83_FR_48026 83 FR 47842 - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site

83 FR 47842 - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 184 (September 21, 2018)

Page Range47842-47843
FR Document2018-20532

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 announces the deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site (Site) located in South Hope, Maine, from the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL, promulgated pursuant to section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is an appendix of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). The EPA and the State of Maine, through the Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP), have determined that all appropriate response actions under CERCLA, other than operation and maintenance, monitoring, and five-year reviews, have been completed. However, this deletion does not preclude future actions under Superfund.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 184 (Friday, September 21, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 184 (Friday, September 21, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 47842-47843]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-20532]



40 CFR Part 300

[EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0011; FRL-9983-87--Region 1]

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; 
National Priorities List: Deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc. 
Superfund Site

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 announces 
the deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site (Site) 
located in South Hope, Maine, from the National Priorities List (NPL). 
The NPL, promulgated pursuant to section 105 of the Comprehensive 
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 
1980, as amended, is an appendix of the National Oil and Hazardous 
Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). The EPA and the State of 
Maine, through the Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP), have 
determined that all appropriate response actions under CERCLA, other 
than operation and maintenance, monitoring, and five-year reviews, have 
been completed. However, this deletion does not preclude future actions 
under Superfund.

DATES: This action is effective September 21, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Docket: EPA has established a docket for this action under 
Docket Identification No. EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0011. All documents in the 
docket are listed on the http://www.regulations.gov website. Although 
listed in the index, some information is not publicly available, i.e., 
Confidential Business Information or other information whose disclosure 
is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted 
material, is not placed on the internet and will be

[[Page 47843]]

publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket 
materials are available either electronically through http://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the site information repository. 
Location, contacts, phone numbers and viewing hours for the site 
information repository are:
    U.S. EPA Region 1, Superfund Records Center, 5 Post Office Square, 
Suite 100, Boston, MA 02109; Phone: (617) 918-1440; Monday-Friday: 9:00 
a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terrence Connelly, Remedial Project 
Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1, Mailcode 
OSRR07-1, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109; (617) 918-1373; 
email: connelly.terry@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The site to be deleted from the NPL is: 
Union Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site, South Hope, Maine. A Notice of 
Intent to Delete for this Site was published in the Federal Register 
(83 FR 34508) on July 20, 2018.
    The closing date for comments on the Notice of Intent to Delete was 
August 20, 2018. Two public comments were received. One commenter 
argued against deletion because they believe that groundwater 
contamination is being left behind inappropriately under EPA's 2013 
technical impracticability determination and proposed Site deletion, 
and that the implementation of the Declaration of Environmental 
Covenant (deed restriction) on the Site properties was done without 
public oversight. The second commenter voiced the belief that the 
deletion was a political decision ultimately directed from the White 
    In response, EPA notes that the chain of events leading to the 
proposed deletion began several years ago, when after multiple remedial 
attempts from 1996 to 2005, EPA determined in 2013 that it was 
technically impracticable to restore groundwater at the Site to 
drinking water quality. In a 2013 Record of Decision Amendment (ROD 
Amendment), EPA waived the requirement to meet groundwater cleanup 
standards due to technical impracticability because (1) the original 
groundwater pump-and-treat remedy had reached the limits of its 
effectiveness, (2) three additional innovative in situ technologies had 
proven unsuccessful in attaining the groundwater cleanup standards, and 
(3) a technical evaluation of cleanup alternatives indicated that no 
technology was available for achieving groundwater cleanup standards in 
a reasonable timeframe (in this case, under 300 years) due to Site-
specific hydrogeological and contaminant conditions. The 2013 ROD 
Amendment also adjusted the institutional control requirements of the 
remedy selected in the 1990 Record of Decision (ROD) with more 
specifics on the land use controls to be included in the deed 
restriction for the Site properties. Before the ROD Amendment was 
finalized, EPA presented about the revised site remedy in several 
meetings to the Town of Hope community. EPA received concurrence from 
the State and only positive comments from the public on the ROD 
Amendment. Consistent with the requirements of the ROD and ROD 
Amendment, MEDEP, working with the Maine Attorney General's Office and 
EPA, drafted and recorded the Declaration of Environmental Covenants. 
Upon the recording of the deed restriction, the Site became eligible 
for deletion, leading EPA to issue the Notice of Intent to Delete the 
    A responsiveness summary was prepared and placed in the docket, 
EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0011, on www.regulations.gov, and in the Superfund 
Records Center listed above.
    EPA maintains the NPL as the list of sites that appear to present a 
significant risk to public health, welfare, or the environment. 
Deletion from the NPL does not preclude further remedial action. 
Whenever there is a significant release from a site deleted from the 
NPL, the deleted site may be restored to the NPL without application of 
the hazard ranking system. Deletion of a site from the NPL does not 
affect responsible party liability in the unlikely event that future 
conditions warrant further actions.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Chemicals, 
Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Intergovernmental relations, 
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Superfund, Water 
pollution control, Water supply.

