83_FR_58774 83 FR 58550 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Application for an Exempted Fishing Permit

83 FR 58550 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Application for an Exempted Fishing Permit

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 224 (November 20, 2018)

Page Range58550-58552
FR Document2018-25327

This notice announces the receipt of an application and the public comment period for an exempted fishing permit (EFP) from the Aleut Corporation. If granted, this permit would allow the applicant to test methods to minimize bycatch of Pacific ocean perch (POP) in the Aleutian Islands (AI) pollock fishery. The objective of the EFP is to develop an economically viable AI pollock fishery under current POP abundance levels. Testing will be conducted in the fishery's winter ``A'' season in 2019 and 2020. This experiment has the potential to promote the objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)]
[Pages 58550-58552]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25327]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XG535

Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Application 
for an Exempted Fishing Permit

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; receipt of application for exempted fishing permit.


SUMMARY: This notice announces the receipt of an application and the 
public comment period for an exempted fishing permit (EFP) from the 
Aleut Corporation. If granted, this permit would allow the applicant to 
test methods to minimize bycatch of Pacific ocean perch (POP) in the 
Aleutian Islands (AI) pollock fishery. The objective of the EFP is to 
develop an economically viable AI pollock fishery under current POP 
abundance levels. Testing will be conducted in the fishery's winter 
``A'' season in 2019 and 2020. This experiment has the potential to 
promote the objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
Management Act.

DATES: Comments on this EFP application must be submitted to NMFS on or 
before December 11, 2018. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council 
(Council) will consider the application at its meeting from December 3, 
2018, through December 11, 2018, in Anchorage, AK.

ADDRESSES: The Council meeting will be held at the Anchorage Hilton 
Hotel, 500 W 3rd Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501. The agenda for the Council 
meeting is available at http://www.npfmc.org. In addition to submitting 
public comments at the Council meeting, you may submit your comments, 
identified by NOAA-NMFS-2018-0117, by either of the following methods:
     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-0117, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon, 
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
     Mail: Submit written comments to Glenn Merrill, Assistant 
Regional Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, Alaska Region 
NMFS, Attn: Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, 
AK 99802-1668.
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered. All comments received are a part of the public 
record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address) submitted voluntarily by the sender 
will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous comments (enter 
``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain anonymous).
    Electronic copies of the EFP application and the basis for a 
categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act are 
available from the Alaska Region, NMFS website at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Megan Mackey, 907-586-7228.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS manages the domestic groundfish 
fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) management area 
under the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the BSAI Management 
Area (FMP), which the Council prepared under the Magnuson-Stevens 
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). 
Regulations governing the BSAI groundfish fisheries appear at 50 CFR 
parts 600 and 679. The FMP and the implementing regulations at Sec.  
600.745(b) and Sec.  679.6 allow the NMFS Regional Administrator to 
authorize, for limited experimental purposes, fishing that would 
otherwise be prohibited. Procedures for issuing EFPs are contained in 
the implementing regulations.

[[Page 58551]]


