83_FR_35110 83 FR 34968 - Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities

83 FR 34968 - Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 142 (July 24, 2018)

Page Range34968-34974
FR Document2018-15722

This document announces the Agency's receipt of several initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 142 (Tuesday, July 24, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 142 (Tuesday, July 24, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 34968-34974]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15722]



40 CFR Part 180

[EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0006; FRL-9980-31]

Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of 
Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of filing of petitions and request for comment.


SUMMARY: This document announces the Agency's receipt of several 
initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or 
modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or 
on various commodities.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 23, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification 
(ID) number and the pesticide petition number (PP) of interest as shown 
in the body of this document, by one of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit 
electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business 
Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted 
by statute.
     Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental Protection Agency Docket 
Center (EPA/DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 
     Hand Delivery: To make special arrangements for hand 
delivery or delivery of boxed information, please follow the 
instructions at http://www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html. Additional 
instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along with more 
information about dockets generally, is available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert McNally, Biopesticides and 
Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) (7511P), main telephone number: 
(703) 305-7090; email address: BPPDFRNotices@epa.gov., Michael Goodis, 
Registration Division (RD) (7505P), main telephone number: (703) 305-
7090; email address RDFRNotices@epa.gov. The mailing address for each 
contact person is: Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental 
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-


[[Page 34969]]

I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    You may be potentially affected by this action if you are an 
agricultural producer, food manufacturer, or pesticide manufacturer. 
The following list of North American Industrial Classification System 
(NAICS) codes is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
guide to help readers determine whether this document applies to them. 
Potentially affected entities may include:
     Crop production (NAICS code 111).
     Animal production (NAICS code 112).
     Food manufacturing (NAICS code 311).
     Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS code 32532).
    If you have any questions regarding the applicability of this 
action to a particular entity, consult the person listed under FOR 
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT for the division listed at the end of the 
pesticide petition summary of interest.

B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?

    1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through 
regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the 
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or 
CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as 
CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the 
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one 
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as 
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information 
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. 
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with 
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
    2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting 
your comments, see the commenting tips at http://www.epa.gov/dockets/comments.html.
    3. Environmental justice. EPA seeks to achieve environmental 
justice, the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of any group, 
including minority and/or low-income populations, in the development, 
implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and 
policies. To help address potential environmental justice issues, the 
Agency seeks information on any groups or segments of the population 
who, as a result of their location, cultural practices, or other 
factors, may have atypical or disproportionately high and adverse human 
health impacts or environmental effects from exposure to the pesticides 
discussed in this document, compared to the general population.

II. What action is the Agency taking?

    EPA is announcing its receipt of several pesticide petitions filed 
under section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 
21 U.S.C. 346a, requesting the establishment or modification of 
regulations in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of pesticide chemicals in 
or on various food commodities. The Agency is taking public comment on 
the requests before responding to the petitioners. EPA is not proposing 
any particular action at this time. EPA has determined that the 
pesticide petitions described in this document contain the data or 
information prescribed in FFDCA section 408(d)(2), 21 U.S.C. 
346a(d)(2); however, EPA has not fully evaluated the sufficiency of the 
submitted data at this time or whether the data support granting of the 
pesticide petitions. After considering the public comments, EPA intends 
to evaluate whether and what action may be warranted. Additional data 
may be needed before EPA can make a final determination on these 
pesticide petitions.
    Pursuant to 40 CFR 180.7(f), a summary of each of the petitions 
that are the subject of this document, prepared by the petitioner, is 
included in a docket EPA has created for each rulemaking. The docket 
for each of the petitions is available at http://www.regulations.gov.
    As specified in FFDCA section 408(d)(3), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(3), EPA 
is publishing notice of the petitions so that the public has an 
opportunity to comment on these requests for the establishment or 
modification of regulations for residues of pesticides in or on food 
commodities. Further information on the petitions may be obtained 
through the petition summaries referenced in this unit.

Amended Tolerances

    1. PP 7E8616. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0674). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, proposes upon 
establishment of tolerances referenced in this document under ``New 
Tolerances'' for PP 7E8616, to remove existing tolerances in 40 CFR 
180.658 for residues of the fungicide, penthiopyrad, (N-[2-(1,3-
carboxamide) in or on the following raw agricultural commodities: 
Brassica, head and stem, subgroup 5A at 5.0 ppm; Brassica, leafy 
greens, subgroup 5B at 50 ppm; Canola at 1.5 ppm; Cotton, seed at 1.5 
ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12 at 4.0 ppm; Nut, tree, group 14 at 0.06 
ppm; Pistachio at 0.06 ppm; Sunflower, seed at 1.5 ppm and Vegetable, 
leafy, except brassica, group 4 at 30 ppm. Contact: RD.
    2. PP 7E8629. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0671). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to amend 40 CFR 180.637 by removing the tolerances for 
residues of mandipropamid: 4-chloro-N-[2-(3-methoxy-4-(2-
propynyloxy)phenyl]ethyl]-alpha-(2-propynyloxy)-benzeneacetamide in or 
on the raw agricultural commodities Bean, snap at 0.90 ppm; Brassica, 
head and stem, subgroup 5A at 3 ppm; Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 
5B at 25 ppm; Vegetable, leafy except Brassica, group 4 at 20 ppm. 
Analytical method RAM 415-01 was developed for determination of 
mandipropamid residues in crops. Contact: RD.
    3. PP 7E8644. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0088). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to amend 40 CFR 180.505 by removing the tolerances for 
residues of emamectin benzoate, including its metabolites and 
degradates, determined by measuring only the sum of emamectin (a 
mixture of a minimum of 90% 4'-epi-methylamino-4'-deoxyavermectin B1a 
and maximum of 10% 4'-epi-methylamino-4'-deoxyavermectin B1b) and its 
metabolites 8,9-isomer of the B1a and B1b component of the parent (8,9-
ZMA), or 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-amino-avermectin B1a and 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-
amino-avermectin B1b; 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-amino avermectin B1a (AB1a); 4'-
deoxy-4'-epi-(N-formyl-N-methyl)amino-avermectin (MFB1a); and 4'-deoxy-
4'-epi-(N-formyl)amino-avermectin B1a (FAB1a), calculated as the 
stoichiometric equivalent of emamectin in or on the raw agricultural 
commodities Fruit, pome, group 11 at 0.025 parts per million, ppm, Nut, 
tree, group 14 at 0.02 ppm, Pistachio at 0.02 ppm, Turnip, greens at 
0.050 ppm, Vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4 at 0.100 ppm, 
Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 5 at 0.050 ppm, and Vegetable 
fruiting, group 8 at 0.020 ppm. Adequate analytical methods (HPLC-
fluorescence methods) are

[[Page 34970]]

available for enforcement purposes. Contact: RD.
    4. PP 7E8648. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0094). Interregional Research 
Project No.4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend 
the tolerances in 40 CFR part 180.474 upon establishment of tolerances 
referenced in this document under ``New Tolerances'' for PP 7E8648, by 
removing established tolerances for residues of the fungicide 
tebuconazole [[alpha]-[2-(4-chlorophenyl) ethyl]-[alpha]-(1,1-
dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol], in or on the raw 
agricultural commodities: Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 5B at 2.5 
parts per million, ppm; Cotton, undelinted seed at 2.0 ppm; Fruit, 
pome, group 11 at 0.05 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12, except cherry at 
1.0 ppm; Grape at 5.0 ppm; Lychee at 1.6 ppm; Nut, tree, group 14 at 
0.05 ppm; Peach at 1.0 ppm; Pistachio at 0.05 ppm; Plum, pre- and post-
harvest at 1.0 ppm; Sunflower, seed at 0.05 ppm. Contact: RD.
    5. PP 7E8652. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0128). The Interregional Research 
Project Number 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 
500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, proposes upon 
establishment of tolerances referenced in this document under ``New 
Tolerances'' for PP 8E8652, to remove existing tolerances in 40 CFR 
180.317 for residues of the herbicide pronamide (propyzamide), 3,5-
dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propynyl)benzamide in or on apple at 0.1 
parts per million (ppm); blackberry at 0.05 ppm; blueberry at 0.05 ppm; 
boysenberry at 0.05 ppm; fruit, stone, group 12 at 0.1 ppm; grape at 
0.1 ppm; pear at 0.1 ppm; and raspberry at 0.05 ppm. Contact: RD.
    6. PP 7E8654. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0161). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to amend 40 CFR 180.511 by removing the established 
tolerances for residues of buprofezin, 2-(1,1-
thiadiazin-4-one in or on the raw agricultural commodities: Acerola at 
0.30 parts per million (ppm); Brassica, head and stem, subgroup 5A at 
12.0 ppm, Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 5B at 60 ppm, Cotton, 
undelinted seed at 0.35 ppm; Fruit, citrus, group 10 at 2.5 ppm; Fruit, 
stone, group 12, except apricot and peach at 1.9 ppm; Grape at 2.5 ppm; 
Longan at 0.30 ppm; Lychee at 0.30 ppm; Nut, tree group 14 at 0.05 ppm; 
Olive at 3.5 ppm; Olive, oil at 4.8 ppm; Pistachio at 0.05 ppm; Spanish 
lime at 0.30 ppm; Turnip, greens at 60 ppm; Vegetable, leafy, except 
Brassica, group 4, except head lettuce and radicchio at 35 ppm; and Wax 
jambu at 0.30 ppm. The enforcement analytical methods are available in 
PAM I and PAM II for the enforcement of buprofezin tolerances, which 
include gas chromatography methods with nitrogen phosphorus detection 
(GC/NPD), and a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for 
confirmation of buprofezin residues in plant commodities. Contact: RD.
    7. PP 8E8658. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0127). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, proposes, upon 
establishment of tolerances referenced in this document under ``New 
Tolerances'' for PP 8E8758, the following: (i). To remove existing 
tolerances in 40 CFR 180.613(a) for the residues of propiconazole, 
including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the raw agricultural 
commodities: Beet, garden, roots at 0.30 parts per million (ppm); 
Brassica leafy greens, subgroup 5B at 20 ppm; Carrot, roots at 0.25 
ppm; Leaf petioles subgroup 4B at 5.0 ppm; Pistachio at 0.1 ppm; 
Radish, roots at 0.04 ppm; and Tomato at 3.0 ppm, and (ii). To amend 40 
CFR 180.434(b) Section 18 emergency exemption: By removing the 
established time-limited tolerance for residues of propiconazole and 
its metabolites for Avocado at 10 ppm. Contact: RD.
    8. PP 8E8664. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0143). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to amend 40 CFR 180.449 by removing the established 
tolerances for residues of abamectin, including its metabolites and 
degradates, in or on the following commodities: Lychee at 0.01 parts 
per million (ppm) and Vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4 at 
0.10 ppm. The analytical methods involve homogenization, filtration, 
partition, and cleanup with analysis by high performance liquid 
chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence detection. The methods are 
sufficiently sensitive to detect residues at or above the tolerances 
proposed. All methods have undergone independent laboratory validation. 
Contact: RD.
    9. PP 8E86669. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0179). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to amend 40 CFR 180.668 by removing the established 
tolerances for residues of Sulfoxaflor ((N-methyloxido1-6-
in or on the raw agricultural commodities: Fruit, stone, group 12 at 
3.0 ppm, Leafy greens, subgroup 4A at 6.0 ppm, Leafy petiole, subgroup 
4B at 2.0 ppm, Nuts, tree, group 14 at 0.015 ppm, Pistachio at 0.015 
ppm and Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 5, except cauliflower at 2.0 
ppm. Analytical method 091116, ``Enforcement Method for the 
Determination of Sulfoxaflor (XDE-208) and its Main Metabolites in 
Agricultural Commodities using Offline Solid-Phase Extraction and 
Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry Detection'' was 
validated on a variety of plant matrices. Contact: RD.
    10. PP 8E8673. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0286). Interregional Research 
Project Number 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 
500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, proposes upon 
establishment of tolerances referenced in this document under ``New 
Tolerances'' for PP 8E8673, to remove existing tolerances in 40 CFR 
180.414 for residues of the insecticide cyromazine, (N-cyclopropyl-
1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine) in or on cabbage, abbyssinian at 10.0 
parts per million (ppm); cabbage, seakale at 10.0 ppm, garlic at 0.2 
ppm; garlic, great-headed, bulb at 0.2 ppm; hanover salad, leaves at 
10.0 ppm; leek at 3.0 ppm; onion, bulb at 0.2 ppm; onion, green at 3.0 
ppm; onion, potato at 3.0 ppm; onion, tree at 3.0 ppm; onion, welsh at 
3.0 ppm; pepper at 1.0 ppm; potato at 0.8 ppm; rakkyo, bulb at 0.2 ppm; 
shallot, bulb at 0.2 ppm; shallot, fresh leaves at 3.0 ppm; tomato at 
0.5 ppm; turnip, greens at 10.0 ppm; vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 
5, except broccoli at 10.0; vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4 
at 7.0 ppm. The analytical methods AG-408 and AG-417 are used to 
measure and evaluate the chemical cyromazine. Contact: RD

