83_FR_58734 83 FR 58510 - Elimination of Outdated Tariff-Related Requirements

83 FR 58510 - Elimination of Outdated Tariff-Related Requirements


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 224 (November 20, 2018)

Page Range58510-58513
FR Document2018-25324

The Commission proposes to eliminate outdated tariff-related requirements that provide little benefit while imposing burdens on carriers.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 58510-58513]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25324]



47 CFR Part 61

[WC Docket Nos. 17-308, 18-276; FCC 18-142]

Elimination of Outdated Tariff-Related Requirements

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Commission proposes to eliminate outdated tariff-related 
requirements that provide little benefit while imposing burdens on 

DATES: Comments are due on or before December 20, 2018. Reply comments 
are due on or before January 4, 2019.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file comments and reply comments on 
or before the dates indicated in the DATES section this document. 
Comments may be filed using the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing 
System (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking 
Proceedings, 63 FR 24121 (1998).
     Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically 
using the internet by accessing the ECFS: http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/.
     Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must 
file an original and one copy of each filing. If more than one docket 
or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers 
must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or 
rulemaking number.
    [cir] Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by 
commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. 
Postal Service mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's 
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
    [cir] All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for 
the Commission's Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445 
12th St. SW, Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours are 
8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together with 
rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes and boxes must be disposed of 
before entering the building.
    [cir] Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service 
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050 Junction Drive, 
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701.
    [cir] U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority mail 
must be addressed to 445 12th Street SW, Washington DC 20554.
     People with Disabilities: To request materials in 
accessible formats for people with disabilities (braille, large print, 
electronic files, audio format), send an email to [email protected] or 
call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 
(voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robin Cohn, Wireline Competition 
Bureau, Pricing Policy Division at 202-418-1540 or at 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Federal 
Communications Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released 
October 18, 2018. A full text copy of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
may be obtained at the following internet address: https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-waives-and-seeks-comment-eliminating-obsolete-tariff-rules.

[[Page 58511]]

I. Discussion

A. Amending the Cross-Referencing Rule

    1. In light of the public's ability to access online all tariffs 
filed with the Commission through the Electronic Tariff Filing System 
(ETFS) on our website, we propose to amend our cross-referencing rule 
to allow a carrier to refer to its own tariff and the tariffs of its 
affiliated companies in its tariff publications. We seek comment on 
this proposal.
    2. The cross-referencing rule provides that, subject to certain 
exceptions, no tariff publication filed with the Commission may make 
reference to any other tariff publication or to any other document or 
instrument. The rule was adopted more than 75 years ago when tariffs 
were filed in hard copy with the Commission and reviewing them was time 
consuming and expensive. As the Commission explained in 1984, 
``[c]onfusion may result if references to other tariffs are allowed 
since all important information will not be consolidated in one place 
and references may be incomplete. In addition, referenced documents may 
not be easily accessible to the public.'' We seek comment on whether 
those concerns are as legitimate today, as they were in past decades. 
Does the fact that all interstate tariffs are now filed electronically 
and are available to the public on our website alleviate concerns about 
the confusion that may result from a carrier cross-referencing its own 
or an affiliate's tariffs? Does the nature of the cross-referencing 
rule as essentially a procedural requirement adopted decades ago 
counsel in favor of its modification at this juncture, given the 
passage of time since its adoption and the changed circumstances due to 
technological advances that make tariff information more publicly and 
readily accessible?
    3. We also seek comment on the burden to a carrier of complying 
with the prohibition on cross-referencing its own and its affiliates' 
tariffs. Currently, a carrier seeking to cross-reference its own 
tariffs can use the ``special permission'' procedures set forth in our 
rules, which require submission of an application requesting a one-time 
waiver of the rule. The Wireline Competition Bureau (the Bureau) 
routinely grants such waivers and as a practical matter those waivers 
do not appear to have resulted in any negative consequences. In their 
waiver requests, both Verizon and AT&T argue that the current process 
requiring a carrier to obtain special permission each time it seeks to 
refer to its own tariffs is unduly burdensome. Do other commenters 
agree? What are the costs and benefits of requiring a carrier to follow 
the procedural rule of getting special permission to refer to its own 
or an affiliate's tariff in a tariff publication?
    4. We invite commenters to identify any other costs and benefits of 
amending the cross-referencing rule to allow a carrier to refer to its 
own or an affiliate's tariff publications in its tariffs. Are there any 
disadvantages to permitting carriers' tariffs to include cross-
references to their own or an affiliate's tariffs? Are there any 
different approaches we should take to this issue?
    5. Consistent with the general approach of the cross-referencing 
rule and with the approach recommended by some stakeholders, our 
proposed amendments to the cross-referencing rule would apply to all 
carriers that file tariffs. We seek comment on this approach. Are there 
reasons to exclude particular types of carriers from application of the 
proposed rule revision?

