83_FR_54564 83 FR 54355 - Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of 10 New Drug Applications

83 FR 54355 - Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of 10 New Drug Applications

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 209 (October 29, 2018)

Page Range54355-54356
FR Document2018-23528

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is withdrawing approval of 10 new drug applications (NDAs) from multiple applicants. The applicants notified the Agency in writing that the drug products were no longer marketed and requested that the approval of the applications be withdrawn.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 209 (Monday, October 29, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 209 (Monday, October 29, 2018)]
[Pages 54355-54356]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-23528]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2018-N-3647]

Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.; Withdrawal of Approval of 10 
New Drug Applications

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is 
withdrawing approval of 10 new drug applications (NDAs) from multiple 
applicants. The applicants notified the Agency in writing that the drug 
products were no longer marketed and requested that the approval of the 
applications be withdrawn.

DATES: Approval is withdrawn as of November 28, 2018.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Florine P. Purdie, Center for Drug 
Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New 
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 51, Rm. 6248, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The applicants listed in the table have 
informed FDA that these drug products are no longer marketed and have 
requested that FDA withdraw approval of the applications under the 
process in Sec.  314.150(c) (21 CFR 314.150(c)). The applicants have 
also, by their requests, waived their opportunity for a hearing.

[[Page 54356]]

Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application 
under Sec.  314.150(c) is without prejudice to refiling.

     Application No.               Drug                  Applicant
NDA 009165..............  Delatestryl             Endo Pharmaceuticals,
                           (testosterone           Inc., 1400 Atwater
                           enanthate) Injection,   Dr., Malvern, PA
                           200 milligrams (mg)/    19355.
                           milliliter (mL).
NDA 010417..............  Xylocaine (lidocaine    Fresenius Kabi, USA,
                           hydrochloride (HCl))    LLC, Three Corporate
                           4% Topical Solution/    Dr., Lake Zurich, IL
                           Sterile Injection.      60047.
NDA 016297..............  Xylocaine (1.5%         Do.
                           lidocaine HCl with
                           dextrose 7.5%) Spinal
                           Injection, 2 mL
NDA 016724..............  Norinyl 1+80            GD Searle LLC, a
                           (mestranol and          subsidiary of Pfizer
                           norethindrone) 21-Day   Inc., 235 East 42nd
                           Tablets, 0.08 mg/1 mg.  St., New York, NY
NDA 016725..............  Norinyl 1+80            Do.
                           (mestranol and
                           norethindrone) 28-Day
                           Tablets, 0.08 mg/1 mg.
NDA 019217..............  Sodium Chloride 0.9%    ICU Medical, Inc., 600
                           Injection USP in        N. Field Dr., Lake
                           Plastic Container, 9    Forest, IL 60045.
NDA 019222..............  Dextrose 5% Injection   Do.
                           USP in Plastic
                           Container, 50 mg/mL.
NDA 203098..............  Testosterone Gel, 2.5   Perrigo Co., U.S.
                           mg/1.25 grams (g), 25   Agent for Perrigo
                           mg/2.5 g, 50 mg/5 g.    Israel
                                                   Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
                                                   3490 Quebec Ave.
                                                   North, Minneapolis,
                                                   MN 55427.
NDA 204031..............  Xartemis XR (oxycodone  Mallinckrodt Inc., 675
                           HCl and                 McDonnell Blvd.,
                           acetaminophen)          Hazelwood, MO 63042.
                           Tablets, 7.5 mg/325
NDA 205777..............  Targiniq ER (naloxone   Purdue Pharma, LP, One
                           HCl and oxycodone       Stamford Forum,
                           HCl) Extended-Release   Stamford, CT 06901-
                           Tablets, 5 mg/10 mg,    3431.
                           10 mg/20 mg, and 20
                           mg/40 mg.

    Therefore, approval of the applications listed in the table, and 
all amendments and supplements thereto, is hereby withdrawn as of 
November 28, 2018. Introduction or delivery for introduction into 
interstate commerce of products without approved new drug applications 
violates section 301(a) and (d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 
Act (21 U.S.C. 331(a) and (d)). Drug products that are listed in the 
table that are in inventory on November 28, 2018 may continue to be 
dispensed until the inventories have been depleted or the drug products 
have reached their expiration dates or otherwise become violative, 
whichever occurs first.

