83_FR_9761 83 FR 9716 - Owner-Participant Changes to Guaranteed Benefits and Asset Allocation

83 FR 9716 - Owner-Participant Changes to Guaranteed Benefits and Asset Allocation


Federal Register Volume 83, Issue 45 (March 7, 2018)

Page Range9716-9723
FR Document2018-04609

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) proposes to amend its regulations on guaranteed benefits and asset allocation. These amendments would incorporate statutory changes to the rules for participants with certain ownership interests in a plan sponsor. PBGC seeks public comment on its proposal.

Federal Register, Volume 83 Issue 45 (Wednesday, March 7, 2018)
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 45 (Wednesday, March 7, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 9716-9723]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2018-04609]



29 CFR Parts 4001, 4022, 4041, 4043, and 4044

RIN 1212-AB24

Owner-Participant Changes to Guaranteed Benefits and Asset 

AGENCY: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) proposes to 
amend its regulations on guaranteed benefits and asset allocation. 
These amendments would incorporate statutory changes to the rules for 
participants with certain ownership interests in a plan sponsor. PBGC 
seeks public comment on its proposal.

    Deadline for comments: Comments must be submitted on or before May 
7, 2018.
    Applicability: Like the provisions of the Pension Protection Act of 
2006 (PPA 2006) that this rule would incorporate, the amendments in 
this proposed rule would be applicable to plan terminations--
    (A) under section 4041(c) of the Employee Retirement Income 
Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) with respect to which notices of intent to 
terminate are provided under section 4041(a)(2) of ERISA after December 
31, 2005, and
    (B) under section 4042 of ERISA with respect to which notices of 
determination are provided under that section after December 31, 2005.

ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 
1212-AB24, may be submitted by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
(Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.)
     Email: reg.comments@pbgc.gov.
     Mail or Hand Delivery: Regulatory Affairs Division, Office 
of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026.

    All submissions must include the RIN for this rulemaking (RIN 1212-
AB24). Comments received will be posted to www.pbgc.gov. Copies of 
comments may also be obtained by writing to Disclosure Division, Office 
of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026, or calling 202-326-4040 during 
normal business hours. (TTY users may call the Federal relay service 
toll-free at 800-877-8339 and ask to be connected to 202-326-4040.)

(lowen.samantha@pbgc.gov), Attorney, Regulatory Affairs Division, 
Office of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 
1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026; 202-326-4400, extension 
3786. (TTY and TDD users may call the Federal relay service toll-free 
at 800-877-8339 and ask to be connected to 202-326-4400, extension 


Executive Summary

Purpose of the Regulatory Action

    This proposed rule is necessary to conform the regulations of PBGC 
to current law and practice. PBGC proposes to incorporate statutory 
changes affecting guaranteed benefits and asset allocation when a plan 
has one or more participants with certain ownership interests in the 
plan sponsor. PBGC's legal authority for this action comes from 
sections 4002(b)(3), 4022, and 4044 of ERISA. Section 4002(b)(3) 
authorizes PBGC to issue regulations to carry out the purposes of title 
IV of ERISA. Sections 4022 and 4044 authorize PBGC to prescribe 
regulations regarding the determination of guaranteed benefits and the 
allocation of assets within priority categories, respectively.

Major Provisions

    This proposed rule would amend PBGC's benefit payment regulation by 
replacing the guarantee limitations applicable to substantial owners 
with a new limitation applicable to majority owners.\1\ Additionally, 
this proposed rule would amend PBGC's asset allocation regulation by 
prioritizing funding of all other benefits in priority category 4 ahead 
of those benefits that would be guaranteed but for the new, owner-
participant limitation. The proposed rule also clarifies that plan 
administrators may continue to use the simplified calculation in the 
existing rule to estimate benefits funded by plan assets. Finally, it 
provides new examples to aid in implementation.

    \1\ In this preamble, substantial owners and majority owners are 
referred to interchangeably as ``owner-participants.''


    PBGC administers the pension insurance program under title IV of 
ERISA. ERISA sections 4022 and 4044 cover PBGC's guarantee of plan 
benefits and allocation of plan assets, respectively, under terminated 
single-employer plans. Special provisions within these sections apply 
to ``owner-participants,'' who have certain ownership interests in 
their plan sponsors. PPA 2006 made changes to these provisions. PBGC 
has been operating in accordance with the amended provisions since they 
became effective, but has not yet updated its regulations nor issued 
guidance on implementation. With this rulemaking, PBGC intends to 
increase transparency into its operations and to clarify for plan 
administrators the impact of the statutory changes.
    Before PPA 2006, the owner-participant provisions applied to any 
participant who was a ``substantial owner'' at any time within the 60 
months preceding the date on which the determination was made. ERISA 
defines a substantial owner as an individual who owns the entire 
interest in an unincorporated trade or business, or a partner or 
shareholder who owns more than 10 percent of the partnership or 
corporation. PPA 2006 revised the owner-participant provisions, in 
large part, by making them applicable to ``majority owners'' instead of 
substantial owners. ERISA defines a majority owner as an individual who 
owns the entire interest in an unincorporated trade or business, or a 
partner or shareholder who owns 50 percent or more of the entity.

[[Page 9717]]

Guaranteed Benefits Before and After PPA 2006

    ERISA section 4022 imposes several limitations on PBGC's guarantee 
of plan benefits, including the ``phase-in limitation.'' As the name of 
this limitation suggests, PBGC's guarantee of a plan's benefits is 
phased in over a specified time period. Before PPA 2006, this time 
period was drastically different for owner-participants and for all 
other participants; the benefits of owner-participants were phased in 
over 30 years, whereas the benefits of non-owner-participants were 
phased in over five years. In addition, the extent to which an owner-
participant's benefit was phased in was unique to each owner-
participant and based on the number of years he or she was an active 
participant in the plan; whereas the extent to which all other 
participants' benefits were phased in was based on the number of years 
a plan provision--specifically, one that increased benefits--was in 
effect before the plan terminated.
    PPA 2006 greatly simplified the method for determining PBGC's 
guarantee of owner-participants' benefits by eliminating the 30-year 
phase-in and making the five-year phase-in of benefit increases 
applicable to owner-participants and non-owner-participants alike. PPA 
2006 then applies a separate, additional limitation--the ``owner-
participant limitation''--to an owner-participant's otherwise 
guaranteed benefit. This owner-participant limitation is similar to the 
five-year phase-in limitation on benefit increases, as it is calculated 
based on a plan's age; however, it is based on the length of time the 
original plan was in existence, regardless of whether the plan 
increased benefits, and the phase-in period is 10 years. The owner-
participant limitation bears little resemblance to the 30-year phase-in 
limitation, and the calculations are much simpler. This proposed rule 
would incorporate these changes to PBGC's benefit payment regulation.

Phase-In Limitation

    Sections 4022.25 and 4022.26 of PBGC's benefit payment regulation 
provide the procedures for calculating the five-year phase-in of 
benefit increases for non-owner-participants and the 30-year phase-in 
of all benefits for owner-participants, respectively. Section 4022.25 
provides, generally, that benefit increases (as defined in Sec.  
4022.2) of non-owner-participants are phased in by the greater of $20 
or 20 percent of the increase for each full year the increase was 
effective. Section 4022.26 provides the much more complicated 
procedures for calculating the guaranteed benefits of owner-
participants--based on a 30-year phase-in--before PPA 2006; different 
procedures apply depending on whether or not there have been any 
benefit increases. As explained above, PPA 2006 eliminated the 30-year 
phase-in limitation and made the five-year phase-in of benefit 
increases applicable to all participants, including owner-participants. 
Accordingly, PBGC proposes to amend the benefit payment regulation by 
removing the distinction between owner-participants and all other 
participants under Sec.  4022.25, and PBGC proposes to amend Sec.  
4022.26 by replacing the 30-year phase-in limitation with a new 
``owner-participant limitation,'' as discussed next.

Owner-Participant Limitation

    PPA 2006 provided a new formula for determining PBGC's guarantee of 
an owner-participant's benefit. Under this owner-participant 
limitation, an owner-participant's guaranteed benefit is limited to the 
product of the owner-participant's otherwise-guaranteed benefit and a 
fraction, not to exceed one. The numerator of this fraction equals the 
number of years that the plan was in existence (from the later of its 
effective date or adoption date), and the denominator equals 10.
    Compared to the 30-year phase-in under the old statute--implemented 
at Sec.  4022.26 of the benefit payment regulation--the owner-
participant limitation is much simpler to calculate and generally 
provides a much more generous guarantee. Before PPA 2006, PBGC needed 
to make individualized determinations about the length of time each 
substantial owner was an active participant in a plan over a 30-year 
period. Additionally, a substantial owner needed to have been an active 
participant for at least 30 years in order for his or her benefit to be 
fully guaranteed (to the extent that other limitations on PBGC's 
guarantee did not apply). Under PPA 2006, PBGC needs only to calculate 
a single fraction, based on the age of the plan, and then to multiply 
the benefit of each majority owner under the plan by that same 
fraction. In addition, all majority owners' benefits are now fully 
guaranteed (to the extent that other limitations on PBGC's guarantee do 
not apply) once a plan has been in existence for 10 years.
    Consistent with these statutory changes, PBGC proposes to amend the 
benefit payment regulation by replacing references to ``substantial 
owner'' with ``majority owner'' and by revising Sec.  4022.26 to 
provide the formula for calculating the owner-participant limitation, 
in the place of the 30-year phase-in limitation.

Asset Allocation in Priority Category 4 Before and After PPA 2006

    ERISA section 4044 prescribes the method for allocating a 
terminated single-employer plan's assets to its benefit liabilities. 
Under section 4044, plan assets must be allocated to six priority 
categories (PC1 through PC6, with PC1 being the highest) into which all 
plan benefits are sorted. Benefits affected by the owner-participant 
limitation are assigned to priority category 4 (PC4). PPA 2006 changed 
the method for allocating assets within PC4 when there are benefits 
affected by the owner-participant limitation.
    PC4 includes three kinds of benefits: (1) Guaranteed benefits, 
other than employee contributions and benefits that could have been in 
pay status three or more years before a plan's termination (or before 
the plan sponsor's bankruptcy filing date, for plans subject to ERISA 
section 4022(g)); (2) benefits that would be guaranteed but for the 
aggregate limit of ERISA section 4022B; and (3) benefits that would be 
guaranteed but for the owner-participant limitation (based on 
substantial ownership before PPA 2006 and majority ownership after PPA 
2006).\2\ If a plan's assets are sufficient to cover all PC4 benefits 
or are insufficient to cover any PC4 benefits, the PPA 2006 changes for 
owner-participants have no bearing on the allocation; however, if 
assets are sufficient to cover some, but not all, PC4 benefits (i.e., 
if assets are ``exhausted in PC4''), the allocation rules differ before 
and after PPA 2006.

    \2\ Strictly speaking, this description applies to benefits in 
``net PC4,'' given that ``PC4'' (or, more accurately, ``gross PC4'') 
technically includes the three kinds of benefits listed, as well as 
all benefits in higher priority categories. Without using the terms 
``gross'' or ``net,'' PBGC's asset allocation regulation makes this 
distinction at paragraph (c) of Sec.  4044.10 (``[t]he value of each 
participant's basic-type benefit or benefits in a priority category 
shall be reduced by the value of the participant's benefit of the 
same type that is assigned to a higher priority category''). 
Nevertheless, PBGC recognizes that colloquial descriptions of 
benefits in a given priority category usually refer to the net 
benefits in that category, and this preamble follows that common 
usage, unless otherwise indicated.

    Before PPA 2006, if assets were exhausted in PC4, then assets were 
to be allocated pro rata among all three kinds of PC4 benefits. Under 
PPA 2006, if assets are exhausted in PC4, then assets must first be 
allocated to the first two PC4 groups; only if assets cover all 
benefits in these two groups will any assets be allocated to benefits 

[[Page 9718]]

would be guaranteed but for the majority-owner limitation. In 
accordance with these statutory changes, PBGC proposes to amend the 
asset allocation regulation by prioritizing assets in PC4 to other 
benefits ahead of benefits affected by the majority-owner limitation.

Calculation of Estimated Benefits

    In a distress termination, Sec.  4022.61 of the benefit payment 
regulation--implementing section 4041(c)(3)(D) of ERISA--requires plan 
administrators to limit benefit payments to estimates of the amounts 
that PBGC is expected to pay, in order to minimize potential 
overpayments and exhaustion of plan assets before PBGC becomes trustee 
and is able to assume benefit payments. As trustee, PBGC pays each 
participant the greater of his or her guaranteed benefit or asset-
funded benefit.\3\ Accordingly, Sec.  4022.61 requires plan 
administrators to limit benefits in pay status to the greater of each 
participant's estimated guaranteed benefit or estimated asset-funded 
benefit, beginning on the proposed termination date.\4\

    \3\ A participant's asset-funded benefit is essentially the 
portion of the participant's plan benefit that plan assets are 
sufficient to fund when assets are allocated according to the 
distribution rules of ERISA section 4044.
    \4\ PBGC's benefit payment regulation does not currently include 
the term ``estimated asset-funded benefit''; the term ``estimated 
title IV benefit'' is used instead. As discussed later in this 
preamble, PBGC proposes to replace the term ``estimated title IV 
benefit'' with ``estimated asset-funded benefit.'' Consistent with 
the proposed terminology change, this preamble refers to estimated 
asset-funded benefits and not to estimated title IV benefits, except 
where otherwise indicated.

