83_FR_54771 83 FR 54561 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Hawaiian Hawk From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

83 FR 54561 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Hawaiian Hawk From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 210 (October 30, 2018)

Page Range54561-54565
FR Document2018-23697

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the reopening of the public comment period on the August 6, 2008, proposed rule to remove the Hawaiian hawk or io (Buteo solitarius) from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (List) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Comments submitted during the 2008 comment period, 2009 reopened comment periods, and 2014 reopened comment period do not need to be resubmitted, and will be fully considered in preparation of our final rule. We are reopening the comment period once more to present information we have received since 2014 that is relevant to our consideration of the status of the Hawaiian hawk. We encourage those who may have commented previously to submit additional comments, if appropriate, in light of this new information. In addition, we are also seeking input on considerations for post-delisting monitoring of the Hawaiian hawk. Our goal is to respond to comments and come to a final determination on the status of the Hawaiian hawk in the form of a final rule by the end of 2018.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 54561-54565]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-23697]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2007-0024; FXES11130900000C6-189-FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-AU96

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the 
Hawaiian Hawk From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened 

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Proposed rule; document availability and reopening of comment 


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the 
reopening of the public comment period on the August 6, 2008, proposed 
rule to remove the Hawaiian hawk or io (Buteo solitarius) from the List 
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (List) under the Endangered 
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Comments submitted during the 
2008 comment period, 2009 reopened comment periods, and 2014 reopened 
comment period do not need to be resubmitted, and will be fully 
considered in preparation of our final rule. We are reopening the 
comment period once more to present information we have received since 
2014 that is relevant to our consideration of the status of the 
Hawaiian hawk. We encourage those who may have commented previously to 
submit additional comments, if appropriate, in light of this new 
information. In addition, we are also seeking input on considerations 
for post-delisting monitoring of the Hawaiian hawk. Our goal is to 
respond to comments and come to a final determination on the status of 
the Hawaiian hawk in the form of a final rule by the end of 2018.

DATES: The comment period for the proposed rule published August 6, 
2008, at 73 FR 45680 is reopened. To ensure that we are able to 
consider your comments and information, they must be received or 
postmarked no later than November 29, 2018. Please note that, if you 
are using the Federal eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES, below), the 
deadline for submitting an electronic comment is 11:59 p.m. Eastern 
Time on this date. We may not be able to address or incorporate 
information that we receive after the above requested date.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
    (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R1-ES-2007-0024, 
which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, click on the 
Search button. On the resulting page, in the Search panel on the left 
side of the screen, under the Document Type heading, click on the 
Proposed Rule box to locate this document. You may submit a comment by 
clicking on ``Comment Now!'' Please ensure that you have found the 
correct rulemaking before submitting your comment.
    (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public 
Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R1-ES-2007-0024, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3808.
    We request that you send comments only by the methods described 
above. We will post all comments on http://

[[Page 54562]]

www.regulations.gov. This generally means that we will post any 
personal information you provide us (see Public Comments, below, for 
more information).
    Document availability: The 2008 proposed delisting of the Hawaiian 
hawk, comments received during all the open comment periods, and the 
draft post-delisting monitoring plan (draft PDM plan) are available on 
http://www.regulations.gov. In addition, the supporting file for this 
proposed rule will be available for public inspection, by appointment, 
during normal business hours, at the Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife 
Office, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3-122, Honolulu, HI 96850; 
telephone 808-792-9400.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mary Abrams, Field Supervisor, 
telephone: 808-792-9400. Direct all questions or requests for 
additional information to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific 
Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3-122, 
Honolulu, HI 96850. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the 
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.


Species Information and Previous Federal Actions

    On August 6, 2008, we published a proposed rule to delist the 
Hawaiian hawk (io) (73 FR 45680). Please refer to that proposed rule 
and the recovery plan (which can be found at: http://ecos.fws.gov/docs/recovery_plan/840509.pdf) for information about the Hawaiian hawk, its 
status, its threats, and a summary of factors affecting the species. 
Please refer to our February 12, 2014, notice to reopen the comment 
period for a summary of all previous Federal actions (79 FR 8413).
    Since the 2008 proposed rule, we opened three additional comment 
periods. During these comment periods, we received new or updated 
information on projected urban growth rates and conversion of 
agriculture lands to unsuitable Hawaiian hawk habitat; and potential 
effects of climate change (e.g., increased frequency or prolonged 
drought), rapid ohia death (ROD), and invasive plants (e.g., Psidium 
cattleianum (strawberry guava)) on Hawaiian hawk habitat. The majority 
of relevant information that has become available since our 2008 
proposal to delist the Hawaiian hawk comes from over 173 public 
comments, 4 independent peer reviews, comments from the State of Hawaii 
and county agencies and the National Park Service, recent publications, 
and further evaluation of existing information. Information pertaining 
to the status of the species that has become available to us since the 
2014 notice is provided below.

