83_FR_35457 83 FR 35314 - Multiemployer Pension Plan Application To Reduce Benefits

83 FR 35314 - Multiemployer Pension Plan Application To Reduce Benefits


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 143 (July 25, 2018)

Page Range35314-35315
FR Document2018-15881

The Board of Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan, a multiemployer pension plan, has submitted an application to reduce benefits under the plan in accordance with the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPRA). The purpose of this notice is to announce that the application submitted by the Board of Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan has been published on the website of the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), and to request public comments on the application from interested parties, including participants and beneficiaries, employee organizations, and contributing employers of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 143 (Wednesday, July 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 143 (Wednesday, July 25, 2018)]
[Pages 35314-35315]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15881]



Multiemployer Pension Plan Application To Reduce Benefits

AGENCY: Department of the Treasury.

ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Board of Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 
Pension Plan, a multiemployer pension plan, has submitted an 
application to reduce benefits under the plan in accordance with the 
Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPRA). The purpose of this 
notice is to announce that the application submitted by the Board of 
Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan has been 
published on the website of the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), 
and to request public comments on the application from interested 
parties, including participants and beneficiaries, employee 
organizations, and contributing employers of the Toledo Roofers Local 
No. 134 Pension Plan.

DATES: Comments must be received by September 10, 2018.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments electronically through the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov, in accordance with 
the instructions on that site. Electronic submissions through 
www.regulations.gov are encouraged.
    Comments may also be mailed to the Department of the Treasury, MPRA 
Office, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 1224, Washington, DC 20220, 
Attn: Danielle Norris. Comments sent via facsimile or email will not be 
    Additional Instructions. All comments received, including 
attachments and other supporting materials, will be made available to 
the public. Do not include any personally identifiable information 
(such as your Social Security number, name, address, or other contact 
information) or any other information in your comment or supporting 
materials that you do not want publicly disclosed. Treasury will make 
comments available for public inspection and copying on 
www.regulations.gov or upon request. Comments posted on the internet 
can be retrieved by most internet search engines.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information regarding the 
application from the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan, please 
contact Treasury at (202) 622-1534 (not a toll-free number).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: MPRA amended the Internal Revenue Code to

[[Page 35315]]

permit a multiemployer plan that is projected to have insufficient 
funds to reduce pension benefits payable to participants and 
beneficiaries if certain conditions are satisfied. In order to reduce 
benefits, the plan sponsor is required to submit an application to the 
Secretary of the Treasury, which must be approved or denied in 
consultation with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and 
the Department of Labor.
    On June 25, 2018, the Board of Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local 
No. 134 Pension Plan submitted an application for approval to reduce 
benefits under the plan. As required by MPRA, that application has been 
published on Treasury's website at https://www.treasury.gov/services/Pages/Plan-Applications.aspx. Treasury is publishing this notice in the 
Federal Register, in consultation with PBGC and the Department of 
Labor, to solicit public comments on all aspects of the Toledo Roofers 
Local No. 134 Pension Plan application.
    Comments are requested from interested parties, including 
participants and beneficiaries, employee organizations, and 
contributing employers of the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension 
Plan. Consideration will be given to any comments that are timely 
received by Treasury.

    Dated: July 18, 2018.
David Kautter,
Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-15881 Filed 7-24-18; 8:45 am]

                                               35314                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 143 / Wednesday, July 25, 2018 / Notices

