83_FR_5572 83 FR 5545 - Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Testing and Training Activities Conducted in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range in the Gulf of Mexico

83 FR 5545 - Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Testing and Training Activities Conducted in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range in the Gulf of Mexico

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 27 (February 8, 2018)

Page Range5545-5571
FR Document2018-02511

Upon application from the United States Air Force (USAF), 96th Civil Engineer Group/Environmental Planning Office (96 CEG/CEIEA) at Eglin Air Force Base (hereafter referred to as Eglin AFB), NMFS is issuing regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) for the taking of marine mammals incidental to conducting testing and training activities in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range (EGTTR) in the Gulf of Mexico over the course of five years. These regulations allow NMFS to issue a Letter of Authorization (LOA) for the incidental take of marine mammals during the specified testing and training activities carried out during the rule's period of effectiveness, set forth the permissible methods of taking, set forth other means of effecting the least practicable adverse impact on marine mammal species or stocks and their habitat, and set forth requirements pertaining to the monitoring and reporting of the incidental take. The specific activities are classified as military readiness activities.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 27 (Thursday, February 8, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 27 (Thursday, February 8, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 5545-5571]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-02511]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 218

[Docket No. 170831846-8105-02]
RIN 0648-BH21

Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals 
Incidental to Testing and Training Activities Conducted in the Eglin 
Gulf Test and Training Range in the Gulf of Mexico

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: Upon application from the United States Air Force (USAF), 96th 
Civil Engineer Group/Environmental Planning Office (96 CEG/CEIEA) at 
Eglin Air Force Base (hereafter referred to as Eglin AFB), NMFS is 
issuing regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) for 
the taking of marine mammals incidental to conducting testing and 
training activities in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range (EGTTR) 
in the Gulf of Mexico over the course of five years. These regulations 
allow NMFS to issue a Letter of Authorization (LOA) for the incidental 
take of marine mammals during the specified testing and training 
activities carried out during the rule's period of effectiveness, set 
forth the permissible methods of taking, set forth other means of 
effecting the least practicable adverse impact on marine mammal species 
or stocks and their habitat, and set forth requirements pertaining to 
the monitoring and reporting of the incidental take. The specific 
activities are classified as military readiness activities.

DATES: Effective February 13, 2018 through February 12, 2023.

ADDRESSES: To obtain an electronic copy of the USAF 96 CEG/CEIEA's LOA 
application or other referenced documents, visit the internet at: 
http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/military.htm. Documents 
cited in this rule may also be viewed, by appointment, during regular 
business hours, at 1315 East-West Highway, SSMC III, Silver Spring, MD 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob Pauline, Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401.



    A copy of the 96 CEG/CEIEA's application, NMFS proposed rule (82 FR 
61372; December 27, 2017), the USAF's Eglin Gulf Test and Training 
Range Environmental Assessment (Navy 2015) and NMFS Finding of No 
Significant Impact (FONSI) may be obtained by visiting the internet at: 
http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/military.htm. Documents 
cited in this rule may also be viewed, by appointment, during regular 
business hours, at the aforementioned address (see ADDRESSES).


    Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)) directs 
the Secretary of Commerce to allow, upon request, the incidental, but 
not intentional taking of small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. 
citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial 
fishing) within a specified geographical region for up to five years 
if, after notice and public comment, the agency makes certain findings 
and issues regulations that set forth permissible methods of taking 
pursuant to that activity, as well as monitoring and reporting 
requirements. Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA and the implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR part 216, subpart I provide the legal basis for 
issuing this rule and any subsequent LOA pursuant to those regulations. 
As directed by this legal authority, this final rule contains 
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements.
    Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds 
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or 
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the 
availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses (where 
relevant), and if the Secretary sets forth permissible methods of 
taking and other means of effecting the least practicable impact on the 
species or stock and its habitat. NMFS has defined ``negligible 
impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 as ``an impact resulting from the specified 
activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably 
likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through effects on 
annual rates of recruitment or survival.''
    The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 
(Section 319, Pub. L. 108-136, November 24, 2003) (NDAA of 2004) 
removed the ``small numbers'' and ``specified geographical region'' 
limitations indicated earlier and amended the definition of harassment 
as it applies to a ``military readiness activity'' to read as follows 
(Section 3(18)(B) of the MMPA, 16 U.S.C. 1362(18)(B)): (i) Any act that 
injures or has the significant potential to injure a marine mammal or 
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A Harassment); or (ii) any act 
that disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal 
stock in the wild by causing disruption of natural behavioral patterns, 
including, but not limited to, migration, surfacing, nursing, breeding, 
feeding, or sheltering, to a point where such behavioral patterns are 
abandoned or significantly altered (Level B Harassment).

National Environmental Policy Act

    To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA; 
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A, 
NMFS must review the proposed action (i.e., the issuance of regulations 
and an LOA) with respect to potential impacts on the human environment.
    Accordingly, NMFS has adopted the USAF's Eglin Gulf Test and 
Training Range Environmental Assessment and after an independent 
evaluation of the document found that it included adequate information 
analyzing the effects on the human environment of

[[Page 5546]]

issuing incidental take authorizations. In February 2018, NMFS issued a 
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The final EA and FONSI are 
available at: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/military.htm.

Summary of Request

    On September 16, 2015, NMFS received a request for regulations from 
Eglin AFB for the taking of marine mammals incidental to testing and 
training activities in the EGTTR (defined as the area and airspace over 
the Gulf of Mexico controlled by Eglin AFB, beginning at a point three 
nautical miles (NM) off the coast of Florida) for a period of five 
years. Eglin AFB worked with NMFS to revise the model used to calculate 
take estimates and submitted a revised application on April 15, 2017. 
The application was considered adequate and complete on October 30, 
    On August 24, 2017, we published a notice of receipt of Eglin AFB's 
application in the Federal Register (82 FR 40141), requesting comments 
and information for thirty days related to Eglin AFB's request. We did 
not receive any comments from the public. We subsequently published a 
notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register on December 27, 
2017 (82 FR 61372), again requesting public comments.
    NMFS previously issued incidental take authorizations for 
activities taking place in the EGTTR. On April 23, 2012, NMFS 
promulgated rulemaking and issued an LOA for takes of marine mammals 
incidental to Eglin AFB's Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School 
(NEODS) training operations at Eglin AFB. This rule expired on April 
24, 2017 (77 FR 16718; March 22, 2012). On March 5, 2014, NMFS 
promulgated rulemaking and issued an LOA for takes of marine mammals 
incidental to Eglin AFB's Special Operations Command (AFSOC) precision 
strike weapons (PSW) and air-to-surface (AS) gunnery activities in the 
EGTTR, which is valid through March 4, 2019 (79 FR 13568; March 11, 
2014). In addition to these rules and LOAs, NMFS has issued Incidental 
Harassment Authorizations (IHA) for take of marine mammals incidental 
to Eglin AFB's Maritime Strike Operations (78 FR 52135; August 22, 
2013; valid August 19, 2013 through August 18, 2014) and Maritime 
Weapons Systems Evaluations Program (WSEP) annually in 2015 (80 FR 
17394), 2016 (81 FR 7307), and 2017 (82 FR 10747) which currently 
expires on February 3, 2018. Eglin AFB complied with all conditions of 
the LOAs and IHAs issued, including submission of final reports. 
Information regarding their monitoring results may be found in the 
Effects of the Specified Activity on Marine Mammals and their Habitat 
section. Based on these reports, NMFS has determined that impacts to 
marine mammals were not beyond those anticipated. Eglin AFB's current 
LOA would supersede the existing PSW and AS gunnery rule that is in 
effect until March 4, 2019, and would include all of Eglin AFB's 
testing and training activities, including WSEP activities, into one 
new rule with the exception of NEODS training activities. Eglin AFB has 
never conducted any NEODS training activities and is not including 
these activities as part of the new rulemaking.

Summary of Major Provisions Within the Final Rule

    Following is a summary of some of the major provisions applicable 
to Eglin AFB's Testing and training missions in the EGTTR. We have 
determined that Eglin AFB's adherence to the mitigation, monitoring, 
and reporting measures included in this rule would achieve the least 
practicable adverse impact on the affected marine mammals. The 
provisions, which are generally designed to minimize the duration and 
total volume of explosive detonations, include:
     Monitoring will be conducted by personnel who have 
completed Eglin's Marine Species Observer Training Course, which was 
developed in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service;
     For each live mission, at a minimum, pre- and post-mission 
monitoring will be required. Monitoring will be conducted from a given 
platform depending on the specific mission. The purposes of pre-mission 
monitoring are to (1) evaluate the mission site for environmental 
suitability and (2) verify that the zone of influence (ZOI) is free of 
visually detectable marine mammals and potential marine mammal 
indicators. Post-mission monitoring is designed to determine the 
effectiveness of pre-mission mitigation by reporting sightings of any 
dead or injured marine mammals;
     Mission delay will be implemented during live ordnance 
mission activities if protected species, large schools of fish, or 
large flocks of birds are observed feeding at the surface within the 
ZOI. Mission activities may not resume until the animals are observed 
moving away from the ZOI or 30 minutes have passed;
     Mission delay will be implemented if daytime weather and/
or sea conditions preclude adequate monitoring for detecting marine 
mammals and other marine life. EGTTR missions may not resume until 
adequate sea conditions exist for monitoring;
     If unauthorized takes of marine mammals (i.e., serious 
injury or mortality) occur, ceasing operations and reporting to NMFS 
immediately and submitting a report to NMFS within 24 hours;
     Aerial-based monitoring will be employed which provides an 
excellent viewing platform for detection of marine mammals at or near 
the surface;
     Video-based monitoring via live high-definition video feed 
will be employed which facilitates data collection for the mission but 
can also allow remote viewing of the area for determination of 
environmental conditions and the presence of marine species up to the 
release time of live munitions;
     Vessel-based monitoring will be employed; and
     Ramp-up procedures will be implemented during gunnery 

Detailed Description of the Specified Activity

    The proposed rule (82 FR 61372; December 27, 2017) and the 96 CEG/
CEIEA's EA include a complete description of the USAF's specified 
training activities for which NMFS is authorizing incidental take of 
marine mammals in this final rule. Surface and sub-surface detonations 
are the stressors most likely to result in impacts on marine mammals 
that could rise to the level of harassment. The aforementioned 
documents can be found at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/military.htm). The description of location, delivery 
aircraft, and weapon types remain unchanged, and we incorporate this 
description by reference, and provide a summary below.
    Eglin AFB will conduct military aircraft missions within the EGTTR 
that involve the employment of multiple types of live (explosive) and 
inert (non-explosive) munitions against various surface targets. 
Munitions may be delivered by multiple types of aircraft including, but 
not limited to, fighter jets, bombers, and gunships. Munitions consist 
of bombs, missiles, rockets, and gunnery rounds. The targets may vary, 
but primarily consist of stationary, towed, or remotely controlled 
boats, inflatable targets, or marking flares. Detonations may occur in 
the air, at the water surface, or approximately 10 feet (ft) below the 
surface. Absent mitigation, mission activities planned in the EGTTR 
have the potential to expose cetaceans to sound or pressure levels

[[Page 5547]]

currently associated with mortality, Level A harassment, and Level B 
harassment, as defined by the MMPA.
    Testing and training missions would be conducted during any time of 
the year. Missions that involve inert munitions and in-air detonations 
may occur anywhere in the EGTTR. Aside from gunnery operations, mission 
activities that release live ordnance resulting in surface or 
subsurface detonations would be conducted at a pre-determined location 
approximately 17 miles offshore of Santa Rosa Island, in a water depth 
of about 35 meters (m) (115 ft).
    All activities will take place within the EGTTR, which is defined 
as the airspace over the Gulf of Mexico controlled by Eglin AFB, 
beginning at a point 3 NM from shore. The EGTTR is subdivided into 
blocks consisting of Warning Areas W-155, W-151, W-470, W-168, and W-
174, as well as Eglin Water Test Areas 1 through 6 (See Figure 1-2 in 
Application). Most of the blocks are further sub-divided into smaller 
airspace units for scheduling purposes (for example, W-151A, B, C, and 
D). However, most of the activities will occur in W-151, and the great 
majority will occur specifically in sub-area W-151A due to its 
proximity to shore (Figure 1-3 in Application). Descriptive information 
for all of W-151 and for W-151A specifically is provided below.
    Eglin AFB plans to conduct the following actions in the EGTTR: (1) 
86th Fighter Weapons Squadron (86 FWS) Maritime Weapons System 
Evaluation Program (WSEP) test missions that involve the use of 
multiple types of live and inert munitions (bombs and missiles) 
detonated above, at, or slightly below the water surface; (2) Advanced 
Systems Employment Project actions that involve deployment of a variety 
of pods, air-to-air missiles, bombs, and other munitions (all inert 
ordnances in relation to EGTTR); (3) Air Force Special Operations 
Command (AFSOC) training, including air-to-surface gunnery missions 
involving firing live gunnery rounds at targets on the water surface in 
EGTTR, small diameter bomb (SDB) and Griffin/Hellfire missile training 
involving the use of live missiles and SDBs in the EGTTR against small 
towed boats, and CV-22 tiltrotor aircraft training involving the firing 
of 0.50 caliber (cal.)/7.62 mm ammunition at flares floating on the 
EGTTR water surface; (4) 413th Flight Test Squadron (FLTS) Precision 
Strike Program (PSP) activities involving firing munitions at flare 
targets on the EGTTR water surface and Stand-Off Precision Guided 
Munitions (SOPGM) testing involving captive-carry, store separation, 
and weapon employment tests; (5) 780th Test Squadron (TS) activities 
involving precision strike weapon (PSW) test missions (launch of 
munitions against targets in the EGTTR) and Longbow Littoral Testing 
(data collection on tracking and impact ability of the Longbow missile 
on small boats); (6) 96th Test Wing Inert Missions (developmental 
testing and evaluation for wide variety of air-delivered weapons and 
other systems using inert bombs); and (7) 96 Operations Group (OG) 
missions, which involve the support of air-to-surface missions for 
several user groups within EGTTR.
    During these activities, ordnances may be delivered by multiple 
types of aircraft, including bombers and fighter aircraft. The actions 
include air-to-ground missiles (AGM); air intercept missiles (AIM); 
bomb dummy units (BDU); guided bomb units (GBU); projectile gun units 
(PGU); cluster bomb units (CBU); wind-corrected munitions dispensers 
(WCMD); small-diameter bombs (SDB) and laser small diameter bombs 
(LSDB); high explosive incendiary units (HEI); joint direct attack 
munitions (JDAM) and laser joint direct attack munitions (LJDAM); 
research department explosives (RDX); joint air-to-surface stand-off 
missiles (JASSM); high altitude anti-submarine warfare weapons (inert); 
high-speed maneuverable surface targets; and gunnery rounds. Net 
explosive weight (NEW) of the live munitions ranges from 0.1 to 945 
pounds (lb).
    The EGTTR testing and training missions are classified as military 
readiness activities and involve the firing or dropping of air-to-
surface weapons. Depending on the requirements of a given mission, 
munitions may be inert (contain no or very little explosive charges) or 
live (contain explosive charges). Live munitions may detonate above, 
at, or slightly below the water surface. In most cases, missions 
consisting of live bombs, missiles, and rockets that detonate at or 
below the water surface will occur at a site in W-151A that has been 
designated specifically for these types of activities. Typically, test 
data collection is conducted from an instrumentation barge known as the 
Gulf Range Armament Test Vessel (GRATV) anchored on-site, which 
provides a platform for cameras and weapon-tracking equipment. 
Therefore, the mission area is referred to as the GRATV target 
location. Alternative site locations may be selected, if necessary, 
within a 5-mile radius around the GRATV point. Missions that involve 
inert munitions and in-air detonations may occur anywhere in the EGTTR 
but are typically conducted in W-151.
    For this LOA, descriptions of mission activities that involve in-
water detonations include a section called Mission-Day Categorization. 
This subsection describes the mission-day scenario used for acoustic 
modeling and is based on the estimated number of weapons released per 
day. This approach is meant to satisfy NMFS' requests to analyze and 
assess acoustic impacts associated with accumulated energy from 
multiple detonations occurring over a 24-hour timeframe. Eglin AFB used 
all available information to develop each mission-day scenario, 
including historical release records; however, these scenarios may not 
represent exact weapon releases because military needs and requirements 
are in a constant state of flux. The mission-day categorizations 
provide high-, medium-, and low-intensity mission-day scenarios for 
some groups and an average scenario for other groups. Mission-day 
scenarios vary for each user group and are described in the following 
    Note that additional testing and training activities are planned 
for the EGTTR that will not result in any acoustic impacts to marine 
mammals and, therefore, not require any acoustic analyses. Examples 
include the firing of 0.50 caliber and 7.62 gunnery rounds that do not 
contain explosives, use of airburst-only detonations, and operations 
involving simulated weapons delivery. Those activities are described in 
detail in the Application but are not discussed here.

86th Fighter Weapons Squadron Maritime Weapons System Evaluation 

    The 86 FWS would continue to use multiple types of live and inert 
munitions in the EGTTR against small boat targets for the Maritime WSEP 
Operational Testing Program. The purpose of the testing is to continue 
the development of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) for USAF 
strike aircraft to counter small maneuvering surface vessels in order 
to better protect vessels or other assets from small boat threats.
    Proposed aircraft and munitions associated with Maritime WSEP 
activities are shown in Table 1. Because the focus of the tests would 
be weapon/target interaction, no particular aircraft would be specified 
for a given test as long as it met the delivery requirements.

[[Page 5548]]

          Table 1--Maritime WSEP Munitions and Example Aircraft
           Munitions                             Aircraft
AGM-114 (Hellfire).............  F-15 fighter aircraft.
AGM-176 (Griffin)..............  F-16 fighter aircraft.
AGM-65 (Mavericks).............  F-18 fighter aircraft.
AIM-9X.........................  F-22 fighter aircraft.
BDU-56.........................  F-35 fighter aircraft.
CBU-105 (WCMD).................  AC-130 gunship.
GBU-12/GBU-54..................  A-10 fighter aircraft.
GBU-10/GBU-24..................  B-1 bomber aircraft.
GBU-31.........................  B-52 bomber aircraft.
GBU-38.........................  B-2 bomber aircraft.
PGU-13/B.......................  MQ-1.
PGU-27.........................  MQ-9.
2.75 in Rockets................
7.62mm/50 Cal..................
GBU-39 (Laser SDB).............
GBU-53 (SDB II)................
AGM = air-to-ground missile; AIM = air intercept missile; BDU = Bomb,
  Dummy Unit; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; CBU =
  Cluster Bomb Unit; WCMD = Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser; mm =
  millimeters; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

    Live munitions would be set to detonate either in the air, 
instantaneously upon contact with a target boat, or after a slight 
delay (up to 10 millisecond) after impact, which would correspond to a 
water depth of about 5 to 10 ft. The annual number, height or depth of 
detonation, explosive material, and net explosive weight (NEW) of each 
live munition associated with Maritime WSEP is provided in Table 2. The 
quantity of live munitions tested is considered necessary to provide 
the intended level of tactics and weapons evaluation, including a 
number of replicate tests sufficient for an acceptable confidence level 
regarding munitions capabilities.

                            Table 2--Annual Maritime WSEP Munitions Use in the EGTTR
                                      Number of        Detonations         Warhead--explosive
         Type of munition             munitions          scenario               material             NEW (lbs)
GBU-10 or GBU-24.................               2  Surface or           MK-84--Tritonal.........             945
GBU-49...........................               4  Surface............  Tritonal................             300
JASSM............................               4  Surface............  Tritonal................             240
GBU-12/-54 (LJDAM)/-38/-32 (JDAM)              10  Surface or           MK-82--Tritonal.........             192
AGM-65 (Maverick)................               8  Surface............  WDU-24/B penetrating                  86
CBU-105..........................               4  Airburst...........  10 BLU-108 submunitions           107.63
                                                                         with 4 projectiles,
                                                                         parachute, rocket motor
                                                                         & altimeter. 10.69 lbs
                                                                         (includes 2.15 lbs/
GBU-39 (LSDB)....................               4  Airburst, Surface,   AFX-757 (Insensitive                  37
                                                    or Subsurface.       munition).
AGM-114 (Hellfire)...............              30  Airburst or          High Explosive Anti-Tank              29
                                                    Surface,             (HEAT) tandem anti-
                                                    Subsurface.          armor metal augmented
GBU-53 (SDB II)..................               4  Airburst, Surface    PBX-N-109 Aluminized               22.84
                                                    or Subsurface.       Enhanced Blast, Scored
                                                                         Frag Case, Copper Shape
AIM-9X...........................               2  Surface............  PBXN-3..................             7.9
AGM-176 (Griffin)................              10  Airburst or Surface  Blast fragmentation.....            4.58
Rockets (including APKWS)........             100  Surface............  Comp B-4 HEI............              10
PGU-13 HEI 30 mm.................           1,000  Surface............  30 x 173 mm caliber with             0.1
                                                                         aluminized RDX
                                                                         explosive. Designed for
                                                                         GAU-8/A Gun System.
GBU-10...........................              21  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
GBU-12...........................              27  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
GBU-24...........................              17  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
GBU-31...........................               6  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
GBU-38...........................               3  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
GBU-54...........................              16  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
BDU-56...........................              13  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
AIM-9X...........................               3  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
PGU-27...........................          46,000  Inert..............  N/A.....................             N/A
AGM = air-to-ground missile; AIM = air intercept missile; BDU = Bomb, Dummy Unit; CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit; GBU =
  Guided Bomb Unit; HEI = high explosive incendiary; lbs = pounds; LJDAM = laser joint direct attack munition;
  LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bombs; MK = mark; mm = millimeters; NEW = Net Explosive Weight; PGU = Projectile
  Gun Unit; RDX = research department explosive; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

[[Page 5549]]

    Mission-day categorizations of weapon releases listed in Table 3 
were developed based on historical mission data, project engineer 
input, and future Maritime WSEP requirements. Categories of missions 
were grouped first using historical weapon releases per day (refer to 
Maritime Strike and Maritime WSEP annual reports for 2015 and 2016). 
Next, the most recent weapons evaluation needs and requirements were 
considered to develop three different scenarios: Categories A, B, and 
C. Mission-day Category A represents munitions with larger NEW (192 to 
945 pounds) with both surface and subsurface detonations. This category 
includes future requirements and provides flexibility for the military 
mission. To date, Category A levels of activity have not been conducted 
under the 86 FWS Maritime WSEP missions and is considered a worst-case 
scenario. Category B represents munitions with medium levels of NEW (20 
to 86 pounds) including surface and subsurface detonations. Category B 
was developed using actual levels of weapon releases during Maritime 
WSEP missions (refer to Maritime WSEP annual reports for 2015 and 
2016). Category C represents munitions with smaller NEW (0.1 to 13 
pounds) and includes surface detonations only.

                                       Table 3--Maritime WSEP Munitions Categorized as Representative Mission Days
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type         Munitions per   Mission days/    Munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
A...........................  GBU-10/-24/-31...............             945  Subsurface.................               1               2               2
                                                                             (10-ft depth)..............
                              GBU-49.......................             300  Surface....................               2  ..............               4
                              JASSM........................             240  Surface....................               2  ..............               4
                              GBU-12/-54 (LJDAM)/-38/-32                192  Subsurface.................               5  ..............              10
                               (JDAM).                                       (10-ft depth)..............
B...........................  AGM-65 (Maverick)............              86  Surface....................               2               4               8
                              GBU-39 (SDB).................              37  Surface....................               1  ..............               4
                              AGM-114 (Hellfire)...........              20  Subsurface.................               5  ..............              20
                                                                             (10-ft depth)..............
C...........................  AGM-176 (Griffin)............              13  Surface....................               5               2              10
                              2.75 rockets.................              12  Surface....................              50  ..............             100
                              AIM-9X.......................             7.9  Surface....................               1  ..............               2
                              PGU-12 HEI 30 mm.............             0.1  Surface....................             500  ..............           1,000
AGM = air-to-ground missile; CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; HEI = high explosive incendiary; JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition;
  LJDAM = Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition; lbs = pounds; NEW = net explosive weight; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; mm = millimeter; SDB = Small Diameter

Advanced Systems Employment Project

    The planned Advanced Systems Employment Project (ASEP) action 
includes evaluating upgrades to numerous research and development, as 
well as USAF hardware and software, initiatives. F16, F15E, and BAC1-11 
aircraft would be used to deploy a variety of pods, air-to-air 
missiles, bombs, and other munitions. Many of the missions are 
conducted over Eglin land ranges. However, inert instrumented MK-84 
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs would be expended in W-151 
under the planned action. Bombs would be dropped on target boats 
located 20 to 25 miles offshore. A maximum of 12 over-water missions 
could be conducted annually, although the number could be as low as 4. 
There would be no live ordnance associated with ASEP actions in the 

Air Force Special Operations Command Training

    The USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC) conducts various 
training activities with multiple types of munitions in nearshore 
waters of the EGTTR (W-151). Training activities include air-to-surface 
gunnery and small diameter bomb/Griffin/Hellfire missile proficiency 
training. The following subsections describe the planned actions 
included in Eglin AFB's LOA request.
    Air-to-surface gunnery missions involve firing of live gunnery 
rounds from the AC-130 aircraft at targets on the water surface in the 
    After target deployment, the firing sequence is initiated. A 
typical gunship mission lasts approximately five hours without air-to-
air refueling, and six hours when refueling is accomplished. A typical 
mission includes 1.5 to 2 hours of live fire. This time includes 
clearing the area and transiting to and from the range. Actual firing 
activities typically do not exceed 30 minutes. The number and type of 
munitions deployed during a mission varies with each type of mission 
flown. The 105-mm TR variants are used during nighttime training. Live 
fire events are continuous, with pauses during the firing usually well 
under a minute and rarely from two to five minutes.
    Gunnery missions could occur any season of year, during daytime or 
nighttime hours. The quantity of live rounds expended is based on 
estimates provided by AFSOC regarding the annual number of missions and 
number of rounds per mission. The 105 mm FU rounds would typically be 
used during daytime missions, while the 105 mm TR variants would be 
used at night.
    On March 5, 2014, NMFS issued a 5-year LOA in accordance with the 
MMPA for AFSOC's air-to-surface gunnery activities which is currently 
valid through March 4, 2019. This LOA request would supersede that 
authorization for AC-130 air-to-surface gunnery activities for another 
five years (2018-2023); it incorporates the updated approach to 
analysis requested by NMFS. No significant changes to these mission 
activities are anticipated in the foreseeable future. Table 4 shows the 
annual number of missions and gunnery rounds currently authorized under 
the existing LOA which will be carried forward for this LOA request.

[[Page 5550]]

                           Table 4--Summary of Annual AFSOC AC-130 Gunnery Operations
                                                                                     Number of       Number of
                    Munition                         NEW (lbs)         Total          daytime        nighttime
                                                                  munitions/year     missions        missions
105 mm HE (FU)..................................             4.7             750              25              45
105 mm HE (TR)..................................            0.35           1,350  ..............  ..............
40 mm HE........................................            0.87           4,480  ..............  ..............
30 mm HE........................................             0.1          35,000  ..............  ..............
25 mm HE........................................           0.067          39,200  ..............  ..............
    Total.......................................  ..............          80,780  ..............  ..............
HE = High Explosive; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round; FU = Full

    Two mission-day scenarios were developed to represent the average 
number of gunnery rounds expended during daytime and nighttime AC-130 
air-to-surface gunnery missions; category D for daytime missions and 
category E for nighttime missions. The mission-day scenarios developed 
for AC-130 air-to-surface gunnery missions are shown in Table 5.

                                      Table 5--AC-130 Gunnery Operations Categorized as Representative Mission Days
                                                                                                           Munitions per   Mission days/       Total
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type              day            year       munitions/year
D...........................  105 mm HE (FU)...............             4.7  Surface....................              30              25             750
                              40 mm HE.....................            0.87  Surface....................              64  ..............           1,600
                              30 mm HE.....................             0.1  Surface....................             500  ..............          12,500
                              25 mm HE.....................           0.067  Surface....................             560  ..............          14,000
E...........................  105 mm HE (TR)...............            0.35  Surface....................              30              45           1,350
                              40 mm HE.....................            0.87  Surface....................              64  ..............           2,880
                              30 mm HE.....................             0.1  Surface....................             500  ..............          22,500
                              25 mm HE.....................           0.067  Surface....................             560  ..............          25,200
                                                            ----------------                             -----------------------------------------------
    Total...................  .............................  ..............  ...........................  ..............              70          80,780
HE = High Explosive; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round; FU = Full Up.

413th Flight Test Squadron

    The United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has requested 
the 413th Flight Test Squadron (413 FLTS) to demonstrate the 
feasibility and capability of the Precision Strike Package and the 
Stand-Off Precision Guided Munitions (SOPGM) missile system on the AC-
130 aircraft. SOCOM, in conjunction with A3 Operations at Wright-
Patterson AFB, is fielding the new AC-130J for flight characterization, 
as well as testing and evaluation. AFSOC is integrating some of the 
same weapons on the AC-130W. Therefore, the activities described below 
for the 413 FLTS may involve either of these aircraft variants.
    413 FLTS mission day scenarios were developed based on the number 
of mission days planned annually. Up to eleven mission days are planned 
for 413 FLTS operations annually. The total number of munitions were 
averaged over each day and are shown in Table 6. All missions would be 
conducted shoreward of the continental shelf break/200 m isobath as 
shown in Figure 1-7 in the Application).

                          Table 6--413 FLTS Precision Strike Package Gunnery Testing Categorized as Representative Mission Days
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type         Munitions per   Mission days/    munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
F...........................  30 mm........................             0.1  Surface....................              33               3              99
G...........................  105 mm FU....................             4.7  Surface....................              15               4              60
H...........................  105 mm TR....................            0.35  Surface....................              15               4              60
FU = full up; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round.

    Stand off precision guided missiles (SOPGMs) are planned for use in 
testing feasibility of these missiles on AC-130 aircraft. Weapon 
employment missions would be flown using any combination of inert and/
or live weapons for a final end-to-end check of the system. Table 7 
shows the mission-day scenarios and annual number of munitions expended 
annually for SOPGM testing. The 413 FLTS provided the number of 
munitions required over a span of four years. The numbers in the table 
represent the average per year (total number of munitions divided by 

[[Page 5551]]

                                    Table 7--413 FLTS SOPGM Annual Testing Categorized as Representative Mission Days
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type         Munitions per   Mission days/    munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
I...........................  AGM-176 (Griffin)............            4.58  Surface....................               5               2              10
J...........................  AGM-114 (Hellfire)...........              29  Surface....................               5               2              10
K...........................  GBU-39 (SDB I)...............              36  Surface....................               3               2               6
L...........................  GBU-39 (LSDB)................              36  Surface....................               5               2              10
AGM = Air-To-Ground Missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; lbs = pounds; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

780th Test Squadron

    Testing activities conducted by the 780th Test Squadron (780 TS) 
include Precision Strike Weapon, Longbow missile littoral testing, and 
several other various future actions.
    The U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and U.S. Navy, in 
cooperation with the 780 TS, conducts Precision Strike Weapon (PSW) 
test missions utilizing resources within the Eglin Military Complex, 
including sites in the EGTTR. The weapons used in testing are the AGM-
158 A and B (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), and the 
GBU-39/B (SDB I). PSW munitions are shown in Table 8.

                            Table 8--Summary of Annual Precision Strike Weapon Tests
                                                                   Total number      Number of     Total number
                    Munitions                     Number of live      of live      inert tests/      of inert
                                                    tests/ year      munitions         year          munitions
AGM-158 (JASSM).................................               2               2               4               4
GBU-39 (SDB I) Single Launch....................               2               2               4               4
GBU-39 (SDB I) Simultaneous Launch..............               2               4               4               8
JASSM = Joint Air-To-Surface Stand-Off Missile; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

    In addition to the above description, future (Phase 2) testing of 
the SDB is planned by the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation 
Center (AFOTEC) as shown in Table 9.

                   Table 9--Summary of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Precision Strike Weapon Live Tests
                                                                                                     Number of
                                                                                  Number of live       inert
                             Weapon                                  NEW (lbs)       munitions       munitions
                                                                                     released        released
AGM-158 (JASSM).................................................             240               2               4
GBU-39 (SDB I)..................................................              37               2               4
GBU-39 (SDB I) Double Shot......................................              74               2               4
GBU-53 (SDB II).................................................           22.84               2               1

    The 780 TS/OGMT missions have been categorized based on the number 
of weapons released per day, assuming three mission days are planned 
annually. Representative mission days are shown in Table 10.

                            Table 10--780 TS/OGMT Precision Strike Weapon Testing Categorized as Representative Mission Days
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type         Munitions per   Mission days/    munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
M...........................  AGM-158 (JASSM)..............             240  Surface....................               2               1               2
N...........................  GBU-39 (SDB I)...............              37  Surface....................               2               1               2
                              GBU-39 (SDB I) Double Shot *.              74  Surface....................               2                               2
O...........................  GBU-53 (SDB II)..............           22.84  Surface....................               2               1               2
AGM = Air-To-Ground Missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; JASSM = Joint Air-To-Surface Standoff Missile; lbs = pounds; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.
* NEW is doubled for each simultaneous launch.

    The 780 TS plans to conduct other various testing activities that 
involve targets on the water surface in the EGTTR. Many of the missions 
would target small boats or barges. Weapons would primarily be 
delivered by aircraft, although a rail gun would be used for one test. 
Live warheads would be used for some missions, while others would 
involve inert warheads with a live fuse (typically contains a very 
small NEW). Total future munitions for 780 TS are listed in Table 11.

[[Page 5552]]

                             Table 11--780 TS Annual Munitions, Other Future Actions
                                                  Number of        Planned
           Munition               NEW (lbs)       releases         location       Target type    Detonation type
Joint Air-Ground Missile.....           27.41               2  W-151 (subareas  HSMST or Boston  1--Point
                                                                A, S5, and S6).  Whaler type      Detonation 1--
                                                                                 boat.            Airburst.
Navy Rail Gun................           Inert              19  W-151..........  Barge..........  Penetrating
                                            1               5  W-151..........  Barge..........   Rod.
JDAM--Extended Range.........           Inert               3  W-151..........  Water surface    Inert.
                                                                                 (2) Barge (1).
Navy HAAWC...................           Inert               2  W-151..........  Water surface..  Inert.
Laser SDB (live fuse only)...             0.4               4  W-151A.........  Small boats....  Airburst or
SDB II Guided Test Vehicle                0.4               4  W-151A.........  Small boats....  Surface.
 (live fuse only).
HAAWC = High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability; HSMT = High Speed Maneuverable Surface Target;
  JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition; NEW = net explosive weight; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

    The 780 TS/OGMT future missions primarily consist of one-day test 
events for each type of munition. Inert munitions and munitions being 
detonated as airbursts were not included in the development of these 
scenarios because no in-water acoustic impacts are anticipated. 
Therefore representative mission days were developed for live munitions 
resulting in surface detonations, as shown in Table 12.

                                    Table 12--780 TS Other Future Actions Categorized as Representative Mission Days
      Mission category                   Munition               NEW (lbs)          Detonation type         Munitions per   Mission days/    munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
P...........................  Joint Air-Ground Missile.....           27.41  Surface....................               1               1               1
Q...........................  Laser SDB (fuse only) and SDB             0.4  Surface....................               2               4               8
                               II Guided Test Vehicle (fuse
HAAWC = High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability; HSMT = High Speed Maneuverable Surface Target; JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition; N/A
  = not applicable; NEW = net explosive weight; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

96 Operations Group

    The 96 Operations Group (OG), which conducts the 96 TW's primary 
missions of developmental testing and evaluation of conventional 
munitions, and command and control systems, anticipates support of air-
to-surface missions for several user groups on an infrequent basis. As 
the organization that oversees all users of Eglin ranges, they have the 
authority to approve new missions that could be conducted in the EGTTR. 
Specific details on mission descriptions under this category have not 
been determined, as this is meant to capture future unknown activities. 
Sub-surface detonations would be at 5 to 10 ft below the surface. 
Projected annual munitions expenditures and detonation scenarios are 
listed in Table 13.

                          Table 13--Annual Munitions for 96th Operations Group Support
                                                                                                   Number annual
                  Munition                       NEW (lbs)            Detonation scenario            releases
GBU-10 or GBU-24............................             945  Subsurface........................               1
AGM-158 (JASSM).............................             240  Surface...........................               1
GBU-12 or GBU-54............................             192  Subsurface........................               1
AGM-65 (Maverick)...........................              86  Surface...........................               2
GBU-39 (SDB I or LSDB)......................              37  Subsurface........................               4
AGM-114 (Hellfire)..........................              20  Subsurface........................              20
105 mm full-up..............................             4.7  Surface...........................             125
40 mm.......................................             0.9  Surface...........................             600
Live fuse...................................             0.4  Surface...........................             200
30 mm.......................................             0.1  Surface...........................           5,000
AGM = air-to-ground missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; lbs = pounds; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; SDB = Small
  Diameter Bomb.

    The 96 OG future missions have been categorized based on the number 
of weapons released per day, instead of treating each weapon release as 
a separate event. This approach is meant to satisfy NMFS requests for 
analysis and modeling of accumulated energy from multiple detonations 
over a 24-hour timeframe. Eglin AFB used all available information to 
determine these daily estimates, including historic release reports; 
however, these scenarios may not represent exact weapon releases 
because military needs and requirements are in a constant state of 
flux. The mission day scenarios for 96 OG annually are shown in Table 
    Categories of missions for 96 OG were grouped (similar to Maritime 
WSEP) first using historical weapon releases per day. Next, the most 
recent weapons evaluation needs and requirements were considered to 
develop three different

[[Page 5553]]

scenarios: Categories R, S, and T. Mission-day Category R represents 
munitions with larger NEW (192 to 945 pounds) and both surface and 
subsurface detonations. This category includes future requirements and 
provides flexibility for the military mission.