    Section 803(a-d) of Public Law 108-199 allocated the directed AI 
pollock fishery's total allowable catch (TAC) to the Aleut Corporation. 
The allocation was implemented under Amendment 82 to the FMP and became 
effective in 2005 (70 FR 9856, March 1, 2005). Since 2005, the AI 
pollock TAC has been set at 19,000 metric tons (mt) annually; however, 
AI pollock harvest since 2005 has been less than 2,000 mt.
    An obstacle to maintaining an economically viable AI pollock 
fishery has been high levels of POP bycatch due to a resurgence of POP 
in the AI and a lack of flexibility in the current management system to 
allow the fishery to adapt to this large increase. Currently the 
fishery is limited to a 5 percent maximum retainable amount (MRA) limit 
on POP per landing. POP biomass in the AI has more than tripled between 
1981 and 2011, going from 235,000 mt to 845,000 mt, and has remained 
above 750,000 mt through the last full stock assessment in 2016. During 
the same period, AI pollock biomass has decreased more than four times 
from 847,000 mt in 1981 to 191,000 mt in 2011, and has averaged 200,000 
mt since 2011.
    In the 1990s when the AI POP population was approximately 60 
percent of what it is now, the proportion of POP bycatch in the AI 
pollock fishery was consistently less than 1 percent of the total 
catch. In contrast, during a 2006 through 2008 AI cooperative acoustic 
survey study (AICASS) conducted by NOAA's Alaska Fisheries Science 
Center, intended to estimate groundfish biomass in order to set 
acceptable biological catch levels inside Steller sea lion critical 
habitat, the proportion of POP bycatch in the pollock fishery was 
highly variable, with a low of 7 percent in 2006 to a high of 21 
percent in 2008. The AICASS surveys also showed a high degree of 
overlap between pollock and POP populations. The limited amount of 
fishing under the Aleut Corporation's allocation since 2008 has 
similarly demonstrated the high overlap of pollock and POP observed 
during the AICASS surveys with bycatch rates often exceeding the 5 
percent MRA, thereby constraining the pollock fishery and leading to 
POP mortality and waste. The 5 percent MRA was also exceeded in 2018.
    An additional issue is crew safety. Catcher vessels (CVs) that are 
allowed to deliver pollock in the AI are small with limited deck space. 
This fishery is conducted primarily from February through April when 
weather conditions in the AI are often hazardous with rapidly 
developing storms and high winds. The only practical means of sorting 
POP from a large mixed trawl catch in order to comply with the 5 
percent MRA is to dump the codend on deck in sections as the remainder 
of the codend hangs off the stern. Crew then manually sort and discard 
POP from the catch as the pollock flow into the holding tanks. During 
this time, vessel maneuverability is substantially hindered, and crew 
are exposed to the elements and a shifting codend on deck for an 
extended period. In good weather, the 5 percent MRA may constrict the 
full utilization of the AI pollock TAC. During the winter, the MRA 
management measure adds substantial safety risks to the vessel and the 

Need for Exempted Fishing Permit

    One potential regulatory means to address the burden to harvesting 
AI pollock while decreasing POP bycatch mortality would be to manage a 
quantity up to a cap of POP in the pollock fishery. Experience with 
constraining POP caps in the west coast whiting fishery cooperatives 
has shown that setting a cap and allowing self-management of the catch 
rates in a risk pool maximizes incentives to optimize the use of the 
cap by reducing POP bycatch to harvest as much of the whiting 
allocation as possible. If the acceptable bycatch rate of AI POP in the 
AI pollock fishery was 5 percent (the MRA), this would require an 
additional incidental catch amount of roughly 500 mt from the AI POP 
TAC of 26,381 mt (2 percent) to support a 2019 ``A'' season AI pollock 
directed fishing allowance of 10,361 mt.
    However, there are several regulatory obstacles to managing the AI 
pollock fishery as a mixed target fishery. Legislation mandates that 
the Aleut Corporation's pollock allocation be harvested either by 
vessels designated as BSAI pollock fishing vessels under the American 
Fisheries Act (AFA) or vessels less than 60 feet (ft) length overall 
(LOA). There is a targeted POP fishery in the AI; however, AFA vessels 
are subject to sideboards that prevent them from directed fishing for 
POP. The POP fishery for the non-Amendment 80 vessels (including CVs 
less than 60 ft LOA) does not open for directed fishing until April 15 
to limit halibut bycatch in the bottom trawl fishery.
    Current regulatory constraints limit the ability of the Aleut 
Corporation to achieve an economically viable AI pollock fishery, and 
current POP abundance levels put fishermen at risk when POP rates in 
excess of the 5 percent MRA are encountered and POP must be sorted and 
discarded with limited deck space. Fishing under this EFP will provide 
data about alternative fishing methods for limiting POP bycatch in the 
AI pollock fishery, which could potentially provide an opportunity for 
the Aleut Corporation to develop an economically viable AI pollock 
fishery while improving safety at sea and reducing the overall POP 
bycatch mortality.

