83_FR_45327 83 FR 45155 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; LCH SA; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Implementation of Electronic Exercise Platform

83 FR 45155 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; LCH SA; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Implementation of Electronic Exercise Platform


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 172 (September 5, 2018)

Page Range45155-45164
FR Document2018-19147

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 172 (Wednesday, September 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 172 (Wednesday, September 5, 2018)]
[Pages 45155-45164]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-19147]



[Release No. 34-83983; File No. SR-LCH SA-2018-004]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; LCH SA; Notice of Filing of 
Proposed Rule Change Relating to Implementation of Electronic Exercise 

August 29, 2018.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder \2\ notice is hereby given that 
on August 24, 2018, Banque Centrale de Compensation, which conducts 
business under the name LCH SA (``LCH SA''), filed with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the proposed rule change 
described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have been prepared 
primarily by LCH SA. The Commission is publishing this notice to 
solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the 
Proposed Rule Change

    Banque Centrale de Compensation, which conducts business under the 
name LCH SA (``LCH SA''), is proposing to amend its (i) CDS Clearing 
Rule Book (``Rule Book''), (ii) CDS Clearing Supplement 
(``Supplement'') and (iii) CDS Clearing Procedures (``Procedures'') to 
incorporate new terms and to make conforming, clarifying and clean-up 
changes to implement a new electronic exercise platform (``EEP'') for 
the exercise of options by Clearing Members and their Clients. The text 
of the proposed rule change has been annexed as Exhibit 5.\3\

    \3\ All capitalized terms not defined herein have the same 
definition as the Rule Book, Supplement or Procedures, as 

II. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, LCH SA included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. LCH SA has prepared summaries, set forth in sections A, 
B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of these statements.

A. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis 
for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    LCH SA is proposing to create an EEP for credit index options or 
swaptions to capture and support swaption exercise decisions by 
Clearing Members and Clients. Currently, the exercise of swaptions is 
effected through a manual bilateral notification process. The swaption 
exercise decisions are communicated bilaterally via email from the 
swaption buyer to the swaption seller of a matched pair transaction 
created by LCH SA for the purpose of the exercise or abandonment of the 
swaption transaction. The swaption buyer must then inform LCH SA that 
the exercise notice has been successfully delivered. LCH SA then 
manually effects the exercise decisions accordingly and updates its 
risk system.
    The proposed EEP will provide Clearing Members and their Clients 
with an electronic process that will reduce the operational risk caused 
by manual exercise and provide an effective system to monitor and 
manage the exercise of swaptions. The proposed rule change will require 
Clearing Members and Clients to use the EEP system to initiate the 
exercise of swaptions and will enable Clients to directly exercise 
swaptions through delegation by Clearing Members and receive reports. 
The EEP system will capture the exercise decisions in real time and 
notify the relevant swaptions sellers in real time. In addition, the 
EEP system will provide validation checks and exercise decision-making 
assistance and support, and will facilitate and support an anonymous 
exercise decision process

[[Page 45156]]

that the current manual process is not able to achieve.
    In connection with the launch of the EEP, LCH SA proposes to modify 
its Rule Book, Supplement and Procedures to implement the EEP and 
manage the operational risk arising from the EEP while improving the 
clarity of the Rulebook, Supplement and Procedures.
(i) CDS Clearing Rule Book
    The Rule Book will be amended by adding new defined terms and 
provisions to account for the ability of Clients to directly exercise 
swaptions utilizing the EEP through delegation by Clearing Members. The 
details of the mechanism for Clients to exercise swaptions via 
delegation by Clearing Members will be implemented through amendments 
to the Supplement and Procedures as described below. With respect to 
the Rule Book, LCH SA proposes to amend Article with respect 
to the liability of LCH SA to account for the ability of Clients to 
exercise swaptions utilizing the EEP as an Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary. Article will be amended to add new clause (xxii) 
to the effect that LCH SA will not be liable for any Damage claimed by 
a clearing Member based on the failure of an Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary to perform its obligations in relation to a delegation by a 
Clearing Member of the power to Exercise or Abandon Exercise Cleared 
Transactions or in connection with or arising from the Exercise or 
Abandonment (or attempt thereof) of an Exercise Cleared Transaction by 
such exercise Delegation Beneficiary. In addition, new clause (xxiii) 
will be added to Article to provide that LCH SA will not be 
liable for any improper use or disclosure by a third party, including a 
Client, of information made available on a Client Portal Account 
further to a defined process of requesting LCH SA to make certain 
information available on the Client Portal Account in accordance with 
the Procedures (such process is referred to as ``Feeding Request'' in 
the Procedures).
    Further, LCH SA proposes to add new provisions to Title V CDS CCM 
Client Clearing Services and Title VI CDS FCM Client Clearing to 
provide for exercise of swaptions by Clients. Article and 
Article will be added to require a CCM or an FCM to ensure 
that a CCM Client or FCM Client, as applicable, has duly created a 
Client Portal Account before granting an Exercise Delegation to such 
CCM Client or FCM Client. Article and will be 
added to require a CCM or an FCM to delegate sufficient powers to a CCM 
Client or a FCM Client, as applicable, in order for the CCM Client or 
FCM Client, as applicable, to be duly authorized to Exercise or Abandon 
Exercise Cleared Transactions; in addition, a CCM Client or a FCM 
Client, as applicable, delegated and designated by a Clearing Member as 
being entitled to Exercise and Abandon Exercise Cleared Transactions on 
its behalf is required to Exercise or Abandon only through the relevant 
Client Portal Account unless there is an EEP Failure Event (as 
described below).
    In connection with the above, LCH SA also proposes to add new 
provisions to Title I General Provisions & Legal Framework of the Rule 
Book. First, new defined terms ``Abandon'', ``Abandonment'', ``Client 
Portal Account'', ``Delegating Clearing Member'', ``Exercise 
Delegation'', ``Exercise Delegation Beneficiary'', and ``Feeding 
Request'' will be added and cross-reference the meanings given to these 
terms in Part C of the Supplement or Section 5 of the Procedures, as 
    The amendments to the CDS Clearing Rule Book also contain 
typographical corrections and similar technical corrections and 
clarifications as well as various conforming references to the new or 
revised defined terms. Finally, corresponding changes to provision 
numbering throughout the CDS Clearing Rule Book have been made as 
(ii) CDS Clearing Supplement
    LCH SA also proposes to modify the Supplement to incorporate terms 
for implementing the new EEP, to remove inapplicable provisions after 
implementation of the EEP, and to make certain conforming and clean-up 
changes to improve clarity of the Supplement.
    Section 1 General Provisions of the Supplement will be amended to 
add certain defined terms and new provisions to implement the EEP and 
to make certain clean-up changes. Section 1.2 will be amended by adding 
the following new defined terms.
    The terms ``Abandon'' and ``Abandonment'' will be added to refer to 
the abandonment of an Exercise Cleared Transaction and the delivery of 
a valid Abandonment Notice by a Swaption Buyer (including delivery by a 
Client designated by the related Clearing Member as being entitled to 
Exercise and Abandon Exercise Cleared Transactions on its behalf) in 
respect of the Exercise Cleared Transactions of an Exercise Matched 
    The term ``CCM Client Communications Failure Event'' will be added 
to cross reference the definition of CCM Client Communications Failure 
Event set out in the Mandatory Provisions in Appendix VIII to the 
    The term ``Clearing Member Communications Failure Event'' will be 
added to cross reference the definition of Clearing Member 
Communications Failure Event set out at Section 6.10 of the Supplement.
    The existing term ``Clearing Member Notice'' will be amended to 
include a Swaption Clearing Member Notice or a Swaption Restructuring 
Clearing Member Notice.
    The term ``Clearing Member Portal Account'' will be added to refer 
to the account of a Clearing Member established in the LCH Portal for 
the purposes of, among other things, the Exercise and Abandon of 
Exercise Cleared Transactions.
    The term ``Client Portal Account'' and ``Client Portal Account 
Number'' will be added to refer to the account of a Client established 
in the LCH Portal for the purposes of, among other things, the Exercise 
and Abandonment of Exercise Cleared Transactions, and to refer to the 
unique account number assigned by LCH SA to a Client Portal Account.
    The term ``EEP Controls'' will be added to cross reference the 
definition of EEP Controls set out at Section 6.3 of the Supplement.
    The terms ``EEP Failure Event'', ``EEP Failure Event Time'' and 
``EEP Resolution Time'' and ``Electronic Exercise Platform'' or ``EEP'' 
will be added to refer to the occurrence of LCH SA becoming aware that 
the EEP is or will be unavailable for the submission or receipt of 
Option Intents, the time at which the relevant EEP Failure Event 
occurred, the time at which the relevant EEP Failure Event is deemed to 
have been resolved, and the platform made available by LCH SA for the 
Exercise and Abandon of Exercise Cleared Transaction through the 
submission of Option Intents.
    The term ``Exercise'' will be amended by making conforming changes 
to include deemed delivery of a valid Exercise Notice pursuant to new 
Section 6.3 (Exercise and Abandonment by way of EEP) or new Section 6.4 
(Delegation by Clearing Members to Client).
    The term ``Exercise Cleared Transaction'' and ``Swaption 
Restructuring Cleared Transaction'' will be amended by making a clean-
up change to replace the word ``Clause'' with the word ``Section''.
    The term ``Exercise Delegation Beneficiary'' will be added to refer 
to the Client of a Clearing Member designated by such Clearing Member 
as being entitled to Exercise and Abandon

[[Page 45157]]

Exercise Cleared Transactions on such Clearing Member's behalf.
    The term ``Force Submission'' will be added to cross reference the 
definition of Force Submission set out at Section 5.19.2 of the 
    The term ``LCH Portal'' will be added to cross reference the 
definition of LCH Portal set out at Section 5.3 of the Procedures.
    The term ``Option Intent'' will be added to refer to the election 
of Matched Buyer (or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary as applicable) 
in the EEP to Exercise or Abandon an Exercise Cleared Transaction.
    The term ``Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report'' will be added 
to cross reference the definition of Protected Exercise Matched Pair 
Report set out at Section 6.1 of the Supplement.
    The term ``Submission Time'' will be added to cross reference the 
definition of Submission Time set out at Section 6.3 of the Supplement.
    The terms ``Swaption CCM Client Notice'' and ``Swaption CCM Client 
Notice Deadline'' will be added to cross reference the notice and the 
deadline described in Mandatory Provision Section 5.5 regarding the 
duty to deliver a Swaption CCM Client Notice by the Swaption CCM Client 
Notice Deadline.
    The terms ``Swaption Clearing Member Notice'' and ``Swaption 
Clearing Member Notice Deadline'' will be added to cross reference the 
notice and the deadline described in new Section 6.5(c) as a 
consequence of an EEP Failure Event.
    The term ``Swaption Notice'' will be added to refer to either an 
Exercise Notice or an Abandonment Notice.
    The terms ``Swaption Restructuring Clearing Member Notice'' and 
``Swaption Restructuring Clearing member Notice Deadline'' will be 
added to cross reference the notice required to be delivered by a 
Clearing Member to LCH SA with respect to its delivery or receipt of 
any Credit Event Notice or Notice to Exercise Movement Option and the 
deadline described in new Section 5.7.
    Finally, a new paragraph (c) will be added to Section 1.7 to 
provide that, notwithstanding an FCM Clearing Member acting as agent 
for the account of an FCM Client with respect to Index Swaption Cleared 
Transactions, an FCM Clearing member shall designate its FCM Client to 
Exercise or Abandon Exercise Cleared Transactions on its behalf as its 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiary in accordance with the terms of the 
    Section 5 Restructuring will be amended to add new provisions to 
implement the EEP and to make certain clean-up and conforming changes 
that are not related to the implementation of EEP. Specifically, 
Section 5.1 will be amended to provide that if a CEN Triggering Period 
for a Subsequent Restructuring commences prior to the Expiration Date, 
any Swaption Restructuring Matched Pairs in respect of the First 
Restructuring shall also be Swaption Restructuring Matched Pairs in 
respect of the Subsequent Restructuring in order to better clarify this 
concept. Section 5.1(a) will be amended to add the word ``contact'' to 
clarify the term email address.
    New Section 5.6 will be added to reinstate certain provisions that 
will be deleted from Section 8 of the Supplement that provide for the 
requirements of delivery of Credit Event Notices and Notices to 
Exercise Movement Option with respect to Restructuring Cleared 
Transactions in order to group provisions relating to restructuring 
that are unrelated to the implementation of EEP within the same 
section. Specifically, Section 5.6 reinstates that Credit Event Notices 
and Notices to Exercise Movement Option shall be delivered between 
Matched Buyer and Matched Seller of a Swaption Restructuring Matched 
Pair in accordance with the general rules relating to notices in the 
Supplement and the terms of the Swaption Restructuring Cleared 
Transaction. Such notices will be delivered in the delivering party's 
own name and as designee of LCH SA in respect of the other Swaption 
restructuring Cleared Transaction of the Swaption Restructuring Matched 
    New Section 5.7 will be added to reinstate certain provisions that 
will be deleted from Section 8 of the Supplement so that provisions 
regarding delivery and receipt of Swaption Restructuring Clearing 
Member Notices are addressed in the section governing restructuring. 
The moved provisions require each Clearing Member to notify LCH SA or 
provide a copy to LCH SA of any notices delivered or received by such 
Clearing Member consisting of a Swaption Restructuring Matched Pair, 
including any Credit Event Notices and Notices to Exercise Movement 
Option by no later than 5 p.m. on the last date on which such notice 
could validly be delivered. Such notices and deadline will be defined 
as ``Swaption Restructuring Clearing Member Notice'' and ``Swaption 
Restructuring Clearing Member Notice Deadline''. If LCH SA does not 
receive a Swaption Restructuring Clearing Member Notice on or prior to 
the relevant Swaption Restructuring Clearing Member Notice Deadline, 
LCH SA will not take any action in respect of the relevant Swaption 
Restructuring Matched Pair in respect of a Credit Event or Exercise 
Movement Option. Notwithstanding the fact that no Credit Event Notice 
or Notice to Exercise Movement Option has been received by LCH SA by 
the relevant Swaption Restructuring Clearing Member Notice Deadline, if 
LCH SA determines in its sole discretion that, such notice was in fact 
delivered or received directly by a Clearing Member and would have been 
effective, LCH SA shall use commercially reasonable efforts to give 
effect to the terms of such Credit Event Notice or Notice to Exercise 
Movement Option, as applicable. If LCH SA determines that it is not 
possible to give effect to the terms of any such Credit Event Notice or 
Notice to Exercise Movement Option, then Section 5.7 provides an amount 
payable between the Clearing Members and how such amount will be 
    Section 6 Exercise Matched Pairs will be amended to add new 
provisions to implement the EEP and to make certain clean-up and 
conforming changes. Specifically, Section 6.1 will be amended to remove 
the requirement of LCH SA to notify the relevant Matched Buyer and 
Matched Seller comprised within each Exercise Matched Pair of the 
identity of each other; instead, the identity and the contact 
information of the Clearing Members within an Exercise Matched Pair 
will be provided by LCH SA to the relevant Matched Buyer and Matched 
Seller (and any Exercise Delegation Beneficiary thereof) in a report 
(defined as ``Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report''), the access to 
which will be restricted and the Clearing Members within an Exercise 
Matched Pair (and any applicable Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries) 
would be given access to the information in the report only upon 
occurrence of an EEP Failure Event. Section 6.2 will be amended by 
making conforming changes to delete the language regarding notification 
of relevant Clearing Members of Exercise Matched Pairs to account for 
the new process effected by EEP.
    New Section 6.3 entitled Exercise and Abandonment by way of EEP 
will be added to provide for the manner of Exercise or Abandonment of 
Exercise Cleared Transactions. Specifically, Section 6.3 will provide 
that an Option Intent submitted by Matched Buyer (or its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary on its behalf, as applicable) through the EEP 
will constitute the delivery of a valid Exercise Notice or Abandonment 
Notice for the purposes of the Exercise Cleared Transactions if (a) the

[[Page 45158]]

