83_FR_28546 83 FR 28428 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB

83 FR 28428 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 118 (June 19, 2018)

Page Range28428-28429
FR Document2018-13107

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) is adopting a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates (FR Y-8; OMB No. 7100-0126). The revisions are effective as of the June 30, 2018 report date.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 118 (Tuesday, June 19, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 118 (Tuesday, June 19, 2018)]
[Pages 28428-28429]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13107]



Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board 
Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB

AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) 
is adopting a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the 
Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A 
Transactions with Affiliates (FR Y-8; OMB No. 7100-0126). The revisions 
are effective as of the June 30, 2018 report date.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Federal Reserve Board Clearance 
Officer--Nuha Elmaghrabi--Office of the Chief Data Officer, Board of 
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551, (202) 
452-3829. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may 
contact (202) 263-4869, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, Washington, DC 20551.
    OMB Desk Officer--Shagufta Ahmed--Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive 
Office Building, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503 
or by fax to (202) 395-6974.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 15, 1984, the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board authority under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (PRA) to approve and assign OMB control numbers to 
collection of information requests and requirements conducted or 
sponsored by the Board. Board-approved collections of information are 
incorporated into the official OMB inventory of currently approved 
collections of information. Copies of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
Submission, supporting statements and approved collection of 
information instrument(s) are placed into OMB's public docket files. 
The Board may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not 
required to respond to, an information collection that has been 
extended, revised, or implemented on or after October 1, 1995, unless 
it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    Final approval under OMB delegated authority of the extension for 
three years, with revision, of the following report:
    Report title: Holding Company Report of Insured Depository 
Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates.
    Agency form number: FR Y-8.
    OMB control number: 7100-0126.
    Frequency: Quarterly.
    Respondents: Certain bank holding companies (BHCs) and savings and 
loan holding companies (SLHCs), including certain foreign banking 
organizations (FBOs).
    Estimated number of respondents: 933.
    Estimated average hours per response: 7.8 hours.
    Estimated annual burden hours: 29,110.
    General description of report: The FR Y-8 collects information on 
covered transactions between an insured depository institution and its 
affiliates that are subject to the quantitative limits and requirements 
of section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act and the Board's Regulation W 
(12 CFR Pt. 223). The FR Y-8 is filed quarterly by all U.S. top-tier 
BHCs and SLHCs, and by FBOs that directly own or control a U.S. 
subsidiary insured depository institution. If an FBO indirectly 
controls a U.S. insured depository institution through a U.S. holding 
company, only the U.S. holding company must file the FR Y-8. A 
respondent must file a separate report for each U.S. insured depository 
institution it controls. The primary purpose of the data is to enhance 
the Board's ability to monitor the credit exposure of insured 
depository institutions to their affiliates and to ensure that insured 
depository institutions are in compliance with section 23A of the 
Federal Reserve Act and Regulation W. Section 23A of the Federal 
Reserve Act limits an insured depository institution's exposure to 
affiliated entities and helps to protect against the expansion of the 
federal safety net to uninsured entities.
    Revisions: In order to reduce reporting burden, the Board has 
eliminated the FR Y-8 declaration page. Previously, respondents that 
own or control insured depository institutions could have, instead of 
completing the entire form, submitted a declaration page each quarter 
attesting to the fact that the institutions do not have any covered 
transactions with their affiliates. The Board also has revised the 
instructions to eliminate references to the declaration page and to 
clarify that respondents that own or control insured depository 
institutions that do not have any covered transactions with their 
affiliates would not have to file the FR Y-8.
    Legal authorization and confidentiality: The FR Y-8 is mandatory 
for respondents that control an insured depository institution that has 
engaged in covered transactions with an affiliate during the reporting 
period, as defined by section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act. See 12 
U.S.C. 371c. Section 5(c) of the Bank Holding Company Act authorizes 
the Board to require BHCs to file the FR Y-8

[[Page 28429]]

reporting form with the Board. 12 U.S.C. 1844(c). Section 10(b)(2) of 
the Home Owners' Loan Act authorizes the Board to require SLHCs to file 
the FR Y-8 reporting form with the Board. 12 U.S.C. 1467a(b)(2). The 
data collected on this form includes financial information that is not 
normally disclosed by respondents, the release of which would likely 
cause substantial harm to the competitive position of the respondent if 
made publicly available. The data collected on this form, therefore, 
would be kept confidential under exemption 4 of the Freedom of 
Information Act, which protects from disclosure trade secrets and 
commercial or financial information. 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).
    Current actions: On March 15, 2018, the Board published a notice in 
the Federal Register (83 FR 11519) requesting public comment for 60 
days on the extension, with revision, of the FR Y-8. The comment period 
for this notice expired on May 14, 2018, and no comments were received. 
The revisions will be implemented as proposed.

