83_FR_31540 83 FR 31411 - Center for Mental Health Services; Notice of Meeting

83 FR 31411 - Center for Mental Health Services; Notice of Meeting

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 129 (July 5, 2018)

Page Range31411-31412
FR Document2018-14381

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 129 (Thursday, July 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 129 (Thursday, July 5, 2018)]
[Pages 31411-31412]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-14381]



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Center for Mental Health Services; Notice of Meeting

    Pursuant to Public Law 92-463, notice is hereby given that the 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 
Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) National Advisory Council 
(NAC) will meet on August 1, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. 
The NAC will convene in both open and closed sessions on August 1, 
    The closed portion of the meeting will include discussion of grant 
applications that were reviewed by SAMHSA's Initial Review Groups, and 
involves an examination of confidential financial and business 
information as well as personal information concerning the 
applications. Therefore, the meeting will be closed to the public from 
9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., as determined by the Assistant Secretary for 
Mental Health and Substance Use, SAMHSA in accordance with Title 5 
U.S.C. Sec.  552b(c)(4) and (6) and Title 5 U.S.C. App. 2, Sec.  10(d).
    The remainder of this meeting will be open to the public from 9:30 
a.m. to 5:00 p.m., E.D.T., to include discussion of the Center's policy 
issues, updates on the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness 
Coordinating Committee, presentations on Suicide Prevention, School 
Mental Health/Child Trauma and a conversation with the Assistant 
Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use.
    Attendance by the public will be limited to available space. 
Interested persons may present data, information, or views, orally or 
in writing, on issues pending before the council. Written submissions 
should be forwarded to the contact person (below) on or before July 17, 
2018. Oral presentations from the public will be scheduled at the 
conclusion of the meeting on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Five minutes 
will be allotted for each presentation. Meeting information and a 
roster of Council members may be obtained either by accessing the 
SAMHSA Council website at http://www.samhsa.gov/about-us/advisory-councils/cmhs-national-advisory-council or by contacting Ms. Pamela 
Foote (see contact information below).
    The meeting can be accessed via telephone. To obtain the conference 
call-in number and access code, submit written or brief oral comments, 
or request special accommodations for persons with disabilities, please 
register at the SAMHSA's Advisory Council website at http://nac.samhsa.gov/Registration/meetingsRegistration.aspx, or contact 
Pamela Foote (see contact information below).
    Committee Name: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 
Administration Center for Mental Health Services National Advisory 
    Dates/Time/Type: Wednesday, August 1, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 
EDT: CLOSED; Wednesday, August 1, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT: 
    Place: SAMHSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, 5th Floor, Conference Room 5W11, 
Rockville, Maryland 20857.

[[Page 31412]]

    Contact: Pamela Foote, Designated Federal Official, SAMHSA CMHS 
National Advisory Council, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14E53C, Rockville, 
Maryland 20857, Telephone: (240) 276-1279, Fax: (301) 480-8491, Email: 

Carlos Castillo,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-14381 Filed 7-3-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Notices                                                                           31411

                                              the data collection plans and                                             and the respondent is not required to                            Need and Use of Information
                                              instruments, contact: Dr. Dina Paltoo,                                    respond to, an information collection                          Collection: Clinical laboratory tests are
                                              Director, Scientific Data Sharing Policy                                  that has been extended, revised, or                            available for more than 10,000 genetic
                                              Division, Office of Science Policy, NIH,                                  implemented on or after October 1,                             conditions. The Genetic Testing Registry
                                              6705 Rockledge Dr., Suite 750,                                            1995, unless it displays a currently valid                     (GTR) provides a centralized, online
                                              Bethesda, MD 20892, or call non-toll-                                     OMB control number.                                            location for test developers,
                                              free number (301) 496–9838, or Email                                                                                                     manufacturers, and researchers to
                                                                                                                           In compliance with Section
                                              your request, including your address to:                                                                                                 voluntarily submit detailed information
                                                                                                                        3507(a)(1)(D) of the Paperwork
                                              SciencePolicy@mail.nih.gov.                                                                                                              about the availability and scientific
                                                                                                                        Reduction Act of 1995, the National
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                                                                                                          basis of their genetic tests. The GTR is
                                                                                                                        Institutes of Health (NIH) has submitted                       of value to clinicians by providing
                                              proposed information collection was
                                                                                                                        to the Office of Management and Budget                         information about the accuracy,
                                              previously published in the Federal
                                                                                                                        (OMB) a request for review and                                 validity, and usefulness of genetic tests.
                                              Register on April 2, 2018, page 14018
                                                                                                                        approval of the information collection                         The GTR also highlights evidence gaps
                                              (83 FR 14018) and allowed 60 days for
                                              public comment. No public comments                                        listed below.                                                  where additional research is needed.
                                              were received. The purpose of this                                           Proposed Collection: The Genetic                              OMB approval is requested for 3
                                              notice is to allow an additional 30 days                                  Testing Registry, 0925–0651, Expiration                        years. There are no costs to respondents
                                              for public comment. The Office of the                                     Date 07/31/2018—EXTENSION, Office                              other than their time. The total
                                              Director (OD), National Institutes of                                     of the Director (OD), National Institutes                      estimated annualized burden hours are
                                              Health, may not conduct or sponsor,                                       of Health (NIH).                                               4,198.

