83_FR_54793 83 FR 54583 - Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge

83 FR 54583 - Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 210 (October 30, 2018)

Page Range54583-54584
FR Document2018-23642

This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Oak Ridge. The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)]
[Pages 54583-54584]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-23642]



Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge

AGENCY: Office of Environmental Management, Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice of open meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental 
Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Oak Ridge. The 
Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that public notice of this 
meeting be announced in the Federal Register.

DATES: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:00 p.m.

ADDRESSES: DOE Information Center, Office of Science and Technical 
Information, 1 Science.gov Way, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melyssa P. Noe, Alternate Deputy 
Designated Federal Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Office 
of Environmental Management (OREM), P.O. Box 2001, EM-942, Oak Ridge, 
TN 37831. Phone (865) 241-3315; Fax (865) 241-6932; Email: 
Melyssa.Noe@orem.doe.gov. Or visit the website at https://energy.gov/orem/services/community-engagement/oak-ridge-site-specific-advisory-board.

    Purpose of the Board: The purpose of the Board is to make 
recommendations to DOE-EM and site management in the areas of 
environmental restoration, waste management, and related activities.
    Tentative Agenda:

 Welcome and Announcements
 Comments from the Deputy Designated Federal Officer (DDFO)
 Comments from the DOE, Tennessee Department of Environment and 
Conservation, and Environmental Protection Agency Liaisons
 Public Comment Period
 Presentation: Overview of Ongoing Efforts to Assure Sufficient 
Waste Disposal Capacity
 Motions/Approval of October 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes
 Status of Outstanding Recommendations
 Alternate DDFO Report
 Committee Reports

    Public Participation: The EM SSAB, Oak Ridge, welcomes the 
attendance of the public at its advisory committee meetings and will 
make every effort to accommodate persons with physical disabilities or 
special needs. If you require special accommodations due to

[[Page 54584]]

a disability, please contact Melyssa P. Noe at least seven days in 
advance of the meeting at the phone number listed above. Written 
statements may be filed with the Board either before or after the 
meeting. Individuals who wish to make oral statements pertaining to the 
agenda item should contact Melyssa P. Noe at the address or telephone 
number listed above. Requests must be received five days prior to the 
meeting and reasonable provision will be made to include the 
presentation in the agenda. The Deputy Designated Federal Officer is 
empowered to conduct the meeting in a fashion that will facilitate the 
orderly conduct of business. Individuals wishing to make public 
comments will be provided a maximum of five minutes to present their 
    Minutes: Minutes will be available by writing or calling Melyssa P. 
Noe at the address and phone number listed above. Minutes will also be 
available at the following website: https://energy.gov/orem/listings/oak-ridge-site-specific-advisory-board-meetings.

    Signed in Washington, DC on October 23, 2018.
LaTanya Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-23642 Filed 10-29-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Notices                                       54583

