83_FR_47095 83 FR 46915 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Article 1904; Binational Panel Review: Notice of Request for Panel Review

83 FR 46915 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Article 1904; Binational Panel Review: Notice of Request for Panel Review

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 180 (September 17, 2018)

Page Range46915-46916
FR Document2018-20120

A Request for Panel Review was filed on behalf of Kruger Trois-Rivieres L.P. (``KTR''), Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited (``CBPP''), Kruger Publication Papers Inc. (``KPPI''), and Kruger Brompton L.P. (collectively ``Kruger'') with the United States Section of the NAFTA Secretariat on September 7, 2018, pursuant to NAFTA Article 1904. Panel Review was requested in regards to the Department of Commerce's final antidumping duty determination of Certain Uncoated Groundwood Paper from Canada. The final determination was published in the Federal Register on August 9, 2018 (83 FR 39412). The NAFTA Secretariat has assigned case number USA-CDA-2018-1904-05 to this request.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 180 (Monday, September 17, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 180 (Monday, September 17, 2018)]
[Pages 46915-46916]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-20120]



International Trade Administration

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Article 1904; 
Binational Panel Review: Notice of Request for Panel Review

AGENCY: United States Section, NAFTA Secretariat, International Trade 
Administration, Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of NAFTA Request for Panel Review in the matter of 
Certain Uncoated Groundwood Paper From Canada: Final Determination of 
Sales at Less Than Fair Value (Secretariat File Number: USA-CDA-2018-


SUMMARY: A Request for Panel Review was filed on behalf of Kruger 
Trois-Rivieres L.P. (``KTR''), Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited 
(``CBPP''), Kruger Publication Papers Inc. (``KPPI''), and Kruger 
Brompton L.P. (collectively ``Kruger'') with the United States Section 
of the NAFTA Secretariat on September 7, 2018, pursuant to NAFTA 
Article 1904. Panel Review was requested in regards to the Department 
of Commerce's final antidumping duty determination of Certain Uncoated 
Groundwood Paper from Canada. The final determination was published in 
the Federal Register on August 9, 2018 (83 FR 39412). The NAFTA 
Secretariat has assigned case number USA-CDA-2018-1904-05 to this 

Secretary, NAFTA Secretariat, Room 2061, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20230, (202) 482-5438.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Chapter 19 of Article 1904 of NAFTA provides 
a dispute settlement mechanism involving trade remedy determinations 
issued by the Government of the United States, the Government of 
Canada, and the Government of Mexico. Following a Request for Panel 
Review, a Binational Panel is composed to review the trade remedy 
determination being challenged and issue a binding Panel Decision. 
There are established NAFTA Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 
Binational Panel Reviews, which were adopted by

[[Page 46916]]

the three governments for panels requested pursuant to Article 1904(2) 
of NAFTA which requires Requests for Panel Review to be published in 
accordance with Rule 35. For the complete Rules, please see https://www.nafta-sec-alena.org/Home/Texts-of-the-Agreement/Rules-of-Procedure/Article-1904.
    The Rules provide that:
    (a) A Party or interested person may challenge the final 
determination in whole or in part by filing a Complaint in accordance 
with Rule 39 within 30 days after the filing of the first Request for 
Panel Review (the deadline for filing a Complaint is October 9, 2018);
    (b) A Party, investigating authority or interested person that does 
not file a Complaint but that intends to appear in support of any 
reviewable portion of the final determination may participate in the 
panel review by filing a Notice of Appearance in accordance with Rule 
40 within 45 days after the filing of the first Request for Panel 
Review (the deadline for filing a Notice of Appearance is October 22, 
2018); and
    (c) The panel review shall be limited to the allegations of error 
of fact or law, including challenges to the jurisdiction of the 
investigating authority, that are set out in the Complaints filed in 
the panel review and to the procedural and substantive defenses raised 
in the panel review.

