83_FR_29919 83 FR 29796 - Proposed Standards for the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program's Quality Bonus System

83 FR 29796 - Proposed Standards for the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program's Quality Bonus System

Health Resources and Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 123 (June 26, 2018)

Page Range29796-29798
FR Document2018-13592

HRSA published a notice in the Federal Register on October 11, 2017, soliciting feedback on the establishment of the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment (CHGME) Program's Quality Bonus System (QBS). In particular, HRSA requested feedback on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 and beyond multi-step implementation of the system, including demonstration of engagement in state or regional- level initiatives, documentation, and payment structure. This notice summarizes and responds to the comments received during the 60-day comment period.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 123 (Tuesday, June 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 123 (Tuesday, June 26, 2018)]
[Pages 29796-29798]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-13592]



Health Resources and Services Administration

Proposed Standards for the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical 
Education Payment Program's Quality Bonus System

AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department 
of Health and Human Services.

ACTION: Final response.


SUMMARY: HRSA published a notice in the Federal Register on October 11, 
2017, soliciting feedback on the establishment of the Children's 
Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment (CHGME) Program's Quality 
Bonus System (QBS). In particular, HRSA requested feedback on the 
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 and beyond multi-step implementation of the 
system, including demonstration of engagement in state or regional-
level initiatives, documentation, and payment structure. This notice 
summarizes and responds to the comments received during the 60-day 
comment period.

ADDRESSES: Additional information about the CHGME is available at 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Malena Crawford, Project Officer, 
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program, 
Division of Medicine and Dentistry, HRSA at [email protected] or (301) 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The CHGME statute was amended in 2013. The 
amendments permit up to 25 percent of the total amount appropriated 
annually in excess of $245 million, but not to exceed $7,000,000, to 
provide payments to newly qualified hospitals, as defined in section 
340E(h) of the Public Health Service Act. The statute additionally 
states that the Secretary may establish a quality bonus system for 
CHGME hospitals using any remaining funds after payments are made to 
newly qualified hospitals. In FY 2018, Congress appropriated $315 
million to the CHGME Program. Of this, approximately $4 million in 
payments were made to newly qualified hospitals. If funding levels and 
mechanisms remain constant in FY 2019, it is estimated that 
approximately $3 million may be available annually for the CHGME QBS.
    On October 16, 2017, through a Federal Register Notice (FRN), HRSA 
announced a 60-day public comment period to solicit input on the CHGME 
QBS proposed standards. HRSA proposed a multi-step implementation 
beginning in FY 2019 that initially will recognize high-level 
engagement of CHGME hospitals in state and regional health care 
transformation, as well as engagement of resident trainees in these 
activities. HRSA sought public comment on the timeline, eligibility, 
standards, documentation, and payment structure as described in the 
FRN. HRSA also requested comment on proposed QBS measures, potential 
data sources, and tiering of QBS payments for FY 2020 and beyond. HRSA 
received feedback on the following program components in response to 
the FRN:

 QBS Goals
 Qualifying Initiatives for the FY 2019 QBS
 Measures and Metrics
 Payment Structure
 Documentation, Reporting Requirements and Reducing Reporting 
 Implementation Timeline for FY 2020 and Beyond

    HRSA carefully reviewed the comments received and used them to 
guide the development of the FY 2019 CHGME QBS and to inform future 
iterations of the CHGME QBS. Final guidance for the FY 2019 CHGME QBS 
will be published in the FY 2019 CHGME Notice of Funding Opportunity 

Comments on the Proposed Standards of the Quality Bonus System

    HRSA received 17 responses to the request for comments. Thirteen 
commenters are current CHGME hospitals and four are state/national 
associations. Comments are summarized below.

