83_FR_44067 83 FR 43900 - Sunshine Act Meetings

83 FR 43900 - Sunshine Act Meetings


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 167 (August 28, 2018)

Page Range43900-43901
FR Document2018-18660

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 167 (Tuesday, August 28, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 167 (Tuesday, August 28, 2018)]
[Pages 43900-43901]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-18660]




Sunshine Act Meetings

TIME AND DATE: Weeks of August 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1, 

PLACE: Commissioners' Conference Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 

STATUS: Public and Closed.


Week of August 27, 2018

    There are no meetings scheduled for the week of August 27, 2018.

Week of September 3, 2018--Tentative

    There are no meetings scheduled for the week of September 3, 2018.

Week of September 10, 2018--Tentative

Monday, September 10, 2018

    10:00 a.m. Briefing on NRC International Activities (Closed--Ex. 1 
& 9).

[[Page 43901]]

Week of September 17, 2018--Tentative

    There are no meetings scheduled for the week of September 17, 2018.

Week of September 24, 2018--Tentative

Thursday, September 27, 2018

    10:00 a.m. Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating 
Reactors Business Line (Public), (Contact: Trent Wertz: 01-415-1568).
    This meeting will be webcast live at the web address--http://www.nrc.gov/.

Week of October 1, 2018--Tentative

    There are no meetings scheduled for the week of October 1, 2018.

CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information or to verify 
the status of meetings, contact Denise McGovern at 301-415-0681 or via 
email at Denise.McGovern@nrc.gov. The schedule for Commission meetings 
is subject to change on short notice.
    The NRC Commission Meeting Schedule can be found on the internet 
at: http://www.nrc.gov/public-involve/public-meetings/schedule.html.
    The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with 
disabilities where appropriate. If you need a reasonable accommodation 
to participate in these public meetings, or need this meeting notice or 
the transcript or other information from the public meetings in another 
format (e.g., braille, large print), please notify Kimberly Meyer-
Chambers, NRC Disability Program Manager, at 301-287-0739, by 
videophone at 240-428-3217, or by email at Kimberly.Meyer-Chambers@nrc.gov. Determinations on requests for reasonable 
accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.
    Members of the public may request to receive this information 
electronically. If you would like to be added to the distribution, 
please contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of the 
Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301-415-1969), or you may email 
Patricia.Jimenez@nrc.gov or Wendy.Moore@nrc.gov.

    Dated: August 23, 2018.
Denise L. McGovern,
Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-18660 Filed 8-24-18; 11:15 am]

                                               43900                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2018 / Notices

