83_FR_31483 83 FR 31354 - Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate Complex; Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications

83 FR 31354 - Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate Complex; Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 129 (July 5, 2018)

Page Range31354-31358
FR Document2018-14348

This rulemaking proposes regulations to approve and implement measures submitted by the New England Fishery Management Council in Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications to the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan. This action would implement 2018-2019 specifications, allow limited possession of barndoor skate in the skate wing fishery, and exempt vessels from some specific domestic skate regulations when fishing exclusively within the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Regulatory Area. The action is necessary to establish skate specifications to be consistent with the most recent scientific information, and improve management of the skate fisheries. This proposed action is intended to establish appropriate catch limits for the skate fishery and to provide additional operational flexibility to fishery participants.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 129 (Thursday, July 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 129 (Thursday, July 5, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 31354-31358]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14348]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 648

[Docket No. 180130101-8101-01]
RIN 0648-BH57

Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Skate 
Complex; Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.


SUMMARY: This rulemaking proposes regulations to approve and implement 
measures submitted by the New England Fishery Management Council in 
Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications to the Northeast 
Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan. This action would implement 
2018-2019 specifications, allow limited possession of barndoor skate in 
the skate wing fishery, and exempt vessels from some specific domestic 
skate regulations when fishing exclusively within the Northwest 
Atlantic Fisheries Organization Regulatory Area. The action is 
necessary to establish skate specifications to be consistent with the 
most recent scientific information, and improve management of the skate 
fisheries. This proposed action is intended to establish appropriate 
catch limits for the skate fishery and to provide additional 
operational flexibility to fishery participants.

DATES: Public comments must be received by August 6, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on this document, identified by 
NOAA-NMFS-2018-0054, by either of the following methods:
     Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public 
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to 
www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-0054, click the 
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or 
attach your comments.
     Mail: Submit written comments to Michael Pentony, Regional 
Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service, 55 Great Republic 
Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930-2276. Mark the outside of the envelope: 
``Comments on Skate Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business 
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily 
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous 
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain 
anonymous). Attachments to electronic comments will be accepted in 
Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
    New England Fishery Management Council staff prepared an 
environmental assessment (EA) for Northeast Skate Complex Framework 
Adjustment 5 and 2018-2019 Specifications that describes the proposed 
action and other considered alternatives. The EA provides an analysis 
of the biological, economic, and social impacts of the proposed 
measures and other considered alternatives, a preliminary Regulatory 
Impact Review, and economic analysis. Copies of the Framework 5 EA are 
available on request from Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director, New 
England Fishery Management Council, 50 Water Street, Newburyport, MA 
01950. This document is also available from the following internet 
addresses: http://www.nefmc.org and www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-0054.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Debra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst, 
(301) 427-8560.



    The Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan (FMP), 
developed by the New England Fishery Management Council and implemented 
in 2003, manages a complex of seven skate species (barndoor, clearnose, 
little, rosette, smooth, thorny, and winter skate) off the New England 
and mid-Atlantic coasts. Skates are harvested and managed in two 
different fisheries: One for food (the wing fishery) and one for 
lobster bait (the bait fishery). Additional information on the skate 
fisheries can be found online at https://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/sustainable/species/skate/index.html.
    The regulations implementing the Skate FMP at 50 CFR part 648, 
subpart O, outline the management procedures and measures for the skate 
fisheries. Specifications including the annual catch limit (ACL), 
annual catch target (ACT), total allowable landings (TAL) for the skate 
wing and bait fisheries, and possession limits may be specified for up 
to 2 years. The current specifications were implemented as part of 
Framework Adjustment 3 to the FMP and the 2016-2017 Specifications (81 
FR 54744; August 17, 2016). The Council is required to develop new 
specification recommendations for the 2018 and 2019 fishing years. 
Though the 2018 fishing year began on May 1, 2018, the existing

[[Page 31355]]

specifications and possession limits remain in effect until they are 
replaced. In addition to recommending specifications, the Council has 
recommended to allow limited possession of barndoor skate given that 
the stock is now rebuilt, and to exempt vessels from domestic skate 
regulations when fishing exclusively within the Northwest Atlantic 
Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area, except for the 
prohibition on possessing, retaining, or landing prohibited species.

Proposed Specifications

    In August 2017, the Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee 
reviewed updated information on the status of the 7 skate species and 
recommended an acceptable biological catch (ABC) of 31,327 mt for 
fishing years 2018 and 2019 (a slight increase from 31,081 mt in 2017). 
This ABC incorporates updated data from NMFS' trawl surveys and the new 
discard mortality estimate for winter skate in the sink gillnet fishery 
(14 percent, instead of the previously-assumed 50 percent). The ABC is 
based on the current default ABC control rule established in Amendment 
3. The control rule uses the median catch/biomass ratio as an estimate 
of exploitation rate applied to the three-year moving average biomass 
index. For these specifications of ABC, that includes using the 2015-
2017 spring survey data for little skate and the 2014-2016 fall survey 
data for the other managed skates.
    Both the Skate Advisory Panel and the Skate Committee met in 
September 2017 to discuss the skate specifications, following 
procedures in Amendment 3 to the FMP. The ACL for the skate complex is 
set equal to the ABC, and the ACT is specified at 75 percent of the ACL 
to account for scientific and management uncertainty. After deducting 
amounts for projected dead discards and state landings, the remaining 
catch is allocated as the wing and bait fisheries TALs. The Advisory 
Panel and Committee recommended specification measures to the Council 
who, in turn, has made recommendations to NMFS. NMFS is proposing the 
following specifications for the skate fisheries in 2018-2019 as 
recommended by the Council:
    1. An ABC and ACL of 31,327 mt;
    2. An ACT at 23,495 mt (75 percent of the ACL);
    3. A TAL of 8,749 mt for the wing fishery, that is divided into two 
seasons according to the current regulations at Sec.  648.322. In 
Season 1 (May 1-August 31), the TAL will be 4,987 mt (57 percent), and 
the remainder of the TAL allocated to Season 2 (September 1-April 30);
    4. Status quo possession limits for the wing fishery, as defined in 
Sec.  648.322(b): 2,600 lb (1,179 kg) of skate wings per trip in Season 
1, and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg) of wings per trip in Season 2 for vessels 
fishing on a Northeast multispecies, monkfish, or scallop day-at-sea 
(DAS). The Northeast Multispecies Category-B DAS possession limit 
remains at 220 lb (100 kg) skate wings per trip, and incidental 
possession limit for vessels not on a DAS remains at 500 lb (227 kg) 
wings per trip;
    5. A TAL of 4,408 mt for the bait fishery, that is divided into 
three seasons according to the current regulations at Sec.  648.322. In 
Season 1 (May 1-July 31), the TAL will be 1,358 mt (30.8 percent); in 
Season 2 (August 1-October 31) the TAL will be 1,635 mt (37.1 percent); 
and the remainder of the TAL (1,415 mt) is allocated to Season 3 
(November 1-April 30); and
    6. Status quo possession limits for the bait fishery, as defined in 
Sec.  648.322(c): The possession limit is 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) of 
whole skates per trip in Seasons 1 and 2, and 12,000 lb (5,443 kg) of 
whole skates per trip in Season 3, for vessels carrying a Skate Bait 
Letter of Authorization.

