80_FR_10045 80 FR 10008 - Part 400-General Administrative Regulation-Subpart V-Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies and Rates of Premium

80 FR 10008 - Part 400-General Administrative Regulation-Subpart V-Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies and Rates of Premium

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 37 (February 25, 2015)

Page Range10008-10022
FR Document2015-03604

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) proposes to replace the General Administrative Regulation--Subpart V--Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies and Rates of Premium. The intended effect of this action is to incorporate legislative changes to the Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act) stemming from the Agricultural Act of 2014, clarify existing regulations, lessen the burden of submitters of crop insurance policies, provisions of policies, or rates of premium under section 508(h) of the Act, provide guidance on the submission and payment for concept proposals under section 522 of the Act, and to incorporate changes that are consistent with those made in the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 10008-10022]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03604]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 10008]]



Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

7 CFR Part 400

[Docket No. FCIC-13-0006]
RIN 0563-AC46

Part 400--General Administrative Regulation--Subpart V--
Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies and Rates of Premium

AGENCY: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, USDA.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) proposes to 
replace the General Administrative Regulation--Subpart V--Submission of 
Policies, Provisions of Policies and Rates of Premium. The intended 
effect of this action is to incorporate legislative changes to the 
Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act) stemming from the Agricultural Act of 
2014, clarify existing regulations, lessen the burden of submitters of 
crop insurance policies, provisions of policies, or rates of premium 
under section 508(h) of the Act, provide guidance on the submission and 
payment for concept proposals under section 522 of the Act, and to 
incorporate changes that are consistent with those made in the Common 
Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (Basic Provisions).

DATES: Written comments and opinions on this proposed rule will be 
accepted until close of business April 27, 2015 and will be considered 
when the rule is to be made final.

ADDRESSES: FCIC prefers that comments be submitted electronically 
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal. You may submit comments, 
identified by Docket ID No. FCIC-13-0006 by any of the following 
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Mail: Director, Product Administration and Standards 
Division, Risk Management Agency, United States Department of 
Agriculture, P.O. Box 419205, Kansas City, MO 64133-6205. All comments 
received, including those received by mail, will be posted without 
change to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal 
information provided, and can be accessed by the public.
    All comments must include the agency name and docket number or 
Regulatory Information Number (RIN) for this rule. For detailed 
instructions on submitting comments and additional information, see 
http://www.regulations.gov. If you are submitting comments 
electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal and want to 
attach a document, we ask that it be in a text-based format. If you 
want to attach a document that is a scanned Adobe PDF file, it must be 
scanned as text and not as an image, thus allowing FCIC to search and 
copy certain portions of your submissions. For questions regarding 
attaching a document that is a scanned Adobe PDF file, please contact 
the RMA Web Content Team at (816) 823-4694 or by email at 
[email protected].
    Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all 
comments received for any dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review the 
complete User Notice and Privacy Notice for Regulations.gov at http://www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tim Hoffmann, Product Administration 
and Standards Division, Risk Management Agency, United States 
Department of Agriculture, Beacon Facility, Stop 0812, Room 421, P.O. 
Box 419205, Kansas City, MO 64141-6205, telephone (816) 926-7730.


Executive Order 12866

    This rule has been determined to be not significant for the 
purposes of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, it has not been 
reviewed by the OMB.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

    Pursuant to the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the collections of information in this rule 
have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 
control number 0563-0064.

E-Government Act Compliance

    FCIC is committed to complying with the E-Government Act of 2002, 
to promote the use of the Internet and other information technologies 
to provide increased opportunities for citizen access to Government 
information and services, and for other purposes.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

    Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) 
establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the effects of 
their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal governments and 
the private sector. This rule contains no Federal mandates (under the 
regulatory provisions of title II of the UMRA) for State, local, and 
tribal governments or the private sector. Therefore, this rule is not 
subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of UMRA.

