83_FR_586 83 FR 583 - Pricing Changes for 2018 United States Mint Numismatic Products

83 FR 583 - Pricing Changes for 2018 United States Mint Numismatic Products

United States Mint

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 3 (January 4, 2018)

Page Range583-584
FR Document2017-28496

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 3 (Thursday, January 4, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 3 (Thursday, January 4, 2018)]
[Pages 583-584]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-28496]



United States Mint

Pricing Changes for 2018 United States Mint Numismatic Products

AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury.

ACTION: Notice.


    The United States Mint is announcing pricing changes for some 2018 
United States Mint Numismatic Products. Please see the table below:

[[Page 584]]

                                                            2018 Retail
                         Product                               price
United States Mint Proof Set[supreg]....................          $27.95
United States Mint Silver Proof Set[supreg].............           49.95
United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set[supreg]........           21.95
United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Proof            15.95
United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver           33.95
 Proof Set\TM\..........................................
United States Mint Limited Edition Silver Proof Set\TM\.          144.95
United States Mint America the Beautiful Uncirculated              13.95
United States Mint America the Beautiful Circulating                8.95
United States Mint America the Beautiful Five Ounce               154.95
 Silver Uncirculated Coin\TM\...........................
United States Mint American Eagle One Ounce Silver Proof           55.95
United States Mint American Eagle One Ounce Silver                 46.95
 Uncirculated Coin\TM\..................................
United States Mint American Eagle Bulk Pack.............       11,749.50
United States Mint Congratulations Set\TM\..............           56.95

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Katrina McDow, Marketing Specialist, 
Numismatic and Bullion Directorate; United States Mint; 801 9th Street 
NW; Washington, DC 20220; or call 202-354-8495.

    Authority:  31 U.S.C. 5111, 5112, 5132 & 9701.

    Dated: December 29, 2017.
Jon J. Cameron,
Associate Director for Numismatic and Bullion, United States Mint.
[FR Doc. 2017-28496 Filed 1-3-18; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices                                                      583

                                               cautioned that we do not redact or edit                   —Revised certification requirements for                public transportation, and privately
                                               personal identifying information from                        SCR systems under the NOX                           owned conveyance (parking is available
                                               comment submissions. You should                              Technical Code                                      upon request).
                                               submit only information that you wish                     —Review of the 2015 Guidelines for
                                                                                                                                                                Peter J. Ganser,
                                               to make available publicly. All                              Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
                                               submissions should refer to File                             (resolution MEPC.259(68))                           Senior Advisor, Office of Ocean and Polar
                                                                                                         —Amendments to regulation 14 of                        Affairs, Department of State.
                                               Number SR–CboeEDGA–2017–004 and
                                                                                                            MARPOL Annex VI to require a                        [FR Doc. 2017–28462 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                               should be submitted on or before
                                               January 25, 2018.                                            dedicated sampling point for fuel oil               BILLING CODE 4710–09–P
                                                                                                         —Consistent implementation of
                                                 For the Commission, by the Division of
                                               Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                                                                            regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL Annex
                                                                                                            VI                                                  DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                                                                                                         —Revised Guidelines for the application
                                               Robert W. Errett,                                                                                                [Public Notice: 10250]
                                                                                                            of MARPOL Annex I requirements to
                                               Deputy Secretary.
                                                                                                            FPSOs and FSUs
                                               [FR Doc. 2017–28494 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]                —Review of the IBTS Guidelines and                     Notice of Renewal of the Charter of the
                                               BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                       amendments to the IOPP Certificate                  Department of State’s Advisory
                                                                                                            and Oil Record Book                                 Committee on Private International
                                                                                                         —Updated IMO Dispersant Guidelines                     Law
                                               DEPARTMENT OF STATE                                          (Part IV)                                             The Department of State has renewed
                                                                                                         —Guide on practical methods for the                    the Charter of the Advisory Committee
                                               [Public Notice 10251]                                        implementation of the OPRC                          on Private International Law. Through
                                                                                                            Convention and the OPRC–HNS                         the Committee, the Department of State
                                               Notice of Public Meeting                                     Protocol                                            obtains the views of the public with
                                                                                                         —Use of electronic record books
                                                 The Department of State will conduct                                                                           respect to significant private
                                                                                                         —Consideration of an initial proposal to
                                               an open meeting at 9:00 a.m. on                                                                                  international law issues that arise in
                                                                                                            amend annex 1 to the AFS
                                               Wednesday, January 24, 2018, in Room                                                                             international organizations of which the
                                                                                                            Convention to include controls of
                                               6K15–15 of the Douglas A. Munro Coast                                                                            United States is a Member State, in
                                               Guard Headquarters Building at St.                        —Unified interpretation to provisions of               international bodies in whose work the
                                               Elizabeth’s, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.                     IMO environment-related                             United States has an interest, or in the
                                               Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593. The                         Conventions                                         foreign relations of the United States.
                                               primary purpose of the meeting is to                      —Biennial status report and provisional                  The Committee is comprised of
                                               prepare for the fifth session of the                         agenda for PPR 6                                    representatives from other government
                                               International Maritime Organization’s                     —Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for                  agencies, representatives of national
                                               (IMO) Sub-Committee on Pollution                             2019                                                organizations, and experts and
                                               Prevention and Response (PPR 5) to be                     —Any other business                                    professionals active in the field of
                                               held at the IMO Headquarters, United                      —Report to the Marine Environmental                    international law.
                                               Kingdom, on February 5–9, 2018.                              Protection Committee                                  Comments should be sent to the
                                                 The agenda items to be considered                          Members of the public may attend                    Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for
                                               include:                                                  this meeting up to the seating capacity                Private International Law at PIL@
                                               —Adoption of the agenda                                   of the room. Upon request to the                       state.gov. Copies of the draft Charter
                                               —Decisions of other IMO bodies                            meeting coordinator, members of the                    may be obtained by contacting Tricia
                                               —Safety and pollution hazards of                          public may also participate via                        Smeltzer at smeltzertk@state.gov.
                                                 chemicals and preparation of                            teleconference, up to the capacity of the              Michael S. Coffee,
                                                 consequential amendments to the IBC                     teleconference phone line. To access the               Attorney- Adviser, Office of Private
                                                 Code                                                    teleconference line, participants should               International Law, Office of the Legal Adviser,
                                               —Review of MARPOL Annex II                                call (202) 475–4000 and use Participant                Department of State.
                                                 requirements that have an impact on                     Code: 887 809 72. To facilitate the                    [FR Doc. 2017–28461 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 cargo residues and tank washings of                     building security process, and to request              BILLING CODE 4710–08–P
                                                 high viscosity and persistent floating                  reasonable accommodation, those who
                                                 products                                                plan to attend should contact the
                                               —Revised guidance on ballast water                        meeting coordinator, Mr. Patrick Keffler,
                                                 sampling and analysis                                   by email at Patrick.A.Keffler@uscg.mil,                DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                               —Revised guidance on methodologies                        by phone at (202) 372–1424, or in
                                                 that may be used for enumerating                        writing at 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.                 United States Mint
                                                 viable organisms                                        Ave. SE, Stop 7509, Washington DC
                                                                                                                                                                Pricing Changes for 2018 United States
                                               —Consideration of the impact on the                       20593–7509, not later than January 17,
                                                                                                                                                                Mint Numismatic Products
                                                 Arctic of emissions of Black Carbon                     2018, five business days prior to the
                                                 from international shipping                             meeting. Requests made after January                   AGENCY:  United States Mint, Department
                                               —Standards for shipboard gasification                     17, 2018 might not be able to be                       of the Treasury.
                                                 of waste systems and associated                         accommodated. Please note that due to                  ACTION: Notice.
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

