83_FR_5436 83 FR 5410 - Notice of Public Hearing and Business Meeting February 14 and March 14, 2018

83 FR 5410 - Notice of Public Hearing and Business Meeting February 14 and March 14, 2018


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 26 (February 7, 2018)

Page Range5410-5411
FR Document2018-02369

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 2018)]
[Pages 5410-5411]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-02369]



Notice of Public Hearing and Business Meeting February 14 and 
March 14, 2018

    Notice is hereby given that the Delaware River Basin Commission 
will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 14, 2018. A business 
meeting will be held the following month on Wednesday, March 14, 2018. 
The hearing and meeting are open to the public and will be held at the 
Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, 
Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.
    Public Hearing. The public hearing on February 14, 2018 will begin 
at 1:30 p.m. Hearing items subject to the Commission's review will 
include draft dockets for withdrawals, discharges, and other water-
related projects, as well as resolutions: (a) To adopt the fiscal year 
2018-2020 Water Resources Program; (b) to clarify and restate the 
Commission's policy for the replacement of water consumptively used by 
electric generating or cogenerating facilities during critical 
hydrologic conditions; and (c) to reauthorize the Regulated Flow 
Advisory Committee's (RFAC) Subcommittee on Ecological Flows (SEF).
    The list of projects scheduled for hearing, including project 
descriptions, and the text of the proposed resolutions will be posted 
on the Commission's website, www.drbc.net, in a long form of this 
notice at least ten days before the hearing date.
    Written comments on matters scheduled for hearing on February 14 
will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. on February 20.
    The public is advised to check the Commission's website 
periodically prior to the hearing date, as items scheduled for hearing 
may be postponed if additional time is deemed necessary to complete the 
Commission's review, and items may be added up to ten days prior to the 
hearing date. In reviewing docket descriptions, the public is also 
asked to be aware that project details commonly change in the course of 
the Commission's review, which is ongoing.
    Public Meeting. The public business meeting on March 14, 2018 will 
begin at 10:30 a.m. and will include: adoption of the Minutes of the 
Commission's December 13, 2017 Business Meeting, announcements of 
upcoming meetings and events, a report on hydrologic conditions, 
reports by the Executive Director and the Commission's General Counsel, 
and consideration of any items for which a hearing has been completed 
or is not required. The latter are expected to include a resolution 
authorizing the Commission to procure janitorial services based on a 
competitive bidding process.
    After all scheduled business has been completed and as time allows, 
the Business Meeting will be followed by up to one hour of Open Public 
Comment, an opportunity to address the Commission on any topic 
concerning management of the basin's water resources, outside the 
context of a duly noticed, on-the-record public hearing.
    There will be no opportunity for additional public comment for the 
record at the March 14 Business Meeting on items for which a hearing 
was completed on February 14 or a previous date. Commission 
consideration on March 14 of items for which the public hearing is 
closed may result in approval of the item (by docket or resolution) as 
proposed, approval with changes, denial, or deferral. When the 
Commissioners defer an action, they may announce an additional period 
for written comment on the item, with or without an additional hearing 
date, or they may take additional time to consider the input they have 
already received without requesting further public input. Any deferred 
items will be considered for action at a public meeting of the 
Commission on a future date.
    Advance Sign-Up for Oral Comment. Individuals who wish to comment 
on the record during the public hearing on February 14 or to address 
the Commissioners informally during the Open Public Comment portion of 
the meeting on March 14 as time allows, are asked to sign-up in advance 
through EventBrite, the online registration process recently introduced 
by the Commission. Links to EventBrite for the Public Hearing and the 
Business Meeting are available at drbc.net. For assistance, please 
contact Ms. Paula Schmitt of the Commission staff, at 
    Addresses for Written Comment. Written comment on items scheduled 
for hearing may be made through SmartComment, the web-based comment 
system recently introduced by the Commission, a link to which is posted 
at drbc.net. Although use of SmartComment is strongly preferred, 
comments may also be delivered by hand at the public hearing; or by 
hand, U.S. Mail or private carrier to Commission Secretary, P.O. Box 
7360, 25 Cosey Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628. For assistance, please 
contact Paula Schmitt at paula.schmitt@drbc.nj.gov.
    Accommodations for Special Needs. Individuals in need of an 
accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act 
who wish to attend the informational meeting, conference session or 
hearings should contact the Commission Secretary directly at 609-883-
9500 ext. 203 or through the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) at 
711, to discuss how we can accommodate your needs.

[[Page 5411]]

    Additional Information, Contacts. Additional public records 
relating to hearing items may be examined at the Commission's offices 
by appointment by contacting Carol Adamovic, 609-883-9500, ext. 249. 
For other questions concerning hearing items, please contact Judith 
Scharite, Project Review Section assistant at 609-883-9500, ext. 216.