    Dated: September 12, 2018.
Paul E. Morris,
U.S. Secretary, NAFTA Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2018-20120 Filed 9-14-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 180 / Monday, September 17, 2018 / Notices                                                  46915

                                               Changes Since the Preliminary Results                   be the China-wide rate of 90.83 percent;                Dated: September 10, 2018.
                                                  As no parties submitted comments on                  and (4) for all non-Chinese exporters of              James Maeder,
                                               the Preliminary Results, Commerce has                   subject merchandise which have not                    Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for
                                               not modified its analysis from that                     received their own rate, the cash deposit             Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
                                                                                                       rate will be the rate applicable to                   Operations performing the duties of Deputy
                                               presented in the Preliminary Results,
                                                                                                       Chinese exporter(s) that supplied that                Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and
                                               and no decision memorandum                                                                                    Countervailing Duty Operations.
                                               accompanies this Federal Register                       non-Chinese exporter. These deposit
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–20071 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]
                                               notice. Further, Commerce has made no                   requirements, when imposed, shall
                                                                                                                                                             BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                               changes and continues to find that                      remain in effect until further notice.
                                               Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai
                                               Baosteel International Economic &                       Disclosure
                                                                                                                                                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               Trading Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron and                       Normally, Commerce discloses to
                                               Steel Co., Ltd. (collectively, Baosteel),2              interested parties the calculations                   International Trade Administration
                                               Shanghai Meishan Iron & Steel, and                      performed in connection with the final
                                               Union Steel China (collectively,                        results within five days of its public                North American Free Trade Agreement
                                               companies under review) have not                        announcement, or if there is no public
                                                                                                                                                             (NAFTA), Article 1904; Binational Panel
                                               demonstrated that they are separate                                                                           Review: Notice of Request for Panel
                                                                                                       announcement, within five days of the
                                               from the China-wide entity. Because no                                                                        Review
                                                                                                       date of publication of this notice in
                                               review was requested of the China-wide
                                               entity, the pre-existing China-wide rate                accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).                    AGENCY:  United States Section, NAFTA
                                               of 90.83 percent will apply to entries of               However, because the companies under                  Secretariat, International Trade
                                               their subject merchandise into the                      review are part of the China-wide entity,             Administration, Department of
                                               United States during the POR.                           there are no calculations to disclose.                Commerce.
                                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Notice of NAFTA Request for
                                               Assessment Rates                                        Notification to Importers
                                                                                                                                                             Panel Review in the matter of Certain
                                                  We have not calculated any                             This notice also serves as a final                  Uncoated Groundwood Paper From
                                               assessment (or cash deposit) rates in this              reminder to importers of their                        Canada: Final Determination of Sales at
                                               administrative review, because none of                  responsibility under 19 CFR                           Less Than Fair Value (Secretariat File
                                               the companies under review qualified                    351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate                   Number: USA–CDA–2018–1904–05).
                                               for a separate rate. Commerce intends to                regarding the reimbursement of
                                               issue assessment instructions to CBP 15                                                                       SUMMARY:    A Request for Panel Review
                                                                                                       antidumping duties prior to liquidation               was filed on behalf of Kruger Trois-
                                               days after the publication date of the                  of the relevant entries during this
                                               final results of this administrative                                                                          Rivieres L.P. (‘‘KTR’’), Corner Brook
                                                                                                       review period. Failure to comply with                 Pulp and Paper Limited (‘‘CBPP’’),
                                               review.                                                 this requirement could result in                      Kruger Publication Papers Inc. (‘‘KPPI’’),
                                               Cash Deposit Requirements                               Commerce’s presumption that                           and Kruger Brompton L.P. (collectively
                                                 The following cash deposit                            reimbursement of antidumping duties                   ‘‘Kruger’’) with the United States