                                               criteria for test procedure waivers. 10                      2005, Section 3, definitions, which defines           DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                               CFR 431.401(a)(1).                                           steady state as ‘‘the condition where the
                                                  DOE notes that it may modify or                           average temperature of all test simulators            Environmental Management Site-
                                               rescind the waiver at any time upon                          changes less than 0.2 °C (0.4 °F) from one 24-        Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge
                                                                                                            hour period or refrigeration cycle to the next’’
                                               DOE’s determination that the factual                         ASHRAE 72–2005, Section 3, definitions).
                                               basis underlying the petition for waiver                                                                           AGENCY: Office of Environmental
                                                                                                            Additionally, the door-opening requirements           Management, Department of Energy.
                                               is incorrect, or upon a determination                        shall be as defined in ASHRAE 72–2005
                                               that the results from the alternate test                     Section 7.2, with the exception that the eight-       ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
                                               procedure are unrepresentative of the                        hour period of door openings shall begin
                                                                                                            three hours after the start of the test. Ambient      SUMMARY:   This notice announces a
                                               basic models’ true energy consumption
                                                                                                            temperature, test simulator temperatures, and         meeting of the Environmental
                                               characteristics. 10 CFR 431.401(k)(1).
                                                                                                            all other data shall be recorded at three-            Management Site-Specific Advisory
                                               Likewise, AHT may request that DOE
                                                                                                            minute intervals beginning at the start of the        Board (EM SSAB), Oak Ridge. The
                                               rescind or modify the waiver if the                          test and throughout the 24-hour testing               Federal Advisory Committee Act
                                               company discovers an error in the                            period.                                               requires that public notice of this
                                               information provided to DOE as part of
                                                                                                              (3) Representations. AHT may not                    meeting be announced in the Federal
                                               its petition, determines that the waiver
                                                                                                            make representations about the energy                 Register.
                                               is no longer needed, or for other
                                               appropriate reasons. 10 CFR                                  use of the basic models identified in                 DATES:  Wednesday, November 14, 2018
                                               431.401(k)(2).                                               paragraph (1) of this Order for                       6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                            compliance, marketing, or other
                                                                                                                                                                  ADDRESSES: DOE Information Center,
                                               III. Order                                                   purposes unless the basic model has
                                                                                                                                                                  Office of Science and Technical
                                                  After careful consideration of all the                    been tested in accordance with the
                                                                                                                                                                  Information, 1 Science.gov Way, Oak
                                               material that was submitted by AHT in                        provisions set forth above and such
                                                                                                                                                                  Ridge, Tennessee 37831.
                                               this matter, it is ordered that:                             representations fairly disclose the
                                                                                                            results of such testing in accordance                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  (1) AHT must, as of the date of
                                               publication of this Order in the Federal                     with 10 CFR part 431, subpart C,                      Melyssa P. Noe, Alternate Deputy
                                               Register, test and rate the following                        appendix B and 10 CFR 429.42, as                      Designated Federal Officer, U.S.
                                               AHT brand commercial freezer basic                           specified in this Order.                              Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Office
                                               models (which do not have defrost cycle                        (4) This waiver shall remain in effect              of Environmental Management (OREM),
                                               capability when operated in freezer                          according to the provisions of 10 CFR                 P.O. Box 2001, EM–942, Oak Ridge, TN
                                               mode) with the alternate test procedure                      431.401.                                              37831. Phone (865) 241–3315; Fax (865)
                                               as set forth in paragraph (2):                                 (5) This waiver is issued on the                    241–6932; Email: Melyssa.Noe@
                                                                                                            condition that the statements,                        orem.doe.gov. Or visit the website at
