83_FR_28119 83 FR 28003 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

83 FR 28003 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 116 (June 15, 2018)

Page Range28003-28005
FR Document2018-12865

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 116 (Friday, June 15, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 116 (Friday, June 15, 2018)]
[Pages 28003-28005]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-12865]



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB 
Review; Comment Request

    Periodically, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 
Administration (SAMHSA) will publish a summary of information 
collection requests under OMB review, in compliance with the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). To request a copy of these 
documents, call the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276-1243.

Project: Survey of State Underage Drinking Prevention Policies and 
Practices--(OMB No. 0930-0316)--Revision

    The Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (the ``STOP 
Act'') (Pub. L. 109-422, reauthorized in 2016 by Pub. L. 114-255) 
states that the ``Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall . . . 
annually issue a report on each state's performance in enacting, 
enforcing, and creating laws, regulations, and programs to prevent or 
reduce underage drinking.'' The Secretary has delegated responsibility 
for this report to SAMHSA. Therefore, SAMHSA has developed a Survey of 
State Underage Drinking Prevention Policies and Practices (the ``State 
Survey'') to provide input for the state-by-state report on prevention 
and enforcement activities related to underage drinking component of 
the Annual Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of 
Underage Drinking (``Report to Congress'').
    The STOP Act also requires the Secretary to develop ``a set of 
measures to be used in preparing the report on best practices'' and to 
consider categories including but not limited to the following:
    Category #1: Sixteen specific underage drinking laws/regulations 
enacted at the state level (e.g., laws prohibiting sales to minors; 
laws related to minors in possession of alcohol). Note that ten 
additional policies have been added to the Report to Congress pursuant 
to Congressional appropriations language or the Secretary's authority 
granted by the STOP Act;
    Category #2: Enforcement and educational programs to promote 
compliance with these laws/regulations;
    Category #3: Programs targeted to youths, parents, and caregivers 
to deter underage drinking and the number of individuals served by 
these programs;
    Category #4: The amount that each state invests, per youth capita, 
on the prevention of underage drinking broken into five categories: (a) 
Compliance check programs in retail outlets; (b) Checkpoints and 
saturation patrols that include the goal of reducing and deterring 
underage drinking; (c) Community-based, school-based, and higher-
education-based programs to prevent underage drinking; (d) Underage 
drinking prevention programs that target youth within the juvenile 
justice and child welfare systems; and (e) Any other state efforts or 
programs that target underage drinking.
    Congress' purpose in mandating the collection of data on state 
policies and programs through the State Survey is to provide 
policymakers and the public with otherwise unavailable but much needed 
information regarding state underage drinking prevention policies and 
programs. SAMHSA and other Federal agencies that have underage drinking 
prevention as part of their mandate use the results of the State Survey 
to inform federal programmatic priorities, as do other stakeholders, 
including community organizations. The information gathered by the 
State Survey has established a resource for state agencies and the 
general public for assessing policies and programs in their own state 
and for becoming familiar with the programs, policies, and funding 
priorities of other states.
    Because of the broad scope of data required by the STOP Act, SAMHSA 
relies on existing data sources where possible to minimize the survey 
burden on the states. SAMHSA uses data on state underage drinking 
policies from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's 
Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS), an authoritative compendium 
of state

[[Page 28004]]

