83_FR_53080 83 FR 52878 - Hazardous Materials: Notification of the Pilot-in-Command and Response to Air Related Petitions for Rulemaking

83 FR 52878 - Hazardous Materials: Notification of the Pilot-in-Command and Response to Air Related Petitions for Rulemaking

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 202 (October 18, 2018)

Page Range52878-52900
FR Document2018-22114

PHMSA, in consultation with the Federal Aviation

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 202 (Thursday, October 18, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 202 (Thursday, October 18, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52878-52900]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-22114]

[[Page 52877]]

Vol. 83


No. 202

October 18, 2018

Part II

Department of Transportation


Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration


49 CFR Parts 172 and 175

Hazardous Materials: Notification of the Pilot-in-Command and Response 

to Air Related Petitions for Rulemaking; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 83 , No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / 

Rules and Regulations

[[Page 52878]]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

49 CFR Parts 172 and 175

[Docket No. PHMSA-2015-0100 (HM-259)]

RIN 2137-AF10

Hazardous Materials: Notification of the Pilot-in-Command and 

Response to Air Related Petitions for Rulemaking

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 

Department of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: PHMSA, in consultation with the Federal Aviation 

Administration, issues this final rule to align the U.S. Hazardous 

Materials Regulations with current international standards for the air 

transportation of hazardous materials. These amendments revise certain 

special provisions, packaging requirements, information to the pilot-

in-command requirements, and exceptions for passengers and crewmembers. 

In addition to facilitating harmonization with international standards, 

several of the amendments in this rule are responsive to petitions for 

rulemaking submitted by the regulated community.


    Effective date: This rule is effective October 18, 2018.

    Delayed compliance date: Unless otherwise specified, compliance 

with the amendments adopted in this final rule is required beginning 

October 18, 2019.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Aaron Wiener, Office of Hazardous 

Materials Standards, International Standards, (202) 366-4579, Pipeline 

and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of 

Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 



Table of Contents

I. Background

II. Comment Discussion

    A. Transportation by Air Intermediate Packaging Requirements for 

Certain Low and Medium Danger Hazardous Materials (P-1637)

    B. Quantity Limits for Portable Electronic Medical Devices 

Carried by Passengers, Crewmembers, and Air Operators (P-1649)

    C. Information to the Pilot-in-Command, Harmonization With the 

ICAO Technical Instructions (P-1487)

    D. Amendments to Package Inspection (P-1671) and Securing 


III. Section-by-Section Review

IV. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

    A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking

    B. Executive Order 12866, Executive Order 13563, and DOT 

Regulatory Policies and Procedures

    C. Executive Order 13771

    D. Executive Order 13132

    E. Executive Order 13175

    F. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT 

Policies and Procedures

    G. Paperwork Reduction Act

    H. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

    I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    J. Environmental Assessment

    K. Privacy Act

    L. Executive Order 13609 and International Trade Analysis

    M. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

I. Background

    On December 5, 2016, PHMSA (also ``we''), in consultation with the 

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), published a notice of proposed 

rulemaking (NPRM) [Docket No. PHMSA-2015-0100 (HM-259); 81 FR 87510] to 

amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR parts 171-180) 

to align more closely with certain provisions of the International 

Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions for the Safe 

Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instructions). 

These amendments update miscellaneous regulatory requirements for 

hazardous materials offered for transportation, or transported, in 

commerce by aircraft. In addition, the NPRM proposed amendments in 

response to four petitions for rulemaking submitted by the regulated 

community. The petitions are included in the docket for this proceeding 

and are discussed at length in Section II (Comment Discussion) of this 

rulemaking. In the NPRM, the phrase ``notification to the pilot-in-

command'' and the acronym ``NOTOC'' were used. In this final rule, 

consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, the phrase 

``information to the pilot-in-command'' is used.

II. Comment Discussion

    In response to the NPRM [81 FR 87510], PHMSA received comments from 

the following organizations:

 Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)

 Airlines for America (A4A)

 Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles (COSTHA)

 Dangerous Goods Advisory Council (DGAC)

 United Parcel Service (UPS)

See below for discussion of the comments received and PHMSA's 

determined action in this final rule. This section addresses comments 

made to proposals to revise the HMR based on petitions for rulemaking. 

Additional comments are addressed in Section III (Section-by-Section 

Review) of this rulemaking.

A. Transportation by Air Intermediate Packaging Requirements for 

Certain Low and Medium Danger Hazardous Materials (P-1637)

    The DGAC petitioned PHMSA to remove the additional intermediate 

packaging requirements found in special provisions A3 and A6, see 49 

CFR 172.102(b)(2), by deleting these special provisions and all 

references to them in the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) in Sec.  

172.101. See P-1637.\1\ Special provisions A3 and A6 apply to certain 

commodities as assigned in column (7) of the HMT when transported by 



    \1\ See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=PHMSA-2014-0094.


     Special provision A3 states that if glass inner packagings 

are used for transportation of referenced commodities, they must be 

packed with absorbent material in tightly closed metal receptacles 

before being packed in outer packagings.

     Special provision A6 states that if plastic inner 

packagings are used for transportation of referenced commodities, they 

must be packed in tightly closed metal receptacles before being packed 

in outer packagings.

    The petitioner notes that the packaging requirements imposed by 

special provisions A3 and A6 are domestic provisions not found in the 

ICAO Technical Instructions and that maintaining these differences 

creates both a trade barrier to U.S. exports and a burden to the 

domestic market. The petitioner contends that the requirement for 

``metal receptacles'' is overly restrictive and provides a competitive 

advantage to shippers in countries that allow these products to be 

shipped without additional intermediate packagings.

    The petitioner further notes that the following requirements in 

Sec.  173.27(d) and (e) of the HMR make special provisions A3 and A6 

unnecessary: (1) When transported by air, inner packagings of Packing 

Group (PG) I materials currently assigned A3, A6, or both are already 

required to be packed in either a rigid and leakproof receptacle or an 

intermediate packaging containing sufficient absorbent material to 

absorb the entire contents of the inner

[[Page 52879]]

packaging before packing the inner packaging in its outer package; and 

(2) PG II and III commodities are already subject to secondary closure 

requirements. Therefore, the petitioner asks that the intermediate 

packaging requirements in special provisions A3 and A6 be removed.

    Section 173.27(d) of the HMR establishes the type of closure 

required for transportation of liquid hazardous materials by air. It 

states that the inner packaging for PG I liquid hazardous materials 

must have a secondary means of closure applied. The inner packaging for 

PG II or III liquid hazardous materials must have a secondary closure 

applied unless the secondary closure is impracticable. If the secondary 

closure is impracticable, the closure requirements for PG II and III 

liquids may be satisfied by securely closing the inner packaging and 

placing it in a leakproof liner or bag before placing the inner 

packaging in the outer packaging.

    Section 173.27(e) sets the absorbency requirements for PG I liquid 

hazardous materials of Classes 3, 4, or 8, or Divisions 5.1 or 6.1, 

when the materials are packaged in glass, earthenware, plastic, or 

metal inner packagings and offered for transport by air. It requires 

that inner packagings be packed in a rigid and leakproof receptacle or 

intermediate packaging that is sufficiently absorbent to absorb the 

entire contents of the inner packaging before the inner package is 

packed in the outer package.

    In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to: (1) Amend special provision A3 in 

Sec.  172.102 to authorize rigid and leakproof receptacles for 

intermediate packaging; (2) remove references to special provision A3 

from assigned PG I entries in the HMT; and (3) remove references to 

special provision A6 from assigned liquids in the HMT.

    PHMSA received positive feedback from commenters. Specifically, 

ALPA and UPS expressed support for this amendment. The DGAC also 

expressed support for the proposed amendment; however, consistent with 

their petition, DGAC continues to believe that the secondary closure 

requirements in Sec.  173.27(d) satisfy the provisions in A3, making A3 

unnecessary for PG II and III materials.

    As stated in the NPRM, PHMSA agrees that current requirements in 

Sec.  173.27(d) and (e) make special provisions A3 and A6 unnecessarily 

redundant for liquid PG I materials. We also agree that the 

requirements in Sec.  173.27(d) for inner packagings to have a 

secondary means of closure or a leakproof liner or bag adequately 

address the hazards that special provision A6 was designed to mitigate 

for PG II and III materials. As commenters did not provide any 

supplemental information or justification for the removal of special 

provision A3 from the assigned PG II and III entries other than 

originally included in the petition, PHMSA maintains its position 

stated in the NPRM that the material of construction of the inner 

packaging referenced in special provision A3 (glass) necessitates an 

intermediate packaging to perform a containment function in the event 

an inner packaging breaks. Therefore, PHMSA is maintaining the 

intermediate packaging requirements for PG II and III materials in 

special provision A3; however, we are amending special provision A3 to 

authorize rigid and leakproof receptacles for use as intermediate 

packagings that are currently limited to metal construction. This will 

provide a wider range of intermediate packaging options to shippers of 

hazardous materials subject to special provision A3.

    Additionally, in the NPRM, PHMSA solicited comment on maintaining 

special provision A6 for currently assigned solid materials or whether 

revisions to the packaging provisions for these materials should be 

considered in a future rulemaking. Special provision A6 is currently 

assigned to four solid materials (UN Nos. 1326, 1390, 1889, and 3417) 

in the HMT. Unlike the liquids currently assigned special provision A6, 

these solid materials are not subject to the intermediate or secondary 

packaging provisions in Sec.  173.27. PHMSA received two comments in 

support of removing special provision A6 from the currently assigned 

solid materials. The DGAC commented that the special provision is 

unnecessary because these solid materials are not subject to the 

intermediate or secondary packaging requirements. UPS supports removing 

the special provision provided the packaging provisions in Sec.  173.27 

are modified to require secondary or intermediate containment for these 

commodities. Based on the comments received, PHMSA will consider 

removing special provision A6 from the four solid materials in a future 


B. Quantity Limits for Portable Electronic Medical Devices Carried by 

Passengers, Crewmembers, and Air Operators (P-1649)

    Phillips Healthcare petitioned PHMSA to revise Sec.  

175.10(a)(18)(i) to increase the quantity limits applicable to the 

transportation of portable medical electronic devices (e.g., automated 

external defibrillators (AED); nebulizers; continuous positive airway 

pressure (CPAP) devices containing lithium metal batteries; and spare 

batteries) carried on aircraft by passengers and crewmembers. See P-

1649.\2\ The current HMR requirements limit all lithium metal batteries 

carried on an aircraft by passengers or crewmembers for personal use to 

a lithium content of not more than 2 grams per battery. The ICAO 

Technical Instructions allow portable medical electronic devices 

containing lithium metal batteries and spare batteries for these 

devices to contain up to 8 grams of lithium content per battery to be 

carried by passengers with the approval of the operator. The petitioner 



    \2\ See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=PHMSA-2015-0107.

    A global increase in air travel, as well as a growing aged 

population in many countries, makes it reasonable to assume that 

there will be a significant increase in older passengers and 

passengers with illness. An automated external defibrillator can 


make the difference between life and death during cardiac arrest.

    The petitioner further asserted that the current HMR requirements 

prohibit many people who need to travel with their portable medical 

electronic devices from doing so because the lithium content exceeds 

the amount allowed.

    In addition, the petitioner noted that increasing the quantity 

limits for portable medical electronic devices containing lithium metal 

batteries and spare batteries would be consistent with section 828 of 

the ``FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012'' (Pub. L. 112-98, 126 

Stat. 133; Feb. 14, 2012),\3\ which prohibits the Secretary of 

Transportation from issuing or enforcing any regulation or other 

requirement regarding the air transportation of lithium cells or 

batteries if the requirement is more stringent than the requirements of 

the ICAO Technical Instructions.


    \3\ See http://www.thefederalregister.org/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-112hrpt381/pdf/CRPT-112hrpt381.pdf.


    In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to amend Sec.  175.10(a)(18)(i) to 

authorize passengers and crewmembers to carry on board an aircraft 

lithium metal battery-powered portable medical electronic devices and 

two spare batteries for those devices exceeding 2 grams of lithium 

content per battery, but not exceeding 8 grams of lithium content per 

battery, with the approval of the operator.

    PHMSA received three comments from A4A, COSTHA, and DGAC in support 

of the proposed amendment.

[[Page 52880]]

A4A commented that the current inability of passengers and crewmembers 

to carry lithium metal battery-powered portable medical electronic 

devices exceeding 2 grams imposes unnecessary travel restrictions for 

passengers with medical needs requiring the equipment. DGAC commented 

that harmonization with the ICAO Technical Instructions on this issue 

will benefit the travelers by allowing them to carry life-saving 

medical devices.

    In contrast, ALPA provided comments that oppose the proposed 

amendment, stating that they do not support changing regulations based 

on the end use of batteries. Specifically, ALPA notes ``batteries 

installed in a medical device can be the same as used in a non-medical 

device . . . and are not inherently safer than non-medical devices.'' 

PHMSA agrees with ALPA that hazardous materials are not generally 

regulated by end-use application when offered as cargo, but rather on 

the hazard posed during transport. In addition, PHMSA does not dispute 

ALPA's assertion that lithium batteries used in medical devices present 

the same hazard as lithium batteries used in non-medical devices. 

However, the exceptions for passengers and crewmembers prescribed in 

Sec.  175.10 do not apply to cargo consignments. Instead, they are 

based on the need of individual passengers and crewmembers to carry 

personal items containing relatively small quantities of hazardous 

materials for common ``end-use'' items subject to certain conditions. 

In the 2011-2012 edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions, the 2-gram 

limit was expanded for medical devices only. Specifically, the limit 

was expanded to allow for medical devices known to exceed these limits, 

notably Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), which typically had a 

lithium content between 4 and 8 grams.\4\ Therefore, PHMSA is adopting 

the amendment to Sec.  175.10(a)(18) as proposed in the NPRM consistent 

with the provisions of the ICAO Technical Instructions.


    \4\ See paragraph 5.4.10 of ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel Working 

Paper DGP/22-WP/100 (October 2009).


    In addition to the comments above, A4A and COSTHA recommended that 

PHMSA extend this allowance for lithium metal battery-powered portable 

medical electronic devices exceeding current regulatory limits to all 

portable electronic devices powered by lithium metal batteries. They 

stated that maintaining differences between medical and non-medical 

devices increases training costs, adds confusion, and the risk of 

potential inadvertent non-compliance by aircraft operators who elect to 

approve portable medical devices exceeding 2 grams of lithium content 

per battery, but not exceeding 8 grams of lithium content per battery. 

As this proposal was not presented in the December 5, 2016 NPRM, it is 

considered beyond the scope of the rulemaking and is not addressed in 

this final rule.

C. Information to the Pilot-in-Command, Harmonization With the ICAO 

Technical Instructions (P-1487)

    UPS petitioned PHMSA to revise the information to the pilot-in-

command requirements to match the ICAO Technical Instructions. The 

pilot-in-command must receive the information in order to appropriately 

consider the presence, amount, and location of hazardous materials 

onboard the aircraft in an emergency. See P-1487.\5\ This information, 

which also includes the hazard classification, proper shipping name, 

and packing group of the hazardous materials onboard the aircraft can 

help inform the decision-making of the pilot-in-command. If an in-

flight emergency did occur, the pilot-in-command or the operator's 

ground personnel would need to convey information to air traffic 

control and/or emergency responders in order to support a safe and 

effective response.


    \5\ See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=PHMSA-2006-26159.


    In its petition, UPS asked PHMSA to amend the domestic information 

to the pilot-in-command requirements in Sec.  175.33 to reduce what it 

considers extraneous information and more closely align the HMR with 

existing international practices. The petitioner stated that 

harmonization with more elements of the ICAO Technical Instructions' 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements will reduce the 

regulatory burden for operators, as well as the costs associated with 

training employees and contract personnel to two sets of standards.

    In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed adding each of the following 

requirements to the HMR:

    1. The operator must provide to the flight dispatcher \6\ the same 

information as provided on the information to the pilot-in-command;


    \6\ For the purposes of this rulemaking the ``flight 

dispatcher'' refers to the personnel with responsibilities for 

operational control of the aircraft (e.g., the flight operations 

officer, flight dispatcher, or designated ground personnel 

responsible for flight operations).


    2. The information must be provided to the pilot-in-command and 

flight dispatchers prior to an aircraft moving under its own power;

    3. The air operator must retain the pilot-in-command's confirmation 

via signature or other appropriate indication that the required 

information was received; and

    4. The person responsible for loading the aircraft must provide a 

signed confirmation or other form of indication that no damaged or 

leaking packages or packages showing evidence of damage or leakage were 

loaded on the aircraft.

    PHMSA received comments from A4A, ALPA, DGAC, COSTHA, and UPS 

providing general support for aligning the information to the pilot-in-

command requirements with the ICAO Technical Instructions. UPS 

commented, ``This action will improve consistency between the HMR and 

ICAO, thereby promoting clarity of requirements, and overall compliance 

and safety in flight for operations around the world.'' DGAC commented, 

``. . . Harmonizing the provisions of the HMR with those in the ICAO 

will provide for enhanced safety, minimize potential for errors, 

enhance training in only one set of harmonized requirements, and 

otherwise minimize costs of maintaining two systems of operations.''

    These and other general changes discussed below will result in 

PHMSA harmonizing with the ICAO Technical Instructions in regards to 

the information required to be provided in the information to the 


     Requirement that the operator provide the same information 

to the flight dispatcher that is required to be provided to the pilot-

in-command. In an emergency, a flight dispatcher may be more readily 

able to communicate with air traffic control and emergency responders 

about the nature and location of hazardous materials onboard an 

aircraft than the pilot-in-command. Harmonizing with the ICAO Technical 

Instructions and requiring flight dispatchers to have the same 

information as the pilot-in-command regarding the nature, amounts, and 

locations of hazardous materials improves information sharing in an 

emergency situation. Incorporating this provision into the HMR is also 

relevant to the National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) Safety 

Recommendation A-11-042, which recommends that the FAA ``develop a 

method to quickly communicate information regarding the number of 

persons on board and the presence of hazardous materials to emergency 

responders when airport

[[Page 52881]]

emergency response or search and rescue is activated.'' \7\


    \7\ See http://www.ntsb.gov/safety/safety-recs/recletters/A-11-039-047.pdf.


    Consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, operators are 

responsible to specify the personnel to be provided the information to 

the pilot-in-command in their operations manual and/or other 

appropriate manuals. The term ``provided'' covers the information to 

the pilot-in-command when made available in a handwritten, printed, or 

electronic format.

    Providing an additional and potentially quicker means for airport 

rescue and firefighting (ARFF) personnel to receive the information to 

the pilot-in-command underscores that the ARFF community is as much an 

intended consumer of the information as is the pilot-in-command. ARFF 

training in hazardous materials incidents is required under 14 CFR part 

139, which specifies the FAA's requirements for certificated airports.

    PHMSA received comments from A4A, COSTHA, and UPS concerning use of 

the term ``written'' in the proposed paragraphs Sec.  175.33(a) and 

(b)(2). A4A and COSTHA commented that the ``accurate and legible 

written information'' language in proposed Sec.  175.33(a) and the 

``copy of the written notification'' language in proposed Sec.  

175.33(b)(2) do not support electronic notification method as air 

operators continue to move away from paper documents towards electronic 

systems for messaging and direct information upload to, and retrieval 

from, the cockpit. In their comments, A4A stated, ``Electronic storage 

and messaging allows the most up-to-date and accurate documentation to 

be retrieved by flight crews, dispatchers and ground personnel at any 

time, providing a safety enhancement in addition to considerable cost 

and environmental benefits.'' UPS commented that including the 

``legible written'' language in the proposed Sec.  175.33(a) allows for 

the interpretation that a printed information to the pilot-in-command 

is required for issuance to the pilot-in-command, as well as having the 

unintended effect of requiring printed information to be furnished to a 

flight dispatcher or equivalent operator employee. UPS explained that 

large carrier operations such as theirs would face difficulties as 

``information is readily available in other formats and the task of 

managing printed copies would be inefficient and contrary to 

technological advances.'' The three commenters provided similar 

alternative language removing the word ``written'' from paragraphs (a) 

and (b)(2).

    The intent of the NPRM was to more closely align the information to 

the pilot-in-command provisions in the HMR with those in the ICAO 

Technical Instructions. Consistent with the language in the NPRM, the 

current requirements in both regulations require that the operator of 

the aircraft provide the pilot-in-command with ``accurate and legible 

written information.'' Chapter 7;4.1.1 b) of the ICAO Technical 

Instructions requires that the aircraft operator provide personnel with 

responsibilities for operation control of the aircraft (e.g., flight 

dispatcher) with the same information required to be provided to the 

pilot-in-command. The ICAO requirement is followed by an example 

indicating that an operator may satisfy this requirement by providing 

the flight dispatcher with a copy of the written information provided 

to the pilot-in-command. However, the requirement in the ICAO Technical 

Instructions, while using the phrase ``copy of the written 

information'' as an example, does not specify the format or method in 

which the information is provided to the flight dispatcher, but rather 

only that the information is the same as provided to the pilot-in-


    PHMSA agrees that the term ``written'' may not be clear to everyone 

that the use of an electronic format for the information to the pilot-

in-command is allowed. Based on the information provided by the three 

commenters, this final rule revises paragraphs (a) and (b)(2) to 

clarify that for the purposes of Sec.  175.33, ``written'' means in a 

handwritten, printed, or an electronic format. Therefore, the 

information provided to both the pilot-in-command and the flight 

dispatcher may be provided legibly in writing (e.g. handwritten, 

printed, or electronic format) provided all requirements of the section 

are met. We recognize the trend of providing the pilot-in-command and 

flight dispatchers with operational data through electronic means and 

that the use of electronic means to supplement the pilot-in-command 

with information about cargo, including hazardous materials, is 

consistent with current practices. The FAA recognizes that there are 

multiple electronic means that operators may use to provide information 

to their pilot-in-command and flight dispatchers.

     Requirement that the information to the pilot-in-command 

be provided to the pilot and flight dispatchers prior to an aircraft 

moving under its own power. The current HMR require the pilot-in-

command to receive written information meeting the requirements in 

Sec.  175.33 as early as practicable before departure of the aircraft. 

Consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, PHMSA believes that 

this information should be provided to both the pilot-in-command and 

flight dispatchers prior to the aircraft moving under its own power. 

The pilot-in-command should not be burdened with additional information 

or processes during taxiing and final preparations for takeoff. This 

change would also allow the pilot-in-command additional time to address 

any safety concerns identified after a review of the information before 

taxiing. For example, the pilot-in-command will be more likely to have 

the opportunity to physically inspect (e.g., packages, paperwork, 

etc.), ask questions, or otherwise act on the information if they 

receive the information prior to the aircraft moving.

     Requirement that the air operator obtains and retains a 

confirmation (e.g., a signed confirmation from the pilot-in-command or 

notation via an operator's computer system) that the information was 

received by the pilot-in-command. The current HMR require the 

information to be provided to the pilot-in-command by the operator and 

for the operator to maintain a record of the information to the pilot-

in-command for 90 days, but there is no requirement for the pilot-in-

command to indicate receipt of the information. To be consistent with 

the ICAO Technical Instructions, PHMSA is requiring the operator to 

obtain and retain documentation of the pilot-in-command's receipt of 

the information.

     Requirement for the information provided to the pilot-in-

command to have a signed confirmation or some other indication from the 

person responsible for loading the aircraft that no evidence of damaged 

or leaking packages were loaded on the aircraft. The current HMR 

require a confirmation that no damaged or leaking packages were loaded 

on board an aircraft, but there is no requirement for a signature or 

other means of verification from the person responsible for loading the 

aircraft. The requirement for the information provided to the pilot-in-

command to have a signed confirmation or other indication from the 

person responsible for loading ensures that there is no evidence of 

damage to or leakage from the packages or evidence of leakage from the 

unit load device loaded on an aircraft which provides for a more 

accountable safety system.

     General harmonization with the ICAO Technical Instructions 

in regards to information required to be provided in the information to 

the pilot-in-

[[Page 52882]]

command associated with (and linked to) requirements for shipping 

papers. The current HMR require the additional description requirements 

of Sec. Sec.  172.202 and 172.203 to be provided in the information to 

the pilot-in-command. These additional information requirements 

necessitate the inclusion of items such as descriptions of the physical 

or chemical form of radioactive materials, an indication that the 

materials being transported are packaged under limited quantity 

exceptions, an indication that marine pollutants are present, etc. By 

aligning with the ICAO Technical Instructions, PHMSA believes that the 

removal of additional description requirements from the information to 

the pilot-in-command will result in decreased complexity and training 

costs for operators without negatively impacting safety. In the NPRM, 

we invited comment from the ARFF community pertaining to the effect 

this proposed rule would have had on past incident or accident 

responses; however, as no comments were received, we are removing the 

additional description requirements from the information to the pilot-

in-command requirements as proposed.

    The current HMR contain a requirement that the information to the 

pilot-in-command prepared in accordance with the ICAO Technical 

Instructions must also include any additional elements required to be 

shown on shipping papers by subpart C of part 171 of this subchapter. 

The additional elements currently required are: An indication of the 

``EX Number'' for Division 1.4G safety devices; an indication of ``RQ'' 

and technical names if applicable for hazardous substances; an 

indication that the hazardous material is a ``Waste'' for hazardous 

wastes; and the inclusion of the words ``Poison-Inhalation Hazard'' or 

``Toxic-Inhalation Hazard'' and the words ``Zone A,'' ``Zone B,'' 

``Zone C,'' or ``Zone D'' for gases, or ``Zone A'' or ``Zone B'' for 

liquids, as appropriate for Division 2.3 materials meeting the 

definition of a material poisonous by inhalation. PHMSA is removing the 

requirement for the information to the pilot-in-command made in 

accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions to include these 

additional elements. This information will still be required on 

shipping papers.

    General harmonization between the HMR information to the pilot-in-

command requirements and those found in the ICAO Technical Instructions 

ensures consistency for operators subject to both regulatory systems, 

thus reducing the cost of complying with two different sets of 

standards. However, the HMR will continue to require that the date of 

the flight be included on the information to the pilot-in-command, 

while the current ICAO Technical Instructions do not. Maintaining the 

flight date adds another safety control to ensure the pilot-in-command 

has the correct form. As many operators already include the date as a 

part of their information provided to the pilot-in-command, this 

amendment will not create an undue administrative burden. PHMSA 

received one comment from UPS providing support for maintaining the 

flight date on the information to the pilot-in-command. The ICAO 

Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) took action in October 2016 to amend the 

ICAO Technical Instructions to include the flight date as one of the 

required fields on the information to the pilot-in-command. This change 

will align with the HMR and is expected to be reflected in the 2019-

2020 ICAO Technical Instructions.

    In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed maintaining the existing requirement 

that a hazardous material carried under the terms of a special permit 

must be indicated on the information to the pilot-in-command. PHMSA 

received a comment from UPS stating that the existing term ``special 

permit'' is too focused on U.S. regulations. They note that parallel 

ICAO provision, in Part 7; Section j) refers to a requirement 

to include, ``where applicable, an indication that the dangerous goods 

are being carried under a State exemption.'' UPS suggested that the 

proposed language should be broadened to include a reference to an 

``equivalent document issued by the appropriate authority of another 

country,'' thereby reducing potential variation from the ICAO 

requirement. PHMSA agrees. Therefore, consistent with the ICAO 

Technical Instructions, this final rule adds ``or under a State 

exemption as prescribed in the ICAO Technical Instructions'' in 

addition to ``special permit.'' ICAO defines ``exemption'' as being 

equivalent to a special permit under the HMR. An ``exemption'' does not 

include approvals, which are not required to be indicated on the 

information to the pilot-in-command.

    In their comments, A4A and COSTHA stated that carriers do not 

prepare the information to the pilot-in-command when the hazardous 

material does not require a shipping paper, noting that the HMR do not 

require a shipping paper for lithium cells or batteries prepared in 

accordance with Sec.  173.185(c) or the corresponding Section II of 

ICAO Packing Instructions (PI) 965-970. The commenters noted that part 

7;4.1.11, Table 7-9 provides a list of dangerous goods not required to 

appear in the information to the pilot-in-command. The list includes 

entries for lithium batteries consigned under the entries UN3090, 

UN3091, UN3480, and UN3481 when meeting the requirements of Section II 

of PI 965-970. The commenters noted that the HMR do not have a 

corresponding exception for these same materials prepared even though a 

shipping paper is not required. Both commenters suggested incorporating 

the ICAO provisions by either adding Table 7-9 into Sec.  175.33 or by 

adding a specific exception stating that lithium batteries prepared in 

accordance with Sec.  173.185(c) are not required to appear on the 

information to the pilot-in-command. COSTHA suggested adding exceptions 

in Sec.  175.33 for all materials listed in Table 7-9 of the ICAO 

Technical Instructions such as excepted quantities and ``UN3373 and 

Biological substance, Category B'' among others.

    PHMSA agrees that in instances when a shipping paper is not 

required, the information for that material is generally not required 

to appear on the information to the pilot-in-command either. Because a 

shipping paper contains the information from which the elements of the 

information to the pilot-in-command are derived, it is impracticable to 

prepare the information for materials not requiring a shipping paper. 

We also agree that the HMR do not have a clear exception from the 

information to the pilot-in-command requirement for lithium batteries 

prepared in accordance with Sec.  173.185(c), which corresponds with 

Section II of ICAO PI 965-970. Other materials listed in Table 7-9, 

such as those offered in excepted quantities (Sec.  173.4a), and 

``UN3373 and Biological substance, Category B'' (Sec.  173.199) are 

sufficiently addressed in their relevant section of the HMR, with an 

indication that the materials are not otherwise subject to the 

requirements of the subchapter, to include the requirements of Sec.  

175.33, if the applicable conditions are met. Therefore, this final 

rule clarifies in Sec.  175.33(a)(13) that lithium batteries prepared 

in accordance with Sec.  173.185(c) are not required to appear on the 

information to the pilot-in-command, which corresponds with Section II 

of the applicable ICAO packing instruction.

D. Amendments to Package Inspection (P-1671) and Securing Requirements

    Labelmaster Services petitioned PHMSA to amend Sec.  175.30(c)(1) 

by removing language prohibiting any package, outside container, or 


[[Page 52883]]

containing hazardous materials from being transported on an aircraft if 

it has holes. See P-1671.\8\ The petitioner noted that operators and 

freight forwarders have declined to transport packages with minor 

abrasions, tears, dents, cuts, small holes, or other minor damage from 

normal conditions of transportation and handling. Even where these 

examples of minor damage or holes did not compromise the packaging's 

integrity, operators and freight forwarders declined to transport them 

on the basis of Sec.  175.30(c)(1).