Proposed Measures To Allow Possession of Barndoor Skates

    Possession and landing of barndoor skate has been prohibited since 
2003, when the Northeast Skate Complex FMP was first implemented, as 
part of efforts to rebuild the stock. In response to NMFS' declaring 
the stock rebuilt in 2016, the Committee and Advisory Panel discussed 
options for allowing limited barndoor skate landings for vessels 
fishing for skate. The Council ultimately recommended allowing limited 
retention of barndoor skate in the wing fishery.
    NMFS is proposing to establish the Council's recommended 
proportional possession limit that corresponds to the barndoor skate 
contribution (25 percent) of overall skate catch based on observer 
data. To derive the proportional barndoor skate limit, the Council 
examined data from all observed trips that landed skate wings from 2012 
to 2016. For vessels fishing under a Northeast multispecies, scallop, 
or monkfish DAS, this would result in a barndoor skate possession limit 
of 650 lb (295 kg) wings in Season 1 and 1,025 lb (465 kg) wings in 
Season 2. The possession limits for barndoor skate wings are included 
within the overall wing possession limit (i.e., total pounds of skate 
wings on board, including barndoor skate wings, are not allowed to 
exceed 2,600 lb (1,179 kg) in Season 1 and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg) in 
Season 2). NMFS notes that the full barndoor wing possession limit may 
be realized, even if the full wing possession limit is not realized. 
For example, a vessel may possess 650 lb (295 kg) of barndoor skate 
wings in season 1, even if the vessel does not reach its full 2,600 lb 
(1,179 kg) possession limit.
    Framework 5 did not directly specify the barndoor possession limit 
when an inseason adjustment of the skate wing possession limit for the 
directed wing fishery is needed and the wing possession limit is 
reduced to 500 lb (227 kg); see current 50 CFR 648.322(b)(2). The 
inseason adjustment of the possession limit is used to prevent the 
directed wing fishery from exceeding seasonal quotas. To ensure the 
fishery operates consistently when an inseason adjustment is necessary, 
NMFS applied the same proportionality used to derive the barndoor 
possession limit under the full skate wing possession limit for 
directed skate wing fisheries (i.e., 25 percent of the wing possession 
limit) to specify the incidental barndoor skate wing possession limit. 
NMFS is proposing that when an incidental possession limit (500 lb (227 
kg) of skate wings) is implemented, the possession limit for barndoor 
skate wings will be 125 lb (57 kg) (see proposed regulatory text at 
Sec.  648.322(b)(3), below).
    Framework 5 did not propose, discuss, or analyze options for 
allowing barndoor possession for vessels operating under other 
possession limits for skates, including: Vessels fishing for bait skate 
under a bait letter of authorization (Sec.  648.322(c)); vessels 
fishing under a Northeast multispecies Category B DAS (Sec.  
648.322(b)); vessels fishing under the incidental skate possession 
limit for vessels not under a DAS (Sec.  648.322(b)); or when fishing 
in a Northeast multispecies DAS exemption program area that allows 
possession and landing of skate or skate parts (as specified in Sec.  
648.80(b)(3)(ii)) without a Northeast multispecies or monkfish DAS. 
Because barndoor possession under these scenarios was not explicitly 
proposed, considered, or analyzed, NMFS is not proposing to allow 
vessels operating under the above mentioned scenarios to possess 
barndoor skates. NMFS seeks comments and input on the proposal to not 
allow barndoor skate possession and landing by these incidental 
fisheries that do not operate under the ``directed'' fishery landing 
    Framework 5 also proposes that the body of any skate species 
already ``winged'' may not be discarded in order

[[Page 31356]]

to land barndoor skates (i.e., no high-grading). NMFS considers that 
the intent of this provision is to prevent high-grading by prohibiting 
the discarding of skate wings, as opposed to skate bodies, in order to 
land barndoor skate. The current regulations at Sec.  648.322(b)(4) 
allow skate bodies to be discarded at sea. NMFS agrees that high-
grading is a wasteful practice and should be discouraged; however, it 
will be difficult to determine if a vessel discarded skate wings of one 
species at sea with the intention of landing barndoor skate wings. 
Therefore, we propose prohibiting the discarding of any skate wings 
when barndoor is in possession. NMFS expects this measure to capture 
the intent of the no high-grading provision within Framework 5 and 
seeks comments on this measure.
    Lastly, NMFS is proposing that barndoor skate wings and carcasses 
on board a vessel that is subject to barndoor possession limits must be 
separated from other species of fish and stored so as to be readily 
available for inspection. This provision was not part of Skate 
Framework 5, but NMFS determined it is necessary to aid in the 
enforcement of barndoor possession limits. This provision is being 
proposed under the authority of section 305(d) of the Magnuson-Stevens 
Act. Similar separation provisions exist in other fisheries; for 
example, scallop dredge vessels that are permitted to possess a limited 
amount of haddock must separate the haddock from other species on board 
(see Sec.  648.86(a)(2)(iii)). We are seeking comments on this 
provision and input as to whether this provision will aid in compliance 
and enforcement and if it will be logistically challenging for vessels 
to keep barndoor skate separate from other species on board.

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Regulatory Area Exemption 

    At their September 2017 meeting, the Council agreed to add the NAFO 
Regulatory Area exemption program into Framework 5 in response to 
public comment. The Council took final action to approve the NAFO 
exemption at their December 2017 meeting. Framework 5 proposes to 
exempt vessels from domestic skate regulations when fishing exclusively 
within the NAFO Regulatory Area, except for the prohibition on 
possessing, retaining, or landing prohibited species. U.S. vessels 
fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area are currently exempt from domestic 
Northeast multispecies and monkfish permit, mesh size, effort-control, 
and possession limit restrictions (see Sec.  648.17). U.S. vessels in 
the NAFO area are largely targeting yellowtail flounder and Atlantic 
halibut, and exempting these vessels from domestic skate regulations 
would provide them additional flexibility to retain and land skates in 
the United States. NAFO specifies an annual quota for skates (in 2018 
the quota is 258 mt), and that quota is not allocated to particular 
countries; access to skates is on a first come, first served basis. The 
NAFO-specified incidental possession limit for skates is 2,500 kg or 10 
percent of the total catch retained; when the skate quota has been 
reached, the incidental possession limit drops to 1,250 kg or 5 percent 
of total catch retained.
    NMFS is proposing that vessels fishing under a High Seas Permit 
within the NAFO Regulatory Area are exempt from domestic skate permit 
and possession limit restrictions. However, vessels will not be exempt 
from the prohibition on possessing, retaining, or landing prohibited 
skate species specified in Sec. Sec.  648.14(v) and 648.322(g). 
Barndoor skate is currently a prohibited species but, as described 
above, NMFS is proposing through this action to allow a limited amount 
of barndoor skate possession within the directed wing fishery. 
Therefore, we are proposing that U.S. vessels fishing in the NAFO 
Regulatory Area be allowed to possess barndoor skate consistent with 
the NAFO-established incidental possession limits, but are not exempt 
from the prohibition on possessing, retaining, or landing other 
prohibited skate species (i.e., thorny skate and smooth skates) 
specified in Sec. Sec.  648.14(v) and 648.322(g). Further, the skate 
catch from the NAFO Regulatory Area would not count against domestic 
skate TALs. To be eligible for this proposed exemption, vessels would 
be required to: Have on board a letter of authorization (LOA) issued by 
the Regional Administrator; except for transiting purposes, fish 
exclusively in the NAFO Regulated Area and not harvest fish in, or 
possess fish harvested from, the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); ensure 
all gear is properly stowed and not available for immediate use when 
transiting the EEZ; and comply with all High Seas Fishing Compliance 
Permit and NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures while fishing in 
the NAFO Regulated Area (Sec.  648.17(b)).


    Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the 
NMFS Assistant Administrator has made a preliminary determination that 
this proposed rule is consistent with the FMP, Framework 5, provisions 
of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable law, subject to 
further consideration after public comment.
    This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    The Chief Counsel for Regulation of the Department of Commerce 
certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
Administration (SBA) that this proposed rule, if adopted, would not 
have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small 
entities. The factual basis for this determination is as follows.
    The purpose of this action was previously outlined in the preamble 
to this proposed rule and is not repeated here. As proposed, the TALs 
for the wing fishery and bait fishery would increase slightly. This 
action, if implemented, would provide additional flexibility and 
opportunities in the fishery by slightly increasing TALs, allowing 
limited landings of barndoor skate under certain specific 
circumstances, and by allowing vessels fishing exclusively within the 
NAFO Regulatory Area the opportunity to retain and land skate in the 
United States.
    The action would impact vessels or affiliated groups that hold 
Federal skate permits and participate in skate fisheries, and vessels 
that fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area. The Council's analysis of 2015 
data indicates that the skate fishery had 329 affiliated groups with 
single permits, and another 89 vessels belonged to affiliated groups 
that hold 2 or more permits. Because only two vessels participated in 
the NAFO Regulated Area recently, a quantitative analysis cannot be 
reported for those vessels because of confidentiality requirements. In 
addition, because possession of barndoor skates has been prohibited 
since 2003, the number of vessels that would land barndoor skate and 
the amount of landings is unknown and cannot be quantitatively 
analyzed. It is difficult to quantitatively analyze the economic 
impacts of increasing TALs, as economic impacts would have to be 
compared against 2015 fishing year data (the last year in which the 
incidental possession limit was not imposed) when TALs were higher than 
2016 and 2017 levels, and proposed 2018 levels. Therefore, a 
qualitative analysis is described below.
    For Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) purposes only, NMFS has 
established a small business size standard for businesses, including 
their affiliates, whose primary industry is commercial fishing (see 
Sec.  200.2). A business primarily engaged in commercial fishing (NAICS 
code 11411) is classified as a small business if it is independently