Exempted Fishing Permit

    On September 21, 2018, Mr. Dave Fraser and Ms. Kay Larson-Blair of 
the Aleut Corporation submitted an application for an EFP for 2019 
through 2020 to test alternative management frameworks for limiting POP 
bycatch in the AI pollock fishery. The goals of the proposed 2018 EFP 
are as follows:
     To the level practicable, fully prosecute the Aleut 
Corporation's AI pollock allocation as intended by Section 803(ad) of 
Public Law 108-199 while testing methods to minimize POP bycatch.
     To limit POP bycatch mortality and waste in a fully 
prosecuted AI pollock fishery through full retention and accounting of 
POP bycatch and limiting of overall POP catch to 500 mt for this 
fishery by AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs less than 60 ft LOA.
     To improve safety at sea by eliminating the need to sort 
POP from catch on the deck.
     To evaluate timing and location of POP during the EFP AI 
pollock fishery to determine means of reducing bycatch rates.
    The experiment would be conducted on vessels selected from trawl 
CVs on the NMFS-approved list of vessels eligible to fish the Aleut 
Corporation's pollock allocation. It is anticipated that three AFA CVs 
and two non-AFA CVs less than 60 ft LOA would be selected to operate 
under the EFP in 2019. Preference would be given to vessels with 
additional fish location equipment, such as those equipped with a 
Simrad ES60 or ES70 echosounder with a 38kHz split beam transducer. 
Both AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs less than 60 ft LOA would carry an 
observer, as they are currently required to do. Fishing would be 
conducted with pelagic trawl gear, appropriate to each vessel's 
    No more than 500 mt of POP would be harvested under this EFP by the 
selected AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs less than 60 ft LOA. The 500-mt POP 
cap would be allocated between management areas 541 (450 mt) and 542 
(50 mt). A maximum of 10,361 mt of pollock would be harvested by the 
participating vessels under this EFP.

[[Page 58552]]

Fishing for pollock under this EFP would be required to cease should 
the pollock or POP limits be attained.
    Any salmon bycatch will be counted against the prohibited species 
catch (PSC) cap for the AI pollock fishery. Any incidental catch of 
non-pollock species will be counted against the optimum yield for that 
species. All catch will be retained for weighing and secondary sampling 
at the processing plant.


    Two exemptions are necessary to conduct this experiment. First, an 
exemption would be necessary from MRA requirements at Sec.  
679.20(e)(ii). The participating AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs less than 60 
ft LOA fishing for AI pollock under the Aleut Corporation's permit 
would be exempted from the 5 percent MRA limit for POP in the pollock 
fishery. This exemption would apply from the date the 2019 final 
harvest specifications are effective until April 15, 2019 and again 
during the same time period in 2020. Harvest specifications may be 
found at https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/.
    Second would be an exemption from Sec.  679.21(b)(1)(ii)(B)(4) that 
applies to halibut PSC bycatch management and PSC limits for rockfish 
trawl fisheries in the BSAI. POP is a type of rockfish. While this EFP 
is not targeting POP directly, allowing participating vessels to retain 
POP above the 5 percent MRA may put them into the range of POP in the 
directed POP fishery. The directed POP fishery in the AI for vessels 
less than 60 ft LOA does not open until April 15 to limit halibut 
bycatch. Because vessels fishing under this EFP would be operating 
before that April 15 date, those vessels would be exempt from the 
halibut PSC limit applicable to directed fishing for POP in the BSAI.

Permit Conditions, Review, and Effects

    The applicant would be required to submit to NMFS an interim report 
of the EFP results by November 30, 2019, and a final report by November 
30, 2020. The report would include all data from this experimental 
fishery, including the catch and position data.
    The activities that would be conducted under this EFP are not 
expected to have a significant impact on the human environment, as 
detailed in the categorical exclusion prepared for this action (see 
    In accordance with Sec.  679.6, NMFS has determined that the 
application warrants further consideration and has forwarded the 
application to the Council to initiate consultation. The Council is 
scheduled to consider the EFP application during its December 2018 
meeting, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, AK. The EFP 
application will also be provided to the Council's Scientific and 
Statistical Committee for review at the December Council meeting. The 
applicant has been invited to appear in support of the application.

