83_FR_507 83 FR 504 - Certain Hardwood Plywood Products From the People's Republic of China: Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, and Antidumping Duty Order

83 FR 504 - Certain Hardwood Plywood Products From the People's Republic of China: Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, and Antidumping Duty Order

International Trade Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 3 (January 4, 2018)

Page Range504-513
FR Document2017-28482

Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on certain hardwood plywood products (hardwood plywood) from the People's Republic of China (China). We are also amending our Final Determination to correct ministerial errors with respect to the identification of companies receiving a separate rate.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 3 (Thursday, January 4, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 3 (Thursday, January 4, 2018)]
[Pages 504-513]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-28482]



International Trade Adminstration


Certain Hardwood Plywood Products From the People's Republic of 
China: Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 
and Antidumping Duty Order

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of 
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), 
Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on certain hardwood 
plywood products (hardwood plywood) from the People's Republic of China 
(China). We are also amending our Final Determination to correct 
ministerial errors with respect to the identification of companies 
receiving a separate rate.

DATES: Applicable January 4, 2018.

Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3927 or (202) 482-5260, 

Period of Investigation

    The period of investigation (POI) is April 1, 2016, through 
September 30, 2016.



    On November 16, 2017, Commerce published in the Federal Register 
the Final Determination that hardwood plywood from China is being, or 
is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value 
(LTFV), as provided in section 735 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as 
amended (the Act).\1\ From November 16, 2017, to November 27, 2017, 
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd. and Highland Industries Inc. (Cosco 
and Highland), Linyi Chengen Import and Export Co., Ltd. (Chengen), and 
the Coalition for Fair Trade in Hardwood Plywood and its individual 
members (collectively, the petitioners) submitted ministerial error 
allegations and rebuttal comments concerning the Final 
Determination.\2\ On December 8, 2017, Commerce issued its findings 
related to the ministerial error allegations.\3\ On December 20, 2017, 
the ITC notified Commerce of its final affirmative determination that 
an industry in the United States is materially injured within the 
meaning of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, by reason of the LTFV 
imports of hardwood plywood from China.\4\ The ITC also notified 
Commerce of its determination that critical circumstances do not exist 
with respect to imports of hardwood plywood from China subject to 
Commerce's final affirmative critical circumstances finding.

    \1\ See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from the People's 
Republic of China: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair 
Value, and Final Affirmative Determination of Critical 
Circumstances, in Part, 82 FR 53460 (November 16, 2017) (Final 
    \2\ See Cosco and Highland's Letter, ``Hardwood Plywood Products 
from the People's Republic of China: Ministerial Error Comments on 
Final Determination,'' dated November 16, 2017 (Cosco and Highland 
Ministerial Error Comments); Chengen's Letter, ``Hardwood Plywood 
Products from the People's Republic of China: Allegation of 
Ministerial Errors in Final Determination,'' dated November 20, 2017 
(Chengen Ministerial Error Comments); and Petitioners' Letter, 
``Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from the People's Republic of 
China: Response to Ministerial Error Submission,'' dated November 
27, 2017 (Petitioners' Rebuttal Ministerial Error Comments).
    \3\ See Memorandum, ``Antidumping Duty Investigation of Certain 
Hardwood Plywood Products from the People's Republic of China: 
Allegations of Ministerial Errors in the Final Determination,'' 
dated December 8, 2017 (Ministerial Error Memorandum).
    \4\ See Letter to Gary Taverman, Acting Assistant Secretary of 
Commerce for Enforcement and Compliance, from Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, 
Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission, regarding 
certain hardwood plywood products from the People's Republic of 
China (December 20, 2017) (ITC Letter).

Scope of the Order

    For a complete description of the scope of the order, see the 
Appendix to this notice.

Amendment to Final Determination

    Consistent with Commerce's December 8, 2017, findings regarding the 
interested parties' ministerial error allegations, and pursuant to 
section 735(e) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.224(e) and (f), Commerce is 
amending the Final Determination to reflect the correction of 
ministerial errors it made in spelling the name of Cosco's producer, 
Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd (Feixian), and Highland's producer, 
Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co., Ltd. (Weifang), on the exporter/
producer list for separate rate recipients.\5\

    \5\ For a detailed discussion of Commerce's ministerial error 
findings, see Ministerial Error Memorandum.

    As a result of this amended final determination, we have corrected 
the spelling of Feixian and Weifang on the exporter/producer list as 

                                                                                      average      Cash deposit
                  Exporter                                 Producer               dumping margin  rate (percent)
Highland Industries Inc....................  Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55

Antidumping Duty Order

    In accordance with section 735(d) of the Act, the ITC notified 
Commerce of its final determination in this investigation, in which it 
found that an industry in the United States is materially injured, 
within the meaning of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, by reason of 
imports of hardwood plywood from China. The ITC also notified Commerce 
of its determination that critical circumstances do not exist with 
respect to imports of hardwood plywood from China subject to Commerce's 
final affirmative critical circumstances finding. Therefore, in 
accordance with section 735(c)(2) of the Act, we are publishing this 
antidumping duty order. Because the ITC determined that imports of 
hardwood plywood from China are materially injuring a U.S. industry, 
unliquidated entries of such merchandise from China entered or 
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, are subject to the assessment 
of antidumping duties.

[[Page 505]]

    As a result of the ITC's final determination, in accordance with 
section 736(a)(1) of the Act, Commerce will direct U.S. Customs and 
Border Protection (CBP) to assess, upon further instruction by 
Commerce, antidumping duties equal to the amount by which the normal 
value of the merchandise exceeds the export price (or constructed 
export price) of the merchandise, for all relevant entries of hardwood 
plywood from China. Antidumping duties will be assessed on unliquidated 
entries of hardwood plywood from China entered, or withdrawn from 
warehouse, for consumption on or after June 23, 2017, the date of 
publication of the Preliminary Determination,\6\ but will not include 
entries occurring after the expiration of the provisional measures 
period and before publication of the ITC's final injury determination 
as further described below.

    \6\ See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from the People's 
Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at 
Less Than Fair Value, Preliminary Affirmative Determination of 
Critical Circumstances, in Part, 82 FR 28629 (June 23, 2017) 
(Preliminary Determination) and accompanying Preliminary Decision 

Suspension of Liquidation

    In accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, Commerce will 
instruct CBP to continue to suspend liquidation on all relevant entries 
of hardwood plywood from China. These instructions suspending 
liquidation will remain in effect until further notice.
    We will also instruct CBP to require cash deposits at rates equal 
to the estimated weighted-average dumping margins indicated in the 
chart below, adjusted where appropriate for export subsidies and 
estimated domestic subsidy pass-through.\7\ Accordingly, effective on 
the date of publication of the ITC's final affirmative injury 
determination, CBP will require, at the same time as importers would 
normally deposit estimated duties on this subject merchandise, a cash 
deposit at the rates listed below.\8\ The rate for the China-wide 
entity applies to all producers or exporters not specifically listed. 
For the purpose of determining cash deposit rates, the estimated 
weighted-average dumping margins for imports of subject merchandise 
from China will be adjusted, as appropriate, for export subsidies found 
in the final determination of the companion countervailing duty 
investigation of this merchandise imported from China.\9\

    \7\ No party in the less-than-fair-value investigation 
established eligibility for an adjustment for estimated domestic 
subsidy pass-through. See Preliminary Determination, unchanged in 
Final Determination.
    \8\ See section 736(a)(3) of the Act.
    \9\ See Final Determination.

Provisional Measures

    Section 733(d) of the Act states that instructions issued pursuant 
to an affirmative preliminary determination may not remain in effect 
for more than four months, except where exporters representing a 
significant proportion of exports of the subject merchandise request 
Commerce to extend that four-month period to no more than six months. 
At the request of the exporters that account for a significant 
proportion of exports of hardwood plywood from China, we extended the 
four-month period to six months in this case.\10\ In the underlying 
investigation, Commerce published the Preliminary Determination on June 
23, 2017.\11\ Therefore, the extended period beginning on the date of 
publication of the Preliminary Determination, ended December 19, 2017. 
Furthermore, section 737(b) of the Act states that definitive duties 
are to begin on the date of publication of the ITC's final injury 

    \10\ See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from the People's 
Republic of China: Postponement of Final Determination of Sales at 
Less Than Fair Value Investigation, 82 FR 29827 (June 30, 2017).
    \11\ See Preliminary Determination.

    Therefore, in accordance with section 733(d) of the Act and our 
practice, we will instruct CBP to terminate the suspension of 
liquidation and to liquidate, without regard to antidumping duties, 
unliquidated entries of hardwood plywood from China entered, or 
withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after December 19, 
2017, the date on which the provisional measures expired, until and 
through the day preceding the date of publication of the ITC's final 
injury determinations in the Federal Register. Suspension of 
liquidation will resume on the date of publication of the ITC's final 
determination in the Federal Register.

Critical Circumstances

    In its final determination, the ITC did not make an affirmative 
critical circumstances finding with respect to imports of subject 
merchandise from China that were subject to Commerce's final 
affirmative critical circumstances determination. Accordingly, Commerce 
will instruct CBP to lift suspension and to refund any cash deposit 
made to secure the payment of estimated antidumping duties with respect 
to entries of the merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for 
consumption on or after March 25, 2017 (i.e., 90 days prior to the date 
of publication of the preliminary determination), but before June 23, 
2017, the publication date of the Preliminary Determination.

Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping Margin

    The weighted-average antidumping duty margin percentages and cash 
deposit percentages are as follows:

                  Exporter                                 Producer                   average      Cash deposit
                                                                                  dumping margin  rate (percent)
Linyi Chengen Import and Export Co., Ltd...  Linyi Dongfangjuxin Wood Co., Ltd..          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Feixian Jianxin Board Factory......          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Xicheng Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Fengxian Jihe Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Lanshan District Xiangfeng             183.36          171.55
                                              Decorative Board Factory.
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Lanshan District Fubai Wood            183.36          171.55
                                              Board Factory.
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Feixian Shangye Town Mingda Multi-           183.36          171.55
                                              layered Board Factory.
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Xuzhou Dayuan Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55

[[Page 506]]

Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd...................  Linyi Renlin Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Celtic Co., Ltd............................  Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Celtic Co., Ltd............................  Pinyi Fuhua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Feixian Wanda Wood Factory.........          183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Feixian Xinhe Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Xuzhou Yujinfang Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Linyi Huifeng Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
China Friend Limited.......................  Linyi Dongfangjuxin Wood Co., Ltd..          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp...          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Union Wood Co. Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co. Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Xuzhou Shenghe Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Laiyi Timber Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Hongqiang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Cosco Star International Co., Ltd..........  Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo             183.36          171.55
                                              Wood Factory.
Deqing China-Africa Foreign Trade Port Co.,  Suqian Welcomewood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Ltd.
Deqing China-Africa Foreign Trade Port Co.,  Feixian Hongqiang Wooden Products            183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Co., Ltd.
Feixian Jinde Wood Factory.................  Feixian Jinde Wood Factory.........          183.36          171.55
Feixian Longteng Wood Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Longteng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Golder International Trade Co., Ltd........  Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
Golder International Trade Co., Ltd........  Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Golder International Trade Co., Ltd........  Pizhou Jinuoyuan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Golder International Trade Co., Ltd........  Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Golder International Trade Co., Ltd........  Xuzhou Jiamei Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
G.D. Enterprise Limited....................  International Wood Products                  183.36          171.55
                                              (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Happy Wood Industrial Group Co., Ltd.......  Happy Wood Industrial Group Co.,             183.36          171.55
Henan Hongda Woodcraft Industry Co., Ltd...  Henan Hongda Woodcraft Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Highland Industries Inc....................  Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Highland Industries Inc....................  Anqiu Hengrui Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Highland Industries Inc....................  Weifang Chenglin Wood Industry Co.,          183.36          171.55
Huainan Mengping Import and Export Co., Ltd  Linyi Qianfeng Panel Factory Co.,            183.36          171.55
Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd...........  Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd...........  Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd...........  Pizhou Arser Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd...........  Linyi Jinghai Wood Products Factory          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Qianjiuren International Trading     Jiangsu Shuren Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Shengyang Industrial Joint Stock     Jiangsu Shengyang Industrial Joint           183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Stock Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Linyi Jinkun Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Feixian Xindongfang Wood Co., Ltd..          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Feixian Fuyang Plywood Factory.....          183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd...  Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Jiashan Dalin Wood Industry Co., Ltd.......  Jiashan Dalin Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Junbang Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda           183.36          171.55
                                              Wood Factory.
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Linyi City Lanshan District                  183.36          171.55
                                              Xiangfeng Wood Decoration Factory.
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Yixin Wood Processing                183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Pizhou Wantai Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Fengxiang Wood Processing            183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Compete Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Kunyu Plywood Factory........          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Hengtong Wood Co., Ltd.............  Jiaxing Hengtong Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Jiaxing Kaochuan Woodwork Co., Ltd.........  Jiaxing Kaochuan Woodwork Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55

[[Page 507]]

Leadwood Industrial Corp...................  Leadwood Industrial Corp...........          183.36          171.55
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Xinyi Chaohua Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp...          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi City Lanshan District Baoshan          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Wood Factory.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Pizhou Yuanxing Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo             183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Wood Factory.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Fei County Hongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Xuzhou Hongwei Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Wanda Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Hongqiang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi City Lanshan District Fuerda           183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Wood Factory.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Junbang Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi City Lanshan District                  183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Xiangfeng Wood Decoration Factory.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade      Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda           183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Wood Factory.
Linyi City Dongfang Fukai Wood Industry      Linyi City Dongfang Fukai Wood               183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Industry Co., Ltd.
Linyi City Dongfang Jinxin Economic and      Linyi City Dongfang Jinxin Economic          183.36          171.55
 Trade Co., Ltd.                              and Trade Co., Ltd.
Linyi City Shenrui International Trade Co.,  Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood              183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Co., Ltd.
Linyi City Shenrui International Trade Co.,  Feixian Zhenghua Wood Factory......          183.36          171.55
Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..................  Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd..............  Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Linyi Glary Plywood Co., Ltd...............  Linyi Glary Plywood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Linyi Hengsheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd.....  Linyi Hengsheng Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co.,             183.36          171.55
Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Linyi Linhai Wood Co., Ltd.................  Linyi Linhai Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd................  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Linyi Tian He Wooden Industry Co., Ltd.....  Linyi Tian He Wooden Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd................  Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Pizhou Dayun Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd  Xuzhou Camry Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Pizhou Jin Sheng Yuan International Trade    Xuzhou Chengxin Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Pizhou Jin Sheng Yuan International Trade    Xuzhou Golden River Wood Co., Ltd..          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Linyi Fubo Wood Co., Ltd...........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry           183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Linyi Haisen Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Linyi Jubang Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Xuzhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Xuzhou Xuexin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Anhui Fuyang Qinglin Wood Products           183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Anhui Huijin Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Anhui Lingfeng Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Pizhou Zhongxin Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co.,    Xuzhou Spring Art Yang Wood                  183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Industry Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Dahua Wood Products Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Yutai Zezhong Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Evergreen Wood Products Co.,           183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood                183.36          171.55
                                              Products Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Tanyi Youchengjiafu Wood             183.36          171.55
                                              Products Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Mingteng Wood Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Dahua Wood Products Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Yutai Zezhong Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Qianfeng Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Shandong Jinqiu Wood Products Co.,           183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Laite Plywood Factory........          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Products Co.          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Lijun Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55

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Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Shuangfeng Wood Products             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Longxin Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Lanshan Wanmei Wood Factory..          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Xinhe Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Chenyuan Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Di Birch Wood Industry Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Shandong Junxing Wood Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Jiexin Wood Products Factory.          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Jiangsu Lishun Industry And Trade            183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Evergreen Wood Products Co.,           183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Anhui Qinglin Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Haisen Wood Products Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Hongze Plywood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Kaifeng Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Fugang Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Lanling Longziyun Wood Products              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Fuerda Wood Products Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixan Dexin Wood Products Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood                183.36          171.55
                                              Products Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Linyi Huifeng Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp.........  Feixian Kailin Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd.....  Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shandong Huiyu International Trade Co., Ltd  Linyi Huifeng Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shandong Jinluda International Trade Co.,    Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Jinluda International Trade Co.,    Shandong Jinqiu Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Junbang Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda           183.36          171.55
                                              Wood Factory.
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory.......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Linyi City Lanshan District                  183.36          171.55
                                              Xiangfeng Wood Decoration Factory.
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Lanshan Yulin Wood Factory...          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Yixin Wood Processing                183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Xuzhou Dayuan Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Xuzhou Yuantai Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Pizhou Wantai Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Desheng Wood Industry                183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Feixian Fengxiang Wood Processing            183.36          171.55
Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd..........  Shandong Compete Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Shandong Qishan International Trading Co.,   Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry           183.36          171.55
 Ltd.                                         Co., Ltd.
Shandong Senmanqi Import & Export Co., Ltd.  Shandong Jinqiu Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Shandong Shengdi International Trading Co.,  Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Jinghua Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Lianbang Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Huada Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Laite Board Factory..........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Yuqiao Board Factory.........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Feixian Huafeng Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Xuzhou Shuangxingyuan Wood Industry          183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Youcheng Jiafu Wood Industry           183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Lanshan Jinhao Board Factory.          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Siyang Dazhong Wood Product Factory          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board           183.36          171.55
                                              Industrial Trade Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Senpeng Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Dangshan County Weidi Wood Industry          183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Yutai County Zezhong Wood Industry           183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd.......  Linyi Hengan Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Jinghua Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Lianbang Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Huada Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55

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Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Jinkun Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Yuqiao Board Factory.........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Laite Board Factory..........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry           183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Feixian Huafeng Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Xuzhou Shuangxingyuan Wood Industry          183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Youcheng Jiafu Wood Industry           183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Shandong Qingyuan Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Lanshan Jinhao Board Factory.          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Lanshan Fubai Wood Industry            183.36          171.55
                                              Board Factory.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Siyang Dazhong Wood Product Factory          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board           183.36          171.55
                                              Industrial Trade Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Shandong Jinqiu Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Senpeng Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Xuzhou Heng'an Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Dangshan Weidi Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Yutai Zezhong Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Kaifeng Wood Board Factory...          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Mingda Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Yangxin County Xintong Decorative            183.36          171.55
                                              Materials Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Pingyi County Zhongli Wood Products          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Pingyi County Yuxin Board Factory..          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Wanda Wood Factory.........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co.,           183.36          171.55
Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Xinhe Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Yujinfang Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Huifeng Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd................  LinYi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd................  Linyi Lanshan District Jinhao Wood           183.36          171.55
Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd................  Jiangsu Shuren Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd................  Jiangsu Sending Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Smart Gift International...................  LinYi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Smart Gift International...................  Linyi Lanshan District Jinhao Wood           183.36          171.55
Smart Gift International...................  Jiangsu Shuren Wood Industry Co.,            183.36          171.55
Smart Gift International...................  Jiangsu Sending Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd............  Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Suqian Huilin Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Shandong Junxing Wood Industry Co.,          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi Longxin Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi Xicheng Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Feixian County Mingda Multilayered           183.36          171.55
                                              Board Factory.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi Celtic Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Shandong Haote Decorative Materials          183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu            183.36          171.55
                                              Board Factory.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi City Lanshan District                  183.36          171.55
                                              Xiangfeng Decorative Board Factory.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Linyi City Baoshan Board Factory...          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Feixian Xingying Wood Industry Co.,          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Xuzhou Jiangshan Wood Industry Co.,          183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Xuzhou Senyuan Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Xuzhou Jinguoyuan Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Industry              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd....  Zibo Sumaida Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Xuzhou Henglin Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Pizhou Xuexin Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo             183.36          171.55
                                              Wood Factory.
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
Suqian Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd  Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Suqian Yaorun Trade Co., Ltd...............  Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Suqian Yaorun Trade Co., Ltd...............  Suqian Bairun Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55

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Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.............  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Xuzhou Henglin Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Pizhou Xuexin Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co. Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Shandong Union Wood Co. Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo             183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Wood Factory.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd.          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade   Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Tiancai Timber Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Lingyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Xicheng Wood Products Co.,             183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Oriental Fuchao Wood Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Feixian Wanda Wood Factory.........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Shandong Jinqiu Wood Corporation...          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Yinhe Machinery Chemical Limited             183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Company of Shandong Province.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi City Yongsen Wood Corp.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Pizhou Fushen Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Pizhou Yuanxing Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xuzhou Yuantai Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xuzhou Hongfu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Feng County Shuangxingyuan Wood....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Anhui Fuyang Qinglin Wood Products           183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Juxian Dechang Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Siyang Dahua Plywood Plant.........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Lanshan District Fubo Woods            183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Factory.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xuzhou Deheng Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Kaifeng Wood Board Factory...          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Zhenyuan Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xuzhou Weilin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Tianlu Wood Board Factory....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Baoshan Board Factory........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Xinyi Chaohua Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Feng County Jihe Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Dangshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Oriental Dragon Import and Export     Zhucheng Runheng Industrial and              183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Trading Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Amish Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd  Xuzhou Amish Import & Export Trade           183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Andefu Wood Co., Ltd................  Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Baoqi Wood Product Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Jinghai Board Plant..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Baoqi Wood Product Co., Ltd.........  Linyi Lanshan Yulin Board Plant....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Dilun Wood Co. Ltd..................  Xuzhou Dilun Wood Co. Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Jinde Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou City Hengde Wood Products             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp...          183.36          171.55