alcohol-related laws. The APIS data is augmented by SAMHSA with 
original legal research on state laws and policies addressing underage 
drinking to include all of the STOP Act's requested laws and 
regulations (Category #1 of the four categories included in the STOP 
Act, as described above, page 2).
    The STOP Act mandates that the State Survey assess ``best 
practices'' and emphasize the importance of building collaborations 
with federally recognized tribal governments (``tribal governments''). 
It also emphasizes the importance at the federal level of promoting 
interagency collaboration and to that end established the Interagency 
Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD). 
SAMHSA has determined that to fulfill the Congressional intent, it is 
critical that the State Survey gather information from the states 
regarding the best practices standards that they apply to their 
underage drinking programs, collaborations between states and tribal 
governments, and the development of state-level interagency 
collaborations similar to ICCPUD.
    SAMHSA has determined that data on Categories #2, #3, and #4 
mandated in the STOP Act (as listed on page 2) (enforcement and 
educational programs; programs targeting youth, parents, and 
caregivers; and state expenditures) as well as states' best practices 
standards, collaborations with tribal governments, and state-level 
interagency collaborations are not available from secondary sources and 
therefore must be collected from the states themselves. The State 
Survey is therefore necessary to fulfill the Congressional mandate 
found in the STOP Act. Furthermore, the uniform collection of these 
data from the states over the last seven years has created a valuable 
longitudinal dataset, and the State Survey's renewal is vital to 
maintaining this resource.
    The State Survey is a single document that is divided into four 
sections, as follows:
    (1) Enforcement programs to promote compliance with underage 
drinking laws and regulations (as described in Category #2 above, page 
    (2) Programs and media campaigns targeted to youth, parents, and 
caregivers to deter underage drinking (as described in Category #3 
above, page 2);
    (3) State interagency collaboration to implement prevention 
programs and media campaigns, state best-practice standards, and 
collaborations with tribal governments (as described above, page 4);
    (4) The amount that each state invests on the prevention of 
underage drinking in the categories specified in the STOP Act (see 
description of Category #4, above, page 2) and descriptions of any 
dedicated fees, taxes, or fines used to raise these funds.
    The number of questions in each section is as follows:

Section 1: 38 questions
Section 2A: 15 questions
Section 2B: 12 questions
Section 2C: 10 questions
Section 2D: 10 questions
Total: 85 questions

    Note that the number of questions in Section 2A is an estimate. 
This section asks states to identify up to 10 programs that are 
specific to underage drinking prevention. For each program identified 
there are three follow-up questions. Based on the average number of 
programs per state reported in the Survey's seven year history, it is 
anticipated that states will report an average of five programs for a 
total of 15 questions.
    It is anticipated that most respondents will actually respond to 
only a subset of this total. The Survey is designed with ``skip 
logic,'' which means that many questions will only be directed to a 
subset of respondents who report the existence of particular programs 
or activities.
    This latest version of the Survey has been revised as follows:

1. Part 2, Section A: Programs

    a. A question about underage drinking prevention programs has been 
eliminated. Previously, states were asked to define each program by 
whether it was aimed at the ``general population'' or a ``specific 
countable population (e.g., at-risk high school students).'' This 
question was not misinterpreted by some respondents, leading to 
inconsistent data. It was not uncommon for states to provide specific 
population numbers for a program they had previously defined as being 
aimed at the general population. For this reason, it is being 
    b. Questions about the specific number of different populations 
(youth, parents, and caregivers) served by each prevention program have 
been reformatted as follows:
    i. Definitions of each population category have been deleted from 
the introduction to Part 2, Section A and have been incorporated into 
the subsequent questions about each program, making it easier for 
respondents to answer these questions without referring back to the 
    ii. For the sake of efficiency, three separate questions about type 
of population served by each program have been collapsed into one 
    c. References to ``media campaigns'' have been added to the 
introduction of this section to encourage respondents to include these 
among the prevention programs listed in their responses. As noted in 
the following description to changes in Part 2, Section B, the survey 
is being amended to evaluate awareness of, and participation in the 
national media campaign mandated by the STOP Act.

2. Part 2. Section B: Collaborations and Best Practices

    a. New questions about the national media campaign to reduce 
underage drinking aimed at adults (as mandated by the STOP Act) have 
been added. The questions are intended to:
    i. Evaluate awareness of and participation in the national media 
campaign, ``Talk. They Hear You.'' (TTHY), including questions about 
the commitment of state resources and funding to this effort. The STOP 
Act requires evaluation of the national media campaign, which is 
largely conducted by other survey instruments. However, adding a 
question on the campaign here is an efficient way to gather state-level 
data for the analysis.
    ii. Determine whether the states participate in other media 
campaigns intended to reduce underage drinking.
    iii. Expand the scope of the Survey to include social marketing or 
counter-advertising efforts in the effort to reduce underage drinking. 
Currently, the Survey includes a question about whether states have 
programs to measure or reduce youth exposure to alcohol advertising and 
marketing. This question will remain, but the new questions will 
capture proactive efforts to counter this advertising and marketing.
    No additional time burden should be placed on the respondents, as 
the added questions are balanced by the deletion of others, with a 
small net reduction in the total number of questions. All questions 
continue to ask only for readily available data.
    To ensure that the State Survey obtains the necessary data while 
minimizing the burden on the states, SAMHSA has conducted a lengthy and 
comprehensive planning process. It sought advice from key stakeholders 
(as mandated by the STOP Act) including hosting multiple stakeholders 
meetings, conducting two field tests with state officials likely to be 
responsible for completing the State Survey, and investigating and 
testing various State Survey formats, online delivery systems, and data 
collection methodologies.
    Based on these investigations, SAMHSA collects the required data