Public Comments

    Interested persons may comment on the application at the December 
2018 Council meeting during public testimony or until December 11, 2018 
when the 15-day comment period ends. Information regarding the meeting 
is available at the Council's website at http://www.npfmc.org. Copies 
of the application and categorical exclusion are available for review 
from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). Comments also may be submitted directly to 
NMFS (see ADDRESSES) by the end of the comment period (see DATES).

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: November 15, 2018.
Karen H. Abrams,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-25327 Filed 11-19-18; 8:45 am]

     58550                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices

     based approaches to research and                        of the functions of the agency, including             December 3, 2018, through December
     management. Moreover, a full                            whether the information shall have                    11, 2018, in Anchorage, AK.
     understanding and predictive capacity                   practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the            ADDRESSES: The Council meeting will be
     for these movements of fishermen across                 agency’s estimate of the burden                       held at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel, 500
     fisheries in the context of ecological and              (including hours and cost) of the                     W 3rd Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501. The
     social variability presents a significant               proposed collection of information; (c)               agenda for the Council meeting is
     gap in management-oriented knowledge.                   ways to enhance the quality, utility, and             available at http://www.npfmc.org. In
     Managing fisheries in a way that                        clarity of the information to be                      addition to submitting public comments
     enhances their social and economic                      collected; and (d) ways to minimize the               at the Council meeting, you may submit
     value, mitigates risks to ecosystems and                burden of the collection of information               your comments, identified by NOAA–
     livelihoods, and facilitates sustainable                on respondents, including through the                 NMFS–2018–0117, by either of the
     adaptation, requires this fundamental                   use of automated collection techniques                following methods:
     knowledge.                                              or other forms of information                            • Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
        For this reason, the Northwest                       technology.                                           www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;
     Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) seeks                     Comments submitted in response to                  D=NOAA-NMFS-2018-0117, click the
     to conduct fisheries participation                      this notice will be summarized and/or                 ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon, complete the
     analyses which involve repeated follow-                 included in the request for OMB                       required fields, and enter or attach your
     up surveys of United States (U.S.) West                 approval of this information collection;              comments.
     Coast commercial fishing participants.                  they also will become a matter of public                 • Mail: Submit written comments to
     A U.S. mail survey will be conducted,                   record.                                               Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
     replicating the survey administered                       Dated: November 15, 2018.                           Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
     during 2017. The survey will be                         Sarah Brabson,                                        Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
     voluntary, and contacted individuals                                                                          Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O.
                                                             NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
     may decline to participate. Respondents                                                                       Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668.
                                                             [FR Doc. 2018–25276 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]
     will be asked to answer questions about                                                                          Instructions: Comments sent by any
     their motivations for fishing and other                 BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                other method, to any other address or
     factors that affect participation in the                                                                      individual, or received after the end of
     suite of West Coast commercial                                                                                the comment period, may not be
     fisheries. Demographic and employment                   DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                considered. All comments received are
     information will be collected so that                   National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      a part of the public record and will
     responses can be organized based on a                   Administration                                        generally be posted for public viewing
     respondent typology. This survey is                                                                           on www.regulations.gov without change.
     essential because data on smaller scale                 RIN 0648–XG535                                        All personal identifying information
     fishing practices, values, participation                                                                      (e.g., name, address) submitted
     decisions and beliefs about fishing                     Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic                   voluntarily by the sender will be
     livelihoods are sparse; yet, they are                   Zone Off Alaska; Application for an                   publicly accessible. NMFS will accept
     critical to the development of usable                   Exempted Fishing Permit                               anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in
     fishery ecosystem models that account                   AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    the required fields if you wish to remain
     for non-pecuniary benefits of fishing, as               Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  anonymous).
     well as the ways in which fishing                       Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                       Electronic copies of the EFP
     practices shape individual and                          Commerce.                                             application and the basis for a
     community well-being.                                   ACTION: Notice; receipt of application for
                                                                                                                   categorical exclusion under the National
                                                             exempted fishing permit.                              Environmental Policy Act are available
     II. Method of Collection                                                                                      from the Alaska Region, NMFS website
        Respondents will be contacted via                    SUMMARY: This notice announces the                    at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/.
     mail for administration of the survey.                  receipt of an application and the public              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
     III. Data                                               comment period for an exempted                        Megan Mackey, 907–586–7228.
                                                             fishing permit (EFP) from the Aleut                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS
        OMB Control Number: 0648–0749.                       Corporation. If granted, this permit
        Form Number(s): None.                                                                                      manages the domestic groundfish
                                                             would allow the applicant to test                     fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian
        Type of Review: Regular submission
                                                             methods to minimize bycatch of Pacific                Islands (BSAI) management area under
     (revision of a currently approved
                                                             ocean perch (POP) in the Aleutian                     the Fishery Management Plan for
     information collection).
                                                             Islands (AI) pollock fishery. The                     Groundfish of the BSAI Management
        Affected Public: Individuals or
                                                             objective of the EFP is to develop an                 Area (FMP), which the Council
        Estimated Number of Respondents:                     economically viable AI pollock fishery                prepared under the Magnuson-Stevens
     3,000.                                                  under current POP abundance levels.                   Fishery Conservation and Management
        Estimated Time per Response: 20                      Testing will be conducted in the                      Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
     minutes.                                                fishery’s winter ‘‘A’’ season in 2019 and             Regulations governing the BSAI
        Estimated Total Annual Burden                        2020. This experiment has the potential               groundfish fisheries appear at 50 CFR
     Hours: 1,000.                                           to promote the objectives of the                      parts 600 and 679. The FMP and the
        Estimated Total Annual Cost to                       Magnuson-Stevens Fishery                              implementing regulations at
     Public: $0 in recordkeeping/reporting                   Conservation and Management Act.                      § 600.745(b) and § 679.6 allow the
     costs.                                                  DATES: Comments on this EFP                           NMFS Regional Administrator to
                                                             application must be submitted to NMFS                 authorize, for limited experimental
     IV. Request for Comments                                on or before December 11, 2018. The                   purposes, fishing that would otherwise
        Comments are invited on: (a) Whether                 North Pacific Fishery Management                      be prohibited. Procedures for issuing
     the proposed collection of information                  Council (Council) will consider the                   EFPs are contained in the implementing
     is necessary for the proper performance                 application at its meeting from                       regulations.