                                               Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. of                         asserted claims of the ’506 patent but                   Accordingly, the Commission finds
                                               Sunnyvale, California and ATI                           not the ’133 patent; (2) the asserted                 that there is a violation of section 337
                                               Technologies ULC of Canada                              claims are not invalid; and (3)                       with respect to the ’506 patent. The
                                               (collectively, ‘‘AMD’’ or                               Complainants satisfy the economic and                 Commission has determined that the
                                               ‘‘Complainants’’). See 82 FR 14748                      technical prongs of the domestic                      appropriate remedy is a limited
                                               (Mar. 22, 2017). The complaint, as                      industry requirement with respect to                  exclusion order against Respondents’
                                               amended, alleges violations of section                  both asserted patents. In addition, the               infringing products, and cease and
                                               337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as                       ALJ recommended that the Commission                   desist orders against Respondents VIZIO
                                               amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), based upon                    issue: (1) A Limited Exclusion Order                  and SDI. The Commission has also
                                               the importation into the United States,                 against the infringing accused products;              determined that the public interest
                                               the sale for importation, and the sale                  and (2) Cease and Desist Orders against               factors enumerated in subsections
                                               within the United States after                          Respondents VIZIO and SDI. The ALJ                    337(d)(l) and (f)(1) (19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(l),
                                               importation of certain graphics systems,                further recommended against setting a                 (f)(1)) do not preclude the issuance of
                                               components thereof, and consumer                        bond during Presidential review.                      the limited exclusion order and cease
                                               products containing the same, by reason                    On June 14, 2018, the Commission                   and desist orders. The Commission has
                                               of infringement of certain claims of the                issued a Notice determining to review                 further determined to set a bond at zero
                                               ’506 patent; U.S. Patent No. 7,796,133                  the FID in part. See 83 FR 28660–62                   (0) percent of entered value during the
                                               (‘‘the ’133 patent’’); U.S. Patent No.                  (June 20, 2018). The Commission sought                Presidential review period (19 U.S.C.
                                               8,760,454 (‘‘the ’454 patent’’); and U.S.               written submissions in response to                    1337(j)).
                                               Patent No. 9,582,846 (‘‘the ’846 patent’’).             certain questions relating to the claim                  The Commission’s orders and opinion
                                               Id. The notice of investigation identified              construction of the terms ‘‘unified                   were delivered to the President and to
                                               LG Electronics, Inc. of Seoul, Republic                 shader’’ (recited in the ’506 and ’133                the United States Trade Representative
                                               of Korea, LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. of                patent claims), ‘‘packet’’ (recited in the            on the day of their issuance.
                                               Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, and LG                    ’133 patent claims), and ‘‘ALU/memory                    The authority for the Commission’s
                                               Electronics MobileComm U.S.A. Inc. of                   pair’’ (recited in the ’133 patent claims).           determination is contained in section
                                               San Diego, California (collectively,                    See id. The Commission also solicited                 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
                                               ‘‘LG’’), VIZIO of Irvine, California,                   written submissions on the issues of                  amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in part
                                               MediaTek Inc. of Hsinchu City, Taiwan                   remedy, the public interest, and                      210 of the Commission’s Rules of
                                               and Media Tek USA Inc. of San Jose,                     bonding. See id. On June 28, 2018, the                Practice and Procedure (19 CFR part
                                               California (collectively, ‘‘MediaTek’’),                parties filed written submissions in                  210).
                                               and SDI of Fremont, California, as                      response to the June 14, 2018 Notice,
                                               respondents in this investigation. See                                                                          By order of the Commission.
                                                                                                       and on July 6, 2018, the parties filed                  Issued: August 22, 2018.
                                               id. The Office of Unfair Import                         responses to each other’s submissions.
                                               Investigations (‘‘OUII’’) is also a party to                                                                  Lisa Barton,
                                                                                                          On June 26, 2018, Complainants filed