     Dated: September 6, 2018.
Alexandra Dunn,
Regional Administrator, Region 1.

    For reasons set out in the preamble, 40 CFR part 300 is amended as 


1. The authority citation for part 300 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(d); 42 U.S.C. 9601-9657; E.O. 13626, 
77 FR 56749, 3 CFR, 2013 Comp., p. 306; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 
CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52 FR 2923, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., 
p. 193.

Appendix B to Part 300--[Amended]

2. Table 1 of appendix B to part 300 is amended by removing the listing 
under Maine for ``Union Chemical Co., Inc''.

[FR Doc. 2018-20532 Filed 9-20-18; 8:45 am]

                                             47842            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 184 / Friday, September 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Analytics (See DMM 608.8.1 for contact                  3.3    IMpb Standards                                 2100, Washington, DC 20260–
                                             information).                                             [Revise the last two sentences of 3.3               2100.* * *
                                             *    *     *    *   *                                   to read as follows:]                                  *     *   *     *    *
                                                                                                       Unless otherwise excepted,                            We will publish an appropriate
                                             210 Commercial Mail Priority Mail                                                                             amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to reflect
                                             Express                                                 mailpieces not meeting the
                                                                                                     requirements for use of unique                        these changes.
                                             213    Prices and Eligibility                           Intelligent Mail package barcodes or                  Ruth B. Stevenson,
                                             *      *     *       *      *                           extra services barcodes as outlined in                Attorney, Federal Compliance
                                                                                                     section and Publication 199:                [FR Doc. 2018–20587 Filed 9–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                             3.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for                     Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb)
                                             Priority Mail Express                                   Implementation Guide for: Confirmation
                                                                                                                                                           BILLING CODE 7710–12–P

