83_FR_684 83 FR 680 - Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings; Green Building Advisory Committee; Notification of Upcoming Teleconference

83 FR 680 - Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings; Green Building Advisory Committee; Notification of Upcoming Teleconference


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 4 (January 5, 2018)

Page Range680-681
FR Document2018-00040

Notice of this teleconference is being provided according to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This notice provides the schedule for a teleconference/web meeting of the Advisory Committee, which is open for the public to listen to and observe. Interested individuals must register to attend as instructed below under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 4 (Friday, January 5, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 4 (Friday, January 5, 2018)]
[Pages 680-681]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-00040]



[Notice-MG-2017-04; Docket No. 2017-0002; Sequence No. 27]

Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings; Green Building 
Advisory Committee; Notification of Upcoming Teleconference

AGENCY: Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP), General Services 
Administration (GSA).

ACTION: Meeting notice.


SUMMARY: Notice of this teleconference is being provided according to 
the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This notice 
provides the schedule for a teleconference/web meeting of the Advisory 
Committee, which is open for the public to listen to and observe. 
Interested individuals must register to attend as instructed below 

DATES: The Committee will hold a teleconference/web meeting on Monday, 
February 5, 2018, from 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), to 4:00 
p.m., EST.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Ken Sandler, Designated Federal 
Officer, Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, OGP, GSA, 1800 F 
Street NW, Washington, DC, 20405, telephone 202-219-1121 (note: this is 
not a toll-free number). Additional information about the Committee is 
available on-line at http://www.gsa.gov/gbac.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Procedures for Attendance: Contact Mr. Ken 
Sandler at ken.sandler@gsa.gov to register to listen in to the 
teleconference. To attend the teleconference, submit your full name, 
organization, email address, and phone number. Requests to listen in to 
the calls must be received by Monday, January 29, 2018, by 5:00 p.m., 
EST (GSA will be unable to provide technical assistance to any listener 
experiencing technical difficulties. Testing access to the web meeting 
site in advance of calls is recommended).
    Background: The Administrator of GSA established the Committee on 
June 20, 2011 (Federal Register/Vol. 76, No. 118) pursuant to Section 
494 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA, 42 
U.S.C. 17123). Under this authority, the Committee provides independent 
policy advice and recommendations to GSA to improve federal buildings 
(assets, operations, use, and resilience) to enhance human health and 
performance, and safeguard

[[Page 681]]

social, economic, and environmental security. Completed Committee 
recommendations, including recent Advice Letters on health and 
wellness, high performance building adoption, and power purchase 
agreements, are posted at: https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/office-of-governmentwide-policy/office-of-federal-highperformance-buildings/green-building-advisory-committee/advice-letters-and-resolutions.
    February 5, 2018 Committee Teleconference/Web Meeting Agenda:

 Safeguarding GSA Assets
 Building and Grid Integration & Resilience
 Urban Resilience
 Discussion & Next Steps

    A detailed agenda, relevant background information, and updates for 
the teleconference will be posted on GSA's website at http://www.gsa.gov/gbac.

Kevin Kampschroer,
Federal Director, Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, General 
Services Administration.
[FR Doc. 2018-00040 Filed 1-4-18; 8:45 am]

                                               680                              Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 4 / Friday, January 5, 2018 / Notices