                                                 • E-Gov website: http://                               ECP total 69.8 miles and are in Class 1               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                               www.Regulations.gov. This site allows                    and 2 locations and includes some high
                                               the public to enter comments on any                      consequence areas. The ECP special                    Multiemployer Pension Plan
                                               Federal Register notice issued by any                    permit segments are mostly in rural                   Application To Reduce Benefits
                                               agency.                                                  areas though agricultural fields, open
                                                                                                                                                              AGENCY: Department of the Treasury.
                                                 • Fax: 1–202–493–2251.                                 pastures, wooden areas, and mostly flat
                                                 • Mail: Docket Management System:                      to rolling terrain. The ECP construction              ACTION:Notice of availability; request
                                               U.S. Department of Transportation,                       began in 2007 and the line was placed                 for comments.
                                               Docket Operations, M–30, West                            in service on December 10, 2008. The                  SUMMARY:   The Board of Trustees of the
                                               Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,                     ECP presently has a MAOP of 1,290                     Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension
                                               1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,                               pounds per square inch gauge (psig) and               Plan, a multiemployer pension plan, has
                                               Washington, DC 20590.                                    has operated at, or below the MAOP for                submitted an application to reduce
                                                 • Hand Delivery: Docket Management                     the life of the pipeline. ECP proposed to             benefits under the plan in accordance
                                               System: U.S. Department of                               utilize alternative MAOP to allow                     with the Multiemployer Pension Reform
                                               Transportation, Docket Operations,                       increasing the pipeline MAOP from                     Act of 2014 (MPRA). The purpose of
                                               M–30, West Building Ground Floor,                        1,290 psig up to 1,440 psig. The ECP has              this notice is to announce that the
                                               Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey                            6.5 miles of Class 3 locations that are               application submitted by the Board of
                                               Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590,                         designed for the alternative MAOP. The                Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No.
                                               between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,                         Class 3 locations will be required to                 134 Pension Plan has been published on
                                               Monday through Friday, except Federal                    meet the special permit conditions. The               the website of the Department of the
                                               holidays.                                                Class 3 locations are proposed to be                  Treasury (Treasury), and to request
                                                 Instructions: You should identify the                  included in the special permit for a total            public comments on the application
                                               docket number for the special permit                     mileage of 76.6 miles.                                from interested parties, including
                                               request you are commenting on at the                        A draft environmental assessment                   participants and beneficiaries, employee
                                               beginning of your comments. If you                       (DEA) and proposed special permit                     organizations, and contributing
                                               submit your comments by mail, please                     conditions for ECP’s operations at                    employers of the Toledo Roofers Local
                                               submit two copies. To receive                            alternative MAOP are provided in the                  No. 134 Pension Plan.
                                               confirmation that PHMSA has received                     docket at http://www.Regulations.gov.
                                               your comments, please include a self-                                                                          DATES: Comments must be received by
                                                                                                        In the DEA, Empire proposes alternative               September 10, 2018.
                                               addressed stamped postcard. Internet                     measures and activities that will be
                                               users may submit comments at http://                                                                           ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                                                                        taken to mitigate safety and                          electronically through the Federal
                                               www.Regulations.gov.                                     environmental risks in the continued
                                                 Note: There is a privacy statement
                                                                                                                                                              eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                                                                                        operation of the ECP at the alternative               www.regulations.gov, in accordance
                                               published on http://www.Reglations.gov.                  MAOP. The proposed special permit
                                               Comments, including any personal                                                                               with the instructions on that site.
                                                                                                        conditions are a draft of operational                 Electronic submissions through
                                               information provided, are posted without
                                                                                                        measures that would be implemented by                 www.regulations.gov are encouraged.
                                               changes or edits to http://
                                               www.Regulations.gov.                                     Empire throughout the life of the ECP                    Comments may also be mailed to the
                                                                                                        special permit to maintain safety at the              Department of the Treasury, MPRA
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         alternative MAOP.                                     Office, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
                                                  General: Ms. Kay McIver by telephone                     We invite interested persons to                    Room 1224, Washington, DC 20220,
                                               at 202–366–0113, or email at                             participate by reviewing the special                  Attn: Danielle Norris. Comments sent
                                               kay.mciver@dot.gov.                                      permit request, DEA, and proposed
                                                  Technical: Mr. Steve Nanney by                                                                              via facsimile or email will not be
                                                                                                        special permit conditions at http://                  accepted.
                                               telephone at 713–628–7479, or by email                   www.Regulations.gov, and by
                                               at Steve.Nanney@dot.gov.                                                                                          Additional Instructions. All
                                                                                                        submitting written comments, data, or                 comments received, including
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Empire                        other views. Please include any                       attachments and other supporting
                                               Pipeline, owned by National Fuel Gas                     comments on potential safety and                      materials, will be made available to the
                                               Company, has requested a special                         environmental impacts that may result                 public. Do not include any personally
                                               permit for 49 Code of Federal                            if the special permit is granted.                     identifiable information (such as your
                                               Regulations (CFR) 192.112(c)(1) and (2),                                                                       Social Security number, name, address,
                                                                                                           Before issuing a decision on the
                                               192.112(f)(3), 192.328(a), and 192.328(e)                                                                      or other contact information) or any
                                                                                                        special permit request, PHMSA will
                                               for the Empire Connector Pipeline (ECP)                                                                        other information in your comment or
                                                                                                        evaluate all comments received on or
                                               to be able to operate at alternative                                                                           supporting materials that you do not
                                                                                                        before the comment closing date.
                                               MAOP of up to 80 percent SMYS of the                                                                           want publicly disclosed. Treasury will
                                                                                                        Comments received after the closing
                                               pipe. To operate a natural gas pipeline                                                                        make comments available for public
                                                                                                        date will be evaluated if it is possible to
                                               at alternative MAOP, an operator must                                                                          inspection and copying on
                                                                                                        do so without incurring additional
                                               design, construct, and operate the                                                                             www.regulations.gov or upon request.
                                                                                                        expense or delay. PHMSA will consider
                                               pipeline in accordance with the Federal                                                                        Comments posted on the internet can be
                                                                                                        each relevant comment we receive in
                                               pipeline safety regulations of 49 CFR                                                                          retrieved by most internet search
                                                                                                        making our decision to grant or deny the
                                               192.112, 192.328, and 192.620.                                                                                 engines.
                                                  Empire Pipeline is the operator of
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               ECP. ECP is an interstate natural gas                      Issued in Washington, DC, on July 20,               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    For
                                               pipeline with 76.6 miles of 24-inch                      2018, under authority delegated in 49 CFR             information regarding the application
                                               diameter pipe. The ECP runs north to                     1.97.                                                 from the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134
                                               south, from Victor to Coring, New York,                  Alan K. Mayberry,                                     Pension Plan, please contact Treasury at
                                               through the counties of Ontario, Yates,                  Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.          (202) 622–1534 (not a toll-free number).
                                               Schuyler, Chemung and Steuben. The                       [FR Doc. 2018–15895 Filed 7–24–18; 8:45 am]           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: MPRA
                                               special permit requested segments of                     BILLING CODE 4910–60–P                                amended the Internal Revenue Code to

