83_FR_35109 83 FR 34967 - Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act; Notification of Data Availability and Extension of Comment Period

83 FR 34967 - Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act; Notification of Data Availability and Extension of Comment Period


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 142 (July 24, 2018)

Page Range34967-34968
FR Document2018-15715

EPA is providing notice that it is supplementing the record for the proposed Risk Management Program (RMP) Reconsideration rule published on May 30, 2018. We have placed into the rulemaking docket the November 2017 version of the RMP database containing risk management plans submitted to EPA. EPA used this version to support analysis of changes in the RMP reporting facility universe discussed in the Regulatory Impact Analysis of the proposed Reconsideration rule. To afford the public an opportunity to comment on the updated RMP database and its impacts on the proposed Reconsideration rule, EPA is extending the comment period for the proposed rule.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 142 (Tuesday, July 24, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 142 (Tuesday, July 24, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 34967-34968]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15715]



40 CFR Part 68

[EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725; FRL-9981-07-OLEM]
RIN 2050-AG95

Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management 
Programs Under the Clean Air Act; Notification of Data Availability and 
Extension of Comment Period

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule; notification of data availability and extension 
of comment period.


SUMMARY: EPA is providing notice that it is supplementing the record 
for the proposed Risk Management Program (RMP) Reconsideration rule 
published on May 30, 2018. We have placed into the rulemaking docket 
the November 2017 version of the RMP database containing risk 
management plans submitted to EPA. EPA used this version to support 
analysis of changes in the RMP reporting facility universe discussed in 
the Regulatory Impact Analysis of the proposed Reconsideration rule. To 
afford the public an opportunity to comment on the updated RMP database 
and its impacts on the proposed Reconsideration rule, EPA is extending 
the comment period for the proposed rule.

DATES: The comment period for the proposed rule published on May 30, 
2018 at 83 FR 24850, is extended. Comments and additional material must 
be received on or before August 23, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit comments and additional materials, identified by 
docket EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725 to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
comments. Once submitted, comments cannot be edited or removed from 
Regulations.gov. The EPA may publish any comment received to its public 
docket. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Multimedia submissions (audio, 
video, etc.) must be accompanied by a written comment. The written 
comment is considered the official comment and should include 
discussion of all points you wish to make. The EPA will generally not 
consider comments or comment contents located outside of the primary 
submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other file sharing system). For 
additional submission methods, the full EPA public comment policy, 
information about CBI or multimedia submissions, and general guidance 
on making effective comments, please visit https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Land and Emergency 
Management, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (Mail Code 5104A), Washington, DC 
20460; telephone number: (202) 564-8023; email address: 
belke.jim@epa.gov, or Kathy Franklin, United States Environmental 
Protection Agency, Office of Land and Emergency Management, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave. NW (Mail Code 5104A), Washington, DC 20460; telephone 
number: (202) 564-7987; email address: franklin.kathy@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Detailed background information describing 
the proposed RMP Reconsideration rulemaking may be found in a 
previously published document: Accidental Release Prevention 
Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act; 
Proposed Rule (83 FR 24850, May 30, 2018).

I. What action is EPA taking?

    During the week of July 9, 2018 several stakeholders notified EPA 
that we had failed to provide in the rulemaking docket for the proposed 
RMP Reconsideration rule (referred to herein as the Reconsideration 
Proposal) the risk management plan data we used to compare the number 
of facilities reporting in the February 2015 version of the RMP 
database to those reporting in the November 2017 version. This analysis 
of the change in the number of facilities was presented in the 
Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration Proposal. 
Stakeholders requested that EPA supply the risk management plan data 
used in the RIA that supported the comparison analysis. They also 
requested that EPA extend the comment period for the Reconsideration 
Proposal for 60 days to allow the public to access and review the data 
so that they may have enough time to assess the impacts of the updated 
data on the proposal and provide comments.\1\

