83_FR_35644 83 FR 35500 - Notice to LSC Grantees of Application Process for Subgranting 2018-2019 Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant Funds

83 FR 35500 - Notice to LSC Grantees of Application Process for Subgranting 2018-2019 Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund Grant Funds


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 144 (July 26, 2018)

Page Range35500-35500
FR Document2018-15952

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is the national organization charged with administering Federal funds provided for civil legal services to low-income people. LSC is announcing the submission dates for applications to make subgrants of its Technology Initiative Grants and its Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants. LSC is also providing information about where applicants may locate subgrant application forms and directions for providing the information required in the application.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 144 (Thursday, July 26, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 144 (Thursday, July 26, 2018)]
[Page 35500]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-15952]



Notice to LSC Grantees of Application Process for Subgranting 
2018-2019 Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund 
Grant Funds

AGENCY: Legal Services Corporation.

ACTION: Notice of application dates and format for applications to 
subgrant LSC Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund 


SUMMARY: The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is the national 
organization charged with administering Federal funds provided for 
civil legal services to low-income people. LSC is announcing the 
submission dates for applications to make subgrants of its Technology 
Initiative Grants and its Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants. LSC is also 
providing information about where applicants may locate subgrant 
application forms and directions for providing the information required 
in the application.

DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for application dates.

ADDRESSES: Legal Services Corporation--Office of Compliance and 
Enforcement, 3333 K Street NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20007-3522.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Megan Lacchini, Office of Compliance 
and Enforcement, [email protected], 202-295-1506, or visit the LSC 
website at http://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/grantee-guidance/how-apply-subgrant.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under 45 CFR part 1627, LSC must publish, on 
an annual basis, ``notice of the requirements concerning the format and 
contents of [applications to make subgrants of LSC funds] annually in 
the Federal Register and on its website.'' 45 CFR 1627.4(b). This 
Notice and the publication of the Subgrant Application on LSC's website 
satisfy Sec.  1627.4(b)'s notice requirement for the Technology 
Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant programs. Only 
current or prospective recipients of LSC Technology Initiative Grant 
and Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants may apply for approval to subgrant 
these funds.
    Applicants must submit applications to make a subgrant of 
Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant funds at 
least 45 days in advance of the subgrant's proposed effective date. 45 
CFR 1627.4(b)(2).
    Subgrant applications must be submitted at https://lscgrants.lsc.gov. Applicants may access the application under the 
``Subgrants'' heading on their ``LSC Grants'' home page. Applicants may 
initiate an application by selecting ``Initiate Subgrant Application.'' 
Applicants must then provide the information requested in the LSC 
Grants data fields, located in the Subrecipient Profile, Subgrant 
Summary, and Subrecipient Budget screens, and upload the following 
     A draft Subgrant Agreement (with the required terms 
provided in the Technology Initiative Grants and Pro Bono Innovation 
Fund Subgrant Agreement Template (``Agreement Template''); and
     Responses to Technology Initiative Grants and Pro Bono 
Innovation Fund Subgrant Inquiries (``Inquiries'').
    Applicants seeking to subgrant to an organization that is not a 
current LSC grantee must also upload:
     The subrecipient's accounting manual (or letter indicating 
that the subrecipient does not have one and why);
     The subrecipient's most recent audited financial statement 
(or letter indicating that the subrecipient does not have one and why);
     The subrecipient's most recent Form 990 filed with the 
Internal Revenue Service (or letter indicating that the subrecipient 
does not have one and why);
     The subrecipient's current fidelity bond policy (or letter 
indicating that the subrecipient does not have one and why);
     The subrecipient's conflict of interest policy (or letter 
indicating that the subrecipient does not have one and why); and
     The subrecipient's whistleblower policy (or letter 
indicating that the subrecipient does not have one and why).
    The Agreement Template and Inquiries are available on LSC's website 
at http://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/grantee-guidance/how-apply-subgrant. LSC encourages applicants to use LSC's Agreement 
Template as a model subgrant agreement. If the applicant does not, the 
proposed agreement must include, at a minimum, the substance of the 
provisions of the Template.
    Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the application and provide 
applicants with instructions on any needed modifications to the 
information, documents, or Draft Agreement provided with the 
application. The applicant must then upload a final and signed subgrant 
agreement through LSC Grants. This can be done by selecting ``Upload 
Signed Agreement'' to the right of the application ``Status'' under the 
``Subgrant'' heading on an applicant's LSC Grants home page.
    As required by 45 CFR 1627.4(b)(3), LSC will inform applicants of 
its decision to disapprove, approve, or request modifications to the 
subgrant no later than the subgrant's proposed effective date.