                                               requirements will be effective upon                     occurred and the subsequent assessment                Section of the NAFTA Secretariat on
                                               publication of the final results of this                of double antidumping duties.                         September 7, 2018, pursuant to NAFTA
                                               administrative review for all shipments                                                                       Article 1904. Panel Review was
                                                                                                       Administrative Protective Order                       requested in regards to the Department
                                               of the subject merchandise from China
                                               entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,                     This notice also serves as a reminder               of Commerce’s final antidumping duty
                                               for consumption on or after the                         to parties subject to administrative                  determination of Certain Uncoated
                                               publication date, as provided by section                protective order (APO) of their                       Groundwood Paper from Canada. The
                                               751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For Baosteel,              responsibility concerning the return or               final determination was published in
                                               Shanghai Meishan Iron & Steel, and                                                                            the Federal Register on August 9, 2018
                                                                                                       destruction of proprietary information
                                               Union Steel China, which did not                                                                              (83 FR 39412). The NAFTA Secretariat
                                                                                                       disclosed under the APO in accordance
                                               qualify for separate rate, the cash                                                                           has assigned case number USA–CDA–
                                                                                                       with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
                                               deposit rate will be China-wide rate of                                                                       2018–1904–05 to this request.
                                                                                                       continues to govern business
                                               90.83 percent; (2) for previously                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul
                                                                                                       proprietary information in this segment
                                               investigated or reviewed Chinese and                                                                          E. Morris, United States Secretary,
                                                                                                       of the proceeding. Timely written
                                               non-Chinese exporters not listed above                                                                        NAFTA Secretariat, Room 2061, 1401
                                                                                                       notification of the return or destruction
                                               that have separate rates, the cash                                                                            Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
                                                                                                       of APO materials or conversion to
                                               deposit rate will continue to be the                                                                          DC 20230, (202) 482–5438.
                                                                                                       judicial protective order is hereby
                                               exporter-specific rate published for the                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Chapter
                                               most recent period; (3) for all Chinese                 requested. Failure to comply with the
                                                                                                                                                             19 of Article 1904 of NAFTA provides
                                               exporters of subject merchandise which                  regulations and the terms of an APO is
                                                                                                                                                             a dispute settlement mechanism
                                               have not been found to be entitled to a                 a violation subject to sanction.
                                                                                                                                                             involving trade remedy determinations
                                               separate rate, the cash deposit rate will               Notification to Interested Parties                    issued by the Government of the United
                                                                                                                                                             States, the Government of Canada, and
                                                 2 Because no party is challenging the prior             We are issuing and publishing these                 the Government of Mexico. Following a
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               collapsing determination, we continue to collapse       results in accordance with sections
                                               Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai Baosteel
                                                                                                                                                             Request for Panel Review, a Binational
                                               International Economic & Trading Co., Ltd., and         751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19             Panel is composed to review the trade
                                               Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (collectively,         CFR 351.213(h) and 351.221(b)(5).                     remedy determination being challenged
                                               Baosteel). See Certain Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat                                                           and issue a binding Panel Decision.
                                               Products from the People’s Republic of China: Final
                                               No Shipments Determination of Antidumping Duty
                                                                                                                                                             There are established NAFTA Rules of
                                               Administrative Review; 2012–2013; 79 FR 67415                                                                 Procedure for Article 1904 Binational
                                               (November 13, 2014).                                                                                          Panel Reviews, which were adopted by