                                                 Brand name                       Basic model               representations, and documentation                    https://energy.gov/orem/services/
                                                                                                            provided by AHT are valid. If AHT                     community-engagement/oak-ridge-site-
                                               AHT   ..................   IBIZA 100 NAM F                   makes any modifications to the controls               specific-advisory-board.
                                               AHT   ..................   IBIZA 145 NAM F                   or capabilities (e.g., adding automatic               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               AHT   ..................   IBIZA 210 NAM F                   defrost to freezer mode) of these basic
                                               AHT   ..................   MALTA 145 NAM F
                                                                                                                                                                    Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
                                               AHT   ..................   MALTA 185 NAM F                   models, the waiver will no longer be                  the Board is to make recommendations
                                               AHT   ..................   MANHATTAN 175 NAM F               valid and AHT will either be required                 to DOE–EM and site management in the
                                               AHT   ..................   MANHATTAN 210 NAM F               to use the current Federal test method                areas of environmental restoration,
                                               AHT   ..................   MIAMI 145 NAM F                   or submit a new application for a test                waste management, and related
                                               AHT   ..................   MIAMI 185 NAM F                   procedure waiver. DOE may revoke or                   activities.
                                               AHT   ..................   MIAMI 210 NAM F                   modify this waiver at any time if it                    Tentative Agenda:
                                               AHT   ..................   MIAMI 250 NAM F
                                               AHT   ..................   PARIS 145 NAM F
                                                                                                            determines the factual basis underlying               • Welcome and Announcements
                                               AHT   ..................   PARIS 185 NAM F
                                                                                                            the petition for waiver is incorrect, or              • Comments from the Deputy
                                               AHT   ..................   PARIS 210 NAM F                   the results from the alternate test                     Designated Federal Officer (DDFO)
                                               AHT   ..................   PARIS 250 NAM F                   procedure are unrepresentative of the                 • Comments from the DOE, Tennessee
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 175 NAM F                  basic models’ true energy consumption                   Department of Environment and
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 210 NAM F                  characteristics. 10 CFR 431.401(k)(1).                  Conservation, and Environmental
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 213 NAM F                  Likewise, AHT may request that DOE                      Protection Agency Liaisons
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 223 NAM F                  rescind or modify the waiver if AHT                   • Public Comment Period
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 230 NAM F
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY 250 NAM F
                                                                                                            discovers an error in the information                 • Presentation: Overview of Ongoing
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY XL175 NAM F                provided to DOE as part of its petition,                Efforts to Assure Sufficient Waste
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY XL210 NAM F                determines that the waiver is no longer                 Disposal Capacity
                                               AHT   ..................   SYDNEY XL250 NAM F                needed, or for other appropriate reasons.             • Motions/Approval of October 10,
                                                                                                            10 CFR 431.401(k)(2).                                   2018 Meeting Minutes
                                                 (2) The alternate test procedure for the                     (6) Granting of this waiver does not                • Status of Outstanding
                                               AHT basic models listed in paragraph                         release AHT from the certification                      Recommendations
                                               (1) of this Order is the test procedure for                  requirements set forth at 10 CFR part                 • Alternate DDFO Report
                                               commercial refrigeration equipment                           429.                                                  • Committee Reports
                                               prescribed by DOE at 10 CFR part 431,                                                                              • Adjourn
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                              Signed in Washington, DC, on October 16,
                                               subpart C, appendix B, except that the                       2018.                                                   Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
                                               test period shall be selected as detailed                    Kathleen B. Hogan,                                    Oak Ridge, welcomes the attendance of
                                               below. All other requirements of                             Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy                 the public at its advisory committee
                                               Appendix B and DOE’s regulations                             Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable           meetings and will make every effort to
                                               remain applicable.                                           Energy                                                accommodate persons with physical
                                                 The test shall begin when steady state                     [FR Doc. 2018–23669 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]          disabilities or special needs. If you
                                               conditions occur (per ASHRAE Standard 72–                    BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                require special accommodations due to

