83_FR_5343 83 FR 5317 - Additions to List of Categorical Non-Waste Fuels: Other Treated Railroad Ties

83 FR 5317 - Additions to List of Categorical Non-Waste Fuels: Other Treated Railroad Ties


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 26 (February 7, 2018)

Page Range5317-5340
FR Document2018-02337

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing amendments to the Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials regulations, which generally established standards and procedures for identifying whether non-hazardous secondary materials are solid wastes when used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units. In February 2013, the EPA listed particular non-hazardous secondary materials as ``categorical non-waste fuels'' provided certain conditions are met. This final rule adds the following other treated railroad ties (OTRT) to the categorical non- waste fuel list: Processed creosote-borate, copper naphthenate and copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties, under certain conditions depending on the chemical treatment.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 5317-5340]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-02337]



40 CFR Part 241

[EPA-HQ-OLEM-2016-0248; FRL-9969-80-OLEM]
RIN 2050-AG83

Additions to List of Categorical Non-Waste Fuels: Other Treated 
Railroad Ties

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing 
amendments to the Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials regulations, which 
generally established standards and procedures for identifying whether 
non-hazardous secondary materials are solid wastes when used as fuels 
or ingredients in combustion units. In February 2013, the EPA listed 
particular non-hazardous secondary materials as ``categorical non-waste 
fuels'' provided certain conditions are met. This final rule adds the 
following other treated railroad ties (OTRT) to the categorical non-
waste fuel list: Processed creosote-borate, copper naphthenate and 
copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties, under certain 
conditions depending on the chemical treatment.

DATES: This rule is effective February 7, 2018.

ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under 
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OLEM-2016-0248. All documents in the docket are 
listed on the https://www.regulations.gov website. Although listed in 
the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as 
copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be 
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket 
materials are available either electronically at https://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the RCRA Docket, EPA/DC, EPA 
West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC. The Public 
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 
excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading 
Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the RCRA Docket is 
(202) 566-0270.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: George Faison, Office of Resource 
Conservation and Recovery, Materials Recovery and Waste Management 
Division, MC 5303P, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania 
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (703) 305-7652; email: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following outline is provided to aid in 
locating information in this preamble.

I. General Information
    A. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in This Final Rule
    B. What is the statutory authority for this final rule?
    C. Does this action apply to me?
    D. What is the purpose of this final rule?
    E. Effective Date
II. Background
    A. History of the NHSM Rulemakings
    B. Background to This Final Rule
    C. How will EPA make categorical non-waste determinations?
III. Comments on the Proposed Rule and Rationale for Final Decisions
    A. Detailed Description of OTRTs
    B. OTRTs Under Current NHSM Rules
    C. Scope of the Final Categorical Non-Waste Listing for OTRTs
    D. Rationale for Final Rule
    E. Copper and Borates Literature Review and Other EPA Program 
    F. Summary of Comments Requested
    G. Responses to Comments
IV. Effect of This Final Rule on Other Programs
V. State Authority
    A. Relationship to State Programs
    B. State Adoption of the Rulemaking
VI. Costs and Benefits
VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and 
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
    B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
    F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
    I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
    J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)
    K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

I. General Information

A. List of abbreviations and acronyms used in this final rule

AWPA American Wood Protection Association
Btu British thermal unit
C&D Construction and demolition
CAA Clean Air Act
CBI Confidential business information
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CISWI Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator
CTRT Creosote-treated railroad ties
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FR Federal Register
HAP Hazardous air pollutant
MACT Maximum achievable control technology
MDL Method detection limit
NAICS North American Industrial Classification System
ND Non-detect
NESHAP National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
NHSM Non-hazardous secondary material
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OTRT Other Treated Railroad Ties
PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
ppm Parts per million
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RIN Regulatory information number
RL Reporting Limits
SBA Small Business Administration
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SVOC Semi-volatile organic compound
TCLP Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
UPL Upper prediction limit
U.S.C. United States Code
VOC Volatile organic compound

B. What is the statutory authority for this final rule?

    The EPA is amending 40 CFR 241.4(a) to list additional non-
hazardous secondary materials (NHSMs) as

[[Page 5318]]

categorical non-waste fuels under the authority of sections 2002(a)(1) 
and 1004(27) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as 
amended, 42 U.S.C. 6912(a)(1) and 6903(27). Section 129(a)(1)(D) of the 
Clean Air Act (CAA) directs the EPA to establish standards for 
Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators (CISWI), which burn 
solid waste. Section 129(g)(6) of the CAA provides that the term 
``solid waste'' is to be established by the EPA under RCRA (42 U.S.C. 
7429(g)(6)). Section 2002(a)(1) of RCRA authorizes the Agency to 
promulgate regulations as are necessary to carry out its functions 
under the Act. The statutory definition of ``solid waste'' is stated in 
RCRA section 1004(27).

C. Does this action apply to me?

    Categories and entities potentially affected by this action, either 
directly or indirectly, include, but may not be limited to the 

Generators and Potential Users a of the New Materials To Be Added to the
                           List of Categorical
                             Non-Waste Fuels
        Primary Industry Category or Sub Category            NAICS \b\
Utilities...............................................             221
Site Preparation Contractors............................          238910
Manufacturing...........................................      31, 32, 33
Wood Product Manufacturing..............................             321
Sawmills................................................          321113
Wood Preservation (includes crosstie creosote treating).          321114
Pulp, Paper, and Paper Products.........................             322
Cement manufacturing....................................           32731
Railroads (includes line haul and short line)...........             482
Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land (Includes:            487110
 railroad, scenic and sightseeing)......................
Port and Harbor Operations (Used railroad ties).........          488310
Landscaping Services....................................          561730
Solid Waste Collection..................................          562111
Solid Waste Landfill....................................          562212
Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators.................          562213
Marinas.................................................          713930
\a\ Includes: Major Source Boilers, Area Source Boilers, and Solid Waste
\b\ NAICS--North American Industrial Classification System.

    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
guide for readers regarding entities potentially impacted by this 
action. This table lists examples of the types of entities of which EPA 
is aware that could potentially be affected by this action. Other types 
of entities not listed could also be affected. To determine whether 
your facility, company, business, organization, etc., is affected by 
this action, you should examine the applicability criteria in this 
rule. If you have any questions regarding the applicability of this 
action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the FOR 

D. What is the purpose of this final rule?

    The RCRA statute defines ``solid waste'' as ``any garbage, refuse, 
sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or 
air pollution control facility and other discarded material . . . 
resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural 
operations, and from community activities.'' (RCRA section 1004(27) 
(emphasis added)). The key concept is that of ``discard'' and, in fact, 
this definition turns on the meaning of the phrase, ``other discarded 
material,'' since this term encompasses all other examples provided in 
the definition.
    The meaning of ``solid waste,'' as defined under RCRA, is of 
particular importance as it relates to section 129 of the CAA. If 
material is a solid waste, under RCRA, a combustion unit burning it is 
required to meet the CAA section 129 emission standards for solid waste 
incineration units. If the material is not a solid waste, combustion 
units are required to meet the CAA section 112 emission standards for 
commercial, industrial, and institutional boilers, or if the combustion 
unit is a cement kiln, the CAA 112 standards for Portland cement kilns. 
Under CAA section 129, the term ``solid waste incineration unit'' is 
defined, in pertinent part, to mean ``a distinct operating unit of any 
facility which combusts any solid waste material from commercial or 
industrial establishments.'' 42 U.S.C. 7429(g)(1). CAA section 129 
further states that the term ``solid waste'' shall have the meaning 
``established by the Administrator pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal 
Act.'' Id at 7429(g)(6). The Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, is 
commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or 
    Regulations concerning NHSMs used as fuels or ingredients in 
combustion units are codified in 40 CFR part 241.\1\ This action amends 
the part 241 regulations by adding three NHSMs, summarized below, to 
the list of categorical non-waste fuels codified in Sec.  241.4(a):

    \1\ See 40 CFR 241.2 for the definition of non-hazardous 
secondary material.

    (1) Creosote-borate treated railroad ties, and mixtures of 
creosote, borate and/or copper naphthenate treated railroad ties that 
are processed and then combusted in:
    (i) Units designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil as part of 
normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down 
operations, and
    (ii) Units at major source pulp and paper mills or power producers 
subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, designed to burn biomass and 
fuel oil as part of normal operations and not solely as part of start-
up or shut-down operations, but are modified in order to use natural 
gas instead of fuel oil. The creosote-borate and mixed creosote, borate 
and copper naphthenate treated railroad ties may continue to be 
combusted as product fuel only if certain conditions are met, which are 
intended to ensure that such railroad ties are not being discarded.
    (iii) Units meeting requirements in (i) or (ii) that are also 
designed to burn coal.

[[Page 5319]]

    (2) Copper naphthenate treated railroad ties that are processed and 
then combusted in units designed to burn biomass, biomass and fuel oil, 
or biomass and coal.
    (3) Copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties that are 
processed and then combusted in units designed to burn biomass, biomass 
and fuel oil, or biomass and coal.

E. Effective Date

    The Administrative Procedure Act requires publication of a 
substantive rule 30 days or more before the effective date unless one 
of the following conditions in 5 U.S.C. 553(d) are met:
    (1)A substantive rule which grants or recognizes an exemption or 
relieves a restriction;
    (2) interpretative rules and statements of policy; or
    (3) as otherwise provided by the agency for good cause found and 
published with the rule.

This final rule establishing an OTRT non-waste categorical 
determination satisfies 553(d)(1) in that it relieves a restriction by 
allowing OTRTs to be combusted as non-waste rather than as waste when 
certain conditions are met as described below in Section III. OTRTs 
represent a relatively small percentage of the railroad ties in use 
with the majority being creosote treated railroad ties (CTRTs). When 
the railroad ties are taken out of service and used as fuel, there is 
no way to distinguish between the OTRTs and the CTRTs. In order to 
ensure that CTRTs mixed with OTRTs are not considered a waste, EPA is 
making this final rule effective immediately and providing regulatory 

II. Background

A. History of the NHSM Rulemakings

    The Agency first solicited comments on how the RCRA definition of 
solid waste should apply to NHSMs when used as fuels or ingredients in 
combustion units in an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM), 
which was published in the Federal Register on January 2, 2009 (74 FR 
41). We then published an NHSM proposed rule on June 4, 2010 (75 FR 
31844), which the EPA made final on March 21, 2011 (76 FR 15456).
    In the March 21, 2011 (76 FR 15456) rule, the EPA finalized 
standards and procedures to be used to identify whether NHSMs are solid 
wastes when used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units. 
``Secondary material'' was defined for the purposes of that rulemaking 
as any material that is not the primary product of a manufacturing or 
commercial process, and can include post-consumer material, off-
specification commercial chemical products or manufacturing chemical 
intermediates, post-industrial material, and scrap (codified in 40 CFR 
241.2). ``Non-hazardous secondary material'' is a secondary material 
that, when discarded, would not be identified as a hazardous waste 
under 40 CFR part 261 (codified in 40 CFR 241.2). Traditional fuels, 
including historically managed traditional fuels (e.g., coal, oil, 
natural gas) and ``alternative'' traditional fuels (e.g., clean 
cellulosic biomass) are not secondary materials and thus, are not solid 
wastes under the rule unless discarded (codified in 40 CFR 241.2).
    A key concept under the March 21, 2011 rule is that NHSMs used as 
non-waste fuels and ingredients in combustion units must meet the 
legitimacy criteria specified in 40 CFR 241.3(d)(1). Application of the 
legitimacy criteria helps ensure that the fuel product is being 
legitimately and beneficially used and not simply being discarded 
through combustion (i.e., via sham recycling). To meet the legitimacy 
criteria, the NHSM must be managed as a valuable commodity, have a 
meaningful heating value and be used as a fuel in a combustion unit 
that recovers energy, and contain contaminants or groups of 
contaminants \2\ at concentrations comparable to (or lower than) those 
in traditional fuels which the combustion unit is designed to burn. For 
NHSMs used as an ingredient, in addition to the other listed criteria, 
the ingredient must be used to make a valuable product.

    \2\ For additional information on grouping of contaminants see 
78 FR 9146.

    Based on these criteria, the March 21, 2011 rule identified the 
following NHSMs as not being solid wastes:
     The NHSM is used as a fuel and remains under the control 
of the generator (whether at the site of generation or another site the 
generator has control over) that meets the legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 
     The NHSM is used as an ingredient in a manufacturing 
process (whether by the generator or outside the control of the 
generator) that meets the legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 241.3(b)(3));
     Discarded NHSM that has been sufficiently processed to 
produce a fuel or ingredient that meets the legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 
241.3(b)(4)); or
     Through a case-by-case petition process, it has been 
determined that the NHSM handled outside the control of the generator 
has not been discarded and is indistinguishable in all relevant aspects 
from a fuel product, and meets the legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 
    In October 2011, the Agency announced it would be initiating a new 
rulemaking proceeding to revise certain aspects of the NHSM rule.\3\ On 
February 7, 2013, the EPA published a final rule, which addressed 
specific targeted amendments and clarifications to the 40 CFR part 241 
regulations (78 FR 9112). These revisions and clarifications were 
limited to certain issues on which the Agency had received new 
information, as well as targeted revisions that the Agency believed 
were appropriate in order to allow implementation of the rule as the 
EPA originally intended. The amendments modified 40 CFR 241.2 and 
241.3, added 40 CFR 241.4, and included the following: \4\

    \3\ See October 14, 2011, Letter from Administrator Lisa P. 
Jackson to Senator Olympia Snowe. A copy of this letter is in the 
docket for the February 7, 2013 final rule (EPA-HQ-RCRA-2008-1873).
    \4\ See 78 FR 9112 (February 7, 2013) for a discussion of the 
rule and the Agency's basis for its decisions.

     Revised Definitions: The EPA revised three definitions 
discussed in the proposed rule: (1) ``Clean cellulosic biomass,'' (2) 
``contaminants,'' and (3) ``established tire collection program.'' In 
addition, based on comments received on the proposed rule, the Agency 
revised the definition of ``resinated wood.''
     Contaminant Legitimacy Criterion for NHSMs Used as Fuels: 
The EPA issued revised contaminant legitimacy criterion for NHSMs used 
as fuels to provide additional details on how contaminant-specific 
comparisons between NHSMs and traditional fuels may be made.
     Categorical Non-Waste Determinations for Specific NHSMs 
Used as Fuels. The EPA codified determinations that certain NHSMs are 
non-wastes when used as fuels. If a material is categorically listed as 
a non-waste fuel, persons that generate or burn these NHSMs will not 
need to make individual determinations, as required under the existing 
rules, that these NHSMs meet the legitimacy criteria. Except where 
otherwise noted, combustors of these materials will not be required to 
provide further information demonstrating their non-waste status. Based 
on all available information, the EPA determined the following NHSMs 
are not solid wastes when burned as a fuel in combustion units and 
categorically listed them in 40 CFR 241.4(a).\5\

    \5\ In the March 21, 2011 NHSM rule (76 FR 15456), EPA 
identified two NHSMs as not being solid wastes, although persons 
would still need to make individual determinations that these NHSMs 
meet the legitimacy criteria: (1) Scrap tires used in a combustion 
unit that are removed from vehicles and managed under the oversight 
of established tire collection programs and (2) resinated wood used 
in a combustion unit. However, in the February 2013 NHSM rule, the 
Agency amended the regulations and listed these NHSMs as categorical 
non-waste fuels.


[[Page 5320]]

--Scrap tires that are not discarded and are managed under the 
oversight of established tire collection programs, including tires 
removed from vehicles and off-specification tires;
--Resinated wood;
--Coal refuse that has been recovered from legacy piles and processed 
in the same manner as currently-generated coal that would have been 
refuse if mined in the past;
--Dewatered pulp and paper sludges that are not discarded and are 
generated and burned on-site by pulp and paper mills that burn a 
significant portion of such materials where such dewatered residuals 
are managed in a manner that preserves the meaningful heating value of 
the materials.
     Rulemaking Petition Process for Other Categorical Non-
Waste Determinations: EPA made final a process in 40 CFR 241.4(b) that 
provides persons an opportunity to submit a rulemaking petition to the 
Administrator, seeking a determination for additional NHSMs to be 
categorically listed in 40 CFR 241.4(a) as non-waste fuels, if they can 
demonstrate that the NHSM meets the legitimacy criteria or, after 
balancing the legitimacy criteria with other relevant factors, EPA 
determines that the NHSM is not a solid waste when used as a fuel.
    The February 8, 2016 final rule amendments (81 FR 6688) added the 
following to the list of categorical non-waste fuels:
     Construction and demolition (C&D) wood processed from C&D 
debris according to best management practices. Under this listing, 
combustors of C&D wood must obtain a written certification from C&D 
processing facilities that the C&D wood has been processed by trained 
operators in accordance with best management practices. Best management 
practices must include sorting by trained operators that excludes or 
removes the following materials from the final product fuel: non-wood 
materials (e.g., polyvinyl chloride and other plastics, drywall, 
concrete, aggregates, dirt, and asbestos), and wood treated with 
creosote, pentachlorophenol, chromated copper arsenate, or other 
copper, chromium, or arsenical preservatives. Additional required best 
management practices address removal of lead-painted wood.
     Paper recycling residuals generated from the recycling of 
recovered paper, paperboard and corrugated containers and combusted by 
paper recycling mills whose boilers are designed to burn solid fuel.
     Creosote-treated railroad ties (CTRT) that are processed 
(which includes metal removal and shredding or grinding at a minimum) 
and then combusted in the following types of units:
    [cir] Units designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil as part of 
normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down 
operations, and
    [cir] Units at major source pulp and paper mills or power producers 
subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, that combust CTRTs and had 
been designed to burn biomass and fuel oil, but are modified (e.g., oil 
delivery mechanisms are removed) in order to use natural gas instead of 
fuel oil, as part of normal operations and not solely as part of start-
up or shut-down operations. The CTRTs may continue to be combusted as 
product fuel only if the following conditions are met, which are 
intended to ensure that the CTRTs are not being discarded: CTRTs must 
be burned in existing (i.e., commenced construction prior to April 14, 
2014) stoker, bubbling bed, fluidized bed, or hybrid suspension grate 
boilers; and, CTRTs can comprise no more than 40 percent of the fuel 
that is used on an annual heat input basis.
    Based on these non-waste categorical determinations, as discussed 
previously, facilities burning NHSMs that meet the categorical listing 
description will not need to make individual determinations that the 
NHSM meets the legitimacy criteria or provide further information 
demonstrating their non-waste status on a site-by-site basis, provided 
they meet the conditions of the categorical listing.

B. Background to This Final Rule

    The Agency received a petition from the Treated Wood Council (TWC) 
in April 2013 \6\ requesting that various nonhazardous treated wood 
(including borate and copper naphthenate) be categorically listed as 
non-waste fuels in 40 CFR 241.4(a). Under the April 2013 petition, 
nonhazardous treated wood included: waterborne borate based 
preservatives; waterborne organic based preservatives; waterborne 
copper based wood preservatives (ammoniacal/alkaline copper quat, 
copper azole, copper HDO, alkaline copper betaine, or copper 
naphthenate); creosote; oil borne copper naphthenate; 
pentachlorophenol; or dual-treated with any of the above.

    \6\ Included in the docket for the February 2016 final rule--

    In the course of EPA's review of the April 2013 petition, 
additional data was requested and received, and meetings were held 
between TWC and EPA representatives. Overall, the EPA review determined 
that there were limited data points available and the analytical 
techniques for some contaminants were not appropriate to provide 
information on the entire preserved wood sample as it would be 
combusted. EPA also questioned the representativeness of the samples 
being analyzed and the repeatability of the analyses.
    In the subsequent August 21, 2015 letter from TWC to Barnes 
Johnson,\7\ TWC requested that the Agency move forward on a subset of 
materials that were identified in the original April 2013 petition 
which are creosote borate, copper naphthenate, and copper naphthenate-
borate treated railroad ties. In the letter, TWC indicated that these 
types of ties are increasingly being used as alternatives to CTRT, due, 
in part, to lower overall contaminant levels and because the ability to 
reuse these new types of treated ties as fuel is an important 
consideration in overall rail tie purchasing decisions. Other industry 
information claimed that these treatments have proven to increase decay 
resistance for ties in severe decay environments and for species that 
are difficult to treat with creosote alone.\8\

    \7\ Included in the docket for the February 2016 final rule. 
Follow-up meetings were also held with TWC on September 14, 2015 and 
December 17, 2015 summaries of which are also included in that 
    \8\ Railway Tie Association ``Frequently Asked Questions'' 
available on http://www.rta.org/faqs.

    The Agency reviewed TWC's information on the three types of treated 
railroad ties, creosote borate, copper naphthenate, and copper 
naphthenate-borate, submitted on September 11, 2015 and requested 
additional contaminant data, which was submitted on October 5, 2015 and 
October 19, 2015.\9\ Based on that information, EPA stated in the 
February 2016 final rule that we believe these three treated railroad 
ties are candidates for categorical non-waste listings and expected to 
begin development of a proposed rule under 40 CFR 241.4(a) regarding 
those listings in the near future. That proposed rule was issued 
November 1, 2016 (81 FR 75781).

    \9\ These data submissions and the letter from TWC on August 21, 
2015 are included in the docket for this rule.

C. How will EPA make categorical non-waste determinations?

    The February 7, 2013 revisions to the NHSM rule discuss the process 

[[Page 5321]]

decision criteria whereby the Agency would make additional categorical 
non-waste determinations (78 FR 9158). These determinations follow the 
weight-of-evidence criteria set out in 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5), which the 
Agency established to assess additional categorical non-waste petitions 
and follow the statutory standards as interpreted by the EPA in the 
NHSM rule for deciding whether secondary materials qualify as solid 
wastes. Those criteria include: (1) Whether each NHSM has not been 
discarded in the first instance (i.e., was not initially abandoned or 
thrown away) and is legitimately used as a fuel in a combustion unit 
or, if discarded, has been sufficiently processed into a material that 
is legitimately used as a fuel; and, (2) if the NHSM does not meet the 
legitimacy criteria described in 40 CFR 241.3(d)(1), whether the NHSM 
is integrally tied to the industrial production process, the NHSM is 
functionally the same as the comparable traditional fuel, or other 
relevant factors as appropriate.
    Based on the information in the rulemaking record and comments 
received, the Agency is finalizing amendments to 40 CFR 241.4(a) by 
listing three other types of treated railroad ties as categorical non-
waste fuels, in addition to CTRTs added in February 2016. Specific 
determinations regarding these other treated railroad ties (OTRTs, 
i.e., creosote-borate, copper naphthenate, copper naphthenate-borate; 
and, mixtures of creosote, borate and/or copper naphthenate treated 
railroad ties) and how the information was assessed by EPA according to 
the criteria in 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5), are discussed in detail in section 
III of this preamble.
    The rulemaking record for this rule (i.e., EPA-HQ-RCRA-2016-0248) 
includes those documents and information submitted specifically to 
support a determination as to whether certain OTRTs should be listed as 
a categorical non-waste fuel. However, the principles used to determine 
categorical listings are based on the NHSM rules promulgated over the 
past few years. While EPA is not formally including in the record for 
this rule materials supporting the previous NHSM rulemakings, the 
Agency is nevertheless issuing this rule consistent with the NHSM 
regulations and the supporting records for those rules. This rulemaking 
in no way reopens any issues resolved in previous NHSM rulemakings. It 
simply responds to a petition in accordance with the standards and 
procedures outlined in the existing NHSM regulations.

III. Comments on the Proposed Rule and Rationale for Final Decisions

    The following sections provide the Agency rationale for its 
determination that OTRTs are appropriate for listing in Sec.  241.4(a) 
as categorical non-wastes when burned as a fuel in prescribed 
combustion units. It also addresses major comments the Agency received 
on the November 1, 2016 NHSM OTRT proposed rule (81 FR 75781). That 
proposal explained the status of OTRT under current rules, discussed 
information received during previous rulemakings, as well as the scope 
of the proposed categorical non-waste fuel listings. The proposed 
rationale for the listings is found at 81 FR 75788-96 and is 
incorporated into this final rule, along with all sources referenced in 
that discussion and cited therein. The final decision in this rule is 
based on the information in the proposal, comments received on the 
proposal and supporting materials in the rulemaking record. Any changes 
from the proposed rule made to the final rule are identified below.

A. Detailed Description of OTRTs

1. Processing
    As described in the proposed rulemaking (81 FR 75781, November 1, 
2016 (page 75785)), industry representatives stated that the removal of 
OTRTs from service and processing of those ties into a product fuel is 
similar to processing of CTRTs described in the February 2016 rule.\10\ 
OTRTs are typically comprised of North American hardwoods that have 
been treated with a wood preservative. The removal from service, 
processing and use as a fuel happens through three parties: the 
generator of the crossties (railroad or utility); the reclamation 
company that sorts the crossties, and in some cases processes the 
material received from the generator; and the combustor as third party 
energy producers. Typically, ownership of the OTRTs are generally 
transferred directly from the generator to the reclamation company that 
sorts materials for highest value secondary uses, and then sells the 
products to end-users, including those combusting the material as fuel. 
Some reclamation companies sell OTRTs to processors who remove metal 
contaminants and grind the ties into chipped wood. Other reclamation 
companies have their own grinders, do their own contaminant removal, 
and can sell directly to the combusting facilities. Information 
submitted to the Agency indicates there are approximately 15 recovery 
companies in North America with industry-wide revenues of $65-75 

    \10\ 81 FR 6688 The OTRTs removed from service are considered 
discarded because they can be stored for long periods of time 
without a final determination regarding their final end use. In 
order for them to be considered a non-waste fuel, they must be 
processed, thus transforming the OTRTs into a product fuel that 
meets the legitimacy criteria. (81 FR 75788; November 1, 2016).

    After crossties are removed from service, they are transferred for 
sorting/processing, but in some cases, they may be temporarily stored 
in the railroad rights-of-way or at another location selected by the 
reclamation company. One information source \11\ indicated that when 
the crossties are temporarily stored, they are stored until their value 
as an alternative fuel can be realized, generally through a contract 
completed for transferal of ownership to the reclamation contractor or 
combustor. This means that not all OTRTs originate from crossties 
removed from service in the same year; some OTRTs are processed from 
crossties removed from service in prior years and stored by railroads 
or removal/reclamation companies until their value as a landscaping 
element or fuel could be realized.

    \11\ M.A. Energy Resources LLC, Petition submitted to 
Administrator, EPA, February 2013.

    Typically, reclamation companies receive OTRTs by rail. The 
processing of the crossties into fuel by the reclamation/processing 
companies involves several steps. Contaminant metals (spikes, nails, 
plates, etc.) undergo initial separation and removal by the user 
organization (railroad company) during inspection. At the reclamation 
company, the crossties are then ground or shredded to a specified size 
depending on the particular needs of the end-use combustor, with chip 
size typically between 1-2 inches. Such grinding and shredding 
facilitates handling, storage and metering to the combustion chamber. 
By achieving a uniform particle size, combustion efficiency will be 
improved due to the uniform and controlled fuel feed rate and the 
ability to regulate the air supply. Additionally, the size reduction 
process exposes a greater surface area of the particle prior to 
combustion, releasing any moisture more rapidly, and thereby enhancing 
its heating value. This step may occur in several phases, including 
primary and secondary grinding, or in a single phase. Additional metal 
removal may also occur after shredding.
    Once the crossties are ground to a specific size, there is further 
screening based on the particular needs of the end-use combustor. 
Depending on the configuration of the facility and

[[Page 5322]]

equipment, screening may occur concurrently with grinding or at a 
subsequent stage. Once the processing of OTRTs is complete, the OTRTs 
are sold directly to the end-use combustor for energy recovery. 
Processed OTRTs are delivered to the buyers by railcar or truck. The 
processed OTRTs are then stockpiled prior to combustion in a manner 
consistent with biomass fuels, with a typical storage timeframe ranging 
from a day to a week. When the OTRTs are to be burned for energy 
recovery, the material is then transferred from the storage location 
using a conveyor belt or front-end loader. The OTRTs may be combined 
with other biomass fuels, including hog fuel and bark. OTRTs are 
commonly used to provide the high British thermal unit (Btu) fuel to 
supplement low (and sometimes wet) Btu biomass to ensure proper 
combustion, often in lieu of coal or other fossil fuels.\12\ The 
combined fuel may be further hammered and screened prior to combustion.

    \12\ American Forest & Paper Association, American Wood 
Council--Letter to EPA Administrator, December 6, 2012.

    In general, contracts for the purchase and combustion of OTRTs 
include fuel specifications limiting contaminants, such as metals, and 
prohibiting the receipt of wood treated with other preservatives such 
as pentachlorophenol.
2. Treatment Descriptions
i. Copper Naphthenate
    Copper naphthenate's effectiveness as a preservative has been known 
since the early 1900s, and various formulations have been used 
commercially since the 1940s. It is an organometallic compound formed 
as a reaction product of copper salts and naphthenic acids derived from 
petroleum. Unlike other commercially applied wood preservatives, small 
quantities of copper naphthenate can be purchased at retail hardware 
stores and lumberyards. Cuts or holes in treated wood can be treated in 
the field with copper naphthenate. Wood treated with copper naphthenate 
has a distinctive bright green color that weathers to light brown. The 
treated wood also has an odor that dissipates somewhat over time. Oil 
borne copper naphthenate is used for treatment of railroad ties since 
that treatment results in the ties being more resistant to cracks and 
checking. Waterborne copper naphthenate is used only for interior 
millwork and exterior residential dimensional lumber applications such 
as decking, fencing, lattice, recreational equipment, and other 
structures. Thus, this final rule does not address waterborne copper 
    Copper naphthenate can be dissolved in a variety of solvents: The 
heavy oil solvent (specified in American Wood Protection Association 
(AWPA) Standard P9, Type A) or the lighter solvent (AWPA Standard P9, 
Type C). The lighter solvent is the most commonly used for railroad 
ties due to its ability to penetrate the wood. Copper naphthenate is 
listed in AWPA standards for treatment of major softwood species that 
are used for a variety of wood products. It is not listed for treatment 
of any hardwood species, except when the wood is used for railroad 
ties. The minimum copper naphthenate retentions (the amount of 
retention of the preservative in the tie after treatment application) 
range from 0.04 pounds per cubic foot (0.6 kilograms per cubic meter) 
for wood used aboveground, to 0.06 pounds per cubic foot (1 kilogram 
per cubic meter) for wood that will contact the ground and 0.075 pounds 
per cubic foot (1.2 kilograms per cubic meter) for wood used in 
critical structural applications.\13\

    \13\ U.S. Forest Service Preservative Treated Wood and 
Alternative Products in the Forest Service: https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/htmlpubs/htm06772809/page02.htm

    When dissolved in No. 2 fuel oil (Type C under AWPA standards), 
copper naphthenate can penetrate wood that is difficult to treat. 
Copper naphthenate loses some of its ability to penetrate wood when it 
is dissolved in heavier oils. Copper naphthenate treatments do not 
significantly increase the corrosion of metal fasteners relative to 
untreated wood.
    Copper naphthenate is commonly used to treat utility poles, 
although fewer facilities treat utility poles with copper naphthenate 
than with creosote or pentachlorophenol. Unlike creosote and 
pentachlorophenol, copper naphthenate is not listed as a Restricted Use 
Pesticide (RUP) \14\ by the EPA. Even though human health concerns do 
not require copper naphthenate to be listed as an RUP, precautions such 
as the use of dust masks and gloves are used when working with wood 
treated with copper naphthenate.

    \14\ List of Restricted Use Pesticides found at: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/restricted-use-products-rup-report.

ii. Borates
    Borates is the name for a large number compounds containing the 
element boron. Borate compounds are the most commonly used unfixed 
waterborne preservatives. Unfixed preservatives can leach from treated 
wood. They are used for pressure treatment of framing lumber used in 
areas with high termite hazard and as surface treatments for a wide 
range of wood products, such as cabin logs and the interiors of wood 
structures. They are also applied as internal treatments using rods or 
pastes. At higher rates of retention, borates also are used as fire-
retardant treatments for wood. Copper naphthenate treated ties are most 
effective when dual-treated with borate to prevent decay.\15\

    \15\ Railroad Tie Association. Frequently Asked Questions http://www.rta.org/faqs-main.

    Performance characteristics of borate treatment include protection 
of the wood against fungi and insects, with low mammalian toxicity. 
Another advantage of boron is its ability to diffuse with water into 
wood that normally resists traditional pressure treatment. Wood treated 
with borates has no added color, no odor, and can be finished (primed 
and painted).
    Inorganic boron is listed as a wood preservative in the AWPA 
standards, which include formulations prepared from sodium octaborate, 
sodium tetraborate, sodium pentaborate, and boric acid. Inorganic boron 
is also standardized as a pressure treatment for a variety of species 
of softwood lumber used out of contact with the ground and continuously 
protected from water. The minimum borate (B2O3) 
retention is 0.17 pounds per cubic foot (2.7 kilograms per cubic 
meter). A retention of 0.28 pounds per cubic foot (4.5 kilograms per 
cubic meter) is specified for areas with Formosan subterranean 

    \16\ U.S. Forest Service Preservative Treated Wood and 
Alternative Products in the Forest Service https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/htmlpubs/htm06772809/page02.htm.

    Borate preservatives are available in several forms, but the most 
common is disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT). DOT has higher water 
solubility than many other forms of borate, allowing more concentrated 
solutions to be used and increasing the mobility of the borate through 
the wood. With the use of heated solutions, extended pressure periods, 
and diffusion periods after treatment, DOT can penetrate wood species 
that are relatively difficult to treat, such as spruce. Several 
pressure treatment facilities in the United States use borate 
solutions. For refractory wood species destined for high decay areas, 
it has now become relatively common practice to use borates as a pre-
treatment to protect the wood prior to processing with creosote.
iii. Creosote
    Creosote was introduced as a wood preservative in the late 1800's 
to prolong the life of railroad ties. CTRTs

[[Page 5323]]

remain the material of choice by railroads due to their long life, 
durability, cost effectiveness, and sustainability. As creosote is a 
by-product of coal tar distillation, and coal tar is a by-product of 
making coke from coal, creosote is considered a derivative of coal. The 
creosote component of CTRTs is also governed by the standards 
established by AWPA. AWPA has established two blends of creosote, P1/13 
and P2. Railroad ties are typically manufactured using the P2 blend 
that is more viscous than other blends.

B. OTRTs Under Current NHSM Rules

1. March 2011 NHSM Final Rule
    The March 2011 NHSM final rule stated that most creosote-treated 
wood is non-hazardous. However, the presence of hexachlorobenzene, a 
CAA section 112 hazardous air pollutant (HAP), as well as other HAPs 
suggested that creosote-treated wood, including CTRTs, contained 
contaminants at levels that are not comparable to or lower than those 
found in wood or coal, the fuel that creosote-treated wood would 
replace. In making this assessment in 2011, the Agency did not consider 
fuel oil \17\ as a traditional fuel that CTRTs would replace, and 
concluded at the time that combustion of creosote-treated wood may 
result in destruction of contaminants contained in those materials. 
Such destruction is an indication of discard and incineration, a waste 
activity. Accordingly, creosote-treated wood, including CTRTs when 
burned, seemed more like a waste than a commodity, and did not meet the 
contaminant legitimacy criterion. This material, therefore, was 
considered a solid waste when burned, and units' combusting it would be 
subject to the CAA section 129 emission standards (40 CFR part 60, 
subparts CCCC and DDDD).

    \17\ For the purposes of this rule, fuel oil means oils 1-6, 
including distillate, residual, kerosene, diesel, and other 
petroleum based oils. It does not include gasoline or unrefined 
crude oil.