New Information

    Since the 2014 notice to reopen the comment period, we received 
updated information on trends in human population growth, urbanization, 
and land subdivision; biocontrol efforts for strawberry guava; impacts 
from ROD and climate change; and recent volcanic activity. We have also 
received some preliminary data from an in-house population viability 
assessment (PVA) (Vorsino and Nelson 2016, unpublished data). In 
addition, we are not aware of any changes in the status of the biofuel 
crop production or processing facility on the island since 2014 that 
would impact the status of the Hawaiian hawk.
    Although trends in urban and exurban growth, and land subdivision 
show upward movement, the rate of growth has slowed. Population growth 
for Hawaii County between 2010 and 2017 was 1.1 percent annually, 0.5 
percent lower than the 1.6 projection in 2012 (Hawaii Department of 
Business, Economic Development and Tourism (HDBEDT) 2018, in litt.). 
The number of new homes built per year has also decreased (County of 
Hawaii 2015, p. 146). Most urban and exurban growth is occurring in or 
adjacent to already developed areas (County of Hawaii 2015, p. 77, 
150). We expect residential and exurban construction for Hawaii County 
to continue at a similar pace in the foreseeable future as indicated by 
expected human population growth for Hawaii County and home 
construction for the island of Hawaii for the last three decades 
(County of Hawaii 2010, tables 16.1-16.13; County of Hawaii 2015, pp. 
144-146, 149-150; HDBEDT 2018, in litt.). Urban and exurban growth and 
subdivisions in Puna may slow even more due to the recent volcanic 
activity of Kilauea, which began in May 2018. The north Kona region has 
one of the highest urban and exurban growth rates on the island (County 
of Hawaii 2015, p. 11), as well as one of the highest densities of 
Hawaiian hawk (Gorresen et al. 2008, p. 42).
    Since the successful deployment in 2012 of a biocontrol agent for 
strawberry guava (the Brazilian scale insect, Tectococcus ovatus) 
during field trials, the State of Hawaii and other partners have been 
working to establish Tectococcus on strawberry guava invaded forests 
throughout the islands (Chaney and Johnson in HCC 2013, p. 74; Chaney 
and Johnson 2018, in litt.; Kerr 2018, pers. comm.). Currently, the 
insect is established and reproducing on strawberry guava at multiple 
forest sites on five islands (Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, and Oahu) 
(Chaney and Johnson 2018, in litt.). Under favorable conditions, 
Tectococcus populations have increased rapidly and spread 33 to 262 
feet (10 to 80 meters) in a period of several months (Chaney and 
Johnson 2018, in litt.). The scale typically weakens the trees through 
its feeding, reducing the ability of the tree to fruit and set seed, 
thereby limiting its spread (U.S. Forest Service 2016, in litt.). The 
scale is not expected to kill already established trees (Hawaii 
Department of Agriculture 2011, in litt.). It is too early to know what 
effect this may have on guava tree vigor and rate of spread; however, 
infestations of Tectococcus are expected to spread gradually on the 
target plant, reaching damaging levels within a few years at each 
release site (Kerr 2018, pers. comm.). The Forest Service will continue 
to provide technical assistance and monitor the impacts of biocontrol. 
It is expected that a noticeable decrease in the spread of strawberry 
guava will be observed over a period of years (Kerr 2018, pers. comm.).
    Hawaiian hawks frequently nest in native ohia (Metrosideros 
polymorpha), an evergreen tree in the myrtle family. In 2013, 
landowners in lower Puna District noticed an increased rate of what was 
thought to be ohia dieback (Friday and Friday 2013, entire), a 
phenomenon where trees affected show progressive dieback accompanied by 
browning of the leaves, reduction in leaf size, and death of all or 
part of the crown (Hodges et al. 1986, p. ii.). Although ohia dieback 
may have been the culprit of some of the observed dieback leading up to 
the 2013 report (Friday and Friday 2013, entire), we now believe that 
at least some of this dieback was actually caused by ROD. In addition 
to the other information we request in Public Comments, below, we 
request new information on ROD and its potential or actual impact on 
Hawaiian hawk.
    Although new information shows negative habitat trends due to 
urbanization, nonnative plant species invasion, and ROD, efforts at 
habitat restoration that benefit the Hawaiian hawk are being 
implemented and are achieving success.
    Both State and private foresters report an increase in forest areas 
on the island of Hawaii, particularly in native forest areas (Koch and 
Walter 2018, in litt.). Starting at the turn of the century, several 
large landowners (private, Federal, and State) have ended their

[[Page 54563]]

pastoral leases and are steadily promoting natural regeneration to take 
the place of old pastures (Koch and Walter 2018, in litt.). While we 
know this conversion is occurring, we do not have an exact number of 
acreage. Additionally, when economically feasible, many nonnative 
timber plantations in the State have begun planting native timber 
species, most often koa (Acacia koa), post-harvest (Koch and Walter 
2018, in litt; Walter 2018, pers. comm.). We do not have an exact 
number regarding this conversion, but we know it is ongoing. The 
suitability of koa plantations for Hawaiian hawk foraging and nesting 
has not been studied, and hawk use of these areas may be variable, 
because koa plantations likely differ in their suitability as hawk 
habitat depending upon age of koa stands, stand density, and overstory 
characteristics related to harvest methods used. A new forest planting 
project between Waimea and Ahualoa will convert 565 acres (ac) (229 
hectares (ha)) of grassland to koa and koa-ohia forests in the next 10 
years (Koch and Walter 2018, in litt.).
    There has also been a marked increase in protection of native 
forests-which combined with an increase in forest areas results in 
increased protection for the Hawaiian hawk by protecting potential 
nesting, breeding, and hunting habitat. Several large conservation 
efforts across the island are being implemented by Federal, State, and 
