83_FR_54118 83 FR 53911 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Revision of a Currently Approved Collection; Request for Comments; H-2A Temporary Agricultural Labor Certification Program Forms (OMB Control Number 1205-0466)

83 FR 53911 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Revision of a Currently Approved Collection; Request for Comments; H-2A Temporary Agricultural Labor Certification Program Forms (OMB Control Number 1205-0466)

Employment and Training Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 207 (October 25, 2018)

Page Range53911-53913
FR Document2018-23276

The Department of Labor (DOL), as part of its effort to streamline information collection, clarify statutory and regulatory requirements, and provide greater oversight in the H-2A labor certification program, conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). This program helps ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. In accordance with the PRA, ETA, within DOL, is providing the public notice and opportunity to comment on proposed revisions to the application Form ETA-9142A, H-2A Application for Temporary Employment Certification; Form ETA-9142A, Appendix A; and the general instructions to those forms. ETA is also seeking public comment on a proposal to eliminate the issuance of paper-based labor certification decisions through the creation of a one-page Form ETA-9142A, Final Determination: H-2A Temporary Labor Certification Approval, which will be issued electronically to employers granted temporary labor certification by DOL. Lastly, ETA is also seeking public comment on a proposal to implement a revised agricultural clearance order that will be integrated with the Form ETA-9142A. The proposed Form ETA-790/790A, H- 2A Agricultural Clearance Order, and addenda, provide language to employers to disclose necessary information including, but not limited to, the following: (1) The type of agricultural services or labor needed, number of workers, duration of employment, and minimum qualifications or requirements of the job; (2) the place(s) where work will be performed and the wage rate(s) that will be offered, advertised, and paid to workers in each crop or agricultural activity, as well as any other conditions or deductions from pay not required by law; (3) basic information regarding the geographic location, type, capacity, and applicable standards of the housing for workers; and (4) other required disclosures concerning the provision of meals, transportation and daily subsistence, referral and hiring instructions, and any other material terms and conditions of the job offer. The proposed Form ETA-790/790A will be submitted to the State Workforce Agency (SWA) for review and in advance of filing Form ETA-9142A. A copy of Form ETA-790/790A will then be attached by the employer at the time of filing Form ETA-9142A. The information collected on the ETA-790/790A is used to determine whether the material terms and conditions of employment do not adversely affect similarly employed U.S. workers and, if approved, facilitate the recruitment of U.S. workers through the intrastate and interstate job clearance systems of the SWA. This proposal will consolidate information collected through the agricultural clearance order Form ETA-790, which is currently authorized under OMB Control Number 1205-0134, into the agency's primary H-2A information collection requirements under OMB Control Number 1205-0466. This consolidation and revision will align all data collection for the H-2A program under a single OMB approved information collection request (ICR). The information collection for each existing form was approved on June 3, 2016 and expires May 31, 2019. A copy of the proposed ICR can be obtained by contacting the office listed below in the addresses section of this notice.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 207 (Thursday, October 25, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 207 (Thursday, October 25, 2018)]
[Pages 53911-53913]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-23276]



Employment and Training Administration

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Revision of a 
Currently Approved Collection; Request for Comments; H-2A Temporary 
Agricultural Labor Certification Program Forms (OMB Control Number 

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Labor.