QBS Goals

Summary of Comments
    Nearly all commenters supported establishing the CHGME QBS to 
recognize and reward quality training programs for residents supported 
by the CHGME program and agreed with the approach to recognize 
engagement in initiatives geared towards transforming pediatric health 
care to improve access, quality, and cost effectiveness. However, many 
commenters questioned whether there was enough information about these 
initiatives to establish a baseline, draw comparisons between 
children's hospitals, and make judgements about relative performance. 
Several suggested the proposed approach could be enhanced by starting 
with documentation of transformation activities in which residents are 
involved. Specifically, one commenter recommended ``that HRSA work to 
identify current residents' engagement in quality initiatives and how 
residents can further engage on broader based initiatives before 
transitioning the Quality Bonus Program to other criteria in FY 2020 
and beyond.'' A few commenters also requested that HRSA offer more 
clear and specific goals for the multi-step implementation of the QBS.
    After considering feedback from stakeholders, the revised goal of 
the QBS will be to recognize hospitals for quality improvement & GME 
transformation efforts in high priority focus areas and build standards 
to increase engagement and involvement of residents in broader 
initiatives. HRSA will implement a baseline phase for CHGME QBS in FY 
2019. Information collected during this baseline phase will be used to 
establish QBS standards for implementation in FY 2021. In order to 
qualify for the QBS payment, CHGME awardees must submit documentation 
in the FY 2019 reconciliation application describing the hospital's 
initiatives, resident curriculum, and direct resident involvement in 
the following areas: Integrated care models, telehealth/HIT, population 
health, social determinants of health, and additional initiatives to 
improve access

[[Page 29797]]

and quality of care to rural/underserved communities.

Qualifying Initiatives for the FY 2019 QBS

Summary of Comments
    Many commenters recommended expanding the list of initiatives that 
would qualify for the QBS and mentioned a number of other initiatives 
that children's hospitals are currently involved in, which included 
national and regional non-federal collaboratives. One commenter 
recommended recognizing initiatives that address pediatric health 
disparities (e.g., childhood obesity, immunizations, access to care, 
poverty, food insecurity, population health, child abuse, opioid 
overuse) at the local and regional levels, initiatives that positively 
impact the health of surrounding communities, hospital quality 
improvement projects, and other quality-related programs that meet the 
goals of the Healthy People 2020. Another commenter recommended 
recognizing resident participation in medical homes and clinically 
integrated networks.
    Several commenters recommended that HRSA start by compiling a list 
of the quality improvement and transformation efforts that residents 
currently engage in to identify focus areas for increased engagement 
and involvement. A few commenters expressed concerns that resident 
engagement in these initiatives may be limited due to training 
requirements that require rotating to a variety of clinical sites and 
normal resident turnover in training programs that typically last 
between 3-5 years.
    HRSA considered the commenters' recommendations for qualifying 
initiatives for FY 2019 and has revised the FY 2019 QBS qualification 
requirements taking into consideration the comments received. As 
mentioned above, in order to qualify for the FY 2019 QBS payment, CHGME 
awardees must submit documentation in the FY 2019 reconciliation 
application describing the hospital's initiatives, resident curriculum, 
and direct resident involvement in the following areas: integrated care 
models, telehealth/HIT, population health, social determinants of 
health, and additional initiatives to improve access and quality of 
care to rural/underserved communities. In all areas, CHGME awardees 
will be required to highlight initiatives aimed at improving access and 
quality of care to rural and/or underserved communities. More details 
will be included in the FY 2019 CHGME NOFO.

Measures and Metrics

Summary of Comments
    Several commenters recommended focusing the QBS measures and 
metrics on the CHGME program and its goals, including measures 
regarding the quality of resident training. Commenters offered a number 
of potential measures and metrics that ranged from residency training 
characteristics, graduate outcomes, clinical learning environment 
outcomes, and health care transformation activities. One commenter 
recommended developing measures and metrics to evaluate how well 
training programs prepare graduates to improve the quality of care 
provided to local communities and integrate quality improvement into 
their clinical practice. They also recommended that quality measures 
could evaluate the quality of training settings, including commitment 
to caring for underserved populations, and impact on addressing 
healthcare problems in the community.
    A few commenters recommended that HRSA more critically evaluate 
future QBS measures and metrics. Specifically, one commenter stated 
that they were ``particularly concerned about the proposed plans for FY 
2020. Currently, there are no ``off the shelf'' measures that can be 
used to determine the quality of training programs. We recommend a 
thorough stakeholder process be convened with pediatric experts and 
CHGME hospitals to outline the best path forward.''
    A number of commenters cautioned that it is hard to tie patient 
outcomes to resident training. A few other commenters discouraged using 
graduate outcomes as a QBS measure, suggesting that hospitals are 
unable to control the specialty choices and future practice locations 
of residents. Several commenters also cautioned against using metrics 
relating to hospital outcomes which could not be directly tied to 
training. They recommended only using measures that were within a 
hospital's control. The following chart highlights other suggested 
measures and metrics from commenters:

      Additional QBS Measures and Metrics Recommended by Commenters
                           Residency Training
Quality of resident training.
Volume of trainee-led initiatives and participation in larger hospital
Percentage of training time spent in rural and underserved locations.
                            Graduate Outcomes
Percentage of graduates practicing in underserved areas.
Practice patterns and competency levels of graduates.
                 Clinical Learning Environment Outcomes
Value of clinical care.
Number of unnecessary medical tests, treatments, and procedures.
Rates of medical complications (hospital-acquired infections, unplanned
Rates of surgical complications (surgical site infections).
Hospital readmission rates.
Chronic disease management (treatment compliance and percentage at
                  Health Care Transformation Activities
Number of faculty and resident publications.
Number of health care transformation initiatives.

