83_FR_47092 83 FR 46912 - Effectiveness of Licensing Procedures for Agricultural Commodities to Cuba

83 FR 46912 - Effectiveness of Licensing Procedures for Agricultural Commodities to Cuba

Bureau of Industry and Security

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 180 (September 17, 2018)

Page Range46912-46913
FR Document2018-20123

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is requesting public comments on the effectiveness of its licensing procedures as defined in the Export Administration Regulations for the export of agricultural commodities to Cuba. BIS will include a description of these comments in its biennial report to the Congress, as required by the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000, as amended (TSRA).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 180 (Monday, September 17, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 180 (Monday, September 17, 2018)]
[Pages 46912-46913]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-20123]



Bureau of Industry and Security

[Docket No. 180821787-8787-01]
RIN 0694-XC046

Effectiveness of Licensing Procedures for Agricultural 
Commodities to Cuba

AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce.

ACTION: Request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is requesting public 
comments on the effectiveness of its licensing procedures as defined in 
the Export Administration Regulations for the export of agricultural 
commodities to Cuba. BIS will include a description of these comments 
in its biennial report to the Congress, as required by the Trade 
Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000, as amended (TSRA).

[[Page 46913]]

DATES: Comments must be received by October 17, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice may be submitted via the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal (http://www.regulations.gov) by using the notice 
regulations.gov docket number, which is BIS-2018-0019.
    Comments may also be submitted via email to 
publiccomments@bis.doc.gov or on paper to Regulatory Policy Division, 
Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 
2099B, Washington, DC 20230.
    Please refer to ``RIN 0694-XC046/TSRA 2018 Report'' in all comments 
and in the subject line of email comments. All comments (including any 
personally identifying information) will be made available for public 
inspection and copying.

Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Telephone: (202) 482-4252. 
Additional information on BIS procedures and previous biennial reports 
under TSRA is available at http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/policy-guidance/country-guidance/sanctioned-destinations/13-policy-guidance/country-guidance/426-reports-to-congress. Copies of these materials may 
also be requested by contacting the Office of Nonproliferation and 
Treaty Compliance.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 906(a) of the Trade 
Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA) (22 U.S.C. 
7205(a)), the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) authorizes exports 
of agricultural commodities, as defined in part 772 of the Export 
Administration Regulations (EAR), to Cuba. Requirements and procedures 
associated with such authorization are set forth in Sec.  740.18 of the 
EAR (15 CFR 740.18). These are the only licensing procedures in the EAR 
currently in effect pursuant to the requirements of section 906(a) of 
    Under the provisions of section 906(c) of TSRA (22 U.S.C. 7205(c)), 
BIS must submit a biennial report to the Congress on the operation of 
the licensing system implemented pursuant to section 906(a) for the 
preceding two-year period. This report must include the number and 
types of licenses applied for, the number and types of licenses 
approved, the average amount of time elapsed from the date of filing of 
a license application until the date of its approval, the extent to 
which the licensing procedures were effectively implemented, and a 
description of comments received from interested parties during a 30-
day public comment period about the effectiveness of the licensing 
procedures. BIS is currently preparing a biennial report on the 
operation of the licensing system for the two-year period from October 
1, 2016 through September 30, 2018.

Request for Comments

    By this notice, BIS requests public comments on the effectiveness 
of the licensing procedures for the export of agricultural commodities 
to Cuba set forth under Sec.  740.18 of the EAR. Parties submitting 
comments are asked to be as specific as possible. All comments received 
by the close of the comment period will be considered by BIS in 
developing the report to Congress.
    All comments must be in writing and will be available for public 
inspection and copying. Any information that the commenter does not 
wish to be made available to the public should not be submitted to BIS.

    Dated: September 11, 2018.
Richard E. Ashooh,
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. 2018-20123 Filed 9-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                               46912                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 180 / Monday, September 17, 2018 / Notices

