83_FR_58815 83 FR 58591 - Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission; Notification of Public Meeting

83 FR 58591 - Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission; Notification of Public Meeting


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 224 (November 20, 2018)

Page Range58591-58592
FR Document2018-25331

Notice of this meeting is being provided according to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This notice provides the schedule and agenda for the December 7, 2018, meeting of the Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission (Commission).

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 224 (Tuesday, November 20, 2018)]
[Pages 58591-58592]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-25331]



[178D0102DM, DS6OS00000, DLSN00000.000000, DX6CS25]

Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission; Notification of Public 

AGENCY: Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission, Department of the 

ACTION: Meeting notice.


SUMMARY: Notice of this meeting is being provided according to the 
requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This notice 
provides the schedule and agenda for the December 7, 2018, meeting of 
the Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission (Commission).

DATES: Meeting date: The meeting will be held on Friday, December 7, 
2018, beginning at 9 a.m., and ending no later than 5 p.m. (Eastern 
Standard Time).

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Belmont-Paul Women's 
Equality National Monument, 144 Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC 
20002; in the Allender Gallery on the 2nd floor.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim Oliver, Designated Federal 
Officer, Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission, 1849 C Street, NW, 
Room 7313, Washington, DC 20240; phone: (202) 912-7510; fax: (202) 219-
2100; email: [email protected].



    Congress passed legislation to create the Women's Suffrage 
Centennial Commission Act, a bill, ``to ensure a suitable observance of 
the centennial of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment of 
the Constitution of the United States providing for women's suffrage.''
    The duties of the Commission, as written in the law, include: (1) 
To encourage, plan, develop, and execute programs, projects, and 
activities to commemorate the centennial of the passage and 
ratification of the 19th Amendment; (2) To encourage private 
organizations and State and local Governments to organize and 
participate in activities commemorating the centennial of the passage 
and ratification of the 19th Amendment; (3) To facilitate and 
coordinate activities throughout the United States relating to the 
centennial of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment; (4) 
To serve as a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of 
information about events and plans for the centennial of the passage 
and ratification of the 19th Amendment; and (5) To develop 
recommendations for Congress and the President for commemorating the 
centennial of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment.

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Introductions
Ethics briefing
FACA Briefing
FACA Records Briefing
Summary of NPS 19th Amendment Commemoration Planning
Overview of Women's Suffrage Movement
Establish Vision/Mission
Discuss informative speakers/research/articles
Establish subcommittees
Public Comment Period
2019 Meeting Schedule

    The meeting is open to the public, but preregistration is required. 
Any individual who wishes to attend the meeting should register via 
email at [email protected] or telephone (202) 912-7510. Interested 
persons may choose to make a public comment at the meeting during the 
designated time for this purpose. Members of the public may also choose 
to submit written comments by mailing them to Kim Oliver, Designated 
Federal Officer, 1849 C Street NW, Room 7313, Washington, DC 20240, or 
via email at [email protected]. Please contact Ms. Oliver at the email 
address above to obtain meeting materials. All written comments 
received will be provided to the Commission.
    Individuals requiring special accommodations to access the public 
meeting should contact Ms. Oliver no later than December 3, 2018, so 
that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Public Disclosure of Comments

    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can 
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we

[[Page 58592]]

cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. Appendix 2

Margaret Triebsch,
Program Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2018-25331 Filed 11-19-18; 8:45 am]

                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices                                          58591