    Regarding borate-treated wood, after reviewing data from one 
commenter which showed that the levels of contaminants in this material 
are comparable to those found in unadulterated wood for the seven 
contaminants for which data was presented, the Agency stated in the 
March 2011 final rule that such treated-wood meets the legitimacy 
criterion on the level of contaminants and comparability to traditional 
fuels. The rule further stated that borate-treated wood could be 
classified as a non-waste fuel, provided the other two legitimacy 
criteria are met and the contaminant levels for any other HAP that may 
be present in this material are also comparable to or less than those 
in traditional fuels. The rule noted that such borate-treated wood 
would need to be burned as a fuel for energy recovery within the 
control of the generator. Finally, the rule indicated that EPA was 
aware of some borate-treated wood is subsequently treated with 
creosote, to provide an insoluble barrier to prevent the borate 
compounds from leaching out of the wood. The Agency did not receive 
data on the contaminant levels of the resulting material with both 
treatments, but data presented on creosote treated lumber when 
combusted in units designed to burn biomass indicated that this NHSM 
would likely no longer meet the legitimacy criteria and would be 
considered a solid waste when burned as a fuel.
    As indicated in the rule, EPA did not have information generally 
about the transfer of borate-treated wood to other companies to make a 
broad determination about its use as a fuel outside the control of the 
generator. Thus, under the March 2011 rule, borate-treated wood would 
need to be burned as a fuel for energy recovery within the control of 
the generator (76 FR 15484). Persons could make self-determinations 
regarding other uses of the material as fuel including use outside the 
control of the generator.
    With regard to wood treated with copper naphthenate, the March 2011 
rule indicated that no additional contaminant data was provided that 
would reverse the position in the June 2010 proposed rule, which 
considered wood treated with copper naphthenate a solid waste because 
of concerns of elevated levels of contaminants (76 FR 15484, March 21, 
2011). The March 2011 rule acknowledged, as in the June 2010 proposed 
rule (75 FR 31862, June 4, 2010), that the Agency did not have 
sufficient information on the contaminant levels in wood treated with 
copper naphthenate. The rule further stated that if a person could 
demonstrate that copper naphthenate treated-wood is burned in a 
combustion unit as a fuel for energy recovery within the control of the 
generator and meets the legitimacy criteria, or if discarded, can 
demonstrate that they have sufficiently processed the material and meet 
legitimacy criteria, that person can handle its copper naphthenate 
treated-wood as a non-waste fuel.
2. February 2013 NHSM Final Rule
    In the February 2013 NHSM final rule (78 FR 9173), EPA noted that 
the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) and the American Wood 
Council submitted a letter with supporting information on December 6, 
2012, seeking a categorical non-waste listing and clarification letter 
for CTRTs combusted in any unit.\18\ The letter included information 
regarding the amounts of railroad ties combusted each year and the 
value of the ties as fuel. The letter also discussed how CTRTs satisfy 
the legitimacy criteria, including its high Btu value.

    \18\ American Forest & Paper Association, American Wood 
Council--Letter to EPA Administrator, December 6, 2012. Included in 
docket for this final rule.

    While this information was useful, it was not sufficient for the 
EPA to propose that CTRTs be listed categorically as a non-waste fuel 
at that time. Therefore, EPA requested that additional information be 
provided, and indicated that if this additional information supported 
and supplemented the representations made in the December 2012 letter, 
EPA would expect to propose a categorical non-waste listing for CTRTs. 
The requested information included:
     A list of industry sectors, in addition to forest product 
mills, that burn railroad ties for energy recovery,
     The types of boilers (e.g., kilns, stoker boilers, 
circulating fluidized bed, etc.) that burn railroad ties for energy 
     The traditional fuels and relative amounts (e.g., startup, 
30 percent, 100 percent) of these traditional fuels that could 
otherwise generally be burned in these types of units. The extent to 
which non-industrial boilers (e.g., commercial or residential boilers) 
burn CTRTs for energy recover, and
     Laboratory analyses for contaminants known or reasonably 
suspected to be present in creosote-treated railroad ties, and 
contaminants known to be significant components of creosote, 
specifically polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (i.e., PAH-16), 
dibenzofuran, cresols, hexachlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, biphenyl, 
quinoline, and dioxins.\19\ (78 FR 9173, February 7, 2013.)

    \19\ The Agency requested these analyses based on the limited 
information previously available concerning the chemical makeup of 
CTRTs. That limited information included one sample from 1990 
(showing the presence of both PAHs and dibenzofuran), past TCLP 
results (which showing the presence of cresols, hexachlorobenzene 
and 2,4-dinitrotoluene), Material Safety Data Sheets for coal tar 
creosote (which showing the potential presence of biphenyl and 
quinoline), and the absence of dioxin analyses prior to combustion 
despite dioxin analyses of post-combustion emissions.

See 81 FR 6723-24, February 8, 2016, for the detailed responses to the 
above requested information.

[[Page 5324]]

3. February 2016 NHSM Final Rule
    As discussed in section II.B of this preamble, the February 2016 
final rule stated that EPA had reviewed the information submitted from 
stakeholders regarding CTRTs and determined that the information 
supported a categorical determination for those materials under certain 
conditions which were promulgated in that rule (see 40 CFR 
241.4(a)(7)). The final rule preamble language also referenced an 
August 21, 2015 letter to Barnes Johnson where TWC requested that the 
Agency move forward on a subset of materials that were identified in 
the April 2013 petition (i.e. creosote borate, copper naphthenate, and 
copper naphthenate-borate) (81 FR 6738, February 8, 2016). EPA stated 
that based on the information received, the Agency believed these three 
types of treated railroad ties were candidates for categorical non-
waste listings and expected to begin development of a proposed rule 
under 40 CFR 241.4(a) for the three materials in the near future.

C. Scope of the Final Categorical Non-Waste Listing for OTRTs

    As discussed in section II.B of this preamble, the November 1, 2016 
proposed OTRT rule was based on TWC submitted letters and supporting 
documents requesting a categorical non-waste fuel listing for OTRTs. 
The information supporting the proposal and the comments received 
indicated that these materials have been processed, and meet legitimacy 
criteria including management as a valuable commodity, meaningful 
heating value and contaminants at levels comparable to or less than 
those in the traditional fuels that these combustion units are designed 
to burn as fuel. In this final rule, the Agency is listing, as 
categorical non-wastes, processed OTRTs when used as fuels. The 
rationale for this listing is discussed in detail in the Section D.
    For units combusting copper naphthenate-borate and/or copper 
naphthenate railroad ties, such materials could be combusted as non-
waste fuels in units designed to burn biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or 
biomass and coal under CAA 112 standards. For units combusting railroad 
ties containing creosote, including creosote-borate or any mixtures of 
ties containing creosote, borate and copper naphthenate, such materials 
must be burned in combustion units that are designed to burn, both, 
biomass and fuel oil in order for the material to be considered a non-
waste fuel. The Agency would consider combustion units to meet this 
requirement if the unit combusts fuel oil as part of normal operations 
and not solely as part of start up or shut down operations. Units 
combusting ties mixed with creosote that are designed to burn biomass 
and fuel oil may also be designed to burn coal under this categorical 
non-waste fuel listing.
    Consistent with, and for the same reasons as the approach for CTRTs 
outlined in the February 2016 final rule (81 FR 6725), units combusting 
railroad ties treated with creosote-borate (or other combination 
mixtures of railroad ties containing creosote, borate and copper 
naphthenate) in units designed to burn biomass and fuel oil, could also 
combust those materials in units at major pulp and paper mills or units 
at power production facilities subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD 
(Boiler MACT), that combust such ties and had been designed to burn 
biomass and fuel oil, but are modified (e.g., oil delivery mechanisms 
are removed) in order to use natural gas instead of fuel oil as part of 
normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down 
operations. These ties may continue to be combusted as a product fuel 
only if certain conditions are met, which are intended to ensure that 
they are not being discarded:
     Must be combusted in existing (i.e., commenced 
construction prior to April 14, 2014) stoker, bubbling bed, fluidized 
bed or hybrid suspension grate boilers; and
     Must comprise no more than 40 percent of the fuel that is 
used on an annual heat input basis.\20\

    \20\ As noted in the February 2016 rule, the standards are based 
on information received after the February 7, 2013 rule specifically 
with regard to existing stoker, bubbling bed, fluidized bed or 
hybrid suspension grate boilers in the pulp and paper and power 
production industries that were switching from fuel oil to natural 
gas due to lower compliance costs and the ability to use cleaner 
fuels during operation. The 40% fuel use condition is based on 
statements from industry indicating that CTRTs generally compromise 
40% of the total fuel load. These conditions regarding types of 
existing units and fuel use were designed to ensure, in this 
circumstance, that the ties were not discarded. (81 FR 6724).

    These conditions will also apply if an existing unit designed to 
burn fuel oil and biomass (at a power production facility or pulp and 
paper mill) is modified to burn natural gas at some point in the 
    Units combusting ties mixed with creosote that are designed to burn 
biomass and fuel oil, but have switched from fuel oil to natural gas, 
may also be designed to burn coal under this categorical non-waste fuel 
    The approach for railroad ties treated with creosote-borate (or 
other mixtures of treated railroad ties containing creosote, borate and 
copper naphthenate) addresses only the circumstance where contaminants 
in these railroad ties are comparable to or less than the traditional 
fuels the combustion unit was originally designed to burn (both fuel 
oil and biomass) but that design was modified in order to combust 
natural gas. The approach is not a general means to circumvent the 
contaminant legitimacy criterion by allowing combustion of any NHSM 
with elevated contaminant levels, i.e., levels not comparable to the 
traditional fuel the unit is currently designed to burn. As 
contaminants in railroad ties treated with creosote are comparable to 
the contaminant in biomass and fuel oil, units that had switched to 
natural gas from fuel oil would clearly be in compliance with the 
legitimacy criteria if they did not switch to the cleaner natural gas 
fuel. While contaminant levels may in fact be higher when compared to 
natural gas, boilers at pulp and paper mills and power production 
facilities have demonstrated the ability to combust these materials 
should not be penalized for switching to a cleaner fuel. Removal of oil 
delivery mechanisms from units designed to burn fuel oil does not 
support a conclusive decision that such ties do not meet legitimacy 
criteria and are now being discarded.
    Information indicating that these railroad ties alone or in the 
combination mixtures are an important part of the fuel mix because of 
the consistently lower moisture content and higher Btu value, benefit 
the combustion units with significant swings in steam demand, therefore 
suggesting that discard is not occurring. The Agency believes it 
appropriate to balance other relevant factors in this categorical non-
waste determination and to decide that the switching to the cleaner 
natural gas would not render these materials a waste fuel.
    This determination is consistent with the February 2016 rule, and 
is based on the historical usage of CTRT as a product fuel in stoker, 
bubbling bed, fluidized bed and hybrid suspension grate boilers (i.e., 
boiler designs used to combust used railroad ties, see 81 FR 6732).

D. Rationale for Final Rule

1. Discard
    When deciding whether an NHSM should be listed as a categorical 
non-waste fuel in accordance with 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5), EPA first 
evaluates whether or not the NHSM has been discarded, and if not 
discarded, whether or not the

[[Page 5325]]

material is legitimately used as a product fuel in a combustion unit. 
If the material has been discarded, EPA evaluates whether the NHSM has 
been sufficiently processed into a material that is legitimately used 
as a product fuel.
    Information submitted by petitioners regarding OTRTs removed from 
service and processed was analogous to that for CTRTs. Specifically, 
OTRTs removed from service are sometimes temporarily stored in the 
railroad right-of-way or at another location selected by the removal/
reclamation company. This means that not all OTRTs originate from 
crossties removed from service in the same year; some OTRTs are 
processed from crossties removed from service in prior years and stored 
by railroads or removal/reclamation companies until a contract for 
reclamation is in place.
    EPA reiterates its position from the February 8, 2016 (81 FR 6725) 
final rule regarding cases where a railroad or reclamation company 
waits for more than a year to realize the value of OTRTs as a fuel. The 
Agency again concludes that OTRTs are removed from service and stored 
in a railroad right-of-way or location for long periods of time, that 
is, a year or longer without a determination regarding their final end 
use (e.g., landscaping, as a fuel or landfilled) indicates that the 
material has been discarded in the first instance and is a solid waste 
(see also the general discussion of discard at 76 FR 15463, March 11, 
2011 rule).\21\ Regarding any assertion that OTRTs are a valuable 
commodity in a robust market, the Agency would like to remind persons 
that NHSMs may have value in the marketplace and still be considered 
solid wastes.
2. Processing
    Since the OTRTs removed from service are considered discarded 
because they can be stored for long periods of time without a final 
determination regarding their final end use, to be considered a non-
waste fuel they must be processed, i.e. transforming the OTRTs into a 
product fuel that meets the legitimacy criteria.\22\ The Agency 
concludes that the processing of OTRTs described previously in section 
III.A.1 of this preamble meets the definition of processing in 40 CFR 
241.2. As discussed in that section, processing includes operations 
that transform a discarded NHSM into a non-waste fuel or non-waste 
ingredient, including operations necessary to: Remove or destroy 
contaminants; significantly improve the fuel characteristics (e.g., 
sizing or drying of the material, in combination with other 
operations); chemically improve the as-fired energy content; or improve 
the ingredient characteristics. Minimal operations that result only in 
modifying the size of the material by shredding do not constitute 
processing for the purposes of the definition. The Agency concludes 
that OTRTs meet the definition of processing in 40 CFR 241.3 because 
contaminant metals are removed in several steps and the fuel 
characteristics are significantly improved; specifically:

    \22\ Persons who concluded that their OTRTs are not discarded 
and thus are not subject to this categorical determination may 
submit an application to the EPA Regional Administrator that the 
material has not been discarded when transferred to a third party 
and is indistinguishable from a product fuel (76 FR 15551, March 21, 
2011). Persons can also make self-determinations for their NHSM.

     Contaminants (e.g., spikes, plates, transmission wire and 
insulator bulbs) are removed during initial inspection by the user 
     Removal of contaminant metals occurs again at the 
reclamation facility using magnets; such removal may occur in multiple 
     The fuel characteristics of the material are improved when 
the crossties are ground or shredded to a specified size (typically 1-2 
inches) due to increased surface area. The final size depends on the 
particular needs of the end-use combustor. The grinding may occur in 
one or more phases; and
     Once the contaminant metals are removed and the OTRTs are 
ground, there may be additional operations to bring the material to a 
specified size.
3. Legitimacy Criteria
    EPA can list a discarded NHSM as a categorical non-waste fuel if it 
has been ``sufficiently processed,'' and meets the legitimacy criteria. 
The three legitimacy criteria to be evaluated are: (1) The NHSM must be 
managed as a valuable commodity, (2) the NHSM must have a meaningful 
heating value and be used as a fuel in a combustion unit to recover 
energy, and (3) the NHSM must have contaminants or groups of 
contaminants at levels comparable to or less than those in the 
traditional fuel the unit is designed to burn.\23\

    \23\ We note that even if the NHSM does not meet one or more of 
the legitimacy criteria, the Agency could still propose to list an 
NHSM categorically by balancing the legitimacy criteria with other 
relevant factors (see 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5)(ii).

i. Managed as a Valuable Commodity
    Data submitted \24\ indicates that OTRT processing and subsequent 
management is analogous to that of CTRTs outlined in the February 8, 
2016 final rule (81 FR 6725). The processing of OTRTs is correlated to 
the particular needs of the end-use combustor. The process begins when 
the railroad or utility company removes the old OTRTs from service. An 
initial inspection is conducted where non-combustible materials are 
sorted out. OTRTs are stored in staging areas until shippable 
quantities are collected. Shippable quantities are transported via 
truck or rail to a reprocessing center.

    \24\ See section III.D.4. of this preamble for a description of 
EPA's review of all data submitted regarding meeting legitimacy 

    At the reprocessing center, pieces are again inspected, sorted, and 
non-combustible materials are removed. Combustible pieces then undergo 
size reduction and possible blending with compatible combustibles. Once 
the OTRTs meet the end use specification, they are then sold directly 
to the end-use combustor for energy recovery. OTRTs are delivered to 
the end-use combustors via railcar and/or truck similar to delivery of 
traditional biomass fuels.
    After receipt, OTRTs are stockpiled similar to analogous biomass 
fuels (e.g., in fuel silos) to maximize dryness and minimize dust. 
While awaiting combustion at the end-user, which usually occurs within 
one day to a week of arrival, the OTRTs are also transferred and/or 
handled from storage in a manner consistent with the transfer and 
handling of biomass fuels. Procedures include screening by the end-use 
combustor, combining with other biomass fuels, and transferring to the 
combustor via conveyor belt or front-end loader.
    Since the storage of the processed material does not exceed 
reasonable time frames and the processed ties are handled/treated 
similar to analogous biomass fuels by end-use combustors, OTRTs meet 
the criterion for being managed as a valuable commodity.
ii. Meaningful Heating Value and Used as a Fuel To Recover Energy
    EPA received the following information for the heating values of 
processed OTRTs: 6,867 Btu/lb for creosote-borate; 7,333 Btu/lb for 
copper naphthenate; 5,967 Btu/lb for copper naphthenate-borate; 5,232 
Btu/lb for mixed railroad ties containing 56% creosote, 41% creosote-
borate, 1% copper naphthenate, 2% copper naphthenate-borate; and 7,967 
Btu/lb for mixed ties containing 25% creosote, 25% creosote borate, 25% 
copper naphthenate and 25% copper

[[Page 5326]]

naphthenate-borate.\25\ \26\ In the March 2011 NHSM final rule, the 
Agency indicated that NHSMs with an energy value greater than 5,000 
Btu/lb, as fired, are considered to have a meaningful heating 
value.\27\ Thus, OTRTs meet the criterion for meaningful heating value 
and used as a fuel to recover energy.

    \25\ Letter from Jeff Miller to Barnes Johnson, September 11, 
2015; see docket for this rule.
    \26\ These values reflect averages from 2013 and 2015 data. 
Relevant lab data on Btu/lb for each types of processed OTRT can be 
viewed in the September and October 2015 letters from Jeff Miller to 
Barnes Johnson included in the docket.
    \27\ See 76 FR 15541, March 21, 2011.

iii. Contaminants Comparable to or Lower Than Traditional Fuels
    For each type of OTRT, EPA has compared the September 2015 data 
submitted on contaminant levels by petitioners to contaminant data for 
biomass/untreated wood, and fuel oil. In response to comments on the 
proposal, EPA has also taken the September 2015 data and compared them 
to coal. The petitioner's data included samples taken from 15 different 
used creosote-borate ties, 15 different copper naphthenate-borate ties, 
15 creosote ties, and 15 copper naphthenate ties. Each type of tie 
sample was divided into three groups of five tie samples each. This 
resulted in 12 total groups corresponding to the four different types 
ties. Each group was then isolated, mixed together, processed into a 
fuel-type consistency, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis.
    Use of these types of ties are relatively new compared to creosote, 
so few of these OTRT have transitioned to fuel use at this time, but we 
expect more in the future. To simulate that transition over time, three 
samples of unequally-blended tie material (56% creosote, 41% creosote-
borate, 1% copper naphthenate, 2% copper naphthenate-borate) and three 
samples of equally blended tie material (25% creosote, 25% creosote-
borate, 25% copper naphthenate, 25% copper naphthenate-borate) were 
analyzed. The lab analyzed three samples of each of the processed tie 
treated with creosote, creosote-borate, copper naphthenate and copper 
naphthenate-borate. In addition, the lab analyzed three samples of 
equally-blended tie material, three samples of unevenly-blended tie 
material, and three samples of untreated wood for a total of 18 
    In addition to September 2015 data, copper naphthenate-borate, and 
copper naphthenate test data had also been submitted in conjunction 
with TWC's earlier December 4, 2013 petition and are included in the 
following tables. As noted in section II.B of this preamble, the 2013 
data did not have details on the number of samples collected. In 
addition, sulfur was measured using leachable anion techniques that do 
not provide results of the total contaminant content, and heat content 
was not measured. Therefore, the Agency's decisions are based on the 
complete data submitted in 2015 supplemented by the 2013 data. The 
results of the analysis of the 2015 and 2013 data are shown in the 
following tables.
Copper Naphthenate

                                                naphthenate        Biomass/
                 Contaminant                   railroad ties    untreated wood    Fuel oil \b\       Coal \b\
                                                contaminant          \b\
                                               levels \a\ \f\
                                         Metal Elements (PPM-dry basis)
Antimony....................................           ND<1.4            ND-26          ND-15.7           0.5-10
Arsenic.....................................        0.53-0.93           ND-298            ND-13          0.5-174
Beryllium...................................          ND-0.05            ND-10            ND-19          0.1-206
Cadmium.....................................          ND-0.20            ND-17           ND-1.4           0.1-19
Chromium....................................        0.22-0.50           ND-340            ND-37          0.5-168
Cobalt......................................          ND-0.81           ND-213           ND-8.5           0.5-30
Lead........................................           ND-3.5           ND-340          ND-56.8            2-148
Manganese...................................          7.1-166        ND-15,800         ND-3,200            5-512
Mercury.....................................          ND<0.20           ND-1.1           ND-0.2         0.02-3.1
Nickel......................................         0.79-1.1           ND-540           ND-270          0.5-730
Selenium....................................        0.41-0.84           ND-9.0             ND-4         0.2-74.3
                                       Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Chlorine....................................           ND<100         ND-5,400         ND-1,260         ND-9,080
Fluorine....................................           ND<100           ND-300            ND-14           ND-178
Nitrogen....................................           ND<500       200-39,500         42-8,950    13,600-54,000
Sulfur......................................          190-240         ND-8,700        ND-57,000       740-61,300
                              Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Acenaphthene................................           3.0-95            ND-50          \h\ 111               --
Acenaphthylene..............................           ND<1.3             ND-4              4.1               --
Anthracene..................................           ND-6.3           0.4-87               96               --
Benzo[a]anthracene..........................           ND<1.3            ND-62         41-1,900               --
Benzo[a]pyrene..............................           ND<1.3            ND-28         0.60-960               --
Benzo[b]fluoranthene........................           ND<1.3            ND-42           11-540               --
Benzo[ghi]perylene..........................           ND<1.3             ND-9             11.4               --
Benzo[k]fluoranthene........................           ND<1.3            ND-16              0.6               --
Chrysene....................................           ND<1.3            ND-53        2.2-2,700               --
Dibenz [a, h] anthracene....................           ND<1.3             ND-3              4.0               --
Fluoranthene................................           ND-6.5          0.6-160         31.6-240               --
Fluorene....................................           4.5-53        \h\ ND-40            3,600               --
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene.....................           ND<1.3            ND-12              2.3               --
Naphthalene.................................           8.2-80        \h\ ND-38       34.3-4,000               --

[[Page 5327]]

Phenanthrene................................           8.2-77          0.9-190        0-116,000               --
Pyrene......................................            ND-15          0.2-160           23-178               --
16-PAH......................................           49-298            5-921     3,900-54,700       \ h\ 6-253
PAH (52 extractable)........................           \e\ --               --               --         14-2,090
Pentachlorophenol...........................        \g\ ND<30             ND-1               --               --
Biphenyl....................................           \e\ --               --      1,000-1,200               --
    Total SVOC \c\..........................           77-328            5-922     4,900-54,700         20-2,343
                       Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Benzene.....................................          ND<0.69               --            ND-75            ND-38
Phenol......................................           \e\ --               --         ND-7,700               --
Styrene.....................................          ND<0.69               --           ND-320           1.0-26
Toluene.....................................          ND<0.69               --           ND-380           8.6-56
Xylenes.....................................          ND<0.69               --         ND-3,100           4.0-28
Cumene......................................           \e\ --               --      6,000-8,600               --
Ethyl benzene...............................          ND<0.69               --         22-1,270          0.7-5.4
Formaldehyde................................           \e\ --           1.6-27               --               --
Hexane......................................           \e\ --               --        50-10,000               --
    Total VOC \d\...........................           ND<3.4           1.6-27     6,072-19,810       14.3-125.4
\a\ Data provided by Treated Wood Council on April 3, 2013, September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
\b\ Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at
  https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data
  drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and
  Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
\c\ Total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This
  is because minimum and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same
\d\ Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC
  group, so is not reflected here.
\e\ Cells with the ``--'' indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be
  present in treated wood formulation being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous
  CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
\f\ Non-detects are indicated by ``<'' preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit.
  Therefore, there are many cases where the non-detect value may be greater than another test's detected value
  due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e., differences in tested amount or
  analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method
  reporting limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
\g\ Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
\h\ EPA has generally defined ``comparable to or lower than'' to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs
  within a small acceptable range or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional
  fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary materials can have contaminants that are
  somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being
  comparable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).

    As indicated, railroad ties treated with copper naphthenate have 
contaminants that are comparable to or less than those in biomass/
untreated wood, fuel oil or coal. Given that these railroad ties are a 
type of wood biomass material, such ties can be combusted in units 
designed to burn biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or biomass and coal.
Copper Naphthenate--Borate

                                              borate railroad      Biomass/
                 Contaminant                        ties        untreated wood    Fuel oil \b\       Coal \b\
                                                contaminant          \b\
                                               levels \a\ \f\
                                         Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Antimony....................................           ND<1.4            ND-26          ND-15.7           0.5-10
Arsenic.....................................        0.52-0.72           ND-298            ND-13          0.5-174
Beryllium...................................           ND<.67            ND-10            ND-19          0.1-206
Cadmium.....................................         ND-0.078            ND-17           ND-1.4           0.1-19
Chromium....................................        0.11-0.78           ND-340            ND-37          0.5-168
Cobalt......................................          ND-0.74           ND-213           ND-8.5           0.5-30
Lead........................................           ND-4.0           ND-340          ND-56.8            2-148
Manganese...................................           14-170        ND-15,800         ND-3,200            5-512
Mercury.....................................          ND<0.15           ND-1.1           ND-0.2         0.02-3.1
Nickel......................................         0.46-2.0           ND-540           ND-270          0.5-730
Selenium....................................          ND-0.52           ND-9.0             ND-4         0.2-74.3
                                       Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Chlorine....................................           ND<100         ND-5,400         ND-1,260         ND-9,080

[[Page 5328]]

Fluorine....................................           ND<100           ND-300            ND-14           ND-178
Nitrogen....................................           ND<500       200-39,500         42-8,950    13,600-54,000
Sulfur......................................          140-170         ND-8,700        ND-57,000       740-61,300
                              Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Acenaphthene................................           4.8-17            ND-50              111               --
Acenaphthylene..............................           ND-0.9             ND-4              4.1               --
Anthracene..................................           ND-7.2           0.4-87               96               --
Benzo[a]anthracene..........................           ND-3.7            ND-62         41-1,900               --
Benzo[a]pyrene..............................           ND-1.4            ND-28         0.60-960               --
Benzo[b]fluoranthene........................           ND-3.9            ND-42           11-540               --
Benzo[ghi]perylene..........................           ND<1.2             ND-9             11.4               --
Benzo[k]fluoranthene........................            ND-20        \h\ ND-16              0.6               --
Chrysene....................................           ND-6.6            ND-53        2.2-2,700               --
Dibenz [a, h] anthracene....................           ND<1.2             ND-3              4.0               --
Fluoranthene................................            ND-20          0.6-160         31.6-240               --
Fluorene....................................           2.2-16            ND-40            3,600               --
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene.....................           ND<1.2            ND-12              2.3               --
Naphthalene.................................           5.2-82        \h\ ND-38       34.3-4,000               --
Phenanthrene................................           3.6-43          0.9-190        0-116,000               --
Pyrene......................................            ND-19          0.2-160           23-178               --
16-PAH......................................           39-145            5-921     3,900-54,700            6-253
PAH (52 extractable)........................           \e\ --               --               --         14-2,090
Pentachlorophenol...........................       \g\ ND <28             ND-1               --               --
Biphenyl....................................           \e\ --               --      1,000-1,200               --
    Total SVOC \c\..........................           66-173            5-922     4,900-54,700         20-2,343
                       Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Benzene.....................................          ND<0.77               --            ND-75            ND-38
Phenol......................................           \e\ --               --         ND-7,700               --
Styrene.....................................          ND<0.77               --           ND-320           1.0-26
Toluene.....................................          ND<0.77               --           ND-380           8.6-56
Xylenes.....................................          ND<0.77               --         ND-3,100           4.0-28
Cumene......................................           \e\ --               --      6,000-8,600               --
Ethyl benzene...............................          ND<0.77               --         22-1,270          0.7-5.4
Formaldehyde................................           \e\ --           1.6-27               --               --
Hexane......................................           \e\ --               --        50-10,000               --
    Total VOC \d\...........................           ND<3.8           1.6-27     6,072-19,810       14.3-125.4
\a\ Data provided by Treated Wood Council on April 3, 2013, September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
\b\ Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at
  https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data
  drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and
  Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
\c\ Total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This
  is because minimum and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same
\d\ Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC
  group, so is not reflected here.
\e\ Cells with the ``--'' indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be
  present in treated wood formulation being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous
  CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
\f\ Non-detects are indicated by ``<'' preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit.
  Therefore, there are many cases where the non-detect value may be greater than another test's detected value
  due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e., differences in tested amount or
  analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method
  reporting limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
\g\ Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
\h\ EPA has generally defined ``comparable to or lower than'' to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs
  within a small acceptable range or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional
  fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary materials can have contaminants that are
  somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being
  comparable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).

    As indicated, railroad ties treated with copper naphthenate-borate 
have contaminants that are comparable to or less than those in biomass/
untreated wood, fuel oil (see discussion of grouping of SVOCs, 78 FR 
9146, February 7, 2013) or coal. Given that these railroad ties are a 
type of treated wood biomass, such ties can be combusted in units 
designed to burn biomass, or biomass and fuel oil, or biomass and coal.

[[Page 5329]]

                                              borate railroad      Biomass/
                 Contaminant                        ties        untreated wood    Fuel oil \b\       Coal \b\
                                                contaminant          \b\
                                               levels \a\ \f\
                                         Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Antimony....................................           ND<1.3            ND-26          ND-15.7           0.5-10
Arsenic.....................................          ND-0.80           ND-298            ND-13          0.5-174
Beryllium...................................         ND-0.032            ND-10            ND-19          0.1-206
Cadmium.....................................       0.059-0.25            ND-17           ND-1.4           0.1-19
Chromium....................................         0.10-1.1           ND-340            ND-37          0.5-168
Cobalt......................................          ND-0.22           ND-213           ND-8.5           0.5-30
Lead........................................           ND-1.8           ND-340          ND-56.8            2-148
Manganese...................................           22-140        ND-15,800         ND-3,200            5-512
Mercury.....................................         ND-0.066           ND-1.1           ND-0.2         0.02-3.1
Nickel......................................         0.71-1.8           ND-540           ND-270          0.5-730
Selenium....................................         0.59-1.4           ND-9.0             ND-4         0.2-74.3
                                       Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Chlorine....................................           ND<100         ND-5,400         ND-1,260         ND-9,080
Fluorine....................................           ND<100           ND-300            ND-14           ND-178
Nitrogen....................................           ND<500       200-39,500         42-8,950    13,600-54,000
Sulfur......................................          170-180         ND-8,700        ND-57,000       740-61,300
                                      Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants
Acenaphthene................................        600-2,200            ND-50              111               --
Acenaphthylene..............................            17-96             ND-4              4.1               --
Anthracene..................................        350-2,000           0.4-87               96               --
Benzo[a]anthracene..........................        200-1,500            ND-62         41-1,900               --
Benzo[a]pyrene..............................           62-500            ND-28         0.60-960               --
Benzo[b]fluoranthene........................          110-960            ND-42           11-540               --
Benzo[ghi]perylene..........................           13-170             ND-9             11.4               --
Benzo[k]fluoranthene........................           40-320            ND-16              0.6               --
Chrysene....................................        210-1,300            ND-53        2.2-2,700               --
Dibenz [a, h] anthracene....................            ND-58             ND-3              4.0               --
Fluoranthene................................      1,100-8,400          0.6-160         31.6-240               --
Fluorene....................................        500-2,200            ND-40            3,600               --
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene.....................           14-170            ND-12              2.3               --
Naphthalene.................................        660-2,900            ND-38       34.3-4,000               --
Phenanthrene................................     2,000-12,000          0.9-190        0-116,000               --
Pyrene......................................        780-5,200          0.2-160           23-178               --
16-PAH......................................     6,600-38,000            5-921     3,900-54,700            6-253
PAH (52 extractable)........................           \e\ --               --               --         14-2,090
Pentachlorophenol...........................      \g\ ND <790             ND-1               --               --
Biphenyl....................................      \h\ 137-330               --      1,000-1,200               --
    Total SVOC \c\..........................     7,200-39,000            5-922     4,900-54,700         20-2,343
                       Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Benzene.....................................           ND<3.9               --            ND-75            ND-38
Phenol......................................           \e\ --               --         ND-7,700               --
Styrene.....................................           ND<3.9               --           ND-320           1.0-26
Toluene.....................................           ND<3.9               --           ND-380           8.6-56
Xylenes.....................................           ND<3.9               --         ND-3,100           4.0-28
Cumene......................................           \e\ --               --      6,000-8,600               --
Ethyl benzene...............................           ND<3.9               --         22-1,270          0.7-5.4
Formaldehyde................................           \e\ --           1.6-27               --               --
Hexane......................................           \e\ --               --        50-10,000               --
    Total VOC \d\...........................            ND<20           1.6-27     6,072-19,810       14.3-125.4
\a\ Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
\b\ Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at
  https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data
  drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and
  Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
\c\ For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants is appropriate in this case when making contaminant
  comparisons for purposes of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC
  levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the contaminant legitimacy criterion will be
  met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
  standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards
  under CAA sections 112 and 129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the
  issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and
  maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs
  and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
\d\ Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC
  group, so is not reflected here.

[[Page 5330]]

\e\ Cells with the ``--'' indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be
  present in treated wood formulation being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous
  CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
\f\ Non-detects are indicated by ``<'' preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit.
  Therefore, there are many cases where the non-detect value may be greater than another test's detected value
  due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e., differences in tested amount or
  analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method
  reporting limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
\g\ Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
\h\ Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from
  previous CTRT testing.

    In the contaminant comparison, EPA considered two scenarios. In the 
first scenario, where a combustion unit is designed to only burn 
biomass or coal, EPA compared contaminant levels in creosote-borate 
treated railroad ties to contaminant levels in biomass/untreated wood 
and coal. In this scenario, the total SVOC levels can reach 39,000 ppm, 
driven by high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).\28\ 
As these compounds are at very low levels in biomass/untreated wood and 
coal, the contaminants are not comparable to the traditional fuel that 
the unit was designed to burn.

    \28\ We note that for several SVOCs--cresols, hexachlorobenzene, 
and 2,4-dinitrotoluene, which were expected to be in creosote, and 
for which information was specifically requested in the February 7, 
2013 NHSM final rule (78 FR 9111), the data demonstrate that they 
were not detectable, or were present at levels so low to be 
considered comparable.

    In the second scenario, a combustion unit is designed to burn both, 
biomass/untreated wood and fuel oil as well as coal. As previously 
mentioned, SVOCs are present in creosote-borate railroad ties (up to 
39,000 ppm) at levels within the range observed in fuel oil (up to 
54,700 ppm). Therefore, creosote-borate railroad ties have comparable 
contaminant levels as compared to other fuels combusted in units 
designed to burn both biomass/untreated wood and fuel oil, and as such, 
meet this criterion if used in facilities that are designed to burn 
both, biomass/untreated wood and fuel oil.\29\ Such facilities designed 
to burn both biomass and fuel may also burn coal.

    \29\ As discussed previously, the March 21, 2011 NHSM final rule 
(76 FR 15456), noting the presence of hexachlorobenzene and 
dinitrotoluene, suggested that creosote-treated lumber include 
contaminants at levels that are not comparable to those found in 
wood or coal, the fuel that creosote-treated wood would replace, and 
would thus be considered solid wastes. The February 8, 2016 final 
rule (81 FR 6688) differs in several respects from the conclusions 
in the March 2011 rule. The February 2016 final rule concludes that 
CTRTs are a categorical non-waste when combusted in units designed 
to burn both fuel oil and biomass. The March 2011 rule, using 1990 
data on railroad cross ties, was based on contaminant comparisons to 
coal and biomass and not fuel oil. As discussed above, when compared 
to fuel oil, total SVOC contaminant concentrations (which would 
include dinitrotoluene and hexachlorobenzene) in CTRTs would be less 
that those found in fuel oil, and in fact, the 2012 data referenced 
in this final rule showed non-detects for those two contaminants.