    \8\ See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=PHMSA-2015-0281.


    PHMSA believes the current restriction prohibiting acceptance of 

any of these containment methods with holes to be overly prescriptive, 

especially as the paramount safety requirement is that there must not 

be any indication that the integrity of the containment method has been 

compromised. In the NPRM, consistent with the ICAO Technical 

Instructions, PHMSA proposed to amend Sec.  175.30(c)(1) to remove 

language prohibiting packages or overpacks containing hazardous 

materials from being transported on an aircraft simply due to the 

presence of holes when the holes do not compromise the integrity of the 

containment device.

    PHMSA received comments from A4A, COSTHA, DGAC, and UPS in response 

to the proposed revision. The DGAC commented in support of the proposed 

revision as it enhances harmonization and does not compromise safety. 

UPS commented in support of the proposed revision, noting that the risk 

of transporting such packages aboard aircraft would not be elevated, 

and was also supportive of the NPRM preamble language, stating 

operators are ultimately responsible for the decision to accept such a 

package for transportation. In their comments, A4A and COSTHA provided 

support for the NPRM preamble language, stating that operators may 

continue to have more restrictive standards as a part of their business 

practice; however, they expressed concern on how package integrity 

determinations are to be made and whether enforcement officials will 

accept the aircraft operator's conclusion. COSTHA also commented that 

aircraft operators receive ``knowing'' or ``constructive knowledge'' 

violations for non-compliance with the HMR, further noting that 

accidental damage is not a ``knowing'' violation but that an operator 

accepting a package with a small hole or abrasion could be considered a 

``knowing'' violation as operators are prohibited from transporting 

damaged packages aboard aircraft.

    PHMSA expects that the majority of determinations applicable to 

small holes on the integrity of a package or overpack will be quite 

evident. If an air operator has any doubt on whether the integrity of 

the package or overpack has been compromised, and potentially is not 

suitable for transportation aboard aircraft, it should not be accepted 

for transport in its present condition. Further, a package or overpack 

containing only superficial damage not affecting the integrity, and not 

prohibited by Sec.  175.30(c)(1), would not be considered a damaged 

package or overpack.

    As stated in the NPRM, PHMSA believes the current restriction 

prohibiting acceptance of any package or overpack with holes to be 

overly prescriptive, especially as the paramount safety requirement is 

that there must not be any indication that the integrity of the 

containment method has been compromised. Therefore, this final rule 

adopts the revision to Sec.  175.30 as proposed in the December 5, 2016 

NPRM with minor editorial clarifications. In reviewing the section 

during development of the final rule, PHMSA determined that the term 

``outside container'' is not applicable. As per the definition of 

``strong outer packaging'' in Sec.  171.8, it is synonymous with 

``strong outer container''. Therefore ``outside container'' has the 

same meaning as outer packaging. Outer packaging is a component of a 

package, which is already listed. As a result, in this final rule PHMSA 

is removing ``outside container'' from paragraphs (b) and (c). In 

addition, in the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to include ``freight container'' 

and ``unit load device'' in the list of containment devices contained 

in paragraph (c). The intent was to align with the provisions in ICAO 

Technical Instructions, but further review found that there is no such 

provision in the ICAO Technical Instructions. In Part 7;1.3.1 i) of the 

ICAO Technical Instructions there is a requirement to verify freight 

containers and unit load devices are not leaking and there is no 

indication that the integrity has been compromised; however, this is 

under the activity of conducting an acceptance checklist which the HMR 

do not require. As a result, in this final rule, we are not listing 

``freight containers'' or ``unit load devices'' in paragraph (c).

    Section 175.88 prescribes requirements for inspection, orientation, 

and securing packages of hazardous materials aboard aircraft. In the 

NPRM, PHMSA proposed revisions to Sec.  175.88(c) to require hazardous 

materials loaded in an aircraft to be protected from damage, including 

by the movement of baggage, mail, stores, or other cargo, and further 

harmonize specific portions of the general loading/securement 

requirements pertaining to appropriate securing and loading practices 

of the HMR with those found in the ICAO Technical Instructions. 

Specifically, PHMSA proposed to revise Sec.  175.88(c) by separating 

the provisions of the existing paragraph (c) into new subparagraphs (1) 

and (4), and adding subparagraphs (2) and (3) to align with part 

7;2.4.3 of the ICAO Technical Instructions that reads as follows:

    When dangerous goods subject to the provisions herein are loaded 

in an aircraft, the operator must protect the packages of dangerous 

goods from being damaged, including by the movement of baggage, 

mail, stores or other cargo. Particular attention must be paid to 

the handling of packages during their preparation for transport, the 

type of aircraft on which they are to be carried and the method 

required to load that aircraft, so that accidental damage is not 

caused through dragging or mishandling of the packages.

    PHMSA received three comments from A4A, COSTHA, and UPS in response 

to the proposed revisions. The commenters stated that the manner in 

which the proposed paragraphs are structured may have the unintended 

effect of applying to activities outside of the aircraft loading 

process, resulting in subjective conditions that could lead to 

inappropriate enforcement. COSTHA commented that the proposed 

requirements ``could be interpreted to prohibit industry standard 

processing and movement of packages and baggage at sorting facilities 

or conveyor belt operations used to move packages.'' A4A and UPS 

commented on the use of ``dragging'' in proposed paragraph (c)(3). A4A 

asserted that normal cargo handling practices could be ``construed by 

an inspector'' as ``dragging'' or inadequate protection resulting in a 

violation and that ``such practices include loading of unit load 

devices and the holds of narrow-body, non-containerized aircraft by 

leveraging smooth floor surfaces to slide packages into place.'' UPS 

commented that the established industry practice of sliding of packages 

on surfaces (e.g., tables, conveyor belts, floors and other surfaces) 

may be subject to proposed language in Sec.  175.88(c)(3), noting that 

the term ``dragging'' would introduce a basis for enforcement personnel 

to misinterpret industry package handling methods. UPS further 

commented that there are aircraft holds, such as those with low 

ceilings, in which the positioning of or removal of packages

[[Page 52884]]

necessitates the sliding or dragging of such packages.

    In addition, the commenters suggested that the proposed text is 

unnecessary because other requirements in the HMR, such as those in 

Sec. Sec.  175.30 and 175.90(c), already prevent the loading of damaged 

packages containing hazardous materials aboard aircraft.

    The intent of the revisions to Sec.  175.88(c) is to ensure that 

hazardous materials are not loaded in an inappropriate manner and that 

accidental damage is not caused during the loading process. The safety 

gap addressed in this final rule covers the movement of hazardous 

materials during the aircraft loading process until the cargo is 

secured aboard the aircraft. PHMSA acknowledges that certain aircraft 

types or configurations necessitate sliding or dragging to position the 

cargo aboard the aircraft. An example of this type of aircraft would be 

passenger aircraft, which contain smaller ``lower hold'' cargo 

configurations. These ``lower hold'' configurations are typically 3-4 

feet in height, in which operator personnel must get on their knees due 

to the small hold area and items must be maneuvered by pushing, 

pulling, and sliding cargo.

    PHMSA has reviewed the existing requirements in Sec.  175.88(c), 

and while these requirements ensure that packages are inspected for 

damage upon initial acceptance by the operator and forbid placing 

aboard an aircraft baggage or cargo that is contaminated with hazardous 

material or appears to be leaking, they do not address accidental 

damage that may be caused through mishandling of the packages during 

the loading process. PHMSA agrees that the paragraph structure could be 

misinterpreted to apply to situations outside of the loading process. 

Therefore, this final rule revises paragraph (c)(3) consistent with the 

language suggested by COSTHA in their comments.

III. Section-by-Section Review

    The following is a section-by-section review of the amendments in 

this final rule:

Part 172

Section 172.101

    Section 172.101 contains the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) and 

provides instructions for its use. Section 172.101(h) describes column 

(7) of the HMT, which specifies codes for special provisions applicable 

to hazardous materials. In this final rule, PHMSA is revising the 

column (7) special provisions.

    Specifically, PHMSA is removing: (1) Special provision A3 from all 

assigned PG I HMT entries in column (7); and (2) special provision A6 

from all assigned liquid HMT entries in column (7). Table 1 illustrates 

the HMT entries for which changes are proposed:

                                 Table 1


           Proper shipping name               UN ID No.     SP deletion


Acetaldehyde..............................  UN1089         A3

Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid         UN2789         A6

 solution, with more than 80 percent acid,

 by mass.

Acetic acid solution, not less than 50      UN2790         A6

 percent but not more than 80 percent

 acid, by mass.

Acetic anhydride..........................  UN1715         A6

Acetyl chloride...........................  UN1717         A6

Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s........  UN1421         A3

Alkali metal amalgam, liquid..............  UN1389         A3

Alkali metal dispersions, flammable or      UN3482         A3

 Alkaline earth metal dispersions,


Alkali metal dispersions, or Alkaline       UN1391         A3

 earth metal dispersions.

Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including C2- UN3145         A6

 C12 homologues) (PG I).

Allyl iodide..............................  UN1723         A6

Amines, liquid, corrosive, flammable,       UN2734         A3, A6

 n.o.s. or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive,

 flammable, n.o.s. (PG I).

Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s., or       UN2735         A3, A6

 Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. (PG


Amyl mercaptan............................  UN1111         A6

Antimony pentafluoride....................  UN1732         A6

Benzyl chloroformate......................  UN1739         A3, A6

Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate........  UN2604         A3

Butyl mercaptan...........................  UN2347         A6

Chlorite solution.........................  UN1908         A6

2-Chloropropene...........................  UN2456         A3

Chromium oxychloride......................  UN1758         A3, A6

Chromosulfuric acid.......................  UN2240         A3, A6

Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic,        UN3264         A6

 n.o.s. (PG I).

Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, n.o.s.   UN3265         A6

 (PG I).

Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.  UN3266         A6

 (PG I).

Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s.    UN3267         A6

 (PG I).

Corrosive liquid, self-heating, n.o.s. (PG  UN3301         A6


Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s. (PG    UN2920         A6


Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. (PG I)..........  UN1760         A6

Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s.......  UN3093         A6

Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s. (PG I)...  UN2922         A6

Corrosive liquids, water-reactive, n.o.s..  UN3094         A6

Dichloroacetic acid.......................  UN1764         A6

Dichloroacetyl chloride...................  UN1765         A6

Difluorophosphoric acid, anhydrous........  UN1768         A6

Disinfectant, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s....  UN1903         A6

Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye      UN2801         A6

 intermediates, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.

 (PG I).

Ethyl mercaptan...........................  UN2363         A6

Ethyldichlorosilane.......................  UN1183         A3

Fluoroboric acid..........................  UN1775         A6

Fluorophosphoric acid anhydrous...........  UN1776         A6

Fluorosilicic acid........................  UN1778         A6

[[Page 52885]]


Fluorosulfonic acid.......................  UN1777         A3, A6

Hexafluorophosphoric acid.................  UN1782         A6

Hydrazine, anhydrous......................  UN2029         A3, A6

Hydriodic acid (PG II)....................  UN1787         A6

Hydrobromic acid, with not more than 49     UN1788         A6

 percent hydrobromic acid (PG II).

Hydrochloric acid (PG II).................  UN1789         A6

Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid         UN1786         A6


Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60        UN1790         A6

 percent strength.

Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60    UN1790         A6

 percent strength.

Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid     UN3149         A6

 mixtures, stabilized with acids, water,

 and not more than 5 percent peroxyacetic


Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with   UN2014         A6

 not less than 20 percent but not more

 than 40 percent hydrogen peroxide

 (stabilized as necessary).

Lithium aluminum hydride, ethereal........  UN1411         A3

Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic,       UN1228         A6

 n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid,

 flammable, toxic, n.o.s. (PG III).

Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flammable,       UN3071         A6

 n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid,

 toxic, flammable, n.o.s., flash point not

 less than 23 degrees C.

Methyldichlorosilane......................  UN1242         A3

Morpholine................................  UN2054         A6

Nitric acid other than red fuming, with at  UN2031         A6

 least 65 percent, but not more than 70

 percent nitric acid.

Nitric acid other than red fuming, with     UN2031         A6

 more than 20 percent and less than 65

 percent nitric acid.

Nitric acid other than red fuming, with     UN2031         A6

 not more than 20 percent nitric acid.

Nitric acid other than red fuming, with     UN2031         A3

 more than 70 percent nitric acid.

Nitrohydrochloric acid....................  UN1798         A3

Nitrosylsulfuric acid, liquid.............  UN2308         A6

Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s. (PG I)  UN2788         A3

Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. (PG I)  UN3098         A6

Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s. (PG I)...........  UN3139         A6

Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s. (PG I)....  UN3099         A6

Perchloric acid with more than 50 percent   UN1873         A3

 but not more than 72 percent acid, by


Phosphorus tribromide.....................  UN1808         A6

Propanethiols.............................  UN2402         A6

Propylene oxide...........................  UN1280         A3

1,2-Propylenediamine......................  UN2258         A6

Propyleneimine, stabilized................  UN1921         A3

Selenium oxychloride......................  UN2879         A3, A6

Silicon tetrachloride.....................  UN1818         A6

Sulfur chlorides..........................  UN1828         A3

Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than 30     UN1831         A3

 percent free sulfur trioxide.

Trichloroacetic acid, solution............  UN2564         A6

Trifluoroacetic acid......................  UN2699         A3, A6

Valeryl chloride..........................  UN2502         A6

Vanadium oxytrichloride...................  UN2443         A6

Vanadium tetrachloride....................  UN2444         A3, A6

Vinyl ethyl ether, stabilized.............  UN1302         A3

Xylyl bromide, liquid.....................  UN1701         A6


Section 172.102 Special Provisions

    Section 172.102 lists special provisions applicable to the 

transportation of specific hazardous materials. Special provisions 

contain packaging requirements, prohibitions, and exceptions applicable 

to particular quantities or forms of hazardous materials. PHMSA is 

replacing the existing requirement for tightly closed metal receptacles 

in special provision A3 from Sec.  172.102(b)(2), which applies only to 

transportation by aircraft, with a requirement for rigid and leakproof 

receptacles or intermediate packaging packed with absorbent material.

Part 175

Section 175.10

    Section 175.10 provides exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and 

air operators. PHMSA is revising Sec.  175.10(a)(18)(i) to authorize 

passengers and crewmembers to carry on board aircraft portable medical 

electronic devices containing lithium metal batteries with a lithium 

content exceeding 2 grams per battery, but not exceeding 8 grams of 

lithium content per battery, and no more than two individually 

protected lithium metal spare batteries for these portable medical 

electronic devices each exceeding 2 grams of lithium content, but not 

exceeding 8 grams of lithium content, with the approval of the 

operator. Consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions and the 

current HMR prohibitions, spare lithium batteries (i.e., batteries that 

are not packed with or contained in equipment) of any type and for any 

application continue to be prohibited from checked baggage. FAA's 

Safety Alert to Operators (SAFO) 15010 Carriage of Spare Lithium 

Batteries in Carry-on and Checked Baggage \9\ provides additional 

guidance to operators on this issue.


    \9\ (SAFO) 15010 Carriage of Spare Lithium Batteries in Carry-on 

and Checked Baggage.


Section 175.30

    Section 175.30 prescribes requirements for the inspection and 

acceptance of hazardous materials.

[[Page 52886]]

PHMSA is revising Sec.  175.30(c)(1) to no longer prohibit packages or 

overpacks containing hazardous materials from being transported on an 

aircraft if there are one or more holes present when the hole(s) or 

other indications do not indicate compromised integrity to the package 

or overpack.

Section 175.33

    Section 175.33 establishes requirements for shipping papers and the 

information to the pilot-in-command when hazardous materials are 

transported by aircraft. PHMSA is making revisions to harmonize the 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements in the HMR with those 

found in the ICAO Technical Instructions. Specifically, we are making 

revisions to:

     Align the elements that are required to be provided in the 

information to the pilot-in-command;

     Clarify that information to the pilot-in-command may be in 

an electronic form;

     Ensure the information to the pilot-in-command is provided 

to flight dispatchers or, when flight dispatchers are not utilized, 

other ground support personnel with operational control of the 


     Harmonize with ICAO requirements addressing when the 

information must be provided to the pilot-in-command and flight 


     Require confirmation via signature or other appropriate 

indication by the pilot-in-command to indicate that the required 

information was received;

     Clarify that UN3480, UN3481, UN3090, and UN3091 prepared 

in accordance with Sec.  173.185(c), except Sec.  173.185(c)(4)(vi), 

are not required to appear on the information to the pilot-in-command; 


     Require that the information provided to the pilot-in-

command contain confirmation via signature or other appropriate 

indication by the person responsible for loading the aircraft that no 

damaged or leaking packages or packages showing evidence of damage or 

leakage have been loaded on the aircraft.

    Consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, we are also 

amending Sec.  175.33 by removing the requirement to include additional 

informational requirements in Sec.  175.33(a)(1)(i) and (ii). This 

information will continue to be required on shipping papers.

    PHMSA has restructured Sec.  175.33 to separate the requirements 

for the information to the pilot-in-command from those for shipping 

papers to address comments to the NPRM from UPS stating that the 

proposed text is confusing and suggesting revisions to improve clarity.

Section 175.88

    Section 175.88 prescribes requirements for inspection, orientation, 

and securing packages of hazardous materials aboard aircraft. PHMSA is 

amending Sec.  175.88(c) by separating the provisions of the existing 

paragraph (c) into new subparagraphs (1) and (4), and adding 

subparagraphs (2) and (3) to align with part 7;2.4.3 of the ICAO 

Technical Instructions. Specifically, these new paragraphs will require 

that hazardous materials be: (1) Secured in an aircraft in a manner 

that will prevent any change in the orientation of the packages; (2) 

protected from damage, including by the movement of baggage, mail, 

stores, or other cargo; (3) loaded so that accidental damage is not 

caused through dragging or mishandling; and (4) Class 7 (radioactive) 

materials be secured in a manner that ensures that the separation 

requirements of Sec. Sec.  175.701 and 175.702 will be maintained at 

all times during flight.

IV. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking

    This final rule is published under the statutory authority of the 

Federal hazardous materials transportation law (Federal hazmat law). 49 

U.S.C. 5101 et seq. Section 5103(b) of the Federal hazmat law 

authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to prescribe regulations for 

the safe transportation, including security, of hazardous materials in 

intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce. Section 5120(b) of the 

Federal hazmat law authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to ensure 

that, to the extent practicable, regulations governing the 

transportation of hazardous materials in commerce are consistent with 

standards adopted by international authorities. The Secretary has 

delegated these authorizations to the Administrator for PHMSA. See 49 

CFR 1.97.

    This final rule amends regulations to increase alignment with 

international standards by incorporating various amendments, including 

changes to special provisions, packaging requirements, air transport 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements, and allowances for 

hazardous materials to be carried on board an aircraft by passengers 

and crewmembers. To this end, this final rule amends regulations to 

more fully align the HMR with the ICAO Technical Instructions. The 

large volume of hazardous materials transported in international 

commerce warrants the harmonization of domestic and international 

requirements to the greatest extent possible.

    Harmonization serves to facilitate international commerce, while 

also promoting the safety of people, property, and the environment by 

reducing the potential for confusion and misunderstanding that could 

result if shippers and operators were required to comply with two or 

more conflicting sets of regulatory requirements. PHMSA's goal is to 

harmonize without sacrificing the current HMR level of safety or 

imposing undue burdens on the regulated community. We consulted the FAA 

in the development of this rule.

B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures

    This final rule is not considered a significant regulatory action 

under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and 

Review,'' 58 FR 51735 (Oct. 4, 1993) and, therefore, was not reviewed 

by the Office of Management and Budget. Accordingly, this final rule is 

not considered a significant rule under the Regulatory Policies and 

Procedures of the Department of Transportation. 44 FR 11034 (Feb. 26, 


Benefits of the Rule

    PHMSA analyzed the expected benefits of these provisions in this 

final rule. Typically, the benefits of rules are derived from (1) 

enhanced health and safety factors and (2) reduced expenditures, such 

as private-sector savings, government administrative savings, gains in 

work time, harmonization impacts, and costs of compliance. In the case 

of this final rule, most of the benefits will be derived from health 

and safety factors, as well as reduced compliance costs.

    The health and safety benefits specifically attributable to 

modifications of the information to the pilot-in-command requirements 

are not easily calculable with any degree of accuracy. The requirements 

for pilot-in-command's signature and confirmation from the person 

responsible for loading the aircraft will result in more effective and 

efficient response in the event of an aviation incident. The 

requirement that packages be protected from damage during loading 

operations will result in increased safety and environmental 

protection. Benefits will also be realized through a more efficient 

response time because of emergency response personnel having quicker 

access to hazardous materials information for each flight.

[[Page 52887]]

Cost Reducing Aspects of Harmonization

    The primary cost savings expected from this final rule result from 

reduced packaging costs in relation to the removal of special provision 

A3 from all assigned PG I HMT entries and special provision A6 from all 

assigned liquid HMT entries. Additionally, while they have not been 

quantified, PHMSA expects cost savings from the final rule's general 

harmonization of information to the pilot-in-command requirements and 

support for the use of electronic formats.

    Currently, compliance with special provisions A3 and A6 requires 

domestic shippers to use extra \10\ or more expensive \11\ materials. 

Shippers also incur higher freight charges for shipping packages with 

higher package weights.\12\ PHMSA estimates that the partial removal of 

A3 and complete removal of A6 for liquids, as well as that of the 

associated intermediate packaging requirements, will provide 

undiscounted annual cost savings of $1,814,643 in reduced packaging 

costs to shippers.


    \10\ A metal container enclosing either a plastic or glass 


    \11\ A metal or glass container rather than a plastic container.

    \12\ Having a metal container enclosing a plastic/glass 

container will add weight. Likewise, using a metal or glass 

container rather than a plastic container will add weight.


    To arrive at these cost savings, PHMSA (1) analyzed commodity flow 

survey data for commodities assigned A3, A6, or both in the HMR; (2) 

determined an estimate of total tons of freight for affected 

commodities offered for transportation by aircraft annually; (3) used 

this general commodity flow survey data to estimate the number of 

impacted packages; and (4) determined a cost basis for packages 

prepared under existing requirements versus requirements in this final 


    A summary of the cost savings calculation method is as follows. 

PHMSA estimated the cost savings by comparing the difference in costs 

between the pre- and post-final rule options for each shipping scenario 

identified for commodities potentially subject to A3 or A6. For the 

purposes of this analysis, we assumed that relatively inexpensive 

metal, plastic, and glass packaging could be used for inner and 

intermediate receptacles. There are no costs specifically attributable 

to the A3 compliance requirements because the least cost option for 

shipping is to use metal or plastic containers, and A3 applies to 

shipments in glass containers. While some commodities are shipped in 

glass containers due to various factors (e.g. ensuring product 

composition is maintained, customer demand, or specific retail 

requirements), the analysis assumed that shippers always choose the 

least cost option. We were unable to quantify the number of A3 

shipments that are currently voluntarily offered in glass inner 

packagings. The potential cost savings per package are due to increased 

flexibility posed by the use of any rigid intermediate packaging 

instead of the single metal type currently required.

    PHMSA estimated the compliance costs attributable to A6 compliance 

requirements, which vary by type of shipment and packaging type. For 

example, the difference in the compliance cost for a one-gallon 

shipment using UN specification packaging for materials corrosive to 

metal is estimated at $3.82 for Packing Groups I, II or III. The 

estimated number of tons subject to A6 for UN specification packaging 

(corrosive to metal and PG I) is 641. The number of packages affected 

depends on the average inner receptacle volumes applicable to each 

packing group and restriction type. These calculations assume that the 

density of the chemicals is the same as that of water (i.e., one ton of 

each affected commodity has a volume of 239.65 gallons). Therefore, if 

the number of gallons per package for a commodity corrosive to metal 

and PG I is 0.66, the estimated number of packages per ton for that 

commodity is 363 (239.65/0.66). Thus, the total number of packages is 

232,683 packages = 363 packages/ton multiplied by 641 tons. The total 

annual shipping cost difference is estimated at $889,434 by multiplying 

the cost difference per package noted above of $3.82 by the number of 

affected packages, 232,836. Similarly, PHMSA estimates the annual 

shipping cost difference for UN specification packaging for PG I 

materials not corrosive to metal at $159,150 and the total annual 

shipping cost difference for PG II materials corrosive and not 

corrosive to metal at $766,059. Therefore, the annual shipping cost 

difference for all PGs is estimated at $1,814,643 ($889,434 + $159,150 

+ $766,059).

    The reduced expenditure cost savings associated with the general 

harmonization of the information to the pilot-in-command requirements 

are not easily calculable. Inconsistent hazardous materials regulations 

result in additional compliance costs for industry and increase 

compliance training efforts, whereas consistency of regulations reduces 

regulatory compliance costs and helps to avoid rejected or frustrated 

shipments. Clarifying that the term ``written'' in the information to 

the pilot-in-command applies to handwritten, printed, or electronic 

formats supports the use of electronic methods as air operators 

continue to move away from paper documents and towards electronic 

systems. Cost savings may be realized by utilizing existing messaging 

systems for direct upload of information to and retrieval from, the 

cockpit. In addition, there may be cost savings for operators electing 

to use electronic information methods as they will not have to 

physically print the information for use and retention purposes. PHMSA 

expects the increased harmonization of the HMR and ICAO Technical 

Instructions to generate cost savings by streamlining the processes for 

information to the pilot-in-command generation.

Costs of Harmonization

    The primary costs associated with this final rule are time costs 

related to requirements for (1) confirmation via signature or other 

appropriate indication by the person responsible for loading the 

aircraft that no damaged or leaking packages were loaded on the 

aircraft, and (2) confirmation via signature or other appropriate 

indication by the pilot-in-command to indicate that the required 

information was received. PHMSA estimates the annual costs associated 

with harmonizing the HMR information to the pilot-in-command 

requirements with those found in the ICAO Technical Instructions to be 

$795,318. This estimate is the total annual costs in 2016 dollars of 

the additional costs for pilot ($465,966) and loader ($106,845) 

acknowledgements plus HMR training costs ($222,507).

    A summary of the annual cost calculation is as follows. PHMSA 

estimates there are between 1,056 and 9,920 projected flights \13\ 

daily carrying hazmat that would be subject to harmonized HMR and ICAO 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements with a mean daily 

value of 5,415 (1,976,475 annual). The estimated pilot acknowledgement 

cost of $0.24\14\ (based on average pilot salary and five seconds per 

action) per information received by the pilot-in-command multiplied by 

the estimated annual number of associated flights results in a total 

cost of $465,966. Person(s) responsible for loading the aircraft costs 

were calculated in the same manner as pilots but with an estimated

[[Page 52888]]

acknowledgement cost of $0.05 \15\ per information to the pilot-in-

command resulting in an estimated cost of $106,845. Based on FAA air 

operator data, the number of additional employees requiring training is 

estimated at 2,086 at an estimated training cost of $107 per trainee 

per year. The estimated annual expected industry training costs in 2016 

dollars would then be $222,507 = 2,086 employees multiplied by $107 per 

employee. PHMSA notes that many air operators already comply with 

ICAO's information to the pilot-in-command requirements; therefore, it 

is likely that this analysis has overestimated the cost of 

harmonization. The HMR currently require confirmation that no damaged 

or leaking packages have been loaded on the aircraft. In satisfying 

this current requirement, it is assumed that many operators are already 

using the specific confirmation requirement (signature or other 

indication) from the person responsible for loading the aircraft, which 

would already be accounted for in time costs.


    \13\ PHMSA consulted with the FAA to derive the number of 

affected flights subject to this requirement.

    \14\ Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment and 

Wages, May 2016: 53-2011 Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight 


    \15\ Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2016: 53-1011 

Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors.


    Under current practice, the information is transmitted to the 

pilot-in-command. We assume the additional provision of identical 

information to the flight dispatcher (or other personnel) will incur 

negligible costs, if any, especially as we understand this to be a 

common industry practice. In the NPRM, PHMSA invited comments on this 

assumption and on any unanticipated costs associated with the proposed 

requirement. While PHMSA did not receive any specific comments on 

additional costs associated with providing the same information to the 

flight dispatcher, all of the commenters provided strong support for 

harmonizing with the information to the pilot-in-command provisions of 

the ICAO Technical Instructions.

Net Cost Savings

    Based on the previous discussions of benefits, costs, and cost 

savings PHMSA estimates the net annual cost savings associated with 

this final rule (2137-AF10) to be $1,019,325.

C. Executive Order 13771

    Executive Order 13771 (``Reducing Regulation and Controlling 

Regulatory Costs''), issued January 30, 2017, provides that ``it is 

essential to manage the costs associated with the governmental 

imposition of private expenditures required to comply with Federal 

regulations.'' Toward that end, E.O. 13771 directs agencies to (1) 

identify two potential deregulatory actions for each new E.O. 13771 

regulatory action, and (2) limit the incremental costs of new 

regulations overall on a fiscal year basis. This final rule is 

considered an E.O. 13771 deregulatory action. Details on the estimated 

cost savings of this final rule are described above.

D. Executive Order 13132

    This final rule has been analyzed in accordance with the principles 

and criteria contained in Executive Order 13132, ``Federalism,'' 64 FR 

43255 (Aug. 10, 1999). The regulatory changes in this final rule 

preempt State, local, and Indian tribe requirements but do not have 

substantial direct effects on the States, the relationship between the 

national government and the States, or the distribution of power and 

responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, the 

consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 13132 do not 


    The Federal hazardous materials transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101-

5128, contains an express preemption provision, 49 U.S.C. 5125(b), that 

preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements on certain covered 

subjects, as follows:

    (1) The designation, description, and classification of hazardous 


    (2) The packing, repacking, handling, labeling, marking, and 

placarding of hazardous material;

    (3) The preparation, execution, and use of shipping documents 

related to hazardous material and requirements related to the number, 

contents, and placement of those documents;

    (4) The written notification, recording, and reporting of the 

unintentional release in transportation of hazardous material; and

    (5) The design, manufacture, fabrication, inspection, marking, 

maintenance, reconditioning, repair, or testing of a packaging or 

container represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use 

in transporting hazardous material in commerce.