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:47 Sep 14, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00006   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM   17SEN1

                                               46916                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 180 / Monday, September 17, 2018 / Notices

                                               the three governments for panels                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      for a CCR.7 On April 18, 2017,
                                               requested pursuant to Article 1904(2) of                Susan S. Pulongbarit, AD/CVD                          Commerce received comments from the
                                               NAFTA which requires Requests for                       Operations, Office V, Enforcement and                 petitioner regarding PrimeSource’s
                                               Panel Review to be published in                         Compliance, International Trade                       comments.8 On May 11, 2017,
                                               accordance with Rule 35. For the                        Administration, U.S. Department of                    Commerce issued a supplemental
                                               complete Rules, please see https://                     Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue                    questionnaire to the petitioner requiring
                                               www.nafta-sec-alena.org/Home/Texts-                     NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone                   further information regarding its CCR
                                               of-the-Agreement/Rules-of-Procedure/                    202–482–4031.                                         request.9 On May 17, 2017, the
                                               Article-1904.                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            petitioner submitted its response to the
                                                  The Rules provide that:                                                                                    CCR Supplemental.10 On May 24, 2017,
                                                                                                       Background                                            Building Materials Distributors, Inc.
                                                  (a) A Party or interested person may
                                               challenge the final determination in                      On August 1, 2008, Commerce                         (BMD) submitted a letter opposing the
                                               whole or in part by filing a Complaint                  published the antidumping duty order                  petitioner’s request for the initiation of
                                               in accordance with Rule 39 within 30                    on nails from the China.1 On April 21,                a CCR,11 to which the petitioner
                                               days after the filing of the first Request              2011, in response to a request submitted              responded on May 31, 2017.12 On May
                                               for Panel Review (the deadline for filing               by the petitioner, Commerce published                 31, 2017, PrimeSource submitted a
                                               a Complaint is October 9, 2018);                        an initiation and preliminary results of              response to the petitioner’s CCR
                                                  (b) A Party, investigating authority or              a CCR, in which Commerce                              Supplemental Response.13
                                               interested person that does not file a                  preliminarily revoked the Order with
                                                                                                       respect to four types of steel nails based            Scope of the Order
                                               Complaint but that intends to appear in
                                               support of any reviewable portion of the                on petitioner’s expressed lack of interest               The merchandise covered by the
                                               final determination may participate in                  in antidumping duty relief with respect               Order includes certain steel nails having
                                               the panel review by filing a Notice of                  to such imports.2 In addition,                        a shaft length up to 12 inches. Certain
                                               Appearance in accordance with Rule 40                   Commerce preliminarily adopted                        steel nails subject to the Order are
                                               within 45 days after the filing of the first            petitioner’s proposed exclusion                       currently classified under the
                                               Request for Panel Review (the deadline                  language concerning the four types of                 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
                                               for filing a Notice of Appearance is                    steel nails, in part, declining to adopt              United States (HTSUS) subheadings
                                               October 22, 2018); and                                  language which would have required                    7317.00.55, 7317.00.65, 7317.00.75, and
                                                  (c) The panel review shall be limited                the labels ‘‘roof’’ or ‘‘roofing’’ on the             7907.00.6000.14 While the HTSUS
                                               to the allegations of error of fact or law,             packaging of three of the four types of               subheadings are provided for
                                               including challenges to the jurisdiction                excluded steel nails.3 On May 24, 2011,               convenience and customs purposes, the
                                               of the investigating authority, that are                Commerce published its final results for              written description of the scope of the
                                               set out in the Complaints filed in the                  the CCR revoking the Order with respect               Order is dispositive.15
                                               panel review and to the procedural and                  to the aforementioned four types of steel
                                                                                                                                                             Initiation and Expedited Preliminary
                                               substantive defenses raised in the panel                nails, unchanged from the preliminary
                                                                                                                                                             Results of Changed Circumstances
                                               review.                                                 results.4 Commerce made no changes to
                                                                                                       the preliminary scope exclusion
                                                 Dated: September 12, 2018.                            language, and, thus, aside from the                     Pursuant to section 751(b)(1) of the
                                               Paul E. Morris,                                         labeling language, Commerce otherwise                 Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act)
                                               U.S. Secretary, NAFTA Secretariat.                      adopted the new exclusion language                    and 19 CFR 351.216(d), Commerce will
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–20120 Filed 9–14–18; 8:45 am]             proffered by the petitioner.5                         conduct a CCR of an antidumping or
                                               BILLING CODE 3510–GT–P                                     On March 22, 2017, the petitioner                  countervailing duty order when it
                                                                                                       requested that Commerce initiate                      receives information which shows
                                                                                                       another CCR to include the labels ‘‘roof’’            changed circumstances sufficient to
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  or ‘‘roofing’’ on the packaging and                   warrant such a review. In this case, for
                                                                                                       packaging marking of three of the four                the reasons discussed in the Preliminary
                                               International Trade Administration                      types of steels nails that were excluded
                                                                                                       from the scope of the Order in the 2011                 7 See PrimeSource’s April 12, 2017 CCR Letter

