below.
                                               Commission, 100 F Street NE,
                                               Washington, DC 20549–1090.                                    On April 27, 2018, Fixed Income                     1. New Fees
                                                                                                          Clearing Corporation (‘‘FICC’’) filed
                                               All submissions should refer to File
                                               Number SR–BOX–2018–21. This file                           with the Securities and Exchange                          In proposed Section I of the GSD Fee
                                               number should be included on the                           Commission (‘‘Commission’’) proposed                   Structure, FICC would replace the
                                               subject line if email is used. To help the                 rule change SR–FICC–2018–003,                          seven-tiered trade submission fees for
                                               Commission process and review your                         pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                    both dealer accounts and broker
                                               comments more efficiently, please use                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934                        accounts with a single transaction
                                               only one method. The Commission will                       (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder.2                processing fee that would be charged to
                                               post all comments on the Commission’s                      The proposed rule change was                           GSD members (‘‘Members’’) upon the
                                               internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                      published for comment in the Federal                   comparison of a side of a buy/sell
                                               rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                            Register on May 8, 2018.3 The                          transaction or a Repo Transaction in the
                                               submission, all subsequent                                 Commission received one comment                        DVP service.12 Specifically, dealer
                                               amendments, all written statements                         letter on the proposed rule change.4 For               accounts would be charged a fee of
                                               with respect to the proposed rule                          the reasons discussed below, the                       $0.04 per million par value for
                                               change that are filed with the                                                                                    transaction processing, and broker
                                               Commission, and all written
                                                                                                            14 17  CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                          accounts would be charged a fee of
                                                                                                            1 15  U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
                                               communications relating to the                                2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                                                                                                                                   5 Available at http://www.dtcc.com/legal/rules-
                                               proposed rule change between the
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             3 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83153 (May
                                               Commission and any person, other than                      2, 2018), 83 FR 20882 (May 8, 2018) (SR–FICC–            6 Notice, 83 FR at 20882.
                                               those that may be withheld from the                        2018–003) (‘‘Notice’’).                                  7 Id. at 20884.
                                                                                                             4 Letter from Ted Bragg, Vice President—Head of
                                               public in accordance with the                                                                                       8 Id.
                                                                                                          U.S. Fixed Income, Nasdaq (‘‘Nasdaq’’), dated May
                                               provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                        14, 2018, to Eduardo A. Aleman, Assistant
                                                                                                                                                                   9 Id.
                                                                                                                                                                   10 Id.
                                                                                                          Secretary, Commission (‘‘Nasdaq Letter’’) available
                                                 12 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).                                                                                  11 Id.
                                                                                                          at https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-ficc-2018-003/
                                                 13 17   CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).                             ficc2018003.htm.                                         12 Id.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices                                                   27813