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                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices                                           58551

     Background                                              in the AI are often hazardous with                    must be sorted and discarded with
        Section 803(a–d) of Public Law 108–                  rapidly developing storms and high                    limited deck space. Fishing under this
     199 allocated the directed AI pollock                   winds. The only practical means of                    EFP will provide data about alternative
     fishery’s total allowable catch (TAC) to                sorting POP from a large mixed trawl                  fishing methods for limiting POP
     the Aleut Corporation. The allocation                   catch in order to comply with the 5                   bycatch in the AI pollock fishery, which
     was implemented under Amendment 82                      percent MRA is to dump the codend on                  could potentially provide an
     to the FMP and became effective in 2005                 deck in sections as the remainder of the              opportunity for the Aleut Corporation to
     (70 FR 9856, March 1, 2005). Since                      codend hangs off the stern. Crew then                 develop an economically viable AI
     2005, the AI pollock TAC has been set                   manually sort and discard POP from the                pollock fishery while improving safety
     at 19,000 metric tons (mt) annually;                    catch as the pollock flow into the                    at sea and reducing the overall POP
                                                             holding tanks. During this time, vessel               bycatch mortality.
     however, AI pollock harvest since 2005
                                                             maneuverability is substantially
     has been less than 2,000 mt.                                                                                  Exempted Fishing Permit
        An obstacle to maintaining an                        hindered, and crew are exposed to the
                                                             elements and a shifting codend on deck                   On September 21, 2018, Mr. Dave
     economically viable AI pollock fishery                                                                        Fraser and Ms. Kay Larson-Blair of the
     has been high levels of POP bycatch due                 for an extended period. In good weather,
                                                             the 5 percent MRA may constrict the                   Aleut Corporation submitted an
     to a resurgence of POP in the AI and a                                                                        application for an EFP for 2019 through
                                                             full utilization of the AI pollock TAC.
     lack of flexibility in the current                                                                            2020 to test alternative management
                                                             During the winter, the MRA
     management system to allow the fishery                                                                        frameworks for limiting POP bycatch in
                                                             management measure adds substantial
     to adapt to this large increase. Currently                                                                    the AI pollock fishery. The goals of the
                                                             safety risks to the vessel and the crew.
     the fishery is limited to a 5 percent                                                                         proposed 2018 EFP are as follows:
     maximum retainable amount (MRA)                         Need for Exempted Fishing Permit                         • To the level practicable, fully
     limit on POP per landing. POP biomass                      One potential regulatory means to                  prosecute the Aleut Corporation’s AI
     in the AI has more than tripled between                 address the burden to harvesting AI                   pollock allocation as intended by
     1981 and 2011, going from 235,000 mt                    pollock while decreasing POP bycatch                  Section 803(ad) of Public Law 108–199
     to 845,000 mt, and has remained above                   mortality would be to manage a quantity               while testing methods to minimize POP
     750,000 mt through the last full stock                  up to a cap of POP in the pollock                     bycatch.
     assessment in 2016. During the same                     fishery. Experience with constraining                    • To limit POP bycatch mortality and
     period, AI pollock biomass has                          POP caps in the west coast whiting                    waste in a fully prosecuted AI pollock
     decreased more than four times from                     fishery cooperatives has shown that                   fishery through full retention and
     847,000 mt in 1981 to 191,000 mt in                     setting a cap and allowing self-                      accounting of POP bycatch and limiting
     2011, and has averaged 200,000 mt                       management of the catch rates in a risk               of overall POP catch to 500 mt for this