[[Page 28005]]

using an online survey data collection platform (SurveyMonkey). Links 
to the four sections of the survey are distributed to states via email. 
The State Survey is sent to each state governor's office and the Office 
of the Mayor of the District of Columbia. Based on the experience from 
the last seven years of administering the State Survey, it is 
anticipated that the state governors will designate staff from state 
agencies that have access to the requested data (typically state 
Alcohol Beverage Control [ABC] agencies and state Substance Abuse 
Program agencies). SAMHSA provides both telephone and electronic 
technical support to state agency staff and emphasizes that the states 
are only expected to provide data that is readily available and are not 
required to provide data that has not already been collected. The 
burden estimate below takes into account these assumptions.
    The estimated annual response burden to collect this information is 
as follows:

                                                 Number of        Responses/        Burden/       Annual  burden
                 Instrument                     respondents       respondent    response  (hrs)       (hrs)
State Questionnaire.........................              51                1             17.7            902.7

    Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed 
information collection should be sent by July 16, 2018 to the SAMHSA 
Desk Officer at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). To ensure timely receipt of 
comments, and to avoid potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing 
of mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service, commenters are encouraged 
to submit their comments to OMB via email to: 
OIRA_Submission@omb.eop.gov. Although commenters are encouraged to send 
their comments via email, commenters may also fax their comments to: 
202-395-7285. Commenters may also mail them to: Office of Management 
and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, New Executive 
Office Building, Room 10102, Washington, DC 20503.

Summer King,
[FR Doc. 2018-12865 Filed 6-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 116 / Friday, June 15, 2018 / Notices                                           28003