                                               $0.02 per million par value for                         is proposing to increase the minimum                   states that the Term Repo Transactions
                                               transaction processing.13                               monthly fee to $2,500 per account                      would be assessed the proposed
                                                  FICC also would add two position                     because FICC believes this change                      position management fees, just like
                                               management fees applicable to the DVP                   would better reflect GSD’s costs of                    overnight Repo Transactions and buy/
                                               service in proposed Section II of the                   account monitoring.21                                  sell transactions.29
                                               GSD Fee Structure.14 The first position                                                                           Additionally, FICC would eliminate
                                               management fee would be the intraday                    3. Eliminated Fees                                     fees applicable to additional accounts
                                               position fee of $0.04 per million par                      FICC is proposing to delete fees in                 from current Section V of the GSD Fee
                                               value that would be calculated for a                    Section I of the GSD Fee Structure that                Structure.30 FICC currently
                                               Member each business day based on the                   are no longer applicable.22 Specifically,              differentiates its fees based on whether
                                               largest gross position of the Member                    FICC is proposing to delete Section I.B.               an account is a Member’s primary or
                                               (including positions of any non-Member                  of the GSD Fee Structure, which                        secondary account. FICC would no
                                               that the Member is clearing for) that                   imposes certain surcharges on Members                  longer draw this distinction. FICC states
                                               business day.15 FICC states that it would               submitting trade data to GSD using                     that eliminating fees applicable to
                                               determine the gross position of a                       submission methods other than the                      additional accounts would reduce
                                               Member in 15-minute intervals between                   Interactive Submission Method (e.g., the               pricing complexity and thereby enhance
                                               9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. each business                   Multiple Batch Submission Method or                    pricing transparency because Members
                                               day by netting the par value of all                     the Single Batch Submission Method).23                 would no longer need to keep track of
                                               compared buy/sell transactions, Repo                    FICC states that these surcharges are no               their primary versus secondary
                                               Transactions, and unsettled obligations                 longer required because all Members                    accounts.
                                               of the Member (including any such                       currently submit trade data to GSD
                                               activity submitted by the Member for a                  using the Interactive Submission                       4. Conforming, Clarifying, and
                                               non-Member that the Member is                           Method, and FICC does not expect that                  Technical Changes
                                               clearing for) by CUSIP number and                       to change in the future because of                        As described below, FICC proposes to
                                               taking the sum of the absolute par value                technological advancements in real-time                make a number of conforming,
                                               of each such CUSIP number.16                            trade submission capability across the                 clarifying, and technical changes.
                                                  The second position management fee                   financial industry.24 FICC would also                     First, FICC would rename the heading
                                               would be the end of day position fee of                 make conforming re-lettering of the                    of Section I of the GSD Fee Structure
                                               $0.115 per million par value that would                 subsequent provisions in Section I of                  from ‘‘Trade Comparison Fees’’ to
                                               be calculated for a Member each                         the GSD Fee Structure.25                               ‘‘Transaction Fees.’’ 31 FICC states that
                                               business day based on the end of day                       FICC would eliminate all netting fees               this would better reflect the proposed
                                               gross position of the Member (including                 provided in renumbered Section IV of                   changes to that section, as described
                                               positions of any non-Member that the                    the GSD Fee Structure, including (i) the               above.32
                                               Member is clearing for) that business                   two seven-tiered netting fees for both                    FICC would rename the heading of
                                               day.17 FICC states that it would                        broker accounts and dealer accounts; (ii)              Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure
                                               determine the end of day gross position                 the ‘‘into the net’’ fees of $0.015 per one            from ‘‘Trade Submission’’ to
                                               of a Member by netting the par value of                 million of par value for broker accounts               ‘‘Transaction Processing.’’ 33 In
                                               all compared buy/sell transactions,                     and $0.016 per one million of par value                addition, FICC would make changes
                                               Repo Transactions, and unsettled                        for dealer accounts for each compared                  throughout Section I.A. of the GSD Fee
                                               obligations of the Member (including                    trade, start leg of a Repo Transaction,                Structure to clarify that references to a
                                               any such activity submitted by the                      close leg of a Repo Transaction, fail                  ‘‘trade’’ means a ‘‘buy/sell
                                               Member for a non-Member that the                        deliver obligation, and fail receive                   transaction.’’ 34 FICC would also make a
                                               Member is clearing for) at the end of the               obligation; and (iii) the ‘‘out of the net’’           number of conforming changes in
                                               business day by CUSIP number and                        fees of $0.175 per one million of par                  Section I.A. of the GSD Fee Structure.35
                                               taking the sum of the absolute par value                value for each deliver obligation and                  Specifically, FICC would delete a
                                               of each such CUSIP number.18                            receive obligation created as a result of              reference to ‘‘submission fee’’ and
                                               2. Modified Existing Fee                                the netting process.26                                 replace it with ‘‘processing fee.’’ 36 FICC
                                                                                                          In addition, FICC would delete from                 would update the reference to
                                                  FICC would modify the existing                                                                              ‘‘subsection D’’ to reflect the proposed
                                                                                                       renumbered Section IV.C. of the GSD
                                               minimum monthly fee in proposed                                                                                re-lettering of that subsection.37
                                                                                                       Fee Structure the Repo Transaction
                                               Section V of the GSD Fee Structure.19                                                                             Additionally, FICC would update the
                                                                                                       processing fees and related language for
                                               The minimum monthly fee would be                                                                               format of (i) the ‘‘$.50’’ rejection fee to
                                                                                                       Term Repo Transactions in the DVP
                                               increased from $1,000 to $2,500 per                                                                            ‘‘$0.50’’ in Section I.A. of the GSD Fee
                                                                                                       service that have been compared and
                                               account and would apply to all accounts                                                                        Structure; (ii) the ‘‘15 cents’’ yield-to-
                                                                                                       netted but not yet settled.27 FICC states
                                               of every comparison-only Member and                                                                            price conversion charge to ‘‘$0.15’’ in
                                               netting Member instead of just their sole               that this would no longer separate the
                                                                                                       Repo Transaction processing fees for                   the proposed Section I.B. of the GSD Fee
                                               or primary account.20 FICC states that it                                                                      Structure; (iii) the ‘‘25 cents’’ and ‘‘5
                                                                                                       Term Repo Transactions.28 Rather, FICC
                                                  13 Id. Broker accounts submit two sides per
                                                                                                       account the netting Member may have as a               to occur two or more business days after the
                                               transaction. Id. As such, a broker account would be
                                               charged a total of $0.04 per million par value (i.e.,   sponsoring Member. Id.                                 scheduled settlement of the start leg. See GSD Rule
                                               $0.02 per million par value times two) for each           21 Notice, 83 FR at 20885.                           1, Definitions, GSD Rules, supra note 5.
                                                                                                                                                                 29 Notice, 83 FR at 20885.
                                               transaction. Id.                                          22 Id. at 20884.
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                                                  14 Notice, 83 FR at 20882.                             23 Id.                                                  30 Id.