Estimated Guaranteed Benefits

    A participant's estimated guaranteed benefit is determined as of 
the proposed termination date and is the portion of the participant's 
plan benefit (viz., the benefit to which the participant would be 
entitled under the terms of the plan if the plan did not terminate) 
that does not exceed the estimated legal limits of PBGC's guarantee. 
Section 4022.62 of the benefit payment regulation prescribes the method 
for estimating PBGC's guarantee limitations and for calculating a 
participant's estimated guaranteed benefit.
    As discussed above, the changes under PPA 2006 greatly affected the 
calculation of guaranteed benefits of owner-participants. Therefore, in 
order to ensure that administrators of plans with owner-participants 
understand how to accurately estimate these benefits in distress 
terminations, PBGC must update the calculation procedures.
    Section 4022.62 provides two methods for calculating estimated 
guaranteed benefits. One method--given at paragraph 4022.62(c)--applies 
to non-owner-participants, while the other--given at paragraph 
4022.62(d)--applies to owner-participants. Both methods' calculations 
use the amount calculated under paragraph 4022.62(b) as a starting 
point. Paragraph 4022.62(b) estimates a participant's benefit that 
would be guaranteed before application of any phase-in limitation. 
Paragraph 4022.62(c) estimates the effect of the five-year phase-in 
limitation on the 4022.62(b) amount. Paragraph 4022.62(d) estimates the 
effect of the 30-year phase-in limitation applicable to owner-
participants before PPA 2006 on the 4022.62(b) amount.
    In order to reflect the changes to PBGC's guarantee limitations for 
owner-participants under PPA 2006, PBGC proposes to revise paragraph 
4022.62(d) in its entirety. As revised, paragraph 4022.62(d) would no 
longer estimate the effect of the 30-year phase-in limitation on the 
4022.62(b) amount; rather, paragraph 4022.62(d) would estimate the 
effect of the owner-participant limitation (using the n/10 
ratio that PPA 2006 introduced) on the 4022.62(c) amount. The revised 
paragraph 4022.62(d) would use the 4022.62(c) amount instead of the 
4022.62(b) amount because the five-year phase-in limitation is now 
applicable to all participants (including majority owners).

Estimated Asset-Funded Benefits

    A participant's estimated asset-funded benefit is the portion of 
the participant's plan benefit that plan assets are expected to be 
sufficient to fund through PC4, based on estimated plan assets and 
benefits in each priority category. Section 4022.63 of the benefit 
payment regulation prescribes two methods for calculating estimated 
asset-funded benefits; one applies to non-owner-participants and the 
other applies to owner-participants. Essentially, Sec.  4022.63 
provides that a non-owner-participant's estimated asset-funded benefit 
equals his or her estimated PC3 benefit and that an owner-participant's 
estimated asset-funded benefit equals the greater of his or her 
estimated PC3 benefit or estimated PC4 benefit. The PPA 2006 changes 
for owner-participants have no bearing on estimated PC3 benefits; 
however, the PPA 2006 change to asset allocation has the potential to 
affect the calculation of estimated PC4 benefits, which are payable 
only to owner-participants.
    An owner-participant's estimated PC4 benefit equals the product of 
what would be his or her estimated guaranteed benefit if the 
participant were not an owner-participant and the ``PC4 funding 
ratio.'' The PC4 funding ratio is calculated one of two ways, depending 
on whether a plan has any benefits in PC3 (viz., whether a plan has 
benefits that were or could have been in pay status three years before 
the proposed termination date). If a plan has no PC3 benefits, the PC4 
funding ratio essentially equals the estimated amount of plan assets 
divided by the estimated amount of vested benefits under the plan.\5\ 
If a plan has PC3 benefits, the PC4 funding ratio essentially equals 
the estimated amount of plan assets minus the present value of all 
benefits in pay status, all divided by the estimated amount of vested 
benefits not in pay status.\6\

    \5\ The PC4 funding ratio excludes assets and benefits that are 
attributable to employee contributions. See 29 CFR 4022.63(d)(2).
    \6\ See note 5.

    By calculating and then using a plan's PC4 funding ratio, an 
administrator is able to estimate the amount of assets available to 
fund all benefits in PC4. This ratio does not distinguish between 
owner-participants' benefits and all other benefits in PC4, as this 
distinction was not necessary before PPA 2006, when assets were to be 
allocated equally among the three kinds of PC4 benefits. As a result, 
while the PC4 funding ratio is a useful tool for estimating assets 
available to fund all benefits in PC4 (including those of substantial 
owners before PPA 2006), it does not account for the requirement under 
PPA 2006 to fund the benefits of majority owners only if assets remain 
after funding all other benefits in PC4.
    Under PPA 2006, continued use of the PC4 funding ratio is more 
likely to result in an inflated estimate of assets available to fund a 
majority owner's benefit. While this potential overestimation increases 
the likelihood that a majority owner's estimated benefit will exceed 
his or her actual benefit entitlement, it has no bearing on--in 
particular, it does not reduce--the estimated benefits of other 
participants. This is because the PC4 ratio is used only when 
calculating the estimated asset-funded benefit of an owner-participant. 
As stated above, the estimated asset-funded benefits of non-owner-
participants equal the participants' estimated PC3 benefits. Because 
PC3 benefits receive higher allocation priority than PC4 benefits, the 
estimated asset-funded benefit of any non-owner-participant would not 
be affected by the allocation of assets in PC4.

[[Page 9719]]

    Even without any potential harm to other participants, the concern 
remains for potentially overpaying majority owners who receive 
estimated benefits. Weighed against this concern is consideration of 
the potential burden on plan administrators that more robust estimation 
procedures would impose. Modifying the PC4 funding ratio to account for 
the funding prioritization of other PC4 benefits ahead of those of 
majority owners would require additional calculations that would seem 
to undermine the requirement of administrators to ``estimate'' asset-
funded benefits, as opposed to performing more precise calculations 
outright. Moreover, far fewer participants are likely to be majority 
owners, compared to the number likely to have been substantial owners 
before PPA 2006. This is because majority owners must have an ownership 
interest of at least 50 percent and because the majority-owner 
limitation does not apply to any plan that existed for at least 10 
years before terminating.
    Having weighed the concerns and chiefly recognizing the limited 
number of cases where a plan will have one or more majority owners as 
well as assets sufficient to fund some, but not all, benefits in PC4, 
PBGC proposes to leave its estimated asset-funded benefit provisions at 
Sec.  4022.63 substantively unchanged, with the sole exception of 
revising Example 2 under paragraph (e). Example 2 illustrates how to 
calculate the estimated asset-funded benefit of an owner-participant 
and describes the related calculation of the owner-participant's 
estimated guaranteed benefit under Sec.  4022.62. The proposed 
revisions to Example 2 would reflect the proposed changes to Sec.  
4022.62 discussed above.

Related Regulatory Amendments

    PBGC proposes to make conforming amendments to its regulations on 
Terminology, Termination of Single-employer Plans, and Reportable 
Events and Certain Other Notification Requirements.
    PBGC also proposes to correct paragraph (e) of Sec.  4022.62, which 
currently provides that in a PPA 2006 bankruptcy termination, 
``bankruptcy filing date'' is substituted for ``proposed termination 
date'' in paragraph (c) of Sec.  4022.62, by making the substitution 
applicable to both paragraph (c) (applicable to non-owner-participants) 
and paragraph (d) (applicable to owner-participants) of Sec.  4022.62. 
It is clear from the preamble to the final rule that added paragraph 
(e) that PBGC intended, consistent with PPA 2006, to have the 
applicable ``bankruptcy filing date'' substituted when calculating the 
estimated benefits of all participants, regardless of ownership 

    \7\ See 76 FR 34590, 34596 (June 14, 2011) (``[t]he final 
regulation provides that for any PPA 2006 bankruptcy termination, 
those estimated benefits [calculated under 29 CFR 4022.62-4022.63] 
are based on the rules described above relating to the bankruptcy 
filing date'').

Amendments Unrelated to PPA 2006

    PBGC proposes to make minor, non-substantive changes to the 
examples not involving owner-participants at Sec. Sec.  4022.62 and 
4022.63 of the benefit payment regulation, in order to improve 
readability. Additionally, PBGC proposes to correct two clerical errors 
that were made when PBGC previously amended the regulation; the first 
duplicated paragraph (f) of Sec.  4022.62, and the second duplicated 
the designation of paragraph (c)(1) of Sec.  4022.63. Lastly, PBGC 
proposes to replace the term ``estimated title IV benefit'' with 
``estimated asset-funded benefit'' at Sec.  4022.63.
    The use of the term ``estimated title IV benefit'' at Sec.  4022.63 
of the benefit payment regulation is confusing, in light of the 
definition of ``title IV benefit'' at Sec.  4001.2 of the terminology 
regulation. Section 4001.2 provides, generally, that a participant's 
title IV benefit equals the greater of his or her guaranteed benefit or 
asset-funded benefit. Given this definition, one might assume that the 
estimated title IV benefit equals the greater of the estimate of a 
participant's guaranteed benefit or the estimate of a participant's 
asset-funded benefit; however, Sec.  4022.63 provides that the 
estimated title IV benefit is essentially an estimate of a 
participant's asset-funded benefit (through PC4) only. Accordingly, 
PBGC proposes to rename the ``estimated title IV benefit'' referred to 
in Sec.  4022.63 as the ``estimated asset-funded benefit.'' This term 
only appears in Sec.  4022.63; the proposed change would not require 
any conforming amendments elsewhere in PBGC's regulations.

Compliance With Rulemaking Guidelines

Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and 13771

    PBGC has determined that this rulemaking is not a ``significant 
regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866 and, accordingly, that 
the provisions of Executive Order 13771 do not apply. Because this 
rulemaking is not a significant regulatory action, OMB has not reviewed 
this proposed rule. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to 
assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, 
if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that 
maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, 
public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). 
Executive Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both 
costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of 
promoting flexibility. If a regulatory action is significant under 
Executive Order 12866, Executive Order 13771 imposes additional 
requirements on the agency.
    Although this is not a significant regulatory action under 
Executive Order 12866, PBGC has examined the economic implications of 
this proposed rule. PBGC has concluded that because the key aspects of 
this proposed rule would merely incorporate statutory changes that have 
been effective since 2006, neither the public nor PBGC would assume any 
additional costs due to this regulatory action. Moreover, because PBGC 
has been following the statute as amended in 2006, and not the 
inconsistent provisions in its regulations, this proposal would improve 
the transparency of PBGC operations to the public and would provide 
helpful guidance to plan administrators. By leaving unchanged the 
estimated asset-funded benefit calculation procedures under Sec.  
4022.63, PBGC would enable plan administrators to continue to rely 
confidently on these relatively simple procedures, rather than creating 
more complex procedures that could be contemplated in light of the 
statutory changes. Finally, the proposed revisions to the examples at 
Sec. Sec.  4022.62 and 4022.63 would assist plan administrators in 
complying with the law. Accordingly, this proposed rule would result in 
a net benefit to the public.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), 
federal agencies must comply with additional requirements when engaging 
in certain rulemaking activities that are subject to notice and public 
comment. An agency must satisfy these requirements if a proposed rule 
is likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number 
of small entities. Unless an agency determines that a proposed rule is 
not likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities, section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
requires that the agency present an initial regulatory flexibility 
analysis at the time of the publication of the

[[Page 9720]]

proposed rule. The agency's analysis must describe the impact of the 
rule on small entities, and the agency must seek public comment on the 
impact. Small entities include small businesses, organizations, and 
governmental jurisdictions.
    For purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, with respect to 
this proposed rule, PBGC considers a small entity to be a plan with 
fewer than 100 participants. This criterion is consistent with certain 
requirements in title I of ERISA \8\ and the Internal Revenue Code,\9\ 
as well as the definition of a small entity that the Department of 
Labor (DOL) has used for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility 
Act.\10\ While some large employers maintain both small and large 
plans, most small plans are maintained by small employers. In light of 
this, PBGC believes that assessing the impact of the proposed rule on 
small plans is an appropriate substitute for evaluating the effect on 
small entities. Notably, the definition of small entity considered 
appropriate for this purpose differs from the definition of small 
business--based on size standards--at 13 CFR 0121.201, which the Small 
Business Administration promulgated pursuant to the Small Business Act. 
Therefore, PBGC requests public comment on its proposed definition of 
small entity, as applied to this proposed rule.