    As stated in the preamble to the February 7, 2013, NHSM final rule, 
combustors may burn NHSMs as a product fuel if the contaminants are 
comparable to or lower than a traditional fuel the unit is designed to 
burn (78 FR 9149). Combustion units are often designed to burn multiple 
traditional fuels, and some units can and do rely on different fuel 
types at different times based on availability of fuel supplies, market 
conditions, power demands, and other factors. Under these 
circumstances, it is arbitrary to restrict the combustion for energy 
recovery of NHSMs based on contaminant comparison to only one 
traditional fuel if the unit could burn a second traditional fuel 
chosen due to such changes in fuel supplies, market conditions, power 
demands or other factors. If a unit can burn both a solid and liquid 
fuel, then comparison to either fuel would be appropriate.
    In order to make comparisons to multiple traditional fuels, units 
must be designed to burn those fuels. If a facility compares 
contaminants in an NHSM to a traditional fuel a unit is not designed to 
burn, and that material is highly contaminated, a facility would then 
be able to burn excessive levels of waste components in the NHSM as a 
means of discard. Such NHSMs would be considered wastes regardless of 
any fuel value (78 FR 9149, February 7, 2013).\30\ Accordingly, the 
ability to burn a fuel in a combustion unit does have a basic set of 
requirements, the most basic of which is the ability to feed the 
material into the combustion unit. The unit must also be able to ensure 
the material is well-mixed and maintain temperatures within unit 

    \30\ 78 FR 9149 states ``If a NHSM does not contain contaminants 
at levels comparable to or lower than those found in any [emphasis 
added] traditional fuel that a combustion unit could burn, then it 
follows that discard could be occurring if the NHSM were combusted. 
Whether contaminants in these cases would be destroyed or discarded 
through releases to the air, they could not be considered a normal 
part of a legitimate fuel and the NHSM would be considered a solid 
waste when used as a fuel in that combustion unit.''

Mixed Treatments--Creosote, Borate, Copper Naphthenate

                                               Mixed railroad
                                                ties (25%C-
                                               25%CB- 25%CuN-      Biomass/
                 Contaminant                      25%CuNB)      untreated wood    Fuel oil \b\       Coal \b\
                                                contaminant          \b\
                                                 levels a f
                                         Mixed Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Antimony....................................           ND<1.4            ND-26          ND-15.7           0.5-10
Arsenic.....................................          ND-0.81           ND-298            ND-13          0.5-174
Beryllium...................................          ND<0.70            ND-10            ND-19          0.1-206
Cadmium.....................................        0.15-0.38            ND-17           ND-1.4           0.1-19
Chromium....................................        0.15-0.17           ND-340            ND-37          0.5-168
Cobalt......................................          ND-0.07           ND-213           ND-8.5           0.5-30
Lead........................................        0.50-0.81           ND-340          ND-56.8            2-148
Manganese...................................          110-190        ND-15,800         ND-3,200            5-512
Mercury.....................................          ND-0.06           ND-1.1           ND-0.2         0.02-3.1
Nickel......................................         0.75-1.4           ND-540           ND-270          0.5-730
Selenium....................................          ND-0.50           ND-9.0             ND-4         0.2-74.3

[[Page 5331]]

                                       Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Chlorine....................................           ND<100         ND-5,400         ND-1,260         ND-9,080
Fluorine....................................           ND<100           ND-300            ND-14           ND-178
Nitrogen....................................           ND<500       200-39,500         42-8,950    13,600-54,000
Sulfur......................................          140-210         ND-8,700        ND-57,000       740-61,300
                              Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Acenaphthene................................        500-1,100            ND-50              111               --
Acenaphthylene..............................            12-25             ND-4              4.1               --
Anthracene..................................        290-1,100           0.4-87               96               --
Benzo[a]anthracene..........................          140-350            ND-62         41-1,900               --
Benzo[a]pyrene..............................           47-120            ND-28         0.60-960               --
Benzo[b]fluoranthene........................           83-210            ND-42           11-540               --
Benzo[ghi]perylene..........................           9.4-23             ND-9             11.4               --
Benzo[k]fluoranthene........................            30-64            ND-16              0.6               --
Chrysene....................................          160-360            ND-53        2.2-2,700               --
Dibenz [a, h] anthracene....................           ND-4.7         \i\ ND-3          \i\ 4.0               --
Fluoranthene................................        800-2,100          0.6-160         31.6-240               --
Fluorene....................................        350-1,000            ND-40            3,600               --
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene.....................            10-28            ND-12              2.3               --
Naphthalene.................................          320-580            ND-38       34.3-4,000               --
Phenanthrene................................      1,300-3,800          0.9-190        0-116,000               --
Pyrene......................................        520-1,400          0.2-160           23-178               --
16-PAH......................................     4,500-12,000            5-921     3,900-54,700            6-253
PAH (52 extractable)........................           \e\ --               --               --         14-2,090
Pentachlorophenol...........................           \g\ ND             ND-1               --               --
Biphenyl....................................      \h\ 137-330               --      1,000-1,200               --
    Total SVOC \c\..........................     4,800-13,000            5-922     4,900-54,700         20-2,343
                                   Volatile Organic Compounds (ppm-dry basis)
Benzene.....................................           ND<1.1               --            ND-75            ND-38
Phenol......................................           \e\ --               --         ND-7,700               --
Styrene.....................................           ND<1.1               --           ND-320           1.0-26
Toluene.....................................           ND<1.1               --           ND-380           8.6-56
Xylenes.....................................           ND<1.1               --         ND-3,100           4.0-28
Cumene......................................           \e\ --               --      6,000-8,600               --
Ethyl benzene...............................           ND<1.1               --         22-1,270          0.7-5.4
Formaldehyde................................           \e\ --           1.6-27               --               --
Hexane......................................           \e\ --               --        50-10,000               --
    Total VOC \d\...........................           ND<5.3           1.6-27     6,072-19,810       14.3-125.4
\a\ Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
\b\ Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at
  https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data
  drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and
  Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IECP data that will be available in the rule docket. As units must be
  designed to burn both fuel oil and biomass, contaminant concentrations in mixed creosote ties must be lower
  than either fuel oil or biomass to be comparable.
\c\ For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants is appropriate in this case when making contaminant
  comparisons for purposes of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC
  levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the contaminant legitimacy criterion will be
  met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
  standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards
  under CAA sections 112 and 129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the
  issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and
  maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs
  and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
\d\ Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC
  group, so is not reflected here.
\e\ Cells with the ``--'' indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be
  present in treated wood formulation being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous
  CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
\f\ Non-detects are indicated by ``<'' preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit.
  Therefore, there are many cases where the non-detect value may be greater than another test's detected value
  due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e., differences in tested amount or
  analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method
  reporting limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
\g\ Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
\h\ Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from
  previous CTRT testing.

[[Page 5332]]

\i\ EPA has generally defined ``comparable to or lower than'' to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs
  within a small acceptable range or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional
  fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary materials can have contaminants that are
  somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being
  comparable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).

                                               Mixed railroad
                                                ties (56%C-
                                               41%CB- 1%CuN-       Biomass/
                 Contaminant                      2%CuNB)       untreated wood    Fuel oil \b\       Coal \b\
                                                contaminant          \b\
                                               levels \a\ \f\
                                         Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Antimony....................................               ND            ND-26          ND-15.7           0.5-10
Arsenic.....................................          ND-0.65           ND-298            ND-13          0.5-174
Beryllium...................................               ND            ND-10            ND-19          0.1-206
Cadmium.....................................        0.08-0.09            ND-17           ND-1.4           0.1-19
Chromium....................................        0.12-0.78           ND-340            ND-37          0.5-168
Cobalt......................................          ND-0.18           ND-213           ND-8.5           0.5-30
Lead........................................          ND-0.93           ND-340          ND-56.8            2-148
Manganese...................................            47-77        ND-15,800         ND-3,200            5-512
Mercury.....................................          ND-0.03           ND-1.1           ND-0.2         0.02-3.1
Nickel......................................        0.50-0.99           ND-540           ND-270          0.5-730
Selenium....................................        0.56-0.68           ND-9.0             ND-4         0.2-74.3
                                       Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)
Chlorine....................................           ND<100         ND-5,400         ND-1,260         ND-9,080
Fluorine....................................           ND<100           ND-300            ND-14           ND-178
Nitrogen....................................           ND<500       200-39,500         42-8,950    13,600-54,000
Sulfur......................................          230-280         ND-8,700        ND-57,000       740-61,300
                              Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)
Acenaphthene................................      1,500-1,800            ND-50              111               --
Acenaphthylene..............................            31-40             ND-4              4.1               --
Anthracene..................................        760-1,100           0.4-87               96               --
Benzo[a]anthracene..........................          390-490            ND-62         41-1,900               --
Benzo[a]pyrene..............................          150-200            ND-28         0.60-960               --
Benzo[b]fluoranthene........................          230-310            ND-42           11-540               --
Benzo[ghi]perylene..........................            28-56             ND-9             11.4               --
Benzo[k]fluoranthene........................           93-130            ND-16              0.6               --
Chrysene....................................          390-520            ND-53        2.2-2,700               --
Dibenz [a, h] anthracene....................            ND<28             ND-3              4.0               --
Fluoranthene................................      2,000-2,700          0.6-160         31.6-240               --
Fluorene....................................      1,100-1,300            ND-40            3,600               --
Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene.....................            32-52            ND-12              2.3               --
Naphthalene.................................        890-1,200            ND-38       34.3-4,000               --
Phenanthrene................................      3,600-4,500          0.9-190        0-116,000               --
Pyrene......................................      1,300-1,800          0.2-160           23-178               --
16-PAH......................................    13,000-16,000            5-921     3,900-54,700            6-253
PAH (52 extractable)........................               --               --               --         14-2,090
Pentachlorophenol...........................           \g\ ND             ND-1               --               --
Biphenyl....................................      \h\ 137-330               --      1,000-1,200               --
    Total SVOC \c\..........................    13,000-17,000            5-922     4,900-54,700         20-2,343
                                   Volatile Organic Compounds (ppm-dry basis)
Benzene.....................................           ND<2.3               --            ND-75            ND-38
Phenol......................................           \e\ --               --         ND-7,700               --
Styrene.....................................           ND<2.3               --           ND-320           1.0-26
Toluene.....................................           ND<2.3               --           ND-380           8.6-56
Xylenes.....................................           ND<2.3               --         ND-3,100           4.0-28
Cumene......................................           \e\ --               --      6,000-8,600               --
Ethyl benzene...............................           ND<2.3               --         22-1,270          0.7-5.4
Formaldehyde................................           \e\ --           1.6-27               --               --
Hexane......................................           \e\ --               --        50-10,000               --
    Total VOC \d\...........................            ND<12           1.6-27     6,072-19,810       14.3-125.4
\a\ Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.

[[Page 5333]]

\b\ Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at
  (insert link) https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison.
  Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality
  Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket. As
  units must be designed to burn both fuel oil and biomass, contaminant concentrations in mixed creosote ties
  must be lower than either fuel oil or biomass to be comparable.
\c\ For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants in this case is appropriate when making contaminant
  comparisons for purposes of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC
  levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the contaminant legitimacy criterion will be
  met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
  standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards
  under CAA sections 112 and 129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the
  issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and
  maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs
  and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
\d\ Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC
  group, so is not reflected here.
\e\ Cells with the ``--'' indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be
  present in treated wood formulation being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous
  CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
\f\ Non-detects are indicated by ``<'' preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit.
  Therefore, there are many cases where the non-detect value may be greater than another test's detected value
  due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e., differences in tested amount or
  analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method
  reporting limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
\g\ Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
\h\ Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from
  previous CTRT testing.
\i\ To be comparable, units must be designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil or have switched from fuel oil to
  natural gas. Such units may also be designed to burn coal.

    In the mixed railroad ties scenarios above, as previously 
discussed, SVOCs are present (up to 17,000 ppm) at levels well within 
the range observed in fuel oil (up to 54,700 ppm). Therefore, railroad 
ties mixed with creosote, borate and copper naphthenate have comparable 
contaminant levels to biomass and fuel oil, and as such, meet this 
criterion if used in combustion units that are designed to burn both of 
those traditional fuels. Such units may also be designed to burn coal.
4. OTRT Sampling and Analysis Data History
    The data collection supporting the OTRT categorical non-waste 
determination has been based on two rounds of data submittals by TWC, 
followed by EPA questions and TWC responses on the data provided. The 
process of developing the data set is described below and all materials 
provided by TWC are available in the docket to this rulemaking.
    The TWC requested a categorical determination that all types of 
treated wood were non-waste fuels and submitted data on various wood 
preservative types, specifically, those referred to as OTRTs, in their 
April 3, 2013 petition letter (see docket EPA-HQ-OLEM-2016-0248-0019). 
However, the contaminant comparison data presented in the petition were 
incomplete and not based on established analytical data. The EPA 
response requested submittal of additional analytical data to determine 
contaminant concentrations in the OTRT.
    In November 2013, TWC responded to EPA's request, submitting 
laboratory reports on analyses of various \31\ preservative wood types 
and combinations, including OTRTs. The EPA reviewed the laboratory 
reports and techniques, and determined that there were limited data 
points available (i.e., one data point per preservative type) and that 
the analytical techniques for several contaminants (chlorine, nitrogen, 
sulfur, and fluorine) were not appropriate to provide information on 
the entire preserved wood sample as combusted, reflecting only a 
leachable component. Furthermore, EPA questioned the representativeness 
of the samples being analyzed and the repeatability of the analyses.

    \31\ Untreated, copper naphthenate, copper naphthenate and 
borate, creosote, creosote and borate, combination of C/CB/CuN/CuNB 
equal mixture C/CB/CuN/CuNB 56/41/1/2 percent mixture FIX.

    In August 2015, TWC performed additional sampling and analyses to 
address these deficiencies in the data. In response to EPA's concerns, 
TWC developed a sampling program in which 15 OTRT railroad ties of each 
preservative type were collected from various geographical areas. These 
15 ties were then separated into three 5-tie groups, then processed 
into a boiler-fuel consistency using commercial processing techniques. 
A sample of each 5-tie group was then shipped to an independent 
laboratory for analysis, thereby producing 3 data points for each 
preservative type. TWC also prepared two blends: One with equal 
portions of creosote, creosote-borate, copper naphthenate, and copper 
naphthenate-borate to estimate projected future ratios; and the second 
a weighted blend of these tie types in proportion to current usage 
ratios of each preservative chemistry. These blends samples were 
analyzed in triplicate, for a total of 15 samples being analyzed (i.e., 
three from each tie sample group). Two laboratories were used by TWC to 
perform the analysis: One laboratory analyzed metals, mercury, semi-
volatiles, and heat of combustion; and the other laboratory analyzed 
volatiles, chlorine, fluorine, and nitrogen. All methods used were EPA 
or ASTM methods, and were appropriate for the materials being tested. 
No specific sampling methodology was employed in taking the samples 
from the 5-ties group.
    The EPA reviewed the 2015 test data, which was provided by TWC on 
September 11, 2015, and provided TWC with additional follow-up 
questions and clarifications, including the specific sources of the 
railroad ties. TWC's response noted the sources of railroad ties for 
each chemistry and indicated that the railroad ties generally 
originated in the southeast, but there are also ties from Pennsylvania, 
South Dakota, and Kentucky represented within the TWC data set. 
Chlorine is not part of any of the preservative chemistries, and was 
not detected in any of the samples analyzed.
    The EPA also noted some exceptions and flags within the analytical 
report, such as sample coolers upon receipt at the lab were outside the 
required temperature criterion; surrogate recoveries for semi-volatile 
samples (which represent extraction efficiency within a sample matrix) 
were sometimes lower or higher than those for samples containing 
creosote-treated wood; and dilution factors (dilution is used when the 
sample is higher in concentration than can be analyzed) for creosote-
treated wood samples were high (up to 800). The laboratory noted these 
issues in the report narrative, but concluded that there were no 
corrective actions necessary. EPA requested further information on 
these issues noted in the report narrative, as well as supporting 
quality assurance documentation from the laboratories.

[[Page 5334]]

    With respect to surrogate recoveries and dilutions, the lab 
indicated that the high dilutions were required for the creosote-
containing matrix to avoid saturation of the detector instrument.\32\ 
Also, the shipping cooler temperature criterion is 4 degrees Celsius 
and the lab noted the discrepancy in the report as part of laboratory 
standard operating procedure (see also section III. G. Responses to 
Comments of this preamble). However, the ties were used and stored 
after being taken out of service in ambient atmosphere and were not 
biologically active, therefore, shipping cooler temperatures are not 
expected to affect contaminant levels in the ties.

    \32\ Samples with concentrations exceeding the calibration range 
must be diluted to fall within the calibration range. The more a 
sample is diluted, the higher the reporting limit. Sample dilution 
is required when the concentration of a compound exceeds the amount 
that produces a full-scale response. At that point the detector 
becomes saturated and fails to respond to additional target 
compound(s). Diluting samples to accommodate the high-concentrations 
can reduce the concentration of the target analytes to levels where 
they can no longer be detected.

E. Copper and Borates Literature Review and Other EPA Program Summary

    Neither copper nor borate are currently listed as HAPs under the 
Clean Air Act, and thus are not defined as contaminants under NHSM 
regulations section 241.2. or used for contaminant comparison in 
meeting legitimacy criteria (see 78 FR 9139-9143, February 7, 
2013).33 34 To determine whether those compounds pose human 
health or ecological risk concerns, outside the requirements of the 
NHSM legitimacy criteria, and how those concerns might be addressed 
under other Agency programs, we conducted a literature review of copper 
and borate during development of the proposed rule. We also requested 
comments or any additional information on this topic during proposal. 
One comment was received on copper emissions which is discussed in 
section E of this preamble.

    \33\ CAA Section 112 requires EPA to promulgate regulations to 
control emissions of 187 HAPs from sources in source categories 
listed by EPA under section 112(c), while CAA section 129 CISWI 
standards include numeric emission limitations for the nine 
pollutants, plus opacity (as appropriate), that are specified in CAA 
section 129(a)(4). For the purpose of NHSM standards, the definition 
of contaminants is limited to HAPs under CAA 112 and CAA 129.
    \34\ We also note that under the CAA standards for smaller area 
sources, emission limits are not required for copper, borate (or for 
HAPs). Standards for area sources focus on tune-ups of the boiler 
unit (see 40 CFR 40 CFR part 63, subpart JJJJJJ).

    Under the Clean Water Act, EPA's Office of Water developed the Lead 
and Copper Rule which became effective in 1991 (56 FR 26460, June 7, 
1991). This rule set a limit of 1.3 ppm copper concentration in 10% of 
customer taps sampled as an action level for public water systems. 
Exceedances of this limit require additional treatment steps in order 
to reduce drinking water corrosivity and prevent leaching of these 
metals (including copper) from plumbing and distribution systems. EPA's 
Office of Water also issued a fact sheet for copper under the Clean 
Water Act section 304(a) titled the Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater 
Quality Criteria.\35\ This fact sheet explains that copper is an 
essential nutrient at low concentrations, but is toxic to aquatic 
organisms at higher concentrations and listed the following industries 
that contribute to manmade discharges of copper to surface waters: 
Mining, leather and leather products, fabricated metal products, and 
electric equipment. There are no National Recommended Aquatic Life 
Criteria for boron or borates.

    \35\ Aquatic life criteria for toxic chemicals are the highest 
concentration of specific pollutants or parameters in water that are 
not expected to pose a significant risk to the majority of species 
in a given environment or a narrative description of the desired 
conditions of a water body being ``free from'' certain negative 
conditions. See https://www.epa.gov/wqc/aquatic-life-criteria-copper.

    EPA also investigated whether there were any concerns that copper 
and borate can react to form polychlorinated dibenzodioxin and 
dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) during the combustion process. Specific 
studies evaluating copper involvement in dioxins and furans formation 
in municipal or medical waste incinerator flue gas have been 
conducted.\36\ While the exact mechanism and effects of other 
combustion parameters on PCDD and PCDF formation are still unknown, 
increased copper chloride (CuCl) and/or cupric chloride 
(CuCl2) on fly ash particles has been shown to increase 
concentrations of PCDD and PCDF in fly ash. Various researchers 
conclude that CuCl and/or CuCl2 are serving either roles as 
catalysts in dioxin formation or as chlorine sources for subsequent 
PCDD/PCDF formation reactions (i.e., the CuCl and/or CuCl2 
serve as dechlorination/chlorination catalysts). Overall, results from 
many studies reviewed indicate that most of the copper ends up in the 
bottom ash, so fly ash copper content may be minimal. Further, copper 
entrained on fly ash would be co-controlled or reduced with the use of 
good particulate matter controls on the combustion device. A high 
performance fabric filter may be the best control device, although some 
portion of fine particulate matter may pass through. Cyclone separators 
and electro-static precipitators have not been shown to be effective in 
controlling these emissions, and these types of controls may be more 
prevalent amongst smaller area source boilers.

    \36\ See memorandum ``Literature Review of Copper-related 
Combustion Emissions Studies'' and bibliography available in the 
docket to this rulemaking for specific studies and further 
information on the findings from studies of copper compounds in 
waste incinerators discussed in this section of the preamble.

    Generally, borates have a low toxicity and should not be a concern 
from a health risk perspective.\37\ As indicated previously, neither 
boron nor borates are listed as HAPs under CAA section 112, nor are 
they considered to be criteria air pollutants subject to any emissions 
limitations. However, elemental boron has been identified by EPA in the 
coal combustion residuals (CCR) risk analysis \38\ to present some 
potential risks for ecological receptors. As a result of this risk, and 
boron's ability to move through the subsurface,\39\ boron has been 
included as a constituent in CCR monitoring provisions for coal ash 

    \37\ https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp26-c2.pdf.
    \38\ Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal Combustion 
Residuals, EPA, December 2014.
    \39\ See 80 FR 21302, April 17, 2015.

    Copper has some acute human health effects, but these exposures 
appear to be the result of direct drinking water or cooking-related 
intake. We anticipate the only possible routes that copper releases to 
the environment could result from burning copper naphthenate treated 
ties would be stormwater runoff from the ties during storage and 
deposition from boiler emissions. As mentioned earlier, the majority of 
copper in combusted material appears to remain in the bottom ash, so 
human health effects from inhalation of fly ash and environmental 
effects from deposition of copper-containing fly ash are likely very 
low. Further, the amount of copper remaining in the railroad tie after 
its useful life may be greatly reduced from the original content due to 
weathering, and facilities manage the processed shredded railroad tie 
material in covered areas to prevent significant moisture swings. 
Therefore, we do not expect impacts from copper in stormwater runoff 
from the storage of the copper naphthenate treated ties.

F. Summary of Comments Requested

    The Agency solicited comments in the proposed rule on non-waste 
fuel categorical determinations as described previously. The Agency 
also specifically requested comments on the following:

[[Page 5335]]

     Whether railroad ties with de minimis levels of creosote 
should be allowed to be combusted in biomass only units;
     Should a particular de minimis level should be designated 
and on what should this level be based;
     Whether these OTRTs are combusted in units designed to 
burn coal in lieu of, or in addition to biomass and fuel oil, and 
whether the contaminant comparisons to meet legitimacy criteria should 
include comparisons to coal;
     In light of the data and sampling history described above, 
whether the quality of data is adequate to support the proposed 
     Additional data that should be considered in making the 
comparability determinations for OTRT.
     Additional information on the copper borate literature 

G. Responses to Comments

    Summaries of comments received in response to solicitations listed 
above are presented below, along with EPA's responses to the comments. 
All additional comments received are addressed in EPA's Response to 
Comments document, located in the docket EPA-HQ-OLEM-2016-0248.
1. De Minimis Levels of Creosote
    For purposes of contaminant comparisons under NHSM, contaminants in 
railroad ties treated with creosote-borate and mixtures of creosote, 
copper naphthenate and copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties 
are not comparable to those contaminants found in biomass. Contaminants 
in such railroad ties would, however, be comparable to contaminants in 
fuel oil. Accordingly, such ties are categorical non-wastes fuels only 
when they are processed and then combusted in: (i) Units designed to 
burn both biomass and fuel oil and (ii) units at major source pulp and 
paper mills or power producers that had been designed to burn biomass 
and fuel oil, but are modified in order to use natural gas instead of 
fuel oil. Mixtures of treated railroad ties containing creosote cannot 
be combusted in biomass only units. The Agency requested comment as to 
whether OTRTs used as fuel containing de minimis levels of creosote, 
should be allowed to be combusted in biomass only units, and if so, 
what should the level be based on.
    Comments: One commenter supported a de minimis exception, but did 
not propose any specific levels that the exception would be based on. 
The commenter stated that there was no practical method for 
establishing with certainty the minimal amount of creosote that will be 
present after processing and cited previous determinations discussed 
above. Another commenter opposed a de minimis exception stating that 
the Agency has proposed no rationale for such an action and it is 
unclear what statute or requirements that the Agency was requesting an 
exception from. The commenter also cited court decisions that 
emphasized that a unit burning any solid waste was a solid waste 
incineration unit (see NRDC v. EPA, 489 F. 3d 1250, 1257-60 (D.C. Cir. 
    Response: De minimis contaminant levels have been addressed in 
previous NHSM rules. The 2011 final rule stated that C&D wood that has 
been processed to remove contaminants prior to burning (e.g., lead-
painted wood, and treated wood containing contaminants such as arsenic 
and chromium, metals and other non-wood materials), likely meets the 
processing standard and legitimacy criteria, and can be combusted as a 
non-waste fuel. The 2011 rule further stated that such C&D wood may 
contain de minimis amounts of contaminants and other materials after 
processing provided it meets the legitimacy criteria for contaminant 
level comparison. The February 2016 final rule specifically codified a 
de minimis approach for removal of painted wood from C&D wood stating 
that all painted wood must be excluded to the extent that only de 
minimis quantities inherent to the processing limitations may remain 
from the final product fuel (81 FR 6743, February 8, 2016).
    De minimis levels for OTRTs when combusted with creosote treated 
railroad ties (CTRTs) were also addressed in the February 2016 final 
NHSM rule (81 FR 6738, February 8, 2016). As discussed in the preamble, 
TWC had requested that the Agency move forward on a subset of materials 
(i.e., OTRTs) that were identified in their original April 2013 
petition. As these treatments were just coming into use, concern was 
expressed that the presence of small amounts of OTRTs, which were not 
categorically listed non-waste fuels, that may have been processed with 
CTRTs would render all of that material solid wastes since OTRTs are 
not included in the February 2016 categorical determination. The Agency 
concluded that, consistent with the determination in the March 2011 
rule (76 FR 15486), small (de minimis) amounts of OTRTs would not 
result in determinations that the CTRTs being combusted are solid 
    The processing of OTRTs is similar to CTRTs (e.g., removal of 
contaminant metals using magnets, improvement of fuel characteristics 
through grindings or shredding) and is conducted by the approximately 
15 treated wood reclamation companies in North America. These systems 
that may process mixtures of both CTRT and OTRT may result in the 
presence of de minimis levels of cresosote in processed railroad ties 
treated with copper naphthenate and copper-naphthenate borate.
    Regarding a definition for de minimis amounts of contaminants 
remaining in OTRT, the agency stated in the February 2013 NHSM rule 
that it was not appropriate to identify specific concentration levels. 
Rather, the agency interprets de minimis as that term is commonly 
understood; (i.e., insignificant or negligible amounts of contamination 
such as small wood sliver containing lead paint \40\).

    \40\ See 78 FR 9139, February 7, 2013.

    Based on the factors discussed above, the Agency has concluded, 
that OTRT containing de minimis levels (i.e., insignificant or 
negligible amounts) of creosote railroad ties, in mixture combinations 
with the other ORTS, can be combusted in biomass only units provided it 
meets the legitimacy criteria for contaminant levels (i.e., 
concentration levels of contaminants in the processed OTRT are 
comparable to or less than the levels in biomass.
2. Inclusion of Coal
    Comment: Regarding whether the OTRTs considered in this rulemaking 
are combusted in units designed to burn coal (in lieu of or in addition 
to biomass and fuel oil), one commenter indicated that, although they 
were unaware of any cement kilns currently combusting OTRTs, cement 
kilns have burned OTRTs, and cement kilns can burn a range of 
materials, including biomass and coal. Another commenter requested that 
EPA include comparisons to the traditional fuel in its analysis. The 
commenter reported that contaminant comparisons to coal would show that 
the categorical non-waste fuel definition of OTRTs should be expanded 
to include OTRTs burned in units designed to burn coal or units 
designed to burn coal and fuel oil.
    Specifically, the commenter noted the following:
     For the copper naphthenate treated ties, the maximum 
contaminant levels in coal are higher for all contaminants except 
naphthalene and 16-PAHs. However, the semi-volatile organic compound 
(SVOC) grouping level (which includes naphthalene and 16-PAHs) is 
higher for coal than copper naphthenate treated ties.

[[Page 5336]]

     For the copper naphthenate-borate treated ties, the 
contaminant levels in coal are higher for all contaminants except 
naphthalene. However, the SVOC grouping level (which includes 
naphthalene) is higher for coal than copper naphthenate-borate treated 
     For the creosote-borate treated ties, the contaminant 
levels in coal are higher for all contaminants except naphthalene, 
biphenyl, 16-PAHs, and the SVOC grouping overall. However, the SVOC 
grouping contaminant level is higher for fuel oil than creosote-borate 
treated ties.
    The commenter requested that EPA expand the proposed non-waste fuel 
definition, based on these results, to include copper naphthenate and 
copper naphthenate-borate treated ties combusted in units designed to 
burn coal during normal operations. The commenter further requested 
that EPA include creosote-borate treated ties combusted in units 
designed to burn coal and fuel oil during normal operations.
    Response: EPA has added coal to the contaminant comparisons of 
OTRTs to traditional fuels as well as adding specific regulatory 
language. Specifically, contaminants in OTRTs are presented in 
comparison to those in coal and other traditional fuels in the tables 
in section III.D.3.iii of this preamble, and wording has been added to 
the regulatory language in Sec.  241.4(a)(8)-(10).
    Thus, EPA is listing the following OTRTs as categorical non-waste 
     Copper naphthenate treated railroad ties combusted in 
units designed to burn biomass only, biomass and fuel oil, or biomass 
and coal.
     Copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties combusted 
in units designed to burn biomass only, biomass and fuel oil or biomass 
and coal.
     Creosote-borate treated railroad ties (and mixtures of 
creosote, borate and copper naphthenate treated railroad ties) 
combusted only in units designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil, or 
units that have switched to natural gas from fuel oil; and where such 
units may also be designed to burn coal.
3. Sampling and Data Quality Concerns
    Comment: Regarding the data used to support these non-waste 
determinations, one commenter stated that the data were insufficient. 
The commenter argued that only three data points were used and that 
statistical techniques to address variability were not applied.
    Response: EPA disagrees with the commenter that the data were 
insufficient. A total of 18 grab samples were analyzed, and sample ties 
were comingled with ties originating from numerous manufacturing 
locations in multiple states in order to represent actual processing. 
All data and sampling procedures exceptions were addressed by the 
company and were within normal operating and analytical parameters 
(i.e., no corrective actions were deemed necessary to validate the 
data). Thus, EPA agrees that the sampling results submitted were 
appropriate for use in comparing contaminant levels with those in 
comparable traditional fuels.
    To address the commenter's concerns regarding variability, EPA has 
reviewed the TWC 2015 data presented in the petition and calculated the 
90, 95, and 99 percent upper prediction limits (UPLs) for contaminants 
listed in the comparison charts to see how they compare with the TWC's 
data. EPA calculated UPLs for metals, sulfur, naphthalene, and 16-
PAH.\41\ The UPL calculation methodology and results are presented in 
the memo ``Contaminant Data UPL Calculations for Other Treated Railroad 
Ties (OTRTs)'' found in the docket for this rulemaking. For copper 
naphthenate and copper naphthenate-borate treated ties, contaminant 
levels at the 99 percent UPL fell within the corresponding contaminant 
ranges for biomass and fuel oil. For creosote-borate treated ties, 
SVOCs (naphthalene and 16-PAH) are the only contaminants at the 99 
percent UPL that does not fall within the range of SVOC concentrations 
found in biomass or fuel oil. At the 95 percent UPL, all three OTRTs 
are within the biomass and fuel oil contaminant ranges. EPA therefore 
believes that variability in the data has been sufficiently accounted 
for in the contaminant comparisons.

    \41\ Cl, F and N were not detected in any of the analyses, so 
with equal detection limits for each data point, no UPL value could 
be calculated for these three contaminants.

    Comment: One commenter stated that more sensitive testing should 
have been done to determine if pentachlorophenol was present in the 
cases where it was tested for but results were below method detection 
limit (MDL). The commenter noted that if high enough, pentachlorophenol 
levels could render discarded railroad ties hazardous waste, which 
would require a facility combusting the material to be regulated as a 
hazardous waste combustor.
    Response: EPA has evaluated the comment against the data available, 
and does not agree that more sensitive testing for pentachlorophenol is 
necessary for the three OTRTs and mixtures analyzed and discussed in 
the proposal. As noted in the proposal, pentachlorophenol is a distinct 
preservative type used by the industry; it is not one of the 
preservatives being presented in the data of the proposal, nor is it 
expected to be present in any of the preservative types being 
considered under the OTRT rulemaking. Pentachlorophenol has a 
distinctly different chemical structure than any of the preservatives 
being currently considered under the OTRT rulemaking. First, none of 
the preservatives being considered contain chlorine as part of the 
chemical structure. Pentachlorophenol, as the name suggests, contains 5 
chlorine atoms attached to a phenolic base. In the case of the OTRT 
samples, chlorine, in addition to pentachlorophenol, was found to be 
non-detect at a level of 100 ppm (dry basis), which is at the lower 
range of chlorine content values found in untreated wood.
    Second, as also discussed in the proposed rulemaking preamble, the 
dilution amounts used for semivolatile (which behave similarly to 
pentachlorophenol) was necessarily larger for the creosote-containing 
preservative mixes, which influenced the detection levels for 
semivolatile analytes. The detection levels for pentachlorophenol 
follow this trend, where the copper naphthenate and copper naphthenate-
borate pentachlorophenol method reporting limits are 30 and 28 ppm, 
respectively, and the mixtures with creosote being an order of 
magnitude higher. This increase in the method reporting limit for these 
creosote-containing samples is not an indication that pentachlorophenol 
is present in the creosote-containing samples, but more of procedural 
necessity due to the method and the equipment used for the analysis, as 
the laboratory pointed out in their results narrative.
4. Additional Data for Copper and Borates Literature Review
    As discussed in the OTRT proposal, direct stormwater runoff from 
material storage and deposition from boiler emissions are expected to 
be the only paths for copper to be released to the environment from 
burning copper naphthenate treated ties. Additionally, there is 
evidence that copper in the presence of chlorine could lead to 
polychlorinated dioxin/furan (PCDD/PCDF) through a reaction pathway 
involving CuCl and CuCl2. EPA stated in the proposal that 
copper emissions from units burning these ties would be controlled in 
the units' air pollution control devices.

[[Page 5337]]

    Comment: Area sources may not have any PM control requirements 
under the area source boilers rule. Emission limits for copper, borate, 
or HAPs are not required under CAA standards for smaller area sources 
(standards for area sources focus on tune-ups of the boiler unit).
    Response: EPA stated in the proposal that copper emissions from 
units burning these ties would be controlled in the units' air 
pollution control devices. While such controls are required for major 
sources of HAPs, EPA agrees with the commenter that emission controls 
for area source are not required. However, as stated previously, copper 
is not a HAPs and is therefore not subject to regulation under CAA 
sections 112 (nor is it a pollutant listed under CAA section 129). NHSM 
rule limits the definition of ``contaminant'' to the HAPs covered under 
CAA 112 and 129. CAA 112 lists 187 HAPs from sources in source 
categories, and CAA section 129 CISWI standards include numeric 
emission limitations for the nine pollutants, plus opacity (as 
appropriate), that are specified in CAA section 129(a)(4).