ACTION: Notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL), as part of its effort to 
streamline information collection, clarify statutory and regulatory 
requirements, and provide greater oversight in the H-2A labor 
certification program, conducts a preclearance consultation program to 
provide the public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment 
on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance 
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). This program helps 
ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, 
reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, 
collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of 
collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed.
    In accordance with the PRA, ETA, within DOL, is providing the 
public notice and opportunity to comment on proposed revisions to the 
application Form ETA-9142A, H-2A Application for Temporary Employment 
Certification; Form ETA-9142A, Appendix A; and the general instructions 
to those forms. ETA is also seeking public comment on a proposal to 
eliminate the issuance of paper-based labor certification decisions 
through the creation of a one-page Form ETA-9142A, Final Determination: 
H-2A Temporary Labor Certification Approval, which will be issued 
electronically to employers granted temporary labor certification by 
    Lastly, ETA is also seeking public comment on a proposal to 
implement a revised agricultural clearance order that will be 
integrated with the Form ETA-9142A. The proposed Form ETA-790/790A, H-
2A Agricultural Clearance Order, and addenda, provide language to 
employers to disclose necessary information including, but not limited 
to, the following: (1) The type of agricultural services or labor 
needed, number of workers, duration of employment, and minimum 
qualifications or requirements of the job; (2) the place(s) where work 
will be performed and the wage rate(s) that will be offered, 
advertised, and paid to workers in each crop or agricultural activity, 
as well as any other conditions or deductions from pay not required by 
law; (3) basic information regarding the geographic location, type, 
capacity, and applicable standards of the housing for workers; and (4) 
other required disclosures concerning the provision of meals, 
transportation and daily subsistence, referral and hiring instructions, 
and any other material terms and conditions of the job offer. The 
proposed Form ETA-790/790A will be submitted to the State Workforce 
Agency (SWA) for review and in advance of filing Form ETA-9142A. A copy 
of Form ETA-790/790A will then be attached by the employer at the time 
of filing Form ETA-9142A. The information collected on the ETA-790/790A 
is used to determine whether the material terms and conditions of 
employment do not adversely affect similarly employed U.S. workers and, 
if approved, facilitate the recruitment of U.S. workers through the 
intrastate and interstate job clearance systems of the SWA. This 
proposal will consolidate information collected through the 
agricultural clearance order Form ETA-790, which is currently 
authorized under OMB Control Number 1205-0134, into the agency's 
primary H-2A information collection requirements under OMB Control 
Number 1205-0466. This consolidation and revision will align all data 
collection for the H-2A program under a single OMB approved information 
collection request (ICR).
    The information collection for each existing form was approved on 
June 3, 2016 and expires May 31, 2019. A copy of the proposed ICR can 
be obtained by contacting the office listed below in the addresses 
section of this notice.

DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office listed in the

[[Page 53912]]

addresses section below on or before December 24, 2018.

ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted by the following methods:
     Email (encouraged): ETA.OFLC.Forms@dol.gov.
     Mail: William W. Thompson II, Administrator, Office of 
Foreign Labor Certification, Box PPII 12-200, Employment and Training 
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, 
Washington, DC 20210.
     Fax: 202-513-7395.
    Instructions: Comments that are related to a specific form or a 
specific form's instructions should identify the form or form's 
instructions using the form number, e.g., ETA-9142A or Form ETA-790/
790A, and should identify the particular area of the form for comment. 
A copy of the proposed ICR can be obtained by accessing the Office of 
Foreign Labor Certification's website at 
www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov or by contacting the Office of Foreign 
Labor Certification as listed above.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William W. Thompson II, Administrator, 
Office of Foreign Labor Certification, 202-513-7350 (this is not a 
toll-free number), or for individuals with hearing or speech 
impairments, 1-877-889-5627 (this is the TTY toll-free Federal 
Information Relay Service number), Box PPII 12-200, Employment and 
Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution 
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.