Submission Time for such Option Intent is prior to 4:00 p.m. (London 
time) and (b) LCH SA has completed those steps necessary to make such 
Option Intent available for viewing in the EEP, including validation of 
the EEP Controls. ``Submission Time'' for an Option Intent will be the 
time, as recorded by LCH SA, as of which such Option Intent is 
submitted via the EEP by the relevant matched Buyer (or its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary on its behalf, if applicable) and ``EEP 
Controls'' will mean the controls specified in Section 5 of the 
Procedures with respect to the Option Intent. An Option Intent will 
become irrevocable by the Swaption Buyer as from the Submission Time.
    New Section 6.4 entitled Delegation by Clearing Members to Clients 
will be added to provide for delegation of Exercise or Abandonment by 
Clearing Members to their Clients. Specifically, Section 6.4 will 
provide that, with respect to the Exercise and Abandonment of the 
Exercise Cleared Transactions of an Exercise Matched Pair which are 
Client Cleared Transactions, Clearing Members shall designate its 
relevant Client to act on its behalf and such designation will take 
effect as soon as reasonably practicable (but no later than five 
Business Days) following receipt by LCH SA of a duly completed and 
signed Exercise Delegation Form. The Client so designated will be the 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiary. The designation or delegation cannot 
be revoked. Where a Clearing Member designates its Client in accordance 
with new Section 6.4, any Option Intent submitted by the designated 
Client via its Client Portal Account in the EEP prior to 4:00 p.m. 
(London Time) on the Expiration Date will be deemed to constitute the 
delivery by Matched Buyer of a valid Exercise Notice or Abandonment 
Notice. Similarly, any Swaption Notices delivered by a designated 
Client will be interpreted as delivery by a Clearing Member.
    New Section 6.5 entitled EEP failure and resolution will be added 
to address the circumstances where there is an EEP failure and 
subsequent resolution of such failure. Specifically, Section 6.5 will 
require LCH SA to notify Clearing Members and Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiaries of an EEP Failure Event (i.e., the EEP is or will be 
unavailable for the submission or receipt of Option Intents) as soon as 
reasonably practicable and in any case within one hour after the 
occurrence of the EEP Failure Event. Following the occurrence of an EEP 
Failure Event, Clearing Members or their Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiaries, as applicable, will be authorized to access the 
information contained in the Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report in 
order to obtain the identity and contact information of the other 
Clearing Member or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary within an 
Exercise Matched Pair. If the EEP Failure Event has been resolved and 
is no longer in effect, LCH SA is required to notify Clearing Members 
of such resolution and the time at which the EEP Failure Event is 
deemed to have been resolved (the ``EEP Resolution Time''), so 
submission of Option Intents may resume on the EEP.
    Section 6.5 will further provide that, if an EEP Failure Event has 
occurred and is continuing, delivery of Swaption Notices will fall back 
to the existing manual delivery process and if a Clearing Member that 
is a Matched Buyer has designated its Client as its Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary, the Client will be entitled to send a Swaption Notice to 
the Matched Seller, using the notices details provided by LCH SA in the 
Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report. Similarly, if a Clearing Member 
that is a Matched Seller has designated its Client as its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary, then Swaption Notices will be sent by the 
Matched Buyer (or its Client as its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as 
applicable) to the Client of the Clearing Member who is the Matched 
    In addition, Section 6.5 will provide for oral, including 
telephonic, delivery of Abandonment Notices, followed by written 
confirmation from the Matched Buyer (or its Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary, as applicable) to the Matched Seller (or its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable) within one Transaction Business 
Day. For the avoidance of doubt, Section 6.5 will clarify that, any 
Swaption Notices delivered via the EEP prior the EEP Failure Event Time 
will be valid and not be affected by the EEP Failure Event; and any 
Swaption Notice delivered or purported to be delivered via the EEP at 
or following the EEP Failure Event Time but prior to the EEP Resolution 
Time will not be valid or effective.
    Finally, Section 6.5 will provide that, as the case in today's 
manual exercise process, each Clearing Member is required to notify LCH 
SA or deliver a copy to LCH SA of any Swaption Notices delivered by 
such Clearing Member to another Clearing Member in an Exercise Matched 
Pair during an EEP Failure Event by no later than 5 p.m. (CET) on the 
Expiration Date. Such notice of delivery of such copy to LCH SA will be 
defined as a Swaption Clearing Member Notice. If a Clearing Member has 
designated its Client as its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, then the 
Client may notify LCH SA or deliver a copy to LCH SA of any Swaption 
Notices delivered by such Client to another Clearing Member (or its 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable) in an Exercise Matched 
Pair while an EEP Failure Event is continuing.
    New Section 6.6 entitled Abandonment of Exercise Cleared 
Transactions will be added to address Abandonment of Exercise Cleared 
Transactions. It will restate the first part of the existing Section 
6.4 of the Supplement with certain adjustment to reflect that 
Abandonment of Exercise Cleared Transaction will not be done on the EEP 
and the Swaption Buyer will not deliver Abandonment Notices bilaterally 
to the Swaption Seller. If, on the Expiration Date, the Swaption Buyer 
elects to abandon the Exercise Cleared Transactions of the Exercise 
matched Pair, each Exercise Cleared Transaction shall be terminated in 
    New Section 6.7 entitled Termination of Exercise Cleared 
Transactions will be added to address the circumstances under which 
Exercise Cleared Transactions will be terminated taking into account 
implementation of the EEP. Specifically, it will provide that LCH SA 
will terminate the Exercise Cleared Transactions of the relevant 
Exercised Matched Pair if no Option Intent is submitted using the EEP 
or, if there is an EEP Failure Event, LCH SA does not receive a 
Swaption Clearing Member Notice (or Swaption CCM Client Notice) from a 
Clearing Member or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary on or prior to 
the deadline specified in Section 6.5 described above.
    New Section 6.8 entitled Consequences of no Swaption Clearing 
Member Notice or Swaption CCM Client Notice being received by LCH SA 
will be added to address the consequences of no Swaption Clearing 
Member Notice being received by LCH SA by the Swaption Clearing Member 
Notice Deadline (or, in the case of a CCM Client Cleared Transaction, 
that no Swaption CCM Client Notice has been received by LCH SA in 
respect of an Exercise Notice by the Swaption CCM Client Notice 
Deadline). If there is an EEP Failure Event and such event is 
continuing, if LCH SA determines in its sole discretion that an 
Exercise Notice was in fact delivered by a Clearing Member (or its 
Client as the Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable) and would 
have been effective for the purposes of the Supplement, then LCH SA 
will use commercially reasonable efforts to give effect to the terms of 
the Exercise Notice

[[Page 45159]]

and the effect would be as though LCH SA had received a Swaption 
Clearing Member Notice by the Swaption Clearing Member Notice Deadline 
(or, in the case of a CCM Client Cleared Transaction, as though a 
Swaption CCM Client Notice has been received by LCH SA in respect of an 
Exercise Notice by the Swaption CCM Client Notice Deadline). If LCH SA 
determines that it is not possible to give effect to the terms of any 
such Exercise Notice, then the relevant Clearing Members (or their 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries, as applicable) will have rights 
against each other for settlement payment due two Transaction Business 
Days following the delivery of a notice that such amount is due and 
payable, as though they were a party to a bilateral credit default swap 
transaction on the terms of the relevant Underlying Index Transaction. 
LCH SA will not have any liability for any payment in respect of the 
Exercise Clearing Transactions or the ensuing bilateral credit default 
swap transaction.
    New Section 6.10 entitled Clearing Member Communications Failure 
Event and CCM Client Communications Failure Event will be added to 
address Clearing Member and CCM Client communications failures. 
Specifically, new Section 6.10 will provide that, if a Clearing member 
or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary experiences significant 
communications or information technology failure resulting in it being 
impossible or impracticable to use EEP (a ``Clearing Member 
Communications Failure Event''), such Clearing Member or its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary shall use the existing manual exercise process 
to delivery or receive any Exercise Notice or Abandonment Notice to and 
from LCH SA in accordance with the general provision regarding delivery 
of notices in Section 8 of the Supplement and not through the EEP. 
Similarly, if a CCM Client experiences a significant communications or 
information technology failure resulting in it being impossible or 
impracticable to use EEP (a ``CCM Client Communications Failure 
Event''), such CCM Client will, under Mandatory Provision 5.7, have the 
right to use the existing manual exercise process to deliver or receive 
any Exercise Notice or Abandonment Notice to and from LCH SA in 
accordance with the general provision regarding delivery of notices in 
Section 8 of the Supplement and not through the EEP.
    If the Clearing Member (or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as 
applicable) affected by a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event 
is a Matched Buyer, upon receipt of a Swaption Notice delivered by such 
Clearing Member or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable, 
LCH SA shall submit an Option Intent in the EEP system on behalf of 
such Clearing Member or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary. Provided 
that (a) the Submission Time for such Option Intent is prior to 4:00 
p.m. (London time) and (b) LCH SA has completed those steps necessary 
to make such Option Intent available for viewing in the EEP, including 
validation of the EEP Controls, then such Option Intent shall be deemed 
to constitute the delivery of a valid Exercise Notice or Abandonment 
Notice. With respect to a Swaption Notice delivered pursuant to the 
preceding paragraph (or, in the case of a CCM Client Cleared 
Transaction pursuant to Mandatory Provision 5.7), LCH SA may determine 
in its sole discretion that it is not able to submit the relevant 
Option Intent in the system prior to the exercise deadline, in which 
case the affected Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary 
will be deemed not to have submitted an Option Intent and the relevant 
Exercise Cleared Transactions will be terminated. LCH SA may, in its 
sole discretion, elect to register the Exercise or Abandonment of an 
Exercise Cleared Transaction in an alternative internal system of LCH 
SA. If the Clearing Member (or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as 
applicable) affected by a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event 
or CCM Client Communications Failure Event is a Matched Seller, so long 
as such Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary notified LCH 
SA of occurrence of a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event or a 
CCM Client Communications Failure Event, then any Swaption Notices 
shall be delivered by LCH SA to such Clearing Member or Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary (or, in respect of a CCM Client Cleared 
Transaction a Swaption Notice delivered by a CCM Client in accordance 
with Mandatory Provision 5.7), as soon as reasonably practicable in 
accordance with the general notice provision in Section 8 of the 
    New Section 6.10 will further require a Clearing Member or Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary affected by a Clearing Member Communications 
Failure Event (or, in respect of a CCM Client as Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary, a CCM Client Communications Failure Event) to notify LCH 
SA of the occurrence of such event in the form set out in the Appendix 
of the Supplement and LCH SA will notify all Clearing Members and 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries accordingly. Similarly, a Clearing 
Member affected by a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event (or, 
in respect of a CCM Client as Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM 
Client Communications Failure Event) will be required to notify LCH SA 
as soon as reasonably practicable upon its ceasing to be subject to the 
Clearing Member Communications Failure Event (or, in respect of a CCM 
Client as Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client Communications 
Failure Event). After the notice of ceasing to be subject to a Clearing 
Member Communications Failure Event (or with respect to a CCM Client, a 
CCM Client Communications Failure Event), the requirement to effect 
Exercise or Abandonment through EEP will resume and apply and any 
Swaption Notice delivered or purported to be delivered thereafter by 
such Clearing Member or its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary (or CCM 
Client, as applicable) not via the EEP will not be valid or effective.
    Finally, new Section 6.10(e) will require a Clearing Member subject 
to a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event (or, in respect of a 
CCM Client as Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client 
Communications Failure Event in accordance with Mandatory Provision 
5.7) to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the operational impact on 
other Clearing Members and LCH SA of any Clearing Member Communications 
Failure Event (or, in respect of a CCM Client as Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary, a CCM Client Communications Failure Event) and to cure 
such Clearing Member Communications Failure Event (or, in respect of a 
CCM Client as Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client 
Communications Failure Event) as soon as reasonably practicable and 
ensure that the circumstances giving rise to the relevant Clearing 
Member Communications Failure Event do not recur.
    Section 7 Settlement will be amended to make certain clean-up and 
conforming changes in order to ensure consistency. Specifically, 
Section 7.2 will be amended to change the term ``Auction Settlement 
Date'' to ``Auction Final Price Determination Date'' in order to 
correct an inaccurate reference in the current version of the 
Supplement. The Auction Final Price Determination Date refers to the 
date on which the Auction is held to determine the Auction Final Price 
used to compute the Auction Settlement in respect of an Initial Single 
Name Cleared Transaction and is defined in the 2014 ISDA Credit 
Derivatives Definitions, which are incorporated by reference pursuant 

[[Page 45160]]

Section 1.1 of the Supplement. Since Section 7.2 is designed to provide 
for creation of an Initial Single Named Cleared Transactions for 
settlement purposes in respect of a Credit Event other than an M(M)R 
Restructuring in circumstances where the ISDA would have held the 
Auction to determine the Auction Final Price prior to the Expiration 
Date, therefore the initial reference to ``Auction Settlement Date'' 
should have been ``Auction Final Price Determination Date''. 
Additionally, Section 7.2(b)(ii) will be amended to state that the 
Auction Settlement Date in respect of an Initial Single Name Cleared 
Transaction shall be the later of (a) the Auction Settlement Date that 
would be determined in accordance with Section 6.3 of the 2014 ISDA 
Credit Derivatives Definitions and (b) the first Transaction Business 
Day following the Expiration Date. Additionally, Section 7.3(b)(ii) 
will be amended to clarify that a valid Credit Event Notice must be 
delivered or deemed to be delivered in respect of a Restructuring 
Cleared Transaction for subsections (x) and (y) of Section 7.3(b)(ii) 
to apply. Finally, changes will be made in Sections 7.3 and 7.4(a) to 
correct typographical errors without affecting the meanings of Sections 
7.3 and 7.4.
    Section 8 Delivery of Notices will be amended to add new provisions 
to implement the EEP, to remove inapplicable provisions, and to make 
certain clean-up and conforming changes. Specifically, Section 8.1(a) 
will be amended to conform to other new provisions added to Section 6 
to account for the implementation of EEP, specifically, to specify the 
time at which a communication in respect of any Cleared Transaction 
will be recorded and deemed effective in EEP. Section 8.1(b) will be 
amended to implement certain conforming changes regarding notices from 
or to LCH SA in EEP including with respect to the occurrence of an EEP 
Failure Event. Section 8.1(c) will be amended to account for electronic 
notification through EEP between Clearing Members or their respective 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries.
    Further, certain subsections of Section 8 will be deleted, amended 
and/or renumbered. The existing Section 8.2, Oral Notices, will be 
moved and renumbered as a new Section 8.3 and the existing Section 8.3, 
Delivery of Exercise Notices, Abandonment Notices, Credit Event Notices 
and Notices to Exercise Movement Options, and the existing Section 8.4, 
Clearing Member Notices, will each be removed as these sections will no 
longer be applicable after the implementation of EEP. The existing 
Section 8.5 will be renumbered as a new Section 8.2 and certain 
conforming changes will be made in this Section to account for the 
delivery of the Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report and to describe 
the procedure with respect to a failure to notify Matched Pairs based 
on the occurrence of an EEP Failure Event. If LCH SA does not notify 
the relevant Clearing Members of Swaption Restructuring Matched Pairs 
and related information by the SRMP Notification Deadline or provide 
the Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report by the EMP Notification 
Deadline as a result of the occurrence of an EEP Failure, then the 
relevant Clearing Members or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary may 
deliver Swaption Notices to LCH SA and vice versa. The existing Section 
8.6 will be renumbered as a new Section 8.4 and certain section 
references will be updated.
    Section 9, Matched Pair Designations, will be amended to update 
certain section references based on changes made to other sections of 
the Supplement. Specifically, in Section 9.1(e)(i) and (ii), the 
references to Section 8.1 will be updated to Section 9.1 and the 
reference to Section 7.7(a) in Section 9.6 will be updated to reference 
Section 5.7(a) and Section 6.5(c). Additionally, Sections 9.1(c) and 
(d) will be deleted to remove the requirement that, to the extent 
possible, each Swaption Restructuring Matched Pair and each Exercise 
Matched Pair will have an aggregate applicable Matched Pair amount 
which is an integral multiple of Euro 1,000,000 subject to a maximum of 
Euro 100,000,000. This change, which is unrelated to the implementation 
of EEP, is made to reflect that this condition with respect to the 
aggregate applicable Matched Pair amount is no longer required by LCH 
    Section 10, Mandatory Provisions for CCM Client Transactions, will 
be amended to replace the reference to Appendix VI with a reference to 
Appendix VIII based on changes to the numbering of the appendices to 
the Supplement.
    Section 12, Forms of Notices, will be amended to replace the 
reference to Section 7.11 with a reference to Section 8.4.
    Section 13 Exclusion of Liability will be amended to add a new 
Section 13(b) which will provide that LCH SA will have no liability to 
a Clearing Member which has delegated to an Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary its power to Exercise or Abandon Exercise Cleared 
Transactions for any loss, cost or expense arising out of any failure 
of such Exercise Delegation beneficiary to perform its obligations in 
relation with such delegation or in connection with or arising from the 
Exercise or Abandonment of an Exercise Cleared Transaction by the 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiary of the Clearing Member. Additionally, 
Section 13(d) will be amended to provide that LCH SA will have no 
responsibility to verify the contents of any notice received by it from 
any Clearing Member or from an Exercise Delegation Beneficiary of a 
Clearing Member under the terms of any Cleared Transaction.
    Appendix V: Form of Notice of Dispute Relating to Any Swaption 
Restructuring/Exercise Matched Pair will be amended to update each 
current reference to Section 7.11 to Section 8.4.
    A new Appendix VI: Form of Notice of Clearing Member Communications 
Failure Event Pursuant to Section 6.10 (Clearing Member Communications 
Failure Event) or CCM Client Communications Failure Event Pursuant to 
Mandatory Provision 5.7 (CCM Client Communications Failure Event) will 
be added after existing Appendix V which will serve as the form to be 
used by a Clearing Member to notify LCH SA of a Clearing Member 
Communications Failure Event if required by Section 6.10 of the 
Supplement or a CCM Client to notify LCH SA of a CCM Client 
Communications Failure Event in accordance with Mandatory Provision 
    A new Appendix VII: Form of Notice for Ceasing to be Subject to a 
Clearing Member Communications Failure Event Pursuant to Section 6.10 
(Clearing Member Communications Failure Event) or CCM Client 
Communications Failure Event Pursuant to Mandatory Provision 5.7 (CCM 
Client Communications Failure Event) will be added after the new 
Appendix VI described in the preceding paragraph which will serve as 
the form to be used by a Clearing Member to notify LCH SA that such 
Clearing Member is no longer subject to a Clearing Member 
Communications Failure Event or for a CCM Client to notify LCH SA that 
such CCM Client is no longer subject to a CCM Client Communications 
Failure Event.
    The current Appendix VI: CCM Client Transaction Requirements will 
be renumbered to create a new Appendix VIII. Certain section references 
within such new Appendix VIII will be updated to conform with changes 
to the body of the Supplement and correct certain section references. 
Additionally, a new Section 5 to Appendix VIII entitled Designation of 
CCM Client by CCM for Exercise or Abandonment of