IV. Effect of This Final Rule on Other Programs

    Beyond expanding the list of NHSMs that categorically qualify as 
non-waste fuels, this rule does not change the effect of the NHSM 
regulations on other programs as described in the March 21, 2011 NHSM 
final rule (76 FR 15456), as amended on February 7, 2013 (78 FR 9138) 
and February 8, 2016 (81 FR 6688). Refer to section VIII of the 
preamble to the March 21, 2011 NHSM final rule \42\ for the discussion 
on the effect of the NHSM rule on other programs.

    \42\ 76 FR 15456, March 21, 2011 (page 15545).

V. State Authority

A. Relationship to State Programs

    This final rule does not change the relationship to state programs 
as described in the March 21, 2011 NHSM final rule. Refer to section IX 
of the preamble to the March 21, 2011 NHSM final rule \43\ for the 
discussion on state authority including, ``Applicability of State Solid 
Waste Definitions and Beneficial Use Determinations'' and 
``Clarifications on the Relationship to State Programs.'' The Agency, 
however, would like to reiterate that this final rule (like the March 
21, 2011 and the February 7, 2013 final rules) is not intended to 
interfere with a state's program authority over the general management 
of solid waste.

    \43\ 76 FR 15456, March 21, 2011 (page 15546).

B. State Adoption of the Rulemaking

    No federal approval procedures for state adoption of this final 
rule are included in this rulemaking action under RCRA subtitle D. 
While states are not required to adopt regulations promulgated under 
RCRA subtitle D, some states incorporate federal regulations by 
reference or have specific state statutory requirements that their 
state program can be no more stringent than the federal regulations. In 
those cases, the EPA anticipates that, if required by state law, the 
changes being made in this document will be incorporated (or possibly 
adopted by authorized state air programs) consistent with the state's 
laws and administrative procedures.

VI. Costs and Benefits

    As discussed in previous sections, this final rulemaking 
establishes a categorical non-waste determination for OTRT. The 
determination allows OTRTs to be combusted as a product fuel in units 
subject to the CAA section 112 emission standards (provided the 
conditions of the categorical listing are met) without being subject to 
a detailed case-by-case analysis of the material by individual 
combustion facilities. The rule provides additional clarity and 
direction for generators, potential users and owners or operators of 
combustion facilities.
    The proposed OTRT rule stated that the action was definitional in 
nature, and any costs or benefits accrued to the corresponding Clean 
Air Act rules. In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) Circular A-4 requirement that EPA analyze the costs and benefits 
of regulations, EPA prepared an economic assessment (EA) document \44\ 
for the proposal that examined the scope of indirect impacts for both 
costs and benefits.

    \44\ U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, 
``Assessment of the Potential Costs, Benefits and Other Impacts for 
the Proposed Rule: Categorical Non-Waste Determination for Selected 
Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSMs) Creosote Borate Treated 
Railroad Ties, Copper Naphthenate Treated Railroad Ties and Copper 
Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad Ties'' EPA Docket Number: EPA-

    Based on public comments, information from stakeholders and the 
Executive Order 13771 signed January 30, 2017, the Agency has expanded 
the EA for the final rule to take into account additional cost savings. 
In considering this information, EPA determined that the final OTRT 
rule EA should consider the potential aggregate cost savings to 
industry when these materials are regulated as non-waste fuels (because 
of this rulemaking), rather than as solid waste. In addition, the 
Agency is ensuring that its cost benefit analysis is consistent with 
the OMB guidance for E.O. 13771. To do that, we made necessary 
adjustments to the final OTRT rule EA.\45\

    \45\ U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, 
``Assessment of the Potential Costs, Benefits and Other Impacts for 
the Final Rule: Categorical Non-Waste Determination for Selected 
Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSMs) Creosote Borate Treated 
Railroad Ties, Copper Naphthenate Treated Railroad Ties and Copper 
Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad Ties'' EPA Docket Number: EPA-

    For purposes of the final rule EA, combustion facilities that wish 
to add OTRT to their fuel mix now or in the future are assumed to 
operate under CAA 112 standards. OTRTs currently represent a small 
fraction of treated railroad ties combusted for fuel, but that amount 
will increase over time. The EA concludes that absent the final 
categorical rule, OTRT would be considered a solid waste and combustion 
facilities that wish to add OTRT to their fuel mix would have to incur 
the costs associated with upgrading to section 129.
    The EA concludes that the categorical rule, which designates OTRT 
as non-wastes under certain conditions, results in a cost savings from 
these avoided costs of section 129 upgrades for facilities adding OTRT 
to the fuel mix. The unit-level cost savings were estimated, on 
average, to be approximately $266,000 per year. EPA estimates that 
industry-wide undiscounted costs savings from not having to operate 
under CAA Section 129 regulations when combusting these OTRTs for 
energy on the magnitude of between $3.1 million and $24 million 
annually over the next 20 years. In addition, the assessment indicated 
that the increased regulatory clarity associated with the action could 
stimulate increased product fuel use for one or more of these NHSMs, 
potentially resulting in upstream life cycle benefits associated with 
reduced extraction of selected virgin materials.
    Another, more likely scenario is also addressed in the EA, where, 
absent a categorical non-waste fuel determination for OTRTs, combustors 
decide not to combust OTRTs and do not perform any air pollution 
control upgrades to meet section 129 standards. In this scenario, OTRTs 
are instead disposed of in landfills and virgin biomass is purchased by 
the combustor to make up for the additional heat content that OTRTs 
would provide. EPA

[[Page 5338]]

estimates that the undiscounted costs avoided by the final rule of 
landfilling the OTRT, is between $190,000 and $1.4 million annually 
over the next 20 years. Looking at these two scenarios and applying a 
7% discount rate, EPA estimates that the present value range of cost 
savings for this rule over 20 years are approximately $6.9 million on 
the low end (landfilling) and approximately $110 million on the high 
end (avoided air pollution control upgrades).

VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders 
can be found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive 
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review

    This action is a significant regulatory action that was submitted 
to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review because it may 
raise novel policy issues. Any changes made in response to OMB 
recommendations have been documented in the docket. The EPA prepared an 
economic analysis of the potential costs and benefits associated with 
this action. This analysis, ``Assessment of the Potential Costs, 
Benefits, and Other Impacts for the Final Rule--Categorical Non-Waste 
Determination for Selected Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSMs): 
Creosote-Borate Treated Railroad Ties, Copper Naphthenate Treated 
Railroad Ties, and Copper Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad Ties,'' 
is available in the docket. Interested persons were asked to submit 
comments on this document but none were received.

B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling 
Regulatory Costs

    This action is considered an Executive Order 13771 deregulatory 
action. Details on the estimated cost savings of this final rule can be 
found in EPA's analysis of the potential costs and benefits associated 
with this action.

C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

    This action does not impose any new information collection burden 
under the PRA as this action only adds three new categorical non-waste 
fuels to the NHSM regulations. OMB has previously approved the 
information collection activities contained in the existing regulations 
and has assigned OMB control number 2050-0205.

D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)

    I certify that this action will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In 
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant 
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a 
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no 
net burden or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small 
entities subject to the rule. The addition of three NHSMs to the list 
of categorical non-waste fuels is expected to indirectly reduce 
materials management costs. In addition, this action will reduce 
regulatory uncertainty associated with these materials and help 
increase management efficiency. We have therefore concluded that this 
action will relieve regulatory burden for all directly regulated small 

E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)

    This action contains no Federal mandates as described in UMRA, 2 
U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect small 
governments. UMRA generally excludes from the definition of ``Federal 
intergovernmental mandate'' duties that arise from participation in a 
voluntary Federal program. Affected entities are not required to manage 
the final additional NHSMs as non-waste fuels. As a result, this action 
may be considered voluntary under UMRA. Therefore, this action is not 
subject to the requirements of section 202 or 205 of the UMRA
    This action is also not subject to the requirements of section 203 
of UMRA because it contains no regulatory requirements that might 
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. In addition, this 
proposal will not impose direct compliance costs on small governments.

F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have 
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between 
the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.

G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    This action does not have tribal implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13175. It will neither impose substantial direct 
compliance costs on tribal governments, nor preempt Tribal law. 
Potential aspects associated with the categorical non-waste fuel 
determinations under this final rule may invoke minor indirect tribal 
implications to the extent that entities generating or consolidating 
these NHSMs on tribal lands could be affected. However, any impacts are 
expected to be negligible. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply 
to this action.

H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health Risks and Safety Risks

    This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it is 
not economically significant as defined in the Executive Order 12866, 
and because the EPA does not believe the environmental health or safety 
risks addressed by this action present a disproportionate risk to 
children. Based on the following discussion, the Agency found that 
populations of children near potentially affected boilers are either 
not significantly greater than national averages, or in the case of 
landfills, may potentially result in reduced discharges near such 
    The final rule, in conjunction with the corresponding CAA rules, 
may indirectly stimulate the increased fuel use of one or more the 
three NHSMs by providing enhanced regulatory clarity and certainty. 
This increased fuel use may result in the diversion of a certain 
quantity of these NHSMs away from current baseline management 
practices, which is assumed to be landscape use or being sent to 
landfills. Some crossties may also go to CISWI units. Any corresponding 
disproportionate impacts among children would depend upon whether 
children make up a disproportionate share of the population living near 
the affected units. Therefore, to assess the potential indirect 
disproportionate effect on children, we conducted a demographic 
analysis for this population group surrounding CAA section 112 major 
source boilers, municipal solid waste landfills, and construction and 
demolition (C&D) landfills for the Major and Area Source Boilers rules 
and the CISWI rule.\46\ We assessed the share of the population under 
the age of 18 living within a three-mile (approximately five 
kilometers) radius of these facilities.

[[Page 5339]]

Three miles has been used often in other demographic analyses focused 
on areas around industrial sources.\47\

    \46\ The extremely large number of area source boilers and a 
lack of site-specific coordinates prevented us from assessing the 
demographics of populations located near area sources. In addition, 
we did not assess child population percentages surrounding cement 
kilns that may use CTRTs/OTRTs for their thermal value.
    \47\ The following publications which have provided demographic 
information using a 3-mile or 5-kilometer circle around a facility:
    * U.S. GAO (Government Accountability Office). Demographics of 
People Living Near Waste Facilities. Washington DC: Government 
Printing Office 1995.
    ** Mohai P, Saha R. ``Reassessing Racial and Socio-economic 
Disparities in Environmental Justice Research''. Demography. 
2006;43(2): 383-399.
    ** Mennis, Jeremy ``Using Geographic Information Systems to 
Create and Analyze Statistical Surfaces of Population and Risk for 
Environmental Justice Analysis'' Social Science Quarterly, 2002, 
    ** Bullard RD, Mohai P, Wright B, Saha R et al., Toxic Wastes 
and Race at Twenty, 1987-2007, March 2007. 5 CICWI Rule and Major 
Source Boilers Rule.

    For major source boilers, our findings indicate that the percentage 
of the population in these areas under age 18 years is generally the 
same as the national average.\48\ In addition, while the fuel source 
and corresponding emission mix for some of these boilers may change as 
an indirect response to this rule, emissions from these sources would 
remain subject to the protective CAA section 112 standards. For 
municipal solid waste and C&D landfills, we do not have demographic 
results specific to children. However, using the population below the 
poverty level as a rough surrogate for children, we found that within 
three miles of landfills that may experience diversions of one or more 
of these NHSMs, low-income populations, as a percent of the total 
population, are disproportionately high relative to the national 
average. Thus, to the extent that these NHSMs are diverted away from 
municipal solid waste or C&D landfills, any landfill-related emissions, 
transportation, discharges, or other negative activity potentially 
affecting low-income (children) populations living near these units are 
likely to be reduced. Finally, transportation emissions associated with 
the diversion of some of this material away from landfills to boilers 
are likely to be generally unchanged.

    \48\ U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery. 
Summary of Environmental Justice Impacts for the Non-Hazardous 
Secondary Material (NHSM) Rule, the 2010 Commercial and Industrial 
Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI) Standards, the 2010 Major Source 
Boiler NESHAP and the 2010 Area Source Boiler NESHAP. February 2011.

I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use

    This action is not ``significant energy action'' because it is not 
likely to have a significance adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution or use of energy. The selected NHSMs affected by this 
final action are not generated in quantities sufficient to 
significantly (adversely or positively) impact the supply, 
distribution, or use of energy at the national level.

J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)

    This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.

K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

    The EPA believes that this action does not have disproportionately 
high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority 
populations, low-income populations and/or indigenous peoples, as 
specified in Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). 
This is because the overall level of emissions, or the emissions mix 
from boilers, are not expected to change significantly because the 
three NHSMs categorically listed as non-waste fuels are generally 
comparable to the types of fuels that these combustors would otherwise 
burn. Furthermore, these units remain subject to the protective 
standards established under CAA section 112.
    Our environmental justice demographics assessment conducted for the 
prior rulemaking \49\ remains relevant to this action. This assessment 
reviewed the distributions of minority and low-income groups living 
near potentially affected sources using U.S. Census blocks. A three-
mile radius (approximately five kilometers) was examined in order to 
determine the demographic composition (e.g., race, income, etc.) of 
these blocks for comparison to the corresponding national compositions. 
Findings from this analysis indicated that populations living within 
three miles of major source boilers represent areas with minority and 
low-income populations that are higher than the national averages. In 
these areas, the minority share \50\ of the population was 33 percent, 
compared to the national average of 25 percent. For these same areas, 
the percent of the population below the poverty line (16 percent) was 
higher than the national average (13 percent).

    \49\ U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery. 
Summary of Environmental Justice Impacts for the Non-Hazardous 
Secondary Material (NHSM) Rule, the 2010 Commercial and Industrial 
Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI) Standards, the 2010 Major Source 
Boiler NESHAP and the 2010 Area Source Boiler NESHAP. February 2011.
    \50\ This figure is for overall population minus white 
population and does not include the Census group defined as ``White 

    In addition to the demographics assessment described previously, we 
also considered the potential for non-combustion environmental justice 
concerns related to the potential incremental increase in NHSMs 
diversions from current baseline management practices. These may 
include the following:
     Reduced upstream emissions resulting from the reduced 
production of virgin fuel: Any reduced upstream emissions that may 
indirectly occur in response to reduced virgin fuel mining or 
extraction may result in a human health and/or environmental benefit to 
minority and low-income populations living near these projects.
     Alternative materials transport patterns: Transportation 
emissions associated with NHSMs diverted from landfills to combustion 
units are likely to be similar.
     Change in emissions from baseline management units: The 
diversion of some of these NHSMs away from disposal in landfills may 
result in a marginal decrease in activity at these facilities. This may 
include non-adverse impacts, such as marginally reduced emissions, 
odors, groundwater and surface water impacts, noise pollution, and 
reduced maintenance cost to local infrastructure. Because municipal 
solid waste and C&D landfills were found to be located in areas where 
minority and low-income populations are disproportionately high 
relative to the national average, any reduction in activity and 
emissions around these facilities is likely to benefit the citizens 
living near these facilities.
    Finally, this rule, in conjunction with the corresponding CAA 
rules, may help accelerate the abatement of any existing stockpiles of 
the targeted NHSMs. To the extent that these stockpiles may represent 
negative human health or environmental implications, minority and/or 
low-income populations that live near such stockpiles may experience 
marginal health or environmental improvements. Aesthetics may also be 
improved in such areas.

L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)

    This action is subject to the CRA, and the EPA will submit a rule 
report to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of 
the United States. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 
U.S.C. 804(2).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 241

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Non-hazardous

[[Page 5340]]

secondary materials, Waste treatment and disposal.

    Dated: January 26, 2018.
E. Scott Pruitt,

    For the reasons stated in the preamble, EPA is amending title 40, 
chapter I, of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 241 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6903, 6912, 7429.

2. Section 241.2 is amended by adding in alphabetical order the 
definitions ``Copper naphthenate treated railroad ties'', ``Copper 
naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties'', and ``Creosote-borate 
treated railroad ties'' to read as follows:

Sec.  241.2  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Copper naphthenate treated railroad ties means railroad ties 
treated with copper naphthenate made from naphthenic acid and copper 
    Copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties means railroad ties 
treated with copper naphthenate and borate, including borate made from 
disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.
* * * * *
    Creosote-borate treated railroad ties means railroad ties treated 
with a wood preservative containing creosols and phenols and made from 
coal tar oil and borate, including borate made from disodium octaborate 
* * * * *

3. Section 241.4 is amended by adding paragraphs (a)(8) through (10) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  241.4  Non-Waste Determinations for Specific Non-Hazardous 
Secondary Materials When Used as a Fuel.

    (a) * * *
    (8) Creosote-borate treated railroad ties, and mixtures of 
creosote, borate and/or copper naphthenate treated railroad ties that 
are processed and then combusted in the following types of units. 
Processing must include, at a minimum, metal removal and shredding or 
    (i) Units designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil as part of 
normal operations and not solely as part of start-up or shut-down 
operations; and
    (ii) Units at major source pulp and paper mills or power producers 
subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, designed to burn biomass and 
fuel oil as part of normal operations and not solely as part of start-
up or shut-down operations, but are modified (e.g., oil delivery 
mechanisms are removed) in order to use natural gas instead of fuel 
oil, The creosote-borate and mixed creosote, borate and copper 
naphthenate treated railroad ties may continue to be combusted as 
product fuel under this subparagraph only if the following conditions 
are met, which are intended to ensure that such railroad ties are not 
being discarded:
    (A) Creosote-borate and mixed creosote, borate and copper 
naphthenate treated railroad ties must be burned in existing (i.e., 
commenced construction prior to April 14, 2014) stoker, bubbling bed, 
fluidized bed, or hybrid suspension grate boilers; and
    (B) Creosote-borate and mixed creosote, borate and copper 
naphthenate treated railroad ties can comprise no more than 40 percent 
of the fuel that is used on an annual heat input basis.
    (iii) Units meeting requirements in paragraph (a)(8)(i) or (ii) of 
this section that are also designed to burn coal.
    (9) Copper naphthenate treated railroad ties that are processed and 
then combusted in units designed to burn biomass, biomass and fuel oil, 
or biomass and coal. Processing must include at a minimum, metal 
removal, and shredding or grinding.
    (10) Copper naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties that are 
processed and then combusted in units designed to burn biomass, biomass 
and fuel oil, or biomass and coal. Processing must include at a 
minimum, metal removal, and shredding or grinding.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-02337 Filed 2-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5317

                                              ■ iv. Adding alphabetically the                         ADDRESSES:    The EPA has established a                    Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
                                              commodities ‘‘Vegetable, legume, group                 docket for this action under Docket ID                      Regulatory Review
                                              6’’ and ‘‘Vegetable, tuberous and corm,                No. EPA–HQ–OLEM–2016–0248. All                           B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing
                                                                                                                                                                 Regulations and Controlling Regulatory
                                              subgroup 1C’’.                                         documents in the docket are listed on
                                                 The additions read as follows:                      the https://www.regulations.gov                          C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
                                                                                                     website. Although listed in the index,                   D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
                                              § 180.433 Fomesafen; tolerances for                    some information is not publicly
                                              residues.                                                                                                       E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
                                                                                                     available, e.g., Confidential Business                      (UMRA)
                                                 (a) * * *                                           Information (CBI) or other information                   F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                                                                                     whose disclosure is restricted by statute.               G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
                                                                                                     Certain other material, such as                             and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                                                                     copyrighted material, is not placed on
                                                                                         Parts per                                                            H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                                         Commodity                        million    the internet and will be publicly                           Children From Environmental Health
                                                                                                     available only in hard copy form.                           Risks and Safety Risks
                                                                                                     Publicly available docket materials are                  I. Executive Order 13211: Actions
                                                  *         *          *               *        *    available either electronically at https://                 Concerning Regulations That
                                              Berry, low growing, subgroup                           www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                      Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
                                                 13–07G, except cranberry ....                  0.02 the RCRA Docket, EPA/DC, EPA West,                          Distribution, or Use
                                                                                                     Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW,                    J. National Technology Transfer and
                                                  *         *          *               *        *                                                                Advancement Act (NTTAA)
                                                                                                     Washington, DC. The Public Reading
                                              Vegetable, legume, group 6 .....                  0.05                                                          K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
                                              Vegetable, tuberous and corm,
                                                                                                     Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30                         To Address Environmental Justice in
                                                 subgroup 1C .........................         0.025 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding                       Minority Populations and Low-Income
                                                                                                     legal holidays. The telephone number                        Populations
                                                  *         *          *               *        *    for the Public Reading Room is (202)                     L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
                                                                                                     566–1744, and the telephone number for
                                                                                                     the RCRA Docket is (202) 566–0270.                     I. General Information
                                              *      *     *      *        *
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–02344 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       A. List of abbreviations and acronyms used
                                              BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                 George Faison, Office of Resource                      in this final rule
                                                                                                     Conservation and Recovery, Materials                   AWPA American Wood Protection
                                                                                                     Recovery and Waste Management                            Association
                                              ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                               Division, MC 5303P, Environmental                      Btu British thermal unit
                                              AGENCY                                                 Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                   C&D Construction and demolition
                                                                                                                                                            CAA Clean Air Act
                                                                                                     Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460;
                                              40 CFR Part 241                                                                                               CBI Confidential business information
                                                                                                     telephone number: (703) 305–7652;                      CFR Code of Federal Regulations
                                              [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2016–0248; FRL–9969–                      email: faison.george@epa.gov.                          CISWI Commercial and Industrial Solid
                                              80–OLEM]                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                           Waste Incinerator
                                              RIN 2050–AG83                                          following outline is provided to aid in                CTRT Creosote-treated railroad ties
                                                                                                     locating information in this preamble.                 EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                                                                            FR Federal Register
                                              Additions to List of Categorical Non-                  I. General Information                                 HAP Hazardous air pollutant
                                              Waste Fuels: Other Treated Railroad                       A. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms               MACT Maximum achievable control
                                              Ties                                                        Used in This Final Rule                             technology
                                                                                                         B. What is the statutory authority for this        MDL Method detection limit
                                              AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                             final rule?                                     NAICS North American Industrial
                                              Agency (EPA).                                              C. Does this action apply to me?
                                                                                                                                                              Classification System
                                              ACTION: Final rule.                                        D. What is the purpose of this final rule?
                                                                                                                                                            ND Non-detect
                                                                                                         E. Effective Date
                                                                                                                                                            NESHAP National emission standards for
                                              SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                 II. Background
                                                                                                                                                              hazardous air pollutants
                                                                                                         A. History of the NHSM Rulemakings
                                              Agency (EPA) is issuing amendments to                                                                         NHSM Non-hazardous secondary material
                                                                                                         B. Background to This Final Rule
                                              the Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials                                                                         OMB Office of Management and Budget
                                                                                                         C. How will EPA make categorical non-
                                              regulations, which generally established                                                                      OTRT Other Treated Railroad Ties
                                                                                                            waste determinations?
                                              standards and procedures for                                                                                  PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
                                                                                                      III. Comments on the Proposed Rule and
                                              identifying whether non-hazardous                                                                             ppm Parts per million
                                                                                                            Rationale for Final Decisions
                                                                                                                                                            RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery
                                              secondary materials are solid wastes                       A. Detailed Description of OTRTs
                                              when used as fuels or ingredients in                       B. OTRTs Under Current NHSM Rules
                                                                                                                                                            RIN Regulatory information number
                                              combustion units. In February 2013, the                    C. Scope of the Final Categorical Non-
                                                                                                                                                            RL Reporting Limits
                                              EPA listed particular non-hazardous                           Waste Listing for OTRTs
                                                                                                                                                            SBA Small Business Administration
                                                                                                         D. Rationale for Final Rule
                                              secondary materials as ‘‘categorical non-                  E. Copper and Borates Literature Review
                                                                                                                                                            SO2 Sulfur dioxide
                                              waste fuels’’ provided certain                                                                                SVOC Semi-volatile organic compound
                                                                                                            and Other EPA Program Summary
                                              conditions are met. This final rule adds                                                                      TCLP Toxicity characteristic leaching
                                                                                                         F. Summary of Comments Requested
                                              the following other treated railroad ties                                                                       procedure
                                                                                                         G. Responses to Comments
                                              (OTRT) to the categorical non-waste fuel                                                                      UPL Upper prediction limit
                                                                                                      IV. Effect of This Final Rule on Other
                                                                                                                                                            U.S.C. United States Code
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              list: Processed creosote-borate, copper                       Programs
                                                                                                                                                            VOC Volatile organic compound
                                              naphthenate and copper naphthenate-                     V. State Authority
                                              borate treated railroad ties, under                        A. Relationship to State Programs                  B. What is the statutory authority for
                                              certain conditions depending on the                        B. State Adoption of the Rulemaking                this final rule?
                                                                                                      VI. Costs and Benefits
                                              chemical treatment.                                     VII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews              The EPA is amending 40 CFR 241.4(a)
                                              DATES: This rule is effective February 7,                  A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory               to list additional non-hazardous
                                              2018.                                                         Planning and Review and Executive               secondary materials (NHSMs) as

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                                              5318                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              categorical non-waste fuels under the                                         burn solid waste. Section 129(g)(6) of                                        of ‘‘solid waste’’ is stated in RCRA
                                              authority of sections 2002(a)(1) and                                          the CAA provides that the term ‘‘solid                                        section 1004(27).
                                              1004(27) of the Resource Conservation                                         waste’’ is to be established by the EPA
                                              and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended,                                                                                                                        C. Does this action apply to me?
                                                                                                                            under RCRA (42 U.S.C. 7429(g)(6)).
                                              42 U.S.C. 6912(a)(1) and 6903(27).                                            Section 2002(a)(1) of RCRA authorizes                                            Categories and entities potentially
                                              Section 129(a)(1)(D) of the Clean Air Act                                     the Agency to promulgate regulations as                                       affected by this action, either directly or
                                              (CAA) directs the EPA to establish                                            are necessary to carry out its functions                                      indirectly, include, but may not be
                                              standards for Commercial and Industrial                                       under the Act. The statutory definition                                       limited to the following:
                                              Solid Waste Incinerators (CISWI), which

                                                                                               NON-WASTE FUELS
                                                                                                                 Primary Industry Category or Sub Category                                                                                                  NAICS b

                                              Utilities .................................................................................................................................................................................................          221
                                              Site Preparation Contractors ...............................................................................................................................................................                     238910
                                              Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................................................................................           31, 32, 33
                                              Wood Product Manufacturing ..............................................................................................................................................................                            321
                                              Sawmills ...............................................................................................................................................................................................         321113
                                              Wood Preservation (includes crosstie creosote treating) ....................................................................................................................                                     321114
                                              Pulp, Paper, and Paper Products ........................................................................................................................................................                             322
                                              Cement manufacturing ........................................................................................................................................................................                      32731
                                              Railroads (includes line haul and short line) .......................................................................................................................................                                482
                                              Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land (Includes: railroad, scenic and sightseeing) ..............................................................                                                          487110
                                              Port and Harbor Operations (Used railroad ties) ................................................................................................................................                                 488310
                                              Landscaping Services ..........................................................................................................................................................................                  561730
                                              Solid Waste Collection .........................................................................................................................................................................                 562111
                                              Solid Waste Landfill .............................................................................................................................................................................               562212
                                              Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators ..........................................................................................................................................                               562213
                                              Marinas ................................................................................................................................................................................................         713930
                                                 a Includes:      Major Source Boilers, Area Source Boilers, and Solid Waste Incinerators.
                                                 b NAICS—North         American Industrial Classification System.

                                                 This table is not intended to be                                              The meaning of ‘‘solid waste,’’ as                                         units are codified in 40 CFR part 241.1
                                              exhaustive, but rather provides a guide                                       defined under RCRA, is of particular                                          This action amends the part 241
                                              for readers regarding entities potentially                                    importance as it relates to section 129 of                                    regulations by adding three NHSMs,
                                              impacted by this action. This table lists                                     the CAA. If material is a solid waste,                                        summarized below, to the list of
                                              examples of the types of entities of                                          under RCRA, a combustion unit burning                                         categorical non-waste fuels codified in
                                              which EPA is aware that could                                                 it is required to meet the CAA section                                        § 241.4(a):
                                              potentially be affected by this action.                                       129 emission standards for solid waste                                           (1) Creosote-borate treated railroad
                                              Other types of entities not listed could                                      incineration units. If the material is not                                    ties, and mixtures of creosote, borate
                                              also be affected. To determine whether                                                                                                                      and/or copper naphthenate treated
                                                                                                                            a solid waste, combustion units are
                                              your facility, company, business,                                                                                                                           railroad ties that are processed and then
                                                                                                                            required to meet the CAA section 112
                                              organization, etc., is affected by this                                                                                                                     combusted in:
                                                                                                                            emission standards for commercial,                                               (i) Units designed to burn both
                                              action, you should examine the                                                industrial, and institutional boilers, or if
                                              applicability criteria in this rule. If you                                                                                                                 biomass and fuel oil as part of normal
                                                                                                                            the combustion unit is a cement kiln,                                         operations and not solely as part of
                                              have any questions regarding the
                                                                                                                            the CAA 112 standards for Portland                                            start-up or shut-down operations, and
                                              applicability of this action to a
                                              particular entity, consult the person                                         cement kilns. Under CAA section 129,                                             (ii) Units at major source pulp and
                                              listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                         the term ‘‘solid waste incineration unit’’                                    paper mills or power producers subject
                                              CONTACT section.                                                              is defined, in pertinent part, to mean ‘‘a                                    to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD,
                                                                                                                            distinct operating unit of any facility                                       designed to burn biomass and fuel oil as
                                              D. What is the purpose of this final rule?                                    which combusts any solid waste                                                part of normal operations and not solely
                                                                                                                            material from commercial or industrial                                        as part of start-up or shut-down
                                                 The RCRA statute defines ‘‘solid
                                                                                                                            establishments.’’ 42 U.S.C. 7429(g)(1).                                       operations, but are modified in order to
                                              waste’’ as ‘‘any garbage, refuse, sludge
                                                                                                                            CAA section 129 further states that the                                       use natural gas instead of fuel oil. The
                                              from a waste treatment plant, water
                                                                                                                            term ‘‘solid waste’’ shall have the                                           creosote-borate and mixed creosote,
                                              supply treatment plant, or air pollution                                                                                                                    borate and copper naphthenate treated
                                              control facility and other discarded                                          meaning ‘‘established by the
                                                                                                                            Administrator pursuant to the Solid                                           railroad ties may continue to be
                                              material . . . resulting from industrial,                                                                                                                   combusted as product fuel only if
                                              commercial, mining, and agricultural                                          Waste Disposal Act.’’ Id at 7429(g)(6).
                                                                                                                                                                                                          certain conditions are met, which are
                                              operations, and from community                                                The Solid Waste Disposal Act, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                          intended to ensure that such railroad
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              activities.’’ (RCRA section 1004(27)                                          amended, is commonly referred to as                                           ties are not being discarded.
                                              (emphasis added)). The key concept is                                         the Resource Conservation and                                                    (iii) Units meeting requirements in (i)
                                              that of ‘‘discard’’ and, in fact, this                                        Recovery Act or RCRA.                                                         or (ii) that are also designed to burn
                                              definition turns on the meaning of the                                           Regulations concerning NHSMs used                                          coal.
                                              phrase, ‘‘other discarded material,’’                                         as fuels or ingredients in combustion
                                              since this term encompasses all other                                                                                                                         1 See 40 CFR 241.2 for the definition of non-

                                              examples provided in the definition.                                                                                                                        hazardous secondary material.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                  5319

                                                (2) Copper naphthenate treated                        or commercial process, and can include                aspects from a fuel product, and meets
                                              railroad ties that are processed and then               post-consumer material, off-                          the legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 241.3(c)).
                                              combusted in units designed to burn                     specification commercial chemical                        In October 2011, the Agency
                                              biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or                       products or manufacturing chemical                    announced it would be initiating a new
                                              biomass and coal.                                       intermediates, post-industrial material,              rulemaking proceeding to revise certain
                                                (3) Copper naphthenate-borate treated                 and scrap (codified in 40 CFR 241.2).                 aspects of the NHSM rule.3 On February
                                              railroad ties that are processed and then               ‘‘Non-hazardous secondary material’’ is               7, 2013, the EPA published a final rule,
                                              combusted in units designed to burn                     a secondary material that, when                       which addressed specific targeted
                                              biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or                       discarded, would not be identified as a               amendments and clarifications to the 40
                                              biomass and coal.                                       hazardous waste under 40 CFR part 261                 CFR part 241 regulations (78 FR 9112).
                                                                                                      (codified in 40 CFR 241.2). Traditional               These revisions and clarifications were
                                              E. Effective Date                                                                                             limited to certain issues on which the
                                                                                                      fuels, including historically managed
                                                 The Administrative Procedure Act                     traditional fuels (e.g., coal, oil, natural           Agency had received new information,
                                              requires publication of a substantive                   gas) and ‘‘alternative’’ traditional fuels            as well as targeted revisions that the
                                              rule 30 days or more before the effective               (e.g., clean cellulosic biomass) are not              Agency believed were appropriate in
                                              date unless one of the following                        secondary materials and thus, are not                 order to allow implementation of the
                                              conditions in 5 U.S.C. 553(d) are met:                  solid wastes under the rule unless                    rule as the EPA originally intended. The
                                                 (1)A substantive rule which grants or                discarded (codified in 40 CFR 241.2).                 amendments modified 40 CFR 241.2
                                              recognizes an exemption or relieves a                      A key concept under the March 21,                  and 241.3, added 40 CFR 241.4, and
                                              restriction;                                            2011 rule is that NHSMs used as non-                  included the following: 4
                                                 (2) interpretative rules and statements              waste fuels and ingredients in                           • Revised Definitions: The EPA
                                              of policy; or                                           combustion units must meet the                        revised three definitions discussed in
                                                 (3) as otherwise provided by the                     legitimacy criteria specified in 40 CFR               the proposed rule: (1) ‘‘Clean cellulosic
                                              agency for good cause found and                         241.3(d)(1). Application of the                       biomass,’’ (2) ‘‘contaminants,’’ and (3)
                                              published with the rule.                                legitimacy criteria helps ensure that the             ‘‘established tire collection program.’’ In
                                              This final rule establishing an OTRT                    fuel product is being legitimately and                addition, based on comments received
                                              non-waste categorical determination                     beneficially used and not simply being                on the proposed rule, the Agency
                                              satisfies 553(d)(1) in that it relieves a                                                                     revised the definition of ‘‘resinated
                                                                                                      discarded through combustion (i.e., via
                                              restriction by allowing OTRTs to be                                                                           wood.’’
                                                                                                      sham recycling). To meet the legitimacy
                                              combusted as non-waste rather than as                                                                            • Contaminant Legitimacy Criterion
                                                                                                      criteria, the NHSM must be managed as                 for NHSMs Used as Fuels: The EPA
                                              waste when certain conditions are met                   a valuable commodity, have a
                                              as described below in Section III.                                                                            issued revised contaminant legitimacy
                                                                                                      meaningful heating value and be used as               criterion for NHSMs used as fuels to
                                              OTRTs represent a relatively small                      a fuel in a combustion unit that recovers
                                              percentage of the railroad ties in use                                                                        provide additional details on how
                                                                                                      energy, and contain contaminants or                   contaminant-specific comparisons
                                              with the majority being creosote treated                groups of contaminants 2 at
                                              railroad ties (CTRTs). When the railroad                                                                      between NHSMs and traditional fuels
                                                                                                      concentrations comparable to (or lower                may be made.
                                              ties are taken out of service and used as               than) those in traditional fuels which                   • Categorical Non-Waste
                                              fuel, there is no way to distinguish                    the combustion unit is designed to burn.              Determinations for Specific NHSMs
                                              between the OTRTs and the CTRTs. In                     For NHSMs used as an ingredient, in                   Used as Fuels. The EPA codified
                                              order to ensure that CTRTs mixed with                   addition to the other listed criteria, the            determinations that certain NHSMs are
                                              OTRTs are not considered a waste, EPA                   ingredient must be used to make a                     non-wastes when used as fuels. If a
                                              is making this final rule effective                     valuable product.                                     material is categorically listed as a non-
                                              immediately and providing regulatory                       Based on these criteria, the March 21,             waste fuel, persons that generate or burn
                                              certainty.                                              2011 rule identified the following                    these NHSMs will not need to make
                                              II. Background                                          NHSMs as not being solid wastes:                      individual determinations, as required
                                                                                                         • The NHSM is used as a fuel and                   under the existing rules, that these
                                              A. History of the NHSM Rulemakings                      remains under the control of the                      NHSMs meet the legitimacy criteria.
                                                The Agency first solicited comments                   generator (whether at the site of                     Except where otherwise noted,
                                              on how the RCRA definition of solid                     generation or another site the generator              combustors of these materials will not
                                              waste should apply to NHSMs when                        has control over) that meets the                      be required to provide further
                                              used as fuels or ingredients in                         legitimacy criteria (40 CFR 241.3(b)(1));             information demonstrating their non-
                                              combustion units in an advanced notice                     • The NHSM is used as an ingredient                waste status. Based on all available
                                              of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM),                         in a manufacturing process (whether by                information, the EPA determined the
                                              which was published in the Federal                      the generator or outside the control of               following NHSMs are not solid wastes
                                              Register on January 2, 2009 (74 FR 41).                 the generator) that meets the legitimacy              when burned as a fuel in combustion
                                              We then published an NHSM proposed                      criteria (40 CFR 241.3(b)(3));                        units and categorically listed them in 40
                                              rule on June 4, 2010 (75 FR 31844),                        • Discarded NHSM that has been                     CFR 241.4(a).5
                                              which the EPA made final on March 21,                   sufficiently processed to produce a fuel
                                              2011 (76 FR 15456).                                     or ingredient that meets the legitimacy                 3 See October 14, 2011, Letter from Administrator