                                               the investigation.                                                                                            Secretary to the Commission.
                                                  On October 20, 2017, the ALJ issued                  a motion for leave to amend the
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–18569 Filed 8–27–18; 8:45 am]
                                               an initial determination terminating the                complaint and notice of investigation to
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 7020–02–P
                                               investigation as to LG based on                         add V-Silicon Inc. and V-Silicon
                                               settlement. See Order No. 48 (Oct. 20,                  International, Inc. as respondents in this
                                               2017), unreviewed, Comm’n Notice                        investigation (Motion). On July 5 and 6,
                                               (Nov. 13, 2017). The remaining                          2018, OUII and Respondents,                           NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                               respondents in this investigation are                   respectively, filed responses to                      COMMISSION
                                               VIZIO, MediaTek, and SDI (hereinafter,                  Complainants’ motion to amend. As
                                                                                                       explained in the Commission’s Opinion                 [NRC–2018–0001]
                                               ‘‘the Remaining Respondents’’). The ALJ
                                               also terminated the investigation with                  issued concurrently herewith, the
                                                                                                                                                             Sunshine Act Meetings
                                               respect to all asserted claims of the ’454              Commission has determined to deny
                                               and ’846 patents; claims 6, 7, and 9 of                 Complainants’ Motion.                                 TIME AND DATE: Weeks of August 27,
                                               the ’506 patent; and claims 2, 4–13, and                   In addition, having examined the                   September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1,
                                               40 of the ’133 patent. See Order No. 33                 record of this investigation, including               2018.
                                               (Aug. 15, 2017), unreviewed, Comm’n                     the FID, the RD, and the parties’                     PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference
                                               Notice (Sept. 5, 2017); Order No. 43                    submissions, the Commission has                       Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
                                               (Oct. 5, 2017), unreviewed, Comm’n                      determined to affirm the FID’s ultimate               Maryland.
                                               Notice (Oct. 31, 2017); Order No. 49                    conclusions of a section 337 violation
                                                                                                                                                             STATUS: Public and Closed.
                                               (Oct. 20, 2017), unreviewed, Comm’n                     with respect to the ’506 patent and no
                                                                                                       section 337 violation with respect to the             MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:
                                               Notice (Nov. 13, 2017); Order No. 53
                                               (Oct. 31, 2017), unreviewed, Comm’n                     ’133 patent. In addition, the                         Week of August 27, 2018
                                               Notice (Nov. 28, 2017). Claims 1–5 and                  Commission has determined to modify
                                                                                                       the FID in part with respect to: (1) The                There are no meetings scheduled for
                                               8 of the ’506 patent and claims 1 and 3
                                               of the ’133 patent (hereinafter, ‘‘the                  importation requirement as to                         the week of August 27, 2018.
                                               asserted claims’’) remain pending in this               Respondents MediaTek and SDI; and (2)                 Week of September 3, 2018—Tentative
                                               investigation.                                          the claim construction of the terms
                                                  On April 13, 2018, the ALJ issued her                ‘‘unified shader,’’ ‘‘packet,’’ and ‘‘ALU/              There are no meetings scheduled for
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               final Initial Determination (‘‘FID’’) and               memory pair’’ as well as certain related              the week of September 3, 2018.
                                               Recommended Determination on                            FID findings on infringement, validity,               Week of September 10, 2018—Tentative
                                               Remedy and Bond (‘‘RD’’) finding a                      and the technical prong of the domestic
                                               violation of section 337 with respect to                industry requirement. All findings in                 Monday, September 10, 2018
                                               the ’506 patent but not the ’133 patent.                the FID that are not inconsistent with                  10:00 a.m. Briefing on NRC
                                               Specifically, the FID finds that: (1)                   the Commission’s determination are                    International Activities (Closed—Ex. 1
                                               Certain accused products infringe the                   affirmed.                                             & 9).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   20:00 Aug 27, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00059   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM   28AUN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 28, 2018 / Notices                                          43901