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:50 Jul 24, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00113   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25JYN1.SGM   25JYN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 143 / Wednesday, July 25, 2018 / Notices                                                  35315

                                               permit a multiemployer plan that is                      organizations, and contributing                       Register, in consultation with PBGC and
                                               projected to have insufficient funds to                  employers of the Southwest Ohio                       the Department of Labor, to solicit
                                               reduce pension benefits payable to                       Regional Council of Carpenters Pension                public comments on all aspects of the
                                               participants and beneficiaries if certain                Plan.                                                 Southwest Ohio Regional Council of
                                               conditions are satisfied. In order to                    DATES: Comments must be received by                   Carpenters Pension Plan application.
                                               reduce benefits, the plan sponsor is                     September 10, 2018.                                     Comments are requested from
                                               required to submit an application to the                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                    interested parties, including
                                               Secretary of the Treasury, which must                    electronically through the Federal                    participants and beneficiaries, employee
                                               be approved or denied in consultation                    eRulemaking Portal at http://                         organizations, and contributing
                                               with the Pension Benefit Guaranty                        www.regulations.gov, in accordance                    employers of the Southwest Ohio
                                               Corporation (PBGC) and the Department                    with the instructions on that site.                   Regional Council of Carpenters Pension
                                               of Labor.                                                Electronic submissions through                        Plan. Consideration will be given to any
                                                  On June 25, 2018, the Board of                        www.regulations.gov are encouraged.                   comments that are timely received by
                                               Trustees of the Toledo Roofers Local No.                    Comments may also be mailed to the                 Treasury.
                                               134 Pension Plan submitted an                            Department of the Treasury, MPRA                        Dated: July 18, 2018.
                                               application for approval to reduce                       Office, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,                  David Kautter,
                                               benefits under the plan. As required by                  Room 1224, Washington, DC 20220,
                                               MPRA, that application has been                                                                                Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy.
                                                                                                        Attn: Danielle Norris. Comments sent
                                               published on Treasury’s website at                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–15889 Filed 7–24–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        via facsimile or email will not be
                                               https://www.treasury.gov/services/                       accepted.                                             BILLING CODE 4810–25–P
                                               Pages/Plan-Applications.aspx. Treasury                      Additional Instructions. All
                                               is publishing this notice in the Federal                 comments received, including
                                               Register, in consultation with PBGC and                  attachments and other supporting                      DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                               the Department of Labor, to solicit                      materials, will be made available to the              Multiemployer Pension Plan
                                               public comments on all aspects of the                    public. Do not include any personally                 Application To Reduce Benefits
                                               Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension                     identifiable information (such as your
                                               Plan application.                                        Social Security number, name, address,                AGENCY: Department of the Treasury.
                                                  Comments are requested from                           or other contact information) or any                  ACTION:Notice of availability; request
                                               interested parties, including                            other information in your comment or                  for comments.
                                               participants and beneficiaries, employee                 supporting materials that you do not
                                               organizations, and contributing                          want publicly disclosed. Treasury will                SUMMARY:   The Board of Trustees of the
                                               employers of the Toledo Roofers Local                    make comments available for public                    Local 807 Labor-Management Pension
                                               No. 134 Pension Plan. Consideration                      inspection and copying on                             Plan, a multiemployer pension plan, has
                                               will be given to any comments that are                   www.regulations.gov or upon request.                  submitted an application to reduce
                                               timely received by Treasury.                             Comments posted on the internet can be                benefits under the plan in accordance
                                                 Dated: July 18, 2018.                                  retrieved by most internet search                     with the Multiemployer Pension Reform
                                               David Kautter,                                           engines.                                              Act of 2014 (MPRA). The purpose of