    Dated: January 30, 2018.
Pamela M. Bush,
Commission Secretary and Assistant General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2018-02369 Filed 2-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                                5410                       Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Notices

                                                1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and                   February 14, 2018. A business meeting                 Comment, an opportunity to address the
                                                41 CFR 102–3.140 and 102–3.150.                         will be held the following month on                   Commission on any topic concerning
                                                   Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR                 Wednesday, March 14, 2018. The                        management of the basin’s water
                                                102–3.140 through 102–3.165, and the                    hearing and meeting are open to the                   resources, outside the context of a duly
                                                availability of space, this meeting is                  public and will be held at the                        noticed, on-the-record public hearing.
                                                open to the public.                                     Washington Crossing Historic Park                       There will be no opportunity for
                                                   Purpose of the Meeting: The purpose                  Visitor Center, 1112 River Road,                      additional public comment for the
                                                of the meeting will include discussion                  Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.                    record at the March 14 Business
                                                on accreditation compliance,                               Public Hearing. The public hearing on              Meeting on items for which a hearing
                                                organizational management, strategic                    February 14, 2018 will begin at 1:30                  was completed on February 14 or a
                                                planning, resource management, and                      p.m. Hearing items subject to the                     previous date. Commission
                                                other matters of interest to the National               Commission’s review will include draft                consideration on March 14 of items for
                                                Defense University.                                     dockets for withdrawals, discharges,                  which the public hearing is closed may
                                                   Agenda: Wednesday, February 21,                      and other water-related projects, as well             result in approval of the item (by docket
                                                2018 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.:                      as resolutions: (a) To adopt the fiscal               or resolution) as proposed, approval
                                                Welcome and Administrative Notes;                       year 2018–2020 Water Resources                        with changes, denial, or deferral. When
                                                State of the University Address; Middles                Program; (b) to clarify and restate the               the Commissioners defer an action, they
                                                States Commission on Higher Education                   Commission’s policy for the                           may announce an additional period for
                                                Update; NDU Strategic Plan-Progress                     replacement of water consumptively                    written comment on the item, with or
                                                Update on the Current Plan (AY 2012–                    used by electric generating or                        without an additional hearing date, or
                                                2013 to AY 2017–2018) and an                            cogenerating facilities during critical               they may take additional time to
                                                Overview of the Planning Process for                    hydrologic conditions; and (c) to                     consider the input they have already
                                                the New Plan (AY 2018–2019 to AY                        reauthorize the Regulated Flow                        received without requesting further
                                                2023–2024); New NDU Strategic Plan                      Advisory Committee’s (RFAC)                           public input. Any deferred items will be
                                                Line of Effort 1-Student Experience;                    Subcommittee on Ecological Flows                      considered for action at a public
                                                New NDU Strategic Plan Line of Effort                   (SEF).                                                meeting of the Commission on a future
                                                2-Quality Workforce; New NDU                               The list of projects scheduled for                 date.
                                                Strategic Plan Line of Effort 3-Stable                  hearing, including project descriptions,                Advance Sign-Up for Oral Comment.
                                                Foundation.                                             and the text of the proposed resolutions              Individuals who wish to comment on
                                                   Thursday, February 22, 2018 from                     will be posted on the Commission’s                    the record during the public hearing on
                                                8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Information                    website, www.drbc.net, in a long form of              February 14 or to address the
                                                                                                        this notice at least ten days before the              Commissioners informally during the
                                                Technology Update; New Initiatives at
                                                                                                        hearing date.                                         Open Public Comment portion of the
                                                the Eisenhower School; Board Member
                                                                                                           Written comments on matters                        meeting on March 14 as time allows, are
                                                Feedback; Wrap-up and Closing