[[Page 31357]]

owned and operated, is not dominant in its field of operation 
(including its affiliates), and has combined annual receipts not in 
excess of $11.0 million for all its affiliated operations worldwide. 
The determination as to whether the entity is large or small is based 
on a 3-year average of annual revenue.
    Affiliate data are assembled by NMFS, as of June 1st each year, for 
analysis required by the RFA. During fishing year 2015, 371 regulated 
entities landed skates; 369 entities were small and 2 were large. All 
371 entities could be directly regulated by this proposed action.
    This action, which proposes to slightly increase TALs relative to 
the 2017 fishing year, allows landing of barndoor skate in the directed 
skate wing fishery, and allows vessels fishing exclusively within the 
NAFO Regulatory Area the opportunity to retain and land skate in the 
United States, would result in increased economic opportunity to 
regulated entities by providing fishermen with additional fishing 
opportunities and enhance their operational flexibility. This action is 
not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. The effects on the regulated small entities 
in this analysis are expected to be positive relative to the no action 
alternative. Under the proposed action, small entities would not be 
placed at a competitive disadvantage relative to large entities, and 
the regulations would not reduce profits for any small entities. As a 
result, an initial regulatory flexibility analysis is not required and 
none has been prepared.
    This rulemaking would not establish any new reporting or record-
keeping requirements.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648

    Fisheries, Fishing, Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

     Dated: June 28, 2018.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is 
proposed to be amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 648 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

2. In Sec.  648.14, revise paragraphs (v)(2) and (v)(4) to read as 

Sec.  648.14  Prohibitions.

* * * * *
    (v) * * *
    (2) All Federal permit holders. It is unlawful for any owner or 
operator of a vessel holding a valid Federal permit to do any of the 
    (i) Retain, possess, or land thorny skates taken in or from the EEZ 
portion of the skate management unit specified at Sec.  648.2.
    (ii) Retain, possess, or land barndoor skates taken in or from the 
EEZ portion of the skate management unit when fishing under a bait 
letter of authorization as described in Sec.  648.322(c); when fishing 
under a NE multispecies Category B DAS as described under Sec.  
648.322(b); when fishing under the incidental skate possession limit 
for vessels not under a DAS as described in Sec.  648.322(b)(4); or 
when fishing in a NE multispecies DAS exemption program that allows the 
possession of skate or skate parts in an amount not to exceed 10 
percent by weight of all other species on board, as specified in Sec.  
648.80(b)(3)(ii), without a NE multispecies or monkfish DAS.
    (iii) Discard any skate wings when in possession of barndoor skate 
    (iv) Retain, possess, or land smooth skates taken in or from the 
GOM RMA described at Sec.  648.80(a)(1)(i).
* * * * *
    (4) Presumption. For purposes of this part, the following 
presumption applies: All skates retained or possessed on a vessel are 
deemed to have been harvested in or from the Skate Management Unit, 
unless the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that such skates were 
harvested by a vessel, that has not been issued a Federal skate permit, 
fishing exclusively outside of the EEZ portion (such as fishing within 
the NAFO Regulatory Area under Sec.  648.17(a)(3)) of the skate 
management unit or only in state waters.
* * * * *
3. In Sec.  648.17, add paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:

Sec.  648.17   Exemptions for vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory 

    (a) * * *
    (3) Skates. A vessel issued a valid High Seas Fishing Compliance 
Permit under part 300 of this title and that complies with the 
requirements specified in paragraph (b) of this section is exempt from 
skate permit and possession limit restrictions, specified in Sec. Sec.  
648.4, and 648.322, respectively, and from Atlantic sea scallop, NE 
multispecies, or monkfish DAS effort control restrictions specified in 
Sec. Sec.  648.53, 648.82, and 648.92, respectively, and from mesh size 
and gear restrictions specified in Sec. Sec.  648.51, 648.80, and 
648.91, respectively, while transiting the EEZ with skates on board the 
vessel, or landing skates in U.S. ports that were caught while fishing 
in the NAFO Regulatory Area. These vessels may possess, retain, and 
land barndoor skate; however, they may not possess, retain, or land 
other prohibited skate species specified in Sec. Sec.  648.14(v) and 
* * * * *
4. In Sec.  648.80, revise paragraph (b)(3)(ii) to read as follows:

Sec.  648.80   NE Multispecies regulated mesh areas and restrictions on 
gear and methods of fishing.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (ii) Possession and net stowage requirements. Vessels may possess 
regulated species while in possession of nets with mesh smaller than 
the minimum size specified in paragraphs (a)(4) and (b)(2) of this 
section when fishing in the SNE Exemption Area defined in paragraph 
(b)(10) of this section, provided that such nets are stowed and are not 
available for immediate use as defined in Sec.  648.2, and provided 
that regulated species were not harvested by nets of mesh size smaller 
than the minimum mesh size specified in paragraphs (a)(4) and (b)(2) of 
this section. Vessels fishing for the exempted species identified in 
paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section may also possess and retain the 
following species, with the restrictions noted, as incidental take to 
these exempted fisheries: Conger eels; sea robins; black sea bass; red 
hake; tautog (blackfish); blowfish; cunner; John Dory; mullet; 
bluefish; tilefish; longhorn sculpin; fourspot flounder; alewife; 
hickory shad; American shad; blueback herring; sea raven; Atlantic 
croaker; spot; swordfish; monkfish and monkfish parts--up to 10 
percent, by weight, of all other species on board or up to 50 lb (23 
kg) tail-weight/166 lb (75 kg) whole weight of monkfish per trip, as 
specified in Sec.  648.94(c)(4), whichever is less; American lobster--
up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other species on board or 200 
lobsters, whichever is less; and skate and skate parts (except for 
barndoor skate and other prohibited skate species (see Sec. Sec.  
648.14(v)(2) and 648.322(g))--up to 10 percent, by weight, of all other 
species on board.
* * * * *
5. In Sec.  648.322, revise paragraphs (b) and (g) to read as follows:

[[Page 31358]]

Sec.  648.322  Skate allocation, possession, and landing provisions.