B. Eliminating Advance Filing of Materials That Support Interstate 
Access Tariffs

    6. We propose to eliminate, as no longer necessary and unduly 
burdensome, the provision in our rules requiring price cap incumbent 
LECs to file short form tariff review plans 90 days before their access 
tariffs are due. We seek comment on this proposal.
    7. Eliminating the short form tariff review plan requirement is 
consistent with the Commission's past efforts to reduce the burden of 
tariff filings on price cap LECs while ensuring Commission staff and 
the public have sufficient information about such tariffs in advance of 
their effective date. Before 1997, the Commission required LECs to file 
their interstate access tariff revisions 90 days before the effective 
date of those tariffs, which gave the Commission staff and stakeholders 
a substantial amount of time to review those tariffs before they became 
effective. Pursuant to section 204(a)(3) of the Communications Act of 
1934, as amended (Act), the Commission modified its rules to permit 
tariff filings on a streamlined basis on either seven days' notice (for 
rate reductions) or 15 days' notice (for rate increases). At the same 
time, in light of the shortened time for review and the high volume and 
complexity of tariff filings it was receiving, the Commission adopted a 
requirement that price cap carriers file supporting information, 
without rate data, 90 days in advance of the annual access tariff 
filing to allow the public and Commission staff the opportunity to 
review that information well in advance of the actual tariff filing.
    8. Typically, price cap carriers have satisfied the requirement to 
file material supporting their interstate access tariffs 90 days in 
advance of their tariff filings by filing standardized short form 
tariff review plans. The standardized short form tariff review plans 
are spreadsheets that detail exogenous cost adjustments that price cap 
LECs intend to make to their price cap indices. For example, price cap 
carriers make exogenous cost adjustments related to: (1) Regulatory 
fees; (2) Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) expenses; (3) excess 
deferred taxes; and (4) North American Numbering Plan Administration 
(NANPA) expenses.
    9. Over the last few years, the Bureau has found that the 
information needed to populate the short form tariff review plans is 
often not available when the short form tariff review plans are due. To 
address the insufficiency of available information, by waiver the 
Bureau reduced the time period for filing short form tariff review 
plans: first to 60 days prior to the annual access charge tariff filing 
and then to 45 days prior to the annual access charge tariff filing. 
For the 2017 and 2018 tariff filing years, the Bureau waived the short 
form tariff review plan filing requirement altogether because some of 
the factors needed to calculate exogenous cost adjustments for 
regulatory fees and TRS and NANPA expenses were not going to be 
available prior to the short form tariff review plan filing deadline. 
The Bureau found that absent such information the short form tariff 
review plans would provide little value to the Commission, industry, 
and consumers. Also, over the last decade, the Commission has taken a 
variety of deregulatory actions, including access charge reform and the 
grant of forbearance to price cap LECs from dominant carrier regulation 
for their newer packet-based and higher bandwidth services, that have 
resulted in a decline in the number of interstate access tariff filings 
as the scope of services subject to price cap regulation has narrowed.
    10. We seek comment on our proposal to stop requiring the filing of 
materials supporting price cap LECs' interstate access tariffs 90 days 
in advance of their tariff filings. In both 2017 and 2018, this 
requirement was waived by the Bureau and it does not appear that the 
Bureau waivers have interfered with the ability of interested 
stakeholders to review the price cap LECs' more extensive tariff review 
plans filed with their annual access charge tariff filings in advance 
of the July 1 effective date. However, we seek comment on whether in 

[[Page 58512]]

years there was a benefit to stakeholders of the short form tariff 
review plan filings that we should consider? Were there any negative 
effects of either shortening the filing deadline for short form tariff 
review plans or waiving the short form tariff review plan requirement 
entirely? Does the decline in the number of interstate access tariff 
filings due to regulatory changes provide an additional basis for 
eliminating the short form tariff review plan requirement?
    11. We also seek comment on the burden of filing the short form 
tariff review plans. What were the costs to filers that had to file 
short form tariff review plans in previous years? The same exogenous 
cost information collected in the short form tariff review plans is 
also required in the long form tariff review plans submitted 15 days 
before the annual access tariff filing. Is submission of the same 
information twice unduly burdensome? Are there benefits to price cap 
carriers from filing the short form tariff review plans? What would be 
the practical consequences of eliminating the short form tariff review 
plan requirement? Should carriers be given the option to file the short 
form tariff review plan or should the rule be completely eliminated? 
Finally, we seek comment on whether there are alternatives to 
eliminating the rule that the Commission should consider.

C. Implementing the Proposed Rule Changes

    12. We seek comment on the timing for making the changes to our 
part 61 rules proposed herein. We propose an effective date that is 
thirty (30) days following publication of any revised rules in the 
Federal Register, which will effectuate application of any such rules 
in a timely manner. We invite parties to comment on this proposal and 
to explain the implications of different effective dates for any 
changes we make to our part 61 rules. We further note that none of the 
rule modifications proposed herein would affect either the Commission's 
authority to reject, suspend, and investigate particular tariff filings 
or parties' ability to challenge a tariff filing on the grounds that it 
is unjust and unreasonable. Do commenters have input on these or other 
issues related to the legal ramifications or implementation of the 
proposed rule amendments?