                                                  15 Id.                                                 24 Id.                                                  31 Id. at 20886.

                                                  16 Id.                                                 25 Id.                                                  32 Id.

                                                  17 Id. at 20884–85.                                    26 Id. at 20885.                                        33 Id.

                                                  18 Id. at 20885.                                       27 Id.                                                  34 Id.

                                                  19 Id.                                                 28 Id. The term ‘‘Term Repo Transaction’’ means,        35 Id.
                                                                                                                                                                 36 Id.
                                                  20 Id. The minimum monthly fee would apply to        on any particular business day, a Repo Transaction
                                               all accounts of a netting Member, including any         for which settlement of the close leg is scheduled        37 Id.

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                                               27814                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices

                                               cents’’ modification/cancellation fees to               Charges (in addition to the comparison                 Member would be subject to the
                                               ‘‘$0.25’’ and ‘‘$0.05,’’ respectively, in               fee)’’ to ‘‘Other Charges (in addition to              minimum monthly fee set forth in
                                               the proposed Section I.C. of the GSD Fee                the transaction fees)’’ to, FICC states,               proposed Section V of the GSD Fee
                                               Structure; (iv) the ‘‘25 cents’’ coupon                 better reflect the proposed changes to                 Structure.53 FICC states that this
                                               pass-through fee to ‘‘$0.25’’ in the                    this section, as described above.44                    proposed change would make it clear to
                                               proposed Section I.D. of the GSD Fee                       As described above, FICC would                      a sponsoring Member that its sponsoring
                                               Structure; (v) the ‘‘$.75’’ repurchase                  relocate current Sections III.B. (Auction              Member omnibus account would be
                                               agreement collateral substitution fee to                Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-                subject to the minimum monthly fee.54
                                               ‘‘$0.75’’ in the proposed Section I.E. of               Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral                 In current Section VIII of the GSD Fee
                                               the GSD Fee Structure; (vi) the ‘‘$.07’’                Substitution Fees) to proposed Sections                Structure, FICC would (i) make a
                                               and ‘‘$.025’’ recording fees to ‘‘$0.07’’               I.F., I.D., and I.E., respectively, of the             technical change to reflect the reference
                                               and ‘‘$0.025’’ in the proposed Section                  GSD Fee Structure.45 These proposed                    to the GSD Fee Structure as ‘‘Fee
                                               I.G. of the GSD Fee Structure; and (vii)                changes would necessitate a re-lettering               Structure’’ instead of ‘‘fee structure,’’
                                               the ‘‘$.07’’ recording fee to ‘‘$0.07’’ in              of all subsequent provisions in                        and (ii) make changes to clarify that
                                               the proposed Section I.H. of the GSD                    renumbered Section IV of the GSD Fee                   references to a ‘‘trade’’ means a ‘‘buy/
                                               Fee Restructure, in order to be                         Structure.46                                           sell transaction.’’ 55 In addition, FICC
                                               consistent with the format of the other                    In addition, FICC would rename the                  would clarify that a CCIT Transaction,
                                               fees in the GSD Fee Structure.38                        heading of renumbered Section IV.C. of                 like a Term GCF Repo Transaction,
                                                  FICC states that for better organization             the GSD Fee Structure from ‘‘Repo                      would be considered to have one Start
                                               of the GSD Fee Structure, FICC would                    Transaction Processing Fee’’ to ‘‘GCF                  Leg and one Close Leg during its term.56
                                               relocate current Sections III.B. (Auction               Repo Transaction and CCIT Transaction                     FICC would make a conforming
                                               Takedown Process), III.F. (Coupon Pass-                 Processing Fee’’ to better reflect the                 change in current Section XII of the GSD
                                               Through Fee), and III.G. (Repo Collateral               proposed changes to this section.47 FICC               Fee Structure by deleting the reference
                                               Substitution Fees), which cover fees                    would make two conforming changes:                     to ‘‘comparison and netting fees’’ and
                                               associated with the Auction Takedown                    (i) Relocate and update the reference to               replacing it with ‘‘transaction fees.’’ 57 In
                                               Service, pass-through of coupon                         ‘‘Repo Broker’’ definition to appear right             addition, FICC would make a technical
                                               payments, and the processing of                         after the first usage of ‘‘Repo Broker’’ in            change by deleting the outdated
                                               repurchase agreement collateral                         this section; and (ii) reflect the                     reference to ‘‘Operations and Planning
                                               substitution requests, to proposed                      remaining fee in renumbered Section                    Committee’’ and replacing it with
                                               Sections I.F., I.D., and I.E., respectively,            IV.C. of the GSD Fee Structure in a                    Board, which is defined in GSD Rule 1
                                               of the GSD Fee Structure because each                   singular form.48                                       (Definitions) as ‘‘the Board of Directors