    \1\ Earthjustice first informed EPA about the failure to place 
the November 2017 version in the docket in an email dated July 9, 
2018. Between July 10th through close of business on July 11th, EPA 
received requests for a 60 day-extension of the comment period from, 
or on behalf of, the: Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, 
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, the Union of Concerned 
Scientists, Coming Clean, Air Alliance Houston, Coalition For A Safe 
Environment, Clean Air Council, Sierra Club, the United 
Steelworkers, the United Autoworkers, and the States of New York, 
Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

    As a result, in this supplemental action, EPA is providing 
additional information in the docket for the proposed action. On July 
11, 2018, EPA placed into the docket the November 2017 version of the 
database containing risk management plans submitted by RMP facilities. 
This database does not contain the restricted offsite consequence 
analysis (OCA) data. This database (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725-
0989) consists of a digital versatile disc (DVD) containing the RMP 
database as a 1.4 gigabyte size file in .mdb format. The database file 
is too large to be provided online through regulations.gov. To view or 
receive a copy of the DVD, contact the EPA Docket Center, Public 
Reading Room, as follows: In person/writing: Environmental Protection 
Agency, Docket Center, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW, 2822T, Room 3334, 
Washington, DC 20004, telephone: 202-566-1744, fax: 202-566-9744, 
email: docket-customerservice@epa.gov. EPA will address all comments 
received on the supplemental data being provided and any comments 
submitted in response to this action in our final rulemaking action. 
EPA is extending the comment period for Reconsideration Proposal 
through August 23, 2018.

II. What is the background for this action?

    On May 30, 2018, EPA proposed a rule (Reconsideration Proposal) 
that seeks comment on various proposed changes to the final RMP 
Amendments rule (Amendments rule) issued on

[[Page 34968]]

January 13, 2017 (82 FR 4594). The comment period for the 
Reconsideration Proposal was to end on July 30, 2018. The 2017 
Amendments rule amended 40 CFR part 68, the chemical accident 
prevention provisions under section 112(r) of the CAA (42 U.S.C. 
    The RIA for the Amendments rule utilized a February 2015 version of 
the RMP database to compile the universe of RMP facilities. The 
database reflected that approximately 12,500 facilities had filed 
current risk management plans with EPA and could have been potentially 
affected by the Amendments final rule. EPA had provided in the 
rulemaking docket, the non-OCA version of the risk management plan data 
submitted by facilities as of February 2015. (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OEM-
2015-0725-0311). For the RIA for the Reconsideration Proposal (Docket 
ID: EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725-0907), EPA compared the February 2015 version 
of the risk management plan database to the most recent version of the 
database from November 2017 for the purposes of understanding and 
comparing how the universe of RMP facilities had changed in the 
intervening period between developing the Amendments rule RIA and the 
Reconsideration Proposal RIA. EPA also developed a comparison of the 
number of RMP facilities by industry sector, by employee size, by RMP 
program level, by process complexity and by responding/nonresponding 
status. These counts of RMP facilities are presented in various data 
tables in Chapter 3 of the Reconsideration Proposal RIA and were 
extracted from the two versions of the RMP database. The comparison 
revealed that the number of RMP facilities and processes had 
experienced minor changes in the more than two years between 
rulemakings. In total, the number of RMP facilities decreased by 1.8% 
over the time-period and included small changes in the number of 
facilities in most industry codes and process levels. As discussed in 
Chapter 3 of the Reconsideration Proposal RIA, EPA determined that the 
differences between the databases were minor, with the exception of the 
number of accidents. As a result, EPA utilized the costs estimated for 
the 2017 Amendments rule RIA as the baseline set of costs to be 
impacted by the Reconsideration Proposal.
    For the Amendments rule, EPA had also provided in the docket as a 
separate dataset data on accidents occurring at RMP facilities from 
2004-2013, as reported in the risk management plan database as of 
February 2015. This accident data was provided in an Excel spreadsheet 
file (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725-0002). This ten-year set of 
accident data was used as the basis of some of the cost estimates 
discussed in the Amendments rule RIA. EPA provided similar accident 
data in an Excel spreadsheet in the docket for RMP accidents occurring 
in 2014-2016 (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OEM-2015-0725-0909), as a supporting 
document for the Reconsideration Proposal. EPA developed the latter 
spreadsheet from the November 2017 version of the database.
    While the various parties requesting an extension of the comment 
period asked that EPA extend the period 60 days, we are extending the 
comment period through August 23, 2018. EPA notes that the November 
2017 database was used for limited purposes in the preparation of the 
Reconsideration Proposal. Primarily, it was used to corroborate that 
the information from the prior RIA regarding the universe of stationary 
sources subject to the RMP rule did not change significantly by the 
time we prepared the RIA for the Reconsideration Proposal. Tables in 
the Reconsideration Proposal RIA presented the information extracted 
from the database, so the public could always comment on the 
information. The major impact was the inability to verify the 
information from its source. The updated database also was used to 
confirm that the 2004-2013 trend of declining accident rates over time 
continued. EPA included in the Reconsideration Proposal docket an Excel 
spreadsheet on accident data for RMP accidents occurring from 2014-2016 
that we derived from the November 2017 database.
    Because the November 2017 database was used mostly for 
corroboration, we do not believe there were fundamental data about 
sources subject to the RMP Rule that could not have been observed in 
the 2015 database that was already in the docket. We also note that we 
have docketed the November 2017 RMP database (non-OCA version) as of 
July 11, 2018 and on July 10, 2018, provided it to the first party to 
draw our attention to it not being in the docket. In the interest of 
expeditiously completing the reconsideration process and putting into 
effect provisions of the Amendments that we intend to retain or modify, 
we believe closing comments on August 23, 2018 strikes an appropriate 

