83_FR_35617 83 FR 35473 - Allocations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowances From New Unit Set-Asides for 2018 Control Periods

83 FR 35473 - Allocations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowances From New Unit Set-Asides for 2018 Control Periods


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 144 (July 26, 2018)

Page Range35473-35475
FR Document2018-16000

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing notice of the availability of data on emission allowance allocations to certain units under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) trading programs. EPA has completed final calculations for the first round of allocations of allowances from the CSAPR new unit set-asides (NUSAs) for the 2018 control periods and has posted spreadsheets containing the calculations on EPA's website. Several changes were made to the preliminary allocation spreadsheets to eliminate allocations to existing units that had been incorrectly identified as new units eligible to receive NUSA allocations. No changes were made to the calculations of the amounts of allocations to any units correctly identified as new units, and no additional units were identified as new units.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 144 (Thursday, July 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 144 (Thursday, July 26, 2018)]
[Pages 35473-35475]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-16000]




Allocations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowances From New 
Unit Set-Asides for 2018 Control Periods

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of data availability.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing notice 
of the availability of data on emission allowance allocations to 
certain units under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) trading 
programs. EPA has completed final calculations for the first round of 
allocations of allowances from the CSAPR new unit set-asides (NUSAs) 
for the 2018 control periods and has posted spreadsheets containing the 
calculations on EPA's website. Several changes were made to the 
preliminary allocation spreadsheets to eliminate allocations to 
existing units that had been incorrectly identified as new units 
eligible to receive NUSA allocations. No changes were made to the 
calculations of the amounts of allocations to any units correctly 
identified as new units, and no additional units were identified as new 

DATES: July 26, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions concerning this action 
should be addressed to Kenon Smith at (202) 343-9164 or 
smith.kenon@epa.gov or Jason Kuhns at (202) 564-3236 or 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under each CSAPR trading program where EPA 
is responsible for determining emission allowance allocations, a 
portion of each state's emissions budget for the program for each 
control period is reserved in a NUSA (and in an additional Indian 
country NUSA in the case of states with Indian country within their 
borders) for allocation to certain units that would not otherwise 
receive allowance allocations. The procedures for identifying the 
eligible units for each control period and for allocating allowances 
from the NUSAs and Indian country NUSAs to these units are set forth in 
the CSAPR trading program regulations at 40 CFR 97.411(b) and 97.412 
(NOX Annual), 97.511(b) and 97.512 (NOX Ozone 
Season Group 1), 97.611(b) and 97.612 (SO2 Group 1), 
97.711(b) and 97.712 (SO2 Group 2), and 97.811(b) and 97.812 
(NOX Ozone Season Group 2). Each NUSA allowance allocation 
process involves up to two rounds of allocations to eligible units, 
termed ``new'' units, followed by the allocation to ``existing'' units 
of any allowances not allocated to new units. In a NODA published in 
the Federal Register on May 10, 2018 (83 FR 21772), we provided notice 
of preliminary calculations for the first-round 2018

[[Page 35474]]