    Commenters also identified existing sets of measure that could be 
reviewed to identify potential candidates for use in the QBS such as 
the American Board of Family Medicine's (ABFM) Certification Survey 
Questionnaire, the ABFM's National Family Medicine Residency Graduate 
Follow-up Survey, the Children's Hospital Association approved 
activities such as Solutions for Patient Safety, the American College 
of Surgeons' Pediatric National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, 
and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's (ACGME) 
milestones and measures.
    HRSA appreciates the recommendations for potential QBS measures and 
metrics and recognizes the concerns regarding appropriate measures and 
metrics expressed by the commenters. HRSA will be reviewing all the 
sets of measures that were identified, as well as individual measure 
that were suggested for potential incorporation into the next phase of 
the QBS. Following the initial baseline phase of the QBS as detailed 
above in Qualifying Initiatives for the FY 2019 QBS response section, 
HRSA plans to conduct an environmental scan of GME quality measures, 
analyze the data collected during the baseline year, develop quality 
measures for GME programs in the above areas, and manage an organized 
stakeholder engagement process on potential QBS

[[Page 29798]]

standards and measures for future iterations.

Payment Structure

Summary of Comments
    Most commenters agreed with the tiered payment method but 
highlighted the importance of clearly messaging that funding tiers are 
not indicative of different levels of quality or engagement for the 
first phase of the CHGME QBS. One commenter offered, ``the bonus 
payments would have a more significant effect in transforming the 
quality of CHGME programs if the payments were funded at a level larger 
than $3 million and were in excess of current program funding.''
    HRSA will continue to message clearly that the FY 2019 CHGME QBS 
payment tiers are not reflective of the quality of the initiatives. The 
payment tiers were developed taking into account the size of the 
training programs and CHGME payments typically awarded. In future 
years, once the data sources were better developed HRSA would work to 
develop a payment structure that takes into account both the size of 
the program and quality. As noted earlier, the amount of funding 
available for the QBS is provided for in statute and the $3 million 
funding amount is an estimation, assuming funding levels and mechanisms 
remain constant.
    For FY 2019, QBS payments will be disbursed with the CHGME FY 2019 
reconciliation payments. CHGME hospitals that submit the required 
documentation with the FY 2019 reconciliation application will receive 
a portion of the available funds for the CHGME QBS payment. Amounts 
will be distributed according to a three-tiered payment structure 
detailed in the Federal Register, 82 FR 48102.
    HRSA expects that future quality measures will likely be a 
combination of both quantitative and qualitative measures, where 
payment will be directly linked to the level of achievement of an 
individual hospital. We will continue to seek additional input from 
stakeholders and experts on the appropriate measures and metrics for 
future iterations of the CHGME QBS.

Documentation, Reporting Requirements and Reducing Reporting Burden

Summary of Comments
    Several commenters indicated that HRSA already collects quite a bit 
of information through the annual report and recommended that HRSA 
build on its existing reporting requirements to minimize reporting 
burden. These commenters suggested that new reporting requirements 
would add an administrative burden and deter maximum participation in 
the QBS. One commenter questioned whether HRSA would publicly share the 
QBS data.
    HRSA agrees that participation in the QBS should not be overly 
burdensome and will work to create reasonable documentation 
requirements. HRSA acknowledges that it is already collecting some 
quality-related data in the annual CHGME performance measures and is 
developing ways to improve these fields. In addition, as part of the 
further development of the QBS, HRSA will be reviewing the different 
sets of data that children's hospitals already report to identify if 
any of the measures could be used as part of the QBS. A long-term goal 
would be to have transparency regarding the QBS data and HRSA will make 
sure to include that topic in stakeholder discussions. Any new data 
collection form(s) that are developed will require Office and 
Management and Budget (OMB) approval. Stakeholders will be able to 
provide public comments on any new data collection form(s) developed.