    Dated: July 18, 2018.
Reggie Cheatham,
Director, Office of Emergency Management.
[FR Doc. 2018-15715 Filed 7-23-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                     34967

                                                    IV. Conclusion                                           docket EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725 to                        in the November 2017 version. This
                                                      We are interested in the public’s                      the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://               analysis of the change in the number of
                                                    opinions regarding the matters                           www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                facilities was presented in the
                                                    discussed in this concept release. We                    instructions for submitting comments.                 Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the
                                                    encourage all interested parties to                      Once submitted, comments cannot be                    Reconsideration Proposal. Stakeholders
                                                    submit comments on these topics. In                      edited or removed from Regulations.gov.               requested that EPA supply the risk
                                                    addition, we solicit comment on any                      The EPA may publish any comment                       management plan data used in the RIA
                                                    other aspect of Rule 701 and Form                        received to its public docket. Do not                 that supported the comparison analysis.
                                                    S–8 that commenters believe may be                       submit electronically any information                 They also requested that EPA extend the
                                                    improved upon.                                           you consider to be Confidential                       comment period for the Reconsideration
                                                                                                             Business Information (CBI) or other                   Proposal for 60 days to allow the public
                                                      By the Commission.                                     information whose disclosure is                       to access and review the data so that
                                                      Dated: July 18, 2018.                                  restricted by statute. Multimedia                     they may have enough time to assess the
                                                    Brent J. Fields,                                         submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be              impacts of the updated data on the
                                                    Secretary.                                               accompanied by a written comment.                     proposal and provide comments.1
                                                    [FR Doc. 2018–15731 Filed 7–23–18; 8:45 am]              The written comment is considered the                    As a result, in this supplemental
                                                    BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                   official comment and should include                   action, EPA is providing additional
                                                                                                             discussion of all points you wish to                  information in the docket for the
                                                                                                             make. The EPA will generally not                      proposed action. On July 11, 2018, EPA
                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                 consider comments or comment                          placed into the docket the November
                                                    AGENCY                                                   contents located outside of the primary               2017 version of the database containing
                                                                                                             submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or               risk management plans submitted by
                                                    40 CFR Part 68                                           other file sharing system). For                       RMP facilities. This database does not
                                                                                                             additional submission methods, the full               contain the restricted offsite
                                                    [EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725; FRL–9981–07–                      EPA public comment policy,                            consequence analysis (OCA) data. This
                                                                                                             information about CBI or multimedia                   database (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–OEM–
                                                    RIN 2050–AG95                                            submissions, and general guidance on                  2015–0725–0989) consists of a digital
                                                                                                             making effective comments, please visit               versatile disc (DVD) containing the RMP
                                                    Accidental Release Prevention                            https://www.epa.gov/dockets/                          database as a 1.4 gigabyte size file in
                                                    Requirements: Risk Management                            commenting-epa-dockets.                               .mdb format. The database file is too
                                                    Programs Under the Clean Air Act;                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      large to be provided online through
                                                    Notification of Data Availability and                    James Belke, United States                            regulations.gov. To view or receive a
                                                    Extension of Comment Period                              Environmental Protection Agency,                      copy of the DVD, contact the EPA
                                                                                                             Office of Land and Emergency                          Docket Center, Public Reading Room, as
                                                    AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                                                                             Management, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.                    follows: In person/writing:
                                                    Agency (EPA).
                                                                                                             NW (Mail Code 5104A), Washington,                     Environmental Protection Agency,