    Dated: July 20, 2018.
Stefanie Davis,
Assistant General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2018-15952 Filed 7-25-18; 8:45 am]

                                                35500                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 144 / Thursday, July 26, 2018 / Notices

                                                United States of America v. Golden                          DATES:   See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                indicating that the subrecipient does not
                                                Valley Electric Association, Inc., D.J.                     section for application dates.                        have one and why);
                                                Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–10615/2. All                              ADDRESSES: Legal Services                                • The subrecipient’s most recent
                                                comments must be submitted no later                         Corporation—Office of Compliance and                  Form 990 filed with the Internal
                                                than thirty (30) days after the                             Enforcement, 3333 K Street NW, Third                  Revenue Service (or letter indicating
                                                publication date of this notice.                            Floor, Washington, DC 20007–3522.                     that the subrecipient does not have one
                                                Comments may be submitted either by                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      and why);
                                                email or by mail:                                           Megan Lacchini, Office of Compliance                     • The subrecipient’s current fidelity
                                                                                                            and Enforcement, lacchinim@lsc.gov,                   bond policy (or letter indicating that the
                                                To submit            Send them to:                          202–295–1506, or visit the LSC website                subrecipient does not have one and
                                                comments:                                                                                                         why);
                                                                                                            at http://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-
                                                                                                                                                                     • The subrecipient’s conflict of
                                                By email .......     pubcomment-ees.enrd@                   resources/grantee-guidance/how-apply-
                                                                                                                                                                  interest policy (or letter indicating that
                                                                       usdoj.gov.                           subgrant.
                                                By mail .........    Assistant Attorney General,                                                                  the subrecipient does not have one and
                                                                       U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O.                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under 45                   why); and
                                                                       Box 7611, Washington, DC             CFR part 1627, LSC must publish, on an                   • The subrecipient’s whistleblower
                                                                       20044–7611.                          annual basis, ‘‘notice of the                         policy (or letter indicating that the
                                                                                                            requirements concerning the format and                subrecipient does not have one and
                                                  During the public comment period,                         contents of [applications to make                     why).
                                                the Consent Decree may be examined                          subgrants of LSC funds] annually in the                  The Agreement Template and
                                                and downloaded at this Justice                              Federal Register and on its website.’’ 45             Inquiries are available on LSC’s website
                                                Department website: https://                                CFR 1627.4(b). This Notice and the                    at http://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-
                                                www.justice.gov/enrd/consent-decrees.                       publication of the Subgrant Application               resources/grantee-guidance/how-apply-
                                                We will provide a paper copy of the                         on LSC’s website satisfy § 1627.4(b)’s                subgrant. LSC encourages applicants to
                                                Consent Decree upon written request                         notice requirement for the Technology                 use LSC’s Agreement Template as a
                                                and payment of reproduction costs.                          Initiative Grant and Pro Bono                         model subgrant agreement. If the
                                                Please mail your request and payment                        Innovation Fund grant programs. Only                  applicant does not, the proposed
                                                to: Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ—                       current or prospective recipients of LSC              agreement must include, at a minimum,
                                                ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC                         Technology Initiative Grant and Pro                   the substance of the provisions of the
                                                20044–7611.                                                 Bono Innovation Fund grants may apply                 Template.
                                                  Please enclose a check or money order                     for approval to subgrant these funds.                    Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the
                                                for $10.50 (25 cents per page                                  Applicants must submit applications                application and provide applicants with
                                                reproduction cost) payable to the United                    to make a subgrant of Technology                      instructions on any needed
                                                States Treasury.                                            Initiative Grant and Pro Bono                         modifications to the information,
                                                                                                            Innovation Fund grant funds at least 45               documents, or Draft Agreement
                                                Susan M. Akers,
                                                                                                            days in advance of the subgrant’s                     provided with the application. The
                                                Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