                                               Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy.                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                  this notice is to announce that the
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–15881 Filed 7–24–18; 8:45 am]              information regarding the application                 application submitted by the Board of
                                                                                                        from the Southwest Ohio Regional                      Trustees of the Local 807 Labor-
                                               BILLING CODE 4810–25–P
                                                                                                        Council of Carpenters Pension Plan,                   Management Pension Plan has been
                                                                                                        please contact Treasury at (202) 622–                 published on the website of the
                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                               1534 (not a toll-free number).                        Department of the Treasury (Treasury),
                                                                                                                                                              and to request public comments on the
                                                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: MPRA
                                               Multiemployer Pension Plan                                                                                     application from interested parties,
                                                                                                        amended the Internal Revenue Code to
                                               Application To Reduce Benefits                                                                                 including participants and beneficiaries,
                                                                                                        permit a multiemployer plan that is
                                                                                                                                                              employee organizations, and
                                               AGENCY: Department of the Treasury.                      projected to have insufficient funds to
                                                                                                                                                              contributing employers of the Local 807
                                               ACTION:Notice of availability; request                   reduce pension benefits payable to
                                                                                                                                                              Labor-Management Pension Plan.
                                               for comments.                                            participants and beneficiaries if certain
                                                                                                        conditions are satisfied. In order to                 DATES: Comments must be received by
                                               SUMMARY:   The Board of Trustees of the                  reduce benefits, the plan sponsor is                  September 10, 2018.
                                               Southwest Ohio Regional Council of                       required to submit an application to the              ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                               Carpenters Pension Plan, a                               Secretary of the Treasury, which must                 electronically through the Federal
                                               multiemployer pension plan, has                          be approved or denied in consultation                 eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                               submitted an application to reduce                       with the Pension Benefit Guaranty                     www.regulations.gov, in accordance
                                               benefits under the plan in accordance                    Corporation (PBGC) and the Department                 with the instructions on that site.
                                               with the Multiemployer Pension Reform                    of Labor.                                             Electronic submissions through
                                               Act of 2014 (MPRA). The purpose of                          On June 29, 2018, the Board of                     www.regulations.gov are encouraged.
                                               this notice is to announce that the                      Trustees of the Southwest Ohio                           Comments may also be mailed to the
                                               application submitted by the Board of                    Regional Council of Carpenters Pension                Department of the Treasury, MPRA
                                               Trustees of the Southwest Ohio                           Plan submitted an application for                     Office, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Regional Council of Carpenters Pension                   approval to reduce benefits under the                 Room 1224, Washington, DC 20220,
                                               Plan has been published on the website                   plan. As required by MPRA, that                       Attn: Danielle Norris. Comments sent
                                               of the Department of the Treasury                        application has been published on                     via facsimile or email will not be
                                               (Treasury), and to request public                        Treasury’s website at https://                        accepted.
                                               comments on the application from                         www.treasury.gov/services/Pages/Plan-                    Additional Instructions. All
                                               interested parties, including                            Applications.aspx. Treasury is                        comments received, including
                                               participants and beneficiaries, employee                 publishing this notice in the Federal                 attachments and other supporting

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:50 Jul 24, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00114   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25JYN1.SGM   25JYN1

Document Created: 2018-07-25 00:44:14
Document Modified: 2018-07-25 00:44:14
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of availability; request for comments.
DatesComments must be received by September 10, 2018.
ContactFor information regarding the application from the Toledo Roofers Local No. 134 Pension Plan, please contact Treasury at (202) 622-1534 (not a toll-free number).
FR Citation83 FR 35314 

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