    This final rule addresses covered subject items (2), (3), and (5) 

above and preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements not 

meeting the ``substantively the same'' standard. This final rule is 

necessary to harmonize with international standards. If the changes are 

not adopted into the HMR, U.S. companies--including numerous small 

entities competing in foreign markets--would be at an economic 

disadvantage because of their need to comply with a dual system of 

regulations. The changes in this rulemaking are intended to avoid this 

result. Federal hazardous materials transportation law provides that, 

if DOT issues a regulation concerning any of the covered subjects, DOT 

must determine and publish in the Federal Register the effective date 

of Federal preemption. 49 U.S.C. 5125(b)(2). The effective date may not 

be earlier than the 90th day following the date of issuance of the 

final rule and not later than two years after the date of issuance. 

PHMSA is setting the effective date of Federal preemption to be 90 days 

from publication of a final rule in this matter.

E. Executive Order 13175

    This final rule was analyzed in accordance with the principles and 

criteria contained in Executive Order 13175, ``Consultation and 

Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments,'' 65 FR 67249 (Nov. 9, 

2000). Because this final rule does not have tribal implications, does 

not impose substantial direct compliance costs, and is required by 

statute, the funding and consultation requirements of Executive Order 

13175 do not apply.

F. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT Policies 

and Procedures

    This final rule was developed in accordance with Executive Order 

13272, ``Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking,'' 

67 FR 53461 (Aug. 16, 2002) and DOT's Policies and Procedures to 

promote compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et 

seq., and ensure that potential impacts of draft rules on small 

entities are properly considered. The Regulatory Flexibility Act 

requires an agency to review regulations to assess their economic 

impact on small entities, unless the agency determines that a rule is 

not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial 

number of small entities.

    This final rule facilitates the transportation of hazardous 

materials in international commerce by increasing consistency with 

international standards. It applies to offerors and carriers of 

hazardous materials, some of whom are small entities, such as chemical 

manufacturers, users and suppliers, packaging manufacturers, 

distributors, aircraft operators, and training companies. As previously 

discussed in Section IV, Subsection B (Executive Order 12866, Executive 

Order 13563, and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures), PHMSA expects 

that the majority of amendments in this final rule will result in cost 

savings and ease the regulatory compliance burden for shippers engaged 

in domestic and international

[[Page 52889]]

commerce, including trans-border shipments within North America. Many 

companies will realize economic benefits as a result of these 

amendments. Additionally, the changes effected by this final rule will 

relieve U.S. companies, including small entities competing in foreign 

markets, from the burden of complying with a dual system of 

regulations. Therefore, we certify that these amendments will not have 

a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 


G. Paperwork Reduction Act

    PHMSA currently has an approved information collection under Office 

of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 2137-0034, ``Hazardous 

Materials Shipping Papers and Emergency Response Information.'' We 

anticipate that this final rule will result in an increase in the 

annual burden of this information collection because of an increase in 

the amount of time needed to complete the information to the pilot-in-

command due to additional requirements for (1) confirmation via 

signature or other appropriate indication by the person responsible for 

loading the aircraft that no damaged or leaking packages were loaded on 

the aircraft, and (2) confirmation via signature or other appropriate 

indication by the pilot-in-command that the required information was 

received. PHMSA did not receive any comments on the changes to this 

information collection burden in response to the NPRM.

    This rulemaking identifies a revised information collection that 

PHMSA will submit to OMB for approval based on the requirements in this 

final rule. PHMSA has developed burden estimates to reflect changes and 

estimates that the information collection and recordkeeping burden in 

this rule are as follows:

    OMB Control Number: 2137-0034.

    Annual Increase in Number of Respondents: 150.

    Annual Increase in Annual Number of Responses: 1,976,475.

    Annual Increase in Annual Burden Hours: 5,474.

    Annual Increase in Annual Burden Costs: $572,811.

    PHMSA will submit the revised information collection and 

recordkeeping requirements to OMB for approval.

H. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

    A regulation identifier number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory 

action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The 

Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in 

the Spring and Fall of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of 

this document can be used to cross-reference this action with the 

Unified Agenda.

I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    This final rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the 

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of 

$141.3 million or more, adjusted for inflation, to either State, local, 

or tribal governments, in the aggregate, or to the private sector in 

any one year, and is the least burdensome alternative that achieves the 

objective of the rule.

J. Environmental Assessment

    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4375, 

requires that Federal agencies analyze proposed actions to determine 

whether the action will have a significant impact on the human 

environment. The Council on Environmental Quality requires agencies to 

conduct an environmental review considering (1) the need for the 

proposed action, (2) alternatives to the proposed action, (3) probable 

environmental impacts of the action and the alternatives, and (4) the 

agencies and persons consulted during the consideration process. 40 CFR 


1. Purpose and Need

    In this final rule, PHMSA is amending the HMR to increase 

harmonization with international standards and to address four 

petitions for rulemaking submitted by shippers, carriers, 

manufacturers, and industry representatives. These revisions are 

intended to harmonize with international standards, while also 

maintaining or enhancing safety. Specifically, PHMSA, consistent with 

P-1487, is harmonizing the HMR with the 2017-2018 ICAO Technical 

Instructions' requirements for the information to the pilot-in-command, 

for the air operator to provide the information to the pilot-in-command 

to the flight dispatcher, and for the air operator to obtain and retain 

a confirmation that the information to the pilot-in-command was 

received by the pilot-in-command. This final rule addresses three 

additional petitions for rulemaking (P-1637, P-1649, and P-1671) to: 

(1) More closely harmonize with the ICAO Technical Instructions in 

regard to intermediate packaging requirements for certain low and 

medium danger hazardous materials; (2) add an exception to allow 

passengers to bring on board an aircraft portable medical electronic 

devices containing lithium metal batteries that exceed the current 

lithium battery limits in Sec.  175.10(a)(18)(i), as well as spare 

batteries for these devices with the approval of the operator; and (3) 

remove language prohibiting any package or overpack containing 

hazardous materials from being transported on an aircraft if it has 

holes when there is no indication that the integrity of the package or 

overpack has been compromised. All of these amendments more closely 

harmonize U.S. regulations with international standards.

    This action is necessary to: (1) Fulfill PHMSA's statutory 

directive to promote transportation safety; (2) fulfill PHMSA's 

statutory directive under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) that 

requires Federal agencies to give interested persons the right to 

petition an agency to issue, amend, or repeal a rule, 5 U.S.C. 553(e); 

(3) align the HMR with international transport standards and 

requirements to the extent practicable in accordance with Federal 

hazmat law, 49 U.S.C. 5120; and (4) simplify and clarify the 

regulations in order to promote understanding and compliance. 

Specifically, this rulemaking achieves these goals by responding to 

petitions (P-1487, P-1637, P-1649, and P-1671).

    With this action, we are more closely align the HMR with 

international transport standards and requirements, without diminishing 

the level of safety currently provided by the HMR or imposing undue 

burdens on the regulated public.

2. Alternatives

    In developing this rulemaking, PHMSA considered the following 


    No Action Alternative:

    If PHMSA had selected the No Action Alternative, regulations would 

remain in place and no new provisions would be added. However, 

efficiencies gained through harmonization in updates to information to 

the pilot-in-command requirements; intermediate packaging requirements; 

passenger carriage of portable medical electronic devices containing 

certain lithium metal batteries; acceptance/transport of packages with 

small holes that do not compromise the package integrity; ensuring that 

hazardous materials loaded in an aircraft are protected from damage; 

etc., would not be realized.

    Preferred Alternative:

    PHMSA selected the Preferred Alternative. The amendments included 

in this alternative are more fully addressed in the preamble and 

regulatory text sections of this final rule. However, they include the 


[[Page 52890]]

    (1) Harmonize the HMR and ICAO Technical Instructions information 

to the pilot-in-command requirements. In this final rule, PHMSA is more 

closely aligning the information to the pilot-in-command requirements 

in the HMR to the ICAO Technical Instructions. This includes 

information required, when the information must be provided to the 

pilot-in-command and flight dispatchers, and requirements for verifying 

that the information was received by the pilot-in-command.

    (2) More closely harmonize with the ICAO Technical Instructions in 

regard to intermediate packaging requirements for certain low and 

medium danger hazardous materials. In this final rule, PHMSA is 

removing all references to special provision A6 assigned to liquids in 

the Hazardous Materials Table. Additionally, this final rule amends 

special provision A3 to authorize additional intermediate packagings.

    (3) Add an exception to allow passengers, with the approval of the 

operator, to bring on board an aircraft a portable medical electronic 

device that exceeds the lithium battery limits in Sec.  

175.10(a)(18)(i). In this final rule, PHMSA is amending Sec.  

175.10(a)(18)(i) to increase the quantity limits applicable to the 

transportation of portable medical electronic devices containing 

lithium metal batteries and spare batteries for these devices carried 

on an aircraft. The current HMR limit all lithium metal batteries to a 

lithium content of not more than 2 grams per battery regardless of end 

use, whereas the ICAO Technical Instructions allow portable medical 

electronic devices containing lithium metal batteries with up to 8 

grams of lithium (as well as spare batteries for these devices) to be 

carried on board an aircraft.

    (4) Amend the package inspection and securing requirements. In this 

final rule, PHMSA is amending Sec.  175.30(c)(1) to remove language 

prohibiting any package or overpack containing hazardous materials from 

being transported on an aircraft if it has holes. Additionally, PHMSA 

is revising Sec.  175.88(c) to require hazardous materials loaded in an 

aircraft to be protected from damage, including by the movement of 

baggage, mail, stores, or other cargo, consistent with general loading 

requirements found in the ICAO Technical Instructions.

3. Probable Environmental Impacts of the Alternatives

    No Action Alternative:

    If PHMSA had selected the No Action Alternative, regulations would 

remain in place and no new provisions would be added. However, 

efficiencies gained through harmonization of transport standards would 

not be realized. Foregone efficiencies in the No Action Alternative 

include freeing up limited resources to concentrate on air transport 

hazard communication issues of potentially much greater environmental 


    Additionally, the Preferred Alternative encompasses enhanced and 

clarified regulatory requirements, which would result in increased 

compliance and less environmental and safety incidents. Not adopting 

the environmental and safety requirements under the No Action 

Alternative would result in a lost opportunity for reducing 

environmental and safety-related incidents.

    Greenhouse gas emissions would remain the same under the No Action 


    Preferred Alternative:

    PHMSA selected the Preferred Alternative. We believe that safety 

and environmental risks will be reduced and that protections to human 

health and environmental resources will be increased. Consistency 

between U.S. and international information to the pilot-in-command 

requirements can enhance the safety and environmental protection of 

hazardous materials transportation, reduce compliance costs, increase 

the flow of hazardous materials from their points of origin to their 

points of destination (or diversion airport when required), and improve 

the emergency response in the event of a hazardous materials incident 

or accident.

    Overall, harmonization will result in more targeted and effective 

training and thereby enhanced environmental protection. These 

amendments will reduce inconsistent hazardous materials regulations, 

which can increase the time and cost of compliance training. For ease 

of compliance with appropriate regulations, operators engaged in the 

transportation of hazardous materials generally elect to accept and 

transport hazardous materials in accordance with the ICAO Technical 

Instructions, as appropriate. Increasing consistency between these 

international regulations and the HMR allows shippers and carriers to 

more efficiently train hazmat employees in their responsible functions. 

PHMSA believes that these amendments, which will increase 

standardization and consistency of regulations, will result in greater 

protection of human health and the environment:

    (1) More closely harmonize the HMR and ICAO Technical Instructions 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements. Harmonization of 

information to the pilot-in-command requirements will (1) allow 

operators to streamline compliance and training programs, (2) result in 

emergency response personnel having quicker access to hazmat 

information for each flight, (3) remove the requirement to supply data 

elements required under shipping paper provisions, and (4) provide 

flight dispatchers access to hazmat information and relieve the pilot-

in-command of the responsibility of communicating this information to 

Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) 


    Greenhouse gas emissions would remain the same under this 


    (2) More closely harmonize with the ICAO Technical Instructions in 

regard to intermediate packaging requirements for certain low and 

medium danger hazardous materials. Deleting the assignment of special 

provisions A3 (partial) and A6 (for liquids) more closely harmonizes 

the HMR with ICAO's packing instructions and removes a requirement 

that, according to the petitioner, is a barrier to trade for U.S. 

exports, while still maintaining an appropriate level of safety. 

Existing requirements in Sec.  173.27(d) and (e) for inner packagings 

to have a secondary means of closure and to be placed in either a rigid 

and leakproof receptacle or an intermediate packaging with absorbent 

material make special provisions A3 and A6 redundant for PG I 

commodities. Additionally, the requirements in Sec.  173.27(d) for 

inner packagings to have a secondary means of closure or a leakproof 

liner or bag adequately address the hazards that special provision A6 

was designed to mitigate for PG II and III liquid materials.

    Greenhouse gas emissions would remain the same under this 


    (3) Add an exception to allow passengers, with the approval of the 

operator, to bring on board an aircraft a portable medical electronic 

device that exceeds the lithium metal battery limits in Sec.  

175.10(a)(18)(i). Harmonizing with the ICAO Technical Instructions in 

this area will assist the traveling public who rely on their portable 

medical electronic devices powered by lithium metal batteries. This 

revision will be consistent with the FAA Modernization and Reform Act.

    Greenhouse gas emissions would remain the same under this 


    (4) Amend the package inspection and securing requirements. 

Harmonizing with the ICAO Technical Instructions in this area will 

address the overly prescriptive requirements for package inspection and 

securing, which

[[Page 52891]]

currently result in acceptance rejections from operators and freight 

forwarders. Further, harmonization will result in more targeted and 

effective training and thereby enhanced environmental protection. These 

amendments will reduce inconsistent hazardous materials regulations, 

which hamper compliance training efforts.

    Greenhouse gas emissions would remain the same under this 


4. Agencies Consulted

    PHMSA coordinated with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, 

the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Federal Railroad 

Administration, and the U.S. Coast Guard, in the development of this 

final rule. PHMSA considered the views expressed in comments to the 

NPRM submitted by members of the public, State and local governments, 

and industry.

5. Conclusion

    The provisions of this final rule build on current regulatory 

requirements to enhance the transportation safety and security of 

shipments of hazardous materials transported by aircraft, thereby 

reducing the risks of an accidental or intentional release of hazardous 

materials and consequent environmental damage. PHMSA concludes that the 

net environmental impact will be positive and that there are no 

significant environmental impacts associated with this final rule.

K. Privacy Act

    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the 

public to better inform its rulemaking process. DOT posts these 

comments, without edit, including any personal information the 

commenter provides, to www.regulations.gov, as described in the system 

of records notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at 


L. Executive Order 13609 and International Trade Analysis

    Under Executive Order 13609, ``Promoting International Regulatory 

Cooperation,'' 77 FR 26413 (May 4, 2012), agencies must consider 

whether the impacts associated with significant variations between 

domestic and international regulatory approaches are unnecessary or may 

impair the ability of American business to export and compete 

internationally. In meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, 

labor, security, environmental, and other issues, international 

regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as 

protective as those that are or would be adopted in the absence of such 

cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, 

eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory 


    Similarly, the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, Public Law 96-39, as 

amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, Public Law 103-465, 

prohibits Federal agencies from establishing any standards or engaging 

in related activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign 

commerce of the United States. For purposes of these requirements, 

Federal agencies may participate in the establishment of international 

standards, so long as the standards have a legitimate domestic 

objective, such as providing for safety, and do not operate to exclude 

imports that meet this objective. The statute also requires 

consideration of international standards and, where appropriate, that 

they be the basis for U.S. standards.

    PHMSA and the FAA participate in the establishment of international 

standards to protect the safety of the American public. We have 

assessed the effects of this final rule to ensure that it does not 

cause unnecessary obstacles to foreign trade. In fact, the final rule 

is designed to facilitate international trade by eliminating 

differences between the domestic and international air transportation 

requirements. Accordingly, this rulemaking is consistent with Executive 

Order 13609 and PHMSA's obligations under the Trade Agreement Act, as 


M. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, 15 

U.S.C. 272 note, directs Federal agencies to use voluntary consensus 

standards in their regulatory activities unless doing so would be 

inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary 

consensus standards are technical standards (e.g., specification of 

materials, test methods, or performance requirements) that are 

developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standard bodies. This final 

rule does not involve voluntary consensus standards.

List of Subjects

49 CFR Part 172

    Education, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, 

Incorporation by reference, Labeling, Markings, Packaging and 

containers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 175

    Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by reference, 

Operators, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    In consideration of the foregoing, PHMSA is amending 49 CFR chapter 

I as follows:





1. The authority citation for part 172 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 5101-5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.81, 1.96 and 



2. In Sec.  172.101, the Hazardous Materials Table is amended by 

revising the following entries in the appropriate alphabetical 


Sec.  172.101   Purpose and use of the hazardous materials table.

* * * * *


[[Page 52892]]


                                                                                                                                               (8)                                       (9)                            (10)

                    Hazardous                                                                                          -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    materials        Hazard                                                                                         Packaging (Sec.   173.***)              Quantity limitations (see Sec.         Vessel stowage

   Symbols      descriptions and    class or     Identification          PG          Label codes    Special provisions ---------------------------------------------------    Sec.   173.27 and 175.75)    -----------------------------

                 proper shipping    division          No.                                            (Sec.   172.102)                                                     ---------------------------------

                      names                                                                                                Exceptions        Non-bulk           Bulk          Passenger       Cargo air-      Location         Other

                                                                                                                                                                            aircraft/rail     craft only

(1)            (2)...............         (3)  (4)..............  (5)............  (6)............  (7)...............  (8A)...........  (8B)...........  (8C)...........  (9A)...........  (9B)..........  (10A).......  (10B)



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Acetaldehyde......           3  UN1089...........  I..............  3..............  B16, T11, TP2, TP7  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  E...........


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Acetic acid,                 8  UN2789...........  II.............  8, 3...........  A3, A7, A10, B2,    154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                glacial or Acetic                                                                    IB2, T7, TP2.

                acid solution,

                with more than 80

                percent acid, by


               Acetic acid                  8  UN2790...........  II.............  8..............  148, A3, A7, A10,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                solution, not                                                                        B2, IB2, T7, TP2.

                less than 50

                percent but not

                more than 80

                percent acid, by



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Acetic anhydride..           8  UN1715...........  II.............  8, 3...........  A3, A7, A10, B2,    154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........  40

                                                                                                     IB2, T7, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Acetyl chloride...           3  UN1717...........  II.............  3, 8...........  A3, A7, IB1, N34,   150............  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  B...........  40

                                                                                                     T8, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Alkali metal               4.3  UN1421...........  I..............  4.3............  A2, A7, B48, N34,   None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  13, 52, 148

                alloys, liquid,                                                                      W31.


               Alkali metal               4.3  UN1389...........  I..............  4.3............  A2, A7, N34, W31..  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  13, 40, 52,

                amalgam, liquid.                                                                                                                                                                                           148


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Alkali metal               4.3  UN3482...........  I..............  4.3, 3.........  A2, A7, W31.......  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  13, 52, 148


                flammable or

                Alkaline earth




               Alkali metal               4.3  UN1391...........  I..............  4.3............  A2, A7, W31.......  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  13, 52, 148

                dispersions, or

                Alkaline earth

                metal dispersions.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Alkylphenols,                8  UN3145...........  I..............  8..............  T14, TP2..........  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........

                liquid, n.o.s.

                (including C2-C12


                                                                  II.............  8..............  IB2, T11, TP2,      154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........


                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Allyl iodide......           3  UN1723...........  II.............  3, 8...........  A3, IB1, N34, T7,   150............  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  B...........  40

                                                                                                     TP2, TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

G............  Amine, liquid,               8  UN2734...........  I..............  8, 3...........  N34, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  A...........  52

                corrosive,                                                                           TP27.

                flammable, n.o.s.

                or Polyamines,



                flammable, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  8, 3...........  IB2, T11, TP2,      None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........  52


[[Page 52893]]


G............  Amines, liquid,              8  UN2735...........  I..............  8..............  B10, N34, T14,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  A...........  52

                corrosive, n.o.s.                                                                    TP2, TP27.

                or Polyamines,


                corrosive, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  8..............  B2, IB2, T11, TP1,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........  52


                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  52


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Amyl mercaptan....           3  UN1111...........  II.............  3..............  A3, IB2, T4, TP1..  None...........  202............  242............  5 L............  60 L..........  B...........  95, 102


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Antimony                     8  UN1732...........  II.............  8, 6.1.........  A3, A7, A10, IB2,   None...........  202............  243............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  D...........  40, 44, 89,

                pentafluoride.                                                                       N3, N36, T7, TP2.                                                                                                     100, 141


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Benzyl                       8  UN1739...........  I..............  8..............  B4, N41, T10, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  40

                chloroformate.                                                                       TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Boron trifluoride            8  UN2604...........  I..............  8, 3...........  A19, T10, TP2, W31  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  D...........  40

                diethyl etherate.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Butyl mercaptan...           3  UN2347...........  II.............  3..............  A3, IB2, T4, TP1..  150............  202............  242............  5 L............  60 L..........  D...........  52, 95, 102


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Chlorite solution.           8  UN1908...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, IB2,    154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  26, 44, 89,

                                                                                                     N34, T7, TP2,                                                                                                         100, 141


                                                                  III............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, IB3,    154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  B...........  26, 44, 89,

                                                                                                     N34, T4, TP2,                                                                                                         100, 141



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               2-Chloropropene...           3  UN2456...........  I..............  3..............  N36, T11, TP2.....  150............  201............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  E...........


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Chromium                     8  UN1758...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B10, N34, T10,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  C...........  40, 66, 74,

                oxychloride.                                                                         TP2.                                                                                                                  89, 90


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Chromosulfuric               8  UN2240...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B4, B6, N34,    None...........  201............  243............  0.5L...........  2.5L..........  B...........  40, 66, 74,

                acid.                                                                                T10, TP2, TP13.                                                                                                       89, 90


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

G............  Corrosive liquid,            8  UN3264...........  I..............  8..............  B10, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40

                acidic,                                                                              TP27.

                inorganic, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  8..............  386, B2, IB2, T11,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40

                                                                                                     TP2, TP27.

                                               .................  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40

G............  Corrosive liquid,            8  UN3265...........  I..............  8..............  B10, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40

                acidic, organic,                                                                     TP27.


                                                                  II.............  8..............  148, B2, IB2, T11,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40

                                                                                                     TP2, TP27.

                                                                  III............  8..............  386, IB3, T7, TP1,  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40


G............  Corrosive liquid,            8  UN3266...........  I..............  8..............  T14, TP2, TP27....  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40, 52

                basic, inorganic,


                                                                  II.............  8..............  386, B2, IB2, T11,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40, 52

                                                                                                     TP2, TP27.

                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40, 52

G............  Corrosive liquid,            8  UN3267...........  I..............  8..............  B10, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40, 52

                basic, organic,                                                                      TP27.


                                                                  II.............  8..............  B2, IB2, T11, TP2,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40, 52


                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40, 52

[[Page 52894]]


G............  Corrosive liquid,            8  UN3301...........  I..............  8, 4.2.........  B10...............  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  D...........



                                                                  II.............  8, 4.2.........  B2, IB1...........  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........

G............  Corrosive liquids,           8  UN2920...........  I..............  8, 3...........  B10, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  C...........  25, 40

                flammable, n.o.s.                                                                    TP27.

                                                                  II.............  8, 3...........  B2, IB2, T11, TP2,  154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........  25, 40


G............  Corrosive liquids,           8  UN1760...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B10, T14, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40

                n.o.s.                                                                               TP27.

                                                                  II.............  8..............  B2, IB2, T11, TP2,  154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40


                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40

G............  Corrosive liquids,           8  UN3093...........  I..............  8, 5.1.........  A7................  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  C...........  89

                oxidizing, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  8, 5.1.........  A7, IB2...........  None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........  89

G............  Corrosive liquids,           8  UN2922...........  I..............  8, 6.1.........  A7, B10, T14, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  40

                toxic, n.o.s.                                                                        TP13, TP27.

                                                                  II.............  8, 6.1.........  B3, IB2, T7, TP2..  154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40

                                                                  III............  8, 6.1.........  IB3, T7, TP1, TP28  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  B...........  40

G............  Corrosive liquids,           8  UN3094...........  I..............  8, 4.3.........  A7................  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  E...........  13, 148



                                                                  II.............  8, 4.3.........  A7................  None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  E...........  13, 148


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Dichloroacetic               8  UN1764...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, IB2,    154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                acid.                                                                                N34, T8, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Dichloroacetyl               8  UN1765...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, B6,     154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........  40

                chloride.                                                                            IB2, N34, T7, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Difluorophosphoric           8  UN1768...........  II.............  8..............  A7, B2, IB2, N5,    None...........  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........  40

                acid, anhydrous.                                                                     N34, T8, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

G............  Disinfectant,                8  UN1903...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B10, T14, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........

                liquid,                                                                              TP27.

                corrosive, n.o.s.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

G............  Dyes, liquid,                8  UN2801...........  I..............  8..............  11, B10, T14, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  A...........

                corrosive, n.o.s.                                                                    TP27.

                or Dye



                corrosive, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  8..............  11, B2, IB2, T11,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                                                                                                     TP2, TP27.

                                                                  III............  8..............  11, IB3, T7, TP1,   154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Ethyl mercaptan...           3  UN2363...........  I..............  3..............  T11, TP2, TP13....  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  E...........  95, 102


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Ethyldichlorosilan         4.3  UN1183...........  I..............  4.3, 8, 3......  A2, A7, N34, T14,   None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  21, 40, 49,

                e.                                                                                   TP2, TP7, TP13,                                                                                                       100



[[Page 52895]]


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Fluoroboric acid..           8  UN1775...........  II.............  8..............  A7, B2, B15, IB2,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                                                                                                     N3, N34, T7, TP2.

               Fluorophosphoric             8  UN1776...........  II.............  8..............  A7, B2, IB2, N3,    None...........  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                acid anhydrous.                                                                      N34, T8, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Fluorosilicic acid           8  UN1778...........  II.............  8..............  A7, B2, B15, IB2,   None...........  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........

                                                                                                     N3, N34, T8, TP2.

               Fluorosulfonic               8  UN1777...........  I..............  8..............  A7, A10, B6, B10,   None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  D...........  40

                acid.                                                                                N3, N36, T10, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrazine,                   8  UN2029...........  I..............  8, 3, 6.1......  A7, A10, B7, B16,   None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  40, 52, 125

                anhydrous.                                                                           B53.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydriodic acid....           8  UN1787...........  II.............  8..............  A3, B2, IB2, N41,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........

                                                                                                     T7, TP2.

                                                                  III............  8..............  IB3, T4, TP1......  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  C...........  8


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrobromic acid,            8  UN1788...........  II.............  8..............  A3, B2, B15, IB2,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........

                with not more                                                                        N41, T7, TP2.

                than 49 percent

                hydrobromic acid.

                                                                  III............  8..............  A3, IB3, T4, TP1..  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  C...........  8


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrochloric acid.           8  UN1789...........  II.............  8..............  386, A3, B3, B15,   154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........

                                                                                                     B133, IB2, N41,

                                                                                                     T8, TP2.

                                                                  III............  8..............  A3, IB3, T4, TP1..  154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  C...........  8


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrofluoric acid            8  UN1786...........  I..............  8, 6.1.........  A7, B15, B23, N5,   None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  40

                and Sulfuric acid                                                                    N34, T10, TP2,

                mixtures.                                                                            TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrofluoric acid,           8  UN1790...........  I..............  8, 6.1.........  A7, B4, B15, B23,   None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  D...........  12, 25, 40

                with more than 60                                                                    N5, N34, T10,

                percent strength.                                                                    TP2, TP13.

               Hydrofluoric acid,           8  UN1790...........  II.............  8, 6.1.........  A7, B15, IB2, N5,   154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........  12, 25, 40

                with not more                                                                        N34, T8, TP2.

                than 60 percent



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrogen peroxide          5.1  UN3149...........  II.............  5.1, 8.........  145, A2, A3, B53,   None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  D...........  25, 66, 75

                and peroxyacetic                                                                     IB2, IP5, T7,

                acid mixtures,                                                                       TP2, TP6, TP24.

                stabilized with

                acids, water, and

                not more than 5


                peroxyacetic acid.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Hydrogen peroxide,         5.1  UN2014...........  II.............  5.1, 8.........  A2, A3, B53, IB2,   None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  D...........  25, 66, 75

                aqueous solutions                                                                    IP5, T7, TP2,

                with not less                                                                        TP6, TP24, TP37.

                than 20 percent

                but not more than

                40 percent

                hydrogen peroxide

                (stabilized as



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Lithium aluminum           4.3  UN1411...........  I..............  4.3, 3.........  A2, A11, N34......  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  13, 40, 148

                hydride, ethereal.


[[Page 52896]]


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Mercaptans,                  3  UN1228...........  II.............  3, 6.1.........  IB2, T11, TP2,      None...........  202............  243............  Forbidden......  60 L..........  B...........  40, 95, 102

                liquid,                                                                              TP27.

                flammable, toxic,

                n.o.s. or


                mixtures, liquid,

                flammable, toxic,


                                                                  III............  3, 6.1.........  B1, IB3, T7, TP1,   150............  203............  242............  5 L............  220 L.........  A...........  40, 95, 102


               Mercaptans,                6.1  UN3071...........  II.............  6.1, 3.........  IB2, T11, TP2,      153............  202............  243............  5 L............  60 L..........  C...........  40, 102, 121

                liquid, toxic,                                                                       TP13, TP27.

                flammable, n.o.s.

                or Mercaptan

                mixtures, liquid,

                toxic, flammable,

                n.o.s., flash

                point not less

                than 23 degrees C.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Methyldichlorosila         4.3  UN1242...........  I..............  4.3, 8, 3......  A2, A7, B6, B77,    None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  1 L...........  D...........  21, 40, 49,

                ne.                                                                                  N34, T14, TP2,                                                                                                        100

                                                                                                     TP7, TP13, W31.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Morpholine........           8  UN2054...........  I..............  8, 3...........  T10, TP2..........  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  A...........


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Nitric acid other            8  UN2031...........  II.............  8, 5.1.........  B2, B47, B53, IB2,  None...........  158............  242............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  D...........  66, 74, 89, 90

                than red fuming,                                                                     IP15, T8, TP2.

                with at least 65

                percent, but not

                more than 70

                percent nitric


               Nitric acid other            8  UN2031...........  II.............  8..............  A212, B2, B47,      None...........  158............  242............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  D...........  44, 66, 74,

                than red fuming,                                                                     B53, IB2, IP15,                                                                                                       89, 90

                with more than 20                                                                    T8, TP2.

                percent and less

                than 65 percent

                nitric acid.