                                               consequences have been assessed and                     www.facadatabase.gov under the                        wireless lines, according to their
                                               adequately addressed at a programmatic                  Commission on Civil Rights, Tennessee                 wireless plan. The Commission will not
                                               level. Accordingly, an Environmental                    Advisory Committee link. Persons                      refund any incurred charges. Callers
                                               Impact Statement will not be prepared.                  interested in the work of this Committee              will incur no charge for calls they
                                                 Dated: September 11, 2018.                            are directed to the Commission’s                      initiate over land-line connections to
                                               Christopher A. McLean,
                                                                                                       website, http://www.usccr.gov, or may                 the toll-free telephone number. Persons
                                                                                                       contact the Southern Regional Office at               with hearing impairments may also
                                               Acting Administrator, Rural Utilities Service.
                                                                                                       the above email or street address.                    follow the proceedings by first calling
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–20051 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                             the Federal Relay Service at 1–800–877–
                                               BILLING CODE 3410–15–P                                  Agenda
                                                                                                                                                             8339 and providing the Service with the
                                                                                                       Welcome and Call to Order                             conference call number and conference
                                                                                                          Diane DiIanni, Tennessee SAC                       ID number.
                                               COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS                                   Chairman                                           Written comments may be mailed to
                                                                                                       Jeff Hinton, Regional Director                        the Regional Program Unit Office, U.S.
                                               Notice of Public Meeting of the                         Regional Update- Jeff Hinton                          Commission on Civil Rights, 230 S
                                               Tennessee Advisory Committee                            New Business: Diane DiIanni,                          Dearborn St., Suite 2120, Chicago, IL
                                               AGENCY: U.S. Commission on Civil                             Tennessee SAC Chairman/Staff/                    60604. They may also be faxed to the
                                               Rights.                                                      Advisory Committee                               Commission at (312) 353–8324 or may
                                               ACTION: Notice of meeting.
                                                                                                          Public Participation                               be emailed to the Regional Director, Jeff
                                                                                                       Adjournment                                           Hinton at jhinton@usccr.gov. Records of
                                               SUMMARY:    Notice is hereby given,                       Dated: September 12, 2018.                          the meeting will be available via
                                               pursuant to the provisions of the rules                 David Mussatt,                                        www.facadatabase.gov under the
                                               and regulations of the U.S. Commission                  Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.            Commission on Civil Rights, Florida
                                               on Civil Rights (Commission) and the                                                                          Advisory Committee link. Persons
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–20115 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                               Federal Advisory Committee Act that                                                                           interested in the work of this Committee
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE P
                                               the Tennessee Advisory Committee will                                                                         are directed to the Commission’s
                                               hold a meeting on Wednesday, October                                                                          website, http://www.usccr.gov, or may
                                               10, 2018 12:30 p.m. EST to discuss                                                                            contact the Southern Regional Office at
                                                                                                       COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS
                                               hearing preparations on legal financial                                                                       the above email or street address.
                                               obligations and civil rights issues.                    Notice of Public Meeting of the Florida               Agenda
                                               DATES: The meeting will be held on                      Advisory Committee
                                               Wednesday October 10, 2018 12:30 p.m.                                                                         Welcome and Introductions
                                               EST. Public Call Information: The                       AGENCY: U.S. Commission on Civil                        Discussion: Civil Rights Issues in
                                               meeting will be by teleconference. Toll-                Rights.                                                   Florida
                                               free call-in number: 877–260–1479,                      ACTION: Announcement of meeting.                      Public Comment
                                               conference ID: 2206695.                                                                                         Adjournment
                                                                                                       SUMMARY:    Notice is hereby given,                     Dated: September 12, 2018.
                                               FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       pursuant to the provisions of the rules               David Mussatt,
                                               Jeff Hinton, DFO, at jhinton@usccr.gov.
                                                                                                       and regulations of the U.S. Commission                Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Members                      on Civil Rights (Commission) and the
                                               of the public can listen to the                         Federal Advisory Committee Act that
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–20114 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                               discussion. This meeting is available to                the Florida Advisory Committee                        BILLING CODE 6335–01–P
                                               the public through the following toll-                  (Committee) will hold a meeting on
                                               free call-in number: 877–260–1479,                      Friday September 28, 2018, at 2:30 p.m.
                                               conference ID: 2206695. Any interested                  (EST) for the purpose discussing civil                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               member of the public may call this                      rights concerns in the state.
                                               number and listen to the meeting.                                                                             Bureau of Industry and Security
                                                                                                       DATES: The meeting will be held on
                                               Callers can expect to incur charges for                                                                       [Docket No. 180821787–8787–01]
                                               calls they initiate over wireless lines,                Friday September 28, 2018, at 2:30 p.m.
                                               and the Commission will not refund any                  (EST).                                                RIN 0694–XC046
                                               incurred charges. Callers will incur no                    Public Call Information: Dial: 877–
                                               charge for calls they initiate over land-               260–1479, Conference ID: 3162185.                     Effectiveness of Licensing Procedures
                                               line connections to the toll-free                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeff                 for Agricultural Commodities to Cuba
                                               telephone number. Persons with hearing                  Hinton, DFO, at jhinton@usccr.gov.                    AGENCY:  Bureau of Industry and
                                               impairments may also follow the                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Members                    Security, Commerce.
                                               proceedings by first calling the Federal                of the public can listen to the                       ACTION: Request for comments.
                                               Relay Service at 1–800–977–8339 and                     discussion. This meeting is available to
                                               providing the Service with the                          the public through the toll-free call-in              SUMMARY:   The Bureau of Industry and
                                               conference call number and conference                   number dial: 877–260–1479, Conference                 Security (BIS) is requesting public
                                               ID number.                                              ID: 3162185. An open comment period                   comments on the effectiveness of its
                                                  Written comments may be mailed to                    will be provided to allow members of                  licensing procedures as defined in the
                                               the Regional Program Unit Office, U.S.                  the public to make a statement as time                Export Administration Regulations for
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Commission on Civil Rights, 230 S.                      allows. The conference call operator                  the export of agricultural commodities
                                               Dearborn, Suite 2120, Chicago, IL                       will ask callers to identify themselves,              to Cuba. BIS will include a description
                                               60604. They may also be faxed to the                    the organization they are affiliated with             of these comments in its biennial report
                                               Commission at (312) 353–8324 or may                     (if any), and an email address prior to               to the Congress, as required by the
                                               be emailed to the Regional Director, Jeff               placing callers into the conference                   Trade Sanctions Reform and Export
                                               Hinton at jhinton@usccr.gov. Records of                 room. Callers can expect to incur regular             Enhancement Act of 2000, as amended
                                               the meeting will be available via                       charges for calls they initiate over                  (TSRA).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:47 Sep 14, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM   17SEN1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 180 / Monday, September 17, 2018 / Notices                                              46913