[[Page 45161]]

Exercise Cleared Transactions will be added after the current Section 
4, Validity of Notices, to address the procedures for the Exercise or 
Abandonment of Exercise Cleared Transactions in the EEP.
    A new Section 5 to Appendix VIII entitled Designation of CCM Client 
by CCM for Exercise or Abandonment of Exercise Cleared Transactions 
will be added to address the procedures for designation by a CCM of the 
right to Exercise or Abandon an Exercise Cleared Transaction to a CCM 
Client. A new Section 5.1 entitled Designation by CCM will be added 
providing that CCM and CCM Client will agree that a CCM may designate 
the CCM Client as its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary with respect to a 
specific CCM Client Cleared Transaction for purposes of the Exercise or 
Abandonment of the CCM Client Cleared Transactions and receipt of 
Swaption Notices on its behalf.
    A new Section 5.2 to Appendix VIII entitled Exercise Notices and 
Abandonment Notices delivered in respect of CCM Client Cleared 
Transaction will be added which will provide that neither CCM nor CCM 
Client may deliver Swaption Notices in relation to the CCM Client 
Transaction corresponding to a CCM Client Cleared Transaction in 
respect of which CCM Client has been designated by CCM as its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary. Instead, if CCM Client as Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary of the CCM delivers or receives a valid Swaption Notice in 
respect of the CCM Client Cleared Transaction corresponding to such CCM 
Client Transaction, such notice will also be deemed to be a valid 
Swaption Notice for the purposes of such CCM Client Transaction.
    A new Section 5.3 to Appendix VIII entitled Exercise and 
Abandonment by way of EEP will be added which will provide that any 
submission of an Option Intent by a CCM Client in respect of a CCM 
Client Cleared Transaction in respect of which such CCM Client has been 
designated as Exercise Delegation Beneficiary will be made via its 
Client Portal Account in the EEP. If (a) the CCM Client submits an 
Option Intent via its Client Portal Account, (b) the Option Intent is 
submitted by a CCM Client prior to 4.00 p.m. (London time) on the 
Expiration Date and (c) LCH SA has completed those steps necessary to 
make such Option Intent available for viewing in the EEP, such 
submission will be deemed to constitute delivery by the CCM of a valid 
Exercise Notice or Abandonment Notice in respect of the CCM Client 
Cleared Transactions. The deemed time of delivery of such Swaption 
Notice will be the time specified by the EEP and the registration will 
be irrevocable.
    A new Section 5.4 to Appendix VIII entitled Consequences of EEP 
Failure will be added to address the procedures in the event that an 
EEP Failure Event occurs from (and including) the EEP Failure Event 
Time to (but excluding) the EEP Resolution Time. A new Section 5.4(a) 
will be added to provide that a CCM Client will deliver Swaption 
Notices directly to the matched Seller or its relevant Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary (with a copy to the Matched Seller) using the 
notice details provided by LCH SA instead of delivering the Swaption 
Notice via EEP. A new Section 5.4(b) will be added to specify that, if 
LCH SA does not provide the Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report by 
the EMP Notification Deadline or, where an EEP Failure Event occurs 
after the EMP Notification Deadline, from the time of such EEP Failure 
Event until such time as LCH provides the Protected Exercise Matched 
Pair Report, CCM Client will deliver Swaption Notices to LCH SA on 
behalf of the CCM instead of to the Matched Seller (or its Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiary). A new Section 5.4(c) will be added which will 
provide that any notice delivered via the EEP prior to the EEP Failure 
Event Time will be valid and will not be affected by such EEP Failure 
Event. Finally, a new Section 5.4(d) will be added to specify that any 
notice delivered or purported to be delivered via the EEP at or 
following the EEP Failure Event Time but prior to the EEP Resolution 
Time will not be valid and effective.
    A new Section 5.5 to Appendix VIII entitled Duty to Deliver 
Swaption CCM Client Notice will be added to specify that the CCM Client 
must notify LCH SA and its CCM of any Swaption Notice delivered by it 
in accordance with new Section 5.4 which such CCM Client asserts was 
effective by no later than 5.00 p.m. on the Expiration Date (the 
``Swaption CCM Client Notice Deadline''). If no such notice is 
delivered by CCM Client or the CCM prior to the Swaption CCM Client 
Notice Deadline, any Exercise Notice sent by CCM Client pursuant to new 
Section 5.4 will be deemed to be invalid. However, if LCH SA elects to 
give effect to an Exercise Notice in respect of a Swaption CCM Client 
Notice that it determines has been delivered pursuant to Section 6.8 of 
the Supplement, then such provisions shall apply as if LCH SA had 
received a Swaption CCM Client Notice in respect of the relevant 
Exercise Notice by the Swaption CCM Client Notice Deadline, and, if LCH 
SA determines that it is not possible to give effect to the terms of 
any such Exercise Notice then the relevant Clearing Members or their 
Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries will acquire rights as against each 
other as though party to a bilateral credit default swap transaction on 
the terms of the Underlying Index Transaction. The Settlement Payment 
will be due and payable two Transaction Business Days following the 
giving of a notice that such amount is due and payable and the relevant 
Clearing Members or their Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries will have 
enforcement rights as against each other pursuant to the Contracts 
(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 in respect of any resulting payments 
and deliveries; LCH SA shall have no liability in respect thereof.
    A new Section 5.6 to Appendix VIII entitled Delivery of Notices to 
and from LCH SA in Case of EEP Failure Event will be added to specify 
that upon the occurrence of an EEP Failure Event, notices and 
communications given by LCH SA to the CCM Client or vice versa will be 
given to the address or number provided by the CCM Client to LCH SA and 
vice versa upon registration or any other address or number duly 
notified thereafter.
    A new Section 5.7 to Appendix VIII entitled Communications Failure 
Event will be added to address the procedure for notifying LCH SA of a 
Communications Failure Event, the procedures for delivery of Notices 
following such Communications Failure Event and the procedures for 
notifying LCH SA of a resolution of such Communications Failure Event. 
Subsection (a) of new Section 5.7 will permit a CCM Client affected by 
a Communications Failure Event to deliver Swaption Notices manually 
with a Submission Time prior to 4:00 p.m. (London time). However, LCH 
SA may determine in its sole discretion that it is not able to submit 
the relevant Option Intent in the relevant system with a Submission 
Time prior to 4:00 p.m. (London time) on the Expiration Date in which 
case LCH SA will inform the CCM Client and, subject to Mandatory 
Provision 5.5, such CCM Client will be deemed not to have submitted an 
Option Intent in respect of the relevant Exercise Cleared Transaction. 
Subsection (b) of new Section 5.7 will require the CCM Client to 
provide written notice (or notice by telephone if CCM Client is unable 
to deliver written notice) to LCH SA certifying that it is affected by 
a Communications Failure Event. Subsection (c) of new Section 5.7 will 
require CCM Client to notify LCH SA upon the resolution of any 
Communications Failure Event.

[[Page 45162]]

Additionally, pursuant to subsection (d) of new Section 5.7, the CCM 
Client that is subject to a Communications Failure Event must use 
reasonable endeavors to mitigate the operational impact of any 
Communications Failure Event, to cure such Communications Failure Event 
as soon as reasonably practicable and to ensure that the events giving 
rise thereto do not recur.
    A new Section 5.8 to Appendix VIII entitled Confidentiality Waiver 
will be added stating that the CCM Client consents to the disclosure of 
its address, fax number, telephone number, contact email address (and 
any other applicable notice details provided by it) by CCM to LCH SA 
and by LCH SA in any Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report.
    The current Section 5, Determination of Credit Events and 
Succession Events, will be renumbered as a new Section 6.
    The current Section 6, Timings for the Delivery of Notices for CCM 
Client Transactions, will be renumbered as a new Section 7. The current 
Section 7, Timings for the Delivery of Exercise Notices for CCM Client 
Transactions, will be deleted as it has been replaced with the new 
Section 5 described in the preceding paragraphs.
    The amendments to the CDS Clearing Supplement also contain 
typographical corrections and similar technical corrections and 
clarifications as well as various conforming references to the new or 
revised defined terms. Finally, corresponding changes to provision 
numbering throughout the CDS Clearing Supplement have been made as 
(iii) CDS Clearing Procedures
    LCH SA also proposes to modify Section 5 of the Procedures to 
incorporate terms for implementing the new EEP, to remove inapplicable 
provisions after implementation of the EEP, and to make certain 
conforming and clean-up changes to improve clarity of the Supplement.
    Specifically, a definition of ``LCH Portal'' will be added to 
Section 5.3(f) to define the LCH Portal as a single sign-on solution 
for various LCH SA applications to which Clearing Members may have 
access over secured internet. Further Section 5.16 will be revised to 
add a new paragraph entitling a Clearing Member to request that all or 
part of the reports provided under Section 5.16 be made available on 
the Client Portal Account. This new paragraph will additionally define 
the Client Portal Account as the account created by a Client on the LCH 
Portal. Section 5.16(a)(i)(J) will be amended to replace all references 
to ``Cleared Transaction Exercise Report'' with ``Protected Exercise 
Matched Pairs Report'' to reflect the new reporting structure in EEP, 
and to specify that the timing for the Protected Exercise Matched Pairs 
Report to be prepared will be three Business Days prior to the Exercise 
Date and such report will only be made accessible following the 
occurrence of an EEP Failure Event. The current Section 5.16(c)(ii), 
Open Interest Report, will be deleted as it no longer applies. Current 
Section 5.16(c)(iii) will be renumbered as a new Section 5.16(c)(ii) 
and current Section 5.16(c)(iv) will be renumbered as a new Section 
    A new Section 5.19 entitled Delegation of Exercise of Exercise 
Cleared Transactions and Electronic Exercise Platform will be added 
after the current Section 5.18 to address the procedures for delegation 
of the Exercise or Abandonment of Index Swaption Cleared Transactions 
and the Electronic Exercise Platform. A new Section 5.19.1 entitled 
Delegation of Exercise or Abandonment of Exercise Cleared Transactions 
will be added to provide that any Clearing Member which has delegated 
to a Client the power to Exercise and/or Abandon all or part of its 
Exercise Cleared Transactions will notify such delegation to LCH SA by 
sending a completed and signed notification form to LCH SA via email. 
Upon receipt, LCH SA will ensure that only such delegate is authorized 
to Exercise or Abandon the Exercise Cleared Transactions identified in 
such form. Any withdraw of an exercise Delegation shall be notified to 
LCH SA by sending a copy of an updated and signed Exercise Delegation 
form by email to LCH SA. LCH SA will process Exercise Delegations and 
Exercise Delegation Withdrawals as soon as reasonably practicable.
    A new Section 5.19.2 entitled Electronic Exercise of Exercise 
Cleared Transactions will be added to describe the process for the 
electronic Exercise of Exercise Cleared Transactions. Upon a submission 
of an Option Intent in the EEP, LCH SA will carry out logicality 
controls in respect of such Option Intent in order to help Clearing 
Members and Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries identify an Option Intent 
which could have been submitted in the EEP in error based on the 
relative position or the price of Exercise compared to reference prices 
provided in the EEP. Any Option Intent which does not pass such 
logicality controls will not be registered in the EEP and LCH SA will 
inform the applicable Clearing Member. The Clearing Member and its 
Exercise Beneficiaries may elect to bypass the logicality controls by 
specifying ``Confirm'' or ``Force'' in relation to the Option Intent 
when submitting such Option Intent (``Force Submission''). LCH SA will 
inform the applicable Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation 
Beneficiary if an Option Intent is deemed illogical and the Clearing 
Member or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary may then choose to re-submit 
such Option Intent and Force Submission. LCH SA will not carry out 
logicality controls on such Option Intent. Before registering any 
Option Intent LCH SA will ensure that such Option Intent (i) is 
submitted by a user who (a) is connected with the proper user ID and 
password and (b) based on such ID and password, is duly authorized to 
Exercise or Abandon, as applicable, the relevant Exercise Cleared 
Transactions; (ii) has not already been submitted in the EEP in respect 
of the relevant Exercise Cleared Transaction (other than a partial 
Exercise); and (iii) passes the logicality controls or the relevant 
Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation Beneficiary has Forced 
Submission as described earlier in this new Section 5.19.2. LCH SA will 
not be required to carry out any further control.
    The amendments to the CDS Clearing Procedures also contain 
typographical corrections and similar technical corrections and 
clarifications as well as various conforming references to the new or 
revised defined terms. Finally, corresponding changes to provision 
numbering throughout the CDS Clearing Procedures have been made as 
2. Statutory Basis
    LCH SA believes that the proposed rule change in connection with 
the launch of EEP is consistent with the requirements of Section 17A of 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 \4\ (the ``Act'') and the 
regulations thereunder, including the standards under Rule 17Ad-22.\5\ 
Section 17(A)(b)(3)(F) \6\ of the Act requires, among other things, 
that the rules of a clearing agency be designed to promote the prompt 
and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and 
derivative agreements, contracts, and transactions and to assure the 
safeguarding of securities and funds which are in the custody or 
control of the clearing agency or for which it is responsible. As noted 
above, the proposed rule change is designed to implement an automated 
electronic platform to facilitate the transmission and execution of 
exercise decisions by Clearing Members and

[[Page 45163]]

their Clients, which will replace the existing manual notification 
process and reduce operational risk arising from the current process. 
Specifically, the EEP will enable Clearing Members and Clients to 
capture in real time their option exercise decisions, and EEP will 
notify the relevant option sellers in real time, thereby promoting 
prompt and accurate option exercise process including the clearing and 
settlement of the ensuing index credit default swap transactions and 
the termination of the index option transactions.