    \8\ See, e.g., ERISA section 104(a)(2), which permits the 
Secretary of Labor to prescribe simplified annual reports for 
pension plans that cover fewer than 100 participants.
    \9\ See, e.g., Code section 430(g)(2)(B), which permits single-
employer plans with 100 or fewer participants to use valuation dates 
other than the first day of the plan year.
    \10\ See, e.g., DOL's final rule on Prohibited Transaction 
Exemption Procedures, 76 FR 66637, 66644 (Oct. 27, 2011).

    PBGC certifies under section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility 
Act that this proposed rule would not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. This certification is 
based on the fact that this proposed rule is not likely to have a 
significant economic impact on any entity, regardless of size. This is 
because nearly all aspects of this proposed rule would merely 
incorporate statutory changes that have been effective for more than a 
decade, while, as discussed in the context of Executive Order 12866 
above, the remaining few would provide clarity on the accurate 
estimation of benefits required by law, at no additional cost to the 

List of Subjects

29 CFR Part 4001

    Business and industry, Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance.

29 CFR Parts 4022, 4041, and 4043

    Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

29 CFR Part 4044

    Employee benefit plans, Pension insurance.

    In consideration of the foregoing, PBGC proposes to amend 29 CFR 
parts 4001, 4022, 4041, 4043, and 4044 as follows.


1. The authority citation for part 4001 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1301, 1302(b)(3).

2. In Sec.  4001.2:
a. Add in alphabetical order a definition for ``majority owner''; and
b. Remove the definition of ``substantial owner''.
    The addition reads as follows:

Sec.  4001.2  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Majority owner means, with respect to a contributing sponsor of a 
single-employer plan, an individual who owns, directly or indirectly 
(taking into account the constructive ownership rules of section 414(b) 
and (c) of the Code)--
    (1) The entire interest in an unincorporated trade or business;
    (2) 50 percent or more of the capital interest or the profits 
interest in a partnership; or
    (3) 50 percent or more of either the voting stock of a corporation 
or the value of all of the stock of a corporation.
* * * * *


3. The authority citation for part 4022 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302, 1322, 1322b, 1341(c)(3)(D), and 1344.

Sec.  4022.2  [Amended]

4. In Sec.  4022.2 introductory text:
a. Remove the words ``guaranteed benefit'' and add in their place the 
words ``guaranteed benefit, majority owner''; and
b. Remove the words ``substantial owner,'';
5. Amend Sec.  4022.24 by revising paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as 

Sec.  4022.24   Benefit increases.

    (a) Scope. This section applies to all benefit increases, as 
defined in Sec.  4022.2, that have been in effect for less than five 
years preceding the termination date.
    (b) General rule. Benefit increases described in paragraph (a) of 
this section are guaranteeable only to the extent provided in Sec.  
* * * * *

Sec.  4022.25  [Amended]

6. In Sec.  4022.25:
a. Amend the section heading by removing the words ``for participants 
other than substantial owners''; and
b. Amend paragraph (a) by removing the words ``with respect to 
participants other than substantial owners''.
7. Revise Sec.  4022.26 to read as follows:

Sec.  4022.26   Benefit guarantee for participants who are majority 

    (a) Scope. This section applies to the guarantee of all benefits 
described in subpart A of this part (subject to the limitations in 
Sec.  4022.21) with respect to participants who are majority owners at 
the termination date or who were majority owners at any time within the 
five-year period preceding that date.
    (b) Formula. Benefits provided by a plan are guaranteed to the 
extent provided in the following formula: The amount of the 
participant's benefit that PBGC would otherwise guarantee under section 
4022 of ERISA and this part if the participant were not a majority 
owner, multiplied by a fraction not to exceed one, the numerator of 
which is the number of full years from the later of the effective date 
or the adoption date of the plan to the termination date, and the 
denominator of which is 10.
8. In Sec.  4022.62:
a. Amend paragraphs (a) and (c) introductory text by removing the four 
instances of the word ``substantial'' and adding in their place the 
word ``majority'';
b. Revise paragraph (d);
c. Amend paragraph (e) by removing the words ``paragraph (c)'' and 
adding in their place the words ``paragraphs (c) and (d)'';
d. Remove the first paragraph (f); and
e. Revise remaining paragraph (f).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  4022.62   Estimated guaranteed benefit.

* * * * *
    (d) Estimated guaranteed benefit payable with respect to a majority 
owner. For benefits payable with respect to each participant who is a 
majority owner, the estimated guaranteed benefit is the benefit to 
which he or she would be entitled under paragraph (c) of this section 
but for his or her status as a

[[Page 9721]]

majority owner, multiplied by a fraction, not to exceed one, the 
numerator of which is the number of full years from the later of the 
effective date or the adoption date of the plan to the proposed 
termination date and the denominator of which is 10.
* * * * *
    (f) Examples. This section is illustrated by the following 
examples. (For an example addressing issues specific to a PPA 2006 
bankruptcy termination, see Sec.  4022.25(f).)

    (1) Example 1. (i) Facts. A participant who is not a majority 
owner retired on December 31, 2011, at age 60 and began receiving a 
benefit of $600 per month. On January 1, 2009, the plan had been 
amended to allow participants to retire with unreduced benefits at 
age 60. Previously, a participant who retired before age 65 was 
subject to a reduction of \1/15\ for each year by which his or her 
actual retirement age preceded age 65. On January 1, 2012, the 
plan's benefit formula was amended to increase benefits for 
participants who retired before January 1, 2012. As a result, the 
participant's benefit was increased to $750 per month. There have 
been no other pertinent amendments. The proposed termination date is 
December 15, 2012.
    (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. No reduction is required 
under Sec.  4022.61(b) or (c) because the participant's benefit does 
not exceed either the participant's accrued benefit at normal 
retirement age or the maximum guaranteeable benefit. (Post-
retirement benefit increases are not considered as increasing 
accrued benefits payable at normal retirement age.)
    The amendment as of January 1, 2009, resulted in a ``new 
benefit'' because the reduction in the age at which the participant 
could receive unreduced benefits increased the participant's benefit 
entitlement at actual retirement age by \5/15\, which is more than 
the 20-percent increase threshold under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this 
section. The amendment of January 1, 2012, which increased the 
participant's benefit to $750 per month, is a ``benefit 
improvement'' because it is an increase in the amount of benefit for 
persons in pay status. (No percentage test applies in determining 
whether an increase in a pay status benefit is a benefit 
    The multiplier for computing the amount of the estimated 
guaranteed benefit is taken from the third row of Table I (because 
the last new benefit had been in effect for three full years as of 
the proposed termination date) and column (c) (because there was a 
benefit improvement within the one-year period preceding the 
proposed termination date). This multiplier is 0.55. Therefore, the 
amount of the participant's estimated guaranteed benefit is $412.50 
(0.55 x $750) per month.
    (2) Example 2. (i) Facts. A participant who is not a majority 
owner terminated employment on December 31, 2010. On January 1, 
2012, she reached age 65 and began receiving a benefit of $250 per 
month. She had completed three years of service at her termination 
of employment and was fully vested in her accrued benefit. The 
plan's vesting schedule had been amended on July 1, 2008. Under the 
schedule in effect before the amendment, a participant with five 
years of service was 100 percent vested. There have been no other 
pertinent amendments. The proposed termination date is December 31, 
    (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. No reduction is required 
under Sec.  4022.61(b) or (c) because the participant's benefit does 
not exceed either her accrued benefit at normal retirement age or 
the maximum guaranteeable benefit. The plan's change of vesting 
schedule created a new benefit for the participant. Because the 
amendment was in effect for four full years before the proposed 
termination date, the second row of Table I is used to determine the 
applicable multiplier for estimating the amount of the participant's 
guaranteed benefit. Because the participant did not receive any 
benefit improvement during the 12-month period ending on the 
proposed termination date, column (b) of the table is used. 
Therefore, the multiplier is 0.80, and the amount of the 
participant's estimated guaranteed benefit is $200 (0.80 x $250) per 
    (3) Example 3. (i) Facts. A participant who is a majority owner 
retired before the proposed termination date of April 30, 2012. The 
plan was in effect for seven full years as of the proposed 
termination date. On the proposed termination date he was entitled 
to receive a benefit of $2,000 per month. No reduction of this 
benefit is required under Sec.  4022.61(b) or (c).
    (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. Paragraph (d) of this section 
is used to compute the amount of the estimated guaranteed benefit of 
majority owners. Consequently, the amount of this participant's 
estimated guaranteed benefit is $1,400 ($2,000 x \7/10\) per month.
    (4) Example 4. (i) Facts. A participant who is a majority owner 
retired before the proposed termination date of April 30, 2012. The 
plan was in effect for 12 full years as of the proposed termination 
date. On the proposed termination date he was entitled to receive a 
benefit of $2,000 per month. No reduction of this benefit is 
required under Sec.  4022.61(b) or (c).
    (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. Paragraph (d) of this section 
is used to compute the amount of the estimated guaranteed benefit of 
majority owners. Since the plan was in effect for more than 10 years 
as of the proposed termination date, the amount of this 
participant's estimated guaranteed benefit is $2,000 per month.

9. In Sec.  4022.63:
a. Revise the section heading;
b. Amend paragraph (a) by removing the two instances of the word 
``substantial'' and adding in their place the word ``majority'' and by 
removing the three instances of the words ``estimated title IV 
benefit'' and adding in their place the words ``estimated asset-funded 
c. Amend paragraph (b) introductory text by removing the two instances 
of the word ``substantial'' and adding in their place the word 
``majority'' and by removing the words ``estimated title IV benefit'' 
and adding in their place the words ``estimated asset-funded benefit'';
d. Amend paragraph (c)(1) by removing the two instances of the word 
``substantial'' and adding in their the word ``majority'' and by 
removing the two instances of the words ``estimated title IV benefit'' 
and adding in the place of each the words ``estimated asset-funded 
e. Amend paragraphs (d) introductory text by removing the two instances 
of the word ``substantial'' and adding in the place the word 
``majority'' and by removing the two instances of the words ``estimated 
title IV benefit'' and adding in the place of each the words 
``estimated asset-funded benefit'';
f. Amend paragraph (d)(1) and by removing the two instances of the word 
``substantial'' and adding in the place the word ``majority''; and
g. Revise paragraph (e).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  4022.63  Estimated asset-funded benefit.

* * * * *
    (e) Examples. This section is illustrated by the following 

    (1) Example 1. (i) Facts. A participant who is not a majority 
owner was eligible to retire 3.5 years before the proposed 
termination date. The participant retired two years before the 
proposed termination date with 20 years of service. Her final five 
years' average salary was $45,000, and she was entitled to an 
unreduced early retirement benefit of $1,500 per month payable as a 
single life annuity. This retirement benefit does not exceed the 
limitation in Sec.  4022.61(b) or (c).
    On the participant's benefit commencement date, the plan 
provided for a normal retirement benefit of 2 percent of the final 
five years' salary times the number of years of service. Five years 
before the proposed termination date, the percentage was 1.5 
percent. The amendments improving benefits were put into effect 3.5 
years before the proposed termination date. There were no other 
amendments during the five-year period.
    The participant's estimated guaranteed benefit computed under 
Sec.  4022.62(c) is $1,500 per month times 0.90 (the factor from 
column (b) of Table I in Sec.  4022.62(c)(2)), or $1,350 per month. 
It is assumed that the plan meets the conditions set forth in 
paragraph (b) of this section, and the plan administrator is 
therefore required to estimate the title IV benefit.
    (ii) Estimated asset-funded benefit. For a participant who is 
not a majority owner, the amount of the estimated asset-funded 
benefit is the estimated priority category 3 benefit computed under 
paragraph (c) of this section. This amount is computed by 
multiplying the participant's benefit under the plan as of the later 
of the proposed termination date or the benefit commencement date by 
the ratio of