     regulations ((50 CFR 17.22(b)(5) and                    Authority                                             in activities commemorating the
     17.32(b)(5)) regarding conservation                       We provide this notice under section                centennial of the passage and
     activities for the Morro shoulderband                   10 of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)                ratification of the 19th Amendment; (3)
     snail.                                                  and NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).                 To facilitate and coordinate activities
                                                                                                                   throughout the United States relating to
     Applicants’ Proposed Activities                           Dated: November 9, 2018.                            the centennial of the passage and
                                                             Stephen P. Henry,                                     ratification of the 19th Amendment; (4)
       The applicants have applied for a
                                                             Field Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife           To serve as a clearinghouse for the
     permit for incidental take of the Morro                 Office, Ventura, California.                          collection and dissemination of
     shoulderband snail. Take is likely to                   [FR Doc. 2018–25222 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]          information about events and plans for
     occur in association with activities
                                                             BILLING CODE 4333–15–P                                the centennial of the passage and
     necessary to construct a single-family                                                                        ratification of the 19th Amendment; and
     residence. The site contains 2.79 acres                                                                       (5) To develop recommendations for
     of suitable upland habitat for the Morro                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            Congress and the President for
     shoulderband snail, all of which is in                                                                        commemorating the centennial of the
                                                             [178D0102DM, DS6OS00000,
     critical habitat designated for the                     DLSN00000.000000, DX6CS25]                            passage and ratification of the 19th
     species. The HCP includes measures to                                                                         Amendment.
     minimize take of Morro shoulderband                     Women’s Suffrage Centennial
     snail in the form of injury and mortality.                                                                    Meeting Agenda
                                                             Commission; Notification of Public
     Mitigation for unavoidable take of the                  Meeting                                               Welcome and Introductions
     species consists of the permanent                                                                             Ethics briefing
     protection of 1.37 acres of suitable and                AGENCY: Women’s Suffrage Centennial                   FACA Briefing
                                                             Commission, Department of the Interior.               FACA Records Briefing
     occupied onsite habitat as a
                                                             ACTION: Meeting notice.                               Summary of NPS 19th Amendment
     conservation easement to be dedicated                                                                             Commemoration Planning
     to the County of San Luis Obispo.                       SUMMARY: Notice of this meeting is being              Overview of Women’s Suffrage Movement
                                                             provided according to the requirements                Establish Vision/Mission
     Our Preliminary Determination                                                                                 Discuss informative speakers/research/
                                                             of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
        The Service made a preliminary                       This notice provides the schedule and                 Establish subcommittees
     determination that issuance of the                      agenda for the December 7, 2018,                      Public Comment Period
     incidental take permit is neither a major               meeting of the Women’s Suffrage                       2019 Meeting Schedule
     Federal action that will significantly                  Centennial Commission (Commission).                   Adjourn
     affect the quality of the human                         DATES: Meeting date: The meeting will
                                                                                                                      The meeting is open to the public, but
     environment within the meaning of                       be held on Friday, December 7, 2018,                  preregistration is required. Any
     section 102(2)(C) of NEPA (42 U.S.C.                    beginning at 9 a.m., and ending no later              individual who wishes to attend the
     4321 et seq.), nor will it individually or              than 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).                  meeting should register via email at
     cumulatively have more than a                           ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at                kmoliver@blm.gov or telephone (202)
     negligible effect on the species covered                the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality                     912–7510. Interested persons may
     in the HCP. The Service considers the                   National Monument, 144 Constitution                   choose to make a public comment at the
     effects of the taking of the Morro                      Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002; in                   meeting during the designated time for
     shoulderband snail to be minor as the                   the Allender Gallery on the 2nd floor.                this purpose. Members of the public
     affected area is small (approximately                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim                  may also choose to submit written
     1.42 acres) and includes the permanent                  Oliver, Designated Federal Officer,                   comments by mailing them to Kim
     protection of 1.37 acres of suitable,                   Women’s Suffrage Centennial                           Oliver, Designated Federal Officer, 1849
     occupied habitat in a conservation                      Commission, 1849 C Street, NW, Room                   C Street NW, Room 7313, Washington,
     easement. Therefore, based on this                      7313, Washington, DC 20240; phone:                    DC 20240, or via email at kmoliver@
     preliminary determination, the permit                   (202) 912–7510; fax: (202) 219–2100;                  blm.gov. Please contact Ms. Oliver at the
     qualifies for a categorical exclusion                   email: kmoliver@blm.gov.                              email address above to obtain meeting
     under NEPA.                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            materials. All written comments
                                                                                                                   received will be provided to the
     Public Comments                                         Background                                            Commission.
       If you wish to comment on the permit                    Congress passed legislation to create                  Individuals requiring special
     application, draft HCP, and associated                  the Women’s Suffrage Centennial                       accommodations to access the public
     documents, you may submit comments                      Commission Act, a bill, ‘‘to ensure a                 meeting should contact Ms. Oliver no
     by one of the methods in ADDRESSES.                     suitable observance of the centennial of              later than December 3, 2018, so that
                                                             the passage and ratification of the 19th              appropriate arrangements can be made.
       Before including your address, phone                  Amendment of the Constitution of the
     number, email address, or other                                                                               Public Disclosure of Comments
                                                             United States providing for women’s
     personal identifying information in your                suffrage.’’                                             Before including your address, phone
     comment, you should be aware that                         The duties of the Commission, as                    number, email address, or other
     your entire comment, including your                     written in the law, include: (1) To                   personal identifying information in your
     personal identifying information, may                   encourage, plan, develop, and execute                 comment, you should be aware that
     be made publicly available at any time.                 programs, projects, and activities to                 your entire comment—including your
     While you can ask us in your comment                    commemorate the centennial of the                     personal identifying information—may
     to withhold your personal identifying                   passage and ratification of the 19th                  be made publicly available at any time.
     information from public view, we                        Amendment; (2) To encourage private                   While you can ask us in your comment
     cannot guarantee that we will be able to                organizations and State and local                     to withhold your personal identifying
     do so.                                                  Governments to organize and participate               information from public review, we