               Nitric acid other            8  UN2031...........  II.............  8..............  B2, B47, B53, IB2,  None...........  158............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........

                than red fuming                                                                      T8, TP2.

                with not more

                than 20 percent

                nitric acid.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Nitric acid other            8  UN2031...........  I..............  8, 5.1.........  B47, B53, T10,      None...........  158............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  44, 66, 89,

                than red fuming,                                                                     TP2, TP12, TP13.                                                                                                      90, 110, 111

                with more than 70

                percent nitric



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Nitrohydrochloric            8  UN1798...........  I..............  8..............  B10, N41, T10,      None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  40, 66, 74,

                acid.                                                                                TP2, TP13.                                                                                                            89, 90


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Nitrosylsulfuric             8  UN2308...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, IB2,    154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........  40, 66, 74,

                acid, liquid.                                                                        N34, T8, TP2.                                                                                                         89, 90


[[Page 52897]]


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Organotin                  6.1  UN2788...........  I..............  6.1............  N33, N34, T14,      None...........  201............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........  40

                compounds,                                                                           TP2, TP13, TP27.

                liquid, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  6.1............  A3, IB2, N33, N34,  153............  202............  243............  5 L............  60 L..........  A...........  40

                                                                                                     T11, TP2, TP13,


                                                                  III............  6.1............  IB3, T7, TP2, TP28  153............  203............  241............  60 L...........  220 L.........  A...........  40


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

G............  Oxidizing liquid,          5.1  UN3098...........  I..............  5.1, 8.........  62................  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  13, 56, 58,

                corrosive, n.o.s.                                                                                                                                                                                          138

                                                                  II.............  5.1, 8.........  62, IB1...........  None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  B...........  13, 56, 58,


                                                                  III............  5.1, 8.........  62, IB2...........  152............  203............  242............  2.5 L..........  30 L..........  B...........  13, 56, 58,


G............  Oxidizing liquid,          5.1  UN3139...........  I..............  5.1............  62, 127, A2.......  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  56, 58, 138


                                                                  II.............  5.1............  62, 127, 148, A2,   152............  202............  242............  1 L............  5 L...........  B...........  56, 58, 138


                                                                  III............  5.1............  62, 127, 148, A2,   152............  203............  241............  2.5 L..........  30 L..........  B...........  56, 58, 138


G............  Oxidizing liquid,          5.1  UN3099...........  I..............  5.1, 6.1.......  62................  None...........  201............  244............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  56, 58, 138

                toxic, n.o.s.

                                                                  II.............  5.1, 6.1.......  62, IB1...........  152............  202............  243............  1 L............  5 L...........  B...........  56, 58, 95,


                                                                  III............  5.1, 6.1.......  62, IB2...........  152............  203............  242............  2.5 L..........  30 L..........  B...........  56, 58, 95,



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Perchloric acid            5.1  UN1873...........  I..............  5.1, 8.........  A2, N41, T10, TP1.  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  D...........  66

                with more than 50

                percent but not

                more than 72

                percent acid, by



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Phosphorus                   8  UN1808...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, B25,    None...........  202............  242............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  C...........  40

                tribromide.                                                                          IB2, N34, N43,

                                                                                                     T7, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Propanethiols.....           3  UN2402...........  II.............  3..............  IB2, T4, TP1, TP13  150............  202............  242............  5 L............  60 L..........  E...........  95, 102


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Propylene oxide...           3  UN1280...........  I..............  3..............  N34, T11, TP2, TP7  None...........  201............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  E...........  40


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               1,2-                         8  UN2258...........  II.............  8, 3...........  A3, IB2, N34, T7,   None...........  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  A...........  40

                Propylenediamine.                                                                    TP2.

               Propyleneimine,              3  UN1921...........  I..............  3, 6.1.........  N34, T14, TP2,      None...........  201............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........  40

                stabilized.                                                                          TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Selenium                     8  UN2879...........  I..............  8, 6.1.........  A7, N34, T10, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  E...........  40

                oxychloride.                                                                         TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Silicon                      8  UN1818...........  II.............  8..............  A3, B2, B6, T10,    None...........  202............  242............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  C...........  40

                tetrachloride.                                                                       TP2, TP7, TP13.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Sulfur chlorides..           8  UN1828...........  I..............  8..............  5, A7, A10, B10,    None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  C...........  40

                                                                                                     B77, N34, T20,



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Sulfuric acid,               8  UN1831...........  I..............  8..............  A7, N34, T20, TP2,  None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  C...........  14, 40

                fuming with less                                                                     TP13.

                than 30 percent

                free sulfur



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Trichloroacetic              8  UN2564...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, IB2,    154............  202............  242............  1 L............  30 L..........  B...........

                acid, solution.                                                                      N34, T7, TP2.

[[Page 52898]]


               ..................  ..........  .................  III............  8..............  A3, A7, IB3, N34,   154............  203............  241............  5 L............  60 L..........  B...........  8

                                                                                                     T4, TP1.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Trifluoroacetic              8  UN2699...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B4, N3, N34,    None...........  201............  243............  0.5 L..........  2.5 L.........  B...........  12, 25, 40

                acid.                                                                                N36, T10, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Valeryl chloride..           8  UN2502...........  II.............  8, 3...........  A3, A7, B2, IB2,    154............  202............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  C...........  40

                                                                                                     N34, T7, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Vanadium                     8  UN2443...........  II.............  8..............  A3, A7, B2, B16,    154............  202............  242............  Forbidden......  30 L..........  C...........  40

                oxytrichloride.                                                                      IB2, N34, T7, TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Vanadium                     8  UN2444...........  I..............  8..............  A7, B4, N34, T10,   None...........  201............  243............  Forbidden......  2.5 L.........  C...........  40

                tetrachloride.                                                                       TP2.


                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Vinyl ethyl ether,           3  UN1302...........  I..............  3..............  387, T11, TP2.....  None...........  201............  243............  1 L............  30 L..........  D...........



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

               Xylyl bromide,             6.1  UN1701...........  II.............  6.1............  A3, A7, IB2, N33,   None...........  340............  None...........  Forbidden......  60 L..........  D...........  40

                liquid.                                                                              T7, TP2, TP13,



                                                                                                              * * * * * * *


[[Page 52899]]


3. In Sec.  172.102, in paragraph (c)(2), special provision A3 is 

revised as follows:

Sec.  172.102   Special provisions.

* * * * *

    (c) * * *

    (2) * * *

    A3 For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including 

ampoules) are used, they must be packed with absorbent material in 

tightly closed rigid and leakproof receptacles before packing in outer 


* * * * *



4. The authority citation for part 175 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 5101-5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.81 and 1.97.


5. In Sec.  175.10, paragraphs (a)(18) introductory text and (a)(18)(i) 

are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  175.10   Exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and air 


    (a) * * *

    (18) Except as provided in Sec.  173.21 of this subchapter, 

portable electronic devices (e.g., watches, calculating machines, 

cameras, cellular phones, laptop and notebook computers, camcorders, 

medical devices, etc.) containing dry cells or dry batteries (including 

lithium cells or batteries) and spare dry cells or batteries for these 

devices, when carried by passengers or crewmembers for personal use. 

Portable electronic devices powered by lithium batteries may be carried 

in either checked or carry-on baggage. Spare lithium batteries must be 

carried in carry-on baggage only. Each installed or spare lithium 

battery must be of a type proven to meet the requirements of each test 

in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, sub-section 38.3 and 

each spare lithium battery must be individually protected so as to 

prevent short circuits (e.g., by placement in original retail 

packaging, by otherwise insulating terminals by taping over exposed 

terminals, or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or 

protective pouch). In addition, each installed or spare lithium battery 

must not exceed the following:

    (i) For a lithium metal battery, the lithium content must not 

exceed 2 grams. With the approval of the operator, portable medical 

electronic devices (e.g., automated external defibrillators (AED), 

nebulizer, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), etc.) may 

contain lithium metal batteries exceeding 2 grams, but not exceeding 8 

grams. With the approval of the operator, no more than two lithium 

metal batteries each exceeding 2 grams, but not exceeding 8 grams, may 

be carried as spare batteries for portable medical electronic devices 

in carry-on baggage and must be carried with the portable medical 

electronic device the spare batteries are intended to operate;

* * * * *


6. In Sec.  175.30, paragraphs (b) introductory text, (c) introductory 

text, and (c)(1) are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  175.30   Inspecting shipments.

* * * * *

    (b) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, no person 

may carry a hazardous material in a package or overpack aboard an 

aircraft unless the package or overpack is inspected by the operator of 

the aircraft immediately before placing it:

* * * * *

    (c) A hazardous material may be carried aboard an aircraft only if, 

based on the inspection by the operator, the package or overpack 

containing the hazardous material:

    (1) Has no leakage or other indication that its integrity has been 

compromised; and

* * * * *


7. Section 175.33 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  175.33   Shipping paper and information to the pilot-in-command.

    (a) When a hazardous material subject to the provisions of this 

subchapter is carried in an aircraft, the operator of the aircraft must 

provide the pilot-in-command and the flight dispatcher or other ground 

support personnel with responsibilities for operational control of the 

aircraft with accurate and legible written information (e.g., 

handwritten, printed, or electronic form) as early as practicable 

before departure of the aircraft, but in no case later than when the 

aircraft moves under its own power, which specifies at least the 


    (1) The date of the flight;

    (2) The air waybill number (when issued);

    (3) The proper shipping name (the technical name(s) shown on the 

shipping paper is not required), hazard class or division, subsidiary 

risk(s) corresponding to a required label(s), packing group and 

identification number of the material as specified in Sec.  172.101 of 

this subchapter or the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR, see Sec.  

171.7 of this subchapter). In the case of Class 1 materials, the 

compatibility group letter also must be shown.

    (4) The total number of packages;

    (5) The exact loading location of the packages;

    (6) The net quantity or gross mass, as applicable, for each package 

except those containing Class 7 (radioactive) materials. For a shipment 

consisting of multiple packages containing hazardous materials bearing 

the same proper shipping name and identification number, only the total 

quantity and an indication of the quantity of the largest and smallest 

package at each loading location need to be provided. For consumer 

commodities, the information provided may be either the gross mass of 

each package or the average gross mass of the packages as shown on the 

shipping paper;

    (7) For Class 7 (radioactive) materials, the number of packages 

overpacks or freight containers, their category, transport index (if 

applicable), and their exact loading location;

    (8) Confirmation that the package must be carried on cargo-only 


    (9) The airport at which the package(s) is to be unloaded;

    (10) An indication, when applicable, that a hazardous material is 

being carried under terms of a special permit or under a State 

exemption as prescribed in the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR, see 

Sec.  171.7 of this subchapter);

    (11) The telephone number from whom the information contained in 

the information to the pilot-in-command can be obtained. The aircraft 

operator must ensure the telephone number is monitored at all times the 

aircraft is in flight. The telephone number is not required to be 

placed on the information to the pilot-in-command if the phone number 

is in a location in the cockpit available and known to the pilot-in-


    (12) For UN1845, Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice), the information 

required by this paragraph (a) may be replaced by the UN number, proper 

shipping name, hazard class, total quantity in each cargo compartment 

aboard the aircraft, and the airport at which the package(s) is to be 

unloaded; and

    (13)(i) For UN3480, Lithium ion batteries, and UN3090, Lithium 

metal batteries, the information required by this paragraph (a) may be 

replaced by the UN number, proper shipping name, hazard class, total 

quantity at each specific loading location, and whether the package 

must be carried on cargo-only aircraft.

    (ii) For UN3480, Lithium ion batteries, and UN3090, Lithium metal 

batteries, carried under a special permit or a State exemption as 

prescribed in the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR, see Sec.  171.7 of 

this subchapter), must

[[Page 52900]]

meet all of the requirements of this section.

    (iii) For UN3480, UN3481, UN3090, and UN3091 prepared in accordance 

with Sec.  173.185(c), except those prepared in accordance with Sec.  

173.185(c)(4)(vi), are not required to appear on the information to the 


    (b)(1) The information provided to the pilot-in-command must also 

include a signed confirmation or some other indication from the person 

responsible for loading the aircraft that there was no evidence of any 

damage to or leakage from the packages or any leakage from the unit 

load devices loaded on the aircraft;

    (2) The information to the pilot-in-command and the emergency 

response information required by subpart G of part 172 of this 

subchapter shall be readily available to the pilot-in-command and 

flight dispatcher during flight.

    (3) The pilot-in-command must indicate in writing (e.g., 

handwritten, printed, or electronic form) that the information to the 

pilot-in-command has been received.

    (c) The aircraft operator must--

    (1) For shipping papers. (i) Ensure a copy of the shipping paper 

required by Sec.  175.30(a)(2) accompanies the shipment it covers 

during transportation aboard the aircraft.

    (ii) Retain a copy of the shipping paper required by Sec.  

175.30(a)(2) or an electronic image thereof, that is accessible at or 

through its principal place of business and must make the shipping 

paper available, upon request, to an authorized official of a federal, 

state, or local government agency at reasonable times and locations. 

For a hazardous waste, each shipping paper copy must be retained for 

three years after the material is accepted by the initial carrier. For 

all other hazardous materials, each shipping paper copy must be 

retained by the operator for one year after the material is accepted by 

the initial carrier. Each shipping paper copy must include the date of 

acceptance by the carrier. The date on the shipping paper may be the 

date a shipper notifies the air carrier that a shipment is ready for 

transportation, as indicated on the air waybill or bill of lading, as 

an alternative to the date the shipment is picked up or accepted by the 

carrier. Only an initial carrier must receive and retain a copy of the 

shipper's certification, as required by Sec.  172.204 of this 


    (2) For information to the pilot-in-command. Retain for 90 days at 

the airport of departure or the operator's principal place of business.

    (3) Have the shipping paper and information to the pilot-in-command 

readily accessible at the airport of departure and the intended airport 

of arrival for the duration of the flight.

    (4) Make available, upon request, to an authorized official of a 

Federal, State, or local government agency (which includes emergency 

responders) at reasonable times and locations, the documents or 

information required to be retained by this paragraph. In the event of 

a reportable incident, as defined in Sec.  171.15 of this subchapter, 

the aircraft operator must make immediately available to an authorized 

official of a Federal, State, or local government agency (which 

includes emergency responders), the documents or information required 

to be retained by this paragraph (c).

    (5) Specify the personnel to be provided the information required 

by paragraph (a) of this section in their operations manual and/or 

other appropriate manuals.

    (d) The information required by paragraph (a) of this section and 

the shipping paper required by (c)(1) of this section may be combined 

into one document.


8. In Sec.  175.88, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  175.88   Inspection, orientation and securing packages of 

hazardous materials.

* * * * *

    (c) Packages containing hazardous materials must be:

    (1) Secured in an aircraft in a manner that will prevent any 

shifting or change in the orientation of the packages;

    (2) Protected from being damaged, including by the shifting of 

baggage, mail, stores, or other cargo;

    (3) Loaded so that accidental damage is not caused through dragging 

or mishandling; and

    (4) When containing Class 7 (radioactive) materials, secured in a 

manner that ensures that the separation requirements of Sec. Sec.  

175.701 and 175.702 will be maintained at all times during flight.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on October 5, 2018 under authority 

delegated in 49 CFR 1.97.

Howard R. Elliott,

Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

[FR Doc. 2018-22114 Filed 10-17-18; 8:45 am]


                                              52878            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                               D. Amendments to Package Inspection (P–            See below for discussion of the
                                                                                                            1671) and Securing Requirements                 comments received and PHMSA’s
                                              Pipeline and Hazardous Materials                        III. Section-by-Section Review                        determined action in this final rule.
                                              Safety Administration                                   IV. Regulatory Analyses and Notices                   This section addresses comments made
                                                                                                         A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This
                                                                                                                                                            to proposals to revise the HMR based on
                                              49 CFR Parts 172 and 175                                   B. Executive Order 12866, Executive Order          petitions for rulemaking. Additional
                                              [Docket No. PHMSA–2015–0100 (HM–259)]                         13563, and DOT Regulatory Policies and          comments are addressed in Section III
                                                                                                            Procedures                                      (Section-by-Section Review) of this
                                              RIN 2137–AF10                                              C. Executive Order 13771                           rulemaking.
                                                                                                         D. Executive Order 13132
                                              Hazardous Materials: Notification of                       E. Executive Order 13175                           A. Transportation by Air Intermediate
                                              the Pilot-in-Command and Response                          F. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive           Packaging Requirements for Certain Low
                                              to Air Related Petitions for Rulemaking                       Order 13272, and DOT Policies and               and Medium Danger Hazardous
                                                                                                            Procedures                                      Materials (P–1637)
                                              AGENCY:  Pipeline and Hazardous                            G. Paperwork Reduction Act
                                              Materials Safety Administration                                                                                  The DGAC petitioned PHMSA to
                                                                                                         H. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)
                                              (PHMSA), Department of Transportation                      I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                                                                                                                            remove the additional intermediate
                                              (DOT).                                                     J. Environmental Assessment                        packaging requirements found in special
                                                                                                         K. Privacy Act                                     provisions A3 and A6, see 49 CFR
                                              ACTION: Final rule.
                                                                                                         L. Executive Order 13609 and International         172.102(b)(2), by deleting these special
                                              SUMMARY:    PHMSA, in consultation with                       Trade Analysis                                  provisions and all references to them in
                                              the Federal Aviation Administration,                       M. National Technology Transfer and                the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) in
                                              issues this final rule to align the U.S.                      Advancement Act                                 § 172.101. See P–1637.1 Special
                                              Hazardous Materials Regulations with                    I. Background                                         provisions A3 and A6 apply to certain
                                              current international standards for the                                                                       commodities as assigned in column (7)
                                              air transportation of hazardous                            On December 5, 2016, PHMSA (also                   of the HMT when transported by
                                              materials. These amendments revise                      ‘‘we’’), in consultation with the Federal             aircraft:
                                              certain special provisions, packaging                   Aviation Administration (FAA),                           • Special provision A3 states that if
                                              requirements, information to the pilot-                 published a notice of proposed                        glass inner packagings are used for
                                              in-command requirements, and                            rulemaking (NPRM) [Docket No.                         transportation of referenced
                                              exceptions for passengers and                           PHMSA–2015–0100 (HM–259); 81 FR                       commodities, they must be packed with
                                              crewmembers. In addition to facilitating                87510] to amend the Hazardous                         absorbent material in tightly closed
                                              harmonization with international                        Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR                    metal receptacles before being packed in
                                              standards, several of the amendments in                 parts 171–180) to align more closely                  outer packagings.
                                              this rule are responsive to petitions for               with certain provisions of the                           • Special provision A6 states that if
                                              rulemaking submitted by the regulated                   International Civil Aviation                          plastic inner packagings are used for
                                              community.                                              Organization’s Technical Instructions                 transportation of referenced
                                                                                                      for the Safe Transport of Dangerous                   commodities, they must be packed in
                                              DATES:                                                  Goods by Air (ICAO Technical                          tightly closed metal receptacles before
                                                 Effective date: This rule is effective               Instructions). These amendments                       being packed in outer packagings.
                                              October 18, 2018.                                       update miscellaneous regulatory                          The petitioner notes that the
                                                 Delayed compliance date: Unless                      requirements for hazardous materials                  packaging requirements imposed by
                                              otherwise specified, compliance with                    offered for transportation, or                        special provisions A3 and A6 are
                                              the amendments adopted in this final                    transported, in commerce by aircraft. In              domestic provisions not found in the
                                              rule is required beginning October 18,                  addition, the NPRM proposed                           ICAO Technical Instructions and that
                                              2019.                                                   amendments in response to four                        maintaining these differences creates
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        petitions for rulemaking submitted by                 both a trade barrier to U.S. exports and
                                              Aaron Wiener, Office of Hazardous                       the regulated community. The petitions                a burden to the domestic market. The
                                              Materials Standards, International                      are included in the docket for this                   petitioner contends that the requirement
                                              Standards, (202) 366–4579, Pipeline and                 proceeding and are discussed at length                for ‘‘metal receptacles’’ is overly
                                              Hazardous Materials Safety                              in Section II (Comment Discussion) of                 restrictive and provides a competitive
                                              Administration, U.S. Department of                      this rulemaking. In the NPRM, the                     advantage to shippers in countries that
                                              Transportation, 1200 New Jersey                         phrase ‘‘notification to the pilot-in-                allow these products to be shipped
                                              Avenue SE, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC                    command’’ and the acronym ‘‘NOTOC’’                   without additional intermediate
                                              20590–0001.                                             were used. In this final rule, consistent             packagings.
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              with the ICAO Technical Instructions,                    The petitioner further notes that the
                                                                                                      the phrase ‘‘information to the pilot-in-             following requirements in § 173.27(d)
                                              Table of Contents                                       command’’ is used.                                    and (e) of the HMR make special
                                              I. Background                                                                                                 provisions A3 and A6 unnecessary: (1)
                                              II. Comment Discussion                                  II. Comment Discussion
                                                                                                                                                            When transported by air, inner
                                                 A. Transportation by Air Intermediate                   In response to the NPRM [81 FR                     packagings of Packing Group (PG) I
                                                   Packaging Requirements for Certain Low             87510], PHMSA received comments                       materials currently assigned A3, A6, or
                                                   and Medium Danger Hazardous                        from the following organizations:                     both are already required to be packed
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                   Materials (P–1637)
                                                 B. Quantity Limits for Portable Electronic           • Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)                  in either a rigid and leakproof receptacle
                                                   Medical Devices Carried by Passengers,             • Airlines for America (A4A)                          or an intermediate packaging containing
                                                   Crewmembers, and Air Operators (P–                 • Council on Safe Transportation of                   sufficient absorbent material to absorb
                                                   1649)                                                 Hazardous Articles (COSTHA)                        the entire contents of the inner
                                                 C. Information to the Pilot-in-Command,              • Dangerous Goods Advisory Council
                                                   Harmonization With the ICAO Technical                 (DGAC)                                               1 See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=

                                                   Instructions (P–1487)                              • United Parcel Service (UPS)                         PHMSA-2014-0094.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:38 Oct 17, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\18OCR2.SGM   18OCR2

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                             52879

                                              packaging before packing the inner                      provision A6 was designed to mitigate                 external defibrillators (AED); nebulizers;
                                              packaging in its outer package; and (2)                 for PG II and III materials. As                       continuous positive airway pressure
                                              PG II and III commodities are already                   commenters did not provide any                        (CPAP) devices containing lithium
                                              subject to secondary closure                            supplemental information or                           metal batteries; and spare batteries)
                                              requirements. Therefore, the petitioner                 justification for the removal of special              carried on aircraft by passengers and
                                              asks that the intermediate packaging                    provision A3 from the assigned PG II                  crewmembers. See P–1649.2 The current
                                              requirements in special provisions A3                   and III entries other than originally                 HMR requirements limit all lithium
                                              and A6 be removed.                                      included in the petition, PHMSA                       metal batteries carried on an aircraft by
                                                 Section 173.27(d) of the HMR                         maintains its position stated in the                  passengers or crewmembers for personal
                                              establishes the type of closure required                NPRM that the material of construction                use to a lithium content of not more
                                              for transportation of liquid hazardous                  of the inner packaging referenced in                  than 2 grams per battery. The ICAO
                                              materials by air. It states that the inner              special provision A3 (glass) necessitates             Technical Instructions allow portable
                                              packaging for PG I liquid hazardous                     an intermediate packaging to perform a                medical electronic devices containing
                                              materials must have a secondary means                   containment function in the event an                  lithium metal batteries and spare
                                              of closure applied. The inner packaging                 inner packaging breaks. Therefore,                    batteries for these devices to contain up
                                              for PG II or III liquid hazardous                       PHMSA is maintaining the intermediate                 to 8 grams of lithium content per battery
                                              materials must have a secondary closure                 packaging requirements for PG II and III              to be carried by passengers with the
                                              applied unless the secondary closure is                 materials in special provision A3;                    approval of the operator. The petitioner
                                              impracticable. If the secondary closure                 however, we are amending special                      stated:
                                              is impracticable, the closure                           provision A3 to authorize rigid and
                                                                                                                                                              A global increase in air travel, as well as
                                              requirements for PG II and III liquids                  leakproof receptacles for use as                      a growing aged population in many
                                              may be satisfied by securely closing the                intermediate packagings that are                      countries, makes it reasonable to assume that
                                              inner packaging and placing it in a                     currently limited to metal construction.              there will be a significant increase in older
                                              leakproof liner or bag before placing the               This will provide a wider range of                    passengers and passengers with illness. An
                                              inner packaging in the outer packaging.                 intermediate packaging options to                     automated external defibrillator can make the
                                                 Section 173.27(e) sets the absorbency                shippers of hazardous materials subject               difference between life and death during
                                              requirements for PG I liquid hazardous                  to special provision A3.                              cardiac arrest.
                                              materials of Classes 3, 4, or 8, or                        Additionally, in the NPRM, PHMSA                      The petitioner further asserted that
                                              Divisions 5.1 or 6.1, when the materials                solicited comment on maintaining                      the current HMR requirements prohibit
                                              are packaged in glass, earthenware,                     special provision A6 for currently                    many people who need to travel with
                                              plastic, or metal inner packagings and                  assigned solid materials or whether                   their portable medical electronic
                                              offered for transport by air. It requires               revisions to the packaging provisions for             devices from doing so because the
                                              that inner packagings be packed in a                    these materials should be considered in               lithium content exceeds the amount
                                              rigid and leakproof receptacle or                       a future rulemaking. Special provision                allowed.
                                              intermediate packaging that is                          A6 is currently assigned to four solid                   In addition, the petitioner noted that
                                              sufficiently absorbent to absorb the                    materials (UN Nos. 1326, 1390, 1889,                  increasing the quantity limits for
                                              entire contents of the inner packaging                  and 3417) in the HMT. Unlike the                      portable medical electronic devices
                                              before the inner package is packed in                   liquids currently assigned special                    containing lithium metal batteries and
                                              the outer package.                                      provision A6, these solid materials are               spare batteries would be consistent with
                                                 In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to:                      not subject to the intermediate or                    section 828 of the ‘‘FAA Modernization
                                              (1) Amend special provision A3 in                       secondary packaging provisions in                     and Reform Act of 2012’’ (Pub. L. 112–
                                              § 172.102 to authorize rigid and                        § 173.27. PHMSA received two                          98, 126 Stat. 133; Feb. 14, 2012),3 which
                                              leakproof receptacles for intermediate                  comments in support of removing                       prohibits the Secretary of
                                              packaging; (2) remove references to                     special provision A6 from the currently               Transportation from issuing or enforcing
                                              special provision A3 from assigned PG                   assigned solid materials. The DGAC                    any regulation or other requirement
                                              I entries in the HMT; and (3) remove                    commented that the special provision is               regarding the air transportation of
                                              references to special provision A6 from                 unnecessary because these solid                       lithium cells or batteries if the
                                              assigned liquids in the HMT.                            materials are not subject to the
                                                 PHMSA received positive feedback                                                                           requirement is more stringent than the
                                                                                                      intermediate or secondary packaging                   requirements of the ICAO Technical
                                              from commenters. Specifically, ALPA                     requirements. UPS supports removing
                                              and UPS expressed support for this                                                                            Instructions.
                                                                                                      the special provision provided the                       In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to
                                              amendment. The DGAC also expressed                      packaging provisions in § 173.27 are                  amend § 175.10(a)(18)(i) to authorize
                                              support for the proposed amendment;                     modified to require secondary or                      passengers and crewmembers to carry
                                              however, consistent with their petition,                intermediate containment for these                    on board an aircraft lithium metal
                                              DGAC continues to believe that the                      commodities. Based on the comments                    battery-powered portable medical
                                              secondary closure requirements in                       received, PHMSA will consider                         electronic devices and two spare
                                              § 173.27(d) satisfy the provisions in A3,               removing special provision A6 from the                batteries for those devices exceeding 2
                                              making A3 unnecessary for PG II and III                 four solid materials in a future                      grams of lithium content per battery, but
                                              materials.                                              rulemaking.
                                                 As stated in the NPRM, PHMSA                                                                               not exceeding 8 grams of lithium
                                              agrees that current requirements in                     B. Quantity Limits for Portable                       content per battery, with the approval of
                                              § 173.27(d) and (e) make special                        Electronic Medical Devices Carried by                 the operator.
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                                              provisions A3 and A6 unnecessarily                      Passengers, Crewmembers, and Air                         PHMSA received three comments
                                              redundant for liquid PG I materials. We                 Operators (P–1649)                                    from A4A, COSTHA, and DGAC in
                                              also agree that the requirements in                       Phillips Healthcare petitioned                      support of the proposed amendment.
                                              § 173.27(d) for inner packagings to have                PHMSA to revise § 175.10(a)(18)(i) to                   2 See https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=
                                              a secondary means of closure or a                       increase the quantity limits applicable               PHMSA-2015-0107.
                                              leakproof liner or bag adequately                       to the transportation of portable medical               3 See http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-

                                              address the hazards that special                        electronic devices (e.g., automated                   112hrpt381/pdf/CRPT-112hrpt381.pdf.