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Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board           183.36          171.55
                                              Industrial & Training Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Anhui Xinyuanda Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Lianbang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Xinrui Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Huashi Lvyuan Wood Co.,             183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Dazhong Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Junxing Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu            183.36          171.55
                                              Plywood Factory.
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Oufan Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Products              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Dhanshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd.............  Xuzhou Hongmei Wood Development              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Xuzhou Well-Done Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Linyi Xicheng Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Xuzhou Hongfu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Oufan Wooden Products Shandong Co.,          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.                                    Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Dangshan Weidi Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Eastern Huatai International Trading  Xu Zhou Chang Cheng Wood Co,Ltd....          183.36          171.55
 Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Hansun Import & Export Co. Ltd......  XuZhou Zhongyuan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Jiangheng Wood Products Co., Ltd....  Xuzhou Jiangheng Wood Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Jiangyang Wood Industries Co., Ltd..  Xuzhou Jiangyang Wood Industries             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd.....  Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Maker's Mark Building Materials Co.,  Xuzhou Qinglin Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Maker's Mark Building Materials Co.,  Xuzhou Maomei Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Maker's Mark Building Materials Co.,  Suzhou Jiakaide Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Feixian Jinde Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou City Hengde Wood Products             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp...          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board           183.36          171.55
                                              Industrial & Training Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Anhui Xinyuanda Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Lianbang Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Xinrui Wood Co., Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Huashi Lvyuan Wood Co.,             183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Dazhong Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Junxing Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu            183.36          171.55
                                              Plywood Factory.
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd..........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Oufan Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Products              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55

[[Page 512]]

Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Dhanshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Hongmei Wood Development              183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Shenghe Wood Co. Ltd................  Xuzhou Shenghe Wood Co. Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Shengping Imp and Exp Co., Ltd......  Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Shuiwangxing Trading Co., Ltd.......  Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co. Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Shuner Import & Export Trade Co. Ltd  Pizhou Fushen Wood Co. Ltd.........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Tianshan Wood Co., Ltd..............  Xuzhou Tianshan Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Jiangheng Wood Products Co.,          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Jiangyang Wood Industries             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co.,            183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi City Lanshan District Daqian           183.36          171.55
                                              Wood Board Factory.
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Feixian Hongsheng Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Hongwei Wood Co., Ltd.......          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Qianfeng Wood Factory........          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Senyuan Wood Products Co.,            183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Jiangsu Lishun Industrial and                183.36          171.55
                                              Trading Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Pizhou Xuexin Wood Industry Co.,             183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Feixian Hongjing Board Factory.....          183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Xuzhou Jiaqiang Wood Industry Co.,           183.36          171.55
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Shandong Shelter Forest Products             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd.  Jiangsu Binsong Wood Co., Ltd......          183.36          171.55
Yangzhou Hanov International Co., Ltd......  Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd........          183.36          171.55
Yishui Zelin Wood Made Co., Ltd............  Yishui Zelin Wood Made Co., Ltd....          183.36          171.55
Zhejiang Dehua TB Import & Export Co., Ltd.  Dehua TB New Decoration Material             183.36          171.55
                                              Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dehua TB Import & Export Co., Ltd.  Zhangjiagang Jiuli Wood Co., Ltd...          183.36          171.55
    China-Wide Entity......................  ...................................          183.36

Notification to Interested Parties

    This notice constitutes the antidumping duty order with respect to 
hardwood plywood from China pursuant to section 736(a) of the Act. 
Interested parties can find a list of antidumping duty orders currently 
in effect at http://enforcement.trade.gov/enforcement.
    This order and amended final determination are published in 
accordance with sections 735(e), 736(a) and 777(i) of the Act, and 19 
CFR 351.211 and 351.224(e).

    Dated: December 28, 2017.
Christian Marsh,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


Scope of the Investigation

    The merchandise subject to this investigation is hardwood and 
decorative plywood, and certain veneered panels as described below. 
For purposes of this proceeding, hardwood and decorative plywood is 
defined as a generally flat, multilayered plywood or other veneered 
panel, consisting of two or more layers or plies of wood veneers and 
a core, with the face and/or back veneer made of non-coniferous wood 
(hardwood) or bamboo. The veneers, along with the core may be glued 
or otherwise bonded together. Hardwood and decorative plywood may 
include products that meet the American National Standard for 
Hardwood and Decorative Plywood, ANSI/HPVA HP-1-2016 (including any 
revisions to that standard).
    For purposes of this investigation a ``veneer'' is a slice of 
wood regardless of thickness which is cut, sliced or sawed from a 
log, bolt, or flitch. The face and back veneers are the outermost 
veneer of wood on either side of the core irrespective of additional 
surface coatings or covers as described below.
    The core of hardwood and decorative plywood consists of the 
layer or layers of one or more material(s) that are situated between 
the face and back veneers. The core may be composed of a range of 
materials, including but not limited to hardwood, softwood, 
particleboard, or medium-density fiberboard (MDF).
    All hardwood plywood is included within the scope of this 
investigation regardless of whether or not the face and/or back 
veneers are surface coated or covered and whether or not such 
surface coating(s) or covers obscures the grain, textures, or 
markings of the wood. Examples of surface coatings and covers 
include, but are not limited to: Ultra violet light cured 
polyurethanes; oil or oil-modified or water based polyurethanes; 
wax; epoxy-ester finishes; moisture-cured urethanes; paints; stains; 
paper; aluminum; high pressure laminate; MDF; medium density overlay 
(MDO); and phenolic film. Additionally, the face veneer of hardwood 
plywood may be sanded; smoothed or given a ``distressed'' appearance 
through such methods as hand-scraping or wire brushing. All hardwood 
plywood is included within the scope even if it is trimmed; cut-to-
size; notched; punched; drilled; or has underwent other forms of 
minor processing.
    All hardwood and decorative plywood is included within the scope 
of this investigation, without regard to dimension (overall 
thickness, thickness of face veneer, thickness of back veneer, 
thickness of core, thickness of inner veneers, width, or length). 
However, the most common panel sizes of hardwood and decorative 
plywood are 1219 x 1829 mm (48 x 72 inches), 1219 x 2438 mm (48 x 96 
inches), and 1219 x 3048 mm (48 x 120 inches).
    Subject merchandise also includes hardwood and decorative 
plywood that has been further processed in a third country, 
including but not limited to trimming, cutting, notching, punching, 
drilling, or any other processing that would not otherwise remove 
the merchandise from the scope of the investigation if performed in 
the country of manufacture of the in-scope product.
    The scope of the investigation excludes the following items: (1) 
Structural plywood (also known as ``industrial plywood'' or 
``industrial panels'') that is manufactured to

[[Page 513]]