    Dated: October 23, 2018.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-23528 Filed 10-26-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 209 / Monday, October 29, 2018 / Notices                                                       54355

                                                 Description: This is a new proposed                           OCC will begin monitoring for                             of the complexity of each state’s CCDF
                                              data collection from the Office of Child                         compliance in FY 2019.                                    structure and variance in
                                              Care (OCC) for the Onsite Monitoring                               The data collection for the first 3-                    implementation strategies. As a
                                              System.                                                          years will focus on 11 topical areas: (1)                 response, OCC developed the
                                                 Section 658I of the Child Care and                            Disaster Preparedness, Response and                       Compliance Demonstration Packet that
                                              Development Block Grant Act and                                  Recovery; (2) Consumer Education:                         offers states the opportunity to propose
                                              Subpart J of 45 CFR, part 98 of the Child                        Dissemination of Information to Parents,                  their approach to demonstrating
                                              Care and Development Fund requires                               Providers, and General Public                             compliance based on how their CCDF
                                              the monitoring of programs funded                                (Monitoring Reports and Annual                            program is administered. OCC also
                                              under the CCDF for compliance with:                              Aggregate Data); (3) Twelve-Month                         consulted other federal programs and
                                                 (1) The Act;                                                  Eligibility; (4) Child: Staff Ratios and                  monitoring experts on the Onsite
                                                                                                               Group Sizes; (5) Health and Safety                        Monitoring System’s development and
                                                 (2) CCDF Regulations; and                                     Requirements for Providers (11 Health                     incorporated their feedback regarding
                                                 (3) The State/Territory CCDF                                  and Safety Topics); (6) Pre-Service/                      the efficiency and efficacy of the
                                              approved Plan.                                                   Orientation and Ongoing Training                          proposed process.
                                                 The proposed data collection will be                          Requirements for Providers; (7)
                                              used by the Office of Child Care (OCC)                           Inspections for CCDF Licensed                                During the development of the Onsite
                                              to monitor State CCDF Lead Agencies to                           Providers; (8) Inspections for License-                   Monitoring System, OCC conducted
                                              determine and validate compliance with                           Exempt CCDF Providers; (9) Ratios for                     pilots in a number of States. Feedback
                                              CCDF regulations and the approved                                Licensing Inspectors; (10) Child Abuse                    received from pilot States and the pilot
                                              State Plan. The data collection is                               and Neglect Reporting; and (11) Program                   results were used to enhance the
                                              designed to provide States with the                              Integrity.                                                monitoring process and data collection
                                              flexibility to propose an approach that                            In developing the Onsite Monitoring                     method. Burden estimates below are
                                              is feasible and sufficient to demonstrate                        System, OCC convened a workgroup of                       based on an analysis of data collected
                                              compliance based on State                                        states to provide feedback and input on                   through all of the pilot visits while
                                              circumstances and processes. State Lead                          the design of the Onsite Monitoring                       accounting for variance in state
                                              Agencies will participate in onsite                              System. As part of the workgroup                          documentation.
                                              monitoring based on a 3-year cohort;                             discussions, states emphasized the need                      Respondents: State grantees and the
                                              submitting data once every three years.                          for individualized monitoring because                     District of Columbia.

                                                                                                                       ANNUAL BURDEN ESTIMATES
                                                                                                                                                                         Number of           Average
                                                                                                                                                       Number of                                          Total burden
                                                                                         Instrument                                                                    responses per       burden hours
                                                                                                                                                      respondents                                            hours
                                                                                                                                                                         respondent        per response

                                              Compliance Demonstration Chart ....................................................................                 17                1                16            272
                                              Document Submission Chart ...........................................................................               17                1                80          1,360