II. Procedural Matters

    13. Comment Filing Procedures. Pursuant to Sec. Sec.  1.415 and 
1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested 
parties may file comments and reply comments on or before the dates 
indicated in the DATES section of this document.
    14. Ex Parte Presentations. The proceeding this NPRM initiates 
shall be treated as a ``permit-but-disclose'' proceeding in accordance 
with the Commission's ex parte rules. Persons making ex parte 
presentations must file a copy of any written presentation or a 
memorandum summarizing any oral presentation within two business days 
after the presentation (unless a different deadline applicable to the 
Sunshine period applies). Persons making oral ex parte presentations 
are reminded that memoranda summarizing the presentation must (1) list 
all persons attending or otherwise participating in the meeting at 
which the ex parte presentation was made, and (2) summarize all data 
presented and arguments made during the presentation. If the 
presentation consisted in whole or in part of the presentation of data 
or arguments already reflected in the presenter's written comments, 
memoranda or other filings in the proceeding, the presenter may provide 
citations to such data or arguments in his or her prior comments, 
memoranda, or other filings (specifying the relevant page and/or 
paragraph numbers where such data or arguments can be found) in lieu of 
summarizing them in the memorandum. Documents shown or given to 
Commission staff during ex parte meetings are deemed to be written ex 
parte presentations and must be filed consistent with Sec.  1.1206(b). 
In proceedings governed by Sec.  1.49(f) or for which the Commission 
has made available a method of electronic filing, written ex parte 
presentations and memoranda summarizing oral ex parte presentations, 
and all attachments thereto, must be filed through the electronic 
comment filing system available for that proceeding, and must be filed 
in their native format (e.g., .doc, .xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf). 
Participants in this proceeding should familiarize themselves with the 
Commission's ex parte rules.
    15. Paperwork Reduction Act. This document eliminates, and thus 
does not contain new or revised, information collection requirements 
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-
13. In addition, therefore, it does not contain any new or modified 
``information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 
employees'' pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 
    16. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Certification. The Regulatory 
Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), as amended, requires agencies to prepare 
a regulatory flexibility analysis for rulemaking proceedings, unless 
the agency certifies that ``the rule will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.'' The RFA 
generally defines ``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the 
terms ``small business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small 
governmental jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business'' 
has the same meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the 
Small Business Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is 
independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of 
operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the 
Small Business Administration (SBA).
    17. In this NPRM, we propose to amend two of the Commission's rules 
applicable to tariffs, Sec. Sec.  61.49(k) and 61.74(a), in order to 
minimize burdens associated with such rules and as part of the 
Commission's efforts to reduce unnecessary regulations that no longer 
serve the public interest. These proposed revisions to Sec.  61.49(k) 
only impact price cap LECs for the services that continue to be 
tariffed and any impact of these rule changes is minor, while the 
proposed revisions to Sec.  61.74(a) are procedural in nature and the 
impact is likewise minor. Therefore, we certify that the proposals in 
this NPRM, if adopted, will not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities.
    18. The Commission will send a copy of this NPRM, including a copy 
of this Initial Regulatory Flexibility Certification, to the Chief 
Counsel for Advocacy of the SBA. The initial certification will also be 
published in the Federal Register.
    19. Contact Person. For further information regarding this 
proceeding, contact Robin Cohn, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline 
Competition Bureau, at (202) 418-1540, or [email protected].

III. Ordering Clauses

    20. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to the authority 
contained in sections 1, 2, 4(i), 201-205, 215, 218, and 220 of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 
201-05, 215, 218, 220, this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is adopted.
    21. It is further ordered that the Commission's Consumer and 
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, shall send a 
copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, including the Initial 
Regulatory Flexibility Certification, to the Chief

[[Page 58513]]

Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.

List of Subjects in 47 CFR part 61

    Communications common carriers, Reporting and record keeping 
requirements, Tariffs, Telecommunications, Telephone.

Federal Communications Commission
Cecilia Sigmund,
Federal Register Liaison Officer.
    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
Communications Commission proposes to amend part 61 of title 47 of the 
Code of Federal Regulations as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 61 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201-205, 403, unless 
otherwise noted.

Sec.  61.49  [Amended]

2. Amend Sec.  61.49 by removing and reserving paragraph (k).
3. Amend Sec.  61.74 by redesignating paragraphs (b) through (e) as 
paragraphs (c) through (f) and adding a new paragraph (b) to read as 

Sec.  61.74  References to other instruments.

* * * * *
    (b) Tariff publications filed by a carrier may reference other 
tariff publications filed by that carrier or its affiliates.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-25324 Filed 11-19-18; 8:45 am]

     58510                 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Proposed Rules

