83_FR_58810 83 FR 58586 - Towing Safety Advisory Committee

83 FR 58586 - Towing Safety Advisory Committee

Coast Guard

Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 224 (November 20, 2018)

Page Range58586-58587
FR Document2018-25243

The Towing Safety Advisory Committee will meet, via teleconference, to discuss the three current tasks assigned to the Committee. The Committee is expected to receive the final reports from the Subcommittee on Load Line Exemption for River Barges on Lakes Erie and Ontario. The Subcommittees on Implementation of Subchapter M and Towing of Liquefied Natural Gas Barges are expected to provide an update on their work. This teleconference will be open to the public.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)]
[Pages 58586-58587]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25243]



Coast Guard

[Docket No. USCG-2018-0050]

Towing Safety Advisory Committee

AGENCY: U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory Teleconference meeting.


SUMMARY: The Towing Safety Advisory Committee will meet, via 
teleconference, to discuss the three current tasks assigned to the 
Committee. The Committee is expected to receive the final reports from 
the Subcommittee on Load Line Exemption for River Barges on Lakes Erie 
and Ontario. The Subcommittees on Implementation of Subchapter M and 
Towing of Liquefied Natural Gas Barges are expected to provide an 
update on their work. This teleconference will be open to the public.

    Meeting. The full Committee will meet via teleconference on 
Wednesday, December 5, 2018, from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Eastern Standard 
Time. Please note that this meeting may close early if the Committee 
has completed its business. To be able to join the teleconference, 
contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
section no later than 1 p.m. on November 28, 2018. To be able to 
physically attend the meeting at the U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 
pre-register no later than 5 p.m. on November 28, 2018, with the 
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    Comments and supporting documentation. To ensure your comments are 
reviewed by the Committee members before the teleconference, submit 
your written comments no later than November 28, 2018.

[[Page 58587]]

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held via teleconference. To join the 
teleconference, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section no later than 1 p.m. on November 28, 2018, 
to obtain the needed information. The number of teleconference lines is 
limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. If 
you prefer to join in person at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, it will 
be hosted in Room 6K15-15, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, 
Washington, DC 20593.
    Pre-registration Information. To pre-register contact Mr. Douglas 
W. Scheffler at Douglas.W.Scheffler@uscg.mil, with TSAC in the subject 
line and provide your name, company and telephone number; if a foreign 
national, also provide your country of citizenship, and passport number 
and expiration date. All attendees will be required to provide a REAL 
ID Act-compliant, government-issued picture identification card in 
order to gain admittance to the building. For details about 
identification required, visit https://www.dhs.gov/real-id.
    For information on facilities or services for individuals with 
disabilities or to request special assistance at the meeting, contact 
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT as soon as 
    Written comments must be submitted using Federal eRulemaking 
Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. If you encounter technical 
difficulties when trying to submit a comment, contact the individual in 
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document.
    Instructions: You are free to submit comments at any time, 
including orally at the teleconference, but if you want Committee 
members to review your comments before the teleconference, please 
submit your comments no later than November 28, 2018. We are 
particularly interested in comments on the issues in the ``Agenda'' 
section below. To facilitate public participation, written comments on 
the issues to be considered by the Committee as listed in the 
``Agenda'' section below. You must include the words ``Department of 
Homeland Security'' and the docket number [USCG-2018-0050]. For more 
information about the privacy and the docket, review the Privacy and 
Security Notice for the Federal Docket Management System at http://www.regulations.gov/privacyNotice.
    Docket Search: For access to the docket to read documents or 
comments related to this notice, go to http://www.regulations.gov, type 
USCG-2018-0050 in the Search box, press Enter, and then click on the 
item you wish to view.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Douglas W. Scheffler, Alternate 
Designated Federal Officer of the Towing Safety Advisory Committee, 
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, Stop 7509, Washington, DC 20593-
7509, telephone 202-372-1087, fax 202-372-8382 or 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of this meeting is in compliance with 
the Federal Advisory Committee Act, (Title 5, U.S.C. Appendix). As 
stated in 33 U.S.C. 1231a, the Towing Safety Advisory Committee 
provides advice and recommendations to the Department of Homeland 
Security on matters related to shallow-draft inland and coastal 
waterway navigation and towing safety.