Implementation Timeline for FY 2020 and Beyond

Summary of Comments
    Half of commenters recommended a longer timeline to phase in the 
full FY 2020 and beyond QBS proposed framework, in order to ensure a 
thorough stakeholder engagement process in which pediatric experts are 
adequately involved in establishing metrics and measures, identifying 
quality outcomes, and evaluating QBS standards.
    HRSA recognizes concerns about the QBS implementation timeline. We 
understand that there are many important factors that must be taken 
into account when implementing the QBS, and each requires thorough and 
well-informed consideration. In addition, QBS-related data collection 
must align with existing reporting and payment schedules for the CHGME 
Payment Program. The first phase of the CHGME QBS is planned to start 
in FY 2019, and we have taken into consideration feedback collected 
through this FRN. The data collected during the FY 2019 QBS will give 
HRSA an indication of the current experiences across our children's 
hospitals so that we can establish reasonable parameters and measures 
moving forward. In addition, HRSA is examining using existing reporting 
requirements to establish components of the QBS for FY 2020 and beyond. 
HRSA will continue collaborating with stakeholders and experts to 
inform future phases and measures for the CHGME QBS. As new QBS 
measures will affect a fiscal year payment, any updates or changes will 
be included in that year's NOFO.


    HRSA appreciates the comments and recommendations received and has 
used them to guide the development of the FY 2019 CHGME QBS and inform 
future iterations of the CHGME QBS. Final guidance for the FY 2019 
CHGME QBS will be published in the FY 2019 CHGME NOFO. If you have 
questions or concerns about comments that were not addressed in this 
notice, please contact [email protected].

    Dated: June 19, 2018.
George Sigounas,
[FR Doc. 2018-13592 Filed 6-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                                29796                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 123 / Tuesday, June 26, 2018 / Notices