NUSA allowance allocations. We also described the process for 
submitting any objections to the preliminary calculations. This NODA 
concerns the final calculations for the first round of 2018 NUSA 
    EPA received three sets of written objections in response to the 
May 10, 2018 NODA. For the reasons discussed below, we have concluded 
that none of the written objections provides a valid basis for altering 
the preliminary calculations of NUSA allowance allocations.
    The first two sets of objections, from Madison Gas & Electric 
Company (MG&E) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, are 
substantively identical and raise two issues concerning units U1 and U2 
at the West Campus Cogeneration Facility (WCCF) in Madison, Wisconsin. 
The first objection asserts that January 1, 2017 is the date as of 
which units U1 and U2 ``commenced commercial operation'' for CSAPR 
purposes. EPA has already addressed this specific issue with respect to 
the WCCF units in response to an objection submitted regarding the 2017 
NUSA allocations. Our earlier response, which we are not revising, was 
published in the Federal Register on February 16, 2018 (83 FR 7034). 
Briefly, we agree that, according to the information provided by MG&E, 
January 1, 2017 is the date as of which units U1 and U2 should be 
considered to have ``commenced commercial operation'' for CSAPR 
purposes. Further, we have in fact been using this date for purposes of 
determining the units' eligibility to receive 2018 NUSA allocations, 
and that is why units U1 and U2 appear in the preliminary first-round 
2018 NUSA allocation spreadsheets. However, we acknowledge that our use 
of the January 1, 2017 date for this purpose is not clear from the 
preliminary NUSA allocation spreadsheets which, instead of displaying 
the January 1, 2017 date, display the 2005 date on which the units 
commenced commercial operation for other purposes before becoming 
subject to CSAPR. The final first-round 2018 NUSA allocation 
spreadsheets display the January 1, 2017 date.
    The second objection raised with respect to WCCF units U1 and U2 
asserts that EPA's exclusion of reported emissions occurring before 
July 2017 in calculating the units' NUSA allocations is incorrect. We 
disagree. For purposes of the NUSA allocation calculations, we have 
properly used the units' reported emissions occurring on and after 
their monitor certification deadline of June 30, 2017. We explained the 
regulatory basis for this approach in a NODA published on July 28, 2015 
(80 FR 44882) regarding 2015 NUSA allocations. Briefly, under the CSAPR 
regulations, only emissions that occur during a ``control period'' for 
a unit are used in calculating the amounts of any NUSA allocations to 
that unit. Because a unit's first control period excludes any period 
before the unit's monitor certification deadline, any reported 
emissions occurring before the monitor certification deadline are 
excluded from the NUSA allocation calculations. A unit's monitor 
certification deadline is generally 180 days after the date on which 
the unit commences commercial operation for CSAPR purposes,\1\ making 
the monitor certification deadline for WCCF units U1 and U2 June 30, 
2017. For further explanation, see the July 28, 2015 Federal Register 
notice referenced above.

    \1\ Under the CSAPR programs for ozone season NOX, if 
emissions data for a unit are reported only for the May-September 
ozone season rather than for the entire year, and if the 180th day 
after the date on which a unit commences commercial operation for 
CSAPR purposes falls outside the ozone season, then the unit's 
monitor certification deadline is the following May 1. See, e.g., 40 
CFR 97.830(b)(3).

    The remaining set of written objections, from Grand River Dam 
Authority (GRDA), also raises two issues. GRDA's first objection 
concerns the amount of reported 2017 ozone season NOX 
emissions used to calculate the amount of the first-round 2018 NUSA 
allocation to unit 3 at Grand River Energy Center (GREC) in Chouteau, 
Oklahoma. Specifically, GRDA asserts that EPA should not have used 0 
tons for this purpose. We disagree. The reported date on which GREC 
unit 3 commenced commercial operation was March 17, 2017, making the 
unit's monitor certification deadline September 13, 2017. As discussed 
above with respect to the WCCF facility, only reported emissions 
occurring after a unit's monitor certification deadline are used in 
computing NUSA allocations because any earlier emissions did not occur 
during a control period for the unit. Although GREC unit 3 reported 66 
tons of emissions during the entire 2017 ozone season, the unit 
reported 0 tons during the portion of the 2017 ozone season on and 
after September 13, so our use of 0 tons for purposes of calculating 
unit 3's first-round 2018 NUSA allocation is consistent with the 
regulations. For further explanation, see the July 28, 2015 Federal 
Register notice reference above.
    GRDA's second objection consists of a request to revise the total 
amount of the NUSA for Oklahoma under the CSAPR NOX Ozone 
Season Group 2 Trading Program. This objection is outside the scope of 
the May 10, 2018 NODA. EPA's determination regarding the NUSA total 
amount was made in the CSAPR Update rulemaking, and the NUSA amount is 
codified in the CSAPR regulations at 40 CFR 97.810(a)(17)(ii). The 
process of allocating NUSA allowances is strictly an administrative 
process that implements regulations already in effect. The total amount 
of the NUSA for Oklahoma can be revised only through another 
rulemaking, not through this administrative process.
    Although no changes were made to the preliminary first-round 2018 
NUSA allocations in response to the objections received, based on 
internal data reviews EPA has determined that several units listed in 
the preliminary allocation spreadsheets in fact are existing units not 
eligible to receive 2018 NUSA allocations. Specifically, 14 units in 
Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska were incorrectly included in the 
preliminary first-round NUSA allocation spreadsheet for the 
SO2 programs, and the Illinois and Nebraska units were also 
incorrectly included in the preliminary first-round NUSA allocation 
spreadsheet for the annual NOX program.\2\ Generally, these 
units were misidentified as eligible units because of discrepancies 
between the identification numbers used for the units in different data 
sets. In addition, 21 units in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas 
were incorrectly included in the preliminary first-round NUSA 
allocation spreadsheet for the ozone season NOX programs. 
Generally, these units were misidentified as eligible units because a 
screening procedure designed to identify units eligible for NUSA 
allocations due to relocation between states was executed without 
setting appropriate limits on the dates of relocation. We have removed 
all the ineligible units from the final first-round 2018 NUSA 
allocation spreadsheets.