* * * * *
    (b) Skate wing possession and landing limits. (1) Vessels fishing 
under an Atlantic sea scallop, NE multispecies, or monkfish DAS. (i) A 
vessel or operator of a vessel that has been issued a valid Federal 
skate permit under this part, and fishes under an Atlantic sea scallop, 
NE multispecies, or monkfish DAS as specified at Sec. Sec.  648.53, 
648.82, and 648.92, respectively, unless otherwise exempted under Sec.  
648.80 or paragraph (c) of this section, may fish for, possess, and/or 
land up to the allowable trip limits specified as follows: Up to 2,600 
lb (1,179 kg) of skate wings (5,902 lb (2,677 kg) whole weight) per 
trip in Season 1 (May 1 through August 31), and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg) of 
skate wings (9,307 lb (4,222 kg) whole weight) per trip in Season 2 
(September 1 through April 30), or any prorated combination of the 
allowable landing forms defined at paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
    (ii) When fishing under the possession limits specified in 
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, a vessel is allowed to possess and 
land up to 650 lb (295 kg) of barndoor skate wings (1,476 lb (670 kg) 
whole weight) per trip in Season 1, and 1,025 lb (465 kg) of barndoor 
skate wings (2,327 lb (1,056 kg) whole weight) per trip in Season 2. 
The possession limits for barndoor skate wings are included within the 
overall possession limit (i.e., total pounds of skate wings on board, 
including barndoor skate wings, are not allowed to exceed 2,600 lb in 
Season 1 and 4,100 lb in Season 2). Vessels are prohibited from 
discarding any skate wings when in possession of barndoor skate wings. 
Barndoor skate wings and carcasses on board a vessel subject to this 
possession limit must be separated from other species of fish and 
stored so as to be readily available for inspection.
    (2) NE multispecies Category B DAS. A vessel fishing on a declared 
NE multispecies Category B DAS described under Sec.  648.85(b), is 
limited to no more than 220 lb (100 kg) of skate wings (500 lb (227 kg) 
whole weight) per trip, or any prorated combination of the allowable 
landing forms defined at paragraph (b)(5) of this section. These 
vessels may not possess or land barndoor skate, or any other prohibited 
skate species (see Sec. Sec.  648.14(v)(2) and 648.322(g)).
    (3) In-season adjustment of skate wing possession limits. The 
Regional Administrator has the authority, through a notice in the 
Federal Register consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act, to 
reduce the skate wing possession limit to 500 lb (227 kg) of skate 
wings (1,135 lb (515 kg) whole weight) or any prorated combination of 
the allowable landing forms defined at paragraph (b)(5) of this 
section) for the remainder of the applicable quota season. When the 
incidental possession limit is implemented, a vessel is allowed to 
possess and land up to 125 lb (57 kg) of barndoor skate wings (284 lb 
(129 kg) whole weight) per trip. The possession limits for barndoor 
skate wings are included within the overall possession limit (i.e., 
total pounds of skate wings on board, including barndoor skate wings, 
are not allowed to exceed 500 lb). Vessels are prohibited from 
discarding any skate wings when in possession of barndoor skate wings. 
Barndoor skate wings and carcasses on board a vessel subject to this 
possession limit must be separated from other species of fish and 
stored so as to be readily available for inspection. The in-season 
adjustment of skate wing possession limits will be implemented under 
the following circumstances:
    (i) When 85 percent of the Season 1 skate wing quota is projected 
to be landed between May 1 and August 17, the Regional Administrator 
shall reduce the skate wing possession limit to the incidental level 
described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
    (ii) When 85 percent of the Season 1 skate wing quota is projected 
to be landed between August 18 and August 31, the Regional 
Administrator may reduce the skate wing possession limit to the 
incidental level described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
    (iii) When 85 percent of the annual skate wing fishery TAL is 
projected to be landed in Season 2, the Regional Administrator may 
reduce the skate wing possession limit to the incidental level 
described in this paragraph, unless such a reduction would be expected 
to prevent attainment of the annual TAL.
    (4) Incidental possession limit for vessels not under a DAS. A 
vessel issued a Federal skate permit that is not fishing under an 
Atlantic sea scallop, NE multispecies, or monkfish DAS as specified at 
Sec. Sec.  648.53, 648.82, and 648.92, respectively, or is a limited 
access multispecies vessel participating in an approved sector 
described under Sec.  648.87 but not fishing on one of the DAS 
specified at Sec. Sec.  648.53, 648.82, or 648.92, may retain up to 500 
lb (227 kg) of skate wings or 1,135 lb (515 kg) of whole skate, or any 
prorated combination of the allowable landing forms defined at 
paragraph (b)(5) of this section. These vessels may not possess or land 
barndoor skate, or any other prohibited skate species (see Sec. Sec.  
648.14(v)(2) and 648.322(g)).
    (5) Allowable forms of skate landings. Except for vessels fishing 
under a skate bait letter of authorization as specified at Sec.  
648.322(c), a vessel may possess and/or land skates as wings only 
(wings removed from the body of the skate and the remaining carcass 
discarded), wings with associated carcasses possessed separately (wings 
removed from the body of the skate but the associated carcass retained 
on board the vessel), or in whole (intact) form, or any combination of 
the three, provided that the weight of the skate carcasses on board the 
vessel does not exceed 1.27 times the weight of skate wings on board. 
When any combination of skate wings, carcasses, and whole skates are 
possessed and/or landed, the applicable possession or landing limit 
shall be based on the whole weight limit, in which any wings are 
converted to whole weight using the wing to whole weight conversion 
factor of 2.27. For example, if the vessel possesses 100 lb (45.4 kg) 
of skate wings, the whole weight equivalent would be 227 lb (103.0 kg) 
of whole skates (100 lb (45.4 kg) x 2.27), and the vessel could possess 
up to 127 lb (57.6 kg) of skate carcasses (100 lb (45.4 kg) of skate 
wings x 1.27). A vessel may not possess and/or land skate carcasses and 
only whole skates.
* * * * *
    (g) Prohibitions on possession of skates. A vessel fishing in the 
EEZ portion of the Skate Management Unit may not:
    (1) Retain, possess, or land thorny skates taken in or from the EEZ 
portion of the Skate Management Unit.
    (2) Retain, possess, or land barndoor skates taken in or from the 
EEZ portion of the skate management unit when fishing under a bait 
letter of authorization as described in Sec.  648.322(c); when fishing 
under a NE multispecies Category B DAS as described under Sec.  
648.322(b); when fishing under the incidental skate possession limit 
for vessels not under a DAS as described in Sec.  648.322(b)(4); or 
when fishing in a NE multispecies DAS exemption program that allows the 
possession of skate or skate parts in an amount not to exceed 10 
percent by weight of all other species on board, as specified in Sec.  
648.80(b)(3)(ii), without a NE multispecies or monkfish DAS.
    (3) Discard any skate wings when in possession of barndoor skate 
    (4) Retain, possess, or land smooth skates taken in or from the GOM 
RMA described at Sec.  648.80(a)(1)(i).
[FR Doc. 2018-14348 Filed 7-3-18; 8:45 am]

                                                31354                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                  • Does not have federalism                             Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    remain anonymous). Attachments to
                                                implications as specified in Executive                   Commerce.                                             electronic comments will be accepted in
                                                Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,                     ACTION: Proposed rule; request for                    Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF
                                                1999);                                                   comments.                                             file formats only.
                                                  • Is not an economically significant                                                                            New England Fishery Management
                                                regulatory action based on health or                     SUMMARY:    This rulemaking proposes                  Council staff prepared an environmental
                                                safety risks subject to Executive Order                  regulations to approve and implement                  assessment (EA) for Northeast Skate
                                                13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);                     measures submitted by the New                         Complex Framework Adjustment 5 and
                                                  • Is not a significant regulatory action               England Fishery Management Council                    2018–2019 Specifications that describes
                                                subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR                  in Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018–                   the proposed action and other
                                                28355, May 22, 2001);                                    2019 Specifications to the Northeast                  considered alternatives. The EA
                                                  • Is not subject to requirements of                    Skate Complex Fishery Management                      provides an analysis of the biological,
                                                section 12(d) of the National                            Plan. This action would implement                     economic, and social impacts of the
                                                Technology Transfer and Advancement                      2018–2019 specifications, allow limited               proposed measures and other
                                                Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because                 possession of barndoor skate in the                   considered alternatives, a preliminary
                                                application of those requirements would                  skate wing fishery, and exempt vessels                Regulatory Impact Review, and
                                                be inconsistent with the CAA; and                        from some specific domestic skate                     economic analysis. Copies of the
                                                  • Does not provide EPA with the                        regulations when fishing exclusively                  Framework 5 EA are available on
                                                discretionary authority to address, as                   within the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries               request from Thomas A. Nies, Executive
                                                appropriate, disproportionate human                      Organization Regulatory Area. The                     Director, New England Fishery
                                                health or environmental effects, using                   action is necessary to establish skate                Management Council, 50 Water Street,
                                                practicable and legally permissible                      specifications to be consistent with the              Newburyport, MA 01950. This
                                                methods, under Executive Order 12898                     most recent scientific information, and               document is also available from the
                                                (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                         improve management of the skate                       following internet addresses: http://
                                                  In addition, this proposed rule, which                 fisheries. This proposed action is                    www.nefmc.org and
                                                proposes approval of Maryland’s                          intended to establish appropriate catch               www.regulations.gov/
                                                infrastructure SIP submittal for the 2012                limits for the skate fishery and to                   #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-
                                                PM2.5 NAAQS, does not have tribal                        provide additional operational                        0054.
                                                implications as specified by Executive                   flexibility to fishery participants.                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,                    DATES: Public comments must be                        Debra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst,
                                                2000), because the SIP is not approved                   received by August 6, 2018.                           (301) 427–8560.
                                                to apply in Indian country located in the                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                state, and EPA notes that it will not                    on this document, identified by NOAA-
                                                impose substantial direct costs on tribal                NMFS-2018-0054, by either of the                      Background
                                                governments or preempt tribal law.                       following methods:                                       The Northeast Skate Complex Fishery
                                                List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52                          • Electronic Submission: Submit all                Management Plan (FMP), developed by
                                                                                                         electronic public comments via the                    the New England Fishery Management
                                                  Environmental protection, Air                          Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to                    Council and implemented in 2003,
                                                pollution control, Incorporation by                      www.regulations.gov/                                  manages a complex of seven skate
                                                reference, Intergovernmental relations,                  #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-                      species (barndoor, clearnose, little,
                                                Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter,                    0054, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,                rosette, smooth, thorny, and winter
                                                Reporting and recordkeeping                              complete the required fields, and enter               skate) off the New England and mid-
                                                requirements, Sulfur oxides.                             or attach your comments.                              Atlantic coasts. Skates are harvested and
                                                   Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.                        • Mail: Submit written comments to                 managed in two different fisheries: One
                                                  Dated: June 19, 2018.
                                                                                                         Michael Pentony, Regional                             for food (the wing fishery) and one for
                                                                                                         Administrator, National Marine                        lobster bait (the bait fishery). Additional
                                                Cosmo Servidio,
                                                                                                         Fisheries Service, 55 Great Republic                  information on the skate fisheries can be
                                                Regional Administrator, Region III.                      Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930–2276.                     found online at https://
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–14331 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]               Mark the outside of the envelope:                     www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/
                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                   ‘‘Comments on Skate Framework                         sustainable/species/skate/index.html.
                                                                                                         Adjustment 5 and 2018–2019                               The regulations implementing the
                                                                                                         Specifications.’’                                     Skate FMP at 50 CFR part 648, subpart
                                                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                      Instructions: Comments sent by any                 O, outline the management procedures
                                                                                                         other method, to any other address or                 and measures for the skate fisheries.
                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric                         individual, or received after the end of              Specifications including the annual
                                                Administration                                           the comment period, may not be                        catch limit (ACL), annual catch target
                                                                                                         considered by NMFS. All comments                      (ACT), total allowable landings (TAL)
                                                50 CFR Part 648                                          received are a part of the public record              for the skate wing and bait fisheries, and
                                                [Docket No. 180130101–8101–01]                           and will generally be posted for public               possession limits may be specified for
                                                                                                         viewing on www.regulations.gov                        up to 2 years. The current specifications
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                RIN 0648–BH57                                            without change. All personal identifying              were implemented as part of Framework
                                                Fisheries of the Northeastern United                     information (e.g., name, address, etc.),              Adjustment 3 to the FMP and the 2016–
                                                States; Northeast Skate Complex;                         confidential business information, or                 2017 Specifications (81 FR 54744;
                                                Framework Adjustment 5 and 2018–                         otherwise sensitive information                       August 17, 2016). The Council is
                                                2019 Specifications                                      submitted voluntarily by the sender will              required to develop new specification
                                                                                                         be publicly accessible. NMFS will                     recommendations for the 2018 and 2019
                                                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                       accept anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/                 fishing years. Though the 2018 fishing
                                                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                     A’’ in the required fields if you wish to             year began on May 1, 2018, the existing