I. Background

    The information collection is required by sections 
101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a), 214(c), and 218 of the Immigration and 
Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a), 1184(c), and 
1188) and 8 CFR 214.2(h)(5) and 20 CFR 655, subpart B. The H-2A visa 
program enables employers to bring nonimmigrant foreign workers to the 
United States to perform agricultural work of a seasonal or temporary 
nature as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a). Before an employer 
can file a petition with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to 
import temporary workers as H-2A nonimmigrants, the INA and DHS 
regulations require an employer to first obtain a determination from 
DOL certifying whether a qualified U.S. worker is available to fill the 
job opportunity described in the employer's petition for a temporary 
agricultural worker and whether a foreign worker's employment in the 
job opportunity will adversely affect the wages or working conditions 
of similarly employed U.S. workers. 8 U.S.C. 1188, INA section 218; 8 
CFR 214.2(h)(5)(i), (ii) and (iv)(B). DOL's regulations establish the 
processes by which an employer must obtain a temporary labor 
certification from DOL and the rights and obligations of workers and 
employers. 20 CFR part 655, subpart B.
    This ICR, OMB Control No. 1205-0466, includes the collection of 
information related to the temporary labor certification process and 
agricultural clearance order process in the H-2A program. The 
information contained in the application Form ETA-9142A, H-2A 
Application for Temporary Employment Certification, and the job order 
Form ETA-790/790A, H-2A Agricultural Clearance Order, together serve as 
the basis for the Secretary of Labor's (Secretary) determination that 
qualified U.S. workers are not available to perform the services or 
labor needed by the employer and that the wages and working conditions 
of similarly employed U.S. workers will not be adversely affected by 
the employment of H-2A workers. Employers use Appendix A of the Form 
ETA-9142A to attest that they will comply with all of the terms, 
conditions, and obligations of the H-2A program.
    ETA is seeking comments on proposed revisions to Form ETA-9142A and 
appendix, Form ETA-790/790A and addenda, and the instructions 
accompanying those forms. The proposed revisions will better align 
information collection requirements with DOL's current regulatory 
framework, provide greater clarity to employers on regulatory 
requirements, standardize and streamline information collection to 
reduce employer time and burden preparing applications, and promote 
greater efficiency and transparency in ETA's review and issuance of 
labor certification decisions under the H-2A visa program.
    To promote greater efficiency in issuing temporary labor 
certification decisions and minimize delays associated with employers 
filing H-2A petitions with DHS, ETA is proposing to eliminate the 
issuance of the paper-based labor certification approval decisions by 
creating a one-page Form ETA-9142A, Final Determination: H-2A Temporary 
Labor Certification Approval, which will be issued electronically to 
employers granted temporary labor certification by DOL. In 
circumstances where the employer or, if applicable, its authorized 
attorney or agent is not able to receive the temporary labor 
certification documents electronically, ETA will send the certification 
documents printed on standard paper in a manner that ensures overnight 
delivery. For complete details regarding the proposed revisions to this 
ICR, contact the office listed in the ADDRESSES section above.

II. Review Focus

    DOL is particularly interested in comments that:
     Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
     evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the 
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
validity of the methodology and assumptions used, and the agency's 
estimates associated with the annual burden cost incurred by 
respondents and the government cost associated with this collection of 
     enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
     minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate 
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
electronic submissions of responses.

III. Current Actions

    In order to meet its statutory responsibilities under the INA, ETA 
must extend and revise an existing collection of information pertaining 
to labor certification applications used in the H-2A visa program that 
allows employers to bring foreign labor to the U.S. on a seasonal or 
other temporary basis.
    This information collection is subject to the PRA. A Federal agency 
generally cannot conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and 
the public is generally not required to respond to an information 
collection, unless it is approved by OMB under the PRA and displays a 
currently valid OMB Control Number. In addition, notwithstanding any 
other provisions of law, no person shall generally be subject to 
penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that 
does not display a valid Control Number. See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 
1320.6. DOL obtains OMB approval for this information collection under 
Control Number 1205-0466. OMB authorization for an ICR cannot be for 
more than three (3) years without renewal, and the current approval for

[[Page 53913]]

this collection is scheduled to expire on May 31, 2019. DOL seeks to 
extend PRA authorization for this revised information collection for 
three (3) more years.
    In the past, the respondents have been for-profit businesses and 
not-for-profit institutions. On rare occasions the respondents have 
been local, State, tribal governments, or the Federal government. The 
Secretary uses the collected information to determine if employers are 
meeting their statutory and regulatory obligations.
    Title: H-2A Temporary Agricultural Employment Certification 
    Type of Review: Revision of a Currently Approved Information 
    OMB Number: 1205-0466.
    Affected Public: Individuals or Households, Private Sector--
businesses or other for-profits, Government, State, Local and Tribal 
    Form(s): ETA-9142A, H-2A Application for Temporary Employment 
Certification; ETA-9142A--Appendix A; ETA-9142A--Final Determination: 
H-2A Temporary Labor Certification Approval; ETA-790/790A, H-2A 
Agricultural Clearance Order; ETA-790/790A--Addendum A; ETA-790/790A--
Addendum B.
    Total Annual Respondents: 8,783.
    Annual Frequency: On Occasion.
    Total Annual Responses: 273,537.
    Estimated Time per Response (averages):

--Forms ETA 9142A, Appendix A--3.66 hours per response.
--Forms ETA 790/790A/790B--.69 hours per response.
--Administrative Appeals--18.48 hours per response.