     and ensuring that NRC resident                             transportation of a radioactively                     Electronic Comment Filing System
     inspectors are notified of non-                            contaminated person, and                              (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of
     emergency events independent of the                        § 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) for major loss of                 Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,
     requirements in § 50.72. The petitioner                    emergency assessment capability.                      63 FR 24121 (1998).
     states that ‘‘duplicative notifications                    Would the public release of licensee                     • Electronic Filers: Comments may be
     under 10 CFR 50.72 serve no safety                         event reports alone meet your needs?                  filed electronically using the internet by
     function and are not needed to prevent                     Please explain why or why not.                        accessing the ECFS: http://apps.fcc.gov/
     or minimize possible injury to the                            3. The petitioner asserts that the non-            ecfs/.
     public or to allow the NRC to take                         emergency notifications under § 50.72
                                                                                                                         • Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
     necessary action.’’                                        ‘‘create unnecessary burdens for both
                                                                                                                      file by paper must file an original and
        The petitioner suggests that in lieu of                 the licensee and the NRC staff, and
                                                                                                                      one copy of each filing. If more than one
     the currently required notifications, the                  should be eliminated.’’ What specific
                                                                                                                      docket or rulemaking number appears in
     NRC should establish guidance for the                      provisions in § 50.72, if any, do you
                                                                                                                      the caption of this proceeding, filers
     resident inspectors that provides                          consider to be especially burdensome
                                                                                                                      must submit two additional copies for
     consistent and standard expectations for                   (e.g., the timing requirements for
                                                                                                                      each additional docket or rulemaking
     using the existing communication                           submittal of event notifications, certain
     protocols that have proven effective                       types of event notifications)? Please
     from the site to the resident inspectors                   provide a supporting justification, as                   Æ Filings can be sent by hand or
     and, from there, on to NRC                                 appropriate.                                          messenger delivery, by commercial
     management.                                                   4. The petitioner asserts that § 50.72             overnight courier, or by first-class or
        The petitioner discusses the NRC’s                      non-emergency notifications are                       overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All
     stated purpose in promulgating the non-                    contrary to the best interests of the                 filings must be addressed to the
     emergency event notification                               public and are contrary to the stated                 Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
     requirements in § 50.72 by referring to                    purpose of the regulation. Do you agree               Secretary, Federal Communications
     final rules published in the Federal                       with this assertion? Please explain why               Commission.
     Register. The basis and purpose of the                     or why not.                                              Æ All hand-delivered or messenger-
     current requirements are primarily                            5. Are there alternatives to the                   delivered paper filings for the
     discussed in final rules published in the                  petitioner’s proposed changes that                    Commission’s Secretary must be
     Federal Register on February 29, 1980                      would address the concerns raised in                  delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445
     (45 FR 13434); August 29, 1983 (48 FR                      the petition while still providing timely             12th St. SW, Room TW–A325,
     39039); September 10, 1992 (57 FR                          event information to the NRC and the                  Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
     41378); and October 25, 2000 (65 FR                        public? Please provide a detailed                     are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand
     63769).1                                                   discussion of any suggested alternatives.             deliveries must be held together with
                                                                  Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 14th day         rubber bands or fasteners. Any
     V. Request for Comment                                                                                           envelopes and boxes must be disposed
                                                                of November, 2018.
        The NRC staff is requesting the public                    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.              of before entering the building.
     to consider the following specific                         Annette L. Vietti-Cook,                                  Æ Commercial overnight mail (other
     questions when commenting on this                          Secretary of the Commission.                          than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
     petition:                                                                                                        and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050
                                                                [FR Doc. 2018–25273 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]
        1. The NRC publishes the event                                                                                Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD
                                                                BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
     notifications it receives from licensees                                                                         20701.
     on the NRC’s public website every                                                                                   Æ U.S. Postal Service first-class,
     weekday. Do you or does your                                                                                     Express, and Priority mail must be
     organization regularly review these                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                COMMISSION                                            addressed to 445 12th Street SW,
     event notifications? If so, please                                                                               Washington DC 20554.
     describe your use of this information
                                                                47 CFR Part 61                                           • People with Disabilities: To request
     and explain how the elimination of all
                                                                                                                      materials in accessible formats for
     non-emergency event notification                           [WC Docket Nos. 17–308, 18–276; FCC 18–
                                                                142]                                                  people with disabilities (braille, large
     requirements would affect you or your
                                                                                                                      print, electronic files, audio format),
                                                                Elimination of Outdated Tariff-Related                send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or call
        2. If all non-emergency event
                                                                Requirements                                          the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
     notification requirements were removed
                                                                                                                      Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), 202–
     from § 50.72, the NRC would still                          AGENCY:  Federal Communications                       418–0432 (tty).
     receive licensee event reports within 60                   Commission.
     days of discovery of the event as                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                ACTION: Proposed rule.
     required by § 50.73 unless there is no                                                                           Robin Cohn, Wireline Competition
     corresponding § 50.73 report. These                        SUMMARY: The Commission proposes to                   Bureau, Pricing Policy Division at 202–
     reports typically contain a more detailed                  eliminate outdated tariff-related                     418–1540 or at robin.cohn@fcc.gov.
     account of the event and are released to                   requirements that provide little benefit              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     This is a
     the public in ADAMS after receipt.                         while imposing burdens on carriers.                   summary of the Federal
     There is no corresponding § 50.73 report                   DATES: Comments are due on or before                  Communications Commission’s Notice
     for § 50.72(b)(2)(xi) for a news release or                December 20, 2018. Reply comments are                 of Proposed Rulemaking released
     notification to other government                           due on or before January 4, 2019.                     October 18, 2018. A full text copy of the
     agencies, § 50.72(b)(3)(xii) for                           ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file                Notice of Proposed Rulemaking may be
       1 These final rules are publicly available in the
                                                                comments and reply comments on or                     obtained at the following internet
     Federal Register section of the U.S. Government
                                                                before the dates indicated in the DATES               address: https://www.fcc.gov/document/
     Publishing Office’s govinfo website: https://              section this document. Comments may                   fcc-waives-and-seeks-comment-
     www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/fr.                         be filed using the Commission’s                       eliminating-obsolete-tariff-rules.