                                               Week of September 17, 2018—Tentative                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415–
                                                                                                       COMMISSION                                            1384; email: Janet.Burkhardt@nrc.gov.
                                                 There are no meetings scheduled for                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               the week of September 17, 2018.                         [NRC–2018–0181]
                                                                                                                                                             I. Obtaining Information and
                                               Week of September 24, 2018—Tentative                    Biweekly Notice; Applications and                     Submitting Comments
                                                                                                       Amendments to Facility Operating
                                               Thursday, September 27, 2018                            Licenses and Combined; Licenses                       A. Obtaining Information
                                                 10:00 a.m. Strategic Programmatic                     Involving No Significant Hazards                         Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2018–
                                               Overview of the Operating Reactors                      Considerations                                        0181, facility name, unit number(s),
                                               Business Line (Public), (Contact: Trent                 AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                           plant docket number, application date,
                                               Wertz: 01–415–1568).                                    Commission.                                           and subject when contacting the NRC
                                                                                                                                                             about the availability of information for
                                                 This meeting will be webcast live at                  ACTION: Biweekly notice.
                                                                                                                                                             this action. You may obtain publicly-
                                               the web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.                                                                          available information related to this
                                                                                                       SUMMARY:   Pursuant to the Atomic
                                               Week of October 1, 2018—Tentative                       Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the                   action by any of the following methods:
                                                                                                       Act), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                        • Federal Rulemaking website: Go to
                                                 There are no meetings scheduled for                   Commission (NRC) is publishing this                   http://www.regulations.gov and search
                                               the week of October 1, 2018.                            regular biweekly notice. The Act                      for Docket ID NRC–2018–0181.
                                                                                                       requires the Commission to publish                       • NRC’s Agencywide Documents
                                               CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                                                                                       notice of any amendments issued, or                   Access and Management System
                                               For more information or to verify the                                                                         (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-
                                               status of meetings, contact Denise                      proposed to be issued, and grants the
                                                                                                       Commission the authority to issue and                 available documents online in the
                                               McGovern at 301–415–0681 or via email                                                                         ADAMS Public Documents collection at
                                               at Denise.McGovern@nrc.gov. The                         make immediately effective any
                                                                                                       amendment to an operating license or                  http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/
                                               schedule for Commission meetings is                                                                           adams.html. To begin the search, select
                                                                                                       combined license, as applicable, upon a
                                               subject to change on short notice.                                                                            ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
                                                                                                       determination by the Commission that
                                                  The NRC Commission Meeting                           such amendment involves no significant                problems with ADAMS, please contact
                                               Schedule can be found on the internet                   hazards consideration, notwithstanding                the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
                                               at: http://www.nrc.gov/public-involve/                  the pendency before the Commission of                 reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
                                               public-meetings/schedule.html.                          a request for a hearing from any person.              415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@
                                                                                                          This biweekly notice includes all                  nrc.gov. The ADAMS accession number
                                                  The NRC provides reasonable
                                                                                                       notices of amendments issued, or                      for each document referenced (if it is
                                               accommodation to individuals with                                                                             available in ADAMS) is provided the
                                               disabilities where appropriate. If you                  proposed to be issued, from July 31,
                                                                                                       2018, to August 13, 2018. The last                    first time that it is mentioned in this
                                               need a reasonable accommodation to                                                                            document.
                                                                                                       biweekly notice was published on
                                               participate in these public meetings, or                                                                         • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
                                                                                                       August 14, 2018.
                                               need this meeting notice or the                                                                               purchase copies of public documents at
                                                                                                       DATES: Comments must be filed by
                                               transcript or other information from the                                                                      the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
                                               public meetings in another format (e.g.,                September 27, 2018. A request for a
                                                                                                       hearing must be filed by October 29,                  White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
                                               braille, large print), please notify                                                                          Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
                                               Kimberly Meyer-Chambers, NRC
                                                                                                       ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments                  B. Submitting Comments
                                               Disability Program Manager, at 301–
                                               287–0739, by videophone at 240–428–                     by any of the following methods:                        Please include Docket ID NRC–2018–
                                               3217, or by email at Kimberly.Meyer-                      • Federal Rulemaking website: Go to                 0181, facility name, unit number(s),
                                               Chambers@nrc.gov. Determinations on                     http://www.regulations.gov and search                 plant docket number, application date,
                                               requests for reasonable accommodation                   for Docket ID NRC–2018–0181. Address                  and subject in your comment
                                                                                                       questions about NRC dockets to Jennifer               submission.
                                               will be made on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                                                       Borges; telephone: 301–287–9127;                        The NRC cautions you not to include
                                                  Members of the public may request to                 email: Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For                   identifying or contact information that
                                               receive this information electronically.                technical questions, contact the                      you do not want to be publicly
                                               If you would like to be added to the                    individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                  disclosed in your comment submission.
                                               distribution, please contact the Nuclear                INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                   The NRC will post all comment
                                               Regulatory Commission, Office of the                    document.                                             submissions at http://
                                               Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301–                     • Mail comments to: May Ma, Office                  www.regulations.gov as well as enter the
                                               415–1969), or you may email                             of Administration, Mail Stop: TWFN–7–                 comment submissions into ADAMS.
                                               Patricia.Jimenez@nrc.gov or                             A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                         The NRC does not routinely edit
                                               Wendy.Moore@nrc.gov.                                    Commission, Washington, DC 20555–                     comment submissions to remove
                                                                                                       0001.                                                 identifying or contact information.
                                                 Dated: August 23, 2018.
                                                                                                         For additional direction on obtaining                 If you are requesting or aggregating
                                               Denise L. McGovern,                                     information and submitting comments,                  comments from other persons for
                                               Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.            see ‘‘Obtaining Information and                       submission to the NRC, then you should
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               [FR Doc. 2018–18660 Filed 8–24–18; 11:15 am]            Submitting Comments’’ in the                          inform those persons not to include
                                               BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of                  identifying or contact information that
                                                                                                       this document.                                        they do not want to be publicly
                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      disclosed in their comment submission.
                                                                                                       Janet Burkhardt, Office of Nuclear                    Your request should state that the NRC
                                                                                                       Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear                      does not routinely edit comment
                                                                                                       Regulatory Commission, Washington,                    submissions to remove such information

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   20:00 Aug 27, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00060   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28AUN1.SGM   28AUN1

Document Created: 2018-08-28 00:23:36
Document Modified: 2018-08-28 00:23:36
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesWeeks of August 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1, 2018.
FR Citation83 FR 43900 

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