                                       Table 14--96 OG Future Missions Categorized as Representative Mission Days
           Mission category                    Munition             NEW (lbs)        Detonation type       Munitions per   Mission days/    munitions/
                                                                                                                day            year            year
R....................................  GBU-10/-24..............             945  Subsurface (10-ft                     1               1               1
                                       AGM-158 (JASSM).........             240  Surface................               1  ..............               1
                                       GBU-12 or GBU-54........             192  Subsurface (10-ft                     1  ..............               1
S....................................  AGM-65 (Maverick).......              86  Surface................               1               2               2
                                       GBU-39 (SDB I or LSDB)..              37  Subsurface.............               2  ..............               4
                                       AGM-114 (Hellfire)......              20  Subsurface (10-ft                    10  ..............              20
T....................................  105 mm full-up..........             4.7  Surface................              13              10             130
                                       40 mm...................             0.9  Surface................              60  ..............             600
                                       Live fuse...............             0.4  Surface................              20  ..............             200
                                       30 mm...................             0.1  Surface................             500  ..............           5,000
AGM = air-to-ground missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; HEI = high explosive incendiary; JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition; LJDAM = Laser Joint Direct
  Attack Munition; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; lbs = pounds; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; mm = millimeter; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

    Planned mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures are 
described in detail later in this document (please see Mitigation and 
Monitoring and Reporting).

Comments and Responses

    A notice of receipt of Eglin AFB's application published in the 
Federal Register on August 24, 2017 (82 FR 40141). NMFS published a 
proposed rule in the Federal Register on December 27, 2017 (82 FR 
61372). During the 30-day public comment period on the proposed rule, 
NMFS received comments from the Marine Mammal Commission (Commission) 
and seven members of the general public.
    Comment 1: The Commission noted that in some instances, the mission 
area would be determined to be clear of marine mammals at least 30 
minutes, and likely longer, before the munitions are detonated. The 
monitoring vessels and aircraft would move to the periphery of the 
human safety zone, which the application indicated would be 
approximately 24 km from the detonation location. In other instances, 
the mission aircraft would be conducting monitoring during the 
approximately 15 minutes it takes to fly two orbits around the mission 
area at an altitude of up to 6,000 ft Given those large areas and high 
aircraft altitudes, the Commission does not believe that the USAF would 
be able to monitor effectively for marine mammals entering the 
mortality and injury zones particularly after the mission area has been 
cleared and during the timeframe prior to detonation.
    NMFS Response: The USAF has successfully employed similar protocols 
in EGTTR exercises as required under previously issued incidental take 
authorizations. Past monitoring reports, described in more detail in 
the Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and their Habitat 
section, have not recorded any instances of take over the last five 
years in past. While the distances from the detonation area are large, 
these distances are essential to provide protection and safety of 
humans, both military and civilian, that may be in or near the mission 
area. The USAF agrees that observing animals from aircraft can be 
challenging but believes that these pre-mission flights offer an 
ability to detect marine mammals. Aerial surveys conducted at higher 
altitudes (up to 6,000 ft) would use optical sensors and 
instrumentation on the aircraft, which is much more effective than the 
naked eye. The LOA application summarizes the capabilities for these 
sensors and provides a figure example of what can be seen with the 
    Comment 2: The Commission has been recommending that the USAF's 
mitigation measures be supplemented with passive acoustic monitoring 
(PAM) since 2010 and that fulfilling the monitoring requirements under 
section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA, in this case the PAM study, should be 
made a priority in addition to developing real-time mitigation 
capability via PAM. For these reasons, the Commission recommends that 
NMFS compel the USAF to prioritize (1) completing both aspects of its 
PAM study and (2) further investigating ways to supplement its 
mitigation measures with the use of real-time PAM devices.
    NMFS Response: NMFS has engaged in multiple discussions with the 
USAF about the implementation of PAM. However, human safety concerns 
and the inability to make mission go/no-go decisions in a timely manner 
are the most immediate obstacles for the USAF implementing PAM as part 
of the suite of mitigation measures during live weapon missions in the 
EGTTR. For safety purposes during live air-to-surface missions in the 
EGTTR, a large area of the Gulf of Mexico is closed off to human 
activity. The human safety zone corresponds to the weapon safety 
footprint. The size of the closure area varies depending on the weapons 
being dropped, the type of aircraft being used, and the specific 
release parameters (direction, altitude, airspeed, etc.) requested by 
the mission group, but it always encompasses the area occupied by the 
instrumentation barge (GRATV). Typically, this footprint where 
personnel are restricted ranges between a 9-nautical mile (nmi) radius 
up to a 12-nmi radius around the GRATV. As part of PAM, biologists 
generally deploy an array of hydrophones, listen for vocalizations from 
a nearby boat, and use software to triangulate an animal's general 
location. The ability to execute this requires multiple hydrophones 
lined up in a carefully determined array or fence configuration with a 
trained biologist in close proximity to the hydrophones. Alternatively, 
the biologist could be stationed in a remote location but would require 
a direct line-of-sight for radio links to transmit the data from the 
hydrophones. The maximum distance that a remote link could be 
established is estimated to be about 5 nmi. This would fall inside the 
human safety zone. Therefore, real-time monitoring for marine mammal 
vocalizations during a mission is not

[[Page 5554]]

considered feasible for human safety concerns.
    Even if vocalization data were able to be collected in real time in 
order to determine presence/absence of marine mammals, a decision to 
delay or stop a mission without knowing where the animals are in 
relation to the hydrophones and weapon impact location further 
contributes to the operational constraints for implementing PAM as 
mitigation. A vocalizing marine mammal could be detected by the 
hydrophone while outside any zones of impact. Furthermore, the time it 
would take to collect and transmit vocalization data to remote 
computers, run the software to localize vocalizations and estimate the 
location of the animals has not been tested or verified. With high-
priority military missions, the USAF cannot jeopardize Department of 
Defense objectives on unproven methods and unknown procedures. 
Therefore, a simplified presence/absence of vocalizations as mitigation 
strategy would not be considered appropriate for these mission 
activities. Based on other consultations associated with the 86 FWS for 
activities in Hawaii, where Navy range assets and expertise are far 
more developed than in the EGTTR, using PAM for real-time mitigation 
was determined to not be feasible because of the high level of 
uncertainty with localizing marine mammals using multiple hydrophones, 
and making mission-critical decisions to delay or cease activities.
    The USAF is supportive of PAM and will conduct a NMFS-approved PAM 
study as an initial step towards understanding acoustic impacts from 
underwater detonations. However, given the level of success with 
current mitigation procedures and the high level of unknowns associated 
with implementing PAM as part of mitigation procedures for EGTTR 
activities, the USAF does not believe that using PAM as a real-time 
mitigation measure is practicable at this time.
    Comment 3: The Commission expressed concern about the lack of 
adequate time to provide public comments as well as the abbreviated 
timeframes during which NMFS is able to address public comments. The 
Commission recommended that NMFS ensure that it publishes and finalizes 
proposed incidental harassment authorizations sufficiently before the 
planned start date of the proposed activities to ensure full 
consideration is given to all comments received.
    Response: NMFS gave the standard 30-day notice for public comment. 
NMFS also acknowledges the importance of providing MMPA incidental take 
authorization in a timely (and sometimes expedited) manner for planned 
activities when the necessary findings are made.
    Comment 4: Three citizens asserted that marine life in the Gulf of 
Mexico should not be disturbed or killed and that training activities 
can be done without injuring animals.
    Response: NMFS appreciates the commenters' concern for the marine 
environment. However, the commenters' assertion that the Navy's 
activities in the EGTTR will result in the killing or deaths of marine 
mammals is incorrect. As discussed throughout this rule and in the 
Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range Environmental Assessment. The 
majority of predicted takes are by Level B harassment (behavioral 
reactions and TTS), and there are no mortality takes predicted or 
authorized for any training activities in the study area. Modeling 
results estimate that there could be up to 11 Level A takes (2 from 
slight lung injury and 9 from permanent threshold shift (PTS)). These 
exposure estimates, however, do not take into account the mitigation 
and monitoring measures which are expected to decrease the potential 
for impacts.
    After careful analysis, NMFS has determined that serious injury is 
unlikely to result from this activity.
    Comment 5: Several citizens wrote that there is a need for greater 
transparency in the Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings and 
determination actions.
    Response: The purpose of this final rule and associated LOA is not 
to make species listings determinations but rather to authorize the 
incidental take of small numbers of marine mammals within a specific 
geographic region. Furthermore, take of ESA-listed species is not 
authorized or expected as a result of testing and training activities 
in the EGTTR.

Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of Specified Activities

    There are 21 marine mammal species with potential or confirmed 
occurrence in the planned activity area. Not all of these species occur 
in this region during the project timeframe, or the likelihood of 
occurrence is very low. The ``Description of Marine Mammals in the Area 
of the Specified Activities'' section included in the proposed rule (82 
FR 61372; December 12, 2018) and sections 3 and 4 of the USAF's 
application summarize available information regarding status and 
trends, distribution and habitat preferences, and behavior and life 
history, of the potentially affected species. These descriptions have 
not changed and are incorporated here by reference. Additional 
information regarding population trends and threats may be found in 
NMFS' Stock Assessment Reports (SAR; www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and 
more general information about these species (e.g., physical and 
behavioral descriptions) may be found on NMFS's website 
(www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/). Additional information may be 
found in the USAF 96 CEG/CEIEA EA. Of the 21 species that occur in the 
northern Gulf of Mexico, two species occur in densities great enough to 
warrant inclusion in this rule (Table 15). The final list of species is 
based on summer density estimates, a conservative range-to-effects, and 
duration of the activity.

                                                         Table 15--Species Authorized for Take *
                                                                                                             Stock abundance (CV,
            Common name                  Scientific name              Stock             ESA/MMPA status;       Nmin, most recent       PBR     Annual M/
                                                                                      Strategic (Y/N) \1\    abundance survey) \2\               SI \3\
                                            Superfamily Odontoceti (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises)
                                                                   Family Delphinidae
Common Bottlenose dolphin..........  Tursiops truncatus....  Choctawatchee Bay.....  -/-:Y                  179 (0.04,173, 2007)..        1.7        3.4
                                                             Pensacola/East Bay....  -/-:Y                  33 (0.80, UNK, 1993)..        UND        UND
                                                             St. Andrew Bay........  -/-:Y                  124 (0.21, UNK, 1993).        UND        UND

[[Page 5555]]

                                                             Gulf of Mexico          -/-:N                  7,185 ( 0.21, 6,044,           60  21 (0.66)
                                                              Northern Coastal.                              2012).
                                                             Northern Gulf of        -/-:N                  51,192 (0.10, 46,926,         469  56 (0.42)
                                                              Mexico Continental                             2012).
                                                             Northern Gulf of        -/-;N                  5,806 (0.39, 4,230,            42        6.5
                                                              Mexico Oceanic.                                2009).                               (0.65)
Atlantic spotted dolphin...........  Stenella frontalis....  Northern Gulf of        -/-:N                  37,611 (0.28, UNK,            UND  42 (0.45)
                                                              Mexico.                                        2004).
* Hayes et al. 2017.
\1\ Endangered Species Act (ESA) status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is not listed
  under the ESA or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality
  exceeds PBR or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed
  under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
\2\ NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of
  stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable [explain if this is the case].
\3\ These values, found in NMFS's SARs, represent annual levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g.,
  commercial fisheries, ship strike). Annual M/SI often cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value or range. A CV
  associated with estimated mortality due to commercial fisheries is presented in some cases.

Marine Mammal Hearing

    Hearing is the most important sensory modality for marine mammals 
underwater and exposure to anthropogenic sound can have deleterious 
effects. To appropriately assess the potential effects of exposure to 
sound, it is necessary to understand the frequency ranges marine 
mammals are able to hear. Current data indicate that not all marine 
mammal species have equal hearing capabilities (e.g., Richardson et 
al., 1995; Wartzok and Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008). To reflect 
this, Southall et al. (2007) recommended that marine mammals be divided 
into functional hearing groups based on directly measured or estimated 
hearing ranges on the basis of available behavioral response data, 
audiograms derived using auditory evoked potential techniques, 
anatomical modeling, and other data. Note that no direct measurements 
of hearing ability have been successfully completed for mysticetes 
(i.e., low-frequency cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016) described 
generalized hearing ranges for these marine mammal hearing groups. 
Generalized hearing ranges were chosen based on the approximately 65 dB 
threshold from the normalized composite audiograms, with the exception 
for lower limits for low-frequency cetaceans where the lower bound was 
deemed to be biologically implausible and the lower bound from Southall 
et al. (2007) retained. The hearing groups and the associated 
frequencies are indicated below (note that these frequency ranges 
correspond to the range for the composite group, with the entire range 
not necessarily reflecting the capabilities of every species within 
that group):
     Low-frequency cetaceans (mysticetes): Generalized hearing 
is estimated to occur between approximately 7 Hz and 35 kHz, with best 
hearing estimated to be from 100 Hz to 8 kHz;
     Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger toothed whales, beaked 
whales, and most delphinids): Generalized hearing is estimated to occur 
between approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz, with best hearing from 10 to 
less than 100 kHz;
     High-frequency cetaceans (porpoises, river dolphins, and 
members of the genera Kogia and Cephalorhynchus; including two members 
of the genus Lagenorhynchus, on the basis of recent echolocation data 
and genetic data): generalized hearing is estimated to occur between 
approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
     Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true seals): Generalized 
hearing is estimated to occur between approximately 50 Hz to 86 kHz, 
with best hearing between 1-50 kHz;
     Pinnipeds in water; Otariidae (eared seals): Generalized 
hearing is estimated to occur between 60 Hz and 39 kHz, with best 
hearing between 2-48 kHz.
    The pinniped functional hearing group was modified from Southall et 
al. (2007) on the basis of data indicating that phocid species have 
consistently demonstrated an extended frequency range of hearing 
compared to otariids, especially in the higher frequency range 
(Hemil[auml] et al., 2006; Kastelein et al., 2009; Reichmuth and Holt, 
    Two marine mammal species (common bottlenose and Atlantic spotted 
dolphins) have the reasonable potential to co-occur with the planned 
survey activities. Both species are classified as mid-frequency 

Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat

    In the Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals 
section of the proposed rule (82 FR 61372; December 12, 2017), we 
included a qualitative discussion of the different ways that activities 
in the EGTTR may potentially affect marine mammals without 
consideration of mitigation and monitoring measures.

Previous Monitoring Results

    NMFS has previously issued IHAs and an LOA to cover mission 
activities in the EGTTR. For these missions, Eglin AFB conducted 
required monitoring activities and submitted monitoring reports. 
Between August 2013 and March 2014 nine maritime strike operations 
testing missions were conducted in the EGTTR and no takes were 
recorded. In calendar year 2014, ten air-to-surface (A-S) gunnery 
missions were conducted with no recorded takes. During 2015, eight A-S 
gunnery missions, and eight WSEP missions were conducted (only 4 of 
these missions used live munitions). No takes of protected species were 
recorded. For calendar year 2016, two air-to-surface (A-S) gunnery 
missions, eight WSEP missions, and two PSW missions were conducted with 
no takes recorded by observers. A report on 2017 EGTTR monitoring 
activities is currently under development.
    While no mortality, injury or take of marine mammals was recorded 
during these exercises, animals were occasionally observed during pre-

[[Page 5556]]

mission surveys on multiple mission days. However, proper measures were 
taken (delay of missions while waiting on marine mammals to clear the 
area) to ensure no marine mammals were in the area during the mission. 
Monitoring reports containing more detailed information may be found 
at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-military-readiness-activities.

Estimated Take

    This section provides the number of incidental takes, by stock, 
authorized through this final rule, which informs both NMFS' 
consideration of the negligible impact determination.
    For this military readiness activity, the MMPA defines 
``harassment'' as: (i) Any act that injures or has the significant 
potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild 
(Level A Harassment); or (ii) Any act that disturbs or is likely to 
disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing 
disruption of natural behavioral patterns, including, but not limited 
to, migration, surfacing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering, to 
a point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned or significantly 
altered (Level B Harassment).
    Authorized takes would primarily be by Level B harassment, as use 
of explosive sources has the potential to result in disruption of 
behavioral patterns and TTS for individual marine mammals. There is 
also some potential for auditory injury and tissue damage (Level A 
harassment) to result. The planned mitigation and monitoring measures 
are expected to minimize the severity of such taking to the extent 
practicable. As described previously, no mortality is anticipated or 
authorized for this activity. Below we describe how the take is 
    Described in the most basic way, we estimate take by considering: 
(1) Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS believes the best available 
science indicates marine mammals will be behaviorally harassed or incur 
some degree of permanent hearing impairment; (2) the area or volume of 
water that will be ensonified above these levels in a day; (3) the 
density or occurrence of marine mammals within these ensonified areas; 
and, (4) and the number of days of activities. Below, we describe these 
components in more detail and present the authorized take estimate.
    Based on the best available science, NMFS used the acoustic and 
pressure thresholds indicated in Table 16 to predict the onset of 
behavioral harassment, PTS, tissue damage, and mortality.

Acoustic Thresholds

    Using the best available science, NMFS has developed acoustic 
thresholds that identify the received level of underwater sound above 
which exposed marine mammals would be reasonably expected to be 
behaviorally harassed (equated to Level B harassment) or to incur PTS 
of some degree (equated to Level A harassment). Thresholds have also 
been developed to identify the pressure levels above which animals may 
incur different types of tissue damage from exposure to pressure waves 
from explosive detonation.
    The criteria and thresholds used to estimate potential pressure and 
energy impacts to marine mammals resulting from detonations were 
obtained from Finneran and Jenkins (2012). Criteria used to analyze 
impacts to marine mammals include mortality, harassment that causes or 
is likely to cause injury (Level A) and harassment that disrupts or is 
likely to disrupt natural behavior patterns (Level B). Each category is 
discussed below with additional details provided in Appendix A of the 


    Mortality risk assessment may be considered in terms of direct 
injury, which includes primary blast injury and barotrauma. The 
potential for direct injury of marine mammals has been inferred from 
terrestrial mammal experiments and from post-mortem examination of 
marine mammals believed to have been exposed to underwater explosions 
(Finneran and Jenkins, 2012; Ketten et al., 1993; Richmond et al., 
1973). Actual effects on marine mammals may differ from terrestrial 
animals due to anatomical and physiological differences, such as a 
reinforced trachea and flexible thoracic cavity, which may decrease the 
risk of injury (Ridgway and Dailey, 1972).
    Primary blast injuries result from the initial compression of a 
body exposed to a blast wave, and is usually limited to gas-containing 
structures (e.g., lung and gut) and the auditory system (U.S. 
Department of the Navy, 2001b). Barotrauma refers to injuries caused 
when large pressure changes occur across tissue interfaces, normally at 
the boundaries of air-filled tissues such as the lungs. Primary blast 
injury to the respiratory system may be fatal depending upon the 
severity of the trauma. Rupture of the lung may introduce air into the 
vascular system, producing air emboli that can restrict oxygen delivery 
to the brain or heart.
    Whereas a single mortality threshold was previously used in 
acoustic impacts analysis, species-specific thresholds are currently 
required. Thresholds are based on the level of impact that would cause 
extensive lung injury to one percent of exposed animals (i.e., an 
impact level from which one percent of exposed animals would not 
recover). (Finneran and Jenkins, 2012). The threshold represents the 
expected onset of mortality, where 99 percent of exposed animals would 
be expected to survive. Most survivors would have moderate blast 
injuries. The lethal exposure level of blast noise, associated with the 
positive impulse pressure of the blast, is expressed as Pa[middot]s and 
is determined using the Goertner (1982) modified positive impulse 
equation. This equation incorporates source/animal depths and the mass 
of a newborn calf for the affected species. The threshold is 
conservative because animals of greater mass can withstand greater 
pressure waves, and newborn calves typically make up a very small 
percentage of any cetacean group.
    For the actions described in this LOA, two species are expected to 
occur within the EGTTR Study Area: The bottlenose dolphin and the 
Atlantic spotted dolphin. Finneran and Jenkins (2012) provide known or 
surrogate masses for newborn calves of several cetacean species. For 
the bottlenose dolphin, this value is 14 kilograms (kg) (31 pounds). 
Values are not provided for the Atlantic spotted dolphin and, 
therefore, a surrogate species, the striped dolphin (Stenella 
coeruleoalba), is used. The mass provided for a newborn striped dolphin 
calf is 7 kg (15 pounds). Impacts analysis for the unidentified dolphin 
group (assumed to consist of bottlenose and Atlantic striped dolphins) 
conservatively used the mass of the smaller spotted dolphin. The 
Goertner equation, as presented in Finneran and Jenkins (2012) is used 
in the acoustic model to develop impacts analysis in this LOA request. 
The equation is provided in Table 16.

Injury (Level A Harassment)

    Potential injuries that may occur to marine mammals include blast 
related injury: Gastrointestinal (GI) tract injury and slight lung 
injury, and irrecoverable auditory damage. These injury categories are 
all types of Level A harassment as defined in the MMPA.
    Slight Lung Injury--This threshold is based on a level of lung 
injury from which all exposed animals are expected to survive (zero 
percent mortality) (Finneran and Jenkins, 2012). Similar to

[[Page 5557]]

the mortality determination, the metric is positive impulse and the 
equation for determination is that of the Goertner injury model (1982), 
corrected for atmospheric and hydrostatic pressures and based on the 
cube root scaling of body mass (Richmond et al., 1973; U.S. Department 
of the Navy, 2001b). The equation is provided in Table 16.
    Gastrointestinal Tract Injuries--GI tract injuries are correlated 
with the peak pressure of an underwater detonation. GI tract injury 
thresholds are based on the results of experiments in the 1970s in 
which terrestrial mammals were exposed to small charges. The peak 
pressure of the shock wave was found to be the causal agent in 
recoverable contusions (bruises) in the GI tract (Richmond et al., 
1973, in Finneran and Jenkins, 2012). The experiments found that a peak 
SPL of 237 dB re 1 [mu]Pa predicts the onset of GI tract injuries, 
regardless of an animal's mass or size. Therefore, the unweighted peak 
SPL of 237 dB re 1 [mu]Pa is used in explosive impacts assessments as 
the threshold for slight GI tract injury for all marine mammals.
    Auditory Damage (PTS)--Another type of injury, permanent threshold 
shift or PTS, is auditory damage that does not fully recover and 
results in a permanent decrease in hearing sensitivity. As there have 
been no studies to determine the onset of PTS in marine mammals, this 
threshold is estimated from available information associated with TTS. 
According to research by the Navy (Navy, 2017) PTS thresholds are 
defined differently for three groups of cetaceans based on their 
hearing sensitivity: Low frequency, mid-frequency, and high frequency. 
Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphins that are the subject of the 
EGTTR acoustic impacts analysis both fall within the mid-frequency 
hearing category. The PTS thresholds use dual criteria, one based on 
cumulative SEL and one based on peak SPL of an underwater blast. For a 
given analysis, the more conservative of the two is applied to afford 
the most protection to marine mammals. The mid-frequency cetacean 
criteria for PTS are provided in Table 16.

Non-Injurious Impacts (Level B Harassment)

    Two categories of Level B harassment are currently recognized: 
temporary threshold shift (TTS) and behavioral impacts. Although TTS is 
a physiological impact, it is not considered injury because auditory 
structures are temporarily fatigued instead of being permanently 
    TTS--Non-injurious effects on marine mammals, such as TTS, are 
generally extrapolated from data on terrestrial mammals (Southall et 
al., 2007). Similar to PTS, dual criteria are provided for TTS 
thresholds, and the more conservative is typically applied in impacts 
analysis. TTS criteria are based on data from impulse sound exposures 
when available. According to the most recent data (Navy, 2017) the TTS 
onset thresholds for mid-frequency cetaceans are based on TTS data from 
a beluga whale exposed to an underwater impulse produced from a seismic 
watergun. The TTS thresholds consist of the SEL of an underwater blast 
weighted to the hearing sensitivity of mid-frequency cetaceans and an 
unweighted peak SPL measure. The dual thresholds for TTS in mid-
frequency cetaceans are provided in Table 16.

Behavioral Impacts

    Behavioral impacts refer to disturbances that may occur at sound 
levels below those considered to cause TTS in marine mammals, 
particularly in cases of multiple detonations. During an activity with 
a series of explosions (not concurrent multiple explosions shown in a 
burst), an animal is expected to exhibit a startle reaction to the 
first detonation followed by a behavioral response after multiple 
detonations. At close ranges and high sound levels, avoidance of the 
area around the explosions is the assumed behavioral response in most 
cases. Other behavioral impacts may include decreased ability to feed, 
communicate, migrate, or reproduce, among others. Such effects, known 
as sub-TTS Level B harassment, are based on observations of behavioral 
reactions in captive dolphins and beluga whales exposed to pure tones, 
a different type of noise than that produced from an underwater 
detonation (Finneran and Schlundt, 2004; Schlundt et al., 2000). For 
multiple, successive detonations (i.e., detonations happening at the 
same location within a 24-hour period), the threshold for behavioral 
disturbance is set 5 dB below the SEL-based TTS threshold, unless there 
are species- or group-specific data indicating that a lower threshold 
should be used. This is based on observations of behavioral reactions 
in captive dolphins and belugas occurring at exposure levels 
approximately 5 dB below those causing TTS after exposure to pure tones 
(Finneran and Jenkins, 2012; Finneran and Schlundt, 2004; Schlundt et 
al., 2000).
    Table 16 outlines the explosive thresholds, based on the best 
available science, used by NMFS to predict the onset of disruption of 
natural behavior patterns, PTS, tissue damage, and mortality.

Marine Mammal Occurrence

    Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphin density estimates used in 
this document were obtained from Duke University Marine Geospatial 
Ecology Lab Reports (Roberts et al., 2016) which integrated 23 years of 
aerial and shipboard surveys, linked them to environmental covariates 
obtained from remote sensing and ocean models, and built habitat-based 
density models using distance sampling methodology. For bottlenose 
dolphins, geographic modeling strata from MMPA stock boundaries and 
seasonal strata were not defined because of the lack of information 
about seasonality in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as substantial

[[Page 5558]]

spatial and seasonal biases in survey efforts (Roberts et al., 2015a). 
Therefore, bottlenose dolphin numbers were modeled in the Gulf of 
Mexico using a single year-round model. Similarly for Atlantic spotted 
dolphins, there is no evidence that this species migrates or exhibits 
seasonal patterns in the Gulf of Mexico, so a single, year-round model 
that incorporated all available survey data was used (Roberts et al., 
2015b). The model results are available at the OBIS-SEAMAP repository 
found online (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/).
    Two marine mammal density estimates were calculated for this LOA. 
One density estimate is considered a large-scale estimate and is used 
for missions that could occur anywhere in W-151A, shoreward of the 200-
m isobath. The mission sets that utilize the entire W-151A area include 
AFSOC's Air-to-Surface Gunnery Training Operations and 413 FLTS's AC-
130J Precision Strike Package Gunnery Testing (Scenarios D, E, F, G, 
and H). The other density estimate is considered a fine-scale estimate 
and is used for missions that are planned specifically around the GRATV 
target area. The mission sets that utilize the nearshore GRATV target 
location are 86th FWS Maritime WSEP, 413 FLTS AC-130J and AC-130W 
Stand-Off Precision Guided Munitions Testing, 780th TS Precision Strike 
Weapons, 780 TS/OGMT future missions, and 96th OG future missions 
(Scenarios A, B, C, and I through T). Using two different density 
estimates based on the mission locations accounts for the differences 
between inshore and offshore distribution of bottlenose and Atlantic 
spotted dolphins, and provides more realistic take calculations.
    Raster data provided online from the Duke University Marine 
Geospatial Ecology Lab Report was imported into ArcGIS and overlaid 
onto the W-151A area. Density values for each species were provided in 
10 x 10 km boxes. The large-scale estimates for W-151A were obtained by 
averaging the density values of these 100 km\2\ boxes within the W-151A 
boundaries and converted to number of animals per km\2\. Fine-scale 
estimates were calculated by selecting nine 100 km\2\ boxes centered 
around the GRATV target location and averaging the density values from 
those boxes. Large-scale and fine-scale density estimates are provided 
in Table 17.

Table 17--Marine Mammal Density Estimates for EGTTR Testing and Training
                                            Large-scale     Fine-scale
                                              density         density
                 Species                    estimate a      estimate b
                                           (animals per    (animals per
                                              km\2\)          km\2\)
Bottlenose dolphin \c\..................           0.276           0.433
Atlantic spotted dolphin \d\............           0.160           0.148
a Large-scale estimates incorporate the entire W-151A area.
b Fine-scale estimates incorporate the nine 10 km\2\ boxes centered
  around the GRATV location.
c Densities derived from Roberts et al. 2015a.
d Densities derived from Roberts et al. 2015b.

    Density estimates usually assume that animals are uniformly 
distributed within the prescribed area, even though this is likely 
rarely true. Marine mammals are often clumped in areas of greater 
importance, for example, in areas of high productivity, lower 
predation, safe calving, etc. Furthermore, assuming that marine mammals 
are distributed evenly within the water column does not accurately 
reflect behavior. Databases of behavioral and physiological parameters 
obtained through tagging and other technologies have demonstrated that 
marine animals use the water column in various ways. Some species 
conduct regular deep dives while others engage in much shallower dives, 
regardless of bottom depth. Assuming that all species are evenly 
distributed from surface to bottom can present a distorted view of 
marine mammal distribution in any region. Density is assumed to be two-
dimensional, and exposure estimates are, therefore, simply calculated 
as the product of affected area, animal density, and number of events. 
The resulting exposure estimates are considered conservative, because 
all animals are presumed to be located at the same depth, where the 
maximum sound and pressure ranges would extend from detonations, and 
would, therefore, be exposed to the maximum amount of energy or 
pressure. In reality, it is highly likely that some portion of marine 
mammals present near the impact area at the time of detonation would be 
at various depths in the water column and not necessarily occur at the 
same depth corresponding to the maximum sound and pressure ranges.
    A mission-day based analysis was utilized in order to model 
accumulated energy over a 24-hour timeframe where each mission-day 
scenario would be considered a separate event. As described previously, 
Eglin AFB developed multiple mission-day categories separated by 
mission groups and estimated the number of days each category would be 
executed annually. In total, there are 20 different mission-day 
scenarios included in the acoustic analysis Labeled A-T. Table 18 below 
summarizes the number of days each mission-day scenario, or event, 
would be conducted annually in the EGTTR.

  Table 18--Annual Number of Days Planned for Each Mission Category Day
                                                            Number of
            Mission groups                  Mission       mission days/
                                          category day         year
86 FWS Maritime WSEP..................               A                2
                                                     B                4
                                                      C               2
AFSOC Air-to-Surface Gunnery..........               D               25
                                                     E               45
413 FLTS PSP Gunnery..................               F                3
                                                     G                4

[[Page 5559]]

                                                     H                4
413 FLTS SOPGM........................               I                2
                                                     J                2
                                                     K                2
                                                     L                2
780 TS Precision Strike Weapon........               M                1
                                                     N                1
                                                     O                1
780 TS Other Tests....................               P                1
                                                     Q                4
96 OG Future Missions.................               R                1
                                                     S                2
                                                     T               10

Take Calculation and Estimation

    Eglin AFB completed acoustic modeling to determine the distances 
from their explosive ordnance corresponding to NMFS' explosive 
thresholds. These distances were then used with each species' density 
to determine exposure estimates. Below is a summary of the methodology 
for those modeling efforts. Appendix A in the application provides 
additional details.
    The maximum estimated range, or radius, from the detonation point 
to the point at which the various thresholds extend for all munitions 
planned to be released in a 24-hour time period was calculated based on 
explosive acoustic characteristics, sound propagation, and sound 
transmission loss in the EGTTR. Results are shown in Table 19. These 
calculations incorporated water depth, sediment type, wind speed, 
bathymetry, and temperature/salinity profiles. Transmission loss was 
calculated from the explosive source depth down to an array of water 
depth bins (0 to 160 m). Impact volumes were computed for each 
explosive source (based on the total number of munitions released on a 
representative mission day). The impact volume is a cylinder extending 
from surface to seafloor, centered at the sound source with a radius 
set equal to the maximum range, Rmx, across all depths and azimuths at 
which the particular metric is still above the threshold. The total 
energy for all weapons released as part of a representative mission day 
was calculated to assess impacts from the accumulated energy resulting 
from multiple weapon releases within a 24-hour period. The number of 
animals impacted is computed by multiplying the area of a circle with 
radius Rmax, by the original animal density given in animal per km\2\.

                                                     Table 19--Threshold Radii (in Kilometers) for EGTTR Air-to-Surface Testing and Training
                                                                     Mortality                          Level A harassment                                      Level B harassment
                                                                                    Slight lung      GI tract                   PTS                             TTS                 Behavioral
                                                                                      injury          injury     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Mission-day category                           Modified    --------------------------------
                                                                  Goertner Model     Modified                                       230 dB Peak                     224 dB Peak
                                                                         1        Goertner Model    237 dB SPL      185 dB SEL          SPL         170 dB SEL          SPL         165 dB SEL
                                                                                       Bottlenose Dolphin
A...............................................................           0.427           0.768           0.348           1.039           0.705           5.001           1.302           8.155
B...............................................................           0.107           0.225           0.156            0.43           0.317           2.245           0.585           3.959
C...............................................................           0.037           0.085           0.083            0.32           0.169           1.128           0.312           1.863
D...............................................................           0.024           0.055           0.059           0.254            0.12           0.982           0.222           1.413
E...............................................................            0.01           0.024           0.034           0.232           0.069           0.878           0.126           1.252
F...............................................................           0.003           0.007           0.019           0.096           0.033           0.218           0.062           0.373
G...............................................................           0.024           0.055           0.059           0.167            0.12           0.552           0.222           0.809
H...............................................................           0.006           0.015           0.025           0.097           0.051           0.229           0.093           0.432
I...............................................................           0.023           0.054           0.059           0.125           0.119           0.328            0.22           0.572
J...............................................................           0.045           0.101           0.096           0.167           0.195           0.555            0.36           0.812
K...............................................................           0.057           0.128           0.117           0.164           0.237           0.541           0.438           0.795
L...............................................................           0.057           0.128           0.117             0.2           0.237           0.654           0.438           0.953
M...............................................................            0.12           0.249            0.22           0.211           0.447           0.761           0.825           1.123
N...............................................................           0.076           0.168           0.149           0.202           0.302           0.671           0.557           0.982
O...............................................................           0.047           0.107           0.101           0.136           0.204           0.432           0.376            0.64
P...............................................................           0.051           0.115           0.107           0.116           0.217           0.271             0.4           0.527
Q...............................................................           0.007           0.016           0.026           0.073           0.053           0.149           0.098           0.207
R...............................................................           0.427           0.768           0.348           0.811           0.705           4.316           1.302           6.883
S...............................................................           0.142           0.286           0.156           0.692           0.317           3.941           0.585           5.132
T...............................................................           0.024           0.055           0.059           0.224            0.12           0.837           0.222           1.209
                                                                                    Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
A...............................................................           0.504           0.886           0.348           1.039           0.705           5.001           1.302           8.155
B...............................................................           0.133           0.266           0.156            0.43           0.317           2.245           0.585           3.959
C...............................................................           0.047           0.104           0.083            0.32           0.169           1.128           0.312           1.863
D...............................................................            0.03           0.067           0.059           0.254            0.12           0.982           0.222           1.413
E...............................................................           0.013            0.03           0.034           0.232           0.069           0.878           0.126           1.252

[[Page 5560]]

F...............................................................           0.004           0.009           0.019           0.096           0.033           0.218           0.062           0.373
G...............................................................            0.03           0.067           0.059           0.167            0.12           0.552           0.222           0.809
H...............................................................           0.008           0.018           0.025           0.097           0.051           0.229           0.093           0.432
I...............................................................            0.03           0.067           0.059           0.125           0.119           0.328            0.22           0.572
J...............................................................           0.057           0.124           0.096           0.167           0.195           0.555            0.36           0.812
K...............................................................           0.072           0.157           0.117           0.164           0.237           0.541           0.428           0.795
L...............................................................           0.072           0.157           0.117             0.2           0.237           0.654           0.438           0.953
M...............................................................            0.15            0.29            0.22           0.211           0.447           0.761           0.825           1.123
N...............................................................           0.096           0.201           0.149           0.202           0.302           0.671           0.557           0.982
O...............................................................            0.06           0.131           0.101           0.136           0.204           0.432           0.376            0.64
P...............................................................           0.065           0.141           0.107           0.116           0.217           0.271             0.4           0.527
Q...............................................................           0.009            0.02           0.026           0.073           0.053           0.149           0.098           0.207
R...............................................................           0.504           0.886           0.348           0.811           0.705           4.316           1.302           6.883
S...............................................................           0.172           0.336           0.156           0.692           0.317           3.941           0.585           5.132
T...............................................................            0.03           0.067           0.059           0.224            0.12           0.837           0.222           1.209

    The ranges presented above were used to calculate the total area 
(circle) of the zones of influence for each criterion/threshold. To 
eliminate ``double-counting'' of animals, impact areas from higher 
impact categories (e.g., mortality) were subtracted from areas 
associated with lower impact categories (e.g., Level A harassment). The 
estimated number of marine mammals potentially exposed to the various 
impact thresholds was calculated with a two-dimensional approach, as 
the product of the adjusted impact area, animal density, and annual 
number of events for each mission-day category. The calculations 
generally resulted in decimal values, suggesting that, in most cases, a 
fraction of an animal was exposed. The results were therefore rounded 
at the annual mission-day level and then summed for each criterion to 
obtain total annual take estimates from all EGTTR mission activities. A 
``take'' is considered to occur for SEL metrics if the received level 
is equal to or above the associated threshold within the appropriate 
frequency band of the sound received, adjusted for the appropriate 
weighting function value of that frequency band. Similarly, a ``take'' 
would occur for impulse and peak SPL metrics if the received level is 
equal to or above the associated threshold. For impact categories with 
multiple criteria (e.g., slight lung injury, GI tract injury, and PTS 
for Level A harassment) and criteria with two thresholds (e.g., 187 dB 
SEL and 230 peak SPL for PTS), the criterion and/or threshold that 
yielded the highest exposure estimate was utilized for analysis of 
detonation impacts and shows the total numbers of marine mammals 
potentially affected by all EGTTR testing and training mission 
activities annually (See Table 20). These exposure estimates do not 
take into account the mitigation and monitoring measures that are 
expected to decrease the potential for impacts.
    Acoustic analysis results indicate the potential for injury and 
non-injurious harassment (including behavioral harassment) to marine 
mammals in the absence of mitigation measures. Mortality was calculated 
as one (1) for bottlenose dolphins and zero (0) for Atlantic spotted 
dolphin. However, the modeling is conservative and it did not include 
implementation of the mitigation and monitoring measures, and therefore 
we believe that mortality is unlikely. Further, the potential for Level 
A harassment takes would be significantly reduced. As such, NMFS is not 
authorizing any take due to mortality.
    Animals from the Northern Gulf of Mexico stock of spotted dolphins 
and the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental shelf stock of bottlenose 
dolphins are likely to be affected. There is also a chance that a 
limited number of bottlenose dolphins from the Gulf of Mexico Northern 
Coastal stock could be affected. Animals from this stock are known to 
occur in waters greater than 20 m in depth. Even though the 20 m 
isopleth delineates the stock's range, it is an artificial boundary 
used for management purposes and is not ecologically based. However, 
most of the bottlenose dolphins potentially affected would be part of 
the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental shelf stock.