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 14, 2018.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Assistant Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2018-13107 Filed 6-18-18; 8:45 am]

                                               28428                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 19, 2018 / Notices

                                               [FR Doc. 2018–13113 Filed 6–18–18; 8:45 am]             collections of information are                         FBO indirectly controls a U.S. insured
                                               BILLING CODE 6450–01–C                                  incorporated into the official OMB                     depository institution through a U.S.
                                                                                                       inventory of currently approved                        holding company, only the U.S. holding
                                                                                                       collections of information. Copies of the              company must file the FR Y–8. A
                                               FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  Paperwork Reduction Act Submission,                    respondent must file a separate report
                                                                                                       supporting statements and approved                     for each U.S. insured depository
                                               Agency Information Collection                           collection of information instrument(s)                institution it controls. The primary
                                               Activities: Announcement of Board                       are placed into OMB’s public docket                    purpose of the data is to enhance the
                                               Approval Under Delegated Authority                      files. The Board may not conduct or                    Board’s ability to monitor the credit
                                               and Submission to OMB                                   sponsor, and the respondent is not                     exposure of insured depository
                                                                                                       required to respond to, an information                 institutions to their affiliates and to
                                               AGENCY:   Board of Governors of the
                                                                                                       collection that has been extended,                     ensure that insured depository
                                               Federal Reserve System.
                                                                                                       revised, or implemented on or after                    institutions are in compliance with
                                               SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the                                                                         section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act
                                                                                                       October 1, 1995, unless it displays a
                                               Federal Reserve System (Board) is                                                                              and Regulation W. Section 23A of the
                                                                                                       currently valid OMB control number.
                                               adopting a proposal to extend for three                    Final approval under OMB delegated                  Federal Reserve Act limits an insured
                                               years, with revision, the Holding                       authority of the extension for three                   depository institution’s exposure to
                                               Company Report of Insured Depository                    years, with revision, of the following                 affiliated entities and helps to protect
                                               Institutions’ Section 23A Transactions                  report:                                                against the expansion of the federal
                                               with Affiliates (FR Y–8; OMB No. 7100–                     Report title: Holding Company Report                safety net to uninsured entities.
                                               0126). The revisions are effective as of                of Insured Depository Institutions’                       Revisions: In order to reduce reporting
                                               the June 30, 2018 report date.                          Section 23A Transactions with                          burden, the Board has eliminated the FR
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Affiliates.                                            Y–8 declaration page. Previously,
                                               Federal Reserve Board Clearance                            Agency form number: FR Y–8.                         respondents that own or control insured
                                               Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of                          OMB control number: 7100–0126.                      depository institutions could have,
                                               the Chief Data Officer, Board of                           Frequency: Quarterly.                               instead of completing the entire form,
                                               Governors of the Federal Reserve                           Respondents: Certain bank holding                   submitted a declaration page each
                                               System, Washington, DC 20551, (202)                     companies (BHCs) and savings and loan                  quarter attesting to the fact that the
                                               452–3829. Telecommunications Device                     holding companies (SLHCs), including                   institutions do not have any covered
                                               for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact                    certain foreign banking organizations                  transactions with their affiliates. The
                                               (202) 263–4869, Board of Governors of                   (FBOs).                                                Board also has revised the instructions
                                               the Federal Reserve System,                                Estimated number of respondents:                    to eliminate references to the
                                               Washington, DC 20551.                                   933.                                                   declaration page and to clarify that
                                                 OMB Desk Officer—Shagufta                                Estimated average hours per response:               respondents that own or control insured
                                               Ahmed—Office of Information and                         7.8 hours.                                             depository institutions that do not have
                                               Regulatory Affairs, Office of                              Estimated annual burden hours:                      any covered transactions with their
                                               Management and Budget, New                              29,110.                                                affiliates would not have to file the
                                               Executive Office Building, Room 10235,                     General description of report: The FR               FR Y–8.
                                               725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC                      Y–8 collects information on covered                       Legal authorization and
                                               20503 or by fax to (202) 395–6974.                      transactions between an insured                        confidentiality: The FR Y–8 is
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June                      depository institution and its affiliates              mandatory for respondents that control
                                               15, 1984, the Office of Management and                  that are subject to the quantitative limits            an insured depository institution that
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board                     and requirements of section 23A of the                 has engaged in covered transactions
                                               authority under the Paperwork                           Federal Reserve Act and the Board’s                    with an affiliate during the reporting
                                               Reduction Act (PRA) to approve and                      Regulation W (12 CFR Pt. 223). The FR                  period, as defined by section 23A of the
                                               assign OMB control numbers to                           Y–8 is filed quarterly by all U.S. top-tier            Federal Reserve Act. See 12 U.S.C. 371c.
                                               collection of information requests and                  BHCs and SLHCs, and by FBOs that                       Section 5(c) of the Bank Holding
                                               requirements conducted or sponsored                     directly own or control a U.S. subsidiary              Company Act authorizes the Board to
                                               by the Board. Board-approved                            insured depository institution. If an                  require BHCs to file the FR Y–8