private landowners, often in collaborative efforts.
    Fencing and ungulate removal at Puu Waawaa Forest Bird Sanctuary 
and parts of the State's Natural Area Reserve System contribute to 
Hawaiian hawk habitat restoration (Gorresen et al. 2008, p. 26) because 
it helps control the spread of invasive plants such as strawberry guava 
as well as contributes toward the natural regeneration of native or 
native exotic mixed habitat which in turn provides potential nesting, 
breeding, and foraging opportunities for the hawk. The Kohala Watershed 
Partnership, Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance, and TMA, which collectively 
encompass approximately 1,688,300 ac (675,137 ha) on Hawaii, have been 
fencing, outplanting native plants, and removing nonnative species 
since 2003, 2008, and 2009, respectively (http://hawp.org/). Currently, 
these entities conduct restoration actions on over 80,000 ac (32,374 
ha) of forest area on Hawaii (TMA 2007, p. 41; Hawaii Department of 
Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) 2011, p. 16; State of Hawaii 2012, 
pp. 43-44; State of Hawaii 2017, pp. 1-6; Cole 2018, in litt.; Dwight 
2018, in litt.; Perry 2018, in litt.; http://hawp.org/). This value is 
likely an underestimate as there are so many partners conducting 
restoration activities that it is difficult to know exactly how many 
acres are being managed by each entity. Additional activities 
implemented by the three watershed partnerships on the island of Hawaii 
include programs that implement fencing inspections and necessary 
replacements, native species surveys, greenhouse and plant propagation, 
prevention of the spread of ROD, and outreach (TMA 2007, p. 41; DLNR 
2011, p. 16; State of Hawaii 2012, pp. 43-44; State of Hawaii 2017, pp. 
1-6; Cole 2018, in litt.; Dwight 2018, in litt.; Perry 2018, in litt.; 
    In 2016, the Governor of Hawaii initiated the Sustainable Hawaii 
Initiative (Initiative) in response to the 2016 World Conservation 
Congress Legacy Commitment to protect 30 percent (253,000 ac (102,385 
ha)) of Hawaii's highest priority watershed forests by 2030 (http://governor.hawaii.gov/sustainable-hawaii-initiative/). Through this 
Initiative, the amount of priority watershed areas under high level of 
protection has increased from 10 to approximately 15 percent (http://governor.hawaii.gov/sustainable-hawaii-initiative/; State of Hawaii 
2017, in litt.; https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/en/stat/goals/5xhf-begg/4s33-f5iv/wtjm-96jt). The Initiative has outplanted 20,000 native 
trees, and increased invasive plant control by 130,000 ac (52,609 ha) 
(State of Hawaii 2017, in litt). In addition, the Hawaii Department of 
Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), with funding from the Initiative, 
constructed 22 miles (35 kilometers) of fencing in the Kau watershed, 
and fenced 24,000 ac (9,712 ha) in the Manuka NAR, to protect these 
areas from the negative impacts of pigs and other ungulates (Smith 
2013, in litt.; State of Hawaii 2014, p. 1). These measures benefit the 
Hawaiian hawk by securing potential nesting, breeding, and hunting 
    Over the past 6 years, the Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative 
(HLRI) has converted 1,000 ac (405 ha) of denuded pastureland into an 
intact ecosystem with over 300,000 endemic trees (e.g., ohia, milo 
(Thespesia populnea), sandalwood (Santalum species), and koa), 
outplanted and a plans to outplant approximately 700,000 more endemic 
trees over the coming years (HLRI 2018, in litt.; https://legacytrees.org/).
    Additional ongoing conservation efforts (e.g., nonnative plant and 
animal removal, fencing, and outplanting native species) are 
implemented by, but not limited to, the Nahelehele Dryland Forest 
Restoration program (http://www.drylandforest.org/), partnerships 
working in the Puu Waawaa watershed (e.g., the multi-agency Hawaii 
Experimental Tropical Forest (http://www.hetf.us/page/home/)), The 
Nature Conservancy's Kona Hema Preserve (https://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/hawaii/placesweprotect/kona-hema.xml), Hawaii Volcano's National Park, Hakalau 
National Wildlife Refuge, and the Statewide Sustainable Hawaii 
Initiative (https://governor.hawaii.gov/sustainable-hawaii-initiative/
). Additionally, there are many State Natural Area Reserves and Forest 
Reserves, and several wildlife sanctuaries that provide additional 
forest areas for Hawaiian hawks and other native species; however 
because hunting is allowed on many of the Natural Area Reserves and 
Forest Reserves, they are not maintained solely as protected areas for 
native species (https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/recreation/hunting/). As 
previously mentioned, forested areas, particularly native forest areas, 
are increasing on the island of Hawaii (Koch and Walter, 2018, in 
litt.); however we do not have an exact number to quantify this 
    At the onset of the most recent Kilauea volcano eruption (May 
2018), primarily private lands were impacted; however, more recently 
the ongoing eruption has impacted native forest areas. In June 2018, 
the 1,514 ac (613 ha) Malama Ki Forest Reserve (FR) and surrounding 
areas were either buried by acres of lava or scorched by fumes of 
sulphur dioxide (Bergfield 2018, in litt.; KHON2 2018, in litt.). This 
area previously provided habitat for endangered forest birds and 
plants, and other native species. We do not have an exact number of how 
much native forest has been, or will be, lost as the eruption is 
ongoing. The Kilauea eruption is so far concentrated to the East Rift 
Zone area (USGS 2018, in litt.).
    The island of Hawaii, like the island chain, has fortunately evaded 
most hurricanes due to the surrounding cool water. An exception 
occurred in 2014 with Hurricane Iselle. Although Hurricane Iselle 
morphed into a tropical storm before making landfall on the island, it 
caused extensive canopy loss in some regions of the island (Federal 
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2014, in litt.). Iselle was the 
strongest tropical storm to make landfall on the island of Hawaii in 
recorded history. In 2016, Hurricane Darby made landfall on the island 
of Hawaii but as a much weaker tropical storm. While