                                                Estimated Total Annual Burden                                  the quality, utility, and clarity of the                  ACTION:   Notice.
                                              Hours: 1,632 hours.                                              information to be collected; and (d)
                                                In compliance with the requirements                            ways to minimize the burden of the                        SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                              of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                           collection of information on                              Administration (FDA or Agency) is
                                              (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. chap 35), the                         respondents, including through the use                    withdrawing approval of 10 new drug
                                              Administration for Children and                                  of automated collection techniques or                     applications (NDAs) from multiple
                                              Families is soliciting public comment                            other forms of information technology.                    applicants. The applicants notified the
                                              on the specific aspects of the                                   Consideration will be given to                            Agency in writing that the drug
                                              information collection described above.                          comments and suggestions submitted                        products were no longer marketed and
                                              Copies of the proposed collection of                             within 60 days of this publication.                       requested that the approval of the
                                              information can be obtained and                                                                                            applications be withdrawn.
                                                                                                               Robert Sargis,
                                              comments may be forwarded by writing                                                                                       DATES: Approval is withdrawn as of
                                                                                                               Reports Clearance Officer.                                November 28, 2018.
                                              to the Administration for Children and
                                                                                                               [FR Doc. 2018–23536 Filed 10–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                              Families, Office of Planning, Research                                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                               BILLING CODE 4184–43–P
                                              and Evaluation, 330 C Street SW,                                                                                           Florine P. Purdie, Center for Drug
                                              Washington, DC 20201. Attn: ACF                                                                                            Evaluation and Research, Food and
                                              Reports Clearance Officer. Email                                                                                           Drug Administration, 10903 New
                                                                                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                              address: infocollection@acf.hhs.gov. All                                                                                   Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 51, Rm. 6248,
                                                                                                               HUMAN SERVICES
                                              requests should be identified by the title                                                                                 Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–
                                              of the information collection.                                   Food and Drug Administration                              796–3601.
                                                The Department specifically requests                                                                                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                              comments on: (a) Whether the proposed                                                                                      applicants listed in the table have
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                                                                                               [Docket No. FDA–2018–N–3647]
                                              collection of information is necessary                                                                                     informed FDA that these drug products
                                              for the proper performance of the                                Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al.;                       are no longer marketed and have
                                              functions of the agency, including                               Withdrawal of Approval of 10 New                          requested that FDA withdraw approval
                                              whether the information shall have                               Drug Applications                                         of the applications under the process in
                                              practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the                                                                                 § 314.150(c) (21 CFR 314.150(c)). The
                                              agency’s estimate of the burden of the                           AGENCY:      Food and Drug Administration,                applicants have also, by their requests,
                                              proposed collection of information; (c)                          HHS.                                                      waived their opportunity for a hearing.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:48 Oct 26, 2018     Jkt 247001    PO 00000      Frm 00048     Fmt 4703     Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM   29OCN1

                                              54356                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 209 / Monday, October 29, 2018 / Notices

                                              Withdrawal of approval of an                            under § 314.150(c) is without prejudice
                                              application or abbreviated application                  to refiling.

                                                 Application No.                                       Drug                                                             Applicant

                                              NDA 009165 ..........    Delatestryl (testosterone enanthate) Injection, 200 milli-              Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 1400 Atwater Dr., Malvern, PA
                                                                         grams (mg)/milliliter (mL).                                             19355.
                                              NDA 010417 ..........    Xylocaine (lidocaine hydrochloride (HCl)) 4% Topical Solu-              Fresenius Kabi, USA, LLC, Three Corporate Dr., Lake Zu-
                                                                         tion/Sterile Injection.                                                 rich, IL 60047.
                                              NDA 016297 ..........    Xylocaine (1.5% lidocaine HCl with dextrose 7.5%) Spinal                Do.
                                                                         Injection, 2 mL ampules.
                                              NDA 016724 ..........    Norinyl 1+80 (mestranol and norethindrone) 21-Day Tablets,              GD Searle LLC, a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., 235 East 42nd
                                                                         0.08 mg/1 mg.                                                           St., New York, NY 10017.
                                              NDA 016725 ..........    Norinyl 1+80 (mestranol and norethindrone) 28-Day Tablets,              Do.
                                                                         0.08 mg/1 mg.
                                              NDA 019217 ..........    Sodium Chloride 0.9% Injection USP in Plastic Container, 9              ICU Medical, Inc., 600 N. Field Dr., Lake Forest, IL 60045.
                                              NDA 019222 ..........    Dextrose 5% Injection USP in Plastic Container, 50 mg/mL                Do.
                                              NDA 203098 ..........    Testosterone Gel, 2.5 mg/1.25 grams (g), 25 mg/2.5 g, 50                Perrigo Co., U.S. Agent for Perrigo Israel Pharmaceuticals
                                                                         mg/5 g.                                                                 Ltd., 3490 Quebec Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN 55427.
                                              NDA 204031 ..........    Xartemis XR (oxycodone HCl and acetaminophen) Ex-                       Mallinckrodt Inc., 675 McDonnell Blvd., Hazelwood, MO
                                                                         tended-Release Tablets, 7.5 mg/325 mg.                                  63042.
                                              NDA 205777 ..........    Targiniq ER (naloxone HCl and oxycodone HCl) Extended-                  Purdue Pharma, LP, One Stamford Forum, Stamford, CT
                                                                         Release Tablets, 5 mg/10 mg, 10 mg/20 mg, and 20 mg/                    06901–3431.
                                                                         40 mg.