    The agenda for the December 5, 2018, teleconference is as follows:
    (1) Final report from the Load Line Exemption Review Subcommittee, 
``Recommendations on Load Line Exemption for River Barges on Lakes Erie 
and Ontario (Task 17-02)''
    (2) Additional tasking for the Subcommittee working on 
``Recommendations on the Implementation of 46 Code of Federal 
Regulations Subchapter M--Inspection of Towing Vessels (Task 16-01)''
    (3) Progress reports from the other active Subcommittee, the one 
working on ``Recommendations on the Towing of Liquefied Natural Gas 
Barges (Task 16-03)''
    (4) Discussion of manning levels as a new task.
    (5) Public Comment period.
    A copy of the task statements, draft final reports, and the agenda 
will be available at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Prevention-Policy-CG-5P/Commercial-Regulations-standards-CG-5PS/Office-of-Operating-and-Environmental-Standards/vfos/TSAC/.
    During the December 5, 2018 teleconference, a public comment period 
will be held from approximately 2:45 p.m. to 3 p.m. Speakers are 
requested to limit their comments to 3 minutes. Please note that this 
public comment period may start before 2:45 p.m. if all other agenda 
items have been covered and may end before 3 p.m. if all of those 
wishing to comment have done so.
    Please contact Mr. Douglas W. Scheffler, listed in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section to register as a speaker.

    Dated: November 14, 2018.
Jeffrey G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards.
[FR Doc. 2018-25243 Filed 11-19-18; 8:45 am]

     58586                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices

     extension of its approval for the                       collection techniques or other forms of                 Respondents: Operators of certain
     following collection of information:                    information technology. In response to                vessels.
     1625–0103, Mandatory Ship Reporting                     your comments, we may revise this ICR                   Frequency: On occasion.
     System for the Northeast and Southeast                  or decide not to seek an extension of                   Hour Burden Estimate: The estimated
     Coasts of the United States; without                    approval for the Collection. We will                  burden has decreased from 188 hours to
     change. Our ICR describes the                           consider all comments and material                    137 hours a year due to a decrease in the
     information we seek to collect from the                 received during the comment period.                   estimated annual number of responses.
     public. Before submitting this ICR to                     We encourage you to respond to this                   Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
     OIRA, the Coast Guard is inviting                       request by submitting comments and                    of 1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended.
     comments as described below.                            related materials. Comments must                        Dated: November 8, 2018.
     DATES: Comments must reach the Coast                    contain the OMB Control Number of the
                                                                                                                   James D. Roppel,
     Guard on or before January 22, 2019.                    ICR and the docket number of this
                                                                                                                   U.S. Coast Guard, Acting Chief, Office of
     ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      request, [USCG–2018–1044], and must
                                                                                                                   Information Management.
     identified by Coast Guard docket                        be received by January 22, 2019.
                                                                                                                   [FR Doc. 2018–25213 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]
     number [USCG–2018–1044] to the Coast                    Submitting Comments                                   BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
     Guard using the Federal eRulemaking
     Portal at https://www.regulations.gov.                     We encourage you to submit
     See the ‘‘Public participation and                      comments through the Federal
                                                                                                                   DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
     request for comments’’ portion of the                   eRulemaking Portal at https://
     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for                   www.regulations.gov. If your material
     further instructions on submitting                      cannot be submitted using https://                    Coast Guard
     comments.                                               www.regulations.gov, contact the person
                                                             in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                        [Docket No. USCG–2018–0050]
       A copy of the ICR is available through
     the docket on the internet at https://                  CONTACT section of this document for
                                                             alternate instructions. Documents                     Towing Safety Advisory Committee
     www.regulations.gov. Additionally,
     copies are available from: Commandant                   mentioned in this notice, and all public              AGENCY: U.S. Coast Guard, Department
     (CG–612), ATTN: Paperwork Reduction                     comments, are in our online docket at                 of Homeland Security.
     Act Manager, U.S. Coast Guard, 2703                     https://www.regulations.gov and can be                ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory
     Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, STOP                    viewed by following that website’s                    Teleconference meeting.
     7710, Washington, DC 20593–7710.                        instructions. Additionally, if you go to
     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                    the online docket and sign up for email               SUMMARY: The Towing Safety Advisory
     Anthony Smith, Office of Information                    alerts, you will be notified when                     Committee will meet, via
     Management, telephone 202–475–3532,                     comments are posted.                                  teleconference, to discuss the three
     or fax 202–372–8405, for questions on                      We accept anonymous comments. All                  current tasks assigned to the Committee.
     these documents.                                        comments received will be posted                      The Committee is expected to receive
                                                             without change to https://                            the final reports from the Subcommittee
                                                             www.regulations.gov and will include                  on Load Line Exemption for River
     Public Participation and Request for                    any personal information you have                     Barges on Lakes Erie and Ontario. The
     Comments                                                provided. For more about privacy and                  Subcommittees on Implementation of
       This Notice relies on the authority of                the docket, you may review a Privacy                  Subchapter M and Towing of Liquefied
     the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;                    Act notice regarding the Federal Docket               Natural Gas Barges are expected to
     44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended. An                    Management System in the March 24,                    provide an update on their work. This
     ICR is an application to OIRA seeking                   2005, issue of the Federal Register (70               teleconference will be open to the
     the approval, extension, or renewal of a                FR 15086).                                            public.
     Coast Guard collection of information                   Information Collection Request                        DATES:
     (Collection). The ICR contains                                                                                   Meeting. The full Committee will
     information describing the Collection’s                   Title: Mandatory Ship Reporting                     meet via teleconference on Wednesday,
     purpose, the Collection’s likely burden                 System for the Northeast and Southeast                December 5, 2018, from 1 p.m. until 3
     on the affected public, an explanation of               Coasts of the United States.                          p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please note
     the necessity of the Collection, and                      OMB Control Number: 1625–0103.                      that this meeting may close early if the
     other important information describing                    Summary: The information is needed                  Committee has completed its business.
     the Collection. There is one ICR for each               to reduce the number of ship collisions               To be able to join the teleconference,
     Collection.                                             with endangered northern right whales.                contact the individual listed in the FOR
       The Coast Guard invites comments on                   Coast Guard rules at 33 CFR part 169                  FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section
     whether this ICR should be granted                      establish two mandatory ship-reporting                no later than 1 p.m. on November 28,
     based on the Collection being necessary                 systems off the northeast and southeast               2018. To be able to physically attend the
     for the proper performance of                           coasts of the United States.                          meeting at the U.S. Coast Guard
     Departmental functions. In particular,                    Need: The collection involves ships’                Headquarters, pre-register no later than
     the Coast Guard would appreciate                        reporting by radio to a shore-based                   5 p.m. on November 28, 2018, with the
     comments addressing: (1) The practical                  authority when entering the area                      individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
     utility of the Collection; (2) the accuracy             covered by the reporting system. The                  INFORMATION CONTACT.
     of the estimated burden of the                          ship will receive, in return, information                Comments and supporting
     Collection; (3) ways to enhance the                     to reduce the likelihood of collisions                documentation. To ensure your
     quality, utility, and clarity of                        between themselves and northern right                 comments are reviewed by the
     information subject to the Collection;                  whales—an endangered species—in the                   Committee members before the
     and (4) ways to minimize the burden of                  areas established with critical-habitat               teleconference, submit your written
     the Collection on respondents,                          designation.                                          comments no later than November 28,
     including the use of automated                            Forms: None.                                        2018.