Executive Order 13132

    It has been determined under section 1(a) of Executive Order 13132, 
Federalism, that this rule does not have sufficient implications to 
warrant consultation with the States. The provisions contained in this 
rule will not have a substantial direct effect on States, or on the 
relationship between the national government and the States, or on the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 

Executive Order 13175

    This rule has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of 
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal 
Governments. The review reveals that this regulation will not have 
substantial and direct effects on Tribal governments and will not have 
significant Tribal implications.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    FCIC certifies that this regulation will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The 
regulation does not require any more action on the part of the small 
entities than is required on the part of large entities. No matter the 
size of the submitter, all submitters are required to

[[Page 10009]]

perform the same tasks and those tasks are necessary to ensure that the 
concept proposal can be made into a viable and marketable submission 
and any submission can be made into viable and marketable, actuarially 
sound insurance product. A Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has not been 
prepared since this regulation does not have an impact on small 
entities, and, therefore, this regulation is exempt from the provisions 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605).

Federal Assistance Program

    This program is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
Assistance under No. 10.450.

Executive Order 12372

    This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
12372, which require intergovernmental consultation with State and 
local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
published at 48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983.

Executive Order 12988

    This proposed rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive 
Order 12988 on civil justice reform. The provisions of this rule will 
not have a retroactive effect. The provisions of this rule will preempt 
State and local laws to the extent such State and local laws are 
inconsistent herewith. With respect to any direct action taken by FCIC 
or to require the insurance provider to take specific action under the 
terms of the crop insurance policy, the administrative appeal 
provisions published at 7 CFR part 11 must be exhausted before any 
action against FCIC for judicial review may be brought.

Environmental Evaluation

    This action is not expected to have a significant economic impact 
on the quality of the human environment, health, or safety. Therefore, 
neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact 
Statement is needed.


    FCIC makes available standard policies for producers to insure 
certain agricultural commodities against various agricultural 
production risks and perils. Under the provisions of section 508(h) of 
the Act, any person may submit or propose other crop insurance 
policies, plans of insurance, provisions of policies, or rates of 
premium to the FCIC Board of Directors (Board) for approval for 
reinsurance and subsidy. These policies may be submitted without regard 
to certain limitations contained in the Act. Section 508(h) of the Act 
also requires that FCIC issue regulations to establish guidelines for 
the submission and Board review of policies or other material submitted 
to the Board under the Act. These regulations were published at 7 CFR 
part 400, subpart V (Subpart V) and provided the process for making 
submissions, its contents, the approval process, and the procedures for 
requests for reimbursement of research and development costs and 
maintenance. Section 522 of the Act authorizes the advance payment of 
research and development costs for concept proposals and this proposed 
rule includes the procedures for requesting such advanced payment.
    The Agricultural Act of 2014 amended parts of section 508(h) as 
well as other sections of the Act. One such change requires FCIC to 
develop procedures for submitting index-based weather plans of 
insurance. Another change mandated by the Agricultural Act of 2014 
requires submitters of products for specialty crops to follow certain 
consultation requirements with grower groups in the major producing 
areas. The Agricultural Act of 2014 also contains amendments that 
require changes to review criteria and establish approval priorities 
and considerations of submissions under section 508(h) of the Federal 
Crop Insurance Act.
    In addition to the changes required by the Agricultural Act of 
2014, other changes are being proposed to provide clarity or lessen the 
burden on submitters or FCIC. This rule contains proposed revisions to 
definitions to clarify the meaning of terms used in Subpart V as well 
as new definitions for terms that were either not defined or not 
previously used. This rule also contains proposed changes to clarify 
FCIC and submitter responsibilities with respect to timing, content, 
approval, reimbursement for research and development costs and 
maintenance costs, and potential user fees for such submissions. To 
lessen the burden on submitters, this rule proposes to reduce the 
number of printed copies of the submission that must be provided to 
FCIC. This rule proposes to provide additional guidance for submitting 
concept proposals, including confidentially standards and advance 
payment provisions. This rule also proposes changes to guidelines for 
non-reinsured supplemental policies to be submitted to FCIC including a 
proposed provision to decrease the burden on FCIC by increasing the 
time FCIC has to review such policies from 120 to 150 days.

List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 400

    Administrative practice and procedure, Crop insurance.