    \2\ Kansas, not EPA, is responsible for determining all 2018 
allowance allocations to Kansas units under the annual 
NOX program.

    The detailed unit-by-unit data and final allowance allocation 
calculations are set forth in Excel spreadsheets titled 
``CSAPR_NUSA_2018_NOX_OS_1st_Round_Final_Data'', and 
``CSAPR_NUSA_2018_SO2_1st_Round_Final_Data,'' available on 
EPA's website at https://www.epa.gov/csapr/csapr-compliance-year-2018-nusa-nodas.
    EPA notes that an allocation or lack of allocation of allowances to 
a given unit does not constitute a determination that CSAPR does or 
does not apply to the unit. EPA also notes that under 40

[[Page 35475]]

CFR 97.411(c), 97.511(c), 97.611(c), 97.711(c), and 97.811(c), 
allocations are subject to potential correction if a unit to which 
allowances have been allocated for a given control period is not 
actually an affected unit as of the start of that control period.

    Authority: 40 CFR 97.411(b), 97.511(b), 97.611(b), 97.711(b), 
and 97.811(b).

    Dated: June 28, 2018.
Reid P. Harvey,
Director, Clean Air Markets Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs, 
Office of Air and Radiation.
[FR Doc. 2018-16000 Filed 7-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 144 / Thursday, July 26, 2018 / Notices                                               35473

                                                in accordance with widespread and                                       man or the environment, or a human                   human health risk assessments for the
                                                commonly recognized practice, the                                       dietary risk from residues that result               pesticides shown in the following table,
                                                pesticide product must perform its                                      from the use of a pesticide in or on food.           and opens a 60-day public comment
                                                intended function without unreasonable                                  IV. What action is the agency taking?                period on the risk assessments.
                                                adverse effects on the environment; that
                                                is, without any unreasonable risk to                                      Pursuant to 40 CFR 155.58, this notice
                                                                                                                        announces the availability of EPA’s
                                                                                TABLE 1—DRAFT RISK ASSESSMENTS BEING MADE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT
                                                   Registration review case name and No.                                            Docket ID No.                                       Contact information

                                                Atrazine ........................................................    EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0266 ........................    OPP_triazine_reg_review@epa.gov; (703) 347–0293.
                                                0062 .............................................................
                                                Simazine ......................................................      EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0251 ........................    OPP_triazine_reg_review@epa.gov; (703) 347–0293.
                                                0070 .............................................................
                                                Propazine .....................................................      EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0250 ........................    OPP_triazine_reg_review@epa.gov; (703) 347–0293.
                                                0230 .............................................................
                                                Triazine       Cumulative              (atrazine—0062,               EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0266;   EPA–HQ–                  OPP_triazine_reg_review@epa.gov; (703) 347–0293.
                                                  propazine— 0070, simazine—0230).                                    OPP–2013–0251;     EPA–HQ–OPP–