                                                                                                          In addition, FICC would make a                      of Fixed Income Clearing Corporation or
                                               of these fees is a type of transaction
                                                                                                       conforming change in renumbered                        a committee thereof acting under
                                                  In addition, FICC would revise the                   Section IV.D. of the GSD Fee Structure                 delegated authority.’’ 58
                                                                                                       to reflect the proposed renumbering of                    FICC plans to implement all of the
                                               section on Auction Takedown Process
                                                                                                       sections in the GSD Fee Structure by                   above proposed changes on July 2,
                                               (proposed Section I.D. of the GSD Fee
                                                                                                       changing a reference from ‘‘Section III’’              2018.59
                                               Structure) by replacing the words
                                                                                                       to ‘‘Section IV.’’ 49
                                               ‘‘locked-in trades’’ with ‘‘buy/sell                       FICC would add a sentence to                        II. Summary of Comment Received
                                               transactions’’ because, FICC states, all                proposed Section V of the GSD Fee                         The Commission received one
                                               trades associated with the Auction                      Structure that, FICC states, would make                comment letter to the proposed rule
                                               Takedown Service are locked-in.40 FICC                  it clear to Members that the minimum                   change.60 The Nasdaq Letter supports
                                               would change this section to reflect that,              monthly fee would not apply to an                      the proposed rule change. Specifically,
                                               instead of the ‘‘Trade Submission’’ fees,               account if the total monthly fees                      Nasdaq states that it ‘‘supports the
                                               fees for trades associated with the                     incurred by the account pursuant to                    [proposed rule change] because it: (1)
                                               Auction Takedown Service would                          Sections I, II (a proposed new section),               Simplifies and adds transparency to
                                               include the proposed ‘‘Transaction                      and IV (renumbered from III) of the GSD                FICC’s fee schedule; (2) introduces a
                                               Processing’’ fees in Section I.A. of the                Fee Structure exceed $2,500.50                         sensible risk-based fee model; and (3)
                                               GSD Fee Structure and the proposed                         FICC would make changes in Section                  permits and incentivizes more market
                                               ‘‘Position Management Fees’’ in Section                 VI of the GSD Fee Structure to, FICC                   participants to utilize central clearing
                                               II of the GSD Fee Structure.41                          states, clarify that references to ‘‘trades’’          for U.S. Treasury Securities. . . .’’ 61
                                                  FICC would make a conforming                         means ‘‘buy/sell transactions and Repo                 Nasdaq further states that the proposed
                                               change in the proposed Section I.G. of                  Transactions.’’ 51                                     rule change would likely result in more
                                               the GSD Fee Structure by deleting the                      FICC would make two changes to                      widespread use of FICC’s central
                                               reference to ‘‘Trade Submission’’ fee                   Section VII of the GSD Fee Structure.                  clearing services, reducing systemic risk
                                               schedule and replacing it with                          FICC would delete the reference to the                 by moving the industry closer to
                                               ‘‘Transaction Processing’’ fees.42                      fee for additional accounts, which is                  comprehensive central clearing.62
                                                  FICC would renumber current Section                  being eliminated under the proposal.52                 Nasdaq states that more widespread
                                               II of the GSD Fee Structure to proposed                 FICC states that the second change                     industry use of FICC’s central clearing
                                               Section III of the GSD Fee Structure.43                 would make it clear that a sponsoring
                                                  FICC would rename the heading of                                                                             53 Id.   at 20886–87.
                                               renumbered Section IV of the GSD Fee                      44 Id.                                                54 Id.   at 20887.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Structure from ‘‘Netting Fee and                          45 Id.                                                55 Id.
                                                                                                         46 Id.                                                56 Id.
                                                 38 Id.                                                  47 Id.                                                57 Id.
                                                 39 Id.                                                  48 Id.                                                58 Id.; see GSD Rule 1, GSD Rules, supra note 5.
                                                 40 Id.                                                  49 Id.                                                59 Id. at 20887.
                                                 41 Id.                                                  50 Id.                                                60 Nasdaq Letter, supra note 4.
                                                 42 Id.                                                  51 Id.                                                61 Id. at 1.
                                                 43 Id.                                                  52 Id.                                                62 Id. at 1–2.