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          31355

                                                specifications and possession limits                     allocated to Season 2 (September 1–                   exceed 2,600 lb (1,179 kg) in Season 1
                                                remain in effect until they are replaced.                April 30);                                            and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg) in Season 2).
                                                In addition to recommending                                 4. Status quo possession limits for the            NMFS notes that the full barndoor wing
                                                specifications, the Council has                          wing fishery, as defined in § 648.322(b):             possession limit may be realized, even
                                                recommended to allow limited                             2,600 lb (1,179 kg) of skate wings per                if the full wing possession limit is not
                                                possession of barndoor skate given that                  trip in Season 1, and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg)             realized. For example, a vessel may
                                                the stock is now rebuilt, and to exempt                  of wings per trip in Season 2 for vessels             possess 650 lb (295 kg) of barndoor
                                                vessels from domestic skate regulations                  fishing on a Northeast multispecies,                  skate wings in season 1, even if the
                                                when fishing exclusively within the                      monkfish, or scallop day-at-sea (DAS).                vessel does not reach its full 2,600 lb
                                                Northwest Atlantic Fisheries                             The Northeast Multispecies Category-B                 (1,179 kg) possession limit.
                                                Organization (NAFO) Regulatory Area,                     DAS possession limit remains at 220 lb                   Framework 5 did not directly specify
                                                except for the prohibition on possessing,                (100 kg) skate wings per trip, and                    the barndoor possession limit when an
                                                retaining, or landing prohibited species.                incidental possession limit for vessels               inseason adjustment of the skate wing
                                                                                                         not on a DAS remains at 500 lb (227 kg)               possession limit for the directed wing
                                                Proposed Specifications                                  wings per trip;                                       fishery is needed and the wing
                                                   In August 2017, the Council’s                            5. A TAL of 4,408 mt for the bait                  possession limit is reduced to 500 lb
                                                Scientific and Statistical Committee                     fishery, that is divided into three                   (227 kg); see current 50 CFR
                                                reviewed updated information on the                      seasons according to the current                      648.322(b)(2). The inseason adjustment
                                                status of the 7 skate species and                        regulations at § 648.322. In Season 1                 of the possession limit is used to
                                                recommended an acceptable biological                     (May 1–July 31), the TAL will be 1,358                prevent the directed wing fishery from
                                                catch (ABC) of 31,327 mt for fishing                     mt (30.8 percent); in Season 2 (August                exceeding seasonal quotas. To ensure
                                                years 2018 and 2019 (a slight increase                   1–October 31) the TAL will be 1,635 mt                the fishery operates consistently when
                                                from 31,081 mt in 2017). This ABC                        (37.1 percent); and the remainder of the              an inseason adjustment is necessary,
                                                incorporates updated data from NMFS’                     TAL (1,415 mt) is allocated to Season 3               NMFS applied the same proportionality
                                                trawl surveys and the new discard                        (November 1–April 30); and                            used to derive the barndoor possession
                                                mortality estimate for winter skate in                      6. Status quo possession limits for the            limit under the full skate wing
                                                the sink gillnet fishery (14 percent,                    bait fishery, as defined in § 648.322(c):             possession limit for directed skate wing
                                                instead of the previously-assumed 50                     The possession limit is 25,000 lb                     fisheries (i.e., 25 percent of the wing
                                                percent). The ABC is based on the                        (11,340 kg) of whole skates per trip in               possession limit) to specify the
                                                current default ABC control rule                         Seasons 1 and 2, and 12,000 lb (5,443                 incidental barndoor skate wing
                                                established in Amendment 3. The                          kg) of whole skates per trip in Season 3,             possession limit. NMFS is proposing
                                                control rule uses the median catch/                      for vessels carrying a Skate Bait Letter              that when an incidental possession limit
                                                biomass ratio as an estimate of                          of Authorization.                                     (500 lb (227 kg) of skate wings) is
                                                exploitation rate applied to the three-                  Proposed Measures To Allow                            implemented, the possession limit for
                                                year moving average biomass index. For                   Possession of Barndoor Skates                         barndoor skate wings will be 125 lb (57
                                                these specifications of ABC, that                                                                              kg) (see proposed regulatory text at
                                                includes using the 2015–2017 spring                        Possession and landing of barndoor                  § 648.322(b)(3), below).
                                                survey data for little skate and the 2014–               skate has been prohibited since 2003,                    Framework 5 did not propose,
                                                2016 fall survey data for the other                      when the Northeast Skate Complex FMP                  discuss, or analyze options for allowing
                                                managed skates.                                          was first implemented, as part of efforts             barndoor possession for vessels
                                                   Both the Skate Advisory Panel and                     to rebuild the stock. In response to                  operating under other possession limits
                                                the Skate Committee met in September                     NMFS’ declaring the stock rebuilt in                  for skates, including: Vessels fishing for
                                                2017 to discuss the skate specifications,                2016, the Committee and Advisory                      bait skate under a bait letter of
                                                following procedures in Amendment 3                      Panel discussed options for allowing                  authorization (§ 648.322(c)); vessels
                                                to the FMP. The ACL for the skate                        limited barndoor skate landings for                   fishing under a Northeast multispecies
                                                complex is set equal to the ABC, and the                 vessels fishing for skate. The Council                Category B DAS (§ 648.322(b)); vessels
                                                ACT is specified at 75 percent of the                    ultimately recommended allowing                       fishing under the incidental skate
                                                ACL to account for scientific and                        limited retention of barndoor skate in                possession limit for vessels not under a
                                                management uncertainty. After                            the wing fishery.                                     DAS (§ 648.322(b)); or when fishing in
                                                deducting amounts for projected dead                       NMFS is proposing to establish the                  a Northeast multispecies DAS
                                                discards and state landings, the                         Council’s recommended proportional                    exemption program area that allows
                                                remaining catch is allocated as the wing                 possession limit that corresponds to the              possession and landing of skate or skate
                                                and bait fisheries TALs. The Advisory                    barndoor skate contribution (25 percent)              parts (as specified in § 648.80(b)(3)(ii))
                                                Panel and Committee recommended                          of overall skate catch based on observer              without a Northeast multispecies or
                                                specification measures to the Council                    data. To derive the proportional                      monkfish DAS. Because barndoor
                                                who, in turn, has made                                   barndoor skate limit, the Council                     possession under these scenarios was
                                                recommendations to NMFS. NMFS is                         examined data from all observed trips                 not explicitly proposed, considered, or
                                                proposing the following specifications                   that landed skate wings from 2012 to                  analyzed, NMFS is not proposing to
                                                for the skate fisheries in 2018–2019 as                  2016. For vessels fishing under a                     allow vessels operating under the above
                                                recommended by the Council:                              Northeast multispecies, scallop, or                   mentioned scenarios to possess
                                                   1. An ABC and ACL of 31,327 mt;                       monkfish DAS, this would result in a                  barndoor skates. NMFS seeks comments
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                   2. An ACT at 23,495 mt (75 percent                    barndoor skate possession limit of 650                and input on the proposal to not allow
                                                of the ACL);                                             lb (295 kg) wings in Season 1 and 1,025               barndoor skate possession and landing
                                                   3. A TAL of 8,749 mt for the wing                     lb (465 kg) wings in Season 2. The                    by these incidental fisheries that do not
                                                fishery, that is divided into two seasons                possession limits for barndoor skate                  operate under the ‘‘directed’’ fishery
                                                according to the current regulations at                  wings are included within the overall                 landing provisions.
                                                § 648.322. In Season 1 (May 1–August                     wing possession limit (i.e., total pounds                Framework 5 also proposes that the
                                                31), the TAL will be 4,987 mt (57                        of skate wings on board, including                    body of any skate species already
                                                percent), and the remainder of the TAL                   barndoor skate wings, are not allowed to              ‘‘winged’’ may not be discarded in order