[[Page 54564]]

both of these hurricanes caused canopy loss in some regions of the 
island, no analysis has been done to determine impacts to Hawaiian hawk 
habitat. Recent data indicate that Hawaii may experience an increase in 
hurricane frequency and intensity due to increases of both ocean 
surface temperatures and El Ni[ntilde]o events associated with a 
warming global climate system (Cai et al. 2015, pp. 1, 4-5; Herring et 
al. 2015, p. Sii; Knutson et al. 2015, p. 7222; Murakami et al. 2015, 
p. S118; Wing et al. 2015, pp. 8673-8676; Fletcher 2016, p. 14).
    A preliminary female specific stochastic PVA model for the Hawaiian 
hawk was developed (Vorsino and Nelson 2016, unpublished data) using 
the mean and variance values of age-specific survival and fecundity 
(ability and willingness to produce offpring) in native, mixed native-
exotic, and exotic habitat (Gorresen et al. 2008, p. 15; Klavitter et 
al. 2003, p. 170). Population viability was assessed for optimal and 
sub-optimal habitats, where population partitioning was based on 
Hawaiian hawk densities within the habitat types (optimal/sub-optimal) 
reported in Gorresen et al. (2008, p. 15). The effect of catastrophic 
weather events on the viability of Hawaiian hawk in these various 
habitat types was also projected and assessed. None of the projected 
PVAs showed a Hawaiian hawk population that declined to either zero, or 
below a quasi-extinction threshold of 50 individuals, when projected 
over 30 years across 500 model iterations.
    Current analysis of biodiesel fuel development indicates that 
construction and testing of facilities on the island of Hawaii has 
plateaued at 2014 levels, with just one biodiesel facility on the 
island. In addition to the other information we request in Public 
Comments below, we request new information on the actual conversion of 
agricultural land to crops for biodiesel fuel production, including 
former and current crop type and acreage.

Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan

    Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us, in cooperation with the 
States, to implement a monitoring program for not less than 5 years for 
all species that have been delisted due to recovery. The purpose of 
this requirement is to develop a program that detects the failure of 
any delisted species to sustain itself without the protective measures 
provided by the Act. If, at any time during the monitoring period, data 
indicate that protective status under the Act should be reinstated, we 
can initiate listing procedures, including, if appropriate, emergency 
    The Service has developed a draft post-delisting monitoring (PDM) 
plan for Hawaiian hawk in cooperation with the State of Hawaii 
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and 
Wildlife (DOFAW); the National Park Service (NPS); and the U.S. 
Geological Survey, Ecosystem Mission Area (formerly the Biological 
Resources Division). The draft PDM plan includes monitoring the 
Hawaiian hawk population every 5 years for 20 years and is designed to 
verify that the Hawaiian hawk remains secure from risk of extinction 
after its removal from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife. While not required, with this notice, we are again soliciting 
public comments and peer review on the draft PDM plan, which can be 
found on http://www.regulations.gov at docket number FWS-R1-ES-2007-
0024. We are particularly interested in monitoring information 
pertaining to Hawaiian hawk habitat in light of ROD and strawberry 
guava. All comments on the draft PDM plan from the public and peer 
reviewers will be considered and incorporated into the final PDM plan 
as appropriate.