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                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices                                                58587

     ADDRESSES:    The meeting will be held                  0050 in the Search box, press Enter, and                Dated: November 14, 2018.
     via teleconference. To join the                         then click on the item you wish to view.              Jeffrey G. Lantz,
     teleconference, contact the individual                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                  Director of Commercial Regulations and
     listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                   Douglas W. Scheffler, Alternate                       Standards.
     CONTACT section no later than 1 p.m. on                 Designated Federal Officer of the                     [FR Doc. 2018–25243 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]
     November 28, 2018, to obtain the                        Towing Safety Advisory Committee,                     BILLING CODE 9110–04–P
     needed information. The number of                       2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE,
     teleconference lines is limited and will                Stop 7509, Washington, DC 20593–
     be available on a first-come, first-served              7509, telephone 202–372–1087, fax                     DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
     basis. If you prefer to join in person at               202–372–8382 or Douglas.W.Scheffler@                  SECURITY
     U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, it will                  uscg.mil.
     be hosted in Room 6K15–15, 2703                                                                               Coast Guard
                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    Notice of
     Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE,                                                                               [Docket No. USCG–2018–0789]
                                                             this meeting is in compliance with the
     Washington, DC 20593.
                                                             Federal Advisory Committee Act, (Title
        Pre-registration Information. To pre-                                                                      Collection of Information Under
                                                             5, U.S.C. Appendix). As stated in 33
     register contact Mr. Douglas W.                                                                               Review by Office of Management and
                                                             U.S.C. 1231a, the Towing Safety
     Scheffler at Douglas.W.Scheffler@                                                                             Budget; OMB Control Number: 1625–
                                                             Advisory Committee provides advice
     uscg.mil, with TSAC in the subject line                                                                       0069
                                                             and recommendations to the
     and provide your name, company and
                                                             Department of Homeland Security on                    AGENCY:Coast Guard, DHS.
     telephone number; if a foreign national,
                                                             matters related to shallow-draft inland                     Thirty-day notice requesting
     also provide your country of
                                                             and coastal waterway navigation and                   comments.
     citizenship, and passport number and
                                                             towing safety.
     expiration date. All attendees will be
                                                                                                                   SUMMARY: In compliance with the
     required to provide a REAL ID Act-                      Agenda
     compliant, government-issued picture                                                                          Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 the
                                                                The agenda for the December 5, 2018,               U.S. Coast Guard is forwarding an
     identification card in order to gain                    teleconference is as follows:
     admittance to the building. For details                                                                       Information Collection Request (ICR),
                                                                (1) Final report from the Load Line                abstracted below, to the Office of
     about identification required, visit                    Exemption Review Subcommittee,
     https://www.dhs.gov/real-id.                                                                                  Management and Budget (OMB), Office
                                                             ‘‘Recommendations on Load Line                        of Information and Regulatory Affairs
        For information on facilities or                     Exemption for River Barges on Lakes                   (OIRA), requesting an extension of its
     services for individuals with disabilities              Erie and Ontario (Task 17–02)’’                       approval for the following collection of
     or to request special assistance at the                    (2) Additional tasking for the                     information: 1625–0069, Ballast Water
     meeting, contact the individual listed in               Subcommittee working on                               Management for Vessels with Ballast
     the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT                     ‘‘Recommendations on the                              Tanks Entering U.S. Waters; without
     as soon as possible.                                    Implementation of 46 Code of Federal                  change. Our ICR describe the
        Written comments must be submitted                   Regulations Subchapter M—Inspection                   information we seek to collect from the
     using Federal eRulemaking Portal:                       of Towing Vessels (Task 16–01)’’                      public. Review and comments by OIRA
     http://www.regulations.gov. If you                         (3) Progress reports from the other                ensure we only impose paperwork
     encounter technical difficulties when                   active Subcommittee, the one working                  burdens commensurate with our
     trying to submit a comment, contact the                 on ‘‘Recommendations on the Towing of                 performance of duties.
     individual in the FOR FURTHER                           Liquefied Natural Gas Barges (Task 16–
     INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                                                                           DATES: Comments must reach the Coast
     document.                                                                                                     Guard and OIRA on or before December
                                                                (4) Discussion of manning levels as a
        Instructions: You are free to submit                                                                       20, 2018.
                                                             new task.
     comments at any time, including orally                     (5) Public Comment period.                         ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
     at the teleconference, but if you want                     A copy of the task statements, draft               identified by Coast Guard docket
     Committee members to review your                        final reports, and the agenda will be                 number [USCG–2018–0789] to the Coast
     comments before the teleconference,                     available at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/                Guard using the Federal eRulemaking
     please submit your comments no later                    Our-Organization/Assistant-                           Portal at https://www.regulations.gov.
     than November 28, 2018. We are                          Commandant-for-Prevention-Policy-CG-                  Alternatively, you may submit
     particularly interested in comments on                  5P/Commercial-Regulations-standards-                  comments to OIRA using one of the
     the issues in the ‘‘Agenda’’ section                    CG-5PS/Office-of-Operating-and-                       following means:
     below. To facilitate public participation,              Environmental-Standards/vfos/TSAC/.                     (1) Email: dhsdeskofficer@
     written comments on the issues to be                       During the December 5, 2018                        omb.eop.gov.
     considered by the Committee as listed                   teleconference, a public comment                        (2) Mail: OIRA, 725 17th Street NW,
     in the ‘‘Agenda’’ section below. You                    period will be held from approximately                Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk
     must include the words ‘‘Department of                  2:45 p.m. to 3 p.m. Speakers are                      Officer for the Coast Guard.
     Homeland Security’’ and the docket                      requested to limit their comments to 3                  A copy of the ICR is available through
     number [USCG–2018–0050]. For more                       minutes. Please note that this public                 the docket on the internet at https://
     information about the privacy and the                   comment period may start before 2:45                  www.regulations.gov. Additionally,
     docket, review the Privacy and Security                 p.m. if all other agenda items have been              copies are available from: Commandant
     Notice for the Federal Docket                           covered and may end before 3 p.m. if all              (CG–612), ATTN: Paperwork Reduction
     Management System at http://                            of those wishing to comment have done                 Act Manager, U.S. Coast Guard, 2703
     www.regulations.gov/privacyNotice.                      so.                                                   Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, STOP
        Docket Search: For access to the                        Please contact Mr. Douglas W.                      7710, Washington, DC 20593–7710.
     docket to read documents or comments                    Scheffler, listed in the FOR FURTHER                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
     related to this notice, go to http://                   INFORMATION CONTACT section to register               Anthony Smith, Office of Information
     www.regulations.gov, type USCG–2018–                    as a speaker.                                         Management, telephone 202–475–3532,

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Document Created: 2018-11-20 07:59:08
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 07:59:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Federal Advisory Teleconference meeting.
DatesMeeting. The full Committee will meet via teleconference on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please note that this meeting may close early if the Committee has completed its business. To be able to join the teleconference, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section no later than 1 p.m. on November 28, 2018. To be able to physically attend the meeting at the U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, pre-register no later than 5 p.m. on November 28, 2018, with the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
ContactMr. Douglas W. Scheffler, Alternate Designated Federal Officer of the Towing Safety Advisory Committee, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, Stop 7509, Washington, DC 20593- 7509, telephone 202-372-1087, fax 202-372-8382 or [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 58586 

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