New Tolerance Exemptions for Inerts (Except PIPS)

    PP IN-11080. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0202). OMC Ag Consulting, Inc., 828 
Tanglewood Ln., East Lansing, MI 48823, on behalf of Nutri Ag Inc., 
4740 N Interstate 35 E., Waxahachie, TX 75165, requests to establish an 
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of protein 
hydrolyzates, animal (CAS Reg. No. 100085-61-8) when used as an inert 
ingredient (carrier) in pesticide formulations applied to growing crops 
and raw agricultural commodities under

[[Page 34971]]

40 CFR 180.910. The petitioner believes no analytical method is needed 
because it is not required for an exemption from the requirement of a 
tolerance. Contact: RD.

New Tolerance Exemptions for Non-Inerts (Except PIPS)

    PP 8F8670. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0244). Monsanto Company, 800 N 
Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63167, requests to establish an 
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for 
residues of the plant regulator LCO MOR116 (chemical name: D-glucose, 
2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-; and D-glucose, O-2-deoxy-2-[[(11Z)-1-oxo-11-
[alpha]-L-galactopyranosyl-(1[rarr]6)]-2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-) in or 
on all food commodities. The petitioner believes no analytical method 
is needed because, even in the unlikely event that dietary exposure 
does occur associated with the requested uses, the demonstrated 
favorable toxicological profile for LCO MOR116 does not present a 
potential for hazard to humans or the environment. Contact: BPPD

New Tolerances for Non-Inerts

    1. PP 7E8616. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0674). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, is proposing, 
pursuant to section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
(FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180 by establishing a 
tolerance for residues of the fungicide penthiopyrad, (N-[2-(1,3-
carboxamide) in or on the raw agricultural commodities: Brassica, leafy 
greens, subgroup 4-16B at 50 parts per million (ppm); Bushberry 
subgroup 13-07B at 6 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12-12 at 4.0 ppm; 
Caneberry subgroup 13-07A at 10 ppm; Celtuce at 30 ppm; Fennel, 
Florence at 30 ppm; Kohlrabi at 5.0 ppm; Leaf petiole vegetable 
subgroup 22B at 30 ppm; Leafy greens subgroup 4-16A at 30 ppm; Nut, 
tree, group 14-12 at 0.06 ppm; Oilseed group 20 at 1.5 ppm; and 
Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, group 5-16 at 5.0 ppm. An 
analytical enforcement method, liquid chromatograph (LC) equipped with 
a reverse phase column and a triple quadruple mass spectrometer (MS/MS) 
detection is available for determining penthiopyrad residues in plants. 
The limit of quantification (LOQ) is 0.01 ppm for most matrices except 
for very dry matrices, e.g., pea hay, for which the LOQ is 0.05 ppm. 
Contact: RD.
    2. PP 7E8629. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0671). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for 
residues of mandipropamid: 4-chloro-N-[2-(3-methoxy-4-(2-
propynyloxy)phenyl]ethyl]-alpha-(2-propynyloxy)-benzeneacetamide] in or 
on the raw agricultural commodities Asparagus bean, edible podded at 
0.90 ppm; Bean (Phaseolus spp.), edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Bean (Vigna 
spp.), edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-
16B at 25 ppm; Catjang bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Celtuce at 20 
ppm; Chinese longbean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Citrus, dried pulp at 
0.14 ppm; Citrus, oil at 2.2 ppm; Cowpea, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; 
Florence fennel at 20 ppm; French bean, edible podded 0.90 ppm; Fruit, 
citrus, group 10-10 at 0.5 ppm; Garden bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; 
Goa bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Green bean, edible podded at 0.90 
ppm; Guar bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Jackbean, edible podded at 
0.90 ppm; Kidney bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Kohlrabi at 3 ppm; 
Lablab bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 
22B at 20 ppm; Leafy greens subgroup 4-16A at 25 ppm; Moth bean, edible 
podded at 0.90 ppm; Mung bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Navy bean, 
edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Rice bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; 
Scarlet runner bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Snap bean, edible 
podded at 0.90 ppm; Sword bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Urd bean, 
edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Vegetable soybean, edible podded at 0.90 
ppm; Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, group 5-16 at 3 ppm; Velvet 
bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Wax bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; 
Winged pea, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Yardlong bean, edible podded at 
0.90 ppm. Analytical method RAM 415-01 was developed for determination 
of mandipropamid residues in crops. Contact: RD.
    3. PP 7F8642. EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0143. Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, 
P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419-8300, requests to establish a 
tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the insecticide, 
abamectin, in or on edible-podded legume vegetables subgroup 6a at 0.03 
parts per million (ppm), succulent shelled pea and bean subgroup 6B at 
0.005 ppm, and dried shelled pea and bean (except soybean) subgroup 6C 
at 0.005 ppm. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 
analytical method is used to measure and evaluate the chemical 
abamectin. Contact: RD.
    4. PP 7E8644. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0088). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for 
residues of emamectin, including its metabolites and degradates, 
determined by measuring only the sum of emamectin (a mixture of a 
minimum of 90% 4'-epi-methylamino-4'-deoxyavermectin B1a and maximum of 
10% 4'-epi-methylamino-4'-deoxyavermectin B1b) and its metabolites 8,9-
isomer of the B1a and B1b component of the parent (8,9-ZMA), or 4'-
deoxy-4'-epi-amino-avermectin B1a and 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-amino-avermectin 
B1b; 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-amino avermectin B1a (AB1a); 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-(N-
formyl-N-methyl)amino-avermectin (MFB1a); and 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-(N-
formyl)amino-avermectin B1a (FAB1a), calculated as the stoichiometric 
equivalent of emamectin in or on the raw agricultural commodities 
Artichoke, globe at 0.06 parts per million (ppm), Brassica, leafy 
greens, subgroup 4-16B at 0.050 ppm, Celtuce at 0.100 ppm, Cherry 
subgroup 12-12A at 0.10 ppm, Fennel, Florence at 0.100 ppm, Fruit, 
pome, group 11-10 at 0.025 ppm, Herb subgroup 19A at 0.50 ppm, Kohlrabi 
at 0.050 ppm, Leafy greens subgroup 4-16A at 0.100 ppm, Leaf petiole 
vegetable subgroup 22B at 0.100 ppm, Nut, tree, group 14-12 at 0.02 
ppm, Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, group 5-16 at 0.050 ppm, and 
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8-10 at 0.020 ppm. Adequate analytical 
methods (HPLC-fluorescence methods) are available for enforcement 
purposes. Contact: RD.
    5. PP 7E8645. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0095). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish a tolerance

[[Page 34972]]