Proposed Rule

    Accordingly, as set forth in the preamble, FCIC proposes to amend 7 
CFR part 400 by replacing subpart V in its entirety as set forth below:


    Revise subpart V to read as follows:
Subpart V--Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies, Rates of 
Premium, and Non-Reinsured Supplemental Policies
400.700 Basis, purpose, and applicability.
400.701 Definitions.
400.702 Confidentiality and duration of confidentiality.
400.703 Timing and format.
400.704 Covered by this subpart.
400.705 Contents for new and changed submissions, concept proposals, 
and index-based weather plans of insurance.
400.706 Review.
400.707 Presentation to the Board for approval or disapproval.
400.708 Post approval.
400.709 Roles and responsibilities.
400.710 Preemption and premium taxation.
400.711 Right of review, modification, and the withdrawal of 
400.712 Research and development reimbursement, maintenance 
reimbursement, advance payments for concept proposals, and user 
400.713 Non-reinsured supplemental (NRS) policy.

Subpart V--Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies, Rates of 
Premium, and Non-Reinsured Supplemental Policies.

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(l), 1506(o), 1508(h), 1522(b), 1523(i).

Sec.  400.700  Basis, purpose, and applicability.

    This subpart establishes guidelines, the approval process, and 
responsibilities of FCIC and the applicant for policies, provisions of 
policies, and rates of premium submitted to the Board as authorized 
under section 508(h) of the Act. It also provides procedures for 
reimbursement of research and development costs and maintenance costs 
for concept proposals and approved submissions. Guidelines for 
submitting concept proposals and the standards for approval and advance 
payments are provided in this subpart. This subpart also provides 
guidelines and reference to procedures for submitting index-based 
weather plans of insurance as authorized under section 523(i) of the 
Act. The procedures for

[[Page 10010]]

submitting non-reinsured supplemental policies in accordance with the 
Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) are also contained within.

Sec.  400.701  Definitions.

    Act. Subtitle A of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 
U.S.C. 1501-1524).
    Actuarial documents. The information for the crop or insurance year 
that is available for public inspection in your agent's office and 
published on RMA's Web site, and that shows available insurance 
policies, coverage levels, information needed to determine amounts of 
insurance and guarantees, prices, premium rates, premium adjustment 
percentages, practices, particular types or varieties of the insurable 
crop or agricultural commodity, insurable acreage, and other related 
information regarding insurance in the county or state.
    Actuarially appropriate. Premium rates expected to cover 
anticipated losses and establish a reasonable reserve based on valid 
reasoning, an examination of available risk data, or knowledge or 
experience of the expected value of future costs associated with the 
risk to be covered. This will be expressed by a combination of data 
including, but not limited to liability, premium, indemnity, and loss 
ratios based on actual data or simulations reflecting the risks covered 
by the policy.
    Administrative and operating (A&O) subsidy. The subsidy for the 
administrative and operating expenses authorized by the Act and paid by 
FCIC on behalf of the producer to the approved insurance provider. Loss 
adjustment expense reimbursement paid by FCIC for catastrophic risk 
protection (CAT) eligible crop insurance contracts is not considered as 
A&O subsidy.
    Advance payment. A portion, up to 50 percent, of the estimated 
research and development costs, that may be approved by the Board under 
section 522(b) of the Act for an approved concept proposal, and after 
the applicant has begun research and development activities, the Board 
may at its sole discretion provide up to an additional 25 percent 
advance payment of the estimated research and development costs.
    Agent. An individual licensed by the State in which an eligible 
crop insurance contract is sold and serviced for the reinsurance year, 
and who is employed by, or under contract with, the approved insurance 
provider, or its designee, to sell and service such eligible crop 
insurance contracts.
    Applicant. Any person or entity that submits to the Board for 
approval a submission under section 508(h) of the Act, a concept 