                                                 Therefore, approval of the                           announcing that a proposed collection                 generalizable scientific knowledge to
                                              applications listed in the table, and all               of information has been submitted to the              help inform its implementation of
                                              amendments and supplements thereto,                     Office of Management and Budget                       section 911 of the Federal Food, Drug,
                                              is hereby withdrawn as of November 28,                  (OMB) for review and clearance under                  and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C.
                                              2018. Introduction or delivery for                      the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.                  387k), wherein FDA will be evaluating
                                              introduction into interstate commerce of                DATES: Fax written comments on the                    information submitted to the Agency
                                              products without approved new drug                      collection of information by November                 about how consumers understand and
                                              applications violates section 301(a) and                28, 2018.                                             perceive modified risk tobacco products
                                              (d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and                      ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on                 (MRTPs). Section 911 of the FD&C Act
                                              Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 331(a) and (d)).                the information collection are received,              authorizes FDA to grant orders to
                                              Drug products that are listed in the table              OMB recommends that written                           persons to allow the marketing of
                                              that are in inventory on November 28,                   comments be faxed to the Office of                    MRTPs. The term ‘‘modified risk
                                              2018 may continue to be dispensed                       Information and Regulatory Affairs,                   tobacco product’’ means any tobacco
                                              until the inventories have been depleted                OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, Fax: 202–                product that is sold or distributed for
                                              or the drug products have reached their                 395–7285, or emailed to oira_                         use to reduce harm or the risk of
                                              expiration dates or otherwise become                    submission@omb.eop.gov. All                           tobacco-related disease associated with
                                              violative, whichever occurs first.                      comments should be identified with the                commercially marketed tobacco
                                                Dated: October 23, 2018.                              OMB control number 0910–NEW and                       products. FDA can issue a risk
                                              Leslie Kux,                                             title ‘‘Investigation of Consumer                     modification order under section
                                              Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                                                                      Perceptions of Expressed Modified Risk                911(g)(1) of the FD&C Act authorizing
                                                                                                      Claims.’’ Also include the FDA docket                 the marketing of an MRTP only if the
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–23528 Filed 10–26–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      number found in brackets in the                       Agency determines that the product, as
                                              BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                                                                                      heading of this document.                             it is used by consumers, will
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      significantly reduce harm and the risk of
                                              DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                Amber Sanford, Office of Operations,                  tobacco-related disease to individual
                                              HUMAN SERVICES                                          Food and Drug Administration, Three                   tobacco users and benefit the health of
                                                                                                      White Flint North, 10A–12M, 11601                     the population as a whole, taking into
                                              Food and Drug Administration                            Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD                     account both users of tobacco products
                                                                                                      20852, 301–796–8867, PRAStaff@                        and persons who do not currently use
                                              [Docket No. FDA–2018–N–0821]                            fda.hhs.gov.                                          tobacco products (section 911(g)(1) of
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                         the FD&C Act). Alternatively, with
                                              Agency Information Collection
                                                                                                      compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA                   respect to tobacco products that may not
                                              Activities; Submission for Office of
                                                                                                      has submitted the following proposed                  be commercially marketed under
                                              Management and Budget Review;
                                                                                                      collection of information to OMB for                  section 911(g)(1) of the FD&C Act, FDA
                                              Comment Request; Investigation of
                                                                                                      review and clearance.                                 may issue an exposure modification
                                              Consumer Perceptions of Expressed
                                                                                                                                                            order under section 911(g)(2) of the
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1

                                              Modified Risk Claims                                    Investigation of Consumer Perceptions                 FD&C Act authorizing the marketing of
                                              AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,                of Expressed Modified Risk Claims                     an MRTP if the Agency determines that
                                              HHS.                                                    OMB Control Number 0910—NEW                           the standard in section 911(g)(2) of the
                                              ACTION:   Notice.                                                                                             FD&C Act is met, including, among
                                                                                                      I. Background                                         other requirements, that: Any aspect of
                                              SUMMARY: The Food and Drug                                 FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products                  the label, labeling, or advertising that
                                              Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is                  proposes to conduct a study to develop                would cause the product to be an MRTP

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Document Created: 2018-10-27 01:09:38
Document Modified: 2018-10-27 01:09:38
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesApproval is withdrawn as of November 28, 2018.
ContactFlorine P. Purdie, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 51, Rm. 6248, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301- 796-3601.
FR Citation83 FR 54355 

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