in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the herbicide/soil microbicide 
nitrapyrin (2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine) and its metabolite, 
6-chloropicolinic acid (6-CPA), calculated as the stoichiometric 
equivalent of nitrapyrin, in or on the raw agricultural commodities: 
Citrus, dried pulp at 0.094 parts per million (ppm), Citrus, oil at 
0.37 ppm, Fruit, citrus, group 10-10 at 0.03 ppm, Leaf petiole 
vegetable subgroup 22B at 0.4 ppm, Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, 
group 5-16 at 0.07 ppm, Vegetable, bulb, group 3-07 at 0.3 ppm, and 
Vegetable, leafy, group 4-16 at 0.3 ppm. Adequate residue analytical 
methods are available for measuring and enforcing plant tolerances 
including: Method 205G881A-1 determines residues of nitrapyrin by gas 
chromatography with electron-impact mass spectrometry detection, and 
Method 205G881-B1 determines residues of 6-chloropicolinic acid by 
liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection. Both 
methods have been validated. Contact: RD.
    6. PP 7F8646. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0053). BASF Corporation, 26 Davis 
Dr., P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, requests to 
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the 
insecticide, broflanilide, including its metabolites and degradates, in 
or on grain, cereal, except rice, group 15; amaranth grain; quinoa, 
grain; spelt, grain; canihua, grain; chia, grain; cram-cram, grain; 
huauzontle, grain; teff, grain; corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks 
removed at 0.01 parts per million (ppm) and commodity vegetables, 
tuberous and corm, subgroup 1C at 0.04 ppm. Tolerances are also 
requested for cattle, meat; goat, meat; horse, meat; sheep, meat at 
0.01 ppm, and commodity milk, fat; poultry, fat at 0.02 ppm, and 
commodity cattle, fat; sheep, fat; goat, fat at 0.05 ppm. Additionally, 
tolerances are requested for grain, cereal, forage, fodder and straw, 
group 16, except rice; quinoa, hay; teff, hay; corn, sweet, stover; 
corn, sweet, forage at 0.01 ppm, and commodity corn, field, milled 
products at 0.015 ppm and potato, wet peel at 0.1 ppm for processed 
commodities. In addition, BASF is proposing to establish a tolerance of 
0.01 ppm for residues of Broflanilide in or on all food items in food 
handling establishments where food and food products are held, 
processed, prepared and/or served. The independently validated 
analytical method is used to measure and evaluate the chemical 
Broflanilide and its metabolites S(PFP-OH)-8007 and DM-8007. An 
independently validated analytical method has been submitted for 
analyzing residues of parent Broflanilide plus metabolites DM-8007 and 
DC-DM-8007 in animal matrices by Liquid chromatography with tandem mass 
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Food handling matrices samples were analyzed 
for Broflanilide residues using a combination of the plant and animal 
methods with minor modifications. Contact: RD.
    7. PP 7E8648. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0094). Interregional Research 
Project No.4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the fungicide 
tebuconazole, including its metabolites and degradates. Compliance with 
the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only 
tebuconazole [[alpha]-[2-(4-chlorophenyl) ethyl]-[alpha]-(1,1-
dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol], in or on the raw 
agricultural commodities: Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-16B, 
except watercress at 2.5 parts per million (ppm); Cottonseed subgroup 
20C at 2.0 ppm; Fruit, pome, group 11-10 at 1.0 ppm; Fruit, stone, 
group 12-12, except cherry at 1.0 ppm; Fruit, small, vine climbing, 
except fuzzy kiwifruit, subgroup 13-07F at 6.0 ppm; Nut, tree, group 
14-12 at 0.05 ppm; Sunflower subgroup 20B at 0.1 ppm, Tropical and 
subtropical, small fruit, inedible peel, subgroup 24A at 1.6 ppm; and 
Watercress at 9.0 ppm. Practical analytical methods for enforcement 
purposes in detecting and measuring levels of tebuconazole and the 
triazole metabolites: 1,2,4-triazole (T), traizole alanine (TA) and the 
traizole acetic acid (TAA) have been developed and validated in/on all 
appropriate agricultural commodities and respective processing 
fractions. Contact: RD.
    8. PP 7F8651. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0194). ISK Biosciences Corporation, 
7470 Auburn Rd, Suite A, Concord, OH 44077, requests to establish a 
tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the insecticide 
cylaniliprole on citrus fruit (crop group 10-10) at 0.5 ppm; tuberous & 
corm vegetables (crop group 1C) at 0.01 ppm; and berry & small fruit 
(crop subgroup 13-07A, 13-07B, 13-07E except grape, and 13-07G) at 1.5 
ppm. Liquid chromatography-MS/MS is used to measure and evaluate the 
chemical cyclaniliprole residues. Contact: RD
    9. PP 7E8652. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0128). The Interregional Research 
Project Number 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 
500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish tolerances in 40 CFR part 180. 317 for residues of the 
herbicide pronamide (propyzamide), 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-
propynyl)benzamide in or on berry, low growing, except strawberry, 
subgroup 13-07H at 1 parts per million (ppm), bushberry subgroup 13-07B 
at 0.05 ppm; caneberry subgroup 13-07A at 0.05 ppm; fruit, pome, group 
11-10 at 0.1 ppm; fruit, small, vine climbing, except fuzzy kiwifruit, 
subgroup 13-07F at 0.1 ppm; and fruit, stone, group 12-12 at 0.1 ppm. 
The GLC/ECD method listed in the Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM) 
Volume II is used to measure and evaluate the chemical. Contact: RD.
    10. PP 7E8654. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0161). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to establish tolerances for residues of buprofezin, 2-
thiadiazin-4-one in or on the raw agricultural commodities Fig at 0.70 
parts per million (ppm), Leafy greens subgroup 4-16A, except head 
lettuce and radicchio at 35 ppm; Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-16B 
at 60 parts per million (ppm); Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, 
group 5-16 at 12.0 ppm; Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 35 ppm; 
Celtuce at 35 ppm; Fennel, Florence at 35 ppm; Kohlrabi at 12.0 ppm; 
Tropical and subtropical, small fruit, edible peel, subgroup 23A at 5.0 
ppm; Tropical and subtropical, small fruit, inedible peel, subgroup 24A 
at 0.30 ppm; Cottonseed subgroup 20C at 0.35 ppm; Fruit, citrus, group 
10-10 at 2.5 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12-12, except apricot and peach 
at 2.0 ppm; Fruit, small, vine climbing, except fuzzy kiwifruit, 
subgroup 13-07F at 2.5 ppm and Nut, tree, group 14-12 at 0.05 ppm. The 
enforcement analytical methods are available in PAM I and PAM II for 
the enforcement of buprofezin tolerances, which include gas 
chromatography methods with nitrogen phosphorus detection (GC/NPD), and 
a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for confirmation 
of buprofezin residues in plant commodities. Contact: RD.
    11. PP 8E8658. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0127). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4, (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540 requests, pursuant 
to section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 
21 U.S.C. 346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180.434 (a) General by 
establishing a tolerance for residues of propiconazole, including

[[Page 34973]]

its metabolites and degradates. Compliance with the tolerance levels 
specified below is to be determined by measuring only those 
propiconazole residues convertible to 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid (2,4-
DCBA), expressed as the stoichiometric equivalent of propiconazole, in 
or on the raw agricultural commodities: Avocado, at 0.2 parts per 
million (ppm); Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-16B, except 
watercress at 20 ppm; Celtuce at 5.0 ppm; Florence fennel at 5.0 ppm; 
Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 5.0 ppm; Swiss chard at 5.0 ppm, 
Tomato subgroup 8-10A at 3.0 ppm and Vegetable, root, except sugar 
beet, subgroup 1B at 0.30 ppm. Analytical methods AG-626 and AG-454A 
were developed for the determination of residues of propiconazole and 
its metabolites containing the DCBA moiety. Analytical method AG-626 
has been accepted and published by EPA as the tolerance enforcement 
method for crops. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) for the method is 
0.05 ppm. Contact: RD.
    12. PP 8E8660. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0275). The Interregional Research 
Project Number 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 
500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180. 446 for residues of the 
insecticide clofentezine, 3,6-bis(2-chlorophenyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine in 
or on guava at 1 part per million (ppm). The analytical method for 
residues of clofentezine in fruit (Western Red Delicious Apples) by 
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra violet (UV) 
Detection'' is used to measure and evaluate the chemical. Contact: RD.
    13. PP 8E8664. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0143). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201 W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to establish tolerances for residues of abamectin, 
including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the following 
commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels is to be determined 
by measuring only avermectin B1 a mixture of avermectins containing 
greater than or equal to 80% avermectin B1 a (5-O-demethyl avermectin 
A1) and less than or equal to 20% avermectin B1b (5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-
methylpropyl)-25-(1-methylethyl) avermectin A1) and its delta-8,9-
isomer in or on the raw agricultural commodities: Arugula at 0.10 parts 
per million (ppm), Carrot, roots at 0.03 ppm, Celtuce at 0.10 ppm, 
Fennel, Florence at 0.10 ppm, Garden cress at 0.10 ppm, Leaf petiole 
vegetable subgroup 22B at 0.10 ppm, Leafy greens subgroup 4-16A at 0.10 
ppm, Tropical and subtropical, small fruit, inedible peel, subgroup 24A 
at 0.01 ppm, and Upland cress at 0.10 ppm. The analytical methods 
involve homogenization, filtration, partition, and cleanup with 
analysis by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence 
detection. The methods are sufficiently sensitive to detect residues at 
or above the tolerances proposed. All methods have undergone 
independent laboratory validation. Contact: RD.
    14. PP 8E8666. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0179). Interregional Research 
Project No. 4 (IR-4), IR-4 Project Headquarters, Rutgers, The State 
University of NJ, 500 College Road East, Suite 201 W, Princeton, NJ 
08540, requests to establish tolerances for residues of sulfoxaflor 
sulfanylidene]cyanamide) in or on the raw agricultural commodities: 
Artichoke, globe at 0.70 parts per million (ppm), Asparagus at 0.015 
ppm, Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-16B, except watercress at 2.0 
ppm, Bushberry subgroup 13-07B at 2.0 ppm, Caneberry subgroup 13-07A at 
1.5 ppm, Celtuce at 2.0 ppm, Florence fennel at 2.0 ppm, Fruit, stone, 
group 12-12 at 3.0 ppm, Kohlrabi at 2.0 ppm, Leafy greens subgroup 4-
16A at 6.0 ppm, Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 2.0 ppm, Nut, 
tree, group 14-12 at 0.015 ppm, Sunflower subgroup 20B at 0.30 ppm, and 
Vegetable, brassica, head and stem, group 5-16, except cauliflower at 
2.0 ppm. Analytical method 091116, ``Enforcement Method for the 
Determination of Sulfoxaflor (XDE-208) and its Main Metabolites in 
Agricultural Commodities using Offline Solid-Phase Extraction and 
Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry Detection'' was 
validated on a variety of plant matrices. Contact: RD.
    15. PP 8E8667. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0273). Interregional Research 
Project No.4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 500 
College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the 
insecticide flonicamid, including its metabolites and degradates, 
determined by measuring only the sum of flonicamid, N-(cyanomethyl)-4-
(trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridinecarboxamide, and its metabolites, TFNA (4-
trifluoromethylnicotinic acid), TFNA-AM (4-
trifluoromethylnicotinamide), and TFNG, N-(4-
trifluoromethylnicotinoyl)glycine, calculated as the stoichiometric 
equivalent of flonicamid, in or on raw agricultural commodities as 
follows: Sunflower subgroup 20B at 0.70 parts per million (ppm). 
Analytical methodology to determine above designated residues of 
flonicamid for the majority of crops includes an initial extraction 
with acetonitrile (ACN)/deionized (DI) water, followed by a liquid-
liquid partition with ethyl acetate. The final sample solution is 
quantitated using a liquid chromatograph (LC) equipped with a reverse 
phase column and a triple quadruple mass spectrometer (MS/MS). Contact: 
    16. PP 8E8673. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0286). Interregional Research 
Project Number 4 (IR-4), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 
500 College Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to 
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180. 414 for residues of the 
insecticide cyromazine, (N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine) 
in or on Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4-16B at 10.0 parts per 
million (ppm); Celtuce at 7.0 ppm; Chickpea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; 
Chickpea, succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Dwarf pea, edible podded at 0.4 
ppm; Edible podded pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; English pea, 
succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Florence fennel at 7.0 ppm; Garden pea, 
succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Grass-pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; 
Green pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; Green pea, succulent shelled at 
0.3 ppm; Kohlrabi at 10.0 ppm; Leaf petiole subgroup 22B at 7.0 ppm; 
Leafy green subgroup 4-16A at 7.0 ppm; Lentil, edible podded at 0.4 
ppm; Lentil, succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Onion, bulb, subgroup 3-07A 
at 0.2 ppm; Onion, green, subgroup 3-07B at 3.0 ppm; Pepper/eggplant 8-
10B at 1.0 ppm; Pigeon pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; Pigeon pea, 
succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Snap pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; Snow 
pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm; Sugar snap pea, edible podded at 0.4 
ppm; Tomato subgroup 8-10A at 1.0 ppm; Vegetable, brassica, head and 
stem, group 5-16, except broccoli at 10.0 ppm; and Vegetable, tuberous 
and corm, subgroup 1C at 0.8 ppm. The analytical methods AG-408 and AG-
417 are used to measure and evaluate the chemical cyromazine. Contact: 
    17. PP 8E8678. EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0300. Dow AgroSciences, 9330 
Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268, requests to establish import 
tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the fungicide 
fenbuconazole (alpha-(2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-alpha-phenyl-3-(1H-
1,2,4-triazole)-1-propanenitrile) and its metabolites cis and trans-5-

[[Page 34974]]

1,2,4-triazole-1-ylmethyl)-2-3H-furanone) in or on the raw agricultural 
commodities tea, dried at 10 parts per million (ppm); and tea, instant 
at 10 ppm. The analytical methodology column chromatography and 
nitrogen -phosphorus detection (NPD) gas chromatography detection is 
used to measure and evaluate the chemical fenbuconazole. Contact: RD.
    18. PP 8F8661. EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0297. Cheminova A/S, P.O. Box 9, DK-
7620, Lemvig, Denmark and on behalf of FMC Corporation, 2929 Walnut 
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, requests to establish tolerance in 40 
CFR part 180 for residues of the fungicide flutriafol [chemical name 
]1[hyphen]ethanol] in or on the raw agricultural commodities alfalfa, 
forage at 15 parts per million (ppm); alfalfa, hay at 50 ppm; barley, 
grain at 1.5 ppm; barley, hay at 7.0 ppm; barley, straw at 8.0 ppm; 
corn, sweet, forage at 9.0 ppm; corn, sweet, kernels plus cobs with 
husks removed at 0.03 ppm; corn, sweet, stover at 8 ppm; rice, bran at 
0.4 ppm; rice, grain at 0.5 ppm; rice, hulls at 1.5 ppm; and rice, 
straw at 0.9 ppm. The analytical methodology gas chromatography (GC) 
employing mass selective (MSD) detection and or HPLC/UPLC employing 
tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) detection is used to measure and 
evaluate the chemical flutriafol. Contact: RD.