meet U.S. Products Standard PS 1-09, PS 2-09, or PS 2-10 for 
Structural Plywood (including any revisions to that standard or any 
substantially equivalent international standard intended for 
structural plywood), and which has both a face and a back veneer of 
coniferous wood; (2) products which have a face and back veneer of 
cork; (3) multilayered wood flooring, as described in the 
antidumping duty and countervailing duty orders on Multilayered Wood 
Flooring from the People's Republic of China, Import Administration, 
International Trade Administration. See Multilayered Wood Flooring 
from the People's Republic of China, 76 FR 76690 (December 8, 2011) 
(amended final determination of sales at less than fair value and 
antidumping duty order), and Multilayered Wood Flooring from the 
People's Republic of China, 76 FR 76693 (December 8, 2011) 
(countervailing duty order), as amended by Multilayered Wood 
Flooring from the People's Republic of China: Amended Antidumping 
and Countervailing Duty Orders, 77 FR 5484 (February 3, 2012); (4) 
multilayered wood flooring with a face veneer of bamboo or composed 
entirely of bamboo; (5) plywood which has a shape or design other 
than a flat panel, with the exception of any minor processing 
described above; (6) products made entirely from bamboo and 
adhesives (also known as ``solid bamboo''); and (7) Phenolic Film 
Faced Plyform (PFF), also known as Phenolic Surface Film Plywood 
(PSF), defined as a panel with an ``Exterior'' or ``Exposure 1'' 
bond classification as is defined by The Engineered Wood 
Association, having an opaque phenolic film layer with a weight 
equal to or greater than 90g/m3 permanently bonded on both the face 
and back veneers and an opaque, moisture resistant coating applied 
to the edges.
    Excluded from the scope of this investigation are wooden 
furniture goods that, at the time of importation, are fully 
assembled and are ready for their intended uses. Also excluded from 
the scope of this investigation is ``ready to assemble'' (RTA) 
furniture. RTA furniture is defined as (A) furniture packaged for 
sale for ultimate purchase by an end-user that, at the time of 
importation, includes (1) all wooden components (in finished form) 
required to assemble a finished unit of furniture, (2) all accessory 
parts (e.g., screws, washers, dowels, nails, handles, knobs, 
adhesive glues) required to assemble a finished unit of furniture, 
and (3) instructions providing guidance on the assembly of a 
finished unit of furniture; (B) unassembled bathroom vanity 
cabinets, having a space for one or more sinks, that are imported 
with all unassembled hardwood and hardwood plywood components that 
have been cut-to-final dimensional component shape/size, painted or 
stained prior to importation, and stacked within a singled shipping 
package, except for furniture feet which may be packed and shipped 
separately; or (C) unassembled bathroom vanity linen closets that 
are imported with all unassembled hardwood and hardwood plywood 
components that have been cut-to-final dimensional shape/size, 
painted or stained prior to importation, and stacked within a single 
shipping package, except for furniture feet which may be packed and 
shipped separately.
    Excluded from the scope of this investigation are kitchen 
cabinets that, at the time of importation, are fully assembled and 
are ready for their intended uses. Also excluded from the scope of 
this investigation are RTA kitchen cabinets. RTA kitchen cabinets 
are defined as kitchen cabinets packaged for sale for ultimate 
purchase by an end-user that, at the time of importation, includes 
(1) all wooden components (in finished form) required to assemble a 
finished unit of cabinetry, (2) all accessory parts (e.g., screws, 
washers, dowels, nails, handles, knobs, hooks, adhesive glues) 
required to assemble a finished unit of cabinetry, and (3) 
instructions providing guidance on the assembly of a finished unit 
of cabinetry.
    Excluded from the scope of this investigation are finished table 
tops, which are table tops imported in finished form with pre-cut or 
drilled openings to attach the underframe or legs. The table tops 
are ready for use at the time of import and require no further 
finishing or processing.
    Excluded from the scope of this investigation are finished 
countertops that are imported in finished form and require no 
further finishing or manufacturing.
    Excluded from the scope of this investigation are laminated 
veneer lumber door and window components with (1) a maximum width of 
44 millimeters, a thickness from 30 millimeters to 72 millimeters, 
and a length of less than 2413 millimeters (2) water boiling point 
exterior adhesive, (3) a modulus of elasticity of 1,500,000 pounds 
per square inch or higher, (4) finger-jointed or lap-jointed core 
veneer with all layers oriented so that the grain is running 
parallel or with no more than 3 dispersed layers of veneer oriented 
with the grain running perpendicular to the other layers; and (5) 
top layer machined with a curved edge and one or more profile 
channels throughout.
    Imports of hardwood plywood are primarily entered under the 
following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) 
subheadings: 4412.10.0500;4412.31.0520; 4412.31.0540; 4412.31.0560; 
4412.31.0620; 4412.31.0640; 4412.31.0660; 4412.31.2510; 
4412.31.2520; 4412.31.2610; 4412.31.2620; 4412.31.4040; 
4412.31.4050; 4412.31.4060; 4412.31.4075; 4412.31.4080; 
4412.31.4140; 4412.31.4150; 4412.31.4160; 4412.31.4180; 
4412.31.5125; 4412.31.5135; 4412.31.5155; 4412.31.5165; 
4412.31.5175; 4412.31.5235; 4412.31.5255; 4412.31.5265; 
4412.31.5275; 4412.31.6000; 4412.31.6100; 4412.31.9100; 
4412.31.9200; 4412.32.0520; 4412.32.0540; 4412.32.0565; 
4412.32.0570; 4412.32.0620; 4412.32.0640; 4412.32.0670; 
4412.32.2510; 4412.32.2525; 4412.32.2530; 4412.32.2610; 
4412.32.2630; 4412.32.3125; 4412.32.3135; 4412.32.3155; 
4412.32.3165; 4412.32.3175; 4412.32.3185; 4412.32.3235; 
4412.32.3255; 4412.32.3265; 4412.32.3275; 4412.32.3285; 
4412.32.5600; 4412.32.3235; 4412.32.3255; 4412.32.3265; 
4412.32.3275; 4412.32.3285; 4412.32.5700; 4412.94.1030; 
4412.94.1050; 4412.94.3105; 4412.94.3111; 4412.94.3121; 
4412.94.3141; 4412.94.3161; 4412.94.3175; 4412.94.4100; 
4412.99.0600; 4412.99.1020; 4412.99.1030; 4412.99.1040; 
4412.99.3110; 4412.99.3120; 4412.99.3130; 4412.99.3140; 
4412.99.3150; 4412.99.3160; 4412.99.3170; 4412.99.4100; 
4412.99.5115; and 4412.99.5710.
    Imports of hardwood plywood may also enter under HTSUS 
subheadings 4412.99.6000; 4412.99.7000; 4412.99.8000; 4412.99.9000; 
4412.10.9000; 4412.94.5100; 4412.94.9500; and 4412.99.9500. While 
the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs 
purposes, the written description of the scope of this investigation 
is dispositive.

[FR Doc. 2017-28482 Filed 1-3-18; 8:45 am]

                                               504                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                 Dated: December 28, 2017.                                       and Compliance, International Trade                          United States is materially injured
                                               Christian Marsh,                                                  Administration, U.S. Department of                           within the meaning of section
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement                        Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue                           735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, by reason of
                                               and Compliance.                                                   NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:                         the LTFV imports of hardwood plywood
                                               [FR Doc. 2017–28479 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]                        (202) 482–3927 or (202) 482–5260,                            from China.4 The ITC also notified
                                               BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                            respectively.                                                Commerce of its determination that
                                                                                                                 Period of Investigation                                      critical circumstances do not exist with
                                                                                                                                                                              respect to imports of hardwood
                                               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                              The period of investigation (POI) is
                                                                                                                                                                              plywood from China subject to
                                                                                                                 April 1, 2016, through September 30,
                                                                                                                                                                              Commerce’s final affirmative critical
                                               International Trade Adminstration                                 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                              circumstances finding.
                                               [A–570–051]                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                              Scope of the Order
                                               Certain Hardwood Plywood Products                                 Background
                                               From the People’s Republic of China:                                 On November 16, 2017, Commerce                              For a complete description of the
                                               Amended Final Determination of Sales                              published in the Federal Register the                        scope of the order, see the Appendix to
                                               at Less Than Fair Value, and                                      Final Determination that hardwood                            this notice.
                                               Antidumping Duty Order                                            plywood from China is being, or is                           Amendment to Final Determination
                                                                                                                 likely to be, sold in the United States at
                                               AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,                              less than fair value (LTFV), as provided                        Consistent with Commerce’s
                                               International Trade Administration,                               in section 735 of the Tariff Act of 1930,
                                               Department of Commerce.                                                                                                        December 8, 2017, findings regarding
                                                                                                                 as amended (the Act).1 From November                         the interested parties’ ministerial error
                                               SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final                               16, 2017, to November 27, 2017, Cosco                        allegations, and pursuant to section
                                               determinations by the Department of                               Star International Co., Ltd. and
                                               Commerce (Commerce) and the                                                                                                    735(e) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.224(e)
                                                                                                                 Highland Industries Inc. (Cosco and                          and (f), Commerce is amending the
                                               International Trade Commission (ITC),                             Highland), Linyi Chengen Import and
                                               Commerce is issuing an antidumping                                                                                             Final Determination to reflect the
                                                                                                                 Export Co., Ltd. (Chengen), and the                          correction of ministerial errors it made
                                               duty order on certain hardwood                                    Coalition for Fair Trade in Hardwood
                                               plywood products (hardwood plywood)                                                                                            in spelling the name of Cosco’s
                                                                                                                 Plywood and its individual members
                                               from the People’s Republic of China                                                                                            producer, Feixian Xingying Wood Co.,
                                                                                                                 (collectively, the petitioners) submitted
                                               (China). We are also amending our Final                                                                                        Ltd (Feixian), and Highland’s producer,
                                                                                                                 ministerial error allegations and rebuttal
                                               Determination to correct ministerial                              comments concerning the Final                                Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co.,
                                               errors with respect to the identification                         Determination.2 On December 8, 2017,                         Ltd. (Weifang), on the exporter/producer
                                               of companies receiving a separate rate.                           Commerce issued its findings related to                      list for separate rate recipients.5
                                               DATES: Applicable January 4, 2018.                                the ministerial error allegations.3 On                          As a result of this amended final
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                  December 20, 2017, the ITC notified                          determination, we have corrected the
                                               Amanda Brings or Ryan Mullen, AD/                                 Commerce of its final affirmative                            spelling of Feixian and Weifang on the
                                               CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement                             determination that an industry in the                        exporter/producer list as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                                Weighted-            Cash
                                                                                                                                                                                                 average            deposit
                                                                             Exporter                                                                 Producer                                  dumping              rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                 margin            (percent)

                                               Highland Industries Inc .................................................   Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co., Ltd ...................                183.36             171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................         Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd ...................................         183.36             171.55

                                               Antidumping Duty Order                                            from China. The ITC also notified                            duty order. Because the ITC determined
                                                                                                                 Commerce of its determination that                           that imports of hardwood plywood from
                                                  In accordance with section 735(d) of
                                                                                                                 critical circumstances do not exist with                     China are materially injuring a U.S.
                                               the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of
                                               its final determination in this                                   respect to imports of hardwood                               industry, unliquidated entries of such
                                               investigation, in which it found that an                          plywood from China subject to                                merchandise from China entered or
                                               industry in the United States is                                  Commerce’s final affirmative critical                        withdrawn from warehouse for
                                               materially injured, within the meaning                            circumstances finding. Therefore, in                         consumption, are subject to the
                                               of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, by                         accordance with section 735(c)(2) of the                     assessment of antidumping duties.
                                               reason of imports of hardwood plywood                             Act, we are publishing this antidumping

                                                 1 See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from                    from the People’s Republic of China: Allegation of           Determination,’’ dated December 8, 2017
                                               the People’s Republic of China: Final Determination               Ministerial Errors in Final Determination,’’ dated           (Ministerial Error Memorandum).
                                               of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, and Final                       November 20, 2017 (Chengen Ministerial Error                   4 See Letter to Gary Taverman, Acting Assistant
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Affirmative Determination of Critical                             Comments); and Petitioners’ Letter, ‘‘Certain                Secretary of Commerce for Enforcement and
                                               Circumstances, in Part, 82 FR 53460 (November 16,                 Hardwood Plywood Products from the People’s                  Compliance, from Rhonda K. Schmidtlein,
                                               2017) (Final Determination).                                      Republic of China: Response to Ministerial Error             Chairman of the U.S. International Trade
                                                 2 See Cosco and Highland’s Letter, ‘‘Hardwood                   Submission,’’ dated November 27, 2017                        Commission, regarding certain hardwood plywood
                                               Plywood Products from the People’s Republic of                    (Petitioners’ Rebuttal Ministerial Error Comments).          products from the People’s Republic of China
                                               China: Ministerial Error Comments on Final                           3 See Memorandum, ‘‘Antidumping Duty                      (December 20, 2017) (ITC Letter).
                                               Determination,’’ dated November 16, 2017 (Cosco                   Investigation of Certain Hardwood Plywood                      5 For a detailed discussion of Commerce’s

                                               and Highland Ministerial Error Comments);                         Products from the People’s Republic of China:                ministerial error findings, see Ministerial Error
                                               Chengen’s Letter, ‘‘Hardwood Plywood Products                     Allegations of Ministerial Errors in the Final               Memorandum.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014      16:16 Jan 03, 2018      Jkt 244001    PO 00000      Frm 00006    Fmt 4703    Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04JAN1.SGM       04JAN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                              505