VerDate Sep<11>2014    19:19 Nov 19, 2018   Jkt 247001     PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\20NOP1.SGM   20NOP1

                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            58511

     I. Discussion                                           burdensome. Do other commenters                       well in advance of the actual tariff
                                                             agree? What are the costs and benefits                filing.
     A. Amending the Cross-Referencing                                                                                8. Typically, price cap carriers have
                                                             of requiring a carrier to follow the
     Rule                                                                                                          satisfied the requirement to file material
                                                             procedural rule of getting special
        1. In light of the public’s ability to               permission to refer to its own or an                  supporting their interstate access tariffs
     access online all tariffs filed with the                affiliate’s tariff in a tariff publication?           90 days in advance of their tariff filings
     Commission through the Electronic                          4. We invite commenters to identify                by filing standardized short form tariff
     Tariff Filing System (ETFS) on our                      any other costs and benefits of                       review plans. The standardized short
     website, we propose to amend our cross-                 amending the cross-referencing rule to                form tariff review plans are spreadsheets
     referencing rule to allow a carrier to                  allow a carrier to refer to its own or an             that detail exogenous cost adjustments
     refer to its own tariff and the tariffs of              affiliate’s tariff publications in its tariffs.       that price cap LECs intend to make to
     its affiliated companies in its tariff                  Are there any disadvantages to                        their price cap indices. For example,
     publications. We seek comment on this                   permitting carriers’ tariffs to include               price cap carriers make exogenous cost
     proposal.                                               cross-references to their own or an                   adjustments related to: (1) Regulatory
        2. The cross-referencing rule provides               affiliate’s tariffs? Are there any different          fees; (2) Telecommunications Relay
     that, subject to certain exceptions, no                 approaches we should take to this issue?              Service (TRS) expenses; (3) excess
     tariff publication filed with the                          5. Consistent with the general                     deferred taxes; and (4) North American
     Commission may make reference to any                    approach of the cross-referencing rule                Numbering Plan Administration
     other tariff publication or to any other                and with the approach recommended by                  (NANPA) expenses.
     document or instrument. The rule was                    some stakeholders, our proposed                          9. Over the last few years, the Bureau
     adopted more than 75 years ago when                     amendments to the cross-referencing                   has found that the information needed
     tariffs were filed in hard copy with the                rule would apply to all carriers that file            to populate the short form tariff review
     Commission and reviewing them was                       tariffs. We seek comment on this                      plans is often not available when the
     time consuming and expensive. As the                    approach. Are there reasons to exclude                short form tariff review plans are due.
     Commission explained in 1984,                           particular types of carriers from                     To address the insufficiency of available
     ‘‘[c]onfusion may result if references to               application of the proposed rule                      information, by waiver the Bureau
     other tariffs are allowed since all                     revision?                                             reduced the time period for filing short
     important information will not be                                                                             form tariff review plans: first to 60 days
     consolidated in one place and                           B. Eliminating Advance Filing of
                                                                                                                   prior to the annual access charge tariff
     references may be incomplete. In                        Materials That Support Interstate
                                                                                                                   filing and then to 45 days prior to the
     addition, referenced documents may not                  Access Tariffs
                                                                                                                   annual access charge tariff filing. For the
     be easily accessible to the public.’’ We                   6. We propose to eliminate, as no                  2017 and 2018 tariff filing years, the
     seek comment on whether those                           longer necessary and unduly                           Bureau waived the short form tariff
     concerns are as legitimate today, as they               burdensome, the provision in our rules                review plan filing requirement
     were in past decades. Does the fact that                requiring price cap incumbent LECs to                 altogether because some of the factors
     all interstate tariffs are now filed                    file short form tariff review plans 90                needed to calculate exogenous cost
     electronically and are available to the                 days before their access tariffs are due.             adjustments for regulatory fees and TRS
     public on our website alleviate concerns                We seek comment on this proposal.                     and NANPA expenses were not going to
     about the confusion that may result                        7. Eliminating the short form tariff               be available prior to the short form tariff
     from a carrier cross-referencing its own                review plan requirement is consistent                 review plan filing deadline. The Bureau
     or an affiliate’s tariffs? Does the nature              with the Commission’s past efforts to                 found that absent such information the
     of the cross-referencing rule as                        reduce the burden of tariff filings on                short form tariff review plans would
     essentially a procedural requirement                    price cap LECs while ensuring                         provide little value to the Commission,
     adopted decades ago counsel in favor of                 Commission staff and the public have                  industry, and consumers. Also, over the
     its modification at this juncture, given                sufficient information about such tariffs             last decade, the Commission has taken
     the passage of time since its adoption                  in advance of their effective date. Before            a variety of deregulatory actions,
     and the changed circumstances due to                    1997, the Commission required LECs to                 including access charge reform and the
     technological advances that make tariff                 file their interstate access tariff revisions         grant of forbearance to price cap LECs
     information more publicly and readily                   90 days before the effective date of those            from dominant carrier regulation for
     accessible?                                             tariffs, which gave the Commission staff              their newer packet-based and higher
        3. We also seek comment on the                       and stakeholders a substantial amount                 bandwidth services, that have resulted
     burden to a carrier of complying with                   of time to review those tariffs before                in a decline in the number of interstate
     the prohibition on cross-referencing its                they became effective. Pursuant to                    access tariff filings as the scope of
     own and its affiliates’ tariffs. Currently,             section 204(a)(3) of the Communications               services subject to price cap regulation
     a carrier seeking to cross-reference its                Act of 1934, as amended (Act), the                    has narrowed.
     own tariffs can use the ‘‘special                       Commission modified its rules to permit                  10. We seek comment on our proposal
     permission’’ procedures set forth in our                tariff filings on a streamlined basis on              to stop requiring the filing of materials
     rules, which require submission of an                   either seven days’ notice (for rate                   supporting price cap LECs’ interstate
     application requesting a one-time                       reductions) or 15 days’ notice (for rate              access tariffs 90 days in advance of their
     waiver of the rule. The Wireline                        increases). At the same time, in light of             tariff filings. In both 2017 and 2018, this
     Competition Bureau (the Bureau)                         the shortened time for review and the                 requirement was waived by the Bureau
     routinely grants such waivers and as a                  high volume and complexity of tariff                  and it does not appear that the Bureau
     practical matter those waivers do not                   filings it was receiving, the Commission              waivers have interfered with the ability
     appear to have resulted in any negative                 adopted a requirement that price cap                  of interested stakeholders to review the
     consequences. In their waiver requests,                 carriers file supporting information,                 price cap LECs’ more extensive tariff
     both Verizon and AT&T argue that the                    without rate data, 90 days in advance of              review plans filed with their annual
     current process requiring a carrier to                  the annual access tariff filing to allow              access charge tariff filings in advance of
     obtain special permission each time it                  the public and Commission staff the                   the July 1 effective date. However, we
     seeks to refer to its own tariffs is unduly             opportunity to review that information                seek comment on whether in previous