    Authority:  21 U.S.C. 346a.

    Dated: July 10, 2018.
Hamaad Syed,
Acting Director, Information Technology and Resources Management 
Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2018-15722 Filed 7-23-18; 8:45 am]

                                                    34968                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    January 13, 2017 (82 FR 4594). The                       spreadsheet file (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                    comment period for the Reconsideration                   OEM–2015–0725–0002). This ten-year                    AGENCY
                                                    Proposal was to end on July 30, 2018.                    set of accident data was used as the
                                                    The 2017 Amendments rule amended                         basis of some of the cost estimates                   40 CFR Part 180
                                                    40 CFR part 68, the chemical accident                    discussed in the Amendments rule RIA.
                                                    prevention provisions under section                      EPA provided similar accident data in                 [EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–0006; FRL–9980–31]
                                                    112(r) of the CAA (42 U.S.C. 7412(r)).                   an Excel spreadsheet in the docket for
                                                       The RIA for the Amendments rule                       RMP accidents occurring in 2014–2016                  Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions
                                                    utilized a February 2015 version of the                  (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725–                     Filed for Residues of Pesticide
                                                    RMP database to compile the universe                     0909), as a supporting document for the               Chemicals in or on Various
                                                    of RMP facilities. The database reflected                Reconsideration Proposal. EPA                         Commodities
                                                    that approximately 12,500 facilities had                 developed the latter spreadsheet from                 AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                                    filed current risk management plans                      the November 2017 version of the                      Agency (EPA).
                                                    with EPA and could have been                             database.
                                                    potentially affected by the Amendments                                                                         ACTION: Notice of filing of petitions and
                                                                                                                While the various parties requesting               request for comment.
                                                    final rule. EPA had provided in the
                                                                                                             an extension of the comment period
                                                    rulemaking docket, the non-OCA                                                                                 SUMMARY:   This document announces the
                                                                                                             asked that EPA extend the period 60
                                                    version of the risk management plan                                                                            Agency’s receipt of several initial filings
                                                                                                             days, we are extending the comment
                                                    data submitted by facilities as of                                                                             of pesticide petitions requesting the
                                                                                                             period through August 23, 2018. EPA
                                                    February 2015. (Docket ID: EPA–HQ–
                                                                                                             notes that the November 2017 database                 establishment or modification of
                                                    OEM–2015–0725–0311). For the RIA for
                                                                                                             was used for limited purposes in the                  regulations for residues of pesticide
                                                    the Reconsideration Proposal (Docket
                                                                                                             preparation of the Reconsideration                    chemicals in or on various commodities.
                                                    ID: EPA–HQ–OEM–2015–0725–0907),
                                                                                                             Proposal. Primarily, it was used to                   DATES: Comments must be received on
                                                    EPA compared the February 2015
                                                    version of the risk management plan                      corroborate that the information from                 or before August 23, 2018.
                                                    database to the most recent version of                   the prior RIA regarding the universe of               ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                                    the database from November 2017 for                      stationary sources subject to the RMP                 identified by docket identification (ID)
                                                    the purposes of understanding and                        rule did not change significantly by the              number and the pesticide petition
                                                    comparing how the universe of RMP                        time we prepared the RIA for the                      number (PP) of interest as shown in the
                                                    facilities had changed in the intervening                Reconsideration Proposal. Tables in the               body of this document, by one of the
                                                    period between developing the                            Reconsideration Proposal RIA presented                following methods:
                                                    Amendments rule RIA and the                              the information extracted from the                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                    Reconsideration Proposal RIA. EPA also                   database, so the public could always                  www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                    developed a comparison of the number                     comment on the information. The major                 instructions for submitting comments.
                                                    of RMP facilities by industry sector, by                 impact was the inability to verify the                Do not submit electronically any
                                                    employee size, by RMP program level,                     information from its source. The                      information you consider to be
                                                    by process complexity and by                             updated database also was used to                     Confidential Business Information (CBI)
                                                    responding/nonresponding status.                         confirm that the 2004–2013 trend of                   or other information whose disclosure is
                                                    These counts of RMP facilities are                       declining accident rates over time                    restricted by statute.
                                                    presented in various data tables in                      continued. EPA included in the                          • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental
                                                    Chapter 3 of the Reconsideration                         Reconsideration Proposal docket an                    Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
                                                    Proposal RIA and were extracted from                     Excel spreadsheet on accident data for                DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
                                                    the two versions of the RMP database.                    RMP accidents occurring from 2014–                    NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.
                                                    The comparison revealed that the                         2016 that we derived from the                           • Hand Delivery: To make special
                                                    number of RMP facilities and processes                   November 2017 database.                               arrangements for hand delivery or
                                                    had experienced minor changes in the                        Because the November 2017 database                 delivery of boxed information, please
                                                    more than two years between                              was used mostly for corroboration, we                 follow the instructions at http://
                                                    rulemakings. In total, the number of                     do not believe there were fundamental                 www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html.
                                                    RMP facilities decreased by 1.8% over                    data about sources subject to the RMP                 Additional instructions on commenting
                                                    the time-period and included small                       Rule that could not have been observed                or visiting the docket, along with more
                                                    changes in the number of facilities in                   in the 2015 database that was already in              information about dockets generally, is
                                                    most industry codes and process levels.                  the docket. We also note that we have                 available at http://www.epa.gov/
                                                    As discussed in Chapter 3 of the                         docketed the November 2017 RMP                        dockets.
                                                    Reconsideration Proposal RIA, EPA                        database (non-OCA version) as of July
                                                                                                                                                                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    determined that the differences between                  11, 2018 and on July 10, 2018, provided
                                                    the databases were minor, with the                                                                             Robert McNally, Biopesticides and
                                                                                                             it to the first party to draw our attention
                                                    exception of the number of accidents.                                                                          Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD)
                                                                                                             to it not being in the docket. In the
                                                    As a result, EPA utilized the costs                                                                            (7511P), main telephone number: (703)
                                                                                                             interest of expeditiously completing the
                                                    estimated for the 2017 Amendments                                                                              305–7090; email address:
                                                                                                             reconsideration process and putting into
                                                    rule RIA as the baseline set of costs to                                                                       BPPDFRNotices@epa.gov., Michael
                                                                                                             effect provisions of the Amendments
                                                    be impacted by the Reconsideration                                                                             Goodis, Registration Division (RD)
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                             that we intend to retain or modify, we
                                                    Proposal.                                                                                                      (7505P), main telephone number: (703)
                                                                                                             believe closing comments on August 23,
                                                       For the Amendments rule, EPA had                                                                            305–7090; email address RDFRNotices@
                                                                                                             2018 strikes an appropriate balance.
                                                    also provided in the docket as a separate                                                                      epa.gov. The mailing address for each
                                                                                                               Dated: July 18, 2018.                               contact person is: Office of Pesticide
                                                    dataset data on accidents occurring at
                                                    RMP facilities from 2004–2013, as                        Reggie Cheatham,                                      Programs, Environmental Protection
                                                    reported in the risk management plan                     Director, Office of Emergency Management.             Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
                                                    database as of February 2015. This                       [FR Doc. 2018–15715 Filed 7–23–18; 8:45 am]           Washington, DC 20460–0001.
                                                    accident data was provided in an Excel                   BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:58 Jul 23, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00016   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\24JYP1.SGM   24JYP1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          34969

                                                    I. General Information                                   factors, may have atypical or                         carboxamide) in or on the following raw
                                                                                                             disproportionately high and adverse                   agricultural commodities: Brassica, head
                                                    A. Does this action apply to me?
                                                                                                             human health impacts or environmental                 and stem, subgroup 5A at 5.0 ppm;
                                                       You may be potentially affected by                    effects from exposure to the pesticides               Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 5B at 50
                                                    this action if you are an agricultural                   discussed in this document, compared                  ppm; Canola at 1.5 ppm; Cotton, seed at
                                                    producer, food manufacturer, or                          to the general population.                            1.5 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12 at 4.0
                                                    pesticide manufacturer. The following                                                                          ppm; Nut, tree, group 14 at 0.06 ppm;
                                                    list of North American Industrial                        II. What action is the Agency taking?
                                                                                                                                                                   Pistachio at 0.06 ppm; Sunflower, seed
                                                    Classification System (NAICS) codes is                      EPA is announcing its receipt of                   at 1.5 ppm and Vegetable, leafy, except
                                                    not intended to be exhaustive, but rather                several pesticide petitions filed under               brassica, group 4 at 30 ppm. Contact:
                                                    provides a guide to help readers                         section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug,                RD.
                                                    determine whether this document                          and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C.                      2. PP 7E8629. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–
                                                    applies to them. Potentially affected                    346a, requesting the establishment or                 0671). Interregional Research Project
                                                    entities may include:                                    modification of regulations in 40 CFR                 No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,
                                                       • Crop production (NAICS code 111).                   part 180 for residues of pesticide                    Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500
                                                       • Animal production (NAICS code                       chemicals in or on various food                       College Road East, Suite 201W,
                                                    112).                                                    commodities. The Agency is taking                     Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend
                                                       • Food manufacturing (NAICS code                      public comment on the requests before                 40 CFR 180.637 by removing the
                                                    311).                                                    responding to the petitioners. EPA is not             tolerances for residues of
                                                       • Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS                      proposing any particular action at this               mandipropamid: 4-chloro-N-[2-(3-
                                                    code 32532).                                             time. EPA has determined that the                     methoxy-4-(2-
                                                       If you have any questions regarding                   pesticide petitions described in this                 propynyloxy)phenyl]ethyl]-alpha-(2-
                                                    the applicability of this action to a                    document contain the data or                          propynyloxy)-benzeneacetamide in or
                                                    particular entity, consult the person                    information prescribed in FFDCA                       on the raw agricultural commodities
                                                    listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                     section 408(d)(2), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(2);              Bean, snap at 0.90 ppm; Brassica, head
                                                    CONTACT for the division listed at the                   however, EPA has not fully evaluated                  and stem, subgroup 5A at 3 ppm;
                                                    end of the pesticide petition summary of                 the sufficiency of the submitted data at              Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 5B at 25
                                                    interest.                                                this time or whether the data support                 ppm; Vegetable, leafy except Brassica,
                                                    B. What should I consider as I prepare                   granting of the pesticide petitions. After            group 4 at 20 ppm. Analytical method
                                                    my comments for EPA?                                     considering the public comments, EPA                  RAM 415–01 was developed for
                                                                                                             intends to evaluate whether and what                  determination of mandipropamid
                                                       1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this                 action may be warranted. Additional                   residues in crops. Contact: RD.
                                                    information to EPA through                               data may be needed before EPA can                        3. PP 7E8644. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark                   make a final determination on these                   0088). Interregional Research Project
                                                    the part or all of the information that                  pesticide petitions.                                  No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,
                                                    you claim to be CBI. For CBI                                Pursuant to 40 CFR 180.7(f), a                     Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500
                                                    information in a disk or CD–ROM that                     summary of each of the petitions that                 College Road East, Suite 201W,
                                                    you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the                 are the subject of this document,                     Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend
                                                    disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then                           prepared by the petitioner, is included               40 CFR 180.505 by removing the
                                                    identify electronically within the disk or               in a docket EPA has created for each                  tolerances for residues of emamectin
                                                    CD–ROM the specific information that                     rulemaking. The docket for each of the                benzoate, including its metabolites and
                                                    is claimed as CBI. In addition to one                    petitions is available at http://                     degradates, determined by measuring
                                                    complete version of the comment that                     www.regulations.gov.                                  only the sum of emamectin (a mixture
                                                    includes information claimed as CBI, a                      As specified in FFDCA section                      of a minimum of 90% 4′-epi-
                                                    copy of the comment that does not                        408(d)(3), 21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(3), EPA is               methylamino-4′-deoxyavermectin B1a
                                                    contain the information claimed as CBI                   publishing notice of the petitions so that            and maximum of 10% 4′-epi-
                                                    must be submitted for inclusion in the                   the public has an opportunity to                      methylamino-4′-deoxyavermectin B1b)
                                                    public docket. Information so marked                     comment on these requests for the                     and its metabolites 8,9-isomer of the B1a
                                                    will not be disclosed except in                          establishment or modification of                      and B1b component of the parent (8,9–
                                                    accordance with procedures set forth in                  regulations for residues of pesticides in             ZMA), or 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-amino-
                                                    40 CFR part 2.                                           or on food commodities. Further                       avermectin B1a and 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-
                                                       2. Tips for preparing your comments.                  information on the petitions may be                   amino-avermectin B1b; 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-
                                                    When preparing and submitting your                       obtained through the petition                         amino avermectin B1a (AB1a); 4′-deoxy-
                                                    comments, see the commenting tips at                     summaries referenced in this unit.                    4′-epi-(N-formyl-N-methyl)amino-
                                                    http://www.epa.gov/dockets/                                                                                    avermectin (MFB1a); and 4′-deoxy-4′-
                                                    comments.html.                                           Amended Tolerances                                    epi-(N-formyl)amino-avermectin B1a
                                                       3. Environmental justice. EPA seeks to                   1. PP 7E8616. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–                    (FAB1a), calculated as the
                                                    achieve environmental justice, the fair                  0674). Interregional Research Project                 stoichiometric equivalent of emamectin
                                                    treatment and meaningful involvement                     No. 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                      in or on the raw agricultural
                                                    of any group, including minority and/or                  University of New Jersey, 500 College                 commodities Fruit, pome, group 11 at
                                                    low-income populations, in the                           Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                  0.025 parts per million, ppm, Nut, tree,
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    development, implementation, and                         08540, proposes upon establishment of                 group 14 at 0.02 ppm, Pistachio at 0.02
                                                    enforcement of environmental laws,                       tolerances referenced in this document                ppm, Turnip, greens at 0.050 ppm,
                                                    regulations, and policies. To help                       under ‘‘New Tolerances’’ for PP 7E8616,               Vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group
                                                    address potential environmental justice                  to remove existing tolerances in 40 CFR               4 at 0.100 ppm, Vegetable, brassica,
                                                    issues, the Agency seeks information on                  180.658 for residues of the fungicide,                leafy, group 5 at 0.050 ppm, and
                                                    any groups or segments of the                            penthiopyrad, (N-[2-(1,3-                             Vegetable fruiting, group 8 at 0.020
                                                    population who, as a result of their                     dimethylbutyl)-3-thienyl]-1-methyl-3-                 ppm. Adequate analytical methods
                                                    location, cultural practices, or other                   (trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-                      (HPLC-fluorescence methods) are