                                                    ACTION: Proposed rule; notification of                                                                         Docket Center, 1301 Constitution Ave.
                                                                                                             DC 20460; telephone number: (202)
                                                    data availability and extension of                                                                             NW, 2822T, Room 3334, Washington,
                                                                                                             564–8023; email address: belke.jim@
                                                    comment period.                                                                                                DC 20004, telephone: 202–566–1744,
                                                                                                             epa.gov, or Kathy Franklin, United
                                                    SUMMARY:   EPA is providing notice that                  States Environmental Protection                       fax: 202–566–9744, email: docket-
                                                    it is supplementing the record for the                   Agency, Office of Land and Emergency                  customerservice@epa.gov. EPA will
                                                    proposed Risk Management Program                         Management, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.                    address all comments received on the
                                                    (RMP) Reconsideration rule published                     NW (Mail Code 5104A), Washington,                     supplemental data being provided and
                                                    on May 30, 2018. We have placed into                     DC 20460; telephone number: (202)                     any comments submitted in response to
                                                    the rulemaking docket the November                       564–7987; email address:                              this action in our final rulemaking
                                                    2017 version of the RMP database                         franklin.kathy@epa.gov.                               action. EPA is extending the comment
                                                    containing risk management plans                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Detailed                   period for Reconsideration Proposal
                                                    submitted to EPA. EPA used this                          background information describing the                 through August 23, 2018.
                                                    version to support analysis of changes                   proposed RMP Reconsideration                          II. What is the background for this
                                                    in the RMP reporting facility universe                   rulemaking may be found in a                          action?
                                                    discussed in the Regulatory Impact                       previously published document:
                                                                                                             Accidental Release Prevention                           On May 30, 2018, EPA proposed a
                                                    Analysis of the proposed
                                                                                                             Requirements: Risk Management                         rule (Reconsideration Proposal) that
                                                    Reconsideration rule. To afford the
                                                                                                             Programs Under the Clean Air Act;                     seeks comment on various proposed
                                                    public an opportunity to comment on
                                                                                                             Proposed Rule (83 FR 24850, May 30,                   changes to the final RMP Amendments
                                                    the updated RMP database and its
                                                                                                             2018).                                                rule (Amendments rule) issued on
                                                    impacts on the proposed
                                                    Reconsideration rule, EPA is extending                   I. What action is EPA taking?                            1 Earthjustice first informed EPA about the failure
                                                    the comment period for the proposed                                                                            to place the November 2017 version in the docket
                                                    rule.                                                      During the week of July 9, 2018                     in an email dated July 9, 2018. Between July 10th
                                                                                                             several stakeholders notified EPA that
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                   through close of business on July 11th, EPA
                                                    DATES: The comment period for the                        we had failed to provide in the                       received requests for a 60 day-extension of the
                                                    proposed rule published on May 30,                       rulemaking docket for the proposed                    comment period from, or on behalf of, the: Utah
                                                    2018 at 83 FR 24850, is extended.                                                                              Physicians for a Healthy Environment, Ohio Valley
                                                                                                             RMP Reconsideration rule (referred to                 Environmental Coalition, the Union of Concerned
                                                    Comments and additional material must                    herein as the Reconsideration Proposal)               Scientists, Coming Clean, Air Alliance Houston,
                                                    be received on or before August 23,                      the risk management plan data we used                 Coalition For A Safe Environment, Clean Air
                                                    2018.                                                    to compare the number of facilities                   Council, Sierra Club, the United Steelworkers, the
                                                                                                                                                                   United Autoworkers, and the States of New York,
                                                    ADDRESSES:  Submit comments and                          reporting in the February 2015 version                Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode
                                                    additional materials, identified by                      of the RMP database to those reporting                Island, and Vermont.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:58 Jul 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24JYP1.SGM   24JYP1