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                                              52880            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              A4A commented that the current                          increases training costs, adds confusion,               dispatchers prior to an aircraft moving
                                              inability of passengers and                             and the risk of potential inadvertent                   under its own power;
                                              crewmembers to carry lithium metal                      non-compliance by aircraft operators                       3. The air operator must retain the
                                              battery-powered portable medical                        who elect to approve portable medical                   pilot-in-command’s confirmation via
                                              electronic devices exceeding 2 grams                    devices exceeding 2 grams of lithium                    signature or other appropriate
                                              imposes unnecessary travel restrictions                 content per battery, but not exceeding 8                indication that the required information
                                              for passengers with medical needs                       grams of lithium content per battery. As                was received; and
                                              requiring the equipment. DGAC                           this proposal was not presented in the
                                              commented that harmonization with the                   December 5, 2016 NPRM, it is                               4. The person responsible for loading
                                              ICAO Technical Instructions on this                     considered beyond the scope of the                      the aircraft must provide a signed
                                              issue will benefit the travelers by                     rulemaking and is not addressed in this                 confirmation or other form of indication
                                              allowing them to carry life-saving                      final rule.                                             that no damaged or leaking packages or
                                              medical devices.                                                                                                packages showing evidence of damage
                                                 In contrast, ALPA provided comments                  C. Information to the Pilot-in-Command,                 or leakage were loaded on the aircraft.
                                              that oppose the proposed amendment,                     Harmonization With the ICAO
                                                                                                      Technical Instructions (P–1487)                            PHMSA received comments from
                                              stating that they do not support                                                                                A4A, ALPA, DGAC, COSTHA, and UPS
                                              changing regulations based on the end                      UPS petitioned PHMSA to revise the                   providing general support for aligning
                                              use of batteries. Specifically, ALPA                    information to the pilot-in-command                     the information to the pilot-in-command
                                              notes ‘‘batteries installed in a medical                requirements to match the ICAO                          requirements with the ICAO Technical
                                              device can be the same as used in a non-                Technical Instructions. The pilot-in-                   Instructions. UPS commented, ‘‘This
                                              medical device . . . and are not                        command must receive the information                    action will improve consistency
                                              inherently safer than non-medical                       in order to appropriately consider the                  between the HMR and ICAO, thereby
                                              devices.’’ PHMSA agrees with ALPA                       presence, amount, and location of                       promoting clarity of requirements, and
                                              that hazardous materials are not                        hazardous materials onboard the aircraft                overall compliance and safety in flight
                                              generally regulated by end-use                          in an emergency. See P–1487.5 This                      for operations around the world.’’ DGAC
                                              application when offered as cargo, but                  information, which also includes the                    commented, ‘‘. . . Harmonizing the
                                              rather on the hazard posed during                       hazard classification, proper shipping                  provisions of the HMR with those in the
                                              transport. In addition, PHMSA does not                  name, and packing group of the                          ICAO will provide for enhanced safety,
                                              dispute ALPA’s assertion that lithium                   hazardous materials onboard the aircraft                minimize potential for errors, enhance
                                              batteries used in medical devices                       can help inform the decision-making of                  training in only one set of harmonized
                                              present the same hazard as lithium                      the pilot-in-command. If an in-flight                   requirements, and otherwise minimize
                                              batteries used in non-medical devices.                  emergency did occur, the pilot-in-                      costs of maintaining two systems of
                                              However, the exceptions for passengers                  command or the operator’s ground                        operations.’’
                                              and crewmembers prescribed in                           personnel would need to convey
                                              § 175.10 do not apply to cargo                          information to air traffic control and/or                  These and other general changes
                                              consignments. Instead, they are based                   emergency responders in order to                        discussed below will result in PHMSA
                                              on the need of individual passengers                    support a safe and effective response.                  harmonizing with the ICAO Technical
                                              and crewmembers to carry personal                          In its petition, UPS asked PHMSA to                  Instructions in regards to the
                                              items containing relatively small                       amend the domestic information to the                   information required to be provided in
                                              quantities of hazardous materials for                   pilot-in-command requirements in                        the information to the pilot-in-
                                              common ‘‘end-use’’ items subject to                     § 175.33 to reduce what it considers                    command.
                                              certain conditions. In the 2011–2012                    extraneous information and more                            • Requirement that the operator
                                              edition of the ICAO Technical                           closely align the HMR with existing                     provide the same information to the
                                              Instructions, the 2-gram limit was                      international practices. The petitioner                 flight dispatcher that is required to be
                                              expanded for medical devices only.                      stated that harmonization with more                     provided to the pilot-in-command. In an
                                              Specifically, the limit was expanded to                 elements of the ICAO Technical                          emergency, a flight dispatcher may be
                                              allow for medical devices known to                      Instructions’ information to the pilot-in-              more readily able to communicate with
                                              exceed these limits, notably Automated                  command requirements will reduce the                    air traffic control and emergency
                                              External Defibrillators (AEDs), which                   regulatory burden for operators, as well                responders about the nature and
                                              typically had a lithium content between                 as the costs associated with training                   location of hazardous materials onboard
                                              4 and 8 grams.4 Therefore, PHMSA is                     employees and contract personnel to                     an aircraft than the pilot-in-command.
                                              adopting the amendment to                               two sets of standards.                                  Harmonizing with the ICAO Technical
                                              § 175.10(a)(18) as proposed in the                         In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed                          Instructions and requiring flight
                                              NPRM consistent with the provisions of                  adding each of the following                            dispatchers to have the same
                                              the ICAO Technical Instructions.                        requirements to the HMR:                                information as the pilot-in-command
                                                 In addition to the comments above,                      1. The operator must provide to the
                                                                                                                                                              regarding the nature, amounts, and
                                              A4A and COSTHA recommended that                         flight dispatcher 6 the same information
                                                                                                                                                              locations of hazardous materials
                                              PHMSA extend this allowance for                         as provided on the information to the
                                                                                                                                                              improves information sharing in an
                                              lithium metal battery-powered portable                  pilot-in-command;
                                                                                                         2. The information must be provided                  emergency situation. Incorporating this
                                              medical electronic devices exceeding
                                                                                                      to the pilot-in-command and flight                      provision into the HMR is also relevant
                                              current regulatory limits to all portable
                                                                                                                                                              to the National Transportation Safety
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                                              electronic devices powered by lithium
                                                                                                        5 See https://www.regulations.gov/                    Board’s (NTSB) Safety Recommendation
                                              metal batteries. They stated that
                                                                                                      docket?D=PHMSA-2006-26159.                              A–11–042, which recommends that the
                                              maintaining differences between                           6 For the purposes of this rulemaking the ‘‘flight    FAA ‘‘develop a method to quickly
                                              medical and non-medical devices                         dispatcher’’ refers to the personnel with               communicate information regarding the
                                                                                                      responsibilities for operational control of the
                                                4 See paragraph 5.4.10 of ICAO Dangerous Goods        aircraft (e.g., the flight operations officer, flight
                                                                                                                                                              number of persons on board and the
                                              Panel Working Paper DGP/22–WP/100 (October              dispatcher, or designated ground personnel              presence of hazardous materials to
                                              2009).                                                  responsible for flight operations).                     emergency responders when airport

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                                              emergency response or search and                        alternative language removing the word                meeting the requirements in § 175.33 as
                                              rescue is activated.’’ 7                                ‘‘written’’ from paragraphs (a) and (b)(2).           early as practicable before departure of
                                                 Consistent with the ICAO Technical                      The intent of the NPRM was to more                 the aircraft. Consistent with the ICAO
                                              Instructions, operators are responsible                 closely align the information to the                  Technical Instructions, PHMSA believes
                                              to specify the personnel to be provided                 pilot-in-command provisions in the                    that this information should be
                                              the information to the pilot-in-command                 HMR with those in the ICAO Technical                  provided to both the pilot-in-command
                                              in their operations manual and/or other                 Instructions. Consistent with the                     and flight dispatchers prior to the
                                              appropriate manuals. The term                           language in the NPRM, the current                     aircraft moving under its own power.
                                              ‘‘provided’’ covers the information to                  requirements in both regulations require              The pilot-in-command should not be
                                              the pilot-in-command when made                          that the operator of the aircraft provide             burdened with additional information
                                              available in a handwritten, printed, or                 the pilot-in-command with ‘‘accurate                  or processes during taxiing and final
                                              electronic format.                                      and legible written information.’’                    preparations for takeoff. This change
                                                 Providing an additional and                          Chapter 7;4.1.1 b) of the ICAO Technical              would also allow the pilot-in-command
                                              potentially quicker means for airport                   Instructions requires that the aircraft               additional time to address any safety
                                              rescue and firefighting (ARFF)                          operator provide personnel with                       concerns identified after a review of the
                                              personnel to receive the information to                 responsibilities for operation control of             information before taxiing. For example,
                                              the pilot-in-command underscores that                   the aircraft (e.g., flight dispatcher) with           the pilot-in-command will be more
                                              the ARFF community is as much an                        the same information required to be                   likely to have the opportunity to
                                                                                                      provided to the pilot-in-command. The                 physically inspect (e.g., packages,
                                              intended consumer of the information
                                                                                                      ICAO requirement is followed by an                    paperwork, etc.), ask questions, or
                                              as is the pilot-in-command. ARFF
                                                                                                      example indicating that an operator may               otherwise act on the information if they
                                              training in hazardous materials
                                                                                                      satisfy this requirement by providing                 receive the information prior to the
                                              incidents is required under 14 CFR part
                                                                                                      the flight dispatcher with a copy of the              aircraft moving.
                                              139, which specifies the FAA’s
                                                                                                      written information provided to the                      • Requirement that the air operator
                                              requirements for certificated airports.
                                                                                                      pilot-in-command. However, the                        obtains and retains a confirmation (e.g.,
                                                 PHMSA received comments from                         requirement in the ICAO Technical                     a signed confirmation from the pilot-in-
                                              A4A, COSTHA, and UPS concerning                         Instructions, while using the phrase                  command or notation via an operator’s
                                              use of the term ‘‘written’’ in the                      ‘‘copy of the written information’’ as an             computer system) that the information
                                              proposed paragraphs § 175.33(a) and                     example, does not specify the format or               was received by the pilot-in-command.
                                              (b)(2). A4A and COSTHA commented                        method in which the information is                    The current HMR require the
                                              that the ‘‘accurate and legible written                 provided to the flight dispatcher, but                information to be provided to the pilot-
                                              information’’ language in proposed                      rather only that the information is the               in-command by the operator and for the
                                              § 175.33(a) and the ‘‘copy of the written               same as provided to the pilot-in-                     operator to maintain a record of the
                                              notification’’ language in proposed                     command.                                              information to the pilot-in-command for
                                              § 175.33(b)(2) do not support electronic                   PHMSA agrees that the term                         90 days, but there is no requirement for
                                              notification method as air operators                    ‘‘written’’ may not be clear to everyone              the pilot-in-command to indicate receipt
                                              continue to move away from paper                        that the use of an electronic format for              of the information. To be consistent
                                              documents towards electronic systems                    the information to the pilot-in-command               with the ICAO Technical Instructions,
                                              for messaging and direct information                    is allowed. Based on the information                  PHMSA is requiring the operator to
                                              upload to, and retrieval from, the                      provided by the three commenters, this                obtain and retain documentation of the
                                              cockpit. In their comments, A4A stated,                 final rule revises paragraphs (a) and                 pilot-in-command’s receipt of the
                                              ‘‘Electronic storage and messaging                      (b)(2) to clarify that for the purposes of            information.
                                              allows the most up-to-date and accurate                 § 175.33, ‘‘written’’ means in a                         • Requirement for the information
                                              documentation to be retrieved by flight                 handwritten, printed, or an electronic                provided to the pilot-in-command to
                                              crews, dispatchers and ground                           format. Therefore, the information                    have a signed confirmation or some
                                              personnel at any time, providing a                      provided to both the pilot-in-command                 other indication from the person
                                              safety enhancement in addition to                       and the flight dispatcher may be                      responsible for loading the aircraft that
                                              considerable cost and environmental                     provided legibly in writing (e.g.                     no evidence of damaged or leaking
                                              benefits.’’ UPS commented that                          handwritten, printed, or electronic                   packages were loaded on the aircraft.
                                              including the ‘‘legible written’’ language              format) provided all requirements of the              The current HMR require a confirmation
                                              in the proposed § 175.33(a) allows for                  section are met. We recognize the trend               that no damaged or leaking packages
                                              the interpretation that a printed                       of providing the pilot-in-command and                 were loaded on board an aircraft, but
                                              information to the pilot-in-command is                  flight dispatchers with operational data              there is no requirement for a signature
                                              required for issuance to the pilot-in-                  through electronic means and that the                 or other means of verification from the
                                              command, as well as having the                          use of electronic means to supplement                 person responsible for loading the
                                              unintended effect of requiring printed                  the pilot-in-command with information                 aircraft. The requirement for the
                                              information to be furnished to a flight                 about cargo, including hazardous                      information provided to the pilot-in-
                                              dispatcher or equivalent operator                       materials, is consistent with current                 command to have a signed confirmation
                                              employee. UPS explained that large                      practices. The FAA recognizes that there              or other indication from the person
                                              carrier operations such as theirs would                 are multiple electronic means that                    responsible for loading ensures that
                                              face difficulties as ‘‘information is                   operators may use to provide                          there is no evidence of damage to or
                                              readily available in other formats and                  information to their pilot-in-command                 leakage from the packages or evidence
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                                              the task of managing printed copies                     and flight dispatchers.                               of leakage from the unit load device
                                              would be inefficient and contrary to                       • Requirement that the information to              loaded on an aircraft which provides for
                                              technological advances.’’ The three                     the pilot-in-command be provided to the               a more accountable safety system.
                                              commenters provided similar                             pilot and flight dispatchers prior to an                 • General harmonization with the
                                                                                                      aircraft moving under its own power.                  ICAO Technical Instructions in regards
                                                7 See http://www.ntsb.gov/safety/safety-recs/         The current HMR require the pilot-in-                 to information required to be provided
                                              recletters/A-11-039-047.pdf.                            command to receive written information                in the information to the pilot-in-

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                                              52882            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              command associated with (and linked                     different sets of standards. However, the             Table 7–9 provides a list of dangerous
                                              to) requirements for shipping papers.                   HMR will continue to require that the                 goods not required to appear in the
                                              The current HMR require the additional                  date of the flight be included on the                 information to the pilot-in-command.
                                              description requirements of §§ 172.202                  information to the pilot-in-command,                  The list includes entries for lithium
                                              and 172.203 to be provided in the                       while the current ICAO Technical                      batteries consigned under the entries
                                              information to the pilot-in-command.                    Instructions do not. Maintaining the                  UN3090, UN3091, UN3480, and
                                              These additional information                            flight date adds another safety control to            UN3481 when meeting the requirements
                                              requirements necessitate the inclusion                  ensure the pilot-in-command has the                   of Section II of PI 965–970. The
                                              of items such as descriptions of the                    correct form. As many operators already               commenters noted that the HMR do not
                                              physical or chemical form of radioactive                include the date as a part of their                   have a corresponding exception for
                                              materials, an indication that the                       information provided to the pilot-in-                 these same materials prepared even
                                              materials being transported are                         command, this amendment will not                      though a shipping paper is not required.
                                              packaged under limited quantity                         create an undue administrative burden.                Both commenters suggested
                                              exceptions, an indication that marine                   PHMSA received one comment from                       incorporating the ICAO provisions by
                                              pollutants are present, etc. By aligning                UPS providing support for maintaining                 either adding Table 7–9 into § 175.33 or
                                              with the ICAO Technical Instructions,                   the flight date on the information to the             by adding a specific exception stating
                                              PHMSA believes that the removal of                      pilot-in-command. The ICAO Dangerous                  that lithium batteries prepared in
                                              additional description requirements                     Goods Panel (DGP) took action in                      accordance with § 173.185(c) are not
                                              from the information to the pilot-in-                   October 2016 to amend the ICAO                        required to appear on the information to
                                              command will result in decreased                        Technical Instructions to include the                 the pilot-in-command. COSTHA
                                              complexity and training costs for                       flight date as one of the required fields             suggested adding exceptions in § 175.33
                                              operators without negatively impacting                  on the information to the pilot-in-                   for all materials listed in Table 7–9 of
                                              safety. In the NPRM, we invited                         command. This change will align with                  the ICAO Technical Instructions such as
                                              comment from the ARFF community                         the HMR and is expected to be reflected               excepted quantities and ‘‘UN3373 and
                                              pertaining to the effect this proposed                  in the 2019–2020 ICAO Technical                       Biological substance, Category B’’
                                              rule would have had on past incident or                 Instructions.                                         among others.
                                              accident responses; however, as no                         In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed                           PHMSA agrees that in instances when
                                              comments were received, we are                          maintaining the existing requirement                  a shipping paper is not required, the
                                              removing the additional description                     that a hazardous material carried under               information for that material is generally
                                              requirements from the information to                    the terms of a special permit must be                 not required to appear on the
                                              the pilot-in-command requirements as                    indicated on the information to the                   information to the pilot-in-command
                                              proposed.                                               pilot-in-command. PHMSA received a                    either. Because a shipping paper
                                                 The current HMR contain a                            comment from UPS stating that the                     contains the information from which the
                                              requirement that the information to the                 existing term ‘‘special permit’’ is too               elements of the information to the pilot-
                                              pilot-in-command prepared in                            focused on U.S. regulations. They note                in-command are derived, it is
                                              accordance with the ICAO Technical                      that parallel ICAO provision, in Part 7;              impracticable to prepare the information
                                              Instructions must also include any                      Section j) refers to a requirement            for materials not requiring a shipping
                                              additional elements required to be                      to include, ‘‘where applicable, an                    paper. We also agree that the HMR do
                                              shown on shipping papers by subpart C                   indication that the dangerous goods are               not have a clear exception from the
                                              of part 171 of this subchapter. The                     being carried under a State exemption.’’              information to the pilot-in-command
                                              additional elements currently required                  UPS suggested that the proposed                       requirement for lithium batteries
                                              are: An indication of the ‘‘EX Number’’                 language should be broadened to                       prepared in accordance with
                                              for Division 1.4G safety devices; an                    include a reference to an ‘‘equivalent                § 173.185(c), which corresponds with
                                              indication of ‘‘RQ’’ and technical names                document issued by the appropriate                    Section II of ICAO PI 965–970. Other
                                              if applicable for hazardous substances;                 authority of another country,’’ thereby               materials listed in Table 7–9, such as
                                              an indication that the hazardous                        reducing potential variation from the                 those offered in excepted quantities
                                              material is a ‘‘Waste’’ for hazardous                   ICAO requirement. PHMSA agrees.                       (§ 173.4a), and ‘‘UN3373 and Biological
                                              wastes; and the inclusion of the words                  Therefore, consistent with the ICAO                   substance, Category B’’ (§ 173.199) are
                                              ‘‘Poison-Inhalation Hazard’’ or ‘‘Toxic-                Technical Instructions, this final rule               sufficiently addressed in their relevant
                                              Inhalation Hazard’’ and the words                       adds ‘‘or under a State exemption as                  section of the HMR, with an indication
                                              ‘‘Zone A,’’ ‘‘Zone B,’’ ‘‘Zone C,’’ or                  prescribed in the ICAO Technical                      that the materials are not otherwise
                                              ‘‘Zone D’’ for gases, or ‘‘Zone A’’ or                  Instructions’’ in addition to ‘‘special               subject to the requirements of the
                                              ‘‘Zone B’’ for liquids, as appropriate for              permit.’’ ICAO defines ‘‘exemption’’ as               subchapter, to include the requirements
                                              Division 2.3 materials meeting the                      being equivalent to a special permit                  of § 175.33, if the applicable conditions
                                              definition of a material poisonous by                   under the HMR. An ‘‘exemption’’ does                  are met. Therefore, this final rule
                                              inhalation. PHMSA is removing the                       not include approvals, which are not                  clarifies in § 175.33(a)(13) that lithium
                                              requirement for the information to the                  required to be indicated on the                       batteries prepared in accordance with
                                              pilot-in-command made in accordance                     information to the pilot-in-command.                  § 173.185(c) are not required to appear
                                              with the ICAO Technical Instructions to                    In their comments, A4A and COSTHA                  on the information to the pilot-in-
                                              include these additional elements. This                 stated that carriers do not prepare the               command, which corresponds with
                                              information will still be required on                   information to the pilot-in-command                   Section II of the applicable ICAO
                                              shipping papers.                                        when the hazardous material does not                  packing instruction.
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                                                 General harmonization between the                    require a shipping paper, noting that the
                                              HMR information to the pilot-in-                        HMR do not require a shipping paper                   D. Amendments to Package Inspection
                                              command requirements and those found                    for lithium cells or batteries prepared in            (P–1671) and Securing Requirements
                                              in the ICAO Technical Instructions                      accordance with § 173.185(c) or the                     Labelmaster Services petitioned
                                              ensures consistency for operators                       corresponding Section II of ICAO                      PHMSA to amend § 175.30(c)(1) by
                                              subject to both regulatory systems, thus                Packing Instructions (PI) 965–970. The                removing language prohibiting any
                                              reducing the cost of complying with two                 commenters noted that part 7;4.1.11,                  package, outside container, or overpack

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         52883

                                              containing hazardous materials from                     transporting damaged packages aboard                  materials loaded in an aircraft to be
                                              being transported on an aircraft if it has              aircraft.                                             protected from damage, including by the
                                              holes. See P–1671.8 The petitioner                         PHMSA expects that the majority of                 movement of baggage, mail, stores, or
                                              noted that operators and freight                        determinations applicable to small holes              other cargo, and further harmonize
                                              forwarders have declined to transport                   on the integrity of a package or overpack             specific portions of the general loading/
                                              packages with minor abrasions, tears,                   will be quite evident. If an air operator             securement requirements pertaining to
                                              dents, cuts, small holes, or other minor                has any doubt on whether the integrity                appropriate securing and loading
                                              damage from normal conditions of                        of the package or overpack has been                   practices of the HMR with those found
                                              transportation and handling. Even                       compromised, and potentially is not                   in the ICAO Technical Instructions.
                                              where these examples of minor damage                    suitable for transportation aboard                    Specifically, PHMSA proposed to revise
                                              or holes did not compromise the                         aircraft, it should not be accepted for               § 175.88(c) by separating the provisions
                                              packaging’s integrity, operators and                    transport in its present condition.                   of the existing paragraph (c) into new
                                              freight forwarders declined to transport                Further, a package or overpack                        subparagraphs (1) and (4), and adding
                                              them on the basis of § 175.30(c)(1).                    containing only superficial damage not                subparagraphs (2) and (3) to align with
                                                 PHMSA believes the current                           affecting the integrity, and not                      part 7;2.4.3 of the ICAO Technical
                                              restriction prohibiting acceptance of any               prohibited by § 175.30(c)(1), would not               Instructions that reads as follows:
                                              of these containment methods with                       be considered a damaged package or
                                                                                                                                                              When dangerous goods subject to the
                                              holes to be overly prescriptive,                        overpack.                                             provisions herein are loaded in an aircraft,
                                              especially as the paramount safety                         As stated in the NPRM, PHMSA                       the operator must protect the packages of
                                              requirement is that there must not be                   believes the current restriction                      dangerous goods from being damaged,
                                              any indication that the integrity of the                prohibiting acceptance of any package                 including by the movement of baggage, mail,
                                              containment method has been                             or overpack with holes to be overly                   stores or other cargo. Particular attention
                                              compromised. In the NPRM, consistent                    prescriptive, especially as the                       must be paid to the handling of packages
                                              with the ICAO Technical Instructions,                   paramount safety requirement is that                  during their preparation for transport, the
                                              PHMSA proposed to amend                                 there must not be any indication that                 type of aircraft on which they are to be
                                                                                                      the integrity of the containment method               carried and the method required to load that
                                              § 175.30(c)(1) to remove language                                                                             aircraft, so that accidental damage is not
                                              prohibiting packages or overpacks                       has been compromised. Therefore, this                 caused through dragging or mishandling of
                                              containing hazardous materials from                     final rule adopts the revision to § 175.30            the packages.
                                              being transported on an aircraft simply                 as proposed in the December 5, 2016
                                              due to the presence of holes when the                   NPRM with minor editorial                                PHMSA received three comments
                                              holes do not compromise the integrity of                clarifications. In reviewing the section              from A4A, COSTHA, and UPS in
                                              the containment device.                                 during development of the final rule,                 response to the proposed revisions. The
                                                 PHMSA received comments from                         PHMSA determined that the term                        commenters stated that the manner in
                                              A4A, COSTHA, DGAC, and UPS in                           ‘‘outside container’’ is not applicable.              which the proposed paragraphs are
                                              response to the proposed revision. The                  As per the definition of ‘‘strong outer               structured may have the unintended
                                              DGAC commented in support of the                        packaging’’ in § 171.8, it is synonymous              effect of applying to activities outside of
                                              proposed revision as it enhances                        with ‘‘strong outer container’’. Therefore            the aircraft loading process, resulting in
                                              harmonization and does not                              ‘‘outside container’’ has the same                    subjective conditions that could lead to
                                              compromise safety. UPS commented in                     meaning as outer packaging. Outer                     inappropriate enforcement. COSTHA
                                              support of the proposed revision, noting                packaging is a component of a package,                commented that the proposed
                                              that the risk of transporting such                      which is already listed. As a result, in              requirements ‘‘could be interpreted to
                                              packages aboard aircraft would not be                   this final rule PHMSA is removing                     prohibit industry standard processing
                                              elevated, and was also supportive of the                ‘‘outside container’’ from paragraphs (b)             and movement of packages and baggage
                                              NPRM preamble language, stating                         and (c). In addition, in the NPRM,                    at sorting facilities or conveyor belt
                                              operators are ultimately responsible for                PHMSA proposed to include ‘‘freight                   operations used to move packages.’’
                                              the decision to accept such a package                   container’’ and ‘‘unit load device’’ in the           A4A and UPS commented on the use of
                                              for transportation. In their comments,                  list of containment devices contained in              ‘‘dragging’’ in proposed paragraph (c)(3).
                                              A4A and COSTHA provided support for                     paragraph (c). The intent was to align                A4A asserted that normal cargo
                                              the NPRM preamble language, stating                     with the provisions in ICAO Technical                 handling practices could be ‘‘construed
                                              that operators may continue to have                     Instructions, but further review found                by an inspector’’ as ‘‘dragging’’ or
                                              more restrictive standards as a part of                 that there is no such provision in the                inadequate protection resulting in a
                                              their business practice; however, they                  ICAO Technical Instructions. In Part                  violation and that ‘‘such practices
                                              expressed concern on how package                        7;1.3.1 i) of the ICAO Technical                      include loading of unit load devices and
                                              integrity determinations are to be made                 Instructions there is a requirement to                the holds of narrow-body, non-
                                              and whether enforcement officials will                  verify freight containers and unit load               containerized aircraft by leveraging
                                              accept the aircraft operator’s conclusion.              devices are not leaking and there is no               smooth floor surfaces to slide packages
                                              COSTHA also commented that aircraft                     indication that the integrity has been                into place.’’ UPS commented that the
                                              operators receive ‘‘knowing’’ or                        compromised; however, this is under                   established industry practice of sliding
                                              ‘‘constructive knowledge’’ violations for               the activity of conducting an acceptance              of packages on surfaces (e.g., tables,
                                              non-compliance with the HMR, further                    checklist which the HMR do not                        conveyor belts, floors and other
                                              noting that accidental damage is not a                  require. As a result, in this final rule, we          surfaces) may be subject to proposed
                                              ‘‘knowing’’ violation but that an                       are not listing ‘‘freight containers’’ or             language in § 175.88(c)(3), noting that
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                                              operator accepting a package with a                     ‘‘unit load devices’’ in paragraph (c).               the term ‘‘dragging’’ would introduce a
                                              small hole or abrasion could be                            Section 175.88 prescribes                          basis for enforcement personnel to
                                              considered a ‘‘knowing’’ violation as                   requirements for inspection, orientation,             misinterpret industry package handling
                                              operators are prohibited from                           and securing packages of hazardous                    methods. UPS further commented that
                                                                                                      materials aboard aircraft. In the NPRM,               there are aircraft holds, such as those
                                                8 See https://www.regulations.gov/                    PHMSA proposed revisions to                           with low ceilings, in which the
                                              docket?D=PHMSA-2015-0281.                               § 175.88(c) to require hazardous                      positioning of or removal of packages

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                                              52884                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              necessitates the sliding or dragging of                                     configurations. These ‘‘lower hold’’                                         III. Section-by-Section Review
                                              such packages.                                                              configurations are typically 3–4 feet in
                                                In addition, the commenters                                               height, in which operator personnel                                            The following is a section-by-section
                                              suggested that the proposed text is                                         must get on their knees due to the small                                     review of the amendments in this final
                                              unnecessary because other requirements                                      hold area and items must be                                                  rule:
                                              in the HMR, such as those in §§ 175.30                                      maneuvered by pushing, pulling, and                                          Part 172
                                              and 175.90(c), already prevent the                                          sliding cargo.
                                              loading of damaged packages containing                                         PHMSA has reviewed the existing                                           Section 172.101
                                              hazardous materials aboard aircraft.                                        requirements in § 175.88(c), and while
                                                The intent of the revisions to                                            these requirements ensure that packages                                         Section 172.101 contains the
                                              § 175.88(c) is to ensure that hazardous                                     are inspected for damage upon initial                                        Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) and
                                              materials are not loaded in an                                              acceptance by the operator and forbid                                        provides instructions for its use. Section
                                              inappropriate manner and that                                               placing aboard an aircraft baggage or                                        172.101(h) describes column (7) of the
                                              accidental damage is not caused during                                      cargo that is contaminated with                                              HMT, which specifies codes for special
                                              the loading process. The safety gap                                         hazardous material or appears to be                                          provisions applicable to hazardous
                                              addressed in this final rule covers the                                     leaking, they do not address accidental                                      materials. In this final rule, PHMSA is
                                              movement of hazardous materials                                             damage that may be caused through                                            revising the column (7) special
                                              during the aircraft loading process until                                   mishandling of the packages during the                                       provisions.
                                              the cargo is secured aboard the aircraft.                                   loading process. PHMSA agrees that the
                                              PHMSA acknowledges that certain                                             paragraph structure could be                                                    Specifically, PHMSA is removing: (1)
                                              aircraft types or configurations                                            misinterpreted to apply to situations                                        Special provision A3 from all assigned
                                              necessitate sliding or dragging to                                          outside of the loading process.                                              PG I HMT entries in column (7); and (2)
                                              position the cargo aboard the aircraft.                                     Therefore, this final rule revises                                           special provision A6 from all assigned
                                              An example of this type of aircraft                                         paragraph (c)(3) consistent with the                                         liquid HMT entries in column (7). Table
                                              would be passenger aircraft, which                                          language suggested by COSTHA in their                                        1 illustrates the HMT entries for which
                                              contain smaller ‘‘lower hold’’ cargo                                        comments.                                                                    changes are proposed:

                                                                                                                                                       TABLE 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              UN ID      SP
                                                                                                                          Proper shipping name                                                                                                 No.     deletion