                                               DATES:  Comments must be received by                    of the licensing procedures. BIS is                   10, 2018, pursuant to NAFTA Article
                                               October 17, 2018.                                       currently preparing a biennial report on              1904. Panel Review was requested of the
                                               ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice                      the operation of the licensing system for             Department of Commerce’s final
                                               may be submitted via the Federal                        the two-year period from October 1,                   affirmative countervailing duty
                                               eRulemaking Portal (http://                             2016 through September 30, 2018.                      determination regarding Groundwood
                                               www.regulations.gov) by using the                                                                             Paper from Canada. The final
                                                                                                       Request for Comments
                                               notice regulations.gov docket number,                                                                         determination was published in the
                                               which is BIS–2018–0019.                                    By this notice, BIS requests public                Federal Register on August 9, 2018 (83
                                                  Comments may also be submitted via                   comments on the effectiveness of the                  FR 39414). The NAFTA Secretariat has
                                               email to publiccomments@bis.doc.gov                     licensing procedures for the export of                assigned case number USA–CDA–2018–
                                               or on paper to Regulatory Policy                        agricultural commodities to Cuba set                  1904–06 to this request.
                                               Division, Bureau of Industry and                        forth under § 740.18 of the EAR. Parties
                                               Security, U.S. Department of Commerce,                  submitting comments are asked to be as                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:    Paul
                                               Room 2099B, Washington, DC 20230.                       specific as possible. All comments                    E. Morris, United States Secretary,
                                                  Please refer to ‘‘RIN 0694–XC046/                    received by the close of the comment                  NAFTA Secretariat, Room 2061, 1401
                                               TSRA 2018 Report’’ in all comments                      period will be considered by BIS in                   Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                               and in the subject line of email                        developing the report to Congress.                    DC 20230, (202) 482–5438.
                                               comments. All comments (including                          All comments must be in writing and                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:       Chapter
                                               any personally identifying information)                 will be available for public inspection               19 of Article 1904 of NAFTA provides
                                               will be made available for public                       and copying. Any information that the                 a dispute settlement mechanism
                                               inspection and copying.                                 commenter does not wish to be made                    involving trade remedy determinations
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        available to the public should not be                 issued by the Government of the United
                                               Mark Salinas, Office of Nonproliferation                submitted to BIS.                                     States, the Government of Canada, and
                                               and Treaty Compliance, Telephone:                         Dated: September 11, 2018.                          the Government of Mexico. Following a
                                               (202) 482–4252. Additional information                  Richard E. Ashooh,                                    Request for Panel Review, a Binational
                                               on BIS procedures and previous                          Assistant Secretary for Export                        Panel is composed to review the trade
                                               biennial reports under TSRA is                          Administration.                                       remedy determination being challenged
                                               available at http://www.bis.doc.gov/                    [FR Doc. 2018–20123 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]           and issue a binding Panel Decision.
                                               index.php/policy-guidance/country-                      BILLING CODE 3510–33–P
                                                                                                                                                             There are established NAFTA Rules of
                                               guidance/sanctioned-destinations/13-                                                                          Procedure for Article 1904 Binational
                                               policy-guidance/country-guidance/426-                                                                         Panel Reviews, which were adopted by
                                               reports-to-congress. Copies of these                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                the three governments for panels
                                               materials may also be requested by                                                                            requested pursuant to Article 1904(2) of
                                               contacting the Office of                                International Trade Administration                    NAFTA which requires Requests for
                                               Nonproliferation and Treaty                                                                                   Panel Review to be published in
                                               Compliance.                                             North American Free Trade Agreement                   accordance with Rule 35. For the