[[Page 9722]]

the normal retirement benefit under the provisions of the plan in 
effect five years before the proposed termination date and the 
normal retirement benefit under the plan provisions in effect on the 
proposed termination date.
    Thus, the numerator of the ratio is the benefit that would be 
payable to the participant under the normal retirement provisions of 
the plan five years before the proposed termination date, based on 
her age, service, and compensation on her benefit commencement date. 
The denominator of the ratio is the benefit that would be payable to 
the participant under the normal retirement provisions of the plan 
in effect on the proposed termination date, based on her age, 
service, and compensation as of the earlier of her benefit 
commencement date or the proposed termination date. Since the only 
different factor in the numerator and denominator is the salary 
percentage, the amount of the estimated asset-funded benefit is 
$1,125 (0.015/0.020 x $1,500) per month. This amount is less than 
the estimated guaranteed benefit of $1,350 per month. Therefore, in 
accordance with Sec.  4022.61(d), the benefit payable to the 
participant is $1,350 per month.
    (iii) PPA 2006 bankruptcy termination. In a PPA 2006 bankruptcy 
termination, the methodology would be the same, but ``bankruptcy 
filing date'' would be substituted for ``proposed termination date'' 
each place that ``proposed termination date'' appears in the 
example, and the numbers would change accordingly.
    (2) Example 2. (i) Facts. A participant who is a majority owner 
retired on the proposed termination date of October 31, 2012. The 
original plan had been in effect for seven full years as of the 
proposed termination date. Under the provisions of the plan in 
effect five years before the proposed termination date, the 
participant is entitled to a single life annuity of $500 per month. 
The plan was amended to increase benefits three full years before 
the proposed termination date. Under these plan amendments, the 
participant is entitled to a single life annuity of $1,000 per 
    The participant's estimated guaranteed benefit computed under 
Sec.  4022.62(d) is $455 per month ($1,000 x 0.65 x \7/10\).
    It is assumed that all of the conditions in paragraph (b) of 
this section have been met. Plan assets equal $2 million. The 
present value of all benefits in pay status is $1.5 million based on 
applicable PBGC interest rates. There are no employee contributions 
and the present value of all vested benefits that are not in pay 
status is $0.75 million based on applicable PBGC interest rates.
    (ii) Estimated asset-funded benefit. Paragraph (d) of this 
section provides that the amount of the estimated asset-funded 
benefit payable with respect to a participant who is a majority 
owner is the higher of the estimated priority category 3 benefit 
computed under paragraph (c) of this section or the estimated 
priority category 4 benefit computed under paragraph (d) of this 
    Under paragraph (c), the participant's estimated priority 
category 3 benefit is $500 ($1,000 x $500/$1,000) per month.
    Under paragraph (d), the participant's estimated priority 
category 4 benefit is the estimated guaranteed benefit computed 
under Sec.  4022.62(c) (i.e., as if the participant were not a 
majority owner) multiplied by the priority category 4 funding ratio. 
Since the plan has priority category 3 benefits, the ratio is 
determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i). The numerator of the ratio is 
plan assets minus the present value of benefits in pay status. The 
denominator of the ratio is the present value of all vested benefits 
that are not in pay status. The participant's estimated guaranteed 
benefit under Sec.  4022.62(c) is $1,000 per month times 0.65 (the 
factor from column (b) of Table I in Sec.  4022.62(c)(2)), or $650 
per month. Multiplying $650 by the category 4 funding ratio of \2/3\ 
(($2 million - $1.5 million)/$0.75 million) produces an estimated 
category 4 benefit of $433.33 per month.
    Because the estimated category 4 benefit so computed is less 
than the estimated category 3 benefit so computed, the estimated 
category 3 benefit is the estimated asset-funded benefit. Because 
the estimated category 3 benefit so computed is greater than the 
estimated guaranteed benefit of $455 per month, in accordance with 
Sec.  4022.61(d), the benefit payable to the participant is the 
estimated priority category 3 benefit of $500 per month.


10. The authority citation for part 4041 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341, 1344, 1350.

Sec.  4041.2  [Amended]

11. In Sec.  4041.2:
a. Amend the introductory text by removing the words ``mandatory 
employee contributions'' and adding in their place the words ``majority 
owner, mandatory employee contributions''; and
b. Remove the definition of ``majority owner''.


12. The authority citation for part 4043 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  29 U.S.C. 1083(k), 1302(b)(3), 1343.

13. In Sec.  4043.2:
a. Amend the introductory text by removing the words ``single-employer 
plan, and substantial owner'' and by adding in their place the words 
``and single-employer plan''.
b. Add in alphabetical order a definition for ``substantial owner''.
    The addition reads as follows:

Sec.  4043.2  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Substantial owner means a substantial owner as defined in section 
4021(d) of ERISA.
* * * * *


14. The authority citation for part 4044 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1301(a), 1302(b)(3), 1341, 1344, 1362.

Sec.  4044.2  [Amended]

15. In Sec.  4044.2(a):
a. Remove the words ``irrevocable commitment'' and add in their place 
the words ``irrevocable commitment, majority owner''; and
b. Remove the words ``substantial owner,''.
16. Amend Sec.  4044.10 by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  4044.10  Manner of allocation.

* * * * *
    (e) Allocating assets within priority categories. Except for 
priority categories 4 and 5, if the plan assets available for 
allocation to any priority category are insufficient to pay for all 
benefits in that priority category, those assets shall be distributed 
among the participants according to the ratio that the value of each 
participant's benefit or benefits in that priority category bears to 
the total value of all benefits in that priority category. If the plan 
assets available for allocation to priority category 4 are insufficient 
to pay for all benefits in that category, the assets shall be 
allocated, first, to the value of all participants' nonforfeitable 
benefits that would be assigned to priority category 4 other than those 
impacted by the majority-owner limitation under Sec.  4022.26. If 
assets available for allocation to priority category 4 are sufficient 
to fully satisfy the value of those other benefits, the remaining 
assets shall then be allocated to the value of the benefits that would 
be guaranteed but for the majority-owner limitation. These remaining 
assets shall be distributed among the majority owners according to the 
ratio that the value of each majority owner's benefit that would be 
guaranteed but for the majority-owner limitation bears to the total 
value of all benefits that would be guaranteed but for the majority-
owner limitation. If the plan assets available for allocation to 
priority category 5 are insufficient to pay for all benefits in that 
category, the assets shall be allocated, first, to the value of each 
participant's nonforfeitable benefits that would be assigned to 
priority category 5 under Sec.  4044.15 after reduction for the

[[Page 9723]]

value of benefits assigned to higher priority categories, based only on 
the provisions of the plan in effect at the beginning of the five-year 
period immediately preceding the termination date. If assets available 
for allocation to priority category 5 are sufficient to fully satisfy 
the value of those benefits, assets shall then be allocated to the 
value of the benefit increase under the oldest amendment during the 
five-year period immediately preceding the termination date, reduced by 
the value of benefits assigned to higher priority categories (including 
higher subcategories in priority category 5). This allocation procedure 
shall be repeated for each succeeding plan amendment within the five-
year period until all plan assets available for allocation have been 
exhausted. If an amendment decreased benefits, amounts previously 
allocated with respect to each participant in excess of the value of 
the reduced benefit shall be reduced accordingly. In the subcategory in 
which assets are exhausted, the assets shall be distributed among the 
participants according to the ratio that the value of each 
participant's benefit or benefits in that subcategory bears to the 
total value of all benefits in that subcategory.
* * * * *

Sec.  4044.14  [Amended]

17. In Sec.  4044.14, remove the word ``phase-in'' and add the word 
``guarantee'' in its place; and remove the word ``substantial'' and add 
the word ``majority'' in its place.

    Issued in Washington, DC.
W. Thomas Reeder,
Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
[FR Doc. 2018-04609 Filed 3-6-18; 8:45 am]

                                                 9716                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 with the petition that is the subject of                  (B) under section 4042 of ERISA with                Major Provisions
                                                 this notice on public display at the                    respect to which notices of
                                                 Dockets Management Staff (see                           determination are provided under that                    This proposed rule would amend
                                                 ADDRESSES) for public review and                        section after December 31, 2005.                      PBGC’s benefit payment regulation by
                                                 comment.                                                                                                      replacing the guarantee limitations
                                                                                                         ADDRESSES:   Comments, identified by                  applicable to substantial owners with a
                                                   We will also place on public display,
                                                                                                         Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)                    new limitation applicable to majority
                                                 in the Dockets Management Staff and at
                                                                                                         1212–AB24, may be submitted by any of                 owners.1 Additionally, this proposed
                                                 https://www.regulations.gov, any
                                                                                                         the following methods:                                rule would amend PBGC’s asset
                                                 amendments to, or comments on, the
                                                 petitioner’s environmental assessment                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://               allocation regulation by prioritizing
                                                 without further announcement in the                     www.regulations.gov. (Follow the online               funding of all other benefits in priority
                                                 Federal Register. If, based on our                      instructions for submitting comments.)                category 4 ahead of those benefits that
                                                 review, we find that an environmental                     • Email: reg.comments@pbgc.gov.                     would be guaranteed but for the new,
                                                 impact statement is not required, and                     • Mail or Hand Delivery: Regulatory                 owner-participant limitation. The
                                                 this petition results in a regulation, we               Affairs Division, Office of the General               proposed rule also clarifies that plan
                                                 will publish the notice of availability of              Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty                     administrators may continue to use the
                                                 our finding of no significant impact and                Corporation, 1200 K Street NW,                        simplified calculation in the existing
                                                 the evidence supporting that finding                    Washington, DC 20005–4026.                            rule to estimate benefits funded by plan
                                                 with the regulation in the Federal                                                                            assets. Finally, it provides new
                                                 Register in accordance with 21 CFR                        All submissions must include the RIN                examples to aid in implementation.
                                                 25.51(b).                                               for this rulemaking (RIN 1212–AB24).
                                                                                                         Comments received will be posted to                   Background
                                                   Dated: March 1, 2018.
                                                                                                         www.pbgc.gov. Copies of comments may
                                                 Leslie Kux,                                                                                                      PBGC administers the pension
                                                                                                         also be obtained by writing to
                                                 Associate Commissioner for Policy.                                                                            insurance program under title IV of
                                                                                                         Disclosure Division, Office of the
                                                                                                                                                               ERISA. ERISA sections 4022 and 4044
                                                 [FR Doc. 2018–04619 Filed 3–6–18; 8:45 am]              General Counsel, Pension Benefit
                                                                                                                                                               cover PBGC’s guarantee of plan benefits
                                                 BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street
                                                                                                                                                               and allocation of plan assets,
                                                                                                         NW, Washington, DC 20005–4026, or
                                                                                                                                                               respectively, under terminated single-
                                                                                                         calling 202–326–4040 during normal
                                                                                                                                                               employer plans. Special provisions
                                                 PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY                                business hours. (TTY users may call the
                                                                                                                                                               within these sections apply to ‘‘owner-
                                                 CORPORATION                                             Federal relay service toll-free at 800–
                                                                                                                                                               participants,’’ who have certain
                                                                                                         877–8339 and ask to be connected to
                                                 29 CFR Parts 4001, 4022, 4041, 4043,                                                                          ownership interests in their plan
                                                 and 4044                                                                                                      sponsors. PPA 2006 made changes to
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      these provisions. PBGC has been
                                                 RIN 1212–AB24                                           Samantha M. Lowen (lowen.samantha@                    operating in accordance with the
                                                                                                         pbgc.gov), Attorney, Regulatory Affairs               amended provisions since they became
                                                 Owner-Participant Changes to                            Division, Office of the General Counsel,              effective, but has not yet updated its
                                                 Guaranteed Benefits and Asset                           Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation,                 regulations nor issued guidance on
                                                 Allocation                                              1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC                      implementation. With this rulemaking,
                                                 AGENCY:  Pension Benefit Guaranty                       20005–4026; 202–326–4400, extension                   PBGC intends to increase transparency
                                                 Corporation.                                            3786. (TTY and TDD users may call the                 into its operations and to clarify for plan
                                                 ACTION: Proposed rule.                                  Federal relay service toll-free at 800–               administrators the impact of the
                                                                                                         877–8339 and ask to be connected to                   statutory changes.
                                                 SUMMARY:    The Pension Benefit Guaranty                202–326–4400, extension 3786.)                           Before PPA 2006, the owner-
                                                 Corporation (PBGC) proposes to amend                                                                          participant provisions applied to any
                                                                                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 its regulations on guaranteed benefits                                                                        participant who was a ‘‘substantial
                                                 and asset allocation. These amendments                  Executive Summary                                     owner’’ at any time within the 60
                                                 would incorporate statutory changes to                                                                        months preceding the date on which the
                                                                                                         Purpose of the Regulatory Action
                                                 the rules for participants with certain                                                                       determination was made. ERISA defines
                                                 ownership interests in a plan sponsor.                    This proposed rule is necessary to                  a substantial owner as an individual
                                                 PBGC seeks public comment on its                        conform the regulations of PBGC to                    who owns the entire interest in an
                                                 proposal.                                               current law and practice. PBGC                        unincorporated trade or business, or a
                                                 DATES:                                                  proposes to incorporate statutory                     partner or shareholder who owns more
                                                    Deadline for comments: Comments                      changes affecting guaranteed benefits                 than 10 percent of the partnership or
                                                 must be submitted on or before May 7,                   and asset allocation when a plan has                  corporation. PPA 2006 revised the
                                                 2018.                                                   one or more participants with certain                 owner-participant provisions, in large
                                                    Applicability: Like the provisions of                ownership interests in the plan sponsor.              part, by making them applicable to
                                                 the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA                 PBGC’s legal authority for this action                ‘‘majority owners’’ instead of substantial
                                                 2006) that this rule would incorporate,                 comes from sections 4002(b)(3), 4022,                 owners. ERISA defines a majority owner
                                                 the amendments in this proposed rule                    and 4044 of ERISA. Section 4002(b)(3)                 as an individual who owns the entire

                                                 would be applicable to plan                             authorizes PBGC to issue regulations to               interest in an unincorporated trade or
                                                 terminations—                                           carry out the purposes of title IV of                 business, or a partner or shareholder
                                                    (A) under section 4041(c) of the                     ERISA. Sections 4022 and 4044                         who owns 50 percent or more of the
                                                 Employee Retirement Income Security                     authorize PBGC to prescribe regulations               entity.
                                                 Act of 1974 (ERISA) with respect to                     regarding the determination of
                                                 which notices of intent to terminate are                guaranteed benefits and the allocation of                1 In this preamble, substantial owners and
                                                 provided under section 4041(a)(2) of                    assets within priority categories,                    majority owners are referred to interchangeably as
                                                 ERISA after December 31, 2005, and                      respectively.                                         ‘‘owner-participants.’’