    \4\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.
    \5\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22.
    \6\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).

    Further, LCH SA believes that the proposed changes to the Rule 
Book, Supplement and Procedures are consistent with requirements of 
Rule 17Ad-22(e)(17).\7\ Rule 17Ad-22(e)(17) requires a covered clearing 
agency to manage operational risks by (i) identifying the plausible 
sources of operational risk, both internal and external, and mitigating 
their impact through the use of appropriate systems, policies, 
procedures, and controls; (ii) ensuring that systems have a high degree 
of security, resiliency, operational reliability, and adequate, 
scalable capacity; and (iii) establishing and maintaining a business 
continuity plan that addresses events posing a significant risk of 
disrupting operations.\8\

    \7\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(17).
    \8\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(17).

    As described above, the proposed rule change will enable LCH SA to 
more effectively manage the operational risks associated with the 
option exercise process by providing a safe, secure and resilient 
technological solution. Specifically, the current manual bilateral 
notification process creates plausible operational risks if LCH SA is 
not notified or provided a copy of the notification. To address the 
limitations of the manual bilateral notification process, the proposed 
rule change is designed to implement the EEP which captures option 
exercise decisions in real time while ensuring that LCH SA is not 
exposed to any principal risk upon the transmission of an exercise 
intent decision, or upon a related technical failure. As described 
above, acceptance of timely Option Intent from an option buyer will be 
conditioned within the EEP upon EEP's successful validation checks. If 
the Option Intent did not pass the validation checks, the EEP will 
reject the initial Option Intent submitted by the option buyer on a 
timely basis so the option buyer will be able to either resubmit the 
option exercise intent through EEP or rely on the existing manual 
exercise process, thereby ensuring that the option buyer can exercise 
its trade in time. On the other hand, if the Option Intent is delivered 
before the exercise deadline and passes the EEP validation checks, the 
swaption notice will be deemed legally delivered by LCH SA to the 
option seller on a real time basis with respect to the seller side of 
the transaction. Therefore, in no event would LCH SA be deemed as not 
having exercised the option with the Matched Seller if the Matched 
Buyer timely delivers its Option Intent and such Option Intent is 
validated by the EEP. This structural design and workflow mirrors what 
currently exists regarding the delivery of restructuring credit event 
notices. Further, as described above, LCH SA will implement validation 
checks on received Option Intents, including illogical intent checks to 
limit 'fat-finger' errors, before applying and registering the intents 
in the system. The new option exercise process using EEP will preserve 
the counterparty anonymity. In addition, recognizing the criticality of 
the exercise/expiry process, LCH SA will have well defined contingency 
procedures in place to address any EEP failure or any Clearing Member 
technological issues resulting in Clearing Members' communications 
failures. The existing manual process remains a fallback in the event 
of an EEP failure or a Clearing Member communications failure in order 
to ensure that the entire option exercise systems have a high degree of 
security, resiliency, operational reliability, and adequate, scalable 
    Finally, the EEP will be an integral part of the clearing systems 
with respect to swaptions cleared by LCH SA and therefore, an SCI 
system within the meaning of Regulation SCI.\9\ Rule 1001(a) requires 
an SCI entity, which includes a registered clearing agency, to 
establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures 
reasonably designed to ensure that its SCI systems and, for purposes of 
security standards, indirect SCI systems, have levels of capacity, 
integrity, resiliency, availability, and security, adequate to maintain 
the SCI entity's operational capability and promote the maintenance of 
fair and orderly markets.\10\ Rule 1001(b) require an SCI entity, which 
includes a registered clearing agency, to establish, maintain, and 
enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure 
that its SCI systems operate in a manner that complies with the Act and 
the rules and regulations thereunder and the SCI entity's rules and 
governing documents, as applicable.\11\

    \9\ 17 CFR 242.1000-1007.
    \10\ 17 CFR 242.1001(a).
    \11\ 17 CFR 242.1001(b).

    LCH SA believes that the proposed rule change is consistent with 
the requirements of Regulation SCI. First, the proposed rule change 
does not amend the existing policies and procedures reasonably designed 
to comply with the Regulation SCI requirements, including the 
requirements in Rule 1001(a) and (b).\12\ LCH SA will include the EEP 
in its SCI systems and administer the EEP in accordance with and 
consistent with the existing policies and procedures designed to comply 
with Regulation SCI. For example, LCH SA currently has its Business 
Continuity Management program in place to enable CDSClear to provide 
continuity and timely recovery of business operations in the event of a 
major incident or crisis, which impacts or has the potential to impact 
business functions. The proposed rule change does not amend any details 
of LCH SA's ability to recover its technical infrastructure in its 
Disaster Recovery Plan. However, recognizing the use of EEP as the 
principal form of option exercise mechanism, the proposed rule change, 
as described above, will include fallback processes in the event of an 
EEP Failure Event or a Clearing Member Communications Failure Event and 
will clearly specify when such failure ceases to exist and the 
requirement to resume the usage of EEP. As detailed above, in the event 
of the EEP failing, the option exercise process would revert to the 
existing bilateral notification process via email or messaging. 
Accordingly, LCH SA believes that the proposed rule change, when 
implemented with the existing policies and procedures designed to 
comply with Regulation SCI, is appropriately designed to ensure the EEP 
will have levels of capacity, integrity, resiliency, availability, and 
security, adequate to maintain CDSClear's operational capability for 
option exercise and to ensure that the EEP will operate in a manner 
that complies with the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, as 
well as LCH SA's rules and governing documents.

    \12\ 17 CFR 242.1001(a)-(b).

    For the reasons stated above, LCH SA believes that the proposed 
rule change with respect to the Rule Book, Supplement and Procedures in 
connection with the launch of the EEP are consistent with the 
requirements of prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of 
securities transactions in Section 17(A)(b)(3)(F) \13\ of the Act, the

[[Page 45164]]

requirements of operational risk management in Rule 17Ad-22(e)(17) \14\ 
and the requirements of Regulation SCI.\15\

    \13\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
    \14\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(17).
    \15\ 17 CFR 242.1000-1007.

B. Clearing Agency's Statement on Burden on Competition

    Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act requires that the rules of a 
clearing agency not impose any burden on competition not necessary or 
appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.\16\ LCH SA does 
not believe that the proposed rule change would impose burdens on 
competition that are not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the 
purposes of the Act. Specifically, the proposed changes to the Rule 
Book, Supplement and Procedures would apply equally to all Clearing 
Members and their Clients are Matched Buyers and Matched Sellers. All 
Clearing Members and their designated Clients who are Exercise 
Delegation Beneficiaries will be required to use EEP to exercise 
Exercise Cleared Transactions. The proposed rule change and 
implementation of EEP will require Clearing Members and their Clients 
to connect to LCH SA's systems through opening a portal account and 
therefore, may impose burdens on Clearing Members and their Clients but 
such burdens would be necessary and appropriate to manage LCH SA's 
operational risks and to implement an automated electronic system to 
capture all exercises of Option Intents. Therefore, LCH SA does not 
believe that the proposed rule change would impose a burden on 
competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes 
of the Act.

    \16\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).

C. Clearing Agency's Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change 
Received from Members, Participants or Others

    Written comments relating to the proposed rule change have not been 
solicited or received. LCH SA will notify the Commission of any written 
comments received by LCH SA.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the 
Commission may designate if it finds such longer period to be 
appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will:
    (A) By order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or
    (B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule 
change should be disapproved.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to rule-comments@sec.gov. Please include 
File Number SR-LCH SA-2018-004 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-LCH SA-2018-004. This 
file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To 
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). 
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written 
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with 
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed 
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those 
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in 
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 
20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection 
and copying at the principal office of LCH SA and on LCH SA's website 
at: https://www.lch.com/resources/rules-and-regulations/proposed-rule-changes-0. All comments received will be posted without change. Persons 
submitting comments are cautioned that we do not redact or edit 
personal identifying information from comment submissions. You should 
submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All 
submissions should refer to File Number SR-LCH SA-2018-004 and should 
be submitted on or before September 26, 2018.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\17\

    \17\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-19147 Filed 9-4-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices                                                 45155

                                               III. Date of Effectiveness of the                       filing will also be available for                     exercise of options by Clearing Members
                                               Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                     inspection and copying at the principal               and their Clients. The text of the
                                               Commission Action                                       office of the Exchange. All comments                  proposed rule change has been annexed
                                                  The foregoing rule change has become                 received will be posted without change.               as Exhibit 5.3
                                               effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)               Persons submitting comments are
                                                                                                       cautioned that we do not redact or edit               II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
                                               of the Act 17 and paragraph (f) of Rule                                                                       Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
                                               19b–4 thereunder.18 At any time within                  personal identifying information from
                                                                                                       comment submissions. You should                       Proposed Rule Change
                                               60 days of the filing of the proposed rule
                                               change, the Commission summarily may                    submit only information that you wish                   In its filing with the Commission,
                                               temporarily suspend such rule change if                 to make available publicly. All                       LCH SA included statements concerning
                                               it appears to the Commission that such                  submissions should refer to File                      the purpose of and basis for the
                                               action is necessary or appropriate in the               Number SR–CboeEDGX–2018–036 and                       proposed rule change and discussed any
                                               public interest, for the protection of                  should be submitted on or before                      comments it received on the proposed
                                               investors, or otherwise in furtherance of               September 26, 2018.                                   rule change. The text of these statements
                                               the purposes of the Act.                                  For the Commission, by the Division of              may be examined at the places specified
                                                                                                       Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated            in Item IV below. LCH SA has prepared
                                               IV. Solicitation of Comments                            authority.19                                          summaries, set forth in sections A, B,
                                                 Interested persons are invited to                     Eduardo A. Aleman,                                    and C below, of the most significant
                                               submit written data, views, and                         Assistant Secretary.                                  aspects of these statements.
                                               arguments concerning the foregoing,                     [FR Doc. 2018–19238 Filed 9–4–18; 8:45 am]            A. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
                                               including whether the proposed rule                     BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
                                               change is consistent with the Act.
                                                                                                                                                             Proposed Rule Change
                                               Comments may be submitted by any of
                                               the following methods:                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                               1. Purpose
                                               Electronic Comments                                     COMMISSION                                               LCH SA is proposing to create an EEP
                                                  • Use the Commission’s internet                      [Release No. 34–83983; File No. SR–LCH                for credit index options or swaptions to
                                               comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                       SA–2018–004]                                          capture and support swaption exercise
                                               rules/sro.shtml); or                                                                                          decisions by Clearing Members and
                                                                                                       Self-Regulatory Organizations; LCH
                                                  • Send an email to rule-comments@                                                                          Clients. Currently, the exercise of
                                                                                                       SA; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule                 swaptions is effected through a manual
                                               sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
                                                                                                       Change Relating to Implementation of                  bilateral notification process. The
                                               CboeEDGX–2018–036 on the subject
                                                                                                       Electronic Exercise Platform                          swaption exercise decisions are
                                                                                                       August 29, 2018.                                      communicated bilaterally via email
                                               Paper Comments                                                                                                from the swaption buyer to the swaption
                                                                                                          Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
                                                  • Send paper comments in triplicate                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934                       seller of a matched pair transaction
                                               to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                   (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder 2               created by LCH SA for the purpose of
                                               Commission, 100 F Street NE,                            notice is hereby given that on August                 the exercise or abandonment of the
                                               Washington, DC 20549–1090.                              24, 2018, Banque Centrale de                          swaption transaction. The swaption
                                               All submissions should refer to File                    Compensation, which conducts                          buyer must then inform LCH SA that the
                                               Number SR–CboeEDGX–2018–036. This                       business under the name LCH SA (‘‘LCH                 exercise notice has been successfully
                                               file number should be included on the                   SA’’), filed with the Securities and                  delivered. LCH SA then manually
                                               subject line if email is used. To help the              Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’)                  effects the exercise decisions
                                               Commission process and review your                      the proposed rule change described in                 accordingly and updates its risk system.
                                               comments more efficiently, please use                   Items I, II and III below, which Items                   The proposed EEP will provide
                                               only one method. The Commission will                    have been prepared primarily by LCH                   Clearing Members and their Clients with
                                               post all comments on the Commission’s                   SA. The Commission is publishing this                 an electronic process that will reduce
                                               internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                   notice to solicit comments on the                     the operational risk caused by manual
                                               rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                         proposed rule change from interested                  exercise and provide an effective system
                                               submission, all subsequent                              persons.                                              to monitor and manage the exercise of
                                               amendments, all written statements                                                                            swaptions. The proposed rule change
                                               with respect to the proposed rule                       I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the                 will require Clearing Members and
                                               change that are filed with the                          Terms of Substance of the Proposed                    Clients to use the EEP system to initiate
                                               Commission, and all written                             Rule Change                                           the exercise of swaptions and will
                                               communications relating to the                             Banque Centrale de Compensation,                   enable Clients to directly exercise
                                               proposed rule change between the                        which conducts business under the                     swaptions through delegation by
                                               Commission and any person, other than                   name LCH SA (‘‘LCH SA’’), is proposing                Clearing Members and receive reports.
                                               those that may be withheld from the                     to amend its (i) CDS Clearing Rule Book               The EEP system will capture the
                                               public in accordance with the                           (‘‘Rule Book’’), (ii) CDS Clearing                    exercise decisions in real time and
                                               provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                     Supplement (‘‘Supplement’’) and (iii)                 notify the relevant swaptions sellers in
                                               available for website viewing and                       CDS Clearing Procedures (‘‘Procedures’’)              real time. In addition, the EEP system
                                               printing in the Commission’s Public                     to incorporate new terms and to make                  will provide validation checks and
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                                               Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                        conforming, clarifying and clean-up                   exercise decision-making assistance and
                                               Washington, DC 20549, on official                       changes to implement a new electronic                 support, and will facilitate and support
                                               business days between the hours of                      exercise platform (‘‘EEP’’) for the                   an anonymous exercise decision process
                                               10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of this
                                                                                                         19 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                            3 All capitalized terms not defined herein have
                                                 17 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).                              1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                              the same definition as the Rule Book, Supplement
                                                 18 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f).                                 2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                 or Procedures, as applicable.