                                                thus leading to prolonged survival. This                Subcommittee meetings. The National                    to be used in preparing the report on
                                                technology enhances the body’s                          Cancer Advisory Board Ad Hoc                           best practices’’ and to consider
                                                response to a variety of bacterial                      Subcommittee Population Science,                       categories including but not limited to
                                                infections, including S. pneumoniae                     Epidemiology and Disparities meeting                   the following:
                                                and S. aureus.                                          on June 25, 2018, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.,                 Category #1: Sixteen specific
                                                   This notice is made in accordance                    will be held at the Gaithersburg Marriott              underage drinking laws/regulations
                                                with 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404.                 Washingtonian Center in Salons A and                   enacted at the state level (e.g., laws
                                                The prospective exclusive patent                        B. The National Cancer Advisory Board                  prohibiting sales to minors; laws related
                                                commercialization license will be                       Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Global Cancer                   to minors in possession of alcohol).
                                                royalty bearing and may be granted                      Research meeting on June 25, 2018, 7:30                Note that ten additional policies have
                                                unless within fifteen (15) days from the                p.m. to 9:00 p.m., will be held at the                 been added to the Report to Congress
                                                date of this published notice, the                      Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian                    pursuant to Congressional
                                                National Institute of Allergy and                       Center in Salon C.                                     appropriations language or the
                                                Infectious Diseases receives written                                                                           Secretary’s authority granted by the
                                                                                                          Dated: June 11, 2018.
                                                evidence and argument that establishes                                                                         STOP Act;
                                                                                                        Melanie J. Pantoja,                                       Category #2: Enforcement and
                                                that the grant of the license would not
                                                                                                        Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory            educational programs to promote
                                                be consistent with the requirements of                  Committee Policy.
                                                35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404.                                                                             compliance with these laws/regulations;
                                                   Complete applications for a license in               [FR Doc. 2018–12837 Filed 6–14–18; 8:45 am]               Category #3: Programs targeted to
                                                the prospective field of use that are                   BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                 youths, parents, and caregivers to deter
                                                timely filed in response to this notice                                                                        underage drinking and the number of
                                                will be treated as objections to the grant                                                                     individuals served by these programs;
                                                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                  Category #4: The amount that each
                                                of the contemplated exclusive patent
                                                                                                        HUMAN SERVICES                                         state invests, per youth capita, on the
                                                commercialization license. In response
                                                to this Notice, the public may file                                                                            prevention of underage drinking broken
                                                                                                        Substance Abuse and Mental Health                      into five categories: (a) Compliance
                                                comments or objections. Comments and                    Services Administration
                                                objections, other than those in the form                                                                       check programs in retail outlets; (b)
                                                of a license application, will not be                                                                          Checkpoints and saturation patrols that
                                                                                                        Agency Information Collection
                                                treated confidentially, and may be made                                                                        include the goal of reducing and
                                                                                                        Activities: Submission for OMB
                                                publicly available. License applications                                                                       deterring underage drinking; (c)
                                                                                                        Review; Comment Request
                                                submitted in response to this Notice                                                                           Community-based, school-based, and
                                                will be presumed to contain business                      Periodically, the Substance Abuse and                higher-education-based programs to
                                                confidential information, and any                       Mental Health Services Administration                  prevent underage drinking; (d)
                                                                                                        (SAMHSA) will publish a summary of                     Underage drinking prevention programs