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                                                    34970                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    available for enforcement purposes.                      ppm; Olive at 3.5 ppm; Olive, oil at 4.8              Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend
                                                    Contact: RD.                                             ppm; Pistachio at 0.05 ppm; Spanish                   40 CFR 180.668 by removing the
                                                       4. PP 7E8648. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                       lime at 0.30 ppm; Turnip, greens at 60                established tolerances for residues of
                                                    0094). Interregional Research Project                    ppm; Vegetable, leafy, except Brassica,               Sulfoxaflor ((N-methyloxido1-6-
                                                    No.4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                          group 4, except head lettuce and                      (trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridinyl]ethyl]-g4-
                                                    University of New Jersey, 500 College                    radicchio at 35 ppm; and Wax jambu at                 sulfanylidene]cyanamide) in or on the
                                                    Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                     0.30 ppm. The enforcement analytical                  raw agricultural commodities: Fruit,
                                                    08540, requests to amend the tolerances                  methods are available in PAM I and                    stone, group 12 at 3.0 ppm, Leafy
                                                    in 40 CFR part 180.474 upon                              PAM II for the enforcement of                         greens, subgroup 4A at 6.0 ppm, Leafy
                                                    establishment of tolerances referenced                   buprofezin tolerances, which include                  petiole, subgroup 4B at 2.0 ppm, Nuts,
                                                    in this document under ‘‘New                             gas chromatography methods with                       tree, group 14 at 0.015 ppm, Pistachio
                                                    Tolerances’’ for PP 7E8648, by removing                  nitrogen phosphorus detection (GC/                    at 0.015 ppm and Vegetable, brassica,
                                                    established tolerances for residues of the               NPD), and a gas chromatography/mass                   leafy, group 5, except cauliflower at 2.0
                                                    fungicide tebuconazole [a-[2-(4-                         spectrometry (GC/MS) method for                       ppm. Analytical method 091116,
                                                    chlorophenyl) ethyl]-a-(1,1-                             confirmation of buprofezin residues in                ‘‘Enforcement Method for the
                                                    dimethylethyl)-1H–1,2,4-triazole-1-                      plant commodities. Contact: RD.                       Determination of Sulfoxaflor (XDE–208)
                                                    ethanol], in or on the raw agricultural                     7. PP 8E8658. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                    and its Main Metabolites in Agricultural
                                                    commodities: Brassica, leafy greens,                     0127). Interregional Research Project                 Commodities using Offline Solid-Phase
                                                    subgroup 5B at 2.5 parts per million,                    No. 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                      Extraction and Liquid Chromatography
                                                    ppm; Cotton, undelinted seed at 2.0                      University of New Jersey, 500 College                 with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
                                                    ppm; Fruit, pome, group 11 at 0.05 ppm;                  Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                  Detection’’ was validated on a variety of
                                                    Fruit, stone, group 12, except cherry at                 08540, proposes, upon establishment of                plant matrices. Contact: RD.
                                                    1.0 ppm; Grape at 5.0 ppm; Lychee at                     tolerances referenced in this document                   10. PP 8E8673. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    1.6 ppm; Nut, tree, group 14 at 0.05                     under ‘‘New Tolerances’’ for PP 8E8758,               0286). Interregional Research Project
                                                    ppm; Peach at 1.0 ppm; Pistachio at 0.05                 the following: (i). To remove existing                Number 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State
                                                    ppm; Plum, pre- and post-harvest at 1.0                  tolerances in 40 CFR 180.613(a) for the               University of New Jersey, 500 College
                                                    ppm; Sunflower, seed at 0.05 ppm.                        residues of propiconazole, including its              Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ
                                                    Contact: RD.                                             metabolites and degradates, in or on the              08540, proposes upon establishment of
                                                       5. PP 7E8652. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                       raw agricultural commodities: Beet,                   tolerances referenced in this document
                                                    0128). The Interregional Research                        garden, roots at 0.30 parts per million               under ‘‘New Tolerances’’ for PP 8E8673,
                                                    Project Number 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The                    (ppm); Brassica leafy greens, subgroup                to remove existing tolerances in 40 CFR
                                                    State University of New Jersey, 500                      5B at 20 ppm; Carrot, roots at 0.25 ppm;              180.414 for residues of the insecticide
                                                    College Road East, Suite 201W,                           Leaf petioles subgroup 4B at 5.0 ppm;                 cyromazine, (N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-
                                                    Princeton, NJ 08540, proposes upon                       Pistachio at 0.1 ppm; Radish, roots at                triazine-2,4,6-triamine) in or on cabbage,
                                                    establishment of tolerances referenced                   0.04 ppm; and Tomato at 3.0 ppm, and                  abbyssinian at 10.0 parts per million
                                                    in this document under ‘‘New                             (ii). To amend 40 CFR 180.434(b)                      (ppm); cabbage, seakale at 10.0 ppm,
                                                    Tolerances’’ for PP 8E8652, to remove                    Section 18 emergency exemption: By                    garlic at 0.2 ppm; garlic, great-headed,
                                                    existing tolerances in 40 CFR 180.317                    removing the established time-limited                 bulb at 0.2 ppm; hanover salad, leaves
                                                    for residues of the herbicide pronamide                  tolerance for residues of propiconazole               at 10.0 ppm; leek at 3.0 ppm; onion,
                                                    (propyzamide), 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-                      and its metabolites for Avocado at 10                 bulb at 0.2 ppm; onion, green at 3.0
                                                    dimethyl-2-propynyl)benzamide in or                      ppm. Contact: RD.                                     ppm; onion, potato at 3.0 ppm; onion,
                                                    on apple at 0.1 parts per million (ppm);                    8. PP 8E8664. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                    tree at 3.0 ppm; onion, welsh at 3.0
                                                    blackberry at 0.05 ppm; blueberry at                     0143). Interregional Research Project                 ppm; pepper at 1.0 ppm; potato at 0.8
                                                    0.05 ppm; boysenberry at 0.05 ppm;                       No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,              ppm; rakkyo, bulb at 0.2 ppm; shallot,
                                                    fruit, stone, group 12 at 0.1 ppm; grape                 Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500              bulb at 0.2 ppm; shallot, fresh leaves at
                                                    at 0.1 ppm; pear at 0.1 ppm; and                         College Road East, Suite 201W,                        3.0 ppm; tomato at 0.5 ppm; turnip,
                                                    raspberry at 0.05 ppm. Contact: RD.                      Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend                greens at 10.0 ppm; vegetable, brassica,
                                                       6. PP 7E8654. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                       40 CFR 180.449 by removing the                        leafy, group 5, except broccoli at 10.0;
                                                    0161). Interregional Research Project                    established tolerances for residues of                vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4
                                                    No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,                 abamectin, including its metabolites and              at 7.0 ppm. The analytical methods AG–
                                                    Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500                 degradates, in or on the following                    408 and AG–417 are used to measure
                                                    College Road East, Suite 201W,                           commodities: Lychee at 0.01 parts per                 and evaluate the chemical cyromazine.
                                                    Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to amend                   million (ppm) and Vegetable, leafy,                   Contact: RD
                                                    40 CFR 180.511 by removing the                           except brassica, group 4 at 0.10 ppm.
                                                    established tolerances for residues of                   The analytical methods involve                        New Tolerance Exemptions for Inerts
                                                    buprofezin, 2-(1,1-                                      homogenization, filtration, partition,                (Except PIPS)
                                                    dimethylethyl)iminotetrahydro-3(1-                       and cleanup with analysis by high                       PP IN–11080. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    methylethyl)-5-phenyl-4H-1,3,5-                          performance liquid chromatography                     0202). OMC Ag Consulting, Inc., 828
                                                    thiadiazin-4-one in or on the raw                        (HPLC)-fluorescence detection. The                    Tanglewood Ln., East Lansing, MI
                                                    agricultural commodities: Acerola at                     methods are sufficiently sensitive to                 48823, on behalf of Nutri Ag Inc., 4740
                                                    0.30 parts per million (ppm); Brassica,                  detect residues at or above the                       N Interstate 35 E., Waxahachie, TX
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    head and stem, subgroup 5A at 12.0                       tolerances proposed. All methods have                 75165, requests to establish an
                                                    ppm, Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup                    undergone independent laboratory                      exemption from the requirement of a
                                                    5B at 60 ppm, Cotton, undelinted seed                    validation. Contact: RD.                              tolerance for residues of protein
                                                    at 0.35 ppm; Fruit, citrus, group 10 at                     9. PP 8E86669. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                   hydrolyzates, animal (CAS Reg. No.
                                                    2.5 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12, except                  0179). Interregional Research Project                 100085–61–8) when used as an inert
                                                    apricot and peach at 1.9 ppm; Grape at                   No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,              ingredient (carrier) in pesticide
                                                    2.5 ppm; Longan at 0.30 ppm; Lychee at                   Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500              formulations applied to growing crops
                                                    0.30 ppm; Nut, tree group 14 at 0.05                     College Road East, Suite 201W,                        and raw agricultural commodities under