                                                   Pursuant to 40 CFR 155.53(c), EPA is                                    As provided in 40 CFR 155.58, the                 eligible to receive NUSA allocations. No
                                                providing an opportunity, through this                                  registration review docket for each                  changes were made to the calculations
                                                notice of availability, for interested                                  pesticide case will remain publicly                  of the amounts of allocations to any
                                                parties to provide comments and input                                   accessible through the duration of the               units correctly identified as new units,
                                                concerning the Agency’s draft human                                     registration review process; that is, until          and no additional units were identified
                                                health risk assessments for the                                         all actions required in the final decision           as new units.
                                                pesticides listed in the Table in Unit IV.                              on the registration review case have                 DATES: July 26, 2018.
                                                EPA may then issue a revised risk                                       been completed.                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                assessment, explain any changes to the                                     Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.                   Questions concerning this action should
                                                draft risk assessment, and respond to                                                                                        be addressed to Kenon Smith at (202)
                                                comments.                                                                 Dated: July 17, 2018.
                                                                                                                        Yu-Ting Guilaran,                                    343–9164 or smith.kenon@epa.gov or
                                                   Information submission requirements.                                                                                      Jason Kuhns at (202) 564–3236 or
                                                Anyone may submit data or information                                   Director, Pesticide Re-Evaluation Division,
                                                                                                                        Office of Pesticide Programs.                        kuhns.jason@epa.gov.
                                                in response to this document. To be                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under
                                                considered during a pesticide’s                                         [FR Doc. 2018–15998 Filed 7–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                             each CSAPR trading program where
                                                registration review, the submitted data                                 BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                                                                                             EPA is responsible for determining
                                                or information must meet the following                                                                                       emission allowance allocations, a
                                                requirements:                                                                                                                portion of each state’s emissions budget
                                                                                                                        ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                   • To ensure that EPA will consider                                                                                        for the program for each control period
                                                data or information submitted,                                                                                               is reserved in a NUSA (and in an
                                                interested persons must submit the data                                 [FRL–9981–31–OAR]                                    additional Indian country NUSA in the
                                                or information during the comment                                                                                            case of states with Indian country
                                                period. The Agency may, at its                                          Allocations of Cross-State Air
                                                                                                                                                                             within their borders) for allocation to
                                                discretion, consider data or information                                Pollution Rule Allowances From New
                                                                                                                                                                             certain units that would not otherwise
                                                submitted at a later date.                                              Unit Set-Asides for 2018 Control
                                                                                                                                                                             receive allowance allocations. The
                                                   • The data or information submitted                                  Periods
                                                                                                                                                                             procedures for identifying the eligible
                                                must be presented in a legible and                                      AGENCY: Environmental Protection                     units for each control period and for
                                                useable form. For example, an English                                   Agency (EPA).                                        allocating allowances from the NUSAs
                                                translation must accompany any                                                                                               and Indian country NUSAs to these
                                                                                                                        ACTION: Notice of data availability.
                                                material that is not in English and a                                                                                        units are set forth in the CSAPR trading
                                                written transcript must accompany any                                   SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection              program regulations at 40 CFR 97.411(b)
                                                information submitted as an                                             Agency (EPA) is providing notice of the              and 97.412 (NOX Annual), 97.511(b) and
                                                audiographic or videographic record.                                    availability of data on emission                     97.512 (NOX Ozone Season Group 1),
                                                Written material may be submitted in                                    allowance allocations to certain units               97.611(b) and 97.612 (SO2 Group 1),
                                                paper or electronic form.                                               under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule             97.711(b) and 97.712 (SO2 Group 2), and
                                                   • Submitters must clearly identify the                               (CSAPR) trading programs. EPA has                    97.811(b) and 97.812 (NOX Ozone
                                                source of any submitted data or                                         completed final calculations for the first           Season Group 2). Each NUSA allowance
                                                information.                                                            round of allocations of allowances from              allocation process involves up to two
                                                   • Submitters may request the Agency                                  the CSAPR new unit set-asides (NUSAs)                rounds of allocations to eligible units,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                to reconsider data or information that                                  for the 2018 control periods and has                 termed ‘‘new’’ units, followed by the
                                                the Agency rejected in a previous                                       posted spreadsheets containing the                   allocation to ‘‘existing’’ units of any
                                                review. However, submitters must                                        calculations on EPA’s website. Several               allowances not allocated to new units.
                                                explain why they believe the Agency                                     changes were made to the preliminary                 In a NODA published in the Federal
                                                should reconsider the data or                                           allocation spreadsheets to eliminate                 Register on May 10, 2018 (83 FR 21772),
                                                information in the pesticide’s                                          allocations to existing units that had               we provided notice of preliminary
                                                registration review.                                                    been incorrectly identified as new units             calculations for the first-round 2018