                                                100. Kathleen Cooper-Loher,                             Medicine and Dentistry, HRSA at                        Comments on the Proposed Standards
                                                    Marshfield, Wisconsin, Court of                     MCrawford@hrsa.gov or (301) 443–7334.                  of the Quality Bonus System
                                                    Federal Claims No: 18–0769V
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       The                     HRSA received 17 responses to the
                                                101. Kerstina Alexander on behalf of
                                                                                                        CHGME statute was amended in 2013.                     request for comments. Thirteen
                                                    M.A., Deceased, Woodbridge,
                                                                                                        The amendments permit up to 25                         commenters are current CHGME
                                                    Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No:
                                                                                                        percent of the total amount appropriated               hospitals and four are state/national
                                                102. Henry Milligan, Jr., Orlando,                      annually in excess of $245 million, but                associations. Comments are summarized
                                                    Florida, Court of Federal Claims No:                not to exceed $7,000,000, to provide                   below.
                                                    18–0771V                                            payments to newly qualified hospitals,
                                                                                                        as defined in section 340E(h) of the                   QBS Goals
                                                103. Cheryl Thompson, South Bend,
                                                    Indiana, Court of Federal Claims                    Public Health Service Act. The statute                 Summary of Comments
                                                    No: 18–0772V                                        additionally states that the Secretary
                                                                                                        may establish a quality bonus system for                 Nearly all commenters supported
                                                104. Olivia Gallegos, Fresno, California,                                                                      establishing the CHGME QBS to
                                                    Court of Federal Claims No: 18–                     CHGME hospitals using any remaining
                                                                                                        funds after payments are made to newly                 recognize and reward quality training
                                                    0773V                                                                                                      programs for residents supported by the
                                                105. Jacie Albanez and Mario Albanez                    qualified hospitals. In FY 2018,
                                                                                                        Congress appropriated $315 million to                  CHGME program and agreed with the
                                                    on behalf of N.A., San Diego,                                                                              approach to recognize engagement in
                                                    California, Court of Federal Claims                 the CHGME Program. Of this,
                                                                                                        approximately $4 million in payments                   initiatives geared towards transforming
                                                    No: 18–0774V                                                                                               pediatric health care to improve access,
                                                106. Scott Kelbick, Avondale, Arizona,                  were made to newly qualified hospitals.
                                                                                                        If funding levels and mechanisms                       quality, and cost effectiveness.
                                                    Court of Federal Claims No: 18–                                                                            However, many commenters questioned
                                                    0775V                                               remain constant in FY 2019, it is
                                                                                                        estimated that approximately $3 million                whether there was enough information
                                                107. Elizabeth Phenneger, Spokane,                                                                             about these initiatives to establish a
                                                    Washington, Court of Federal                        may be available annually for the
                                                                                                        CHGME QBS.                                             baseline, draw comparisons between
                                                    Claims No: 18–0776V                                                                                        children’s hospitals, and make
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–13593 Filed 6–25–18; 8:45 am]                On October 16, 2017, through a                      judgements about relative performance.
                                                BILLING CODE 4165–15–P                                  Federal Register Notice (FRN), HRSA                    Several suggested the proposed
                                                                                                        announced a 60-day public comment                      approach could be enhanced by starting
                                                                                                        period to solicit input on the CHGME                   with documentation of transformation
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                QBS proposed standards. HRSA                           activities in which residents are
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                          proposed a multi-step implementation                   involved. Specifically, one commenter
                                                                                                        beginning in FY 2019 that initially will               recommended ‘‘that HRSA work to
                                                Health Resources and Services                           recognize high-level engagement of                     identify current residents’ engagement
                                                Administration                                          CHGME hospitals in state and regional                  in quality initiatives and how residents
                                                                                                        health care transformation, as well as                 can further engage on broader based
                                                Proposed Standards for the Children’s                   engagement of resident trainees in these
                                                Hospitals Graduate Medical Education                                                                           initiatives before transitioning the
                                                                                                        activities. HRSA sought public comment                 Quality Bonus Program to other criteria
                                                Payment Program’s Quality Bonus                         on the timeline, eligibility, standards,
                                                System                                                                                                         in FY 2020 and beyond.’’ A few
                                                                                                        documentation, and payment structure                   commenters also requested that HRSA
                                                AGENCY:  Health Resources and Services                  as described in the FRN. HRSA also                     offer more clear and specific goals for
                                                Administration (HRSA), Department of                    requested comment on proposed QBS                      the multi-step implementation of the
                                                Health and Human Services.                              measures, potential data sources, and                  QBS.
                                                ACTION: Final response.
                                                                                                        tiering of QBS payments for FY 2020
                                                                                                        and beyond. HRSA received feedback                     Response
                                                SUMMARY:   HRSA published a notice in                   on the following program components                       After considering feedback from
                                                the Federal Register on October 11,                     in response to the FRN:                                stakeholders, the revised goal of the
                                                2017, soliciting feedback on the                        • QBS Goals                                            QBS will be to recognize hospitals for
                                                establishment of the Children’s                                                                                quality improvement & GME
                                                Hospitals Graduate Medical Education                    • Qualifying Initiatives for the FY 2019
                                                                                                          QBS                                                  transformation efforts in high priority
                                                Payment (CHGME) Program’s Quality                                                                              focus areas and build standards to
                                                Bonus System (QBS). In particular,                      • Measures and Metrics                                 increase engagement and involvement
                                                HRSA requested feedback on the Fiscal                   • Payment Structure                                    of residents in broader initiatives. HRSA
                                                Year (FY) 2019 and beyond multi-step
                                                implementation of the system, including                 • Documentation, Reporting                             will implement a baseline phase for
                                                                                                          Requirements and Reducing                            CHGME QBS in FY 2019. Information
                                                demonstration of engagement in state or                                                                        collected during this baseline phase will
                                                regional-level initiatives,                               Reporting Burden
                                                                                                                                                               be used to establish QBS standards for
                                                documentation, and payment structure.                   • Implementation Timeline for FY 2020
                                                                                                                                                               implementation in FY 2021. In order to
                                                This notice summarizes and responds to                    and Beyond
                                                                                                                                                               qualify for the QBS payment, CHGME
                                                the comments received during the 60-                       HRSA carefully reviewed the                         awardees must submit documentation
                                                day comment period.                                     comments received and used them to                     in the FY 2019 reconciliation
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                ADDRESSES: Additional information                       guide the development of the FY 2019                   application describing the hospital’s
                                                about the CHGME is available at https://                CHGME QBS and to inform future                         initiatives, resident curriculum, and
                                                bhw.hrsa.gov/grants/medicine/chgme.                     iterations of the CHGME QBS. Final                     direct resident involvement in the
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        guidance for the FY 2019 CHGME QBS                     following areas: Integrated care models,
                                                Malena Crawford, Project Officer,                       will be published in the FY 2019                       telehealth/HIT, population health,
                                                Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical                   CHGME Notice of Funding Opportunity                    social determinants of health, and
                                                Education Payment Program, Division of                  (NOFO).                                                additional initiatives to improve access

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:24 Jun 25, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00056   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26JNN1.SGM   26JNN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 123 / Tuesday, June 26, 2018 / Notices                                                 29797