                                               Under the PM2.5 SIP Requirements Rule,                  effective date of the adequacy finding or              GENERAL SERVICES
                                               Serious area PM2.5 attainment plans                     approval even if the South Coast area                  ADMINISTRATION
                                               must define appropriate quantitative                    ultimately attains the PM2.5 NAAQS by
                                                                                                                                                              [Notice–MG–2017–04; Docket No. 2017–
                                               milestones and include projected RFP                    the Serious area attainment date. This                 0002; Sequence No. 27]
                                               emission levels for direct PM2.5 and all                would mean that SCAG 5 would be
                                               PM2.5 plan precursors in each milestone                 required to demonstrate conformity for                 Office of Federal High-Performance
                                               year. For an area designated                            the post-attainment date milestone year                Buildings; Green Building Advisory
                                               nonattainment for the 2006 PM2.5                        and all later years addressed in the                   Committee; Notification of Upcoming
                                               NAAQS before January 15, 2015, the                      conformity determination (e.g., the last               Teleconference
                                               attainment plan must contain
                                                                                                       year of the metropolitan transportation                AGENCY:  Office of Government-wide
                                               quantitative milestones to be achieved
                                                                                                       plan) to the post-attainment date RFP                  Policy (OGP), General Services
                                               no later than 3 years after December 31,
                                               2014, and every 3 years thereafter until                budgets rather than the budgets                        Administration (GSA).
                                               the milestone date that falls within 3                  associated with the attainment year for                ACTION: Meeting notice.
                                               years after the applicable attainment                   the area (i.e., the budgets for 2019). The
                                               date (40 CFR 51.1013(a)(4)).3 As the                    EPA does not believe that it is necessary              SUMMARY:    Notice of this teleconference
                                               EPA explained in the preamble to the                    to demonstrate conformity using these                  is being provided according to the
                                               PM2.5 SIP Requirements Rule, it is                      post-attainment year budgets in areas                  requirements of the Federal Advisory
                                               important to include a post-attainment                  that either the EPA anticipates will                   Committee Act. This notice provides the
                                               year quantitative milestone to ensure                   attain by the attainment date or in areas              schedule for a teleconference/web
                                               that, if the area fails to attain by the                that attain by the attainment date. As                 meeting of the Advisory Committee,
                                               attainment date, the EPA can continue                   discussed elsewhere in this notice, the                which is open for the public to listen to
                                               to monitor the area’s progress toward                   EPA is announcing that it has found                    and observe. Interested individuals
                                               attainment while the state develops a                   adequate the MVEBs for the first                       must register to attend as instructed
                                               new attainment plan (see 81 FR 58010,                   milestone year (2017) and the                          below under SUPPLEMENTARY
                                               58063–58064, August 24, 2016).                          attainment year (2019) for the South                   INFORMATION.
                                                  Consistent with the requirements of                  Coast PM2.5 nonattainment area.                        DATES: The Committee will hold a
                                               40 CFR 51.1013(a)(4), the 2016 PM2.5                                                                           teleconference/web meeting on Monday,
                                               Plan identifies December 31, 2017, as                      If and when the EPA determines that
                                                                                                       the South Coast area has failed to attain              February 5, 2018, from 2:00 p.m.,
                                               the first quantitative milestone date (i.e.,                                                                   Eastern Standard Time (EST), to 4:00
                                               the date 3 years after December 31,                     the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS by the
                                                                                                                                                              p.m., EST.
                                               2014). The second quantitative                          applicable attainment date, the EPA will
                                                                                                                                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                               milestone date is December 31, 2020,                    begin the MVEB adequacy and approval
                                                                                                       processes for the post-attainment year                 Ken Sandler, Designated Federal
                                               and is also the last milestone date
                                                                                                                                                              Officer, Office of Federal High-
                                               identified in the Plan because it falls                 (2020) budgets. If the EPA finds the
                                                                                                                                                              Performance Buildings, OGP, GSA, 1800
                                               within 3 years after the December 31,                   2020 budgets adequate or approves
                                                                                                                                                              F Street NW, Washington, DC, 20405,
                                               2019 attainment date for the area.4                     them, those budgets will have to be used
                                                                                                                                                              telephone 202–219–1121 (note: this is
                                               Although this post-attainment year                      in subsequent transportation conformity                not a toll-free number). Additional
                                               quantitative milestone is a required                    determinations. The EPA believes that
                                               element of the Serious area plan, it is                                                                        information about the Committee is
                                                                                                       initiating the process to act on the                   available on-line at http://www.gsa.gov/
                                               not necessary to demonstrate                            submitted post-attainment year MVEBs
                                               transportation conformity for 2020 in                                                                          gbac.
                                                                                                       following a determination that the area                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                               the submitted SIP or to use the 2020                    has failed to attain by the Serious area
                                               budgets in transportation conformity                                                                           Procedures for Attendance: Contact Mr.
                                                                                                       attainment date ensures that                           Ken Sandler at ken.sandler@gsa.gov to
                                               determinations until such time as the
                                                                                                       transportation activities will not cause               register to listen in to the
                                               area fails to attain the 2006 PM2.5
                                                                                                       or contribute to new violations, increase              teleconference. To attend the
                                               NAAQS. Therefore, the EPA is not
                                               taking action at this time on the                       the frequency or severity of any existing              teleconference, submit your full name,
                                               submitted MVEBs for 2020 in the 2016                    violations, or delay timely attainment or              organization, email address, and phone
                                               PM2.5 Plan. Additionally, the EPA has                   any required interim emission                          number. Requests to listen in to the calls
                                               not yet started the adequacy process for                reductions or milestones in the South                  must be received by Monday, January
                                               the 2020 budgets.                                       Coast PM2.5 nonattainment area,                        29, 2018, by 5:00 p.m., EST (GSA will
                                                  If the EPA were to either find                       consistent with the requirements of                    be unable to provide technical
                                               adequate or approve the post-attainment                 CAA section 176(c)(1)(B).                              assistance to any listener experiencing
                                               milestone year MVEBs now, those                           Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
                                                                                                                                                              technical difficulties. Testing access to
                                               budgets would have to be used in                                                                               the web meeting site in advance of calls
                                               transportation conformity                                 Dated: December 20, 2017.                            is recommended).
                                               determinations that are made after the                  Alexis Strauss,                                           Background: The Administrator of
                                                                                                       Acting Regional Administrator, Region IX.              GSA established the Committee on June
                                                 3 See also 81 FR 58010, 58058 and 58063–58064
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2018–00029 Filed 1–4–18; 8:45 am]             20, 2011 (Federal Register/Vol. 76, No.
                                               (August 24, 2016).                                                                                             118) pursuant to Section 494 of the
                                                 4 Under CAA section 188(c)(2), a Serious PM           BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                2.5                                                           Energy Independence and Security Act
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               nonattainment area must attain the PM2.5 NAAQS
                                               as expeditiously as practicable but no later than the
                                                                                                                                                              of 2007 (EISA, 42 U.S.C. 17123). Under
                                               end of the tenth calendar year after the area is                                                               this authority, the Committee provides
                                               designated as nonattainment. Because the South                                                                 independent policy advice and
                                               Coast area was designated as nonattainment for the                                                             recommendations to GSA to improve
                                               2006 PM2.5 NAAQS effective December 14, 2009 (74
                                               FR 58688, November 13, 2009), the latest                  5 SCAG is the Metropolitan Planning                  federal buildings (assets, operations,
                                               permissible attainment date for the area is             Organization for the South Coast 2006 PM2.5            use, and resilience) to enhance human
                                               December 31, 2019.                                      nonattainment area.                                    health and performance, and safeguard