                                                                                                        scheduled for hearing on February 14                  asked to sign-up in advance through
                                                Remarks.                                                will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. on                 EventBrite, the online registration
                                                   Meeting Accessibility: Limited space                 February 20.                                          process recently introduced by the
                                                made available for observers will be                       The public is advised to check the                 Commission. Links to EventBrite for the
                                                allocated on a first come, first served                 Commission’s website periodically prior               Public Hearing and the Business
                                                basis. Meeting location is handicap                     to the hearing date, as items scheduled               Meeting are available at drbc.net. For
                                                accessible.                                             for hearing may be postponed if                       assistance, please contact Ms. Paula
                                                   Written Statements: Pursuant to 41                   additional time is deemed necessary to                Schmitt of the Commission staff, at
                                                CFR 102–3.105(j) and 102–3.140, and                     complete the Commission’s review, and                 paula.schmitt@drbc.nj.gov.
                                                section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory                items may be added up to ten days prior                 Addresses for Written Comment.
                                                Committee Act of 1972, written                          to the hearing date. In reviewing docket              Written comment on items scheduled
                                                statements to the committee may be                      descriptions, the public is also asked to             for hearing may be made through
                                                submitted to the committee at any time                  be aware that project details commonly                SmartComment, the web-based
                                                or in response to a stated planned                      change in the course of the                           comment system recently introduced by
                                                meeting agenda by FAX or email to Ms.                   Commission’s review, which is ongoing.                the Commission, a link to which is
                                                Joycelyn Stevens at (202) 685–0079, Fax                    Public Meeting. The public business                posted at drbc.net. Although use of
                                                (202) 685–3920 or StevensJ7@ndu.edu.                    meeting on March 14, 2018 will begin                  SmartComment is strongly preferred,
                                                  Dated: February 2, 2018.                              at 10:30 a.m. and will include: adoption              comments may also be delivered by
                                                Aaron Siegel,                                           of the Minutes of the Commission’s                    hand at the public hearing; or by hand,
                                                Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                  December 13, 2017 Business Meeting,                   U.S. Mail or private carrier to
                                                Officer, Department of Defense.                         announcements of upcoming meetings                    Commission Secretary, P.O. Box 7360,
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–02434 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]              and events, a report on hydrologic                    25 Cosey Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628.
                                                BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                                                                        conditions, reports by the Executive                  For assistance, please contact Paula
                                                                                                        Director and the Commission’s General                 Schmitt at paula.schmitt@drbc.nj.gov.
                                                                                                        Counsel, and consideration of any items                 Accommodations for Special Needs.
                                                                                                        for which a hearing has been completed                Individuals in need of an
                                                DELAWARE RIVER BASIN                                                                                          accommodation as provided for in the
                                                                                                        or is not required. The latter are
                                                COMMISSION                                                                                                    Americans with Disabilities Act who
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                        expected to include a resolution
                                                Notice of Public Hearing and Business                   authorizing the Commission to procure                 wish to attend the informational
                                                Meeting February 14 and March 14,                       janitorial services based on a                        meeting, conference session or hearings
                                                2018                                                    competitive bidding process.                          should contact the Commission
                                                                                                           After all scheduled business has been              Secretary directly at 609–883–9500 ext.
                                                  Notice is hereby given that the                       completed and as time allows, the                     203 or through the Telecommunications
                                                Delaware River Basin Commission will                    Business Meeting will be followed by                  Relay Services (TRS) at 711, to discuss
                                                hold a public hearing on Wednesday,                     up to one hour of Open Public                         how we can accommodate your needs.