                                              Acetaldehyde ...........................................................................................................................................................................       UN1089   A3
                                              Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid solution, with more than 80 percent acid, by mass ..........................................................                                               UN2789   A6
                                              Acetic acid solution, not less than 50 percent but not more than 80 percent acid, by mass ................................................                                                     UN2790   A6
                                              Acetic anhydride ......................................................................................................................................................................        UN1715   A6
                                              Acetyl chloride .........................................................................................................................................................................      UN1717   A6
                                              Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s ...............................................................................................................................................             UN1421   A3
                                              Alkali metal amalgam, liquid ...................................................................................................................................................               UN1389   A3
                                              Alkali metal dispersions, flammable or Alkaline earth metal dispersions, flammable ............................................................                                                UN3482   A3
                                              Alkali metal dispersions, or Alkaline earth metal dispersions .................................................................................................                                UN1391   A3
                                              Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including C2–C12 homologues) (PG I) .......................................................................................                                      UN3145   A6
                                              Allyl iodide ...............................................................................................................................................................................   UN1723   A6
                                              Amines, liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s. or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s. (PG I) ...............................                                                        UN2734   A3,   A6
                                              Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s., or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. (PG I) ....................................................................                                        UN2735   A3,   A6
                                              Amyl mercaptan ......................................................................................................................................................................          UN1111   A6
                                              Antimony pentafluoride ............................................................................................................................................................            UN1732   A6
                                              Benzyl chloroformate ...............................................................................................................................................................           UN1739   A3,   A6
                                              Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate .............................................................................................................................................               UN2604   A3
                                              Butyl mercaptan ......................................................................................................................................................................         UN2347   A6
                                              Chlorite solution .......................................................................................................................................................................      UN1908   A6
                                              2-Chloropropene ......................................................................................................................................................................         UN2456   A3
                                              Chromium oxychloride .............................................................................................................................................................             UN1758   A3,   A6
                                              Chromosulfuric acid .................................................................................................................................................................          UN2240   A3,   A6
                                              Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. (PG I) .....................................................................................................................                       UN3264   A6
                                              Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, n.o.s. (PG I) ........................................................................................................................                      UN3265   A6
                                              Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. (PG I) ......................................................................................................................                       UN3266   A6
                                              Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s. (PG I) .........................................................................................................................                      UN3267   A6
                                              Corrosive liquid, self-heating, n.o.s. (PG I) .............................................................................................................................                    UN3301   A6
                                              Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s. (PG I) .............................................................................................................................                      UN2920   A6
                                              Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. (PG I) ................................................................................................................................................              UN1760   A6
                                              Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. ...........................................................................................................................................               UN3093   A6
                                              Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s. (PG I) ......................................................................................................................................                 UN2922   A6
                                              Corrosive liquids, water-reactive, n.o.s. ..................................................................................................................................                   UN3094   A6
                                              Dichloroacetic acid ..................................................................................................................................................................         UN1764   A6
                                              Dichloroacetyl chloride ............................................................................................................................................................           UN1765   A6
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                                              Difluorophosphoric acid, anhydrous ........................................................................................................................................                    UN1768   A6
                                              Disinfectant, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. .......................................................................................................................................                UN1903   A6
                                              Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. (PG I) ..............................................................                                          UN2801   A6
                                              Ethyl mercaptan ......................................................................................................................................................................         UN2363   A6
                                              Ethyldichlorosilane ...................................................................................................................................................................        UN1183   A3
                                              Fluoroboric acid .......................................................................................................................................................................       UN1775   A6
                                              Fluorophosphoric acid anhydrous ...........................................................................................................................................                    UN1776   A6
                                              Fluorosilicic acid ......................................................................................................................................................................      UN1778   A6

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                        52885

                                                                                                                                          TABLE 1—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            UN ID      SP
                                                                                                                         Proper shipping name                                                                                                No.     deletion

                                              Fluorosulfonic acid ..................................................................................................................................................................       UN1777   A3, A6
                                              Hexafluorophosphoric acid ......................................................................................................................................................             UN1782   A6
                                              Hydrazine, anhydrous .............................................................................................................................................................           UN2029   A3, A6
                                              Hydriodic acid (PG II) ..............................................................................................................................................................        UN1787   A6
                                              Hydrobromic acid, with not more than 49 percent hydrobromic acid (PG II) .........................................................................                                           UN1788   A6
                                              Hydrochloric acid (PG II) .........................................................................................................................................................          UN1789   A6
                                              Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid mixtures ...........................................................................................................................                     UN1786   A6
                                              Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60 percent strength ...........................................................................................................                            UN1790   A6
                                              Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60 percent strength .....................................................................................................                              UN1790   A6
                                              Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid mixtures, stabilized with acids, water, and not more than 5 percent peroxy-                                                                          UN3149   A6
                                                 acetic acid.
                                              Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less than 20 percent but not more than 40 percent hydrogen peroxide                                                                            UN2014   A6
                                                 (stabilized as necessary).
                                              Lithium aluminum hydride, ethereal ........................................................................................................................................                  UN1411   A3
                                              Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. (PG III) .......................                                                        UN1228   A6
                                              Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s., flash point not less                                                                   UN3071   A6
                                                 than 23 degrees C.
                                              Methyldichlorosilane ................................................................................................................................................................        UN1242   A3
                                              Morpholine ...............................................................................................................................................................................   UN2054   A6
                                              Nitric acid other than red fuming, with at least 65 percent, but not more than 70 percent nitric acid ...................................                                                    UN2031   A6
                                              Nitric acid other than red fuming, with more than 20 percent and less than 65 percent nitric acid ......................................                                                     UN2031   A6
                                              Nitric acid other than red fuming, with not more than 20 percent nitric acid .........................................................................                                       UN2031   A6
                                              Nitric acid other than red fuming, with more than 70 percent nitric acid ...............................................................................                                     UN2031   A3
                                              Nitrohydrochloric acid ..............................................................................................................................................................        UN1798   A3
                                              Nitrosylsulfuric acid, liquid .......................................................................................................................................................        UN2308   A6
                                              Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s. (PG I) ............................................................................................................................                      UN2788   A3
                                              Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. (PG I) .................................................................................................................................                 UN3098   A6
                                              Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s. (PG I) ..................................................................................................................................................           UN3139   A6
                                              Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s. (PG I) .........................................................................................................................................             UN3099   A6
                                              Perchloric acid with more than 50 percent but not more than 72 percent acid, by mass .....................................................                                                   UN1873   A3
                                              Phosphorus tribromide ............................................................................................................................................................           UN1808   A6
                                              Propanethiols ...........................................................................................................................................................................    UN2402   A6
                                              Propylene oxide .......................................................................................................................................................................      UN1280   A3
                                              1,2-Propylenediamine ..............................................................................................................................................................          UN2258   A6
                                              Propyleneimine, stabilized .......................................................................................................................................................           UN1921   A3
                                              Selenium oxychloride ..............................................................................................................................................................          UN2879   A3, A6
                                              Silicon tetrachloride .................................................................................................................................................................      UN1818   A6
                                              Sulfur chlorides ........................................................................................................................................................................    UN1828   A3
                                              Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than 30 percent free sulfur trioxide ........................................................................................                                UN1831   A3
                                              Trichloroacetic acid, solution ...................................................................................................................................................           UN2564   A6
                                              Trifluoroacetic acid ..................................................................................................................................................................      UN2699   A3, A6
                                              Valeryl chloride ........................................................................................................................................................................    UN2502   A6
                                              Vanadium oxytrichloride ..........................................................................................................................................................           UN2443   A6
                                              Vanadium tetrachloride ...........................................................................................................................................................           UN2444   A3, A6
                                              Vinyl ethyl ether, stabilized .....................................................................................................................................................          UN1302   A3
                                              Xylyl bromide, liquid ................................................................................................................................................................       UN1701   A6

                                              Section 172.102                 Special Provisions                          Part 175                                                                    operator. Consistent with the ICAO
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Technical Instructions and the current
                                                 Section 172.102 lists special                                            Section 175.10
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HMR prohibitions, spare lithium
                                              provisions applicable to the                                                  Section 175.10 provides exceptions                                        batteries (i.e., batteries that are not
                                              transportation of specific hazardous                                        for passengers, crewmembers, and air                                        packed with or contained in equipment)
                                              materials. Special provisions contain                                       operators. PHMSA is revising                                                of any type and for any application
                                              packaging requirements, prohibitions,                                       § 175.10(a)(18)(i) to authorize                                             continue to be prohibited from checked
                                              and exceptions applicable to particular                                     passengers and crewmembers to carry                                         baggage. FAA’s Safety Alert to Operators
                                              quantities or forms of hazardous                                            on board aircraft portable medical                                          (SAFO) 15010 Carriage of Spare Lithium
                                              materials. PHMSA is replacing the                                           electronic devices containing lithium                                       Batteries in Carry-on and Checked
                                              existing requirement for tightly closed                                     metal batteries with a lithium content                                      Baggage 9 provides additional guidance
                                              metal receptacles in special provision                                      exceeding 2 grams per battery, but not                                      to operators on this issue.
                                              A3 from § 172.102(b)(2), which applies                                      exceeding 8 grams of lithium content
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                                                                                                                          per battery, and no more than two                                           Section 175.30
                                              only to transportation by aircraft, with
                                              a requirement for rigid and leakproof                                       individually protected lithium metal                                          Section 175.30 prescribes
                                              receptacles or intermediate packaging                                       spare batteries for these portable                                          requirements for the inspection and
                                              packed with absorbent material.                                             medical electronic devices each                                             acceptance of hazardous materials.
                                                                                                                          exceeding 2 grams of lithium content,
                                                                                                                          but not exceeding 8 grams of lithium                                          9 (SAFO) 15010 Carriage of Spare Lithium

                                                                                                                          content, with the approval of the                                           Batteries in Carry-on and Checked Baggage.

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                                              52886            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              PHMSA is revising § 175.30(c)(1) to no                  confusing and suggesting revisions to                 warrants the harmonization of domestic
                                              longer prohibit packages or overpacks                   improve clarity.                                      and international requirements to the
                                              containing hazardous materials from                                                                           greatest extent possible.
                                                                                                      Section 175.88
                                              being transported on an aircraft if there                                                                       Harmonization serves to facilitate
                                              are one or more holes present when the                     Section 175.88 prescribes
                                                                                                                                                            international commerce, while also
                                              hole(s) or other indications do not                     requirements for inspection, orientation,
                                                                                                                                                            promoting the safety of people,
                                              indicate compromised integrity to the                   and securing packages of hazardous
                                                                                                                                                            property, and the environment by
                                              package or overpack.                                    materials aboard aircraft. PHMSA is
                                                                                                                                                            reducing the potential for confusion and
                                                                                                      amending § 175.88(c) by separating the
                                              Section 175.33                                                                                                misunderstanding that could result if
                                                                                                      provisions of the existing paragraph (c)
                                                                                                                                                            shippers and operators were required to
                                                 Section 175.33 establishes                           into new subparagraphs (1) and (4), and
                                                                                                                                                            comply with two or more conflicting
                                              requirements for shipping papers and                    adding subparagraphs (2) and (3) to
                                                                                                                                                            sets of regulatory requirements.
                                              the information to the pilot-in-command                 align with part 7;2.4.3 of the ICAO
                                                                                                                                                            PHMSA’s goal is to harmonize without
                                              when hazardous materials are                            Technical Instructions. Specifically,
                                                                                                                                                            sacrificing the current HMR level of
                                              transported by aircraft. PHMSA is                       these new paragraphs will require that
                                                                                                                                                            safety or imposing undue burdens on
                                              making revisions to harmonize the                       hazardous materials be: (1) Secured in
                                                                                                                                                            the regulated community. We consulted
                                              information to the pilot-in-command                     an aircraft in a manner that will prevent
                                                                                                                                                            the FAA in the development of this rule.
                                              requirements in the HMR with those                      any change in the orientation of the
                                              found in the ICAO Technical                             packages; (2) protected from damage,                  B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT
                                              Instructions. Specifically, we are                      including by the movement of baggage,                 Regulatory Policies and Procedures
                                              making revisions to:                                    mail, stores, or other cargo; (3) loaded so
                                                 • Align the elements that are required               that accidental damage is not caused                     This final rule is not considered a
                                              to be provided in the information to the                through dragging or mishandling; and                  significant regulatory action under
                                              pilot-in-command;                                       (4) Class 7 (radioactive) materials be                section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866,
                                                 • Clarify that information to the pilot-             secured in a manner that ensures that                 ‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review,’’ 58
                                              in-command may be in an electronic                      the separation requirements of                        FR 51735 (Oct. 4, 1993) and, therefore,
                                              form;                                                   §§ 175.701 and 175.702 will be                        was not reviewed by the Office of
                                                 • Ensure the information to the pilot-               maintained at all times during flight.                Management and Budget. Accordingly,
                                              in-command is provided to flight                                                                              this final rule is not considered a
                                              dispatchers or, when flight dispatchers                 IV. Regulatory Analyses and Notices                   significant rule under the Regulatory
                                              are not utilized, other ground support                  A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This                 Policies and Procedures of the
                                              personnel with operational control of                   Rulemaking                                            Department of Transportation. 44 FR
                                              the aircraft;                                                                                                 11034 (Feb. 26, 1979).
                                                 • Harmonize with ICAO requirements                      This final rule is published under the
                                              addressing when the information must                    statutory authority of the Federal                    Benefits of the Rule
                                              be provided to the pilot-in-command                     hazardous materials transportation law
                                                                                                      (Federal hazmat law). 49 U.S.C. 5101 et                  PHMSA analyzed the expected
                                              and flight dispatchers;                                                                                       benefits of these provisions in this final
                                                 • Require confirmation via signature                 seq. Section 5103(b) of the Federal
                                                                                                      hazmat law authorizes the Secretary of                rule. Typically, the benefits of rules are
                                              or other appropriate indication by the                                                                        derived from (1) enhanced health and
                                              pilot-in-command to indicate that the                   Transportation to prescribe regulations
                                                                                                      for the safe transportation, including                safety factors and (2) reduced
                                              required information was received;                                                                            expenditures, such as private-sector
                                                 • Clarify that UN3480, UN3481,                       security, of hazardous materials in
                                                                                                      intrastate, interstate, and foreign                   savings, government administrative
                                              UN3090, and UN3091 prepared in
                                                                                                      commerce. Section 5120(b) of the                      savings, gains in work time,
                                              accordance with § 173.185(c), except
                                                                                                      Federal hazmat law authorizes the                     harmonization impacts, and costs of
                                              § 173.185(c)(4)(vi), are not required to
                                                                                                      Secretary of Transportation to ensure                 compliance. In the case of this final
                                              appear on the information to the pilot-
                                                                                                      that, to the extent practicable,                      rule, most of the benefits will be derived
                                              in-command; and
                                                                                                                                                            from health and safety factors, as well
                                                 • Require that the information                       regulations governing the transportation
                                                                                                      of hazardous materials in commerce are                as reduced compliance costs.
                                              provided to the pilot-in-command
                                              contain confirmation via signature or                   consistent with standards adopted by                     The health and safety benefits
                                              other appropriate indication by the                     international authorities. The Secretary              specifically attributable to modifications
                                              person responsible for loading the                      has delegated these authorizations to the             of the information to the pilot-in-
                                              aircraft that no damaged or leaking                     Administrator for PHMSA. See 49 CFR                   command requirements are not easily
                                              packages or packages showing evidence                   1.97.                                                 calculable with any degree of accuracy.
                                              of damage or leakage have been loaded                      This final rule amends regulations to              The requirements for pilot-in-
                                              on the aircraft.                                        increase alignment with international                 command’s signature and confirmation
                                                 Consistent with the ICAO Technical                   standards by incorporating various                    from the person responsible for loading
                                              Instructions, we are also amending                      amendments, including changes to                      the aircraft will result in more effective
                                              § 175.33 by removing the requirement to                 special provisions, packaging                         and efficient response in the event of an
                                              include additional informational                        requirements, air transport information               aviation incident. The requirement that
                                              requirements in § 175.33(a)(1)(i) and (ii).             to the pilot-in-command requirements,                 packages be protected from damage
                                              This information will continue to be                    and allowances for hazardous materials                during loading operations will result in
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                                              required on shipping papers.                            to be carried on board an aircraft by                 increased safety and environmental
                                                 PHMSA has restructured § 175.33 to                   passengers and crewmembers. To this                   protection. Benefits will also be realized
                                              separate the requirements for the                       end, this final rule amends regulations               through a more efficient response time
                                              information to the pilot-in-command                     to more fully align the HMR with the                  because of emergency response
                                              from those for shipping papers to                       ICAO Technical Instructions. The large                personnel having quicker access to
                                              address comments to the NPRM from                       volume of hazardous materials                         hazardous materials information for
                                              UPS stating that the proposed text is                   transported in international commerce                 each flight.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            52887

                                              Cost Reducing Aspects of                                maintained, customer demand, or                       information to the pilot-in-command
                                              Harmonization                                           specific retail requirements), the                    applies to handwritten, printed, or
                                                 The primary cost savings expected                    analysis assumed that shippers always                 electronic formats supports the use of
                                              from this final rule result from reduced                choose the least cost option. We were                 electronic methods as air operators
                                              packaging costs in relation to the                      unable to quantify the number of A3                   continue to move away from paper
                                              removal of special provision A3 from all                shipments that are currently voluntarily              documents and towards electronic
                                              assigned PG I HMT entries and special                   offered in glass inner packagings. The                systems. Cost savings may be realized
                                              provision A6 from all assigned liquid                   potential cost savings per package are                by utilizing existing messaging systems
                                              HMT entries. Additionally, while they                   due to increased flexibility posed by the             for direct upload of information to and
                                              have not been quantified, PHMSA                         use of any rigid intermediate packaging               retrieval from, the cockpit. In addition,
                                              expects cost savings from the final rule’s              instead of the single metal type                      there may be cost savings for operators
                                              general harmonization of information to                 currently required.                                   electing to use electronic information
                                              the pilot-in-command requirements and                      PHMSA estimated the compliance                     methods as they will not have to
                                              support for the use of electronic formats.              costs attributable to A6 compliance                   physically print the information for use
                                                 Currently, compliance with special                   requirements, which vary by type of                   and retention purposes. PHMSA expects
                                              provisions A3 and A6 requires domestic                  shipment and packaging type. For                      the increased harmonization of the HMR
                                              shippers to use extra 10 or more                        example, the difference in the                        and ICAO Technical Instructions to
                                              expensive 11 materials. Shippers also                   compliance cost for a one-gallon                      generate cost savings by streamlining
                                              incur higher freight charges for shipping               shipment using UN specification                       the processes for information to the
                                              packages with higher package weights.12                 packaging for materials corrosive to                  pilot-in-command generation.
                                              PHMSA estimates that the partial                        metal is estimated at $3.82 for Packing
                                                                                                      Groups I, II or III. The estimated number             Costs of Harmonization
                                              removal of A3 and complete removal of
                                              A6 for liquids, as well as that of the                  of tons subject to A6 for UN                             The primary costs associated with this
                                              associated intermediate packaging                       specification packaging (corrosive to                 final rule are time costs related to
                                              requirements, will provide                              metal and PG I) is 641. The number of                 requirements for (1) confirmation via
                                              undiscounted annual cost savings of                     packages affected depends on the                      signature or other appropriate
                                              $1,814,643 in reduced packaging costs                   average inner receptacle volumes                      indication by the person responsible for
                                              to shippers.                                            applicable to each packing group and                  loading the aircraft that no damaged or
                                                 To arrive at these cost savings,                     restriction type. These calculations                  leaking packages were loaded on the
                                              PHMSA (1) analyzed commodity flow                       assume that the density of the chemicals              aircraft, and (2) confirmation via
                                              survey data for commodities assigned                    is the same as that of water (i.e., one ton           signature or other appropriate
                                              A3, A6, or both in the HMR; (2)                         of each affected commodity has a                      indication by the pilot-in-command to
                                              determined an estimate of total tons of                 volume of 239.65 gallons). Therefore, if              indicate that the required information
                                              freight for affected commodities offered                the number of gallons per package for a               was received. PHMSA estimates the
                                              for transportation by aircraft annually;                commodity corrosive to metal and PG I                 annual costs associated with
                                              (3) used this general commodity flow                    is 0.66, the estimated number of                      harmonizing the HMR information to
                                              survey data to estimate the number of                   packages per ton for that commodity is                the pilot-in-command requirements
                                              impacted packages; and (4) determined                   363 (239.65/0.66). Thus, the total                    with those found in the ICAO Technical
                                              a cost basis for packages prepared under                number of packages is 232,683 packages                Instructions to be $795,318. This
                                              existing requirements versus                            = 363 packages/ton multiplied by 641                  estimate is the total annual costs in 2016
                                              requirements in this final rule.                        tons. The total annual shipping cost                  dollars of the additional costs for pilot
                                                 A summary of the cost savings                        difference is estimated at $889,434 by                ($465,966) and loader ($106,845)
                                              calculation method is as follows.                       multiplying the cost difference per                   acknowledgements plus HMR training
                                              PHMSA estimated the cost savings by                     package noted above of $3.82 by the                   costs ($222,507).
                                              comparing the difference in costs                       number of affected packages, 232,836.                    A summary of the annual cost
                                              between the pre- and post-final rule                    Similarly, PHMSA estimates the annual                 calculation is as follows. PHMSA
                                              options for each shipping scenario                      shipping cost difference for UN                       estimates there are between 1,056 and
                                              identified for commodities potentially                  specification packaging for PG I                      9,920 projected flights 13 daily carrying
                                              subject to A3 or A6. For the purposes of                materials not corrosive to metal at                   hazmat that would be subject to
                                              this analysis, we assumed that relatively               $159,150 and the total annual shipping                harmonized HMR and ICAO
                                              inexpensive metal, plastic, and glass                   cost difference for PG II materials                   information to the pilot-in-command
                                              packaging could be used for inner and                   corrosive and not corrosive to metal at               requirements with a mean daily value of
                                              intermediate receptacles. There are no                  $766,059. Therefore, the annual                       5,415 (1,976,475 annual). The estimated
                                              costs specifically attributable to the A3               shipping cost difference for all PGs is               pilot acknowledgement cost of $0.2414
                                              compliance requirements because the                     estimated at $1,814,643 ($889,434 +                   (based on average pilot salary and five
                                              least cost option for shipping is to use                $159,150 + $766,059).                                 seconds per action) per information
                                              metal or plastic containers, and A3                        The reduced expenditure cost savings               received by the pilot-in-command
                                              applies to shipments in glass containers.               associated with the general                           multiplied by the estimated annual
                                              While some commodities are shipped in                   harmonization of the information to the               number of associated flights results in a
                                              glass containers due to various factors                 pilot-in-command requirements are not                 total cost of $465,966. Person(s)
                                              (e.g. ensuring product composition is                   easily calculable. Inconsistent                       responsible for loading the aircraft costs
                                                                                                      hazardous materials regulations result                were calculated in the same manner as
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                                                10 A metal container enclosing either a plastic or    in additional compliance costs for                    pilots but with an estimated
                                              glass container.                                        industry and increase compliance
                                                11 A metal or glass container rather than a plastic
                                                                                                      training efforts, whereas consistency of                13 PHMSA consulted with the FAA to derive the

                                              container.                                              regulations reduces regulatory                        number of affected flights subject to this
                                                12 Having a metal container enclosing a plastic/                                                            requirement.
                                              glass container will add weight. Likewise, using a
                                                                                                      compliance costs and helps to avoid                     14 Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational

                                              metal or glass container rather than a plastic          rejected or frustrated shipments.                     Employment and Wages, May 2016: 53–2011
                                              container will add weight.                              Clarifying that the term ‘‘written’’ in the           Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers,

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                                              52888            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              acknowledgement cost of $0.05 15 per                    identify two potential deregulatory                   result. Federal hazardous materials
                                              information to the pilot-in-command                     actions for each new E.O. 13771                       transportation law provides that, if DOT
                                              resulting in an estimated cost of                       regulatory action, and (2) limit the                  issues a regulation concerning any of
                                              $106,845. Based on FAA air operator                     incremental costs of new regulations                  the covered subjects, DOT must
                                              data, the number of additional                          overall on a fiscal year basis. This final            determine and publish in the Federal
                                              employees requiring training is                         rule is considered an E.O. 13771                      Register the effective date of Federal
                                              estimated at 2,086 at an estimated                      deregulatory action. Details on the                   preemption. 49 U.S.C. 5125(b)(2). The
                                              training cost of $107 per trainee per                   estimated cost savings of this final rule             effective date may not be earlier than
                                              year. The estimated annual expected                     are described above.                                  the 90th day following the date of
                                              industry training costs in 2016 dollars                                                                       issuance of the final rule and not later
                                                                                                      D. Executive Order 13132
                                              would then be $222,507 = 2,086                                                                                than two years after the date of issuance.
                                              employees multiplied by $107 per                           This final rule has been analyzed in               PHMSA is setting the effective date of
                                              employee. PHMSA notes that many air                     accordance with the principles and                    Federal preemption to be 90 days from
                                              operators already comply with ICAO’s                    criteria contained in Executive Order                 publication of a final rule in this matter.
                                              information to the pilot-in-command                     13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’ 64 FR 43255 (Aug.
                                                                                                      10, 1999). The regulatory changes in this             E. Executive Order 13175
                                              requirements; therefore, it is likely that
                                              this analysis has overestimated the cost                final rule preempt State, local, and                    This final rule was analyzed in
                                              of harmonization. The HMR currently                     Indian tribe requirements but do not                  accordance with the principles and
                                              require confirmation that no damaged or                 have substantial direct effects on the                criteria contained in Executive Order
                                              leaking packages have been loaded on                    States, the relationship between the                  13175, ‘‘Consultation and Coordination
                                              the aircraft. In satisfying this current                national government and the States, or                with Indian Tribal Governments,’’ 65 FR
                                              requirement, it is assumed that many                    the distribution of power and                         67249 (Nov. 9, 2000). Because this final
                                              operators are already using the specific                responsibilities among the various                    rule does not have tribal implications,
                                              confirmation requirement (signature or                  levels of government. Therefore, the                  does not impose substantial direct
                                              other indication) from the person                       consultation and funding requirements                 compliance costs, and is required by
                                              responsible for loading the aircraft,                   of Executive Order 13132 do not apply.                statute, the funding and consultation
                                              which would already be accounted for                       The Federal hazardous materials                    requirements of Executive Order 13175
                                              in time costs.                                          transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101–                   do not apply.
                                                 Under current practice, the                          5128, contains an express preemption                  F. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive
                                              information is transmitted to the pilot-                provision, 49 U.S.C. 5125(b), that                    Order 13272, and DOT Policies and
                                              in-command. We assume the additional                    preempts State, local, and Indian tribe               Procedures
                                              provision of identical information to the               requirements on certain covered
                                                                                                      subjects, as follows:                                    This final rule was developed in
                                              flight dispatcher (or other personnel)
                                                                                                         (1) The designation, description, and              accordance with Executive Order 13272,
                                              will incur negligible costs, if any,
                                                                                                      classification of hazardous material;                 ‘‘Proper Consideration of Small Entities
                                              especially as we understand this to be
                                                                                                         (2) The packing, repacking, handling,              in Agency Rulemaking,’’ 67 FR 53461
                                              a common industry practice. In the                                                                            (Aug. 16, 2002) and DOT’s Policies and
                                              NPRM, PHMSA invited comments on                         labeling, marking, and placarding of
                                                                                                      hazardous material;                                   Procedures to promote compliance with
                                              this assumption and on any                                                                                    the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C.
                                              unanticipated costs associated with the                    (3) The preparation, execution, and
                                                                                                      use of shipping documents related to                  601 et seq., and ensure that potential
                                              proposed requirement. While PHMSA                                                                             impacts of draft rules on small entities
                                              did not receive any specific comments                   hazardous material and requirements
                                                                                                      related to the number, contents, and                  are properly considered. The Regulatory
                                              on additional costs associated with                                                                           Flexibility Act requires an agency to
                                              providing the same information to the                   placement of those documents;
                                                                                                         (4) The written notification,                      review regulations to assess their
                                              flight dispatcher, all of the commenters                                                                      economic impact on small entities,
                                                                                                      recording, and reporting of the
                                              provided strong support for                                                                                   unless the agency determines that a rule
                                                                                                      unintentional release in transportation
                                              harmonizing with the information to the                                                                       is not expected to have a significant
                                                                                                      of hazardous material; and
                                              pilot-in-command provisions of the                         (5) The design, manufacture,                       economic impact on a substantial
                                              ICAO Technical Instructions.                            fabrication, inspection, marking,                     number of small entities.
                                              Net Cost Savings                                        maintenance, reconditioning, repair, or                  This final rule facilitates the
                                                                                                      testing of a packaging or container                   transportation of hazardous materials in
                                                Based on the previous discussions of
                                                                                                      represented, marked, certified, or sold               international commerce by increasing
                                              benefits, costs, and cost savings PHMSA
                                                                                                      as qualified for use in transporting                  consistency with international
                                              estimates the net annual cost savings
                                                                                                      hazardous material in commerce.                       standards. It applies to offerors and
                                              associated with this final rule (2137–
                                                                                                         This final rule addresses covered                  carriers of hazardous materials, some of
                                              AF10) to be $1,019,325.
                                                                                                      subject items (2), (3), and (5) above and             whom are small entities, such as
                                              C. Executive Order 13771                                preempts State, local, and Indian tribe               chemical manufacturers, users and
                                                Executive Order 13771 (‘‘Reducing                     requirements not meeting the                          suppliers, packaging manufacturers,
                                              Regulation and Controlling Regulatory                   ‘‘substantively the same’’ standard. This             distributors, aircraft operators, and
                                              Costs’’), issued January 30, 2017,                      final rule is necessary to harmonize                  training companies. As previously
                                              provides that ‘‘it is essential to manage               with international standards. If the                  discussed in Section IV, Subsection B
                                              the costs associated with the                           changes are not adopted into the HMR,                 (Executive Order 12866, Executive
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                                              governmental imposition of private                      U.S. companies—including numerous                     Order 13563, and DOT Regulatory
                                              expenditures required to comply with                    small entities competing in foreign                   Policies and Procedures), PHMSA
                                              Federal regulations.’’ Toward that end,                 markets—would be at an economic                       expects that the majority of amendments
                                              E.O. 13771 directs agencies to (1)                      disadvantage because of their need to                 in this final rule will result in cost
                                                                                                      comply with a dual system of                          savings and ease the regulatory
                                                15 Occupational Employment and Wages, May             regulations. The changes in this                      compliance burden for shippers engaged
                                              2016: 53–1011 Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors.      rulemaking are intended to avoid this                 in domestic and international