                                                                                                                      ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                      Number of              Average
                                                                                                                                                                      Number of        responses             time per              Total annual
                                                                       Type of respondent                                                 Form name                  respondents          per               response               burden hour
                                                                                                                                                                                      respondent            (in hours)

                                              Laboratory Personnel Using Bulk Submission ...............                             Minimal Fields .....                     313                 25                   18/60              2,348
                                              Optional Fields.
                                                                                                                                     .............................            313                 25                    6/60                783
                                              Laboratory Personnel Not Using Bulk Submission ........                                Minimal Fields .....                      64                 25                   30/60                800
                                              Optional Fields.
                                                                                                                                     .............................              64                25                   10/60                267

                                                   Total .........................................................................   .............................            377              18,850   ........................          4,198

                                                 Dated: June 28, 2018.                                                  and business information as well as                            minutes will be allotted for each
                                              Lawrence A. Tabak,                                                        personal information concerning the                            presentation. Meeting information and a
                                              Principal Deputy Director, National Institutes                            applications. Therefore, the meeting                           roster of Council members may be
                                              of Health.                                                                will be closed to the public from 9:00                         obtained either by accessing the
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–14435 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]                                a.m. to 9:30 a.m., as determined by the                        SAMHSA Council website at http://
                                              BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                                    Assistant Secretary for Mental Health                          www.samhsa.gov/about-us/advisory-
                                                                                                                        and Substance Use, SAMHSA in                                   councils/cmhs-national-advisory-
                                                                                                                        accordance with Title 5 U.S.C.                                 council or by contacting Ms. Pamela
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                                  § 552b(c)(4) and (6) and Title 5 U.S.C.                        Foote (see contact information below).
                                              HUMAN SERVICES                                                            App. 2, § 10(d).                                                  The meeting can be accessed via
                                                                                                                           The remainder of this meeting will be                       telephone. To obtain the conference
                                              Substance Abuse and Mental Health                                         open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00                      call-in number and access code, submit
                                              Services Administration                                                   p.m., E.D.T., to include discussion of                         written or brief oral comments, or
                                                                                                                        the Center’s policy issues, updates on                         request special accommodations for
                                              Center for Mental Health Services;                                        the Interdepartmental Serious Mental                           persons with disabilities, please register
                                              Notice of Meeting                                                         Illness Coordinating Committee,                                at the SAMHSA’s Advisory Council
                                                                                                                        presentations on Suicide Prevention,                           website at http://nac.samhsa.gov/
                                                 Pursuant to Public Law 92–463,                                         School Mental Health/Child Trauma                              Registration/meetingsRegistration.aspx,
                                              notice is hereby given that the                                           and a conversation with the Assistant                          or contact Pamela Foote (see contact
                                              Substance Abuse and Mental Health                                         Secretary for Mental Health and                                information below).
                                              Services Administration (SAMHSA),                                         Substance Use.                                                    Committee Name: Substance Abuse
                                              Center for Mental Health Services                                            Attendance by the public will be                            and Mental Health Services
                                              (CMHS) National Advisory Council                                          limited to available space. Interested                         Administration Center for Mental
                                              (NAC) will meet on August 1, 2018,                                        persons may present data, information,                         Health Services National Advisory
                                              from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. The                                    or views, orally or in writing, on issues                      Council.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              NAC will convene in both open and                                         pending before the council. Written                               Dates/Time/Type: Wednesday,
                                              closed sessions on August 1, 2018.                                        submissions should be forwarded to the                         August 1, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
                                                 The closed portion of the meeting will                                 contact person (below) on or before July                       EDT: CLOSED; Wednesday, August 1,
                                              include discussion of grant applications                                  17, 2018. Oral presentations from the                          2018, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT: OPEN.
                                              that were reviewed by SAMHSA’s                                            public will be scheduled at the                                   Place: SAMHSA, 5600 Fishers Lane,
                                              Initial Review Groups, and involves an                                    conclusion of the meeting on                                   5th Floor, Conference Room 5W11,
                                              examination of confidential financial                                     Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Five                                Rockville, Maryland 20857.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014       16:43 Jul 03, 2018        Jkt 244001       PO 00000        Frm 00053       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\05JYN1.SGM   05JYN1