proposal under section 522 of the Act, or an index-based weather plan 
of insurance under section 523(i) of the Act.
    Approved insurance provider. A legal entity that has entered into a 
reinsurance agreement with FCIC for the applicable reinsurance year.
    Approved procedures. The applicable handbooks, manuals, memoranda, 
bulletins or other directives issued by RMA or the Board.
    Board. The Board of Directors of FCIC.
    Commodity. Has the same meaning as section 518 of the Act.
    Complete. A submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather 
plan of insurance determined by RMA and the Board to contain all 
required documentation in accordance with Sec.  400.705 and is of 
sufficient quality, as determined by the Board and RMA, to conduct a 
meaningful review.
    Complexity. Consideration of factors such as originality of policy 
materials, underwriting methods, actuarial rating methodology, and the 
pricing methodology used in design, construction and processes for the 
full development of a policy or plan of insurance.
    Concept proposal. A written proposal for a prospective submission, 
submitted under section 522 of the Act for advance payment of research 
and development, and containing enough information that the Board is 
able to determine that, if approved, will be developed into a viable 
and marketable policy consistent with Board approved procedures, these 
regulations, and section 508(h) of the Act.
    Delivery system. The components or parties that make the policy or 
plan of insurance available to the public for sale. The delivery system 
includes, but is not limited to RMA, approved insurance providers, and 
    Development. The process of composing documentation and procedures, 
pricing and rating methodologies, administrative and operating 
procedures, systems and software, supporting materials, and 
documentation necessary to create and implement a submission.
    Disinterested third party. A person who:
    (1) Does not have any familial relationship (parents, brothers, 
sisters, children, spouse, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, 
nephews, first cousins, or grandparents, related by blood, adoption or 
marriage, are considered to have a familial relationship) with the 
    (2) Who will not benefit financially from the submission, concept 
proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance if approved, or from 
the administration of any approved policy or plan of insurance; or
    (3) Must not be employed by or work under contract or be associated 
in any similar manner to the applicant on a regular basis.
    Endorsement. A document that amends or revises an insurance policy 
reinsured under the Act in a manner that changes existing, or provides 
additional, coverage provided by such policy.
    Expert reviewer. Independent persons contracted by the Board who 
meets the criteria for underwriters or actuaries that are selected by 
the Board to review a concept proposal, submission, or index-based 
weather plan of insurance and provide advice to the Board regarding the 
results of their review,
    FCIC. The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned 
government corporation within USDA, whose programs are administered by 
    Index-based weather plan of insurance. A risk management product in 
which indemnities are based on a defined weather parameter exceeding or 
failing to meet a given threshold during a specified time period. The 
weather index is a proxy to measure expected loss of production when 
the defined weather parameter does not meet the threshold.
    Limited resource producer. Has the same meaning as the term defined 
by USDA at: www.lrftool.sc.egov.usda.gov/LRP_Definition.aspx or a 
successor Web site.
    Livestock commodity. Has the same meaning as the term in section 
523(i) of the Act.
    Maintenance. For the purposes of this subpart only, the process of 
continual support, revision or improvement, as needed, for an approved 
submission, including the periodic review of premium rates and prices, 
updating or modifying the rating or pricing methodologies, updating or 
modifying policy terms and conditions, adding a new commodity under 
similar policy terms and conditions with similar rating and pricing 
methodology, or expanding a plan or policy to additional states and 
counties, and any other actions necessary to provide adequate, 
reasonable and meaningful protection for producers, ensure actuarial 
soundness, or to respond to statutory or regulatory changes. A concept 
proposal that is similar to a previously approved