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                                               45156                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               that the current manual process is not                  Client, as applicable, in order for the               of CCM Client Communications Failure
                                               able to achieve.                                        CCM Client or FCM Client, as                          Event set out in the Mandatory
                                                 In connection with the launch of the                  applicable, to be duly authorized to                  Provisions in Appendix VIII to the
                                               EEP, LCH SA proposes to modify its                      Exercise or Abandon Exercise Cleared                  Supplement.
                                               Rule Book, Supplement and Procedures                    Transactions; in addition, a CCM Client                  The term ‘‘Clearing Member
                                               to implement the EEP and manage the                     or a FCM Client, as applicable,                       Communications Failure Event’’ will be
                                               operational risk arising from the EEP                   delegated and designated by a Clearing                added to cross reference the definition
                                               while improving the clarity of the                      Member as being entitled to Exercise                  of Clearing Member Communications
                                               Rulebook, Supplement and Procedures.                    and Abandon Exercise Cleared                          Failure Event set out at Section 6.10 of
                                                                                                       Transactions on its behalf is required to             the Supplement.
                                               (i) CDS Clearing Rule Book                                                                                       The existing term ‘‘Clearing Member
                                                                                                       Exercise or Abandon only through the
                                                  The Rule Book will be amended by                     relevant Client Portal Account unless                 Notice’’ will be amended to include a
                                               adding new defined terms and                            there is an EEP Failure Event (as                     Swaption Clearing Member Notice or a
                                               provisions to account for the ability of                described below).                                     Swaption Restructuring Clearing
                                               Clients to directly exercise swaptions                     In connection with the above, LCH SA               Member Notice.
                                               utilizing the EEP through delegation by                 also proposes to add new provisions to                   The term ‘‘Clearing Member Portal
                                               Clearing Members. The details of the                    Title I General Provisions & Legal                    Account’’ will be added to refer to the
                                               mechanism for Clients to exercise                       Framework of the Rule Book. First, new                account of a Clearing Member
                                               swaptions via delegation by Clearing                    defined terms ‘‘Abandon’’,                            established in the LCH Portal for the
                                               Members will be implemented through                     ‘‘Abandonment’’, ‘‘Client Portal                      purposes of, among other things, the
                                               amendments to the Supplement and                        Account’’, ‘‘Delegating Clearing                      Exercise and Abandon of Exercise
                                               Procedures as described below. With                     Member’’, ‘‘Exercise Delegation’’,                    Cleared Transactions.
                                               respect to the Rule Book, LCH SA                        ‘‘Exercise Delegation Beneficiary’’, and                 The term ‘‘Client Portal Account’’ and
                                               proposes to amend Article with                 ‘‘Feeding Request’’ will be added and                 ‘‘Client Portal Account Number’’ will be
                                               respect to the liability of LCH SA to                   cross-reference the meanings given to                 added to refer to the account of a Client
                                               account for the ability of Clients to                   these terms in Part C of the Supplement               established in the LCH Portal for the
                                               exercise swaptions utilizing the EEP as                 or Section 5 of the Procedures, as                    purposes of, among other things, the
                                               an Exercise Delegation Beneficiary.                     applicable.                                           Exercise and Abandonment of Exercise
                                               Article will be amended to add                    The amendments to the CDS Clearing                 Cleared Transactions, and to refer to the
                                               new clause (xxii) to the effect that LCH                Rule Book also contain typographical                  unique account number assigned by
                                               SA will not be liable for any Damage                    corrections and similar technical                     LCH SA to a Client Portal Account.
                                               claimed by a clearing Member based on                   corrections and clarifications as well as                The term ‘‘EEP Controls’’ will be
                                               the failure of an Exercise Delegation                   various conforming references to the                  added to cross reference the definition
                                               Beneficiary to perform its obligations in               new or revised defined terms. Finally,                of EEP Controls set out at Section 6.3 of
                                               relation to a delegation by a Clearing                  corresponding changes to provision                    the Supplement.
                                               Member of the power to Exercise or                      numbering throughout the CDS Clearing                    The terms ‘‘EEP Failure Event’’, ‘‘EEP
                                               Abandon Exercise Cleared Transactions                   Rule Book have been made as necessary.                Failure Event Time’’ and ‘‘EEP
                                               or in connection with or arising from                                                                         Resolution Time’’ and ‘‘Electronic
                                               the Exercise or Abandonment (or                         (ii) CDS Clearing Supplement                          Exercise Platform’’ or ‘‘EEP’’ will be
                                               attempt thereof) of an Exercise Cleared                    LCH SA also proposes to modify the                 added to refer to the occurrence of LCH
                                               Transaction by such exercise Delegation                 Supplement to incorporate terms for                   SA becoming aware that the EEP is or
                                               Beneficiary. In addition, new clause                    implementing the new EEP, to remove                   will be unavailable for the submission
                                               (xxiii) will be added to Article               inapplicable provisions after                         or receipt of Option Intents, the time at
                                               to provide that LCH SA will not be                      implementation of the EEP, and to make                which the relevant EEP Failure Event
                                               liable for any improper use or disclosure               certain conforming and clean-up                       occurred, the time at which the relevant
                                               by a third party, including a Client, of                changes to improve clarity of the                     EEP Failure Event is deemed to have
                                               information made available on a Client                  Supplement.                                           been resolved, and the platform made
                                               Portal Account further to a defined                        Section 1 General Provisions of the                available by LCH SA for the Exercise
                                               process of requesting LCH SA to make                    Supplement will be amended to add                     and Abandon of Exercise Cleared
                                               certain information available on the                    certain defined terms and new                         Transaction through the submission of
                                               Client Portal Account in accordance                     provisions to implement the EEP and to                Option Intents.
                                               with the Procedures (such process is                    make certain clean-up changes. Section                   The term ‘‘Exercise’’ will be amended
                                               referred to as ‘‘Feeding Request’’ in the               1.2 will be amended by adding the                     by making conforming changes to
                                               Procedures).                                            following new defined terms.                          include deemed delivery of a valid
                                                  Further, LCH SA proposes to add new                     The terms ‘‘Abandon’’ and                          Exercise Notice pursuant to new Section
                                               provisions to Title V CDS CCM Client                    ‘‘Abandonment’’ will be added to refer                6.3 (Exercise and Abandonment by way
                                               Clearing Services and Title VI CDS FCM                  to the abandonment of an Exercise                     of EEP) or new Section 6.4 (Delegation
                                               Client Clearing to provide for exercise of              Cleared Transaction and the delivery of               by Clearing Members to Client).
                                               swaptions by Clients. Article              a valid Abandonment Notice by a                          The term ‘‘Exercise Cleared
                                               and Article will be added to               Swaption Buyer (including delivery by                 Transaction’’ and ‘‘Swaption
                                               require a CCM or an FCM to ensure that                  a Client designated by the related                    Restructuring Cleared Transaction’’ will
                                               a CCM Client or FCM Client, as                          Clearing Member as being entitled to                  be amended by making a clean-up
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               applicable, has duly created a Client                   Exercise and Abandon Exercise Cleared                 change to replace the word ‘‘Clause’’
                                               Portal Account before granting an                       Transactions on its behalf) in respect of             with the word ‘‘Section’’.
                                               Exercise Delegation to such CCM Client                  the Exercise Cleared Transactions of an                  The term ‘‘Exercise Delegation
                                               or FCM Client. Article and                  Exercise Matched Pair.                                Beneficiary’’ will be added to refer to
                                      will be added to require a                   The term ‘‘CCM Client                              the Client of a Clearing Member
                                               CCM or an FCM to delegate sufficient                    Communications Failure Event’’ will be                designated by such Clearing Member as
                                               powers to a CCM Client or a FCM                         added to cross reference the definition               being entitled to Exercise and Abandon

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices                                           45157

                                               Exercise Cleared Transactions on such                   clean-up and conforming changes that                  action in respect of the relevant
                                               Clearing Member’s behalf.                               are not related to the implementation of              Swaption Restructuring Matched Pair in
                                                  The term ‘‘Force Submission’’ will be                EEP. Specifically, Section 5.1 will be                respect of a Credit Event or Exercise
                                               added to cross reference the definition                 amended to provide that if a CEN                      Movement Option. Notwithstanding the
                                               of Force Submission set out at Section                  Triggering Period for a Subsequent                    fact that no Credit Event Notice or
                                               5.19.2 of the Procedures.                               Restructuring commences prior to the                  Notice to Exercise Movement Option
                                                  The term ‘‘LCH Portal’’ will be added                Expiration Date, any Swaption                         has been received by LCH SA by the
                                               to cross reference the definition of LCH                Restructuring Matched Pairs in respect                relevant Swaption Restructuring
                                               Portal set out at Section 5.3 of the                    of the First Restructuring shall also be              Clearing Member Notice Deadline, if
                                               Procedures.                                             Swaption Restructuring Matched Pairs                  LCH SA determines in its sole
                                                  The term ‘‘Option Intent’’ will be                   in respect of the Subsequent                          discretion that, such notice was in fact
                                               added to refer to the election of Matched               Restructuring in order to better clarify              delivered or received directly by a
                                               Buyer (or its Exercise Delegation                       this concept. Section 5.1(a) will be                  Clearing Member and would have been
                                               Beneficiary as applicable) in the EEP to                amended to add the word ‘‘contact’’ to                effective, LCH SA shall use
                                               Exercise or Abandon an Exercise                         clarify the term email address.                       commercially reasonable efforts to give
                                               Cleared Transaction.                                      New Section 5.6 will be added to                    effect to the terms of such Credit Event
                                                  The term ‘‘Protected Exercise                        reinstate certain provisions that will be             Notice or Notice to Exercise Movement
                                               Matched Pair Report’’ will be added to                  deleted from Section 8 of the                         Option, as applicable. If LCH SA
                                               cross reference the definition of                       Supplement that provide for the                       determines that it is not possible to give
                                               Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report                  requirements of delivery of Credit Event              effect to the terms of any such Credit
                                               set out at Section 6.1 of the Supplement.               Notices and Notices to Exercise                       Event Notice or Notice to Exercise
                                                  The term ‘‘Submission Time’’ will be                 Movement Option with respect to                       Movement Option, then Section 5.7
                                               added to cross reference the definition                 Restructuring Cleared Transactions in                 provides an amount payable between
                                               of Submission Time set out at Section                   order to group provisions relating to                 the Clearing Members and how such
                                               6.3 of the Supplement.                                  restructuring that are unrelated to the               amount will be determined.
                                                  The terms ‘‘Swaption CCM Client                      implementation of EEP within the same                    Section 6 Exercise Matched Pairs will
                                               Notice’’ and ‘‘Swaption CCM Client                      section. Specifically, Section 5.6                    be amended to add new provisions to
                                               Notice Deadline’’ will be added to cross                reinstates that Credit Event Notices and              implement the EEP and to make certain
                                               reference the notice and the deadline                   Notices to Exercise Movement Option                   clean-up and conforming changes.
                                               described in Mandatory Provision                        shall be delivered between Matched                    Specifically, Section 6.1 will be
                                               Section 5.5 regarding the duty to deliver               Buyer and Matched Seller of a Swaption                amended to remove the requirement of
                                               a Swaption CCM Client Notice by the                     Restructuring Matched Pair in                         LCH SA to notify the relevant Matched
                                               Swaption CCM Client Notice Deadline.                    accordance with the general rules                     Buyer and Matched Seller comprised
                                                  The terms ‘‘Swaption Clearing                        relating to notices in the Supplement                 within each Exercise Matched Pair of
                                               Member Notice’’ and ‘‘Swaption                          and the terms of the Swaption                         the identity of each other; instead, the
                                               Clearing Member Notice Deadline’’ will                  Restructuring Cleared Transaction. Such               identity and the contact information of
                                               be added to cross reference the notice                  notices will be delivered in the                      the Clearing Members within an
                                               and the deadline described in new                       delivering party’s own name and as                    Exercise Matched Pair will be provided
                                               Section 6.5(c) as a consequence of an                   designee of LCH SA in respect of the                  by LCH SA to the relevant Matched
                                               EEP Failure Event.                                      other Swaption restructuring Cleared                  Buyer and Matched Seller (and any
                                                  The term ‘‘Swaption Notice’’ will be                 Transaction of the Swaption                           Exercise Delegation Beneficiary thereof)
                                               added to refer to either an Exercise                    Restructuring Matched Pair.                           in a report (defined as ‘‘Protected
                                               Notice or an Abandonment Notice.                          New Section 5.7 will be added to                    Exercise Matched Pair Report’’), the
                                                  The terms ‘‘Swaption Restructuring                   reinstate certain provisions that will be             access to which will be restricted and
                                               Clearing Member Notice’’ and                            deleted from Section 8 of the                         the Clearing Members within an
                                               ‘‘Swaption Restructuring Clearing                       Supplement so that provisions regarding               Exercise Matched Pair (and any
                                               member Notice Deadline’’ will be added                  delivery and receipt of Swaption                      applicable Exercise Delegation
                                               to cross reference the notice required to               Restructuring Clearing Member Notices                 Beneficiaries) would be given access to
                                               be delivered by a Clearing Member to                    are addressed in the section governing                the information in the report only upon
                                               LCH SA with respect to its delivery or                  restructuring. The moved provisions                   occurrence of an EEP Failure Event.
                                               receipt of any Credit Event Notice or                   require each Clearing Member to notify                Section 6.2 will be amended by making
                                               Notice to Exercise Movement Option                      LCH SA or provide a copy to LCH SA                    conforming changes to delete the
                                               and the deadline described in new                       of any notices delivered or received by               language regarding notification of
                                               Section 5.7.                                            such Clearing Member consisting of a                  relevant Clearing Members of Exercise
                                                  Finally, a new paragraph (c) will be                 Swaption Restructuring Matched Pair,                  Matched Pairs to account for the new
                                               added to Section 1.7 to provide that,                   including any Credit Event Notices and                process effected by EEP.
                                               notwithstanding an FCM Clearing                         Notices to Exercise Movement Option                      New Section 6.3 entitled Exercise and
                                               Member acting as agent for the account                  by no later than 5 p.m. on the last date              Abandonment by way of EEP will be
                                               of an FCM Client with respect to Index                  on which such notice could validly be                 added to provide for the manner of
                                               Swaption Cleared Transactions, an FCM                   delivered. Such notices and deadline                  Exercise or Abandonment of Exercise
                                               Clearing member shall designate its                     will be defined as ‘‘Swaption                         Cleared Transactions. Specifically,
                                               FCM Client to Exercise or Abandon                       Restructuring Clearing Member Notice’’                Section 6.3 will provide that an Option
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                                               Exercise Cleared Transactions on its                    and ‘‘Swaption Restructuring Clearing                 Intent submitted by Matched Buyer (or
                                               behalf as its Exercise Delegation                       Member Notice Deadline’’. If LCH SA                   its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary on
                                               Beneficiary in accordance with the                      does not receive a Swaption                           its behalf, as applicable) through the
                                               terms of the Supplement.                                Restructuring Clearing Member Notice                  EEP will constitute the delivery of a
                                                  Section 5 Restructuring will be                      on or prior to the relevant Swaption                  valid Exercise Notice or Abandonment
                                               amended to add new provisions to                        Restructuring Clearing Member Notice                  Notice for the purposes of the Exercise
                                               implement the EEP and to make certain                   Deadline, LCH SA will not take any                    Cleared Transactions if (a) the

