83_FR_63780 83 FR 63544 - Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment

83 FR 63544 - Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 236 (December 10, 2018)

Page Range63544-63544
FR Document2018-26615

On October 19, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) solicited comments on ``Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment.'' The public comment period closed on November 19, 2018. The NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period to allow more time for members of the public to develop and submit comments.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 236 (Monday, December 10, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 236 (Monday, December 10, 2018)]
[Page 63544]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-26615]



[Docket Nos. 50-219 and 72-15; NRC-2018-0237]

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; Consideration of 
Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Application for direct transfer of license; reopening of 
comment period.


SUMMARY: On October 19, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
(NRC) solicited comments on ``Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station; 
Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming 
Amendment.'' The public comment period closed on November 19, 2018. The 
NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period to allow more time 
for members of the public to develop and submit comments.

DATES: The comment period for the document published on October 19, 
2018 (83 FR 53119), has been reopened. Comments must be filed by 
January 9, 2019. Comments received after this date will be considered, 
if it is practical to do so, but the Commission is able to ensure 
consideration only for comments received on or before this date.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0237. Address 
questions about Docket IDs in Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges; 
telephone: 301-287-9127; email: [email protected]. For technical 
questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT section of this document.
     Mail comments to: May Ma, Office of Administration, Mail 
Stop: TWFN-7-A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    For additional direction on obtaining information and submitting 
comments, see ``Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments'' in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-3100, email: [email protected].


I. Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments

A. Obtaining Information

    Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2018-0237. You may obtain publicly-
available information related to this action by any of the following 
     Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0237.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS 
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public 
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or 
by email to [email protected]. The Application for Order Approving 
Direct Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating License and General 
License and Proposed Conforming License Amendment for Oyster Creek is 
available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML18243A489.
     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

B. Submitting Comments

    Please include Docket ID NRC-2018-0237 in your comment submission.
    The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact 
information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your 
comment submission. The NRC will post all comment submissions at http://www.regulations.gov as well as enter the comment submissions into 
ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove 
identifying or contact information.
    If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons 
for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to 
include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be 
publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should 
state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to 
remove such information before making the comment submissions available 
to the public or entering the comment into ADAMS.

II. Discussion

    On October 19, 2018, the NRC solicited comments on ``Oyster Creek 
Nuclear Generating Station; Consideration of Approval of Transfer of 
License and Conforming Amendment.'' The purpose of the original Federal 
Register notice (83 FR 53119; October 19, 2018) was to provide an 
opportunity to comment, request a hearing, and petition for leave to 
intervene. The public comment period closed on November 19, 2018. The 
NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period on this document 
until January 9, 2019, to allow more time for members of the public to 
develop and submit comments. The period to request a hearing and 
petition for leave to intervene is not being reopened.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 4th day of December 2018.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John G. Lamb,
Senior Project Manager, Special Projects and Process Branch, Division 
of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2018-26615 Filed 12-7-18; 8:45 am]

     63544                      Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 236 / Monday, December 10, 2018 / Notices