                                                In the March 21, 2011 (76 FR 15456)                   criteria (40 CFR 241.3(b)(4)); or                     Lisa P. Jackson to Senator Olympia Snowe. A copy
                                                                                                                                                            of this letter is in the docket for the February 7,
                                              rule, the EPA finalized standards and                      • Through a case-by-case petition                  2013 final rule (EPA–HQ–RCRA–2008–1873).
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              procedures to be used to identify                       process, it has been determined that the                4 See 78 FR 9112 (February 7, 2013) for a
                                              whether NHSMs are solid wastes when                     NHSM handled outside the control of                   discussion of the rule and the Agency’s basis for its
                                              used as fuels or ingredients in                         the generator has not been discarded                  decisions.
                                                                                                                                                              5 In the March 21, 2011 NHSM rule (76 FR
                                              combustion units. ‘‘Secondary material’’                and is indistinguishable in all relevant
                                                                                                                                                            15456), EPA identified two NHSMs as not being
                                              was defined for the purposes of that                                                                          solid wastes, although persons would still need to
                                              rulemaking as any material that is not                    2 For additional information on grouping of         make individual determinations that these NHSMs
                                              the primary product of a manufacturing                  contaminants see 78 FR 9146.                                                                      Continued

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                                              5320             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              —Scrap tires that are not discarded and                    • Paper recycling residuals generated              pentachlorophenol; or dual-treated with
                                                 are managed under the oversight of                   from the recycling of recovered paper,                any of the above.
                                                 established tire collection programs,                paperboard and corrugated containers                     In the course of EPA’s review of the
                                                 including tires removed from vehicles                and combusted by paper recycling mills                April 2013 petition, additional data was
                                                 and off-specification tires;                         whose boilers are designed to burn solid              requested and received, and meetings
                                              —Resinated wood;                                        fuel.                                                 were held between TWC and EPA
                                              —Coal refuse that has been recovered                       • Creosote-treated railroad ties                   representatives. Overall, the EPA review
                                                 from legacy piles and processed in the               (CTRT) that are processed (which                      determined that there were limited data
                                                 same manner as currently-generated                   includes metal removal and shredding                  points available and the analytical
                                                 coal that would have been refuse if                  or grinding at a minimum) and then                    techniques for some contaminants were
                                                 mined in the past;                                   combusted in the following types of                   not appropriate to provide information
                                              —Dewatered pulp and paper sludges                       units:                                                on the entire preserved wood sample as
                                                                                                         Æ Units designed to burn both biomass              it would be combusted. EPA also
                                                 that are not discarded and are
                                                                                                      and fuel oil as part of normal operations             questioned the representativeness of the
                                                 generated and burned on-site by pulp
                                                                                                      and not solely as part of start-up or shut-           samples being analyzed and the
                                                 and paper mills that burn a significant
                                                                                                      down operations, and                                  repeatability of the analyses.
                                                 portion of such materials where such                                                                          In the subsequent August 21, 2015
                                                 dewatered residuals are managed in a                    Æ Units at major source pulp and
                                                                                                                                                            letter from TWC to Barnes Johnson,7
                                                 manner that preserves the meaningful                 paper mills or power producers subject                TWC requested that the Agency move
                                                 heating value of the materials.                      to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD, that                forward on a subset of materials that
                                                 • Rulemaking Petition Process for                    combust CTRTs and had been designed                   were identified in the original April
                                              Other Categorical Non-Waste                             to burn biomass and fuel oil, but are                 2013 petition which are creosote borate,
                                              Determinations: EPA made final a                        modified (e.g., oil delivery mechanisms               copper naphthenate, and copper
                                              process in 40 CFR 241.4(b) that provides                are removed) in order to use natural gas              naphthenate-borate treated railroad ties.
                                              persons an opportunity to submit a                      instead of fuel oil, as part of normal                In the letter, TWC indicated that these
                                              rulemaking petition to the                              operations and not solely as part of                  types of ties are increasingly being used
                                              Administrator, seeking a determination                  start-up or shut-down operations. The                 as alternatives to CTRT, due, in part, to
                                              for additional NHSMs to be                              CTRTs may continue to be combusted as                 lower overall contaminant levels and
                                              categorically listed in 40 CFR 241.4(a) as              product fuel only if the following                    because the ability to reuse these new
                                              non-waste fuels, if they can demonstrate                conditions are met, which are intended                types of treated ties as fuel is an
                                              that the NHSM meets the legitimacy                      to ensure that the CTRTs are not being                important consideration in overall rail
                                              criteria or, after balancing the legitimacy             discarded: CTRTs must be burned in                    tie purchasing decisions. Other industry
                                              criteria with other relevant factors, EPA               existing (i.e., commenced construction                information claimed that these
                                              determines that the NHSM is not a solid                 prior to April 14, 2014) stoker, bubbling             treatments have proven to increase
                                              waste when used as a fuel.                              bed, fluidized bed, or hybrid suspension              decay resistance for ties in severe decay
                                                 The February 8, 2016 final rule                      grate boilers; and, CTRTs can comprise                environments and for species that are
                                              amendments (81 FR 6688) added the                       no more than 40 percent of the fuel that              difficult to treat with creosote alone.8
                                              following to the list of categorical non-               is used on an annual heat input basis.                   The Agency reviewed TWC’s
                                              waste fuels:                                               Based on these non-waste categorical               information on the three types of treated
                                                 • Construction and demolition (C&D)                  determinations, as discussed previously,              railroad ties, creosote borate, copper
                                              wood processed from C&D debris                          facilities burning NHSMs that meet the                naphthenate, and copper naphthenate-
                                              according to best management practices.                 categorical listing description will not              borate, submitted on September 11,
                                              Under this listing, combustors of C&D                   need to make individual determinations                2015 and requested additional
                                              wood must obtain a written certification                that the NHSM meets the legitimacy                    contaminant data, which was submitted
                                              from C&D processing facilities that the                 criteria or provide further information               on October 5, 2015 and October 19,
                                              C&D wood has been processed by                          demonstrating their non-waste status on               2015.9 Based on that information, EPA
                                              trained operators in accordance with                    a site-by-site basis, provided they meet              stated in the February 2016 final rule
                                              best management practices. Best                         the conditions of the categorical listing.            that we believe these three treated
                                              management practices must include                                                                             railroad ties are candidates for
                                                                                                      B. Background to This Final Rule
                                              sorting by trained operators that                                                                             categorical non-waste listings and
                                              excludes or removes the following                         The Agency received a petition from                 expected to begin development of a
                                              materials from the final product fuel:                  the Treated Wood Council (TWC) in                     proposed rule under 40 CFR 241.4(a)
                                              non-wood materials (e.g., polyvinyl                     April 2013 6 requesting that various                  regarding those listings in the near
                                              chloride and other plastics, drywall,                   nonhazardous treated wood (including                  future. That proposed rule was issued
                                              concrete, aggregates, dirt, and asbestos),              borate and copper naphthenate) be                     November 1, 2016 (81 FR 75781).
                                              and wood treated with creosote,                         categorically listed as non-waste fuels in            C. How will EPA make categorical non-
                                              pentachlorophenol, chromated copper                     40 CFR 241.4(a). Under the April 2013                 waste determinations?
                                              arsenate, or other copper, chromium, or                 petition, nonhazardous treated wood
                                                                                                      included: waterborne borate based                       The February 7, 2013 revisions to the
                                              arsenical preservatives. Additional
                                                                                                      preservatives; waterborne organic based               NHSM rule discuss the process and
                                              required best management practices
                                              address removal of lead-painted wood.                   preservatives; waterborne copper based
                                                                                                                                                               7 Included in the docket for the February 2016
                                                                                                      wood preservatives (ammoniacal/
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                                                                                                                                                            final rule. Follow-up meetings were also held with
                                              meet the legitimacy criteria: (1) Scrap tires used in   alkaline copper quat, copper azole,                   TWC on September 14, 2015 and December 17,
                                              a combustion unit that are removed from vehicles        copper HDO, alkaline copper betaine, or               2015 summaries of which are also included in that
                                              and managed under the oversight of established tire     copper naphthenate); creosote; oil borne              docket.
                                              collection programs and (2) resinated wood used in                                                               8 Railway Tie Association ‘‘Frequently Asked
                                                                                                      copper naphthenate;
                                              a combustion unit. However, in the February 2013                                                              Questions’’ available on http://www.rta.org/faqs.
                                              NHSM rule, the Agency amended the regulations                                                                    9 These data submissions and the letter from TWC

                                              and listed these NHSMs as categorical non-waste            6 Included in the docket for the February 2016     on August 21, 2015 are included in the docket for
                                              fuels.                                                  final rule—EPA–HQ–RCRA–2013–0110–0056.                this rule.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                 5321

                                              decision criteria whereby the Agency                    III. Comments on the Proposed Rule                      grinders, do their own contaminant
                                              would make additional categorical non-                  and Rationale for Final Decisions                       removal, and can sell directly to the
                                              waste determinations (78 FR 9158).                         The following sections provide the                   combusting facilities. Information
                                              These determinations follow the weight-                 Agency rationale for its determination                  submitted to the Agency indicates there
                                              of-evidence criteria set out in 40 CFR                  that OTRTs are appropriate for listing in               are approximately 15 recovery
                                              241.4(b)(5), which the Agency                           § 241.4(a) as categorical non-wastes                    companies in North America with
                                              established to assess additional                        when burned as a fuel in prescribed                     industry-wide revenues of $65–75
                                              categorical non-waste petitions and                     combustion units. It also addresses                     million.
                                              follow the statutory standards as                                                                                  After crossties are removed from
                                                                                                      major comments the Agency received on
                                              interpreted by the EPA in the NHSM                                                                              service, they are transferred for sorting/
                                                                                                      the November 1, 2016 NHSM OTRT
                                              rule for deciding whether secondary                                                                             processing, but in some cases, they may
                                                                                                      proposed rule (81 FR 75781). That
                                              materials qualify as solid wastes. Those                                                                        be temporarily stored in the railroad
                                                                                                      proposal explained the status of OTRT
                                              criteria include: (1) Whether each                                                                              rights-of-way or at another location
                                                                                                      under current rules, discussed
                                              NHSM has not been discarded in the                                                                              selected by the reclamation company.
                                                                                                      information received during previous
                                              first instance (i.e., was not initially                                                                         One information source 11 indicated that
                                                                                                      rulemakings, as well as the scope of the
                                              abandoned or thrown away) and is                                                                                when the crossties are temporarily
                                                                                                      proposed categorical non-waste fuel
                                              legitimately used as a fuel in a                                                                                stored, they are stored until their value
                                                                                                      listings. The proposed rationale for the                as an alternative fuel can be realized,
                                              combustion unit or, if discarded, has
                                                                                                      listings is found at 81 FR 75788–96 and                 generally through a contract completed
                                              been sufficiently processed into a
                                                                                                      is incorporated into this final rule, along             for transferal of ownership to the
                                              material that is legitimately used as a
                                                                                                      with all sources referenced in that                     reclamation contractor or combustor.
                                              fuel; and, (2) if the NHSM does not meet
                                                                                                      discussion and cited therein. The final                 This means that not all OTRTs originate
                                              the legitimacy criteria described in 40
                                                                                                      decision in this rule is based on the                   from crossties removed from service in
                                              CFR 241.3(d)(1), whether the NHSM is
                                                                                                      information in the proposal, comments                   the same year; some OTRTs are
                                              integrally tied to the industrial
                                              production process, the NHSM is                         received on the proposal and supporting                 processed from crossties removed from
                                              functionally the same as the comparable                 materials in the rulemaking record. Any                 service in prior years and stored by
                                              traditional fuel, or other relevant factors             changes from the proposed rule made to                  railroads or removal/reclamation
                                              as appropriate.                                         the final rule are identified below.                    companies until their value as a
                                                 Based on the information in the                      A. Detailed Description of OTRTs                        landscaping element or fuel could be
                                              rulemaking record and comments                                                                                  realized.
                                              received, the Agency is finalizing                      1. Processing                                              Typically, reclamation companies
                                              amendments to 40 CFR 241.4(a) by                           As described in the proposed                         receive OTRTs by rail. The processing of
                                              listing three other types of treated                    rulemaking (81 FR 75781, November 1,                    the crossties into fuel by the
                                              railroad ties as categorical non-waste                  2016 (page 75785)), industry                            reclamation/processing companies
                                              fuels, in addition to CTRTs added in                    representatives stated that the removal                 involves several steps. Contaminant
                                              February 2016. Specific determinations                  of OTRTs from service and processing of                 metals (spikes, nails, plates, etc.)
                                              regarding these other treated railroad                  those ties into a product fuel is similar               undergo initial separation and removal
                                              ties (OTRTs, i.e., creosote-borate, copper              to processing of CTRTs described in the                 by the user organization (railroad
                                              naphthenate, copper naphthenate-                        February 2016 rule.10 OTRTs are                         company) during inspection. At the
                                              borate; and, mixtures of creosote, borate               typically comprised of North American                   reclamation company, the crossties are
                                              and/or copper naphthenate treated                       hardwoods that have been treated with                   then ground or shredded to a specified
                                              railroad ties) and how the information                  a wood preservative. The removal from                   size depending on the particular needs
                                              was assessed by EPA according to the                    service, processing and use as a fuel                   of the end-use combustor, with chip size
                                              criteria in 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5), are                     happens through three parties: the                      typically between 1–2 inches. Such
                                              discussed in detail in section III of this              generator of the crossties (railroad or                 grinding and shredding facilitates
                                              preamble.                                               utility); the reclamation company that                  handling, storage and metering to the
                                                 The rulemaking record for this rule                  sorts the crossties, and in some cases                  combustion chamber. By achieving a
                                              (i.e., EPA–HQ–RCRA–2016–0248)                           processes the material received from the                uniform particle size, combustion
                                              includes those documents and                            generator; and the combustor as third                   efficiency will be improved due to the
                                              information submitted specifically to                   party energy producers. Typically,                      uniform and controlled fuel feed rate
                                              support a determination as to whether                   ownership of the OTRTs are generally                    and the ability to regulate the air
                                              certain OTRTs should be listed as a                     transferred directly from the generator                 supply. Additionally, the size reduction
                                              categorical non-waste fuel. However, the                to the reclamation company that sorts                   process exposes a greater surface area of
                                              principles used to determine categorical                materials for highest value secondary                   the particle prior to combustion,
                                              listings are based on the NHSM rules                    uses, and then sells the products to end-               releasing any moisture more rapidly,
                                              promulgated over the past few years.                    users, including those combusting the                   and thereby enhancing its heating value.
                                              While EPA is not formally including in                  material as fuel. Some reclamation                      This step may occur in several phases,
                                              the record for this rule materials                      companies sell OTRTs to processors                      including primary and secondary
                                              supporting the previous NHSM                            who remove metal contaminants and                       grinding, or in a single phase.
                                              rulemakings, the Agency is nevertheless                 grind the ties into chipped wood. Other                 Additional metal removal may also
                                              issuing this rule consistent with the                   reclamation companies have their own                    occur after shredding.
                                              NHSM regulations and the supporting                                                                                Once the crossties are ground to a
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                                              records for those rules. This rulemaking                  10 81 FR 6688 The OTRTs removed from service          specific size, there is further screening
                                              in no way reopens any issues resolved                   are considered discarded because they can be stored     based on the particular needs of the
                                              in previous NHSM rulemakings. It                        for long periods of time without a final                end-use combustor. Depending on the
                                              simply responds to a petition in                        determination regarding their final end use. In order
                                                                                                      for them to be considered a non-waste fuel, they        configuration of the facility and
                                              accordance with the standards and                       must be processed, thus transforming the OTRTs
                                              procedures outlined in the existing                     into a product fuel that meets the legitimacy             11 M.A. Energy Resources LLC, Petition submitted

                                              NHSM regulations.                                       criteria. (81 FR 75788; November 1, 2016)               to Administrator, EPA, February 2013.

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                                              5322             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              equipment, screening may occur                          does not address waterborne copper                    for pressure treatment of framing lumber
                                              concurrently with grinding or at a                      naphthenate.                                          used in areas with high termite hazard
                                              subsequent stage. Once the processing                      Copper naphthenate can be dissolved                and as surface treatments for a wide
                                              of OTRTs is complete, the OTRTs are                     in a variety of solvents: The heavy oil               range of wood products, such as cabin
                                              sold directly to the end-use combustor                  solvent (specified in American Wood                   logs and the interiors of wood
                                              for energy recovery. Processed OTRTs                    Protection Association (AWPA)                         structures. They are also applied as
                                              are delivered to the buyers by railcar or               Standard P9, Type A) or the lighter                   internal treatments using rods or pastes.
                                              truck. The processed OTRTs are then                     solvent (AWPA Standard P9, Type C).                   At higher rates of retention, borates also
                                              stockpiled prior to combustion in a                     The lighter solvent is the most                       are used as fire-retardant treatments for
                                              manner consistent with biomass fuels,                   commonly used for railroad ties due to                wood. Copper naphthenate treated ties
                                              with a typical storage timeframe ranging                its ability to penetrate the wood. Copper             are most effective when dual-treated
                                              from a day to a week. When the OTRTs                    naphthenate is listed in AWPA                         with borate to prevent decay.15
                                              are to be burned for energy recovery, the               standards for treatment of major                         Performance characteristics of borate
                                              material is then transferred from the                   softwood species that are used for a                  treatment include protection of the
                                              storage location using a conveyor belt or               variety of wood products. It is not listed            wood against fungi and insects, with
                                              front-end loader. The OTRTs may be                      for treatment of any hardwood species,                low mammalian toxicity. Another
                                              combined with other biomass fuels,                      except when the wood is used for                      advantage of boron is its ability to
                                              including hog fuel and bark. OTRTs are                  railroad ties. The minimum copper                     diffuse with water into wood that
                                              commonly used to provide the high                       naphthenate retentions (the amount of                 normally resists traditional pressure
                                              British thermal unit (Btu) fuel to                      retention of the preservative in the tie              treatment. Wood treated with borates
                                              supplement low (and sometimes wet)                      after treatment application) range from               has no added color, no odor, and can be
                                              Btu biomass to ensure proper                            0.04 pounds per cubic foot (0.6                       finished (primed and painted).
                                              combustion, often in lieu of coal or                    kilograms per cubic meter) for wood                      Inorganic boron is listed as a wood
                                              other fossil fuels.12 The combined fuel                 used aboveground, to 0.06 pounds per                  preservative in the AWPA standards,
                                              may be further hammered and screened                    cubic foot (1 kilogram per cubic meter)               which include formulations prepared
                                              prior to combustion.                                    for wood that will contact the ground                 from sodium octaborate, sodium
                                                                                                      and 0.075 pounds per cubic foot (1.2                  tetraborate, sodium pentaborate, and
                                                In general, contracts for the purchase
                                                                                                      kilograms per cubic meter) for wood                   boric acid. Inorganic boron is also
                                              and combustion of OTRTs include fuel
                                                                                                      used in critical structural                           standardized as a pressure treatment for
                                              specifications limiting contaminants,
                                                                                                      applications.13                                       a variety of species of softwood lumber
                                              such as metals, and prohibiting the
                                                                                                         When dissolved in No. 2 fuel oil                   used out of contact with the ground and
                                              receipt of wood treated with other
                                                                                                      (Type C under AWPA standards),                        continuously protected from water. The
                                              preservatives such as                                                                                         minimum borate (B2O3) retention is 0.17
                                                                                                      copper naphthenate can penetrate wood
                                              pentachlorophenol.                                                                                            pounds per cubic foot (2.7 kilograms per
                                                                                                      that is difficult to treat. Copper
                                              2. Treatment Descriptions                               naphthenate loses some of its ability to              cubic meter). A retention of 0.28 pounds
                                                                                                      penetrate wood when it is dissolved in                per cubic foot (4.5 kilograms per cubic
                                              i. Copper Naphthenate
                                                                                                      heavier oils. Copper naphthenate                      meter) is specified for areas with
                                                 Copper naphthenate’s effectiveness as                treatments do not significantly increase              Formosan subterranean termites.16
                                              a preservative has been known since the                 the corrosion of metal fasteners relative                Borate preservatives are available in
                                              early 1900s, and various formulations                   to untreated wood.                                    several forms, but the most common is
                                              have been used commercially since the                      Copper naphthenate is commonly                     disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT).
                                              1940s. It is an organometallic compound                 used to treat utility poles, although                 DOT has higher water solubility than
                                              formed as a reaction product of copper                  fewer facilities treat utility poles with             many other forms of borate, allowing
                                              salts and naphthenic acids derived from                 copper naphthenate than with creosote                 more concentrated solutions to be used
                                              petroleum. Unlike other commercially                    or pentachlorophenol. Unlike creosote                 and increasing the mobility of the borate
                                              applied wood preservatives, small                       and pentachlorophenol, copper                         through the wood. With the use of
                                              quantities of copper naphthenate can be                 naphthenate is not listed as a Restricted             heated solutions, extended pressure
                                              purchased at retail hardware stores and                 Use Pesticide (RUP) 14 by the EPA. Even               periods, and diffusion periods after
                                              lumberyards. Cuts or holes in treated                   though human health concerns do not                   treatment, DOT can penetrate wood
                                              wood can be treated in the field with                   require copper naphthenate to be listed               species that are relatively difficult to
                                              copper naphthenate. Wood treated with                   as an RUP, precautions such as the use                treat, such as spruce. Several pressure
                                              copper naphthenate has a distinctive                    of dust masks and gloves are used when                treatment facilities in the United States
                                              bright green color that weathers to light               working with wood treated with copper                 use borate solutions. For refractory
                                              brown. The treated wood also has an                     naphthenate.                                          wood species destined for high decay
                                              odor that dissipates somewhat over                                                                            areas, it has now become relatively
                                                                                                      ii. Borates                                           common practice to use borates as a pre-
                                              time. Oil borne copper naphthenate is
                                              used for treatment of railroad ties since                  Borates is the name for a large number             treatment to protect the wood prior to
                                              that treatment results in the ties being                compounds containing the element                      processing with creosote.
                                              more resistant to cracks and checking.                  boron. Borate compounds are the most
                                                                                                                                                            iii. Creosote
                                              Waterborne copper naphthenate is used                   commonly used unfixed waterborne
                                              only for interior millwork and exterior                 preservatives. Unfixed preservatives can                 Creosote was introduced as a wood
                                              residential dimensional lumber                          leach from treated wood. They are used                preservative in the late 1800’s to
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                                              applications such as decking, fencing,                                                                        prolong the life of railroad ties. CTRTs
                                                                                                        13 U.S. Forest Service Preservative Treated Wood
                                              lattice, recreational equipment, and
                                                                                                      and Alternative Products in the Forest Service:         15 Railroad Tie Association. Frequently Asked
                                              other structures. Thus, this final rule                 https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/htmlpubs/              Questions http://www.rta.org/faqs-main.
                                                                                                      htm06772809/page02.htm                                  16 U.S. Forest Service Preservative Treated Wood
                                               12 American Forest & Paper Association,                  14 List of Restricted Use Pesticides found at:      and Alternative Products in the Forest Service
                                              American Wood Council—Letter to EPA                     https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/          https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/htmlpubs/
                                              Administrator, December 6, 2012.                        restricted-use-products-rup-report.                   htm06772809/page02.htm.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                   5323

                                              remain the material of choice by                          levels for any other HAP that may be                 Council submitted a letter with
                                              railroads due to their long life,                         present in this material are also                    supporting information on December 6,
                                              durability, cost effectiveness, and                       comparable to or less than those in                  2012, seeking a categorical non-waste
                                              sustainability. As creosote is a by-                      traditional fuels. The rule noted that               listing and clarification letter for CTRTs
                                              product of coal tar distillation, and coal                such borate-treated wood would need to               combusted in any unit.18 The letter
                                              tar is a by-product of making coke from                   be burned as a fuel for energy recovery              included information regarding the
                                              coal, creosote is considered a derivative                 within the control of the generator.                 amounts of railroad ties combusted each
                                              of coal. The creosote component of                        Finally, the rule indicated that EPA was             year and the value of the ties as fuel.
                                              CTRTs is also governed by the standards                   aware of some borate-treated wood is                 The letter also discussed how CTRTs
                                              established by AWPA. AWPA has                             subsequently treated with creosote, to               satisfy the legitimacy criteria, including
                                              established two blends of creosote,                       provide an insoluble barrier to prevent              its high Btu value.
                                              P1/13 and P2. Railroad ties are typically                 the borate compounds from leaching out                  While this information was useful, it
                                              manufactured using the P2 blend that is                   of the wood. The Agency did not receive              was not sufficient for the EPA to
                                              more viscous than other blends.                           data on the contaminant levels of the                propose that CTRTs be listed
                                                                                                        resulting material with both treatments,             categorically as a non-waste fuel at that
                                              B. OTRTs Under Current NHSM Rules
                                                                                                        but data presented on creosote treated               time. Therefore, EPA requested that
                                              1. March 2011 NHSM Final Rule                             lumber when combusted in units                       additional information be provided, and
                                                 The March 2011 NHSM final rule                         designed to burn biomass indicated that              indicated that if this additional
                                              stated that most creosote-treated wood                    this NHSM would likely no longer meet                information supported and
                                              is non-hazardous. However, the                            the legitimacy criteria and would be                 supplemented the representations made
                                              presence of hexachlorobenzene, a CAA                      considered a solid waste when burned                 in the December 2012 letter, EPA would
                                              section 112 hazardous air pollutant                       as a fuel.                                           expect to propose a categorical non-
                                              (HAP), as well as other HAPs suggested                       As indicated in the rule, EPA did not             waste listing for CTRTs. The requested
                                              that creosote-treated wood, including                     have information generally about the                 information included:
                                                                                                        transfer of borate-treated wood to other
                                              CTRTs, contained contaminants at
                                                                                                        companies to make a broad                               • A list of industry sectors, in
                                              levels that are not comparable to or                                                                           addition to forest product mills, that
                                              lower than those found in wood or coal,                   determination about its use as a fuel
                                                                                                        outside the control of the generator.                burn railroad ties for energy recovery,
                                              the fuel that creosote-treated wood                                                                               • The types of boilers (e.g., kilns,
                                              would replace. In making this                             Thus, under the March 2011 rule,
                                                                                                        borate-treated wood would need to be                 stoker boilers, circulating fluidized bed,
                                              assessment in 2011, the Agency did not                                                                         etc.) that burn railroad ties for energy
                                              consider fuel oil 17 as a traditional fuel                burned as a fuel for energy recovery
                                                                                                        within the control of the generator (76              recovery,
                                              that CTRTs would replace, and
                                                                                                        FR 15484). Persons could make self-                     • The traditional fuels and relative
                                              concluded at the time that combustion
                                                                                                        determinations regarding other uses of               amounts (e.g., startup, 30 percent, 100
                                              of creosote-treated wood may result in
                                              destruction of contaminants contained                     the material as fuel including use                   percent) of these traditional fuels that
                                              in those materials. Such destruction is                   outside the control of the generator.                could otherwise generally be burned in
                                                                                                           With regard to wood treated with                  these types of units. The extent to which
                                              an indication of discard and
                                                                                                        copper naphthenate, the March 2011                   non-industrial boilers (e.g., commercial
                                              incineration, a waste activity.
                                                                                                        rule indicated that no additional                    or residential boilers) burn CTRTs for
                                              Accordingly, creosote-treated wood,
                                                                                                        contaminant data was provided that                   energy recover, and
                                              including CTRTs when burned, seemed
                                              more like a waste than a commodity,
                                                                                                        would reverse the position in the June                  • Laboratory analyses for
                                                                                                        2010 proposed rule, which considered                 contaminants known or reasonably
                                              and did not meet the contaminant
                                                                                                        wood treated with copper naphthenate                 suspected to be present in creosote-
                                              legitimacy criterion. This material,
                                                                                                        a solid waste because of concerns of                 treated railroad ties, and contaminants
                                              therefore, was considered a solid waste
                                                                                                        elevated levels of contaminants (76 FR               known to be significant components of
                                              when burned, and units’ combusting it
                                                                                                        15484, March 21, 2011). The March                    creosote, specifically polycyclic
                                              would be subject to the CAA section 129
                                                                                                        2011 rule acknowledged, as in the June               aromatic hydrocarbons (i.e., PAH–16),
                                              emission standards (40 CFR part 60,
                                                                                                        2010 proposed rule (75 FR 31862, June                dibenzofuran, cresols,
                                              subparts CCCC and DDDD).
                                                                                                        4, 2010), that the Agency did not have               hexachlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene,
                                                 Regarding borate-treated wood, after
                                                                                                        sufficient information on the                        biphenyl, quinoline, and dioxins.19 (78
                                              reviewing data from one commenter
                                                                                                        contaminant levels in wood treated with              FR 9173, February 7, 2013.)
                                              which showed that the levels of
                                                                                                        copper naphthenate. The rule further                 See 81 FR 6723–24, February 8, 2016,
                                              contaminants in this material are
                                                                                                        stated that if a person could                        for the detailed responses to the above
                                              comparable to those found in
                                                                                                        demonstrate that copper naphthenate                  requested information.
                                              unadulterated wood for the seven
                                                                                                        treated-wood is burned in a combustion
                                              contaminants for which data was
                                                                                                        unit as a fuel for energy recovery within
                                              presented, the Agency stated in the                                                                              18 American Forest & Paper Association,
                                                                                                        the control of the generator and meets               American Wood Council—Letter to EPA
                                              March 2011 final rule that such treated-
                                                                                                        the legitimacy criteria, or if discarded,            Administrator, December 6, 2012. Included in
                                              wood meets the legitimacy criterion on
                                                                                                        can demonstrate that they have                       docket for this final rule.
                                              the level of contaminants and
                                                                                                        sufficiently processed the material and                19 The Agency requested these analyses based on
                                              comparability to traditional fuels. The                                                                        the limited information previously available
                                                                                                        meet legitimacy criteria, that person can
                                              rule further stated that borate-treated                                                                        concerning the chemical makeup of CTRTs. That
                                                                                                        handle its copper naphthenate treated-
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              wood could be classified as a non-waste                                                                        limited information included one sample from 1990
                                                                                                        wood as a non-waste fuel.                            (showing the presence of both PAHs and
                                              fuel, provided the other two legitimacy
                                                                                                                                                             dibenzofuran), past TCLP results (which showing
                                              criteria are met and the contaminant                      2. February 2013 NHSM Final Rule                     the presence of cresols, hexachlorobenzene and 2,4-
                                                                                                           In the February 2013 NHSM final rule              dinitrotoluene), Material Safety Data Sheets for coal
                                                17 For the purposes of this rule, fuel oil means oils                                                        tar creosote (which showing the potential presence
                                              1–6, including distillate, residual, kerosene, diesel,
                                                                                                        (78 FR 9173), EPA noted that the                     of biphenyl and quinoline), and the absence of
                                              and other petroleum based oils. It does not include       American Forest and Paper Association                dioxin analyses prior to combustion despite dioxin
                                              gasoline or unrefined crude oil.                          (AF&PA) and the American Wood                        analyses of post-combustion emissions.