    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 52,384.81.
    Total Annual Burden Cost for Respondents: $0.
    Comments submitted in response to this comment request will be 
summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval of the ICR; 
they will also become a matter of public record. Commenters are 
encouraged not to submit sensitive information (e.g., confidential 
business information or personally identifiable information such as a 
social security number).

Molly E. Conway,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Employment and Training Administration.
[FR Doc. 2018-23276 Filed 10-24-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 207 / Thursday, October 25, 2018 / Notices                                               53911

                                                                                                          2018 FEDERAL REGISTER—Continued
                                                                  Name                                                                              Position title

                                               MOHAN, KATHERINE T ..................            ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES.
                                               DRISCOLL, DERRICK ......................         ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS.
                                               MATHIAS, KARL ..............................     ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.
                                               BOLEN, JOHN ..................................   ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, JUDICIAL SECURITY.
                                               VIRTUE, TIMOTHY ..........................       ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, ASSET FORFEITURE.
                                               HACKMASTER, NELSON ................              ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, PRISONER OPERATIONS.
                                               DICKINSON, LISA ............................     ATTORNEY ADVISOR.
                                               O’BRIEN-ROGAN, CAROLE ............               PROCUREMENT EXECUTIVE, FINANCIAL SERVICES.
                                               O’BRIEN, HOLLEY ...........................      CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, FINANCIAL SERVICES.
                                               O’HEARN, DONALD .........................        ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
                                               ANDERSON, DAVID ........................         ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, TRAINING.
                                               TYLER, JEFFREY ............................      ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, INVESTIGATIVE OPERATIONS.
                                               HICKMAN, KATE ..............................     ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, MANAGEMENT SUPPORT.
                                               ROBINSON, ROBERTO ...................            ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, TACTICAL OPERATIONS.
                                               BRUNER, JARROD ..........................        SUPERVISORY IT PROGRAM MANAGER.

                                                                                                               Community Relations Service—CRS

                                               RATIFF, GERRI ................................   DEPUTY DIRECTOR.

                                                                                                                    Rule of Law Office—ROL

                                               FEATHERSTON, BRITTIAN .............              JUSTICE ATTACHE, AFGHANISTAN.
                                               BASSETT, SPENCER ......................          JUSTICE ATTACHE, BAGHDAD.