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     58512               Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Proposed Rules

     years there was a benefit to stakeholders               before the dates indicated in the DATES               flexibility analysis for rulemaking
     of the short form tariff review plan                    section of this document.                             proceedings, unless the agency certifies
     filings that we should consider? Were                      14. Ex Parte Presentations. The                    that ‘‘the rule will not have a significant
     there any negative effects of either                    proceeding this NPRM initiates shall be               economic impact on a substantial
     shortening the filing deadline for short                treated as a ‘‘permit-but-disclose’’                  number of small entities.’’ The RFA
     form tariff review plans or waiving the                 proceeding in accordance with the                     generally defines ‘‘small entity’’ as
     short form tariff review plan                           Commission’s ex parte rules. Persons                  having the same meaning as the terms
     requirement entirely? Does the decline                  making ex parte presentations must file               ‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’
     in the number of interstate access tariff               a copy of any written presentation or a               and ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’
     filings due to regulatory changes                       memorandum summarizing any oral                       In addition, the term ‘‘small business’’
     provide an additional basis for                         presentation within two business days                 has the same meaning as the term
     eliminating the short form tariff review                after the presentation (unless a different            ‘‘small business concern’’ under the
     plan requirement?                                       deadline applicable to the Sunshine                   Small Business Act. A small business
        11. We also seek comment on the                      period applies). Persons making oral ex               concern is one which: (1) Is
     burden of filing the short form tariff                  parte presentations are reminded that                 independently owned and operated; (2)
     review plans. What were the costs to                    memoranda summarizing the                             is not dominant in its field of operation;
     filers that had to file short form tariff               presentation must (1) list all persons                and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
     review plans in previous years? The                     attending or otherwise participating in               established by the Small Business
     same exogenous cost information                         the meeting at which the ex parte                     Administration (SBA).
     collected in the short form tariff review               presentation was made, and (2)                           17. In this NPRM, we propose to
     plans is also required in the long form                 summarize all data presented and                      amend two of the Commission’s rules
     tariff review plans submitted 15 days                   arguments made during the                             applicable to tariffs, §§ 61.49(k) and
     before the annual access tariff filing. Is              presentation. If the presentation                     61.74(a), in order to minimize burdens
     submission of the same information                      consisted in whole or in part of the                  associated with such rules and as part
     twice unduly burdensome? Are there                      presentation of data or arguments                     of the Commission’s efforts to reduce
     benefits to price cap carriers from filing              already reflected in the presenter’s                  unnecessary regulations that no longer
     the short form tariff review plans? What                written comments, memoranda or other                  serve the public interest. These
     would be the practical consequences of                  filings in the proceeding, the presenter              proposed revisions to § 61.49(k) only
     eliminating the short form tariff review                may provide citations to such data or                 impact price cap LECs for the services
     plan requirement? Should carriers be                    arguments in his or her prior comments,               that continue to be tariffed and any
     given the option to file the short form                 memoranda, or other filings (specifying               impact of these rule changes is minor,
     tariff review plan or should the rule be                the relevant page and/or paragraph                    while the proposed revisions to
     completely eliminated? Finally, we seek                 numbers where such data or arguments                  § 61.74(a) are procedural in nature and
     comment on whether there are                            can be found) in lieu of summarizing
                                                                                                                   the impact is likewise minor. Therefore,
     alternatives to eliminating the rule that               them in the memorandum. Documents
                                                                                                                   we certify that the proposals in this
     the Commission should consider.                         shown or given to Commission staff
                                                                                                                   NPRM, if adopted, will not have a
                                                             during ex parte meetings are deemed to
     C. Implementing the Proposed Rule                                                                             significant economic impact on a
                                                             be written ex parte presentations and
     Changes                                                                                                       substantial number of small entities.
                                                             must be filed consistent with
        12. We seek comment on the timing                    § 1.1206(b). In proceedings governed by                  18. The Commission will send a copy
     for making the changes to our part 61                   § 1.49(f) or for which the Commission                 of this NPRM, including a copy of this
     rules proposed herein. We propose an                    has made available a method of                        Initial Regulatory Flexibility
     effective date that is thirty (30) days                 electronic filing, written ex parte                   Certification, to the Chief Counsel for
     following publication of any revised                    presentations and memoranda                           Advocacy of the SBA. The initial
     rules in the Federal Register, which will               summarizing oral ex parte                             certification will also be published in
     effectuate application of any such rules                presentations, and all attachments                    the Federal Register.
     in a timely manner. We invite parties to                thereto, must be filed through the                       19. Contact Person. For further
     comment on this proposal and to                         electronic comment filing system                      information regarding this proceeding,
     explain the implications of different                   available for that proceeding, and must               contact Robin Cohn, Pricing Policy
     effective dates for any changes we make                 be filed in their native format (e.g., .doc,          Division, Wireline Competition Bureau,
     to our part 61 rules. We further note that              .xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf). Participants            at (202) 418–1540, or robin.cohn@
     none of the rule modifications proposed                 in this proceeding should familiarize                 fcc.gov.
     herein would affect either the                          themselves with the Commission’s ex                   III. Ordering Clauses
     Commission’s authority to reject,                       parte rules.
     suspend, and investigate particular tariff                 15. Paperwork Reduction Act. This                    20. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
     filings or parties’ ability to challenge a              document eliminates, and thus does not                pursuant to the authority contained in
     tariff filing on the grounds that it is                 contain new or revised, information                   sections 1, 2, 4(i), 201–205, 215, 218,
     unjust and unreasonable. Do                             collection requirements subject to the                and 220 of the Communications Act of
     commenters have input on these or                       Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                       1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152,
     other issues related to the legal                       (PRA), Public Law 104–13. In addition,                154(i), 201–05, 215, 218, 220, this
     ramifications or implementation of the                  therefore, it does not contain any new                Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is
     proposed rule amendments?                               or modified ‘‘information burden for                  adopted.
                                                             small business concerns with fewer than                 21. It is further ordered that the
     II. Procedural Matters                                  25 employees’’ pursuant to the Small                  Commission’s Consumer and
        13. Comment Filing Procedures.                       Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002.                Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
     Pursuant to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the                      16. Initial Regulatory Flexibility                 Information Center, shall send a copy of
     Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.415,                       Certification. The Regulatory Flexibility             this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
     1.419, interested parties may file                      Act of 1980 (RFA), as amended, requires               including the Initial Regulatory
     comments and reply comments on or                       agencies to prepare a regulatory                      Flexibility Certification, to the Chief