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                                              5324             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              3. February 2016 NHSM Final Rule                        units to meet this requirement if the                   of treated railroad ties containing
                                                 As discussed in section II.B of this                 unit combusts fuel oil as part of normal                creosote, borate and copper
                                              preamble, the February 2016 final rule                  operations and not solely as part of start              naphthenate) addresses only the
                                              stated that EPA had reviewed the                        up or shut down operations. Units                       circumstance where contaminants in
                                              information submitted from                              combusting ties mixed with creosote                     these railroad ties are comparable to or
                                              stakeholders regarding CTRTs and                        that are designed to burn biomass and                   less than the traditional fuels the
                                              determined that the information                         fuel oil may also be designed to burn                   combustion unit was originally
                                              supported a categorical determination                   coal under this categorical non-waste                   designed to burn (both fuel oil and
                                              for those materials under certain                       fuel listing.                                           biomass) but that design was modified
                                                                                                         Consistent with, and for the same                    in order to combust natural gas. The
                                              conditions which were promulgated in
                                                                                                      reasons as the approach for CTRTs                       approach is not a general means to
                                              that rule (see 40 CFR 241.4(a)(7)). The
                                                                                                      outlined in the February 2016 final rule                circumvent the contaminant legitimacy
                                              final rule preamble language also                       (81 FR 6725), units combusting railroad
                                              referenced an August 21, 2015 letter to                                                                         criterion by allowing combustion of any
                                                                                                      ties treated with creosote-borate (or                   NHSM with elevated contaminant
                                              Barnes Johnson where TWC requested                      other combination mixtures of railroad
                                              that the Agency move forward on a                                                                               levels, i.e., levels not comparable to the
                                                                                                      ties containing creosote, borate and                    traditional fuel the unit is currently
                                              subset of materials that were identified                copper naphthenate) in units designed
                                              in the April 2013 petition (i.e. creosote                                                                       designed to burn. As contaminants in
                                                                                                      to burn biomass and fuel oil, could also                railroad ties treated with creosote are
                                              borate, copper naphthenate, and copper                  combust those materials in units at
                                              naphthenate-borate) (81 FR 6738,                                                                                comparable to the contaminant in
                                                                                                      major pulp and paper mills or units at                  biomass and fuel oil, units that had
                                              February 8, 2016). EPA stated that based                power production facilities subject to 40
                                              on the information received, the Agency                                                                         switched to natural gas from fuel oil
                                                                                                      CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD (Boiler                      would clearly be in compliance with the
                                              believed these three types of treated                   MACT), that combust such ties and had
                                              railroad ties were candidates for                                                                               legitimacy criteria if they did not switch
                                                                                                      been designed to burn biomass and fuel                  to the cleaner natural gas fuel. While
                                              categorical non-waste listings and                      oil, but are modified (e.g., oil delivery
                                              expected to begin development of a                                                                              contaminant levels may in fact be higher
                                                                                                      mechanisms are removed) in order to                     when compared to natural gas, boilers at
                                              proposed rule under 40 CFR 241.4(a) for                 use natural gas instead of fuel oil as part
                                              the three materials in the near future.                                                                         pulp and paper mills and power
                                                                                                      of normal operations and not solely as                  production facilities have demonstrated
                                              C. Scope of the Final Categorical Non-                  part of start-up or shut-down operations.               the ability to combust these materials
                                              Waste Listing for OTRTs                                 These ties may continue to be                           should not be penalized for switching to
                                                                                                      combusted as a product fuel only if                     a cleaner fuel. Removal of oil delivery
                                                 As discussed in section II.B of this                 certain conditions are met, which are
                                              preamble, the November 1, 2016                                                                                  mechanisms from units designed to
                                                                                                      intended to ensure that they are not                    burn fuel oil does not support a
                                              proposed OTRT rule was based on TWC                     being discarded:
                                              submitted letters and supporting                                                                                conclusive decision that such ties do
                                                                                                         • Must be combusted in existing (i.e.,
                                              documents requesting a categorical non-                                                                         not meet legitimacy criteria and are now
                                                                                                      commenced construction prior to April
                                              waste fuel listing for OTRTs. The                                                                               being discarded.
                                                                                                      14, 2014) stoker, bubbling bed, fluidized                  Information indicating that these
                                              information supporting the proposal                     bed or hybrid suspension grate boilers;
                                              and the comments received indicated                                                                             railroad ties alone or in the combination
                                                                                                                                                              mixtures are an important part of the
                                              that these materials have been                             • Must comprise no more than 40
                                              processed, and meet legitimacy criteria                                                                         fuel mix because of the consistently
                                                                                                      percent of the fuel that is used on an
                                              including management as a valuable                      annual heat input basis.20                              lower moisture content and higher Btu
                                              commodity, meaningful heating value                        These conditions will also apply if an               value, benefit the combustion units with
                                              and contaminants at levels comparable                   existing unit designed to burn fuel oil                 significant swings in steam demand,
                                              to or less than those in the traditional                and biomass (at a power production                      therefore suggesting that discard is not
                                              fuels that these combustion units are                   facility or pulp and paper mill) is                     occurring. The Agency believes it
                                              designed to burn as fuel. In this final                 modified to burn natural gas at some                    appropriate to balance other relevant
                                              rule, the Agency is listing, as categorical             point in the future.                                    factors in this categorical non-waste
                                              non-wastes, processed OTRTs when                           Units combusting ties mixed with                     determination and to decide that the
                                              used as fuels. The rationale for this                   creosote that are designed to burn                      switching to the cleaner natural gas
                                              listing is discussed in detail in the                   biomass and fuel oil, but have switched                 would not render these materials a
                                              Section D.                                              from fuel oil to natural gas, may also be               waste fuel.
                                                 For units combusting copper                          designed to burn coal under this                           This determination is consistent with
                                              naphthenate-borate and/or copper                        categorical non-waste fuel listing.                     the February 2016 rule, and is based on
                                              naphthenate railroad ties, such                            The approach for railroad ties treated               the historical usage of CTRT as a
                                              materials could be combusted as non-                    with creosote-borate (or other mixtures                 product fuel in stoker, bubbling bed,
                                              waste fuels in units designed to burn                                                                           fluidized bed and hybrid suspension
                                              biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or                         20 As noted in the February 2016 rule, the            grate boilers (i.e., boiler designs used to
                                              biomass and coal under CAA 112                          standards are based on information received after       combust used railroad ties, see 81 FR
                                                                                                      the February 7, 2013 rule specifically with regard      6732).
                                              standards. For units combusting railroad                to existing stoker, bubbling bed, fluidized bed or
                                              ties containing creosote, including                     hybrid suspension grate boilers in the pulp and         D. Rationale for Final Rule
                                              creosote-borate or any mixtures of ties                 paper and power production industries that were
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              containing creosote, borate and copper                  switching from fuel oil to natural gas due to lower     1. Discard
                                                                                                      compliance costs and the ability to use cleaner fuels
                                              naphthenate, such materials must be                     during operation. The 40% fuel use condition is            When deciding whether an NHSM
                                              burned in combustion units that are                     based on statements from industry indicating that       should be listed as a categorical non-
                                              designed to burn, both, biomass and fuel                CTRTs generally compromise 40% of the total fuel        waste fuel in accordance with 40 CFR
                                                                                                      load. These conditions regarding types of existing
                                              oil in order for the material to be                     units and fuel use were designed to ensure, in this
                                                                                                                                                              241.4(b)(5), EPA first evaluates whether
                                              considered a non-waste fuel. The                        circumstance, that the ties were not discarded. (81     or not the NHSM has been discarded,
                                              Agency would consider combustion                        FR 6724).                                               and if not discarded, whether or not the

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5325

                                              material is legitimately used as a                      processing in 40 CFR 241.2. As                          is analogous to that of CTRTs outlined
                                              product fuel in a combustion unit. If the               discussed in that section, processing                   in the February 8, 2016 final rule (81 FR
                                              material has been discarded, EPA                        includes operations that transform a                    6725). The processing of OTRTs is
                                              evaluates whether the NHSM has been                     discarded NHSM into a non-waste fuel                    correlated to the particular needs of the
                                              sufficiently processed into a material                  or non-waste ingredient, including                      end-use combustor. The process begins
                                              that is legitimately used as a product                  operations necessary to: Remove or                      when the railroad or utility company
                                              fuel.                                                   destroy contaminants; significantly                     removes the old OTRTs from service.
                                                 Information submitted by petitioners                 improve the fuel characteristics (e.g.,                 An initial inspection is conducted
                                              regarding OTRTs removed from service                    sizing or drying of the material, in                    where non-combustible materials are
                                              and processed was analogous to that for                 combination with other operations);                     sorted out. OTRTs are stored in staging
                                              CTRTs. Specifically, OTRTs removed                      chemically improve the as-fired energy                  areas until shippable quantities are
                                              from service are sometimes temporarily                  content; or improve the ingredient                      collected. Shippable quantities are
                                              stored in the railroad right-of-way or at               characteristics. Minimal operations that
                                                                                                                                                              transported via truck or rail to a
                                              another location selected by the                        result only in modifying the size of the
                                                                                                                                                              reprocessing center.
                                              removal/reclamation company. This                       material by shredding do not constitute
                                              means that not all OTRTs originate from                 processing for the purposes of the                         At the reprocessing center, pieces are
                                              crossties removed from service in the                   definition. The Agency concludes that                   again inspected, sorted, and non-
                                              same year; some OTRTs are processed                     OTRTs meet the definition of processing                 combustible materials are removed.
                                              from crossties removed from service in                  in 40 CFR 241.3 because contaminant                     Combustible pieces then undergo size
                                              prior years and stored by railroads or                  metals are removed in several steps and                 reduction and possible blending with
                                              removal/reclamation companies until a                   the fuel characteristics are significantly              compatible combustibles. Once the
                                              contract for reclamation is in place.                   improved; specifically:                                 OTRTs meet the end use specification,
                                                 EPA reiterates its position from the                    • Contaminants (e.g., spikes, plates,                they are then sold directly to the end-
                                              February 8, 2016 (81 FR 6725) final rule                transmission wire and insulator bulbs)                  use combustor for energy recovery.
                                              regarding cases where a railroad or                     are removed during initial inspection by                OTRTs are delivered to the end-use
                                              reclamation company waits for more                      the user organization;                                  combustors via railcar and/or truck
                                              than a year to realize the value of                        • Removal of contaminant metals                      similar to delivery of traditional
                                              OTRTs as a fuel. The Agency again                       occurs again at the reclamation facility
                                                                                                                                                              biomass fuels.
                                              concludes that OTRTs are removed from                   using magnets; such removal may occur
                                                                                                      in multiple stages;                                        After receipt, OTRTs are stockpiled
                                              service and stored in a railroad right-of-
                                                                                                         • The fuel characteristics of the                    similar to analogous biomass fuels (e.g.,
                                              way or location for long periods of time,                                                                       in fuel silos) to maximize dryness and
                                                                                                      material are improved when the
                                              that is, a year or longer without a
                                                                                                      crossties are ground or shredded to a                   minimize dust. While awaiting
                                              determination regarding their final end
                                                                                                      specified size (typically 1–2 inches) due               combustion at the end-user, which
                                              use (e.g., landscaping, as a fuel or
                                                                                                      to increased surface area. The final size               usually occurs within one day to a week
                                              landfilled) indicates that the material                 depends on the particular needs of the
                                              has been discarded in the first instance                                                                        of arrival, the OTRTs are also
                                                                                                      end-use combustor. The grinding may                     transferred and/or handled from storage
                                              and is a solid waste (see also the general              occur in one or more phases; and
                                              discussion of discard at 76 FR 15463,                                                                           in a manner consistent with the transfer
                                                                                                         • Once the contaminant metals are                    and handling of biomass fuels.
                                              March 11, 2011 rule).21 Regarding any                   removed and the OTRTs are ground,
                                              assertion that OTRTs are a valuable                                                                             Procedures include screening by the
                                                                                                      there may be additional operations to                   end-use combustor, combining with
                                              commodity in a robust market, the                       bring the material to a specified size.
                                              Agency would like to remind persons                                                                             other biomass fuels, and transferring to
                                              that NHSMs may have value in the                        3. Legitimacy Criteria                                  the combustor via conveyor belt or
                                              marketplace and still be considered                        EPA can list a discarded NHSM as a                   front-end loader.
                                              solid wastes.                                           categorical non-waste fuel if it has been                  Since the storage of the processed
                                              2. Processing                                           ‘‘sufficiently processed,’’ and meets the               material does not exceed reasonable
                                                                                                      legitimacy criteria. The three legitimacy               time frames and the processed ties are
                                                 Since the OTRTs removed from                         criteria to be evaluated are: (1) The                   handled/treated similar to analogous
                                              service are considered discarded                        NHSM must be managed as a valuable                      biomass fuels by end-use combustors,
                                              because they can be stored for long                     commodity, (2) the NHSM must have a                     OTRTs meet the criterion for being
                                              periods of time without a final                         meaningful heating value and be used as                 managed as a valuable commodity.
                                              determination regarding their final end                 a fuel in a combustion unit to recover
                                              use, to be considered a non-waste fuel                  energy, and (3) the NHSM must have                      ii. Meaningful Heating Value and Used
                                              they must be processed, i.e.                            contaminants or groups of contaminants                  as a Fuel To Recover Energy
                                              transforming the OTRTs into a product                   at levels comparable to or less than
                                              fuel that meets the legitimacy criteria.22              those in the traditional fuel the unit is                 EPA received the following
                                              The Agency concludes that the                           designed to burn.23                                     information for the heating values of
                                              processing of OTRTs described                                                                                   processed OTRTs: 6,867 Btu/lb for
                                              previously in section III.A.1 of this                   i. Managed as a Valuable Commodity                      creosote-borate; 7,333 Btu/lb for copper
                                              preamble meets the definition of                           Data submitted 24 indicates that OTRT                naphthenate; 5,967 Btu/lb for copper
                                                                                                      processing and subsequent management                    naphthenate-borate; 5,232 Btu/lb for
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                 22 Persons who concluded that their OTRTs are                                                                mixed railroad ties containing 56%
                                              not discarded and thus are not subject to this            23 We note that even if the NHSM does not meet
                                                                                                                                                              creosote, 41% creosote-borate, 1%
                                              categorical determination may submit an                 one or more of the legitimacy criteria, the Agency
                                              application to the EPA Regional Administrator that      could still propose to list an NHSM categorically by    copper naphthenate, 2% copper
                                              the material has not been discarded when                balancing the legitimacy criteria with other relevant   naphthenate-borate; and 7,967 Btu/lb for
                                              transferred to a third party and is indistinguishable   factors (see 40 CFR 241.4(b)(5)(ii).                    mixed ties containing 25% creosote,
                                              from a product fuel (76 FR 15551, March 21, 2011).        24 See section III.D.4. of this preamble for a

                                              Persons can also make self-determinations for their     description of EPA’s review of all data submitted
                                                                                                                                                              25% creosote borate, 25% copper
                                              NHSM.                                                   regarding meeting legitimacy criteria.                  naphthenate and 25% copper

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                                              5326                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              naphthenate-borate.25 26 In the March                                       groups of five tie samples each. This                          analyzed three samples of equally-
                                              2011 NHSM final rule, the Agency                                            resulted in 12 total groups                                    blended tie material, three samples of
                                              indicated that NHSMs with an energy                                         corresponding to the four different types                      unevenly-blended tie material, and
                                              value greater than 5,000 Btu/lb, as fired,                                  ties. Each group was then isolated,                            three samples of untreated wood for a
                                              are considered to have a meaningful                                         mixed together, processed into a fuel-                         total of 18 samples.
                                              heating value.27 Thus, OTRTs meet the                                       type consistency, and shipped to the                             In addition to September 2015 data,
                                              criterion for meaningful heating value                                      laboratory for analysis.                                       copper naphthenate-borate, and copper
                                              and used as a fuel to recover energy.                                          Use of these types of ties are relatively                   naphthenate test data had also been
                                                                                                                          new compared to creosote, so few of                            submitted in conjunction with TWC’s
                                              iii. Contaminants Comparable to or                                                                                                         earlier December 4, 2013 petition and
                                              Lower Than Traditional Fuels                                                these OTRT have transitioned to fuel
                                                                                                                          use at this time, but we expect more in                        are included in the following tables. As
                                                 For each type of OTRT, EPA has                                           the future. To simulate that transition                        noted in section II.B of this preamble,
                                              compared the September 2015 data                                            over time, three samples of unequally-                         the 2013 data did not have details on
                                              submitted on contaminant levels by                                          blended tie material (56% creosote, 41%                        the number of samples collected. In
                                              petitioners to contaminant data for                                                                                                        addition, sulfur was measured using
                                                                                                                          creosote-borate, 1% copper
                                              biomass/untreated wood, and fuel oil. In                                                                                                   leachable anion techniques that do not
                                                                                                                          naphthenate, 2% copper naphthenate-
                                              response to comments on the proposal,                                                                                                      provide results of the total contaminant
                                                                                                                          borate) and three samples of equally
                                              EPA has also taken the September 2015                                                                                                      content, and heat content was not
                                                                                                                          blended tie material (25% creosote, 25%
                                                                                                                                                                                         measured. Therefore, the Agency’s
                                              data and compared them to coal. The                                         creosote-borate, 25% copper
                                                                                                                                                                                         decisions are based on the complete
                                              petitioner’s data included samples taken                                    naphthenate, 25% copper naphthenate-
                                                                                                                                                                                         data submitted in 2015 supplemented
                                              from 15 different used creosote-borate                                      borate) were analyzed. The lab analyzed
                                                                                                                                                                                         by the 2013 data. The results of the
                                              ties, 15 different copper naphthenate-                                      three samples of each of the processed
                                                                                                                                                                                         analysis of the 2015 and 2013 data are
                                              borate ties, 15 creosote ties, and 15                                       tie treated with creosote, creosote-
                                                                                                                                                                                         shown in the following tables.
                                              copper naphthenate ties. Each type of                                       borate, copper naphthenate and copper
                                              tie sample was divided into three                                           naphthenate-borate. In addition, the lab                       Copper Naphthenate

                                                                                                                                                                 naphthenate          Biomass/
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                           railroad ties        untreated            Fuel oil b           Coal b
                                                                                                                                                                 contaminant           wood b
                                                                                                                                                                   levels a f

                                                                                                                                    Metal Elements (PPM-dry basis)

                                              Antimony ..................................................................................................               ND<1.4             ND–26              ND–15.7                0.5–10
                                              Arsenic .....................................................................................................           0.53–0.93           ND–298               ND–13               0.5–174
                                              Beryllium ..................................................................................................             ND–0.05             ND–10               ND–19               0.1–206
                                              Cadmium ..................................................................................................               ND–0.20             ND–17               ND–1.4                0.1–19
                                              Chromium ................................................................................................               0.22–0.50           ND–340               ND–37               0.5–168
                                              Cobalt .......................................................................................................           ND–0.81            ND–213               ND–8.5                0.5–30
                                              Lead .........................................................................................................            ND–3.5            ND–340              ND–56.8                 2–148
                                              Manganese ..............................................................................................                  7.1–166         ND–15,800            ND–3,200                 5–512
                                              Mercury ....................................................................................................             ND<0.20            ND–1.1               ND–0.2              0.02–3.1
                                              Nickel .......................................................................................................           0.79–1.1           ND–540              ND–270                0.5–730
                                              Selenium ..................................................................................................             0.41–0.84           ND–9.0                ND–4               0.2–74.3

                                                                                                                                Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Chlorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100           ND–5,400             ND–1,260           ND–9,080
                                              Fluorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100             ND–300               ND–14              ND–178
                                              Nitrogen ...................................................................................................             ND<500          200–39,500            42–8,950       13,600–54,000
                                              Sulfur ........................................................................................................          190–240          ND–8,700            ND–57,000          740–61,300

                                                                                                                  Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Acenaphthene ..........................................................................................                    3.0–95              ND–50                 h 111                  —
                                              Acenaphthylene .......................................................................................                    ND<1.3                ND–4                  4.1                   —
                                              Anthracene ...............................................................................................                ND–6.3               0.4–87                 96                    —
                                              Benzo[a]anthracene .................................................................................                      ND<1.3               ND–62           41–1,900                     —
                                              Benzo[a]pyrene ........................................................................................                   ND<1.3               ND–28           0.60–960                     —
                                              Benzo[b]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                      ND<1.3               ND–42             11–540                     —
                                              Benzo[ghi]perylene ..................................................................................                     ND<1.3                ND–9                11.4                    —
                                              Benzo[k]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                      ND<1.3               ND–16                  0.6                   —
                                              Chrysene ..................................................................................................               ND<1.3               ND–53           2.2–2,700                    —
                                              Dibenz [a, h] anthracene .........................................................................                        ND<1.3                ND–3                  4.0                   —
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Fluoranthene ............................................................................................                 ND–6.5             0.6–160           31.6–240                     —
                                              Fluorene ...................................................................................................               4.5–53            h ND–40               3,600                    —
                                              Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene ...........................................................................                       ND<1.3               ND–12                  2.3                   —
                                              Naphthalene .............................................................................................                  8.2–80            h ND–38          34.3–4,000                    —

                                                25 Letter from Jeff Miller to Barnes Johnson,                               26 These values reflect averages from 2013 and               September and October 2015 letters from Jeff Miller
                                              September 11, 2015; see docket for this rule.                               2015 data. Relevant lab data on Btu/lb for each                to Barnes Johnson included in the docket.
                                                                                                                          types of processed OTRT can be viewed in the                     27 See 76 FR 15541, March 21, 2011.

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                 5327

                                                                                                                                                                naphthenate          Biomass/
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                          railroad ties        untreated             Fuel oil b    Coal b
                                                                                                                                                                contaminant           wood b
                                                                                                                                                                  levels a f

                                              Phenanthrene ..........................................................................................                   8.2–77            0.9–190            0–116,000             —
                                              Pyrene ......................................................................................................             ND–15             0.2–160               23–178             —
                                              16–PAH ....................................................................................................              49–298               5–921         3,900–54,700   h 6–253

                                              PAH (52 extractable) ...............................................................................                         e—                  —                    —     14–2,090
                                              Pentachlorophenol ...................................................................................                   g ND<30               ND–1                    —           —
                                              Biphenyl ...................................................................................................                 e—                  —           1,000–1,200          —

                                                    Total SVOC c ....................................................................................                  77–328               5–922         4,900–54,700    20–2,343

                                                                                                    Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Benzene ...................................................................................................             ND<0.69                  —                ND–75       ND–38
                                              Phenol ......................................................................................................               e—                   —             ND–7,700            —
                                              Styrene .....................................................................................................           ND<0.69                  —               ND–320       1.0–26
                                              Toluene ....................................................................................................            ND<0.69                  —               ND–380       8.6–56
                                              Xylenes ....................................................................................................            ND<0.69                  —             ND–3,100       4.0–28
                                              Cumene ...................................................................................................                  e—                   —           6,000–8,600           —
                                              Ethyl benzene ..........................................................................................                ND<0.69                  —              22–1,270      0.7–5.4
                                              Formaldehyde ..........................................................................................                     e—               1.6–27                   —            —
                                              Hexane .....................................................................................................                e—                   —             50–10,000           —

                                                    Total VOC d .......................................................................................                ND<3.4              1.6–27         6,072–19,810   14.3–125.4
                                                 a Data provided by Treated Wood Council on April 3, 2013, September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
                                                 b Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contami-
                                              nant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to
                                              USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
                                                 c Total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum
                                              and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
                                                 d Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC group, so is not reflected here.
                                                 e Cells with the ‘‘—’’ indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be present in treated wood formulation
                                              being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
                                                 f Non-detects are indicated by ‘‘<’’ preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit. Therefore, there are many cases where
                                              the non-detect value may be greater than another test’s detected value due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e.,
                                              differences in tested amount or analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method report-
                                              ing limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
                                                 g Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
                                                 h EPA has generally defined ‘‘comparable to or lower than’’ to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs within a small acceptable range
                                              or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary mate-
                                              rials can have contaminants that are somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being com-
                                              parable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).

                                                As indicated, railroad ties treated                                       wood, fuel oil or coal. Given that these                      units designed to burn biomass, biomass
                                              with copper naphthenate have                                                railroad ties are a type of wood biomass                      and fuel oil, or biomass and coal.
                                              contaminants that are comparable to or                                      material, such ties can be combusted in
                                              less than those in biomass/untreated                                                                                                      Copper Naphthenate—Borate

                                                                                                                                                               naphthenate-          Biomass/
                                                                                                                                                                   borate                                  Fuel oil b    Coal b
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                                               untreated
                                                                                                                                                                railroad ties         wood b
                                                                                                                                                                  levels a f

                                                                                                                                    Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Antimony ..................................................................................................             ND<1.4              ND–26               ND–15.7        0.5–10
                                              Arsenic .....................................................................................................         0.52–0.72            ND–298                ND–13       0.5–174
                                              Beryllium ..................................................................................................            ND<.67              ND–10                ND–19       0.1–206
                                              Cadmium ..................................................................................................            ND–0.078              ND–17                ND–1.4        0.1–19
                                              Chromium ................................................................................................             0.11–0.78            ND–340                ND–37       0.5–168
                                              Cobalt .......................................................................................................         ND–0.74             ND–213                ND–8.5        0.5–30
                                              Lead .........................................................................................................          ND–4.0             ND–340               ND–56.8         2–148
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Manganese ..............................................................................................                 14–170          ND–15,800             ND–3,200         5–512
                                              Mercury ....................................................................................................           ND<0.15             ND–1.1                ND–0.2      0.02–3.1
                                              Nickel .......................................................................................................         0.46–2.0            ND–540               ND–270       0.5–730
                                              Selenium ..................................................................................................            ND–0.52             ND–9.0                 ND–4       0.2–74.3

                                                                                                                                Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Chlorine ....................................................................................................           ND<100            ND–5,400             ND–1,260     ND–9,080

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                                              5328                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                                                                naphthenate-          Biomass/
                                                                                                                                                                    borate                                  Fuel oil b         Coal b
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                                                untreated
                                                                                                                                                                 railroad ties         wood b
                                                                                                                                                                   levels a f

                                              Fluorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100             ND–300                ND–14             ND–178
                                              Nitrogen ...................................................................................................             ND<500          200–39,500             42–8,950      13,600–54,000
                                              Sulfur ........................................................................................................          140–170          ND–8,700             ND–57,000         740–61,300

                                                                                                                  Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Acenaphthene ..........................................................................................                    4.8–17              ND–50                   111              —
                                              Acenaphthylene .......................................................................................                    ND–0.9                ND–4                    4.1             —
                                              Anthracene ...............................................................................................                ND–7.2               0.4–87                   96              —
                                              Benzo[a]anthracene .................................................................................                      ND–3.7               ND–62             41–1,900               —
                                              Benzo[a]pyrene ........................................................................................                   ND–1.4               ND–28             0.60–960               —
                                              Benzo[b]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                      ND–3.9               ND–42                11–540              —
                                              Benzo[ghi]perylene ..................................................................................                     ND<1.2                ND–9                  11.4              —
                                              Benzo[k]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                       ND–20             h ND–16                    0.6             —
                                              Chrysene ..................................................................................................               ND–6.6               ND–53             2.2–2,700              —
                                              Dibenz [a, h] anthracene .........................................................................                        ND<1.2                ND–3                    4.0             —
                                              Fluoranthene ............................................................................................                  ND–20             0.6–160              31.6–240              —
                                              Fluorene ...................................................................................................               2.2–16              ND–40                 3,600              —
                                              Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene ...........................................................................                       ND<1.2               ND–12                    2.3             —
                                              Naphthalene .............................................................................................                  5.2–82            h ND–38            34.3–4,000              —
                                              Phenanthrene ..........................................................................................                    3.6–43            0.9–190            0–116,000               —
                                              Pyrene ......................................................................................................              ND–19             0.2–160               23–178               —
                                              16–PAH ....................................................................................................               39–145               5–921         3,900–54,700           6–253
                                              PAH (52 extractable) ...............................................................................                          e—                   —                     —        14–2,090
                                              Pentachlorophenol ...................................................................................                   g ND <28                ND–1                     —              —
                                              Biphenyl ...................................................................................................                  e—                   —          1,000–1,200               —

                                                    Total SVOC c ....................................................................................                   66–173               5–922         4,900–54,700         20–2,343

                                                                                                     Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Benzene ...................................................................................................              ND<0.77                  —                ND–75            ND–38
                                              Phenol ......................................................................................................                e—                   —             ND–7,700                 —
                                              Styrene .....................................................................................................            ND<0.77                  —               ND–320            1.0–26
                                              Toluene ....................................................................................................             ND<0.77                  —               ND–380            8.6–56
                                              Xylenes ....................................................................................................             ND<0.77                  —             ND–3,100            4.0–28
                                              Cumene ...................................................................................................                   e—                   —           6,000–8,600                —
                                              Ethyl benzene ..........................................................................................                 ND<0.77                  —              22–1,270           0.7–5.4
                                              Formaldehyde ..........................................................................................                      e—               1.6–27                   —                 —
                                              Hexane .....................................................................................................                 e—                   —             50–10,000                —

                                                    Total VOC d .......................................................................................                 ND<3.8              1.6–27         6,072–19,810        14.3–125.4
                                                 a Data provided by Treated Wood Council on April 3, 2013, September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
                                                 b Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contami-
                                              nant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to
                                              USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
                                                 c Total SVOC ranges do not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum
                                              and maximum concentrations for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
                                                 d Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC group, so is not reflected here.
                                                 e Cells with the ‘‘—’’ indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be present in treated wood formulation
                                              being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
                                                 f Non-detects are indicated by ‘‘<’’ preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit. Therefore, there are many cases where
                                              the non-detect value may be greater than another test’s detected value due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e.,
                                              differences in tested amount or analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method report-
                                              ing limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
                                                 g Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
                                                 h EPA has generally defined ‘‘comparable to or lower than’’ to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs within a small acceptable range
                                              or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary mate-
                                              rials can have contaminants that are somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being com-
                                              parable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                As indicated, railroad ties treated                                       grouping of SVOCs, 78 FR 9146,                                 biomass, or biomass and fuel oil, or
                                              with copper naphthenate-borate have                                         February 7, 2013) or coal. Given that                          biomass and coal.
                                              contaminants that are comparable to or                                      these railroad ties are a type of treated
                                              less than those in biomass/untreated                                        wood biomass, such ties can be                                 Creosote-Borate
                                              wood, fuel oil (see discussion of                                           combusted in units designed to burn

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                         5329

                                                                                                                                                                    borate             Biomass/
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                           railroad ties         untreated             Fuel oil b          Coal b
                                                                                                                                                                 contaminant            wood b
                                                                                                                                                                   levels a f

                                                                                                                                    Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Antimony ..................................................................................................              ND<1.3               ND–26               ND–15.7              0.5–10
                                              Arsenic .....................................................................................................           ND–0.80              ND–298                ND–13              0.5–174
                                              Beryllium ..................................................................................................           ND–0.032               ND–10                ND–19             0.1–206
                                              Cadmium ..................................................................................................            0.059–0.25              ND–17                ND–1.4              0.1–19
                                              Chromium ................................................................................................               0.10–1.1             ND–340                ND–37              0.5–168
                                              Cobalt .......................................................................................................          ND–0.22              ND–213                ND–8.5              0.5–30
                                              Lead .........................................................................................................           ND–1.8              ND–340               ND–56.8               2–148
                                              Manganese ..............................................................................................                  22–140           ND–15,800             ND–3,200               5–512
                                              Mercury ....................................................................................................           ND–0.066              ND–1.1                ND–0.2            0.02–3.1
                                              Nickel .......................................................................................................          0.71–1.8             ND–540               ND–270              0.5–730
                                              Selenium ..................................................................................................             0.59–1.4             ND–9.0                 ND–4             0.2–74.3

                                                                                                                                Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Chlorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100            ND–5,400              ND–1,260           ND–9,080
                                              Fluorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100              ND–300                ND–14              ND–178
                                              Nitrogen ...................................................................................................             ND<500           200–39,500             42–8,950       13,600–54,000
                                              Sulfur ........................................................................................................          170–180           ND–8,700             ND–57,000          740–61,300

                                                                                                                               Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants

                                              Acenaphthene ..........................................................................................               600–2,200                ND–50                     111              —
                                              Acenaphthylene .......................................................................................                    17–96                 ND–4                      4.1             —
                                              Anthracene ...............................................................................................            350–2,000                0.4–87                     96              —
                                              Benzo[a]anthracene .................................................................................                  200–1,500                ND–62               41–1,900               —
                                              Benzo[a]pyrene ........................................................................................                  62–500                ND–28               0.60–960               —
                                              Benzo[b]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                    110–960                ND–42                 11–540               —
                                              Benzo[ghi]perylene ..................................................................................                    13–170                 ND–9                    11.4              —
                                              Benzo[k]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                     40–320                ND–16                      0.6             —
                                              Chrysene ..................................................................................................           210–1,300                ND–53              2.2–2,700               —
                                              Dibenz [a, h] anthracene .........................................................................                       ND–58                  ND–3                      4.0             —
                                              Fluoranthene ............................................................................................           1,100–8,400               0.6–160              31.6–240               —
                                              Fluorene ...................................................................................................          500–2,200                ND–40                   3,600              —
                                              Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene ...........................................................................                      14–170                ND–12                      2.3             —
                                              Naphthalene .............................................................................................             660–2,900                ND–38             34.3–4,000               —
                                              Phenanthrene ..........................................................................................            2,000–12,000               0.9–190            0–116,000                —
                                              Pyrene ......................................................................................................         780–5,200               0.2–160                23–178               —
                                              16–PAH ....................................................................................................        6,600–38,000                 5–921         3,900–54,700            6–253
                                              PAH (52 extractable) ...............................................................................                        e—                     —                       —        14–2,090
                                              Pentachlorophenol ...................................................................................                 g ND <790                 ND–1                       —              —
                                              Biphenyl ...................................................................................................          h 137–330                    —           1,000–1,200                —

                                                    Total SVOC c ....................................................................................            7,200–39,000                 5–922         4,900–54,700          20–2,343

                                                                                                     Volatile Organic Compound Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Benzene ...................................................................................................               ND<3.9                   —                ND–75             ND–38
                                              Phenol ......................................................................................................                e—                    —             ND–7,700                  —
                                              Styrene .....................................................................................................             ND<3.9                   —               ND–320             1.0–26
                                              Toluene ....................................................................................................              ND<3.9                   —               ND–380             8.6–56
                                              Xylenes ....................................................................................................              ND<3.9                   —             ND–3,100             4.0–28
                                              Cumene ...................................................................................................                   e—                    —           6,000–8,600                 —
                                              Ethyl benzene ..........................................................................................                  ND<3.9                   —              22–1,270            0.7–5.4
                                              Formaldehyde ..........................................................................................                      e—                1.6–27                   —                  —
                                              Hexane .....................................................................................................                 e—                    —             50–10,000                 —

                                                    Total VOC d .......................................................................................                     ND<20            1.6–27         6,072–19,810         14.3–125.4
                                                a Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
                                                b Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contami-
                                              nant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule docket.
                                                c For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants is appropriate in this case when making contaminant comparisons for purposes
                                              of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the
                                              contaminant legitimacy criterion will be met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
                                              standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards under CAA sections 112 and
                                              129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do
                                              not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations
                                              for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
                                                d Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC group, so is not reflected here.

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                                              5330                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 e Cells with the ‘‘—’’ indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be present in treated wood formulation
                                              being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
                                                 f Non-detects are indicated by ‘‘<’’ preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit. Therefore, there are many cases where
                                              the non-detect value may be greater than another test’s detected value due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e.,
                                              differences in tested amount or analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method report-
                                              ing limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
                                                 g Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
                                                 h Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from previous CTRT testing.