 Table 20--Total Number of Marine Mammals Authorized To Be Taken Annually by Air-to-Surface Testing and Training
                                              Missions in the EGTTR
                                                        Level A harassment              Level B harassment
                     Species                        Slight lung
                                                      injury         PTS (SEL)       TTS (SEL)      Behavioral
Bottlenose dolphin..............................               2               7             220             315
Atlantic spotted dolphin........................               0               2              85             120
    Total.......................................               2               9             305             435

[[Page 5561]]


    In order to issue an LOA under Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA, 
NMFS must set forth the permissible methods of taking pursuant to such 
activity, and other means of effecting the least practicable impact on 
such species or stock and its habitat, paying particular attention to 
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance, and on 
the availability of such species or stock for taking for certain 
subsistence uses (latter not applicable for this action).
    The NDAA of 2004 amended the MMPA as it relates to military-
readiness activities and the incidental take authorization process such 
that ``least practicable adverse impact'' shall include consideration 
of personnel safety, practicality of implementation, and impact on the 
effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
    In evaluating how mitigation may or may not be appropriate to 
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and 
their habitat, as well as subsistence uses where applicable, we 
carefully consider two primary factors:
    (1) The manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful 
implementation of the measure(s) is expected to reduce impacts to 
marine mammals, marine mammal species or stocks, and their habitat. 
This considers the nature of the potential adverse impact being 
mitigated (likelihood, scope, range). It further considers the 
likelihood that the measure will be effective if implemented 
(probability of accomplishing the mitigating result if implemented as 
planned) and the likelihood of effective implementation (probability of 
being implemented as planned); and
    (2) the practicability of the measures for applicant 
implementation, which may consider such things as cost, impact on 
operations, and, in the case of a military readiness activity, 
personnel safety, practicality of implementation, and impact on the 
effectiveness of the military readiness activity.

Mitigation for Marine Mammals and Their Habitat

    Eglin AFB will employ practicable and effective mitigation 
measures, which include a careful balancing of the likely benefit of 
any particular measure to the marine mammals with the likely effect of 
that measure on personnel safety, practicality of implementation, and 
impact on the military-readiness activity. Required mitigation measures 
include the following:
    Timing Restrictions--With the exception of gunnery operations, 
missions will take place no earlier than two hours after sunrise. This 
measure provides observers with adequate visibility necessary for two 
hour pre-mission monitoring. Missions must also be completed at least 
30 minutes before sunset which will allow adequate visibility for post-
mission monitoring.
    Trained Observers--All monitoring will be conducted by personnel 
who have completed Eglin's Marine Species Observer Training Course, 
which was developed in cooperation with NMFS. This training includes a 
summary of environmental laws, consequences of non-compliance, 
description of an observer's role, pictures and descriptions of 
protected species and protected species indicators, survey methods, 
monitoring requirements, and reporting procedures. The training will be 
provided to user groups either electronically or in person by an Eglin 
AFB representative. Any person acting as an observer for a particular 
mission must have completed the training within the year prior to the 
mission. Names of personnel who have completed the training will be 
submitted to Eglin AFB along with the date of completion. In cases 
where multiple survey platforms are required to cover large survey 
areas, a Lead Biologist will be designated to lead all monitoring 
efforts and coordinate sighting information with the Test Director or 
Safety Officer.
    Pre- and Post-Mission Monitoring--For each live mission, at a 
minimum, pre- and post-mission monitoring will be required. Missions 
will occur no earlier than two hours after sunrise and no later than 
two hours prior to sunset to ensure adequate daylight for pre- and 
post-mission monitoring, with the exception of AFSOC and the 413 FLTS 
gunnery missions. In those cases, aircrews will utilize aircraft 
instrumentation and sensors to monitor the area.
    Monitoring will be conducted from a given platform depending on the 
specific mission. The purposes of pre-mission monitoring are to (1) 
evaluate the mission site for environmental suitability and (2) verify 
that the ZOI is free of visually detectable marine mammals and 
potential marine mammal indicators. USAF range clearing vessels and 
protected species survey vessels will be on-site at least two hours 
prior to the mission. Vessel-based surveys will begin approximately one 
and one-half hours prior to live weapon deployment. Surveys will 
continue for approximately one hour or until the entire ZOI has been 
adequately surveyed, whichever comes first. At approximately 30 minutes 
prior to live weapon deployment, marine species observers will be 
instructed to leave the mission site and remain outside the safety 
zone, which on average will be 15 miles from the detonation point.
    The duration of pre-mission surveys will depend on the area 
required to be surveyed and survey platforms (vessels versus aircraft). 
All marine mammal sightings including the species (if possible), 
number, location, and behavior of the animals will be documented on 
report forms that will be submitted to Eglin AFB after each mission. 
Missions will be postponed, relocated, or cancelled based on the 
presence of protected species within the survey areas.
    Post-mission monitoring is designed to determine the effectiveness 
of pre-mission mitigation by reporting sightings of any dead or injured 
marine mammals. Post-detonation monitoring surveys will commence once 
the mission has ended or, if required, as soon as the mission area is 
declared safe. Vessels will move into the survey area from outside the 
safety zone and monitor for at least 30 minutes. The duration of post-
mission surveys will vary based on survey platform. Similar to pre-
mission surveys, all sightings would be properly documented on report 
forms and submitted to Eglin AFB. Any marine mammals that are detected 
in the ZOI during post-mission surveys and for which takes are 
authorized will be counted as Level B takes. Furthermore, any marine 
mammal observed in the ZOI for which take is not authorized will be 
reported immediately to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS.
    If any marine mammals are killed or injured as a result of the 
mission, Eglin AFB would be contacted immediately. Observers would 
document the species or description of the animal, location, and 
behavior and, if practicable, take pictures and maintain visual contact 
with the animal. Eglin AFB must notify the Director, Office of 
Protected Resources, NMFS, or designee, by telephone (301-427-8401), 
and the Southeast Regional Office immediately and await further 
instructions or the arrival of a response team on-site, if feasible. 
Activities shall cease and not resume until NMFS is able to review the 
circumstances of the prohibited take.
    Mission Delay under Poor Sea State Conditions--Weather conducive to 
marine mammal monitoring is required to effectively conduct the pre- 
and post-mission surveys. Wind speed and the resulting surface 
conditions are critical factors affecting observation

[[Page 5562]]

effectiveness. Higher winds typically increase wave height and create 
``whitecap'' conditions, both of which limit an observer's ability to 
locate marine species at or near the surface. Air-to-surface missions 
will be delayed or rescheduled if the sea state is greater than number 
4 as listed in Table 21 at the time of the mission. Protected species 
observers or the Lead Biologist will make the final determination of 
whether or not conditions are conducive to sighting protected species.

         Table 21--Sea State Scale for EGTTR Pre-Mission Surveys
             Sea state No.                       Sea conditions
0.....................................  Flat, calm, no waves or ripples.
1.....................................  Light air, winds 1-2 knots; wave
                                         height to 1 foot; ripples
                                         without crests.
2.....................................  Light breeze, winds 3-6 knots;
                                         wave height 1-2 feet; small
                                         wavelets, crests not breaking.
3.....................................  Gentle breeze, winds 7-10 knots;
                                         wave height 2-3.5 feet; large
                                         wavelets, scattered whitecaps.
4.....................................  Moderate breeze, winds 11-16
                                         knots; wave height 3.5-6 feet;
                                         breaking crests, numerous

    Visibility is also a critical factor for flight safety issues when 
aerial surveys are being conducted. Therefore, a minimum ceiling of 305 
m (1,000 ft) and visibility of 5.6 km (3 nmi) is required to support 
monitoring efforts and flight safety concerns.
    Determination of ZOI Survey Areas--The ZOI is defined as the area 
or volume of ocean in which marine mammals could be exposed to various 
pressure or acoustic energy levels caused by exploding ordnance. Each 
threshold range listed in Table 19 represents a radius of impact for a 
given threshold of each munition/detonation scenario. These ranges are 
used for determining the size of the area required to be monitored 
during pre-mission surveys for each activity. For any mission involving 
live munitions (other than gunnery rounds) an area extending out to the 
PTS harassment range for the corresponding mission-day scenario will be 
completely cleared of marine mammals prior to release of the first live 
ordnance. Depending on the mission-day scenario, the corresponding 
radius could be between 73 m for a live fuse surface detonation 
associated with mission-day scenario Q, and 1,039 m associated with 
mission-day scenario A. This would help ensure that no marine mammals 
will be within any of the Level A harassment or mortality zones during 
a live detonation event, significantly reducing the potential for these 
types of impacts to occur.
    Some missions will be delayed to allow survey platforms to evacuate 
the human safety zone after pre-missions surveys are completed. For 
these delayed missions, Eglin proposes to include a buffer around the 
survey area that would extend to the TTS harassment zone for the 
corresponding mission-day scenario. This would double, and in some 
cases triple, the size of the survey area for the PTS zone. This buffer 
will mitigate for the potential that an animal outside the area during 
pre-mission surveys would enter the Level A harassment or mortality 
zones during a mission. However, missions that consist solely of 
gunnery testing and training operations will actually survey larger 
areas based on previously established safety profiles and the ability 
to conduct aerial surveys of large areas from mission aircraft. These 
ranges are shown in Table 22. Comparing the monitoring area below with 
behavioral harassment threshold radii for Atlantic spotted dolphins for 
mission-day categories D through H (between 0.4 km and 1.4 km (0.2 and 
0.8 nmi)) shows that a much larger area will be covered by this 
monitoring procedure.
    Mission Delay Associated with Animals in Zone of Influence--A 
mission delay of live ordnance mission activities will occur if a 
protected species, large schools of fish, or large flocks of birds 
feeding at the surface are observed within the Level B harassment ZOI. 
Mission activities cannot resume until one of the following conditions 
is met: (1) Marine mammal is confirmed to be outside of the ZOI on a 
heading away from the target area; (2) marine mammal is not seen again 
for 30 minutes and presumed to be outside the Level A ZOI; or (3) large 
groupings of fish or birds leading to required delay are confirmed 
outside the ZOI.
    Mission Abort if Sperm or Baleen Whales Observed During Pre-mission 
Monitoring --Marine mammal species found in the Gulf of Mexico, 
including the Federally listed sperm whale and the Bryde's whale, which 
is proposed for ESA listing, occur with greater regularity in waters 
over and beyond the continental shelf break. To avoid impacts to the 
sperm whale, AFSOC has agreed to conduct all gunnery missions within 
(shoreward of) the 200-m isobath, which is considered to be the shelf 
break for purposes of this document. Furthermore, mission activities 
will be aborted/suspended for the remainder of the day if one or more 
sperm or baleen whales are detected during pre-mission monitoring 
activities as no takes of these species have been authorized. This 
measure will incidentally provide greater protection to several other 
species as well. Trained observers will also be instructed to be 
vigilant in ensuring Bryde's whales are not in the ZOI.

                                                  Table 22--Monitoring Area Radii for Gunnery Missions
             Aircraft                    Gunnery round              Monitoring area              Monitoring altitude            Operational altitude
AC-130 gunship...................  25 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 105  5 nmi (9,260 m)..............  6,000 ft.....................  15,000-20,000 ft.
                                    mm (FU and TR).
CV-22 Osprey.....................  .50 cal, 7.62 mm........  3 nmi (5,556 m)..............  1,000 ft.....................  1,000 ft.
cal = caliber; ft = feet; FU = full up; m = meters; mm = millimeter; nmi = nautical miles; TR = Training Round.

    Mitigation Measures for Gunnery Actions--Eglin AFB has identified 
and required implementation of operational mitigation measures for 
gunnery missions, including development of the 105-mm TR, use of ramp-
up procedures (explained below), re-initiation of species surveys if 
live fire activities are interrupted for more than 10 minutes, and 
eliminating missions conducted over waters beyond the continental 
    The largest type of ammunition used during gunnery missions is a 
105-mm round, which contains 4.7 pounds of high explosive (HE). This is 
several times more HE than that found in the next largest round (40 
mm). As a mitigation technique, the USAF developed a 105-mm TR that 
contains only 0.35 pounds of HE. The TR was developed to substantially 
reduce the risk of harassment during nighttime operations, when visual 
surveying for

[[Page 5563]]

marine mammals is of limited effectiveness (however, monitoring by use 
of the AC-130's instrumentation is effective at night).
    Ramp-up procedures refer to the process of beginning with the least 
impactive action and proceeding to more impactive actions. In the case 
of gunnery activities, ramp-up procedures entail beginning a mission 
with the lowest caliber munition and proceeding to the highest, which 
means the munitions would be fired in the order of 25 mm, 40 mm, and 
105 mm. The rationale for the procedure is that this process may allow 
marine species to perceive steadily increasing noise levels and to 
react, if necessary, before the noise reaches a threshold of 
    If use of gunship weapons is interrupted for more than 10 minutes, 
Eglin AFB would be required to reinitiate applicable protected species 
surveys in the ZOI to ensure that no marine mammal species entered into 
the ZOI during that time.
    The AC-130 gunship weapons are used in two phases. First, the guns 
are checked for functionality and calibrated. This step requires an 
abbreviated period of live fire. After the guns are determined ready 
for use, the aircraft deploys a flare onto the surface of the water as 
a target, and the mission proceeds under various test and training 
scenarios. This second phase involves a more extended period of live 
fire and can incorporate use of one or any combination of the munitions 
available (25-mm, 40-mm, and 105-mm rounds).
    A ramp-up procedure will be required for the initial calibration 
phase and, after this phase, the guns may be fired in any order. Eglin 
AFB believes this process will allow marine species the opportunity to 
respond to increasing noise levels. If an animal leaves the area during 
ramp-up, it is unlikely to return during the live-fire mission. This 
protocol provides a more realistic training experience for aircrews. In 
combat situations, gunship crews would not necessarily fire the 
complete ammunition load of a given caliber gun before proceeding to 
another gun. Rather, a combination of guns might be used as required by 
real-time situations. An additional benefit of this protocol is that 
mechanical or ammunition problems with an individual gun can be 
resolved while live fire continues with functioning weapons. This 
diminishes the possibility of pause in live fire lasting 10 minutes or 
more, which would necessitate reinitiation of protected species 
    Based on our evaluation of Eglin AFB's planned measures, NMFS has 
determined that the mitigation measures provide the means effecting the 
least practicable impact on the affected species or stocks and their 
habitat, while also considering personnel safety, practicality of 
implementation, and the impact of effectiveness of the military 
readiness activity.

Monitoring and Reporting

    In order to issue an incidental take authorization for an activity, 
Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth, 
``requirements pertaining to the monitoring and reporting of such 
taking.'' The MMPA implementing regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) 
indicate that requests for authorizations must include the suggested 
means of accomplishing the necessary monitoring and reporting that will 
result in increased knowledge of the species and of the level of taking 
or impacts on populations of marine mammals that are expected to be 
present in the action area. Effective reporting is critical to 
compliance as well as ensuring that the most value is obtained from the 
required monitoring.
    Monitoring and reporting requirements prescribed by NMFS should 
contribute to improved understanding of one or more of the following:
     Occurrence of marine mammal species or stocks in the area 
in which take is anticipated (e.g., presence, abundance, distribution, 
     Nature, scope, or context of likely marine mammal exposure 
to potential stressors/impacts (individual or cumulative, acute or 
chronic), through better understanding of: (1) Action or environment 
(e.g., source characterization, propagation, ambient noise); (2) 
affected species (e.g., life history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence 
of marine mammal species with the action; or (4) biological or 
behavioral context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or feeding areas);
     Individual marine mammal responses (behavioral or 
physiological) to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or cumulative), 
other stressors, or cumulative impacts from multiple stressors;
     How anticipated responses to stressors impact either: (1) 
Long-term fitness and survival of individual marine mammals; or (2) 
populations, species, or stocks;
     Effects on marine mammal habitat (e.g., marine mammal prey 
species, acoustic habitat, or other important physical components of 
marine mammal habitat); and
     Mitigation and monitoring effectiveness.
    The following monitoring options have been developed to support 
various types of air-to-surface mission activities that may be 
conducted in the EGTTR. Eglin AFB users covered by this LOA must meet 
specific test or training objectives and safety requirements and have 
different assets available to execute the pre- and post-mission 
surveys. The monitoring options and mitigation measures described in 
the subsections below balance all mission-essential parameters with 
measures that will support adequate protection to marine mammals. 
Monitors will search for any marine mammal, including species for which 
takes have been and have not been authorized. Monitors will be 
instructed to be extra vigilant in ensuring that species of concern, 
including the sperm whale (listed as endangered under the ESA) and 
Bryde's whale (proposed for listing under the ESA) are clear of the ZOI 
during testing and training activities.
    Vessel-based Monitoring--Pre-mission surveys conducted from surface 
vessels will typically begin at sunrise. Trained observers will be 
aboard designated vessels to conduct protected species surveys before 
and after each mission. These vessels will be dedicated solely to 
monitoring for protected marine species and species indicators during 
the pre-mission surveys. For missions that require multiple vessels to 
conduct surveys based on the size of the survey area, a Lead Biologist 
will be designated to coordinate all survey efforts, compile sighting 
information from the other vessels, function as the point of contact 
between the survey vessels and Tower Control on Santa Rosa Island, and 
provide final recommendations to the Safety Officer/Test Director on 
the suitability of the mission site based on environmental conditions 
and survey results.
    Survey vessels will run pre-determined line transects, or survey 
routes, that will provide sufficient coverage of the survey area. 
Monitoring activities will be conducted from the highest point feasible 
on the vessels. There will be at least two dedicated observers on each 
vessel, and they will utilize optical equipment with sufficient 
magnification to allow observation of surfaced animals.
    All sighting information from pre-mission surveys will be 
communicated to the Lead Biologist on a pre-determined radio channel to 
reduce overall radio chatter and potential confusion. After compiling 
all the sighting information from the other survey vessels, the Lead 
Biologist will inform Tower Control on Santa Rosa Island on whether the 
area is clear of

[[Page 5564]]

protected species or not. If the range is not clear, the Lead Biologist 
will provide recommendations on whether the mission should be delayed 
or cancelled. For example, a mission delay would be recommended if a 
small number of protected species are in the ZOI but appear to be on a 
heading away from the mission area. The delay would continue until the 
Lead Biologist has confirmed that the animals are no longer in the ZOI 
and traveling away from the mission site. On the other hand, a mission 
cancellation could be recommended if one or more protected species in 
the ZOI are found and there is no indication that they would leave the 
area on their own within a reasonable timeframe. Tower Control on Santa 
Rosa Island will relay the Lead Biologist's recommendation to the 
Safety Officer. The Safety Officer and Test Director will collaborate 
regarding range conditions based on the information provided by the 
Lead Biologist and the status of range clearing vessels. The Safety 
Officer will have final authority on decisions regarding delays and 
cancellations of missions.
    USAF Support Vessels--USAF support vessels will consist of a 
combination of USAF and civil service/civilian personnel responsible 
for mission site/target setup and range clearing activities. USAF 
personnel will be within the mission area (on boats and the GRATV) for 
each mission well in advance of weapon deployment, typically near 
sunrise. They will perform a variety of tasks including target 
preparation, equipment checks, etc., and will observe for marine 
mammals and indicators as feasible throughout test preparation. 
However, such observations are considered incidental and would only 
occur as time and schedule permits. Any sightings would be relayed to 
the Lead Biologist.
    The Eglin Safety Officer, in cooperation with the Tower Control on 
Santa Rosa Island will coordinate and manage all range clearing efforts 
and be in direct communication with the survey vessel team, typically 
through the Lead Biologist. All support vessels will be in radio 
contact with one another and with Tower Control. The Safety Officer 
will monitor all radio communications, but Tower Control will relay 
messages between the vessels and the Safety Officer. The Safety Officer 
and Tower Control will also be in continual contact with the Test 
Director throughout the mission and will convey information regarding 
range clearing progress and protected species survey status. Final 
decisions regarding mission execution, including possible mission delay 
or cancellation based on protected species sightings or civilian boat 
traffic interference, will be the responsibility of the Safety Officer, 
with concurrence from the Test Director.
    Aerial-based Monitoring--Aircraft typically provide an excellent 
viewing platform for detection of marine mammals at or near the 
surface. Depending on the mission, the aerial survey team will either 
consist of Eglin AFB personnel or their designees aboard a non-mission 
aircraft or the mission aircrew who have completed the Marine Species 
Observer Training. A description of each follows.
    For non-mission aircraft, the pilot will be instructed in protected 
marine species survey techniques and will be familiar with marine 
species expected to occur in the area. One person in the aircraft will 
act as data recorder and is responsible for relaying the location, 
species (if possible), direction of movement, and number of animals 
sighted to the Lead Biologist. The aerial team will also identify 
protected species indicators such as large schools of fish and large, 
active groups of birds. Pilots will fly the aircraft in such a manner 
that the entire ZOI (and a buffer, if required) is monitored. Marine 
mammal sightings from the aerial survey team will be compiled by the 
Lead Biologist and communicated to the Test Director or Safety Officer. 
Similar to survey vessel requirements, all non-mission personnel will 
be required to exit the human safety zone before the mission can 
commence. As a result, the ZOI may not be monitored up to immediate 
deployment of live weapons. Due to this fact, the aerial team may be 
required to survey an additional buffer zone unless other monitoring 
assets, such as live video monitoring, can be employed.
    Some mission aircraft have the capability to conduct aerial surveys 
immediately prior to releasing munitions. In those instances, aircrews 
that have completed the marine species observer training will make 
several passes over the target area to ensure the area is clear of all 
protected species. For mission aircraft in this category, aircrews will 
operate at reasonable and safe altitudes (dependent on the aircraft) 
appropriate to either visually scan the sea surface or utilize 
available instrumentation and sensors to detect protected species. 
Typical missions in this category are air-to-surface gunnery operations 
from AC-130 and CV-22 gunships. In some cases, other aerial platforms 
may be available to supplement monitoring activities for pre-mission 
surveys and during the missions.
    Video-based Monitoring--Video-based monitoring may be accomplished 
via live high-definition video feed transmitted to CCF. Video 
monitoring typically facilitates data collection for the mission but 
can also allow remote viewing of the area for determination of 
environmental conditions and the presence of marine species up to the 
release time of live munitions. There are multiple sources of video 
that can be streamed to multiple monitors within CCF. When authorized 
for specific missions (e.g., Maritime WSEP), a trained marine species 
observer from Eglin AFB will monitor all live video feed transmitted to 
CFF and will report any marine mammal sightings to the Safety Officer, 
who will also be at CCF. Employing this measure typically resolves any 
lapse between the time survey vessels or aircraft leave the safety zone 
after completing pre-mission surveys but before the mission actually 
    The primary platform for video monitoring would be through the 
GRATV. Four video cameras are typically positioned on the GRATV 
(anchored on-site) to allow for real-time monitoring and data 
collection during the mission. The cameras will also be used to monitor 
for the presence of protected species. All cameras have a zoom 
capability of up to at least a 300-mm equivalent. At this setting, when 
targets are at a distance of 2 nmi from the GRATV, the field of view 
would be 195 ft by 146 ft. Video observers can detect an item with a 
minimum size of 1 square foot up to 4,000 m away. The GRATV will 
typically be located about 183 m (600 ft) from the target area; this 
range is well within the zooming capability of the video cameras.
    Supplemental video monitoring can also be accomplished through the 
employment of additional aerial assets, when available. Eglin's 
aerostat balloon provides aerial imagery of weapon impacts and 
instrumentation relay. When utilized, it is tethered to a boat anchored 
near the GRATV but outside weapon impact areas. The balloon can be 
deployed to an altitude up to 2,000 ft above sea level. It is equipped 
with a high-definition camera system that is remotely controlled to 
pivot and focus on a specific target or location within the mission 
site. The video feed from the camera system is transmitted to CCF. 
Eglin may also employ other assets such as intelligence, surveillance, 
and reconnaissance aircraft to provide real-time imagery or relay 
targeting pod videos from mission aircraft. Unmanned aerial vehicles 
may also be employed to provide aerial video surveillance. While each 
of these platforms may not be available for all missions, they 
typically can be used in combination with each

[[Page 5565]]

other and with the GRATV cameras to supplement marine mammal monitoring 
    Even with a variety of platforms potentially available to supply 
video feeds to CCF, the entire ZOI may not be visible for the entire 
duration of the mission. However, the targets and immediately 
surrounding areas will typically be in the field of view of the GRATV 
cameras and the observer will be able to identify any protected species 
that may enter the target area before weapon releases. In addition, the 
observer will be able to determine if any animals were injured 
immediately following the detonations. Should a protected marine 
species be detected on the live video, the weapon release can be 
stopped almost immediately because the video camera observer is in 
direct contact with Test Director and Safety Officer at CCF.
    Acoustic Monitoring--Eglin will conduct a NMFS-approved PAM study 
as an initial step towards understanding acoustic impacts from 
underwater detonations. During a live mission event, the Eglin AFB 
proposes to collect data that measures energy and pressure levels from 
varying distances away from weapon impact points. The data would likely 
be recorded by hydrophones attached to buoys that are deployed just 
before the mission. After mission activities, the buoys would be 
collected, then the data would be downloaded and analyzed. The results 
would be compared to the various ranges to effects for Level A and 
Level B Harassment that were calculated with the acoustic model. Eglin 
will also conduct PAM for marine mammal vocalizations before, during, 
and after live missions in the EGTTR. Once funding for these efforts is 
secured, Eglin AFB will work closely with NMFS to develop a research 
plan that will meet mutually agreeable objectives.
    As previously described in the response to Comment #2, Eglin AFB 
and NMFS have discussed the possibility of employing PAM as a required 
mitigation measure during EGTTR activities. However, human safety 
concerns and the inability to make mission go/no-go decisions in a 
timely manner are the most immediate obstacles for Eglin AFB 
implementing real-time PAM during live weapon missions in the EGTTR.
    As noted previously, Eglin's current boat and aerial pre- and post-
mission visual surveys have been successful in preventing impacts to 
marine mammals because no unauthorized takes have occurred as a result 
of these procedures under previous incidental take authorizations. 
Until Eglin AFB is confident that this first step toward a rudimentary 
PAM study is successfully implemented, the USAF cannot commit to PAM as 
a mitigation measure, which would add multiple layers of complexities 
required to detect and localize marine mammals during a live mission 
event. Furthermore, Eglin would need to gain better understanding of 
PAM capabilities so mission-appropriate procedures could be developed 
for making go/no-go decisions in a timely manner. Given the level of 
success with current mitigation procedures and the high level of 
unknowns associated with implementing PAM as part of mitigation 
procedures for USAF activities, Eglin AFB and NMFS agreed that using 
PAM as a real-time mitigation measure is not practicable at this time.
    AC-130 and CV-22 Gunship Procedures--After arriving at the mission 
site and prior to initiating firing events, gunships will conduct at 
least two complete orbits around the survey area at a minimum safe 
airspeed around the mission site at the appropriate monitoring 
altitude. Provided that marine mammals (and other protected species or 
indicators) are not detected, the aircraft will then begin the ascent 
to operational altitude, continuing to orbit the target area as it 
climbs. The initial orbits occur over a timeframe of approximately 10 
to 15 minutes. Monitoring for marine mammals, vessels, and other 
objects will continue throughout the mission. If a towed target is 
used, mission personnel will ensure that the target remains in the 
center portion of the survey area to ensure gunnery impacts do not 
extend past the ZOI.
    During the low-altitude orbits and climb, the aircrew will visually 
scan the sea surface within the aircraft's orbit circle for the 
presence of marine mammals. The surface scan will primarily be 
conducted by the flight crew in the cockpit and personnel stationed in 
the tail observer bubble and starboard viewing window. During nighttime 
missions, crews will use night vision goggles during observation. In 
addition to visual surveys, aircraft optical and electronic sensors 
will also be used for site clearance. AC-130 gunships are equipped with 
low-light TV cameras and infrared detection sets (IDSs). The TV cameras 
operate in a range of visible and near-visible light. Infrared systems 
are capable of detecting differences in temperature from thermal energy 
(heat) radiated from living bodies or from reflected and scattered 
thermal energy. In contrast to typical night-vision devices, visible 
light is not necessary for object detection. Infrared systems are 
equally effective during day or night use. The IDS is capable of 
detecting very small thermal differences. CV-22 aircraft have similar 
visual scanners and operable sensors; however, they operate at much 
lower altitudes than the AC-130 gunships, and no HE rounds will be 
fired from these aircraft.
    If any marine mammals are detected during pre-mission surveys or 
during the mission, activities will be immediately halted until the ZOI 
area is clear of all marine mammals, or the mission will be relocated 
to another target area. If the mission is relocated, the pre-mission 
survey procedures will be repeated. In addition, if multiple firing 
missions are conducted within the same flight, clearance procedures 
will precede each mission.
    Gunship crews will conduct a post-mission survey beginning at the 
operational altitude and proceeding through a spiraling descent to the 
designated monitoring altitude. It is anticipated that the descent will 
occur over a three- to five-minute time period. During this time, 
aircrews will use similar equipment and instrumentation to scan the 
water surface for animals that may have been impacted during the 
gunnery mission. During daytime missions, visual scans will be used as 
    Coordination with Eglin Natural Resources Office--Prior to 
conducting live missions, proponents will coordinate with Eglin Natural 
Resources to be briefed on their mitigation and monitoring 
requirements. Throughout coordination efforts, mission assets available 
for monitoring will be identified and an implementation plan will be 
developed. Based on the assets, survey routes will be designed to 
incorporate the size of the monitoring area and determine whether a 
buffer will be required. Training and reporting requirements will also 
be communicated to the proponents
    The following table lists known proponents and the monitoring 
platforms that may be employed for marine mammal monitoring before, 
during, and after live air-to-surface missions. As stated above, 
coordination with proponents before live missions will ensure these 
options are still available, as well as any changes to assets or 
mission capabilities for new proponents that would fall under this 
authorization. Eglin Natural Resources will ensure all practical 
measures will be implemented to the maximum extent possible to comply 
with the mitigation and monitoring requirements while meeting mission 

[[Page 5566]]

    Table 23--Monitoring Options Available for Live Air-to-Surface Mission Proponents Operating in the EGTTR
                                                                              Monitoring platform
                           Mission                            --------------------------------------------------
                                                                    Vessel           Aerial           Video
86 FWS Maritime Weapons System Evaluation Program (WSEP).....           ...............        
                                USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Training
Air-to-Surface Gunnery.......................................  ...............           ...............
Small Diameter Bomb/Griffin Missile Training.................  ...............           ...............
CV-22 Training...............................................  ...............           ...............
                                        413th Flight Test Squadron (FLTS)
AC-130J Precision Strike Package Testing.....................  ...............                 
AC-130J Stand-Off Precision Guided Munitions Testing.........  ...............                 
                                               780th Test Squadron
Precision Strike Weapon......................................                          
Longbow Littoral Testing.....................................           ...............        

Monitoring and Reporting Measures

    In addition to monitoring for marine species before and after 
missions, the following monitoring and reporting measures will be 
     Within a year before the planned missions, all protected 
species observers will receive the Marine Species Observer Training 
Course developed by Eglin in cooperation with NMFS.
     Eglin AFB will track use of the EGTTR and protected 
species observation results through the use of protected species 
observer report forms.
     A summary annual report of marine mammal observations and 
mission activities will be submitted to the NMFS Southeast Regional 
Office and the NMFS Office of Protected Resources 90 days after 
completion of mission activities each year or 60 days prior to the 
issuance of any subsequent LOA for projects at the EGTTR, whichever 
comes first. A final report shall be prepared and submitted within 30 
days following resolution of comments on the draft annual reports from 
NMFS. This annual report must include the following information:
    [cir] Date and time of each mission.
    [cir] A complete description of the pre-mission and post-mission 
activities related to mitigating and monitoring the effects of mission 
activities on marine mammal populations.
    [cir] Results of the visual monitoring, including numbers by 
species/stock of any marine mammals noted injured or killed as a result 
of the missions, and number of marine mammals (by species if possible) 
that may have been harassed due to presence within the activity zone.
    [cir] If any dead or injured marine mammals are observed or 
detected prior to mission activities, or injured or killed during 
mission activities, a report must be made to the NMFS Southeast Region 
Marine Mammal Stranding Network at 877-433-8299, the Chief of the 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, at 
301-427-8401 and the Florida Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline at 888-
404-3922 immediately.
    [cir] Any unauthorized impacts on marine mammals must be 
immediately reported to the National Marine Fisheries Service's 
Southeast Regional Administrator, at 727-842-5312, and the Chief of the 
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources, at 

Adaptive Management

    NMFS may modify (including augment) the existing mitigation, 
monitoring, or reporting measures (after consulting with Eglin AFB 
regarding the practicability of the modifications) if doing so creates 
a reasonable likelihood of more effectively accomplishing the goals of 
the mitigation and monitoring measures for these regulations.
    Possible sources of data that could contribute to the decision to 
modify the mitigation, monitoring, or reporting measures in an LOA 
include: (1) Results from Eglin AFB's acoustic monitoring study; (2) 
results from monitoring during previous year(s); (3) results from other 
marine mammal and/or sound research or studies; and (4) any information 
that reveals marine mammals may have been taken in a manner, extent or 
number not authorized by these regulations or subsequent LOAs.
    If, through adaptive management, the modifications to the 
mitigation, monitoring, or reporting measures are substantial, NMFS 
will publish a notice of proposed LOA in the Federal Register and 
solicit public comment. If, however, NMFS determines that an emergency 
exists that poses a significant risk to the well-being of the species 
or stocks of marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico, an LOA may be 
modified without prior notice or opportunity for public comment. Notice 
would be published in the Federal Register within 30 days of the 

Negligible Impact Analysis and Determination

    NMFS has defined negligible impact as an impact resulting from the 
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not 
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (50 CFR 216.103). A 
negligible impact finding is based on the lack of likely adverse 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
level effects). An estimate of the number of takes alone is not enough 
information on which to base an impact determination. In addition to 
considering estimates of the number of marine mammals that might be 
``taken'' through harassment, NMFS considers other factors, such as the 
likely nature of any responses (e.g., intensity, duration), the context 
of any responses (e.g., critical reproductive time or location, 
migration), as well as effects on habitat, and the likely effectiveness 
of the mitigation. We also assess the number, intensity, and context of 
estimated takes by evaluating this information relative to population 
status. Consistent with the 1989

[[Page 5567]]

preamble for NMFS's implementing regulations (54 FR 40338; September 
29, 1989), the impacts from other past and ongoing anthropogenic 
activities are incorporated into this analysis via their impacts on the 
environmental baseline (e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status of 
the species, population size and growth rate where known, ongoing 
sources of human-caused mortality, or ambient noise levels).
    To avoid repetition, the discussion of our analyses applies to 
bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins, given that the 
anticipated effects of this activity on these different marine mammal 
stocks are expected to be similar. There is little information about 
the nature or severity of the impacts, or the size, status, or 
structure of these two species or stocks that would lead to a different 
analysis for this activity.
    For reasons stated previously in this document and based on the 
following factors, Eglin AFB's specified activities are not likely to 
cause long-term behavioral disturbance, serious injury, or death. 
Because the exposure model was conservative and calculated a single 
bottlenose dolphin death, along with the fact that the required 
mitigation and monitoring measures were not incorporated into the 
model, NMFS does not anticipate or propose to authorize any take by 
mortality. The takes from Level B harassment would be due to 
disturbance of normal behavioral patterns and TTS, as duration of 
exposure is relatively short. The potential takes from Level A 
harassment would be due to PTS and slight lung injury (not 
gastrointestinal tract injury).
    NMFS has determined that direct strike by ordnance is highly 
unlikely. Although strike from a munition at the surface of the water 
while the animals are at the surface is possible, the potential risk of 
a direct hit to an animal within the target area would be low. The USAF 
(2002 PEA) estimated that in the absence of mitigation a maximum of 0.2 
marine mammals could potentially be struck by projectiles, falling 
debris, and inert munitions each year.
    Disruption of normal behavioral patterns constituting Level B 
harassment would be limited to reactions such as startle responses, 
movements away from the area, and short-term changes to behavioral 
state. These impacts are expected to be temporary and of limited 
duration due to the likely avoidance of the action area by marine 
mammals, short period of individual explosions themselves (versus 
continual sound source operation), and relatively short duration of the 
EGTTR operations (i.e. ranging from a few minutes to no more than four 
hours per day depending on the mission category).
    Level B harassment in the form of TTS was modeled to occur in both 
species for which take is authorized. If TTS occurs, it is expected to 
be at low levels and of short duration. As explained previously, TTS is 
temporary with no long-term effects to species. The modeled take 
numbers are expected to be overestimates because NMFS expects that 
successful implementation of the required aerial-based, vessel-based 
and video-based mitigation measures could avoid TTS. Furthermore, 
monitoring results from previous incidental take authorizations have 
demonstrated that it is uncommon to sight marine mammals within the 
ZOI, especially for prolonged durations. Results from monitoring 
programs associated with Eglin AFB's 2015 and 2016 Maritime WSEP 
activities have shown the absence of marine mammals within the ZOI 
during operations.
    NMFS expects that successful implementation of the required aerial-
based, vessel-based and video-based mitigation measures would avoid or 
reduce take by Level A harassment in some instances. Marine mammals 
would likely begin to move away from the immediate target area once 
bombing begins, decreasing exposure to the full amount of acoustic 
energy. There have also been no marine mammal observations in the ZOI 
according to monitoring reports from previous years. Therefore, we 
anticipate that, because of the mitigation measures, low observation 
rate of marine mammals in the target area, and the likely limited 
duration of exposures, any PTS incurred would be in the form of only a 
small degree of PTS, rather than total deafness.
    Other than for mortality, the take numbers authorized by NMFS do 
not consider mitigation or avoidance. Therefore, NMFS expects that 
Level A harassment is unlikely to occur at the authorized numbers. 
However, since it is difficult to quantify the degree to which the 
mitigation and avoidance will reduce the number of animals that might 
incur Level A harassment (i.e. PTS, slight lung injury), NMFS proposes 
to authorize take by Level A harassment at the numbers derived from the 
exposure model and has included that potential amount of take in our 
analysis. Moreover, the mitigation and monitoring measures required 
under the Authorization (described earlier in this document) are 
expected to further minimize the potential for both Level A and Level B 
    Impacts to habitat are not anticipated. Noise and pressure waves 
resulting from live weapon detonations are not likely to result in 
long-term physical alterations of the water column or ocean floor. 
These effects are not expected to substantially affect prey 
availability, are of limited duration, and are intermittent. Impacts to 
marine fish were analyzed in the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range 
Environmental Assessment (Department of the Air Force, 2015). In the 
EA, it was determined that fish populations were unlikely to be 
affected and prey availability for marine mammals would not be 
impaired. Other factors related to EGTTR activities that could 
potentially affect marine mammal habitat include the introduction of 
metals, explosives and explosion by-products, other chemical materials, 
and debris into the water column and substrate due to the use of 
munitions and target vessels. However, the effects of each were 
analyzed in the EA and were determined to not be significant.
    While animals may be impacted in the immediate vicinity of the 
target area, because of the short duration of the actual individual 
explosions themselves (versus continual sound source operation) 
combined with the relatively short duration of daily operations (i.e. 
ranging from a few minutes to no more than four hours per day depending 
on the mission category), NMFS has determined that there will not be a 
substantial impact on marine mammals or their habitat in Gulf of Mexico 
ecosystems in the EGTTR. We do not expect that the planned activity 
would impact rates of recruitment or survival of marine mammals since 
we do not expect mortality (which would remove individuals from the 
population) or serious injury to occur. In addition, the activity will 
not occur in areas (and/or times) of significance for the marine mammal 
populations potentially affected by the exercises (e.g., feeding, 
resting, or reproductive areas), and the activities will only occur in 
a small part of their overall range, so the impact of any potential 
temporary displacement would be negligible and animals would be 
expected to return to the area after the cessations of activities. 
Although the planned activity could result in Level A (PTS and slight 
lung injury) and Level B (behavioral disturbance and TTS of lesser 
degree and shorter duration) harassment of marine mammals, the level of 
harassment is not anticipated to impact rates of recruitment or 
survival of marine mammals because the number of exposed animals is 
expected to be low due to the relatively short-term and site-specific 
nature of the activity. Furthermore, we do not anticipate that

[[Page 5568]]

the effects would be detrimental to rates of recruitment and survival 
because we do not expect serious extended behavioral responses that 
would result in energetic effects at the level to impact fitness or 
physiological impacts of a nature that would impede reproduction or 
    In summary and as described above, the following factors primarily 
support our determination that the impacts resulting from this activity 
are not expected to adversely affect the species or stock through 
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival:
     No mortality is anticipated or authorized and only 11 
instances of Level A harassment are authorized. Remaining impacts would 
be within the non-injurious TTS or behavioral effects zones (Level B 
harassment consisting of generally temporary modifications in 
     Effectiveness of mitigation and monitoring requirements 
which are designed and expected to avoid exposures that may cause 
serious injury and minimize the likelihood of PTS, TTS, or more severe 
behavioral responses;
     Adverse impacts to habitat are not expected; and
     Results from previous monitoring reports did not record 
any marine mammal takes associated with military readiness activities 
occurring in the EGTTR.
    Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the 
specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into 
consideration the implementation of the monitoring and mitigation 
measures, NMFS finds that the total marine mammal take from the planned 
activity will have a negligible impact on all affected marine mammal 
species or stocks.

Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis and Determination

    There are no relevant subsistence uses of the affected marine 
mammal stocks or species implicated by this action. Therefore, NMFS has 
determined that the total taking of affected species or stocks would 
not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of such 
species or stocks for taking for subsistence purposes.

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

    Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16 
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal agency insure that any 
action it authorizes, funds, or carries out is not likely to jeopardize 
the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or 
result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated 
critical habitat. No incidental take of ESA-listed marine mammal 
species is authorized or expected to result from the proposed 
activities. Therefore, NMFS has determined that formal consultation 
under section 7 of the ESA is not required for this action.


    The Office of Management and Budget has determined that this final 
rule is not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866. This 
rule is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action because this 
rule is not significant under Executive Order 12866.
    Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), the Chief Counsel 
for Regulation of the Department of Commerce certified to the Chief 
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration at the 
proposed rule stage that this rule would not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Eglin AFB is 
the sole entity that would be affected by this rulemaking, and Eglin 
AFB is not a small governmental jurisdiction, small organization, or 
small business, as defined by the RFA. Because this action directly 
affects Eglin AFB and not a small entity, NMFS concluded the action 
will not result in a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. No comments were received regarding this 
certification. As a result, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not 
required and none has been prepared.
    The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries has determined that there 
is good cause under the Administrative Procedure Act to waive the 30-
day delay in the effective date (5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3)) of the measures 
contained in the final rule. The USAF is the only entity subject to the 
regulations, and it has informed NMFS that it requests that this final 
rule take effect by February 13, 2018, to accommodate a USAF testing 
and training exercise planned for that day in the EGTTR. Any delay of 
enacting the final rule would result in either: (1) A suspension of 
planned naval training, which would disrupt vital training essential to 
national security; or (2) the USAF's procedural non-compliance with the 
MMPA (should the USAF conduct testing and training without an LOA), 
thereby resulting in the potential for unauthorized takes of marine 
mammals. Moreover, the USAF is ready to implement the rule immediately. 
For these reasons, the Assistant Administrator finds good cause to 
waive the 30-day delay in the effective date.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 218

    Exports, Fish, Imports, Incidental take, Indians, Labeling, Marine 
mammals, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Seafood, 

    Dated: February 5, 2018.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
    For reasons set forth in the preamble, 50 CFR part 218 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 218 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., unless otherwise noted.

2. Add subpart G to part 218 to read as follows:
Subpart G--Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Testing and Training 
Activities Conducted at the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range in the 
Gulf of Mexico
218.60 Specified activity and specified geographical region.
218.61 Effective dates.
218.62 Permissible methods of taking.
218.63 Prohibitions.
218.64 Mitigation requirements.
218.65 Requirements for monitoring and reporting.
218.66 Letters of Authorization.
218.67 Renewals and modifications of Letters of Authorization.
218.68-218.69 [Reserved]

Subpart G--Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Testing and 
Training Activities Conducted at the Eglin Gulf Test and Training 
Range in the Gulf of Mexico

Sec.  218.60  Specified activity and specified geographical region.

    (a) Regulations in this subpart apply only to Eglin Air Force Base 
(Eglin AFB) and those persons it authorizes to conduct activities on 
its behalf, for the taking of marine mammals as outlined in paragraph 
(b) of this section and incidental to testing and training missions in 
the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range (EGTTR).
    (b) The taking of marine mammals by Eglin AFB pursuant to a Letter 
of Authorization (LOA) is authorized only if it occurs at the EGTTR in 
the Gulf of Mexico.

[[Page 5569]]

Sec.  218.61   Effective dates.

    Regulations in this subpart are effective February 13, 2018 through 
February 12, 2023.

Sec.  218.62  Permissible methods of taking.

    Under a Letter of Authorization (LOA) issued pursuant to Sec.  
216.106 of this chapter and Sec.  218.66, the Holder of the LOA (herein 
after Eglin AFB) may incidentally, but not intentionally, take marine 
mammals by Level A and Level B harassment associated with EGTTR 
activities within the area described in Sec.  218.60 provided the 
activities are in compliance with all terms, conditions, and 
requirements of these regulations in this subpart and the appropriate 

Sec.  218.63  Prohibitions.

    Notwithstanding takings contemplated in Sec.  218.60 and authorized 
by an LOA issued under Sec.  216.106 of this chapter and Sec.  218.66, 
no person in connection with the activities described in Sec.  218.60 
    (a) Violate, or fail to comply with, the terms, conditions, and 
requirements of this subpart or an LOA issued under Sec.  216.106 of 
this chapter and Sec.  218.66.
    (b) Take any marine mammal not specified in such LOAs;
    (c) Take any marine mammal specified in such LOAs in any manner 
other than as specified;
    (d) Take a marine mammal specified in such LOAs if NMFS determines 
such taking results in more than a negligible impact on the species or 
stocks of such marine mammal; or

Sec.  218.64   Mitigation requirements.

    When conducting activities identified in Sec.  218.60, the 
mitigation measures contained in the LOA issued under Sec.  216.106 of 
this chapter and Sec.  218.66 must be implemented. These mitigation 
measures shall include but are not limited to the following general 
    (a) If daytime weather and/or sea conditions preclude adequate 
monitoring for detecting marine mammals and other marine life, EGTTR 
operations must be delayed until adequate sea conditions exist for 
monitoring to be undertaken.
    (b) Restrictions on time of activities.
    (1) Missions involving the use of live bombs, missiles and rockets 
shall only occur during daylight hours.
    (2) Missions during daylight hours shall occur no earlier than two 
hours after sunrise and no later than two hours prior to sunset.
    (c) Required delay of live ordnance mission activities shall occur 
if a protected species, large schools of fish or large flocks of birds 
feeding at the surface are observed within the ZOI. Mission activities 
cannot resume until one of the following conditions is met:
    (1) Protected species marine mammal(s) is confirmed to be outside 
of the ZOI on a heading away from the target area; or
    (2) Protected species marine mammal(s) is not seen again for 30 
minutes and presumed to be outside the Level A harassment ZOI.
    (3) Large groupings of fish or birds leading to required delay are 
confirmed outside of the ZOI.
    (d) Gunnery operations shall require employment of the following 
mitigation measures.
    (1) Use of 105-millimeter (mm) training rounds (TR) during 
nighttime missions.
    (2) Ramp-up procedures requiring the use of the lowest caliber 
munition and proceeding to the highest, which means the munitions would 
be fired in the order of 25 mm, 40 mm, and 105 mm.
    (3) Any pause in live fire activities greater than 10 minutes shall 
require reinitiation of protected species surveys.
    (4) Missions shall be conducted within the 200-meter (m) isobaths 
to provide greater protection to several species.
    (e) If one or more sperm or baleen whales are detected during pre-
mission monitoring activities, mission activities shall be aborted/
suspended for the remainder of the day.
    (f) Additional mitigation measures as contained in an LOA.

Sec.  218.65  Requirements for monitoring and reporting.

    (a) Holders of LOAs issued pursuant to Sec.  218.66 for activities 
described in Sec.  218.60(a) are required to cooperate with NMFS, and 
any other Federal, state, or local agency with authority to monitor the 
impacts of the activity on marine mammals. If the authorized activity 
identified in Sec.  218.60(a) is thought to have resulted in the 
mortality or injury of any marine mammals or take of marine mammals not 
identified in Sec.  218.60(b), then the Holder of the LOA must notify 
the Director, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, or designee, by 
telephone (301) 427-8401, and the Southeast Regional Office (phone 
within 24 hours of the injury or death).
    (b) Monitoring shall be conducted by personnel who have completed 
Eglin's Marine Species Observer Training Course, which was developed in 
cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
    (c) The Holder of the LOA shall use mission-reporting forms to 
track their use of the EGTTR for testing and training missions and to 
track marine mammal observations.
    (d) Depending on the mission category, visual aerial-based, vessel-
based, or video-based marine mammal surveys shall be conducted before 
and after live ordnance mission activities each day.
    (e) Vessel-based surveys shall begin approximately one and one-half 
hour prior to live weapon deployment and shall be completed 30 minutes 
prior to the start of mission.
    (f) Surveys shall continue for approximately one hour or until the 
entire ZOI has been adequately surveyed, whichever comes first.
    (g) Post-mission monitoring surveys shall commence once the mission 
has ended or as soon as the mission area is declared safe.
    (h) Vessel-based post-mission surveys shall be conducted for 30 
minutes after completion of live ordnance missions.
    (i) Any marine mammals detected in the ZOI during post-mission 
surveys, for which take are authorized, shall be counted as takes by 
Level B harassment. Any marine mammals detected in the ZOI during post-
mission surveys, for which take is not authorized, shall be reported 
immediately to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS.
    (j) A minimum of two dedicated observers shall be stationed on each 
    (k) Observers shall utilize optical equipment with sufficient 
magnification to allow observation of surfaced animals.
    (l) The size of the survey area for each mission shall be 
determined according to the radius of impact for the given threshold of 
each munition/detonation scenario. These ranges shall be monitored 
during pre-mission surveys for each activity.
    (m) Some missions shall be delayed to allow survey platforms to 
evacuate the human safety zone after pre-missions surveys are 
    (n) Any aerial-based pre-mission surveys shall be conducted by 
observers aboard non-mission aircraft or mission aircraft who have 
completed the Marine Species Observer Training.
    (o) Gunship standard procedures initiated prior to initiation of 
live-firing events shall require at least two complete orbits around 
the survey mission site at the appropriate airspeed and monitoring 
altitude and include the following:
    (1) Monitoring for marine mammals shall continue throughout the 
mission by mission crew;
    (2) Where applicable aircraft optical and electronic sensors shall 
be used for marine mammal observation;

[[Page 5570]]

    (3) If any marine mammals are detected during pre-mission surveys 
or during the mission, activities shall be immediately halted until the 
ZOI area is clear of all marine mammals, or the mission shall be 
relocated to another target area. If the mission is relocated, the pre-
mission survey procedures shall be repeated;
    (4) If multiple firing missions are conducted within the same 
flight, standard clearance procedures shall precede each mission; and
    (5) Gunship crews shall conduct a post-mission survey beginning at 
the operational altitude and proceeding through a spiraling descent to 
the designated monitoring altitude.
    (p) Video-based monitoring from the GRATV shall be conducted where 
appropriate via live high-definition video feed.
    (1) Supplemental video monitoring shall be conducted through the 
employment of additional aerial assets including aerostats and drones 
when available.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (q) Acoustic Monitoring:
    (1) Eglin AFB shall conduct a passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) 
study as an initial step towards understanding acoustic impacts from 
underwater detonations, if funding is approved;
    (2) Eglin AFB shall conduct PAM for marine mammal vocalizations 
before, during, and after live missions in the EGTTR, once funding is 
approved; and
    (3) The results of the PAM study shall be submitted to NMFS OPR as 
a draft monitoring report within 90 days of completion of the study.
    (r) The Holder of the LOA is required to:
    (1) Submit an annual draft report to NMFS OPR on all monitoring 
conducted under the LOA within 90 days of the completion of marine 
mammal monitoring, or 60 days prior to the issuance of any subsequent 
LOA for projects at the EGTTR, whichever comes first. A final report 
shall be prepared and submitted within 30 days following resolution of 
comments on the draft report from NMFS. This report must contain, at a 
minimum, the following information:
    (i) Date and time of each EGTTR mission;
    (ii) A complete description of the pre-mission and post-mission 
activities related to mitigating and monitoring the effects of EGTTR 
missions on marine mammal populations; and
    (iii) Results of the monitoring program, including numbers by 
species/stock of any marine mammals noted injured or killed as a result 
of the EGTTR mission and number of marine mammals (by species if 
possible) that may have been harassed due to presence within the zone 
of influence.
    (2) The draft report shall be subject to review and comment by 
NMFS. Any recommendations made by NMFS must be addressed in the final 
report prior to acceptance by NMFS. The draft report shall be 
considered the final report for this activity under the LOA if NMFS has 
not provided comments and recommendations within 90 days of receipt of 
the draft report.
    (s) Reporting injured or dead marine mammals:
    (1) In the unanticipated event that the specified activity clearly 
causes the take of a marine mammal in a manner prohibited by the LOA, 
such as an injury for species not authorized (Level A harassment), 
serious injury, or mortality, Eglin AFB shall immediately cease the 
specified activities and report the incident to the Office of Protected 
Resources, NMFS, and the Southeast Regional Office, NMFS. The report 
must include the following information:
    (i) Time and date of the incident;
    (ii) Description of the incident;
    (iii) Environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, 
Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility);
    (iv) Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24 hours 
preceding the incident;
    (v) Species identification or description of the animal(s) 
    (vi) Fate of the animal(s); and
    (vii) Photographs or video footage of the animal(s).
    (2) Activities shall not resume until NMFS is able to review the 
circumstances of the prohibited take. NMFS shall work with Eglin AFB to 
determine what measures are necessary to minimize the likelihood of 
further prohibited take and ensure MMPA compliance. Eglin AFB may not 
resume their activities in the EGTTR until notified by NMFS.
    (3) In the event that Eglin AFB discovers an injured or dead marine 
mammal, and the lead observer determines that the cause of the injury 
or death is unknown and the death is relatively recent (e.g., in less 
than a moderate state of decomposition), Eglin AFB shall immediately 
report the incident to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, and the 
Southeast Regional Office, NMFS. The report must include the same 
information identified in paragraph (p)(1) of this section. Activities 
may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS 
shall work with Eglin AFB to determine whether additional mitigation 
measures or modifications to the activities are appropriate.
    (4) In the event that Eglin AFB discovers an injured or dead marine 
mammal, and the lead observer determines that the injury or death is 
not associated with or related to the activities authorized in the LOA 
(e.g., previously wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced 
decomposition, scavenger damage), Eglin AFB shall report the incident 
to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, and the Southeast Regional 
Office, NMFS, within 24 hours of the discovery. Eglin AFB shall provide 
photographs or video footage or other documentation of the stranded 
animal sighting to NMFS.
    (5) Additional Conditions:
    (i) The Holder of the LOA must inform the Director, Office of 
Protected Resources, NMFS, (301-427-8401) or designee prior to the 
initiation of any changes to the monitoring plan for a specified 
mission activity.
    (ii) A copy of the LOA must be in the possession of the safety 
officer on duty each day that EGTTR missions are conducted.
    (iii) The LOA may be modified, suspended or withdrawn if the holder 
fails to abide by the conditions prescribed herein, or if NMFS 
determines the authorized taking is having more than a negligible 
impact on the species or stock of affected marine mammals.

Sec.  218.66  Letters of Authorization.

    (a) To incidentally take marine mammals pursuant to these 
regulations, Eglin AFB must apply for and obtain an LOA.
    (b) An LOA, unless suspended or revoked, may be effective for a 
period of time not to exceed the expiration date of these regulations.
    (c) If an LOA expires prior to the expiration date of these 
regulations, Eglin AFB must apply for and obtain a renewal of the LOA.
    (d) In the event of projected changes to the activity or to 
mitigation and monitoring measures required by an LOA, Eglin AFB must 
apply for and obtain a modification of the LOA as described in Sec.  
    (e) The LOA shall set forth:
    (1) Permissible methods of incidental taking;
    (2) Number of marine mammals, by species and age class, authorized 
to be taken;
    (3) Means of effecting the least practicable adverse impact (i.e., 
mitigation) on the species of marine mammals authorized for taking, on 
its habitat, and on the availability of the species for subsistence 
uses; and
    (4) Requirements for monitoring and reporting.

[[Page 5571]]

    (f) Issuance of an LOA shall be based on a determination that the 
level of taking shall be consistent with the findings made for the 
total taking allowable under these regulations.
    (g) Notice of issuance or denial of an LOA shall be published in 
the Federal Register within 30 days of a determination.

Sec.  218.67  Renewals and modifications of Letters of Authorization.

    (a) An LOA issued under Sec.  216.106 of this chapter and Sec.  
218.66 for the activity identified in Sec.  218.60(a) shall be renewed 
or modified upon request by the applicant, provided that:
    (1) The specified activity and mitigation, monitoring, and 
reporting measures, as well as the anticipated impacts, are the same as 
those described and analyzed for these regulations (excluding changes 
made pursuant to the adaptive management provision in paragraph (c)(1) 
of this section); and
    (2) NMFS determines that the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting 
measures required by the previous LOA under these regulations were 
    (b) For an LOA modification or renewal request by the applicant 
that includes changes to the activity or the mitigation, monitoring, or 
reporting (excluding changes made pursuant to the adaptive management 
provision in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) that do not change the 
findings made for the regulations or result in no more than a minor 
change in the total estimated number of authorized takes (or 
distribution by species or years), NMFS may publish a notice of 
proposed LOA in the Federal Register, including the associated analysis 
illustrating the change, and solicit public comment before issuing the 
    (c) An LOA issued under Sec.  216.106 of this chapter and Sec.  
218.66 for the activity identified in Sec.  218.60(a) may be modified 
by NMFS under the following circumstances:
    (1) Adaptive Management--NMFS may modify (including augment) the 
existing mitigation, monitoring, or reporting measures (after 
consulting with Eglin AFB regarding the practicability of the 
modifications) if doing so creates a reasonable likelihood of more 
effectively accomplishing the goals of the mitigation and monitoring 
set forth in the preamble for these regulations;
    (2) Possible sources of data that could contribute to the decision 
to modify the mitigation, monitoring, or reporting measures in an LOA 
    (i) Results from Eglin AFB's annual monitoring reports;
    (ii) Results from other marine mammal and sound research or 
studies; or
    (iii) Any information that reveals marine mammals may have been 
taken in a manner, extent or number not authorized by these regulations 
or subsequent LOAs.
    (3) If, through adaptive management, the modifications to the 
mitigation, monitoring, or reporting measures are substantial, NMFS 
will publish a notice of proposed LOA in the Federal Register and 
solicit public comment.
    (4) Emergencies--If NMFS determines that an emergency exists that 
poses a significant risk to the well-being of the species or stocks of 
marine mammals specified under LOAs issued pursuant to Sec.  216.106 of 
this chapter and Sec.  218.60, an LOA may be modified without prior 
notice or opportunity for public comment. Notice would be published in 
the Federal Register within 30 days of the action.

Sec. Sec.  218.68-218.69  [Reserved]

[FR Doc. 2018-02511 Filed 2-7-18; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5545

                                              § 73.3527   [Amended]                                   mammals incidental to conducting                      and reporting requirements. Section
                                              ■ 13. Amend § 73.3527 by removing and                   testing and training activities in the                101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA and the
                                              reserving paragraph (e)(13).                            Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range                    implementing regulations at 50 CFR part
                                                                                                      (EGTTR) in the Gulf of Mexico over the                216, subpart I provide the legal basis for
                                              §§ 73.6011 and 73.6016       [Removed]                  course of five years. These regulations               issuing this rule and any subsequent
                                              ■   14. Remove §§ 73.6011 and 73.6016.                  allow NMFS to issue a Letter of                       LOA pursuant to those regulations. As
                                                                                                      Authorization (LOA) for the incidental                directed by this legal authority, this
                                              PART 74—EXPERIMENTAL RADIO,                             take of marine mammals during the                     final rule contains mitigation,
                                              AUXILIARY, SPECIAL BROADCAST                            specified testing and training activities             monitoring, and reporting requirements.
                                              AND OTHER PROGRAM                                       carried out during the rule’s period of                  Authorization for incidental takings
                                              DISTRIBUTIONAL SERVICES                                 effectiveness, set forth the permissible              shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
                                                                                                      methods of taking, set forth other means              taking will have a negligible impact on
                                              ■ 15. The authority citation for part 74                of effecting the least practicable adverse            the species or stock(s), will not have an
                                              continues to read as follows:                           impact on marine mammal species or                    unmitigable adverse impact on the
                                                Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, 307,             stocks and their habitat, and set forth               availability of the species or stock(s) for
                                              309, 310, 336 and 554.                                  requirements pertaining to the                        subsistence uses (where relevant), and if
                                                                                                      monitoring and reporting of the                       the Secretary sets forth permissible
                                              § 74.705    [Removed]                                   incidental take. The specific activities              methods of taking and other means of
                                              ■   16. Remove § 74.705.                                are classified as military readiness                  effecting the least practicable impact on
                                                                                                      activities.                                           the species or stock and its habitat.
                                              PART 76—MULTICHANNEL VIDEO                                                                                    NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible impact’’
                                                                                                      DATES: Effective February 13, 2018
                                              AND CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE                                                                                  in 50 CFR 216.103 as ‘‘an impact
                                                                                                      through February 12, 2023.
                                                                                                                                                            resulting from the specified activity that
                                              ■ 17. The authority citation for part 76                ADDRESSES: To obtain an electronic                    cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
                                              continues to read as follows:                           copy of the USAF 96 CEG/CEIEA’s LOA                   not reasonably likely to, adversely affect
                                                                                                      application or other referenced                       the species or stock through effects on
                                                Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 153, 154,              documents, visit the internet at: http://
                                              301, 302, 302a, 303, 303a, 307, 308, 309, 312,                                                                annual rates of recruitment or survival.’’
                                              315, 317, 325, 338, 339, 340, 341, 503, 521,
                                                                                                      www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/                            The National Defense Authorization
                                              522, 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 543, 544,            incidental/military.htm. Documents                    Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Section 319,
                                              544a, 545, 548, 549, 552, 554, 556, 558, 560,           cited in this rule may also be viewed, by             Pub. L. 108–136, November 24, 2003)
                                              561, 571, 572, 573.                                     appointment, during regular business                  (NDAA of 2004) removed the ‘‘small
                                                                                                      hours, at 1315 East-West Highway,                     numbers’’ and ‘‘specified geographical
                                              § 76.1630   [Removed]                                   SSMC III, Silver Spring, MD 20912.                    region’’ limitations indicated earlier and
                                              ■   18. Remove § 76.1630.                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rob                  amended the definition of harassment as
                                              [FR Doc. 2018–02552 Filed 2–7–18; 8:45 am]              Pauline, Office of Protected Resources,               it applies to a ‘‘military readiness
                                              BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                                                                                      NMFS, (301) 427–8401.                                 activity’’ to read as follows (Section
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            3(18)(B) of the MMPA, 16 U.S.C.
                                                                                                                                                            1362(18)(B)): (i) Any act that injures or
                                                                                                      Availability                                          has the significant potential to injure a
                                              DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                     A copy of the 96 CEG/CEIEA’s                       marine mammal or marine mammal
                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        application, NMFS proposed rule (82 FR                stock in the wild (Level A Harassment);
                                              Administration                                          61372; December 27, 2017), the USAF’s                 or (ii) any act that disturbs or is likely
                                                                                                      Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range                    to disturb a marine mammal or marine
                                              50 CFR Part 218                                         Environmental Assessment (Navy 2015)                  mammal stock in the wild by causing
                                                                                                      and NMFS Finding of No Significant                    disruption of natural behavioral
                                              [Docket No. 170831846–8105–02]                          Impact (FONSI) may be obtained by                     patterns, including, but not limited to,
                                                                                                      visiting the internet at: http://                     migration, surfacing, nursing, breeding,
                                              RIN 0648–BH21
                                                                                                      www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/                         feeding, or sheltering, to a point where
                                              Taking and Importing Marine                             incidental/military.htm. Documents                    such behavioral patterns are abandoned
                                              Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals                          cited in this rule may also be viewed, by             or significantly altered (Level B
                                              Incidental to Testing and Training                      appointment, during regular business                  Harassment).
                                              Activities Conducted in the Eglin Gulf                  hours, at the aforementioned address
                                                                                                      (see ADDRESSES).                                      National Environmental Policy Act
                                              Test and Training Range in the Gulf of
                                              Mexico                                                                                                           To comply with the National
                                                                                                      Background                                            Environmental Policy Act of 1969
                                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                         Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA (16               (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
                                              Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)) directs the                     NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
                                              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      Secretary of Commerce to allow, upon                  216–6A, NMFS must review the
                                              Commerce.                                               request, the incidental, but not                      proposed action (i.e., the issuance of
                                              ACTION: Final rule.                                     intentional taking of small numbers of                regulations and an LOA) with respect to
                                                                                                      marine mammals by U.S. citizens who                   potential impacts on the human
                                              SUMMARY:  Upon application from the                     engage in a specified activity (other than            environment.
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                                              United States Air Force (USAF), 96th                    commercial fishing) within a specified                   Accordingly, NMFS has adopted the
                                              Civil Engineer Group/Environmental                      geographical region for up to five years              USAF’s Eglin Gulf Test and Training
                                              Planning Office (96 CEG/CEIEA) at Eglin                 if, after notice and public comment, the              Range Environmental Assessment and
                                              Air Force Base (hereafter referred to as                agency makes certain findings and                     after an independent evaluation of the
                                              Eglin AFB), NMFS is issuing regulations                 issues regulations that set forth                     document found that it included
                                              under the Marine Mammal Protection                      permissible methods of taking pursuant                adequate information analyzing the
                                              Act (MMPA) for the taking of marine                     to that activity, as well as monitoring               effects on the human environment of

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                                              5546             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              issuing incidental take authorizations.                 final reports. Information regarding their            mammals and other marine life. EGTTR
                                              In February 2018, NMFS issued a                         monitoring results may be found in the                missions may not resume until adequate
                                              Finding of No Significant Impact                        Effects of the Specified Activity on                  sea conditions exist for monitoring;
                                              (FONSI). The final EA and FONSI are                     Marine Mammals and their Habitat                         • If unauthorized takes of marine
                                              available at: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/                 section. Based on these reports, NMFS                 mammals (i.e., serious injury or
                                              pr/permits/incidental/military.htm.                     has determined that impacts to marine                 mortality) occur, ceasing operations and
                                                                                                      mammals were not beyond those                         reporting to NMFS immediately and
                                              Summary of Request                                                                                            submitting a report to NMFS within 24
                                                                                                      anticipated. Eglin AFB’s current LOA
                                                 On September 16, 2015, NMFS                          would supersede the existing PSW and                  hours;
                                              received a request for regulations from                 AS gunnery rule that is in effect until                  • Aerial-based monitoring will be
                                              Eglin AFB for the taking of marine                      March 4, 2019, and would include all of               employed which provides an excellent
                                              mammals incidental to testing and                       Eglin AFB’s testing and training                      viewing platform for detection of marine
                                              training activities in the EGTTR                        activities, including WSEP activities,                mammals at or near the surface;
                                              (defined as the area and airspace over                  into one new rule with the exception of                  • Video-based monitoring via live
                                              the Gulf of Mexico controlled by Eglin                  NEODS training activities. Eglin AFB                  high-definition video feed will be
                                              AFB, beginning at a point three nautical                has never conducted any NEODS                         employed which facilitates data
                                              miles (NM) off the coast of Florida) for                training activities and is not including              collection for the mission but can also
                                              a period of five years. Eglin AFB worked                these activities as part of the new                   allow remote viewing of the area for
                                              with NMFS to revise the model used to                   rulemaking.                                           determination of environmental
                                              calculate take estimates and submitted a                                                                      conditions and the presence of marine
                                              revised application on April 15, 2017.                  Summary of Major Provisions Within                    species up to the release time of live
                                              The application was considered                          the Final Rule                                        munitions;
                                              adequate and complete on October 30,                       Following is a summary of some of                     • Vessel-based monitoring will be
                                              2017.                                                   the major provisions applicable to Eglin              employed; and
                                                 On August 24, 2017, we published a                   AFB’s Testing and training missions in                   • Ramp-up procedures will be
                                              notice of receipt of Eglin AFB’s                        the EGTTR. We have determined that                    implemented during gunnery
                                              application in the Federal Register (82                 Eglin AFB’s adherence to the mitigation,              operations.
                                              FR 40141), requesting comments and                      monitoring, and reporting measures                    Detailed Description of the Specified
                                              information for thirty days related to                  included in this rule would achieve the               Activity
                                              Eglin AFB’s request. We did not receive                 least practicable adverse impact on the
                                              any comments from the public. We                        affected marine mammals. The                             The proposed rule (82 FR 61372;
                                              subsequently published a notice of                      provisions, which are generally                       December 27, 2017) and the 96 CEG/
                                              proposed rulemaking in the Federal                      designed to minimize the duration and                 CEIEA’s EA include a complete
                                              Register on December 27, 2017 (82 FR                    total volume of explosive detonations,                description of the USAF’s specified
                                              61372), again requesting public                         include:                                              training activities for which NMFS is
                                              comments.                                                  • Monitoring will be conducted by                  authorizing incidental take of marine
                                                 NMFS previously issued incidental                    personnel who have completed Eglin’s                  mammals in this final rule. Surface and
                                              take authorizations for activities taking               Marine Species Observer Training                      sub-surface detonations are the stressors
                                              place in the EGTTR. On April 23, 2012,                  Course, which was developed in                        most likely to result in impacts on
                                              NMFS promulgated rulemaking and                         cooperation with the National Marine                  marine mammals that could rise to the
                                              issued an LOA for takes of marine                       Fisheries Service;                                    level of harassment. The
                                              mammals incidental to Eglin AFB’s                          • For each live mission, at a                      aforementioned documents can be
                                              Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal                       minimum, pre- and post-mission                        found at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
                                              School (NEODS) training operations at                   monitoring will be required. Monitoring               permits/incidental/military.htm). The
                                              Eglin AFB. This rule expired on April                   will be conducted from a given platform               description of location, delivery aircraft,
                                              24, 2017 (77 FR 16718; March 22, 2012).                 depending on the specific mission. The                and weapon types remain unchanged,
                                              On March 5, 2014, NMFS promulgated                      purposes of pre-mission monitoring are                and we incorporate this description by
                                              rulemaking and issued an LOA for takes                  to (1) evaluate the mission site for                  reference, and provide a summary
                                              of marine mammals incidental to Eglin                   environmental suitability and (2) verify              below.
                                              AFB’s Special Operations Command                        that the zone of influence (ZOI) is free                 Eglin AFB will conduct military
                                              (AFSOC) precision strike weapons                        of visually detectable marine mammals                 aircraft missions within the EGTTR that
                                              (PSW) and air-to-surface (AS) gunnery                   and potential marine mammal                           involve the employment of multiple
                                              activities in the EGTTR, which is valid                 indicators. Post-mission monitoring is                types of live (explosive) and inert (non-
                                              through March 4, 2019 (79 FR 13568;                     designed to determine the effectiveness               explosive) munitions against various
                                              March 11, 2014). In addition to these                   of pre-mission mitigation by reporting                surface targets. Munitions may be
                                              rules and LOAs, NMFS has issued                         sightings of any dead or injured marine               delivered by multiple types of aircraft
                                              Incidental Harassment Authorizations                    mammals;                                              including, but not limited to, fighter
                                              (IHA) for take of marine mammals                           • Mission delay will be implemented                jets, bombers, and gunships. Munitions
                                              incidental to Eglin AFB’s Maritime                      during live ordnance mission activities               consist of bombs, missiles, rockets, and
                                              Strike Operations (78 FR 52135; August                  if protected species, large schools of                gunnery rounds. The targets may vary,
                                              22, 2013; valid August 19, 2013 through                 fish, or large flocks of birds are observed           but primarily consist of stationary,
                                              August 18, 2014) and Maritime                           feeding at the surface within the ZOI.                towed, or remotely controlled boats,
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                                              Weapons Systems Evaluations Program                     Mission activities may not resume until               inflatable targets, or marking flares.
                                              (WSEP) annually in 2015 (80 FR 17394),                  the animals are observed moving away                  Detonations may occur in the air, at the
                                              2016 (81 FR 7307), and 2017 (82 FR                      from the ZOI or 30 minutes have passed;               water surface, or approximately 10 feet
                                              10747) which currently expires on                          • Mission delay will be implemented                (ft) below the surface. Absent
                                              February 3, 2018. Eglin AFB complied                    if daytime weather and/or sea                         mitigation, mission activities planned in
                                              with all conditions of the LOAs and                     conditions preclude adequate                          the EGTTR have the potential to expose
                                              IHAs issued, including submission of                    monitoring for detecting marine                       cetaceans to sound or pressure levels

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5547

                                              currently associated with mortality,                    Munitions (SOPGM) testing involving                   Missions that involve inert munitions
                                              Level A harassment, and Level B                         captive-carry, store separation, and                  and in-air detonations may occur
                                              harassment, as defined by the MMPA.                     weapon employment tests; (5) 780th                    anywhere in the EGTTR but are
                                                 Testing and training missions would                  Test Squadron (TS) activities involving               typically conducted in W–151.
                                              be conducted during any time of the                     precision strike weapon (PSW) test                       For this LOA, descriptions of mission
                                              year. Missions that involve inert                       missions (launch of munitions against                 activities that involve in-water
                                              munitions and in-air detonations may                    targets in the EGTTR) and Longbow                     detonations include a section called
                                              occur anywhere in the EGTTR. Aside                      Littoral Testing (data collection on                  Mission-Day Categorization. This
                                              from gunnery operations, mission                        tracking and impact ability of the                    subsection describes the mission-day
                                              activities that release live ordnance                   Longbow missile on small boats); (6)                  scenario used for acoustic modeling and
                                              resulting in surface or subsurface                      96th Test Wing Inert Missions                         is based on the estimated number of
                                              detonations would be conducted at a                     (developmental testing and evaluation                 weapons released per day. This
                                              pre-determined location approximately                   for wide variety of air-delivered                     approach is meant to satisfy NMFS’
                                              17 miles offshore of Santa Rosa Island,                 weapons and other systems using inert                 requests to analyze and assess acoustic
                                              in a water depth of about 35 meters (m)                 bombs); and (7) 96 Operations Group                   impacts associated with accumulated
                                              (115 ft).                                               (OG) missions, which involve the                      energy from multiple detonations
                                                 All activities will take place within                support of air-to-surface missions for                occurring over a 24-hour timeframe.
                                              the EGTTR, which is defined as the                      several user groups within EGTTR.                     Eglin AFB used all available
                                              airspace over the Gulf of Mexico                           During these activities, ordnances                 information to develop each mission-
                                              controlled by Eglin AFB, beginning at a                 may be delivered by multiple types of                 day scenario, including historical
                                              point 3 NM from shore. The EGTTR is                     aircraft, including bombers and fighter
                                                                                                                                                            release records; however, these
                                              subdivided into blocks consisting of                    aircraft. The actions include air-to-
                                                                                                                                                            scenarios may not represent exact
                                              Warning Areas W–155, W–151, W–470,                      ground missiles (AGM); air intercept
                                                                                                                                                            weapon releases because military needs
                                              W–168, and W–174, as well as Eglin                      missiles (AIM); bomb dummy units
                                                                                                                                                            and requirements are in a constant state
                                              Water Test Areas 1 through 6 (See                       (BDU); guided bomb units (GBU);
                                                                                                                                                            of flux. The mission-day categorizations
                                              Figure 1–2 in Application). Most of the                 projectile gun units (PGU); cluster bomb
                                                                                                                                                            provide high-, medium-, and low-
                                              blocks are further sub-divided into                     units (CBU); wind-corrected munitions
                                                                                                                                                            intensity mission-day scenarios for
                                              smaller airspace units for scheduling                   dispensers (WCMD); small-diameter
                                                                                                                                                            some groups and an average scenario for
                                              purposes (for example, W–151A, B, C,                    bombs (SDB) and laser small diameter
                                                                                                                                                            other groups. Mission-day scenarios
                                              and D). However, most of the activities                 bombs (LSDB); high explosive
                                                                                                                                                            vary for each user group and are
                                              will occur in W–151, and the great                      incendiary units (HEI); joint direct
                                                                                                                                                            described in the following sections.
                                              majority will occur specifically in sub-                attack munitions (JDAM) and laser joint
                                              area W–151A due to its proximity to                     direct attack munitions (LJDAM);                         Note that additional testing and
                                              shore (Figure 1–3 in Application).                      research department explosives (RDX);                 training activities are planned for the
                                              Descriptive information for all of W–151                joint air-to-surface stand-off missiles               EGTTR that will not result in any
                                              and for W–151A specifically is provided                 (JASSM); high altitude anti-submarine                 acoustic impacts to marine mammals
                                              below.                                                  warfare weapons (inert); high-speed                   and, therefore, not require any acoustic
                                                 Eglin AFB plans to conduct the                       maneuverable surface targets; and                     analyses. Examples include the firing of
                                              following actions in the EGTTR: (1) 86th                gunnery rounds. Net explosive weight                  0.50 caliber and 7.62 gunnery rounds
                                              Fighter Weapons Squadron (86 FWS)                       (NEW) of the live munitions ranges from               that do not contain explosives, use of
                                              Maritime Weapons System Evaluation                      0.1 to 945 pounds (lb).                               airburst-only detonations, and
                                              Program (WSEP) test missions that                          The EGTTR testing and training                     operations involving simulated weapons
                                              involve the use of multiple types of live               missions are classified as military                   delivery. Those activities are described
                                              and inert munitions (bombs and                          readiness activities and involve the                  in detail in the Application but are not
                                              missiles) detonated above, at, or slightly              firing or dropping of air-to-surface                  discussed here.
                                              below the water surface; (2) Advanced                   weapons. Depending on the                             86th Fighter Weapons Squadron
                                              Systems Employment Project actions                      requirements of a given mission,                      Maritime Weapons System Evaluation
                                              that involve deployment of a variety of                 munitions may be inert (contain no or                 Program
                                              pods, air-to-air missiles, bombs, and                   very little explosive charges) or live
                                              other munitions (all inert ordnances in                 (contain explosive charges). Live                       The 86 FWS would continue to use
                                              relation to EGTTR); (3) Air Force                       munitions may detonate above, at, or                  multiple types of live and inert
                                              Special Operations Command (AFSOC)                      slightly below the water surface. In most             munitions in the EGTTR against small
                                              training, including air-to-surface                      cases, missions consisting of live bombs,             boat targets for the Maritime WSEP
                                              gunnery missions involving firing live                  missiles, and rockets that detonate at or             Operational Testing Program. The
                                              gunnery rounds at targets on the water                  below the water surface will occur at a               purpose of the testing is to continue the
                                              surface in EGTTR, small diameter bomb                   site in W–151A that has been designated               development of tactics, techniques and
                                              (SDB) and Griffin/Hellfire missile                      specifically for these types of activities.           procedures (TTP) for USAF strike
                                              training involving the use of live                      Typically, test data collection is                    aircraft to counter small maneuvering
                                              missiles and SDBs in the EGTTR against                  conducted from an instrumentation                     surface vessels in order to better protect
                                              small towed boats, and CV–22 tiltrotor                  barge known as the Gulf Range                         vessels or other assets from small boat
                                              aircraft training involving the firing of               Armament Test Vessel (GRATV)                          threats.
                                              0.50 caliber (cal.)/7.62 mm ammunition                  anchored on-site, which provides a                      Proposed aircraft and munitions
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                                              at flares floating on the EGTTR water                   platform for cameras and weapon-                      associated with Maritime WSEP
                                              surface; (4) 413th Flight Test Squadron                 tracking equipment. Therefore, the                    activities are shown in Table 1. Because
                                              (FLTS) Precision Strike Program (PSP)                   mission area is referred to as the GRATV              the focus of the tests would be weapon/
                                              activities involving firing munitions at                target location. Alternative site locations           target interaction, no particular aircraft
                                              flare targets on the EGTTR water surface                may be selected, if necessary, within a               would be specified for a given test as
                                              and Stand-Off Precision Guided                          5-mile radius around the GRATV point.                 long as it met the delivery requirements.