[[Page 10011]]

submission will be considered maintenance for the similar approved 
submission if submitted by the same person.
    Maintenance costs. Specific expenses associated with the 
maintenance of an approved submission as authorized by Sec.  400.712.
    Maintenance period. A period of time that begins on the date the 
Board approves the submission and ends on the date that is not more 
than four reinsurance years after such approval.
    Manager. The Manager of FCIC.
    Marketing plan. A plan that identifies, at a minimum, the expected 
number of potential buyers, premium, liability, and the data upon which 
such information is based. Such data must include, but is not limited 
to, focus group results, market research studies, qualitative market 
estimates, effects upon the delivery system or participants, an 
assessment of factors that could negatively or adversely affect the 
market, responses from a reasonable representative cross-section of 
producers or significant market segment to be affected by the policy or 
plan of insurance, and if applicable, results from the consultation 
with the major producer groups of specialty crops demonstrating their 
interest in purchasing the product.
    Multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI). Policies reinsured by FCIC 
that provide protection against multiple causes of loss that adversely 
affect production or revenue, such as to natural disasters, such as 
hail, drought, and floods.
    National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). An agency within 
USDA, or its successor agency that collects and analyzes data collected 
from producers and other sources.
    Non-reinsured supplemental policy (NRS). A policy, endorsement, or 
other risk management tool not reinsured by FCIC under the Act, that 
offers additional coverage, other than for loss related to hail.
    Non-significant changes. Minor changes to the policy or plan of 
insurance, such as technical corrections, that do not affect the rating 
or pricing methodologies, the amount of subsidy owed, the amount or 
type of coverage, FCIC's reinsurance risk, or any other condition that 
does not affect liability or the amount of loss to be paid under the 
policy. Revisions to approved plans required by statutory or regulatory 
changes are included in this category. Changes to the policy that 
involve concepts that have been previously sent for expert review are 
also included in this category.
    Plan of insurance. A class of policies, such as yield, revenue, or 
area based that offers a specific type of coverage to one or more 
agricultural commodities.
    Policy. Has the same meaning as the term in section 1 of the Basic 
Provisions (7 CFR 457.8).
    Rate of premium. The dollar amount per insured unit, or percentage 
rate per dollar of liability, that is needed to pay anticipated losses 
and provide a reasonable reserve.
    Reinsurance year. The term beginning July 1 and ending on June 30 
of the following year and, for reference purposes, identified by 
reference to the year containing June.
    Related material. The actuarial documents for the insured commodity 
and any underwriting or loss adjustment manuals, handbooks, forms, 
instructions or other information needed to administer the policy.
    Research. For the purposes of development, the gathering of 
information related to: producer needs and interests for risk 
management; the marketability of the policy or plan of insurance; 
appropriate policy terms, premium rates, price elections, 
administrative and operating procedures, supporting materials, 
documentation, and the systems and software necessary to implement a 
policy or plan of insurance. The gathering of information to determine 
whether it is feasible to expand a policy or plan of insurance to a new 
area or to cover a new commodity under the same policy terms and 
conditions, price, and premium rates is not considered research.
    Research and development costs. Specific expenses incurred and 
directly related to the research and development activities of a 
submission as authorized in Sec.  400.712.
    Risk Management Agency (RMA). An agency within USDA that is 
authorized to administer the crop insurance program on behalf of FCIC.
    Risk subsidy. The portion of the premium paid by FCIC on behalf of 
the insured.
    Sales closing date. A date contained in the Special Provisions by 
which an application must be filed and the last date by which the 
insured may change the crop insurance coverage for a crop year.
    Secretary. The Secretary of the United States Department of 
    Significant change. Any change to the policy or plan of insurance 
that may affect the rating and pricing methodologies, the amount of 
subsidy owed, the amount of coverage, the interests of producers, 
FCIC's reinsurance risk, or any condition that may affect liability or 
the amount of loss to be paid under the policy.
    Special Provisions. Has the same meaning as the term in section 1 
of the Basic Provisions (7 CFR 457.8).
    Specialty crops. Fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, 
and horticulture and nursery crops (including floriculture).
    Socially disadvantaged producer. Has the same meaning as section 
2501(E) of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 
(7 U.S.C. 2279(e)).
    Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA). The reinsurance agreement 
between FCIC and the approved insurance provider, under which the 
approved insurance provider is authorized to sell and service the 
eligible crop insurance contracts for which the premium discount is 
proposed. For the purposes of this subpart, all references to the SRA 
will also include any other reinsurance agreements entered into with 
FCIC, including the Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement.
    Submission. A policy, plan of insurance, provision of a policy or 
plan of insurance, or rates of premium provided by an applicant to FCIC 
in accordance with the requirements of Sec.  400.705. Submissions as 
referenced in this subpart do not include concept proposals, index-
based weather plans of insurance, or non-reinsured supplemental 
    Submitter. Same meaning as applicant.
    Sufficient quality. The material presented is complete, 
understandable and unambiguous, so that a disinterested third party can 
understand, comprehend and make calculations, draw substantiated 
conclusions or results to determine whether the submission, concept 
proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance is, or can result 
in, a viable and marketable insurance product with actuarially 
appropriate rates, reasonable expected market prices, provides 
meaningful coverage, and that protects the interests of producers and 
program integrity. The material must be presented in Microsoft Office 
format and must also contain adequate information that is presented 
clearly enough for the determination to be made whether RMA has the 
resources to implement, administer, and deliver the submission 
effectively and efficiently. Liability (guarantee), premium, and 
indemnity are clearly defined and consistent in calculation throughout 
the policy materials and appropriate for the commodity and the risks 
covered. As applicable, the policy, loss adjustment methods, 
underwriting procedures, and actuarial rating and pricing

[[Page 10012]]

methodologies must be clearly identified and correspond to the risks 
    Targeted producer. Producers who are considered small, socially 
disadvantaged, beginning and limited resource or other specific aspects 
designated by FCIC for review.
    USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture.
    User fees. Fees, approved by the Board, that can be charged to 
approved insurance provider for use of a policy or plan of insurance 
once the period for maintenance has expired that covers the expected 
maintenance costs to be incurred by the submitter.
    Viable and marketable. A determination by the Board based on a 
detailed, written marketing plan demonstrating that a sufficient number 
of producers will purchase the product to justify the resources and 
expenses required to offer the product for sale and maintain the 
product for subsequent years.