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                         Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                            58513

     Counsel for Advocacy of the Small                       comments may be filed on or before                    m-50 percent skywave contour from co-
     Business Administration.                                February 19, 2019.                                    channel stations and to their 0.5 mV/m
                                                             ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                   groundwave contour from adjacent-
     List of Subjects in 47 CFR part 61
                                                             identified by MB Docket No. 13–249, by                channel stations.
       Communications common carriers,                       any of the following methods:                            2. In the Further Notice of Proposed
     Reporting and record keeping                              • Federal Communications                            Rulemaking (AMR FNPRM), FCC 15–
     requirements, Tariffs,                                  Commission’s Website: http://                         142, 30 FCC Rcd 12145, 81 FR 2818, Jan.
     Telecommunications, Telephone.                          apps.fcc.gov/ecfs//. Follow the                       19, 2016, in this AM Revitalization
     Federal Communications Commission                       instructions for submitting comments.                 proceeding, the Commission recognized
     Cecilia Sigmund,                                          • People with Disabilities: Contact the             that many of the areas previously
                                                             FCC to request reasonable                             receiving only Class A secondary
     Federal Register Liaison Officer.
                                                             accommodations (accessible format                     service are now served by FM stations
       For the reasons discussed in the                                                                            and smaller, more local AM stations. 30
     preamble, the Federal Communications                    documents, sign language interpreters,
                                                             CART, etc.) by email: FCC504@fcc.gov                  FCC Rcd at 12168, 12170, paras. 51, 55.
     Commission proposes to amend part 61                                                                          In the latter case, local AM service is
     of title 47 of the Code of Federal                      or phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 888–
                                                             835–5322.                                             often curtailed by the need for a local
     Regulations as follows:                                                                                       AM station to protect a (sometimes
                                                               For detailed instructions for
                                                             submitting comments and additional                    distant) Class A station’s service. The
     PART 61—TARIFFS                                                                                               Commission therefore tentatively
                                                             information on the rulemaking process,
     ■ 1. The authority citation for part 61                 see the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION                     concluded in the AMR FNPRM (1) that
     continues to read as follows:                           section of this document.                             all Class A stations should be protected,
                                                                                                                   both day and night, to their 0.1 mV/m
       Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j),             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                   groundwave contour, from co-channel
     201–205, 403, unless otherwise noted.                   Albert Shuldiner, Chief, Media Bureau,
                                                                                                                   stations, thus maintaining daytime
                                                             Audio Division, (202) 418–2700;
     § 61.49   [Amended]                                                                                           protection but reducing protection to
                                                             Thomas Nessinger, Senior Counsel,
       2. Amend § 61.49 by removing and                                                                            secondary coverage service areas at
     ■                                                       Media Bureau, Audio Division, (202)
     reserving paragraph (k).                                                                                      night; (2) that all Class A stations should
                                                             418–2700. For additional information
     ■ 3. Amend § 61.74 by redesignating
                                                                                                                   continue to be protected to the 0.5 mV/
                                                             concerning the Paperwork Reduction
                                                                                                                   m groundwave contour, both day and
     paragraphs (b) through (e) as paragraphs                Act (PRA) information collection
                                                                                                                   night, from first adjacent channel
     (c) through (f) and adding a new                        requirements contained in this                        stations; and (3) that the critical hours
     paragraph (b) to read as follows:                       document, contact Cathy Williams at                   protection of Class A stations should be
                                                             202–418–2918, or via the internet at                  eliminated completely. The Commission