                                                and quality of care to rural/underserved                More details will be included in the FY                    ADDITIONAL QBS MEASURES AND
                                                communities.                                            2019 CHGME NOFO.                                           METRICS RECOMMENDED BY COM-
                                                Qualifying Initiatives for the FY 2019                  Measures and Metrics                                       MENTERS—Continued
                                                                                                        Summary of Comments                                       Percentage of training time spent in rural
                                                Summary of Comments                                                                                                 and underserved locations.
                                                                                                           Several commenters recommended
                                                   Many commenters recommended                          focusing the QBS measures and metrics                                 Graduate Outcomes
                                                expanding the list of initiatives that                  on the CHGME program and its goals,
                                                                                                        including measures regarding the                          Percentage of graduates practicing in un-
                                                would qualify for the QBS and                                                                                       derserved areas.
                                                mentioned a number of other initiatives                 quality of resident training. Commenters
                                                                                                                                                                  Practice patterns and competency levels of
                                                that children’s hospitals are currently                 offered a number of potential measures
                                                involved in, which included national                    and metrics that ranged from residency
                                                and regional non-federal collaboratives.                training characteristics, graduate                        Clinical Learning Environment Outcomes
                                                One commenter recommended                               outcomes, clinical learning environment
                                                recognizing initiatives that address                    outcomes, and health care                                 Value of clinical care.
                                                                                                        transformation activities. One                            Number of unnecessary medical tests,
                                                pediatric health disparities (e.g.,                                                                                 treatments, and procedures.
                                                childhood obesity, immunizations,                       commenter recommended developing
                                                                                                                                                                  Rates of medical complications (hospital-ac-
                                                access to care, poverty, food insecurity,               measures and metrics to evaluate how
                                                                                                                                                                    quired infections, unplanned extubations).
                                                population health, child abuse, opioid                  well training programs prepare                            Rates of surgical complications (surgical
                                                overuse) at the local and regional levels,              graduates to improve the quality of care                    site infections).
                                                initiatives that positively impact the                  provided to local communities and                         Hospital readmission rates.
                                                health of surrounding communities,                      integrate quality improvement into their                  Chronic disease management (treatment
                                                hospital quality improvement projects,                  clinical practice. They also                                compliance and percentage at goal).
                                                and other quality-related programs that                 recommended that quality measures
                                                                                                        could evaluate the quality of training                      Health Care Transformation Activities
                                                meet the goals of the Healthy People
                                                2020. Another commenter                                 settings, including commitment to                         Number of faculty and resident publications.
                                                recommended recognizing resident                        caring for underserved populations, and                   Number of health care transformation initia-
                                                participation in medical homes and                      impact on addressing healthcare                             tives.
                                                clinically integrated networks.                         problems in the community.
                                                                                                           A few commenters recommended that                       Commenters also identified existing
                                                   Several commenters recommended                       HRSA more critically evaluate future                     sets of measure that could be reviewed
                                                that HRSA start by compiling a list of                  QBS measures and metrics. Specifically,                  to identify potential candidates for use
                                                the quality improvement and                             one commenter stated that they were                      in the QBS such as the American Board
                                                transformation efforts that residents                   ‘‘particularly concerned about the                       of Family Medicine’s (ABFM)
                                                currently engage in to identify focus                   proposed plans for FY 2020. Currently,                   Certification Survey Questionnaire, the
                                                areas for increased engagement and                      there are no ‘‘off the shelf’’ measures                  ABFM’s National Family Medicine
                                                involvement. A few commenters                           that can be used to determine the                        Residency Graduate Follow-up Survey,
                                                expressed concerns that resident                        quality of training programs. We                         the Children’s Hospital Association
                                                engagement in these initiatives may be                  recommend a thorough stakeholder                         approved activities such as Solutions for
                                                limited due to training requirements                    process be convened with pediatric                       Patient Safety, the American College of
                                                that require rotating to a variety of                   experts and CHGME hospitals to outline                   Surgeons’ Pediatric National Surgical
                                                clinical sites and normal resident                      the best path forward.’’                                 Quality Improvement Program, and the
                                                turnover in training programs that                         A number of commenters cautioned                      Accreditation Council for Graduate
                                                typically last between 3–5 years.                       that it is hard to tie patient outcomes to               Medical Education’s (ACGME)
                                                Response                                                resident training. A few other                           milestones and measures.
                                                                                                        commenters discouraged using graduate                    Response
                                                  HRSA considered the commenters’                       outcomes as a QBS measure, suggesting
                                                recommendations for qualifying                          that hospitals are unable to control the                    HRSA appreciates the
                                                initiatives for FY 2019 and has revised                 specialty choices and future practice                    recommendations for potential QBS
                                                the FY 2019 QBS qualification                           locations of residents. Several                          measures and metrics and recognizes
                                                requirements taking into consideration                  commenters also cautioned against                        the concerns regarding appropriate
                                                the comments received. As mentioned                     using metrics relating to hospital                       measures and metrics expressed by the
                                                above, in order to qualify for the FY                   outcomes which could not be directly                     commenters. HRSA will be reviewing
                                                2019 QBS payment, CHGME awardees                        tied to training. They recommended                       all the sets of measures that were
                                                must submit documentation in the FY                     only using measures that were within a                   identified, as well as individual
                                                2019 reconciliation application                         hospital’s control. The following chart                  measure that were suggested for
                                                describing the hospital’s initiatives,                  highlights other suggested measures and                  potential incorporation into the next
                                                resident curriculum, and direct resident                metrics from commenters:                                 phase of the QBS. Following the initial
                                                involvement in the following areas:                                                                              baseline phase of the QBS as detailed
                                                integrated care models, telehealth/HIT,                       ADDITIONAL QBS MEASURES AND                        above in Qualifying Initiatives for the
                                                population health, social determinants                                                                           FY 2019 QBS response section, HRSA
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                              METRICS RECOMMENDED BY COM-
                                                of health, and additional initiatives to                                                                         plans to conduct an environmental scan
                                                improve access and quality of care to                                                                            of GME quality measures, analyze the
                                                rural/underserved communities. In all                                                                            data collected during the baseline year,
                                                                                                                           Residency Training
                                                areas, CHGME awardees will be                                                                                    develop quality measures for GME
                                                required to highlight initiatives aimed at               Quality of resident training.                           programs in the above areas, and
                                                improving access and quality of care to                  Volume of trainee-led initiatives and partici-          manage an organized stakeholder
                                                rural and/or underserved communities.                      pation in larger hospital initiatives.                engagement process on potential QBS