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:30 Jan 04, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00027   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\05JAN1.SGM   05JAN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 4 / Friday, January 5, 2018 / Notices                                               681

                                               social, economic, and environmental                     additional information, please see                     research, and technical support for the
                                               security. Completed Committee                           Roybal Campus Security Guidelines                      operations of the CPSTF. During its
                                               recommendations, including recent                       under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.                       meetings, the CPSTF considers the
                                               Advice Letters on health and wellness,                  Information regarding meeting logistics                findings of systematic reviews on
                                               high performance building adoption,                     will be available on the Community                     existing research and practice-based
                                               and power purchase agreements, are                      Guide website                                          evidence and issues recommendations.
                                               posted at: https://www.gsa.gov/about-                   (www.thecommunityguide.org) closer to                  CPSTF recommendations are not
                                               us/organization/office-of-                              the date of the meeting.                               mandates for compliance or spending.
                                               governmentwide-policy/office-of-                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       Instead, they provide information about
                                               federal-highperformance-buildings/                      Onslow Smith, Center for Surveillance,                 evidence-based options that decision
                                               green-building-advisory-committee/                      Epidemiology and Laboratory Services;                  makers and stakeholders can consider
                                               advice-letters-and-resolutions.                         Centers for Disease Control and                        when they are determining what best
                                                 February 5, 2018 Committee                            Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS–                  meet the specific needs, preferences,
                                               Teleconference/Web Meeting Agenda:                      E–69, Atlanta, GA 30329, phone:                        available resources, and constraints of
                                               • Introductions                                         (404)498–6778, email: CPSTF@cdc.gov.                   their jurisdictions and constituents. The
                                               • Safeguarding GSA Assets                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                              CPSTF’s recommendations, along with
                                               • Building and Grid Integration &                          Meeting Accessibility: This space-
                                                                                                                                                              the systematic reviews of the evidence
                                                 Resilience                                                                                                   on which they are based, are compiled
                                                                                                       limited meeting is open to the public.
                                               • Urban Resilience                                      All meeting attendees must register. To
                                                                                                                                                              in the Guide to Community Preventive
                                               • Discussion & Next Steps                               ensure completion of required security
                                                                                                                                                              Services (The Community Guide).
                                                 A detailed agenda, relevant                                                                                     Matters proposed for discussion:
                                                                                                       procedures and access to the CDC’s                     Cancer Prevention and Control
                                               background information, and updates                     Global Communications Center.
                                               for the teleconference will be posted on                                                                       (Economics of Multicomponent
                                                                                                          U.S. citizens intending to attend in                Interventions to Improve Cancer
                                               GSA’s website at http://www.gsa.gov/                    person must register by February 7,
                                               gbac.                                                                                                          Screening for Breast, Colorectal, and
                                                                                                       2018, and non-U.S. citizens intending to               Cervical Cancer); Health Equity
                                               Kevin Kampschroer,                                      attend in person must register by                      (proposal for housing interventions as a
                                                                                                       January 17, 2018. Failure to register by               new topic area); Obesity Prevention and
                                               Federal Director, Office of Federal High-
                                               Performance Buildings, General Services                 the dates identified could result in the               Control (Combined School-Based
                                               Administration.                                         inability to attend the CPSTF meeting in               Interventions to Increase Healthier Food
                                               [FR Doc. 2018–00040 Filed 1–4–18; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       person.                                                and Beverage Consumption and
                                                                                                          Those unable to attend the meeting in               Physical Activity); Women’s Health
                                               BILLING CODE 6820–14–P
                                                                                                       person are able to do so via Webcast.                  (Primary Prevention of Intimate Partner
                                                                                                       CDC will send the Webcast URL to                       Violence and Sexual Violence Among