                                                 In the contaminant comparison, EPA                                       burn both biomass/untreated wood and                          conditions, power demands or other
                                              considered two scenarios. In the first                                      fuel oil, and as such, meet this criterion                    factors. If a unit can burn both a solid
                                              scenario, where a combustion unit is                                        if used in facilities that are designed to                    and liquid fuel, then comparison to
                                              designed to only burn biomass or coal,                                      burn both, biomass/untreated wood and                         either fuel would be appropriate.
                                              EPA compared contaminant levels in                                          fuel oil.29 Such facilities designed to                          In order to make comparisons to
                                              creosote-borate treated railroad ties to                                    burn both biomass and fuel may also                           multiple traditional fuels, units must be
                                              contaminant levels in biomass/                                              burn coal.                                                    designed to burn those fuels. If a facility
                                              untreated wood and coal. In this                                               As stated in the preamble to the
                                                                                                                                                                                        compares contaminants in an NHSM to
                                              scenario, the total SVOC levels can                                         February 7, 2013, NHSM final rule,
                                                                                                                                                                                        a traditional fuel a unit is not designed
                                              reach 39,000 ppm, driven by high levels                                     combustors may burn NHSMs as a
                                                                                                                                                                                        to burn, and that material is highly
                                              of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons                                         product fuel if the contaminants are
                                                                                                                                                                                        contaminated, a facility would then be
                                              (PAHs).28 As these compounds are at                                         comparable to or lower than a
                                                                                                                                                                                        able to burn excessive levels of waste
                                              very low levels in biomass/untreated                                        traditional fuel the unit is designed to
                                                                                                                                                                                        components in the NHSM as a means of
                                              wood and coal, the contaminants are not                                     burn (78 FR 9149). Combustion units are
                                                                                                                                                                                        discard. Such NHSMs would be
                                              comparable to the traditional fuel that                                     often designed to burn multiple
                                                                                                                                                                                        considered wastes regardless of any fuel
                                              the unit was designed to burn.                                              traditional fuels, and some units can
                                                                                                                                                                                        value (78 FR 9149, February 7, 2013).30
                                                 In the second scenario, a combustion                                     and do rely on different fuel types at
                                                                                                                                                                                        Accordingly, the ability to burn a fuel in
                                              unit is designed to burn both, biomass/                                     different times based on availability of
                                                                                                                                                                                        a combustion unit does have a basic set
                                              untreated wood and fuel oil as well as                                      fuel supplies, market conditions, power
                                                                                                                                                                                        of requirements, the most basic of which
                                              coal. As previously mentioned, SVOCs                                        demands, and other factors. Under these
                                                                                                                                                                                        is the ability to feed the material into
                                              are present in creosote-borate railroad                                     circumstances, it is arbitrary to restrict
                                                                                                                                                                                        the combustion unit. The unit must also
                                              ties (up to 39,000 ppm) at levels within                                    the combustion for energy recovery of
                                                                                                                                                                                        be able to ensure the material is well-
                                              the range observed in fuel oil (up to                                       NHSMs based on contaminant
                                                                                                                                                                                        mixed and maintain temperatures
                                              54,700 ppm). Therefore, creosote-borate                                     comparison to only one traditional fuel
                                                                                                                                                                                        within unit specifications.
                                              railroad ties have comparable                                               if the unit could burn a second
                                              contaminant levels as compared to other                                     traditional fuel chosen due to such                           Mixed Treatments—Creosote, Borate,
                                              fuels combusted in units designed to                                        changes in fuel supplies, market                              Copper Naphthenate

                                                                                                                                                               Mixed railroad
                                                                                                                                                                  (25%C–             Biomass/
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                                               untreated            Fuel oil b            Coal b
                                                                                                                                                                 25%CuN–              wood b
                                                                                                                                                                  levels a f

                                                                                                                                   Mixed Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Antimony ..................................................................................................              ND<1.4             ND–26              ND–15.7                0.5–10
                                              Arsenic .....................................................................................................           ND–0.81            ND–298               ND–13                0.5–174
                                              Beryllium ..................................................................................................            ND<0.70             ND–10               ND–19               0.1–206
                                              Cadmium ..................................................................................................             0.15–0.38            ND–17               ND–1.4                0.1–19
                                              Chromium ................................................................................................              0.15–0.17           ND–340               ND–37               0.5–168
                                              Cobalt .......................................................................................................          ND–0.07            ND–213               ND–8.5                0.5–30
                                              Lead .........................................................................................................         0.50–0.81           ND–340              ND–56.8                 2–148
                                              Manganese ..............................................................................................                110–190          ND–15,800            ND–3,200                 5–512
                                              Mercury ....................................................................................................            ND–0.06            ND–1.1               ND–0.2              0.02–3.1
                                              Nickel .......................................................................................................          0.75–1.4           ND–540              ND–270                0.5–730
                                              Selenium ..................................................................................................             ND–0.50            ND–9.0                ND–4               0.2–74.3

                                                 28 We note that for several SVOCs—cresols,                               would replace, and would thus be considered solid             referenced in this final rule showed non-detects for
                                              hexachlorobenzene, and 2,4-dinitrotoluene, which                            wastes. The February 8, 2016 final rule (81 FR 6688)          those two contaminants.
                                              were expected to be in creosote, and for which                              differs in several respects from the conclusions in             30 78 FR 9149 states ‘‘If a NHSM does not contain
                                              information was specifically requested in the                               the March 2011 rule. The February 2016 final rule             contaminants at levels comparable to or lower than
                                              February 7, 2013 NHSM final rule (78 FR 9111), the                          concludes that CTRTs are a categorical non-waste              those found in any [emphasis added] traditional
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              data demonstrate that they were not detectable, or                          when combusted in units designed to burn both
                                              were present at levels so low to be considered                                                                                            fuel that a combustion unit could burn, then it
                                                                                                                          fuel oil and biomass. The March 2011 rule, using
                                              comparable.                                                                 1990 data on railroad cross ties, was based on                follows that discard could be occurring if the
                                                 29 As discussed previously, the March 21, 2011                           contaminant comparisons to coal and biomass and               NHSM were combusted. Whether contaminants in
                                              NHSM final rule (76 FR 15456), noting the presence                          not fuel oil. As discussed above, when compared               these cases would be destroyed or discarded
                                              of hexachlorobenzene and dinitrotoluene, suggested                          to fuel oil, total SVOC contaminant concentrations            through releases to the air, they could not be
                                              that creosote-treated lumber include contaminants                           (which would include dinitrotoluene and                       considered a normal part of a legitimate fuel and
                                              at levels that are not comparable to those found in                         hexachlorobenzene) in CTRTs would be less that                the NHSM would be considered a solid waste when
                                              wood or coal, the fuel that creosote-treated wood                           those found in fuel oil, and in fact, the 2012 data           used as a fuel in that combustion unit.’’

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                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                        5331

                                                                                                                                                                Mixed railroad
                                                                                                                                                                   (25%C–             Biomass/
                                                                                                                                                                   25%CB–                                   Fuel oil b          Coal b
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                                                untreated
                                                                                                                                                                  25%CuN–              wood b
                                                                                                                                                                   levels a f

                                                                                                                                Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Chlorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100           ND–5,400              ND–1,260           ND–9,080
                                              Fluorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100             ND–300                ND–14              ND–178
                                              Nitrogen ...................................................................................................             ND<500          200–39,500             42–8,950       13,600–54,000
                                              Sulfur ........................................................................................................          140–210          ND–8,700             ND–57,000          740–61,300

                                                                                                                  Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Acenaphthene ..........................................................................................               500–1,100               ND–50                    111               —
                                              Acenaphthylene .......................................................................................                    12–25                  ND–4                    4.1             —
                                              Anthracene ...............................................................................................            290–1,100               0.4–87                      96             —
                                              Benzo[a]anthracene .................................................................................                    140–350               ND–62              41–1,900                —
                                              Benzo[a]pyrene ........................................................................................                  47–120               ND–28              0.60–960                —
                                              Benzo[b]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                     83–210               ND–42                11–540                —
                                              Benzo[ghi]perylene ..................................................................................                     9.4–23                 ND–9                 11.4               —
                                              Benzo[k]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                      30–64               ND–16                      0.6             —
                                              Chrysene ..................................................................................................             160–360               ND–53              2.2–2,700               —
                                              Dibenz [a, h] anthracene .........................................................................                       ND–4.7                i ND–3                  i 4.0             —
                                              Fluoranthene ............................................................................................             800–2,100              0.6–160             31.6–240                —
                                              Fluorene ...................................................................................................          350–1,000               ND–40                  3,600               —
                                              Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene ...........................................................................                       10–28               ND–12                      2.3             —
                                              Naphthalene .............................................................................................               320–580               ND–38            34.3–4,000                —
                                              Phenanthrene ..........................................................................................             1,300–3,800              0.9–190            0–116,000                —
                                              Pyrene ......................................................................................................         520–1,400              0.2–160                23–178               —
                                              16–PAH ....................................................................................................        4,500–12,000                 5–921        3,900–54,700            6–253
                                              PAH (52 extractable) ...............................................................................                         e—                    —                      —        14–2,090
                                              Pentachlorophenol ...................................................................................                       g ND                 ND–1                     —              —
                                              Biphenyl ...................................................................................................          h 137–330                    —          1,000–1,200                —

                                                    Total SVOC c ....................................................................................            4,800–13,000                5–922         4,900–54,700          20–2,343

                                                                                                                         Volatile Organic Compounds (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Benzene ...................................................................................................               ND<1.1                  —                ND–75             ND–38
                                              Phenol ......................................................................................................                e—                   —             ND–7,700                  —
                                              Styrene .....................................................................................................             ND<1.1                  —               ND–320             1.0–26
                                              Toluene ....................................................................................................              ND<1.1                  —               ND–380             8.6–56
                                              Xylenes ....................................................................................................              ND<1.1                  —             ND–3,100             4.0–28
                                              Cumene ...................................................................................................                   e—                   —           6,000–8,600                 —
                                              Ethyl benzene ..........................................................................................                  ND<1.1                  —              22–1,270            0.7–5.4
                                              Formaldehyde ..........................................................................................                      e—               1.6–27                   —                  —
                                              Hexane .....................................................................................................                 e—                   —             50–10,000                 —

                                                    Total VOC d .......................................................................................                 ND<5.3              1.6–27         6,072–19,810         14.3–125.4
                                                 a Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.
                                                 b Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at https://www.epa.gov/rcra/contami-
                                              nant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data submitted to
                                              USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IECP data that will be available in the rule docket. As
                                              units must be designed to burn both fuel oil and biomass, contaminant concentrations in mixed creosote ties must be lower than either fuel oil or
                                              biomass to be comparable.
                                                 c For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants is appropriate in this case when making contaminant comparisons for purposes
                                              of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the
                                              contaminant legitimacy criterion will be met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
                                              standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards under CAA sections 112 and
                                              129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do
                                              not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations
                                              for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
                                                 d Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC group, so is not reflected here.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                 e Cells with the ‘‘—’’ indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be present in treated wood formulation
                                              being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
                                                 f Non-detects are indicated by ‘‘<’’ preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit. Therefore, there are many cases where
                                              the non-detect value may be greater than another test’s detected value due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e.,
                                              differences in tested amount or analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method report-
                                              ing limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
                                                 g Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
                                                 h Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from previous CTRT testing.

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                                              5332                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 i EPA has generally defined ‘‘comparable to or lower than’’ to mean contaminants can be presented in NHSMs within a small acceptable range
                                              or at lower levels, relative to the contaminants found in the traditional fuels. Thus, fuels that are produced from nonhazardous secondary mate-
                                              rials can have contaminants that are somewhat higher than the traditional fuel that otherwise would be burned and still qualify as being com-
                                              parable, and would not be considered a solid waste (76 FR 15481).

                                                                                                                                                                Mixed railroad
                                                                                                                                                                   (56%C–              Biomass/
                                                                                                                                                                  41%CB–                                     Fuel oil b         Coal b
                                                                                           Contaminant                                                                                 untreated
                                                                                                                                                                  1%CuN–                wood b
                                                                                                                                                                   levels a f

                                                                                                                                    Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Antimony ..................................................................................................                   ND              ND–26               ND–15.7             0.5–10
                                              Arsenic .....................................................................................................            ND–0.65             ND–298                ND–13             0.5–174
                                              Beryllium ..................................................................................................                  ND              ND–10                ND–19            0.1–206
                                              Cadmium ..................................................................................................              0.08–0.09             ND–17                ND–1.4             0.1–19
                                              Chromium ................................................................................................               0.12–0.78            ND–340                ND–37            0.5–168
                                              Cobalt .......................................................................................................           ND–0.18             ND–213                ND–8.5             0.5–30
                                              Lead .........................................................................................................           ND–0.93             ND–340               ND–56.8              2–148
                                              Manganese ..............................................................................................                    47–77          ND–15,800             ND–3,200              5–512
                                              Mercury ....................................................................................................             ND–0.03             ND–1.1                ND–0.2           0.02–3.1
                                              Nickel .......................................................................................................          0.50–0.99            ND–540               ND–270             0.5–730
                                              Selenium ..................................................................................................             0.56–0.68            ND–9.0                 ND–4            0.2–74.3

                                                                                                                                Non-Metal Elements (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Chlorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100            ND–5,400              ND–1,260          ND–9,080
                                              Fluorine ....................................................................................................            ND<100              ND–300                ND–14             ND–178
                                              Nitrogen ...................................................................................................             ND<500           200–39,500             42–8,950      13,600–54,000
                                              Sulfur ........................................................................................................          230–280           ND–8,700             ND–57,000         740–61,300

                                                                                                                  Semivolatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Acenaphthene ..........................................................................................             1,500–1,800                ND–50                    111              —
                                              Acenaphthylene .......................................................................................                    31–40                 ND–4                    4.1              —
                                              Anthracene ...............................................................................................            760–1,100                0.4–87                    96              —
                                              Benzo[a]anthracene .................................................................................                    390–490                ND–62              41–1,900               —
                                              Benzo[a]pyrene ........................................................................................                 150–200                ND–28              0.60–960               —
                                              Benzo[b]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                    230–310                ND–42                11–540               —
                                              Benzo[ghi]perylene ..................................................................................                     28–56                 ND–9                   11.4              —
                                              Benzo[k]fluoranthene ...............................................................................                     93–130                ND–16                     0.6             —
                                              Chrysene ..................................................................................................             390–520                ND–53              2.2–2,700              —
                                              Dibenz [a, h] anthracene .........................................................................                       ND<28                  ND–3                     4.0             —
                                              Fluoranthene ............................................................................................           2,000–2,700               0.6–160             31.6–240               —
                                              Fluorene ...................................................................................................        1,100–1,300                ND–40                  3,600              —
                                              Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene ...........................................................................                       32–52                ND–12                    2.3              —
                                              Naphthalene .............................................................................................             890–1,200                ND–38             34.3–4,000              —
                                              Phenanthrene ..........................................................................................             3,600–4,500               0.9–190            0–116,000               —
                                              Pyrene ......................................................................................................       1,300–1,800               0.2–160               23–178               —
                                              16–PAH ....................................................................................................       13,000–16,000                 5–921         3,900–54,700            6–253
                                              PAH (52 extractable) ...............................................................................                          —                    —                      —        14–2,090
                                              Pentachlorophenol ...................................................................................                      g ND                 ND–1                      —              —
                                              Biphenyl ...................................................................................................          h 137–330                    —           1,000–1,200               —

                                                    Total SVOC c ....................................................................................           13,000–17,000                 5–922         4,900–54,700         20–2,343

                                                                                                                         Volatile Organic Compounds (ppm-dry basis)

                                              Benzene ...................................................................................................               ND<2.3                   —                ND–75            ND–38
                                              Phenol ......................................................................................................                e—                    —             ND–7,700                 —
                                              Styrene .....................................................................................................             ND<2.3                   —               ND–320            1.0–26
                                              Toluene ....................................................................................................              ND<2.3                   —               ND–380            8.6–56
                                              Xylenes ....................................................................................................              ND<2.3                   —             ND–3,100            4.0–28
                                              Cumene ...................................................................................................                   e—                    —           6,000–8,600                —
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              Ethyl benzene ..........................................................................................                  ND<2.3                   —              22–1,270           0.7–5.4
                                              Formaldehyde ..........................................................................................                      e—                1.6–27                   —                 —
                                              Hexane .....................................................................................................                 e—                    —             50–10,000                —

                                                    Total VOC d .......................................................................................                     ND<12            1.6–27         6,072–19,810        14.3–125.4
                                                 a Data provided by Treated Wood Council on September 11, 2015 and October 19, 2015.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                        5333
                                                 b Contaminant Concentrations in Traditional Fuels: Tables for Comparison, November 29, 2011, available at (insert link) https://www.epa.gov/
                                              rcra/contaminant-concentrations-traditional-fuels-tables-comparison. Contaminant data drawn from various literature sources and from data sub-
                                              mitted to USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). SVOC values from 2013 IEc data that will be available in the rule
                                              docket. As units must be designed to burn both fuel oil and biomass, contaminant concentrations in mixed creosote ties must be lower than ei-
                                              ther fuel oil or biomass to be comparable.
                                                 c For SVOC contaminant analyses, grouping of contaminants in this case is appropriate when making contaminant comparisons for purposes
                                              of meeting the legitimacy criterion. Under the grouping concept, individual SVOC levels may be elevated above that of the traditional fuel, but the
                                              contaminant legitimacy criterion will be met as long as total SVOCs is comparable to or less than that of the traditional fuel. Such an approach is
                                              standard practice employed by the Agency in developing regulations and is consistent with monitoring standards under CAA sections 112 and
                                              129. See 78 FR 9146, February 7, 2013, for further findings that relate to the issue of grouping contaminants. Note also, total SVOC ranges do
                                              not represent a simple sum of the minimum and maximum values for each contaminant. This is because minimum and maximum concentrations
                                              for individual VOCs and SVOCs do not always come from the same sample.
                                                 d Naphthalene was the only analyte detected in Oct 2015 VOC testing, but this analyte is included in the SVOC group, so is not reflected here.
                                                 e Cells with the ‘‘—’’ indicate analytes not tested for in treated wood, but these are not expected to be present in treated wood formulation
                                              being analyzed based on preservative chemistry and results from previous CTRT testing (i.e., not present in CTRT ties).
                                                 f Non-detects are indicated by ‘‘<’’ preceding the method reporting limit, not the method detection limit. Therefore, there are many cases where
                                              the non-detect value may be greater than another test’s detected value due to analysis-specific RLs being different between individual tests (i.e.,
                                              differences in tested amount or analyzer calibration range adjustments). If result is less than the method detection limit (MDL), the method report-
                                              ing limit (MRL), which is always greater than MDL, was used by the lab.
                                                 g Not expected in the treated wood formulation being tested based on preservative chemistry.
                                                 h Not tested for, but presumptive worst-case value is presented for treated wood type based on data from previous CTRT testing.
                                                 i To be comparable, units must be designed to burn both biomass and fuel oil or have switched from fuel oil to natural gas. Such units may
                                              also be designed to burn coal.

                                                In the mixed railroad ties scenarios  preservative wood types and                                           metals, mercury, semi-volatiles, and
                                              above, as previously discussed, SVOCs   combinations, including OTRTs. The                                    heat of combustion; and the other
                                              are present (up to 17,000 ppm) at levelsEPA reviewed the laboratory reports and                               laboratory analyzed volatiles, chlorine,
                                              well within the range observed in fuel  techniques, and determined that there                                 fluorine, and nitrogen. All methods
                                              oil (up to 54,700 ppm). Therefore,      were limited data points available (i.e.,                             used were EPA or ASTM methods, and
                                              railroad ties mixed with creosote, borate
                                                                                      one data point per preservative type)                                 were appropriate for the materials being
                                              and copper naphthenate have             and that the analytical techniques for                                tested. No specific sampling
                                              comparable contaminant levels to        several contaminants (chlorine,                                       methodology was employed in taking
                                              biomass and fuel oil, and as such, meet nitrogen, sulfur, and fluorine) were not                              the samples from the 5-ties group.
                                              this criterion if used in combustion    appropriate to provide information on                                    The EPA reviewed the 2015 test data,
                                              units that are designed to burn both of the entire preserved wood sample as                                   which was provided by TWC on
                                              those traditional fuels. Such units may combusted, reflecting only a leachable                                September 11, 2015, and provided TWC
                                              also be designed to burn coal.          component. Furthermore, EPA                                           with additional follow-up questions and
                                              4. OTRT Sampling and Analysis Data      questioned the representativeness of the                              clarifications, including the specific
                                              History                                 samples being analyzed and the                                        sources of the railroad ties. TWC’s
                                                                                      repeatability of the analyses.
                                                 The data collection supporting the                                                                         response noted the sources of railroad
                                                                                        In August 2015, TWC performed                                       ties for each chemistry and indicated
                                              OTRT categorical non-waste              additional sampling and analyses to
                                              determination has been based on two                                                                           that the railroad ties generally
                                                                                      address these deficiencies in the data. In                            originated in the southeast, but there are
                                              rounds of data submittals by TWC,       response to EPA’s concerns, TWC
                                              followed by EPA questions and TWC                                                                             also ties from Pennsylvania, South
                                                                                      developed a sampling program in which                                 Dakota, and Kentucky represented
                                              responses on the data provided. The     15 OTRT railroad ties of each
                                              process of developing the data set is                                                                         within the TWC data set. Chlorine is not
                                                                                      preservative type were collected from                                 part of any of the preservative
                                              described below and all materials       various geographical areas. These 15 ties
                                              provided by TWC are available in the                                                                          chemistries, and was not detected in
                                                                                      were then separated into three 5-tie                                  any of the samples analyzed.
                                              docket to this rulemaking.              groups, then processed into a boiler-fuel
                                                 The TWC requested a categorical                                                                               The EPA also noted some exceptions
                                                                                      consistency using commercial
                                              determination that all types of treated                                                                       and flags within the analytical report,
                                                                                      processing techniques. A sample of each
                                              wood were non-waste fuels and                                                                                 such as sample coolers upon receipt at
                                                                                      5-tie group was then shipped to an
                                              submitted data on various wood                                                                                the lab were outside the required
                                                                                      independent laboratory for analysis,
                                              preservative types, specifically, those                                                                       temperature criterion; surrogate
                                                                                      thereby producing 3 data points for each
                                              referred to as OTRTs, in their April 3,                                                                       recoveries for semi-volatile samples
                                                                                      preservative type. TWC also prepared
                                              2013 petition letter (see docket EPA–                                                                         (which represent extraction efficiency
                                                                                      two blends: One with equal portions of
                                              HQ–OLEM–2016–0248–0019). However,                                                                             within a sample matrix) were sometimes
                                                                                      creosote, creosote-borate, copper
                                              the contaminant comparison data                                                                               lower or higher than those for samples
                                                                                      naphthenate, and copper naphthenate-
                                              presented in the petition were                                                                                containing creosote-treated wood; and
                                                                                      borate to estimate projected future
                                              incomplete and not based on                                                                                   dilution factors (dilution is used when
                                                                                      ratios; and the second a weighted blend
                                              established analytical data. The EPA                                                                          the sample is higher in concentration
                                                                                      of these tie types in proportion to
                                              response requested submittal of                                                                               than can be analyzed) for creosote-
                                                                                      current usage ratios of each preservative
                                              additional analytical data to determine                                                                       treated wood samples were high (up to
                                                                                      chemistry. These blends samples were
                                              contaminant concentrations in the                                                                             800). The laboratory noted these issues
                                                                                      analyzed in triplicate, for a total of 15
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                            in the report narrative, but concluded
                                                 In November 2013, TWC responded to samples being analyzed (i.e., three from
                                                                                      each tie sample group). Two laboratories                              that there were no corrective actions
                                              EPA’s request, submitting laboratory
                                                                                      were used by TWC to perform the                                       necessary. EPA requested further
                                              reports on analyses of various 31
                                                                                      analysis: One laboratory analyzed                                     information on these issues noted in the
                                                31 Untreated, copper naphthenate, copper                                                                    report narrative, as well as supporting
                                              naphthenate and borate, creosote, creosote and          mixture C/CB/CuN/CuNB 56/41/1/2 percent               quality assurance documentation from
                                              borate, combination of C/CB/CuN/CuNB equal              mixture FIX.                                          the laboratories.

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                                              5334             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                With respect to surrogate recoveries                  1991 (56 FR 26460, June 7, 1991). This                    would be co-controlled or reduced with
                                              and dilutions, the lab indicated that the               rule set a limit of 1.3 ppm copper                        the use of good particulate matter
                                              high dilutions were required for the                    concentration in 10% of customer taps                     controls on the combustion device. A
                                              creosote-containing matrix to avoid                     sampled as an action level for public                     high performance fabric filter may be
                                              saturation of the detector instrument.32                water systems. Exceedances of this limit                  the best control device, although some
                                              Also, the shipping cooler temperature                   require additional treatment steps in                     portion of fine particulate matter may
                                              criterion is 4 degrees Celsius and the lab              order to reduce drinking water                            pass through. Cyclone separators and
                                              noted the discrepancy in the report as                  corrosivity and prevent leaching of                       electro-static precipitators have not been
                                              part of laboratory standard operating                   these metals (including copper) from                      shown to be effective in controlling
                                              procedure (see also section III. G.                     plumbing and distribution systems.                        these emissions, and these types of
                                              Responses to Comments of this                           EPA’s Office of Water also issued a fact                  controls may be more prevalent amongst
                                              preamble). However, the ties were used                  sheet for copper under the Clean Water                    smaller area source boilers.
                                              and stored after being taken out of                     Act section 304(a) titled the Aquatic Life                   Generally, borates have a low toxicity
                                              service in ambient atmosphere and were                  Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria.35                    and should not be a concern from a
                                              not biologically active, therefore,                     This fact sheet explains that copper is                   health risk perspective.37 As indicated
                                              shipping cooler temperatures are not                    an essential nutrient at low                              previously, neither boron nor borates
                                              expected to affect contaminant levels in                concentrations, but is toxic to aquatic                   are listed as HAPs under CAA section
                                              the ties.                                               organisms at higher concentrations and                    112, nor are they considered to be
                                              E. Copper and Borates Literature Review                 listed the following industries that                      criteria air pollutants subject to any
                                              and Other EPA Program Summary                           contribute to manmade discharges of                       emissions limitations. However,
                                                                                                      copper to surface waters: Mining,                         elemental boron has been identified by
                                                Neither copper nor borate are                         leather and leather products, fabricated                  EPA in the coal combustion residuals
                                              currently listed as HAPs under the                      metal products, and electric equipment.                   (CCR) risk analysis 38 to present some
                                              Clean Air Act, and thus are not defined                 There are no National Recommended                         potential risks for ecological receptors.
                                              as contaminants under NHSM                              Aquatic Life Criteria for boron or                        As a result of this risk, and boron’s
                                              regulations section 241.2. or used for                  borates.                                                  ability to move through the
                                              contaminant comparison in meeting                          EPA also investigated whether there                    subsurface,39 boron has been included
                                              legitimacy criteria (see 78 FR 9139–                    were any concerns that copper and                         as a constituent in CCR monitoring
                                              9143, February 7, 2013).33 34 To                        borate can react to form polychlorinated                  provisions for coal ash impoundments.
                                              determine whether those compounds
                                                                                                      dibenzodioxin and dibenzofurans                              Copper has some acute human health
                                              pose human health or ecological risk
                                                                                                      (PCDD/PCDF) during the combustion                         effects, but these exposures appear to be
                                              concerns, outside the requirements of
                                                                                                      process. Specific studies evaluating                      the result of direct drinking water or
                                              the NHSM legitimacy criteria, and how
                                                                                                      copper involvement in dioxins and                         cooking-related intake. We anticipate
                                              those concerns might be addressed
                                                                                                      furans formation in municipal or                          the only possible routes that copper
                                              under other Agency programs, we
                                                                                                      medical waste incinerator flue gas have                   releases to the environment could result
                                              conducted a literature review of copper
                                                                                                      been conducted.36 While the exact                         from burning copper naphthenate
                                              and borate during development of the
                                                                                                      mechanism and effects of other                            treated ties would be stormwater runoff
                                              proposed rule. We also requested
                                                                                                      combustion parameters on PCDD and                         from the ties during storage and
                                              comments or any additional information
                                              on this topic during proposal. One                      PCDF formation are still unknown,                         deposition from boiler emissions. As
                                              comment was received on copper                          increased copper chloride (CuCl) and/or                   mentioned earlier, the majority of
                                              emissions which is discussed in section                 cupric chloride (CuCl2) on fly ash                        copper in combusted material appears
                                              E of this preamble.                                     particles has been shown to increase                      to remain in the bottom ash, so human
                                                Under the Clean Water Act, EPA’s                      concentrations of PCDD and PCDF in fly                    health effects from inhalation of fly ash
                                              Office of Water developed the Lead and                  ash. Various researchers conclude that                    and environmental effects from
                                              Copper Rule which became effective in                   CuCl and/or CuCl2 are serving either                      deposition of copper-containing fly ash
                                                                                                      roles as catalysts in dioxin formation or                 are likely very low. Further, the amount
                                                32 Samples with concentrations exceeding the          as chlorine sources for subsequent                        of copper remaining in the railroad tie
                                              calibration range must be diluted to fall within the    PCDD/PCDF formation reactions (i.e.,                      after its useful life may be greatly
                                              calibration range. The more a sample is diluted, the    the CuCl and/or CuCl2 serve as                            reduced from the original content due to
                                              higher the reporting limit. Sample dilution is
                                              required when the concentration of a compound
                                                                                                      dechlorination/chlorination catalysts).                   weathering, and facilities manage the
                                              exceeds the amount that produces a full-scale           Overall, results from many studies                        processed shredded railroad tie material
                                              response. At that point the detector becomes            reviewed indicate that most of the                        in covered areas to prevent significant
                                              saturated and fails to respond to additional target     copper ends up in the bottom ash, so fly                  moisture swings. Therefore, we do not
                                              compound(s). Diluting samples to accommodate the
                                              high-concentrations can reduce the concentration of
                                                                                                      ash copper content may be minimal.                        expect impacts from copper in
                                              the target analytes to levels where they can no         Further, copper entrained on fly ash                      stormwater runoff from the storage of
                                              longer be detected.                                                                                               the copper naphthenate treated ties.
                                                33 CAA Section 112 requires EPA to promulgate            35 Aquatic life criteria for toxic chemicals are the

                                              regulations to control emissions of 187 HAPs from       highest concentration of specific pollutants or           F. Summary of Comments Requested
                                              sources in source categories listed by EPA under        parameters in water that are not expected to pose
                                              section 112(c), while CAA section 129 CISWI             a significant risk to the majority of species in a
                                                                                                                                                                  The Agency solicited comments in the
                                              standards include numeric emission limitations for      given environment or a narrative description of the       proposed rule on non-waste fuel
                                              the nine pollutants, plus opacity (as appropriate),     desired conditions of a water body being ‘‘free           categorical determinations as described
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              that are specified in CAA section 129(a)(4). For the    from’’ certain negative conditions. See https://          previously. The Agency also specifically
                                              purpose of NHSM standards, the definition of            www.epa.gov/wqc/aquatic-life-criteria-copper.
                                              contaminants is limited to HAPs under CAA 112              36 See memorandum ‘‘Literature Review of
                                                                                                                                                                requested comments on the following:
                                              and CAA 129.                                            Copper-related Combustion Emissions Studies’’ and
                                                34 We also note that under the CAA standards for                                                                  37 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp26-
                                                                                                      bibliography available in the docket to this
                                              smaller area sources, emission limits are not           rulemaking for specific studies and further               c2.pdf.
                                                                                                                                                                  38 Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal
                                              required for copper, borate (or for HAPs). Standards    information on the findings from studies of copper
                                              for area sources focus on tune-ups of the boiler unit   compounds in waste incinerators discussed in this         Combustion Residuals, EPA, December 2014.
                                              (see 40 CFR 40 CFR part 63, subpart JJJJJJ).            section of the preamble.                                    39 See 80 FR 21302, April 17, 2015.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                5335

                                                 • Whether railroad ties with de                      certainty the minimal amount of                       fuel characteristics through grindings or
                                              minimis levels of creosote should be                    creosote that will be present after                   shredding) and is conducted by the
                                              allowed to be combusted in biomass                      processing and cited previous                         approximately 15 treated wood
                                              only units;                                             determinations discussed above.                       reclamation companies in North
                                                 • Should a particular de minimis                     Another commenter opposed a de                        America. These systems that may
                                              level should be designated and on what                  minimis exception stating that the                    process mixtures of both CTRT and
                                              should this level be based;                             Agency has proposed no rationale for                  OTRT may result in the presence of de
                                                 • Whether these OTRTs are                            such an action and it is unclear what                 minimis levels of cresosote in processed
                                              combusted in units designed to burn                     statute or requirements that the Agency               railroad ties treated with copper
                                              coal in lieu of, or in addition to biomass              was requesting an exception from. The                 naphthenate and copper-naphthenate
                                              and fuel oil, and whether the                           commenter also cited court decisions                  borate.
                                              contaminant comparisons to meet                         that emphasized that a unit burning any                  Regarding a definition for de minimis
                                              legitimacy criteria should include                      solid waste was a solid waste                         amounts of contaminants remaining in
                                              comparisons to coal;                                    incineration unit (see NRDC v. EPA, 489               OTRT, the agency stated in the February
                                                 • In light of the data and sampling                  F. 3d 1250, 1257–60 (D.C. Cir. 2007).                 2013 NHSM rule that it was not
                                              history described above, whether the                       Response: De minimis contaminant                   appropriate to identify specific
                                              quality of data is adequate to support                  levels have been addressed in previous                concentration levels. Rather, the agency
                                              the proposed determination;                             NHSM rules. The 2011 final rule stated                interprets de minimis as that term is
                                                 • Additional data that should be                     that C&D wood that has been processed                 commonly understood; (i.e.,
                                              considered in making the comparability                  to remove contaminants prior to burning               insignificant or negligible amounts of
                                              determinations for OTRT.                                (e.g., lead-painted wood, and treated                 contamination such as small wood
                                                 • Additional information on the                      wood containing contaminants such as                  sliver containing lead paint 40).
                                              copper borate literature review.                        arsenic and chromium, metals and other                   Based on the factors discussed above,
                                                                                                      non-wood materials), likely meets the                 the Agency has concluded, that OTRT
                                              G. Responses to Comments
                                                                                                      processing standard and legitimacy                    containing de minimis levels (i.e.,
                                                Summaries of comments received in                     criteria, and can be combusted as a non-              insignificant or negligible amounts) of
                                              response to solicitations listed above are              waste fuel. The 2011 rule further stated              creosote railroad ties, in mixture
                                              presented below, along with EPA’s                       that such C&D wood may contain de                     combinations with the other ORTS, can
                                              responses to the comments. All                          minimis amounts of contaminants and                   be combusted in biomass only units
                                              additional comments received are                        other materials after processing                      provided it meets the legitimacy criteria
                                              addressed in EPA’s Response to                          provided it meets the legitimacy criteria             for contaminant levels (i.e.,
                                              Comments document, located in the                       for contaminant level comparison. The                 concentration levels of contaminants in
                                              docket EPA–HQ–OLEM–2016–0248.                           February 2016 final rule specifically                 the processed OTRT are comparable to
                                              1. De Minimis Levels of Creosote                        codified a de minimis approach for                    or less than the levels in biomass.
                                                                                                      removal of painted wood from C&D
                                                 For purposes of contaminant                                                                                2. Inclusion of Coal
                                                                                                      wood stating that all painted wood must
                                              comparisons under NHSM,                                 be excluded to the extent that only de                   Comment: Regarding whether the
                                              contaminants in railroad ties treated                   minimis quantities inherent to the                    OTRTs considered in this rulemaking
                                              with creosote-borate and mixtures of                    processing limitations may remain from                are combusted in units designed to burn
                                              creosote, copper naphthenate and                        the final product fuel (81 FR 6743,                   coal (in lieu of or in addition to biomass
                                              copper naphthenate-borate treated                       February 8, 2016).                                    and fuel oil), one commenter indicated
                                              railroad ties are not comparable to those                  De minimis levels for OTRTs when                   that, although they were unaware of any
                                              contaminants found in biomass.                          combusted with creosote treated                       cement kilns currently combusting
                                              Contaminants in such railroad ties                      railroad ties (CTRTs) were also                       OTRTs, cement kilns have burned
                                              would, however, be comparable to                        addressed in the February 2016 final                  OTRTs, and cement kilns can burn a
                                              contaminants in fuel oil. Accordingly,                  NHSM rule (81 FR 6738, February 8,                    range of materials, including biomass
                                              such ties are categorical non-wastes                    2016). As discussed in the preamble,                  and coal. Another commenter requested
                                              fuels only when they are processed and                  TWC had requested that the Agency                     that EPA include comparisons to the
                                              then combusted in: (i) Units designed to                move forward on a subset of materials                 traditional fuel in its analysis. The
                                              burn both biomass and fuel oil and (ii)                 (i.e., OTRTs) that were identified in                 commenter reported that contaminant
                                              units at major source pulp and paper                    their original April 2013 petition. As                comparisons to coal would show that
                                              mills or power producers that had been                  these treatments were just coming into                the categorical non-waste fuel definition
                                              designed to burn biomass and fuel oil,                  use, concern was expressed that the                   of OTRTs should be expanded to
                                              but are modified in order to use natural                presence of small amounts of OTRTs,                   include OTRTs burned in units
                                              gas instead of fuel oil. Mixtures of                    which were not categorically listed non-              designed to burn coal or units designed
                                              treated railroad ties containing creosote               waste fuels, that may have been                       to burn coal and fuel oil.
                                              cannot be combusted in biomass only                     processed with CTRTs would render all                    Specifically, the commenter noted the
                                              units. The Agency requested comment                     of that material solid wastes since                   following:
                                              as to whether OTRTs used as fuel                        OTRTs are not included in the February                   • For the copper naphthenate treated
                                              containing de minimis levels of                         2016 categorical determination. The                   ties, the maximum contaminant levels
                                              creosote, should be allowed to be                       Agency concluded that, consistent with                in coal are higher for all contaminants
                                              combusted in biomass only units, and if                 the determination in the March 2011                   except naphthalene and 16–PAHs.
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                                              so, what should the level be based on.                  rule (76 FR 15486), small (de minimis)                However, the semi-volatile organic
                                                 Comments: One commenter                              amounts of OTRTs would not result in                  compound (SVOC) grouping level
                                              supported a de minimis exception, but                   determinations that the CTRTs being                   (which includes naphthalene and 16–
                                              did not propose any specific levels that                combusted are solid wastes.                           PAHs) is higher for coal than copper
                                              the exception would be based on. The                       The processing of OTRTs is similar to              naphthenate treated ties.
                                              commenter stated that there was no                      CTRTs (e.g., removal of contaminant
                                              practical method for establishing with                  metals using magnets, improvement of                    40 See   78 FR 9139, February 7, 2013.