Public Comments

    We intend that any final action resulting from the proposal will be 
based on the best scientific and commercial data available and will be 
as accurate and effective as possible. To ensure our determination is 
based on the best available scientific and commercial information, we 
request information on the Hawaiian hawk from governmental agencies, 
native Hawaiian groups, the scientific community, industry, and any 
other interested parties. We request comments or suggestions on our 
August 6, 2008 (73 FR 45680), proposal to delist the Hawaiian hawk; our 
draft PDM plan; new information presented in this Federal Register 
document; and any other information. Specifically, we seek information 
    (1) The species' biology, range, and population trends, including:
    (a) Life history, ecology, and habitat use of the Hawaiian hawk, as 
well as the species' use of koa plantations and exurban areas;
    (b) Range, distribution, population size, and population trends;
    (c) Positive and negative effects of current and foreseeable land 
management practices on the Hawaiian hawk, including conservation 
efforts associated with watershed partnerships (e.g., The Rain Follows 
the Forest initiative and the Governor's Sustainable Hawaii 
Initiative); patterns of land subdivision and development; effects on 
native forest of introduced plant species; conversion of land to 
biodiesel production, forestry, and diversified agriculture; and 
potential effects of biocontrol efforts on strawberry guava;
    (d) Potential effects of temperature and rainfall change on fire 
frequency and intensity and forest type and distribution;
    (e) Potential impacts of ROD and climate change (e.g., increased 
frequency or prolonged drought); and
    (f) Potential impacts of the recent Kilauea Volcano eruptions.
    (2) The factors, as detailed in the August 6, 2008, proposed rule 
(73 FR 45680), that are the basis for making a listing/delisting/
downlisting determination for a species under section 4(a) of the Act, 
which are:
    (a) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range;
    (b) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes;
    (c) Disease or predation;
    (d) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or
    (e) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued 
    (3) Input or considerations for post-delisting monitoring of the 
Hawaiian hawk.
    You may submit your information by one of the methods listed in 
ADDRESSES. If you submit information via http://www.regulations.gov, 
your entire submission--including any personal identifying 
information--will be posted on the website. If you submit a hardcopy 
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the 
top of your document that we withhold this personal identifying 
information from public review. However, we cannot guarantee that we 
will be able to do so. We will post all hardcopy submissions on http://www.regulations.gov.
    Information and supporting documentation that we receive and use in 
preparing the proposal will be available for you to review at http://www.regulations.gov, or you may make an appointment during normal 
business hours at the Service's Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife 
    If you submitted comments or information previously on the August 
6, 2008, proposed rule (73 FR 45680); the February 11, 2009, document 
that made available our draft PDM plan (74 FR 6853); the June 5, 2009, 
publication announcing public hearings and reopening the proposal's and 
draft PDM

[[Page 54565]]

plan's comment period (74 FR 27004); or the February 12, 2014, 
publication reopening the proposal's and draft PDM plan's comment 
period (79 FR 8413), please do not resubmit them. These comments have 
been incorporated into the public record and will be fully considered 
in the preparation of our final determination.

References Cited

    A complete list of references cited is available on the internet at 
http://www.regulations.gov and upon request from the Service's Pacific 
Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).


    The primary authors of this document are staff of the Service's 
Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 


    The authority for this action is the Endangered Species Act of 
1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

    Dated: August 14, 2018.
James W. Kurth,
Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Exercising the 
Authority of the Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-23697 Filed 10-29-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                           54561

                                                   Note the following:                                  burden that are not covered under the                    reopening of the public comment period
                                                   • No changes in utilization are                      provisions in section 1115A(d)(3) of the                 on the August 6, 2008, proposed rule to
                                                assumed in this analysis.                               Act 26 or otherwise covered under a PRA                  remove the Hawaiian hawk or io (Buteo
                                                   • Medicare Advantage spending                        exemption, a detailed discussion of the                  solitarius) from the List of Endangered
                                                would be reduced proportionately to the                 requirements and burden will be                          and Threatened Wildlife (List) under the
                                                reduction in FFS spending.                              submitted to OMB for approval. In                        Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
                                                   • Included drugs would represent 61                  accordance with the implementing                         amended (Act). Comments submitted
                                                percent of Part B allowed drug spending                 regulations of the PRA at 5 CFR 1320.11,                 during the 2008 comment period, 2009
                                                in years 1 and 2, 81 percent of Part B                  interested parties will also be provided                 reopened comment periods, and 2014
                                                allowed drug spending in years 3 and 4,                 an opportunity to comment on such                        reopened comment period do not need
                                                and 94 percent of allowed drug                          information through subsequent                           to be resubmitted, and will be fully
                                                spending in year 5.                                     proposed and final rulemaking                            considered in preparation of our final
                                                   • The Medicaid impact represents the                 documents.                                               rule. We are reopening the comment
                                                portion of Medicare cost-sharing that is                                                                         period once more to present information
                                                paid on behalf of dual beneficiaries. It                V. Response to Comments
                                                                                                                                                                 we have received since 2014 that is
                                                is estimated based on the change in                       Because of the large number of public                  relevant to our consideration of the
                                                Medicare cost-sharing and current dual                  comments we normally receive on                          status of the Hawaiian hawk. We
                                                beneficiary enrollment. No assumptions                  Federal Register documents, we are not                   encourage those who may have
                                                are made for State price limitations that               able to acknowledge or respond to them                   commented previously to submit
                                                would limit the beneficiary cost-sharing                individually. We will review all                         additional comments, if appropriate, in
                                                paid for by Medicaid.                                   comments we receive by the date and                      light of this new information. In
                                                   • Effects on private market cannot be                time specified in the DATES section of                   addition, we are also seeking input on
                                                estimated at this time and are not                      this preamble, as we continue to                         considerations for post-delisting
                                                reflected in this analysis.                             consider the model presented in this                     monitoring of the Hawaiian hawk. Our
                                                b. Medicaid Impacts                                     ANPRM.                                                   goal is to respond to comments and
                                                                                                          In accordance with the provisions of                   come to a final determination on the
                                                   Based on a review of the Part B drugs                Executive Order 12866, this ANPRM                        status of the Hawaiian hawk in the form
                                                that constituted the majority of Part B                 was reviewed by the Office of                            of a final rule by the end of 2018.
                                                drug spending in 2017, as well as the                   Management and Budget.
                                                top reported Medicaid drugs that were                                                                            DATES: The comment period for the
                                                also covered by Part B, the affected                      Dated: October 25, 2018.                               proposed rule published August 6,
                                                drugs reimbursed by Medicaid spending                   Seema Verma,                                             2008, at 73 FR 45680 is reopened. To
                                                totaled at least $4 billion in 2017, or an              Administrator, Centers for Medicare &                    ensure that we are able to consider your
                                                estimated 6 percent of gross Medicaid                   Medicaid Services.                                       comments and information, they must
                                                drug spending. The model may impact                       Dated: October 25, 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                 be received or postmarked no later than
                                                AMP, ASP, best price, and 340B pricing                                                                           November 29, 2018. Please note that, if
                                                                                                        Alex M. Azar II,
                                                for these affected drugs, reducing both                                                                          you are using the Federal eRulemaking
                                                                                                        Secretary, Department of Health and Human                Portal (see ADDRESSES, below), the
                                                reimbursements as well as rebates. CMS                  Services.
                                                would seek comment on whether we                                                                                 deadline for submitting an electronic
                                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–23688 Filed 10–25–18; 4:15 pm]
                                                should exempt prices offered under the                                                                           comment is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on
                                                                                                        BILLING CODE 4120–01–P                                   this date. We may not be able to address
                                                model from AMP and Best Price
                                                calculations.                                                                                                    or incorporate information that we
                                                                                                                                                                 receive after the above requested date.
                                                2. Potential Impacts on Medicare                        DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                               ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                Providers and Suppliers Participating in                                                                         by one of the following methods:
                                                the Potential IPI Model                                 Fish and Wildlife Service
                                                                                                                                                                    (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
                                                   The potential IPI Model would affect                                                                          eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                                                                        50 CFR Part 17
                                                a significant number of health care                                                                              www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
                                                providers that would furnish included                   [Docket No. FWS–R1–ES–2007–0024;                         enter FWS–R1–ES–2007–0024, which is
                                                drugs to included Medicare                              FXES11130900000C6–189–FF09E42000]                        the docket number for this rulemaking.
                                                beneficiaries. The effect of the model on               RIN 1018–AU96                                            Then, click on the Search button. On the
                                                individual hospitals, physicians,                                                                                resulting page, in the Search panel on
                                                practitioners, and other providers and                  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                       the left side of the screen, under the
                                                suppliers would depend on individual                    and Plants; Removing the Hawaiian                        Document Type heading, click on the
                                                practice patterns and the drugs that                    Hawk From the Federal List of                            Proposed Rule box to locate this
                                                would be selected for inclusion.                        Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                       document. You may submit a comment
                                                                                                                                                                 by clicking on ‘‘Comment Now!’’ Please
                                                IV. Collection of Information                           AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                     ensure that you have found the correct
                                                Requirements                                            Interior.                                                rulemaking before submitting your
                                                  This ANPRM is a general solicitation                  ACTION: Proposed rule; document                          comment.
                                                of comments on several options                          availability and reopening of comment                       (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                pertaining to the potential IPI Model                   period.                                                  or hand-delivery to: Public Comments
                                                and thereby not subject to OMB review                                                                            Processing, Attn: FWS–R1–ES–2007–
                                                as stated in the implementing                           SUMMARY:  We, the U.S. Fish and                          0024, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                regulations of the Paperwork Reduction                  Wildlife Service (Service), announce the                 MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls
                                                Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et                      26 As stated in section 1115A(d)(3) of the Act,
                                                                                                                                                                 Church, VA 22041–3808.
                                                seq.) at 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(4). Should the                 Chapter 35 of title 44, U.S.C., shall not apply to the
                                                                                                                                                                    We request that you send comments
                                                outcome of the ANPRM result in any                      testing and evaluation of models under section           only by the methods described above.
                                                information collection requirements or                  1115A of the Act                                         We will post all comments on http://