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                                              5548                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                  TABLE 1—MARITIME WSEP MUNITIONS AND EXAMPLE AIRCRAFT
                                                                                                                             Munitions                                                                                                           Aircraft

                                              AGM–114 (Hellfire) ....................................................................................................................................................          F–15 fighter aircraft.
                                              AGM–176 (Griffin) ......................................................................................................................................................         F–16 fighter aircraft.
                                              AGM–65 (Mavericks) .................................................................................................................................................             F–18 fighter aircraft.
                                              AIM–9X .......................................................................................................................................................................   F–22 fighter aircraft.
                                              BDU–56 ......................................................................................................................................................................    F–35 fighter aircraft.
                                              CBU–105 (WCMD) .....................................................................................................................................................             AC–130 gunship.
                                              GBU–12/GBU–54 .......................................................................................................................................................            A–10 fighter aircraft.
                                              GBU–10/GBU–24 .......................................................................................................................................................            B–1 bomber aircraft.
                                              GBU–31 ......................................................................................................................................................................    B–52 bomber aircraft.
                                              GBU–38 ......................................................................................................................................................................    B–2 bomber aircraft.
                                              PGU–13/B ..................................................................................................................................................................      MQ–1.
                                              PGU–27 ......................................................................................................................................................................    MQ–9.
                                              2.75 in Rockets.
                                              7.62mm/50 Cal.
                                              GBU–39 (Laser SDB).
                                              GBU–53 (SDB II).
                                               AGM = air-to-ground missile; AIM = air intercept missile; BDU = Bomb, Dummy Unit; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit;
                                              CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit; WCMD = Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser; mm = millimeters; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                                Live munitions would be set to                                            about 5 to 10 ft. The annual number,                                        tested is considered necessary to
                                              detonate either in the air,                                                 height or depth of detonation, explosive                                    provide the intended level of tactics and
                                              instantaneously upon contact with a                                         material, and net explosive weight                                          weapons evaluation, including a
                                              target boat, or after a slight delay (up to                                 (NEW) of each live munition associated                                      number of replicate tests sufficient for
                                              10 millisecond) after impact, which                                         with Maritime WSEP is provided in                                           an acceptable confidence level regarding
                                              would correspond to a water depth of                                        Table 2. The quantity of live munitions                                     munitions capabilities.

                                                                                              TABLE 2—ANNUAL MARITIME WSEP MUNITIONS USE IN THE EGTTR
                                                                                                                       Number of                  Detonations sce-                                                                                          NEW
                                                                  Type of munition                                                                                                           Warhead—explosive material
                                                                                                                       munitions                       nario                                                                                                (lbs)

                                              GBU–10 or GBU–24 ...................................                                       2     Surface or Sub-                      MK–84—Tritonal .......................................                          945
                                              GBU–49 ......................................................                             4      Surface ....................         Tritonal ......................................................                 300
                                              JASSM ........................................................                            4      Surface ....................         Tritonal ......................................................                 240
                                              GBU–12/–54 (LJDAM)/–38/–32 (JDAM) ....                                                   10      Surface or Sub-                      MK–82—Tritonal .......................................                          192
                                              AGM–65 (Maverick) ....................................                                     8     Surface ....................         WDU–24/B penetrating blast-fragmenta-                                            86
                                                                                                                                                                                      tion warhead.
                                              CBU–105 ....................................................                               4     Airburst ....................        10 BLU–108 submunitions with 4 projec-                                     107.63
                                                                                                                                                                                      tiles, parachute, rocket motor & altim-
                                                                                                                                                                                      eter. 10.69 lbs NEW/submunition (in-
                                                                                                                                                                                      cludes 2.15 lbs/projectile).
                                              GBU–39 (LSDB) .........................................                                    4     Airburst, Surface, or                AFX–757 (Insensitive munition) ................                                  37
                                              AGM–114 (Hellfire) .....................................                                 30      Airburst or Surface,                 High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) tandem                                           29
                                                                                                                                                 Subsurface.                          anti-armor metal augmented charge.
                                              GBU–53 (SDB II) ........................................                                   4     Airburst, Surface or                 PBX–N–109 Aluminized Enhanced Blast,                                        22.84
                                                                                                                                                 Subsurface.                          Scored Frag Case, Copper Shape
                                              AIM–9X .......................................................                           2       Surface      ....................    PBXN–3 ....................................................                      7.9
                                              AGM–176 (Griffin) .......................................                               10       Airburst     or Surface ..           Blast fragmentation ...................................                         4.58
                                              Rockets (including APKWS) .......................                                      100       Surface      ....................    Comp B–4 HEI ..........................................                           10
                                              PGU–13 HEI 30 mm ...................................                                 1,000       Surface      ....................    30 x 173 mm caliber with aluminized                                              0.1
                                                                                                                                                                                      RDX explosive. Designed for GAU–8/A
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gun System.
                                              GBU–10 ......................................................                          21        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              GBU–12 ......................................................                          27        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              GBU–24 ......................................................                          17        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              GBU–31 ......................................................                           6        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              GBU–38 ......................................................                           3        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              GBU–54 ......................................................                          16        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
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                                              BDU–56 ......................................................                          13        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              AIM–9X .......................................................                          3        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                              PGU–27 ......................................................                      46,000        Inert   .........................    N/A ............................................................                N/A
                                                AGM = air-to-ground missile; AIM = air intercept missile; BDU = Bomb, Dummy Unit; CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit;
                                              HEI = high explosive incendiary; lbs = pounds; LJDAM = laser joint direct attack munition; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bombs; MK = mark;
                                              mm = millimeters; NEW = Net Explosive Weight; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; RDX = research department explosive; SDB = Small Diameter

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                  5549

                                                 Mission-day categorizations of                                      develop three different scenarios:                          Category B represents munitions with
                                              weapon releases listed in Table 3 were                                 Categories A, B, and C. Mission-day                         medium levels of NEW (20 to 86
                                              developed based on historical mission                                  Category A represents munitions with                        pounds) including surface and
                                              data, project engineer input, and future                               larger NEW (192 to 945 pounds) with                         subsurface detonations. Category B was
                                              Maritime WSEP requirements.                                            both surface and subsurface                                 developed using actual levels of weapon
                                              Categories of missions were grouped                                    detonations. This category includes                         releases during Maritime WSEP
                                              first using historical weapon releases                                 future requirements and provides                            missions (refer to Maritime WSEP
                                              per day (refer to Maritime Strike and                                  flexibility for the military mission. To                    annual reports for 2015 and 2016).
                                              Maritime WSEP annual reports for 2015                                  date, Category A levels of activity have                    Category C represents munitions with
                                              and 2016). Next, the most recent                                       not been conducted under the 86 FWS                         smaller NEW (0.1 to 13 pounds) and
                                              weapons evaluation needs and                                           Maritime WSEP missions and is
                                                                                                                                                                                 includes surface detonations only.
                                              requirements were considered to                                        considered a worst-case scenario.

                                                                          TABLE 3—MARITIME WSEP MUNITIONS CATEGORIZED AS REPRESENTATIVE MISSION DAYS
                                                   Mission                                                                                                  Detonation         Munitions per     Mission days/
                                                                                                Munition                                NEW (lbs)                                                                           Munitions/
                                                   category                                                                                                    type                day               year                     year

                                              A .....................    GBU–10/–24/–31 ....................................                    945       Subsurface .....                 1                          2                  2
                                                                                                                                                          (10-ft depth) ...
                                                                         GBU–49 ..................................................              300       Surface ..........               2     ........................             4
                                                                         JASSM ....................................................             240       Surface ..........               2     ........................             4
                                                                         GBU–12/-54 (LJDAM)/–38/–32 (JDAM)                                      192       Subsurface .....                 5     ........................            10
                                                                                                                                                          (10-ft depth) ...
                                              B .....................    AGM–65 (Maverick) ................................                         86    Surface ..........               2                           4              8
                                                                         GBU–39 (SDB) .......................................                       37    Surface ..........               1     ........................             4
                                                                         AGM–114 (Hellfire) .................................                       20    Subsurface .....                 5     ........................            20
                                                                                                                                                          (10-ft depth) ...
                                              C .....................    AGM–176 (Griffin) ...................................                       13   Surface ..........               5                           2             10
                                                                         2.75 rockets ............................................                  12    Surface ..........              50     ........................           100
                                                                         AIM–9X ...................................................                 7.9   Surface ..........               1     ........................             2
                                                                         PGU–12 HEI 30 mm ...............................                           0.1   Surface ..........             500     ........................         1,000
                                                AGM = air-to-ground missile; CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; HEI = high explosive incendiary; JDAM = Joint Direct At-
                                              tack Munition; LJDAM = Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition; lbs = pounds; NEW = net explosive weight; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; mm = milli-
                                              meter; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                              Advanced Systems Employment Project                                    munitions in nearshore waters of the                        well under a minute and rarely from
                                                 The planned Advanced Systems                                        EGTTR (W–151). Training activities                          two to five minutes.
                                              Employment Project (ASEP) action                                       include air-to-surface gunnery and small                      Gunnery missions could occur any
                                              includes evaluating upgrades to                                        diameter bomb/Griffin/Hellfire missile                      season of year, during daytime or
                                              numerous research and development, as                                  proficiency training. The following                         nighttime hours. The quantity of live
                                              well as USAF hardware and software,                                    subsections describe the planned                            rounds expended is based on estimates
                                              initiatives. F16, F15E, and BAC1–11                                    actions included in Eglin AFB’s LOA                         provided by AFSOC regarding the
                                              aircraft would be used to deploy a                                     request.                                                    annual number of missions and number
                                              variety of pods, air-to-air missiles,                                     Air-to-surface gunnery missions                          of rounds per mission. The 105 mm FU
                                              bombs, and other munitions. Many of                                                                                                rounds would typically be used during
                                                                                                                     involve firing of live gunnery rounds
                                              the missions are conducted over Eglin                                                                                              daytime missions, while the 105 mm TR
                                                                                                                     from the AC–130 aircraft at targets on
                                              land ranges. However, inert                                                                                                        variants would be used at night.
                                                                                                                     the water surface in the EGTTR.
                                              instrumented MK–84 Joint Direct Attack                                                                                               On March 5, 2014, NMFS issued a 5-
                                              Munition (JDAM) bombs would be                                            After target deployment, the firing                      year LOA in accordance with the
                                              expended in W–151 under the planned                                    sequence is initiated. A typical gunship                    MMPA for AFSOC’s air-to-surface
                                              action. Bombs would be dropped on                                      mission lasts approximately five hours                      gunnery activities which is currently
                                              target boats located 20 to 25 miles                                    without air-to-air refueling, and six                       valid through March 4, 2019. This LOA
                                              offshore. A maximum of 12 over-water                                   hours when refueling is accomplished.                       request would supersede that
                                              missions could be conducted annually,                                  A typical mission includes 1.5 to 2                         authorization for AC–130 air-to-surface
                                              although the number could be as low as                                 hours of live fire. This time includes                      gunnery activities for another five years
                                              4. There would be no live ordnance                                     clearing the area and transiting to and                     (2018–2023); it incorporates the updated
                                              associated with ASEP actions in the                                    from the range. Actual firing activities                    approach to analysis requested by
                                              EGTTR.                                                                 typically do not exceed 30 minutes. The                     NMFS. No significant changes to these
                                                                                                                     number and type of munitions deployed                       mission activities are anticipated in the
                                              Air Force Special Operations Command                                   during a mission varies with each type                      foreseeable future. Table 4 shows the
                                              Training                                                               of mission flown. The 105-mm TR                             annual number of missions and gunnery
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with RULES

                                                 The USAF Special Operations                                         variants are used during nighttime                          rounds currently authorized under the
                                              Command (AFSOC) conducts various                                       training. Live fire events are continuous,                  existing LOA which will be carried
                                              training activities with multiple types of                             with pauses during the firing usually                       forward for this LOA request.

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                                              5550                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                         TABLE 4—SUMMARY OF ANNUAL AFSOC AC–130 GUNNERY OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Number of                  Number of
                                                                                                                                                                               NEW                     Total
                                                                                                 Munition                                                                                                                         daytime                   nighttime
                                                                                                                                                                               (lbs)               munitions/year                 missions                   missions

                                              105 mm HE (FU) .............................................................................................                                4.7                      750                            25                         45
                                              105 mm HE (TR) .............................................................................................                              0.35                     1,350        ........................   ........................
                                              40 mm HE ........................................................................................................                         0.87                     4,480        ........................   ........................
                                              30 mm HE ........................................................................................................                           0.1                   35,000        ........................   ........................
                                              25 mm HE ........................................................................................................                        0.067                    39,200        ........................   ........................

                                                    Total ..........................................................................................................    ........................                80,780        ........................   ........................
                                                 HE = High Explosive; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round; FU = Full Up.

                                                Two mission-day scenarios were                                            air-to-surface gunnery missions;                                             AC–130 air-to-surface gunnery missions
                                              developed to represent the average                                          category D for daytime missions and                                          are shown in Table 5.
                                              number of gunnery rounds expended                                           category E for nighttime missions. The
                                              during daytime and nighttime AC–130                                         mission-day scenarios developed for

                                                                        TABLE 5—AC–130 GUNNERY OPERATIONS CATEGORIZED AS REPRESENTATIVE MISSION DAYS
                                                   Mission                                                                                                                 Detonation                  Munitions                   Mission                   Total
                                                                                                  Munition                                      NEW (lbs)
                                                   category                                                                                                                   type                      per day                   days/year              munitions/year

                                              D .....................    105 mm HE (FU) ....................................                                  4.7       Surface      ..........                       30                          25                    750
                                                                         40 mm HE ...............................................                           0.87        Surface      ..........                       64      ........................                1,600
                                                                         30 mm HE ...............................................                             0.1       Surface      ..........                      500      ........................               12,500
                                                                         25 mm HE ...............................................                          0.067        Surface      ..........                      560      ........................               14,000
                                              E .....................    105 mm HE (TR) ....................................                                0.35        Surface      ..........                       30                          45                  1,350
                                                                         40 mm HE ...............................................                           0.87        Surface      ..........                       64      ........................                2,880
                                                                         30 mm HE ...............................................                             0.1       Surface      ..........                      500      ........................               22,500
                                                                         25 mm HE ...............................................                          0.067        Surface      ..........                      560      ........................               25,200

                                                    Total ........       .................................................................   ........................   ........................   ........................                       70                  80,780
                                                 HE = High Explosive; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round; FU = Full Up.

                                              413th Flight Test Squadron                                                  Wright-Patterson AFB, is fielding the                                        mission days planned annually. Up to
                                                The United States Special Operations                                      new AC–130J for flight characterization,                                     eleven mission days are planned for 413
                                              Command (SOCOM) has requested the                                           as well as testing and evaluation.                                           FLTS operations annually. The total
                                              413th Flight Test Squadron (413 FLTS)                                       AFSOC is integrating some of the same                                        number of munitions were averaged
                                              to demonstrate the feasibility and                                          weapons on the AC–130W. Therefore,                                           over each day and are shown in Table
                                              capability of the Precision Strike                                          the activities described below for the                                       6. All missions would be conducted
                                              Package and the Stand-Off Precision                                         413 FLTS may involve either of these                                         shoreward of the continental shelf
                                              Guided Munitions (SOPGM) missile                                            aircraft variants.                                                           break/200 m isobath as shown in Figure
                                              system on the AC–130 aircraft. SOCOM,                                         413 FLTS mission day scenarios were                                        1–7 in the Application).
                                              in conjunction with A3 Operations at                                        developed based on the number of

                                                   Mission                                                                                          NEW                    Detonation                  Munitions                   Mission
                                                                                                  Munition                                                                                                                                                  munitions/
                                                   category                                                                                         (lbs)                     type                      per day                   days/year                   year

                                              F .....................    30 mm .....................................................                           0.1      Surface ..........                             33                           3                       99
                                              G ....................     105 mm FU .............................................                               4.7      Surface ..........                             15                           4                       60
                                              H .....................    105 mm TR .............................................                              0.35      Surface ..........                             15                           4                       60
                                                 FU = full up; lbs = pounds; mm = millimeter; NEW = net explosive weight; TR = Training Round.

                                                Stand off precision guided missiles                                       of inert and/or live weapons for a final                                     FLTS provided the number of munitions
                                              (SOPGMs) are planned for use in testing                                     end-to-end check of the system. Table 7                                      required over a span of four years. The
                                              feasibility of these missiles on AC–130                                     shows the mission-day scenarios and                                          numbers in the table represent the
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                                              aircraft. Weapon employment missions                                        annual number of munitions expended                                          average per year (total number of
                                              would be flown using any combination                                        annually for SOPGM testing. The 413                                          munitions divided by four).

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                       5551

                                                                  TABLE 7—413 FLTS SOPGM ANNUAL TESTING CATEGORIZED AS REPRESENTATIVE MISSION DAYS
                                                   Mission                                                                                    NEW                  Detonation              Munitions           Mission
                                                                                               Munition                                                                                                                           munitions/
                                                   category                                                                                   (lbs)                   type                  per day           days/year             year

                                              I ......................    AGM–176 (Griffin) ...................................                       4.58      Surface      ..........                 5                    2                10
                                              J .....................     AGM–114 (Hellfire) .................................                          29      Surface      ..........                 5                    2                10
                                              K .....................     GBU–39 (SDB I) .....................................                          36      Surface      ..........                 3                    2                 6
                                              L .....................     GBU–39 (LSDB) .....................................                           36      Surface      ..........                 5                    2                10
                                                 AGM = Air-To-Ground Missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; lbs = pounds; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                              780th Test Squadron                                                       The U.S. Air Force Life Cycle                                      in the EGTTR. The weapons used in
                                                Testing activities conducted by the                                   Management Center and U.S. Navy, in                                  testing are the AGM–158 A and B (Joint
                                              780th Test Squadron (780 TS) include                                    cooperation with the 780 TS, conducts                                Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
                                              Precision Strike Weapon, Longbow                                        Precision Strike Weapon (PSW) test                                   (JASSM), and the GBU–39/B (SDB I).
                                              missile littoral testing, and several other                             missions utilizing resources within the                              PSW munitions are shown in Table 8.
                                              various future actions.                                                 Eglin Military Complex, including sites

                                                                                            TABLE 8—SUMMARY OF ANNUAL PRECISION STRIKE WEAPON TESTS
                                                                                                                                                                    Number of             Total number        Number of          Total number
                                                                                              Munitions                                                             live tests/              of live          inert tests/          of inert
                                                                                                                                                                       year                munitions             year             munitions

                                              AGM–158 (JASSM) .........................................................................................                              2                  2                    4                 4
                                              GBU–39 (SDB I) Single Launch ......................................................................                                    2                  2                    4                 4
                                              GBU–39 (SDB I) Simultaneous Launch ..........................................................                                          2                  4                    4                 8
                                                 JASSM = Joint Air-To-Surface Stand-Off Missile; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                                In addition to the above description,                                 Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)
                                              future (Phase 2) testing of the SDB is                                  as shown in Table 9.
                                              planned by the Air Force Operational

                                                                            TABLE 9—SUMMARY OF PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 PRECISION STRIKE WEAPON LIVE TESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Number              Number
                                                                                                                                                                                             NEW               of live             of inert
                                                                                                            Weapon                                                                           (lbs)            munitions           munitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                              released            released

                                              AGM–158 (JASSM) .....................................................................................................................                240                       2                 4
                                              GBU–39 (SDB I) ..........................................................................................................................             37                       2                 4
                                              GBU–39 (SDB I) Double Shot .....................................................................................................                      74                       2                 4
                                              GBU–53 (SDB II) .........................................................................................................................          22.84                       2                 1

                                                The 780 TS/OGMT missions have                                         of weapons released per day, assuming                                annually. Representative mission days
                                              been categorized based on the number                                    three mission days are planned                                       are shown in Table 10.

                                                   Mission                                                                                    NEW                  Detonation              Munitions           Mission
                                                                                               Munition                                                                                                                           munitions/
                                                   category                                                                                   (lbs)                   type                  per day           days/year             year

                                              M ....................      AGM–158 (JASSM) ................................                             240      Surface      ..........                 2                    1                 2
                                              N .....................     GBU–39 (SDB I) .....................................                          37      Surface      ..........                 2                    1                 2
                                                                          GBU–39 (SDB I) Double Shot * ..............                                   74      Surface      ..........                 2                                      2
                                              O ....................      GBU–53 (SDB II) ....................................                       22.84      Surface      ..........                 2                    1                 2
                                                AGM = Air-To-Ground Missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; JASSM = Joint Air-To-Surface Standoff Missile; lbs = pounds; SDB = Small Diame-
                                              ter Bomb.
                                                * NEW is doubled for each simultaneous launch.
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                                                The 780 TS plans to conduct other                                     would primarily be delivered by                                      live fuse (typically contains a very small
                                              various testing activities that involve                                 aircraft, although a rail gun would be                               NEW). Total future munitions for 780
                                              targets on the water surface in the                                     used for one test. Live warheads would                               TS are listed in Table 11.
                                              EGTTR. Many of the missions would                                       be used for some missions, while others
                                              target small boats or barges. Weapons                                   would involve inert warheads with a

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                                              5552                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                 TABLE 11—780 TS ANNUAL MUNITIONS, OTHER FUTURE ACTIONS
                                                                                                  NEW                   Number of                            Planned                                                                     Detonation
                                                           Munition                                                                                                                                  Target type
                                                                                                  (lbs)                  releases                            location                                                                       type

                                              Joint Air-Ground Missile ..                                27.41                            2    W–151 (subareas A, S5,                      HSMST or Boston                        1—Point Detonation 1—
                                                                                                                                                and S6).                                     Whaler type boat.                      Airburst.
                                              Navy Rail Gun .................                             Inert                         19     W–151 ............................          Barge ..............................   Penetrating Rod.
                                                                                                             1                           5     W–151 ............................          Barge ..............................   Airburst.
                                              JDAM—Extended Range                                         Inert                          3     W–151 ............................          Water surface (2) Barge                Inert.
                                              Navy HAAWC ..................                               Inert                           2    W–151 ............................          Water surface .................        Inert.
                                              Laser SDB (live fuse only)                                    0.4                           4    W–151A ..........................           Small boats .....................      Airburst or Surface.
                                              SDB II Guided Test Vehi-                                      0.4                           4    W–151A ..........................           Small boats .....................      Surface.
                                                cle (live fuse only).
                                                HAAWC = High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability; HSMT = High Speed Maneuverable Surface Target; JDAM = Joint Direct
                                              Attack Munition; NEW = net explosive weight; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                                The 780 TS/OGMT future missions                                           detonated as airbursts were not                                           representative mission days were
                                              primarily consist of one-day test events                                    included in the development of these                                      developed for live munitions resulting
                                              for each type of munition. Inert                                            scenarios because no in-water acoustic                                    in surface detonations, as shown in
                                              munitions and munitions being                                               impacts are anticipated. Therefore                                        Table 12.

                                                                     TABLE 12—780 TS OTHER FUTURE ACTIONS CATEGORIZED AS REPRESENTATIVE MISSION DAYS
                                                   Mission                                                                                         NEW                    Detonation                Munitions                Mission
                                                                                                  Munition                                                                                                                                     munitions/
                                                   category                                                                                        (lbs)                     type                    per day                days/year            year

                                              P .....................    Joint Air-Ground Missile ..........................                              27.41       Surface ..........                            1                    1                  1
                                              Q ....................     Laser SDB (fuse only) and SDB II Guid-                                             0.4       Surface ..........                            2                    4                  8
                                                                           ed Test Vehicle (fuse only).
                                                HAAWC = High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability; HSMT = High Speed Maneuverable Surface Target; JDAM = Joint Direct
                                              Attack Munition; N/A = not applicable; NEW = net explosive weight; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                              96 Operations Group                                                         anticipates support of air-to-surface                                     descriptions under this category have
                                                                                                                          missions for several user groups on an                                    not been determined, as this is meant to
                                                The 96 Operations Group (OG), which                                       infrequent basis. As the organization                                     capture future unknown activities. Sub-
                                              conducts the 96 TW’s primary missions                                       that oversees all users of Eglin ranges,                                  surface detonations would be at 5 to 10
                                              of developmental testing and evaluation                                     they have the authority to approve new                                    ft below the surface. Projected annual
                                              of conventional munitions, and                                              missions that could be conducted in the                                   munitions expenditures and detonation
                                              command and control systems,                                                EGTTR. Specific details on mission                                        scenarios are listed in Table 13.
                                                                                          TABLE 13—ANNUAL MUNITIONS FOR 96TH OPERATIONS GROUP SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                       NEW                 Detonation
                                                                                                               Munition                                                                                                                          annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                       (lbs)                scenario            releases

                                              GBU–10 or GBU–24 ....................................................................................................................                             945     Subsurface .....                     1
                                              AGM–158 (JASSM) .....................................................................................................................                             240     Surface ..........                   1
                                              GBU–12 or GBU–54 ....................................................................................................................                             192     Subsurface .....                     1
                                              AGM–65 (Maverick) .....................................................................................................................                            86     Surface ..........                   2
                                              GBU–39 (SDB I or LSDB) ...........................................................................................................                                 37     Subsurface .....                     4
                                              AGM–114 (Hellfire) ......................................................................................................................                          20     Subsurface .....                    20
                                              105 mm full-up .............................................................................................................................                      4.7     Surface ..........                 125
                                              40 mm ..........................................................................................................................................                  0.9     Surface ..........                 600
                                              Live fuse ......................................................................................................................................                  0.4     Surface ..........                 200
                                              30 mm ..........................................................................................................................................                  0.1     Surface ..........               5,000
                                                 AGM = air-to-ground missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; lbs = pounds; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; SDB = Small Diameter Bomb.

                                                 The 96 OG future missions have been                                      hour timeframe. Eglin AFB used all                                        flux. The mission day scenarios for 96
                                              categorized based on the number of                                          available information to determine these                                  OG annually are shown in Table 14.
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                                              weapons released per day, instead of                                        daily estimates, including historic                                          Categories of missions for 96 OG were
                                              treating each weapon release as a                                           release reports; however, these scenarios                                 grouped (similar to Maritime WSEP)
                                              separate event. This approach is meant                                      may not represent exact weapon                                            first using historical weapon releases
                                              to satisfy NMFS requests for analysis                                       releases because military needs and                                       per day. Next, the most recent weapons
                                              and modeling of accumulated energy                                          requirements are in a constant state of                                   evaluation needs and requirements were
                                              from multiple detonations over a 24-                                                                                                                  considered to develop three different

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                    5553

                                              scenarios: Categories R, S, and T.                                 pounds) and both surface and                                   provides flexibility for the military
                                              Mission-day Category R represents                                  subsurface detonations. This category                          mission.
                                              munitions with larger NEW (192 to 945                              includes future requirements and

                                                                          TABLE 14—96 OG FUTURE MISSIONS CATEGORIZED AS REPRESENTATIVE MISSION DAYS
                                                Mission                                                            NEW                          Detonation                      Munitions            Mission
                                                                                  Munition                                                                                                                                 munitions/
                                                category                                                           (lbs)                           type                          per day            days/year                year

                                              R ...............    GBU–10/–24 .........................                    945     Subsurface (10-ft depth) .......                       1                           1              1
                                                                   AGM–158 (JASSM) ..............                          240     Surface ..................................             1     ........................             1
                                                                   GBU–12 or GBU–54 .............                          192     Subsurface (10-ft depth) .......                       1     ........................             1
                                              S ...............    AGM–65 (Maverick) ..............                         86     Surface ..................................             1                           2              2
                                                                   GBU–39 (SDB I or LSDB) ....                              37     Subsurface ............................                2     ........................             4
                                                                   AGM–114 (Hellfire) ...............                       20     Subsurface (10-ft depth) .......                      10     ........................            20
                                              T ................   105 mm full-up ......................                    4.7    Surface ..................................            13                         10             130
                                                                   40 mm ...................................                0.9    Surface ..................................            60     ........................           600
                                                                   Live fuse ................................               0.4    Surface ..................................            20     ........................           200
                                                                   30 mm ...................................                0.1    Surface ..................................           500     ........................         5,000
                                                AGM = air-to-ground missile; GBU = Guided Bomb Unit; HEI = high explosive incendiary; JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition; LJDAM = Laser
                                              Joint Direct Attack Munition; LSDB = Laser Small Diameter Bomb; lbs = pounds; PGU = Projectile Gun Unit; mm = millimeter; SDB = Small Di-
                                              ameter Bomb.

                                                Planned mitigation, monitoring, and                              previously issued incidental take                              However, human safety concerns and
                                              reporting measures are described in                                authorizations. Past monitoring reports,                       the inability to make mission go/no-go
                                              detail later in this document (please see                          described in more detail in the Effects                        decisions in a timely manner are the
                                              Mitigation and Monitoring and                                      of Specified Activities on Marine                              most immediate obstacles for the USAF
                                              Reporting).                                                        Mammals and their Habitat section,                             implementing PAM as part of the suite
                                              Comments and Responses                                             have not recorded any instances of take                        of mitigation measures during live
                                                                                                                 over the last five years in past. While                        weapon missions in the EGTTR. For
                                                 A notice of receipt of Eglin AFB’s                              the distances from the detonation area                         safety purposes during live air-to-
                                              application published in the Federal                               are large, these distances are essential to                    surface missions in the EGTTR, a large
                                              Register on August 24, 2017 (82 FR                                 provide protection and safety of                               area of the Gulf of Mexico is closed off
                                              40141). NMFS published a proposed                                  humans, both military and civilian, that
                                              rule in the Federal Register on                                                                                                   to human activity. The human safety
                                                                                                                 may be in or near the mission area. The                        zone corresponds to the weapon safety
                                              December 27, 2017 (82 FR 61372).                                   USAF agrees that observing animals
                                              During the 30-day public comment                                                                                                  footprint. The size of the closure area
                                                                                                                 from aircraft can be challenging but                           varies depending on the weapons being
                                              period on the proposed rule, NMFS                                  believes that these pre-mission flights
                                              received comments from the Marine                                                                                                 dropped, the type of aircraft being used,
                                                                                                                 offer an ability to detect marine                              and the specific release parameters
                                              Mammal Commission (Commission)                                     mammals. Aerial surveys conducted at
                                              and seven members of the general                                                                                                  (direction, altitude, airspeed, etc.)
                                                                                                                 higher altitudes (up to 6,000 ft) would
                                              public.                                                                                                                           requested by the mission group, but it
                                                                                                                 use optical sensors and instrumentation
                                                 Comment 1: The Commission noted                                                                                                always encompasses the area occupied
                                                                                                                 on the aircraft, which is much more
                                              that in some instances, the mission area                           effective than the naked eye. The LOA                          by the instrumentation barge (GRATV).
                                              would be determined to be clear of                                 application summarizes the capabilities                        Typically, this footprint where
                                              marine mammals at least 30 minutes,                                                                                               personnel are restricted ranges between
                                                                                                                 for these sensors and provides a figure
                                              and likely longer, before the munitions                                                                                           a 9-nautical mile (nmi) radius up to a
                                                                                                                 example of what can be seen with the
                                              are detonated. The monitoring vessels                                                                                             12-nmi radius around the GRATV. As
                                              and aircraft would move to the                                                                                                    part of PAM, biologists generally deploy
                                              periphery of the human safety zone,                                   Comment 2: The Commission has
                                                                                                                 been recommending that the USAF’s                              an array of hydrophones, listen for
                                              which the application indicated would                                                                                             vocalizations from a nearby boat, and
                                              be approximately 24 km from the                                    mitigation measures be supplemented
                                                                                                                 with passive acoustic monitoring (PAM)                         use software to triangulate an animal’s
                                              detonation location. In other instances,                                                                                          general location. The ability to execute
                                              the mission aircraft would be                                      since 2010 and that fulfilling the
                                                                                                                 monitoring requirements under section                          this requires multiple hydrophones
                                              conducting monitoring during the                                                                                                  lined up in a carefully determined array
                                              approximately 15 minutes it takes to fly                           101(a)(5) of the MMPA, in this case the
                                                                                                                 PAM study, should be made a priority                           or fence configuration with a trained
                                              two orbits around the mission area at an
                                                                                                                 in addition to developing real-time                            biologist in close proximity to the
                                              altitude of up to 6,000 ft Given those
                                              large areas and high aircraft altitudes,                           mitigation capability via PAM. For these                       hydrophones. Alternatively, the
                                              the Commission does not believe that                               reasons, the Commission recommends                             biologist could be stationed in a remote
                                              the USAF would be able to monitor                                  that NMFS compel the USAF to                                   location but would require a direct line-
                                              effectively for marine mammals entering                            prioritize (1) completing both aspects of                      of-sight for radio links to transmit the
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                                              the mortality and injury zones                                     its PAM study and (2) further                                  data from the hydrophones. The
                                              particularly after the mission area has                            investigating ways to supplement its                           maximum distance that a remote link
                                              been cleared and during the timeframe                              mitigation measures with the use of                            could be established is estimated to be
                                              prior to detonation.                                               real-time PAM devices.                                         about 5 nmi. This would fall inside the
                                                 NMFS Response: The USAF has                                        NMFS Response: NMFS has engaged                             human safety zone. Therefore, real-time
                                              successfully employed similar protocols                            in multiple discussions with the USAF                          monitoring for marine mammal
                                              in EGTTR exercises as required under                               about the implementation of PAM.                               vocalizations during a mission is not

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                                              5554             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              considered feasible for human safety                       Comment 3: The Commission                          transparency in the Endangered Species
                                              concerns.                                               expressed concern about the lack of                   Act (ESA) listings and determination
                                                Even if vocalization data were able to                adequate time to provide public                       actions.
                                              be collected in real time in order to                   comments as well as the abbreviated                      Response: The purpose of this final
                                              determine presence/absence of marine                    timeframes during which NMFS is able                  rule and associated LOA is not to make
                                              mammals, a decision to delay or stop a                  to address public comments. The                       species listings determinations but
                                              mission without knowing where the                       Commission recommended that NMFS
                                                                                                                                                            rather to authorize the incidental take of
                                              animals are in relation to the                          ensure that it publishes and finalizes
                                                                                                                                                            small numbers of marine mammals
                                              hydrophones and weapon impact                           proposed incidental harassment
                                                                                                                                                            within a specific geographic region.
                                              location further contributes to the                     authorizations sufficiently before the
                                                                                                      planned start date of the proposed                    Furthermore, take of ESA-listed species
                                              operational constraints for                                                                                   is not authorized or expected as a result
                                              implementing PAM as mitigation. A                       activities to ensure full consideration is
                                                                                                      given to all comments received.                       of testing and training activities in the
                                              vocalizing marine mammal could be                                                                             EGTTR.
                                              detected by the hydrophone while                           Response: NMFS gave the standard
                                              outside any zones of impact.                            30-day notice for public comment.                     Description of Marine Mammals in the
                                              Furthermore, the time it would take to                  NMFS also acknowledges the                            Area of Specified Activities
                                              collect and transmit vocalization data to               importance of providing MMPA
                                              remote computers, run the software to                   incidental take authorization in a timely                There are 21 marine mammal species
                                              localize vocalizations and estimate the                 (and sometimes expedited) manner for                  with potential or confirmed occurrence
                                              location of the animals has not been                    planned activities when the necessary                 in the planned activity area. Not all of
                                              tested or verified. With high-priority                  findings are made.                                    these species occur in this region during
                                              military missions, the USAF cannot                         Comment 4: Three citizens asserted                 the project timeframe, or the likelihood
                                              jeopardize Department of Defense                        that marine life in the Gulf of Mexico                of occurrence is very low. The
                                                                                                      should not be disturbed or killed and                 ‘‘Description of Marine Mammals in the
                                              objectives on unproven methods and
                                                                                                      that training activities can be done                  Area of the Specified Activities’’ section
                                              unknown procedures. Therefore, a
                                                                                                      without injuring animals.                             included in the proposed rule (82 FR
                                              simplified presence/absence of                             Response: NMFS appreciates the
                                              vocalizations as mitigation strategy                                                                          61372; December 12, 2018) and sections
                                                                                                      commenters’ concern for the marine                    3 and 4 of the USAF’s application
                                              would not be considered appropriate for                 environment. However, the
                                              these mission activities. Based on other                                                                      summarize available information
                                                                                                      commenters’ assertion that the Navy’s                 regarding status and trends, distribution
                                              consultations associated with the 86                    activities in the EGTTR will result in the
                                              FWS for activities in Hawaii, where                                                                           and habitat preferences, and behavior
                                                                                                      killing or deaths of marine mammals is
                                              Navy range assets and expertise are far                                                                       and life history, of the potentially
                                                                                                      incorrect. As discussed throughout this
                                              more developed than in the EGTTR,                                                                             affected species. These descriptions
                                                                                                      rule and in the Eglin Gulf Test and
                                              using PAM for real-time mitigation was                                                                        have not changed and are incorporated
                                                                                                      Training Range Environmental
                                              determined to not be feasible because of                                                                      here by reference. Additional
                                                                                                      Assessment. The majority of predicted
                                              the high level of uncertainty with                      takes are by Level B harassment                       information regarding population trends
                                              localizing marine mammals using                         (behavioral reactions and TTS), and                   and threats may be found in NMFS’
                                              multiple hydrophones, and making                        there are no mortality takes predicted or             Stock Assessment Reports (SAR;
                                              mission-critical decisions to delay or                  authorized for any training activities in             www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and more
                                              cease activities.                                       the study area. Modeling results                      general information about these species
                                                The USAF is supportive of PAM and                     estimate that there could be up to 11                 (e.g., physical and behavioral
                                              will conduct a NMFS-approved PAM                        Level A takes (2 from slight lung injury              descriptions) may be found on NMFS’s
                                              study as an initial step towards                        and 9 from permanent threshold shift                  website (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
                                              understanding acoustic impacts from                     (PTS)). These exposure estimates,                     species/mammals/). Additional
                                              underwater detonations. However, given                  however, do not take into account the                 information may be found in the USAF
                                              the level of success with current                       mitigation and monitoring measures                    96 CEG/CEIEA EA. Of the 21 species
                                              mitigation procedures and the high level                which are expected to decrease the                    that occur in the northern Gulf of
                                              of unknowns associated with                             potential for impacts.                                Mexico, two species occur in densities
                                              implementing PAM as part of mitigation                     After careful analysis, NMFS has                   great enough to warrant inclusion in
                                              procedures for EGTTR activities, the                    determined that serious injury is                     this rule (Table 15). The final list of
                                              USAF does not believe that using PAM                    unlikely to result from this activity.                species is based on summer density
                                              as a real-time mitigation measure is                       Comment 5: Several citizens wrote                  estimates, a conservative range-to-
                                              practicable at this time.                               that there is a need for greater                      effects, and duration of the activity.