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014         17:25 Jul 25, 2018       Jkt 244001      PO 00000    Frm 00019   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26JYN1.SGM   26JYN1

                                                35474                          Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 144 / Thursday, July 26, 2018 / Notices

                                                NUSA allowance allocations. We also                      44882) regarding 2015 NUSA                              determination regarding the NUSA total
                                                described the process for submitting any                 allocations. Briefly, under the CSAPR                   amount was made in the CSAPR Update
                                                objections to the preliminary                            regulations, only emissions that occur                  rulemaking, and the NUSA amount is
                                                calculations. This NODA concerns the                     during a ‘‘control period’’ for a unit are              codified in the CSAPR regulations at 40
                                                final calculations for the first round of                used in calculating the amounts of any                  CFR 97.810(a)(17)(ii). The process of
                                                2018 NUSA allocations.                                   NUSA allocations to that unit. Because                  allocating NUSA allowances is strictly
                                                   EPA received three sets of written                    a unit’s first control period excludes any              an administrative process that
                                                objections in response to the May 10,                    period before the unit’s monitor                        implements regulations already in
                                                2018 NODA. For the reasons discussed                     certification deadline, any reported                    effect. The total amount of the NUSA for
                                                below, we have concluded that none of                    emissions occurring before the monitor                  Oklahoma can be revised only through
                                                the written objections provides a valid                  certification deadline are excluded from                another rulemaking, not through this
                                                basis for altering the preliminary                       the NUSA allocation calculations. A                     administrative process.
                                                calculations of NUSA allowance                           unit’s monitor certification deadline is                   Although no changes were made to
                                                allocations.                                             generally 180 days after the date on                    the preliminary first-round 2018 NUSA
                                                   The first two sets of objections, from                which the unit commences commercial                     allocations in response to the objections
                                                Madison Gas & Electric Company                           operation for CSAPR purposes,1 making                   received, based on internal data reviews
                                                (MG&E) and the Wisconsin Department                      the monitor certification deadline for                  EPA has determined that several units
                                                of Natural Resources, are substantively                  WCCF units U1 and U2 June 30, 2017.                     listed in the preliminary allocation
                                                identical and raise two issues                           For further explanation, see the July 28,               spreadsheets in fact are existing units
                                                concerning units U1 and U2 at the West                   2015 Federal Register notice referenced                 not eligible to receive 2018 NUSA
                                                Campus Cogeneration Facility (WCCF)                      above.                                                  allocations. Specifically, 14 units in
                                                in Madison, Wisconsin. The first                            The remaining set of written                         Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska were
                                                objection asserts that January 1, 2017 is                objections, from Grand River Dam                        incorrectly included in the preliminary
                                                the date as of which units U1 and U2                     Authority (GRDA), also raises two                       first-round NUSA allocation
                                                ‘‘commenced commercial operation’’ for                   issues. GRDA’s first objection concerns                 spreadsheet for the SO2 programs, and
                                                CSAPR purposes. EPA has already                          the amount of reported 2017 ozone                       the Illinois and Nebraska units were
                                                addressed this specific issue with                       season NOX emissions used to calculate                  also incorrectly included in the
                                                respect to the WCCF units in response                    the amount of the first-round 2018                      preliminary first-round NUSA
                                                to an objection submitted regarding the                  NUSA allocation to unit 3 at Grand                      allocation spreadsheet for the annual
                                                2017 NUSA allocations. Our earlier                       River Energy Center (GREC) in                           NOX program.2 Generally, these units
                                                response, which we are not revising,                     Chouteau, Oklahoma. Specifically,                       were misidentified as eligible units
                                                was published in the Federal Register                    GRDA asserts that EPA should not have                   because of discrepancies between the
                                                on February 16, 2018 (83 FR 7034).                       used 0 tons for this purpose. We                        identification numbers used for the
                                                Briefly, we agree that, according to the                 disagree. The reported date on which                    units in different data sets. In addition,
                                                information provided by MG&E, January                    GREC unit 3 commenced commercial                        21 units in Arkansas, Louisiana,