     since 2011.                                             pool maximizes incentives to optimize                 fishery by AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs
        In the 1990s when the AI POP                         the use of the cap by reducing POP                    less than 60 ft LOA.
     population was approximately 60                         bycatch to harvest as much of the                        • To improve safety at sea by
     percent of what it is now, the proportion               whiting allocation as possible. If the                eliminating the need to sort POP from
     of POP bycatch in the AI pollock fishery                acceptable bycatch rate of AI POP in the              catch on the deck.
     was consistently less than 1 percent of                 AI pollock fishery was 5 percent (the                    • To evaluate timing and location of
     the total catch. In contrast, during a                  MRA), this would require an additional                POP during the EFP AI pollock fishery
     2006 through 2008 AI cooperative                        incidental catch amount of roughly 500                to determine means of reducing bycatch
     acoustic survey study (AICASS)                          mt from the AI POP TAC of 26,381 mt                   rates.
     conducted by NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries                    (2 percent) to support a 2019 ‘‘A’’                      The experiment would be conducted
     Science Center, intended to estimate                    season AI pollock directed fishing                    on vessels selected from trawl CVs on
     groundfish biomass in order to set                      allowance of 10,361 mt.                               the NMFS-approved list of vessels
     acceptable biological catch levels inside                  However, there are several regulatory              eligible to fish the Aleut Corporation’s
     Steller sea lion critical habitat, the                  obstacles to managing the AI pollock                  pollock allocation. It is anticipated that
     proportion of POP bycatch in the                        fishery as a mixed target fishery.                    three AFA CVs and two non-AFA CVs
     pollock fishery was highly variable,                    Legislation mandates that the Aleut                   less than 60 ft LOA would be selected
     with a low of 7 percent in 2006 to a high               Corporation’s pollock allocation be                   to operate under the EFP in 2019.
     of 21 percent in 2008. The AICASS                       harvested either by vessels designated                Preference would be given to vessels
     surveys also showed a high degree of                    as BSAI pollock fishing vessels under                 with additional fish location equipment,
     overlap between pollock and POP                         the American Fisheries Act (AFA) or                   such as those equipped with a Simrad
     populations. The limited amount of                      vessels less than 60 feet (ft) length                 ES60 or ES70 echosounder with a
     fishing under the Aleut Corporation’s                   overall (LOA). There is a targeted POP                38kHz split beam transducer. Both AFA
     allocation since 2008 has similarly                     fishery in the AI; however, AFA vessels               CVs and non-AFA CVs less than 60 ft
     demonstrated the high overlap of                        are subject to sideboards that prevent                LOA would carry an observer, as they
     pollock and POP observed during the                     them from directed fishing for POP. The               are currently required to do. Fishing
     AICASS surveys with bycatch rates                       POP fishery for the non-Amendment 80                  would be conducted with pelagic trawl
     often exceeding the 5 percent MRA,                      vessels (including CVs less than 60 ft                gear, appropriate to each vessel’s
     thereby constraining the pollock fishery                LOA) does not open for directed fishing               horsepower.
     and leading to POP mortality and waste.                 until April 15 to limit halibut bycatch                  No more than 500 mt of POP would
     The 5 percent MRA was also exceeded                     in the bottom trawl fishery.                          be harvested under this EFP by the
     in 2018.                                                   Current regulatory constraints limit               selected AFA CVs and non-AFA CVs
        An additional issue is crew safety.                  the ability of the Aleut Corporation to               less than 60 ft LOA. The 500-mt POP
     Catcher vessels (CVs) that are allowed to               achieve an economically viable AI                     cap would be allocated between
     deliver pollock in the AI are small with                pollock fishery, and current POP                      management areas 541 (450 mt) and 542
     limited deck space. This fishery is                     abundance levels put fishermen at risk                (50 mt). A maximum of 10,361 mt of
     conducted primarily from February                       when POP rates in excess of the 5                     pollock would be harvested by the
     through April when weather conditions                   percent MRA are encountered and POP                   participating vessels under this EFP.

