83_FR_54814 83 FR 54604 - Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice

83 FR 54604 - Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice

Health Resources and Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 210 (October 30, 2018)

Page Range54604-54604
FR Document2018-23685

The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP or the Council) has scheduled a public meeting. Information about NACNEP and the agenda for this meeting can be found on the NACNEP website at https://www.hrsa.gov/advisory-committees/nursing/index.html.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 210 (Tuesday, October 30, 2018)]
[Page 54604]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-23685]



Health Resources and Services Administration

Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and 

AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department 
of Health and Human Services (HHS).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice 
(NACNEP or the Council) has scheduled a public meeting. Information 
about NACNEP and the agenda for this meeting can be found on the NACNEP 
website at https://www.hrsa.gov/advisory-committees/nursing/index.html.

DATES: November 19, 2018, 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. ET.

ADDRESSES: This meeting will be held by teleconference and webinar. The 
conference call-in number is 1-888-455-0640; passcode: HRSA COUNCIL. 
The webinar link is https://hrsa.connectsolutions.com/nacnep/.

of Nursing and Public Health, Bureau of Health Workforce, HRSA, 5600 
Fishers Lane, 11N112, Rockville, Maryland 20857; 301-443-3346; or 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NACNEP provides advice and recommendations 
to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the U.S. 
Congress on policy matters arising in the administration of Title VIII 
of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended, including the range 
of issues relating to nurse supply, education, and practice 
improvements. NACNEP provides an annual report to the Secretary and 
Congress describing the activities of NACNEP, including findings and 
recommendations made by NACNEP concerning the activities under this 
    During the November 19, 2018, meeting, NACNEP will continue 
discussing areas where nursing can take the lead in the transition of 
the health care system to value-based care through improvements to 
nurse education and practice, to advance the development of its 15th 
Report. In addition, the members will discuss strategic priorities and 
future directions for the Council and discuss possible topics for its 
16th Report. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate. 
Refer to the NACNEP website for any updated information concerning the 
    Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide 
comments. Public participants may submit written statements in advance 
of the scheduled meeting. Oral comments will be honored in the order 
they are requested and may be limited as time allows. Requests to make 
oral comments or provide written statements to NACNEP should be sent to 
Ms. Tracy L. Gray, Designated Federal Official, using the contact 
information above at least 3 business days prior to the meeting.

Amy P. McNulty,
Acting Director, Division of the Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2018-23685 Filed 10-29-18; 8:45 am]

                                               54604                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 210 / Tuesday, October 30, 2018 / Notices