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices                                                      27815

                                               services would also increase overall                       The Commission believes that adding                 would help Members better understand
                                               transparency of trade reporting data of                 the 4 proposed fees and eliminating the                GSD’s fees and provide increased
                                               U.S. Treasury securities.63 Additionally,               12 existing fees is equitable and                      predictability and certainty regarding
                                               Nasdaq believes that the proposed rule                  reasonable because these changes are                   the fees Members incur. This increased
                                               change would advance the goals                          designed to apply to all Members in a                  understanding, predictability, and
                                               articulated in the October 2017 report                  manner that better aligns the fees (i.e.,              certainty could, in turn, help Members
                                               by the U.S. Department of the Treasury                  fees associated with the DVP service as                satisfy their obligations to FICC more
                                               on U.S. Capital Markets 64 by reforming                 well as the minimum monthly fee) with                  easily, which would help promote the
                                               FICC’s fee structure to make it more                    the costs attributed to GSD’s                          prompt and accurate clearance and
                                               simple, clear, transparent, and                         management of Members’ DVP positions                   settlement of securities transactions.73
                                               understandable to market participants                   and account monitoring. Under the                      Accordingly, the Commission believes
                                               and regulators.65                                       proposed changes, a Member whose                       that the proposed rule change is
                                                                                                       DVP positions result in higher position                consistent with the requirements of
                                               III. Discussion and Commission                          management costs to GSD would be                       Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.
                                               Findings                                                charged a relatively higher fee because
                                                 Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act directs                the higher fee would be reflective of the              C. Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii) Under the Act
                                               the Commission to approve a proposed                    higher costs to GSD in managing those                     Rule 17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act
                                               rule change of a self-regulatory                        positions. On the other hand, a Member                 requires each covered clearing agency 74
                                               organization if it finds that such                      whose DVP positions require less                       to establish, implement, maintain and
                                               proposed rule change is consistent with                 management by GSD would be charged                     enforce written policies and procedures
                                               the requirements of the Act and rules                   a lower fee because the lower fee would                reasonably designed to provide
                                               and regulations thereunder applicable to                be reflective of the lower costs to GSD                sufficient information to enable
                                               such organization.66 After carefully                    in managing those positions. In                        participants to identify and evaluate the
                                               considering the proposed rule change                    addition, taken collectively, the                      risks, fees, and other material costs they
                                               and the comment letter received, the                    proposed fee changes are designed to                   incur by participating in the covered
                                               Commission finds that the proposed                      maintain GSD’s existing revenue                        clearing agency.75
                                               rule change is consistent with Act,                     derived from fees associated with the                     As described above, FICC proposes to,
                                               specifically Sections 17A(b)(3)(D) 67 and               DVP service.                                           effectively, establish 4 new fees, modify
                                               17A(b)(3)(F) 68 of the Act and Rule                        With respect to the proposed                        1 existing fee, eliminate 12 fees, and
                                               17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii) 69 under the Act.                    modification to the minimum monthly                    make conforming, clarifying, and
                                                                                                       fee, each account of every comparison-                 technical changes to the GSD Rules.
                                               A. Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act                      only Member and every netting Member                   These proposed changes are designed to
                                                 Section 17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act                       would be subject to a minimum                          reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee
                                               requires that the rules of a clearing                   monthly fee of $2,500. This proposed                   Structure by helping to ensure that the
                                               agency, such as FICC, provide for the                   fee is designed to be commensurate with                GSD Fee Structure is more transparent
                                               equitable allocation of reasonable dues,                the minimum costs to FICC associated                   and clear to Members. Having a more
                                               fees, and other charges among its                       with monitoring a Member’s account.                    transparent and clear GSD Fee Structure
                                               participants.70                                            Therefore, for the above reasons, the               would help Members and other
                                                 As discussed above, the proposed rule                 Commission believes that the proposed                  stakeholders to better understand GSD’s
                                               change would make a number of                           rule change is consistent with Section                 fees and help provide Members with
                                               changes to the GSD Fee Structure.                       17A(b)(3)(D) of the Act, as the proposal               increased predictability and certainty
                                               Specifically, FICC would, in effect,                    would provide for the equitable
                                                                                                                                                              regarding the fees they incur in
                                               create 4 new fees, modify 1 existing fee,               allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and
                                                                                                                                                              participating in GSD.76 As such, the
                                               and eliminate 12 fees. The proposed fee                 other charges among Members.
                                                                                                                                                              Commission believes that the proposed
                                               changes are designed, in part, to (i) shift             B. Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act                     rule change is consistent with Rule
                                               the GSD Fee Structure regarding the                        Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act                     17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii) under the Act.
                                               DVP service away from a transaction or                  requires, in part, that the rules of a
                                               volume-driven approach to a more                                                                               IV. Conclusion
                                                                                                       clearing agency, such as FICC, be
                                               position-based approach, and (ii) align                 designed to promote the prompt and                       On the basis of the foregoing, the
                                               GSD’s revenue with the approximate 30/                  accurate clearance and settlement of                   Commission finds that the proposal is
                                               70 split between transaction processing                 securities transactions.71                             consistent with the requirements of the
                                               and position management costs,                             As described above, FICC proposes to,
                                               respectively. Despite the proposed                      effectively, establish 4 new fees, modify
                                                                                                                                                                 73 See also Nasdaq Letter at 2 (arguing that FICC’s

                                               changes, FICC expects GSD’s net                                                                                efforts to simplify its fee structure would encourage
                                                                                                       1 existing fee, eliminate 12 fees, and                 more widespread central clearing among market
                                               revenue to remain relatively unchanged                  make conforming, clarifying, and                       participants).
                                               as a result of this proposal.                           technical changes to the GSD Rules.                       74 A ‘‘covered clearing agency’’ means, among