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                                                31356                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                to land barndoor skates (i.e., no high-                  are largely targeting yellowtail flounder             applicable law, subject to further
                                                grading). NMFS considers that the                        and Atlantic halibut, and exempting                   consideration after public comment.
                                                intent of this provision is to prevent                   these vessels from domestic skate                        This proposed rule has been
                                                high-grading by prohibiting the                          regulations would provide them                        determined to be not significant for
                                                discarding of skate wings, as opposed to                 additional flexibility to retain and land             purposes of Executive Order 12866.
                                                skate bodies, in order to land barndoor                  skates in the United States. NAFO                        The Chief Counsel for Regulation of
                                                skate. The current regulations at                        specifies an annual quota for skates (in              the Department of Commerce certified
                                                § 648.322(b)(4) allow skate bodies to be                 2018 the quota is 258 mt), and that                   to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
                                                discarded at sea. NMFS agrees that high-                 quota is not allocated to particular                  Small Business Administration (SBA)
                                                grading is a wasteful practice and                       countries; access to skates is on a first             that this proposed rule, if adopted,
                                                should be discouraged; however, it will                  come, first served basis. The NAFO-                   would not have a significant economic
                                                be difficult to determine if a vessel                    specified incidental possession limit for             effect on a substantial number of small
                                                discarded skate wings of one species at                  skates is 2,500 kg or 10 percent of the               entities. The factual basis for this
                                                sea with the intention of landing                        total catch retained; when the skate                  determination is as follows.
                                                barndoor skate wings. Therefore, we                      quota has been reached, the incidental                   The purpose of this action was
                                                propose prohibiting the discarding of                    possession limit drops to 1,250 kg or 5               previously outlined in the preamble to
                                                any skate wings when barndoor is in                      percent of total catch retained.                      this proposed rule and is not repeated
                                                possession. NMFS expects this measure                       NMFS is proposing that vessels                     here. As proposed, the TALs for the
                                                to capture the intent of the no high-                    fishing under a High Seas Permit within               wing fishery and bait fishery would
                                                grading provision within Framework 5                     the NAFO Regulatory Area are exempt                   increase slightly. This action, if
                                                and seeks comments on this measure.                      from domestic skate permit and                        implemented, would provide additional
                                                   Lastly, NMFS is proposing that                        possession limit restrictions. However,               flexibility and opportunities in the
                                                barndoor skate wings and carcasses on                    vessels will not be exempt from the                   fishery by slightly increasing TALs,
                                                board a vessel that is subject to barndoor               prohibition on possessing, retaining, or              allowing limited landings of barndoor
                                                possession limits must be separated                      landing prohibited skate species                      skate under certain specific
                                                from other species of fish and stored so                 specified in §§ 648.14(v) and 648.322(g).             circumstances, and by allowing vessels
                                                as to be readily available for inspection.               Barndoor skate is currently a prohibited              fishing exclusively within the NAFO
                                                This provision was not part of Skate                     species but, as described above, NMFS                 Regulatory Area the opportunity to
                                                Framework 5, but NMFS determined it                      is proposing through this action to allow             retain and land skate in the United
                                                is necessary to aid in the enforcement of                a limited amount of barndoor skate                    States.
                                                barndoor possession limits. This                         possession within the directed wing                      The action would impact vessels or
                                                provision is being proposed under the                    fishery. Therefore, we are proposing that             affiliated groups that hold Federal skate
                                                authority of section 305(d) of the                       U.S. vessels fishing in the NAFO                      permits and participate in skate
                                                Magnuson-Stevens Act. Similar                            Regulatory Area be allowed to possess                 fisheries, and vessels that fish in the
                                                separation provisions exist in other                     barndoor skate consistent with the                    NAFO Regulatory Area. The Council’s
                                                fisheries; for example, scallop dredge                   NAFO-established incidental possession                analysis of 2015 data indicates that the
                                                vessels that are permitted to possess a                  limits, but are not exempt from the                   skate fishery had 329 affiliated groups
                                                limited amount of haddock must                           prohibition on possessing, retaining, or              with single permits, and another 89
                                                separate the haddock from other species                  landing other prohibited skate species                vessels belonged to affiliated groups that
                                                on board (see § 648.86(a)(2)(iii)). We are               (i.e., thorny skate and smooth skates)                hold 2 or more permits. Because only
                                                seeking comments on this provision and                   specified in §§ 648.14(v) and 648.322(g).             two vessels participated in the NAFO
                                                input as to whether this provision will                  Further, the skate catch from the NAFO                Regulated Area recently, a quantitative
                                                aid in compliance and enforcement and                    Regulatory Area would not count                       analysis cannot be reported for those
                                                if it will be logistically challenging for               against domestic skate TALs. To be                    vessels because of confidentiality
                                                vessels to keep barndoor skate separate                  eligible for this proposed exemption,                 requirements. In addition, because
                                                from other species on board.                             vessels would be required to: Have on                 possession of barndoor skates has been
                                                                                                         board a letter of authorization (LOA)                 prohibited since 2003, the number of
                                                Northwest Atlantic Fisheries                                                                                   vessels that would land barndoor skate
                                                                                                         issued by the Regional Administrator;
                                                Organization Regulatory Area                                                                                   and the amount of landings is unknown
                                                                                                         except for transiting purposes, fish
                                                Exemption Program                                                                                              and cannot be quantitatively analyzed.
                                                                                                         exclusively in the NAFO Regulated Area
                                                   At their September 2017 meeting, the                  and not harvest fish in, or possess fish              It is difficult to quantitatively analyze
                                                Council agreed to add the NAFO                           harvested from, the exclusive economic                the economic impacts of increasing
                                                Regulatory Area exemption program                        zone (EEZ); ensure all gear is properly               TALs, as economic impacts would have
                                                into Framework 5 in response to public                   stowed and not available for immediate                to be compared against 2015 fishing
                                                comment. The Council took final action                   use when transiting the EEZ; and                      year data (the last year in which the
                                                to approve the NAFO exemption at their                   comply with all High Seas Fishing                     incidental possession limit was not
                                                December 2017 meeting. Framework 5                       Compliance Permit and NAFO                            imposed) when TALs were higher than
                                                proposes to exempt vessels from                          Conservation and Enforcement                          2016 and 2017 levels, and proposed
                                                domestic skate regulations when fishing                  Measures while fishing in the NAFO                    2018 levels. Therefore, a qualitative
                                                exclusively within the NAFO                              Regulated Area (§ 648.17(b)).                         analysis is described below.
                                                Regulatory Area, except for the                                                                                   For Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                prohibition on possessing, retaining, or                 Classification                                        purposes only, NMFS has established a
                                                landing prohibited species. U.S. vessels                   Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the             small business size standard for
                                                fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area are                  Magnuson-Stevens Act, the NMFS                        businesses, including their affiliates,
                                                currently exempt from domestic                           Assistant Administrator has made a                    whose primary industry is commercial
                                                Northeast multispecies and monkfish                      preliminary determination that this                   fishing (see § 200.2). A business
                                                permit, mesh size, effort-control, and                   proposed rule is consistent with the                  primarily engaged in commercial fishing
                                                possession limit restrictions (see                       FMP, Framework 5, provisions of the                   (NAICS code 11411) is classified as a
                                                § 648.17). U.S. vessels in the NAFO area                 Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other                       small business if it is independently