                                             *      *     *       *      *                           Services and Electronic Verification
                                                                                                     System (eVS) Mailers, will be assessed
                                             3.2   IMpb Standards                                    an IMpb noncompliance fee.                            ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                       Detailed specifications are available               AGENCY
                                               [Revise the last two sentences of 3.2
                                             to read as follows:]                                    on PostalPro at http://postalpro.usps.                40 CFR Part 300
                                               * * * Unless otherwise excepted,                                                                            [EPA–HQ–SFUND–1989–0011; FRL–9983–
                                                                                                     *     *     *     *    *
                                             mailpieces not meeting the                                                                                    87—Region 1]
                                             requirements for use of unique                          280 Commercial Mail First-Class
                                             Intelligent Mail package barcodes or                    Package Service—Commercial                            National Oil and Hazardous
                                             extra services barcodes as outlined in                                                                        Substances Pollution Contingency
                                                                                                     283    Prices and Eligibility
                                             section and Publication 199:                                                                        Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion
                                             Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb)                 *      *      *      *       *                        of the Union Chemical Co., Inc.
                                             Implementation Guide for: Confirmation                  3.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for                   Superfund Site
                                             Services and Electronic Verification                    First-Class Package Service—                          AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                             System (eVS) Mailers, will be assessed                  Commercial                                            Agency.
                                             an IMpb noncompliance fee. Detailed
                                             specifications are available on PostalPro               *      *      *      *       *                        ACTION: Final rule.
                                             at http://postalpro.usps.com.                           3.4    IMpb Standards                                 SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                             *     *     *     *    *                                  [Revise the text of 3.4 to read as                  Agency (EPA) Region 1 announces the
                                             220    Commercial Mail Priority Mail                    follows:]                                             deletion of the Union Chemical Co., Inc.
                                                                                                       All First-Class Package Service—                    Superfund Site (Site) located in South
                                             223    Prices and Eligibility                                                                                 Hope, Maine, from the National
                                                                                                     Commercial parcels must bear an
                                             *      *     *       *      *                           Intelligent Mail package barcode (IMpb)               Priorities List (NPL). The NPL,
                                                                                                     prepared under 204.2.0. Unless                        promulgated pursuant to section 105 of
                                             3.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for                                                                           the Comprehensive Environmental
                                                                                                     otherwise excepted, mailpieces not
                                             Priority Mail                                                                                                 Response, Compensation, and Liability
                                                                                                     meeting the requirements for use of
                                             *      *     *       *      *                           unique Intelligent Mail package                       Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is
                                                                                                     barcodes or extra services barcodes as                an appendix of the National Oil and
                                             3.2   IMpb Standards                                                                                          Hazardous Substances Pollution
                                                                                                     outlined in section and
                                               [Revise the last two sentences of 3.2                 Publication 199: Intelligent Mail                     Contingency Plan (NCP). The EPA and
                                             to read as follows:]                                    Package Barcode (IMpb)                                the State of Maine, through the
                                                                                                     Implementation Guide for: Confirmation                Department of Environmental Protection
                                               * * * Unless otherwise excepted,                                                                            (MEDEP), have determined that all
                                                                                                     Services and Electronic Verification
                                             mailpieces not meeting the                                                                                    appropriate response actions under
                                                                                                     System (eVS) Mailers, will be assessed
                                             requirements for use of unique                                                                                CERCLA, other than operation and
                                                                                                     an IMpb noncompliance fee.
                                             Intelligent Mail package barcodes or                                                                          maintenance, monitoring, and five-year
                                             extra services barcodes as outlined in                    Detailed specifications are available
                                                                                                     on PostalPro at http://postalpro.usps.                reviews, have been completed.
                                             section and Publication 199:                                                                        However, this deletion does not
                                             Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb)                 com.
                                                                                                                                                           preclude future actions under
                                             Implementation Guide for: Confirmation                  *     *     *    *      *
                                             Services and Electronic Verification                    600 Basic Standards For All Mailing
                                             System (eVS) Mailers, will be assessed                                                                        DATES:  This action is effective
                                                                                                     Services                                              September 21, 2018.
                                             an IMpb noncompliance fee.
                                                                                                     *      *      *      *       *                        ADDRESSES: Docket: EPA has established
                                               Detailed specifications are available
                                             on PostalPro at http://postalpro.usps.                  608    Postal Information and Resources               a docket for this action under Docket
                                             com.                                                                                                          Identification No. EPA–HQ–SFUND–
                                                                                                     *      *      *      *       *                        1989–0011. All documents in the docket
                                             *     *     *     *    *                                                                                      are listed on the http://
                                                                                                     8.0    USPS Contact Information
                                             250    Commercial Mail Parcel Select                                                                          www.regulations.gov website. Although
                                                                                                     8.1    Postal Service                                 listed in the index, some information is
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             253    Prices and Eligibility                           *     *    *     *    *                               not publicly available, i.e., Confidential
                                             *      *     *       *      *                             [Revise 608.8.1 by adding Enterprise                Business Information or other
                                                                                                     Analytics text, alphabetically to read as             information whose disclosure is
                                             3.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for                     follows:]                                             restricted by statute. Certain other
                                             Parcel Select Parcels                                     * * * Enterprise Analytics, US Postal               material, such as copyrighted material,
                                             *      *     *       *      *                           Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room                  is not placed on the internet and will be