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     58592                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 224 / Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / Notices

     cannot guarantee that we will be able to                INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                   United States after importation of
     do so.                                                  COMMISSION                                            certain digital cameras, software, and
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2
                                                                                                                   components thereof that infringe U.S.
                                                             [Investigation No. 337–TA–1059]
                                                                                                                   Patent Nos. 6,301,440 (‘‘the ’440
     Margaret Triebsch,                                      Certain Digital Cameras, Software, and                patent’’); 6,463,163 (‘‘the ’163 patent’’);
     Program Analyst.                                        Components Thereof; Commission                        6,714,241 (‘‘the ’241 patent’’); 6,731,335
     [FR Doc. 2018–25331 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]            Determination To Review-In-Part a                     (‘‘the ’335 patent’’); 6,834,128 (‘‘the ’128
                                                             Final Initial Determination Finding a                 patent’’); 7,297,916 (‘‘the ’916 patent’’);
     BILLING CODE 4334–63–P
                                                             Violation of Section 337; Request for                 and 7,933,454 (‘‘the ’454 patent’’). Id.
                                                             Written Submissions; Extension of                     The complaint further alleges that a
                                                             Target Date for Completion of the                     domestic industry exists in the United
                                                                                                                   States. The Commission’s Notice of
     INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                     Investigation
                                                                                                                   Investigation named as respondents
     COMMISSION                                                                                                    Nikon Corporation of Tokyo, Japan;
                                                             AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
                                                             Commission.                                           Sendai Nikon Corporation of Natori,
     [Investigation No. 731–TA–1203 (Review)]                ACTION: Notice.                                       Japan; Nikon Inc. of Melville, New York;
                                                                                                                   Nikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd. of Ayutthaya,
     Xanthan Gum From China                                  SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that                  Thailand; Nikon Imaging (China) Co.,
                                                             the U.S. International Trade                          Ltd. of Wuxi, China; and PT Nikon
                                                             Commission has determined to review                   Indonesia of Jakarta, Indonesia. Id. at
       On the basis of the record 1 developed                in part the presiding administrative law              25627. The Office of Unfair Import
     in the subject five-year review, the                    judge’s (‘‘ALJ’’) final initial                       Investigations is not participating in this
     United States International Trade                       determination (‘‘Final ID’’) issued on                investigation. Id. The Commission later
     Commission (‘‘Commission’’)                             August 17, 2018, finding a violation of               terminated respondent PT Nikon from
     determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of               section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as             the investigation. Order No. 36 (Dec. 27,
     1930 (‘‘the Act’’), that revocation of the              amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337 (‘‘section                    2017) (unreviewed Notice (Jan. 19,
                                                             337’’) in the above-captioned                         2018)). The Commission also
     antidumping duty order on xanthan
                                                             investigation. The Commission has also                subsequently terminated from the
     gum from China would be likely to lead                                                                        investigation all claims of the ’163 and
                                                             determined to extend the target date for
     to continuation or recurrence of material                                                                     ’335 patents and certain claims of the
                                                             completion of the above-captioned
     injury to an industry in the United                                                                           ’440, ’241, ’128, ’916, and ’454 patents.
                                                             investigation to February 1, 2019.
     States within a reasonably foreseeable                                                                        Order No. 23 (Oct. 3, 2017) (unreviewed
                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
     time.                                                                                                         Notice (Oct. 17, 2017)); Order No. 32
                                                             Megan M. Valentine, Office of the
     Background                                              General Counsel, U.S. International                   (Nov. 22, 2017) (unreviewed Notice
                                                             Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW,                    (Dec. 19, 2017)); Order No. 45 (Feb. 5,
       The Commission, pursuant to section                   Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)                 2018) (unreviewed Notice (Mar. 6,