                                                release of information in these license
                                                                                                        information collection requests under                  that target youth within the juvenile
                                                applications will be made only as
                                                                                                        OMB review, in compliance with the                     justice and child welfare systems; and
                                                required and upon a request under the
                                                                                                        Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                     (e) Any other state efforts or programs
                                                Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.
                                                                                                        chapter 35). To request a copy of these                that target underage drinking.
                                                552.                                                                                                              Congress’ purpose in mandating the
                                                                                                        documents, call the SAMHSA Reports
                                                   Dated: June 11, 2018.                                Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.                   collection of data on state policies and
                                                Suzanne M. Frisbie,                                                                                            programs through the State Survey is to
                                                Deputy Director, Technology Transfer and                Project: Survey of State Underage                      provide policymakers and the public
                                                Intellectual Property Office, National Institute        Drinking Prevention Policies and                       with otherwise unavailable but much
                                                of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.                     Practices—(OMB No. 0930–0316)—                         needed information regarding state
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–12838 Filed 6–14–18; 8:45 am]             Revision                                               underage drinking prevention policies
                                                BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                     The Sober Truth on Preventing                       and programs. SAMHSA and other
                                                                                                        Underage Drinking Act (the ‘‘STOP                      Federal agencies that have underage
                                                                                                        Act’’) (Pub. L. 109–422, reauthorized in               drinking prevention as part of their
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                2016 by Pub. L. 114–255) states that the               mandate use the results of the State
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                          ‘‘Secretary [of Health and Human                       Survey to inform federal programmatic
                                                                                                        Services] shall . . . annually issue a                 priorities, as do other stakeholders,
                                                National Institutes of Health                           report on each state’s performance in                  including community organizations.
                                                                                                        enacting, enforcing, and creating laws,                The information gathered by the State
                                                National Cancer Institute; Amended
                                                                                                        regulations, and programs to prevent or                Survey has established a resource for
                                                Notice of Meeting
                                                                                                        reduce underage drinking.’’ The                        state agencies and the general public for
                                                  Notice is hereby given of a change in                 Secretary has delegated responsibility                 assessing policies and programs in their
                                                the meeting of the joint meeting of the                 for this report to SAMHSA. Therefore,                  own state and for becoming familiar
                                                National Cancer Advisory Board and                      SAMHSA has developed a Survey of                       with the programs, policies, and
                                                NCI Board of Scientific Advisors, June                  State Underage Drinking Prevention                     funding priorities of other states.
                                                26, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to June 27, 2018,                   Policies and Practices (the ‘‘State                       Because of the broad scope of data
                                                12:00 p.m., National Cancer Institute                   Survey’’) to provide input for the state-              required by the STOP Act, SAMHSA
                                                                                                                                                               relies on existing data sources where
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Shady Grove, 9609 Medical Center                        by-state report on prevention and
                                                Drive, Conference Room TE 406/408,                      enforcement activities related to                      possible to minimize the survey burden
                                                Rockville, MD 20850 which was                           underage drinking component of the                     on the states. SAMHSA uses data on
                                                published in the Federal Register on                    Annual Report to Congress on the                       state underage drinking policies from
                                                June 05, 2018, 83 FR 26069.                             Prevention and Reduction of Underage                   the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse
                                                  This meeting notice is being amended                  Drinking (‘‘Report to Congress’’).                     and Alcoholism’s Alcohol Policy
                                                to update the meeting locations for the                    The STOP Act also requires the                      Information System (APIS), an
                                                National Cancer Advisory Board Ad Hoc                   Secretary to develop ‘‘a set of measures               authoritative compendium of state