                                                  As a result of the ITC’s final                           deposit estimated duties on this subject                      will instruct CBP to terminate the
                                               determination, in accordance with                           merchandise, a cash deposit at the rates                      suspension of liquidation and to
                                               section 736(a)(1) of the Act, Commerce                      listed below.8 The rate for the China-                        liquidate, without regard to
                                               will direct U.S. Customs and Border                         wide entity applies to all producers or                       antidumping duties, unliquidated
                                               Protection (CBP) to assess, upon further                    exporters not specifically listed. For the                    entries of hardwood plywood from
                                               instruction by Commerce, antidumping                        purpose of determining cash deposit                           China entered, or withdrawn from
                                               duties equal to the amount by which the                     rates, the estimated weighted-average                         warehouse, for consumption on or after
                                               normal value of the merchandise                             dumping margins for imports of subject                        December 19, 2017, the date on which
                                               exceeds the export price (or constructed                    merchandise from China will be                                the provisional measures expired, until
                                               export price) of the merchandise, for all                   adjusted, as appropriate, for export                          and through the day preceding the date
                                               relevant entries of hardwood plywood                        subsidies found in the final                                  of publication of the ITC’s final injury
                                               from China. Antidumping duties will be                      determination of the companion                                determinations in the Federal Register.
                                               assessed on unliquidated entries of                         countervailing duty investigation of this                     Suspension of liquidation will resume
                                               hardwood plywood from China entered,                        merchandise imported from China.9                             on the date of publication of the ITC’s
                                               or withdrawn from warehouse, for                                                                                          final determination in the Federal
                                                                                                           Provisional Measures
                                               consumption on or after June 23, 2017,                                                                                    Register.
                                               the date of publication of the                                 Section 733(d) of the Act states that
                                                                                                           instructions issued pursuant to an                            Critical Circumstances
                                               Preliminary Determination,6 but will
                                               not include entries occurring after the                     affirmative preliminary determination                            In its final determination, the ITC did
                                               expiration of the provisional measures                      may not remain in effect for more than                        not make an affirmative critical
                                               period and before publication of the                        four months, except where exporters                           circumstances finding with respect to
                                               ITC’s final injury determination as                         representing a significant proportion of                      imports of subject merchandise from
                                               further described below.                                    exports of the subject merchandise                            China that were subject to Commerce’s
                                                                                                           request Commerce to extend that four-                         final affirmative critical circumstances
                                               Suspension of Liquidation                                   month period to no more than six                              determination. Accordingly, Commerce
                                                  In accordance with section                               months. At the request of the exporters                       will instruct CBP to lift suspension and
                                               735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, Commerce will                      that account for a significant proportion                     to refund any cash deposit made to
                                               instruct CBP to continue to suspend                         of exports of hardwood plywood from                           secure the payment of estimated
                                               liquidation on all relevant entries of                      China, we extended the four-month                             antidumping duties with respect to
                                               hardwood plywood from China. These                          period to six months in this case.10 In                       entries of the merchandise entered, or
                                               instructions suspending liquidation will                    the underlying investigation, Commerce                        withdrawn from warehouse, for
                                               remain in effect until further notice.                      published the Preliminary                                     consumption on or after March 25, 2017
                                                  We will also instruct CBP to require                     Determination on June 23, 2017.11                             (i.e., 90 days prior to the date of
                                               cash deposits at rates equal to the                         Therefore, the extended period                                publication of the preliminary
                                               estimated weighted-average dumping                          beginning on the date of publication of                       determination), but before June 23,
                                               margins indicated in the chart below,                       the Preliminary Determination, ended                          2017, the publication date of the
                                               adjusted where appropriate for export                       December 19, 2017. Furthermore,                               Preliminary Determination.
                                               subsidies and estimated domestic                            section 737(b) of the Act states that
                                                                                                                                                                         Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping
                                               subsidy pass-through.7 Accordingly,                         definitive duties are to begin on the date
                                               effective on the date of publication of                     of publication of the ITC’s final injury
                                               the ITC’s final affirmative injury                          determination.                                                  The weighted-average antidumping
                                               determination, CBP will require, at the                       Therefore, in accordance with section                       duty margin percentages and cash
                                               same time as importers would normally                       733(d) of the Act and our practice, we                        deposit percentages are as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                             weighted-         Cash
                                                                           Exporter                                                              Producer                                                   deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                             dumping         (percent)

                                               Linyi Chengen Import and Export Co., Ltd ..................           Linyi Dongfangjuxin Wood Co., Ltd ..............................             183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Feixian Jianxin Board Factory ......................................         183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Linyi Xicheng Wood Co., Ltd ........................................         183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd ........................................         183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Fengxian Jihe Wood Co., Ltd .......................................          183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Co., Ltd .............................                183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Linyi Lanshan District Xiangfeng Decorative Board                            183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Linyi Lanshan District Fubai Wood Board Factory ......                       183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................               183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Feixian Shangye Town Mingda Multi-layered Board                              183.36            171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................   Xuzhou Dayuan Wood Co., Ltd ...................................              183.36            171.55
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  6 See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products from               7 No party in the less-than-fair-value investigation           9 SeeFinal Determination.
                                               the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary                 established eligibility for an adjustment for                    10 SeeCertain Hardwood Plywood Products from
                                               Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than             estimated domestic subsidy pass-through. See                  the People’s Republic of China: Postponement of
                                               Fair Value, Preliminary Affirmative Determination           Preliminary Determination, unchanged in Final                 Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
                                               of Critical Circumstances, in Part, 82 FR 28629
                                                                                                           Determination.                                                Value Investigation, 82 FR 29827 (June 30, 2017).
                                               (June 23, 2017) (Preliminary Determination) and
                                                                                                             8 See section 736(a)(3) of the Act.                           11 See Preliminary Determination.
                                               accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.

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                                               506                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                           weighted-        Cash
                                                                                Exporter                                                                      Producer                                                   deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                           dumping        (percent)

                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................               Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Anhui Hoda Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................               Linyi Renlin Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Celtic Co., Ltd ...............................................................   Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Celtic Co., Ltd ...............................................................   Pinyi Fuhua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Feixian Wanda Wood Factory ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd .................                       183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Feixian Xinhe Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Co., Ltd ................                        183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Xuzhou Yujinfang Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Linyi Huifeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               China Friend Limited ....................................................         Linyi Dongfangjuxin Wood Co., Ltd ..............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp ...........................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Shandong Union Wood Co. Ltd ...................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co. Ltd ....................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd ....................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd .................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Xuzhou Shenghe Wood Co., Ltd .................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd .........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi Laiyi Timber Industry Co., Ltd .............................             183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Feixian Hongqiang Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Cosco Star International Co., Ltd .................................               Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo Wood Factory ...........                      183.36         171.55
                                               Deqing China-Africa Foreign Trade Port Co., Ltd ........                          Suqian Welcomewood Products Co., Ltd ....................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Deqing China-Africa Foreign Trade Port Co., Ltd ........                          Feixian Hongqiang Wooden Products Co., Ltd ............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Feixian Jinde Wood Factory .........................................              Feixian Jinde Wood Factory .........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Feixian Longteng Wood Co., Ltd .................................                  Feixian Longteng Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Golder International Trade Co., Ltd .............................                 Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Golder International Trade Co., Ltd .............................                 Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Golder International Trade Co., Ltd .............................                 Pizhou Jinuoyuan Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Golder International Trade Co., Ltd .............................                 Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Golder International Trade Co., Ltd .............................                 Xuzhou Jiamei Wood Co., Ltd .....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               G.D. Enterprise Limited ................................................          International Wood Products (Kunshan) Co., Ltd ........                        183.36         171.55
                                               Happy Wood Industrial Group Co., Ltd ........................                     Happy Wood Industrial Group Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Henan Hongda Woodcraft Industry Co., Ltd ................                         Henan Hongda Woodcraft Industry Co., Ltd ................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Highland Industries Inc .................................................         Weifang Hanlin Timber Products Co., Ltd ...................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Highland Industries Inc .................................................         Anqiu Hengrui Wood Co., Ltd ......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Highland Industries Inc .................................................         Weifang Chenglin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Huainan Mengping Import and Export Co., Ltd ...........                           Linyi Qianfeng Panel Factory Co., Ltd .........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd ...............................                  Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Co., Ltd ................                        183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd ...............................                  Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd ...............................                  Pizhou Arser Wood Co., Ltd ........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd ...............................                  Linyi Jinghai Wood Products Factory ...........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Qianjiuren International Trading Co., Ltd .......                         Jiangsu Shuren Wood Co., Ltd ....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Shengyang Industrial Joint Stock Co., Ltd .....                           Jiangsu Shengyang Industrial Joint Stock Co., Ltd .....                        183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Linyi Jinkun Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd ...................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Feixian Xindongfang Wood Co., Ltd ............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Feixian Fuyang Plywood Factory .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd ......................                   Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Jiashan Dalin Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................                    Jiashan Dalin Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Feixian Junbang Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda Wood Factory .......                        183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................                 Linyi City Lanshan District Xiangfeng Wood Decora-                             183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                                    tion Factory.
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Feixian Yixin Wood Processing Factory ......................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Pizhou Wantai Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Feixian Fengxiang Wood Processing Factory .............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Shandong Compete Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd ...............................              Linyi Kunyu Plywood Factory .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Hengtong Wood Co., Ltd .................................               Jiaxing Hengtong Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Jiaxing    Kaochuan Woodwork Co., Ltd .........................                   Jiaxing Kaochuan Woodwork Co., Ltd .........................                   183.36         171.55

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                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                               507

                                                                                                                                                                                                  weighted-        Cash
                                                                            Exporter                                                                 Producer                                                   deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                  dumping        (percent)