                                               [FR Doc. 2018–23337 Filed 10–24–18; 8:45 am]                In accordance with the PRA, ETA,                          workers; and (4) other required
                                               BILLING CODE 4410–CH–P                                    within DOL, is providing the public                         disclosures concerning the provision of
                                                                                                         notice and opportunity to comment on                        meals, transportation and daily
                                                                                                         proposed revisions to the application                       subsistence, referral and hiring
                                                                                                         Form ETA–9142A, H–2A Application                            instructions, and any other material
                                               DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                       for Temporary Employment                                    terms and conditions of the job offer.
                                               Employment and Training                                   Certification; Form ETA–9142A,                              The proposed Form ETA–790/790A will
                                               Administration                                            Appendix A; and the general                                 be submitted to the State Workforce
                                                                                                         instructions to those forms. ETA is also                    Agency (SWA) for review and in
                                               Agency Information Collection                             seeking public comment on a proposal                        advance of filing Form ETA–9142A. A
                                               Activities; Proposed Revision of a                        to eliminate the issuance of paper-based                    copy of Form ETA–790/790A will then
                                               Currently Approved Collection;                            labor certification decisions through the                   be attached by the employer at the time
                                               Request for Comments; H–2A                                creation of a one-page Form ETA–                            of filing Form ETA–9142A. The
                                               Temporary Agricultural Labor                              9142A, Final Determination: H–2A                            information collected on the ETA–790/
                                               Certification Program Forms (OMB                          Temporary Labor Certification                               790A is used to determine whether the
                                               Control Number 1205–0466)                                 Approval, which will be issued                              material terms and conditions of
                                                                                                         electronically to employers granted                         employment do not adversely affect
                                               AGENCY: Employment and Training                           temporary labor certification by DOL.                       similarly employed U.S. workers and, if
                                               Administration (ETA), Labor.                                Lastly, ETA is also seeking public                        approved, facilitate the recruitment of
                                               ACTION: Notice and request for comment.                   comment on a proposal to implement a                        U.S. workers through the intrastate and
                                                                                                         revised agricultural clearance order that                   interstate job clearance systems of the
                                               SUMMARY:   The Department of Labor                        will be integrated with the Form ETA–                       SWA. This proposal will consolidate
                                               (DOL), as part of its effort to streamline                9142A. The proposed Form ETA–790/                           information collected through the
                                               information collection, clarify statutory                 790A, H–2A Agricultural Clearance                           agricultural clearance order Form ETA–
                                               and regulatory requirements, and                          Order, and addenda, provide language                        790, which is currently authorized
                                               provide greater oversight in the H–2A                     to employers to disclose necessary                          under OMB Control Number 1205–0134,
                                               labor certification program, conducts a                   information including, but not limited                      into the agency’s primary H–2A
                                               preclearance consultation program to                      to, the following: (1) The type of                          information collection requirements
                                               provide the public and Federal agencies                   agricultural services or labor needed,                      under OMB Control Number 1205–0466.
                                               with an opportunity to comment on                         number of workers, duration of                              This consolidation and revision will
                                               proposed and/or continuing collections                    employment, and minimum                                     align all data collection for the H–2A
                                               of information in accordance with the                     qualifications or requirements of the job;                  program under a single OMB approved
                                               Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                           (2) the place(s) where work will be                         information collection request (ICR).
                                               (PRA). This program helps ensure that                     performed and the wage rate(s) that will                       The information collection for each
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               requested data can be provided in the                     be offered, advertised, and paid to                         existing form was approved on June 3,
                                               desired format, reporting burden (time                    workers in each crop or agricultural                        2016 and expires May 31, 2019. A copy
                                               and financial resources) is minimized,                    activity, as well as any other conditions                   of the proposed ICR can be obtained by
                                               collection instruments are clearly                        or deductions from pay not required by                      contacting the office listed below in the
                                               understood, and the impact of collection                  law; (3) basic information regarding the                    addresses section of this notice.
                                               requirements on respondents can be                        geographic location, type, capacity, and                    DATES: Written comments must be
                                               properly assessed.                                        applicable standards of the housing for                     submitted to the office listed in the

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014     18:10 Oct 24, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00065   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25OCN1.SGM      25OCN1

                                               53912                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 207 / Thursday, October 25, 2018 / Notices