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                                                54562                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                www.regulations.gov. This generally                     recent publications, and further                      Kerr 2018, pers. comm.). Currently, the
                                                means that we will post any personal                    evaluation of existing information.                   insect is established and reproducing on
                                                information you provide us (see Public                  Information pertaining to the status of               strawberry guava at multiple forest sites
                                                Comments, below, for more                               the species that has become available to              on five islands (Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai,
                                                information).                                           us since the 2014 notice is provided                  Maui, and Oahu) (Chaney and Johnson
                                                   Document availability: The 2008                      below.                                                2018, in litt.). Under favorable
                                                proposed delisting of the Hawaiian                                                                            conditions, Tectococcus populations
                                                                                                        New Information
                                                hawk, comments received during all the                                                                        have increased rapidly and spread 33 to
                                                open comment periods, and the draft                        Since the 2014 notice to reopen the                262 feet (10 to 80 meters) in a period of
                                                post-delisting monitoring plan (draft                   comment period, we received updated                   several months (Chaney and Johnson
                                                PDM plan) are available on http://                      information on trends in human                        2018, in litt.). The scale typically
                                                www.regulations.gov. In addition, the                   population growth, urbanization, and                  weakens the trees through its feeding,
                                                supporting file for this proposed rule                  land subdivision; biocontrol efforts for              reducing the ability of the tree to fruit
                                                will be available for public inspection,                strawberry guava; impacts from ROD                    and set seed, thereby limiting its spread
                                                by appointment, during normal business                  and climate change; and recent volcanic               (U.S. Forest Service 2016, in litt.). The
                                                hours, at the Pacific Islands Fish and                  activity. We have also received some                  scale is not expected to kill already
                                                Wildlife Office, 300 Ala Moana                          preliminary data from an in-house                     established trees (Hawaii Department of
                                                Boulevard, Room 3–122, Honolulu, HI                     population viability assessment (PVA)                 Agriculture 2011, in litt.). It is too early
                                                96850; telephone 808–792–9400.                          (Vorsino and Nelson 2016, unpublished                 to know what effect this may have on
                                                                                                        data). In addition, we are not aware of               guava tree vigor and rate of spread;
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                        any changes in the status of the biofuel              however, infestations of Tectococcus are
                                                Mary Abrams, Field Supervisor,
                                                                                                        crop production or processing facility                expected to spread gradually on the
                                                telephone: 808–792–9400. Direct all                     on the island since 2014 that would
                                                questions or requests for additional                                                                          target plant, reaching damaging levels
                                                                                                        impact the status of the Hawaiian hawk.               within a few years at each release site
                                                information to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife                     Although trends in urban and exurban
                                                Service, Pacific Islands Fish and                                                                             (Kerr 2018, pers. comm.). The Forest
                                                                                                        growth, and land subdivision show                     Service will continue to provide
                                                Wildlife Office, 300 Ala Moana                          upward movement, the rate of growth
                                                Boulevard, Room 3–122, Honolulu, HI                                                                           technical assistance and monitor the
                                                                                                        has slowed. Population growth for                     impacts of biocontrol. It is expected that
                                                96850. Persons who use a                                Hawaii County between 2010 and 2017
                                                telecommunications device for the deaf                                                                        a noticeable decrease in the spread of
                                                                                                        was 1.1 percent annually, 0.5 percent                 strawberry guava will be observed over
                                                (TDD) may call the Federal Relay                        lower than the 1.6 projection in 2012                 a period of years (Kerr 2018, pers.
                                                Service at 800–877–8339.                                (Hawaii Department of Business,                       comm.).
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              Economic Development and Tourism                         Hawaiian hawks frequently nest in
                                                Species Information and Previous                        (HDBEDT) 2018, in litt.). The number of               native ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha),
                                                Federal Actions                                         new homes built per year has also                     an evergreen tree in the myrtle family.
                                                                                                        decreased (County of Hawaii 2015, p.                  In 2013, landowners in lower Puna
                                                   On August 6, 2008, we published a                    146). Most urban and exurban growth is                District noticed an increased rate of
                                                proposed rule to delist the Hawaiian                    occurring in or adjacent to already                   what was thought to be ohia dieback
                                                hawk (io) (73 FR 45680). Please refer to                developed areas (County of Hawaii                     (Friday and Friday 2013, entire), a
                                                that proposed rule and the recovery                     2015, p. 77, 150). We expect residential              phenomenon where trees affected show
                                                plan (which can be found at: http://                    and exurban construction for Hawaii                   progressive dieback accompanied by
                                                ecos.fws.gov/docs/recovery_plan/                        County to continue at a similar pace in               browning of the leaves, reduction in leaf
                                                840509.pdf) for information about the                   the foreseeable future as indicated by                size, and death of all or part of the
                                                Hawaiian hawk, its status, its threats,                 expected human population growth for                  crown (Hodges et al. 1986, p. ii.).
                                                and a summary of factors affecting the                  Hawaii County and home construction                   Although ohia dieback may have been
                                                species. Please refer to our February 12,               for the island of Hawaii for the last three           the culprit of some of the observed
                                                2014, notice to reopen the comment                      decades (County of Hawaii 2010, tables                dieback leading up to the 2013 report
                                                period for a summary of all previous                    16.1–16.13; County of Hawaii 2015, pp.                (Friday and Friday 2013, entire), we
                                                Federal actions (79 FR 8413).                           144–146, 149–150; HDBEDT 2018, in                     now believe that at least some of this
                                                   Since the 2008 proposed rule, we                     litt.). Urban and exurban growth and                  dieback was actually caused by ROD. In
                                                opened three additional comment                         subdivisions in Puna may slow even                    addition to the other information we
                                                periods. During these comment periods,                  more due to the recent volcanic activity              request in Public Comments, below, we
                                                we received new or updated                              of Kilauea, which began in May 2018.                  request new information on ROD and its
                                                information on projected urban growth                   The north Kona region has one of the                  potential or actual impact on Hawaiian
                                                rates and conversion of agriculture                     highest urban and exurban growth rates                hawk.
                                                lands to unsuitable Hawaiian hawk                       on the island (County of Hawaii 2015,                    Although new information shows
                                                habitat; and potential effects of climate               p. 11), as well as one of the highest                 negative habitat trends due to
                                                change (e.g., increased frequency or                    densities of Hawaiian hawk (Gorresen et               urbanization, nonnative plant species
                                                prolonged drought), rapid ohia death                    al. 2008, p. 42).                                     invasion, and ROD, efforts at habitat
                                                (ROD), and invasive plants (e.g.,                          Since the successful deployment in                 restoration that benefit the Hawaiian
                                                Psidium cattleianum (strawberry                         2012 of a biocontrol agent for strawberry             hawk are being implemented and are
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                guava)) on Hawaiian hawk habitat. The                   guava (the Brazilian scale insect,                    achieving success.
                                                majority of relevant information that has               Tectococcus ovatus) during field trials,                 Both State and private foresters report
                                                become available since our 2008                         the State of Hawaii and other partners                an increase in forest areas on the island
                                                proposal to delist the Hawaiian hawk                    have been working to establish                        of Hawaii, particularly in native forest
                                                comes from over 173 public comments,                    Tectococcus on strawberry guava                       areas (Koch and Walter 2018, in litt.).
                                                4 independent peer reviews, comments                    invaded forests throughout the islands                Starting at the turn of the century,
                                                from the State of Hawaii and county                     (Chaney and Johnson in HCC 2013, p.                   several large landowners (private,
                                                agencies and the National Park Service,                 74; Chaney and Johnson 2018, in litt.;                Federal, and State) have ended their