                                                1, 2017 is the date as of which units U1                 operation was March 17, 2017, making                    Oklahoma, and Texas were incorrectly
                                                and U2 should be considered to have                      the unit’s monitor certification deadline               included in the preliminary first-round
                                                ‘‘commenced commercial operation’’ for                   September 13, 2017. As discussed above                  NUSA allocation spreadsheet for the
                                                CSAPR purposes. Further, we have in                      with respect to the WCCF facility, only                 ozone season NOX programs. Generally,
                                                fact been using this date for purposes of                reported emissions occurring after a                    these units were misidentified as
                                                determining the units’ eligibility to                    unit’s monitor certification deadline are               eligible units because a screening
                                                receive 2018 NUSA allocations, and that                  used in computing NUSA allocations                      procedure designed to identify units
                                                is why units U1 and U2 appear in the                     because any earlier emissions did not                   eligible for NUSA allocations due to
                                                preliminary first-round 2018 NUSA                        occur during a control period for the                   relocation between states was executed
                                                allocation spreadsheets. However, we                     unit. Although GREC unit 3 reported 66                  without setting appropriate limits on the
                                                acknowledge that our use of the January                  tons of emissions during the entire 2017                dates of relocation. We have removed all
                                                1, 2017 date for this purpose is not clear               ozone season, the unit reported 0 tons                  the ineligible units from the final first-
                                                from the preliminary NUSA allocation                     during the portion of the 2017 ozone                    round 2018 NUSA allocation
                                                spreadsheets which, instead of                           season on and after September 13, so                    spreadsheets.
                                                displaying the January 1, 2017 date,                     our use of 0 tons for purposes of                          The detailed unit-by-unit data and
                                                display the 2005 date on which the                       calculating unit 3’s first-round 2018                   final allowance allocation calculations
                                                units commenced commercial operation                     NUSA allocation is consistent with the                  are set forth in Excel spreadsheets titled
                                                for other purposes before becoming                       regulations. For further explanation, see               ‘‘CSAPR_NUSA_2018_NOX_Annual_
                                                subject to CSAPR. The final first-round                  the July 28, 2015 Federal Register                      1st_Round_Final_Data’’, ‘‘CSAPR_
                                                2018 NUSA allocation spreadsheets                        notice reference above.                                 NUSA_2018_NOX_OS_1st_Round_
                                                display the January 1, 2017 date.                           GRDA’s second objection consists of a                Final_Data’’, and ‘‘CSAPR_NUSA_2018_
                                                   The second objection raised with                      request to revise the total amount of the               SO2_1st_Round_Final_Data,’’ available
                                                respect to WCCF units U1 and U2                          NUSA for Oklahoma under the CSAPR                       on EPA’s website at https://
                                                asserts that EPA’s exclusion of reported                 NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading                        www.epa.gov/csapr/csapr-compliance-
                                                emissions occurring before July 2017 in
                                                                                                         Program. This objection is outside the                  year-2018-nusa-nodas.
                                                calculating the units’ NUSA allocations
                                                                                                         scope of the May 10, 2018 NODA. EPA’s                      EPA notes that an allocation or lack
                                                is incorrect. We disagree. For purposes
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                 of allocation of allowances to a given
                                                of the NUSA allocation calculations, we                    1 Under the CSAPR programs for ozone season
                                                                                                                                                                 unit does not constitute a determination
                                                have properly used the units’ reported                   NOX, if emissions data for a unit are reported only     that CSAPR does or does not apply to
                                                emissions occurring on and after their                   for the May–September ozone season rather than for
                                                                                                         the entire year, and if the 180th day after the date    the unit. EPA also notes that under 40
                                                monitor certification deadline of June
                                                                                                         on which a unit commences commercial operation
                                                30, 2017. We explained the regulatory                    for CSAPR purposes falls outside the ozone season,         2 Kansas, not EPA, is responsible for determining
                                                basis for this approach in a NODA                        then the unit’s monitor certification deadline is the   all 2018 allowance allocations to Kansas units
                                                published on July 28, 2015 (80 FR                        following May 1. See, e.g., 40 CFR 97.830(b)(3).        under the annual NOX program.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 144 / Thursday, July 26, 2018 / Notices                                           35475