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 19, 2018 / Notices                                            28429

                                               reporting form with the Board. 12 U.S.C.                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                 To obtain copies of a supporting
                                               1844(c). Section 10(b)(2) of the Home                   HUMAN SERVICES                                         statement and any related forms for the
                                               Owners’ Loan Act authorizes the Board                                                                          proposed collection(s) summarized in
                                               to require SLHCs to file the FR Y–8                     Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                        this notice, you may make your request
                                               reporting form with the Board. 12 U.S.C.                Services                                               using one of following:
                                               1467a(b)(2). The data collected on this                                                                          1. Access CMS’ website address at
                                                                                                       [Document Identifier: CMS–R–306]                       https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-
                                               form includes financial information that
                                               is not normally disclosed by                            Agency Information Collection                          Guidance/Legislation/
                                               respondents, the release of which would                 Activities: Proposed Collection;                       PaperworkReductionActof1995/PRA-
                                               likely cause substantial harm to the                    Comment Request                                        Listing.html.
                                               competitive position of the respondent                                                                           2. Email your request, including your
                                               if made publicly available. The data                    AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &                         address, phone number, OMB number,
                                               collected on this form, therefore, would                Medicaid Services, Department of                       and CMS document identifier, to
                                               be kept confidential under exemption 4                  Health and Human Services.                             Paperwork@cms.hhs.gov.
                                               of the Freedom of Information Act,                      ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                                                                                3. Call the Reports Clearance Office at
                                               which protects from disclosure trade                                                                           (410) 786–1326.
                                               secrets and commercial or financial                     SUMMARY:    The Centers for Medicare &                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               information. 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).                        Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing                  William Parham at (410) 786–4669.
                                                  Current actions: On March 15, 2018,                  an opportunity for the public to                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               the Board published a notice in the                     comment on CMS’ intention to collect
                                                                                                       information from the public. Under the                 Contents
                                               Federal Register (83 FR 11519)
                                               requesting public comment for 60 days                   Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the                     This notice sets out a summary of the
                                               on the extension, with revision, of the                 PRA), federal agencies are required to                 use and burden associated with the
                                               FR Y–8. The comment period for this                     publish notice in the Federal Register                 following information collections. More
                                               notice expired on May 14, 2018, and no                  concerning each proposed collection of                 detailed information can be found in
                                               comments were received. The revisions                   information (including each proposed                   each collection’s supporting statement
                                               will be implemented as proposed.                        extension or reinstatement of an existing              and associated materials (see
                                                                                                       collection of information) and to allow                ADDRESSES).
                                                 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                               System, June 14, 2018.                                  60 days for public comment on the                      CMS–R–306 Use of Restraint and
                                               Michele Taylor Fennell,
                                                                                                       proposed action. Interested persons are                Seclusion in Psychiatric Residential
                                                                                                       invited to send comments regarding our                 Treatment Facilities (PRTFs) for
                                               Assistant Secretary of the Board.
                                                                                                       burden estimates or any other aspect of                Individuals Under Age 21 and
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–13107 Filed 6–18–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       this collection of information, including              Supporting Regulations
                                               BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                  the necessity and utility of the proposed
                                                                                                       information collection for the proper                    Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–
                                                                                                       performance of the agency’s functions,                 3520), federal agencies must obtain
                                               FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT                               the accuracy of the estimated burden,                  approval from the Office of Management