                                               Leadwood Industrial Corp ............................................    Leadwood Industrial Corp ............................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Xinyi Chaohua Wood Co., Ltd ......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp ...........................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Lanshan District Baoshan Wood Factory .....                         183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Pizhou Yuanxing Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo Wood Factory ...........                      183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Fei County Hongsheng Wood Co., Ltd ........................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Xuzhou Hongwei Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Wanda Wood Co., Ltd .....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Hongqiang Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Lanshan District Fuerda Wood Factory .......                        183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Xingying Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Junbang Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Lanshan District Xiangfeng Wood Decora-                             183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                          tion Factory.
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda Wood Factory .......                        183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi City Dongfang Fukai Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......                  Linyi City Dongfang Fukai Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......                        183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi City Dongfang Jinxin Economic and Trade Co.,                       Linyi City Dongfang Jinxin Economic and Trade Co.,                             183.36         171.55
                                                 Ltd.                                                                     Ltd.
                                               Linyi City Shenrui International Trade Co., Ltd ............             Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood Co., Ltd ................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi City Shenrui International Trade Co., Ltd ............             Feixian Zhenghua Wood Factory .................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................     Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd ....................................       Linyi Evergreen Wood Co., Ltd ....................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Glary Plywood Co., Ltd ........................................    Linyi Glary Plywood Co., Ltd ........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Hengsheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................              Linyi Hengsheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd ......................              Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............................        Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............................              183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Linhai Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................   Linyi Linhai Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................         183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................      Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co., Ltd ...................................       Linyi Sanfortune Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Linyi Tian He Wooden Industry Co., Ltd ......................            Linyi Tian He Wooden Industry Co., Ltd ......................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd .........................................    Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd .........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Pizhou Dayun Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd ............                 Xuzhou Camry Wood Co., Ltd .....................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Pizhou Jin Sheng Yuan International Trade Co., Ltd ..                    Xuzhou Chengxin Wood Co., Ltd .................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Pizhou Jin Sheng Yuan International Trade Co., Ltd ..                    Xuzhou Golden River Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Linyi Fubo Wood Co., Ltd ............................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry Co., Ltd ..............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Linyi Haisen Wood Co., Ltd .........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Linyi Jubang Wood Co., Ltd .........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Xuzhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Xuzhou Xuexin Wood Co., Ltd .....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Anhui Fuyang Qinglin Wood Products Co., Ltd ...........                        183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Anhui Huijin Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Anhui Lingfeng Wood Co., Ltd .....................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Pizhou Zhongxin Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd .........                  Xuzhou Spring Art Yang Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........                         183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Linyi Dahua Wood Products Co., Ltd ...........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Yutai Zezhong Wood Products Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Linyi Evergreen Wood Products Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Products Co., Ltd                                183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Feixian Tanyi Youchengjiafu Wood Products Co., Ltd                             183.36         171.55
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Feixian Mingteng Wood Products Co., Ltd ..................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Linyi Dahua Wood Products Co., Ltd ...........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Yutai Zezhong Wood Products Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Linyi Qianfeng Wood Products Co., Ltd .......................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Shandong Jinqiu Wood Products Co., Ltd ...................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Linyi Laite Plywood Factory .........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Products Co. Ltd ..............                         183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................            Feixian Lijun Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55

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                                               508                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                            weighted-        Cash
                                                                         Exporter                                                              Producer                                                   deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                            dumping        (percent)

                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Feixian Shuangfeng Wood Products Co., Ltd ..............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Longxin Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Lanshan Wanmei Wood Factory .........................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Feixian Xinhe Wood Products Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Chenyuan Wood Products Co., Ltd .....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Di Birch Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Shandong Junxing Wood Products Co., Ltd ................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Jiexin Wood Products Factory .............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Jiangsu Lishun Industry And Trade Co., Ltd ...............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Evergreen Wood Products Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Anhui Qinglin Wood Products Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Haisen Wood Products Co., Ltd ..........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Hongze Plywood Factory .....................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Kaifeng Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Feixian Fugang Wood Products Co., Ltd .....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Lanling Longziyun Wood Products Co., Ltd .................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Fuerda Wood Products Co., Ltd ..........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Feixan Dexin Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Products Co., Ltd                                183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Linyi Huifeng Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Qingdao Top P&Q International Corp ..........................      Feixian Kailin Wood Products Co., Ltd ........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd .................................   Shandong Anxin Timber Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd .................           Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd .................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Huiyu International Trade Co., Ltd .............          Linyi Huifeng Wood Products Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Jinluda International Trade Co., Ltd ...........          Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Jinluda International Trade Co., Ltd ...........          Shandong Jinqiu Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Fengxian Hengyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Junyang Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Junbang Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Linyi City Lanshan District Mingda Wood Factory .......                        183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Hongyun Wood Factory ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Linyi City Lanshan District Xiangfeng Wood Decora-                             183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                     tion Factory.
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Linyi Lanshan Yulin Wood Factory ..............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Yixin Wood Processing Factory ......................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Xuzhou Dayuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Xuzhou Yuantai Wood Co., Ltd ....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Pizhou Wantai Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Desheng Wood Industry Factory .....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Feixian Fengxiang Wood Processing Factory .............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Johnson Trading Co., Ltd ...........................      Shandong Compete Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Qishan International Trading Co., Ltd ........            Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry Co., Ltd ..............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Senmanqi Import & Export Co., Ltd ...........             Shandong Jinqiu Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shandong Shengdi International Trading Co., Ltd .......            Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Jinghua Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Lianbang Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Huada Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Laite Board Factory .............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Yuqiao Board Factory ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Feixian Huafeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Xuzhou Shuangxingyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd .......                           183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Youcheng Jiafu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Linyi Lanshan Jinhao Board Factory ............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Siyang Dazhong Wood Product Factory ......................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................      Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board Industrial Trade                            183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                     Co., Ltd.
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Shanghai   Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................    Linyi Senpeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................    Dangshan County Weidi Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........                          183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................    Yutai County Zezhong Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...........                        183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................    Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Brightwood Trading Co., Ltd ........................    Linyi Hengan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................    Linyi Jinghua Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................    Linyi Lianbang Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai   Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................    Linyi Huada Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................                183.36         171.55

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                                      509

                                                                                                                                                                                                          weighted-        Cash
                                                                             Exporter                                                                        Producer                                                   deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                          dumping        (percent)

                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Jinkun Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Yuqiao Board Factory ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Laite Board Factory .............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Tuopu Zhixin Wooden Industry Co., Ltd ..............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Feixian Huafeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Xuzhou Shuangxingyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd .......                           183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Youcheng Jiafu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Shandong Qingyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Lanshan Jinhao Board Factory ............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Linyi Lanshan Fubai Wood Industry Board Factory .....                          183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Siyang Dazhong Wood Product Factory ......................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai     Futuwood      Trading     Co.,   Ltd   ..........................   Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board Industrial Trade                            183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                                   Co., Ltd.
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Shandong Jinqiu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Linyi Senpeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Xuzhou Heng’an Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Dangshan Weidi Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Yutai Zezhong Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Linyi Kaifeng Wood Board Factory ..............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Linyi Mingda Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Yangxin County Xintong Decorative Materials Co., Ltd                           183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Pingyi County Zhongli Wood Products Factory ...........                        183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Pingyi County Yuxin Board Factory .............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Futuwood Trading Co., Ltd ..........................                    Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd ....................................              Feixian Wanda Wood Factory ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd ....................................              Shandong Huaxin Jiasheng Wood Co., Ltd .................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd ....................................              Feixian Xinhe Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd ....................................              Xuzhou Yujinfang Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai Luli Trading Co., Ltd ....................................              Linyi Huifeng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd .....................................                LinYi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................         183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd .....................................                Linyi Lanshan District Jinhao Wood Factory ................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd .....................................                Jiangsu Shuren Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Shanghai S&M Trade Co., Ltd .....................................                Jiangsu Sending Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Smart Gift International ................................................        LinYi Celtic Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................         183.36         171.55
                                               Smart Gift International ................................................        Linyi Lanshan District Jinhao Wood Factory ................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Smart Gift International ................................................        Jiangsu Shuren Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Smart Gift International ................................................        Jiangsu Sending Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                  Suining Pengxiang Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Suqian Huilin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Shandong Junxing Wood Industry Co., Ltd .................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Linyi Longxin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Linyi Xicheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..........................                183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Feixian County Mingda Multilayered Board Factory ....                          183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Linyi Celtic Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............................             183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Shandong Haote Decorative Materials Co., Ltd ..........                        183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu Board Factory ..........                     183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                     Linyi City Lanshan District Xiangfeng Decorative                               183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                                   Board Factory.
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Linyi City Baoshan Board Factory ................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Feixian Xingying Wood Industry Co., Ltd .....................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Xuzhou Jiangshan Wood Industry Co., Ltd .................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Xuzhou Senyuan Wood Products Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Xuzhou Jinguoyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Xuzhou Chunyiyang Wood Industry Co., Ltd ...............                       183.36         171.55
                                               Sumec     International Technology Co., Ltd ....................                 Zibo Sumaida Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Xuzhou Henglin Wood Co., Ltd ....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Pizhou Xuexin Wood Products Co., Ltd .......................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo Wood Factory ...........                      183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Hopeway International Trade Co., Ltd .............                     Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Yaorun Trade Co., Ltd .....................................            Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suqian    Yaorun Trade Co., Ltd .....................................            Suqian Bairun Wood Co., Ltd ......................................             183.36         171.55

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                                               510                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                    weighted-        Cash
                                                                           Exporter                                                                   Producer                                                    deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                    dumping        (percent)

                                               Suzhou   Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................            Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Xuzhou Henglin Wood Co., Ltd ....................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Qufu Shengda Wood Co., Ltd ......................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Pizhou Xuexin Wood Products Co., Ltd .......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co. Ltd ..................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Shandong Union Wood Co. Ltd ...................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Linyi City Lanshan District Fubo Wood Factory ...........                       183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Linyi Jiahe Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Fengshuwan Import and Exports Trade Co.,                         Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Linyi Tiancai Timber Co., Ltd .......................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Lingyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Co., Ltd ....................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Linyi Xicheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ........................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd ........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Linyi Oriental Fuchao Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd ......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Feixian Wanda Wood Factory ......................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Shandong Union Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Shandong Jinqiu Wood Corporation ............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental   Dragon    Import   and   Export    Co.,   Ltd   ...   Yinhe Machinery Chemical Limited Company of                                     183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                           Shandong Province.
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi City Yongsen Wood Corp ....................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Pizhou Fushen Wood Co., Ltd .....................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Pizhou Yuanxing Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xuzhou Yuantai Wood Co., Ltd ....................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xuzhou Hongfu Wood Co., Ltd ....................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Feng County Shuangxingyuan Wood ..........................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Anhui Fuyang Qinglin Wood Products Co., Ltd ...........                         183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Juxian Dechang Wood Co., Ltd ...................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant ................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Siyang Dahua Plywood Plant .......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Lanshan District Fubo Woods Factory ................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xuzhou Deheng Wood Co., Ltd ...................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Kaifeng Wood Board Factory ..............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Zhenyuan Wood Products Co., Ltd .....................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xuzhou Weilin Wood Co., Ltd ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Tianlu Wood Board Factory .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Baoshan Board Factory .......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Xinyi Chaohua Wood Co., Ltd ......................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Feng County Jihe Wood Co., Ltd .................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Dangshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd ......................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Suzhou   Oriental Dragon Import and Export Co., Ltd ...                   Zhucheng Runheng Industrial and Trading Co., Ltd ....                           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Amish Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd ...........                 Xuzhou Amish Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd ...........                         183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Andefu Wood Co., Ltd ....................................        Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Baoqi Wood Product Co., Ltd .........................            Linyi Jinghai Board Plant ..............................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Baoqi Wood Product Co., Ltd .........................            Linyi Lanshan Yulin Board Plant ..................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Dilun Wood Co. Ltd .........................................     Xuzhou Dilun Wood Co. Ltd .........................................             183.36         171.55
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................                       183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Linyi Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ................................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Feixian Jinde Wood Co., Ltd ........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                   183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Xuzhou City Hengde Wood Products Co., Ltd ............                          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................          Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp ...........................                    183.36         171.55