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           34971

                                                    40 CFR 180.910. The petitioner believes                  22B at 30 ppm; Leafy greens subgroup                  determination of mandipropamid
                                                    no analytical method is needed because                   4–16A at 30 ppm; Nut, tree, group 14–                 residues in crops. Contact: RD.
                                                    it is not required for an exemption from                 12 at 0.06 ppm; Oilseed group 20 at 1.5                  3. PP 7F8642. EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    the requirement of a tolerance. Contact:                 ppm; and Vegetable, brassica, head and                0143. Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC,
                                                    RD.                                                      stem, group 5–16 at 5.0 ppm. An                       P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419–
                                                                                                             analytical enforcement method, liquid                 8300, requests to establish a tolerance in
                                                    New Tolerance Exemptions for Non–                                                                              40 CFR part 180 for residues of the
                                                    Inerts (Except PIPS)                                     chromatograph (LC) equipped with a
                                                                                                             reverse phase column and a triple                     insecticide, abamectin, in or on edible-
                                                       PP 8F8670. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                          quadruple mass spectrometer (MS/MS)                   podded legume vegetables subgroup 6a
                                                    0244). Monsanto Company, 800 N                           detection is available for determining                at 0.03 parts per million (ppm),
                                                    Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63167,                                                                          succulent shelled pea and bean
                                                                                                             penthiopyrad residues in plants. The
                                                    requests to establish an exemption from                                                                        subgroup 6B at 0.005 ppm, and dried
                                                                                                             limit of quantification (LOQ) is 0.01
                                                    the requirement of a tolerance in 40 CFR                                                                       shelled pea and bean (except soybean)
                                                                                                             ppm for most matrices except for very
                                                    part 180 for residues of the plant                                                                             subgroup 6C at 0.005 ppm. The high
                                                    regulator LCO MOR116 (chemical name:                     dry matrices, e.g., pea hay, for which the
                                                                                                                                                                   performance liquid chromatography
                                                    D-glucose, O-6-deoxy-2-O-methyl-a-L-                     LOQ is 0.05 ppm. Contact: RD.
                                                                                                                                                                   (HPLC) analytical method is used to
                                                    galactopyranosyl-(1→6)-O-[O-2-deoxy-2-                      2. PP 7E8629. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–                    measure and evaluate the chemical
                                                    [[(11Z)-1-oxo-11-octadecen-1-yl]amino]-                  0671). Interregional Research Project                 abamectin. Contact: RD.
                                                    b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-                            No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,                 4. PP 7E8644. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-b-D-                               Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500              0088). Interregional Research Project
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-                                College Road East, Suite 201W,                        No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-b-D-                               Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to                      Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-2-(acetylamino)-                    establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180              College Road East, Suite 201W,
                                                    2-deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)]-2-                     for residues of mandipropamid: 4-                     Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-; and D-glucose,                   chloro-N-[2-(3-methoxy-4-(2-                          establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180
                                                    O-2-deoxy-2-[[(11Z)-1-oxo-11-                            propynyloxy)phenyl]ethyl]-alpha-(2-                   for residues of emamectin, including its
                                                    octadecen-1-yl]amino]-b-D-                               propynyloxy)-benzeneacetamide] in or                  metabolites and degradates, determined
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-                                on the raw agricultural commodities                   by measuring only the sum of
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-b-D-                               Asparagus bean, edible podded at 0.90                 emamectin (a mixture of a minimum of
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-                                ppm; Bean (Phaseolus spp.), edible                    90% 4′-epi-methylamino-4′-
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-b-D-                               podded at 0.90 ppm; Bean (Vigna spp.),                deoxyavermectin B1a and maximum of
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-                                edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Brassica,                  10% 4′-epi-methylamino-4′-
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-b-D-                               leafy greens, subgroup 4–16B at 25 ppm;               deoxyavermectin B1b) and its
                                                    glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-[6-deoxy-a-L-                     Catjang bean, edible podded at 0.90                   metabolites 8,9-isomer of the B1a and
                                                    galactopyranosyl-(1→6)]-2-                               ppm; Celtuce at 20 ppm; Chinese                       B1b component of the parent (8,9–
                                                    (acetylamino)-2-deoxy-) in or on all food                longbean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm;                  ZMA), or 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-amino-
                                                    commodities. The petitioner believes no                  Citrus, dried pulp at 0.14 ppm; Citrus,               avermectin B1a and 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-
                                                    analytical method is needed because,                     oil at 2.2 ppm; Cowpea, edible podded                 amino-avermectin B1b; 4′-deoxy-4′-epi-
                                                    even in the unlikely event that dietary                  at 0.90 ppm; Florence fennel at 20 ppm;               amino avermectin B1a (AB1a); 4′-deoxy-
                                                    exposure does occur associated with the                                                                        4′-epi-(N-formyl-N-methyl)amino-
                                                                                                             French bean, edible podded 0.90 ppm;
                                                    requested uses, the demonstrated                                                                               avermectin (MFB1a); and 4′-deoxy-4′-
                                                                                                             Fruit, citrus, group 10–10 at 0.5 ppm;
                                                    favorable toxicological profile for LCO                                                                        epi-(N-formyl)amino-avermectin B1a
                                                                                                             Garden bean, edible podded at 0.90
                                                    MOR116 does not present a potential for                                                                        (FAB1a), calculated as the
                                                                                                             ppm; Goa bean, edible podded at 0.90
                                                    hazard to humans or the environment.                                                                           stoichiometric equivalent of emamectin
                                                                                                             ppm; Green bean, edible podded at 0.90
                                                    Contact: BPPD                                                                                                  in or on the raw agricultural
                                                                                                             ppm; Guar bean, edible podded at 0.90                 commodities Artichoke, globe at 0.06
                                                    New Tolerances for Non-Inerts                            ppm; Jackbean, edible podded at 0.90                  parts per million (ppm), Brassica, leafy
                                                       1. PP 7E8616. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2017–                       ppm; Kidney bean, edible podded at                    greens, subgroup 4–16B at 0.050 ppm,
                                                    0674). Interregional Research Project                    0.90 ppm; Kohlrabi at 3 ppm; Lablab                   Celtuce at 0.100 ppm, Cherry subgroup
                                                    No. 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                         bean, edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Leaf                 12–12A at 0.10 ppm, Fennel, Florence at
                                                    University of New Jersey, 500 College                    petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 20                  0.100 ppm, Fruit, pome, group 11–10 at
                                                    Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                     ppm; Leafy greens subgroup 4–16A at                   0.025 ppm, Herb subgroup 19A at 0.50
                                                    08540, is proposing, pursuant to section                 25 ppm; Moth bean, edible podded at                   ppm, Kohlrabi at 0.050 ppm, Leafy
                                                    408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and                    0.90 ppm; Mung bean, edible podded at                 greens subgroup 4–16A at 0.100 ppm,
                                                    Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C.                          0.90 ppm; Navy bean, edible podded at                 Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at
                                                    346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180 by                     0.90 ppm; Rice bean, edible podded at                 0.100 ppm, Nut, tree, group 14–12 at
                                                    establishing a tolerance for residues of                 0.90 ppm; Scarlet runner bean, edible                 0.02 ppm, Vegetable, brassica, head and
                                                    the fungicide penthiopyrad, (N-[2-(1,3-                  podded at 0.90 ppm; Snap bean, edible                 stem, group 5–16 at 0.050 ppm, and
                                                    dimethylbutyl)-3-thienyl]-1-methyl-3-                    podded at 0.90 ppm; Sword bean, edible                Vegetable, fruiting, group 8–10 at 0.020
                                                    (trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-                         podded at 0.90 ppm; Urd bean, edible                  ppm. Adequate analytical methods
                                                    carboxamide) in or on the raw                            podded at 0.90 ppm; Vegetable soybean,                (HPLC-fluorescence methods) are
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    agricultural commodities: Brassica, leafy                edible podded at 0.90 ppm; Vegetable,                 available for enforcement purposes.
                                                    greens, subgroup 4–16B at 50 parts per                   brassica, head and stem, group 5–16 at                Contact: RD.
                                                    million (ppm); Bushberry subgroup 13–                    3 ppm; Velvet bean, edible podded at                     5. PP 7E8645. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    07B at 6 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12–12                  0.90 ppm; Wax bean, edible podded at                  0095). Interregional Research Project
                                                    at 4.0 ppm; Caneberry subgroup 13–07A                    0.90 ppm; Winged pea, edible podded at                No. 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State
                                                    at 10 ppm; Celtuce at 30 ppm; Fennel,                    0.90 ppm; Yardlong bean, edible                       University of New Jersey, 500 College
                                                    Florence at 30 ppm; Kohlrabi at 5.0                      podded at 0.90 ppm. Analytical method                 Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ
                                                    ppm; Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup                     RAM 415–01 was developed for                          08540, requests to establish a tolerance