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                                                28004                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 116 / Friday, June 15, 2018 / Notices

                                                alcohol-related laws. The APIS data is                  Act (see description of Category #4,                      c. References to ‘‘media campaigns’’
                                                augmented by SAMHSA with original                       above, page 2) and descriptions of any                 have been added to the introduction of
                                                legal research on state laws and policies               dedicated fees, taxes, or fines used to                this section to encourage respondents to
                                                addressing underage drinking to include                 raise these funds.                                     include these among the prevention
                                                all of the STOP Act’s requested laws                       The number of questions in each                     programs listed in their responses. As
                                                and regulations (Category #1 of the four                section is as follows:                                 noted in the following description to
                                                categories included in the STOP Act, as                 Section 1: 38 questions                                changes in Part 2, Section B, the survey
                                                described above, page 2).                               Section 2A: 15 questions                               is being amended to evaluate awareness
                                                   The STOP Act mandates that the State                 Section 2B: 12 questions                               of, and participation in the national
                                                Survey assess ‘‘best practices’’ and                    Section 2C: 10 questions                               media campaign mandated by the STOP
                                                emphasize the importance of building                    Section 2D: 10 questions                               Act.
                                                collaborations with federally recognized                Total: 85 questions
                                                tribal governments (‘‘tribal                               Note that the number of questions in                2. Part 2. Section B: Collaborations and
                                                governments’’). It also emphasizes the                  Section 2A is an estimate. This section                Best Practices
                                                importance at the federal level of                      asks states to identify up to 10 programs                 a. New questions about the national
                                                promoting interagency collaboration                     that are specific to underage drinking                 media campaign to reduce underage
                                                and to that end established the                         prevention. For each program identified                drinking aimed at adults (as mandated
                                                Interagency Coordinating Committee on                   there are three follow-up questions.                   by the STOP Act) have been added. The
                                                the Prevention of Underage Drinking                     Based on the average number of                         questions are intended to:
                                                (ICCPUD). SAMHSA has determined                         programs per state reported in the                        i. Evaluate awareness of and
                                                that to fulfill the Congressional intent, it            Survey’s seven year history, it is                     participation in the national media
                                                is critical that the State Survey gather                anticipated that states will report an                 campaign, ‘‘Talk. They Hear You.’’
                                                information from the states regarding                   average of five programs for a total of 15             (TTHY), including questions about the
                                                the best practices standards that they                  questions.                                             commitment of state resources and
                                                apply to their underage drinking                           It is anticipated that most respondents             funding to this effort. The STOP Act
                                                programs, collaborations between states                 will actually respond to only a subset of              requires evaluation of the national
                                                and tribal governments, and the                         this total. The Survey is designed with                media campaign, which is largely
                                                development of state-level interagency                  ‘‘skip logic,’’ which means that many                  conducted by other survey instruments.
                                                collaborations similar to ICCPUD.                       questions will only be directed to a                   However, adding a question on the
                                                   SAMHSA has determined that data on                   subset of respondents who report the                   campaign here is an efficient way to
                                                Categories #2, #3, and #4 mandated in                   existence of particular programs or                    gather state-level data for the analysis.
                                                the STOP Act (as listed on page 2)                      activities.                                               ii. Determine whether the states
                                                (enforcement and educational programs;                     This latest version of the Survey has               participate in other media campaigns
                                                programs targeting youth, parents, and                  been revised as follows:                               intended to reduce underage drinking.
                                                caregivers; and state expenditures) as                                                                            iii. Expand the scope of the Survey to
                                                                                                        1. Part 2, Section A: Programs                         include social marketing or counter-
                                                well as states’ best practices standards,
                                                collaborations with tribal governments,                    a. A question about underage drinking               advertising efforts in the effort to reduce
                                                and state-level interagency                             prevention programs has been                           underage drinking. Currently, the
                                                collaborations are not available from                   eliminated. Previously, states were                    Survey includes a question about
                                                secondary sources and therefore must be                 asked to define each program by                        whether states have programs to
                                                collected from the states themselves.                   whether it was aimed at the ‘‘general                  measure or reduce youth exposure to
                                                The State Survey is therefore necessary                 population’’ or a ‘‘specific countable                 alcohol advertising and marketing. This
                                                to fulfill the Congressional mandate                    population (e.g., at-risk high school                  question will remain, but the new
                                                found in the STOP Act. Furthermore,                     students).’’ This question was not                     questions will capture proactive efforts
                                                the uniform collection of these data                    misinterpreted by some respondents,                    to counter this advertising and
                                                from the states over the last seven years               leading to inconsistent data. It was not               marketing.
                                                has created a valuable longitudinal                     uncommon for states to provide specific                   No additional time burden should be
                                                dataset, and the State Survey’s renewal                 population numbers for a program they                  placed on the respondents, as the added
                                                is vital to maintaining this resource.                  had previously defined as being aimed                  questions are balanced by the deletion
                                                   The State Survey is a single document                at the general population. For this                    of others, with a small net reduction in
                                                that is divided into four sections, as                  reason, it is being eliminated.                        the total number of questions. All
                                                follows:                                                   b. Questions about the specific                     questions continue to ask only for
                                                   (1) Enforcement programs to promote                  number of different populations (youth,                readily available data.
                                                compliance with underage drinking                       parents, and caregivers) served by each                   To ensure that the State Survey
                                                laws and regulations (as described in                   prevention program have been                           obtains the necessary data while
                                                Category #2 above, page 2);                             reformatted as follows:                                minimizing the burden on the states,
                                                   (2) Programs and media campaigns                        i. Definitions of each population                   SAMHSA has conducted a lengthy and
                                                targeted to youth, parents, and                         category have been deleted from the                    comprehensive planning process. It
                                                caregivers to deter underage drinking (as               introduction to Part 2, Section A and                  sought advice from key stakeholders (as
                                                described in Category #3 above, page 2);                have been incorporated into the                        mandated by the STOP Act) including
                                                   (3) State interagency collaboration to               subsequent questions about each                        hosting multiple stakeholders meetings,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                implement prevention programs and                       program, making it easier for                          conducting two field tests with state
                                                media campaigns, state best-practice                    respondents to answer these questions                  officials likely to be responsible for
                                                standards, and collaborations with tribal               without referring back to the                          completing the State Survey, and
                                                governments (as described above, page                   introduction.                                          investigating and testing various State
                                                4);                                                        ii. For the sake of efficiency, three               Survey formats, online delivery systems,
                                                   (4) The amount that each state invests               separate questions about type of                       and data collection methodologies.
                                                on the prevention of underage drinking                  population served by each program have                    Based on these investigations,
                                                in the categories specified in the STOP                 been collapsed into one question.                      SAMHSA collects the required data