                                               addresses section below on or before                    conditions of similarly employed U.S.                 certification documents printed on
                                               December 24, 2018.                                      workers. 8 U.S.C. 1188, INA section 218;              standard paper in a manner that ensures
                                               ADDRESSES: Written comments may be                      8 CFR 214.2(h)(5)(i), (ii) and (iv)(B).               overnight delivery. For complete details
                                               submitted by the following methods:                     DOL’s regulations establish the                       regarding the proposed revisions to this
                                                  • Email (encouraged):                                processes by which an employer must                   ICR, contact the office listed in the
                                               ETA.OFLC.Forms@dol.gov.                                 obtain a temporary labor certification                ADDRESSES section above.
                                                  • Mail: William W. Thompson II,                      from DOL and the rights and obligations
                                                                                                                                                             II. Review Focus
                                               Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor                  of workers and employers. 20 CFR part
                                               Certification, Box PPII 12–200,                         655, subpart B.                                          DOL is particularly interested in
                                               Employment and Training                                    This ICR, OMB Control No. 1205–                    comments that:
                                               Administration, U.S. Department of                      0466, includes the collection of                         • Evaluate whether the proposed
                                               Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW,                      information related to the temporary                  collection of information is necessary
                                               Washington, DC 20210.                                   labor certification process and                       for the proper performance of the
                                                  • Fax: 202–513–7395.                                 agricultural clearance order process in               functions of the agency, including
                                                  Instructions: Comments that are                      the H–2A program. The information                     whether the information will have
                                               related to a specific form or a specific                contained in the application Form ETA–                practical utility;
                                               form’s instructions should identify the                 9142A, H–2A Application for                              • evaluate the accuracy of the
                                               form or form’s instructions using the                   Temporary Employment Certification,                   agency’s estimate of the burden of the
                                               form number, e.g., ETA–9142A or Form                    and the job order Form ETA–790/790A,                  proposed collection of information,
                                               ETA–790/790A, and should identify the                   H–2A Agricultural Clearance Order,                    including the validity of the
                                               particular area of the form for comment.                together serve as the basis for the                   methodology and assumptions used,
                                               A copy of the proposed ICR can be                       Secretary of Labor’s (Secretary)                      and the agency’s estimates associated
                                               obtained by accessing the Office of                     determination that qualified U.S.                     with the annual burden cost incurred by
                                               Foreign Labor Certification’s website at                workers are not available to perform the              respondents and the government cost
                                               www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov or by                   services or labor needed by the                       associated with this collection of
                                               contacting the Office of Foreign Labor                  employer and that the wages and                       information;
                                               Certification as listed above.                          working conditions of similarly                          • enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                                                                       employed U.S. workers will not be                     clarity of the information to be
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                       adversely affected by the employment of               collected; and
                                               William W. Thompson II,                                                                                          • minimize the burden of the
                                                                                                       H–2A workers. Employers use
                                               Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor                                                                        collection of information on those who
                                                                                                       Appendix A of the Form ETA–9142A to
                                               Certification, 202–513–7350 (this is not                                                                      are to respond, including through the
                                                                                                       attest that they will comply with all of
                                               a toll-free number), or for individuals                 the terms, conditions, and obligations of             use of appropriate automated,
                                               with hearing or speech impairments,                     the H–2A program.                                     electronic, mechanical, or other
                                               1–877–889–5627 (this is the TTY toll-                      ETA is seeking comments on                         technological collection techniques or
                                               free Federal Information Relay Service                  proposed revisions to Form ETA–9142A                  other forms of information technology,
                                               number), Box PPII 12–200, Employment                    and appendix, Form ETA–790/790A                       e.g., permitting electronic submissions
                                               and Training Administration, U.S.                       and addenda, and the instructions                     of responses.
                                               Department of Labor, 200 Constitution                   accompanying those forms. The
                                               Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.                                                                              III. Current Actions
                                                                                                       proposed revisions will better align
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              information collection requirements                      In order to meet its statutory
                                                                                                       with DOL’s current regulatory                         responsibilities under the INA, ETA
                                               I. Background                                                                                                 must extend and revise an existing
                                                                                                       framework, provide greater clarity to
                                                 The information collection is required                employers on regulatory requirements,                 collection of information pertaining to
                                               by sections 101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a), 214(c),               standardize and streamline information                labor certification applications used in
                                               and 218 of the Immigration and                          collection to reduce employer time and                the H–2A visa program that allows
                                               Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C.                         burden preparing applications, and                    employers to bring foreign labor to the
                                               1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a), 1184(c), and 1188)               promote greater efficiency and                        U.S. on a seasonal or other temporary
                                               and 8 CFR 214.2(h)(5) and 20 CFR 655,                   transparency in ETA’s review and                      basis.
                                               subpart B. The H–2A visa program                        issuance of labor certification decisions                This information collection is subject
                                               enables employers to bring                              under the H–2A visa program.                          to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
                                               nonimmigrant foreign workers to the                        To promote greater efficiency in                   cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
                                               United States to perform agricultural                   issuing temporary labor certification                 of information, and the public is
                                               work of a seasonal or temporary nature                  decisions and minimize delays                         generally not required to respond to an
                                               as defined in 8 U.S.C.                                  associated with employers filing H–2A                 information collection, unless it is
                                               1101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a). Before an employer               petitions with DHS, ETA is proposing to               approved by OMB under the PRA and
                                               can file a petition with the Department                 eliminate the issuance of the paper-                  displays a currently valid OMB Control
                                               of Homeland Security (DHS) to import                    based labor certification approval                    Number. In addition, notwithstanding
                                               temporary workers as H–2A                               decisions by creating a one-page Form                 any other provisions of law, no person
                                               nonimmigrants, the INA and DHS                          ETA–9142A, Final Determination: H–2A                  shall generally be subject to penalty for
                                               regulations require an employer to first                Temporary Labor Certification                         failing to comply with a collection of
                                               obtain a determination from DOL                         Approval, which will be issued                        information that does not display a
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               certifying whether a qualified U.S.                     electronically to employers granted                   valid Control Number. See 5 CFR
                                               worker is available to fill the job                     temporary labor certification by DOL. In              1320.5(a) and 1320.6. DOL obtains OMB
                                               opportunity described in the employer’s                 circumstances where the employer or, if               approval for this information collection
                                               petition for a temporary agricultural                   applicable, its authorized attorney or                under Control Number 1205–0466. OMB
                                               worker and whether a foreign worker’s                   agent is not able to receive the                      authorization for an ICR cannot be for
                                               employment in the job opportunity will                  temporary labor certification documents               more than three (3) years without
                                               adversely affect the wages or working                   electronically, ETA will send the                     renewal, and the current approval for