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                                                    34972                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the                   analytical method has been submitted                  317 for residues of the herbicide
                                                    herbicide/soil microbicide nitrapyrin (2-                for analyzing residues of parent                      pronamide (propyzamide), 3,5-dichloro-
                                                    chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine) and                 Broflanilide plus metabolites DM–8007                 N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propynyl)benzamide
                                                    its metabolite, 6-chloropicolinic acid (6–               and DC–DM–8007 in animal matrices by                  in or on berry, low growing, except
                                                    CPA), calculated as the stoichiometric                   Liquid chromatography with tandem                     strawberry, subgroup 13–07H at 1 parts
                                                    equivalent of nitrapyrin, in or on the                   mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Food                    per million (ppm), bushberry subgroup
                                                    raw agricultural commodities: Citrus,                    handling matrices samples were                        13–07B at 0.05 ppm; caneberry
                                                    dried pulp at 0.094 parts per million                    analyzed for Broflanilide residues using              subgroup 13–07A at 0.05 ppm; fruit,
                                                    (ppm), Citrus, oil at 0.37 ppm, Fruit,                   a combination of the plant and animal                 pome, group 11–10 at 0.1 ppm; fruit,
                                                    citrus, group 10–10 at 0.03 ppm, Leaf                    methods with minor modifications.                     small, vine climbing, except fuzzy
                                                    petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 0.4                    Contact: RD.                                          kiwifruit, subgroup 13–07F at 0.1 ppm;
                                                    ppm, Vegetable, brassica, head and                          7. PP 7E8648. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                    and fruit, stone, group 12–12 at 0.1
                                                    stem, group 5–16 at 0.07 ppm,                            0094). Interregional Research Project                 ppm. The GLC/ECD method listed in the
                                                    Vegetable, bulb, group 3–07 at 0.3 ppm,                  No.4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                       Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM)
                                                    and Vegetable, leafy, group 4–16 at 0.3                  University of New Jersey, 500 College                 Volume II is used to measure and
                                                    ppm. Adequate residue analytical                         Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                  evaluate the chemical. Contact: RD.
                                                    methods are available for measuring and                  08540, requests to establish a tolerance                 10. PP 7E8654. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    enforcing plant tolerances including:                    in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the                0161). Interregional Research Project
                                                    Method 205G881A–1 determines                             fungicide tebuconazole, including its                 No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,
                                                    residues of nitrapyrin by gas                            metabolites and degradates. Compliance                Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500
                                                    chromatography with electron-impact                      with the tolerance levels specified is to             College Road East, Suite 201W,
                                                    mass spectrometry detection, and                         be determined by measuring only                       Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to
                                                    Method 205G881–B1 determines                             tebuconazole [a-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)                   establish tolerances for residues of
                                                    residues of 6-chloropicolinic acid by                    ethyl]-a-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-                buprofezin, 2-(1,1-
                                                    liquid chromatography with tandem                        triazole-1-ethanol], in or on the raw                 dimethylethyl)iminotetrahydro-3(1-
                                                    mass spectrometry detection. Both                        agricultural commodities: Brassica, leafy             methylethyl)-5-phenyl-4H-1,3,5-
                                                    methods have been validated. Contact:                    greens, subgroup 4–16B, except                        thiadiazin-4-one in or on the raw
                                                    RD.                                                      watercress at 2.5 parts per million                   agricultural commodities Fig at 0.70
                                                                                                             (ppm); Cottonseed subgroup 20C at 2.0                 parts per million (ppm), Leafy greens
                                                       6. PP 7F8646. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                       ppm; Fruit, pome, group 11–10 at 1.0                  subgroup 4–16A, except head lettuce
                                                    0053). BASF Corporation, 26 Davis Dr.,                   ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12–12, except                and radicchio at 35 ppm; Brassica, leafy
                                                    P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park,                  cherry at 1.0 ppm; Fruit, small, vine                 greens, subgroup 4–16B at 60 parts per
                                                    NC 27709, requests to establish a                        climbing, except fuzzy kiwifruit,                     million (ppm); Vegetable, brassica, head
                                                    tolerance in 40 CFR part 180 for                         subgroup 13–07F at 6.0 ppm; Nut, tree,                and stem, group 5–16 at 12.0 ppm; Leaf
                                                    residues of the insecticide, broflanilide,               group 14–12 at 0.05 ppm; Sunflower                    petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at 35
                                                    including its metabolites and                            subgroup 20B at 0.1 ppm, Tropical and                 ppm; Celtuce at 35 ppm; Fennel,
                                                    degradates, in or on grain, cereal, except               subtropical, small fruit, inedible peel,              Florence at 35 ppm; Kohlrabi at 12.0
                                                    rice, group 15; amaranth grain; quinoa,                  subgroup 24A at 1.6 ppm; and                          ppm; Tropical and subtropical, small
                                                    grain; spelt, grain; canihua, grain; chia,               Watercress at 9.0 ppm. Practical                      fruit, edible peel, subgroup 23A at 5.0
                                                    grain; cram-cram, grain; huauzontle,                     analytical methods for enforcement                    ppm; Tropical and subtropical, small
                                                    grain; teff, grain; corn, sweet, kernel                  purposes in detecting and measuring                   fruit, inedible peel, subgroup 24A at
                                                    plus cob with husks removed at 0.01                      levels of tebuconazole and the triazole               0.30 ppm; Cottonseed subgroup 20C at
                                                    parts per million (ppm) and commodity                    metabolites: 1,2,4-triazole (T), traizole             0.35 ppm; Fruit, citrus, group 10–10 at
                                                    vegetables, tuberous and corm,                           alanine (TA) and the traizole acetic acid             2.5 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12–12,
                                                    subgroup 1C at 0.04 ppm. Tolerances                      (TAA) have been developed and                         except apricot and peach at 2.0 ppm;
                                                    are also requested for cattle, meat; goat,               validated in/on all appropriate                       Fruit, small, vine climbing, except fuzzy
                                                    meat; horse, meat; sheep, meat at 0.01                   agricultural commodities and respective               kiwifruit, subgroup 13–07F at 2.5 ppm
                                                    ppm, and commodity milk, fat; poultry,                   processing fractions. Contact: RD.                    and Nut, tree, group 14–12 at 0.05 ppm.
                                                    fat at 0.02 ppm, and commodity cattle,                      8. PP 7F8651. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                    The enforcement analytical methods are
                                                    fat; sheep, fat; goat, fat at 0.05 ppm.                  0194). ISK Biosciences Corporation,                   available in PAM I and PAM II for the
                                                    Additionally, tolerances are requested                   7470 Auburn Rd, Suite A, Concord, OH                  enforcement of buprofezin tolerances,
                                                    for grain, cereal, forage, fodder and                    44077, requests to establish a tolerance              which include gas chromatography
                                                    straw, group 16, except rice; quinoa,                    in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the                methods with nitrogen phosphorus
                                                    hay; teff, hay; corn, sweet, stover; corn,               insecticide cylaniliprole on citrus fruit             detection (GC/NPD), and a gas
                                                    sweet, forage at 0.01 ppm, and                           (crop group 10–10) at 0.5 ppm; tuberous               chromatography/mass spectrometry
                                                    commodity corn, field, milled products                   & corm vegetables (crop group 1C) at                  (GC/MS) method for confirmation of
                                                    at 0.015 ppm and potato, wet peel at 0.1                 0.01 ppm; and berry & small fruit (crop               buprofezin residues in plant
                                                    ppm for processed commodities. In                        subgroup 13–07A, 13–07B, 13–07E                       commodities. Contact: RD.
                                                    addition, BASF is proposing to establish                 except grape, and 13–07G) at 1.5 ppm.                    11. PP 8E8658. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    a tolerance of 0.01 ppm for residues of                  Liquid chromatography-MS/MS is used                   0127). Interregional Research Project
                                                    Broflanilide in or on all food items in                  to measure and evaluate the chemical                  No. 4, (IR–4), Rutgers, The State
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    food handling establishments where                       cyclaniliprole residues. Contact: RD                  University of New Jersey, 500 College
                                                    food and food products are held,                            9. PP 7E8652. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                    Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ
                                                    processed, prepared and/or served. The                   0128). The Interregional Research                     08540 requests, pursuant to section
                                                    independently validated analytical                       Project Number 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The                 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
                                                    method is used to measure and evaluate                   State University of New Jersey, 500                   Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C.
                                                    the chemical Broflanilide and its                        College Road East, Suite 201W,                        346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180.434
                                                    metabolites S(PFP–OH)-8007 and DM–                       Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to                      (a) General by establishing a tolerance
                                                    8007. An independently validated                         establish tolerances in 40 CFR part 180.              for residues of propiconazole, including

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           34973

                                                    its metabolites and degradates.                          subgroup 22B at 0.10 ppm, Leafy greens                equivalent of flonicamid, in or on raw
                                                    Compliance with the tolerance levels                     subgroup 4–16A at 0.10 ppm, Tropical                  agricultural commodities as follows:
                                                    specified below is to be determined by                   and subtropical, small fruit, inedible                Sunflower subgroup 20B at 0.70 parts
                                                    measuring only those propiconazole                       peel, subgroup 24A at 0.01 ppm, and                   per million (ppm). Analytical
                                                    residues convertible to 2,4-                             Upland cress at 0.10 ppm. The                         methodology to determine above
                                                    dichlorobenzoic acid (2,4-DCBA),                         analytical methods involve                            designated residues of flonicamid for
                                                    expressed as the stoichiometric                          homogenization, filtration, partition,                the majority of crops includes an initial
                                                    equivalent of propiconazole, in or on                    and cleanup with analysis by high                     extraction with acetonitrile (ACN)/
                                                    the raw agricultural commodities:                        performance liquid chromatography                     deionized (DI) water, followed by a
                                                    Avocado, at 0.2 parts per million (ppm);                 (HPLC)-fluorescence detection. The                    liquid-liquid partition with ethyl
                                                    Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4–16B,                  methods are sufficiently sensitive to                 acetate. The final sample solution is
                                                    except watercress at 20 ppm; Celtuce at                  detect residues at or above the                       quantitated using a liquid
                                                    5.0 ppm; Florence fennel at 5.0 ppm;                     tolerances proposed. All methods have                 chromatograph (LC) equipped with a
                                                    Leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B at                   undergone independent laboratory                      reverse phase column and a triple
                                                    5.0 ppm; Swiss chard at 5.0 ppm,                         validation. Contact: RD.                              quadruple mass spectrometer (MS/MS).
                                                    Tomato subgroup 8–10A at 3.0 ppm and                        14. PP 8E8666. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                   Contact: RD.
                                                    Vegetable, root, except sugar beet,                      0179). Interregional Research Project                    16. PP 8E8673. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    subgroup 1B at 0.30 ppm. Analytical                      No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,              0286). Interregional Research Project
                                                    methods AG–626 and AG–454A were                          Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500              Number 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State
                                                    developed for the determination of                       College Road East, Suite 201 W,                       University of New Jersey, 500 College
                                                    residues of propiconazole and its                        Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to                      Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ
                                                    metabolites containing the DCBA                          establish tolerances for residues of                  08540, requests to establish a tolerance
                                                    moiety. Analytical method AG–626 has                     sulfoxaflor ((N-methyloxido1-6-                       in 40 CFR part 180. 414 for residues of
                                                    been accepted and published by EPA as                    (trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridinyl]ethyl]-g4-              the insecticide cyromazine, (N-
                                                    the tolerance enforcement method for                     sulfanylidene]cyanamide) in or on the                 cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-
                                                    crops. The limit of quantitation (LOQ)                   raw agricultural commodities:                         triamine) in or on Brassica, leafy greens,
                                                    for the method is 0.05 ppm. Contact:                     Artichoke, globe at 0.70 parts per                    subgroup 4–16B at 10.0 parts per
                                                    RD.                                                      million (ppm), Asparagus at 0.015 ppm,                million (ppm); Celtuce at 7.0 ppm;
                                                       12. PP 8E8660. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                      Brassica, leafy greens, subgroup 4–16B,               Chickpea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm;
                                                    0275). The Interregional Research                        except watercress at 2.0 ppm, Bushberry               Chickpea, succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm;
                                                    Project Number 4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The                    subgroup 13–07B at 2.0 ppm, Caneberry                 Dwarf pea, edible podded at 0.4 ppm;
                                                    State University of New Jersey, 500                      subgroup 13–07A at 1.5 ppm, Celtuce at                Edible podded pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    College Road East, Suite 201W,                           2.0 ppm, Florence fennel at 2.0 ppm,                  ppm; English pea, succulent shelled at
                                                    Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to                         Fruit, stone, group 12–12 at 3.0 ppm,                 0.3 ppm; Florence fennel at 7.0 ppm;
                                                    establish a tolerance in 40 CFR part 180.                Kohlrabi at 2.0 ppm, Leafy greens                     Garden pea, succulent shelled at 0.3
                                                    446 for residues of the insecticide                      subgroup 4–16A at 6.0 ppm, Leaf petiole               ppm; Grass-pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    clofentezine, 3,6-bis(2-chlorophenyl)-                   vegetable subgroup 22B at 2.0 ppm, Nut,               ppm; Green pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    1,2,4,5-tetrazine in or on guava at 1 part               tree, group 14–12 at 0.015 ppm,                       ppm; Green pea, succulent shelled at 0.3
                                                    per million (ppm). The analytical                        Sunflower subgroup 20B at 0.30 ppm,                   ppm; Kohlrabi at 10.0 ppm; Leaf petiole
                                                    method for residues of clofentezine in                   and Vegetable, brassica, head and stem,               subgroup 22B at 7.0 ppm; Leafy green
                                                    fruit (Western Red Delicious Apples) by                  group 5–16, except cauliflower at 2.0                 subgroup 4–16A at 7.0 ppm; Lentil,
                                                    high-performance liquid                                  ppm. Analytical method 091116,                        edible podded at 0.4 ppm; Lentil,
                                                    chromatography (HPLC) and ultra violet                   ‘‘Enforcement Method for the                          succulent shelled at 0.3 ppm; Onion,
                                                    (UV) Detection’’ is used to measure and                  Determination of Sulfoxaflor (XDE–208)                bulb, subgroup 3–07A at 0.2 ppm;
                                                    evaluate the chemical. Contact: RD.                      and its Main Metabolites in Agricultural              Onion, green, subgroup 3–07B at 3.0
                                                       13. PP 8E8664. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                      Commodities using Offline Solid-Phase                 ppm; Pepper/eggplant 8–10B at 1.0
                                                    0143). Interregional Research Project                    Extraction and Liquid Chromatography                  ppm; Pigeon pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    No. 4 (IR–4), IR–4 Project Headquarters,                 with Tandem Mass Spectrometry                         ppm; Pigeon pea, succulent shelled at
                                                    Rutgers, The State University of NJ, 500                 Detection’’ was validated on a variety of             0.3 ppm; Snap pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    College Road East, Suite 201 W,                          plant matrices. Contact: RD.                          ppm; Snow pea, edible podded at 0.4
                                                    Princeton, NJ 08540, requests to                            15. PP 8E8667. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                   ppm; Sugar snap pea, edible podded at
                                                    establish tolerances for residues of                     0273). Interregional Research Project                 0.4 ppm; Tomato subgroup 8–10A at 1.0
                                                    abamectin, including its metabolites and                 No.4 (IR–4), Rutgers, The State                       ppm; Vegetable, brassica, head and
                                                    degradates, in or on the following                       University of New Jersey, 500 College                 stem, group 5–16, except broccoli at
                                                    commodities. Compliance with the                         Road East, Suite 201W, Princeton, NJ                  10.0 ppm; and Vegetable, tuberous and
                                                    tolerance levels is to be determined by                  08540, requests to establish a tolerance              corm, subgroup 1C at 0.8 ppm. The
                                                    measuring only avermectin B1 a mixture                   in 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the                analytical methods AG–408 and AG–
                                                    of avermectins containing greater than                   insecticide flonicamid, including its                 417 are used to measure and evaluate
                                                    or equal to 80% avermectin B1 a (5-O-                    metabolites and degradates, determined                the chemical cyromazine. Contact: RD.
                                                    demethyl avermectin A1) and less than                    by measuring only the sum of                             17. PP 8E8678. EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–
                                                    or equal to 20% avermectin B1b (5-O-                     flonicamid, N-(cyanomethyl)-4-                        0300. Dow AgroSciences, 9330
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-25-(1-                    (trifluoromethyl)-3-                                  Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268,
                                                    methylethyl) avermectin A1) and its                      pyridinecarboxamide, and its                          requests to establish import tolerance in
                                                    delta-8,9-isomer in or on the raw                        metabolites, TFNA (4-                                 40 CFR part 180 for residues of the
                                                    agricultural commodities: Arugula at                     trifluoromethylnicotinic acid), TFNA-                 fungicide fenbuconazole (alpha-(2-(4-
                                                    0.10 parts per million (ppm), Carrot,                    AM (4-trifluoromethylnicotinamide),                   chlorophenyl)ethyl]-alpha-phenyl-3-
                                                    roots at 0.03 ppm, Celtuce at 0.10 ppm,                  and TFNG, N-(4-                                       (1H-1,2,4-triazole)-1-propanenitrile) and
                                                    Fennel, Florence at 0.10 ppm, Garden                     trifluoromethylnicotinoyl)glycine,                    its metabolites cis and trans-5-(4-
                                                    cress at 0.10 ppm, Leaf petiole vegetable                calculated as the stoichiometric                      chlorophenyl)-dihydro-3-phenyl-3-(1H-