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                                               45158                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               Submission Time for such Option Intent                  Beneficiaries, as applicable, will be                 Member has designated its Client as its
                                               is prior to 4:00 p.m. (London time) and                 authorized to access the information                  Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, then
                                               (b) LCH SA has completed those steps                    contained in the Protected Exercise                   the Client may notify LCH SA or deliver
                                               necessary to make such Option Intent                    Matched Pair Report in order to obtain                a copy to LCH SA of any Swaption
                                               available for viewing in the EEP,                       the identity and contact information of               Notices delivered by such Client to
                                               including validation of the EEP                         the other Clearing Member or its                      another Clearing Member (or its
                                               Controls. ‘‘Submission Time’’ for an                    Exercise Delegation Beneficiary within                Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as
                                               Option Intent will be the time, as                      an Exercise Matched Pair. If the EEP                  applicable) in an Exercise Matched Pair
                                               recorded by LCH SA, as of which such                    Failure Event has been resolved and is                while an EEP Failure Event is
                                               Option Intent is submitted via the EEP                  no longer in effect, LCH SA is required               continuing.
                                               by the relevant matched Buyer (or its                   to notify Clearing Members of such                       New Section 6.6 entitled
                                               Exercise Delegation Beneficiary on its                  resolution and the time at which the                  Abandonment of Exercise Cleared
                                               behalf, if applicable) and ‘‘EEP                        EEP Failure Event is deemed to have                   Transactions will be added to address
                                               Controls’’ will mean the controls                       been resolved (the ‘‘EEP Resolution                   Abandonment of Exercise Cleared
                                               specified in Section 5 of the Procedures                Time’’), so submission of Option Intents              Transactions. It will restate the first part
                                               with respect to the Option Intent. An                   may resume on the EEP.                                of the existing Section 6.4 of the
                                               Option Intent will become irrevocable                      Section 6.5 will further provide that,             Supplement with certain adjustment to
                                               by the Swaption Buyer as from the                       if an EEP Failure Event has occurred                  reflect that Abandonment of Exercise
                                               Submission Time.                                        and is continuing, delivery of Swaption               Cleared Transaction will not be done on
                                                  New Section 6.4 entitled Delegation                  Notices will fall back to the existing                the EEP and the Swaption Buyer will
                                               by Clearing Members to Clients will be                  manual delivery process and if a                      not deliver Abandonment Notices
                                               added to provide for delegation of                      Clearing Member that is a Matched                     bilaterally to the Swaption Seller. If, on
                                               Exercise or Abandonment by Clearing                     Buyer has designated its Client as its                the Expiration Date, the Swaption Buyer
                                               Members to their Clients. Specifically,                 Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, the                  elects to abandon the Exercise Cleared
                                               Section 6.4 will provide that, with                     Client will be entitled to send a                     Transactions of the Exercise matched
                                               respect to the Exercise and                             Swaption Notice to the Matched Seller,                Pair, each Exercise Cleared Transaction
                                               Abandonment of the Exercise Cleared                     using the notices details provided by                 shall be terminated in whole.
                                               Transactions of an Exercise Matched                     LCH SA in the Protected Exercise                         New Section 6.7 entitled Termination
                                               Pair which are Client Cleared                           Matched Pair Report. Similarly, if a                  of Exercise Cleared Transactions will be
                                               Transactions, Clearing Members shall                    Clearing Member that is a Matched                     added to address the circumstances
                                               designate its relevant Client to act on its             Seller has designated its Client as its               under which Exercise Cleared
                                               behalf and such designation will take                   Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, then                 Transactions will be terminated taking
                                               effect as soon as reasonably practicable                Swaption Notices will be sent by the                  into account implementation of the EEP.
                                               (but no later than five Business Days)                  Matched Buyer (or its Client as its                   Specifically, it will provide that LCH SA
                                               following receipt by LCH SA of a duly                   Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, as                   will terminate the Exercise Cleared
                                               completed and signed Exercise                           applicable) to the Client of the Clearing             Transactions of the relevant Exercised
                                               Delegation Form. The Client so                          Member who is the Matched Seller.                     Matched Pair if no Option Intent is
                                               designated will be the Exercise                            In addition, Section 6.5 will provide              submitted using the EEP or, if there is
                                               Delegation Beneficiary. The designation                 for oral, including telephonic, delivery              an EEP Failure Event, LCH SA does not
                                               or delegation cannot be revoked. Where                  of Abandonment Notices, followed by                   receive a Swaption Clearing Member
                                               a Clearing Member designates its Client                 written confirmation from the Matched                 Notice (or Swaption CCM Client Notice)
                                               in accordance with new Section 6.4, any                 Buyer (or its Exercise Delegation                     from a Clearing Member or its Exercise
                                               Option Intent submitted by the                          Beneficiary, as applicable) to the                    Delegation Beneficiary on or prior to the
                                               designated Client via its Client Portal                 Matched Seller (or its Exercise                       deadline specified in Section 6.5
                                               Account in the EEP prior to 4:00 p.m.                   Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable)                described above.
                                               (London Time) on the Expiration Date                    within one Transaction Business Day.                     New Section 6.8 entitled
                                               will be deemed to constitute the                        For the avoidance of doubt, Section 6.5               Consequences of no Swaption Clearing
                                               delivery by Matched Buyer of a valid                    will clarify that, any Swaption Notices               Member Notice or Swaption CCM Client
                                               Exercise Notice or Abandonment                          delivered via the EEP prior the EEP                   Notice being received by LCH SA will
                                               Notice. Similarly, any Swaption Notices                 Failure Event Time will be valid and not              be added to address the consequences of
                                               delivered by a designated Client will be                be affected by the EEP Failure Event;                 no Swaption Clearing Member Notice
                                               interpreted as delivery by a Clearing                   and any Swaption Notice delivered or                  being received by LCH SA by the
                                               Member.                                                 purported to be delivered via the EEP at              Swaption Clearing Member Notice
                                                  New Section 6.5 entitled EEP failure                 or following the EEP Failure Event Time               Deadline (or, in the case of a CCM Client
                                               and resolution will be added to address                 but prior to the EEP Resolution Time                  Cleared Transaction, that no Swaption
                                               the circumstances where there is an EEP                 will not be valid or effective.                       CCM Client Notice has been received by
                                               failure and subsequent resolution of                       Finally, Section 6.5 will provide that,            LCH SA in respect of an Exercise Notice
                                               such failure. Specifically, Section 6.5                 as the case in today’s manual exercise                by the Swaption CCM Client Notice
                                               will require LCH SA to notify Clearing                  process, each Clearing Member is                      Deadline). If there is an EEP Failure
                                               Members and Exercise Delegation                         required to notify LCH SA or deliver a                Event and such event is continuing, if
                                               Beneficiaries of an EEP Failure Event                   copy to LCH SA of any Swaption                        LCH SA determines in its sole
                                               (i.e., the EEP is or will be unavailable for            Notices delivered by such Clearing                    discretion that an Exercise Notice was
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                                               the submission or receipt of Option                     Member to another Clearing Member in                  in fact delivered by a Clearing Member
                                               Intents) as soon as reasonably                          an Exercise Matched Pair during an EEP                (or its Client as the Exercise Delegation
                                               practicable and in any case within one                  Failure Event by no later than 5 p.m.                 Beneficiary, as applicable) and would
                                               hour after the occurrence of the EEP                    (CET) on the Expiration Date. Such                    have been effective for the purposes of
                                               Failure Event. Following the occurrence                 notice of delivery of such copy to LCH                the Supplement, then LCH SA will use
                                               of an EEP Failure Event, Clearing                       SA will be defined as a Swaption                      commercially reasonable efforts to give
                                               Members or their Exercise Delegation                    Clearing Member Notice. If a Clearing                 effect to the terms of the Exercise Notice

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                                               and the effect would be as though LCH                   Clearing Member or its Exercise                       accordingly. Similarly, a Clearing
                                               SA had received a Swaption Clearing                     Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable,                Member affected by a Clearing Member
                                               Member Notice by the Swaption                           LCH SA shall submit an Option Intent                  Communications Failure Event (or, in
                                               Clearing Member Notice Deadline (or, in                 in the EEP system on behalf of such                   respect of a CCM Client as Exercise
                                               the case of a CCM Client Cleared                        Clearing Member or its Exercise                       Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client
                                               Transaction, as though a Swaption CCM                   Delegation Beneficiary. Provided that (a)             Communications Failure Event) will be
                                               Client Notice has been received by LCH                  the Submission Time for such Option                   required to notify LCH SA as soon as
                                               SA in respect of an Exercise Notice by                  Intent is prior to 4:00 p.m. (London                  reasonably practicable upon its ceasing
                                               the Swaption CCM Client Notice                          time) and (b) LCH SA has completed                    to be subject to the Clearing Member
                                               Deadline). If LCH SA determines that it                 those steps necessary to make such                    Communications Failure Event (or, in
                                               is not possible to give effect to the terms             Option Intent available for viewing in                respect of a CCM Client as Exercise
                                               of any such Exercise Notice, then the                   the EEP, including validation of the EEP              Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client
                                               relevant Clearing Members (or their                     Controls, then such Option Intent shall               Communications Failure Event). After
                                               Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries, as                   be deemed to constitute the delivery of               the notice of ceasing to be subject to a
                                               applicable) will have rights against each               a valid Exercise Notice or Abandonment                Clearing Member Communications
                                               other for settlement payment due two                    Notice. With respect to a Swaption                    Failure Event (or with respect to a CCM
                                               Transaction Business Days following the                 Notice delivered pursuant to the                      Client, a CCM Client Communications
                                               delivery of a notice that such amount is                preceding paragraph (or, in the case of               Failure Event), the requirement to effect
                                               due and payable, as though they were a                  a CCM Client Cleared Transaction                      Exercise or Abandonment through EEP
                                               party to a bilateral credit default swap                pursuant to Mandatory Provision 5.7),                 will resume and apply and any
                                               transaction on the terms of the relevant                LCH SA may determine in its sole                      Swaption Notice delivered or purported
                                               Underlying Index Transaction. LCH SA                    discretion that it is not able to submit              to be delivered thereafter by such
                                               will not have any liability for any                     the relevant Option Intent in the system              Clearing Member or its Exercise
                                               payment in respect of the Exercise                      prior to the exercise deadline, in which              Delegation Beneficiary (or CCM Client,
                                               Clearing Transactions or the ensuing                    case the affected Clearing Member or                  as applicable) not via the EEP will not
                                               bilateral credit default swap transaction.              Exercise Delegation Beneficiary will be               be valid or effective.
                                                  New Section 6.10 entitled Clearing                   deemed not to have submitted an                          Finally, new Section 6.10(e) will
                                               Member Communications Failure Event                     Option Intent and the relevant Exercise               require a Clearing Member subject to a
                                               and CCM Client Communications                           Cleared Transactions will be terminated.              Clearing Member Communications
                                               Failure Event will be added to address                  LCH SA may, in its sole discretion, elect             Failure Event (or, in respect of a CCM
                                               Clearing Member and CCM Client                          to register the Exercise or Abandonment               Client as Exercise Delegation
                                               communications failures. Specifically,                  of an Exercise Cleared Transaction in an              Beneficiary, a CCM Client
                                               new Section 6.10 will provide that, if a                alternative internal system of LCH SA.                Communications Failure Event in
                                               Clearing member or its Exercise                         If the Clearing Member (or Exercise                   accordance with Mandatory Provision
                                               Delegation Beneficiary experiences                      Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable)                5.7) to use reasonable efforts to mitigate
                                               significant communications or                           affected by a Clearing Member                         the operational impact on other Clearing
                                               information technology failure resulting                Communications Failure Event or CCM                   Members and LCH SA of any Clearing
                                               in it being impossible or impracticable                 Client Communications Failure Event is                Member Communications Failure Event
                                               to use EEP (a ‘‘Clearing Member                                                                               (or, in respect of a CCM Client as
                                                                                                       a Matched Seller, so long as such
                                               Communications Failure Event’’), such                                                                         Exercise Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM
                                                                                                       Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation
                                               Clearing Member or its Exercise                                                                               Client Communications Failure Event)
                                                                                                       Beneficiary notified LCH SA of
                                               Delegation Beneficiary shall use the                                                                          and to cure such Clearing Member
                                                                                                       occurrence of a Clearing Member
                                               existing manual exercise process to                                                                           Communications Failure Event (or, in
                                                                                                       Communications Failure Event or a
                                               delivery or receive any Exercise Notice                                                                       respect of a CCM Client as Exercise
                                                                                                       CCM Client Communications Failure
                                               or Abandonment Notice to and from                                                                             Delegation Beneficiary, a CCM Client
                                                                                                       Event, then any Swaption Notices shall
                                               LCH SA in accordance with the general                                                                         Communications Failure Event) as soon
                                                                                                       be delivered by LCH SA to such
                                               provision regarding delivery of notices                                                                       as reasonably practicable and ensure
                                                                                                       Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation
                                               in Section 8 of the Supplement and not                                                                        that the circumstances giving rise to the
                                                                                                       Beneficiary (or, in respect of a CCM                  relevant Clearing Member
                                               through the EEP. Similarly, if a CCM
                                               Client experiences a significant                        Client Cleared Transaction a Swaption                 Communications Failure Event do not
                                               communications or information                           Notice delivered by a CCM Client in                   recur.
                                               technology failure resulting in it being                accordance with Mandatory Provision                      Section 7 Settlement will be amended
                                               impossible or impracticable to use EEP                  5.7), as soon as reasonably practicable in            to make certain clean-up and
                                               (a ‘‘CCM Client Communications Failure                  accordance with the general notice                    conforming changes in order to ensure
                                               Event’’), such CCM Client will, under                   provision in Section 8 of the                         consistency. Specifically, Section 7.2
                                               Mandatory Provision 5.7, have the right                 Supplement.                                           will be amended to change the term
                                               to use the existing manual exercise                        New Section 6.10 will further require              ‘‘Auction Settlement Date’’ to ‘‘Auction
                                               process to deliver or receive any                       a Clearing Member or Exercise                         Final Price Determination Date’’ in
                                               Exercise Notice or Abandonment Notice                   Delegation Beneficiary affected by a                  order to correct an inaccurate reference
                                               to and from LCH SA in accordance with                   Clearing Member Communications                        in the current version of the
                                               the general provision regarding delivery                Failure Event (or, in respect of a CCM                Supplement. The Auction Final Price
                                               of notices in Section 8 of the                          Client as Exercise Delegation                         Determination Date refers to the date on
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                                               Supplement and not through the EEP.                     Beneficiary, a CCM Client                             which the Auction is held to determine
                                                  If the Clearing Member (or Exercise                  Communications Failure Event) to                      the Auction Final Price used to compute
                                               Delegation Beneficiary, as applicable)                  notify LCH SA of the occurrence of such               the Auction Settlement in respect of an
                                               affected by a Clearing Member                           event in the form set out in the                      Initial Single Name Cleared Transaction
                                               Communications Failure Event is a                       Appendix of the Supplement and LCH                    and is defined in the 2014 ISDA Credit
                                               Matched Buyer, upon receipt of a                        SA will notify all Clearing Members and               Derivatives Definitions, which are
                                               Swaption Notice delivered by such                       Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries                     incorporated by reference pursuant to