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                                     511

                                                                                                                                                                                                       weighted-        Cash
                                                                         Exporter                                                                          Producer                                                  deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                       dumping        (percent)

                                               Xuzhou   DNT     Commercial   Co.,     Ltd   ...............................   Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd ...............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT     Commercial   Co.,     Ltd   ...............................   Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT     Commercial   Co.,     Ltd   ...............................   Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT     Commercial   Co.,     Ltd   ...............................   Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board Industrial & Train-                        183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                                ing Co., Ltd.
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Anhui Xinyuanda Wood Co., Ltd ..................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Shandong Lianbang Wood Co., Ltd .............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi Xinrui Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Shandong Huashi Lvyuan Wood Co., Ltd ....................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Co., Ltd ........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi Dazhong Wood Co., Ltd ......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Shandong Junxing Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu Plywood Factory ......                      183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood Co., Ltd ................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd ......................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Shandong Oufan Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ............                         183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant ................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Dhanshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd ......................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   DNT Commercial Co., Ltd ...............................               Xuzhou Hongmei Wood Development Co., Ltd ...........                          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Xuzhou Well-Done Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd ........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Linyi Xicheng Wood Co., Ltd ........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Xuzhou Hongfu Wood Co., Ltd ....................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Oufan Wooden Products Shandong Co., Ltd ..............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Dangshan Weidi Wood Co., Ltd ...................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Eastern Huatai International Trading Co., Ltd                         Xu Zhou Chang Cheng Wood Co,Ltd ..........................                    183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Hansun Import & Export Co. Ltd ....................                   XuZhou Zhongyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Jiangheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ................                     Xuzhou Jiangheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ................                      183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Jiangyang Wood Industries Co., Ltd ...............                    Xuzhou Jiangyang Wood Industries Co., Ltd ...............                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................                    Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Maker’s Mark Building Materials Co., Ltd .......                      Xuzhou Qinglin Wood Co., Ltd .....................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Maker’s Mark Building Materials Co., Ltd .......                      Xuzhou Maomei Wood Co., Ltd ...................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Maker’s Mark Building Materials Co., Ltd .......                      Suzhou Jiakaide Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Linyi Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Feixian Jinde Wood Co., Ltd ........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Suzhou Dongsheng Wood Co., Ltd .............................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Fengxian Fangyuan Wood Co., Ltd .............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Xuzhou City Hengde Wood Products Co., Ltd ............                        183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Pizhou Jiangshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Linyi Huasheng Yongbin Wood Corp ...........................                  183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd ...............................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................                Binzhou Yongsheng Artificial Board Industrial & Train-                        183.36         171.55
                                                                                                                                ing Co., Ltd.
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Xuzhou Zhongcai Wood Co., Ltd .................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Anhui Xinyuanda Wood Co., Ltd ..................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Shandong Lianbang Wood Co., Ltd .............................                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi Xinrui Wood Co., Ltd ...........................................        183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Shandong Huashi Lvyuan Wood Co., Ltd ....................                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Xuzhou Fuyu Wood Co., Ltd ........................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi Dazhong Wood Co., Ltd ......................................            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Shandong Junxing Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi City Lanshan District Linyu Plywood Factory ......                      183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi City Dongfang Fuchao Wood Co., Ltd ................                     183.36         171.55
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd ..........................................          183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Linyi Qianfeng Wood Co., Ltd ......................................           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Xuzhou Zhongtong Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Shandong Oufan Wood Co., Ltd ..................................               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Shandong Jubang Wood Co., Ltd ................................                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ............                         183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Feixian Jinhao Wood Board Plant ................................              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou   Pinlin   International   Trade   Co.,     Ltd    ..................   Feixian Huafeng Wood Co., Ltd ...................................             183.36         171.55

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                                               512                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     weighted-        Cash
                                                                             Exporter                                                                         Producer                                                             deposit rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     dumping        (percent)

                                               Xuzhou    Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................            Dhanshan County Weidi Wood Co., Ltd ......................                                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Pinlin International Trade Co., Ltd ..................            Xuzhou Hongmei Wood Development Co., Ltd ...........                                           183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Shenghe Wood Co. Ltd ..................................           Xuzhou Shenghe Wood Co. Ltd ..................................                                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Shengping Imp and Exp Co., Ltd ...................                Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd ..................                                      183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Shuiwangxing Trading Co., Ltd .......................             Fengxian Jihe Wood Industry Co. Ltd ..........................                                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Shuner Import & Export Trade Co. Ltd ...........                  Pizhou Fushen Wood Co. Ltd ......................................                              183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Tianshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................          Xuzhou Tianshan Wood Co., Ltd .................................                                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Xuzhou Jiangheng Wood Products Co., Ltd ................                                       183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Xuzhou Jiangyang Wood Industries Co., Ltd ...............                                      183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Xuzhou Changcheng Wood Co., Ltd ...........................                                    183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Fengxian Shuangxingyuan Wood Co., Ltd ..................                                       183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd .......................................                            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou    Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................              Linyi City Lanshan District Daqian Wood Board Fac-                                             183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Feixian Hongsheng Wood Co., Ltd ..............................                                 183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Xuzhou Hongwei Wood Co., Ltd ..................................                                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Pizhou Jinguoyuan Wood Co., Ltd ...............................                                183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Linyi Qianfeng Wood Factory .......................................                            183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Linyi Renlin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............................                               183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Xuzhou Senyuan Wood Products Co., Ltd ..................                                       183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Jiangsu Lishun Industrial and Trading Co., Ltd ...........                                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Pizhou Xuexin Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........................                                  183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Feixian Hongjing Board Factory ...................................                             183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Xuzhou Jiaqiang Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................                                    183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Shandong Shelter Forest Products Co., Ltd ................                                     183.36         171.55
                                               Xuzhou Timber International Trade Co., Ltd ................                 Jiangsu Binsong Wood Co., Ltd ...................................                              183.36         171.55
                                               Yangzhou Hanov International Co., Ltd .......................               Linyi Longxin Wood Co., Ltd ........................................                           183.36         171.55
                                               Yishui Zelin Wood Made Co., Ltd ................................            Yishui Zelin Wood Made Co., Ltd ................................                               183.36         171.55
                                               Zhejiang Dehua TB Import & Export Co., Ltd ..............                   Dehua TB New Decoration Material Co., Ltd ..............                                       183.36         171.55
                                               Zhejiang Dehua TB Import & Export Co., Ltd ..............                   Zhangjiagang Jiuli Wood Co., Ltd ................................                              183.36         171.55

                                                    China-Wide Entity ..................................................   .......................................................................................        183.36

                                               Notification to Interested Parties                                coniferous wood (hardwood) or bamboo. The                                    paints; stains; paper; aluminum; high
                                                                                                                 veneers, along with the core may be glued or                                 pressure laminate; MDF; medium density
                                                  This notice constitutes the                                    otherwise bonded together. Hardwood and                                      overlay (MDO); and phenolic film.
                                               antidumping duty order with respect to                            decorative plywood may include products                                      Additionally, the face veneer of hardwood
                                               hardwood plywood from China                                       that meet the American National Standard for                                 plywood may be sanded; smoothed or given
                                               pursuant to section 736(a) of the Act.                            Hardwood and Decorative Plywood, ANSI/                                       a ‘‘distressed’’ appearance through such
                                               Interested parties can find a list of                             HPVA HP–1–2016 (including any revisions                                      methods as hand-scraping or wire brushing.
                                               antidumping duty orders currently in                              to that standard).                                                           All hardwood plywood is included within
                                                                                                                    For purposes of this investigation a                                      the scope even if it is trimmed; cut-to-size;
                                               effect at http://enforcement.trade.gov/                           ‘‘veneer’’ is a slice of wood regardless of                                  notched; punched; drilled; or has underwent
                                               enforcement.                                                      thickness which is cut, sliced or sawed from                                 other forms of minor processing.
                                                  This order and amended final                                   a log, bolt, or flitch. The face and back                                       All hardwood and decorative plywood is
                                               determination are published in                                    veneers are the outermost veneer of wood on                                  included within the scope of this
                                               accordance with sections 735(e), 736(a)                           either side of the core irrespective of                                      investigation, without regard to dimension
                                               and 777(i) of the Act, and 19 CFR                                 additional surface coatings or covers as                                     (overall thickness, thickness of face veneer,
                                               351.211 and 351.224(e).                                           described below.                                                             thickness of back veneer, thickness of core,
                                                                                                                    The core of hardwood and decorative                                       thickness of inner veneers, width, or length).
                                                 Dated: December 28, 2017.                                       plywood consists of the layer or layers of one                               However, the most common panel sizes of
                                               Christian Marsh,                                                  or more material(s) that are situated between                                hardwood and decorative plywood are 1219
                                               Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement                        the face and back veneers. The core may be                                   x 1829 mm (48 x 72 inches), 1219 x 2438 mm
                                               and Compliance.                                                   composed of a range of materials, including                                  (48 x 96 inches), and 1219 x 3048 mm (48
                                                                                                                 but not limited to hardwood, softwood,                                       x 120 inches).
                                               Appendix                                                          particleboard, or medium-density fiberboard                                     Subject merchandise also includes
                                                                                                                 (MDF).                                                                       hardwood and decorative plywood that has
                                               Scope of the Investigation                                           All hardwood plywood is included within                                   been further processed in a third country,
                                                 The merchandise subject to this                                 the scope of this investigation regardless of                                including but not limited to trimming,
                                               investigation is hardwood and decorative                          whether or not the face and/or back veneers                                  cutting, notching, punching, drilling, or any
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               plywood, and certain veneered panels as                           are surface coated or covered and whether or                                 other processing that would not otherwise
                                               described below. For purposes of this                             not such surface coating(s) or covers obscures                               remove the merchandise from the scope of
                                               proceeding, hardwood and decorative                               the grain, textures, or markings of the wood.                                the investigation if performed in the country
                                               plywood is defined as a generally flat,                           Examples of surface coatings and covers                                      of manufacture of the in-scope product.
                                               multilayered plywood or other veneered                            include, but are not limited to: Ultra violet                                   The scope of the investigation excludes the
                                               panel, consisting of two or more layers or                        light cured polyurethanes; oil or oil-modified                               following items: (1) Structural plywood (also
                                               plies of wood veneers and a core, with the                        or water based polyurethanes; wax; epoxy-                                    known as ‘‘industrial plywood’’ or
                                               face and/or back veneer made of non-                              ester finishes; moisture-cured urethanes;                                    ‘‘industrial panels’’) that is manufactured to