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                                                    34974                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 142 / Tuesday, July 24, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                    1,2,4-triazole-1-ylmethyl)-2-3H-                         subscriber has indeed authorized a toll               Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD
                                                    furanone) in or on the raw agricultural                  free number to be text-enabled, the                   20701. U.S. Postal Service first-class,
                                                    commodities tea, dried at 10 parts per                   NPRM proposes requiring a toll free                   Express, and Priority mail must be
                                                    million (ppm); and tea, instant at 10                    subscriber to inform its Responsible                  addressed to 445 12th Street SW,
                                                    ppm. The analytical methodology                          Organization (RespOrg) of that                        Washington DC 20554.
                                                    column chromatography and nitrogen                       authorization and for the RespOrg to                     D People With Disabilities: To request
                                                    -phosphorus detection (NPD) gas                          update the appropriate records in the                 materials in accessible formats for
                                                    chromatography detection is used to                      toll free SMS Database. The NPRM also                 people with disabilities (Braille, large
                                                    measure and evaluate the chemical                        seeks comment on what other                           print, electronic files, audio format),
                                                    fenbuconazole. Contact: RD.                              information, in addition to an SMS                    send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or call
                                                       18. PP 8F8661. EPA–HQ–OPP–2018–                       Database record reflecting that toll free             the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
                                                    0297. Cheminova A/S, P.O. Box 9, DK–                     number has been text-enabled, if any,                 Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), 202–
                                                    7620, Lemvig, Denmark and on behalf of                   needs to be captured and centrally                    418–0432 (TTY).
                                                    FMC Corporation, 2929 Walnut Street,                     managed to protect the integrity of the                  For detailed instructions for
                                                    Philadelphia, PA 19104, requests to                      toll free numbering system, and whether               submitting comments and additional
                                                    establish tolerance in 40 CFR part 180                   such information should be captured in                information on the rulemaking process,
                                                    for residues of the fungicide flutriafol                 the SMS Database or some other toll free              see the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                                                    [chemical name (±)-a-(2-fluorophenyl-a-                  registry. The intended effect of this                 section of this document. In addition to
                                                    (4-fluorophenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-                      NPRM is to clarify and ensure that the                filing comments with the Secretary, a
                                                    1-ethanol] in or on the raw agricultural                 toll free SMS Database accurately                     copy of any comments on the
                                                    commodities alfalfa, forage at 15 parts                  reflects which toll free numbers are text             Paperwork Reduction Act information
                                                    per million (ppm); alfalfa, hay at 50                    enabled.                                              collection requirements contained
                                                    ppm; barley, grain at 1.5 ppm; barley,                   DATES: Comments are due on or before                  herein should be submitted to the
                                                    hay at 7.0 ppm; barley, straw at 8.0                     August 23, 2018, and reply comments                   Federal Communications Commission
                                                    ppm; corn, sweet, forage at 9.0 ppm;                     are due on or before September 7, 2018.               via email to PRA@fcc.gov and to Nicole
                                                    corn, sweet, kernels plus cobs with                      Written comments on the Paperwork                     Ongele, Federal Communications
                                                    husks removed at 0.03 ppm; corn,                         Reduction Act proposed information                    Commission, via email to
                                                    sweet, stover at 8 ppm; rice, bran at 0.4                collection requirements must be                       Nicole.Ongele@fcc.gov.
                                                    ppm; rice, grain at 0.5 ppm; rice, hulls                 submitted by the public, Office of                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    at 1.5 ppm; and rice, straw at 0.9 ppm.                  Management and Budget (OMB), and                      Wireline Competition Bureau,
                                                    The analytical methodology gas                           other interested parties on or before                 Competition Policy Division, E. Alex
                                                    chromatography (GC) employing mass                       September 24, 2018.                                   Espinoza, at (202) 418–0849, or
                                                    selective (MSD) detection and or HPLC/                   ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                   alex.espinoza@fcc.gov. For additional
                                                    UPLC employing tandem mass                               identified by both WC Docket No. 18–                  information concerning the Paperwork
                                                    spectrometric (MS/MS) detection is                       28, and CC Docket No. 95–155 by any                   Reduction Act information collection
                                                    used to measure and evaluate the                         of the following methods:                             requirements contained in this
                                                    chemical flutriafol. Contact: RD.                           D Federal Communications                           document, send an email to PRA@
                                                       Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a.                            Commission’s Website: http://                         fcc.gov or contact Nicole Ongele at (202)
                                                      Dated: July 10, 2018.                                  apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/. Follow the                        418–2991.
                                                    Hamaad Syed,
                                                                                                             instructions for submitting comments.                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a
                                                                                                                D Mail: Parties who choose to file by              summary of the Commission’s Notice of
                                                    Acting Director, Information Technology and
                                                                                                             paper must file an original and one copy              Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in WC
                                                    Resources Management Division, Office of
                                                    Pesticide Programs.                                      of each filing. If more than one docket               Docket No. 18–28, and CC Docket No.
                                                                                                             or rulemaking number appears in the                   95–155, adopted June 7, 2018, and
                                                    [FR Doc. 2018–15722 Filed 7–23–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                             caption of this proceeding, filers must               released June 12, 2018. The full text of
                                                    BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                             submit two additional copies for each                 this document is available for public
                                                                                                             additional docket or rulemaking                       inspection during regular business
                                                                                                             number. Filings can be sent by hand or                hours in the FCC Reference Information
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                   messenger delivery, by commercial                     Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW,
                                                    COMMISSION                                               overnight courier, or by first-class or               Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
                                                                                                             overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All               It is available on the Commission’s
                                                    47 CFR Part 52
                                                                                                             filings must be addressed to the                      website https://www.fcc.gov/document/
                                                    [WC Docket No. 18–28, CC Docket No. 95–                  Commission’s Secretary, Office of the                 fcc-takes-steps-prevent-fraud-toll-free-
                                                    155; FCC 18–77]                                          Secretary, Federal Communications                     texting-0.
                                                                                                             Commission. All hand-delivered or
                                                    Text-Enabled Toll Free Numbers; Toll                     messenger-delivered paper filings for                 Synopsis
                                                    Free Service Access Codes                                the Commission’s Secretary must be                       1. Introduction. We next turn to how
                                                    AGENCY:  Federal Communications                          delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445                  a toll free subscriber should make clear
                                                    Commission.                                              12th St. SW, Room TW–A325,                            its authorization to text-enable a toll free
                                                                                                             Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours                number. To ensure that a toll free
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                             are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand                   subscriber has indeed authorized a toll
                                                    SUMMARY:    In this document, the Federal                deliveries must be held together with                 free number to be text-enabled, we
                                                    Communications Commission adopts a                       rubber bands or fasteners. Any                        propose to require a toll free subscriber
                                                    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)                     envelopes and boxes must be disposed                  to inform its RespOrg of that
                                                    seeking comment to determine how a                       of before entering the building.                      authorization and for the RespOrg to
                                                    toll free subscriber should make clear its               Commercial overnight mail (other than                 update the appropriate records in the
                                                    authorization to text-enable a toll free                 U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and                  toll free SMS Database. This proposal
                                                    number. To ensure that a toll free                       Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050                   will ensure that there is a single,

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Document Created: 2018-07-24 00:10:46
Document Modified: 2018-07-24 00:10:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of filing of petitions and request for comment.
DatesComments must be received on or before August 23, 2018.
ContactRobert McNally, Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) (7511P), main telephone number:
FR Citation83 FR 34968 

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