     751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)),                  708–2301. Copies of non-confidential                  2018)); Order No. 65 (Mar. 27, 2018)
     instituted this review on June 1, 2018                  documents filed in connection with this               (unreviewed Notice (Apr. 25, 2018));
     (83 FR 25485) and determined on                         investigation are or will be available for            Order No. 67 (Apr. 13, 2018)
     September 4, 2018 that it would                         inspection during official business                   (unreviewed Notice (May 4, 2018)).
     conduct an expedited review (83 FR                                                                               On August 17, 2018, the ALJ issued
                                                             hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
                                                                                                                   her Final ID, finding a violation of
     48653, September 26, 2018).                             Office of the Secretary, U.S.
                                                                                                                   section 337 with respect to asserted
       The Commission made this                              International Trade Commission, 500 E
                                                                                                                   claims 1 and 8 of the ’916, asserted
     determination pursuant to section                       Street SW, Washington, DC 20436,
                                                                                                                   claims 6, 35, and 39 of the ’440 patent,
     751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)). It               telephone (202) 205–2000. General
                                                                                                                   and asserted claim 22 of the ’454 patent.
     completed and filed its determination in                information concerning the Commission
                                                                                                                   The final ID finds no violation as to
     this review on November 15, 2018. The                   may also be obtained by accessing its
                                                                                                                   asserted claims 1, 12, and 16 of the ’128
                                                             internet server (https://www.usitc.gov).              patent, asserted claim 10 of the ’241
     views of the Commission are contained
                                                             The public record for this investigation              patent, and asserted claims 37, 46, and
     in USITC Publication 4839 (November
                                                             may be viewed on the Commission’s                     50 of the ’440 patent.
     2018), entitled Xanthan Gum from                        electronic docket (EDIS) at https://
     China: Investigation No. 731–TA–1203                                                                             In particular, the Final ID finds that
                                                             edis.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired                      asserted claims 1 and 8 of the ’916
     (Review).                                               persons are advised that information on               patent read on the accused products
       By order of the Commission.                           this matter can be obtained by                        under the DOE. The Final ID also finds
       Issued: November 15, 2018.                            contacting the Commission’s TDD                       that asserted claims 1 and 8 are not
     Lisa Barton,                                            terminal on (202) 205–1810.                           invalid for obviousness under 35 U.S.C.
     Secretary to the Commission.                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        103. The Final ID further finds that
     [FR Doc. 2018–25290 Filed 11–19–18; 8:45 am]            Commission instituted this investigation              Zeiss has satisfied the technical prong of
                                                             on June 2, 2017, based on a complaint                 the domestic industry (‘‘DI’’)
     BILLING CODE 7020–02–P
                                                             filed by Carl Zeiss AG of Oberkochen,                 requirement with respect to the ’916
                                                             Germany, and ASML Netherlands B.V.                    patent.
                                                             of Veldhoven, Netherlands. 82 FR                         The Final ID finds that asserted
                                                             25627–28. The complaint alleges                       claims 6, 35, 37, 39, 46, and 50 of the
                                                             violations of section 337 of the Tariff               ’440 patent read on the accused
                                                             Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337               products. The Final ID also finds that
       1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the       (‘‘section 337), in the importation into              asserted claim 37 is invalid as
     Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19        the United States, the sale for                       anticipated under 35 U.S.C. 102, but
     CFR 207.2(f)).                                          importation, and the sale within the                  that asserted claims 6, 35, 39, 46, and

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Document Created: 2018-11-20 07:59:58
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 07:59:58
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionMeeting notice.
DatesMeeting date: The meeting will be held on Friday, December 7, 2018, beginning at 9 a.m., and ending no later than 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
ContactKim Oliver, Designated Federal Officer, Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission, 1849 C Street, NW, Room 7313, Washington, DC 20240; phone: (202) 912-7510; fax: (202) 219- 2100; email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 58591 

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