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     58552                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices

     Fishing for pollock under this EFP                      EFP application during its December                   Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950;
     would be required to cease should the                   2018 meeting, which will be held at the               telephone: (978) 465–0492;
     pollock or POP limits be attained.                      Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, AK. The EFP                  www.nefmc.org.
       Any salmon bycatch will be counted                    application will also be provided to the              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
     against the prohibited species catch                    Council’s Scientific and Statistical                  Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director,
     (PSC) cap for the AI pollock fishery.                   Committee for review at the December                  New England Fishery Management
     Any incidental catch of non-pollock                     Council meeting. The applicant has                    Council; telephone: (978) 465–0492, ext.
     species will be counted against the                     been invited to appear in support of the              113.
     optimum yield for that species. All                     application.                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
     catch will be retained for weighing and
     secondary sampling at the processing                    Public Comments                                       Agenda
     plant.                                                    Interested persons may comment on
                                                                                                                   Tuesday, December 4, 2018
                                                             the application at the December 2018
     Exemptions                                                                                                       After introductions and brief
                                                             Council meeting during public
        Two exemptions are necessary to                      testimony or until December 11, 2018                  announcements, the meeting will begin
     conduct this experiment. First, an                      when the 15-day comment period ends.                  with reports from the Council Chairman
     exemption would be necessary from                       Information regarding the meeting is                  and Executive Director, NMFS’s
     MRA requirements at § 679.20(e)(ii).                    available at the Council’s website at                 Regional Administrator for the Greater
     The participating AFA CVs and non-                      http://www.npfmc.org. Copies of the                   Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
     AFA CVs less than 60 ft LOA fishing for                 application and categorical exclusion                 (GARFO), liaisons from the Northeast
     AI pollock under the Aleut                              are available for review from NMFS (see               Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) and
     Corporation’s permit would be                           ADDRESSES). Comments also may be                      Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
     exempted from the 5 percent MRA limit                   submitted directly to NMFS (see                       Council, representatives from NOAA
     for POP in the pollock fishery. This                    ADDRESSES) by the end of the comment                  General Counsel and NOAA’s Office of
     exemption would apply from the date                     period (see DATES).                                   Law Enforcement, and staff from the
     the 2019 final harvest specifications are                                                                     Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
                                                               Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                   Commission (ASMFC), the U.S. Coast
     effective until April 15, 2019 and again
     during the same time period in 2020.                      Dated: November 15, 2018.                           Guard, and the Stellwagen Bank
     Harvest specifications may be found at                  Karen H. Abrams,                                      National Marine Sanctuary. The Council
     https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/.                      Acting Director, Office of Sustainable                then will hear a report summarizing the
        Second would be an exemption from                    Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.         mid-October meeting of the Advisory
     § 679.21(b)(1)(ii)(B)(4) that applies to                [FR Doc. 2018–25327 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]          Committee to the U.S. Section of the
     halibut PSC bycatch management and                      BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                International Commission for the
     PSC limits for rockfish trawl fisheries in                                                                    Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. This
     the BSAI. POP is a type of rockfish.                                                                          will be followed by a brief update on the
     While this EFP is not targeting POP                     DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                Council’s Research Set-Aside Program