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:43 Mar 06, 2018   Jkt 244001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\07MRP1.SGM   07MRP1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                        9717

                                                 Guaranteed Benefits Before and After                    4022.26 provides the much more                        ‘‘majority owner’’ and by revising
                                                 PPA 2006                                                complicated procedures for calculating                § 4022.26 to provide the formula for
                                                    ERISA section 4022 imposes several                   the guaranteed benefits of owner-                     calculating the owner-participant
                                                 limitations on PBGC’s guarantee of plan                 participants—based on a 30-year phase-                limitation, in the place of the 30-year
                                                 benefits, including the ‘‘phase-in                      in—before PPA 2006; different                         phase-in limitation.
                                                 limitation.’’ As the name of this                       procedures apply depending on whether
                                                                                                                                                               Asset Allocation in Priority Category 4
                                                 limitation suggests, PBGC’s guarantee of                or not there have been any benefit
                                                                                                                                                               Before and After PPA 2006
                                                 a plan’s benefits is phased in over a                   increases. As explained above, PPA
                                                                                                         2006 eliminated the 30-year phase-in                     ERISA section 4044 prescribes the
                                                 specified time period. Before PPA 2006,                                                                       method for allocating a terminated
                                                                                                         limitation and made the five-year phase-
                                                 this time period was drastically                                                                              single-employer plan’s assets to its
                                                                                                         in of benefit increases applicable to all
                                                 different for owner-participants and for                                                                      benefit liabilities. Under section 4044,
                                                                                                         participants, including owner-
                                                 all other participants; the benefits of                                                                       plan assets must be allocated to six
                                                                                                         participants. Accordingly, PBGC
                                                 owner-participants were phased in over                                                                        priority categories (PC1 through PC6,
                                                                                                         proposes to amend the benefit payment
                                                 30 years, whereas the benefits of non-                                                                        with PC1 being the highest) into which
                                                                                                         regulation by removing the distinction
                                                 owner-participants were phased in over                                                                        all plan benefits are sorted. Benefits
                                                                                                         between owner-participants and all
                                                 five years. In addition, the extent to                                                                        affected by the owner-participant
                                                                                                         other participants under § 4022.25, and
                                                 which an owner-participant’s benefit                                                                          limitation are assigned to priority
                                                                                                         PBGC proposes to amend § 4022.26 by
                                                 was phased in was unique to each                                                                              category 4 (PC4). PPA 2006 changed the
                                                                                                         replacing the 30-year phase-in
                                                 owner-participant and based on the                      limitation with a new ‘‘owner-                        method for allocating assets within PC4
                                                 number of years he or she was an active                 participant limitation,’’ as discussed                when there are benefits affected by the
                                                 participant in the plan; whereas the                    next.                                                 owner-participant limitation.
                                                 extent to which all other participants’                                                                          PC4 includes three kinds of benefits:
                                                 benefits were phased in was based on                    Owner-Participant Limitation                          (1) Guaranteed benefits, other than
                                                 the number of years a plan provision—                      PPA 2006 provided a new formula for                employee contributions and benefits
                                                 specifically, one that increased                        determining PBGC’s guarantee of an                    that could have been in pay status three
                                                 benefits—was in effect before the plan                  owner-participant’s benefit. Under this               or more years before a plan’s
                                                 terminated.                                             owner-participant limitation, an owner-               termination (or before the plan
                                                    PPA 2006 greatly simplified the                      participant’s guaranteed benefit is                   sponsor’s bankruptcy filing date, for
                                                 method for determining PBGC’s                           limited to the product of the owner-                  plans subject to ERISA section 4022(g));
                                                 guarantee of owner-participants’                        participant’s otherwise-guaranteed                    (2) benefits that would be guaranteed
                                                 benefits by eliminating the 30-year                     benefit and a fraction, not to exceed one.            but for the aggregate limit of ERISA
                                                 phase-in and making the five-year                       The numerator of this fraction equals                 section 4022B; and (3) benefits that
                                                 phase-in of benefit increases applicable                the number of years that the plan was                 would be guaranteed but for the owner-
                                                 to owner-participants and non-owner-                    in existence (from the later of its                   participant limitation (based on
                                                 participants alike. PPA 2006 then                       effective date or adoption date), and the             substantial ownership before PPA 2006
                                                 applies a separate, additional                          denominator equals 10.                                and majority ownership after PPA
                                                 limitation—the ‘‘owner-participant                         Compared to the 30-year phase-in                   2006).2 If a plan’s assets are sufficient to
                                                 limitation’’—to an owner-participant’s                  under the old statute—implemented at                  cover all PC4 benefits or are insufficient
                                                 otherwise guaranteed benefit. This                      § 4022.26 of the benefit payment                      to cover any PC4 benefits, the PPA 2006
                                                 owner-participant limitation is similar                 regulation—the owner-participant                      changes for owner-participants have no
                                                 to the five-year phase-in limitation on                 limitation is much simpler to calculate               bearing on the allocation; however, if
                                                 benefit increases, as it is calculated                  and generally provides a much more                    assets are sufficient to cover some, but
                                                 based on a plan’s age; however, it is                   generous guarantee. Before PPA 2006,                  not all, PC4 benefits (i.e., if assets are
                                                 based on the length of time the original                PBGC needed to make individualized                    ‘‘exhausted in PC4’’), the allocation
                                                 plan was in existence, regardless of                    determinations about the length of time               rules differ before and after PPA 2006.
                                                 whether the plan increased benefits, and                each substantial owner was an active                     Before PPA 2006, if assets were
                                                 the phase-in period is 10 years. The                    participant in a plan over a 30-year                  exhausted in PC4, then assets were to be
                                                 owner-participant limitation bears little               period. Additionally, a substantial                   allocated pro rata among all three kinds
                                                 resemblance to the 30-year phase-in                     owner needed to have been an active                   of PC4 benefits. Under PPA 2006, if
                                                 limitation, and the calculations are                    participant for at least 30 years in order            assets are exhausted in PC4, then assets
                                                 much simpler. This proposed rule                        for his or her benefit to be fully                    must first be allocated to the first two
                                                 would incorporate these changes to                      guaranteed (to the extent that other                  PC4 groups; only if assets cover all
                                                 PBGC’s benefit payment regulation.                      limitations on PBGC’s guarantee did not               benefits in these two groups will any
                                                                                                         apply). Under PPA 2006, PBGC needs                    assets be allocated to benefits that
                                                 Phase-In Limitation                                     only to calculate a single fraction, based
                                                   Sections 4022.25 and 4022.26 of                       on the age of the plan, and then to                      2 Strictly speaking, this description applies to

                                                 PBGC’s benefit payment regulation                       multiply the benefit of each majority                 benefits in ‘‘net PC4,’’ given that ‘‘PC4’’ (or, more
                                                                                                                                                               accurately, ‘‘gross PC4’’) technically includes the
                                                 provide the procedures for calculating                  owner under the plan by that same                     three kinds of benefits listed, as well as all benefits
                                                 the five-year phase-in of benefit                       fraction. In addition, all majority                   in higher priority categories. Without using the
                                                 increases for non-owner-participants                    owners’ benefits are now fully                        terms ‘‘gross’’ or ‘‘net,’’ PBGC’s asset allocation

                                                 and the 30-year phase-in of all benefits                guaranteed (to the extent that other                  regulation makes this distinction at paragraph (c) of
                                                                                                                                                               § 4044.10 (‘‘[t]he value of each participant’s basic-
                                                 for owner-participants, respectively.                   limitations on PBGC’s guarantee do not                type benefit or benefits in a priority category shall
                                                 Section 4022.25 provides, generally,                    apply) once a plan has been in existence              be reduced by the value of the participant’s benefit
                                                 that benefit increases (as defined in                   for 10 years.                                         of the same type that is assigned to a higher priority
                                                 § 4022.2) of non-owner-participants are                    Consistent with these statutory                    category’’). Nevertheless, PBGC recognizes that
                                                                                                                                                               colloquial descriptions of benefits in a given
                                                 phased in by the greater of $20 or 20                   changes, PBGC proposes to amend the                   priority category usually refer to the net benefits in
                                                 percent of the increase for each full year              benefit payment regulation by replacing               that category, and this preamble follows that
                                                 the increase was effective. Section                     references to ‘‘substantial owner’’ with              common usage, unless otherwise indicated.

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                                                 9718                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 would be guaranteed but for the                         guaranteed benefits. One method—given                 guaranteed benefit if the participant
                                                 majority-owner limitation. In                           at paragraph 4022.62(c)—applies to non-               were not an owner-participant and the
                                                 accordance with these statutory                         owner-participants, while the other—                  ‘‘PC4 funding ratio.’’ The PC4 funding
                                                 changes, PBGC proposes to amend the                     given at paragraph 4022.62(d)—applies                 ratio is calculated one of two ways,
                                                 asset allocation regulation by                          to owner-participants. Both methods’                  depending on whether a plan has any
                                                 prioritizing assets in PC4 to other                     calculations use the amount calculated                benefits in PC3 (viz., whether a plan has
                                                 benefits ahead of benefits affected by the              under paragraph 4022.62(b) as a starting              benefits that were or could have been in
                                                 majority-owner limitation.                              point. Paragraph 4022.62(b) estimates a               pay status three years before the
                                                                                                         participant’s benefit that would be                   proposed termination date). If a plan has
                                                 Calculation of Estimated Benefits
                                                                                                         guaranteed before application of any                  no PC3 benefits, the PC4 funding ratio
                                                    In a distress termination, § 4022.61 of              phase-in limitation. Paragraph                        essentially equals the estimated amount
                                                 the benefit payment regulation—                         4022.62(c) estimates the effect of the                of plan assets divided by the estimated
                                                 implementing section 4041(c)(3)(D) of                   five-year phase-in limitation on the                  amount of vested benefits under the
                                                 ERISA—requires plan administrators to                   4022.62(b) amount. Paragraph                          plan.5 If a plan has PC3 benefits, the
                                                 limit benefit payments to estimates of                  4022.62(d) estimates the effect of the 30-            PC4 funding ratio essentially equals the
                                                 the amounts that PBGC is expected to                    year phase-in limitation applicable to                estimated amount of plan assets minus
                                                 pay, in order to minimize potential                     owner-participants before PPA 2006 on                 the present value of all benefits in pay
                                                 overpayments and exhaustion of plan                     the 4022.62(b) amount.                                status, all divided by the estimated
                                                 assets before PBGC becomes trustee and                     In order to reflect the changes to                 amount of vested benefits not in pay
                                                 is able to assume benefit payments. As                  PBGC’s guarantee limitations for owner-               status.6
                                                 trustee, PBGC pays each participant the                 participants under PPA 2006, PBGC
                                                 greater of his or her guaranteed benefit                proposes to revise paragraph 4022.62(d)                  By calculating and then using a plan’s
                                                 or asset-funded benefit.3 Accordingly,                  in its entirety. As revised, paragraph                PC4 funding ratio, an administrator is
                                                 § 4022.61 requires plan administrators                  4022.62(d) would no longer estimate the               able to estimate the amount of assets
                                                 to limit benefits in pay status to the                  effect of the 30-year phase-in limitation             available to fund all benefits in PC4.
                                                 greater of each participant’s estimated                 on the 4022.62(b) amount; rather,                     This ratio does not distinguish between
                                                 guaranteed benefit or estimated asset-                  paragraph 4022.62(d) would estimate                   owner-participants’ benefits and all
                                                 funded benefit, beginning on the                        the effect of the owner-participant                   other benefits in PC4, as this distinction
                                                 proposed termination date.4                             limitation (using the n/10 ratio that PPA             was not necessary before PPA 2006,
                                                                                                         2006 introduced) on the 4022.62(c)                    when assets were to be allocated equally
                                                 Estimated Guaranteed Benefits                                                                                 among the three kinds of PC4 benefits.
                                                                                                         amount. The revised paragraph
                                                    A participant’s estimated guaranteed                 4022.62(d) would use the 4022.62(c)                   As a result, while the PC4 funding ratio
                                                 benefit is determined as of the proposed                amount instead of the 4022.62(b)                      is a useful tool for estimating assets
                                                 termination date and is the portion of                  amount because the five-year phase-in                 available to fund all benefits in PC4
                                                 the participant’s plan benefit (viz., the               limitation is now applicable to all                   (including those of substantial owners
                                                 benefit to which the participant would                  participants (including majority                      before PPA 2006), it does not account
                                                 be entitled under the terms of the plan                 owners).                                              for the requirement under PPA 2006 to
                                                 if the plan did not terminate) that does                                                                      fund the benefits of majority owners
                                                 not exceed the estimated legal limits of                Estimated Asset-Funded Benefits                       only if assets remain after funding all
                                                 PBGC’s guarantee. Section 4022.62 of                       A participant’s estimated asset-funded             other benefits in PC4.
                                                 the benefit payment regulation                          benefit is the portion of the participant’s              Under PPA 2006, continued use of the
                                                 prescribes the method for estimating                    plan benefit that plan assets are                     PC4 funding ratio is more likely to
                                                 PBGC’s guarantee limitations and for                    expected to be sufficient to fund                     result in an inflated estimate of assets
                                                 calculating a participant’s estimated                   through PC4, based on estimated plan                  available to fund a majority owner’s
                                                 guaranteed benefit.                                     assets and benefits in each priority                  benefit. While this potential
                                                    As discussed above, the changes                      category. Section 4022.63 of the benefit              overestimation increases the likelihood
                                                 under PPA 2006 greatly affected the                     payment regulation prescribes two                     that a majority owner’s estimated
                                                 calculation of guaranteed benefits of                   methods for calculating estimated asset-              benefit will exceed his or her actual
                                                 owner-participants. Therefore, in order                 funded benefits; one applies to non-                  benefit entitlement, it has no bearing
                                                 to ensure that administrators of plans                  owner-participants and the other                      on—in particular, it does not reduce—
                                                 with owner-participants understand                      applies to owner-participants.                        the estimated benefits of other
                                                 how to accurately estimate these                        Essentially, § 4022.63 provides that a                participants. This is because the PC4
                                                 benefits in distress terminations, PBGC                 non-owner-participant’s estimated asset-              ratio is used only when calculating the
                                                 must update the calculation procedures.                 funded benefit equals his or her
                                                    Section 4022.62 provides two                                                                               estimated asset-funded benefit of an
                                                                                                         estimated PC3 benefit and that an                     owner-participant. As stated above, the
                                                 methods for calculating estimated                       owner-participant’s estimated asset-                  estimated asset-funded benefits of non-
                                                   3 A participant’s asset-funded benefit is
                                                                                                         funded benefit equals the greater of his              owner-participants equal the
                                                 essentially the portion of the participant’s plan
                                                                                                         or her estimated PC3 benefit or                       participants’ estimated PC3 benefits.
                                                 benefit that plan assets are sufficient to fund when    estimated PC4 benefit. The PPA 2006                   Because PC3 benefits receive higher
                                                 assets are allocated according to the distribution      changes for owner-participants have no                allocation priority than PC4 benefits, the
                                                 rules of ERISA section 4044.                            bearing on estimated PC3 benefits;                    estimated asset-funded benefit of any