                                                                                                       These proposed changes are designed to                 other things, a clearing agency registered with the
                                                 63 Id.at 2.                                                                                                  Commission under Section 17A of the Exchange
                                                                                                       reduce the complexity of the GSD Fee                   Act (15 U.S.C. 78q–1 et seq.) that is designated
                                                 64 See U.S. Department of the Treasury, A             Structure by helping to ensure that the                systemically important by Financial Stability
                                               Financial System That Creates Economic
                                               Opportunities: Capital Markets (October 2017),
                                                                                                       GSD Fee Structure is more transparent                  Oversight Council (‘‘FSOC’’) pursuant to the
                                                                                                       and clear to Members.72 Providing more                 Clearing Supervision Act (12 U.S.C. 5461 et seq.).
                                               available at https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                              See 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(a)(5)–(6). Because FICC is
                                               press-releases/Documents/A-Financial-System-            transparent and clear terms and                        a registered clearing agency with the Commission
                                               Capital-Markets-FINAL-FINAL.pdf.                        descriptions in the GSD Fee Structure
                                                 65 Nasdaq Letter at 1–2.
                                                                                                                                                              that has been designated systemically important by
                                                                                                                                                              FSOC, FICC is a covered clearing agency.
                                                 66 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
                                                                                                         71 15U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).                             75 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii).
                                                 67 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(D).
                                                                                                         72 Seealso Nasdaq Letter at 1–2 (supporting the         76 See also Nasdaq Letter at 1–2 (supporting the
                                                 68 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
                                                                                                       proposed rule change because it renders FICC’s fee     proposed rule change because it renders FICC’s fee
                                                 69 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(23)(ii).
                                                                                                       schedule more simple, clear, transparent, and          schedule more simple, clear, transparent, and
                                                 70 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(D).                          understandable to market participants).                understandable to market participants).

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                                               27816                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices