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                                               Section 1.1 of the Supplement. Since                    after the implementation of EEP. The                  expense arising out of any failure of
                                               Section 7.2 is designed to provide for                  existing Section 8.5 will be renumbered               such Exercise Delegation beneficiary to
                                               creation of an Initial Single Named                     as a new Section 8.2 and certain                      perform its obligations in relation with
                                               Cleared Transactions for settlement                     conforming changes will be made in this               such delegation or in connection with or
                                               purposes in respect of a Credit Event                   Section to account for the delivery of                arising from the Exercise or
                                               other than an M(M)R Restructuring in                    the Protected Exercise Matched Pair                   Abandonment of an Exercise Cleared
                                               circumstances where the ISDA would                      Report and to describe the procedure                  Transaction by the Exercise Delegation
                                               have held the Auction to determine the                  with respect to a failure to notify                   Beneficiary of the Clearing Member.
                                               Auction Final Price prior to the                        Matched Pairs based on the occurrence                 Additionally, Section 13(d) will be
                                               Expiration Date, therefore the initial                  of an EEP Failure Event. If LCH SA does               amended to provide that LCH SA will
                                               reference to ‘‘Auction Settlement Date’’                not notify the relevant Clearing                      have no responsibility to verify the
                                               should have been ‘‘Auction Final Price                  Members of Swaption Restructuring                     contents of any notice received by it
                                               Determination Date’’. Additionally,                     Matched Pairs and related information                 from any Clearing Member or from an
                                               Section 7.2(b)(ii) will be amended to                   by the SRMP Notification Deadline or                  Exercise Delegation Beneficiary of a
                                               state that the Auction Settlement Date in               provide the Protected Exercise Matched                Clearing Member under the terms of any
                                               respect of an Initial Single Name                       Pair Report by the EMP Notification                   Cleared Transaction.
                                               Cleared Transaction shall be the later of               Deadline as a result of the occurrence of                Appendix V: Form of Notice of
                                               (a) the Auction Settlement Date that                    an EEP Failure, then the relevant                     Dispute Relating to Any Swaption
                                               would be determined in accordance                       Clearing Members or Exercise                          Restructuring/Exercise Matched Pair
                                               with Section 6.3 of the 2014 ISDA                       Delegation Beneficiary may deliver                    will be amended to update each current
                                               Credit Derivatives Definitions and (b)                  Swaption Notices to LCH SA and vice                   reference to Section 7.11 to Section 8.4.
                                               the first Transaction Business Day                      versa. The existing Section 8.6 will be                  A new Appendix VI: Form of Notice
                                               following the Expiration Date.                          renumbered as a new Section 8.4 and                   of Clearing Member Communications
                                               Additionally, Section 7.3(b)(ii) will be                certain section references will be                    Failure Event Pursuant to Section 6.10
                                               amended to clarify that a valid Credit                  updated.                                              (Clearing Member Communications
                                               Event Notice must be delivered or                          Section 9, Matched Pair Designations,              Failure Event) or CCM Client
                                               deemed to be delivered in respect of a                  will be amended to update certain                     Communications Failure Event Pursuant
                                               Restructuring Cleared Transaction for                   section references based on changes                   to Mandatory Provision 5.7 (CCM Client
                                               subsections (x) and (y) of Section                      made to other sections of the                         Communications Failure Event) will be
                                               7.3(b)(ii) to apply. Finally, changes will              Supplement. Specifically, in Section                  added after existing Appendix V which
                                               be made in Sections 7.3 and 7.4(a) to                   9.1(e)(i) and (ii), the references to                 will serve as the form to be used by a
                                               correct typographical errors without                    Section 8.1 will be updated to Section                Clearing Member to notify LCH SA of a
                                               affecting the meanings of Sections 7.3                  9.1 and the reference to Section 7.7(a) in            Clearing Member Communications
                                               and 7.4.                                                Section 9.6 will be updated to reference              Failure Event if required by Section 6.10
                                                  Section 8 Delivery of Notices will be                Section 5.7(a) and Section 6.5(c).                    of the Supplement or a CCM Client to
                                               amended to add new provisions to                        Additionally, Sections 9.1(c) and (d)                 notify LCH SA of a CCM Client
                                               implement the EEP, to remove                            will be deleted to remove the                         Communications Failure Event in
                                               inapplicable provisions, and to make                    requirement that, to the extent possible,             accordance with Mandatory Provision
                                               certain clean-up and conforming                         each Swaption Restructuring Matched                   5.7(b).
                                               changes. Specifically, Section 8.1(a) will              Pair and each Exercise Matched Pair                      A new Appendix VII: Form of Notice
                                               be amended to conform to other new                      will have an aggregate applicable                     for Ceasing to be Subject to a Clearing
                                               provisions added to Section 6 to                        Matched Pair amount which is an                       Member Communications Failure Event
                                               account for the implementation of EEP,                  integral multiple of Euro 1,000,000                   Pursuant to Section 6.10 (Clearing
                                               specifically, to specify the time at which              subject to a maximum of Euro                          Member Communications Failure Event)
                                               a communication in respect of any                       100,000,000. This change, which is                    or CCM Client Communications Failure
                                               Cleared Transaction will be recorded                    unrelated to the implementation of EEP,               Event Pursuant to Mandatory Provision
                                               and deemed effective in EEP. Section                    is made to reflect that this condition                5.7 (CCM Client Communications
                                               8.1(b) will be amended to implement                     with respect to the aggregate applicable              Failure Event) will be added after the
                                               certain conforming changes regarding                    Matched Pair amount is no longer                      new Appendix VI described in the
                                               notices from or to LCH SA in EEP                        required by LCH SA.                                   preceding paragraph which will serve as
                                               including with respect to the occurrence                   Section 10, Mandatory Provisions for               the form to be used by a Clearing
                                               of an EEP Failure Event. Section 8.1(c)                 CCM Client Transactions, will be                      Member to notify LCH SA that such
                                               will be amended to account for                          amended to replace the reference to                   Clearing Member is no longer subject to
                                               electronic notification through EEP                     Appendix VI with a reference to                       a Clearing Member Communications
                                               between Clearing Members or their                       Appendix VIII based on changes to the                 Failure Event or for a CCM Client to
                                               respective Exercise Delegation                          numbering of the appendices to the                    notify LCH SA that such CCM Client is
                                               Beneficiaries.                                          Supplement.                                           no longer subject to a CCM Client
                                                  Further, certain subsections of Section                 Section 12, Forms of Notices, will be              Communications Failure Event.
                                               8 will be deleted, amended and/or                       amended to replace the reference to                      The current Appendix VI: CCM Client
                                               renumbered. The existing Section 8.2,                   Section 7.11 with a reference to Section              Transaction Requirements will be
                                               Oral Notices, will be moved and                         8.4.                                                  renumbered to create a new Appendix
                                               renumbered as a new Section 8.3 and                        Section 13 Exclusion of Liability will             VIII. Certain section references within
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                                               the existing Section 8.3, Delivery of                   be amended to add a new Section 13(b)                 such new Appendix VIII will be
                                               Exercise Notices, Abandonment Notices,                  which will provide that LCH SA will                   updated to conform with changes to the
                                               Credit Event Notices and Notices to                     have no liability to a Clearing Member                body of the Supplement and correct
                                               Exercise Movement Options, and the                      which has delegated to an Exercise                    certain section references. Additionally,
                                               existing Section 8.4, Clearing Member                   Delegation Beneficiary its power to                   a new Section 5 to Appendix VIII
                                               Notices, will each be removed as these                  Exercise or Abandon Exercise Cleared                  entitled Designation of CCM Client by
                                               sections will no longer be applicable                   Transactions for any loss, cost or                    CCM for Exercise or Abandonment of

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                                               Exercise Cleared Transactions will be                   Swaption Notice will be the time                      possible to give effect to the terms of
                                               added after the current Section 4,                      specified by the EEP and the registration             any such Exercise Notice then the
                                               Validity of Notices, to address the                     will be irrevocable.                                  relevant Clearing Members or their
                                               procedures for the Exercise or                             A new Section 5.4 to Appendix VIII                 Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries will
                                               Abandonment of Exercise Cleared                         entitled Consequences of EEP Failure                  acquire rights as against each other as
                                               Transactions in the EEP.                                will be added to address the procedures               though party to a bilateral credit default
                                                  A new Section 5 to Appendix VIII                     in the event that an EEP Failure Event                swap transaction on the terms of the
                                               entitled Designation of CCM Client by                   occurs from (and including) the EEP                   Underlying Index Transaction. The
                                               CCM for Exercise or Abandonment of                      Failure Event Time to (but excluding)                 Settlement Payment will be due and
                                               Exercise Cleared Transactions will be                   the EEP Resolution Time. A new                        payable two Transaction Business Days
                                               added to address the procedures for                     Section 5.4(a) will be added to provide               following the giving of a notice that
                                               designation by a CCM of the right to                    that a CCM Client will deliver Swaption               such amount is due and payable and the
                                               Exercise or Abandon an Exercise                         Notices directly to the matched Seller or             relevant Clearing Members or their
                                               Cleared Transaction to a CCM Client. A                  its relevant Exercise Delegation                      Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries will
                                               new Section 5.1 entitled Designation by                 Beneficiary (with a copy to the Matched               have enforcement rights as against each
                                               CCM will be added providing that CCM                    Seller) using the notice details provided             other pursuant to the Contracts (Rights
                                               and CCM Client will agree that a CCM                    by LCH SA instead of delivering the                   of Third Parties) Act 1999 in respect of
                                               may designate the CCM Client as its                     Swaption Notice via EEP. A new                        any resulting payments and deliveries;
                                               Exercise Delegation Beneficiary with                    Section 5.4(b) will be added to specify               LCH SA shall have no liability in
                                               respect to a specific CCM Client Cleared                that, if LCH SA does not provide the                  respect thereof.
                                               Transaction for purposes of the Exercise                Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report                   A new Section 5.6 to Appendix VIII
                                               or Abandonment of the CCM Client                        by the EMP Notification Deadline or,                  entitled Delivery of Notices to and from
                                               Cleared Transactions and receipt of                     where an EEP Failure Event occurs after               LCH SA in Case of EEP Failure Event
                                               Swaption Notices on its behalf.                         the EMP Notification Deadline, from the               will be added to specify that upon the
                                                  A new Section 5.2 to Appendix VIII                   time of such EEP Failure Event until                  occurrence of an EEP Failure Event,
                                               entitled Exercise Notices and                           such time as LCH provides the Protected               notices and communications given by
                                               Abandonment Notices delivered in                        Exercise Matched Pair Report, CCM                     LCH SA to the CCM Client or vice versa
                                               respect of CCM Client Cleared                           Client will deliver Swaption Notices to               will be given to the address or number
                                               Transaction will be added which will                    LCH SA on behalf of the CCM instead                   provided by the CCM Client to LCH SA
                                               provide that neither CCM nor CCM                        of to the Matched Seller (or its Exercise             and vice versa upon registration or any
                                               Client may deliver Swaption Notices in                  Delegation Beneficiary). A new Section                other address or number duly notified
                                               relation to the CCM Client Transaction                  5.4(c) will be added which will provide               thereafter.
                                               corresponding to a CCM Client Cleared                   that any notice delivered via the EEP                    A new Section 5.7 to Appendix VIII
                                               Transaction in respect of which CCM                     prior to the EEP Failure Event Time will              entitled Communications Failure Event
                                               Client has been designated by CCM as                    be valid and will not be affected by such             will be added to address the procedure
                                               its Exercise Delegation Beneficiary.                    EEP Failure Event. Finally, a new                     for notifying LCH SA of a
                                               Instead, if CCM Client as Exercise                      Section 5.4(d) will be added to specify               Communications Failure Event, the
                                               Delegation Beneficiary of the CCM                       that any notice delivered or purported                procedures for delivery of Notices
                                               delivers or receives a valid Swaption                   to be delivered via the EEP at or                     following such Communications Failure
                                               Notice in respect of the CCM Client                     following the EEP Failure Event Time                  Event and the procedures for notifying
                                               Cleared Transaction corresponding to                    but prior to the EEP Resolution Time                  LCH SA of a resolution of such
                                               such CCM Client Transaction, such                       will not be valid and effective.                      Communications Failure Event.
                                               notice will also be deemed to be a valid                   A new Section 5.5 to Appendix VIII                 Subsection (a) of new Section 5.7 will
                                               Swaption Notice for the purposes of                     entitled Duty to Deliver Swaption CCM                 permit a CCM Client affected by a
                                               such CCM Client Transaction.                            Client Notice will be added to specify                Communications Failure Event to
                                                  A new Section 5.3 to Appendix VIII                   that the CCM Client must notify LCH SA                deliver Swaption Notices manually with
                                               entitled Exercise and Abandonment by                    and its CCM of any Swaption Notice                    a Submission Time prior to 4:00 p.m.
                                               way of EEP will be added which will                     delivered by it in accordance with new                (London time). However, LCH SA may
                                               provide that any submission of an                       Section 5.4 which such CCM Client                     determine in its sole discretion that it is
                                               Option Intent by a CCM Client in                        asserts was effective by no later than                not able to submit the relevant Option
                                               respect of a CCM Client Cleared                         5.00 p.m. on the Expiration Date (the                 Intent in the relevant system with a
                                               Transaction in respect of which such                    ‘‘Swaption CCM Client Notice                          Submission Time prior to 4:00 p.m.
                                               CCM Client has been designated as                       Deadline’’). If no such notice is                     (London time) on the Expiration Date in
                                               Exercise Delegation Beneficiary will be                 delivered by CCM Client or the CCM                    which case LCH SA will inform the
                                               made via its Client Portal Account in                   prior to the Swaption CCM Client                      CCM Client and, subject to Mandatory
                                               the EEP. If (a) the CCM Client submits                  Notice Deadline, any Exercise Notice                  Provision 5.5, such CCM Client will be
                                               an Option Intent via its Client Portal                  sent by CCM Client pursuant to new                    deemed not to have submitted an
                                               Account, (b) the Option Intent is                       Section 5.4 will be deemed to be                      Option Intent in respect of the relevant
                                               submitted by a CCM Client prior to 4.00                 invalid. However, if LCH SA elects to                 Exercise Cleared Transaction.
                                               p.m. (London time) on the Expiration                    give effect to an Exercise Notice in                  Subsection (b) of new Section 5.7 will
                                               Date and (c) LCH SA has completed                       respect of a Swaption CCM Client                      require the CCM Client to provide
                                               those steps necessary to make such                      Notice that it determines has been                    written notice (or notice by telephone if
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                                               Option Intent available for viewing in                  delivered pursuant to Section 6.8 of the              CCM Client is unable to deliver written
                                               the EEP, such submission will be                        Supplement, then such provisions shall                notice) to LCH SA certifying that it is
                                               deemed to constitute delivery by the                    apply as if LCH SA had received a                     affected by a Communications Failure
                                               CCM of a valid Exercise Notice or                       Swaption CCM Client Notice in respect                 Event. Subsection (c) of new Section 5.7
                                               Abandonment Notice in respect of the                    of the relevant Exercise Notice by the                will require CCM Client to notify LCH
                                               CCM Client Cleared Transactions. The                    Swaption CCM Client Notice Deadline,                  SA upon the resolution of any
                                               deemed time of delivery of such                         and, if LCH SA determines that it is not              Communications Failure Event.

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                                               Additionally, pursuant to subsection (d)                Exercise Matched Pairs Report’’ to                    ‘‘Confirm’’ or ‘‘Force’’ in relation to the
                                               of new Section 5.7, the CCM Client that                 reflect the new reporting structure in                Option Intent when submitting such
                                               is subject to a Communications Failure                  EEP, and to specify that the timing for               Option Intent (‘‘Force Submission’’).
                                               Event must use reasonable endeavors to                  the Protected Exercise Matched Pairs                  LCH SA will inform the applicable
                                               mitigate the operational impact of any                  Report to be prepared will be three                   Clearing Member or Exercise Delegation
                                               Communications Failure Event, to cure                   Business Days prior to the Exercise Date              Beneficiary if an Option Intent is
                                               such Communications Failure Event as                    and such report will only be made                     deemed illogical and the Clearing
                                               soon as reasonably practicable and to                   accessible following the occurrence of                Member or Exercise Delegation
                                               ensure that the events giving rise thereto              an EEP Failure Event. The current                     Beneficiary may then choose to re-
                                               do not recur.                                           Section 5.16(c)(ii), Open Interest Report,            submit such Option Intent and Force
                                                  A new Section 5.8 to Appendix VIII                   will be deleted as it no longer applies.              Submission. LCH SA will not carry out
                                               entitled Confidentiality Waiver will be                 Current Section 5.16(c)(iii) will be                  logicality controls on such Option
                                               added stating that the CCM Client                       renumbered as a new Section 5.16(c)(ii)               Intent. Before registering any Option
                                               consents to the disclosure of its address,              and current Section 5.16(c)(iv) will be               Intent LCH SA will ensure that such
                                               fax number, telephone number, contact                   renumbered as a new Section                           Option Intent (i) is submitted by a user
                                               email address (and any other applicable                 5.16(c)(iii).                                         who (a) is connected with the proper
                                               notice details provided by it) by CCM to                  A new Section 5.19 entitled                         user ID and password and (b) based on
                                               LCH SA and by LCH SA in any                             Delegation of Exercise of Exercise                    such ID and password, is duly
                                               Protected Exercise Matched Pair Report.                 Cleared Transactions and Electronic                   authorized to Exercise or Abandon, as
                                                  The current Section 5, Determination                 Exercise Platform will be added after the             applicable, the relevant Exercise Cleared
                                               of Credit Events and Succession Events,                 current Section 5.18 to address the                   Transactions; (ii) has not already been
                                               will be renumbered as a new Section 6.                  procedures for delegation of the                      submitted in the EEP in respect of the
                                                  The current Section 6, Timings for the               Exercise or Abandonment of Index                      relevant Exercise Cleared Transaction
                                               Delivery of Notices for CCM Client                      Swaption Cleared Transactions and the                 (other than a partial Exercise); and (iii)
                                               Transactions, will be renumbered as a                   Electronic Exercise Platform. A new                   passes the logicality controls or the
                                               new Section 7. The current Section 7,                   Section 5.19.1 entitled Delegation of                 relevant Clearing Member or Exercise
                                               Timings for the Delivery of Exercise                    Exercise or Abandonment of Exercise                   Delegation Beneficiary has Forced
                                               Notices for CCM Client Transactions,                    Cleared Transactions will be added to                 Submission as described earlier in this
                                               will be deleted as it has been replaced                 provide that any Clearing Member                      new Section 5.19.2. LCH SA will not be
                                               with the new Section 5 described in the                 which has delegated to a Client the                   required to carry out any further control.
                                               preceding paragraphs.                                   power to Exercise and/or Abandon all or                  The amendments to the CDS Clearing
                                                  The amendments to the CDS Clearing                   part of its Exercise Cleared Transactions             Procedures also contain typographical
                                               Supplement also contain typographical                   will notify such delegation to LCH SA                 corrections and similar technical
                                               corrections and similar technical                       by sending a completed and signed                     corrections and clarifications as well as
                                               corrections and clarifications as well as               notification form to LCH SA via email.                various conforming references to the
                                               various conforming references to the                    Upon receipt, LCH SA will ensure that                 new or revised defined terms. Finally,
                                               new or revised defined terms. Finally,                  only such delegate is authorized to                   corresponding changes to provision
                                               corresponding changes to provision                      Exercise or Abandon the Exercise                      numbering throughout the CDS Clearing
                                               numbering throughout the CDS Clearing                   Cleared Transactions identified in such               Procedures have been made as
                                               Supplement have been made as                            form. Any withdraw of an exercise                     necessary.
                                               necessary.                                              Delegation shall be notified to LCH SA
                                                                                                       by sending a copy of an updated and                   2. Statutory Basis
                                               (iii) CDS Clearing Procedures
                                                                                                       signed Exercise Delegation form by                       LCH SA believes that the proposed
                                                  LCH SA also proposes to modify                       email to LCH SA. LCH SA will process                  rule change in connection with the
                                               Section 5 of the Procedures to                          Exercise Delegations and Exercise                     launch of EEP is consistent with the
                                               incorporate terms for implementing the                  Delegation Withdrawals as soon as                     requirements of Section 17A of the
                                               new EEP, to remove inapplicable                         reasonably practicable.                               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 4 (the
                                               provisions after implementation of the                    A new Section 5.19.2 entitled                       ‘‘Act’’) and the regulations thereunder,
                                               EEP, and to make certain conforming                     Electronic Exercise of Exercise Cleared               including the standards under Rule
                                               and clean-up changes to improve clarity                 Transactions will be added to describe                17Ad–22.5 Section 17(A)(b)(3)(F) 6 of the
                                               of the Supplement.                                      the process for the electronic Exercise of            Act requires, among other things, that
                                                  Specifically, a definition of ‘‘LCH                  Exercise Cleared Transactions. Upon a                 the rules of a clearing agency be
                                               Portal’’ will be added to Section 5.3(f)                submission of an Option Intent in the                 designed to promote the prompt and
                                               to define the LCH Portal as a single sign-              EEP, LCH SA will carry out logicality                 accurate clearance and settlement of
                                               on solution for various LCH SA                          controls in respect of such Option Intent             securities transactions and derivative
                                               applications to which Clearing Members                  in order to help Clearing Members and                 agreements, contracts, and transactions
                                               may have access over secured internet.                  Exercise Delegation Beneficiaries                     and to assure the safeguarding of
                                               Further Section 5.16 will be revised to                 identify an Option Intent which could                 securities and funds which are in the
                                               add a new paragraph entitling a Clearing                have been submitted in the EEP in error               custody or control of the clearing agency
                                               Member to request that all or part of the               based on the relative position or the                 or for which it is responsible. As noted
                                               reports provided under Section 5.16 be                  price of Exercise compared to reference               above, the proposed rule change is
                                               made available on the Client Portal                     prices provided in the EEP. Any Option                designed to implement an automated
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                                               Account. This new paragraph will                        Intent which does not pass such                       electronic platform to facilitate the
                                               additionally define the Client Portal                   logicality controls will not be registered            transmission and execution of exercise
                                               Account as the account created by a                     in the EEP and LCH SA will inform the                 decisions by Clearing Members and
                                               Client on the LCH Portal. Section                       applicable Clearing Member. The
                                               5.16(a)(i)(J) will be amended to replace                Clearing Member and its Exercise                        4 15 U.S.C. 78q–1.
                                               all references to ‘‘Cleared Transaction                 Beneficiaries may elect to bypass the                   5 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22.
                                               Exercise Report’’ with ‘‘Protected                      logicality controls by specifying                       6 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices                                            45163