                                                 amendments to regulation 16 of                          security considerations, two valid,
                                                 MARPOL Annex VI                                         government issued photo identifications                  The United States Mint is announcing
                                               —Guidelines for the discharge of                          must be presented to gain entrance to                  pricing changes for some 2018 United
                                                 exhaust gas recirculation bleed-off                     the Coast Guard Headquarters building.                 States Mint Numismatic Products.
                                                 water                                                   The building is accessible by taxi,                    Please see the table below:

                                                 22 17   CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014     16:16 Jan 03, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00085   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\04JAN1.SGM   04JAN1

                                               584                                  Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2018 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2018 Retail
                                                                                                                                       Product                                                                                                        price

                                               United   States   Mint   Proof Set® .............................................................................................................................................................         $27.95
                                               United   States   Mint   Silver Proof Set® ..................................................................................................................................................              49.95
                                               United   States   Mint   Uncirculated Coin Set® .........................................................................................................................................                  21.95
                                               United   States   Mint   America the Beautiful Quarters Proof SetTM ........................................................................................................                               15.95
                                               United   States   Mint   America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof SetTM ..............................................................................................                                  33.95
                                               United   States   Mint   Limited Edition Silver Proof SetTM ........................................................................................................................                      144.95
                                               United   States   Mint   America the Beautiful Uncirculated SetTM ............................................................................................................                             13.95
                                               United   States   Mint   America the Beautiful Circulating SetTM ...............................................................................................................                            8.95
                                               United   States   Mint   America the Beautiful Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated CoinTM ............................................................................                                         154.95
                                               United   States   Mint   American Eagle One Ounce Silver Proof CoinTM ................................................................................................                                     55.95
                                               United   States   Mint   American Eagle One Ounce Silver Uncirculated CoinTM .....................................................................................                                         46.95
                                               United   States   Mint   American Eagle Bulk Pack ...................................................................................................................................                  11,749.50
                                               United   States   Mint   Congratulations SetTM ..........................................................................................................................................                  56.95