                                               Act, in particular the requirements of                  Whether a Medically Determinable                       that we will not find an individual
                                               Section 17A of the Act 77 and the rules                 Impairment is Severe.                                  disabled based on alleged symptoms
                                               and regulations thereunder.                                • SSR 96–4p: Titles II and XVI:                     alone. Therefore, the information
                                                 It is therefore ordered, pursuant to                  Symptoms, Medically Determinable                       contained in SSR 96–4p duplicates
                                               Section 19(b)(2) of the Act, that                       Physical and Mental Impairments, and                   policy in SSR 16–3p. Consequently, we
                                               proposed rule change SR–FICC–2018–                      Exertional and Nonexertional                           are rescinding SSRs 96–3p and 96–4p.
                                               003 be, and hereby is, Approved.78                      Limitations.                                           (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance,
                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of                   These SSRs are unnecessarily                        Programs Nos. 96.001, Social Security—
                                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated              duplicative of SSR 16–3p Titles II and                 Disability Insurance; 96.002, Social
                                               authority.79                                            XVI: Evaluation of Symptoms in                         Security— Retirement Insurance; 96.004,
                                               Eduardo A. Aleman,                                      Disability Claims, which was applicable                Social Security—Survivors Insurance;
                                                                                                       on March 28, 2016, published in the                    96.006—Supplemental Security Income.)
                                               Assistant Secretary.
                                                                                                       Federal Register on March 16, 2016, 81                 Nancy A. Berryhill,
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–12754 Filed 6–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       FR 14166.1 SSR 16–3p, a more
                                               BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                                                                         Acting Commissioner of Social Security.
                                                                                                       comprehensive statement of our policy
                                                                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2018–12820 Filed 6–13–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       on symptoms, explains how we evaluate
                                                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4191–02–P
                                                                                                       the extent to which alleged symptoms
                                               SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION                          limit an adult’s ability to perform work-
                                               [Docket No. SSA–2017–0030]                              related activities and a child’s ability to
                                                                                                                                                              SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                       function effectively in an age-
                                               Social Security Rulings (SSRs) 96–3p                    appropriate manner.                                    [Docket No. SSA–2015–0003]
                                               and 96–4p; Rescission of SSRs 96–3p                        SSR 96–3p clarified how adjudicators
                                               and 96–4p                                               should consider allegations of pain and                Privacy Act of 1974; System of
                                                                                                       other symptoms in determining whether                  Records
                                               AGENCY:   Social Security Administration.
                                                                                                       a medically determinable impairment                    AGENCY:  Deputy Commissioner of
                                               ACTION:   Notice of rescission of SSRs.                 (MDI) is severe. SSR 16–3p explains our                Budget, Finance, and Management,
                                               SUMMARY:    We give notice of the                       two-step process for evaluating an                     Social Security Administration (SSA).
                                               rescission of SSRs 96–3p and 96–4p.                     individual’s symptoms where, at the                    ACTION: Notice of a new system of
                                                                                                       first step, we determine whether the                   records.
                                               DATES: We will apply this rescission
                                                                                                       individual has an MDI that could
                                               notice on June 14, 2018.                                reasonably be expected to produce the                  SUMMARY:    In accordance with the
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan                    individual’s alleged symptoms. At the                  Privacy Act, we are issuing public
                                               O’Brien, Office of Vocational,                          second step, we evaluate the intensity                 notice of our intent to establish a new
                                               Evaluation, and Process Policy in the                   and persistence of an individual’s                     system of records entitled, Social
                                               Office of Disability Policy, Social                     symptoms such as pain and determine                    Security Administration Violence
                                               Security Administration, 6401 Security                  the extent to which an individual’s                    Evaluation and Reporting System