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:15 Sep 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\21SER1.SGM   21SER1

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 184 / Friday, September 21, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                             47843

                                             publicly available only in hard copy                    groundwater cleanup standards in a                      Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(d); 42 U.S.C.
                                             form. Publicly available docket                         reasonable timeframe (in this case,                   9601–9657; E.O. 13626, 77 FR 56749, 3 CFR,
                                             materials are available either                          under 300 years) due to Site-specific                 2013 Comp., p. 306; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757,
                                             electronically through http://                          hydrogeological and contaminant                       3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52
                                                                                                                                                           FR 2923, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 193.
                                             www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                  conditions. The 2013 ROD Amendment
                                             the site information repository.                        also adjusted the institutional control               Appendix B to Part 300—[Amended]
                                             Location, contacts, phone numbers and                   requirements of the remedy selected in
                                             viewing hours for the site information                  the 1990 Record of Decision (ROD) with                ■  2. Table 1 of appendix B to part 300
                                             repository are:                                         more specifics on the land use controls               is amended by removing the listing
                                                U.S. EPA Region 1, Superfund                         to be included in the deed restriction for            under Maine for ‘‘Union Chemical Co.,
                                             Records Center, 5 Post Office Square,                   the Site properties. Before the ROD                   Inc’’.
                                             Suite 100, Boston, MA 02109; Phone:                     Amendment was finalized, EPA                          [FR Doc. 2018–20532 Filed 9–20–18; 8:45 am]
                                             (617) 918–1440; Monday–Friday: 9:00                     presented about the revised site remedy               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                             a.m.–5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday:                    in several meetings to the Town of Hope
                                             Closed.                                                 community. EPA received concurrence
                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        from the State and only positive                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                             Terrence Connelly, Remedial Project                     comments from the public on the ROD
                                             Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection                  Amendment. Consistent with the                        National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                             Agency, Region 1, Mailcode OSRR07–1,                    requirements of the ROD and ROD                       Administration
                                             5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109;                 Amendment, MEDEP, working with the
                                             (617) 918–1373; email: connelly.terry@                  Maine Attorney General’s Office and                   50 CFR Part 635
                                             epa.gov.                                                EPA, drafted and recorded the
                                                                                                     Declaration of Environmental                          [Docket No. 150121066–5717–02]
                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The site to
                                             be deleted from the NPL is: Union                       Covenants. Upon the recording of the
                                                                                                                                                           RIN 0648–XG489
                                             Chemical Co., Inc. Superfund Site,                      deed restriction, the Site became eligible
                                             South Hope, Maine. A Notice of Intent                   for deletion, leading EPA to issue the                Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
                                             to Delete for this Site was published in                Notice of Intent to Delete the Site.                  Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
                                             the Federal Register (83 FR 34508) on                      A responsiveness summary was
                                                                                                     prepared and placed in the docket,                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                             July 20, 2018.
                                                The closing date for comments on the                 EPA–HQ–SFUND–1989–0011, on                            Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                             Notice of Intent to Delete was August                   www.regulations.gov, and in the                       Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                             20, 2018. Two public comments were                      Superfund Records Center listed above.                Commerce.
                                             received. One commenter argued against                     EPA maintains the NPL as the list of               ACTION: Temporary rule; General
                                             deletion because they believe that                      sites that appear to present a significant            category September fishery for 2018;
                                             groundwater contamination is being left                 risk to public health, welfare, or the                inseason bluefin tuna quota transfer and
                                             behind inappropriately under EPA’s                      environment. Deletion from the NPL                    closure.
                                             2013 technical impracticability                         does not preclude further remedial
                                                                                                                                                           SUMMARY:   NMFS transfers 60 metric
                                             determination and proposed Site                         action. Whenever there is a significant
                                                                                                                                                           tons (mt) of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT)
                                             deletion, and that the implementation of                release from a site deleted from the NPL,
                                                                                                                                                           quota from the Reserve category to the