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          31357

                                                owned and operated, is not dominant in                   § 648.14   Prohibitions.                              §§ 648.53, 648.82, and 648.92,
                                                its field of operation (including its                    *       *    *     *     *                            respectively, and from mesh size and
                                                affiliates), and has combined annual                        (v) * * *                                          gear restrictions specified in §§ 648.51,
                                                receipts not in excess of $11.0 million                     (2) All Federal permit holders. It is              648.80, and 648.91, respectively, while
                                                for all its affiliated operations                        unlawful for any owner or operator of a               transiting the EEZ with skates on board
                                                worldwide. The determination as to                       vessel holding a valid Federal permit to              the vessel, or landing skates in U.S.
                                                whether the entity is large or small is                  do any of the following:                              ports that were caught while fishing in
                                                based on a 3-year average of annual                         (i) Retain, possess, or land thorny                the NAFO Regulatory Area. These
                                                revenue.                                                 skates taken in or from the EEZ portion               vessels may possess, retain, and land
                                                   Affiliate data are assembled by NMFS,                 of the skate management unit specified                barndoor skate; however, they may not
                                                as of June 1st each year, for analysis                   at § 648.2.                                           possess, retain, or land other prohibited
                                                required by the RFA. During fishing                         (ii) Retain, possess, or land barndoor             skate species specified in §§ 648.14(v)
                                                year 2015, 371 regulated entities landed                 skates taken in or from the EEZ portion               and 648.322(g).
                                                skates; 369 entities were small and 2                    of the skate management unit when                     *     *      *     *      *
                                                were large. All 371 entities could be                    fishing under a bait letter of                        ■ 4. In § 648.80, revise paragraph
                                                directly regulated by this proposed                      authorization as described in                         (b)(3)(ii) to read as follows:
                                                action.                                                  § 648.322(c); when fishing under a NE
                                                   This action, which proposes to                        multispecies Category B DAS as                        § 648.80 NE Multispecies regulated mesh
                                                slightly increase TALs relative to the                   described under § 648.322(b); when                    areas and restrictions on gear and methods
                                                2017 fishing year, allows landing of                                                                           of fishing.
                                                                                                         fishing under the incidental skate
                                                barndoor skate in the directed skate                     possession limit for vessels not under a              *       *    *    *      *
                                                wing fishery, and allows vessels fishing                 DAS as described in § 648.322(b)(4); or                  (b) * * *
                                                exclusively within the NAFO                              when fishing in a NE multispecies DAS                    (3) * * *
                                                Regulatory Area the opportunity to                       exemption program that allows the                        (ii) Possession and net stowage
                                                retain and land skate in the United                      possession of skate or skate parts in an              requirements. Vessels may possess
                                                States, would result in increased                        amount not to exceed 10 percent by                    regulated species while in possession of
                                                economic opportunity to regulated                        weight of all other species on board, as              nets with mesh smaller than the
                                                entities by providing fishermen with                     specified in § 648.80(b)(3)(ii), without a            minimum size specified in paragraphs
                                                additional fishing opportunities and                     NE multispecies or monkfish DAS.                      (a)(4) and (b)(2) of this section when
                                                enhance their operational flexibility.                      (iii) Discard any skate wings when in              fishing in the SNE Exemption Area
                                                This action is not expected to have a                    possession of barndoor skate wings.                   defined in paragraph (b)(10) of this
                                                significant economic impact on a                            (iv) Retain, possess, or land smooth               section, provided that such nets are
                                                substantial number of small entities.                    skates taken in or from the GOM RMA                   stowed and are not available for
                                                The effects on the regulated small                       described at § 648.80(a)(1)(i).                       immediate use as defined in § 648.2,
                                                entities in this analysis are expected to                                                                      and provided that regulated species
                                                                                                         *       *    *     *     *
                                                be positive relative to the no action                                                                          were not harvested by nets of mesh size
                                                                                                            (4) Presumption. For purposes of this
                                                alternative. Under the proposed action,                                                                        smaller than the minimum mesh size
                                                                                                         part, the following presumption applies:
                                                small entities would not be placed at a                                                                        specified in paragraphs (a)(4) and (b)(2)
                                                                                                         All skates retained or possessed on a
                                                competitive disadvantage relative to                                                                           of this section. Vessels fishing for the
                                                                                                         vessel are deemed to have been
                                                large entities, and the regulations would                                                                      exempted species identified in
                                                                                                         harvested in or from the Skate
                                                not reduce profits for any small entities.                                                                     paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section may
                                                                                                         Management Unit, unless the
                                                As a result, an initial regulatory                                                                             also possess and retain the following
                                                                                                         preponderance of evidence
                                                flexibility analysis is not required and                                                                       species, with the restrictions noted, as
                                                                                                         demonstrates that such skates were
                                                none has been prepared.                                                                                        incidental take to these exempted
                                                                                                         harvested by a vessel, that has not been
                                                   This rulemaking would not establish                                                                         fisheries: Conger eels; sea robins; black
                                                                                                         issued a Federal skate permit, fishing
                                                any new reporting or record-keeping                                                                            sea bass; red hake; tautog (blackfish);
                                                                                                         exclusively outside of the EEZ portion
                                                requirements.                                                                                                  blowfish; cunner; John Dory; mullet;
                                                                                                         (such as fishing within the NAFO
                                                List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648                      Regulatory Area under § 648.17(a)(3)) of              bluefish; tilefish; longhorn sculpin;
                                                                                                         the skate management unit or only in                  fourspot flounder; alewife; hickory
                                                  Fisheries, Fishing, Recordkeeping and                                                                        shad; American shad; blueback herring;
                                                reporting requirements.                                  state waters.
                                                                                                                                                               sea raven; Atlantic croaker; spot;
                                                  Dated: June 28, 2018.                                  *       *    *     *     *
                                                                                                                                                               swordfish; monkfish and monkfish
                                                                                                         ■ 3. In § 648.17, add paragraph (a)(3) to
                                                Samuel D. Rauch, III,                                                                                          parts—up to 10 percent, by weight, of
                                                                                                         read as follows:
                                                Deputy Assistant Administrator for                                                                             all other species on board or up to 50
                                                Regulatory Programs, National Marine                     § 648.17 Exemptions for vessels fishing in            lb (23 kg) tail-weight/166 lb (75 kg)
                                                Fisheries Service.                                       the NAFO Regulatory Area.                             whole weight of monkfish per trip, as
                                                  For the reasons set out in the                            (a) * * *                                          specified in § 648.94(c)(4), whichever is
                                                preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is proposed                       (3) Skates. A vessel issued a valid                less; American lobster—up to 10
                                                to be amended as follows:                                High Seas Fishing Compliance Permit                   percent, by weight, of all other species
                                                                                                         under part 300 of this title and that                 on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                PART 648—FISHERIES OF THE                                complies with the requirements                        less; and skate and skate parts (except
                                                NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES                               specified in paragraph (b) of this section            for barndoor skate and other prohibited
                                                                                                         is exempt from skate permit and                       skate species (see §§ 648.14(v)(2) and
                                                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 648                                                                       648.322(g))—up to 10 percent, by
                                                                                                         possession limit restrictions, specified
                                                continues to read as follows:                                                                                  weight, of all other species on board.
                                                                                                         in §§ 648.4, and 648.322, respectively,
                                                    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                    and from Atlantic sea scallop, NE                     *       *    *    *      *
                                                ■ 2. In § 648.14, revise paragraphs (v)(2)               multispecies, or monkfish DAS effort                  ■ 5. In § 648.322, revise paragraphs (b)
                                                and (v)(4) to read as follows:                           control restrictions specified in                     and (g) to read as follows:

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                                                31358                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                § 648.322 Skate allocation, possession,                  skate wings (1,135 lb (515 kg) whole                     (5) Allowable forms of skate landings.
                                                and landing provisions.                                  weight) or any prorated combination of                Except for vessels fishing under a skate
                                                *       *     *     *    *                               the allowable landing forms defined at                bait letter of authorization as specified
                                                   (b) Skate wing possession and landing                 paragraph (b)(5) of this section) for the             at § 648.322(c), a vessel may possess
                                                limits. (1) Vessels fishing under an                     remainder of the applicable quota                     and/or land skates as wings only (wings
                                                Atlantic sea scallop, NE multispecies, or                season. When the incidental possession                removed from the body of the skate and
                                                monkfish DAS. (i) A vessel or operator                   limit is implemented, a vessel is                     the remaining carcass discarded), wings
                                                of a vessel that has been issued a valid                 allowed to possess and land up to 125                 with associated carcasses possessed
                                                Federal skate permit under this part,                    lb (57 kg) of barndoor skate wings (284               separately (wings removed from the
                                                and fishes under an Atlantic sea scallop,                lb (129 kg) whole weight) per trip. The               body of the skate but the associated
                                                NE multispecies, or monkfish DAS as                      possession limits for barndoor skate                  carcass retained on board the vessel), or
                                                specified at §§ 648.53, 648.82, and                      wings are included within the overall                 in whole (intact) form, or any
                                                648.92, respectively, unless otherwise                   possession limit (i.e., total pounds of               combination of the three, provided that
                                                exempted under § 648.80 or paragraph                     skate wings on board, including                       the weight of the skate carcasses on
                                                (c) of this section, may fish for, possess,              barndoor skate wings, are not allowed to              board the vessel does not exceed 1.27
                                                and/or land up to the allowable trip                     exceed 500 lb). Vessels are prohibited                times the weight of skate wings on
                                                limits specified as follows: Up to 2,600                 from discarding any skate wings when                  board. When any combination of skate
                                                lb (1,179 kg) of skate wings (5,902 lb                   in possession of barndoor skate wings.                wings, carcasses, and whole skates are
                                                (2,677 kg) whole weight) per trip in                     Barndoor skate wings and carcasses on                 possessed and/or landed, the applicable
                                                Season 1 (May 1 through August 31),                      board a vessel subject to this possession             possession or landing limit shall be
                                                and 4,100 lb (1,860 kg) of skate wings                   limit must be separated from other                    based on the whole weight limit, in
                                                (9,307 lb (4,222 kg) whole weight) per                   species of fish and stored so as to be                which any wings are converted to whole
                                                trip in Season 2 (September 1 through                    readily available for inspection. The in-             weight using the wing to whole weight
                                                April 30), or any prorated combination                   season adjustment of skate wing                       conversion factor of 2.27. For example,
                                                of the allowable landing forms defined                   possession limits will be implemented
                                                at paragraph (b)(5) of this section.                                                                           if the vessel possesses 100 lb (45.4 kg)
                                                                                                         under the following circumstances:                    of skate wings, the whole weight
                                                   (ii) When fishing under the
                                                                                                            (i) When 85 percent of the Season 1                equivalent would be 227 lb (103.0 kg) of
                                                possession limits specified in paragraph
                                                (b)(1)(i) of this section, a vessel is
                                                                                                         skate wing quota is projected to be                   whole skates (100 lb (45.4 kg) × 2.27),
                                                                                                         landed between May 1 and August 17,                   and the vessel could possess up to 127
                                                allowed to possess and land up to 650
                                                                                                         the Regional Administrator shall reduce               lb (57.6 kg) of skate carcasses (100 lb
                                                lb (295 kg) of barndoor skate wings
                                                (1,476 lb (670 kg) whole weight) per trip
                                                                                                         the skate wing possession limit to the                (45.4 kg) of skate wings × 1.27). A vessel
                                                                                                         incidental level described in paragraph               may not possess and/or land skate
                                                in Season 1, and 1,025 lb (465 kg) of
                                                                                                         (b)(3) of this section.                               carcasses and only whole skates.
                                                barndoor skate wings (2,327 lb (1,056
                                                kg) whole weight) per trip in Season 2.                     (ii) When 85 percent of the Season 1               *      *     *     *    *
                                                The possession limits for barndoor skate                 skate wing quota is projected to be
                                                                                                         landed between August 18 and August                      (g) Prohibitions on possession of
                                                wings are included within the overall                                                                          skates. A vessel fishing in the EEZ
                                                possession limit (i.e., total pounds of                  31, the Regional Administrator may
                                                                                                         reduce the skate wing possession limit                portion of the Skate Management Unit
                                                skate wings on board, including                                                                                may not:
                                                barndoor skate wings, are not allowed to                 to the incidental level described in
                                                exceed 2,600 lb in Season 1 and 4,100                    paragraph (b)(3) of this section.                        (1) Retain, possess, or land thorny
                                                lb in Season 2). Vessels are prohibited                     (iii) When 85 percent of the annual                skates taken in or from the EEZ portion
                                                from discarding any skate wings when                     skate wing fishery TAL is projected to                of the Skate Management Unit.
                                                in possession of barndoor skate wings.                   be landed in Season 2, the Regional                      (2) Retain, possess, or land barndoor
                                                Barndoor skate wings and carcasses on                    Administrator may reduce the skate                    skates taken in or from the EEZ portion
                                                board a vessel subject to this possession                wing possession limit to the incidental               of the skate management unit when
                                                limit must be separated from other                       level described in this paragraph, unless             fishing under a bait letter of
                                                species of fish and stored so as to be                   such a reduction would be expected to                 authorization as described in
                                                readily available for inspection.                        prevent attainment of the annual TAL.                 § 648.322(c); when fishing under a NE
                                                   (2) NE multispecies Category B DAS.                      (4) Incidental possession limit for                multispecies Category B DAS as
                                                A vessel fishing on a declared NE                        vessels not under a DAS. A vessel                     described under § 648.322(b); when
                                                multispecies Category B DAS described                    issued a Federal skate permit that is not             fishing under the incidental skate
                                                under § 648.85(b), is limited to no more                 fishing under an Atlantic sea scallop,                possession limit for vessels not under a
                                                than 220 lb (100 kg) of skate wings (500                 NE multispecies, or monkfish DAS as                   DAS as described in § 648.322(b)(4); or
                                                lb (227 kg) whole weight) per trip, or                   specified at §§ 648.53, 648.82, and                   when fishing in a NE multispecies DAS
                                                any prorated combination of the                          648.92, respectively, or is a limited                 exemption program that allows the
                                                allowable landing forms defined at                       access multispecies vessel participating              possession of skate or skate parts in an
                                                paragraph (b)(5) of this section. These                  in an approved sector described under                 amount not to exceed 10 percent by
                                                vessels may not possess or land                          § 648.87 but not fishing on one of the                weight of all other species on board, as
                                                barndoor skate, or any other prohibited                  DAS specified at §§ 648.53, 648.82, or                specified in § 648.80(b)(3)(ii), without a
                                                skate species (see §§ 648.14(v)(2) and                   648.92, may retain up to 500 lb (227 kg)              NE multispecies or monkfish DAS.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with PROPOSALS1

                                                648.322(g)).                                             of skate wings or 1,135 lb (515 kg) of
                                                   (3) In-season adjustment of skate wing                whole skate, or any prorated                             (3) Discard any skate wings when in
                                                possession limits. The Regional                          combination of the allowable landing                  possession of barndoor skate wings.
                                                Administrator has the authority,                         forms defined at paragraph (b)(5) of this                (4) Retain, possess, or land smooth
                                                through a notice in the Federal Register                 section. These vessels may not possess                skates taken in or from the GOM RMA
                                                consistent with the Administrative                       or land barndoor skate, or any other                  described at § 648.80(a)(1)(i).
                                                Procedure Act, to reduce the skate wing                  prohibited skate species (see                         [FR Doc. 2018–14348 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                                possession limit to 500 lb (227 kg) of                   §§ 648.14(v)(2) and 648.322(g)).                      BILLING CODE 3510–22–P

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Document Created: 2018-07-03 23:40:40
Document Modified: 2018-07-03 23:40:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; request for comments.
DatesPublic comments must be received by August 6, 2018.
ContactDebra Lambert, Fishery Policy Analyst, (301) 427-8560.
FR Citation83 FR 31354 
RIN Number0648-BH57
CFR AssociatedFisheries; Fishing and Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

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