                                               * 4. Proposed labeling for oxycodone HCl IR             advisory-committees/nursing/                          DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                     capsules, PMRS, NDA 209155 (Dec.                  index.html.                                           HUMAN SERVICES
                                               * 5. Complete Response letter, NDA 209155               DATES:  November 19, 2018, 8:30 a.m.–                 National Institutes of Health
                                                     (November 16, 2017).                              4:15 p.m. ET.
                                               * 6. ‘‘Filing Communication Responses,’’                ADDRESSES: This meeting will be held                  Government-Owned Inventions;
                                                     PMRS, NDA 209155.                                 by teleconference and webinar. The                    Availability for Licensing
                                               * 7. ‘‘Request for Priority Review
                                                     Designation,’’ PMRS, NDA 209155.
                                                                                                       conference call-in number is 1–888–
                                                                                                       455–0640; passcode: HRSA COUNCIL.                     AGENCY:    National Institutes of Health,
                                               * 8. ‘‘Memorandum of Meeting Minutes’’ for                                                                    HHS.
                                                     Type B, Pre-NDA, July 11, 2016                    The webinar link is https://
                                                     teleconference (August, 8, 2016).                 hrsa.connectsolutions.com/nacnep/.                    ACTION:   Notice.
                                               * 9. ‘‘NDA 209155 CMC Information Request               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                     5–25–17,’’ PMRS, NDA 209155.                      Tracy L. Gray, MBA, MS, RN, Division                  SUMMARY:    The invention listed below is
                                               * 10. Centers for Disease Control, ‘‘Integrated
                                                                                                       of Nursing and Public Health, Bureau of               jointly owned by an agency of the U.S.
                                                     Prevention Services for HIV Infection,                                                                  Government with Pontificia
                                                     Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted             Health Workforce, HRSA, 5600 Fishers
                                                                                                       Lane, 11N112, Rockville, Maryland                     Universidad Catolica de Chile and is
                                                     Diseases, and Tuberculosis for Persons                                                                  available for licensing to achieve
                                                     Who Use Drugs Illicitly: Summary                  20857; 301–443–3346; or DScott1@
                                                                                                       hrsa.gov.                                             expeditious commercialization of
                                                     Guidance From the CDC and the U.S.
                                                     Department of Health and Human
                                                                                                                                                             results of federally-funded research and
                                                     Services,’’ Morbidity and Mortality
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      NACNEP                development. Foreign patent
                                                     Weekly Report, vol. 61, pp. 1–40, 2012.           provides advice and recommendations                   applications are filed on selected
                                               * 11. National Institute on Drug Abuse,                 to the Secretary of Health and Human                  inventions to extend market coverage
                                                     ‘‘What is heroin and how is it used?’’,           Services (Secretary) and the U.S.                     for companies and may also be available
                                                     available at https://www.drugabuse.gov/           Congress on policy matters arising in                 for licensing.
                                                     publications/research-reports/heroin/             the administration of Title VIII of the               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                     what-heroin (accessed June 13, 2018).             Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as
                                               * 12. FDA News Release, ‘‘FDA requests                                                                        Licensing information and copies of the
                                                                                                       amended, including the range of issues                U.S. patent application listed below
                                                     removal of Opana ER for risks related to          relating to nurse supply, education, and
                                                     abuse’’ (June 8, 2017), available at                                                                    may be obtained by communicating
                                                                                                       practice improvements. NACNEP                         with Ami Gadhia, JD, LL.M., CLP,
                                                     Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/                      provides an annual report to the                      Technology Transfer and Patenting
                                                     ucm562401.htm.                                    Secretary and Congress describing the                 Specialist, National Center for
                                               13. Hunt, R. et al., ‘‘A Mechanistic                    activities of NACNEP, including                       Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH,
                                                     Investigation of Thrombotic                       findings and recommendations made by                  9800 Medical Center Drive, Rockville,
                                                     Microangiopathy Associated with IV                NACNEP concerning the activities
                                                     Abuse of Opana ER,’’ Blood, Feb. 16,
                                                                                                                                                             MD 20850, Phone: 301–217–6098, or
                                                                                                       under this title.                                     email ami.gadhia@nih.gov. A signed
                                                     2017.                                                During the November 19, 2018,
                                               * 14. FDA Guidance for Industry ‘‘Abuse-                                                                      Confidential Disclosure Agreement will
                                                                                                       meeting, NACNEP will continue                         be required to receive copies of
                                                     Deterrent Opioids—Evaluation and
                                                     Labeling,’’ available at https://                 discussing areas where nursing can take               unpublished patent applications.
                                                     www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/                      the lead in the transition of the health
                                                                                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                     Guidances/UCM334743.pdf.                          care system to value-based care through
                                                                                                       improvements to nurse education and                   Technology description follows.
                                                 Dated: October 25, 2018.                                                                                    c-Abl Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitory
                                                                                                       practice, to advance the development of
                                               Denise Hinton,                                                                                                  Compounds and Methods of
                                                                                                       its 15th Report. In addition, the
                                               Chief Scientist.                                        members will discuss strategic priorities               Manufacture and Use
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–23710 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]            and future directions for the Council                 Description of Technology
                                               BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  and discuss possible topics for its 16th
                                                                                                       Report. Agenda items are subject to                      The invention includes compounds
                                                                                                       change as priorities dictate. Refer to the            that inhibit c-Abl tyrosine kinase, and
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                NACNEP website for any updated                        methods of making them which include
                                               HUMAN SERVICES                                          information concerning the meeting.                   administering (i) a therapeutically
                                                                                                          Members of the public will have the                effective amount of the compound or a
                                               Health Resources and Services                                                                                 stereoisomer, tautomer,
                                               Administration                                          opportunity to provide comments.
                                                                                                       Public participants may submit written                pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
                                                                                                       statements in advance of the scheduled                solvate, or prodrug thereof; or (ii) a
                                               Meeting of the National Advisory                                                                              therapeutically effective amount of the
                                               Council on Nurse Education and                          meeting. Oral comments will be
                                                                                                       honored in the order they are requested               pharmaceutical compositions to a
                                               Practice                                                                                                      patient with the disease which involves
                                                                                                       and may be limited as time allows.
                                               AGENCY: Health Resources and Services                   Requests to make oral comments or                     c-Abl tyrosine kinase, including the
                                               Administration (HRSA), Department of                    provide written statements to NACNEP                  overexpression of it. In some
                                               Health and Human Services (HHS).                        should be sent to Ms. Tracy L. Gray,                  embodiments, the compound inhibits c-
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                         Designated Federal Official, using the                Abl tyrosine kinase by binding to an
                                                                                                                                                             allosteric site of the c-Abl tyrosine
khammond on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                       contact information above at least 3
                                               SUMMARY:   The National Advisory                        business days prior to the meeting.                   kinase. In some embodiments, the
                                               Council on Nurse Education and                                                                                compound binds to a myristate pocket
                                               Practice (NACNEP or the Council) has                    Amy P. McNulty,                                       of the c-Abl tyrosine kinase.
                                               scheduled a public meeting. Information                 Acting Director, Division of the Executive               This technology is available for
                                               about NACNEP and the agenda for this                    Secretariat.                                          licensing for commercial development
                                               meeting can be found on the NACNEP                      [FR Doc. 2018–23685 Filed 10–29–18; 8:45 am]          in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37
                                               website at https://www.hrsa.gov/                        BILLING CODE 4165–15–P                                CFR part 404, as well as for further

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:34 Oct 29, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00039   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\30OCN1.SGM   30OCN1

Document Created: 2018-10-30 00:43:08
Document Modified: 2018-10-30 00:43:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesNovember 19, 2018, 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. ET.
ContactTracy L. Gray, MBA, MS, RN, Division of Nursing and Public Health, Bureau of Health Workforce, HRSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, 11N112, Rockville, Maryland 20857; 301-443-3346; or [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 54604 

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