                                                                                                  TABLE 15—SPECIES AUTHORIZED FOR TAKE *
                                                                                                                                           ESA/MMPA          Stock abundance
                                                                                                                                             status;                                           Annual
                                                   Common name                      Scientific name                     Stock                              (CV, Nmin, most recent     PBR
                                                                                                                                            Strategic       abundance survey) 2                M/SI 3
                                                                                                                                             (Y/N) 1

                                                                                        Superfamily Odontoceti (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises)
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                                                                                                                     Family Delphinidae

                                              Common Bottlenose dol-        Tursiops truncatus ........     Choctawatchee Bay ......       -/-:Y          179 (0.04,173, 2007) ....     1.7   3.4 (0.99)

                                                                                                            Pensacola/East Bay ......      -/-:Y          33 (0.80, UNK, 1993) ....    UND         UND
                                                                                                            St. Andrew Bay .............   -/-:Y          124 (0.21, UNK, 1993) ..     UND         UND

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                            5555

                                                                                         TABLE 15—SPECIES AUTHORIZED FOR TAKE *—Continued
                                                                                                                                            ESA/MMPA          Stock abundance
                                                                                                                                              status;                                            Annual
                                                   Common name                      Scientific name                      Stock                              (CV, Nmin, most recent   PBR         M/SI 3
                                                                                                                                             Strategic       abundance survey) 2
                                                                                                                                              (Y/N) 1

                                                                                                             Gulf of Mexico Northern       -/-:N           7,185 ( 0.21, 6,044,            60   21 (0.66)
                                                                                                               Coastal.                                      2012).
                                                                                                             Northern Gulf of Mexico       -/-:N           51,192 (0.10, 46,926,       469      56 (0.42)
                                                                                                               Continental Shelf.                            2012).
                                                                                                             Northern Gulf of Mexico       -/-;N           5,806 (0.39, 4,230,             42   6.5 (0.65)
                                                                                                               Oceanic.                                      2009).
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphin      Stenella frontalis ...........   Northern Gulf of Mexico       -/-:N           37,611 (0.28, UNK,         UND       42 (0.45)
                                                * Hayes et al. 2017.
                                                1 Endangered Species Act (ESA) status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (-) indicates that the species is
                                              not listed under the ESA or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct
                                              human-caused mortality exceeds PBR or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future.
                                              Any species or stock listed under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
                                                2 NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum
                                              estimate of stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable [explain if this is the case].
                                                3 These values, found in NMFS’s SARs, represent annual levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g.,
                                              commercial fisheries, ship strike). Annual M/SI often cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value or
                                              range. A CV associated with estimated mortality due to commercial fisheries is presented in some cases.

                                              Marine Mammal Hearing                                   reflecting the capabilities of every                   potential to co-occur with the planned
                                                                                                      species within that group):                            survey activities. Both species are
                                                 Hearing is the most important sensory                  • Low-frequency cetaceans                            classified as mid-frequency cetaceans.
                                              modality for marine mammals                             (mysticetes): Generalized hearing is
                                              underwater and exposure to                              estimated to occur between                             Effects of Specified Activities on Marine
                                              anthropogenic sound can have                            approximately 7 Hz and 35 kHz, with                    Mammals and Their Habitat
                                              deleterious effects. To appropriately                   best hearing estimated to be from 100                    In the Potential Effects of Specified
                                              assess the potential effects of exposure                Hz to 8 kHz;                                           Activities on Marine Mammals section
                                              to sound, it is necessary to understand                   • Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger                    of the proposed rule (82 FR 61372;
                                              the frequency ranges marine mammals                     toothed whales, beaked whales, and                     December 12, 2017), we included a
                                              are able to hear. Current data indicate                 most delphinids): Generalized hearing is               qualitative discussion of the different
                                              that not all marine mammal species                      estimated to occur between                             ways that activities in the EGTTR may
                                              have equal hearing capabilities (e.g.,                  approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz,                      potentially affect marine mammals
                                              Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok and                    with best hearing from 10 to less than                 without consideration of mitigation and
                                              Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008).                   100 kHz;                                               monitoring measures.
                                              To reflect this, Southall et al. (2007)                   • High-frequency cetaceans
                                                                                                                                                             Previous Monitoring Results
                                              recommended that marine mammals be                      (porpoises, river dolphins, and members
                                                                                                      of the genera Kogia and                                  NMFS has previously issued IHAs
                                              divided into functional hearing groups
                                                                                                      Cephalorhynchus; including two                         and an LOA to cover mission activities
                                              based on directly measured or estimated                                                                        in the EGTTR. For these missions, Eglin
                                              hearing ranges on the basis of available                members of the genus Lagenorhynchus,
                                                                                                      on the basis of recent echolocation data               AFB conducted required monitoring
                                              behavioral response data, audiograms                                                                           activities and submitted monitoring
                                                                                                      and genetic data): generalized hearing is
                                              derived using auditory evoked potential                                                                        reports. Between August 2013 and
                                                                                                      estimated to occur between
                                              techniques, anatomical modeling, and                                                                           March 2014 nine maritime strike
                                                                                                      approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
                                              other data. Note that no direct                           • Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true                 operations testing missions were
                                              measurements of hearing ability have                    seals): Generalized hearing is estimated               conducted in the EGTTR and no takes
                                              been successfully completed for                         to occur between approximately 50 Hz                   were recorded. In calendar year 2014,
                                              mysticetes (i.e., low-frequency                         to 86 kHz, with best hearing between 1–                ten air-to-surface (A–S) gunnery
                                              cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016)                   50 kHz;                                                missions were conducted with no
                                              described generalized hearing ranges for                  • Pinnipeds in water; Otariidae (eared               recorded takes. During 2015, eight A–S
                                              these marine mammal hearing groups.                     seals): Generalized hearing is estimated               gunnery missions, and eight WSEP
                                              Generalized hearing ranges were chosen                  to occur between 60 Hz and 39 kHz,                     missions were conducted (only 4 of
                                              based on the approximately 65 dB                        with best hearing between 2–48 kHz.                    these missions used live munitions). No
                                              threshold from the normalized                             The pinniped functional hearing                      takes of protected species were
                                              composite audiograms, with the                          group was modified from Southall et al.                recorded. For calendar year 2016, two
                                              exception for lower limits for low-                     (2007) on the basis of data indicating                 air-to-surface (A–S) gunnery missions,
                                              frequency cetaceans where the lower                     that phocid species have consistently                  eight WSEP missions, and two PSW
                                              bound was deemed to be biologically                     demonstrated an extended frequency                     missions were conducted with no takes
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                                              implausible and the lower bound from                    range of hearing compared to otariids,                 recorded by observers. A report on 2017
                                              Southall et al. (2007) retained. The                    especially in the higher frequency range               EGTTR monitoring activities is
                                              hearing groups and the associated                       (Hemilä et al., 2006; Kastelein et al.,               currently under development.
                                              frequencies are indicated below (note                   2009; Reichmuth and Holt, 2013).                         While no mortality, injury or take of
                                              that these frequency ranges correspond                    Two marine mammal species                            marine mammals was recorded during
                                              to the range for the composite group,                   (common bottlenose and Atlantic                        these exercises, animals were
                                              with the entire range not necessarily                   spotted dolphins) have the reasonable                  occasionally observed during pre-

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                                              5556             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              mission surveys on multiple mission                     predict the onset of behavioral                       producing air emboli that can restrict
                                              days. However, proper measures were                     harassment, PTS, tissue damage, and                   oxygen delivery to the brain or heart.
                                              taken (delay of missions while waiting                  mortality.                                               Whereas a single mortality threshold
                                              on marine mammals to clear the area) to                                                                       was previously used in acoustic impacts
                                                                                                      Acoustic Thresholds                                   analysis, species-specific thresholds are
                                              ensure no marine mammals were in the
                                              area during the mission. Monitoring                        Using the best available science,                  currently required. Thresholds are based
                                              reports containing more detailed                        NMFS has developed acoustic                           on the level of impact that would cause
                                              information may be found at: https://                   thresholds that identify the received                 extensive lung injury to one percent of
                                              www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/                        level of underwater sound above which                 exposed animals (i.e., an impact level
                                              marine-mammal-protection/incidental-                    exposed marine mammals would be                       from which one percent of exposed
                                              take-authorizations-military-readiness-                 reasonably expected to be behaviorally                animals would not recover). (Finneran
                                              activities.                                             harassed (equated to Level B                          and Jenkins, 2012). The threshold
                                                                                                      harassment) or to incur PTS of some                   represents the expected onset of
                                              Estimated Take                                                                                                mortality, where 99 percent of exposed
                                                                                                      degree (equated to Level A harassment).
                                                This section provides the number of                   Thresholds have also been developed to                animals would be expected to survive.
                                              incidental takes, by stock, authorized                  identify the pressure levels above which              Most survivors would have moderate
                                              through this final rule, which informs                  animals may incur different types of                  blast injuries. The lethal exposure level
                                              both NMFS’ consideration of the                         tissue damage from exposure to pressure               of blast noise, associated with the
                                              negligible impact determination.                        waves from explosive detonation.                      positive impulse pressure of the blast, is
                                                For this military readiness activity,                                                                       expressed as Pa·s and is determined
                                                                                                         The criteria and thresholds used to
                                              the MMPA defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: (i)                                                                       using the Goertner (1982) modified
                                                                                                      estimate potential pressure and energy
                                              Any act that injures or has the                                                                               positive impulse equation. This
                                              significant potential to injure a marine                impacts to marine mammals resulting
                                                                                                      from detonations were obtained from                   equation incorporates source/animal
                                              mammal or marine mammal stock in the                                                                          depths and the mass of a newborn calf
                                              wild (Level A Harassment); or (ii) Any                  Finneran and Jenkins (2012). Criteria
                                                                                                      used to analyze impacts to marine                     for the affected species. The threshold is
                                              act that disturbs or is likely to disturb                                                                     conservative because animals of greater
                                              a marine mammal or marine mammal                        mammals include mortality, harassment
                                                                                                      that causes or is likely to cause injury              mass can withstand greater pressure
                                              stock in the wild by causing disruption                                                                       waves, and newborn calves typically
                                              of natural behavioral patterns,                         (Level A) and harassment that disrupts
                                                                                                                                                            make up a very small percentage of any
                                              including, but not limited to, migration,               or is likely to disrupt natural behavior
                                                                                                                                                            cetacean group.
                                              surfacing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or               patterns (Level B). Each category is
                                                                                                                                                               For the actions described in this LOA,
                                              sheltering, to a point where such                       discussed below with additional details               two species are expected to occur
                                              behavioral patterns are abandoned or                    provided in Appendix A of the                         within the EGTTR Study Area: The
                                              significantly altered (Level B                          application.                                          bottlenose dolphin and the Atlantic
                                              Harassment).                                            Mortality                                             spotted dolphin. Finneran and Jenkins
                                                Authorized takes would primarily be                                                                         (2012) provide known or surrogate
                                              by Level B harassment, as use of                           Mortality risk assessment may be                   masses for newborn calves of several
                                              explosive sources has the potential to                  considered in terms of direct injury,                 cetacean species. For the bottlenose
                                              result in disruption of behavioral                      which includes primary blast injury and               dolphin, this value is 14 kilograms (kg)
                                              patterns and TTS for individual marine                  barotrauma. The potential for direct                  (31 pounds). Values are not provided for
                                              mammals. There is also some potential                   injury of marine mammals has been                     the Atlantic spotted dolphin and,
                                              for auditory injury and tissue damage                   inferred from terrestrial mammal                      therefore, a surrogate species, the
                                              (Level A harassment) to result. The                     experiments and from post-mortem                      striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba),
                                              planned mitigation and monitoring                       examination of marine mammals                         is used. The mass provided for a
                                              measures are expected to minimize the                   believed to have been exposed to                      newborn striped dolphin calf is 7 kg (15
                                              severity of such taking to the extent                   underwater explosions (Finneran and                   pounds). Impacts analysis for the
                                              practicable. As described previously, no                Jenkins, 2012; Ketten et al., 1993;                   unidentified dolphin group (assumed to
                                              mortality is anticipated or authorized                  Richmond et al., 1973). Actual effects                consist of bottlenose and Atlantic
                                              for this activity. Below we describe how                on marine mammals may differ from                     striped dolphins) conservatively used
                                              the take is estimated.                                  terrestrial animals due to anatomical                 the mass of the smaller spotted dolphin.
                                                Described in the most basic way, we                   and physiological differences, such as a              The Goertner equation, as presented in
                                              estimate take by considering: (1)                       reinforced trachea and flexible thoracic              Finneran and Jenkins (2012) is used in
                                              Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS                    cavity, which may decrease the risk of                the acoustic model to develop impacts
                                              believes the best available science                     injury (Ridgway and Dailey, 1972).                    analysis in this LOA request. The
                                              indicates marine mammals will be                           Primary blast injuries result from the             equation is provided in Table 16.
                                              behaviorally harassed or incur some                     initial compression of a body exposed to
                                              degree of permanent hearing                             a blast wave, and is usually limited to               Injury (Level A Harassment)
                                              impairment; (2) the area or volume of                   gas-containing structures (e.g., lung and               Potential injuries that may occur to
                                              water that will be ensonified above                     gut) and the auditory system (U.S.                    marine mammals include blast related
                                              these levels in a day; (3) the density or               Department of the Navy, 2001b).                       injury: Gastrointestinal (GI) tract injury
                                              occurrence of marine mammals within                     Barotrauma refers to injuries caused                  and slight lung injury, and irrecoverable
                                              these ensonified areas; and, (4) and the                when large pressure changes occur                     auditory damage. These injury
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                                              number of days of activities. Below, we                 across tissue interfaces, normally at the             categories are all types of Level A
                                              describe these components in more                       boundaries of air-filled tissues such as              harassment as defined in the MMPA.
                                              detail and present the authorized take                  the lungs. Primary blast injury to the                  Slight Lung Injury—This threshold is
                                              estimate.                                               respiratory system may be fatal                       based on a level of lung injury from
                                                Based on the best available science,                  depending upon the severity of the                    which all exposed animals are expected
                                              NMFS used the acoustic and pressure                     trauma. Rupture of the lung may                       to survive (zero percent mortality)
                                              thresholds indicated in Table 16 to                     introduce air into the vascular system,               (Finneran and Jenkins, 2012). Similar to

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                                              the mortality determination, the metric                 fall within the mid-frequency hearing                 levels below those considered to cause
                                              is positive impulse and the equation for                category. The PTS thresholds use dual                 TTS in marine mammals, particularly in
                                              determination is that of the Goertner                   criteria, one based on cumulative SEL                 cases of multiple detonations. During an
                                              injury model (1982), corrected for                      and one based on peak SPL of an                       activity with a series of explosions (not
                                              atmospheric and hydrostatic pressures                   underwater blast. For a given analysis,               concurrent multiple explosions shown
                                              and based on the cube root scaling of                   the more conservative of the two is                   in a burst), an animal is expected to
                                              body mass (Richmond et al., 1973; U.S.                  applied to afford the most protection to              exhibit a startle reaction to the first
                                              Department of the Navy, 2001b). The                     marine mammals. The mid-frequency                     detonation followed by a behavioral
                                              equation is provided in Table 16.                       cetacean criteria for PTS are provided in             response after multiple detonations. At
                                                 Gastrointestinal Tract Injuries—GI                   Table 16.                                             close ranges and high sound levels,
                                              tract injuries are correlated with the                                                                        avoidance of the area around the
                                              peak pressure of an underwater                          Non-Injurious Impacts (Level B
                                                                                                      Harassment)                                           explosions is the assumed behavioral
                                              detonation. GI tract injury thresholds                                                                        response in most cases. Other
                                              are based on the results of experiments                    Two categories of Level B harassment               behavioral impacts may include
                                              in the 1970s in which terrestrial                       are currently recognized: temporary                   decreased ability to feed, communicate,
                                              mammals were exposed to small                           threshold shift (TTS) and behavioral                  migrate, or reproduce, among others.
                                              charges. The peak pressure of the shock                 impacts. Although TTS is a                            Such effects, known as sub-TTS Level B
                                              wave was found to be the causal agent                   physiological impact, it is not                       harassment, are based on observations
                                              in recoverable contusions (bruises) in                  considered injury because auditory                    of behavioral reactions in captive
                                              the GI tract (Richmond et al., 1973, in                 structures are temporarily fatigued                   dolphins and beluga whales exposed to
                                              Finneran and Jenkins, 2012). The                        instead of being permanently damaged.                 pure tones, a different type of noise than
                                              experiments found that a peak SPL of                       TTS—Non-injurious effects on marine                that produced from an underwater
                                              237 dB re 1 mPa predicts the onset of GI                mammals, such as TTS, are generally
                                                                                                                                                            detonation (Finneran and Schlundt,
                                              tract injuries, regardless of an animal’s               extrapolated from data on terrestrial
                                                                                                                                                            2004; Schlundt et al., 2000). For
                                              mass or size. Therefore, the unweighted                 mammals (Southall et al., 2007). Similar
                                                                                                                                                            multiple, successive detonations (i.e.,
                                              peak SPL of 237 dB re 1 mPa is used in                  to PTS, dual criteria are provided for
                                              explosive impacts assessments as the                                                                          detonations happening at the same
                                                                                                      TTS thresholds, and the more
                                              threshold for slight GI tract injury for all                                                                  location within a 24-hour period), the
                                                                                                      conservative is typically applied in
                                              marine mammals.                                                                                               threshold for behavioral disturbance is
                                                                                                      impacts analysis. TTS criteria are based
                                                 Auditory Damage (PTS)—Another                                                                              set 5 dB below the SEL-based TTS
                                                                                                      on data from impulse sound exposures
                                              type of injury, permanent threshold                                                                           threshold, unless there are species- or
                                                                                                      when available. According to the most
                                              shift or PTS, is auditory damage that                                                                         group-specific data indicating that a
                                                                                                      recent data (Navy, 2017) the TTS onset
                                              does not fully recover and results in a                                                                       lower threshold should be used. This is
                                                                                                      thresholds for mid-frequency cetaceans
                                              permanent decrease in hearing                                                                                 based on observations of behavioral
                                                                                                      are based on TTS data from a beluga
                                              sensitivity. As there have been no                                                                            reactions in captive dolphins and
                                                                                                      whale exposed to an underwater
                                              studies to determine the onset of PTS in                                                                      belugas occurring at exposure levels
                                                                                                      impulse produced from a seismic
                                              marine mammals, this threshold is                                                                             approximately 5 dB below those causing
                                                                                                      watergun. The TTS thresholds consist of
                                              estimated from available information                                                                          TTS after exposure to pure tones
                                                                                                      the SEL of an underwater blast weighted
                                              associated with TTS. According to                                                                             (Finneran and Jenkins, 2012; Finneran
                                                                                                      to the hearing sensitivity of mid-
                                              research by the Navy (Navy, 2017) PTS                                                                         and Schlundt, 2004; Schlundt et al.,
                                                                                                      frequency cetaceans and an unweighted
                                              thresholds are defined differently for                                                                        2000).
                                                                                                      peak SPL measure. The dual thresholds
                                              three groups of cetaceans based on their                for TTS in mid-frequency cetaceans are                  Table 16 outlines the explosive
                                              hearing sensitivity: Low frequency, mid-                provided in Table 16.                                 thresholds, based on the best available
                                              frequency, and high frequency.                                                                                science, used by NMFS to predict the
                                              Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted                         Behavioral Impacts                                    onset of disruption of natural behavior
                                              dolphins that are the subject of the                      Behavioral impacts refer to                         patterns, PTS, tissue damage, and
                                              EGTTR acoustic impacts analysis both                    disturbances that may occur at sound                  mortality.
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                                              Marine Mammal Occurrence                                integrated 23 years of aerial and                     bottlenose dolphins, geographic
                                                                                                      shipboard surveys, linked them to                     modeling strata from MMPA stock
                                                Bottlenose and Atlantic spotted
                                              dolphin density estimates used in this                  environmental covariates obtained from                boundaries and seasonal strata were not
                                              document were obtained from Duke                        remote sensing and ocean models, and                  defined because of the lack of
                                              University Marine Geospatial Ecology                    built habitat-based density models using              information about seasonality in the
                                                                                                      distance sampling methodology. For                    Gulf of Mexico, as well as substantial

                                              Lab Reports (Roberts et al., 2016) which

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                                              5558                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              spatial and seasonal biases in survey                                    entire W–151A area include AFSOC’s                                        Atlantic spotted dolphins, and provides
                                              efforts (Roberts et al., 2015a). Therefore,                              Air-to-Surface Gunnery Training                                           more realistic take calculations.
                                              bottlenose dolphin numbers were                                          Operations and 413 FLTS’s AC–130J                                           Raster data provided online from the
                                              modeled in the Gulf of Mexico using a                                    Precision Strike Package Gunnery                                          Duke University Marine Geospatial
                                              single year-round model. Similarly for                                   Testing (Scenarios D, E, F, G, and H).
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ecology Lab Report was imported into
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphins, there is no                                   The other density estimate is considered
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ArcGIS and overlaid onto the W–151A
                                              evidence that this species migrates or                                   a fine-scale estimate and is used for
                                              exhibits seasonal patterns in the Gulf of                                missions that are planned specifically                                    area. Density values for each species
                                              Mexico, so a single, year-round model                                    around the GRATV target area. The                                         were provided in 10 x 10 km boxes. The
                                              that incorporated all available survey                                   mission sets that utilize the nearshore                                   large-scale estimates for W–151A were
                                              data was used (Roberts et al., 2015b).                                   GRATV target location are 86th FWS                                        obtained by averaging the density values
                                              The model results are available at the                                   Maritime WSEP, 413 FLTS AC–130J and                                       of these 100 km2 boxes within the W–
                                              OBIS–SEAMAP repository found online                                      AC–130W Stand-Off Precision Guided                                        151A boundaries and converted to
                                              (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/).                                           Munitions Testing, 780th TS Precision                                     number of animals per km2. Fine-scale
                                                 Two marine mammal density                                             Strike Weapons, 780 TS/OGMT future                                        estimates were calculated by selecting
                                              estimates were calculated for this LOA.                                  missions, and 96th OG future missions                                     nine 100 km2 boxes centered around the
                                              One density estimate is considered a                                     (Scenarios A, B, C, and I through T).                                     GRATV target location and averaging
                                              large-scale estimate and is used for                                     Using two different density estimates                                     the density values from those boxes.
                                              missions that could occur anywhere in                                    based on the mission locations accounts                                   Large-scale and fine-scale density
                                              W–151A, shoreward of the 200-m                                           for the differences between inshore and                                   estimates are provided in Table 17.
                                              isobath. The mission sets that utilize the                               offshore distribution of bottlenose and

                                                                  TABLE 17—MARINE MAMMAL DENSITY ESTIMATES FOR EGTTR TESTING AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Large-scale      Fine-scale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          density          density
                                                                                                                           Species                                                                                       estimate a      estimate b
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (animals per     (animals per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           km2)             km2)

                                              Bottlenose dolphin c .................................................................................................................................................            0.276            0.433
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphin d .........................................................................................................................................              0.160            0.148
                                                 a Large-scale estimates incorporate the entire W–151A area.
                                                 b Fine-scale estimates incorporate the nine 10 km2 boxes centered around the GRATV location.
                                                 c Densities derived from Roberts et al. 2015a.
                                                 d Densities derived from Roberts et al. 2015b.

                                                Density estimates usually assume that                                  evenly distributed from surface to                                        not necessarily occur at the same depth
                                              animals are uniformly distributed                                        bottom can present a distorted view of                                    corresponding to the maximum sound
                                              within the prescribed area, even though                                  marine mammal distribution in any                                         and pressure ranges.
                                              this is likely rarely true. Marine                                       region. Density is assumed to be two-                                       A mission-day based analysis was
                                              mammals are often clumped in areas of                                    dimensional, and exposure estimates
                                                                                                                                                                                                 utilized in order to model accumulated
                                              greater importance, for example, in                                      are, therefore, simply calculated as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 energy over a 24-hour timeframe where
                                              areas of high productivity, lower                                        product of affected area, animal density,
                                              predation, safe calving, etc.                                            and number of events. The resulting                                       each mission-day scenario would be
                                              Furthermore, assuming that marine                                        exposure estimates are considered                                         considered a separate event. As
                                              mammals are distributed evenly within                                    conservative, because all animals are                                     described previously, Eglin AFB
                                              the water column does not accurately                                     presumed to be located at the same                                        developed multiple mission-day
                                              reflect behavior. Databases of behavioral                                depth, where the maximum sound and                                        categories separated by mission groups
                                              and physiological parameters obtained                                    pressure ranges would extend from                                         and estimated the number of days each
                                              through tagging and other technologies                                   detonations, and would, therefore, be                                     category would be executed annually. In
                                              have demonstrated that marine animals                                    exposed to the maximum amount of                                          total, there are 20 different mission-day
                                              use the water column in various ways.                                    energy or pressure. In reality, it is highly                              scenarios included in the acoustic
                                              Some species conduct regular deep                                        likely that some portion of marine                                        analysis Labeled A–T. Table 18 below
                                              dives while others engage in much                                        mammals present near the impact area                                      summarizes the number of days each
                                              shallower dives, regardless of bottom                                    at the time of detonation would be at                                     mission-day scenario, or event, would
                                              depth. Assuming that all species are                                     various depths in the water column and                                    be conducted annually in the EGTTR.

                                                                              TABLE 18—ANNUAL NUMBER OF DAYS PLANNED FOR EACH MISSION CATEGORY DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mission           Number
                                                                                                                     Mission groups                                                                                     category         of mission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          day            days/year
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                                              86 FWS Maritime WSEP .........................................................................................................................................                A               2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            B               4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            C               2
                                              AFSOC Air-to-Surface Gunnery ..............................................................................................................................                   D               25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            E               45
                                              413 FLTS PSP Gunnery ..........................................................................................................................................               F               3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            G               4

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                5559

                                                                        TABLE 18—ANNUAL NUMBER OF DAYS PLANNED FOR EACH MISSION CATEGORY DAY—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mission              Number
                                                                                                                    Mission groups                                                                                       category            of mission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           day               days/year

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            H                   4
                                              413 FLTS SOPGM ..................................................................................................................................................             I                   2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            J                   2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            K                   2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            L                   2
                                              780 TS Precision Strike Weapon ............................................................................................................................                   M                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            N                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            O                   1
                                              780 TS Other Tests .................................................................................................................................................          P                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q                   4
                                              96 OG Future Missions ...........................................................................................................................................             R                   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            S                   2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            T                   10

                                              Take Calculation and Estimation                                         released in a 24-hour time period was                                    surface to seafloor, centered at the
                                                                                                                      calculated based on explosive acoustic                                   sound source with a radius set equal to
                                                 Eglin AFB completed acoustic                                         characteristics, sound propagation, and                                  the maximum range, Rmx, across all
                                              modeling to determine the distances                                     sound transmission loss in the EGTTR.                                    depths and azimuths at which the
                                              from their explosive ordnance                                           Results are shown in Table 19. These                                     particular metric is still above the
                                              corresponding to NMFS’ explosive                                        calculations incorporated water depth,                                   threshold. The total energy for all
                                              thresholds. These distances were then                                   sediment type, wind speed, bathymetry,                                   weapons released as part of a
                                              used with each species’ density to                                      and temperature/salinity profiles.                                       representative mission day was
                                              determine exposure estimates. Below is                                  Transmission loss was calculated from                                    calculated to assess impacts from the
                                              a summary of the methodology for those                                  the explosive source depth down to an                                    accumulated energy resulting from
                                              modeling efforts. Appendix A in the                                     array of water depth bins (0 to 160 m).                                  multiple weapon releases within a 24-
                                              application provides additional details.                                Impact volumes were computed for each                                    hour period. The number of animals
                                                 The maximum estimated range, or                                      explosive source (based on the total                                     impacted is computed by multiplying
                                              radius, from the detonation point to the                                number of munitions released on a                                        the area of a circle with radius Rmax, by
                                              point at which the various thresholds                                   representative mission day). The impact                                  the original animal density given in
                                              extend for all munitions planned to be                                  volume is a cylinder extending from                                      animal per km2.
                                                                   TABLE 19—THRESHOLD RADII (IN KILOMETERS) FOR EGTTR AIR-TO-SURFACE TESTING AND TRAINING
                                                                                             Mortality                                   Level A harassment                                                          Level B harassment

                                                                                                               Slight lung                                                                                           TTS                      Behavioral
                                                                                                                  injury          GI tract injury                         PTS
                                                  Mission-day category                       Modified
                                                                                             Goertner          Modified                                                                                   170              224 dB Peak          165
                                                                                             Model 1           Goertner                237                   185                230 dB Peak              dB SEL                SPL             dB SEL
                                                                                                               Model 2                dB SPL                dB SEL                  SPL

                                                                                                                                            Bottlenose Dolphin

                                              A ........................................           0.427               0.768                 0.348                  1.039                 0.705                  5.001              1.302            8.155
                                              B ........................................           0.107               0.225                 0.156                   0.43                 0.317                  2.245              0.585            3.959
                                              C ........................................           0.037               0.085                 0.083                   0.32                 0.169                  1.128              0.312            1.863
                                              D ........................................           0.024               0.055                 0.059                  0.254                  0.12                  0.982              0.222            1.413
                                              E ........................................            0.01               0.024                 0.034                  0.232                 0.069                  0.878              0.126            1.252
                                              F ........................................           0.003               0.007                 0.019                  0.096                 0.033                  0.218              0.062            0.373
                                              G ........................................           0.024               0.055                 0.059                  0.167                  0.12                  0.552              0.222            0.809
                                              H ........................................           0.006               0.015                 0.025                  0.097                 0.051                  0.229              0.093            0.432
                                              I .........................................          0.023               0.054                 0.059                  0.125                 0.119                  0.328               0.22            0.572
                                              J .........................................          0.045               0.101                 0.096                  0.167                 0.195                  0.555               0.36            0.812
                                              K ........................................           0.057               0.128                 0.117                  0.164                 0.237                  0.541              0.438            0.795
                                              L ........................................           0.057               0.128                 0.117                    0.2                 0.237                  0.654              0.438            0.953
                                              M .......................................             0.12               0.249                  0.22                  0.211                 0.447                  0.761              0.825            1.123
                                              N ........................................           0.076               0.168                 0.149                  0.202                 0.302                  0.671              0.557            0.982
                                              O ........................................           0.047               0.107                 0.101                  0.136                 0.204                  0.432              0.376             0.64
                                              P ........................................           0.051               0.115                 0.107                  0.116                 0.217                  0.271                 0.4           0.527
                                              Q ........................................           0.007               0.016                 0.026                  0.073                 0.053                  0.149              0.098            0.207
                                              R ........................................           0.427               0.768                 0.348                  0.811                 0.705                  4.316              1.302            6.883
                                              S ........................................           0.142               0.286                 0.156                  0.692                 0.317                  3.941              0.585            5.132
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                                              T ........................................           0.024               0.055                 0.059                  0.224                  0.12                  0.837              0.222            1.209

                                                                                                                                        Atlantic Spotted Dolphin

                                              A   ........................................         0.504               0.886                 0.348                  1.039                 0.705                  5.001              1.302            8.155
                                              B   ........................................         0.133               0.266                 0.156                   0.43                 0.317                  2.245              0.585            3.959
                                              C   ........................................         0.047               0.104                 0.083                   0.32                 0.169                  1.128              0.312            1.863
                                              D   ........................................          0.03               0.067                 0.059                  0.254                  0.12                  0.982              0.222            1.413
                                              E   ........................................         0.013                0.03                 0.034                  0.232                 0.069                  0.878              0.126            1.252

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                                              5560                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                     TABLE 19—THRESHOLD RADII (IN KILOMETERS) FOR EGTTR AIR-TO-SURFACE TESTING AND TRAINING—Continued
                                                                                            Mortality                                          Level A harassment                                                 Level B harassment

                                                                                                                  Slight lung                                                                                     TTS                    Behavioral
                                                                                                                     injury             GI tract injury                        PTS
                                                  Mission-day category                      Modified
                                                                                            Goertner               Modified                                                                               170           224 dB Peak        165
                                                                                            Model 1                Goertner                  237                    185              230 dB Peak         dB SEL             SPL           dB SEL
                                                                                                                   Model 2                  dB SPL                 dB SEL                SPL

                                              F ........................................            0.004                   0.009                  0.019                 0.096               0.033           0.218             0.062           0.373
                                              G ........................................             0.03                   0.067                  0.059                 0.167                0.12           0.552             0.222           0.809
                                              H ........................................            0.008                   0.018                  0.025                 0.097               0.051           0.229             0.093           0.432
                                              I .........................................            0.03                   0.067                  0.059                 0.125               0.119           0.328              0.22           0.572
                                              J .........................................           0.057                   0.124                  0.096                 0.167               0.195           0.555              0.36           0.812
                                              K ........................................            0.072                   0.157                  0.117                 0.164               0.237           0.541             0.428           0.795
                                              L ........................................            0.072                   0.157                  0.117                   0.2               0.237           0.654             0.438           0.953
                                              M .......................................              0.15                    0.29                   0.22                 0.211               0.447           0.761             0.825           1.123
                                              N ........................................            0.096                   0.201                  0.149                 0.202               0.302           0.671             0.557           0.982
                                              O ........................................             0.06                   0.131                  0.101                 0.136               0.204           0.432             0.376            0.64
                                              P ........................................            0.065                   0.141                  0.107                 0.116               0.217           0.271                0.4          0.527
                                              Q ........................................            0.009                    0.02                  0.026                 0.073               0.053           0.149             0.098           0.207
                                              R ........................................            0.504                   0.886                  0.348                 0.811               0.705           4.316             1.302           6.883
                                              S ........................................            0.172                   0.336                  0.156                 0.692               0.317           3.941             0.585           5.132
                                              T ........................................             0.03                   0.067                  0.059                 0.224                0.12           0.837             0.222           1.209

                                                 The ranges presented above were used                                       adjusted for the appropriate weighting                              Atlantic spotted dolphin. However, the
                                              to calculate the total area (circle) of the                                   function value of that frequency band.                              modeling is conservative and it did not
                                              zones of influence for each criterion/                                        Similarly, a ‘‘take’’ would occur for                               include implementation of the
                                              threshold. To eliminate ‘‘double-                                             impulse and peak SPL metrics if the                                 mitigation and monitoring measures,
                                              counting’’ of animals, impact areas from                                      received level is equal to or above the                             and therefore we believe that mortality
                                              higher impact categories (e.g., mortality)                                    associated threshold. For impact                                    is unlikely. Further, the potential for
                                              were subtracted from areas associated                                         categories with multiple criteria (e.g.,                            Level A harassment takes would be
                                              with lower impact categories (e.g., Level                                     slight lung injury, GI tract injury, and                            significantly reduced. As such, NMFS is
                                              A harassment). The estimated number of                                        PTS for Level A harassment) and criteria                            not authorizing any take due to
                                              marine mammals potentially exposed to                                         with two thresholds (e.g., 187 dB SEL                               mortality.
                                              the various impact thresholds was                                             and 230 peak SPL for PTS), the criterion
                                                                                                                            and/or threshold that yielded the                                      Animals from the Northern Gulf of
                                              calculated with a two-dimensional                                                                                                                 Mexico stock of spotted dolphins and
                                                                                                                            highest exposure estimate was utilized
                                              approach, as the product of the adjusted                                                                                                          the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental
                                                                                                                            for analysis of detonation impacts and
                                              impact area, animal density, and annual                                                                                                           shelf stock of bottlenose dolphins are
                                                                                                                            shows the total numbers of marine
                                              number of events for each mission-day                                         mammals potentially affected by all                                 likely to be affected. There is also a
                                              category. The calculations generally                                          EGTTR testing and training mission                                  chance that a limited number of
                                              resulted in decimal values, suggesting                                        activities annually (See Table 20). These                           bottlenose dolphins from the Gulf of
                                              that, in most cases, a fraction of an                                         exposure estimates do not take into                                 Mexico Northern Coastal stock could be
                                              animal was exposed. The results were                                          account the mitigation and monitoring                               affected. Animals from this stock are
                                              therefore rounded at the annual                                               measures that are expected to decrease                              known to occur in waters greater than
                                              mission-day level and then summed for                                         the potential for impacts.                                          20 m in depth. Even though the 20 m
                                              each criterion to obtain total annual take                                       Acoustic analysis results indicate the                           isopleth delineates the stock’s range, it
                                              estimates from all EGTTR mission                                              potential for injury and non-injurious                              is an artificial boundary used for
                                              activities. A ‘‘take’’ is considered to                                       harassment (including behavioral                                    management purposes and is not
                                              occur for SEL metrics if the received                                         harassment) to marine mammals in the                                ecologically based. However, most of
                                              level is equal to or above the associated                                     absence of mitigation measures.                                     the bottlenose dolphins potentially
                                              threshold within the appropriate                                              Mortality was calculated as one (1) for                             affected would be part of the Northern
                                              frequency band of the sound received,                                         bottlenose dolphins and zero (0) for                                Gulf of Mexico Continental shelf stock.