Sec.  400.702  Confidentiality and duration of confidentiality.

    (a) Pursuant to section 508(h)(4)(A) of the Act, prior to approval 
by the Board, any submission submitted to the Board under section 
508(h) of the Act, concept proposal submitted under section 522 of the 
Act, or index-based weather plan of insurance submitted under section 
523(i) of the Act, including any information generated from the 
submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance, 
will be considered confidential commercial or financial information for 
purposes of 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and will not be released by FCIC to the 
public, unless the applicant authorizes such release in writing.
    (b) Once the Board approves a submission or an index-based weather 
plan of insurance, information provided with the submission (including 
information from the concept proposal) or the index-based weather plan 
of insurance, or generated in the approval process, may be released to 
the public, as applicable, including any mathematical modeling and 
data, unless it remains confidential business information under 5 
U.S.C. 552(b)(4). While the expert reviews are releasable once the 
submission or an index-based weather plan of insurance has been 
approved, the names of the expert reviewers may be redacted to prevent 
any harassment or undue pressure on the expert reviewers.
    (c) Any submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan 
of insurance disapproved by the Board will remain confidential 
commercial or financial information in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 
552(b)(4) and no information related to such submission, concept 
proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance will be released by 
FCIC unless authorized in writing by the applicant.
    (d) All submissions, concept proposals, and index-based weather 
plans of insurance, will be kept confidential until approved by the 
Board and will be given an identification number for tracking purposes, 
unless the applicant advises otherwise.

Sec.  400.703  Timing and format.

    (a) A submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan of 
insurance may only be provided to FCIC during the first five business 
days in January, April, July, and October.
    (b) A submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan of 
insurance must be provided to FCIC in the following format:
    (1) Electronic format, sent to the address in paragraph (d)(1) of 
this section by the due date in paragraph (a) of this section. The 
electronic copy must be provided as a single document so that when 
printed the order and content exactly match the hard copy; and
    (2) Two hard copies, mailed to the addresses in paragraph (d)(2) of 
this section and postmarked by the due date in paragraph (a) of this 
section. The hard copies must exactly match the electronic copy.
    (c) Any submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan 
of insurance not provided within the first 5 business days of a month 
stated in paragraph (a) of this section will be considered to have been 
provided in the next month stated in paragraph (a). For example, if an 
applicant provides a submission on January 10, it will be considered to 
have been received on April 1.
    (d) Any submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan 
of insurance must be provided:
    (1) In electronic format to the Deputy Administrator for Product 
Management (or successor) at Deputy[email protected] and the 
Administrator at [email protected]; and
    (2) In hard copy format, with one hard copy provided to the Deputy 
Administrator for Product Management (or any successor position), USDA/
Risk Management Agency, Beacon Facility Mail Stop 0812, 9240 Troost 
Ave., Kansas City, MO 64131-3055, and one identical hard copy must be 
provided to the Administrator, Risk Management Agency, 1400 
Independence Ave., Stop 0801, Room 3053 South Building, Washington, DC 
    (e) In addition to the requirements in paragraph (a) of this 
section, a submission must be received not later than 240 days prior to 
the earliest proposed sales closing date to be considered for sale in 
the requested crop year.
    (f) To be offered for sale in a crop year, there must be at least 
sixty days between the date the policy has been approved by the Board 
and ready to be made available for sale and the earliest sales closing 
date, unless this requirement is waived by the Board.
    (g) Notwithstanding, paragraph (f) of this section, the Board, or 
RMA if authorized by the Board, shall determine when sales can begin 
for a submission approved by the Board.

Sec.  400.704  Covered by this subpart.