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 207 / Thursday, October 25, 2018 / Notices                                               53913

                                               this collection is scheduled to expire on               NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND                              obtain further information on NASA’s
                                               May 31, 2019. DOL seeks to extend PRA                   SPACE ADMINISTRATION                                  Federal advisory committees, please
                                               authorization for this revised                                                                                visit the NASA Advisory Committee
                                               information collection for three (3) more                                                                     Management Division website noted
                                               years.                                                  NASA Federal Advisory Committees;                     below. For any questions, please contact
                                                  In the past, the respondents have been               Annual Invitation                                     Ms. Marla King, Advisory Committee
                                               for-profit businesses and not-for-profit                                                                      Specialist, Advisory Committee
                                               institutions. On rare occasions the                     AGENCY:  National Aeronautics and                     Management Division, Office of
                                               respondents have been local, State,                     Space Administration.                                 International and Interagency Relations,
                                               tribal governments, or the Federal                      ACTION: Annual Invitation for Public                  NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
                                               government. The Secretary uses the                      Nominations by U.S. Citizens for                      20546, (202) 358–1148.
                                               collected information to determine if                   Service on NASA Federal Advisory                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NASA’s
                                               employers are meeting their statutory                   Committees.                                           twelve (12) Federal advisory committees
                                               and regulatory obligations.                                                                                   are listed below. The individual charters
                                                                                                       SUMMARY:    NASA announces its annual
                                                  Title: H–2A Temporary Agricultural                                                                         may be found at the NASA Advisory
                                                                                                       invitation for public nominations for
                                               Employment Certification Program.                                                                             Committee Management Division
                                                                                                       service on NASA Federal advisory
                                                                                                                                                             website at http://oiir.hq.nasa.gov/
                                                  Type of Review: Revision of a                        committees chartered under the Federal
                                               Currently Approved Information                          Advisory Committee Act (FACA). U.S.
                                                                                                                                                             • Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
                                               Collection.                                             citizens may submit self-nominations
                                                                                                                                                             • Applied Sciences Advisory
                                                  OMB Number: 1205–0466.                               for consideration as potential members
                                                                                                       of NASA’s Federal advisory committees.
                                                  Affected Public: Individuals or                                                                            • Astrophysics Advisory Committee
                                                                                                       NASA’s Federal advisory committees
                                               Households, Private Sector—businesses                                                                         • Earth Science Advisory Committee
                                                                                                       have member vacancies from time to
                                               or other for-profits, Government, State,                                                                      • Heliophysics Advisory Committee
                                                                                                       time throughout the year, and NASA
                                               Local and Tribal Governments.                                                                                 • Human Exploration and Operations
                                                                                                       will consider self-nominations to fill
                                                  Form(s): ETA–9142A, H–2A                                                                                     Research Advisory Committee
                                                                                                       such intermittent vacancies. NASA is
                                               Application for Temporary Employment                                                                          • International Space Station Advisory
                                                                                                       committed to selecting members to
                                               Certification; ETA–9142A—Appendix                                                                               Committee
                                                                                                       serve on its Federal advisory
                                                                                                                                                             • International Space Station National
                                               A; ETA–9142A—Final Determination:                       committees based on their individual
                                                                                                                                                               Laboratory Advisory Committee
                                               H–2A Temporary Labor Certification                      expertise, knowledge, experience, and
                                                                                                                                                             • NASA Advisory Council
                                               Approval; ETA–790/790A, H–2A                            current/past contributions to the
                                                                                                                                                             • National Space-Based Positioning,
                                               Agricultural Clearance Order; ETA–790/                  relevant subject area.
                                                                                                                                                               Navigation and Timing Advisory
                                               790A—Addendum A; ETA–790/790A—                          DATES: The deadline for NASA receipt                    Board
                                               Addendum B.                                             of all public nominations is 30 days                  • National Space Council Users’
                                                  Total Annual Respondents: 8,783.                     from the date of publication of this                    Advisory Group
                                                  Annual Frequency: On Occasion.                       notice in the Federal Register.                       • Planetary Science Advisory
                                                                                                       ADDRESSES: Self-nominations from                        Committee
                                                  Total Annual Responses: 273,537.
                                                                                                       interested U.S. citizens must be sent
                                                  Estimated Time per Response                          electronically to NASA in letter form, be             Patricia Rausch,
                                               (averages):                                             signed, and must include the name of                  Advisory Committee Management Officer,
                                                                                                       specific NASA Federal advisory                        National Aeronautics and Space
                                               —Forms ETA 9142A, Appendix A—3.66                                                                             Administration.
                                                hours per response.                                    committee of interest for NASA
                                                                                                       consideration. Self-nomination letters                [FR Doc. 2018–23294 Filed 10–24–18; 8:45 am]
                                               —Forms ETA 790/790A/790B—.69
                                                hours per response.                                    are limited to specifying interest in only            BILLING CODE 7510–13–P