                                                                                                       (NAFTA), Article 1904; Binational Panel               complete Rules, please see https://
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant
                                                                                                       Review: Notice of Request for Panel                   www.nafta-sec-alena.org/Home/Texts-
                                               to section 906(a) of the Trade Sanctions
                                                                                                       Review                                                of-the-Agreement/Rules-of-Procedure/
                                               Reform and Export Enhancement Act of
                                               2000 (TSRA) (22 U.S.C. 7205(a)), the                    AGENCY:  United States Section, NAFTA                 Article-1904.
                                               Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)                   Secretariat, International Trade                         The Rules provide that:
                                               authorizes exports of agricultural                      Administration, Department of                            (a) A Party or interested person may
                                               commodities, as defined in part 772 of                  Commerce.                                             challenge the final determination in
                                               the Export Administration Regulations                   ACTION: Notice of NAFTA Request for                   whole or in part by filing a Complaint
                                               (EAR), to Cuba. Requirements and                        Panel Review in the matter of Certain                 in accordance with Rule 39 within 30
                                               procedures associated with such                         Uncoated Groundwood Paper from                        days after the filing of the first Request
                                               authorization are set forth in § 740.18 of              Canada: Final Affirmative                             for Panel Review (the deadline for filing
                                               the EAR (15 CFR 740.18). These are the                  Countervailing Duty Determination                     a Complaint is October 10, 2018);
                                               only licensing procedures in the EAR                    (Secretariat File Number: USA–CDA–
                                               currently in effect pursuant to the                                                                              (b) A Party, investigating authority or
                                                                                                       2018–1904–06).                                        interested person that does not file a
                                               requirements of section 906(a) of TSRA.
                                                  Under the provisions of section 906(c)               SUMMARY:   A Request for Panel Review                 Complaint but that intends to appear in
                                               of TSRA (22 U.S.C. 7205(c)), BIS must                   was filed on behalf of Government of                  support of any reviewable portion of the
                                               submit a biennial report to the Congress                Canada; the Government of Alberta; the                final determination may participate in
                                               on the operation of the licensing system                Government of British Columbia; the                   the panel review by filing a Notice of
                                               implemented pursuant to section 906(a)                  Government of Newfoundland and                        Appearance in accordance with Rule 40
                                               for the preceding two-year period. This                 Labrador; the Government of Ontario;                  within 45 days after the filing of the first
                                               report must include the number and                      the Government of Quebec; Alberta                     Request for Panel Review (the deadline
                                               types of licenses applied for, the                      Newsprint Company; Catalyst Paper                     for filing a Notice of Appearance is
                                               number and types of licenses approved,                  Corporation, Catalyst Pulp and Paper                  October 25, 2018); and
                                               the average amount of time elapsed from                 Sales Inc. and Catalyst Paper (USA) Inc.;                (c) The panel review shall be limited
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               the date of filing of a license application             Kruger Trois-Rivieres L.P., Comer Brook               to the allegations of error of fact or law,
                                               until the date of its approval, the extent              Pulp and Paper Limited, Kruger                        including challenges to the jurisdiction
                                               to which the licensing procedures were                  Publication Papers Inc. and Kruger                    of the investigating authority, that are
                                               effectively implemented, and a                          Brompton L.P.; Resolute FP Canada Inc.                set out in the Complaints filed in the
                                               description of comments received from                   and Resolute FP US Inc.; and Tembec                   panel review and to the procedural and
                                               interested parties during a 30-day public               Inc. with the United States Section of                substantive defenses raised in the panel
                                               comment period about the effectiveness                  the NAFTA Secretariat on September                    review.

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Document Created: 2018-09-15 01:37:32
Document Modified: 2018-09-15 01:37:32
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionRequest for comments.
DatesComments must be received by October 17, 2018.
ContactMark Salinas, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Telephone: (202) 482-4252. Additional information on BIS procedures and previous biennial reports under TSRA is available at http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/policy- guidance/country-guidance/sanctioned-destinations/13-policy-guidance/ country-guidance/426-reports-to-congress. Copies of these materials may also be requested by contacting the Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance.
FR Citation83 FR 46912 
RIN Number0694-XC04

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