                                               INVESTMENT BOARD                                        ways to enhance the quality, utility, and              and Budget (OMB) for each collection of
                                                                                                       clarity of the information to be                       information they conduct or sponsor.
                                               Sunshine Act Meetings                                   collected, and the use of automated                    The term ‘‘collection of information’’ is
                                                                                                       collection techniques or other forms of                defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
                                               Agenda                                                                                                         1320.3(c) and includes agency requests
                                                                                                       information technology to minimize the
                                                 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment                                                                         or requirements that members of the
                                                                                                       information collection burden.
                                               Board Meeting Agenda June 25, 2018 In                                                                          public submit reports, keep records, or
                                               Person 8:30 a.m.                                        DATES: Comments must be received by
                                                                                                                                                              provide information to a third party.
                                                                                                       August 20, 2018.                                       Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA
                                               Open Session                                            ADDRESSES: When commenting, please                     requires federal agencies to publish a
                                               1. Approval of the Minutes for the May                  reference the document identifier or                   60-day notice in the Federal Register
                                                  30, 2018 Board Member Meeting                        OMB control number. To be assured                      concerning each proposed collection of
                                               2. Monthly Reports                                      consideration, comments and                            information, including each proposed
                                                  (a) Participant Activity                             recommendations must be submitted in                   extension or reinstatement of an existing
                                                  (b) Legislative Report                               any one of the following ways:                         collection of information, before
                                                  (c) Investment Policy                                  1. Electronically. You may send your
                                               3. Vendor Financials                                                                                           submitting the collection to OMB for
                                                                                                       comments electronically to http://                     approval. To comply with this
                                               4. IT Update
                                               5. Strategic Acquisition                                www.regulations.gov. Follow the                        requirement, CMS is publishing this
                                                                                                       instructions for ‘‘Comment or                          notice.
                                               Closed Session                                          Submission’’ or ‘‘More Search Options’’
                                                                                                       to find the information collection                     Information Collection
                                                 Information covered under 5 U.S.C.
                                               552b (c)(4), (c)(9)(B).                                 document(s) that are accepting                           1. Type of Information Collection
                                               CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                                                                                       comments.                                              Request: Extension of a currently
                                               Kimberly Weaver, Director Office of                       2. By regular mail. You may mail                     approved collection; Title of
                                               External Affairs (202) 942–1640                         written comments to the following                      Information Collection: Use of Restraint
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       address: CMS, Office of Strategic                      and Seclusion in Psychiatric Residential
                                                 Dated: June 14, 2018.                                 Operations and Regulatory Affairs,                     Treatment Facilities (PRTFs) for
                                               Dharmesh Vashee,                                        Division of Regulations Development,                   Individuals Under Age 21 and
                                               Deputy General Counsel, Federal Retirement              Attention: Document Identifier/OMB                     Supporting Regulations; Use:
                                               Thrift Investment Board.                                Control Number _________, Room C4–                     Psychiatric residential treatment
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–13175 Filed 6–15–18; 11:15 am]            26–05, 7500 Security Boulevard,                        facilities are required to report deaths,
                                               BILLING CODE 6760–01–P                                  Baltimore, Maryland 21244–1850.                        serious injuries and attempted suicides

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Document Created: 2018-07-02 11:21:10
Document Modified: 2018-07-02 11:21:10
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionOn March 15, 2018, the Board published a notice in the Federal Register (83 FR 11519) requesting public comment for 60 days on the extension, with revision, of the FR Y-8. The comment period for this notice expired on May 14, 2018, and no comments were received. The revisions will be implemented as proposed.
ContactFederal Reserve Board Clearance Officer--Nuha Elmaghrabi--Office of the Chief Data Officer, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551, (202) 452-3829. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact (202) 263-4869, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.
FR Citation83 FR 28428 

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