                                                                                                       one (1) NASA Federal advisory
                                               —Administrative Appeals—18.48 hours                     committee per year. The following
                                                per response.                                          additional information is required to be              NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION
                                                 Estimated Total Annual Burden                         attached to each self-nomination letter
                                               Hours: 52,384.81.                                       (i.e., cover letter): (1) Professional                STEM Education Advisory Panel;
                                                                                                       resume (one-page maximum); (2)                        Notice of Meeting
                                                 Total Annual Burden Cost for
                                               Respondents: $0.                                        professional biography (one-page                      In accordance with the Federal Advisory
                                                                                                       maximum). Please submit the self-                     Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as amended),
                                                 Comments submitted in response to                     nomination package as a single package                the National Science Foundation (NSF)
                                               this comment request will be                            containing cover letter and the two                   announces the following meeting:
                                               summarized and/or included in the                       required attachments to hq-nasanoms@
                                               request for OMB approval of the ICR;                                                                            Name and Committee Code: STEM
                                                                                                       mail.nasa.gov. All public self-                       Education Advisory Panel (#2624).
                                               they will also become a matter of public                nomination packages must be submitted
                                               record. Commenters are encouraged not                                                                           Date and Time: November 7, 2018;
                                                                                                       electronically via email to NASA; paper-              2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
                                               to submit sensitive information (e.g.,                  based documents sent through postal
                                               confidential business information or                                                                            Place: National Science Foundation,
                                                                                                       mail (hard-copies) will not be accepted.              2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria,
                                               personally identifiable information such
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       NOTE: Nomination letters that are                     VA 22314.
                                               as a social security number).                           noncompliant with inclusion of the                      Type of Meeting: Closed.
                                               Molly E. Conway,                                        mandatory documents listed above will                   Contact Person: Keaven Stevenson,
                                               Acting Assistant Secretary, Employment and              not receive further consideration by                  Directorate Administrative Coordinator,
                                               Training Administration.                                NASA.                                                 Room C 11044, National Science
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–23276 Filed 10–24–18; 8:45 am]            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To                   Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue,
                                               BILLING CODE 4510–FP–P                                  view advisory committee charters and                  Alexandria, VA 22314; Contact

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Document Created: 2018-10-25 01:43:26
Document Modified: 2018-10-25 01:43:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comment.
DatesWritten comments must be submitted to the office listed in the
ContactWilliam W. Thompson II, Administrator, Office of Foreign Labor Certification, 202-513-7350 (this is not a toll-free number), or for individuals with hearing or speech impairments, 1-877-889-5627 (this is the TTY toll-free Federal Information Relay Service number), Box PPII 12-200, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.
FR Citation83 FR 53911 

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