                                              31412                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Notices

                                                Contact: Pamela Foote, Designated                      this reason, please do not include in                 relationship with the NCCIC. 6 U.S.C.
                                              Federal Official, SAMHSA CMHS                            your comments information of a                        148(d)(1)(E). The Multistate Information
                                              National Advisory Council, 5600                          confidential nature, such as sensitive                Sharing and Analysis Center (MS–ISAC)
                                              Fishers Lane, Room 14E53C, Rockville,                    personal information or proprietary                   currently fulfills this function. NPPD
                                              Maryland 20857, Telephone: (240) 276–                    information. If you send an email                     funds the MS–ISAC through a
                                              1279, Fax: (301) 480–8491, Email:                        comment, your email address will be                   Cooperative Agreement and maintains a
                                              pamela.foote@samhsa.hhs.gov.                             automatically captured and included as                close relationship with this entity. As
                                                                                                       part of the comment that is placed in the             part of the Cooperative Agreement, DHS
                                              Carlos Castillo,
                                                                                                       public docket and made available on the               directs the MS–ISAC to produce the
                                              Committee Management Officer.                            internet. Please note that responses to               NCSR as contemplated by Congress.
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–14381 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]               this public comment request containing                   Generally, NPPD has authority to
                                              BILLING CODE 4162–20–P                                   any routine notice about the                          perform risk and vulnerability
                                                                                                       confidentiality of the communication                  assessments for Federal and non-Federal
                                                                                                       will be treated as public comments that               entities, with consent and upon request.
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                   may be made available to the public                   The NCCIC performs these assessments
                                              SECURITY                                                 notwithstanding the inclusion of the                  in accordance with its authority to
                                                                                                       routine notice.                                       provide voluntary technical assistance
                                              [Docket No. DHS–2018–0023]
                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                  to Federal and non-Federal entities. See
                                              Nationwide Cyber Security Review                         specific questions related to collection              6 U.S.C. 148(c)(6), 143(2). This authority
                                              Assessment                                               activities, please contact Donna Beach at             is consistent with the Department’s
                                                                                                       703–705–6213 or at SLTTCyber@                         responsibility to ‘‘[c]onduct
                                              AGENCY:  Office of Cybersecurity and                     HQ.DHS.GOV.                                           comprehensive assessments of the
                                              Communications (CS&C), National                                                                                vulnerabilities of the Nation’s critical
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In its
                                              Protection and Programs Directorate                                                                            infrastructure in coordination with the
                                              (NPPD), Department of Homeland                           reports to the Department of Homeland                 SSAs [Sector-Specific Agencies] and in
                                              Security (DHS).                                          Security Appropriations Act, 2010,                    collaboration with SLTT [State, Local,
                                                                                                       Congress requested a Nationwide Cyber                 Tribal, and Territorial] entities and
                                              ACTION: 60-Day Notice and request for
                                                                                                       Security Review (NCSR) from the                       critical infrastructure owners and
                                              comments; New Collection, 1670—                          National Cyber Security Division
                                              NEW.                                                                                                           operators.’’ Presidential Policy Directive
                                                                                                       (NCSD), the predecessor organization of               (PPD)–21, at 3. A private sector entity or
                                              SUMMARY:   DHS NPPD CS&C will submit                     the Stakeholder Engagement and Cyber                  state and local government agency also
                                              the following information collection                     Infrastructure Resilience (SECIR)                     has discretion to use a self-assessment
                                              request (ICR) to the Office of                           division. S. Rep. No. 111–31, at 91                   tool offered by NPPD or request NPPD
                                              Management and Budget (OMB) for                          (2009), H.R. Rep. No. 111–298, at 96                  to perform an on-site risk and