                                                   4 PBGC’s benefit payment regulation does not
                                                                                                         however, the PPA 2006 change to asset                 non-owner-participant would not be
                                                 currently include the term ‘‘estimated asset-funded
                                                 benefit’’; the term ‘‘estimated title IV benefit’’ is   allocation has the potential to affect the            affected by the allocation of assets in
                                                 used instead. As discussed later in this preamble,      calculation of estimated PC4 benefits,                PC4.
                                                 PBGC proposes to replace the term ‘‘estimated title     which are payable only to owner-
                                                 IV benefit’’ with ‘‘estimated asset-funded benefit.’’   participants.                                           5 The PC4 funding ratio excludes assets and
                                                 Consistent with the proposed terminology change,
                                                 this preamble refers to estimated asset-funded
                                                                                                            An owner-participant’s estimated PC4               benefits that are attributable to employee
                                                 benefits and not to estimated title IV benefits,        benefit equals the product of what                    contributions. See 29 CFR 4022.63(d)(2).
                                                 except where otherwise indicated.                       would be his or her estimated                           6 See note 5.

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                                                    Even without any potential harm to                   date’’ substituted when calculating the                benefits of available regulatory
                                                 other participants, the concern remains                 estimated benefits of all participants,                alternatives and, if regulation is
                                                 for potentially overpaying majority                     regardless of ownership status.7                       necessary, to select regulatory
                                                 owners who receive estimated benefits.                                                                         approaches that maximize net benefits
                                                                                                         Amendments Unrelated to PPA 2006
                                                 Weighed against this concern is                                                                                (including potential economic,
                                                 consideration of the potential burden on                  PBGC proposes to make minor, non-                    environmental, public health and safety
                                                 plan administrators that more robust                    substantive changes to the examples not                effects, distributive impacts, and
                                                 estimation procedures would impose.                     involving owner-participants at                        equity). Executive Order 13563
                                                 Modifying the PC4 funding ratio to                      §§ 4022.62 and 4022.63 of the benefit                  emphasizes the importance of
                                                 account for the funding prioritization of               payment regulation, in order to improve                quantifying both costs and benefits, of
                                                 other PC4 benefits ahead of those of                    readability. Additionally, PBGC                        reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
                                                 majority owners would require                           proposes to correct two clerical errors                and of promoting flexibility. If a
                                                 additional calculations that would seem                 that were made when PBGC previously                    regulatory action is significant under
                                                 to undermine the requirement of                         amended the regulation; the first                      Executive Order 12866, Executive Order
                                                 administrators to ‘‘estimate’’ asset-                   duplicated paragraph (f) of § 4022.62,                 13771 imposes additional requirements
                                                 funded benefits, as opposed to                          and the second duplicated the                          on the agency.
                                                 performing more precise calculations                    designation of paragraph (c)(1) of                        Although this is not a significant
                                                 outright. Moreover, far fewer                           § 4022.63. Lastly, PBGC proposes to                    regulatory action under Executive Order
                                                 participants are likely to be majority                  replace the term ‘‘estimated title IV                  12866, PBGC has examined the
                                                 owners, compared to the number likely                   benefit’’ with ‘‘estimated asset-funded                economic implications of this proposed
                                                 to have been substantial owners before                  benefit’’ at § 4022.63.                                rule. PBGC has concluded that because
                                                 PPA 2006. This is because majority                        The use of the term ‘‘estimated title IV             the key aspects of this proposed rule
                                                 owners must have an ownership interest                  benefit’’ at § 4022.63 of the benefit                  would merely incorporate statutory
                                                 of at least 50 percent and because the                  payment regulation is confusing, in light              changes that have been effective since
                                                 majority-owner limitation does not                      of the definition of ‘‘title IV benefit’’ at           2006, neither the public nor PBGC
                                                 apply to any plan that existed for at                   § 4001.2 of the terminology regulation.                would assume any additional costs due
                                                 least 10 years before terminating.                      Section 4001.2 provides, generally, that               to this regulatory action. Moreover,
                                                    Having weighed the concerns and                      a participant’s title IV benefit equals the            because PBGC has been following the
                                                 chiefly recognizing the limited number                  greater of his or her guaranteed benefit               statute as amended in 2006, and not the
                                                 of cases where a plan will have one or                  or asset-funded benefit. Given this                    inconsistent provisions in its
                                                 more majority owners as well as assets                  definition, one might assume that the                  regulations, this proposal would
                                                 sufficient to fund some, but not all,                   estimated title IV benefit equals the                  improve the transparency of PBGC
                                                 benefits in PC4, PBGC proposes to leave                 greater of the estimate of a participant’s             operations to the public and would
                                                 its estimated asset-funded benefit                      guaranteed benefit or the estimate of a                provide helpful guidance to plan
                                                 provisions at § 4022.63 substantively                   participant’s asset-funded benefit;                    administrators. By leaving unchanged
                                                 unchanged, with the sole exception of                   however, § 4022.63 provides that the                   the estimated asset-funded benefit
                                                 revising Example 2 under paragraph (e).                 estimated title IV benefit is essentially              calculation procedures under § 4022.63,
                                                 Example 2 illustrates how to calculate                  an estimate of a participant’s asset-                  PBGC would enable plan administrators
                                                 the estimated asset-funded benefit of an                funded benefit (through PC4) only.                     to continue to rely confidently on these
                                                 owner-participant and describes the                     Accordingly, PBGC proposes to rename                   relatively simple procedures, rather
                                                 related calculation of the owner-                       the ‘‘estimated title IV benefit’’ referred            than creating more complex procedures
                                                 participant’s estimated guaranteed                      to in § 4022.63 as the ‘‘estimated asset-              that could be contemplated in light of
                                                 benefit under § 4022.62. The proposed                   funded benefit.’’ This term only appears               the statutory changes. Finally, the
                                                 revisions to Example 2 would reflect the                in § 4022.63; the proposed change                      proposed revisions to the examples at
                                                 proposed changes to § 4022.62                           would not require any conforming                       §§ 4022.62 and 4022.63 would assist
                                                 discussed above.                                        amendments elsewhere in PBGC’s                         plan administrators in complying with
                                                                                                         regulations.                                           the law. Accordingly, this proposed rule
                                                 Related Regulatory Amendments
                                                                                                                                                                would result in a net benefit to the
                                                    PBGC proposes to make conforming                     Compliance With Rulemaking                             public.
                                                 amendments to its regulations on                        Guidelines
                                                 Terminology, Termination of Single-                                                                            Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                 employer Plans, and Reportable Events                   Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and                       Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                 and Certain Other Notification                          13771                                                  (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), federal agencies
                                                 Requirements.                                             PBGC has determined that this                        must comply with additional
                                                    PBGC also proposes to correct                        rulemaking is not a ‘‘significant                      requirements when engaging in certain
                                                 paragraph (e) of § 4022.62, which                       regulatory action’’ under Executive                    rulemaking activities that are subject to
                                                 currently provides that in a PPA 2006                   Order 12866 and, accordingly, that the                 notice and public comment. An agency
                                                 bankruptcy termination, ‘‘bankruptcy                    provisions of Executive Order 13771 do                 must satisfy these requirements if a
                                                 filing date’’ is substituted for ‘‘proposed             not apply. Because this rulemaking is                  proposed rule is likely to have a
                                                 termination date’’ in paragraph (c) of                  not a significant regulatory action, OMB               significant economic impact on a
                                                 § 4022.62, by making the substitution                   has not reviewed this proposed rule.                   substantial number of small entities.

                                                 applicable to both paragraph (c)                        Executive Orders 12866 and 13563                       Unless an agency determines that a
                                                 (applicable to non-owner-participants)                  direct agencies to assess all costs and                proposed rule is not likely to have a
                                                 and paragraph (d) (applicable to owner-                                                                        significant economic impact on a
                                                 participants) of § 4022.62. It is clear                    7 See 76 FR 34590, 34596 (June 14, 2011) (‘‘[t]he   substantial number of small entities,
                                                 from the preamble to the final rule that                final regulation provides that for any PPA 2006        section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility
                                                                                                         bankruptcy termination, those estimated benefits
                                                 added paragraph (e) that PBGC                           [calculated under 29 CFR 4022.62–4022.63] are
                                                                                                                                                                Act requires that the agency present an
                                                 intended, consistent with PPA 2006, to                  based on the rules described above relating to the     initial regulatory flexibility analysis at
                                                 have the applicable ‘‘bankruptcy filing                 bankruptcy filing date’’).                             the time of the publication of the