     287–0739, by videophone at 240–428–                     questions, contact the individual listed              The NRC does not routinely edit
     3217, or by email at Kimberly.Meyer-                    in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                        comment submissions to remove
     Chambers@nrc.gov. Determinations on                     CONTACT section of this document.                     identifying or contact information.
     requests for reasonable accommodation                     • Mail comments to: May Ma, Office                    If you are requesting or aggregating
     will be made on a case-by-case basis.                   of Administration, Mail Stop: TWFN–7–                 comments from other persons for
        Members of the public may request to                 A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                         submission to the NRC, then you should
     receive this information electronically.                Commission, Washington, DC 20555–                     inform those persons not to include
     If you would like to be added to the                    0001.                                                 identifying or contact information that
     distribution, please contact the Nuclear                  For additional direction on obtaining               they do not want to be publicly
     Regulatory Commission, Office of the                    information and submitting comments,                  disclosed in their comment submission.
     Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301–                   see ‘‘Obtaining Information and                       Your request should state that the NRC
     415–1969), or by email at                               Submitting Comments’’ in the                          does not routinely edit comment
     Wendy.Moore@nrc.gov or                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of                  submissions to remove such information
     Diane.Garvin@nrc.gov.                                   this document.                                        before making the comment
       Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 6th day            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John                 submissions available to the public or
     of December, 2018.                                      G. Lamb, Office of Nuclear Reactor                    entering the comment into ADAMS.
       For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                   II. Discussion
     Denise L. McGovern,                                     Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
                                                             0001; telephone: 301–415–3100, email:                    On October 19, 2018, the NRC
     Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.
                                                             John.Lamb@nrc.gov.                                    solicited comments on ‘‘Oyster Creek
     [FR Doc. 2018–26820 Filed 12–6–18; 4:15 pm]                                                                   Nuclear Generating Station;
                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
     BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                                                                        Consideration of Approval of Transfer of
                                                             I. Obtaining Information and                          License and Conforming Amendment.’’
                                                             Submitting Comments                                   The purpose of the original Federal
     NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                                                                            Register notice (83 FR 53119; October
     COMMISSION                                              A. Obtaining Information
                                                                                                                   19, 2018) was to provide an opportunity
     [Docket Nos. 50–219 and 72–15; NRC–2018–                   Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2018–                to comment, request a hearing, and
     0237]                                                   0237. You may obtain publicly-available               petition for leave to intervene. The
                                                             information related to this action by any             public comment period closed on
     Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating                         of the following methods:                             November 19, 2018. The NRC has
     Station; Consideration of Approval of                      • Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to                decided to reopen the public comment
     Transfer of License and Conforming                      http://www.regulations.gov and search                 period on this document until January
     Amendment                                               for Docket ID NRC–2018–0237.                          9, 2019, to allow more time for members
                                                                • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                       of the public to develop and submit
     AGENCY:   Nuclear Regulatory                            Access and Management System
     Commission.                                                                                                   comments. The period to request a
                                                             (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                     hearing and petition for leave to
     ACTION: Application for direct transfer of              available documents online in the
     license; reopening of comment period.                                                                         intervene is not being reopened.
                                                             ADAMS Public Documents collection at
                                                             http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/                          Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 4th day
     SUMMARY:   On October 19, 2018, the U.S.                                                                      of December 2018.
     Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)                     adams.html. To begin the search, select
                                                             ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For                   For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
     solicited comments on ‘‘Oyster Creek                                                                          John G. Lamb,
     Nuclear Generating Station;                             problems with ADAMS, please contact
                                                             the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)                  Senior Project Manager, Special Projects and
     Consideration of Approval of Transfer of                                                                      Process Branch, Division of Operating Reactor
     License and Conforming Amendment.’’                     reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
                                                             415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@                Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
     The public comment period closed on                                                                           Regulation.
     November 19, 2018. The NRC has                          nrc.gov. The Application for Order
                                                                                                                   [FR Doc. 2018–26615 Filed 12–7–18; 8:45 am]
     decided to reopen the public comment                    Approving Direct Transfer of Renewed
                                                             Facility Operating License and General                BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
     period to allow more time for members
     of the public to develop and submit                     License and Proposed Conforming
     comments.                                               License Amendment for Oyster Creek is
                                                             available in ADAMS under Accession                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY
     DATES: The comment period for the                       No. ML18243A489.                                      COMMISSION
     document published on October 19,                          • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
     2018 (83 FR 53119), has been reopened.                                                                        Advisory Committee on Reactor
                                                             purchase copies of public documents at                Safeguards; Charter Renewal
     Comments must be filed by January 9,                    the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
     2019. Comments received after this date                 White Flint North, 11555 Rockville                    AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory
     will be considered, if it is practical to do            Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.                      Commission.
     so, but the Commission is able to ensure                                                                      ACTION: Notice of renewal of the Charter
     consideration only for comments                         B. Submitting Comments
                                                                                                                   of the Advisory Committee on Reactor
     received on or before this date.                          Please include Docket ID NRC–2018–                  Safeguards.
     ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      0237 in your comment submission.
     by any of the following methods:                          The NRC cautions you not to include                 SUMMARY:  The Advisory Committee on
        • Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to                  identifying or contact information that               Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) was
     http://www.regulations.gov and search                   you do not want to be publicly                        established by Section 29 of the Atomic
     for Docket ID NRC–2018–0237. Address                    disclosed in your comment submission.                 Energy Act (AEA) of 1954, as amended.
     questions about Docket IDs in                           The NRC will post all comment                         Its purpose is to provide advice to the
     Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges;                     submissions at http://                                Commission with regard to the hazards
     telephone: 301–287–9127; email:                         www.regulations.gov as well as enter the              of proposed or existing reactor facilities,
     Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For technical                  comment submissions into ADAMS.                       to review each application for a

VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:10 Dec 07, 2018   Jkt 247001   PO 00000   Frm 00079   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10DEN1.SGM   10DEN1

Document Created: 2018-12-08 00:21:51
Document Modified: 2018-12-08 00:21:51
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionApplication for direct transfer of license; reopening of comment period.
DatesThe comment period for the document published on October 19, 2018 (83 FR 53119), has been reopened. Comments must be filed by January 9, 2019. Comments received after this date will be considered, if it is practical to do so, but the Commission is able to ensure consideration only for comments received on or before this date.
ContactJohn G. Lamb, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-3100, email: [email protected]
FR Citation83 FR 63544 

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