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:24 Jun 25, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000    Frm 00057    Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26JNN1.SGM   26JNN1

                                                29798                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 123 / Tuesday, June 26, 2018 / Notices

                                                standards and measures for future                       minimize reporting burden. These                       and measures moving forward. In
                                                iterations.                                             commenters suggested that new                          addition, HRSA is examining using
                                                                                                        reporting requirements would add an                    existing reporting requirements to
                                                Payment Structure
                                                                                                        administrative burden and deter                        establish components of the QBS for FY
                                                Summary of Comments                                     maximum participation in the QBS. One                  2020 and beyond. HRSA will continue
                                                   Most commenters agreed with the                      commenter questioned whether HRSA                      collaborating with stakeholders and
                                                tiered payment method but highlighted                   would publicly share the QBS data.                     experts to inform future phases and
                                                the importance of clearly messaging that                                                                       measures for the CHGME QBS. As new
                                                funding tiers are not indicative of                                                                            QBS measures will affect a fiscal year
                                                different levels of quality or engagement                  HRSA agrees that participation in the               payment, any updates or changes will
                                                for the first phase of the CHGME QBS.                   QBS should not be overly burdensome                    be included in that year’s NOFO.
                                                One commenter offered, ‘‘the bonus                      and will work to create reasonable
                                                                                                        documentation requirements. HRSA                       Conclusion
                                                payments would have a more significant
                                                effect in transforming the quality of                   acknowledges that it is already                           HRSA appreciates the comments and
                                                CHGME programs if the payments were                     collecting some quality-related data in                recommendations received and has used
                                                funded at a level larger than $3 million                the annual CHGME performance                           them to guide the development of the
                                                and were in excess of current program                   measures and is developing ways to                     FY 2019 CHGME QBS and inform future
                                                funding.’’                                              improve these fields. In addition, as part             iterations of the CHGME QBS. Final
                                                                                                        of the further development of the QBS,                 guidance for the FY 2019 CHGME QBS
                                                Response                                                HRSA will be reviewing the different                   will be published in the FY 2019
                                                   HRSA will continue to message                        sets of data that children’s hospitals                 CHGME NOFO. If you have questions or
                                                clearly that the FY 2019 CHGME QBS                      already report to identify if any of the               concerns about comments that were not
                                                payment tiers are not reflective of the                 measures could be used as part of the                  addressed in this notice, please contact
                                                quality of the initiatives. The payment                 QBS. A long-term goal would be to have                 MCrawford@hrsa.gov.
                                                tiers were developed taking into account                transparency regarding the QBS data                     Dated: June 19, 2018.
                                                the size of the training programs and                   and HRSA will make sure to include
                                                                                                                                                               George Sigounas,
                                                CHGME payments typically awarded. In                    that topic in stakeholder discussions.
                                                future years, once the data sources were                Any new data collection form(s) that are
                                                                                                        developed will require Office and                      [FR Doc. 2018–13592 Filed 6–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                better developed HRSA would work to
                                                develop a payment structure that takes                  Management and Budget (OMB)                            BILLING CODE 4165–15–P