                                              review and clearance in accordance                       (2009). The House Conference Report                   vulnerability assessment. See 6 U.S.C.
                                              with the Paperwork Reduction Act of                      accompanying the Department of                        148(c)(6), 143(2), 6 U.S.C. 121(d)(2). The
                                              1995.                                                    Homeland Security Appropriations Act,                 NCSR is a voluntary annual self-
                                                                                                       2010 ‘‘note[d] the importance of a                    assessment.
                                              DATES:  Comments are encouraged and                      comprehensive effort to assess the                       Upon submission of the first NCSR
                                              will be accepted until September 4,                      security level of cyberspace at all levels            report in March 2012, Congress further
                                              2018.                                                    of government’’ and directed DHS to                   clarified its expectation ‘‘that this
                                              ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments,                    ‘‘develop the necessary tools for all                 survey will be updated every other year
                                              identified by docket number DHS–                         levels of government to complete a                    so that progress may be charted and
                                              2018–0023, by one of the following                       cyber network security assessment so                  further areas of concern may be
                                              methods:                                                 that a full measure of gaps and                       identified.’’ S. Rep. No. 112–169, at 100
                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                  capabilities can be completed in the                  (2012). In each subsequent year,
                                              www.regulations.gov. Please follow the                   near future.’’ H.R. Rep. No. 111–298, at              Congress has referenced this NCSR in its
                                              instructions for submitting comments.                    96 (2009). Concurrently, in its report                explanatory comments and
                                                • Email: SLTTCyber@HQ.DHS.GOV.                         accompanying the Department of                        recommendations accompanying the
                                              Please include docket number DHS–                        Homeland Security Appropriations Bill,                Department of Homeland Security
                                              2018–0023 in the subject line of the                     2010, the Senate Committee on                         Appropriations. Consistent with
                                              message.                                                 Appropriations recommended that DHS                   Congressional mandates, SECIR
                                                • Mail: Written comments and                           ‘‘report on the status of cyber security              developed the NCSR to measure the
                                              questions about this Information                         measures in place, and gaps in all 50                 gaps and capabilities of cybersecurity
                                              Collection Request should be forwarded                   States and the largest urban areas.’’ S.              programs within SLTT governments.
                                              to DHS/NPPD/CS&C, ATTN: 1670–                            Rep. No. 111–31, at 91 (2009).                        Using the anonymous results of the
                                              NEW, Donna Beach, 245 Murray Lane,                          The Homeland Security Act of 2002,                 NCSR, DHS delivers a bi-annual
                                              SW, Mail Stop 0612, Arlington, VA                        as amended, established ‘‘a national                  summary report to Congress that
                                              20528.                                                   cybersecurity and communications                      provides a broad picture of the current
                                                Instructions: All submissions received                 integration center [NCCIC] . . . to carry             cybersecurity gaps & capabilities of
                                              must include the words ‘‘Department of                   out certain responsibilities of the Under             SLTT governments across the nation.
                                              Homeland Security’’ and docket number                    Secretary,’’ including the provision of                  The assessment allows SLTT
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              DHS–2018–0023. Comments received                         assessments. 6 U.S.C. 148(b). The Act                 governments to manage cybersecurity
                                              will be posted without alteration at                     also directs the composition of the                   related risks through the NIST
                                              http://www.regulations.gov, including                    NCCIC to include an entity that                       Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) which
                                              any personal information provided.                       collaborates with State and local                     consists of best practices, standards and
                                                Comments submitted in response to                      governments on cybersecurity risks and                guidelines. In efforts of continuously
                                              this notice may be made available to the                 incidents, and has entered into a                     providing Congress with an accurate
                                              public through relevant websites. For                    voluntary information sharing                         representation of the SLTT

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Document Created: 2018-07-03 23:39:53
Document Modified: 2018-07-03 23:39:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 31411 

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