                                                                                                       registrants upon receipt of their                      Youth); and discussion of Community
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                registration. All meeting attendees must
                                               HUMAN SERVICES                                                                                                 Guide economic methods. The agenda is
                                                                                                       register by February 8, 2018 to receive                subject to change without notice.
                                               Centers for Disease Control and                         the webcast information. CDC will email                   Roybal Campus Security Guidelines:
                                               Prevention                                              webcast information from the CPSTF@                    The Edward R. Roybal Campus is the
                                                                                                       cdc.gov mailbox.                                       headquarters of the CDC and is located
                                               Meeting of the Community Preventive                        Public Comment: A public comment                    at 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta,
                                               Services Task Force (CPSTF)                             period, limited to three minutes per                   Georgia. The meeting is being held in a
                                                                                                       person, will follow the CPSTF’s                        Federal government building; therefore,
                                               AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and                 discussion of each systematic review.                  Federal security measures are
                                               Prevention (CDC), Department of Health                  Individuals wishing to make public                     applicable.
                                               and Human Services (HHS).                               comments must indicate their desire to                    All meeting attendees must register by
                                               ACTION: Notice of meeting.                              do so with their registration by                       the dates outlined under MEETING
                                                                                                       providing their name, organizational                   ACCESSABILITY. In planning your arrival
                                               SUMMARY:   The Centers for Disease                      affiliation, and the topic to be addressed             time, please take into account the need
                                               Control and Prevention (CDC) within                     (if known). Public comments will                       to park and clear security. All visitors
                                               the Department of Health and Human                      become part of the meeting summary.                    must enter the Edward R. Roybal
                                               Services announces the next meeting of                  Public comment is not possible via                     Campus through the front entrance on
                                               the Community Preventive Services                       Webcast.                                               Clifton Road. Vehicles may be searched,
                                               Task Force (CPSTF) on February 14–15,                      Background on the CPSTF: The                        and the guard force will then direct
                                               2018, in Atlanta, Georgia.                              CPSTF is an independent, nonfederal                    visitors to the designated parking area.
                                               DATES: The meeting will be held on                      panel whose members are appointed by                   Upon arrival at the facility, visitors must
                                               Wednesday, February 14, 2018, from                      the CDC Director. CPSTF members                        present government-issued photo
                                               8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT and                          represent a broad range of research,                   identification (e.g., a valid federal
                                               Thursday, February 15, 2018, from 8:30                  practice, and policy expertise in                      identification badge, state driver’s
                                               a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EDT.                                  prevention, wellness, health promotion,                license, state non-driver’s identification
                                               ADDRESSES: The CPSTF Meeting will be                    and public health. The CPSTF was                       card, or passport). Non-United States
                                               held at the CDC Edward R. Roybal                        convened in 1996 by the Department of                  citizens must complete the required
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES

                                               Campus, Centers for Disease Control                     Health and Human Services (HHS) to                     security paperwork prior to the meeting
                                               and Prevention Headquarters (Building                   identify community preventive                          date and must present a valid passport,
                                               19), 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA                  programs, services, and policies that                  visa, Permanent Resident Card, or other
                                               30329. You should be aware that the                     increase healthy longevity, save lives                 type of work authorization document
                                               meeting location is in a Federal                        and dollars, and improve Americans’                    upon arrival at the facility. All persons
                                               government building; therefore, Federal                 quality of life. CDC is mandated to                    entering the building must pass through
                                               security measures are applicable. For                   provide ongoing administrative,                        a metal detector. CDC Security

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Document Created: 2018-10-26 09:32:01
Document Modified: 2018-10-26 09:32:01
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionMeeting notice.
DatesThe Committee will hold a teleconference/web meeting on Monday, February 5, 2018, from 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), to 4:00 p.m., EST.
ContactMr. Ken Sandler, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, OGP, GSA, 1800 F Street NW, Washington, DC, 20405, telephone 202-219-1121 (note: this is not a toll-free number). Additional information about the Committee is available on-line at http://www.gsa.gov/gbac.
FR Citation83 FR 680 

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