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         52889

                                              commerce, including trans-border                        Agenda in the Spring and Fall of each                 lithium metal batteries that exceed the
                                              shipments within North America. Many                    year. The RIN contained in the heading                current lithium battery limits in
                                              companies will realize economic                         of this document can be used to cross-                § 175.10(a)(18)(i), as well as spare
                                              benefits as a result of these                           reference this action with the Unified                batteries for these devices with the
                                              amendments. Additionally, the changes                   Agenda.                                               approval of the operator; and (3) remove
                                              effected by this final rule will relieve                                                                      language prohibiting any package or
                                                                                                      I. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                              U.S. companies, including small entities                                                                      overpack containing hazardous
                                              competing in foreign markets, from the                     This final rule does not impose                    materials from being transported on an
                                              burden of complying with a dual system                  unfunded mandates under the                           aircraft if it has holes when there is no
                                              of regulations. Therefore, we certify that              Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of                       indication that the integrity of the
                                              these amendments will not have a                        1995. It does not result in costs of                  package or overpack has been
                                              significant economic impact on a                        $141.3 million or more, adjusted for                  compromised. All of these amendments
                                              substantial number of small entities.                   inflation, to either State, local, or tribal          more closely harmonize U.S. regulations
                                                                                                      governments, in the aggregate, or to the              with international standards.
                                              G. Paperwork Reduction Act                              private sector in any one year, and is the               This action is necessary to: (1) Fulfill
                                                PHMSA currently has an approved                       least burdensome alternative that                     PHMSA’s statutory directive to promote
                                              information collection under Office of                  achieves the objective of the rule.                   transportation safety; (2) fulfill
                                              Management and Budget (OMB) Control                     J. Environmental Assessment                           PHMSA’s statutory directive under the
                                              Number 2137–0034, ‘‘Hazardous                                                                                 Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
                                              Materials Shipping Papers and                              The National Environmental Policy                  that requires Federal agencies to give
                                              Emergency Response Information.’’ We                    Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4375,                     interested persons the right to petition
                                              anticipate that this final rule will result             requires that Federal agencies analyze                an agency to issue, amend, or repeal a
                                              in an increase in the annual burden of                  proposed actions to determine whether                 rule, 5 U.S.C. 553(e); (3) align the HMR
                                              this information collection because of                  the action will have a significant impact             with international transport standards
                                              an increase in the amount of time                       on the human environment. The                         and requirements to the extent
                                              needed to complete the information to                   Council on Environmental Quality                      practicable in accordance with Federal
                                              the pilot-in-command due to additional                  requires agencies to conduct an                       hazmat law, 49 U.S.C. 5120; and (4)
                                              requirements for (1) confirmation via                   environmental review considering (1)                  simplify and clarify the regulations in
                                              signature or other appropriate                          the need for the proposed action, (2)                 order to promote understanding and
                                              indication by the person responsible for                alternatives to the proposed action, (3)              compliance. Specifically, this
                                              loading the aircraft that no damaged or                 probable environmental impacts of the                 rulemaking achieves these goals by
                                              leaking packages were loaded on the                     action and the alternatives, and (4) the              responding to petitions (P–1487, P–
                                              aircraft, and (2) confirmation via                      agencies and persons consulted during                 1637, P–1649, and P–1671).
                                              signature or other appropriate                          the consideration process. 40 CFR                        With this action, we are more closely
                                              indication by the pilot-in-command that                 1508.9(b).                                            align the HMR with international
                                              the required information was received.                  1. Purpose and Need                                   transport standards and requirements,
                                              PHMSA did not receive any comments                                                                            without diminishing the level of safety
                                                                                                         In this final rule, PHMSA is amending
                                              on the changes to this information                                                                            currently provided by the HMR or
                                                                                                      the HMR to increase harmonization
                                              collection burden in response to the                                                                          imposing undue burdens on the
                                                                                                      with international standards and to
                                              NPRM.                                                                                                         regulated public.
                                                                                                      address four petitions for rulemaking
                                                This rulemaking identifies a revised                  submitted by shippers, carriers,                      2. Alternatives
                                              information collection that PHMSA will                  manufacturers, and industry
                                              submit to OMB for approval based on                                                                              In developing this rulemaking,
                                                                                                      representatives. These revisions are                  PHMSA considered the following
                                              the requirements in this final rule.                    intended to harmonize with
                                              PHMSA has developed burden                                                                                    alternatives:
                                                                                                      international standards, while also                      No Action Alternative:
                                              estimates to reflect changes and                        maintaining or enhancing safety.
                                              estimates that the information collection                                                                        If PHMSA had selected the No Action
                                                                                                      Specifically, PHMSA, consistent with                  Alternative, regulations would remain
                                              and recordkeeping burden in this rule                   P–1487, is harmonizing the HMR with
                                              are as follows:                                                                                               in place and no new provisions would
                                                                                                      the 2017–2018 ICAO Technical                          be added. However, efficiencies gained
                                                OMB Control Number: 2137–0034.
                                                Annual Increase in Number of                          Instructions’ requirements for the                    through harmonization in updates to
                                              Respondents: 150.                                       information to the pilot-in-command,                  information to the pilot-in-command
                                                Annual Increase in Annual Number of                   for the air operator to provide the                   requirements; intermediate packaging
                                              Responses: 1,976,475.                                   information to the pilot-in-command to                requirements; passenger carriage of
                                                Annual Increase in Annual Burden                      the flight dispatcher, and for the air                portable medical electronic devices
                                              Hours: 5,474.                                           operator to obtain and retain a                       containing certain lithium metal
                                                Annual Increase in Annual Burden                      confirmation that the information to the              batteries; acceptance/transport of
                                              Costs: $572,811.                                        pilot-in-command was received by the                  packages with small holes that do not
                                                PHMSA will submit the revised                         pilot-in-command. This final rule                     compromise the package integrity;
                                              information collection and                              addresses three additional petitions for              ensuring that hazardous materials
                                              recordkeeping requirements to OMB for                   rulemaking (P–1637, P–1649, and P–                    loaded in an aircraft are protected from
                                              approval.                                               1671) to: (1) More closely harmonize                  damage; etc., would not be realized.
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                                                                                                      with the ICAO Technical Instructions in                  Preferred Alternative:
                                              H. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)                   regard to intermediate packaging                         PHMSA selected the Preferred
                                                 A regulation identifier number (RIN)                 requirements for certain low and                      Alternative. The amendments included
                                              is assigned to each regulatory action                   medium danger hazardous materials; (2)                in this alternative are more fully
                                              listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal                 add an exception to allow passengers to               addressed in the preamble and
                                              Regulations. The Regulatory Information                 bring on board an aircraft portable                   regulatory text sections of this final rule.
                                              Service Center publishes the Unified                    medical electronic devices containing                 However, they include the following:

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                                              52890            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 (1) Harmonize the HMR and ICAO                       through harmonization of transport                    information to the pilot-in-command
                                              Technical Instructions information to                   standards would not be realized.                      requirements will (1) allow operators to
                                              the pilot-in-command requirements. In                   Foregone efficiencies in the No Action                streamline compliance and training
                                              this final rule, PHMSA is more closely                  Alternative include freeing up limited                programs, (2) result in emergency
                                              aligning the information to the pilot-in-               resources to concentrate on air transport             response personnel having quicker
                                              command requirements in the HMR to                      hazard communication issues of                        access to hazmat information for each
                                              the ICAO Technical Instructions. This                   potentially much greater environmental                flight, (3) remove the requirement to
                                              includes information required, when the                 impact.                                               supply data elements required under
                                              information must be provided to the                        Additionally, the Preferred                        shipping paper provisions, and (4)
                                              pilot-in-command and flight                             Alternative encompasses enhanced and                  provide flight dispatchers access to
                                              dispatchers, and requirements for                       clarified regulatory requirements, which              hazmat information and relieve the
                                              verifying that the information was                      would result in increased compliance                  pilot-in-command of the responsibility
                                              received by the pilot-in-command.                       and less environmental and safety                     of communicating this information to
                                                 (2) More closely harmonize with the                  incidents. Not adopting the                           Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Aircraft
                                              ICAO Technical Instructions in regard                   environmental and safety requirements                 Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF)
                                              to intermediate packaging requirements                  under the No Action Alternative would                 personnel.
                                              for certain low and medium danger                       result in a lost opportunity for reducing                Greenhouse gas emissions would
                                              hazardous materials. In this final rule,                environmental and safety-related                      remain the same under this amendment.
                                              PHMSA is removing all references to                     incidents.                                               (2) More closely harmonize with the
                                              special provision A6 assigned to liquids                   Greenhouse gas emissions would                     ICAO Technical Instructions in regard
                                              in the Hazardous Materials Table.                       remain the same under the No Action                   to intermediate packaging requirements
                                              Additionally, this final rule amends                    Alternative.                                          for certain low and medium danger
                                              special provision A3 to authorize                          Preferred Alternative:                             hazardous materials. Deleting the
                                              additional intermediate packagings.                        PHMSA selected the Preferred                       assignment of special provisions A3
                                                 (3) Add an exception to allow                        Alternative. We believe that safety and               (partial) and A6 (for liquids) more
                                              passengers, with the approval of the                    environmental risks will be reduced and               closely harmonizes the HMR with
                                              operator, to bring on board an aircraft                 that protections to human health and                  ICAO’s packing instructions and
                                              a portable medical electronic device                    environmental resources will be                       removes a requirement that, according
                                              that exceeds the lithium battery limits in              increased. Consistency between U.S.                   to the petitioner, is a barrier to trade for
                                              § 175.10(a)(18)(i). In this final rule,                 and international information to the                  U.S. exports, while still maintaining an
                                              PHMSA is amending § 175.10(a)(18)(i)                    pilot-in-command requirements can                     appropriate level of safety. Existing
                                              to increase the quantity limits                         enhance the safety and environmental                  requirements in § 173.27(d) and (e) for
                                              applicable to the transportation of                     protection of hazardous materials                     inner packagings to have a secondary
                                              portable medical electronic devices                     transportation, reduce compliance costs,              means of closure and to be placed in
                                              containing lithium metal batteries and                  increase the flow of hazardous materials              either a rigid and leakproof receptacle or
                                              spare batteries for these devices carried               from their points of origin to their                  an intermediate packaging with
                                              on an aircraft. The current HMR limit all               points of destination (or diversion                   absorbent material make special
                                              lithium metal batteries to a lithium                    airport when required), and improve the               provisions A3 and A6 redundant for PG
                                              content of not more than 2 grams per                    emergency response in the event of a                  I commodities. Additionally, the
                                              battery regardless of end use, whereas                  hazardous materials incident or                       requirements in § 173.27(d) for inner
                                              the ICAO Technical Instructions allow                   accident.                                             packagings to have a secondary means
                                              portable medical electronic devices                        Overall, harmonization will result in              of closure or a leakproof liner or bag
                                              containing lithium metal batteries with                 more targeted and effective training and              adequately address the hazards that
                                              up to 8 grams of lithium (as well as                    thereby enhanced environmental                        special provision A6 was designed to
                                              spare batteries for these devices) to be                protection. These amendments will                     mitigate for PG II and III liquid
                                              carried on board an aircraft.                           reduce inconsistent hazardous materials               materials.
                                                 (4) Amend the package inspection                     regulations, which can increase the time                 Greenhouse gas emissions would
                                              and securing requirements. In this final                and cost of compliance training. For                  remain the same under this amendment.
                                              rule, PHMSA is amending § 175.30(c)(1)                  ease of compliance with appropriate                      (3) Add an exception to allow
                                              to remove language prohibiting any                      regulations, operators engaged in the                 passengers, with the approval of the
                                              package or overpack containing                          transportation of hazardous materials                 operator, to bring on board an aircraft
                                              hazardous materials from being                          generally elect to accept and transport               a portable medical electronic device
                                              transported on an aircraft if it has holes.             hazardous materials in accordance with                that exceeds the lithium metal battery
                                              Additionally, PHMSA is revising                         the ICAO Technical Instructions, as                   limits in § 175.10(a)(18)(i). Harmonizing
                                              § 175.88(c) to require hazardous                        appropriate. Increasing consistency                   with the ICAO Technical Instructions in
                                              materials loaded in an aircraft to be                   between these international regulations               this area will assist the traveling public
                                              protected from damage, including by the                 and the HMR allows shippers and                       who rely on their portable medical
                                              movement of baggage, mail, stores, or                   carriers to more efficiently train hazmat             electronic devices powered by lithium
                                              other cargo, consistent with general                    employees in their responsible                        metal batteries. This revision will be
                                              loading requirements found in the ICAO                  functions. PHMSA believes that these                  consistent with the FAA Modernization
                                              Technical Instructions.                                 amendments, which will increase                       and Reform Act.
                                                                                                      standardization and consistency of                       Greenhouse gas emissions would
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                                              3. Probable Environmental Impacts of                    regulations, will result in greater                   remain the same under this amendment.
                                              the Alternatives                                        protection of human health and the                       (4) Amend the package inspection
                                                 No Action Alternative:                               environment:                                          and securing requirements.
                                                 If PHMSA had selected the No Action                     (1) More closely harmonize the HMR                 Harmonizing with the ICAO Technical
                                              Alternative, regulations would remain                   and ICAO Technical Instructions                       Instructions in this area will address the
                                              in place and no new provisions would                    information to the pilot-in-command                   overly prescriptive requirements for
                                              be added. However, efficiencies gained                  requirements. Harmonization of                        package inspection and securing, which

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:38 Oct 17, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00014   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\18OCR2.SGM   18OCR2

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        52891

                                              currently result in acceptance rejections               2012), agencies must consider whether                 U.S.C. 272 note, directs Federal agencies
                                              from operators and freight forwarders.                  the impacts associated with significant               to use voluntary consensus standards in
                                              Further, harmonization will result in                   variations between domestic and                       their regulatory activities unless doing
                                              more targeted and effective training and                international regulatory approaches are               so would be inconsistent with
                                              thereby enhanced environmental                          unnecessary or may impair the ability of              applicable law or otherwise impractical.
                                              protection. These amendments will                       American business to export and                       Voluntary consensus standards are
                                              reduce inconsistent hazardous materials                 compete internationally. In meeting                   technical standards (e.g., specification
                                              regulations, which hamper compliance                    shared challenges involving health,                   of materials, test methods, or
                                              training efforts.                                       safety, labor, security, environmental,               performance requirements) that are
                                                 Greenhouse gas emissions would                       and other issues, international                       developed or adopted by voluntary
                                              remain the same under this amendment.                   regulatory cooperation can identify                   consensus standard bodies. This final
                                                                                                      approaches that are at least as protective            rule does not involve voluntary
                                              4. Agencies Consulted                                   as those that are or would be adopted in              consensus standards.
                                                PHMSA coordinated with the U.S.                       the absence of such cooperation.
                                              Federal Aviation Administration, the                    International regulatory cooperation can              List of Subjects
                                              Federal Motor Carrier Safety                            also reduce, eliminate, or prevent
                                                                                                                                                            49 CFR Part 172
                                              Administration, the Federal Railroad                    unnecessary differences in regulatory
                                              Administration, and the U.S. Coast                      requirements.                                            Education, Hazardous materials
                                              Guard, in the development of this final                    Similarly, the Trade Agreements Act                transportation, Hazardous waste,
                                              rule. PHMSA considered the views                        of 1979, Public Law 96–39, as amended                 Incorporation by reference, Labeling,
                                              expressed in comments to the NPRM                       by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act,                  Markings, Packaging and containers,
                                              submitted by members of the public,                     Public Law 103–465, prohibits Federal                 Reporting and recordkeeping
                                              State and local governments, and                        agencies from establishing any                        requirements.
                                              industry.                                               standards or engaging in related
                                                                                                      activities that create unnecessary                    49 CFR Part 175
                                              5. Conclusion                                           obstacles to the foreign commerce of the
                                                The provisions of this final rule build               United States. For purposes of these                    Hazardous materials transportation,
                                              on current regulatory requirements to                   requirements, Federal agencies may                    Incorporation by reference, Operators,
                                              enhance the transportation safety and                   participate in the establishment of                   Reporting and recordkeeping
                                              security of shipments of hazardous                      international standards, so long as the               requirements.
                                              materials transported by aircraft,                      standards have a legitimate domestic                    In consideration of the foregoing,
                                              thereby reducing the risks of an                        objective, such as providing for safety,              PHMSA is amending 49 CFR chapter I
                                              accidental or intentional release of                    and do not operate to exclude imports                 as follows:
                                              hazardous materials and consequent                      that meet this objective. The statute also
                                              environmental damage. PHMSA                             requires consideration of international               PART 172—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
                                              concludes that the net environmental                    standards and, where appropriate, that                TABLE, SPECIAL PROVISIONS,
                                              impact will be positive and that there                  they be the basis for U.S. standards.                 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
                                              are no significant environmental                           PHMSA and the FAA participate in                   COMMUNICATIONS, EMERGENCY
                                              impacts associated with this final rule.                the establishment of international                    RESPONSE INFORMATION, TRAINING
                                                                                                      standards to protect the safety of the
                                              K. Privacy Act                                                                                                REQUIREMENTS, AND SECURITY
                                                                                                      American public. We have assessed the
                                                In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c),                   effects of this final rule to ensure that it
                                              DOT solicits comments from the public                   does not cause unnecessary obstacles to
                                              to better inform its rulemaking process.                foreign trade. In fact, the final rule is             ■ 1. The authority citation for part 172
                                              DOT posts these comments, without                       designed to facilitate international trade            continues to read as follows:
                                              edit, including any personal information                by eliminating differences between the                  Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49
                                              the commenter provides, to                              domestic and international air                        CFR 1.81, 1.96 and 1.97.
                                              www.regulations.gov, as described in                    transportation requirements.
                                              the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–                  Accordingly, this rulemaking is                       ■ 2. In § 172.101, the Hazardous
                                              14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at                      consistent with Executive Order 13609                 Materials Table is amended by revising
                                              www.dot.gov/privacy.                                    and PHMSA’s obligations under the                     the following entries in the appropriate
                                                                                                      Trade Agreement Act, as amended.                      alphabetical sequence:
                                              L. Executive Order 13609 and
                                              International Trade Analysis                            M. National Technology Transfer and                   § 172.101 Purpose and use of the
                                                 Under Executive Order 13609,                         Advancement Act                                       hazardous materials table.
                                              ‘‘Promoting International Regulatory                      The National Technology Transfer                    *        *   *     *     *
                                              Cooperation,’’ 77 FR 26413 (May 4,                      and Advancement Act of 1995, 15                       BILLING CODE 4910–60–P
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:38 Oct 17, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00015   Fmt 4701   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\18OCR2.SGM   18OCR2

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                                                                                                                                                                            (8)                                            (9)                                (10)
                                         Hazardous materials                                                                                                                                           Packaging                               Quantity limitations                    Vessel stowage
                                          descriptions and                 Hazard          Identifica-

                                                                                                                                   Label              Special provisions                               (§ 173.***)                              (see §§ 173.27
                      Symbols                  proper                      class or           tion              PG                 codes                 (§ 172.102)                                                                              and 175.75)
                                              shipping                     division           No.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                               names                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Location             Other
                                                                                                                                                                                     Exceptions         Non-bulk             Bulk          Passenger             Cargo air-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           aircraft/rail         craft only

                           (1)                       (2)                     (3)              (4)               (5)                  (6)                        (7)                      (8A)              (8B)              (8C)               (9A)               (9B)               (10A)            (10B)

                                                                               *                         *                             *                       *                            *                            *                       *
                                       Acetaldehyde ................                  3   UN1089 ....     I ................   3 ...............   B16, T11, TP2, TP7 .....          None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........    E.

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                                                                               *                         *                            *                        *                             *                           *                         *
                                       Acetic acid, glacial or                        8   UN2789 ....     II ...............   8, 3 ...........    A3, A7, A10, B2, IB2,             154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                         Acetic acid solution,                                                                                       T7, TP2.
                                         with more than 80

Jkt 247001
                                         percent acid, by mass.
                                       Acetic acid solution, not                      8   UN2790 ....    II ...............    8 ...............   148, A3, A7, A10, B2,             154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                         less than 50 percent                                                                                        IB2, T7, TP2.
                                         but not more than 80

PO 00000
                                         percent acid, by mass.

                                                                               *                         *                            *                        *                             *                           *                         *
                                       Acetic anhydride ...........                   8   UN1715 ....     II ...............   8, 3 ...........    A3, A7, A10, B2, IB2,             154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A ............   40
                                                                                                                                                     T7, TP2.

Frm 00016
                                                                               *                         *                            *                         *                            *                           *                         *
                                       Acetyl chloride ..............                 3   UN1717 ....     II ...............   3, 8 ...........    A3, A7, IB1, N34, T8,             150 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   B ............   40

Fmt 4701
                                                                               *                         *                            *                        *                            *                            *                       *
                                       Alkali metal alloys, liq-                   4.3    UN1421 ....     I ................   4.3 ............    A2, A7, B48, N34, W31             None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   13, 52, 148
                                         uid, n.o.s.
                                       Alkali metal amalgam,                       4.3    UN1389 ....    I ................    4.3 ............    A2, A7, N34, W31 ........         None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   13, 40, 52,

Sfmt 4700
                                         liquid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    148

                                                                               *                         *                           *                        *                             *                            *                       *
                                       Alkali metal dispersions,                   4.3    UN3482 ....     I ................   4.3, 3 ........     A2, A7, W31 .................     None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   13, 52, 148
                                         flammable or Alkaline
                                         earth metal disper-
                                         sions, flammable.
                                       Alkali metal dispersions,                   4.3    UN1391 ....    I ................    4.3 ............    A2, A7, W31 .................     None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   13, 52, 148
                                         or Alkaline earth
                                         metal dispersions.

                                                                               *                         *                             *                        *                           *                            *                        *
                                       Alkylphenols, liquid,                          8   UN3145 ....     I ................   8 ...............   T14, TP2 ......................   None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    B.
                                         n.o.s. (including C2–

                                         C12 homologues).
                                                                                                         II ...............    8 ...............   IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 ....          154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    B.
                                                                                                         III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......         154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    A.

                                                                               *                         *                            *                        *                             *                           *                         *
                                       Allyl iodide ....................              3   UN1723 ....     II ...............   3, 8 ...........    A3, IB1, N34, T7, TP2,            150 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   B ............   40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                               *                         *                            *                        *                            *                            *                        *
                      G ............   Amine, liquid, corrosive,                      8   UN2734 ....     I ................   8, 3 ...........    N34, T14, TP2, TP27 ...           None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    A ............   52
                                        flammable, n.o.s. or
                                        Polyamines, liquid,
                                        corrosive, flammable,
                                                                                                         II ...............    8, 3 ...........    IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 ....          None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A ............   52

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                      G ............   Amines, liquid, corro-              8   UN2735 ....           I ................    8 ...............   B10, N34, T14, TP2,            None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   A ............   52
                                        sive, n.o.s. or                                                                                          TP27.
                                        Polyamines, liquid,
                                        corrosive, n.o.s.
                                                                                                     II ...............    8 ...............   B2, IB2, T11, TP1,             154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   A ............   52

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                                                                                     III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   A ............   52

                                                                       *                             *                             *                        *                        *                            *                         *
                                       Amyl mercaptan ...........          3   UN1111 ....            II ...............   3 ...............   A3, IB2, T4, TP1 ..........    None .........    202 ...........   242 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   B ............   95, 102

                                                                       *                             *                           *                         *                         *                            *                       *
                                       Antimony pentafluoride              8   UN1732 ....            II ...............   8, 6.1 ........     A3, A7, A10, IB2, N3,          None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........   D ............   40, 44, 89,

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                                                                                                                                                 N36, T7, TP2.                                                                                                                              100, 141

                                                                       *                             *                             *                       *                         *                            *                       *
                                       Benzyl chloroformate ...            8   UN1739 ....            I ................   8 ...............   B4, N41, T10, TP2,             None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........   D ............   40

Jkt 247001
                                                                       *                             *                            *                        *                         *                            *                        *
                                       Boron trifluoride diethyl           8   UN2604 ....            I ................   8, 3 ...........    A19, T10, TP2, W31 ....        None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   D ............   40

PO 00000
                                                                       *                             *                             *                        *                         *                           *                         *
                                       Butyl mercaptan ...........         3   UN2347 ....            II ...............   3 ...............   A3, IB2, T4, TP1 ..........    150 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   D ............   52, 95, 102

                                                                       *                             *                             *                        *                         *                           *                         *

Frm 00017
                                       Chlorite solution ...........       8   UN1908 ....            II ...............   8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34,          154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   B ............   26, 44, 89,
                                                                                                                                                 T7, TP2, TP24.                                                                                                                             100, 141
                                                                                                     III ..............    8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, IB3, N34,          154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   B ............   26, 44, 89,
                                                                                                                                                 T4, TP2, TP24.                                                                                                                             100, 141

Fmt 4701
                                                                       *                             *                             *                       *                          *                           *                         *
                                       2-Chloropropene ..........          3   UN2456 ....            I ................   3 ...............   N36, T11, TP2 ..............   150 ...........   201 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   E.

                                                                       *                             *                             *                       *                         *                            *                        *

Sfmt 4700
                                       Chromium oxychloride                8   UN1758 ....            I ................   8 ...............   A7, B10, N34, T10, TP2         None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   C ............   40, 66, 74,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            89, 90

                                                                       *                             *                             *                       *                         *                            *                        *
                                       Chromosulfuric acid .....           8   UN2240 ....            I ................   8 ...............   A7, B4, B6, N34, T10,          None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5L ..........    2.5L ..........   B ............   40, 66, 74,
                                                                                                                                                 TP2, TP13.                                                                                                                                 89, 90

                                                                       *                             *                             *                       *                         *                            *                        *
                      G ............   Corrosive liquid, acidic,           8   UN3264 ....            I ................   8 ...............   B10, T14, TP2, TP27 ...        None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   B ............   40
                                         inorganic, n.o.s.

                                                                                                     II ...............    8 ...............   386, B2, IB2, T11, TP2,        154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   B ............   40
                                                                               ...................   III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   A ............   40
                      G ............   Corrosive liquid, acidic,           8   UN3265 ....           I ................    8 ...............   B10, T14, TP2, TP27 ...        None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   B ............   40

                                         organic, n.o.s.
                                                                                                     II ...............    8 ...............   148, B2, IB2, T11, TP2,        154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   B ............   40
                                                                                                     III ..............    8 ...............   386, IB3, T7, TP1,             154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   A ............   40
                      G ............   Corrosive liquid, basic,            8   UN3266 ....           I ................    8 ...............   T14, TP2, TP27 ............    None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   B ............   40, 52
                                         inorganic, n.o.s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                     II ...............    8 ...............   386, B2, IB2, T11, TP2,        154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   B ............   40, 52
                                                                                                     III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   A ............   40, 52
                      G ............   Corrosive liquid, basic,            8   UN3267 ....           I ................    8 ...............   B10, T14, TP2, TP27 ...        None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   B ............   40, 52
                                         organic, n.o.s.
                                                                                                     II ...............    8 ...............   B2, IB2, T11, TP2,             154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   B ............   40, 52

                                                                                                     III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   A ............   40, 52

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                                                                                                                                                                           (8)                                            (9)                                (10)
                                         Hazardous materials                                                                                                                                          Packaging                               Quantity limitations                    Vessel stowage
                                          descriptions and           Hazard          Identifica-

                                                                                                                             Label               Special provisions                                   (§ 173.***)                              (see §§ 173.27
                      Symbols                  proper                class or           tion              PG                 codes                  (§ 172.102)                                                                                  and 175.75)
                                              shipping               division           No.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                               names                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Location             Other
                                                                                                                                                                                    Exceptions         Non-bulk             Bulk          Passenger             Cargo air-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          aircraft/rail         craft only

                           (1)                    (2)                  (3)              (4)               (5)                  (6)                          (7)                         (8A)              (8B)              (8C)               (9A)               (9B)               (10A)            (10B)

                      G ............   Corrosive liquid, self-                  8   UN3301 ....    I ................    8, 4.2 ........     B10 ...............................    None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    D.
                                         heating, n.o.s.
                                                                                                   II ...............    8, 4.2 ........     B2, IB1 .........................      154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    D.

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                      G ............   Corrosive liquids, flam-                 8   UN2920 ....    I ................    8, 3 ...........    B10, T14, TP2, TP27 ...                None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    C ............   25, 40
                                         mable, n.o.s.
                                                                                                   II ...............    8, 3 ...........    B2, IB2, T11, TP2,                     154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    C ............   25, 40
                      G ............   Corrosive liquids, n.o.s                 8   UN1760 ....    I ................    8 ...............   A7, B10, T14, TP2,                     None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    B ............   40

Jkt 247001
                                                                                                   II ...............    8 ...............   B2, IB2, T11, TP2,                     154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    B ............   40
                                                                                                   III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......              154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    A ............   40

PO 00000
                      G ............   Corrosive liquids, oxi-                  8   UN3093 ....    I ................    8, 5.1 ........     A7 .................................   None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    C ............   89
                                         dizing, n.o.s.
                                                                                                   II ...............    8, 5.1 ........     A7, IB2 .........................      None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    C ............   89
                      G ............   Corrosive liquids, toxic,                8   UN2922 ....    I ................    8, 6.1 ........     A7, B10, T14, TP2,                     None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    B ............   40
                                         n.o.s.                                                                                                TP13, TP27.

Frm 00018
                                                                                                   II ...............    8, 6.1 ........     B3, IB2, T7, TP2 ..........            154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    B ............   40
                                                                                                   III ..............    8, 6.1 ........     IB3, T7, TP1, TP28 ......              154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    B ............   40
                      G ............   Corrosive liquids, water-                8   UN3094 ....    I ................    8, 4.3 ........     A7 .................................   None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   E ............   13, 148
                                         reactive, n.o.s.

Fmt 4701
                                                                                                   II ...............    8, 4.3 ........     A7 .................................   None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   E ............   13, 148

                                                                         *                         *                             *                        *                                 *                           *                         *
                                       Dichloroacetic acid .......              8   UN1764 ....     II ...............   8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34,                  154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                                                                                                                               T8, TP2.

Sfmt 4700
                                                                         *                         *                             *                       *                                  *                           *                         *
                                       Dichloroacetyl chloride                  8   UN1765 ....     II ...............   8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, B6, IB2,                   154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    D ............   40
                                                                                                                                               N34, T7, TP2.

                                                                         *                         *                             *                        *                                *                            *                         *
                                       Difluorophosphoric acid,                 8   UN1768 ....     II ...............   8 ...............   A7, B2, IB2, N5, N34,                  None .........    202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A ............   40
                                         anhydrous.                                                                                            T8, TP2.