                                                into account both the size of the                       approval. Stakeholders will be able to
                                                program and quality. As noted earlier,                  provide public comments on any new
                                                                                                        data collection form(s) developed.                     DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                the amount of funding available for the                                                                        HUMAN SERVICES
                                                QBS is provided for in statute and the                  Implementation Timeline for FY 2020
                                                $3 million funding amount is an                         and Beyond                                             Health Resources and Services
                                                estimation, assuming funding levels and                                                                        Administration
                                                mechanisms remain constant.                             Summary of Comments
                                                   For FY 2019, QBS payments will be                       Half of commenters recommended a                    Agency Information Collection
                                                disbursed with the CHGME FY 2019                        longer timeline to phase in the full FY                Activities: Submission to OMB for
                                                reconciliation payments. CHGME                          2020 and beyond QBS proposed                           Review and Approval; Public Comment
                                                hospitals that submit the required                      framework, in order to ensure a                        Request; National Survey of Organ
                                                documentation with the FY 2019                          thorough stakeholder engagement                        Donation Attitudes and Practices, OMB
                                                reconciliation application will receive a               process in which pediatric experts are                 No. 0915–0290—Reinstatement With
                                                portion of the available funds for the                  adequately involved in establishing                    Change
                                                CHGME QBS payment. Amounts will be                      metrics and measures, identifying
                                                distributed according to a three-tiered                                                                        AGENCY: Health Resources and Services
                                                                                                        quality outcomes, and evaluating QBS
                                                payment structure detailed in the                                                                              Administration (HRSA), Department of
                                                Federal Register, 82 FR 48102.                                                                                 Health and Human Services.
                                                   HRSA expects that future quality                     Response                                               ACTION: Notice.
                                                measures will likely be a combination of                  HRSA recognizes concerns about the
                                                both quantitative and qualitative                       QBS implementation timeline. We                        SUMMARY:   In compliance with the
                                                measures, where payment will be                         understand that there are many                         Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
                                                directly linked to the level of                         important factors that must be taken                   HRSA has submitted an Information
                                                achievement of an individual hospital.                  into account when implementing the                     Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of
                                                We will continue to seek additional                     QBS, and each requires thorough and                    Management and Budget (OMB) for
                                                input from stakeholders and experts on                  well-informed consideration. In                        review and approval. The ICR is for
                                                the appropriate measures and metrics                    addition, QBS-related data collection                  reinstatement with change of a
                                                for future iterations of the CHGME QBS.                 must align with existing reporting and                 previously approved information
                                                                                                        payment schedules for the CHGME                        collection, assigned OMB control
                                                Documentation, Reporting
                                                                                                        Payment Program. The first phase of the                number 0915–0290, which expired on
                                                Requirements and Reducing Reporting
                                                                                                        CHGME QBS is planned to start in FY                    March 31, 2015. Comments submitted
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        2019, and we have taken into                           during the first public review of this ICR
                                                Summary of Comments                                     consideration feedback collected                       will be provided to OMB. OMB will
                                                   Several commenters indicated that                    through this FRN. The data collected                   accept further comments from the
                                                HRSA already collects quite a bit of                    during the FY 2019 QBS will give HRSA                  public during the review and approval
                                                information through the annual report                   an indication of the current experiences               period.
                                                and recommended that HRSA build on                      across our children’s hospitals so that                DATES: Comments on this ICR should be
                                                its existing reporting requirements to                  we can establish reasonable parameters                 received no later than July 26, 2018.

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Document Created: 2018-06-26 00:51:51
Document Modified: 2018-06-26 00:51:51
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionFinal response.
ContactMalena Crawford, Project Officer, Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program, Division of Medicine and Dentistry, HRSA at [email protected] or (301) 443-7334.
FR Citation83 FR 29796 

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