                                             the Declaration of Environmental                        the deleted site may be restored to the
                                                                                                                                                           September 2018 subquota period and
                                             Covenant (deed restriction) on the Site                 NPL without application of the hazard
                                                                                                                                                           closes the General category fishery for
                                             properties was done without public                      ranking system. Deletion of a site from
                                                                                                                                                           large medium and giant BFT until the
                                             oversight. The second commenter                         the NPL does not affect responsible
                                                                                                                                                           General category reopens on October 1,
                                             voiced the belief that the deletion was                 party liability in the unlikely event that
                                                                                                                                                           2018. The quota transfer is intended to
                                             a political decision ultimately directed                future conditions warrant further
                                                                                                                                                           provide additional fishing opportunities
                                             from the White House.                                   actions.
                                                In response, EPA notes that the chain                                                                      based on consideration of the regulatory
                                             of events leading to the proposed                       List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300                   determination criteria regarding
                                             deletion began several years ago, when                                                                        inseason adjustments and applies to
                                                                                                       Environmental protection, Air                       Atlantic tunas General category
                                             after multiple remedial attempts from                   pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous
                                             1996 to 2005, EPA determined in 2013                                                                          (commercial) permitted vessels and
                                                                                                     substances, Hazardous waste,                          Highly Migratory Species (HMS)
                                             that it was technically impracticable to                Intergovernmental relations, Penalties,
                                             restore groundwater at the Site to                                                                            Charter/Headboat category permitted
                                                                                                     Reporting and recordkeeping                           vessels with a commercial sale
                                             drinking water quality. In a 2013 Record                requirements, Superfund, Water
                                             of Decision Amendment (ROD                                                                                    endorsement when fishing
                                                                                                     pollution control, Water supply.                      commercially for BFT. Given that the
                                             Amendment), EPA waived the
                                                                                                       Dated: September 6, 2018.                           adjusted quota is projected to be caught
                                             requirement to meet groundwater
                                             cleanup standards due to technical                      Alexandra Dunn,                                       quickly, the closure is to prevent
                                             impracticability because (1) the original               Regional Administrator, Region 1.                     overharvest of the adjusted General
                                             groundwater pump-and-treat remedy                                                                             category September 2018 BFT subquota.
                                                                                                       For reasons set out in the preamble,
                                             had reached the limits of its                                                                                 DATES: The quota transfer is effective
                                                                                                     40 CFR part 300 is amended as follows:
                                             effectiveness, (2) three additional                                                                           September 18, 2018 through September
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES

                                             innovative in situ technologies had                     PART 300—NATIONAL OIL AND                             30, 2018. The closure is effective 11:30
                                             proven unsuccessful in attaining the                    HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES                                  p.m., local time, September 23, 2018,
                                             groundwater cleanup standards, and (3)                  POLLUTION CONTINGENCY PLAN                            through September 30, 2018.
                                             a technical evaluation of cleanup                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                             alternatives indicated that no                          ■ 1. The authority citation for part 300              Sarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale,
                                             technology was available for achieving                  continues to read as follows:                         978–281–9260.

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:15 Sep 20, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00043   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\21SER1.SGM   21SER1

Document Created: 2018-09-21 00:24:26
Document Modified: 2018-09-21 00:24:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis action is effective September 21, 2018.
ContactTerrence Connelly, Remedial Project Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1, Mailcode OSRR07-1, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109; (617) 918-1373; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 47842 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Chemicals; Hazardous Substances; Hazardous Waste; Intergovernmental Relations; Penalties; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Superfund; Water Pollution Control and Water Supply

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