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                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 116 / Friday, June 15, 2018 / Notices                                                       28005

                                                using an online survey data collection                                anticipated that the state governors will                     states are only expected to provide data
                                                platform (SurveyMonkey). Links to the                                 designate staff from state agencies that                      that is readily available and are not
                                                four sections of the survey are                                       have access to the requested data                             required to provide data that has not
                                                distributed to states via email. The State                            (typically state Alcohol Beverage                             already been collected. The burden
                                                Survey is sent to each state governor’s                               Control [ABC] agencies and state                              estimate below takes into account these
                                                office and the Office of the Mayor of the                             Substance Abuse Program agencies).                            assumptions.
                                                District of Columbia. Based on the                                    SAMHSA provides both telephone and                              The estimated annual response
                                                experience from the last seven years of                               electronic technical support to state                         burden to collect this information is as
                                                administering the State Survey, it is                                 agency staff and emphasizes that the                          follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Burden/      Annual
                                                                                                                                                                 Number of        Responses/
                                                                                              Instrument                                                                                             response      burden
                                                                                                                                                                respondents       respondent           (hrs)        (hrs)

                                                State Questionnaire .........................................................................................         51               1               17.7         902.7

                                                  Written comments and                                                documents, call the SAMHSA Reports                               5. Increasing parent or caregiver
                                                recommendations concerning the                                        Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.                          actions to prevent underage drinking by
                                                proposed information collection should                                                                                              talking to their children about UAD
                                                                                                                      Project: ‘‘Talk. They Hear You.’’
                                                be sent by July 16, 2018 to the SAMHSA                                                                                              (behaviors).
                                                                                                                      Campaign Evaluation: National
                                                Desk Officer at the Office of Information                                                                                              The national survey will target
                                                and Regulatory Affairs, Office of                                                                                                   parents in the base year in 2018, and
                                                Management and Budget (OMB). To                                          SAMHSA’s Center for Substance                              then annually in the 4 option years
                                                ensure timely receipt of comments, and                                Abuse Prevention (CSAP) is requesting                         following that, making this a repeat
                                                to avoid potential delays in OMB’s                                    approval from the Office of Management                        cross-sectional research study. The
                                                receipt and processing of mail sent                                   and Budget (OMB) for a new data                               survey will be based on the survey
                                                through the U.S. Postal Service,                                      collection, ‘‘Talk. They Hear You.’’                          originally approved for use in the 2016
                                                commenters are encouraged to submit                                   Campaign Evaluation: National Survey.                         impact evaluation, which was designed
                                                their comments to OMB via email to:                                   This collection includes two                                  to quantify parent and caregiver
                                                OIRA_Submission@omb.eop.gov.                                          instruments:                                                  awareness of the campaign and
                                                Although commenters are encouraged to                                 1. Screener                                                   retention of campaign messages, and to
                                                send their comments via email,                                        2. Survey Tool                                                determine whether parents and
                                                commenters may also fax their                                                                                                       caregivers have used the campaign
                                                comments to: 202–395–7285.                                               The national survey is part of a larger                    materials in talking to their children.
                                                Commenters may also mail them to:                                     effort to evaluate the impact of the                          SAMHSA will seek to conduct this
                                                Office of Management and Budget,                                      ‘‘Talk. They Hear You.’’ campaign.                            research nationwide through online
                                                Office of Information and Regulatory                                  These evaluations will help determine                         surveys. The survey will be accessible
                                                Affairs, New Executive Office Building,                               the extent to which the campaign has                          via an access link that will be
                                                Room 10102, Washington, DC 20503.                                     been successful in educating parents                          disseminated to respondents via email.
                                                                                                                      and caregivers nationwide about                               Respondents will be recruited to
                                                Summer King,                                                          effective methods for reducing underage                       participate in this online survey from a
                                                Statistician.                                                         drinking (UAD). The campaign is                               Qualtrics© panel (which hosts more
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–12865 Filed 6–14–18; 8:45 am]                           designed to educate and empower                               than 6 million active panelists), as was
                                                BILLING CODE 4162–20–P                                                parents and caregivers to talk with                           done for the survey pilot conducted in
                                                                                                                      children about alcohol. To prevent                            2016. Researchers will conduct a quota-
                                                                                                                      initiation of underage drinking, the                          based sampling approach to maximize
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                              campaign targets parents and caregivers                       the representativeness of the sample and
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                                        of children aged 9–15, with the specific                      will be oversampling the Hispanic
                                                                                                                      aims of:                                                      population. This will allow us to
                                                Substance Abuse and Mental Health                                        1. Increasing parent or caregiver
                                                Services Administration                                                                                                             achieve a representative sample of
                                                                                                                      awareness of and receptivity to                               parents of middle-school-aged children
                                                                                                                      campaign messages (knowledge);                                in the United States across notable
                                                Agency Information Collection
                                                Activities: Submission for OMB                                           2. Increasing parent or caregiver                          socioeconomic and demographic
                                                Review; Comment Request                                               awareness of underage drinking                                variables of interest to the study. This
                                                                                                                      prevalence (knowledge);                                       approach will also allow us to
                                                  Periodically, the Substance Abuse and                                  3. Increasing parent or caregiver                          oversample minority populations, such
                                                Mental Health Services Administration                                 disapproval of underage drinking                              as Hispanics, as necessary in order to
                                                (SAMHSA) will publish a summary of                                    (attitudes);                                                  achieve the diversity needed to yield a
                                                information collection requests under                                    4. Increasing parent or caregiver                          comprehensive set of opinions,
                                                OMB review, in compliance with the                                    knowledge, skills, and confidence in                          experiences, and feedback of the ‘‘Talk.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                                    how to talk to their children about, and                      They Hear You.’’ campaign materials
                                                Chapter 35). To request a copy of these                               prevent, UAD (attitudes); and                                 and products.

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Document Created: 2018-11-02 12:00:48
Document Modified: 2018-11-02 12:00:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 28003 

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