                                               Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235–6401,                    symptoms limit his or her ability to                   (SSAvers) (60–0379). We are
                                               (410) 597–1632. For information on                      perform work-related activities for an                 establishing SSAvers to cover
                                               eligibility or filing for benefits, call our            adult or to function independently,                    information we collect about employees,
                                               national toll-free number, 1–800–772–                   appropriately, and effectively in an age-              contractors, and members of the public
                                               1213 or visit our internet site, Social                 appropriate manner for a child with a                  who are allegedly involved in, or
                                               Security Online, at http://                             title XVI disability claim. SSR 16–3p                  witness incidents of, workplace and
                                               www.socialsecurity.gov.                                 explains that we will consider                         domestic violence.
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     We use                   symptoms and functional limitations to                 DATES: The System of Records Notice
                                               SSRs to make available to the public                    determine whether an impairment is                     (SORN) is applicable upon its
                                               precedential decisions relating to the                  severe unless the objective medical                    publication in today’s Federal Register,
                                               Federal old-age, survivors, disability,                 evidence alone establishes a severe MDI                with the exception of the routine uses
                                               supplemental security income, and                       or combination of impairments that                     which are effective July 16, 2018. We
                                               special veterans benefits programs. We                  meets our duration requirement.                        invite public comment on the routine
                                               may base SSRs on determinations or                      Therefore, the information contained in                uses or other aspects of this SORN. In
                                               decisions made in our administrative                    SSR 96–3p duplicates policy in SSR 16–                 accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4) and
                                               review process, Federal court decisions,                3p.                                                    (e)(11), the public is given a 30-day
                                               decisions of our Commissioner,                             SSR 96–4p explained that no                         period in which to submit comments.
                                               opinions from our Office of the General                 symptom, by itself, could establish the                Therefore, please submit any comments
                                               Counsel, or other interpretations of law                existence of a medically determinable                  by July 16, 2018.
                                               and regulations.                                        physical or mental impairment. In SSR                  ADDRESSES: The public, Office of
                                                 In accordance with 20 CFR                             16–3p, we clarified that an individual’s               Management and Budget (OMB), and
                                               402.35(b)(1), we give notice that we are                symptoms alone are not enough to                       Congress may comment on this
                                               rescinding the following SSRs:                          establish the existence of a physical or               publication by writing to the Executive
                                                 • SSR 96–3p: Titles II and XVI:                       mental impairment or disability, and                   Director, Office of Privacy and
                                               Considering Allegations of Pain and                                                                            Disclosure, Office of the General
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         1 On March 24, 2016, we published a correction
                                               Other Symptoms in Determining                                                                                  Counsel, SSA, Room G–401 West High
                                                                                                       notice in the Federal Register that amended and
                                                                                                       corrected the effective date of SSR 16–3p (81 FR       Rise, 6401 Security Boulevard,
                                                 77 15  U.S.C. 78q–1.                                  15776). On October 25, 2017, we published a notice     Baltimore, Maryland 21235–6401, or
                                                 78 In approving the proposed rule change, the         of Social Security Ruling in the Federal Register      through the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal
                                               Commission considered the proposals’ impact on          that changes the ‘‘effective date’’ to ‘‘applicable
                                               efficiency, competition, and capital formation. 15      date’’ and revises the Social Security Ruling to
                                                                                                                                                              at http://www.regulations.gov, please
                                               U.S.C. 78c(f).                                          explain how we apply the Ruling as it relates to the   reference docket number SSA–2015–
                                                  79 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                           applicable date (82 FR 49462).                         0003. All comments we receive will be

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Document Created: 2018-06-14 01:39:05
Document Modified: 2018-06-14 01:39:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 27812 

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