                                                                         *                         *                             *                       *                                 *                            *                        *

                      G ............   Disinfectant, liquid, cor-               8   UN1903 ....     I ................   8 ...............   A7, B10, T14, TP2,                     None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    B.
                                         rosive, n.o.s.                                                                                        TP27.

                                                                         *                         *                             *                       *                                 *                            *                        *

                      G ............   Dyes, liquid, corrosive,                 8   UN2801 ....     I ................   8 ...............   11, B10, T14, TP2,                     None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    A.
                                         n.o.s. or Dye inter-                                                                                  TP27.
                                         mediates, liquid, cor-
                                         rosive, n.o.s.
                                                                                                   II ...............    8 ...............   11, B2, IB2, T11, TP2,                 154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                                                                                   III ..............    8 ...............   11, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28                 154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                         *                         *                             *                       *                                 *                            *                       *
                                       Ethyl mercaptan ...........              3   UN2363 ....     I ................   3 ...............   T11, TP2, TP13 ............            None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........    E ............   95, 102

                                                                         *                         *                            *                        *                                 *                            *                       *
                                       Ethyldichlorosilane .......           4.3    UN1183 ....     I ................   4.3, 8, 3 ....      A2, A7, N34, T14, TP2,                 None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   21, 40, 49,
                                                                                                                                               TP7, TP13, W31.                                                                                                                                     100

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                          *                       *                             *                        *                           *                           *                         *
                         Fluoroboric acid ............         8    UN1775 ....    II ...............   8 ...............   A7, B2, B15, IB2, N3,            154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                                                                                                              N34, T7, TP2.
                         Fluorophosphoric acid                 8    UN1776 ....   II ...............    8 ...............   A7, B2, IB2, N3, N34,            None .........    202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                           anhydrous.                                                                                         T8, TP2.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                                          *                       *                             *                       *                           *                            *                         *
                         Fluorosilicic acid ...........        8    UN1778 ....    II ...............   8 ...............   A7, B2, B15, IB2, N3,            None .........    202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    A.
                                                                                                                              N34, T8, TP2.
                         Fluorosulfonic acid .......           8    UN1777 ....   I ................    8 ...............   A7, A10, B6, B10, N3,            None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    D ............   40
                                                                                                                              N36, T10, TP2.

                                                          *                       *                            *                        *                           *                            *                       *

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                         Hydrazine, anhydrous ..               8    UN2029 ....    I ................   8, 3, 6.1 ....      A7, A10, B7, B16, B53            None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............   40, 52, 125

                                                          *                       *                             *                        *                           *                           *                         *
                         Hydriodic acid ...............        8    UN1787 ....    II ...............   8 ...............   A3, B2, IB2, N41, T7,            154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    C.

Jkt 247001
                                                                                  III ..............    8 ...............   IB3, T4, TP1 .................   154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    C ............   8

                                                          *                       *                             *                       *                            *                           *                         *
                         Hydrobromic acid, with                8    UN1788 ....    II ...............   8 ...............   A3, B2, B15, IB2, N41,           154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    C.
                           not more than 49 per-                                                                              T7, TP2.

PO 00000
                           cent hydrobromic acid.
                                                                                  III ..............    8 ...............   A3, IB3, T4, TP1 ..........      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    C ............   8

                                                          *                       *                             *                        *                           *                           *                         *
                         Hydrochloric acid ..........          8    UN1789 ....    II ...............   8 ...............   386, A3, B3, B15,                154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    C.

Frm 00019
                                                                                                                              B133, IB2, N41, T8,
                                                                                  III ..............    8 ...............   A3, IB3, T4, TP1 ..........      154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    C ............   8

Fmt 4701
                                                          *                       *                           *                         *                           *                            *                       *
                         Hydrofluoric acid and                 8    UN1786 ....    I ................   8, 6.1 ........     A7, B15, B23, N5, N34,           None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............   40
                           Sulfuric acid mixtures.                                                                            T10, TP2, TP13.

                                                          *                       *                           *                         *                           *                            *                        *

Sfmt 4700
                         Hydrofluoric acid, with               8    UN1790 ....    I ................   8, 6.1 ........     A7, B4, B15, B23, N5,            None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    D ............   12, 25, 40
                           more than 60 percent                                                                               N34, T10, TP2, TP13.
                         Hydrofluoric acid, with               8    UN1790 ....   II ...............    8, 6.1 ........     A7, B15, IB2, N5, N34,           154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    D ............   12, 25, 40
                           not more than 60 per-                                                                              T8, TP2.
                           cent strength.

                                                          *                       *                           *                          *                          *                            *                         *
                         Hydrogen peroxide and                5.1   UN3149 ....    II ...............   5.1, 8 ........     145, A2, A3, B53, IB2,           None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   D ............   25, 66, 75
                           peroxyacetic acid                                                                                  IP5, T7, TP2, TP6,

                           mixtures, stabilized                                                                               TP24.
                           with acids, water, and
                           not more than 5 per-
                           cent peroxyacetic


                                                          *                       *                           *                         *                           *                            *                         *
                         Hydrogen peroxide,                   5.1   UN2014 ....    II ...............   5.1, 8 ........     A2, A3, B53, IB2, IP5,           None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   D ............   25, 66, 75
                           aqueous solutions                                                                                  T7, TP2, TP6, TP24,
                           with not less than 20                                                                              TP37.
                           percent but not more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                           than 40 percent hy-
                           drogen peroxide (sta-
                           bilized as necessary).

                                                          *                       *                           *                         *                           *                            *                       *
                         Lithium aluminum hy-                 4.3   UN1411 ....    I ................   4.3, 3 ........     A2, A11, N34 ................    None .........    201 ...........   244 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   13, 40, 148
                            dride, ethereal.

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                                                                                                                                                                   (8)                                            (9)                                (10)
                                  Hazardous materials                                                                                                                                         Packaging                               Quantity limitations                    Vessel stowage
                                   descriptions and               Hazard          Identifica-

                                                                                                                          Label              Special provisions                               (§ 173.***)                              (see §§ 173.27
                      Symbols           proper                    class or           tion              PG                 codes                 (§ 172.102)                                                                              and 175.75)
                                       shipping                   division           No.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                        names                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Location           Other
                                                                                                                                                                            Exceptions         Non-bulk             Bulk          Passenger             Cargo air-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  aircraft/rail         craft only

                        (1)                  (2)                    (3)              (4)               (5)                  (6)                        (7)                      (8A)              (8B)              (8C)               (9A)               (9B)               (10A)          (10B)

                                                                      *                         *                           *                         *                            *                            *                       *
                                Mercaptans, liquid,                          3   UN1228 ....     II ...............   3, 6.1 ........     IB2, T11, TP2, TP27 ....          None .........    202 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          60 L ..........    B ............   40, 95, 102
                                 flammable, toxic,

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                                 n.o.s. or Mercaptan
                                 mixtures, liquid, flam-
                                 mable, toxic, n.o.s.
                                                                                                III ..............    3, 6.1 ........     B1, IB3, T7, TP1, TP28            150 ...........   203 ...........   242 ...........   5 L ............   220 L ........     A ............   40, 95, 102

Jkt 247001
                                Mercaptans, liquid,                       6.1    UN3071 ....    II ...............    6.1, 3 ........     IB2, T11, TP2, TP13,              153 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........    C ............   40, 102,
                                 toxic, flammable,                                                                                          TP27.                                                                                                                                          121
                                 n.o.s. or Mercaptan
                                 mixtures, liquid, toxic,
                                 flammable, n.o.s.,

PO 00000
                                 flash point not less
                                 than 23 degrees C.

                                                                      *                         *                            *                         *                           *                            *                       *

Frm 00020
                                Methyldichlorosilane .....                4.3    UN1242 ....     I ................   4.3, 8, 3 ....      A2, A7, B6, B77, N34,             None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          1 L ............   D ............   21, 40, 49,
                                                                                                                                            T14, TP2, TP7, TP13,                                                                                                                           100

                                                                      *                         *                            *                         *                           *                            *                        *

Fmt 4701
                                Morpholine ....................              8   UN2054 ....     I ................   8, 3 ...........    T10, TP2 ......................   None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    A.

                                                                      *                         *                           *                          *                           *                            *                       *
                                Nitric acid other than                       8   UN2031 ....     II ...............   8, 5.1 ........     B2, B47, B53, IB2,                None .........    158 ...........   242 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........    D ............   66, 74, 89,

Sfmt 4700
                                  red fuming, with at                                                                                       IP15, T8, TP2.                                                                                                                                 90
                                  least 65 percent, but
                                  not more than 70 per-
                                  cent nitric acid.
                                Nitric acid other than                       8   UN2031 ....    II ...............    8 ...............   A212, B2, B47, B53,               None .........    158 ...........   242 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........    D ............   44, 66, 74,
                                  red fuming, with more                                                                                     IB2, IP15, T8, TP2.                                                                                                                            89, 90
                                  than 20 percent and
                                  less than 65 percent
                                  nitric acid.
                                Nitric acid other than                       8   UN2031 ....    II ...............    8 ...............   B2, B47, B53, IB2, T8,            None .........    158 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    D.

                                  red fuming with not                                                                                       TP2.
                                  more than 20 percent
                                  nitric acid.

                                                                      *                         *                           *                         *                            *                            *                       *
                                Nitric acid other than                       8   UN2031 ....     I ................   8, 5.1 ........     B47, B53, T10, TP2,               None .........    158 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............   44, 66, 89,
                                  red fuming, with more                                                                                     TP12, TP13.                                                                                                                                    90, 110,
                                  than 70 percent nitric                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   111

                                                                      *                         *                             *                       *                            *                            *                       *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                Nitrohydrochloric acid ...                   8   UN1798 ....     I ................   8 ...............   B10, N41, T10, TP2,               None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............   40, 66, 74,
                                                                                                                                            TP13.                                                                                                                                          89, 90

                                                                      *                         *                             *                        *                            *                           *                         *
                                Nitrosylsulfuric acid, liq-                  8   UN2308 ....     II ...............   8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34,             154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........    D ............   40, 66, 74,
                                  uid.                                                                                                      T8, TP2.                                                                                                                                       89, 90

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                                       *                       *                            *                          *                                    *                              *                           *
                                       Organotin compounds,                6.1   UN2788 ....    I ................   6.1 ............      N33, N34, T14, TP2,                       None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   30 L ..........    B ............      40
                                         liquid, n.o.s.                                                                                      TP13, TP27.
                                                                                               II ...............    6.1 ............      A3, IB2, N33, N34, T11,                   153 ...........   202 ...........     243 ...........     5 L ............   60 L ..........    A ............      40
                                                                                                                                             TP2, TP13, TP27.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                                                                               III ..............    6.1 ............      IB3, T7, TP2, TP28 ......                 153 ...........   203 ...........     241 ...........     60 L ..........    220 L ........     A ............      40

                                                                       *                       *                           *                                 *                              *                              *                         *
                      G ............   Oxidizing liquid, corro-            5.1   UN3098 ....    I ................   5.1, 8 ........       62 .................................      None .........    201 ...........     244 ...........     Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............      13, 56,   58,
                                        sive, n.o.s.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       138
                                                                                               II ...............    5.1, 8 ........       62, IB1 ..........................        None .........    202 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   5 L ............   B ............      13, 56,   58,
                                                                                               III ..............    5.1, 8 ........       62, IB2 ..........................        152 ...........   203 ...........     242 ...........     2.5 L .........    30 L ..........    B ............      13, 56,   58,

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                      G ............   Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s ...         5.1   UN3139 ....   I ................    5.1    ............   62,   127, A2 ...................         None .........    201   ...........   243   ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D    ............   56, 58,   138
                                                                                               II ...............    5.1    ............   62,   127, 148, A2, IB2 ...               152 ...........   202   ...........   242   ...........   1 L ............   5 L ............   B    ............   56, 58,   138
                                                                                               III ..............    5.1    ............   62,   127, 148, A2, IB2 ...               152 ...........   203   ...........   241   ...........   2.5 L .........    30 L ..........    B    ............   56, 58,   138
                      G ............   Oxidizing liquid, toxic,            5.1   UN3099 ....   I ................    5.1,   6.1 .....      62    .................................   None .........    201   ...........   244   ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D    ............   56, 58,   138

Jkt 247001
                                                                                               II ...............    5.1, 6.1 .....        62, IB1 ..........................        152 ...........   202 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   5 L ............   B ............      56, 58, 95,
                                                                                               III ..............    5.1, 6.1 .....        62, IB2 ..........................        152 ...........   203 ...........     242 ...........     2.5 L .........    30 L ..........    B ............      56, 58, 95,

PO 00000
                                                                       *                       *                           *                           *                                    *                              *                         *
                                       Perchloric acid with                5.1   UN1873 ....    I ................   5.1, 8 ........       A2, N41, T10, TP1 .......                 None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     Forbidden          2.5 L .........    D ............      66
                                         more than 50 percent
                                         but not more than 72

Frm 00021
                                         percent acid, by mass.

                                                                       *                       *                             *                         *                                    *                              *                         *
                                       Phosphorus tribromide                8    UN1808 ....    II ...............   8 ...............     A3, A7, B2, B25, IB2,                     None .........    202 ...........     242 ...........     Forbidden          30 L ..........    C ............      40

Fmt 4701
                                                                                                                                             N34, N43, T7, TP2.

                                                                       *                       *                             *                         *                                     *                             *                           *
                                       Propanethiols ...............        3    UN2402 ....    II ...............   3 ...............     IB2, T4, TP1, TP13 ......                 150 ...........   202 ...........     242 ...........     5 L ............   60 L ..........    E ............      95, 102

Sfmt 4700
                                                                       *                       *                             *                         *                                    *                              *                           *
                                       Propylene oxide ...........          3    UN1280 ....    I ................   3 ...............     N34, T11, TP2, TP7 .....                  None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   30 L ..........    E ............      40

                                                                       *                       *                            *                          *                                    *                              *                           *
                                       1,2-Propylenediamine ..              8    UN2258 ....    II ...............   8, 3 ...........      A3, IB2, N34, T7, TP2                     None .........    202 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   30 L ..........    A ............      40
                                       Propyleneimine, sta-                 3    UN1921 ....    I ................   3, 6.1 ........       N34, T14, TP2, TP13 ...                   None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     1 L ............   30 L ..........    D ............      40

                                                                       *                       *                           *                           *                                    *                              *                          *
                                       Selenium oxychloride ...             8    UN2879 ....    I ................   8, 6.1 ........       A7, N34, T10, TP2,                        None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........    E ............      40


                                                                       *                       *                             *                          *                                   *                              *                         *
                                       Silicon tetrachloride ......         8    UN1818 ....    II ...............   8 ...............     A3, B2, B6, T10, TP2,                     None .........    202 ...........     242 ...........     Forbidden          30 L ..........    C ............      40

                                                                                                                                             TP7, TP13.

                                                                       *                       *                             *                          *                                   *                              *                         *
                                       Sulfur chlorides ............        8    UN1828 ....    I ................   8 ...............     5, A7, A10, B10, B77,                     None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     Forbidden          2.5 L .........    C ............      40
                                                                                                                                              N34, T20, TP2.

                                                                       *                       *                             *                         *                                    *                              *                         *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                       Sulfuric acid, fuming                8    UN1831 ....    I ................   8 ...............     A7, N34, T20, TP2,                        None .........    201 ...........     243 ...........     Forbidden          2.5 L .........    C ............      14, 40
                                         with less than 30 per-                                                                              TP13.
                                         cent free sulfur tri-

                                                                       *                       *                             *                          *                                    *                             *                           *
                                       Trichloroacetic acid, so-            8    UN2564 ....    II ...............   8 ...............     A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34,                     154 ...........   202 ...........     242 ...........     1 L ............   30 L ..........    B.

                                         lution.                                                                                             T7, TP2.

khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (8)                                            (9)                               (10)
                                  Hazardous materials                                                                                                                                                           Packaging                               Quantity limitations                   Vessel stowage
                                   descriptions and                         Hazard              Identifica-

                                                                                                                                               Label              Special provisions                            (§ 173.***)                              (see §§ 173.27
                      Symbols           proper                              class or               tion                     PG                 codes                 (§ 172.102)                                                                           and 175.75)
                                       shipping                             division               No.

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                        names                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Location             Other
                                                                                                                                                                                              Exceptions         Non-bulk             Bulk          Passenger             Cargo air-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    aircraft/rail         craft only

                        (1)                      (2)                            (3)                   (4)                   (5)                  (6)                       (7)                    (8A)              (8B)              (8C)               (9A)               (9B)              (10A)            (10B)

                                .......................................   ..................   ...................   III ..............    8 ...............   A3, A7, IB3, N34, T4,          154 ...........   203 ...........   241 ...........   5 L ............   60 L ..........   B ............   8

17:38 Oct 17, 2018
                                                                                    *                                *                             *                       *                         *                            *                        *
                                Trifluoroacetic acid .......                              8    UN2699 ....            I ................   8 ...............   A7, B4, N3, N34, N36,          None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   0.5 L .........    2.5 L .........   B ............   12, 25, 40
                                                                                                                                                                 T10, TP2.

Jkt 247001
                                                                                    *                                *                            *                         *                         *                           *                         *
                                Valeryl chloride .............                            8    UN2502 ....            II ...............   8, 3 ...........    A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34,          154 ...........   202 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   C ............   40
                                                                                                                                                                 T7, TP2.

                                                                                    *                                *                             *                       *                          *                           *                       *

PO 00000
                                Vanadium oxytrichloride                                   8    UN2443 ....            II ...............   8 ...............   A3, A7, B2, B16, IB2,          154 ...........   202 ...........   242 ...........   Forbidden          30 L ..........   C ............   40
                                                                                                                                                                 N34, T7, TP2.

                                                                                    *                                *                             *                       *                         *                            *                       *

Frm 00022
                                Vanadium tetrachloride                                    8    UN2444 ....            I ................   8 ...............   A7, B4, N34, T10, TP2          None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   Forbidden          2.5 L .........   C ............   40

                                                                                    *                                *                             *                       *                         *                            *                         *
                                Vinyl ethyl ether, sta-                                   3    UN1302 ....            I ................   3 ...............   387, T11, TP2 ..............   None .........    201 ...........   243 ...........   1 L ............   30 L ..........   D.

Fmt 4701
                                                                                    *                                *                            *                         *                        *                            *                       *
                                Xylyl bromide, liquid .....                             6.1    UN1701 ....            II ...............   6.1 ............    A3, A7, IB2, N33, T7,          None .........    340 ...........   None .........    Forbidden          60 L ..........   D ............   40
                                                                                                                                                                 TP2, TP13, W31.

Sfmt 4700
                                                                                    *                                *                             *                          *                        *                          *                          *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        52899

                                              ■ 3. In § 172.102, in paragraph (c)(2),                 exceeding 8 grams. With the approval of                  (5) The exact loading location of the
                                              special provision A3 is revised as                      the operator, no more than two lithium                packages;
                                              follows:                                                metal batteries each exceeding 2 grams,                  (6) The net quantity or gross mass, as
                                                                                                      but not exceeding 8 grams, may be                     applicable, for each package except
                                              § 172.102   Special provisions.                                                                               those containing Class 7 (radioactive)
                                                                                                      carried as spare batteries for portable
                                              *      *    *     *    *                                medical electronic devices in carry-on                materials. For a shipment consisting of
                                                 (c) * * *                                            baggage and must be carried with the                  multiple packages containing hazardous
                                                 (2) * * *                                            portable medical electronic device the                materials bearing the same proper
                                                 A3 For combination packagings, if                                                                          shipping name and identification
                                                                                                      spare batteries are intended to operate;
                                              glass inner packagings (including                                                                             number, only the total quantity and an
                                              ampoules) are used, they must be                        *     *     *     *     *
                                                                                                                                                            indication of the quantity of the largest
                                              packed with absorbent material in                       ■ 6. In § 175.30, paragraphs (b)
                                                                                                                                                            and smallest package at each loading
                                              tightly closed rigid and leakproof                      introductory text, (c) introductory text,
                                                                                                                                                            location need to be provided. For
                                              receptacles before packing in outer                     and (c)(1) are revised to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                            consumer commodities, the information
                                              packagings.                                                                                                   provided may be either the gross mass
                                                                                                      § 175.30    Inspecting shipments.
                                              *      *    *     *    *                                                                                      of each package or the average gross
                                                                                                      *     *      *     *    *
                                                                                                        (b) Except as provided in paragraph                 mass of the packages as shown on the
                                              PART 175—CARRIAGE BY AIRCRAFT                                                                                 shipping paper;
                                                                                                      (d) of this section, no person may carry
                                              ■ 4. The authority citation for part 175                a hazardous material in a package or                     (7) For Class 7 (radioactive) materials,
                                              continues to read as follows:                           overpack aboard an aircraft unless the                the number of packages overpacks or
                                                                                                      package or overpack is inspected by the               freight containers, their category,
                                                Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49                                                                   transport index (if applicable), and their
                                              CFR 1.81 and 1.97.                                      operator of the aircraft immediately
                                                                                                      before placing it:                                    exact loading location;
                                              ■ 5. In § 175.10, paragraphs (a)(18)                                                                             (8) Confirmation that the package
                                              introductory text and (a)(18)(i) are                    *     *      *     *    *                             must be carried on cargo-only aircraft;
                                                                                                        (c) A hazardous material may be                        (9) The airport at which the
                                              revised to read as follows:
                                                                                                      carried aboard an aircraft only if, based             package(s) is to be unloaded;
                                              § 175.10 Exceptions for passengers,                     on the inspection by the operator, the                   (10) An indication, when applicable,
                                              crewmembers, and air operators.                         package or overpack containing the                    that a hazardous material is being
                                                 (a) * * *                                            hazardous material:                                   carried under terms of a special permit
                                                 (18) Except as provided in § 173.21 of                 (1) Has no leakage or other indication              or under a State exemption as
                                              this subchapter, portable electronic                    that its integrity has been compromised;              prescribed in the ICAO Technical
                                              devices (e.g., watches, calculating                     and                                                   Instructions (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
                                              machines, cameras, cellular phones,                     *     *      *     *    *                             subchapter);
                                              laptop and notebook computers,                          ■ 7. Section 175.33 is revised to read as                (11) The telephone number from
                                              camcorders, medical devices, etc.)                      follows:                                              whom the information contained in the
                                              containing dry cells or dry batteries                                                                         information to the pilot-in-command
                                              (including lithium cells or batteries) and              § 175.33 Shipping paper and information               can be obtained. The aircraft operator
                                              spare dry cells or batteries for these                  to the pilot-in-command.                              must ensure the telephone number is
                                              devices, when carried by passengers or                     (a) When a hazardous material subject              monitored at all times the aircraft is in
                                              crewmembers for personal use. Portable                  to the provisions of this subchapter is               flight. The telephone number is not
                                              electronic devices powered by lithium                   carried in an aircraft, the operator of the           required to be placed on the information
                                              batteries may be carried in either                      aircraft must provide the pilot-in-                   to the pilot-in-command if the phone
                                              checked or carry-on baggage. Spare                      command and the flight dispatcher or                  number is in a location in the cockpit
                                              lithium batteries must be carried in                    other ground support personnel with                   available and known to the pilot-in-
                                              carry-on baggage only. Each installed or                responsibilities for operational control              command;
                                              spare lithium battery must be of a type                 of the aircraft with accurate and legible                (12) For UN1845, Carbon dioxide,
                                              proven to meet the requirements of each                 written information (e.g., handwritten,               solid (dry ice), the information required
                                              test in the UN Manual of Tests and                      printed, or electronic form) as early as              by this paragraph (a) may be replaced by
                                              Criteria, part III, sub-section 38.3 and                practicable before departure of the                   the UN number, proper shipping name,
                                              each spare lithium battery must be                      aircraft, but in no case later than when              hazard class, total quantity in each cargo
                                              individually protected so as to prevent                 the aircraft moves under its own power,               compartment aboard the aircraft, and
                                              short circuits (e.g., by placement in                   which specifies at least the following:               the airport at which the package(s) is to
                                              original retail packaging, by otherwise                    (1) The date of the flight;                        be unloaded; and
                                              insulating terminals by taping over                        (2) The air waybill number (when                      (13)(i) For UN3480, Lithium ion
                                              exposed terminals, or placing each                      issued);                                              batteries, and UN3090, Lithium metal
                                              battery in a separate plastic bag or                       (3) The proper shipping name (the                  batteries, the information required by
                                              protective pouch). In addition, each                    technical name(s) shown on the                        this paragraph (a) may be replaced by
                                              installed or spare lithium battery must                 shipping paper is not required), hazard               the UN number, proper shipping name,
                                              not exceed the following:                               class or division, subsidiary risk(s)                 hazard class, total quantity at each
                                                 (i) For a lithium metal battery, the                 corresponding to a required label(s),                 specific loading location, and whether
                                              lithium content must not exceed 2                       packing group and identification                      the package must be carried on cargo-
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                                              grams. With the approval of the                         number of the material as specified in                only aircraft.
                                              operator, portable medical electronic                   § 172.101 of this subchapter or the ICAO                 (ii) For UN3480, Lithium ion
                                              devices (e.g., automated external                       Technical Instructions (IBR, see § 171.7              batteries, and UN3090, Lithium metal
                                              defibrillators (AED), nebulizer,                        of this subchapter). In the case of Class             batteries, carried under a special permit
                                              continuous positive airway pressure                     1 materials, the compatibility group                  or a State exemption as prescribed in
                                              (CPAP), etc.) may contain lithium metal                 letter also must be shown.                            the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR,
                                              batteries exceeding 2 grams, but not                       (4) The total number of packages;                  see § 171.7 of this subchapter), must

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                                              52900            Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 202 / Thursday, October 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              meet all of the requirements of this                    hazardous waste, each shipping paper                  information required to be retained by
                                              section.                                                copy must be retained for three years                 this paragraph (c).
                                                 (iii) For UN3480, UN3481, UN3090,                    after the material is accepted by the                   (5) Specify the personnel to be
                                              and UN3091 prepared in accordance                       initial carrier. For all other hazardous              provided the information required by
                                              with § 173.185(c), except those prepared                materials, each shipping paper copy                   paragraph (a) of this section in their
                                              in accordance with § 173.185(c)(4)(vi),                 must be retained by the operator for one              operations manual and/or other
                                              are not required to appear on the                       year after the material is accepted by the            appropriate manuals.
                                              information to the pilot-in-command.                    initial carrier. Each shipping paper copy               (d) The information required by
                                                 (b)(1) The information provided to the               must include the date of acceptance by                paragraph (a) of this section and the
                                              pilot-in-command must also include a                    the carrier. The date on the shipping                 shipping paper required by (c)(1) of this
                                              signed confirmation or some other                       paper may be the date a shipper notifies              section may be combined into one
                                              indication from the person responsible                  the air carrier that a shipment is ready              document.
                                              for loading the aircraft that there was no              for transportation, as indicated on the               ■ 8. In § 175.88, paragraph (c) is revised
                                              evidence of any damage to or leakage                    air waybill or bill of lading, as an                  to read as follows:
                                              from the packages or any leakage from                   alternative to the date the shipment is
                                              the unit load devices loaded on the                     picked up or accepted by the carrier.                 § 175.88 Inspection, orientation and
                                              aircraft;                                               Only an initial carrier must receive and              securing packages of hazardous materials.
                                                 (2) The information to the pilot-in-                 retain a copy of the shipper’s                        *      *    *     *     *
                                              command and the emergency response                      certification, as required by § 172.204 of               (c) Packages containing hazardous
                                              information required by subpart G of                    this subchapter.                                      materials must be:
                                              part 172 of this subchapter shall be                       (2) For information to the pilot-in-                  (1) Secured in an aircraft in a manner
                                              readily available to the pilot-in-                      command. Retain for 90 days at the                    that will prevent any shifting or change
                                              command and flight dispatcher during                    airport of departure or the operator’s                in the orientation of the packages;
                                              flight.                                                 principal place of business.                             (2) Protected from being damaged,
                                                 (3) The pilot-in-command must                                                                              including by the shifting of baggage,
                                              indicate in writing (e.g., handwritten,                    (3) Have the shipping paper and
                                                                                                      information to the pilot-in-command                   mail, stores, or other cargo;
                                              printed, or electronic form) that the                                                                            (3) Loaded so that accidental damage
                                              information to the pilot-in-command                     readily accessible at the airport of
                                                                                                      departure and the intended airport of                 is not caused through dragging or
                                              has been received.                                                                                            mishandling; and
                                                 (c) The aircraft operator must—                      arrival for the duration of the flight.
                                                                                                         (4) Make available, upon request, to                  (4) When containing Class 7
                                                 (1) For shipping papers. (i) Ensure a
                                                                                                      an authorized official of a Federal, State,           (radioactive) materials, secured in a
                                              copy of the shipping paper required by
                                                                                                      or local government agency (which                     manner that ensures that the separation
                                              § 175.30(a)(2) accompanies the
                                                                                                      includes emergency responders) at                     requirements of §§ 175.701 and 175.702
                                              shipment it covers during transportation
                                                                                                      reasonable times and locations, the                   will be maintained at all times during
                                              aboard the aircraft.
                                                 (ii) Retain a copy of the shipping                   documents or information required to be               flight.
                                              paper required by § 175.30(a)(2) or an                  retained by this paragraph. In the event                Issued in Washington, DC, on October 5,
                                              electronic image thereof, that is                       of a reportable incident, as defined in               2018 under authority delegated in 49 CFR
                                              accessible at or through its principal                  § 171.15 of this subchapter, the aircraft             1.97.
                                              place of business and must make the                     operator must make immediately                        Howard R. Elliott,
                                              shipping paper available, upon request,                 available to an authorized official of a              Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous
                                              to an authorized official of a federal,                 Federal, State, or local government                   Materials Safety Administration.
                                              state, or local government agency at                    agency (which includes emergency                      [FR Doc. 2018–22114 Filed 10–17–18; 8:45 am]
                                              reasonable times and locations. For a                   responders), the documents or                         BILLING CODE 4910–60–P
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Document Created: 2018-10-18 03:05:45
Document Modified: 2018-10-18 03:05:45
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective date: This rule is effective October 18, 2018.
ContactAaron Wiener, Office of Hazardous
FR Citation83 FR 52878 
RIN Number2137-AF10
CFR Citation49 CFR 172
49 CFR 175
CFR AssociatedEducation; Hazardous Materials Transportation; Hazardous Waste; Incorporation by Reference; Labeling; Markings; Packaging and Containers; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Operators

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