                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                       DATES: Comments must be submitted on                                          Executive Order 12436 ‘‘Payment of
                                               Katrina McDow, Marketing Specialist,                                   or before February 5, 2018.                                                 Certain Benefits to Survivors of Persons
                                               Numismatic and Bullion Directorate;                                    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments                                          Who Died In or As A Result of Military
                                               United States Mint; 801 9th Street NW;                                 on the collection of information through                                    Service’’ (found at 42 U.S.C. 402 (Note))
                                               Washington, DC 20220; or call 202–354–                                 www.Regulations.gov, or to Office of                                        directs VA administer the provisions of
                                               8495.                                                                  Information and Regulatory Affairs,                                         Public Law 97–377 Section 156. VA
                                                 Authority: 31 U.S.C. 5111, 5112, 5132 &                              Office of Management and Budget, Attn:                                      codified this authority at 38 CFR 3.812.
                                               9701.                                                                  VA Desk Officer, 725 17th St. NW,                                             VBA uses VA Form 21P–8924 to
                                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20503 or sent through                                        evaluate the eligibility of surviving
                                                 Dated: December 29, 2017.
                                                                                                                      electronic mail to oira_submission@                                         spouses and children to REPS benefits,
                                               Jon J. Cameron,                                                                                                                                    including information regarding the
                                               Associate Director for Numismatic and
                                                                                                                      omb.eop.gov. Please refer to ‘‘OMB
                                                                                                                      Control No. 2900–0390’’ in any                                              claimant’s relationship to the Veteran,
                                               Bullion, United States Mint.                                                                                                                       employment status, and earnings. Based
                                               [FR Doc. 2017–28496 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                                                  on the information contained in the
                                               BILLING CODE P                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                            form, VBA makes decisions to grant,
                                                                                                                      Cynthia Harvey-Pryor, Office of Quality,                                    deny, or amend existing, benefits
                                                                                                                      Privacy and Risk, Department of                                             payments. The VA Form number is
                                               DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                                                 Veterans Affairs, 811 Vermont Avenue,                                       being changed to ‘‘21P–8924’’ to reflect
                                               AFFAIRS                                                                Floor 5, Area 368, Washington, DC                                           Pension and Fiduciary Service’s
                                                                                                                      20420, (202) 461–5870 or email                                              responsibility for the form.
                                               [OMB Control No. 2900–0390]
                                                                                                                      cynthia.harvey-pryor@va.gov. Please                                           An agency may not conduct or
                                               Agency Information Collection Activity                                 refer to ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–0390’’                                      sponsor, and a person is not required to
                                               Under OMB Review: Application of                                       in any correspondence.                                                      respond to a collection of information
                                               Surviving Spouse or Child for REPS                                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                  unless it displays a currently valid OMB
                                               Benefits                                                                 Authority: 42 U.S.C. 402, E.O. 12436,                                     control number. The Federal Register
                                                                                                                      Public Law 97–377 Section 156.                                              Notice with a 60-day comment period
                                               AGENCY:  Veterans Benefits                                                                                                                         soliciting comments on this collection
                                               Administration, Department of Veterans                                   Title: Application of Surviving
                                                                                                                      Spouse or Child for REPS Benefits (VA                                       of information was published at 82 FR
                                               Affairs.                                                                                                                                           48748 on October 19, 2017.
                                                                                                                      Form 21P–8924).
                                               ACTION: Notice.                                                                                                                                      Affected Public: Individuals and
                                                                                                                        OMB Control Number: 2900–0390.
                                                                                                                        Type of Review: Extension without                                         households.
                                               SUMMARY:   In compliance with the
                                                                                                                      change of a currently approved                                                Estimated Annual Burden: 600 hours.
                                               Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
                                                                                                                      collection.                                                                   Estimated Average Burden per
                                               1995, this notice announces that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Respondent: 20 minutes.
                                               Veterans Benefits Administration                                         Abstract: Restored Entitlement
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Frequency of Response: Once.
                                               (VBA), Department of Veterans Affairs,                                 Program for Survivors (REPS) benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                               will submit the collection of                                          are payable to certain surviving spouses
                                               information abstracted below to the                                    and children of veterans who died in
                                               Office of Management and Budget                                        service prior to August 13, 1981 or who                                       By direction of the Secretary.
                                               (OMB) for review and comment. The                                      died as a result of a service-connected                                     Cynthia Harvey-Pryor,
                                               PRA submission describes the nature of                                 disability incurred or aggravated prior to                                  Department Clearance Officer, Office of
                                               the information collection and its                                     August 13, 1981. Child beneficiaries                                        Quality, Privacy and Risk, Department of
                                               expected cost and burden and it                                        over age 18 and under age 23 must be                                        Veterans Affairs.
                                               includes the actual data collection                                    enrolled full-time in an approved post-                                     [FR Doc. 2017–28463 Filed 1–3–18; 8:45 am]
                                               instrument.                                                            secondary school.                                                           BILLING CODE 8320–01–P
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

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Document Created: 2018-01-04 02:01:52
Document Modified: 2018-01-04 02:01:52
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactKatrina McDow, Marketing Specialist, Numismatic and Bullion Directorate; United States Mint; 801 9th Street NW; Washington, DC 20220; or call 202-354-8495.
FR Citation83 FR 583 

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