                                                    34968                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    January 13, 2017 (82 FR 4594). The                       spreadsheet file (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                    comment period for the Reconsideration                   OEM–2015–0725–0002). This ten-year                    AGENCY
                                                    Proposal was to end on July 30, 2018.                    set of accident data was used as the
                                                    The 2017 Amendments rule amended                         basis of some of the cost estimates                   40 CFR Part 180
                                                    40 CFR part 68, the chemical accident                    discussed in the Amendments rule RIA.
                                                    prevention provisions under section                      EPA provided similar accident data in                 [EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0006; FRL–9980–31]
                                                    112(r) of the CAA (42 U.S.C. 7412(r)).                   an Excel spreadsheet in the docket for
                                                       The RIA for the Amendments rule                       RMP accidents occurring in 2014–2016                  Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions
                                                    utilized a February 2015 version of the                  (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725–                     Filed for Residues of Pesticide
                                                    RMP database to compile the universe                     0909), as a supporting document for the               Chemicals in or on Various
                                                    of RMP facilities. The database reflected                Reconsideration Proposal. EPA                         Commodities
                                                    that approximately 12,500 facilities had                 developed the latter spreadsheet from                 AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                    filed current risk management plans                      the November 2017 version of the                      Agency (EPA).
                                                    with EPA and could have been                             database.
                                                    potentially affected by the Amendments                                                                         ACTION: Notice of filing of petitions and
                                                                                                                While the various parties requesting               request for comment.
                                                    final rule. EPA had provided in the
                                                                                                             an extension of the comment period
                                                    rulemaking docket, the non-OCA                                                                                 SUMMARY:   This document announces the
                                                                                                             asked that EPA extend the period 60
                                                    version of the risk management plan                                                                            Agency’s receipt of several initial filings
                                                                                                             days, we are extending the comment
                                                    data submitted by facilities as of                                                                             of pesticide petitions requesting the
                                                                                                             period through August 23, 2018. EPA
                                                    February 2015. (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–
                                                                                                             notes that the November 2017 database                 establishment or modification of
                                                    OEM–2015–0725–0311). For the RIA for
                                                                                                             was used for limited purposes in the                  regulations for residues of pesticide
                                                    the Reconsideration Proposal (Docket
                                                                                                             preparation of the Reconsideration                    chemicals in or on various commodities.
                                                    ID: EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725–0907),
                                                                                                             Proposal. Primarily, it was used to                   DATES: Comments must be received on
                                                    EPA compared the February 2015
                                                    version of the risk management plan                      corroborate that the information from                 or before August 23, 2018.
                                                    database to the most recent version of                   the prior RIA regarding the universe of               ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                                    the database from November 2017 for                      stationary sources subject to the RMP                 identified by docket identification (ID)
                                                    the purposes of understanding and                        rule did not change significantly by the              number and the pesticide petition
                                                    comparing how the universe of RMP                        time we prepared the RIA for the                      number (PP) of interest as shown in the
                                                    facilities had changed in the intervening                Reconsideration Proposal. Tables in the               body of this document, by one of the
                                                    period between developing the                            Reconsideration Proposal RIA presented                following methods:
                                                    Amendments rule RIA and the                              the information extracted from the                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                    Reconsideration Proposal RIA. EPA also                   database, so the public could always                  www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                    developed a comparison of the number                     comment on the information. The major                 instructions for submitting comments.
                                                    of RMP facilities by industry sector, by                 impact was the inability to verify the                Do not submit electronically any
                                                    employee size, by RMP program level,                     information from its source. The                      information you consider to be
                                                    by process complexity and by                             updated database also was used to                     Confidential Business Information (CBI)
                                                    responding/nonresponding status.                         confirm that the 2004–2013 trend of                   or other information whose disclosure is