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                          54563

                                                pastoral leases and are steadily                        hawp.org/). This value is likely an                   species) are implemented by, but not
                                                promoting natural regeneration to take                  underestimate as there are so many                    limited to, the Nahelehele Dryland
                                                the place of old pastures (Koch and                     partners conducting restoration                       Forest Restoration program (http://
                                                Walter 2018, in litt.). While we know                   activities that it is difficult to know               www.drylandforest.org/), partnerships
                                                this conversion is occurring, we do not                 exactly how many acres are being                      working in the Puu Waawaa watershed
                                                have an exact number of acreage.                        managed by each entity. Additional                    (e.g., the multi-agency Hawaii
                                                Additionally, when economically                         activities implemented by the three                   Experimental Tropical Forest (http://
                                                feasible, many nonnative timber                         watershed partnerships on the island of               www.hetf.us/page/home/)), The Nature
                                                plantations in the State have begun                     Hawaii include programs that                          Conservancy’s Kona Hema Preserve
                                                planting native timber species, most                    implement fencing inspections and                     (https://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/
                                                often koa (Acacia koa), post-harvest                    necessary replacements, native species                regions/northamerica/unitedstates/
                                                (Koch and Walter 2018, in litt; Walter                  surveys, greenhouse and plant                         hawaii/placesweprotect/kona-
                                                2018, pers. comm.). We do not have an                   propagation, prevention of the spread of              hema.xml), Hawaii Volcano’s National
                                                exact number regarding this conversion,                 ROD, and outreach (TMA 2007, p. 41;                   Park, Hakalau National Wildlife Refuge,
                                                but we know it is ongoing. The                          DLNR 2011, p. 16; State of Hawaii 2012,               and the Statewide Sustainable Hawaii
                                                suitability of koa plantations for                      pp. 43–44; State of Hawaii 2017, pp. 1–               Initiative (https://governor.hawaii.gov/
                                                Hawaiian hawk foraging and nesting has                  6; Cole 2018, in litt.; Dwight 2018, in               sustainable-hawaii-initiative/).
                                                not been studied, and hawk use of these                 litt.; Perry 2018, in litt.; http://hawp.org/         Additionally, there are many State
                                                areas may be variable, because koa                      ).                                                    Natural Area Reserves and Forest
                                                plantations likely differ in their                         In 2016, the Governor of Hawaii                    Reserves, and several wildlife
                                                suitability as hawk habitat depending                   initiated the Sustainable Hawaii                      sanctuaries that provide additional
                                                upon age of koa stands, stand density,                  Initiative (Initiative) in response to the            forest areas for Hawaiian hawks and
                                                and overstory characteristics related to                2016 World Conservation Congress                      other native species; however because
                                                harvest methods used. A new forest                      Legacy Commitment to protect 30                       hunting is allowed on many of the
                                                planting project between Waimea and                     percent (253,000 ac (102,385 ha)) of                  Natural Area Reserves and Forest
                                                Ahualoa will convert 565 acres (ac) (229                Hawaii’s highest priority watershed                   Reserves, they are not maintained solely
                                                hectares (ha)) of grassland to koa and                  forests by 2030 (http://                              as protected areas for native species
                                                koa-ohia forests in the next 10 years                   governor.hawaii.gov/sustainable-                      (https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/recreation/
                                                (Koch and Walter 2018, in litt.).                       hawaii-initiative/). Through this                     hunting/). As previously mentioned,
                                                   There has also been a marked increase                Initiative, the amount of priority                    forested areas, particularly native forest
                                                in protection of native forests-which                   watershed areas under high level of                   areas, are increasing on the island of
                                                combined with an increase in forest                     protection has increased from 10 to                   Hawaii (Koch and Walter, 2018, in litt.);
                                                areas results in increased protection for               approximately 15 percent (http://                     however we do not have an exact
                                                the Hawaiian hawk by protecting                         governor.hawaii.gov/sustainable-                      number to quantify this increase.
                                                potential nesting, breeding, and hunting                hawaii-initiative/; State of Hawaii 2017,                At the onset of the most recent
                                                habitat. Several large conservation                     in litt.; https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/               Kilauea volcano eruption (May 2018),
                                                efforts across the island are being                     en/stat/goals/5xhf-begg/4s33-f5iv/wtjm-               primarily private lands were impacted;
                                                implemented by Federal, State, and                      96jt). The Initiative has outplanted                  however, more recently the ongoing
                                                private landowners, often in                            20,000 native trees, and increased                    eruption has impacted native forest
                                                collaborative efforts.                                  invasive plant control by 130,000 ac                  areas. In June 2018, the 1,514 ac (613
                                                   Fencing and ungulate removal at Puu                  (52,609 ha) (State of Hawaii 2017, in                 ha) Malama Ki Forest Reserve (FR) and
                                                Waawaa Forest Bird Sanctuary and parts                  litt). In addition, the Hawaii Department             surrounding areas were either buried by
                                                of the State’s Natural Area Reserve                     of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR),                 acres of lava or scorched by fumes of
                                                System contribute to Hawaiian hawk                      with funding from the Initiative,                     sulphur dioxide (Bergfield 2018, in litt.;
                                                habitat restoration (Gorresen et al. 2008,              constructed 22 miles (35 kilometers) of               KHON2 2018, in litt.). This area
                                                p. 26) because it helps control the                     fencing in the Kau watershed, and                     previously provided habitat for
                                                spread of invasive plants such as                       fenced 24,000 ac (9,712 ha) in the                    endangered forest birds and plants, and
                                                strawberry guava as well as contributes                 Manuka NAR, to protect these areas                    other native species. We do not have an
                                                toward the natural regeneration of                      from the negative impacts of pigs and                 exact number of how much native forest
                                                native or native exotic mixed habitat                   other ungulates (Smith 2013, in litt.;                has been, or will be, lost as the eruption
                                                which in turn provides potential                        State of Hawaii 2014, p. 1). These                    is ongoing. The Kilauea eruption is so
                                                nesting, breeding, and foraging                         measures benefit the Hawaiian hawk by                 far concentrated to the East Rift Zone
                                                opportunities for the hawk. The Kohala                  securing potential nesting, breeding,                 area (USGS 2018, in litt.).
                                                Watershed Partnership, Mauna Kea                        and hunting habitat.                                     The island of Hawaii, like the island
                                                Watershed Alliance, and TMA, which                         Over the past 6 years, the Hawaiian                chain, has fortunately evaded most
                                                collectively encompass approximately                    Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI)                hurricanes due to the surrounding cool
                                                1,688,300 ac (675,137 ha) on Hawaii,                    has converted 1,000 ac (405 ha) of                    water. An exception occurred in 2014
                                                have been fencing, outplanting native                   denuded pastureland into an intact                    with Hurricane Iselle. Although
                                                plants, and removing nonnative species                  ecosystem with over 300,000 endemic                   Hurricane Iselle morphed into a tropical
                                                since 2003, 2008, and 2009, respectively                trees (e.g., ohia, milo (Thespesia                    storm before making landfall on the
                                                (http://hawp.org/). Currently, these                    populnea), sandalwood (Santalum                       island, it caused extensive canopy loss
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                entities conduct restoration actions on                 species), and koa), outplanted and a                  in some regions of the island (Federal
                                                over 80,000 ac (32,374 ha) of forest area               plans to outplant approximately 700,000               Emergency Management Agency
                                                on Hawaii (TMA 2007, p. 41; Hawaii                      more endemic trees over the coming                    (FEMA) 2014, in litt.). Iselle was the
                                                Department of Land and Natural                          years (HLRI 2018, in litt.; https://                  strongest tropical storm to make landfall
                                                Resources (DLNR) 2011, p. 16; State of                  legacytrees.org/).                                    on the island of Hawaii in recorded
                                                Hawaii 2012, pp. 43–44; State of Hawaii                    Additional ongoing conservation                    history. In 2016, Hurricane Darby made
                                                2017, pp. 1–6; Cole 2018, in litt.; Dwight              efforts (e.g., nonnative plant and animal             landfall on the island of Hawaii but as
                                                2018, in litt.; Perry 2018, in litt.; http://           removal, fencing, and outplanting native              a much weaker tropical storm. While