     directly, allowing participating vessels                                                                      Review, which is ongoing. The Small-
     to retain POP above the 5 percent MRA                   National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      Mesh Multispecies (Whiting) Committee
     may put them into the range of POP in                   Administration                                        Report will be next. The Council will
     the directed POP fishery. The directed                  RIN 0648–XG634
                                                                                                                   take final action on Amendment 22 to
     POP fishery in the AI for vessels less                                                                        the Northeast Multispecies Fishery
     than 60 ft LOA does not open until                      New England Fishery Management                        Management Plan (FMP), also known as
     April 15 to limit halibut bycatch.                      Council; Public Meeting                               the ‘‘Whiting Amendment.’’ The
     Because vessels fishing under this EFP                                                                        Council first will review public hearing
     would be operating before that April 15                 AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    comments on the amendment and then
     date, those vessels would be exempt                     Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  decide whether or not to adopt a limited
     from the halibut PSC limit applicable to                Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    access program and related measures for
     directed fishing for POP in the BSAI.                   Commerce.                                             small-mesh multispecies.
                                                             ACTION: Notice of public meeting.                        Following the lunch break, the
     Permit Conditions, Review, and Effects                                                                        Council will hear from its Enforcement
        The applicant would be required to                   SUMMARY: The New England Fishery                      Committee, which will provide
     submit to NMFS an interim report of the                 Management Council (Council, NEFMC)                   recommendations and enforcement
     EFP results by November 30, 2019, and                   will hold a three-day meeting to                      concerns related to: (1) The Atlantic
     a final report by November 30, 2020.                    consider actions affecting New England                Large Whale Take Reduction Plan; (2)
     The report would include all data from                  fisheries in the exclusive economic zone              Atlantic cod discards; (3) the Codend
     this experimental fishery, including the                (EEZ).                                                Compliance Assistance Program; (4) the
     catch and position data.                                DATES: The meeting will be held on                    OMEGA Mesh Gauge; and (5) other
        The activities that would be                         Tuesday, December 4, 2018 through                     issues. The Coast Guard will provide a
     conducted under this EFP are not                        Thursday, December 6, 2018, beginning                 short demonstration on use of the
     expected to have a significant impact on                at 9 a.m. on December 4 and 8:30 a.m.                 OMEGA gauge as part of this report. The
     the human environment, as detailed in                   on December 5 and 6.                                  Habitat Committee will be up next.
     the categorical exclusion prepared for                  ADDRESSES:                                            During this segment, the Council will
     this action (see ADDRESSES).                               Meeting address: The meeting will be               take final action on its Clam Dredge
        In accordance with § 679.6, NMFS has                 held at Hotel Viking, One Bellevue                    Framework, which contains alternatives
     determined that the application                         Avenue, Newport, RI 02840; telephone:                 to consider continued surfclam fishery
     warrants further consideration and has                  (508) 747–4900; online at                             access and potential mussel dredge
     forwarded the application to the                        www.hotel1620.com.                                    access to the Great South Channel
     Council to initiate consultation. The                      Council address: New England                       Habitat Management Area. As part of
     Council is scheduled to consider the                    Fishery Management Council, 50 Water                  this report, the Enforcement Committee

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Document Created: 2018-11-20 07:59:30
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 07:59:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; receipt of application for exempted fishing permit.
DatesComments on this EFP application must be submitted to NMFS on or before December 11, 2018. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) will consider the application at its meeting from December 3, 2018, through December 11, 2018, in Anchorage, AK.
ContactMegan Mackey, 907-586-7228.
FR Citation83 FR 58550 
RIN Number0648-XG53

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