                                                                                AND TRAINING MISSIONS IN THE EGTTR

                                                                                                                                                                               Level A harassment                       Level B harassment
                                                                                                    Species                                                               Slight lung                 PTS             TTS               Behavioral
                                                                                                                                                                             injury                  (SEL)           (SEL)

                                              Bottlenose dolphin ...........................................................................................                             2                   7                220                315
                                              Atlantic spotted dolphin ...................................................................................                               0                   2                 85                120
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                                                      Total ..........................................................................................................                   2                   9                305                435

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         5561

                                              Mitigation                                                 Timing Restrictions—With the                       surveyed, whichever comes first. At
                                                 In order to issue an LOA under                       exception of gunnery operations,                      approximately 30 minutes prior to live
                                              Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA,                       missions will take place no earlier than              weapon deployment, marine species
                                              NMFS must set forth the permissible                     two hours after sunrise. This measure                 observers will be instructed to leave the
                                              methods of taking pursuant to such                      provides observers with adequate                      mission site and remain outside the
                                              activity, and other means of effecting                  visibility necessary for two hour pre-                safety zone, which on average will be 15
                                              the least practicable impact on such                    mission monitoring. Missions must also                miles from the detonation point.
                                                                                                      be completed at least 30 minutes before                  The duration of pre-mission surveys
                                              species or stock and its habitat, paying
                                                                                                      sunset which will allow adequate                      will depend on the area required to be
                                              particular attention to rookeries, mating
                                                                                                      visibility for post-mission monitoring.               surveyed and survey platforms (vessels
                                              grounds, and areas of similar                              Trained Observers—All monitoring                   versus aircraft). All marine mammal
                                              significance, and on the availability of                will be conducted by personnel who                    sightings including the species (if
                                              such species or stock for taking for                    have completed Eglin’s Marine Species                 possible), number, location, and
                                              certain subsistence uses (latter not                    Observer Training Course, which was                   behavior of the animals will be
                                              applicable for this action).                            developed in cooperation with NMFS.                   documented on report forms that will be
                                                 The NDAA of 2004 amended the                         This training includes a summary of                   submitted to Eglin AFB after each
                                              MMPA as it relates to military-readiness                environmental laws, consequences of                   mission. Missions will be postponed,
                                              activities and the incidental take                      non-compliance, description of an                     relocated, or cancelled based on the
                                              authorization process such that ‘‘least                 observer’s role, pictures and                         presence of protected species within the
                                              practicable adverse impact’’ shall                      descriptions of protected species and                 survey areas.
                                              include consideration of personnel                      protected species indicators, survey                     Post-mission monitoring is designed
                                              safety, practicality of implementation,                 methods, monitoring requirements, and                 to determine the effectiveness of pre-
                                              and impact on the effectiveness of the                  reporting procedures. The training will               mission mitigation by reporting
                                              military readiness activity.                            be provided to user groups either                     sightings of any dead or injured marine
                                                 In evaluating how mitigation may or                  electronically or in person by an Eglin               mammals. Post-detonation monitoring
                                              may not be appropriate to ensure the                    AFB representative. Any person acting                 surveys will commence once the
                                              least practicable adverse impact on                     as an observer for a particular mission               mission has ended or, if required, as
                                              species or stocks and their habitat, as                 must have completed the training                      soon as the mission area is declared
                                              well as subsistence uses where                          within the year prior to the mission.                 safe. Vessels will move into the survey
                                              applicable, we carefully consider two                   Names of personnel who have                           area from outside the safety zone and
                                              primary factors:                                        completed the training will be                        monitor for at least 30 minutes. The
                                                 (1) The manner in which, and the                     submitted to Eglin AFB along with the                 duration of post-mission surveys will
                                              degree to which, the successful                         date of completion. In cases where                    vary based on survey platform. Similar
                                              implementation of the measure(s) is                     multiple survey platforms are required                to pre-mission surveys, all sightings
                                              expected to reduce impacts to marine                    to cover large survey areas, a Lead                   would be properly documented on
                                              mammals, marine mammal species or                       Biologist will be designated to lead all              report forms and submitted to Eglin
                                              stocks, and their habitat. This considers               monitoring efforts and coordinate                     AFB. Any marine mammals that are
                                              the nature of the potential adverse                     sighting information with the Test                    detected in the ZOI during post-mission
                                              impact being mitigated (likelihood,                     Director or Safety Officer.                           surveys and for which takes are
                                              scope, range). It further considers the                    Pre- and Post-Mission Monitoring—                  authorized will be counted as Level B
                                              likelihood that the measure will be                     For each live mission, at a minimum,                  takes. Furthermore, any marine mammal
                                              effective if implemented (probability of                pre- and post-mission monitoring will                 observed in the ZOI for which take is
                                              accomplishing the mitigating result if                  be required. Missions will occur no                   not authorized will be reported
                                              implemented as planned) and the                         earlier than two hours after sunrise and              immediately to the Office of Protected
                                              likelihood of effective implementation                  no later than two hours prior to sunset               Resources, NMFS.
                                              (probability of being implemented as                    to ensure adequate daylight for pre- and                 If any marine mammals are killed or
                                              planned); and                                           post-mission monitoring, with the                     injured as a result of the mission, Eglin
                                                 (2) the practicability of the measures               exception of AFSOC and the 413 FLTS                   AFB would be contacted immediately.
                                              for applicant implementation, which                     gunnery missions. In those cases,                     Observers would document the species
                                              may consider such things as cost,                       aircrews will utilize aircraft                        or description of the animal, location,
                                              impact on operations, and, in the case                  instrumentation and sensors to monitor                and behavior and, if practicable, take
                                              of a military readiness activity,                       the area.                                             pictures and maintain visual contact
                                              personnel safety, practicality of                          Monitoring will be conducted from a                with the animal. Eglin AFB must notify
                                              implementation, and impact on the                       given platform depending on the                       the Director, Office of Protected
                                              effectiveness of the military readiness                 specific mission. The purposes of pre-                Resources, NMFS, or designee, by
                                              activity.                                               mission monitoring are to (1) evaluate                telephone (301–427–8401), and the
                                                                                                      the mission site for environmental                    Southeast Regional Office immediately
                                              Mitigation for Marine Mammals and                       suitability and (2) verify that the ZOI is            and await further instructions or the
                                              Their Habitat                                           free of visually detectable marine                    arrival of a response team on-site, if
                                                 Eglin AFB will employ practicable                    mammals and potential marine mammal                   feasible. Activities shall cease and not
                                              and effective mitigation measures,                      indicators. USAF range clearing vessels               resume until NMFS is able to review the
                                              which include a careful balancing of the                and protected species survey vessels                  circumstances of the prohibited take.
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                                              likely benefit of any particular measure                will be on-site at least two hours prior                 Mission Delay under Poor Sea State
                                              to the marine mammals with the likely                   to the mission. Vessel-based surveys                  Conditions—Weather conducive to
                                              effect of that measure on personnel                     will begin approximately one and one-                 marine mammal monitoring is required
                                              safety, practicality of implementation,                 half hours prior to live weapon                       to effectively conduct the pre- and post-
                                              and impact on the military-readiness                    deployment. Surveys will continue for                 mission surveys. Wind speed and the
                                              activity. Required mitigation measures                  approximately one hour or until the                   resulting surface conditions are critical
                                              include the following:                                  entire ZOI has been adequately                        factors affecting observation

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                                              5562                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              effectiveness. Higher winds typically                          threshold range listed in Table 19                        radii for Atlantic spotted dolphins for
                                              increase wave height and create                                represents a radius of impact for a given                 mission-day categories D through H
                                              ‘‘whitecap’’ conditions, both of which                         threshold of each munition/detonation                     (between 0.4 km and 1.4 km (0.2 and 0.8
                                              limit an observer’s ability to locate                          scenario. These ranges are used for                       nmi)) shows that a much larger area will
                                              marine species at or near the surface.                         determining the size of the area required                 be covered by this monitoring
                                              Air-to-surface missions will be delayed                        to be monitored during pre-mission                        procedure.
                                              or rescheduled if the sea state is greater                     surveys for each activity. For any                           Mission Delay Associated with
                                              than number 4 as listed in Table 21 at                         mission involving live munitions (other                   Animals in Zone of Influence—A
                                              the time of the mission. Protected                             than gunnery rounds) an area extending                    mission delay of live ordnance mission
                                              species observers or the Lead Biologist                        out to the PTS harassment range for the                   activities will occur if a protected
                                              will make the final determination of                           corresponding mission-day scenario                        species, large schools of fish, or large
                                              whether or not conditions are conducive                        will be completely cleared of marine                      flocks of birds feeding at the surface are
                                              to sighting protected species.                                 mammals prior to release of the first live                observed within the Level B harassment
                                                                                                             ordnance. Depending on the mission-                       ZOI. Mission activities cannot resume
                                                 TABLE 21—SEA STATE SCALE FOR                                day scenario, the corresponding radius                    until one of the following conditions is
                                                  EGTTR PRE-MISSION SURVEYS                                  could be between 73 m for a live fuse                     met: (1) Marine mammal is confirmed to
                                                                                                             surface detonation associated with                        be outside of the ZOI on a heading away
                                                Sea state No.                    Sea conditions              mission-day scenario Q, and 1,039 m                       from the target area; (2) marine mammal
                                                                                                             associated with mission-day scenario A.                   is not seen again for 30 minutes and
                                              0 ........................   Flat, calm, no waves or           This would help ensure that no marine                     presumed to be outside the Level A ZOI;
                                                                             ripples.                        mammals will be within any of the
                                              1 ........................   Light air, winds 1–2 knots;                                                                 or (3) large groupings of fish or birds
                                                                                                             Level A harassment or mortality zones                     leading to required delay are confirmed
                                                                             wave height to 1 foot;          during a live detonation event,
                                                                             ripples without crests.                                                                   outside the ZOI.
                                                                                                             significantly reducing the potential for
                                              2 ........................   Light breeze, winds 3–6                                                                        Mission Abort if Sperm or Baleen
                                                                             knots; wave height 1–2          these types of impacts to occur.
                                                                                                                Some missions will be delayed to                       Whales Observed During Pre-mission
                                                                             feet; small wavelets,
                                                                                                             allow survey platforms to evacuate the                    Monitoring —Marine mammal species
                                                                             crests not breaking.
                                              3 ........................   Gentle breeze, winds 7–10         human safety zone after pre-missions                      found in the Gulf of Mexico, including
                                                                             knots; wave height 2–3.5        surveys are completed. For these                          the Federally listed sperm whale and
                                                                             feet; large wavelets,           delayed missions, Eglin proposes to                       the Bryde’s whale, which is proposed
                                                                             scattered whitecaps.            include a buffer around the survey area                   for ESA listing, occur with greater
                                              4 ........................   Moderate breeze, winds            that would extend to the TTS                              regularity in waters over and beyond the
                                                                             11–16 knots; wave               harassment zone for the corresponding                     continental shelf break. To avoid
                                                                             height 3.5–6 feet; break-       mission-day scenario. This would                          impacts to the sperm whale, AFSOC has
                                                                             ing crests, numerous                                                                      agreed to conduct all gunnery missions
                                                                                                             double, and in some cases triple, the
                                                                                                             size of the survey area for the PTS zone.                 within (shoreward of) the 200-m
                                                                                                             This buffer will mitigate for the                         isobath, which is considered to be the
                                                 Visibility is also a critical factor for                    potential that an animal outside the area                 shelf break for purposes of this
                                              flight safety issues when aerial surveys                       during pre-mission surveys would enter                    document. Furthermore, mission
                                              are being conducted. Therefore, a                              the Level A harassment or mortality                       activities will be aborted/suspended for
                                              minimum ceiling of 305 m (1,000 ft) and                        zones during a mission. However,                          the remainder of the day if one or more
                                              visibility of 5.6 km (3 nmi) is required                       missions that consist solely of gunnery                   sperm or baleen whales are detected
                                              to support monitoring efforts and flight                       testing and training operations will                      during pre-mission monitoring activities
                                              safety concerns.                                               actually survey larger areas based on                     as no takes of these species have been
                                                 Determination of ZOI Survey Areas—                          previously established safety profiles                    authorized. This measure will
                                              The ZOI is defined as the area or                              and the ability to conduct aerial surveys                 incidentally provide greater protection
                                              volume of ocean in which marine                                of large areas from mission aircraft.                     to several other species as well. Trained
                                              mammals could be exposed to various                            These ranges are shown in Table 22.                       observers will also be instructed to be
                                              pressure or acoustic energy levels                             Comparing the monitoring area below                       vigilant in ensuring Bryde’s whales are
                                              caused by exploding ordnance. Each                             with behavioral harassment threshold                      not in the ZOI.

                                                                                            TABLE 22—MONITORING AREA RADII FOR GUNNERY MISSIONS
                                                                    Aircraft                                 Gunnery round                          Monitoring area         Monitoring altitude            Operational altitude

                                              AC–130 gunship ...............................    25 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 105 mm                       5 nmi (9,260 m) ......   6,000 ft ....................   15,000–20,000 ft.
                                                                                                  (FU and TR).
                                              CV–22 Osprey ..................................   .50 cal, 7.62 mm ..............................   3 nmi (5,556 m) ......   1,000 ft ....................   1,000 ft.
                                                 cal = caliber; ft = feet; FU = full up; m = meters; mm = millimeter; nmi = nautical miles; TR = Training Round.

                                                Mitigation Measures for Gunnery                              interrupted for more than 10 minutes,                     times more HE than that found in the
                                              Actions—Eglin AFB has identified and                           and eliminating missions conducted                        next largest round (40 mm). As a
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                                              required implementation of operational                         over waters beyond the continental                        mitigation technique, the USAF
                                              mitigation measures for gunnery                                shelf.                                                    developed a 105-mm TR that contains
                                              missions, including development of the                           The largest type of ammunition used                     only 0.35 pounds of HE. The TR was
                                              105-mm TR, use of ramp-up procedures                           during gunnery missions is a 105-mm                       developed to substantially reduce the
                                              (explained below), re-initiation of                            round, which contains 4.7 pounds of                       risk of harassment during nighttime
                                              species surveys if live fire activities are                    high explosive (HE). This is several                      operations, when visual surveying for

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         5563

                                              marine mammals is of limited                            determined that the mitigation measures                  The following monitoring options
                                              effectiveness (however, monitoring by                   provide the means effecting the least                 have been developed to support various
                                              use of the AC–130’s instrumentation is                  practicable impact on the affected                    types of air-to-surface mission activities
                                              effective at night).                                    species or stocks and their habitat,                  that may be conducted in the EGTTR.
                                                 Ramp-up procedures refer to the                      while also considering personnel safety,              Eglin AFB users covered by this LOA
                                              process of beginning with the least                     practicality of implementation, and the               must meet specific test or training
                                              impactive action and proceeding to                      impact of effectiveness of the military               objectives and safety requirements and
                                              more impactive actions. In the case of                  readiness activity.                                   have different assets available to execute
                                              gunnery activities, ramp-up procedures                                                                        the pre- and post-mission surveys. The
                                              entail beginning a mission with the                     Monitoring and Reporting
                                                                                                                                                            monitoring options and mitigation
                                              lowest caliber munition and proceeding                     In order to issue an incidental take               measures described in the subsections
                                              to the highest, which means the                         authorization for an activity, Section                below balance all mission-essential
                                              munitions would be fired in the order                   101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA states that                  parameters with measures that will
                                              of 25 mm, 40 mm, and 105 mm. The                        NMFS must set forth, ‘‘requirements                   support adequate protection to marine
                                              rationale for the procedure is that this                pertaining to the monitoring and                      mammals. Monitors will search for any
                                              process may allow marine species to                     reporting of such taking.’’ The MMPA                  marine mammal, including species for
                                              perceive steadily increasing noise levels               implementing regulations at 50 CFR                    which takes have been and have not
                                              and to react, if necessary, before the                  216.104 (a)(13) indicate that requests for            been authorized. Monitors will be
                                              noise reaches a threshold of                            authorizations must include the                       instructed to be extra vigilant in
                                              significance.                                           suggested means of accomplishing the                  ensuring that species of concern,
                                                 If use of gunship weapons is                         necessary monitoring and reporting that               including the sperm whale (listed as
                                              interrupted for more than 10 minutes,                   will result in increased knowledge of                 endangered under the ESA) and Bryde’s
                                              Eglin AFB would be required to                          the species and of the level of taking or             whale (proposed for listing under the
                                              reinitiate applicable protected species                 impacts on populations of marine                      ESA) are clear of the ZOI during testing
                                              surveys in the ZOI to ensure that no                    mammals that are expected to be                       and training activities.
                                              marine mammal species entered into the                  present in the action area. Effective                    Vessel-based Monitoring—Pre-
                                              ZOI during that time.                                   reporting is critical to compliance as                mission surveys conducted from surface
                                                 The AC–130 gunship weapons are                       well as ensuring that the most value is               vessels will typically begin at sunrise.
                                              used in two phases. First, the guns are                 obtained from the required monitoring.                Trained observers will be aboard
                                              checked for functionality and calibrated.                  Monitoring and reporting                           designated vessels to conduct protected
                                              This step requires an abbreviated period                requirements prescribed by NMFS                       species surveys before and after each
                                              of live fire. After the guns are                        should contribute to improved                         mission. These vessels will be dedicated
                                              determined ready for use, the aircraft                  understanding of one or more of the                   solely to monitoring for protected
                                              deploys a flare onto the surface of the                 following:                                            marine species and species indicators
                                              water as a target, and the mission                         • Occurrence of marine mammal                      during the pre-mission surveys. For
                                              proceeds under various test and training                species or stocks in the area in which                missions that require multiple vessels to
                                              scenarios. This second phase involves a                 take is anticipated (e.g., presence,                  conduct surveys based on the size of the
                                              more extended period of live fire and                   abundance, distribution, density);                    survey area, a Lead Biologist will be
                                              can incorporate use of one or any                          • Nature, scope, or context of likely              designated to coordinate all survey
                                              combination of the munitions available                  marine mammal exposure to potential                   efforts, compile sighting information
                                              (25-mm, 40-mm, and 105-mm rounds).                      stressors/impacts (individual or                      from the other vessels, function as the
                                                 A ramp-up procedure will be required                 cumulative, acute or chronic), through                point of contact between the survey
                                              for the initial calibration phase and,                  better understanding of: (1) Action or                vessels and Tower Control on Santa
                                              after this phase, the guns may be fired                 environment (e.g., source                             Rosa Island, and provide final
                                              in any order. Eglin AFB believes this                   characterization, propagation, ambient                recommendations to the Safety Officer/
                                              process will allow marine species the                   noise); (2) affected species (e.g., life              Test Director on the suitability of the
                                              opportunity to respond to increasing                    history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence            mission site based on environmental
                                              noise levels. If an animal leaves the area              of marine mammal species with the                     conditions and survey results.
                                              during ramp-up, it is unlikely to return                action; or (4) biological or behavioral                  Survey vessels will run pre-
                                              during the live-fire mission. This                      context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or            determined line transects, or survey
                                              protocol provides a more realistic                      feeding areas);                                       routes, that will provide sufficient
                                              training experience for aircrews. In                       • Individual marine mammal                         coverage of the survey area. Monitoring
                                              combat situations, gunship crews would                  responses (behavioral or physiological)               activities will be conducted from the
                                              not necessarily fire the complete                       to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or             highest point feasible on the vessels.
                                              ammunition load of a given caliber gun                  cumulative), other stressors, or                      There will be at least two dedicated
                                              before proceeding to another gun.                       cumulative impacts from multiple                      observers on each vessel, and they will
                                              Rather, a combination of guns might be                  stressors;                                            utilize optical equipment with sufficient
                                              used as required by real-time situations.                  • How anticipated responses to                     magnification to allow observation of
                                              An additional benefit of this protocol is               stressors impact either: (1) Long-term                surfaced animals.
                                              that mechanical or ammunition                           fitness and survival of individual                       All sighting information from pre-
                                              problems with an individual gun can be                  marine mammals; or (2) populations,                   mission surveys will be communicated
                                              resolved while live fire continues with                 species, or stocks;                                   to the Lead Biologist on a pre-
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                                              functioning weapons. This diminishes                       • Effects on marine mammal habitat                 determined radio channel to reduce
                                              the possibility of pause in live fire                   (e.g., marine mammal prey species,                    overall radio chatter and potential
                                              lasting 10 minutes or more, which                       acoustic habitat, or other important                  confusion. After compiling all the
                                              would necessitate reinitiation of                       physical components of marine                         sighting information from the other
                                              protected species surveys.                              mammal habitat); and                                  survey vessels, the Lead Biologist will
                                                 Based on our evaluation of Eglin                        • Mitigation and monitoring                        inform Tower Control on Santa Rosa
                                              AFB’s planned measures, NMFS has                        effectiveness.                                        Island on whether the area is clear of

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                                              5564             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              protected species or not. If the range is               protected species sightings or civilian               via live high-definition video feed
                                              not clear, the Lead Biologist will                      boat traffic interference, will be the                transmitted to CCF. Video monitoring
                                              provide recommendations on whether                      responsibility of the Safety Officer, with            typically facilitates data collection for
                                              the mission should be delayed or                        concurrence from the Test Director.                   the mission but can also allow remote
                                              cancelled. For example, a mission delay                   Aerial-based Monitoring—Aircraft                    viewing of the area for determination of
                                              would be recommended if a small                         typically provide an excellent viewing                environmental conditions and the
                                              number of protected species are in the                  platform for detection of marine                      presence of marine species up to the
                                              ZOI but appear to be on a heading away                  mammals at or near the surface.                       release time of live munitions. There are
                                              from the mission area. The delay would                  Depending on the mission, the aerial                  multiple sources of video that can be
                                              continue until the Lead Biologist has                   survey team will either consist of Eglin              streamed to multiple monitors within
                                              confirmed that the animals are no longer                AFB personnel or their designees aboard               CCF. When authorized for specific
                                              in the ZOI and traveling away from the                  a non-mission aircraft or the mission                 missions (e.g., Maritime WSEP), a
                                              mission site. On the other hand, a                      aircrew who have completed the Marine                 trained marine species observer from
                                              mission cancellation could be                           Species Observer Training. A                          Eglin AFB will monitor all live video
                                              recommended if one or more protected                    description of each follows.                          feed transmitted to CFF and will report
                                              species in the ZOI are found and there                    For non-mission aircraft, the pilot will            any marine mammal sightings to the
                                              is no indication that they would leave                  be instructed in protected marine                     Safety Officer, who will also be at CCF.
                                              the area on their own within a                          species survey techniques and will be                 Employing this measure typically
                                              reasonable timeframe. Tower Control on                  familiar with marine species expected to              resolves any lapse between the time
                                              Santa Rosa Island will relay the Lead                   occur in the area. One person in the                  survey vessels or aircraft leave the safety
                                              Biologist’s recommendation to the                       aircraft will act as data recorder and is             zone after completing pre-mission
                                              Safety Officer. The Safety Officer and                  responsible for relaying the location,                surveys but before the mission actually
                                              Test Director will collaborate regarding                species (if possible), direction of                   begins.
                                              range conditions based on the                           movement, and number of animals                          The primary platform for video
                                              information provided by the Lead                        sighted to the Lead Biologist. The aerial             monitoring would be through the
                                              Biologist and the status of range clearing              team will also identify protected species             GRATV. Four video cameras are
                                              vessels. The Safety Officer will have                   indicators such as large schools of fish              typically positioned on the GRATV
                                              final authority on decisions regarding                  and large, active groups of birds. Pilots             (anchored on-site) to allow for real-time
                                              delays and cancellations of missions.                   will fly the aircraft in such a manner                monitoring and data collection during
                                                 USAF Support Vessels—USAF                            that the entire ZOI (and a buffer, if                 the mission. The cameras will also be
                                              support vessels will consist of a                       required) is monitored. Marine mammal                 used to monitor for the presence of
                                              combination of USAF and civil service/                  sightings from the aerial survey team                 protected species. All cameras have a
                                              civilian personnel responsible for                      will be compiled by the Lead Biologist                zoom capability of up to at least a 300-
                                              mission site/target setup and range                     and communicated to the Test Director                 mm equivalent. At this setting, when
                                              clearing activities. USAF personnel will                or Safety Officer. Similar to survey                  targets are at a distance of 2 nmi from
                                              be within the mission area (on boats and                vessel requirements, all non-mission                  the GRATV, the field of view would be
                                              the GRATV) for each mission well in                     personnel will be required to exit the                195 ft by 146 ft. Video observers can
                                              advance of weapon deployment,                           human safety zone before the mission                  detect an item with a minimum size of
                                              typically near sunrise. They will                       can commence. As a result, the ZOI may                1 square foot up to 4,000 m away. The
                                              perform a variety of tasks including                    not be monitored up to immediate                      GRATV will typically be located about
                                              target preparation, equipment checks,                   deployment of live weapons. Due to this               183 m (600 ft) from the target area; this
                                              etc., and will observe for marine                       fact, the aerial team may be required to              range is well within the zooming
                                              mammals and indicators as feasible                      survey an additional buffer zone unless               capability of the video cameras.
                                              throughout test preparation. However,                   other monitoring assets, such as live                    Supplemental video monitoring can
                                              such observations are considered                        video monitoring, can be employed.                    also be accomplished through the
                                              incidental and would only occur as time                   Some mission aircraft have the                      employment of additional aerial assets,
                                              and schedule permits. Any sightings                     capability to conduct aerial surveys                  when available. Eglin’s aerostat balloon
                                              would be relayed to the Lead Biologist.                 immediately prior to releasing                        provides aerial imagery of weapon
                                                 The Eglin Safety Officer, in                         munitions. In those instances, aircrews               impacts and instrumentation relay.
                                              cooperation with the Tower Control on                   that have completed the marine species                When utilized, it is tethered to a boat
                                              Santa Rosa Island will coordinate and                   observer training will make several                   anchored near the GRATV but outside
                                              manage all range clearing efforts and be                passes over the target area to ensure the             weapon impact areas. The balloon can
                                              in direct communication with the                        area is clear of all protected species. For           be deployed to an altitude up to 2,000
                                              survey vessel team, typically through                   mission aircraft in this category,                    ft above sea level. It is equipped with a
                                              the Lead Biologist. All support vessels                 aircrews will operate at reasonable and               high-definition camera system that is
                                              will be in radio contact with one                       safe altitudes (dependent on the aircraft)            remotely controlled to pivot and focus
                                              another and with Tower Control. The                     appropriate to either visually scan the               on a specific target or location within
                                              Safety Officer will monitor all radio                   sea surface or utilize available                      the mission site. The video feed from
                                              communications, but Tower Control                       instrumentation and sensors to detect                 the camera system is transmitted to
                                              will relay messages between the vessels                 protected species. Typical missions in                CCF. Eglin may also employ other assets
                                              and the Safety Officer. The Safety                      this category are air-to-surface gunnery              such as intelligence, surveillance, and
                                              Officer and Tower Control will also be                  operations from AC–130 and CV–22                      reconnaissance aircraft to provide real-
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                                              in continual contact with the Test                      gunships. In some cases, other aerial                 time imagery or relay targeting pod
                                              Director throughout the mission and                     platforms may be available to                         videos from mission aircraft. Unmanned
                                              will convey information regarding range                 supplement monitoring activities for                  aerial vehicles may also be employed to
                                              clearing progress and protected species                 pre-mission surveys and during the                    provide aerial video surveillance. While
                                              survey status. Final decisions regarding                missions.                                             each of these platforms may not be
                                              mission execution, including possible                     Video-based Monitoring—Video-                       available for all missions, they typically
                                              mission delay or cancellation based on                  based monitoring may be accomplished                  can be used in combination with each

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                         5565

                                              other and with the GRATV cameras to                     rudimentary PAM study is successfully                 or night use. The IDS is capable of
                                              supplement marine mammal monitoring                     implemented, the USAF cannot commit                   detecting very small thermal
                                              efforts.                                                to PAM as a mitigation measure, which                 differences. CV–22 aircraft have similar
                                                 Even with a variety of platforms                     would add multiple layers of                          visual scanners and operable sensors;
                                              potentially available to supply video                   complexities required to detect and                   however, they operate at much lower
                                              feeds to CCF, the entire ZOI may not be                 localize marine mammals during a live                 altitudes than the AC–130 gunships,
                                              visible for the entire duration of the                  mission event. Furthermore, Eglin                     and no HE rounds will be fired from
                                              mission. However, the targets and                       would need to gain better understanding               these aircraft.
                                              immediately surrounding areas will                      of PAM capabilities so mission-                          If any marine mammals are detected
                                              typically be in the field of view of the                appropriate procedures could be
                                                                                                                                                            during pre-mission surveys or during
                                              GRATV cameras and the observer will                     developed for making go/no-go
                                                                                                                                                            the mission, activities will be
                                              be able to identify any protected species               decisions in a timely manner. Given the
                                              that may enter the target area before                                                                         immediately halted until the ZOI area is
                                                                                                      level of success with current mitigation
                                              weapon releases. In addition, the                                                                             clear of all marine mammals, or the
                                                                                                      procedures and the high level of
                                              observer will be able to determine if any                                                                     mission will be relocated to another
                                                                                                      unknowns associated with
                                              animals were injured immediately                                                                              target area. If the mission is relocated,
                                                                                                      implementing PAM as part of mitigation
                                              following the detonations. Should a                                                                           the pre-mission survey procedures will
                                                                                                      procedures for USAF activities, Eglin
                                              protected marine species be detected on                                                                       be repeated. In addition, if multiple
                                                                                                      AFB and NMFS agreed that using PAM
                                              the live video, the weapon release can                                                                        firing missions are conducted within the
                                                                                                      as a real-time mitigation measure is not
                                              be stopped almost immediately because                   practicable at this time.                             same flight, clearance procedures will
                                              the video camera observer is in direct                     AC–130 and CV–22 Gunship                           precede each mission.
                                              contact with Test Director and Safety                   Procedures—After arriving at the                         Gunship crews will conduct a post-
                                              Officer at CCF.                                         mission site and prior to initiating firing           mission survey beginning at the
                                                 Acoustic Monitoring—Eglin will                       events, gunships will conduct at least                operational altitude and proceeding
                                              conduct a NMFS-approved PAM study                       two complete orbits around the survey                 through a spiraling descent to the
                                              as an initial step towards understanding                area at a minimum safe airspeed around                designated monitoring altitude. It is
                                              acoustic impacts from underwater                        the mission site at the appropriate                   anticipated that the descent will occur
                                              detonations. During a live mission                      monitoring altitude. Provided that                    over a three- to five-minute time period.
                                              event, the Eglin AFB proposes to collect                marine mammals (and other protected                   During this time, aircrews will use
                                              data that measures energy and pressure                  species or indicators) are not detected,              similar equipment and instrumentation
                                              levels from varying distances away from                 the aircraft will then begin the ascent to            to scan the water surface for animals
                                              weapon impact points. The data would                    operational altitude, continuing to orbit             that may have been impacted during the
                                              likely be recorded by hydrophones                       the target area as it climbs. The initial             gunnery mission. During daytime
                                              attached to buoys that are deployed just                orbits occur over a timeframe of                      missions, visual scans will be used as
                                              before the mission. After mission                       approximately 10 to 15 minutes.                       well.
                                              activities, the buoys would be collected,               Monitoring for marine mammals,                           Coordination with Eglin Natural
                                              then the data would be downloaded and                   vessels, and other objects will continue              Resources Office—Prior to conducting
                                              analyzed. The results would be                          throughout the mission. If a towed target             live missions, proponents will
                                              compared to the various ranges to                       is used, mission personnel will ensure
                                                                                                                                                            coordinate with Eglin Natural Resources
                                              effects for Level A and Level B                         that the target remains in the center
                                                                                                                                                            to be briefed on their mitigation and
                                              Harassment that were calculated with                    portion of the survey area to ensure
                                                                                                                                                            monitoring requirements. Throughout
                                              the acoustic model. Eglin will also                     gunnery impacts do not extend past the
                                                                                                                                                            coordination efforts, mission assets
                                              conduct PAM for marine mammal                           ZOI.
                                                                                                         During the low-altitude orbits and                 available for monitoring will be
                                              vocalizations before, during, and after
                                                                                                      climb, the aircrew will visually scan the             identified and an implementation plan
                                              live missions in the EGTTR. Once
                                                                                                      sea surface within the aircraft’s orbit               will be developed. Based on the assets,
                                              funding for these efforts is secured,
                                                                                                      circle for the presence of marine                     survey routes will be designed to
                                              Eglin AFB will work closely with NMFS
                                                                                                      mammals. The surface scan will                        incorporate the size of the monitoring
                                              to develop a research plan that will
                                                                                                      primarily be conducted by the flight                  area and determine whether a buffer
                                              meet mutually agreeable objectives.
                                                 As previously described in the                       crew in the cockpit and personnel                     will be required. Training and reporting
                                              response to Comment #2, Eglin AFB and                   stationed in the tail observer bubble and             requirements will also be
                                              NMFS have discussed the possibility of                  starboard viewing window. During                      communicated to the proponents
                                              employing PAM as a required mitigation                  nighttime missions, crews will use night                 The following table lists known
                                              measure during EGTTR activities.                        vision goggles during observation. In                 proponents and the monitoring
                                              However, human safety concerns and                      addition to visual surveys, aircraft                  platforms that may be employed for
                                              the inability to make mission go/no-go                  optical and electronic sensors will also              marine mammal monitoring before,
                                              decisions in a timely manner are the                    be used for site clearance. AC–130                    during, and after live air-to-surface
                                              most immediate obstacles for Eglin AFB                  gunships are equipped with low-light                  missions. As stated above, coordination
                                              implementing real-time PAM during                       TV cameras and infrared detection sets                with proponents before live missions
                                              live weapon missions in the EGTTR.                      (IDSs). The TV cameras operate in a                   will ensure these options are still
                                                 As noted previously, Eglin’s current                 range of visible and near-visible light.              available, as well as any changes to
                                              boat and aerial pre- and post-mission                   Infrared systems are capable of detecting             assets or mission capabilities for new
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                                              visual surveys have been successful in                  differences in temperature from thermal               proponents that would fall under this
                                              preventing impacts to marine mammals                    energy (heat) radiated from living bodies             authorization. Eglin Natural Resources
                                              because no unauthorized takes have                      or from reflected and scattered thermal               will ensure all practical measures will
                                              occurred as a result of these procedures                energy. In contrast to typical night-                 be implemented to the maximum extent
                                              under previous incidental take                          vision devices, visible light is not                  possible to comply with the mitigation
                                              authorizations. Until Eglin AFB is                      necessary for object detection. Infrared              and monitoring requirements while
                                              confident that this first step toward a                 systems are equally effective during day              meeting mission objectives.

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                                              5566                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Monitoring platform
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vessel                      Aerial                     Video

                                              86 FWS Maritime Weapons System Evaluation Program (WSEP) ............................................                                                    •               ........................              •

                                                                                                              USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Training

                                              Air-to-Surface Gunnery ................................................................................................................       ........................              •               ........................
                                              Small Diameter Bomb/Griffin Missile Training .............................................................................                    ........................              •               ........................
                                              CV–22 Training ............................................................................................................................   ........................              •               ........................