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014     16:16 Jan 03, 2018      Jkt 244001     PO 00000      Frm 00014       Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703        E:\FR\FM\04JAN1.SGM               04JAN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                        513

                                               meet U.S. Products Standard PS 1–09, PS 2–              single shipping package, except for furniture          4412.94.3161; 4412.94.3175; 4412.94.4100;
                                               09, or PS 2–10 for Structural Plywood                   feet which may be packed and shipped                   4412.99.0600; 4412.99.1020; 4412.99.1030;
                                               (including any revisions to that standard or            separately.                                            4412.99.1040; 4412.99.3110; 4412.99.3120;
                                               any substantially equivalent international                 Excluded from the scope of this                     4412.99.3130; 4412.99.3140; 4412.99.3150;
                                               standard intended for structural plywood),              investigation are kitchen cabinets that, at the        4412.99.3160; 4412.99.3170; 4412.99.4100;
                                               and which has both a face and a back veneer             time of importation, are fully assembled and           4412.99.5115; and 4412.99.5710.
                                               of coniferous wood; (2) products which have             are ready for their intended uses. Also                  Imports of hardwood plywood may also
                                               a face and back veneer of cork; (3)                     excluded from the scope of this investigation          enter under HTSUS subheadings
                                               multilayered wood flooring, as described in             are RTA kitchen cabinets. RTA kitchen                  4412.99.6000; 4412.99.7000; 4412.99.8000;
                                               the antidumping duty and countervailing                 cabinets are defined as kitchen cabinets               4412.99.9000; 4412.10.9000; 4412.94.5100;
                                               duty orders on Multilayered Wood Flooring               packaged for sale for ultimate purchase by an          4412.94.9500; and 4412.99.9500. While the
                                               from the People’s Republic of China, Import             end-user that, at the time of importation,             HTSUS subheadings are provided for
                                               Administration, International Trade                     includes (1) all wooden components (in                 convenience and customs purposes, the
                                               Administration. See Multilayered Wood                   finished form) required to assemble a                  written description of the scope of this
                                               Flooring from the People’s Republic of China,           finished unit of cabinetry, (2) all accessory          investigation is dispositive.
                                               76 FR 76690 (December 8, 2011) (amended                 parts (e.g., screws, washers, dowels, nails,           [FR Doc. 2017–28482 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                               final determination of sales at less than fair          handles, knobs, hooks, adhesive glues)
                                                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                               value and antidumping duty order), and                  required to assemble a finished unit of
                                               Multilayered Wood Flooring from the                     cabinetry, and (3) instructions providing
                                               People’s Republic of China, 76 FR 76693                 guidance on the assembly of a finished unit
                                               (December 8, 2011) (countervailing duty                 of cabinetry.                                          DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                               order), as amended by Multilayered Wood                    Excluded from the scope of this
                                               Flooring from the People’s Republic of China:           investigation are finished table tops, which           International Trade Administration
                                               Amended Antidumping and Countervailing                  are table tops imported in finished form with          [C–570–052]
                                               Duty Orders, 77 FR 5484 (February 3, 2012);             pre-cut or drilled openings to attach the
                                               (4) multilayered wood flooring with a face              underframe or legs. The table tops are ready           Certain Hardwood Plywood Products
                                               veneer of bamboo or composed entirely of                for use at the time of import and require no           From the People’s Republic of China:
                                               bamboo; (5) plywood which has a shape or                further finishing or processing.
                                                                                                          Excluded from the scope of this
                                                                                                                                                              Countervailing Duty Order
                                               design other than a flat panel, with the
                                               exception of any minor processing described             investigation are finished countertops that            AGENCY:  Enforcement and Compliance,
                                               above; (6) products made entirely from                  are imported in finished form and require no           International Trade Administration,
                                               bamboo and adhesives (also known as ‘‘solid             further finishing or manufacturing.                    Department of Commerce.
                                               bamboo’’); and (7) Phenolic Film Faced                     Excluded from the scope of this                     SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final
                                               Plyform (PFF), also known as Phenolic                   investigation are laminated veneer lumber
                                               Surface Film Plywood (PSF), defined as a                door and window components with (1) a
                                                                                                                                                              determinations by the Department of
                                               panel with an ‘‘Exterior’’ or ‘‘Exposure 1’’            maximum width of 44 millimeters, a                     Commerce (Commerce) and the
                                               bond classification as is defined by The                thickness from 30 millimeters to 72                    International Trade Commission (ITC),
                                               Engineered Wood Association, having an                  millimeters, and a length of less than 2413            Commerce is issuing the countervailing
                                               opaque phenolic film layer with a weight                millimeters (2) water boiling point exterior           duty order on certain hardwood
                                               equal to or greater than 90g/m3 permanently             adhesive, (3) a modulus of elasticity of               plywood products (hardwood plywood)
                                               bonded on both the face and back veneers                1,500,000 pounds per square inch or higher,            from the People’s Republic of China
                                               and an opaque, moisture resistant coating               (4) finger-jointed or lap-jointed core veneer          (China).
                                               applied to the edges.                                   with all layers oriented so that the grain is
                                                  Excluded from the scope of this                      running parallel or with no more than 3                DATES: Applicable January 4, 2018.
                                               investigation are wooden furniture goods                dispersed layers of veneer oriented with the           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               that, at the time of importation, are fully             grain running perpendicular to the other               Justin Neuman at (202) 482–0486, or
                                               assembled and are ready for their intended              layers; and (5) top layer machined with a              Matthew Renkey at (202) 482–2312, AD/
                                               uses. Also excluded from the scope of this              curved edge and one or more profile                    CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement
                                               investigation is ‘‘ready to assemble’’ (RTA)            channels throughout.
                                                                                                                                                              and Compliance, International Trade
                                               furniture. RTA furniture is defined as (A)                 Imports of hardwood plywood are
                                               furniture packaged for sale for ultimate                primarily entered under the following                  Administration, U.S. Department of
                                               purchase by an end-user that, at the time of            Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United               Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
                                               importation, includes (1) all wooden                    States (HTSUS) subheadings:                            NW, Washington, DC 20230.
                                               components (in finished form) required to               4412.10.0500;4412.31.0520; 4412.31.0540;               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               assemble a finished unit of furniture, (2) all          4412.31.0560; 4412.31.0620; 4412.31.0640;
                                               accessory parts (e.g., screws, washers,                 4412.31.0660; 4412.31.2510; 4412.31.2520;              Background
                                               dowels, nails, handles, knobs, adhesive                 4412.31.2610; 4412.31.2620; 4412.31.4040;                 In accordance with section 705(d) of
                                               glues) required to assemble a finished unit of          4412.31.4050; 4412.31.4060; 4412.31.4075;              the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (Act),
                                               furniture, and (3) instructions providing               4412.31.4080; 4412.31.4140; 4412.31.4150;              on November 16, 2017, Commerce
                                               guidance on the assembly of a finished unit             4412.31.4160; 4412.31.4180; 4412.31.5125;
                                               of furniture; (B) unassembled bathroom                  4412.31.5135; 4412.31.5155; 4412.31.5165;
                                                                                                                                                              published its affirmative final
                                               vanity cabinets, having a space for one or              4412.31.5175; 4412.31.5235; 4412.31.5255;              determination that countervailable
                                               more sinks, that are imported with all                  4412.31.5265; 4412.31.5275; 4412.31.6000;              subsidies are being provided to
                                               unassembled hardwood and hardwood                       4412.31.6100; 4412.31.9100; 4412.31.9200;              producers and exporters of hardwood
                                               plywood components that have been cut-to-               4412.32.0520; 4412.32.0540; 4412.32.0565;              plywood from China.1 On December 20,
                                               final dimensional component shape/size,                 4412.32.0570; 4412.32.0620; 4412.32.0640;              2017, the ITC notified Commerce of its
                                               painted or stained prior to importation, and            4412.32.0670; 4412.32.2510; 4412.32.2525;              affirmative determination that an
                                               stacked within a singled shipping package,              4412.32.2530; 4412.32.2610; 4412.32.2630;              industry in the United States is
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                               except for furniture feet which may be                  4412.32.3125; 4412.32.3135; 4412.32.3155;              materially injured within the meaning
                                               packed and shipped separately; or (C)                   4412.32.3165; 4412.32.3175; 4412.32.3185;
                                               unassembled bathroom vanity linen closets               4412.32.3235; 4412.32.3255; 4412.32.3265;                1 See Countervailing Duty Investigation of Certain
                                               that are imported with all unassembled                  4412.32.3275; 4412.32.3285; 4412.32.5600;
                                                                                                                                                              Hardwood Plywood Products from the People’s
                                               hardwood and hardwood plywood                           4412.32.3235; 4412.32.3255; 4412.32.3265;              Republic of China: Final Affirmative Determination,
                                               components that have been cut-to-final                  4412.32.3275; 4412.32.3285; 4412.32.5700;              and Final Affirmative Critical Circumstances
                                               dimensional shape/size, painted or stained              4412.94.1030; 4412.94.1050; 4412.94.3105;              Determination, in Part, 82 FR 53473 (November 16,
                                               prior to importation, and stacked within a              4412.94.3111; 4412.94.3121; 4412.94.3141;              2017).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:16 Jan 03, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04JAN1.SGM   04JAN1

Document Created: 2018-01-04 02:02:01
Document Modified: 2018-01-04 02:02:01
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApplicable January 4, 2018.
ContactAmanda Brings or Ryan Mullen, AD/CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3927 or (202) 482-5260, respectively.
FR Citation83 FR 504 

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