     § 61.74   References to other instruments.
                                                             Cathy.Williams@fcc.gov.                               sought comment on these proposals.
     *      *     *     *    *                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a
        (b) Tariff publications filed by a                                                                            3. The AMR FNPRM proposals
                                                             summary of the Commission’s Second                    attracted voluminous and diverse
     carrier may reference other tariff                      Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
     publications filed by that carrier or its                                                                     comments. The licensees of Class A
                                                             (Second FNPRM), MB Docket No. 13–                     stations, represented primarily by the
     affiliates.                                             249; FCC 18–139, adopted and released                 AM Radio Preservation Alliance
     *      *     *     *    *                               on October 5, 2018. The full text of this             (AMRPA), argue against the proposals
     [FR Doc. 2018–25324 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]            document will be available for public                 and in favor of retaining the current
     BILLING CODE 6712–01–P                                  inspection and copying via ECFS, and                  protection rules. AMRPA argues that the
                                                             during regular business hours at the                  Commission’s proposal would do
                                                             FCC Reference Information Center,                     ‘‘significant harm’’ to the AM band by
     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                  Portals II, 445 12th Street SW, Room                  creating new interference, and point out
     COMMISSION                                              CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554. The                    the vital role that Class A stations have
     47 CFR Part 73                                          full text of this document can also be                played in prior emergencies, such as
                                                             downloaded in Word or Portable                        Hurricane Katrina, noting further that 25
     [MB Docket No. 13–249; FCC 18–139]                      Document Format (PDF) at http://                      such stations are Primary Entry Points
                                                             www.fcc.gov/ndbedp.                                   (PEPs) for the Integrated Public Alert
     Revitalization of the AM Radio Service                                                                        and Warning System (IPAWS), 22 of
                                                                                                                   which have been outfitted by the
     AGENCY:  Federal Communications                           1. The 73 Class A AM stations in the                Federal Emergency Management Agency
     Commission.                                             United States are authorized to                       (FEMA) to improve operating capability
     ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  broadcast at up to 50 kW both day and                 in national emergencies. A number of
                                                             night and, by current rule, are designed              other commenters joining AMRPA in
     SUMMARY: In this document, the
                                                             to render primary and secondary service               opposing the AMR FNPRM proposal
     Commission adopted a Second Further                     over extended areas and are afforded                  agree that the proposal would reduce
     Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Second                   extensive daytime and nighttime                       those stations’ utility during national
     FNPRM), in which it sought comment                      protection from interference by co- and               emergencies. Others contend that the
     on alternative revised proposals to                     adjacent-channel AM stations.                         proposal will increase nighttime
     change the interference protection given                Currently, Class A AM stations in the                 interference in exchange for little in the
     to Class A AM radio broadcast stations.                 continental United States are protected               way of increased nighttime coverage for
     These proposals were revised based on                   during the day to their 0.1 mV/m                      less-powerful stations, while still others
     responses to the Further Notice of                      groundwave contour from co-channel                    object to losing the ability to listen to
     Proposed Rule Making in this                            stations, and to their 0.5 mV/m                       distant signals for extended time
     proceeding.                                             groundwave contour from adjacent-                     periods.
     DATES:  Comments may be filed on or                     channel stations. At night, such Class A                 4. On the other hand, a number of
     before January 22, 2019 and reply                       stations are protected to their 0.5 mV/               commenters supported the

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Document Created: 2018-11-20 07:59:43
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 07:59:43
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesComments are due on or before December 20, 2018. Reply comments are due on or before January 4, 2019.
ContactRobin Cohn, Wireline Competition Bureau, Pricing Policy Division at 202-418-1540 or at [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 58510 
CFR AssociatedCommunications Common Carriers; Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements; Tariffs; Telecommunications and Telephone

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