                                                                                                                              413th Flight Test Squadron (FLTS)

                                              AC–130J Precision Strike Package Testing ................................................................................                     ........................              •                          •
                                              AC–130J Stand-Off Precision Guided Munitions Testing ...........................................................                              ........................              •                          •

                                                                                                                                         780th Test Squadron

                                              Precision Strike Weapon .............................................................................................................                    •                          •                          •
                                              Longbow Littoral Testing .............................................................................................................                   •               ........................              •

                                              Monitoring and Reporting Measures                                        to mission activities, or injured or killed                              monitoring, or reporting measures are
                                                 In addition to monitoring for marine                                  during mission activities, a report must                                 substantial, NMFS will publish a notice
                                              species before and after missions, the                                   be made to the NMFS Southeast Region                                     of proposed LOA in the Federal
                                              following monitoring and reporting                                       Marine Mammal Stranding Network at                                       Register and solicit public comment. If,
                                              measures will be required.                                               877–433–8299, the Chief of the Permits                                   however, NMFS determines that an
                                                 • Within a year before the planned                                    and Conservation Division, Office of                                     emergency exists that poses a significant
                                              missions, all protected species observers                                Protected Resources, at 301–427–8401                                     risk to the well-being of the species or
                                              will receive the Marine Species                                          and the Florida Marine Mammal                                            stocks of marine mammals in the Gulf
                                              Observer Training Course developed by                                    Stranding Hotline at 888–404–3922                                        of Mexico, an LOA may be modified
                                              Eglin in cooperation with NMFS.                                          immediately.                                                             without prior notice or opportunity for
                                                 • Eglin AFB will track use of the                                       Æ Any unauthorized impacts on                                          public comment. Notice would be
                                              EGTTR and protected species                                              marine mammals must be immediately                                       published in the Federal Register
                                              observation results through the use of                                   reported to the National Marine                                          within 30 days of the action.
                                              protected species observer report forms.                                 Fisheries Service’s Southeast Regional
                                                                                                                                                                                                Negligible Impact Analysis and
                                                 • A summary annual report of marine                                   Administrator, at 727–842–5312, and
                                              mammal observations and mission                                          the Chief of the Permits and
                                              activities will be submitted to the NMFS                                 Conservation Division, Office of                                            NMFS has defined negligible impact
                                              Southeast Regional Office and the                                        Protected Resources, at 301–427–8401.                                    as an impact resulting from the
                                              NMFS Office of Protected Resources 90                                                                                                             specified activity that cannot be
                                                                                                                       Adaptive Management                                                      reasonably expected to, and is not
                                              days after completion of mission
                                              activities each year or 60 days prior to                                   NMFS may modify (including                                             reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
                                              the issuance of any subsequent LOA for                                   augment) the existing mitigation,                                        species or stock through effects on
                                              projects at the EGTTR, whichever comes                                   monitoring, or reporting measures (after                                 annual rates of recruitment or survival
                                              first. A final report shall be prepared                                  consulting with Eglin AFB regarding the                                  (50 CFR 216.103). A negligible impact
                                              and submitted within 30 days following                                   practicability of the modifications) if                                  finding is based on the lack of likely
                                              resolution of comments on the draft                                      doing so creates a reasonable likelihood                                 adverse effects on annual rates of
                                              annual reports from NMFS. This annual                                    of more effectively accomplishing the                                    recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
                                              report must include the following                                        goals of the mitigation and monitoring                                   level effects). An estimate of the number
                                              information:                                                             measures for these regulations.                                          of takes alone is not enough information
                                                 Æ Date and time of each mission.                                        Possible sources of data that could                                    on which to base an impact
                                                 Æ A complete description of the pre-                                  contribute to the decision to modify the                                 determination. In addition to
                                              mission and post-mission activities                                      mitigation, monitoring, or reporting                                     considering estimates of the number of
                                              related to mitigating and monitoring the                                 measures in an LOA include: (1) Results                                  marine mammals that might be ‘‘taken’’
                                              effects of mission activities on marine                                  from Eglin AFB’s acoustic monitoring                                     through harassment, NMFS considers
                                              mammal populations.                                                      study; (2) results from monitoring                                       other factors, such as the likely nature
                                                 Æ Results of the visual monitoring,                                   during previous year(s); (3) results from                                of any responses (e.g., intensity,
                                              including numbers by species/stock of                                    other marine mammal and/or sound                                         duration), the context of any responses
                                              any marine mammals noted injured or                                      research or studies; and (4) any                                         (e.g., critical reproductive time or
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                                              killed as a result of the missions, and                                  information that reveals marine                                          location, migration), as well as effects
                                              number of marine mammals (by species                                     mammals may have been taken in a                                         on habitat, and the likely effectiveness
                                              if possible) that may have been harassed                                 manner, extent or number not                                             of the mitigation. We also assess the
                                              due to presence within the activity                                      authorized by these regulations or                                       number, intensity, and context of
                                              zone.                                                                    subsequent LOAs.                                                         estimated takes by evaluating this
                                                 Æ If any dead or injured marine                                         If, through adaptive management, the                                   information relative to population
                                              mammals are observed or detected prior                                   modifications to the mitigation,                                         status. Consistent with the 1989

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5567

                                              preamble for NMFS’s implementing                        hours per day depending on the mission                live weapon detonations are not likely
                                              regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29,                 category).                                            to result in long-term physical
                                              1989), the impacts from other past and                     Level B harassment in the form of                  alterations of the water column or ocean
                                              ongoing anthropogenic activities are                    TTS was modeled to occur in both                      floor. These effects are not expected to
                                              incorporated into this analysis via their               species for which take is authorized. If              substantially affect prey availability, are
                                              impacts on the environmental baseline                   TTS occurs, it is expected to be at low               of limited duration, and are
                                              (e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status            levels and of short duration. As                      intermittent. Impacts to marine fish
                                              of the species, population size and                     explained previously, TTS is temporary                were analyzed in the Eglin Gulf Test
                                              growth rate where known, ongoing                        with no long-term effects to species. The             and Training Range Environmental
                                              sources of human-caused mortality, or                   modeled take numbers are expected to                  Assessment (Department of the Air
                                              ambient noise levels).                                  be overestimates because NMFS expects                 Force, 2015). In the EA, it was
                                                 To avoid repetition, the discussion of               that successful implementation of the                 determined that fish populations were
                                              our analyses applies to bottlenose                      required aerial-based, vessel-based and               unlikely to be affected and prey
                                              dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins,                 video-based mitigation measures could                 availability for marine mammals would
                                              given that the anticipated effects of this              avoid TTS. Furthermore, monitoring                    not be impaired. Other factors related to
                                              activity on these different marine                      results from previous incidental take                 EGTTR activities that could potentially
                                              mammal stocks are expected to be                        authorizations have demonstrated that it              affect marine mammal habitat include
                                              similar. There is little information about              is uncommon to sight marine mammals                   the introduction of metals, explosives
                                              the nature or severity of the impacts, or               within the ZOI, especially for prolonged              and explosion by-products, other
                                              the size, status, or structure of these two             durations. Results from monitoring                    chemical materials, and debris into the
                                              species or stocks that would lead to a                  programs associated with Eglin AFB’s                  water column and substrate due to the
                                              different analysis for this activity.                   2015 and 2016 Maritime WSEP                           use of munitions and target vessels.
                                                 For reasons stated previously in this                activities have shown the absence of                  However, the effects of each were
                                              document and based on the following                     marine mammals within the ZOI during                  analyzed in the EA and were
                                              factors, Eglin AFB’s specified activities               operations.                                           determined to not be significant.
                                              are not likely to cause long-term                          NMFS expects that successful
                                              behavioral disturbance, serious injury,                 implementation of the required aerial-                   While animals may be impacted in
                                              or death. Because the exposure model                    based, vessel-based and video-based                   the immediate vicinity of the target area,
                                              was conservative and calculated a single                mitigation measures would avoid or                    because of the short duration of the
                                              bottlenose dolphin death, along with the                reduce take by Level A harassment in                  actual individual explosions themselves
                                              fact that the required mitigation and                   some instances. Marine mammals                        (versus continual sound source
                                              monitoring measures were not                            would likely begin to move away from                  operation) combined with the relatively
                                              incorporated into the model, NMFS                       the immediate target area once bombing                short duration of daily operations (i.e.
                                              does not anticipate or propose to                       begins, decreasing exposure to the full               ranging from a few minutes to no more
                                              authorize any take by mortality. The                    amount of acoustic energy. There have                 than four hours per day depending on
                                              takes from Level B harassment would be                  also been no marine mammal                            the mission category), NMFS has
                                              due to disturbance of normal behavioral                 observations in the ZOI according to                  determined that there will not be a
                                              patterns and TTS, as duration of                        monitoring reports from previous years.               substantial impact on marine mammals
                                              exposure is relatively short. The                       Therefore, we anticipate that, because of             or their habitat in Gulf of Mexico
                                              potential takes from Level A harassment                 the mitigation measures, low                          ecosystems in the EGTTR. We do not
                                              would be due to PTS and slight lung                     observation rate of marine mammals in                 expect that the planned activity would
                                              injury (not gastrointestinal tract injury).             the target area, and the likely limited               impact rates of recruitment or survival
                                                 NMFS has determined that direct                      duration of exposures, any PTS incurred               of marine mammals since we do not
                                              strike by ordnance is highly unlikely.                  would be in the form of only a small                  expect mortality (which would remove
                                              Although strike from a munition at the                  degree of PTS, rather than total                      individuals from the population) or
                                              surface of the water while the animals                  deafness.                                             serious injury to occur. In addition, the
                                              are at the surface is possible, the                        Other than for mortality, the take                 activity will not occur in areas (and/or
                                              potential risk of a direct hit to an animal             numbers authorized by NMFS do not                     times) of significance for the marine
                                              within the target area would be low. The                consider mitigation or avoidance.                     mammal populations potentially
                                              USAF (2002 PEA) estimated that in the                   Therefore, NMFS expects that Level A                  affected by the exercises (e.g., feeding,
                                              absence of mitigation a maximum of 0.2                  harassment is unlikely to occur at the                resting, or reproductive areas), and the
                                              marine mammals could potentially be                     authorized numbers. However, since it                 activities will only occur in a small part
                                              struck by projectiles, falling debris, and              is difficult to quantify the degree to                of their overall range, so the impact of
                                              inert munitions each year.                              which the mitigation and avoidance will               any potential temporary displacement
                                                 Disruption of normal behavioral                      reduce the number of animals that                     would be negligible and animals would
                                              patterns constituting Level B                           might incur Level A harassment (i.e.                  be expected to return to the area after
                                              harassment would be limited to                          PTS, slight lung injury), NMFS proposes               the cessations of activities. Although the
                                              reactions such as startle responses,                    to authorize take by Level A harassment               planned activity could result in Level A
                                              movements away from the area, and                       at the numbers derived from the                       (PTS and slight lung injury) and Level
                                              short-term changes to behavioral state.                 exposure model and has included that                  B (behavioral disturbance and TTS of
                                              These impacts are expected to be                        potential amount of take in our analysis.             lesser degree and shorter duration)
                                              temporary and of limited duration due                   Moreover, the mitigation and                          harassment of marine mammals, the
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                                              to the likely avoidance of the action area              monitoring measures required under the                level of harassment is not anticipated to
                                              by marine mammals, short period of                      Authorization (described earlier in this              impact rates of recruitment or survival
                                              individual explosions themselves                        document) are expected to further                     of marine mammals because the number
                                              (versus continual sound source                          minimize the potential for both Level A               of exposed animals is expected to be
                                              operation), and relatively short duration               and Level B harassment.                               low due to the relatively short-term and
                                              of the EGTTR operations (i.e. ranging                      Impacts to habitat are not anticipated.            site-specific nature of the activity.
                                              from a few minutes to no more than four                 Noise and pressure waves resulting from               Furthermore, we do not anticipate that

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                                              5568             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                              the effects would be detrimental to rates               threatened species or result in the                   Administrator finds good cause to waive
                                              of recruitment and survival because we                  destruction or adverse modification of                the 30-day delay in the effective date.
                                              do not expect serious extended                          designated critical habitat. No
                                                                                                                                                            List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 218
                                              behavioral responses that would result                  incidental take of ESA-listed marine
                                              in energetic effects at the level to impact             mammal species is authorized or                         Exports, Fish, Imports, Incidental
                                              fitness or physiological impacts of a                   expected to result from the proposed                  take, Indians, Labeling, Marine
                                              nature that would impede reproduction                   activities. Therefore, NMFS has                       mammals, Penalties, Reporting and
                                              or survival.                                            determined that formal consultation                   recordkeeping requirements, Seafood,
                                                 In summary and as described above,                   under section 7 of the ESA is not                     Transportation.
                                              the following factors primarily support                 required for this action.
                                              our determination that the impacts                                                                              Dated: February 5, 2018.
                                              resulting from this activity are not                    Classification                                        Samuel D. Rauch III,
                                              expected to adversely affect the species                   The Office of Management and Budget                Deputy Assistant Administrator for
                                              or stock through effects on annual rates                has determined that this final rule is not            Regulatory Programs, National Marine
                                              of recruitment or survival:                             significant for purposes of Executive                 Fisheries Service.
                                                 • No mortality is anticipated or                     Order 12866. This rule is not an                        For reasons set forth in the preamble,
                                              authorized and only 11 instances of                     Executive Order 13771 regulatory action               50 CFR part 218 is amended as follows:
                                              Level A harassment are authorized.                      because this rule is not significant under
                                              Remaining impacts would be within the                   Executive Order 12866.                                PART 218—REGULATIONS
                                              non-injurious TTS or behavioral effects                    Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility             GOVERNING THE TAKING AND
                                              zones (Level B harassment consisting of                 Act (RFA), the Chief Counsel for                      IMPORTING OF MARINE MAMMALS
                                              generally temporary modifications in                    Regulation of the Department of
                                              behavior);                                              Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel               ■  1. The authority citation for part 218
                                                 • Effectiveness of mitigation and                    for Advocacy of the Small Business                    is revised to read as follows:
                                              monitoring requirements which are                       Administration at the proposed rule                     Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., unless
                                              designed and expected to avoid                          stage that this rule would not have a                 otherwise noted.
                                              exposures that may cause serious injury                 significant economic impact on a
                                              and minimize the likelihood of PTS,                     substantial number of small entities.                 ■ 2. Add subpart G to part 218 to read
                                              TTS, or more severe behavioral                          Eglin AFB is the sole entity that would               as follows:
                                              responses;                                              be affected by this rulemaking, and                   Subpart G—Taking of Marine Mammals
                                                 • Adverse impacts to habitat are not                 Eglin AFB is not a small governmental                 Incidental to Testing and Training Activities
                                              expected; and                                           jurisdiction, small organization, or small            Conducted at the Eglin Gulf Test and
                                                 • Results from previous monitoring                                                                         Training Range in the Gulf of Mexico
                                                                                                      business, as defined by the RFA.
                                              reports did not record any marine
                                                                                                      Because this action directly affects Eglin            Sec.
                                              mammal takes associated with military                                                                         218.60 Specified activity and specified
                                                                                                      AFB and not a small entity, NMFS
                                              readiness activities occurring in the                                                                              geographical region.
                                                                                                      concluded the action will not result in
                                              EGTTR.                                                                                                        218.61 Effective dates.
                                                 Based on the analysis contained                      a significant economic impact on a
                                                                                                      substantial number of small entities. No              218.62 Permissible methods of taking.
                                              herein of the likely effects of the                                                                           218.63 Prohibitions.
                                              specified activity on marine mammals                    comments were received regarding this
                                                                                                                                                            218.64 Mitigation requirements.
                                              and their habitat, and taking into                      certification. As a result, a regulatory              218.65 Requirements for monitoring and
                                              consideration the implementation of the                 flexibility analysis is not required and                   reporting.
                                              monitoring and mitigation measures,                     none has been prepared.                               218.66 Letters of Authorization.
                                              NMFS finds that the total marine                           The Assistant Administrator for                    218.67 Renewals and modifications of
                                              mammal take from the planned activity                   Fisheries has determined that there is                     Letters of Authorization.
                                                                                                      good cause under the Administrative                   218.68–218.69 [Reserved]
                                              will have a negligible impact on all
                                              affected marine mammal species or                       Procedure Act to waive the 30-day delay
                                                                                                      in the effective date (5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3))            Subpart G—Taking of Marine Mammals
                                              stocks.                                                                                                       Incidental to Testing and Training
                                                                                                      of the measures contained in the final
                                              Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis                     rule. The USAF is the only entity                     Activities Conducted at the Eglin Gulf
                                              and Determination                                       subject to the regulations, and it has                Test and Training Range in the Gulf of
                                                                                                      informed NMFS that it requests that this              Mexico
                                                There are no relevant subsistence uses
                                              of the affected marine mammal stocks or                 final rule take effect by February 13,                § 218.60 Specified activity and specified
                                              species implicated by this action.                      2018, to accommodate a USAF testing                   geographical region.
                                              Therefore, NMFS has determined that                     and training exercise planned for that
                                                                                                      day in the EGTTR. Any delay of                           (a) Regulations in this subpart apply
                                              the total taking of affected species or
                                                                                                      enacting the final rule would result in               only to Eglin Air Force Base (Eglin AFB)
                                              stocks would not have an unmitigable
                                                                                                      either: (1) A suspension of planned                   and those persons it authorizes to
                                              adverse impact on the availability of
                                                                                                      naval training, which would disrupt                   conduct activities on its behalf, for the
                                              such species or stocks for taking for
                                                                                                      vital training essential to national                  taking of marine mammals as outlined
                                              subsistence purposes.
                                                                                                      security; or (2) the USAF’s procedural                in paragraph (b) of this section and
                                              Endangered Species Act (ESA)                            non-compliance with the MMPA                          incidental to testing and training
                                                                                                                                                            missions in the Eglin Gulf Test and
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                                                 Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered                    (should the USAF conduct testing and
                                              Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16 U.S.C.                     training without an LOA), thereby                     Training Range (EGTTR).
                                              1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal                resulting in the potential for                           (b) The taking of marine mammals by
                                              agency insure that any action it                        unauthorized takes of marine mammals.                 Eglin AFB pursuant to a Letter of
                                              authorizes, funds, or carries out is not                Moreover, the USAF is ready to                        Authorization (LOA) is authorized only
                                              likely to jeopardize the continued                      implement the rule immediately. For                   if it occurs at the EGTTR in the Gulf of
                                              existence of any endangered or                          these reasons, the Assistant                          Mexico.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                           5569

                                              § 218.61   Effective dates.                             surface are observed within the ZOI.                  training missions and to track marine
                                                 Regulations in this subpart are                      Mission activities cannot resume until                mammal observations.
                                              effective February 13, 2018 through                     one of the following conditions is met:                  (d) Depending on the mission
                                              February 12, 2023.                                         (1) Protected species marine                       category, visual aerial-based, vessel-
                                                                                                      mammal(s) is confirmed to be outside of               based, or video-based marine mammal
                                              § 218.62   Permissible methods of taking.               the ZOI on a heading away from the                    surveys shall be conducted before and
                                                 Under a Letter of Authorization (LOA)                target area; or                                       after live ordnance mission activities
                                              issued pursuant to § 216.106 of this                       (2) Protected species marine                       each day.
                                              chapter and § 218.66, the Holder of the                 mammal(s) is not seen again for 30                       (e) Vessel-based surveys shall begin
                                              LOA (herein after Eglin AFB) may                        minutes and presumed to be outside the                approximately one and one-half hour
                                              incidentally, but not intentionally, take               Level A harassment ZOI.                               prior to live weapon deployment and
                                              marine mammals by Level A and Level                        (3) Large groupings of fish or birds               shall be completed 30 minutes prior to
                                              B harassment associated with EGTTR                      leading to required delay are confirmed               the start of mission.
                                              activities within the area described in                 outside of the ZOI.                                      (f) Surveys shall continue for
                                              § 218.60 provided the activities are in                    (d) Gunnery operations shall require               approximately one hour or until the
                                              compliance with all terms, conditions,                  employment of the following mitigation                entire ZOI has been adequately
                                              and requirements of these regulations in                measures.                                             surveyed, whichever comes first.
                                              this subpart and the appropriate LOA.                      (1) Use of 105-millimeter (mm)                        (g) Post-mission monitoring surveys
                                                                                                      training rounds (TR) during nighttime                 shall commence once the mission has
                                              § 218.63   Prohibitions.                                missions.                                             ended or as soon as the mission area is
                                                Notwithstanding takings                                  (2) Ramp-up procedures requiring the               declared safe.
                                              contemplated in § 218.60 and                            use of the lowest caliber munition and                   (h) Vessel-based post-mission surveys
                                              authorized by an LOA issued under                       proceeding to the highest, which means                shall be conducted for 30 minutes after
                                              § 216.106 of this chapter and § 218.66,                 the munitions would be fired in the                   completion of live ordnance missions.
                                              no person in connection with the                        order of 25 mm, 40 mm, and 105 mm.                       (i) Any marine mammals detected in
                                              activities described in § 218.60 may:                      (3) Any pause in live fire activities              the ZOI during post-mission surveys, for
                                                (a) Violate, or fail to comply with, the              greater than 10 minutes shall require                 which take are authorized, shall be
                                              terms, conditions, and requirements of                  reinitiation of protected species surveys.            counted as takes by Level B harassment.
                                              this subpart or an LOA issued under                        (4) Missions shall be conducted                    Any marine mammals detected in the
                                              § 216.106 of this chapter and § 218.66.                 within the 200-meter (m) isobaths to                  ZOI during post-mission surveys, for
                                                (b) Take any marine mammal not                        provide greater protection to several                 which take is not authorized, shall be
                                              specified in such LOAs;                                 species.                                              reported immediately to the Office of
                                                (c) Take any marine mammal                               (e) If one or more sperm or baleen                 Protected Resources, NMFS.
                                              specified in such LOAs in any manner                    whales are detected during pre-mission                   (j) A minimum of two dedicated
                                              other than as specified;                                monitoring activities, mission activities             observers shall be stationed on each
                                                (d) Take a marine mammal specified                    shall be aborted/suspended for the                    vessel.
                                              in such LOAs if NMFS determines such                    remainder of the day.                                    (k) Observers shall utilize optical
                                              taking results in more than a negligible                   (f) Additional mitigation measures as              equipment with sufficient magnification
                                              impact on the species or stocks of such                 contained in an LOA.                                  to allow observation of surfaced
                                              marine mammal; or                                                                                             animals.
                                                                                                      § 218.65 Requirements for monitoring and                 (l) The size of the survey area for each
                                              § 218.64   Mitigation requirements.                     reporting.                                            mission shall be determined according
                                                 When conducting activities identified                  (a) Holders of LOAs issued pursuant                 to the radius of impact for the given
                                              in § 218.60, the mitigation measures                    to § 218.66 for activities described in               threshold of each munition/detonation
                                              contained in the LOA issued under                       § 218.60(a) are required to cooperate                 scenario. These ranges shall be
                                              § 216.106 of this chapter and § 218.66                  with NMFS, and any other Federal,                     monitored during pre-mission surveys
                                              must be implemented. These mitigation                   state, or local agency with authority to              for each activity.
                                              measures shall include but are not                      monitor the impacts of the activity on                   (m) Some missions shall be delayed to
                                              limited to the following general                        marine mammals. If the authorized                     allow survey platforms to evacuate the
                                              conditions:                                             activity identified in § 218.60(a) is                 human safety zone after pre-missions
                                                 (a) If daytime weather and/or sea                    thought to have resulted in the mortality             surveys are completed.
                                              conditions preclude adequate                            or injury of any marine mammals or                       (n) Any aerial-based pre-mission
                                              monitoring for detecting marine                         take of marine mammals not identified                 surveys shall be conducted by observers
                                              mammals and other marine life, EGTTR                    in § 218.60(b), then the Holder of the                aboard non-mission aircraft or mission
                                              operations must be delayed until                        LOA must notify the Director, Office of               aircraft who have completed the Marine
                                              adequate sea conditions exist for                       Protected Resources, NMFS, or                         Species Observer Training.
                                              monitoring to be undertaken.                            designee, by telephone (301) 427–8401,                   (o) Gunship standard procedures
                                                 (b) Restrictions on time of activities.              and the Southeast Regional Office                     initiated prior to initiation of live-firing
                                                 (1) Missions involving the use of live               (phone within 24 hours of the injury or               events shall require at least two
                                              bombs, missiles and rockets shall only                  death).                                               complete orbits around the survey
                                              occur during daylight hours.                              (b) Monitoring shall be conducted by                mission site at the appropriate airspeed
                                                 (2) Missions during daylight hours                   personnel who have completed Eglin’s                  and monitoring altitude and include the
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                                              shall occur no earlier than two hours                   Marine Species Observer Training                      following:
                                              after sunrise and no later than two hours               Course, which was developed in                           (1) Monitoring for marine mammals
                                              prior to sunset.                                        cooperation with the National Marine                  shall continue throughout the mission
                                                 (c) Required delay of live ordnance                  Fisheries Service.                                    by mission crew;
                                              mission activities shall occur if a                       (c) The Holder of the LOA shall use                    (2) Where applicable aircraft optical
                                              protected species, large schools of fish                mission-reporting forms to track their                and electronic sensors shall be used for
                                              or large flocks of birds feeding at the                 use of the EGTTR for testing and                      marine mammal observation;

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                                              5570             Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations

                                                 (3) If any marine mammals are                        mammals (by species if possible) that                    (4) In the event that Eglin AFB
                                              detected during pre-mission surveys or                  may have been harassed due to presence                discovers an injured or dead marine
                                              during the mission, activities shall be                 within the zone of influence.                         mammal, and the lead observer
                                              immediately halted until the ZOI area is                  (2) The draft report shall be subject to            determines that the injury or death is
                                              clear of all marine mammals, or the                     review and comment by NMFS. Any                       not associated with or related to the
                                              mission shall be relocated to another                   recommendations made by NMFS must                     activities authorized in the LOA (e.g.,
                                              target area. If the mission is relocated,               be addressed in the final report prior to             previously wounded animal, carcass
                                              the pre-mission survey procedures shall                 acceptance by NMFS. The draft report                  with moderate to advanced
                                              be repeated;                                            shall be considered the final report for              decomposition, scavenger damage),
                                                 (4) If multiple firing missions are                  this activity under the LOA if NMFS has               Eglin AFB shall report the incident to
                                              conducted within the same flight,                       not provided comments and                             the Office of Protected Resources,
                                              standard clearance procedures shall                     recommendations within 90 days of                     NMFS, and the Southeast Regional
                                              precede each mission; and                               receipt of the draft report.                          Office, NMFS, within 24 hours of the
                                                 (5) Gunship crews shall conduct a                      (s) Reporting injured or dead marine                discovery. Eglin AFB shall provide
                                              post-mission survey beginning at the                    mammals:                                              photographs or video footage or other
                                              operational altitude and proceeding                       (1) In the unanticipated event that the             documentation of the stranded animal
                                              through a spiraling descent to the                      specified activity clearly causes the take            sighting to NMFS.
                                              designated monitoring altitude.                         of a marine mammal in a manner                           (5) Additional Conditions:
                                                 (p) Video-based monitoring from the                  prohibited by the LOA, such as an                        (i) The Holder of the LOA must
                                              GRATV shall be conducted where                          injury for species not authorized (Level              inform the Director, Office of Protected
                                              appropriate via live high-definition                    A harassment), serious injury, or                     Resources, NMFS, (301–427–8401) or
                                              video feed.                                             mortality, Eglin AFB shall immediately                designee prior to the initiation of any
                                                 (1) Supplemental video monitoring                    cease the specified activities and report             changes to the monitoring plan for a
                                              shall be conducted through the                          the incident to the Office of Protected               specified mission activity.
                                              employment of additional aerial assets                  Resources, NMFS, and the Southeast                       (ii) A copy of the LOA must be in the
                                              including aerostats and drones when                     Regional Office, NMFS. The report must                possession of the safety officer on duty
                                              available.                                              include the following information:                    each day that EGTTR missions are
                                                 (2) [Reserved]                                         (i) Time and date of the incident;                  conducted.
                                                 (q) Acoustic Monitoring:                               (ii) Description of the incident;                      (iii) The LOA may be modified,
                                                 (1) Eglin AFB shall conduct a passive                  (iii) Environmental conditions (e.g.,               suspended or withdrawn if the holder
                                              acoustic monitoring (PAM) study as an                   wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea                fails to abide by the conditions
                                              initial step towards understanding                      state, cloud cover, and visibility);                  prescribed herein, or if NMFS
                                              acoustic impacts from underwater                          (iv) Description of all marine mammal               determines the authorized taking is
                                              detonations, if funding is approved;                    observations in the 24 hours preceding                having more than a negligible impact on
                                                 (2) Eglin AFB shall conduct PAM for                  the incident;                                         the species or stock of affected marine
                                              marine mammal vocalizations before,                       (v) Species identification or                       mammals.
                                              during, and after live missions in the                  description of the animal(s) involved;
                                                                                                                                                            § 218.66   Letters of Authorization.
                                              EGTTR, once funding is approved; and                      (vi) Fate of the animal(s); and
                                                 (3) The results of the PAM study shall                 (vii) Photographs or video footage of                 (a) To incidentally take marine
                                              be submitted to NMFS OPR as a draft                     the animal(s).                                        mammals pursuant to these regulations,
                                              monitoring report within 90 days of                       (2) Activities shall not resume until               Eglin AFB must apply for and obtain an
                                              completion of the study.                                NMFS is able to review the                            LOA.
                                                 (r) The Holder of the LOA is required                circumstances of the prohibited take.                   (b) An LOA, unless suspended or
                                              to:                                                     NMFS shall work with Eglin AFB to                     revoked, may be effective for a period of
                                                 (1) Submit an annual draft report to                 determine what measures are necessary                 time not to exceed the expiration date
                                              NMFS OPR on all monitoring conducted                    to minimize the likelihood of further                 of these regulations.
                                                                                                      prohibited take and ensure MMPA                         (c) If an LOA expires prior to the
                                              under the LOA within 90 days of the
                                                                                                      compliance. Eglin AFB may not resume                  expiration date of these regulations,
                                              completion of marine mammal
                                                                                                      their activities in the EGTTR until                   Eglin AFB must apply for and obtain a
                                              monitoring, or 60 days prior to the
                                                                                                      notified by NMFS.                                     renewal of the LOA.
                                              issuance of any subsequent LOA for                                                                              (d) In the event of projected changes
                                              projects at the EGTTR, whichever comes                    (3) In the event that Eglin AFB
                                                                                                                                                            to the activity or to mitigation and
                                              first. A final report shall be prepared                 discovers an injured or dead marine
                                                                                                                                                            monitoring measures required by an
                                              and submitted within 30 days following                  mammal, and the lead observer
                                                                                                                                                            LOA, Eglin AFB must apply for and
                                              resolution of comments on the draft                     determines that the cause of the injury
                                                                                                                                                            obtain a modification of the LOA as
                                              report from NMFS. This report must                      or death is unknown and the death is
                                                                                                                                                            described in § 218.67.
                                              contain, at a minimum, the following                    relatively recent (e.g., in less than a                 (e) The LOA shall set forth:
                                              information:                                            moderate state of decomposition), Eglin                 (1) Permissible methods of incidental
                                                 (i) Date and time of each EGTTR                      AFB shall immediately report the                      taking;
                                              mission;                                                incident to the Office of Protected                     (2) Number of marine mammals, by
                                                 (ii) A complete description of the pre-              Resources, NMFS, and the Southeast                    species and age class, authorized to be
                                              mission and post-mission activities                     Regional Office, NMFS. The report must                taken;
                                              related to mitigating and monitoring the                include the same information identified                 (3) Means of effecting the least
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                                              effects of EGTTR missions on marine                     in paragraph (p)(1) of this section.                  practicable adverse impact (i.e.,
                                              mammal populations; and                                 Activities may continue while NMFS                    mitigation) on the species of marine
                                                 (iii) Results of the monitoring                      reviews the circumstances of the                      mammals authorized for taking, on its
                                              program, including numbers by species/                  incident. NMFS shall work with Eglin                  habitat, and on the availability of the
                                              stock of any marine mammals noted                       AFB to determine whether additional                   species for subsistence uses; and
                                              injured or killed as a result of the                    mitigation measures or modifications to                 (4) Requirements for monitoring and
                                              EGTTR mission and number of marine                      the activities are appropriate.                       reporting.

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 27 / Thursday, February 8, 2018 / Rules and Regulations                                          5571

                                                 (f) Issuance of an LOA shall be based                   (ii) Results from other marine                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              on a determination that the level of                    mammal and sound research or studies;                 Frank Helies, NMFS Southeast Regional
                                              taking shall be consistent with the                     or                                                    Office, telephone: 727–824–5305, email:
                                              findings made for the total taking                         (iii) Any information that reveals                 frank.helies@noaa.gov.
                                              allowable under these regulations.                      marine mammals may have been taken                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                 (g) Notice of issuance or denial of an               in a manner, extent or number not                     fishery for coastal migratory pelagic fish
                                              LOA shall be published in the Federal                   authorized by these regulations or                    includes king mackerel, Spanish
                                              Register within 30 days of a                            subsequent LOAs.                                      mackerel, and cobia, and is managed
                                              determination.                                             (3) If, through adaptive management,               under the Fishery Management Plan for
                                                                                                      the modifications to the mitigation,                  the Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources
                                              § 218.67 Renewals and modifications of
                                              Letters of Authorization.
                                                                                                      monitoring, or reporting measures are                 of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic
                                                                                                      substantial, NMFS will publish a notice               Region (FMP). The FMP was prepared
                                                (a) An LOA issued under § 216.106 of                  of proposed LOA in the Federal
                                              this chapter and § 218.66 for the activity                                                                    by the Gulf of Mexico and South
                                                                                                      Register and solicit public comment.                  Atlantic Fishery Management Councils
                                              identified in § 218.60(a) shall be                         (4) Emergencies—If NMFS determines
                                              renewed or modified upon request by                                                                           and is implemented by NMFS under the
                                                                                                      that an emergency exists that poses a                 authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                              the applicant, provided that:                           significant risk to the well-being of the
                                                (1) The specified activity and                                                                              Fishery Conservation and Management
                                                                                                      species or stocks of marine mammals                   Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) by
                                              mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
                                                                                                      specified under LOAs issued pursuant                  regulations at 50 CFR part 622. All
                                              measures, as well as the anticipated
                                                                                                      to § 216.106 of this chapter and                      weights for Atlantic king mackerel
                                              impacts, are the same as those described
                                                                                                      § 218.60, an LOA may be modified                      below apply as either round or gutted
                                              and analyzed for these regulations
                                                                                                      without prior notice or opportunity for               weight.
                                              (excluding changes made pursuant to
                                                                                                      public comment. Notice would be                          On April 11, 2017, NMFS published
                                              the adaptive management provision in
                                                                                                      published in the Federal Register                     a final rule to implement Amendment
                                              paragraph (c)(1) of this section); and
                                                                                                      within 30 days of the action.                         26 to the FMP in the Federal Register
                                                (2) NMFS determines that the
                                              mitigation, monitoring, and reporting                   §§ 218.68–218.69      [Reserved]
                                                                                                                                                            (82 FR 17387). That final rule adjusted
                                              measures required by the previous LOA                                                                         the management boundaries, zones, and
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2018–02511 Filed 2–7–18; 8:45 am]
                                              under these regulations were                                                                                  annual catch limits for Atlantic
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                migratory group king mackerel (Atlantic
                                                (b) For an LOA modification or                                                                              king mackerel). The commercial quota
                                              renewal request by the applicant that                                                                         for Atlantic king mackerel in the
                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              includes changes to the activity or the                                                                       southern zone is 4,540,640 lb (2,059,600
                                              mitigation, monitoring, or reporting                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      kg) for the current fishing year, March
                                              (excluding changes made pursuant to                     Administration                                        1, 2017, through February 28, 2018 (50
                                              the adaptive management provision in                                                                          CFR 622.384(b)(2)(ii)).
                                              paragraph (c)(1) of this section) that do               50 CFR Part 622                                          The Atlantic king mackerel southern
                                              not change the findings made for the                                                                          zone encompasses an area of Federal
                                              regulations or result in no more than a                 [Docket No. 160426363–7275–02]                        waters south of a line extending from
                                              minor change in the total estimated                                                                           the state border of North Carolina and
                                                                                                      RIN 0648–XG009
                                              number of authorized takes (or                                                                                South Carolina, as specified in 50 CFR
                                              distribution by species or years), NMFS                 Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources                   622.2, and north of a line extending due
                                              may publish a notice of proposed LOA                    of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic                    east from the border of Miami-Dade and
                                              in the Federal Register, including the                  Region; Commercial Trip Limit                         Monroe Counties, Florida (50 CFR
                                              associated analysis illustrating the                    Increase in the Atlantic Southern Zone                622.369(a)(2)(ii)). From October 1
                                              change, and solicit public comment                                                                            through January 31, the commercial trip
                                              before issuing the LOA.                                 AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    limit for king mackerel in or from the
                                                (c) An LOA issued under § 216.106 of                  Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  southern zone that may be possessed on
                                              this chapter and § 218.66 for the activity              Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    board or landed from a federally
                                              identified in § 218.60(a) may be                        Commerce.                                             permitted vessel is 50 fish per day (50
                                              modified by NMFS under the following                    ACTION: Temporary rule; trip limit                    CFR 622.385(a)(2)(i)(A)).
                                              circumstances:                                          increase.                                                However, if NMFS determines that
                                                (1) Adaptive Management—NMFS                                                                                less than 70 percent of the Atlantic
                                              may modify (including augment) the                      SUMMARY:  NMFS increases the                          southern zone commercial quota has
                                              existing mitigation, monitoring, or                     commercial trip limit for king mackerel               been harvested by February 1, then
                                              reporting measures (after consulting                    in or from Federal waters in an area off              during the month of February, the
                                              with Eglin AFB regarding the                            the Florida east coast between the                    commercial trip limit for king mackerel
                                              practicability of the modifications) if                 border of Flagler and Volusia Counties                in or from a specified area of the
                                              doing so creates a reasonable likelihood                and the border of Miami-Dade and                      southern zone that may be possessed on
                                              of more effectively accomplishing the                   Monroe Counties in the Atlantic                       board or landed from a federally
                                              goals of the mitigation and monitoring                  southern zone to 75 fish per day. This                permitted vessel is increased to 75 fish
                                              set forth in the preamble for these                     commercial trip limit increase is                     per day (50 CFR 622.385(a)(1)(ii)(D)).
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                                              regulations;                                            necessary to maximize the                             The area of the southern zone in which
                                                (2) Possible sources of data that could               socioeconomic benefits associated with                the commercial trip limit increase
                                              contribute to the decision to modify the                harvesting the commercial quota of                    applies is in Federal waters south of
                                              mitigation, monitoring, or reporting                    Atlantic migratory group king mackerel.               29°25′ N lat., which is a line that
                                              measures in an LOA are:                                 DATES: This temporary rule is effective               extends due east from the border of
                                                (i) Results from Eglin AFB’s annual                   from 12:01 a.m., local time, February 5,              Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida,
                                              monitoring reports;                                     2018, through February 28, 2018.                      and north of 25°20′24″ N lat., which is

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Document Created: 2018-02-08 00:16:31
Document Modified: 2018-02-08 00:16:31
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesEffective February 13, 2018 through February 12, 2023.
ContactRob Pauline, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401.
FR Citation83 FR 5545 
RIN Number0648-BH21
CFR AssociatedExports; Fish; Imports; Incidental Take; Indians; Labeling; Marine Mammals; Penalties; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Seafood and Transportation

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