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:17 Feb 06, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00011   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\07FEN1.SGM   07FEN1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / Notices                                            5411

                                                  Additional Information, Contacts.                     activities, please contact Jessica                    and Secondary Education Act of 1965
                                                Additional public records relating to                   McKinney, 202–401–1960.                               (ESEA), as amended by the Every
                                                hearing items may be examined at the                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The
                                                Commission’s offices by appointment by                  Department of Education (ED), in                      ESSA added a new program to the
                                                contacting Carol Adamovic, 609–883–                     accordance with the Paperwork                         ESEA, the Flexibility for Equitable Per-
                                                9500, ext. 249. For other questions                     Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.                pupil Funding under section 1501. This
                                                concerning hearing items, please contact                3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general                  discretionary flexibility allows the U.S.
                                                Judith Scharite, Project Review Section                 public and Federal agencies with an                   Department of Education (Department)
                                                assistant at 609–883–9500, ext. 216.                    opportunity to comment on proposed,                   to offer an LEA the opportunity to
                                                  Dated: January 30, 2018.                              revised, and continuing collections of                consolidate funds under the above-
                                                                                                        information. This helps the Department                listed programs to support the LEA in
                                                Pamela M. Bush,
                                                                                                        assess the impact of its information                  creating a single school funding system
                                                Commission Secretary and Assistant General                                                                    based on weighted per-pupil allocations
                                                Counsel.                                                collection requirements and minimize
                                                                                                        the public’s reporting burden. It also                for low-income and otherwise
                                                [FR Doc. 2018–02369 Filed 2–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        helps the public understand the                       disadvantaged students, with attendant
                                                BILLING CODE 6360–01–P                                                                                        flexibility in using those funds. For the
                                                                                                        Department’s information collection
                                                                                                        requirements and provide the requested                initial three-year period, the Department
                                                                                                        data in the desired format. ED is                     may approve this flexibility for up to 50
                                                DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                                 soliciting comments on the proposed                   LEAs.
                                                                                                                                                                 Given the priority of an orderly
                                                [Docket No. ED–2018–ICCD–0010]                          information collection request (ICR) that
                                                                                                                                                              transition, the earliest available time to
                                                                                                        is described below. The Department of
                                                Agency Information Collection                                                                                 award flexibility related to the use of
                                                                                                        Education is especially interested in
                                                Activities; Comment Request;                                                                                  federal funding was School Year 2018–
                                                                                                        public comment addressing the
                                                Application for Flexibility for Equitable                                                                     2019, which mostly takes place during
                                                                                                        following issues: (1) Is this collection
                                                Per-Pupil Funding                                                                                             FY 2019. This aligns with States’
                                                                                                        necessary to the proper functions of the
                                                                                                                                                              transition to ‘‘full’’ compliance, as all
                                                                                                        Department; (2) will this information be
                                                AGENCY: Office of Elementary and                                                                              provisions of the law will be effective by
                                                                                                        processed and used in a timely manner;
                                                Secondary Education (OESE),                                                                                   FY 2019, including those that were
                                                                                                        (3) is the estimate of burden accurate;               otherwise delayed under orderly
                                                Department of Education (ED).
                                                                                                        (4) how might the Department enhance                  transition authority. This timeframe also
                                                ACTION: Notice.                                         the quality, utility, and clarity of the              aligns with the implementation of the
                                                SUMMARY:    In accordance with the                      information to be collected; and (5) how              other pilot program provided in ESSA,
                                                Paperwork Reduction of 1995, ED is                      might the Department minimize the                     the Innovative Assessment
                                                requesting the Office of Management                     burden of this collection on the                      Demonstration Authority (IADA).
                                                and Budget (OMB) to conduct an                          respondents, including through the use                   Although an approximate timeframe
                                                emergency review of a new information                   of information technology. Please note                was established, by necessity, the
                                                collection.                                             that written comments received in                     planning for a new and potentially far-
                                                                                                        response to this notice will be                       reaching program could not begin in
                                                DATES: Approval by the OMB has been
                                                                                                        considered public records.                            earnest until new political leadership
                                                requested by 2/7/2018. A regular                           Title of Collection: Application for
                                                clearance process is also hereby being                                                                        had been appointed. This planning
                                                                                                        Flexibility for Equitable Per-pupil                   began in mid-2017 following the
                                                initiated. Interested persons are invited               Funding.
                                                to submit comments on or before April                                                                         appointment of Secretary DeVos and
                                                                                                           OMB Control Number: 1810–NEW.                      other political leadership.
                                                9, 2018.                                                   Type of Review: New collection                        The scope of work for the
                                                ADDRESSES: To access and review all the                 (Request for a new OMB Control                        development of the application was
                                                documents related to the information                    Number).                                              significant. The program is entirely new
                                                collection listed in this notice, please                   Respondents/Affected Public: State,                and involves broad authority for the
                                                use http://www.regulations.gov by                       Local and Tribal Governments.                         Secretary to waive provisions of the
                                                searching the Docket ID number ED–                         Total Estimated Number of Annual                   ESEA, although only after a successful
                                                2018–ICCD–0010. Comments submitted                      Responses: 20.                                        applicant meets several dozen precise
                                                in response to this notice should be                       Total Estimated Number of Annual                   and technical requirements related to
                                                submitted electronically through the                    Burden Hours: 1,120.                                  the allocation, use and reporting of
                                                Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://                      Abstract: This is a request for                    funds. Given that the program is new
                                                www.regulations.gov by selecting the                    emergency clearance to collect critical               and highly technical, affects the use of
                                                Docket ID number or via postal mail,                    information for the Application for                   federal funds, waives other federal
                                                commercial delivery, or hand delivery.                  Flexibility for Equitable Per-pupil                   requirements, and involves a potential
                                                Please note that comments submitted by                  Funding, the instrument through which                 applicant pool of thousands of school
                                                fax or email and those submitted after                  local educational agencies (LEAs) apply               districts, the development of an
                                                the comment period will not be                          for flexibility to consolidate eligible               application required significant legal
                                                accepted. Written requests for                          Federal funds and State and local                     and policy analysis, which lasted
                                                information or comments submitted by                    education funding based on weighted                   several months.
                                                postal mail or delivery should be                       per-pupil allocations for low-income                     Lastly, between enactment of ESSA
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                addressed to the Director of the                        and otherwise disadvantaged students.                 and the present date, there were also
                                                Information Collection Clearance                        This program allows LEAs to                           several major anticipated and
                                                Division, U.S. Department of Education,                 consolidate funds under the Elementary                unanticipated events, including a
                                                400 Maryland Avenue SW, LBJ, Room                       and Secondary Education of 1965                       change in Presidential and Secretarial
                                                216–44, Washington, DC 20202–4537.                      Federal education programs.                           administration, Congressional action
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                       These Federal education programs                   that eliminated certain implementing
                                                specific questions related to collection                were reauthorized by the Elementary                   regulations of the law, and significant

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Document Created: 2018-10-26 13:57:06
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 13:57:06
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation83 FR 5410 

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