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014        17:34 Oct 29, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00018   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\30OCN1.SGM   30OCN1

                                               54584                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Notices

                                               a disability, please contact Melyssa P.                 areas of environmental restoration,                   DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                               Noe at least seven days in advance of                   waste management and related
                                               the meeting at the phone number listed                  activities.                                           Federal Energy Regulatory
                                               above. Written statements may be filed                                                                        Commission
                                                                                                         Tentative Agenda:
                                               with the Board either before or after the
                                               meeting. Individuals who wish to make                   • Call to Order, Introductions, Review                [Docket No. EL16–120–000]
                                               oral statements pertaining to the agenda                  of Agenda
                                               item should contact Melyssa P. Noe at                   • Administrative Issues                               New England Power Generators, Inc. v.
                                               the address or telephone number listed                                                                        ISO New England Inc.; Notice of Filing
                                               above. Requests must be received five                   • Public Comments (15 minutes)
                                               days prior to the meeting and reasonable                • Adjourn                                                Take notice that on October 19, 2018,
                                               provision will be made to include the                                                                         ISO New England Inc. submitted tariff
                                                                                                          Breaks Taken As Appropriate.                       filing per: Refund Report to be effective
                                               presentation in the agenda. The Deputy
                                               Designated Federal Officer is                              Public Participation: The EM SSAB,                 N/A, pursuant to the order issued by the
                                               empowered to conduct the meeting in a                   Paducah, welcomes the attendance of                   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
                                               fashion that will facilitate the orderly                the public at its advisory committee                  (Commission) on September 20, 2018.1
                                               conduct of business. Individuals                        meetings and will make every effort to                   Any person desiring to intervene or to
                                               wishing to make public comments will                    accommodate persons with physical                     protest this filing must file in
                                               be provided a maximum of five minutes                   disabilities or special needs. If you                 accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
                                               to present their comments.                              require special accommodations due to                 the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
                                                  Minutes: Minutes will be available by                a disability, please contact Jennifer                 Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
                                               writing or calling Melyssa P. Noe at the                Woodard as soon as possible in advance                Protests will be considered by the
                                               address and phone number listed above.                  of the meeting at the telephone number                Commission in determining the
                                               Minutes will also be available at the                                                                         appropriate action to be taken, but will
                                                                                                       listed above. Written statements may be
                                               following website: https://energy.gov/                                                                        not serve to make protestants parties to
                                                                                                       filed with the Board either before or
                                               orem/listings/oak-ridge-site-specific-                                                                        the proceeding. Any person wishing to
                                                                                                       after the meeting. Individuals who wish
                                               advisory-board-meetings.                                                                                      become a party must file a notice of
                                                                                                       to make oral statements pertaining to
                                                                                                                                                             intervention or motion to intervene, as
                                                 Signed in Washington, DC on October 23,               agenda items should contact Jennifer                  appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
                                               2018.                                                   Woodard at the telephone number listed                protests must be filed on or before the
                                               LaTanya Butler,                                         above. Requests must be received as                   comment date. On or before the
                                               Deputy Committee Management Officer.                    soon as possible prior to the meeting                 comment date, it is not necessary to
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–23642 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]            and reasonable provision will be made                 serve motions to intervene or protests
                                               BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                  to include the presentation in the                    on persons other than the Applicant.
                                                                                                       agenda. The Deputy Designated Federal                    The Commission encourages
                                                                                                       Officer is empowered to conduct the                   electronic submission of protests and
                                               DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                    meeting in a fashion that will facilitate             interventions in lieu of paper using the
                                                                                                       the orderly conduct of business.                      ‘‘eFiling’’ link at http://www.ferc.gov.
                                               Environmental Management Site-                          Individuals wishing to make public                    Persons unable to file electronically
                                               Specific Advisory Board, Paducah                        comments will be provided a maximum                   should submit an original and 5 copies
                                               AGENCY: Office of Environmental                         of five minutes to present their                      of the protest or intervention to the
                                               Management, Department of Energy.                       comments. The EM SSAB, Paducah,                       Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
                                               ACTION: Notice of open meeting.                         will hear public comments pertaining to               888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
                                                                                                       its scope (clean-up standards and                     20426.
                                               SUMMARY:   This notice announces a                      environmental restoration; waste                         This filing is accessible on-line at
                                               meeting of the Environmental                            management and disposition;                           http://www.ferc.gov, using the
                                               Management Site-Specific Advisory                       stabilization and disposition of non-                 ‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for
                                               Board (EM SSAB), Paducah. The                           stockpile nuclear materials; excess                   review in the Commission’s Public
                                               Federal Advisory Committee Act                          facilities; future land use and long-term             Reference Room in Washington, DC.
                                               requires that public notice of this                     stewardship; risk assessment and                      There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
                                               meeting be announced in the Federal                     management; and clean-up science and                  website that enables subscribers to
                                               Register.                                               technology activities). Comments                      receive email notification when a
                                               DATES: Thursday, November 15, 2018                      outside of the scope may be submitted                 document is added to a subscribed
                                               6:00 p.m.                                               via written statement as directed above.              docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
                                               ADDRESSES: West Kentucky Community
                                                                                                                                                             Online service, please email
                                                                                                          Minutes: Minutes will be available by
                                               and Technical College, Emerging                                                                               FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or call
                                                                                                       writing or calling Jennifer Woodard at
                                               Technology Center, 5100 Alben Barkley                                                                         (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
                                                                                                       the address and phone number listed
                                               Drive, Paducah, Kentucky 42001.                                                                               (202) 502–8659.
                                                                                                       above. Minutes will also be available at
                                                                                                                                                                Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        the following website: https://
                                                                                                                                                             Time on November 9, 2018.
                                               Jennifer Woodard, Deputy Designated                     www.energy.gov/pppo/pgdp-cab/
                                               Federal Officer, Department of Energy                   listings/meeting-materials.                             Dated: October 22, 2018.
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                               Paducah Site Office, Post Office Box                                                                          Kimberly D. Bose,
                                                                                                         Signed in Washington, DC on October 24,
                                               1410, MS–103, Paducah, Kentucky                         2018.
                                               42001, (270) 441–6825.                                                                                        [FR Doc. 2018–23604 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       LaTanya Butler,
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                    BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                 Purpose of the Board: The purpose of                  Deputy Committee Management Officer.
                                               the Board is to make recommendations                    [FR Doc. 2018–23643 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]            1 New England Power Generators, Inc. v. ISO New

                                               to DOE–EM and site management in the                    BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                England Inc., 164 FERC ¶ 61,190 (2018).

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Document Created: 2018-10-30 00:43:08
Document Modified: 2018-10-30 00:43:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of open meeting.
DatesWednesday, November 14, 2018 6:00 p.m.
ContactMelyssa P. Noe, Alternate Deputy Designated Federal Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM), P.O. Box 2001, EM-942, Oak Ridge, TN 37831. Phone (865) 241-3315; Fax (865) 241-6932; Email: [email protected] Or visit the website at https://energy.gov/ orem/services/community-engagement/oak-ridge-site-specific-advisory- board.
FR Citation83 FR 54583 

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