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                                                 9720                    Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 proposed rule. The agency’s analysis                     List of Subjects                                      § 4022.24   Benefit increases.
                                                 must describe the impact of the rule on                                                                          (a) Scope. This section applies to all
                                                                                                          29 CFR Part 4001
                                                 small entities, and the agency must seek                                                                       benefit increases, as defined in § 4022.2,
                                                 public comment on the impact. Small                        Business and industry, Employee                     that have been in effect for less than five
                                                 entities include small businesses,                       benefit plans, Pension insurance.                     years preceding the termination date.
                                                 organizations, and governmental                          29 CFR Parts 4022, 4041, and 4043                       (b) General rule. Benefit increases
                                                 jurisdictions.                                                                                                 described in paragraph (a) of this
                                                                                                            Employee benefit plans, Pension                     section are guaranteeable only to the
                                                    For purposes of the Regulatory                        insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping                extent provided in § 4022.25.
                                                 Flexibility Act, with respect to this                    requirements.
                                                 proposed rule, PBGC considers a small                                                                          *     *    *     *     *
                                                 entity to be a plan with fewer than 100                  29 CFR Part 4044
                                                                                                                                                                § 4022.25   [Amended]
                                                 participants. This criterion is consistent                 Employee benefit plans, Pension                     ■ 6. In § 4022.25:
                                                 with certain requirements in title I of                  insurance.                                            ■ a. Amend the section heading by
                                                 ERISA 8 and the Internal Revenue                           In consideration of the foregoing,                  removing the words ‘‘for participants
                                                 Code,9 as well as the definition of a                    PBGC proposes to amend 29 CFR parts                   other than substantial owners’’; and
                                                 small entity that the Department of                      4001, 4022, 4041, 4043, and 4044 as                   ■ b. Amend paragraph (a) by removing
                                                 Labor (DOL) has used for purposes of                     follows.                                              the words ‘‘with respect to participants
                                                 the Regulatory Flexibility Act.10 While                                                                        other than substantial owners’’.
                                                 some large employers maintain both                       PART 4001—TERMINOLOGY                                 ■ 7. Revise § 4022.26 to read as follows:
                                                 small and large plans, most small plans                  ■ 1. The authority citation for part 4001             § 4022.26 Benefit guarantee for
                                                 are maintained by small employers. In                    continues to read as follows:                         participants who are majority owners.
                                                 light of this, PBGC believes that
                                                                                                              Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1301, 1302(b)(3).               (a) Scope. This section applies to the
                                                 assessing the impact of the proposed                                                                           guarantee of all benefits described in
                                                 rule on small plans is an appropriate                    ■  2. In § 4001.2:
                                                                                                          ■  a. Add in alphabetical order a                     subpart A of this part (subject to the
                                                 substitute for evaluating the effect on                                                                        limitations in § 4022.21) with respect to
                                                 small entities. Notably, the definition of               definition for ‘‘majority owner’’; and
                                                                                                          ■ b. Remove the definition of
                                                                                                                                                                participants who are majority owners at
                                                 small entity considered appropriate for                                                                        the termination date or who were
                                                 this purpose differs from the definition                 ‘‘substantial owner’’.
                                                                                                             The addition reads as follows:                     majority owners at any time within the
                                                 of small business—based on size                                                                                five-year period preceding that date.
                                                 standards—at 13 CFR 0121.201, which                      § 4001.2    Definitions.                                 (b) Formula. Benefits provided by a
                                                 the Small Business Administration                        *     *     *     *      *                            plan are guaranteed to the extent
                                                 promulgated pursuant to the Small                          Majority owner means, with respect to               provided in the following formula: The
                                                 Business Act. Therefore, PBGC requests                   a contributing sponsor of a single-                   amount of the participant’s benefit that
                                                 public comment on its proposed                           employer plan, an individual who                      PBGC would otherwise guarantee under
                                                 definition of small entity, as applied to                owns, directly or indirectly (taking into             section 4022 of ERISA and this part if
                                                 this proposed rule.                                      account the constructive ownership                    the participant were not a majority
                                                    PBGC certifies under section 605(b) of                rules of section 414(b) and (c) of the                owner, multiplied by a fraction not to
                                                                                                          Code)—                                                exceed one, the numerator of which is
                                                 the Regulatory Flexibility Act that this
                                                                                                            (1) The entire interest in an                       the number of full years from the later
                                                 proposed rule would not have a
                                                                                                          unincorporated trade or business;                     of the effective date or the adoption date
                                                 significant economic impact on a                                                                               of the plan to the termination date, and
                                                 substantial number of small entities.                      (2) 50 percent or more of the capital
                                                                                                          interest or the profits interest in a                 the denominator of which is 10.
                                                 This certification is based on the fact                                                                        ■ 8. In § 4022.62:
                                                                                                          partnership; or
                                                 that this proposed rule is not likely to                   (3) 50 percent or more of either the                ■ a. Amend paragraphs (a) and (c)
                                                 have a significant economic impact on                    voting stock of a corporation or the                  introductory text by removing the four
                                                 any entity, regardless of size. This is                  value of all of the stock of a corporation.           instances of the word ‘‘substantial’’ and
                                                 because nearly all aspects of this                                                                             adding in their place the word
                                                                                                          *     *     *     *      *
                                                 proposed rule would merely incorporate                                                                         ‘‘majority’’;
                                                 statutory changes that have been                         PART 4022—BENEFITS PAYABLE IN                         ■ b. Revise paragraph (d);
                                                 effective for more than a decade, while,                 TERMINATED SINGLE-EMPLOYER                            ■ c. Amend paragraph (e) by removing
                                                 as discussed in the context of Executive                 PLANS                                                 the words ‘‘paragraph (c)’’ and adding in
                                                 Order 12866 above, the remaining few                                                                           their place the words ‘‘paragraphs (c)
                                                 would provide clarity on the accurate                    ■ 3. The authority citation for part 4022             and (d)’’;
                                                 estimation of benefits required by law,                  continues to read as follows:                         ■ d. Remove the first paragraph (f); and
                                                 at no additional cost to the public.                       Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302, 1322, 1322b,             ■ e. Revise remaining paragraph (f).
                                                                                                          1341(c)(3)(D), and 1344.                                 The revisions read as follows:
                                                    8 See, e.g., ERISA section 104(a)(2), which permits   § 4022.2    [Amended]                                 § 4022.62   Estimated guaranteed benefit.
                                                 the Secretary of Labor to prescribe simplified           ■ 4. In § 4022.2 introductory text:                   *      *    *     *     *

                                                 annual reports for pension plans that cover fewer        ■ a. Remove the words ‘‘guaranteed                       (d) Estimated guaranteed benefit
                                                 than 100 participants.
                                                    9 See, e.g., Code section 430(g)(2)(B), which
                                                                                                          benefit’’ and add in their place the                  payable with respect to a majority
                                                                                                          words ‘‘guaranteed benefit, majority                  owner. For benefits payable with respect
                                                 permits single-employer plans with 100 or fewer
                                                 participants to use valuation dates other than the       owner’’; and                                          to each participant who is a majority
                                                 first day of the plan year.                              ■ b. Remove the words ‘‘substantial                   owner, the estimated guaranteed benefit
                                                    10 See, e.g., DOL’s final rule on Prohibited          owner,’’;                                             is the benefit to which he or she would
                                                 Transaction Exemption Procedures, 76 FR 66637,           ■ 5. Amend § 4022.24 by revising                      be entitled under paragraph (c) of this
                                                 66644 (Oct. 27, 2011).                                   paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as follows:            section but for his or her status as a

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  9721

                                                 majority owner, multiplied by a                         her termination of employment and was fully           the word ‘‘substantial’’ and adding in
                                                 fraction, not to exceed one, the                        vested in her accrued benefit. The plan’s             their place the word ‘‘majority’’ and by
                                                 numerator of which is the number of                     vesting schedule had been amended on July             removing the words ‘‘estimated title IV
                                                 full years from the later of the effective              1, 2008. Under the schedule in effect before          benefit’’ and adding in their place the
                                                                                                         the amendment, a participant with five years
                                                 date or the adoption date of the plan to                of service was 100 percent vested. There have
                                                                                                                                                               words ‘‘estimated asset-funded benefit’’;
                                                 the proposed termination date and the                   been no other pertinent amendments. The               ■ d. Amend paragraph (c)(1) by
                                                 denominator of which is 10.                             proposed termination date is December 31,             removing the two instances of the word
                                                 *      *    *     *     *                               2012.                                                 ‘‘substantial’’ and adding in their the
                                                    (f) Examples. This section is                           (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. No              word ‘‘majority’’ and by removing the
                                                 illustrated by the following examples.                  reduction is required under § 4022.61(b) or           two instances of the words ‘‘estimated
                                                 (For an example addressing issues                       (c) because the participant’s benefit does not        title IV benefit’’ and adding in the place
                                                                                                         exceed either her accrued benefit at normal           of each the words ‘‘estimated asset-
                                                 specific to a PPA 2006 bankruptcy
                                                                                                         retirement age or the maximum                         funded benefit’’;
                                                 termination, see § 4022.25(f).)                         guaranteeable benefit. The plan’s change of
                                                                                                                                                               ■ e. Amend paragraphs (d) introductory
                                                    (1) Example 1. (i) Facts. A participant who          vesting schedule created a new benefit for the
                                                 is not a majority owner retired on December             participant. Because the amendment was in             text by removing the two instances of
                                                 31, 2011, at age 60 and began receiving a               effect for four full years before the proposed        the word ‘‘substantial’’ and adding in
                                                 benefit of $600 per month. On January 1,                termination date, the second row of Table I           the place the word ‘‘majority’’ and by
                                                 2009, the plan had been amended to allow                is used to determine the applicable                   removing the two instances of the words
                                                 participants to retire with unreduced benefits          multiplier for estimating the amount of the           ‘‘estimated title IV benefit’’ and adding
                                                 at age 60. Previously, a participant who                participant’s guaranteed benefit. Because the         in the place of each the words
                                                 retired before age 65 was subject to a                  participant did not receive any benefit               ‘‘estimated asset-funded benefit’’;
                                                 reduction of 1⁄15 for each year by which his            improvement during the 12-month period
                                                                                                                                                               ■ f. Amend paragraph (d)(1) and by
                                                 or her actual retirement age preceded age 65.           ending on the proposed termination date,
                                                 On January 1, 2012, the plan’s benefit                  column (b) of the table is used. Therefore, the
                                                                                                                                                               removing the two instances of the word
                                                 formula was amended to increase benefits for            multiplier is 0.80, and the amount of the             ‘‘substantial’’ and adding in the place
                                                 participants who retired before January 1,              participant’s estimated guaranteed benefit is         the word ‘‘majority’’; and
                                                 2012. As a result, the participant’s benefit            $200 (0.80 × $250) per month.                         ■ g. Revise paragraph (e).
                                                 was increased to $750 per month. There have                (3) Example 3. (i) Facts. A participant who           The revisions read as follows:
                                                 been no other pertinent amendments. The                 is a majority owner retired before the
                                                 proposed termination date is December 15,               proposed termination date of April 30, 2012.          § 4022.63   Estimated asset-funded benefit.
                                                 2012.                                                   The plan was in effect for seven full years as        *      *    *     *     *
                                                    (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit. No                of the proposed termination date. On the                 (e) Examples. This section is
                                                 reduction is required under § 4022.61(b) or             proposed termination date he was entitled to
                                                 (c) because the participant’s benefit does not                                                                illustrated by the following examples:
                                                                                                         receive a benefit of $2,000 per month. No
                                                 exceed either the participant’s accrued                 reduction of this benefit is required under              (1) Example 1. (i) Facts. A participant who
                                                 benefit at normal retirement age or the                 § 4022.61(b) or (c).                                  is not a majority owner was eligible to retire
                                                 maximum guaranteeable benefit. (Post-                      (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit.                 3.5 years before the proposed termination
                                                 retirement benefit increases are not                    Paragraph (d) of this section is used to              date. The participant retired two years before
                                                 considered as increasing accrued benefits               compute the amount of the estimated                   the proposed termination date with 20 years
                                                 payable at normal retirement age.)                      guaranteed benefit of majority owners.                of service. Her final five years’ average salary
                                                    The amendment as of January 1, 2009,                 Consequently, the amount of this                      was $45,000, and she was entitled to an
                                                 resulted in a ‘‘new benefit’’ because the               participant’s estimated guaranteed benefit is         unreduced early retirement benefit of $1,500
                                                 reduction in the age at which the participant           $1,400 ($2,000 × 7⁄10) per month.                     per month payable as a single life annuity.
                                                 could receive unreduced benefits increased                 (4) Example 4. (i) Facts. A participant who        This retirement benefit does not exceed the
                                                 the participant’s benefit entitlement at actual         is a majority owner retired before the                limitation in § 4022.61(b) or (c).
                                                 retirement age by 5⁄15, which is more than the          proposed termination date of April 30, 2012.             On the participant’s benefit
                                                 20-percent increase threshold under                     The plan was in effect for 12 full years as of        commencement date, the plan provided for a
                                                 paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section. The                the proposed termination date. On the                 normal retirement benefit of 2 percent of the
                                                 amendment of January 1, 2012, which                     proposed termination date he was entitled to          final five years’ salary times the number of
                                                 increased the participant’s benefit to $750             receive a benefit of $2,000 per month. No             years of service. Five years before the
                                                 per month, is a ‘‘benefit improvement’’                 reduction of this benefit is required under           proposed termination date, the percentage
                                                 because it is an increase in the amount of              § 4022.61(b) or (c).                                  was 1.5 percent. The amendments improving
                                                 benefit for persons in pay status. (No                     (ii) Estimated guaranteed benefit.                 benefits were put into effect 3.5 years before
                                                 percentage test applies in determining                  Paragraph (d) of this section is used to              the proposed termination date. There were
                                                 whether an increase in a pay status benefit             compute the amount of the estimated                   no other amendments during the five-year
                                                 is a benefit improvement.)                              guaranteed benefit of majority owners. Since          period.
                                                    The multiplier for computing the amount              the plan was in effect for more than 10 years            The participant’s estimated guaranteed
                                                 of the estimated guaranteed benefit is taken            as of the proposed termination date, the              benefit computed under § 4022.62(c) is
                                                 from the third row of Table I (because the last         amount of this participant’s estimated                $1,500 per month times 0.90 (the factor from
                                                 new benefit had been in effect for three full           guaranteed benefit is $2,000 per month.               column (b) of Table I in § 4022.62(c)(2)), or
                                                 years as of the proposed termination date)                                                                    $1,350 per month. It is assumed that the plan
                                                 and column (c) (because there was a benefit             ■  9. In § 4022.63:                                   meets the conditions set forth in paragraph
                                                 improvement within the one-year period                  ■  a. Revise the section heading;                     (b) of this section, and the plan administrator
                                                 preceding the proposed termination date).               ■  b. Amend paragraph (a) by removing                 is therefore required to estimate the title IV
                                                 This multiplier is 0.55. Therefore, the                 the two instances of the word                         benefit.