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                                              5336             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 • For the copper naphthenate-borate                  were analyzed, and sample ties were                   proposal. As noted in the proposal,
                                              treated ties, the contaminant levels in                 comingled with ties originating from                  pentachlorophenol is a distinct
                                              coal are higher for all contaminants                    numerous manufacturing locations in                   preservative type used by the industry;
                                              except naphthalene. However, the                        multiple states in order to represent                 it is not one of the preservatives being
                                              SVOC grouping level (which includes                     actual processing. All data and sampling              presented in the data of the proposal,
                                              naphthalene) is higher for coal than                    procedures exceptions were addressed                  nor is it expected to be present in any
                                              copper naphthenate-borate treated ties.                 by the company and were within                        of the preservative types being
                                                 • For the creosote-borate treated ties,              normal operating and analytical                       considered under the OTRT rulemaking.
                                              the contaminant levels in coal are                      parameters (i.e., no corrective actions               Pentachlorophenol has a distinctly
                                              higher for all contaminants except                      were deemed necessary to validate the                 different chemical structure than any of
                                              naphthalene, biphenyl, 16–PAHs, and                     data). Thus, EPA agrees that the                      the preservatives being currently
                                              the SVOC grouping overall. However,                     sampling results submitted were                       considered under the OTRT rulemaking.
                                              the SVOC grouping contaminant level is                  appropriate for use in comparing                      First, none of the preservatives being
                                              higher for fuel oil than creosote-borate                contaminant levels with those in                      considered contain chlorine as part of
                                              treated ties.                                           comparable traditional fuels.                         the chemical structure.
                                                 The commenter requested that EPA                        To address the commenter’s concerns                Pentachlorophenol, as the name
                                              expand the proposed non-waste fuel                      regarding variability, EPA has reviewed               suggests, contains 5 chlorine atoms
                                              definition, based on these results, to                  the TWC 2015 data presented in the                    attached to a phenolic base. In the case
                                              include copper naphthenate and copper                   petition and calculated the 90, 95, and               of the OTRT samples, chlorine, in
                                              naphthenate-borate treated ties                         99 percent upper prediction limits                    addition to pentachlorophenol, was
                                              combusted in units designed to burn                     (UPLs) for contaminants listed in the                 found to be non-detect at a level of 100
                                              coal during normal operations. The                      comparison charts to see how they                     ppm (dry basis), which is at the lower
                                              commenter further requested that EPA                    compare with the TWC’s data. EPA                      range of chlorine content values found
                                              include creosote-borate treated ties                    calculated UPLs for metals, sulfur,                   in untreated wood.
                                              combusted in units designed to burn                     naphthalene, and 16–PAH.41 The UPL                       Second, as also discussed in the
                                              coal and fuel oil during normal                         calculation methodology and results are               proposed rulemaking preamble, the
                                              operations.                                             presented in the memo ‘‘Contaminant                   dilution amounts used for semivolatile
                                                 Response: EPA has added coal to the                  Data UPL Calculations for Other Treated               (which behave similarly to
                                              contaminant comparisons of OTRTs to                     Railroad Ties (OTRTs)’’ found in the                  pentachlorophenol) was necessarily
                                              traditional fuels as well as adding                     docket for this rulemaking. For copper                larger for the creosote-containing
                                              specific regulatory language.                           naphthenate and copper naphthenate-                   preservative mixes, which influenced
                                              Specifically, contaminants in OTRTs are                 borate treated ties, contaminant levels at            the detection levels for semivolatile
                                              presented in comparison to those in coal                the 99 percent UPL fell within the                    analytes. The detection levels for
                                              and other traditional fuels in the tables               corresponding contaminant ranges for                  pentachlorophenol follow this trend,
                                              in section III.D.3.iii of this preamble,                biomass and fuel oil. For creosote-borate             where the copper naphthenate and
                                              and wording has been added to the                       treated ties, SVOCs (naphthalene and                  copper naphthenate-borate
                                              regulatory language in § 241.4(a)(8)–                   16–PAH) are the only contaminants at                  pentachlorophenol method reporting
                                              (10).                                                   the 99 percent UPL that does not fall                 limits are 30 and 28 ppm, respectively,
                                                 Thus, EPA is listing the following                   within the range of SVOC                              and the mixtures with creosote being an
                                              OTRTs as categorical non-waste fuels:                   concentrations found in biomass or fuel               order of magnitude higher. This increase
                                                 • Copper naphthenate treated railroad                oil. At the 95 percent UPL, all three                 in the method reporting limit for these
                                              ties combusted in units designed to                     OTRTs are within the biomass and fuel                 creosote-containing samples is not an
                                              burn biomass only, biomass and fuel oil,                oil contaminant ranges. EPA therefore                 indication that pentachlorophenol is
                                              or biomass and coal.                                    believes that variability in the data has
                                                 • Copper naphthenate-borate treated                                                                        present in the creosote-containing
                                                                                                      been sufficiently accounted for in the                samples, but more of procedural
                                              railroad ties combusted in units                        contaminant comparisons.
                                              designed to burn biomass only, biomass                                                                        necessity due to the method and the
                                                                                                         Comment: One commenter stated that                 equipment used for the analysis, as the
                                              and fuel oil or biomass and coal.                       more sensitive testing should have been
                                                 • Creosote-borate treated railroad ties                                                                    laboratory pointed out in their results
                                                                                                      done to determine if pentachlorophenol                narrative.
                                              (and mixtures of creosote, borate and
                                                                                                      was present in the cases where it was
                                              copper naphthenate treated railroad                                                                           4. Additional Data for Copper and
                                                                                                      tested for but results were below
                                              ties) combusted only in units designed                                                                        Borates Literature Review
                                                                                                      method detection limit (MDL). The
                                              to burn both biomass and fuel oil, or
                                                                                                      commenter noted that if high enough,                    As discussed in the OTRT proposal,
                                              units that have switched to natural gas
                                                                                                      pentachlorophenol levels could render                 direct stormwater runoff from material
                                              from fuel oil; and where such units may
                                                                                                      discarded railroad ties hazardous waste,              storage and deposition from boiler
                                              also be designed to burn coal.
                                                                                                      which would require a facility                        emissions are expected to be the only
                                              3. Sampling and Data Quality Concerns                   combusting the material to be regulated               paths for copper to be released to the
                                                 Comment: Regarding the data used to                  as a hazardous waste combustor.                       environment from burning copper
                                              support these non-waste                                    Response: EPA has evaluated the                    naphthenate treated ties. Additionally,
                                              determinations, one commenter stated                    comment against the data available, and               there is evidence that copper in the
                                              that the data were insufficient. The                    does not agree that more sensitive                    presence of chlorine could lead to
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                                              commenter argued that only three data                   testing for pentachlorophenol is                      polychlorinated dioxin/furan (PCDD/
                                              points were used and that statistical                   necessary for the three OTRTs and                     PCDF) through a reaction pathway
                                              techniques to address variability were                  mixtures analyzed and discussed in the                involving CuCl and CuCl2. EPA stated in
                                              not applied.                                              41 Cl, F and N were not detected in any of the
                                                                                                                                                            the proposal that copper emissions from
                                                 Response: EPA disagrees with the                     analyses, so with equal detection limits for each
                                                                                                                                                            units burning these ties would be
                                              commenter that the data were                            data point, no UPL value could be calculated for      controlled in the units’ air pollution
                                              insufficient. A total of 18 grab samples                these three contaminants.                             control devices.

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                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                 5337

                                                Comment: Area sources may not have                      program authority over the general                    industry when these materials are
                                              any PM control requirements under the                     management of solid waste.                            regulated as non-waste fuels (because of
                                              area source boilers rule. Emission limits                                                                       this rulemaking), rather than as solid
                                                                                                        B. State Adoption of the Rulemaking
                                              for copper, borate, or HAPs are not                                                                             waste. In addition, the Agency is
                                              required under CAA standards for                            No federal approval procedures for                  ensuring that its cost benefit analysis is
                                              smaller area sources (standards for area                  state adoption of this final rule are                 consistent with the OMB guidance for
                                              sources focus on tune-ups of the boiler                   included in this rulemaking action                    E.O. 13771. To do that, we made
                                              unit).                                                    under RCRA subtitle D. While states are               necessary adjustments to the final OTRT
                                                                                                        not required to adopt regulations                     rule EA.45
                                                Response: EPA stated in the proposal                    promulgated under RCRA subtitle D,
                                              that copper emissions from units                                                                                   For purposes of the final rule EA,
                                                                                                        some states incorporate federal                       combustion facilities that wish to add
                                              burning these ties would be controlled                    regulations by reference or have specific
                                              in the units’ air pollution control                                                                             OTRT to their fuel mix now or in the
                                                                                                        state statutory requirements that their               future are assumed to operate under
                                              devices. While such controls are                          state program can be no more stringent
                                              required for major sources of HAPs, EPA                                                                         CAA 112 standards. OTRTs currently
                                                                                                        than the federal regulations. In those                represent a small fraction of treated
                                              agrees with the commenter that                            cases, the EPA anticipates that, if
                                              emission controls for area source are not                                                                       railroad ties combusted for fuel, but that
                                                                                                        required by state law, the changes being              amount will increase over time. The EA
                                              required. However, as stated previously,                  made in this document will be
                                              copper is not a HAPs and is therefore                                                                           concludes that absent the final
                                                                                                        incorporated (or possibly adopted by                  categorical rule, OTRT would be
                                              not subject to regulation under CAA                       authorized state air programs) consistent
                                              sections 112 (nor is it a pollutant listed                                                                      considered a solid waste and
                                                                                                        with the state’s laws and administrative              combustion facilities that wish to add
                                              under CAA section 129). NHSM rule                         procedures.
                                              limits the definition of ‘‘contaminant’’                                                                        OTRT to their fuel mix would have to
                                              to the HAPs covered under CAA 112                         VI. Costs and Benefits                                incur the costs associated with
                                              and 129. CAA 112 lists 187 HAPs from                                                                            upgrading to section 129.
                                                                                                          As discussed in previous sections,
                                              sources in source categories, and CAA                                                                              The EA concludes that the categorical
                                                                                                        this final rulemaking establishes a
                                              section 129 CISWI standards include                                                                             rule, which designates OTRT as non-
                                                                                                        categorical non-waste determination for
                                              numeric emission limitations for the                                                                            wastes under certain conditions, results
                                                                                                        OTRT. The determination allows OTRTs
                                              nine pollutants, plus opacity (as                                                                               in a cost savings from these avoided
                                                                                                        to be combusted as a product fuel in
                                              appropriate), that are specified in CAA                                                                         costs of section 129 upgrades for
                                                                                                        units subject to the CAA section 112
                                              section 129(a)(4).                                                                                              facilities adding OTRT to the fuel mix.
                                                                                                        emission standards (provided the
                                                                                                                                                              The unit-level cost savings were
                                              IV. Effect of This Final Rule on Other                    conditions of the categorical listing are
                                                                                                        met) without being subject to a detailed              estimated, on average, to be
                                              Programs                                                                                                        approximately $266,000 per year. EPA
                                                                                                        case-by-case analysis of the material by
                                                                                                        individual combustion facilities. The                 estimates that industry-wide
                                                 Beyond expanding the list of NHSMs                                                                           undiscounted costs savings from not
                                              that categorically qualify as non-waste                   rule provides additional clarity and
                                                                                                        direction for generators, potential users             having to operate under CAA Section
                                              fuels, this rule does not change the                                                                            129 regulations when combusting these
                                              effect of the NHSM regulations on other                   and owners or operators of combustion
                                                                                                        facilities.                                           OTRTs for energy on the magnitude of
                                              programs as described in the March 21,                                                                          between $3.1 million and $24 million
                                              2011 NHSM final rule (76 FR 15456), as                      The proposed OTRT rule stated that
                                                                                                        the action was definitional in nature,                annually over the next 20 years. In
                                              amended on February 7, 2013 (78 FR                                                                              addition, the assessment indicated that
                                              9138) and February 8, 2016 (81 FR                         and any costs or benefits accrued to the
                                                                                                        corresponding Clean Air Act rules. In                 the increased regulatory clarity
                                              6688). Refer to section VIII of the                                                                             associated with the action could
                                              preamble to the March 21, 2011 NHSM                       accordance with the Office of
                                                                                                        Management and Budget (OMB)                           stimulate increased product fuel use for
                                              final rule 42 for the discussion on the                                                                         one or more of these NHSMs,
                                              effect of the NHSM rule on other                          Circular A–4 requirement that EPA
                                                                                                        analyze the costs and benefits of                     potentially resulting in upstream life
                                              programs.                                                                                                       cycle benefits associated with reduced
                                                                                                        regulations, EPA prepared an economic
                                              V. State Authority                                        assessment (EA) document 44 for the                   extraction of selected virgin materials.
                                                                                                        proposal that examined the scope of                      Another, more likely scenario is also
                                              A. Relationship to State Programs                                                                               addressed in the EA, where, absent a
                                                                                                        indirect impacts for both costs and
                                                 This final rule does not change the                    benefits.                                             categorical non-waste fuel
                                              relationship to state programs as                           Based on public comments,                           determination for OTRTs, combustors
                                              described in the March 21, 2011 NHSM                      information from stakeholders and the                 decide not to combust OTRTs and do
                                              final rule. Refer to section IX of the                    Executive Order 13771 signed January                  not perform any air pollution control
                                              preamble to the March 21, 2011 NHSM                       30, 2017, the Agency has expanded the                 upgrades to meet section 129 standards.
                                              final rule 43 for the discussion on state                 EA for the final rule to take into account            In this scenario, OTRTs are instead
                                              authority including, ‘‘Applicability of                   additional cost savings. In considering               disposed of in landfills and virgin
                                              State Solid Waste Definitions and                         this information, EPA determined that                 biomass is purchased by the combustor
                                              Beneficial Use Determinations’’ and                       the final OTRT rule EA should consider                to make up for the additional heat
                                              ‘‘Clarifications on the Relationship to                   the potential aggregate cost savings to               content that OTRTs would provide. EPA
                                              State Programs.’’ The Agency, however,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                                                                                          44 U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and      45 U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and
                                              would like to reiterate that this final                                                                         Recovery, ‘‘Assessment of the Potential Costs,
                                                                                                        Recovery, ‘‘Assessment of the Potential Costs,
                                              rule (like the March 21, 2011 and the                     Benefits and Other Impacts for the Proposed Rule:     Benefits and Other Impacts for the Final Rule:
                                              February 7, 2013 final rules) is not                      Categorical Non-Waste Determination for Selected      Categorical Non-Waste Determination for Selected
                                              intended to interfere with a state’s                      Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSMs)             Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSMs)
                                                                                                        Creosote Borate Treated Railroad Ties, Copper         Creosote Borate Treated Railroad Ties, Copper
                                                                                                        Naphthenate Treated Railroad Ties and Copper          Naphthenate Treated Railroad Ties and Copper
                                                42 76   FR 15456, March 21, 2011 (page 15545).          Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad Ties’’ EPA        Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad Ties’’ EPA
                                                43 76   FR 15456, March 21, 2011 (page 15546).          Docket Number: EPA–HQ–OLEM–2016–0248.                 Docket Number: EPA–HQ–OLEM–2016–0248.

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                                              5338             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              estimates that the undiscounted costs                   D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)                   substantial direct compliance costs on
                                              avoided by the final rule of landfilling                   I certify that this action will not have           tribal governments, nor preempt Tribal
                                              the OTRT, is between $190,000 and $1.4                  a significant economic impact on a                    law. Potential aspects associated with
                                              million annually over the next 20 years.                substantial number of small entities                  the categorical non-waste fuel
                                              Looking at these two scenarios and                      under the RFA. In making this                         determinations under this final rule may
                                              applying a 7% discount rate, EPA                        determination, the impact of concern is               invoke minor indirect tribal
                                              estimates that the present value range of               any significant adverse economic                      implications to the extent that entities
                                              cost savings for this rule over 20 years                impact on small entities. An agency may               generating or consolidating these
                                              are approximately $6.9 million on the                   certify that a rule will not have a                   NHSMs on tribal lands could be
                                              low end (landfilling) and approximately                 significant economic impact on a                      affected. However, any impacts are
                                              $110 million on the high end (avoided                   substantial number of small entities if               expected to be negligible. Thus,
                                              air pollution control upgrades).                        the rule relieves regulatory burden, has              Executive Order 13175 does not apply
                                                                                                      no net burden or otherwise has a                      to this action.
                                              VII. Statutory and Executive Order
                                              Reviews                                                 positive economic effect on the small                 H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
                                                                                                      entities subject to the rule. The addition            Children From Environmental Health
                                                Additional information about these                    of three NHSMs to the list of categorical             Risks and Safety Risks
                                              statutes and Executive Orders can be                    non-waste fuels is expected to indirectly
                                              found at https://www.epa.gov/laws-                                                                               This action is not subject to Executive
                                                                                                      reduce materials management costs. In
                                              regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.                                                                        Order 13045 because it is not
                                                                                                      addition, this action will reduce
                                                                                                                                                            economically significant as defined in
                                              A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                    regulatory uncertainty associated with
                                                                                                                                                            the Executive Order 12866, and because
                                              Planning and Review and Executive                       these materials and help increase
                                                                                                                                                            the EPA does not believe the
                                              Order 13563: Improving Regulation and                   management efficiency. We have
                                                                                                                                                            environmental health or safety risks
                                              Regulatory Review                                       therefore concluded that this action will
                                                                                                                                                            addressed by this action present a
                                                                                                      relieve regulatory burden for all directly
                                                                                                                                                            disproportionate risk to children. Based
                                                 This action is a significant regulatory              regulated small entities.
                                                                                                                                                            on the following discussion, the Agency
                                              action that was submitted to the Office
                                                                                                      E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                       found that populations of children near
                                              of Management and Budget (OMB) for
                                                                                                      (UMRA)                                                potentially affected boilers are either not
                                              review because it may raise novel policy                                                                      significantly greater than national
                                              issues. Any changes made in response                      This action contains no Federal
                                                                                                      mandates as described in UMRA, 2                      averages, or in the case of landfills, may
                                              to OMB recommendations have been                                                                              potentially result in reduced discharges
                                              documented in the docket. The EPA                       U.S.C. 1531–1538, and does not
                                                                                                      significantly or uniquely affect small                near such populations.
                                              prepared an economic analysis of the                                                                             The final rule, in conjunction with the
                                              potential costs and benefits associated                 governments. UMRA generally excludes
                                                                                                      from the definition of ‘‘Federal                      corresponding CAA rules, may
                                              with this action. This analysis,                                                                              indirectly stimulate the increased fuel
                                              ‘‘Assessment of the Potential Costs,                    intergovernmental mandate’’ duties that
                                                                                                      arise from participation in a voluntary               use of one or more the three NHSMs by
                                              Benefits, and Other Impacts for the                                                                           providing enhanced regulatory clarity
                                              Final Rule—Categorical Non-Waste                        Federal program. Affected entities are
                                                                                                      not required to manage the final                      and certainty. This increased fuel use
                                              Determination for Selected Non-                                                                               may result in the diversion of a certain
                                              Hazardous Secondary Materials                           additional NHSMs as non-waste fuels.
                                                                                                      As a result, this action may be                       quantity of these NHSMs away from
                                              (NHSMs): Creosote-Borate Treated                                                                              current baseline management practices,
                                              Railroad Ties, Copper Naphthenate                       considered voluntary under UMRA.
                                                                                                      Therefore, this action is not subject to              which is assumed to be landscape use
                                              Treated Railroad Ties, and Copper                                                                             or being sent to landfills. Some crossties
                                              Naphthenate-Borate Treated Railroad                     the requirements of section 202 or 205
                                                                                                      of the UMRA                                           may also go to CISWI units. Any
                                              Ties,’’ is available in the docket.                                                                           corresponding disproportionate impacts
                                                                                                        This action is also not subject to the
                                              Interested persons were asked to submit                                                                       among children would depend upon
                                                                                                      requirements of section 203 of UMRA
                                              comments on this document but none                                                                            whether children make up a
                                                                                                      because it contains no regulatory
                                              were received.                                                                                                disproportionate share of the population
                                                                                                      requirements that might significantly or
                                              B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing                      uniquely affect small governments. In                 living near the affected units. Therefore,
                                              Regulations and Controlling Regulatory                  addition, this proposal will not impose               to assess the potential indirect
                                              Costs                                                   direct compliance costs on small                      disproportionate effect on children, we
                                                                                                      governments.                                          conducted a demographic analysis for
                                                This action is considered an                                                                                this population group surrounding CAA
                                              Executive Order 13771 deregulatory                      F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism                  section 112 major source boilers,
                                              action. Details on the estimated cost                     This action does not have federalism                municipal solid waste landfills, and
                                              savings of this final rule can be found                 implications. It will not have substantial            construction and demolition (C&D)
                                              in EPA’s analysis of the potential costs                direct effects on the states, on the                  landfills for the Major and Area Source
                                              and benefits associated with this action.               relationship between the national                     Boilers rules and the CISWI rule.46 We
                                              C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)                        government and the states, or on the                  assessed the share of the population
                                                                                                      distribution of power and                             under the age of 18 living within a
                                                This action does not impose any new                   responsibilities among the various                    three-mile (approximately five
                                              information collection burden under the                 levels of government.                                 kilometers) radius of these facilities.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              PRA as this action only adds three new
                                              categorical non-waste fuels to the                      G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation                  46 The extremely large number of area source

                                              NHSM regulations. OMB has previously                    and Coordination With Indian Tribal                   boilers and a lack of site-specific coordinates
                                              approved the information collection                     Governments                                           prevented us from assessing the demographics of
                                                                                                                                                            populations located near area sources. In addition,
                                              activities contained in the existing                      This action does not have tribal                    we did not assess child population percentages
                                              regulations and has assigned OMB                        implications as specified in Executive                surrounding cement kilns that may use CTRTs/
                                              control number 2050–0205.                               Order 13175. It will neither impose                   OTRTs for their thermal value.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5339

                                              Three miles has been used often in other                The selected NHSMs affected by this                   higher than the national average (13
                                              demographic analyses focused on areas                   final action are not generated in                     percent).
                                              around industrial sources.47                            quantities sufficient to significantly                   In addition to the demographics
                                                 For major source boilers, our findings               (adversely or positively) impact the                  assessment described previously, we
                                              indicate that the percentage of the                     supply, distribution, or use of energy at             also considered the potential for non-
                                              population in these areas under age 18                  the national level.                                   combustion environmental justice
                                              years is generally the same as the                                                                            concerns related to the potential
                                              national average.48 In addition, while                  J. National Technology Transfer and
                                                                                                      Advancement Act (NTTAA)                               incremental increase in NHSMs
                                              the fuel source and corresponding                                                                             diversions from current baseline
                                              emission mix for some of these boilers                    This rulemaking does not involve                    management practices. These may
                                              may change as an indirect response to                   technical standards.                                  include the following:
                                              this rule, emissions from these sources                                                                          • Reduced upstream emissions
                                              would remain subject to the protective                  K. Executive Order 12898: Federal
                                                                                                      Actions To Address Environmental                      resulting from the reduced production
                                              CAA section 112 standards. For                                                                                of virgin fuel: Any reduced upstream
                                              municipal solid waste and C&D                           Justice in Minority Populations and
                                                                                                      Low-Income Populations                                emissions that may indirectly occur in
                                              landfills, we do not have demographic                                                                         response to reduced virgin fuel mining
                                              results specific to children. However,                     The EPA believes that this action does             or extraction may result in a human
                                              using the population below the poverty                  not have disproportionately high and                  health and/or environmental benefit to
                                              level as a rough surrogate for children,                adverse human health or environmental                 minority and low-income populations
                                              we found that within three miles of                     effects on minority populations, low-                 living near these projects.
                                              landfills that may experience diversions                income populations and/or indigenous                     • Alternative materials transport
                                              of one or more of these NHSMs, low-                     peoples, as specified in Executive Order              patterns: Transportation emissions
                                              income populations, as a percent of the                 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).                associated with NHSMs diverted from
                                              total population, are disproportionately                This is because the overall level of                  landfills to combustion units are likely
                                              high relative to the national average.                  emissions, or the emissions mix from                  to be similar.
                                              Thus, to the extent that these NHSMs                    boilers, are not expected to change
                                              are diverted away from municipal solid                                                                           • Change in emissions from baseline
                                                                                                      significantly because the three NHSMs                 management units: The diversion of
                                              waste or C&D landfills, any landfill-                   categorically listed as non-waste fuels
                                              related emissions, transportation,                                                                            some of these NHSMs away from
                                                                                                      are generally comparable to the types of              disposal in landfills may result in a
                                              discharges, or other negative activity                  fuels that these combustors would
                                              potentially affecting low-income                                                                              marginal decrease in activity at these
                                                                                                      otherwise burn. Furthermore, these                    facilities. This may include non-adverse
                                              (children) populations living near these                units remain subject to the protective
                                              units are likely to be reduced. Finally,                                                                      impacts, such as marginally reduced
                                                                                                      standards established under CAA                       emissions, odors, groundwater and
                                              transportation emissions associated                     section 112.
                                              with the diversion of some of this                                                                            surface water impacts, noise pollution,
                                                                                                         Our environmental justice                          and reduced maintenance cost to local
                                              material away from landfills to boilers                 demographics assessment conducted for
                                              are likely to be generally unchanged.                                                                         infrastructure. Because municipal solid
                                                                                                      the prior rulemaking 49 remains relevant              waste and C&D landfills were found to
                                              I. Executive Order 13211: Actions                       to this action. This assessment reviewed              be located in areas where minority and
                                              Concerning Regulations That                             the distributions of minority and low-                low-income populations are
                                              Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                     income groups living near potentially                 disproportionately high relative to the
                                              Distribution, or Use                                    affected sources using U.S. Census                    national average, any reduction in
                                                                                                      blocks. A three-mile radius                           activity and emissions around these
                                                 This action is not ‘‘significant energy
                                                                                                      (approximately five kilometers) was                   facilities is likely to benefit the citizens
                                              action’’ because it is not likely to have
                                                                                                      examined in order to determine the                    living near these facilities.
                                              a significance adverse effect on the
                                                                                                      demographic composition (e.g., race,
                                              supply, distribution or use of energy.                                                                           Finally, this rule, in conjunction with
                                                                                                      income, etc.) of these blocks for
                                                                                                                                                            the corresponding CAA rules, may help
                                                                                                      comparison to the corresponding
                                                47 The following publications which have
                                                                                                                                                            accelerate the abatement of any existing
                                              provided demographic information using a 3-mile         national compositions. Findings from
                                                                                                                                                            stockpiles of the targeted NHSMs. To
                                              or 5-kilometer circle around a facility:                this analysis indicated that populations
                                                                                                                                                            the extent that these stockpiles may
                                                * U.S. GAO (Government Accountability Office).        living within three miles of major
                                              Demographics of People Living Near Waste                                                                      represent negative human health or
                                                                                                      source boilers represent areas with
                                              Facilities. Washington DC: Government Printing                                                                environmental implications, minority
                                              Office 1995.                                            minority and low-income populations
                                                                                                                                                            and/or low-income populations that live
                                                ** Mohai P, Saha R. ‘‘Reassessing Racial and          that are higher than the national
                                                                                                                                                            near such stockpiles may experience
                                              Socio-economic Disparities in Environmental             averages. In these areas, the minority
                                              Justice Research’’. Demography. 2006;43(2): 383–                                                              marginal health or environmental
                                                                                                      share 50 of the population was 33
                                              399.                                                                                                          improvements. Aesthetics may also be
                                                ** Mennis, Jeremy ‘‘Using Geographic                  percent, compared to the national
                                                                                                                                                            improved in such areas.
                                              Information Systems to Create and Analyze               average of 25 percent. For these same
                                              Statistical Surfaces of Population and Risk for         areas, the percent of the population                  L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
                                              Environmental Justice Analysis’’ Social Science         below the poverty line (16 percent) was
                                              Quarterly, 2002, 83(1):281–297.                                                                                 This action is subject to the CRA, and
                                                ** Bullard RD, Mohai P, Wright B, Saha R et al.,                                                            the EPA will submit a rule report to
                                                                                                        49 U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and
                                              Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty, 1987–2007,                                                                   each House of the Congress and to the
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              March 2007. 5 CICWI Rule and Major Source               Recovery. Summary of Environmental Justice
                                              Boilers Rule.                                           Impacts for the Non-Hazardous Secondary Material      Comptroller General of the United
                                                48 U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and      (NHSM) Rule, the 2010 Commercial and Industrial       States. This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’
                                              Recovery. Summary of Environmental Justice              Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI) Standards, the        as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
                                              Impacts for the Non-Hazardous Secondary Material        2010 Major Source Boiler NESHAP and the 2010
                                              (NHSM) Rule, the 2010 Commercial and Industrial         Area Source Boiler NESHAP. February 2011.             List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 241
                                              Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI) Standards, the            50 This figure is for overall population minus

                                              2010 Major Source Boiler NESHAP and the 2010            white population and does not include the Census        Environmental protection, Air
                                              Area Source Boiler NESHAP. February 2011.               group defined as ‘‘White Hispanic.’’                  pollution control, Non-hazardous

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                                              5340             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              secondary materials, Waste treatment                    part of normal operations and not solely                (iv) Spent lead-acid batteries that are
                                              and disposal.                                           as part of start-up or shut-down                      being reclaimed (40 CFR part 266,
                                                Dated: January 26, 2018.                              operations, but are modified (e.g., oil               subpart G).
                                              E. Scott Pruitt,                                        delivery mechanisms are removed) in                   *     *     *    *     *
                                                                                                      order to use natural gas instead of fuel              [FR Doc. 2018–02518 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      oil, The creosote-borate and mixed                    BILLING CODE 1301–00–D
                                                For the reasons stated in the                         creosote, borate and copper naphthenate
                                              preamble, EPA is amending title 40,                     treated railroad ties may continue to be
                                              chapter I, of the Code of Federal                       combusted as product fuel under this                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                              Regulations as follows:                                 subparagraph only if the following                    AGENCY
                                                                                                      conditions are met, which are intended
                                              PART 241—SOLID WASTES USED AS                                                                                 40 CFR Part 261
                                                                                                      to ensure that such railroad ties are not
                                              FUELS OR INGREDIENTS IN
                                                                                                      being discarded:
                                              COMBUSTION UNITS                                                                                              Identification and Listing of Hazardous
                                                                                                         (A) Creosote-borate and mixed                      Waste
                                              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 241                creosote, borate and copper naphthenate
                                              continues to read as follows:                           treated railroad ties must be burned in               CFR Correction
                                                  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6903, 6912, 7429.              existing (i.e., commenced construction
                                                                                                                                                            ■ In Title 40 of the Code of Federal
                                                                                                      prior to April 14, 2014) stoker, bubbling
                                              ■  2. Section 241.2 is amended by adding                                                                      Regulations, Parts 260 to 265, revised as
                                                                                                      bed, fluidized bed, or hybrid suspension
                                              in alphabetical order the definitions                                                                         of July 1, 2017, on page 67, in part 261,
                                                                                                      grate boilers; and
                                              ‘‘Copper naphthenate treated railroad                                                                         the heading of subpart C is reinstated to
                                              ties’’, ‘‘Copper naphthenate-borate                        (B) Creosote-borate and mixed                      read: ‘‘Characteristics of Hazardous
                                              treated railroad ties’’, and ‘‘Creosote-                creosote, borate and copper naphthenate               Waste’’.
                                              borate treated railroad ties’’ to read as               treated railroad ties can comprise no                 [FR Doc. 2018–02513 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                              follows:                                                more than 40 percent of the fuel that is
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 1301–00–D
                                                                                                      used on an annual heat input basis.
                                              § 241.2   Definitions.
                                                                                                         (iii) Units meeting requirements in
                                              *     *     *    *     *                                paragraph (a)(8)(i) or (ii) of this section           ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                 Copper naphthenate treated railroad                  that are also designed to burn coal.                  AGENCY
                                              ties means railroad ties treated with
                                              copper naphthenate made from                               (9) Copper naphthenate treated
                                                                                                                                                            40 CFR Part 770
                                              naphthenic acid and copper salt.                        railroad ties that are processed and then
                                                 Copper naphthenate-borate treated                    combusted in units designed to burn                   [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2017–0245; FRL–9972–68]
                                              railroad ties means railroad ties treated               biomass, biomass and fuel oil, or                     RIN 2070–AK36
                                              with copper naphthenate and borate,                     biomass and coal. Processing must
                                              including borate made from disodium                     include at a minimum, metal removal,                  Voluntary Consensus Standards
                                              octaborate tetrahydrate.                                and shredding or grinding.                            Update; Formaldehyde Emission
                                              *     *     *    *     *                                   (10) Copper naphthenate-borate                     Standards for Composite Wood
                                                 Creosote-borate treated railroad ties                treated railroad ties that are processed              Products
                                              means railroad ties treated with a wood                 and then combusted in units designed                  AGENCY:  Environmental Protection
                                              preservative containing creosols and                    to burn biomass, biomass and fuel oil,                Agency (EPA).
                                              phenols and made from coal tar oil and                  or biomass and coal. Processing must
                                                                                                                                                            ACTION: Final rule.
                                              borate, including borate made from                      include at a minimum, metal removal,
                                              disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.                       and shredding or grinding.                            SUMMARY:   EPA is publishing this final
                                              *     *     *    *     *                                *       *    *    *     *                             rule to revise the formaldehyde
                                              ■ 3. Section 241.4 is amended by adding                 [FR Doc. 2018–02337 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]            standards for composite wood products
                                              paragraphs (a)(8) through (10) to read as               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                regulations . The revision updates the
                                              follows:                                                                                                      incorporation by reference of multiple
                                                                                                                                                            voluntary consensus standards that have
                                              § 241.4 Non-Waste Determinations for                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                              been updated, superseded, or
                                              Specific Non-Hazardous Secondary                        AGENCY                                                withdrawn, and provides a technical
                                              Materials When Used as a Fuel.
                                                                                                                                                            correction to allow panel producers to
                                                 (a) * * *                                            40 CFR Part 261                                       correlate their approved quality control
                                                 (8) Creosote-borate treated railroad
                                                                                                                                                            test method to the ASTM E1333–14 test
                                              ties, and mixtures of creosote, borate                  Identification and Listing of Hazardous
                                                                                                                                                            chamber, or, upon showing equivalence,
                                              and/or copper naphthenate treated                       Waste
                                                                                                                                                            the ASTM D6007–14 test chamber.
                                              railroad ties that are processed and then
                                              combusted in the following types of                     CFR Correction                                        DATES: This final rule is effective on
                                              units. Processing must include, at a                                                                          February 7, 2018. The incorporation by
                                                                                                      ■ In Title 40 of the Code of Federal                  reference of certain publications listed
                                              minimum, metal removal and shredding
                                                                                                      Regulations, Parts 260 to 265, revised as             in the rule is approved by the Director
                                              or grinding.
                                                 (i) Units designed to burn both                      of July 1, 2017, on page 64, in § 261.6,              of the Federal Register as of February 7,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              biomass and fuel oil as part of normal                  paragraph (a)(2)(iv) is reinstated to read            2018.
                                              operations and not solely as part of                    as follows:                                           ADDRESSES: The docket for this action,
                                              start-up or shut-down operations; and                   § 261.6 Requirements for recyclable                   identified by docket identification (ID)
                                                 (ii) Units at major source pulp and                  materials.                                            number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2017–0245, is
                                              paper mills or power producers subject                                                                        available at http://www.regulations.gov
                                              to 40 CFR part 63, subpart DDDDD,                           (a)(1) * * *                                      or at the Office of Pollution Prevention
                                              designed to burn biomass and fuel oil as                    (2) * * *                                         and Toxics Docket (OPPT Docket),

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Document Created: 2018-10-26 13:56:35
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 13:56:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule is effective February 7, 2018.
ContactGeorge Faison, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Materials Recovery and Waste Management Division, MC 5303P, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (703) 305-7652; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 5317 
RIN Number2050-AG83
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials and Waste Treatment and Disposal

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