                                                                                                            proposed effective date. 45 CFR                       applicant must then upload a final and
                                                Enforcement Section, Environment and
                                                Natural Resources Division.                                 1627.4(b)(2).                                         signed subgrant agreement through LSC
                                                                                                               Subgrant applications must be                      Grants. This can be done by selecting
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–15947 Filed 7–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            submitted at https://lscgrants.lsc.gov.               ‘‘Upload Signed Agreement’’ to the right
                                                BILLING CODE 4410–15–P
                                                                                                            Applicants may access the application                 of the application ‘‘Status’’ under the
                                                                                                            under the ‘‘Subgrants’’ heading on their              ‘‘Subgrant’’ heading on an applicant’s
                                                                                                            ‘‘LSC Grants’’ home page. Applicants                  LSC Grants home page.
                                                LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION                                  may initiate an application by selecting                 As required by 45 CFR 1627.4(b)(3),
                                                                                                            ‘‘Initiate Subgrant Application.’’                    LSC will inform applicants of its
                                                Notice to LSC Grantees of Application
                                                                                                            Applicants must then provide the                      decision to disapprove, approve, or
                                                Process for Subgranting 2018–2019
                                                                                                            information requested in the LSC Grants               request modifications to the subgrant no
                                                Technology Initiative Grant and Pro
                                                                                                            data fields, located in the Subrecipient              later than the subgrant’s proposed
                                                Bono Innovation Fund Grant Funds
                                                                                                            Profile, Subgrant Summary, and                        effective date.
                                                AGENCY:  Legal Services Corporation.                        Subrecipient Budget screens, and                        Dated: July 20, 2018.
                                                ACTION: Notice of application dates and                     upload the following documents:                       Stefanie Davis,
                                                format for applications to subgrant LSC                        • A draft Subgrant Agreement (with
                                                                                                                                                                  Assistant General Counsel.
                                                Technology Initiative Grant and Pro                         the required terms provided in the
                                                                                                                                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–15952 Filed 7–25–18; 8:45 am]
                                                Bono Innovation Fund grants.                                Technology Initiative Grants and Pro
                                                                                                            Bono Innovation Fund Subgrant                         BILLING CODE 7050–01–P
                                                SUMMARY:   The Legal Services                               Agreement Template (‘‘Agreement
                                                Corporation (LSC) is the national                           Template’’); and
                                                organization charged with administering                        • Responses to Technology Initiative               MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE
                                                Federal funds provided for civil legal                      Grants and Pro Bono Innovation Fund                   CORPORATION
                                                services to low-income people. LSC is                       Subgrant Inquiries (‘‘Inquiries’’).
                                                announcing the submission dates for                            Applicants seeking to subgrant to an               Millennium Challenge Corporation
                                                applications to make subgrants of its                                                                             Advisory Council Notice of Open
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            organization that is not a current LSC
                                                Technology Initiative Grants and its Pro                    grantee must also upload:                             Meeting; Correction
                                                Bono Innovation Fund grants. LSC is                            • The subrecipient’s accounting                    AGENCY:  Millennium Challenge
                                                also providing information about where                      manual (or letter indicating that the                 Corporation.
                                                applicants may locate subgrant                              subrecipient does not have one and                    ACTION: Renewal of the MCC Advisory
                                                application forms and directions for                        why);                                                 Council and call for nominations for
                                                providing the information required in                          • The subrecipient’s most recent
                                                                                                                                                                  2018–2020 term; correction.
                                                the application.                                            audited financial statement (or letter

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:25 Jul 25, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00046   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26JYN1.SGM   26JYN1

Document Created: 2018-11-06 10:26:39
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 10:26:39
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of application dates and format for applications to subgrant LSC Technology Initiative Grant and Pro Bono Innovation Fund grants.
DatesSee SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for application dates.
ContactMegan Lacchini, Office of Compliance and Enforcement, [email protected]c.gov, 202-295-1506, or visit the LSC website at http://www.lsc.gov/grants-grantee-resources/grantee- guidance/how-apply-subgrant.
FR Citation83 FR 35500 

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