                                                 amount of the participant’s estimated                   ‘‘substantial’’ and adding in their place                (ii) Estimated asset-funded benefit. For a
                                                 guaranteed benefit is $412.50 (0.55 × $750)             the word ‘‘majority’’ and by removing                 participant who is not a majority owner, the
                                                 per month.                                              the three instances of the words                      amount of the estimated asset-funded benefit
                                                    (2) Example 2. (i) Facts. A participant who                                                                is the estimated priority category 3 benefit
                                                 is not a majority owner terminated
                                                                                                         ‘‘estimated title IV benefit’’ and adding             computed under paragraph (c) of this section.
                                                 employment on December 31, 2010. On                     in their place the words ‘‘estimated                  This amount is computed by multiplying the
                                                 January 1, 2012, she reached age 65 and                 asset-funded benefit’’;                               participant’s benefit under the plan as of the
                                                 began receiving a benefit of $250 per month.            ■ c. Amend paragraph (b) introductory                 later of the proposed termination date or the
                                                 She had completed three years of service at             text by removing the two instances of                 benefit commencement date by the ratio of

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                                                 9722                   Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules

                                                 the normal retirement benefit under the                    Under paragraph (d), the participant’s               Substantial owner means a substantial
                                                 provisions of the plan in effect five years             estimated priority category 4 benefit is the          owner as defined in section 4021(d) of
                                                 before the proposed termination date and the            estimated guaranteed benefit computed                 ERISA.
                                                 normal retirement benefit under the plan                under § 4022.62(c) (i.e., as if the participant
                                                 provisions in effect on the proposed                    were not a majority owner) multiplied by the          *    *    *     *     *
                                                 termination date.                                       priority category 4 funding ratio. Since the
                                                    Thus, the numerator of the ratio is the              plan has priority category 3 benefits, the ratio      PART 4044—ALLOCATION OF
                                                 benefit that would be payable to the                    is determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i). The          ASSETS IN SINGLE-EMPLOYER
                                                 participant under the normal retirement                 numerator of the ratio is plan assets minus           PLANS
                                                 provisions of the plan five years before the            the present value of benefits in pay status.
                                                 proposed termination date, based on her age,            The denominator of the ratio is the present
                                                                                                                                                               ■ 14. The authority citation for part
                                                 service, and compensation on her benefit                value of all vested benefits that are not in pay      4044 continues to read as follows:
                                                 commencement date. The denominator of the               status. The participant’s estimated                     Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1301(a), 1302(b)(3),
                                                 ratio is the benefit that would be payable to           guaranteed benefit under § 4022.62(c) is              1341, 1344, 1362.
                                                 the participant under the normal retirement             $1,000 per month times 0.65 (the factor from
                                                 provisions of the plan in effect on the                 column (b) of Table I in § 4022.62(c)(2)), or         § 4044.2    [Amended]
                                                 proposed termination date, based on her age,            $650 per month. Multiplying $650 by the
                                                 service, and compensation as of the earlier of                                                                ■ 15. In § 4044.2(a):
                                                                                                         category 4 funding ratio of 2⁄3 (($2 million ¥
                                                 her benefit commencement date or the                    $1.5 million)/$0.75 million) produces an
                                                                                                                                                               ■ a. Remove the words ‘‘irrevocable
                                                 proposed termination date. Since the only               estimated category 4 benefit of $433.33 per           commitment’’ and add in their place the
                                                 different factor in the numerator and                   month.                                                words ‘‘irrevocable commitment,
                                                 denominator is the salary percentage, the                  Because the estimated category 4 benefit so        majority owner’’; and
                                                 amount of the estimated asset-funded benefit            computed is less than the estimated category          ■ b. Remove the words ‘‘substantial
                                                 is $1,125 (0.015/0.020 × $1,500) per month.             3 benefit so computed, the estimated category         owner,’’.
                                                 This amount is less than the estimated                  3 benefit is the estimated asset-funded               ■ 16. Amend § 4044.10 by revising
                                                 guaranteed benefit of $1,350 per month.                 benefit. Because the estimated category 3             paragraph (e) to read as follows:
                                                 Therefore, in accordance with § 4022.61(d),             benefit so computed is greater than the
                                                 the benefit payable to the participant is               estimated guaranteed benefit of $455 per              § 4044.10   Manner of allocation.
                                                 $1,350 per month.                                       month, in accordance with § 4022.61(d), the           *      *     *     *     *
                                                    (iii) PPA 2006 bankruptcy termination. In            benefit payable to the participant is the                (e) Allocating assets within priority
                                                 a PPA 2006 bankruptcy termination, the                  estimated priority category 3 benefit of $500
                                                 methodology would be the same, but                                                                            categories. Except for priority categories
                                                                                                         per month.                                            4 and 5, if the plan assets available for
                                                 ‘‘bankruptcy filing date’’ would be
                                                 substituted for ‘‘proposed termination date’’           PART 4041—TERMINATION OF                              allocation to any priority category are
                                                 each place that ‘‘proposed termination date’’           SINGLE-EMPLOYER PLANS                                 insufficient to pay for all benefits in that
                                                 appears in the example, and the numbers                                                                       priority category, those assets shall be
                                                 would change accordingly.                               ■ 10. The authority citation for part                 distributed among the participants
                                                    (2) Example 2. (i) Facts. A participant who          4041 continues to read as follows:                    according to the ratio that the value of
                                                 is a majority owner retired on the proposed                                                                   each participant’s benefit or benefits in
                                                 termination date of October 31, 2012. The                 Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1302(b)(3), 1341,
                                                                                                         1344, 1350.                                           that priority category bears to the total
                                                 original plan had been in effect for seven full
                                                 years as of the proposed termination date.                                                                    value of all benefits in that priority
                                                                                                         § 4041.2    [Amended]                                 category. If the plan assets available for
                                                 Under the provisions of the plan in effect five
                                                 years before the proposed termination date,             ■ 11. In § 4041.2:                                    allocation to priority category 4 are
                                                 the participant is entitled to a single life            ■ a. Amend the introductory text by                   insufficient to pay for all benefits in that
                                                 annuity of $500 per month. The plan was                 removing the words ‘‘mandatory                        category, the assets shall be allocated,
                                                 amended to increase benefits three full years           employee contributions’’ and adding in                first, to the value of all participants’
                                                 before the proposed termination date. Under             their place the words ‘‘majority owner,               nonforfeitable benefits that would be
                                                 these plan amendments, the participant is               mandatory employee contributions’’;                   assigned to priority category 4 other
                                                 entitled to a single life annuity of $1,000 per
                                                                                                         and                                                   than those impacted by the majority-
                                                    The participant’s estimated guaranteed               ■ b. Remove the definition of ‘‘majority              owner limitation under § 4022.26. If
                                                 benefit computed under § 4022.62(d) is $455             owner’’.                                              assets available for allocation to priority
                                                 per month ($1,000 × 0.65 × 7⁄10).                                                                             category 4 are sufficient to fully satisfy
                                                    It is assumed that all of the conditions in          PART 4043—REPORTABLE EVENTS                           the value of those other benefits, the
                                                 paragraph (b) of this section have been met.            AND CERTAIN OTHER                                     remaining assets shall then be allocated
                                                 Plan assets equal $2 million. The present               NOTIFICATIONS                                         to the value of the benefits that would
                                                 value of all benefits in pay status is $1.5                                                                   be guaranteed but for the majority-
                                                 million based on applicable PBGC interest               ■ 12. The authority citation for part
                                                                                                                                                               owner limitation. These remaining
                                                 rates. There are no employee contributions              4043 continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                               assets shall be distributed among the
                                                 and the present value of all vested benefits              Authority: 29 U.S.C. 1083(k), 1302(b)(3),
                                                 that are not in pay status is $0.75 million
                                                                                                                                                               majority owners according to the ratio
                                                                                                         1343.                                                 that the value of each majority owner’s
                                                 based on applicable PBGC interest rates.
                                                    (ii) Estimated asset-funded benefit.                 ■ 13. In § 4043.2:                                    benefit that would be guaranteed but for
                                                 Paragraph (d) of this section provides that the         ■ a. Amend the introductory text by                   the majority-owner limitation bears to
                                                 amount of the estimated asset-funded benefit            removing the words ‘‘single-employer                  the total value of all benefits that would
                                                 payable with respect to a participant who is            plan, and substantial owner’’ and by                  be guaranteed but for the majority-

                                                 a majority owner is the higher of the                   adding in their place the words ‘‘and                 owner limitation. If the plan assets
                                                 estimated priority category 3 benefit                                                                         available for allocation to priority
                                                 computed under paragraph (c) of this section
                                                                                                         single-employer plan’’.
                                                                                                         ■ b. Add in alphabetical order a                      category 5 are insufficient to pay for all
                                                 or the estimated priority category 4 benefit
                                                 computed under paragraph (d) of this                    definition for ‘‘substantial owner’’.                 benefits in that category, the assets shall
                                                 section.                                                  The addition reads as follows:                      be allocated, first, to the value of each
                                                    Under paragraph (c), the participant’s                                                                     participant’s nonforfeitable benefits that
                                                 estimated priority category 3 benefit is $500           § 4043.2    Definitions.                              would be assigned to priority category 5
                                                 ($1,000 × $500/$1,000) per month.                       *      *      *      *       *                        under § 4044.15 after reduction for the

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / Proposed Rules                                                  9723

                                                 value of benefits assigned to higher                    procedure shall be repeated for each                  that subcategory bears to the total value
                                                 priority categories, based only on the                  succeeding plan amendment within the                  of all benefits in that subcategory.
                                                 provisions of the plan in effect at the                 five-year period until all plan assets                *      *    *      *     *
                                                 beginning of the five-year period                       available for allocation have been
                                                 immediately preceding the termination                   exhausted. If an amendment decreased                  § 4044.14   [Amended]
                                                 date. If assets available for allocation to             benefits, amounts previously allocated                ■  17. In § 4044.14, remove the word
                                                 priority category 5 are sufficient to fully             with respect to each participant in                   ‘‘phase-in’’ and add the word
                                                 satisfy the value of those benefits, assets             excess of the value of the reduced                    ‘‘guarantee’’ in its place; and remove the
                                                 shall then be allocated to the value of                 benefit shall be reduced accordingly. In              word ‘‘substantial’’ and add the word
                                                 the benefit increase under the oldest                   the subcategory in which assets are                   ‘‘majority’’ in its place.
                                                 amendment during the five-year period                   exhausted, the assets shall be                          Issued in Washington, DC.
                                                 immediately preceding the termination                   distributed among the participants                    W. Thomas Reeder,
                                                 date, reduced by the value of benefits                  according to the ratio that the value of              Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty
                                                 assigned to higher priority categories                  each participant’s benefit or benefits in             Corporation.
                                                 (including higher subcategories in                                                                            [FR Doc. 2018–04609 Filed 3–6–18; 8:45 am]
                                                 priority category 5). This allocation                                                                         BILLING CODE 7709–02–P

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Document Created: 2018-03-07 01:27:33
Document Modified: 2018-03-07 01:27:33
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesDeadline for comments: Comments must be submitted on or before May 7, 2018.
ContactSamantha M. Lowen ([email protected]), Attorney, Regulatory Affairs Division, Office of the General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005-4026; 202-326-4400, extension 3786. (TTY and TDD users may call the Federal relay service toll-free at 800-877-8339 and ask to be connected to 202-326-4400, extension 3786.)
FR Citation83 FR 9716 
RIN Number1212-AB24
CFR Citation29 CFR 4001
29 CFR 4022
29 CFR 4041
29 CFR 4043
29 CFR 4044
CFR AssociatedBusiness and Industry; Employee Benefit Plans; Pension Insurance and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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