                                               [A–570–909]                                             CCR Final Results.6 On April 12, 2017,                (PrimeSource Comments).
                                                                                                                                                               8 See the Petitioner’s April 18, 2017 Response to
                                                                                                       Commerce received comments from
                                               Certain Steel Nails From the People’s                                                                         Prime Source (Petitioner’s PrimeSource Comments).
                                                                                                       PrimeSource Building Products, Inc.                     9 See Department Letter re: Changed
                                               Republic of China: Initiation and                       (PrimeSource) requesting that                         Circumstances Review Request: Supplemental
                                               Expedited Preliminary Results of                        Commerce reject the petitioner’s request              Questions, dated May 10, 2017 (CCR
                                               Antidumping Duty Changed                                                                                      Supplemental).
                                               Circumstances Review                                      1 See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain       10 See the Petitioner’s May 17, 2017 CCR

                                                                                                       Steel Nails from the People’s Republic of China, 73   Supplemental Response (CCR Supplemental
                                               AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,                    FR 44961 (August 1, 2008) (Order).                    Response).
                                                                                                                                                               11 See BMD’s May 24, 2017 CCR Letter (BMD
                                               International Trade Administration,                       2 See Certain Steel Nails from the People’s

                                                                                                       Republic of China: Initiation and Preliminary         Comments).
                                               Department of Commerce.                                                                                         12 See the Petitioner’s May 31, 2017 Response to
                                                                                                       Results of Antidumping Duty Changed
                                               SUMMARY: Based on a request from Mid                    Circumstances Review, 76 FR 22369 (April 21,          BMD (Petitioner’s BMD Comments).
                                               Continent Nail Corporation (the                         2011) (2011 CCR Initiation and Preliminary              13 See BMD’s May 31, 2017 Response to the

                                               petitioner), the Department of                          Results).                                             Petitioner’s CCR Supplemental Response (BMD’s
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         3 Id.                                               May 31, 2017 Comments).
                                               Commerce (Commerce) is initiating, and                    4 See Certain Steel Nails from the People’s           14 Commerce added the Harmonized Tariff
                                               issuing expedited preliminary results of,               Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping       Schedule category 7907.00.6000, ‘‘Other articles of
                                               a changed circumstances review (CCR)                    Duty Changed Circumstances Review, 76 FR 30101        zinc: Other,’’ to the language of the Order. See
                                               of the antidumping duty (AD) order on                   (May 24, 2011) (2011 CCR Final Results).              Memorandum ‘‘Certain Steel Nails from the
                                               certain steel nails (nails) from the
                                                                                                         5 Id.                                               People’s Republic of China: Cobra Anchors Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                         6 See the Petitioner’s March 22, 2017 Request for   Final Scope Ruling,’’ dated September 19, 2013.
                                               People’s Republic of China (China).                     Changed Circumstances Review (2017 CCR                  15 For a full description of the scope of the Order,

                                               DATES: Applicable September 17, 2018.                   Request).                                             see Attachment I.

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Document Created: 2018-09-15 01:38:02
Document Modified: 2018-09-15 01:38:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of NAFTA Request for Panel Review in the matter of Certain Uncoated Groundwood Paper From Canada: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value (Secretariat File Number: USA-CDA-2018- 1904-05).
ContactPaul E. Morris, United States Secretary, NAFTA Secretariat, Room 2061, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230, (202) 482-5438.
FR Citation83 FR 46915 

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