                                                CFR 97.411(c), 97.511(c), 97.611(c),                        EPA’s policy is that all comments                  the environment, and procedures for
                                                97.711(c), and 97.811(c), allocations are                received will be included in the public               approving state programs in lieu of the
                                                subject to potential correction if a unit                docket without change including any                   federal program. EPA promulgated
                                                to which allowances have been                            personal information provided, unless                 technical and financial requirements for
                                                allocated for a given control period is                  the comment includes profanity, threats,              owners and operators of USTs at 40 CFR
                                                not actually an affected unit as of the                  information claimed to be Confidential                part 280, and state program approval
                                                start of that control period.                            Business Information (CBI) or other                   procedures at 40 CFR part 281. This ICR
                                                  Authority: 40 CFR 97.411(b), 97.511(b),                information whose disclosure is                       is a comprehensive presentation of all
                                                97.611(b), 97.711(b), and 97.811(b).                     restricted by statute.                                information collection requirements
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      contained at 40 CFR parts 280 and 281.
                                                   Dated: June 28, 2018.
                                                                                                         Elizabeth McDermott, Office of                           The data collected for new and
                                                Reid P. Harvey,
                                                                                                         Underground Storage Tanks, Mail Code                  existing UST system operations and
                                                Director, Clean Air Markets Division, Office                                                                   financial requirements are used by
                                                                                                         5401R, Environmental Protection
                                                of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and
                                                                                                         Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,                    owners and operators and/or EPA or the
                                                                                                         Washington, DC 20460; telephone                       implementing agency to monitor results
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–16000 Filed 7–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                         number: (202) 564–0646; email address:                of testing, inspections, and operation of
                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                         mcdermott.elizabeth@epa.gov.                          UST systems, as well as to demonstrate
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            compliance with regulations. EPA
                                                                                                         Supporting documents which explain in                 believes strongly that if the minimum
                                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                         detail the information that the EPA will              requirements specified under the
                                                                                                         be collecting are available in the public             regulations are not met, neither the
                                                                                                         docket for this ICR. The docket can be                facilities nor EPA can ensure that UST
                                                [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0367; FRL–9981–
                                                                                                         viewed online at www.regulations.gov                  systems are being managed in a manner
                                                                                                         or in person at the EPA Docket Center,                protective of human health and the
                                                Proposed Information Collection                          WJC West, Room 3334, 1301                             environment.
                                                Request; Comment Request;                                Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC.                    EPA uses state program applications
                                                Underground Storage Tanks:                               The telephone number for the Docket                   to determine whether to approve a state
                                                Technical and Financial Requirements,                    Center is 202–566–1744. For additional                program. Before granting approval, EPA
                                                and State Program Approval                               information about EPA’s public docket,                must determine that programs will be
                                                Procedures (Renewal)                                     visit http://www.epa.gov/dockets.                     no less stringent than the federal
                                                                                                            Pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of               program and contain adequate
                                                AGENCY: Environmental Protection                         the PRA, EPA is soliciting comments                   enforcement mechanisms.
                                                Agency (EPA).                                            and information to enable it to: (i)                     Form numbers: None.
                                                ACTION: Notice.                                          Evaluate whether the proposed                            Respondents/affected entities:
                                                                                                         collection of information is necessary                Facilities that own and operate
                                                SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                  for the proper performance of the                     underground storage tanks (USTs),
                                                Agency is planning to submit an                          functions of the Agency, including                    states that implement the UST
                                                information collection request (ICR),                    whether the information will have                     programs, and tribes.
                                                ‘‘Underground Storage Tanks: Technical                   practical utility; (ii) evaluate the                     Respondent’s obligation to respond:
                                                and Financial Requirements, and State                    accuracy of the Agency’s estimate of the              Mandatory (40 CFR part 280).
                                                Program Approval Procedures                              burden of the proposed collection of                     Estimated number of respondents:
                                                (Renewal)’’ (EPA ICR No. 1360.16, OMB                    information, including the validity of                202,830.
                                                Control No. 2050–0068) to the Office of                  the methodology and assumptions used;                    Frequency of response: Once, on
                                                Management and Budget (OMB) for                          (iii) enhance the quality, utility, and               occasion, annual.
                                                review and approval in accordance with                   clarity of the information to be                         Total estimated burden: 8,722,192
                                                the Paperwork Reduction Act. Before                      collected; and (iv) minimize the burden               hours (per year). Burden is defined at 5
                                                doing so, EPA is soliciting public                       of the collection of information on those             CFR 1320.03(b).
                                                comments on specific aspects of the                      who are to respond, including through                    Total estimated cost: $679,800,866
                                                proposed information collection as                       the use of appropriate automated                      (per year), includes $424,720,745
                                                described below. This is a proposed                      electronic, mechanical, or other                      annualized capital or operation &
                                                extension of the ICR, which is currently                 technological collection techniques or                maintenance costs.
                                                approved through January 31, 2019. An                    other forms of information technology,                   Changes in estimates: There is an
                                                Agency may not conduct or sponsor and                    e.g., permitting electronic submission of             increase of 3,309,061 hours in the total
                                                a person is not required to respond to                   responses. EPA will consider the                      estimated respondent burden compared
                                                a collection of information unless it                    comments received and amend the ICR                   with the ICR currently approved by
                                                displays a currently valid OMB control                   as appropriate. The final ICR package                 OMB. This ICR renewal includes several
                                                number.                                                  will then be submitted to OMB for                     new requirements that became effective
                                                DATES: Comments must be submitted on                     review and approval. At that time, EPA                as of October 2018, which has resulted
                                                or before September 24, 2018.                            will issue another Federal Register                   in a burden increase (e.g., annual release
                                                ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                         notice to announce the submission of                  detection operability testing and
                                                referencing Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                                                                              recordkeeping, periodic testing and
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         the ICR to OMB and the opportunity to
                                                OLEM–2018–0367 online using                              submit additional comments to OMB.                    inspection of spill, overfill equipment
                                                www.regulations.gov (our preferred                          Abstract: Subtitle I of the Resource               and containment sumps, operator
                                                method) or by mail to: EPA Docket                        Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),                 training, walkthrough inspections,
                                                Center, Environmental Protection                         as amended, requires that EPA develop                 notification of ownership changes, and
                                                Agency, Mail Code 28221T, 1200                           standards for Underground Storage                     maintaining records for compatibility).
                                                Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC                     Tank (UST) systems, as may be                         In addition, EPA expects most states to
                                                20460.                                                   necessary, to protect human health and                submit state program re-approval

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Document Created: 2018-11-06 10:26:54
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 10:26:54
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of data availability.
DatesJuly 26, 2018.
ContactQuestions concerning this action
FR Citation83 FR 35473 

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