                                               their Clients, which will replace the                   exercise its trade in time. On the other              and governing documents, as
                                               existing manual notification process and                hand, if the Option Intent is delivered               applicable.11
                                               reduce operational risk arising from the                before the exercise deadline and passes                  LCH SA believes that the proposed
                                               current process. Specifically, the EEP                  the EEP validation checks, the swaption               rule change is consistent with the
                                               will enable Clearing Members and                        notice will be deemed legally delivered               requirements of Regulation SCI. First,
                                               Clients to capture in real time their                   by LCH SA to the option seller on a real              the proposed rule change does not
                                               option exercise decisions, and EEP will                 time basis with respect to the seller side            amend the existing policies and
                                               notify the relevant option sellers in real              of the transaction. Therefore, in no                  procedures reasonably designed to
                                               time, thereby promoting prompt and                      event would LCH SA be deemed as not                   comply with the Regulation SCI
                                               accurate option exercise process                        having exercised the option with the                  requirements, including the
                                               including the clearing and settlement of                Matched Seller if the Matched Buyer                   requirements in Rule 1001(a) and (b).12
                                               the ensuing index credit default swap                   timely delivers its Option Intent and                 LCH SA will include the EEP in its SCI
                                               transactions and the termination of the                 such Option Intent is validated by the                systems and administer the EEP in
                                               index option transactions.                              EEP. This structural design and                       accordance with and consistent with the
                                                  Further, LCH SA believes that the                    workflow mirrors what currently exists                existing policies and procedures
                                               proposed changes to the Rule Book,                      regarding the delivery of restructuring               designed to comply with Regulation
                                               Supplement and Procedures are                           credit event notices. Further, as                     SCI. For example, LCH SA currently has
                                               consistent with requirements of Rule                    described above, LCH SA will                          its Business Continuity Management
                                               17Ad–22(e)(17).7 Rule 17Ad–22(e)(17)                    implement validation checks on                        program in place to enable CDSClear to
                                               requires a covered clearing agency to                   received Option Intents, including                    provide continuity and timely recovery
                                               manage operational risks by (i)                         illogical intent checks to limit ’fat-                of business operations in the event of a
                                               identifying the plausible sources of                    finger’ errors, before applying and                   major incident or crisis, which impacts
                                               operational risk, both internal and                     registering the intents in the system.                or has the potential to impact business
                                               external, and mitigating their impact                   The new option exercise process using                 functions. The proposed rule change
                                               through the use of appropriate systems,                 EEP will preserve the counterparty                    does not amend any details of LCH SA’s
                                               policies, procedures, and controls; (ii)                anonymity. In addition, recognizing the               ability to recover its technical
                                               ensuring that systems have a high                       criticality of the exercise/expiry process,           infrastructure in its Disaster Recovery
                                               degree of security, resiliency,                         LCH SA will have well defined                         Plan. However, recognizing the use of
                                               operational reliability, and adequate,                  contingency procedures in place to                    EEP as the principal form of option
                                               scalable capacity; and (iii) establishing               address any EEP failure or any Clearing               exercise mechanism, the proposed rule
                                               and maintaining a business continuity                   Member technological issues resulting                 change, as described above, will include
                                               plan that addresses events posing a                     in Clearing Members’ communications                   fallback processes in the event of an EEP
                                               significant risk of disrupting                          failures. The existing manual process                 Failure Event or a Clearing Member
                                               operations.8                                            remains a fallback in the event of an
                                                  As described above, the proposed rule                                                                      Communications Failure Event and will
                                                                                                       EEP failure or a Clearing Member                      clearly specify when such failure ceases
                                               change will enable LCH SA to more
                                                                                                       communications failure in order to                    to exist and the requirement to resume
                                               effectively manage the operational risks
                                                                                                       ensure that the entire option exercise                the usage of EEP. As detailed above, in
                                               associated with the option exercise
                                                                                                       systems have a high degree of security,               the event of the EEP failing, the option
                                               process by providing a safe, secure and
                                                                                                       resiliency, operational reliability, and              exercise process would revert to the
                                               resilient technological solution.
                                                                                                       adequate, scalable capacity.                          existing bilateral notification process via
                                               Specifically, the current manual
                                               bilateral notification process creates                     Finally, the EEP will be an integral               email or messaging. Accordingly, LCH
                                               plausible operational risks if LCH SA is                part of the clearing systems with respect             SA believes that the proposed rule
                                               not notified or provided a copy of the                  to swaptions cleared by LCH SA and                    change, when implemented with the
                                               notification. To address the limitations                therefore, an SCI system within the                   existing policies and procedures
                                               of the manual bilateral notification                    meaning of Regulation SCI.9 Rule                      designed to comply with Regulation
                                               process, the proposed rule change is                    1001(a) requires an SCI entity, which                 SCI, is appropriately designed to ensure
                                               designed to implement the EEP which                     includes a registered clearing agency, to             the EEP will have levels of capacity,
                                               captures option exercise decisions in                   establish, maintain, and enforce written              integrity, resiliency, availability, and
                                               real time while ensuring that LCH SA is                 policies and procedures reasonably                    security, adequate to maintain
                                               not exposed to any principal risk upon                  designed to ensure that its SCI systems               CDSClear’s operational capability for
                                               the transmission of an exercise intent                  and, for purposes of security standards,              option exercise and to ensure that the
                                               decision, or upon a related technical                   indirect SCI systems, have levels of                  EEP will operate in a manner that
                                               failure. As described above, acceptance                 capacity, integrity, resiliency,                      complies with the Act and the rules and
                                               of timely Option Intent from an option                  availability, and security, adequate to               regulations thereunder, as well as LCH
                                               buyer will be conditioned within the                    maintain the SCI entity’s operational                 SA’s rules and governing documents.
                                               EEP upon EEP’s successful validation                    capability and promote the maintenance                   For the reasons stated above, LCH SA
                                               checks. If the Option Intent did not pass               of fair and orderly markets.10 Rule                   believes that the proposed rule change
                                               the validation checks, the EEP will                     1001(b) require an SCI entity, which                  with respect to the Rule Book,
                                               reject the initial Option Intent submitted              includes a registered clearing agency, to             Supplement and Procedures in
                                               by the option buyer on a timely basis so                establish, maintain, and enforce written              connection with the launch of the EEP
                                               the option buyer will be able to either                 policies and procedures reasonably                    are consistent with the requirements of
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                                               resubmit the option exercise intent                     designed to ensure that its SCI systems               prompt and accurate clearance and
                                               through EEP or rely on the existing                     operate in a manner that complies with                settlement of securities transactions in
                                               manual exercise process, thereby                        the Act and the rules and regulations                 Section 17(A)(b)(3)(F) 13 of the Act, the
                                               ensuring that the option buyer can                      thereunder and the SCI entity’s rules
                                                                                                                                                               11 17 CFR 242.1001(b).
                                                 7 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(17).                            9 17 CFR 242.1000–1007.                               12 17 CFR 242.1001(a)–(b).
                                                 8 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(17).                            10 17 CFR 242.1001(a).                                13 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).

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                                               45164                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               requirements of operational risk                        the self-regulatory organization                      to make available publicly. All
                                               management in Rule 17Ad–22(e)(17) 14                    consents, the Commission will:                        submissions should refer to File
                                               and the requirements of Regulation                        (A) By order approve or disapprove                  Number SR–LCH SA–2018–004 and
                                               SCI.15                                                  such proposed rule change, or                         should be submitted on or before
                                                                                                         (B) institute proceedings to determine              September 26, 2018.
                                               B. Clearing Agency’s Statement on                       whether the proposed rule change
                                               Burden on Competition                                                                                           For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                       should be disapproved.                                Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                  Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act                      IV. Solicitation of Comments                          authority.17
                                               requires that the rules of a clearing                                                                         Eduardo A. Aleman,
                                                                                                         Interested persons are invited to
                                               agency not impose any burden on                                                                               Assistant Secretary.
                                                                                                       submit written data, views, and
                                               competition not necessary or                                                                                  [FR Doc. 2018–19147 Filed 9–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                               appropriate in furtherance of the
                                                                                                       including whether the proposed rule                   BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                               purposes of the Act.16 LCH SA does not
                                                                                                       change is consistent with the Act.
                                               believe that the proposed rule change
                                                                                                       Comments may be submitted by any of
                                               would impose burdens on competition
                                                                                                       the following methods:
                                               that are not necessary or appropriate in                                                                      SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                               furtherance of the purposes of the Act.                 Electronic Comments                                   COMMISSION
                                               Specifically, the proposed changes to                     • Use the Commission’s internet
                                               the Rule Book, Supplement and                           comment form (http://www.sec.gov/                     Sunshine Act Meetings
                                               Procedures would apply equally to all                   rules/sro.shtml); or
                                               Clearing Members and their Clients are                    • Send an email to rule-comments@                   TIME AND DATE:     2:00 p.m. on Thursday,
                                               Matched Buyers and Matched Sellers.                     sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–               September 6, 2018.
                                               All Clearing Members and their                          LCH SA–2018–004 on the subject line.                  PLACE: Closed Commission Hearing
                                               designated Clients who are Exercise                                                                           Room 10800.
                                               Delegation Beneficiaries will be                        Paper Comments
                                                                                                                                                             STATUS: This meeting will be closed to
                                               required to use EEP to exercise Exercise                   • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                               Cleared Transactions. The proposed rule                 to Secretary, Securities and Exchange                 the public.
                                               change and implementation of EEP will                   Commission, 100 F Street NE,                          MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED:
                                               require Clearing Members and their                      Washington, DC 20549–1090.                            Commissioners, Counsel to the
                                               Clients to connect to LCH SA’s systems                  All submissions should refer to File                  Commissioners, the Secretary to the
                                               through opening a portal account and                    Number SR–LCH SA–2018–004. This                       Commission, and recording secretaries
                                               therefore, may impose burdens on                        file number should be included on the                 will attend the closed meeting. Certain
                                               Clearing Members and their Clients but                  subject line if email is used. To help the            staff members who have an interest in
                                               such burdens would be necessary and                     Commission process and review your                    the matters also may be present.
                                               appropriate to manage LCH SA’s                          comments more efficiently, please use                    The General Counsel of the
                                               operational risks and to implement an                   only one method. The Commission will                  Commission, or his designee, has
                                               automated electronic system to capture                  post all comments on the Commission’s                 certified that, in his opinion, one or
                                               all exercises of Option Intents.                        internet website (http://www.sec.gov/                 more of the exemptions set forth in 5
                                               Therefore, LCH SA does not believe that                 rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the                       U.S.C. 552b(c)(3), (5), (6), (7), (8), 9(B)
                                               the proposed rule change would impose                   submission, all subsequent                            and (10) and 17 CFR 200.402(a)(3),
                                               a burden on competition not necessary                   amendments, all written statements                    (a)(5), (a)(6), (a)(7), (a)(8), (a)(9)(ii) and
                                               or appropriate in furtherance of the                    with respect to the proposed rule                     (a)(10), permit consideration of the
                                               purposes of the Act.                                    change that are filed with the                        scheduled matters at the closed meeting.
                                               C. Clearing Agency’s Statement on                       Commission, and all written                              Commissioner Jackson, as duty
                                               Comments on the Proposed Rule                           communications relating to the                        officer, voted to consider the items
                                               Change Received from Members,                           proposed rule change between the                      listed for the closed meeting in closed
                                               Participants or Others                                  Commission and any person, other than                 session.
                                                                                                       those that may be withheld from the                      The subject matters of the closed
                                                 Written comments relating to the                      public in accordance with the                         meeting will be:
                                               proposed rule change have not been                      provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be                      Institution and settlement of
                                               solicited or received. LCH SA will                      available for website viewing and                     injunctive actions;
                                               notify the Commission of any written                    printing in the Commission’s Public                      Institution and settlement of
                                               comments received by LCH SA.                            Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,                      administrative proceedings;
                                                                                                       Washington, DC 20549 on official                         Resolution of litigation claims; and
                                               III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                                                                                       business days between the hours of
                                               Proposed Rule Change and Timing for                                                                              Other matters relating to enforcement
                                                                                                       10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
                                               Commission Action                                                                                             proceedings.
                                                                                                       filing also will be available for
                                                                                                       inspection and copying at the principal                  At times, changes in Commission
                                                 Within 45 days of the date of
                                                                                                       office of LCH SA and on LCH SA’s                      priorities require alterations in the
                                               publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                                                                       website at: https://www.lch.com/                      scheduling of meeting items.
                                               Register or within such longer period
                                               up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may                 resources/rules-and-regulations/                      CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               designate if it finds such longer period                proposed-rule-changes-0. All comments                 For further information and to ascertain
                                               to be appropriate and publishes its                     received will be posted without change.               what, if any, matters have been added,
                                               reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which              Persons submitting comments are                       deleted or postponed; please contact
                                                                                                       cautioned that we do not redact or edit               Brent J. Fields from the Office of the
                                                 14 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(17).                         personal identifying information from                 Secretary at (202) 551–5400.
                                                 15 17 CFR 242.1000–1007.                              comment submissions. You should
                                                 16 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).                          submit only information that you wish                   17 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).

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Document Created: 2018-09-05 01:59:25
Document Modified: 2018-09-05 01:59:25
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 45155 

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