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                                                54564                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                both of these hurricanes caused canopy                     The Service has developed a draft                  of land subdivision and development;
                                                loss in some regions of the island, no                  post-delisting monitoring (PDM) plan                  effects on native forest of introduced
                                                analysis has been done to determine                     for Hawaiian hawk in cooperation with                 plant species; conversion of land to
                                                impacts to Hawaiian hawk habitat.                       the State of Hawaii Department of Land                biodiesel production, forestry, and
                                                Recent data indicate that Hawaii may                    and Natural Resources, Division of                    diversified agriculture; and potential
                                                experience an increase in hurricane                     Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW); the                    effects of biocontrol efforts on
                                                frequency and intensity due to increases                National Park Service (NPS); and the                  strawberry guava;
                                                of both ocean surface temperatures and                  U.S. Geological Survey, Ecosystem                        (d) Potential effects of temperature
                                                El Niño events associated with a                       Mission Area (formerly the Biological                 and rainfall change on fire frequency
                                                warming global climate system (Cai et                   Resources Division). The draft PDM                    and intensity and forest type and
                                                al. 2015, pp. 1, 4–5; Herring et al. 2015,              plan includes monitoring the Hawaiian                 distribution;
                                                p. Sii; Knutson et al. 2015, p. 7222;                   hawk population every 5 years for 20                     (e) Potential impacts of ROD and
                                                Murakami et al. 2015, p. S118; Wing et                  years and is designed to verify that the              climate change (e.g., increased
                                                al. 2015, pp. 8673–8676; Fletcher 2016,                 Hawaiian hawk remains secure from                     frequency or prolonged drought); and
                                                p. 14).                                                 risk of extinction after its removal from                (f) Potential impacts of the recent
                                                   A preliminary female specific                        the Federal List of Endangered and                    Kilauea Volcano eruptions.
                                                stochastic PVA model for the Hawaiian                   Threatened Wildlife. While not                           (2) The factors, as detailed in the
                                                hawk was developed (Vorsino and                         required, with this notice, we are again              August 6, 2008, proposed rule (73 FR
                                                Nelson 2016, unpublished data) using                    soliciting public comments and peer                   45680), that are the basis for making a
                                                the mean and variance values of age-                    review on the draft PDM plan, which                   listing/delisting/downlisting
                                                specific survival and fecundity (ability                can be found on http://                               determination for a species under
                                                and willingness to produce offpring) in                 www.regulations.gov at docket number                  section 4(a) of the Act, which are:
                                                native, mixed native-exotic, and exotic                 FWS–R1–ES–2007–0024. We are                              (a) The present or threatened
                                                habitat (Gorresen et al. 2008, p. 15;                   particularly interested in monitoring                 destruction, modification, or
                                                Klavitter et al. 2003, p. 170). Population              information pertaining to Hawaiian                    curtailment of its habitat or range;
                                                viability was assessed for optimal and                  hawk habitat in light of ROD and                         (b) Overutilization for commercial,
                                                sub-optimal habitats, where population                  strawberry guava. All comments on the                 recreational, scientific, or educational
                                                partitioning was based on Hawaiian                      draft PDM plan from the public and                    purposes;
                                                hawk densities within the habitat types                 peer reviewers will be considered and                    (c) Disease or predation;
                                                (optimal/sub-optimal) reported in                       incorporated into the final PDM plan as                  (d) The inadequacy of existing
                                                Gorresen et al. (2008, p. 15). The effect               appropriate.                                          regulatory mechanisms; or
                                                of catastrophic weather events on the                                                                            (e) Other natural or manmade factors
                                                viability of Hawaiian hawk in these                     Public Comments                                       affecting its continued existence.
                                                various habitat types was also projected                   We intend that any final action                       (3) Input or considerations for post-
                                                and assessed. None of the projected                     resulting from the proposal will be                   delisting monitoring of the Hawaiian
                                                PVAs showed a Hawaiian hawk                             based on the best scientific and                      hawk.
                                                population that declined to either zero,                commercial data available and will be as                 You may submit your information by
                                                or below a quasi-extinction threshold of                accurate and effective as possible. To                one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES.
                                                50 individuals, when projected over 30                  ensure our determination is based on                  If you submit information via http://
                                                years across 500 model iterations.                      the best available scientific and                     www.regulations.gov, your entire
                                                   Current analysis of biodiesel fuel                   commercial information, we request                    submission—including any personal
                                                development indicates that construction                 information on the Hawaiian hawk from                 identifying information—will be posted
                                                and testing of facilities on the island of              governmental agencies, native Hawaiian                on the website. If you submit a
                                                Hawaii has plateaued at 2014 levels,                    groups, the scientific community,                     hardcopy that includes personal
                                                with just one biodiesel facility on the                 industry, and any other interested                    identifying information, you may
                                                island. In addition to the other                        parties. We request comments or                       request at the top of your document that
                                                information we request in Public                        suggestions on our August 6, 2008 (73                 we withhold this personal identifying
                                                Comments below, we request new                          FR 45680), proposal to delist the                     information from public review.
                                                information on the actual conversion of                 Hawaiian hawk; our draft PDM plan;                    However, we cannot guarantee that we
                                                agricultural land to crops for biodiesel                new information presented in this                     will be able to do so. We will post all
                                                fuel production, including former and                   Federal Register document; and any                    hardcopy submissions on http://
                                                current crop type and acreage.                          other information. Specifically, we seek              www.regulations.gov.
                                                                                                        information on:                                          Information and supporting
                                                Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan                                                                                documentation that we receive and use
                                                                                                           (1) The species’ biology, range, and
                                                   Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us,              population trends, including:                         in preparing the proposal will be
                                                in cooperation with the States, to                         (a) Life history, ecology, and habitat             available for you to review at http://
                                                implement a monitoring program for not                  use of the Hawaiian hawk, as well as the              www.regulations.gov, or you may make
                                                less than 5 years for all species that have             species’ use of koa plantations and                   an appointment during normal business
                                                been delisted due to recovery. The                      exurban areas;                                        hours at the Service’s Pacific Islands
                                                purpose of this requirement is to                          (b) Range, distribution, population                Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR
                                                develop a program that detects the                      size, and population trends;                          FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with PROPOSAL

                                                failure of any delisted species to sustain                 (c) Positive and negative effects of                  If you submitted comments or
                                                itself without the protective measures                  current and foreseeable land                          information previously on the August 6,
                                                provided by the Act. If, at any time                    management practices on the Hawaiian                  2008, proposed rule (73 FR 45680); the
                                                during the monitoring period, data                      hawk, including conservation efforts                  February 11, 2009, document that made
                                                indicate that protective status under the               associated with watershed partnerships                available our draft PDM plan (74 FR
                                                Act should be reinstated, we can initiate               (e.g., The Rain Follows the Forest                    6853); the June 5, 2009, publication
                                                listing procedures, including, if                       initiative and the Governor’s                         announcing public hearings and
                                                appropriate, emergency listing.                         Sustainable Hawaii Initiative); patterns              reopening the proposal’s and draft PDM

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                               54565

                                                plan’s comment period (74 FR 27004);                    www.regulations.gov and upon request                  Authority
                                                or the February 12, 2014, publication                   from the Service’s Pacific Islands Fish
                                                reopening the proposal’s and draft PDM                  and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER                    The authority for this action is the
                                                plan’s comment period (79 FR 8413),                     INFORMATION CONTACT).                                 Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
                                                please do not resubmit them. These                                                                            amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
                                                comments have been incorporated into                    Authors
                                                                                                                                                                Dated: August 14, 2018.
                                                the public record and will be fully                       The primary authors of this document                James W. Kurth,
                                                considered in the preparation of our
                                                                                                        are staff of the Service’s Pacific Islands            Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                final determination.
                                                                                                        Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR                     Service, Exercising the Authority of the
                                                References Cited                                        FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                         Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
                                                  A complete list of references cited is                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–23697 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]
                                                available on the internet at http://                                                                          BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
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Document Created: 2018-10-30 00:43:22
Document Modified: 2018-10-30 00:43:22
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; document availability and reopening of comment period.
DatesThe comment period for the proposed rule published August 6, 2008, at 73 FR 45680 is reopened. To ensure that we are able to consider your comments and information, they must be received or postmarked no later than November 29, 2018. Please note that, if you
ContactMary Abrams, Field Supervisor, telephone: 808-792-9400. Direct all questions or requests for additional information to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 3-122, Honolulu, HI 96850. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation83 FR 54561 
RIN Number1018-AU96

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