                                                    These counts of RMP facilities are                       declining accident rates over time                    restricted by statute.
                                                    presented in various data tables in                      continued. EPA included in the                          • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental
                                                    Chapter 3 of the Reconsideration                         Reconsideration Proposal docket an                    Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
                                                    Proposal RIA and were extracted from                     Excel spreadsheet on accident data for                DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
                                                    the two versions of the RMP database.                    RMP accidents occurring from 2014–                    NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.
                                                    The comparison revealed that the                         2016 that we derived from the                           • Hand Delivery: To make special
                                                    number of RMP facilities and processes                   November 2017 database.                               arrangements for hand delivery or
                                                    had experienced minor changes in the                        Because the November 2017 database                 delivery of boxed information, please
                                                    more than two years between                              was used mostly for corroboration, we                 follow the instructions at http://
                                                    rulemakings. In total, the number of                     do not believe there were fundamental                 www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.
                                                    RMP facilities decreased by 1.8% over                    data about sources subject to the RMP                 Additional instructions on commenting
                                                    the time-period and included small                       Rule that could not have been observed                or visiting the docket, along with more
                                                    changes in the number of facilities in                   in the 2015 database that was already in              information about dockets generally, is
                                                    most industry codes and process levels.                  the docket. We also note that we have                 available at http://www.epa.gov/
                                                    As discussed in Chapter 3 of the                         docketed the November 2017 RMP                        dockets.
                                                    Reconsideration Proposal RIA, EPA                        database (non-OCA version) as of July
                                                                                                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    determined that the differences between                  11, 2018 and on July 10, 2018, provided
                                                    the databases were minor, with the                                                                             Robert McNally, Biopesticides and
                                                                                                             it to the first party to draw our attention
                                                    exception of the number of accidents.                                                                          Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD)
                                                                                                             to it not being in the docket. In the
                                                    As a result, EPA utilized the costs                                                                            (7511P), main telephone number: (703)
                                                                                                             interest of expeditiously completing the
                                                    estimated for the 2017 Amendments                                                                              305–7090; email address:
                                                                                                             reconsideration process and putting into
                                                    rule RIA as the baseline set of costs to                                                                       BPPDFRNotices@epa.gov., Michael
                                                                                                             effect provisions of the Amendments
                                                    be impacted by the Reconsideration                                                                             Goodis, Registration Division (RD)
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                             that we intend to retain or modify, we
                                                    Proposal.                                                                                                      (7505P), main telephone number: (703)
                                                                                                             believe closing comments on August 23,
                                                       For the Amendments rule, EPA had                                                                            305–7090; email address RDFRNotices@
                                                                                                             2018 strikes an appropriate balance.
                                                    also provided in the docket as a separate                                                                      epa.gov. The mailing address for each
                                                                                                               Dated: July 18, 2018.                               contact person is: Office of Pesticide
                                                    dataset data on accidents occurring at
                                                    RMP facilities from 2004–2013, as                        Reggie Cheatham,                                      Programs, Environmental Protection
                                                    reported in the risk management plan                     Director, Office of Emergency Management.             Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
                                                    database as of February 2015. This                       [FR Doc. 2018–15715 Filed 7–23–18; 8:45 am]           Washington, DC 20460–0001.
                                                    accident data was provided in an Excel                   BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:58 Jul 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00016   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24JYP1.SGM   24JYP1

Document Created: 2018-07-24 00:10:35
Document Modified: 2018-07-24 00:10:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; notification of data availability and extension of comment period.
DatesThe comment period for the proposed rule published on May 30, 2018 at 83 FR 24850, is extended. Comments and additional material must be received on or before August 23, 2018.
ContactJames Belke, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Land and Emergency Management, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (Mail Code 5104A), Washington, DC
FR Citation83 FR 34967 
RIN Number2050-AG95

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