    (a) An applicant may submit to the Board, in accordance with Sec.  
400.705, a submission that is:
    (1) A policy or plan of insurance not currently reinsured by FCIC;
    (2) One or more proposed revisions to a policy or plan of insurance 
authorized under the Act; or
    (3) Rates of premium for any policy or plan of insurance authorized 
under the Act.
    (b) An applicant must submit to the Board, any significant change 
to a previously approved submission, including requests for expansion, 
prior to making the change in accordance with Sec.  400.705.
    (c) An applicant may submit a concept proposal to the Board prior 
to developing a full submission, in accordance with this subpart and 
the Procedures Handbook 17030--Approved Procedures for Submission of 
Concept Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of Research and Development 
Expenses, which can be found on the RMA Web site at www.rma.usda.gov.
    (d) An applicant who is an approved insurance provider may submit 
an index-based weather plan of insurance for consideration as a pilot 
program in accordance with this subpart and the Procedures Handbook 
17050--Approved Procedures for Submission of Index-based Weather Plans 
of Insurance, which can be found on the RMA Web site at 
    (e) An applicant must submit a non-reinsured supplemental policy or 
endorsement to RMA in accordance with Sec.  400.713.

Sec.  400.705  Contents for new and changed submissions, concept 
proposals, and indexed-based weather plans of insurance.

    (a) A complete submission must contain the following material, as

[[Page 10013]]

applicable, in the order given, in a 3-ring binder for hard copies and 
in a single Microsoft Word document file for electronic copies, with a 
table of contents, page numbers, and section dividers clearly labeling 
each section, as applicable. All relevant materials should be provided 
in the designated section and not appended to the end of the 
    (b) The first section will contain general information numbered as 
follows (1, 2, 3, etc.), including, as applicable:
    (1) The applicant's name(s), address or primary business location, 
phone number, and email address;
    (2) The type of submission (see Sec.  400.704) and a notation of 
whether or not the submission was approved by the Board as a concept 
    (3) A statement of whether the applicant is requesting:
    (i) Reinsurance;
    (ii) Risk subsidy;
    (iii) A&O subsidy;
    (iv) Reimbursement for research and development costs, as 
applicable and, if the submission was previously submitted as a concept 
proposal, the amount of the advance payment for expected research and 
development costs; or
    (v) Reimbursement for expected maintenance costs, if applicable;
    (4) The proposed agricultural commodities to be covered, including 
types, varieties, and practices covered by the submission;
    (5) The crop or insurance year and reinsurance year in which the 
submission is proposed to be available for purchase by producers;
    (6) The proposed sales closing date, if applicable, or if not 
applicable, the earliest date the applicant expects to release the 
product to the public;
    (7) The proposed area for the plan of insurance and if applicable, 
the reasons why the submission is not being proposed for other areas 
producing the commodity;
    (8) Any known or anticipated future expansion plans;
    (9) Identification, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, 
and email addresses, of the person(s) responsible for:
    (i) Addressing questions regarding the policy, underwriting rules, 
loss adjustment procedures, rate and price methodologies, data 
processing and record-keeping requirements, and any other questions 
that may arise in implementing or administering the program if it is 
approved; and
    (ii) Annual reviews to ensure compliance with all requirements of 
the Act, this subpart, and any agreements executed between the 
applicant and FCIC; and
    (10) A statement of whether the submission will be filed with the 
applicable office responsible for regulating insurance in each state 
proposed for insurance coverage, and if not, reasons why the submission 
will not be filed for review.
    (c) The second section must contain the benefits of the plan, 
including, as applicable, a summary that includes:
    (1) How the submission offers coverage or other benefits not 
currently available from existing public or private programs;
    (2) The projected demand for the submission, including support for 
and against development from market research, producers or producer 
groups, agents, lending institutions, and other interested parties that 
provide verifiable evidence of demand;
    (3) Potential impacts the submission may have on producers both 
where the new plan will and will not be available (include both 
positive and negative impacts);
    (4) How the submission meets public policy goals and objectives 
consistent with the Act and other laws, as well as policy goals 
supported by USDA and the Federal Government; and
    (5) A detailed description of the coverage provided by the 
submission and its applicability to all producers, including targeted 
    (d) Except as provided in this section, the third section must 
contain the policy, that is clearly written in plain language in 
accordance with the Plain Writing Act of 2010 (5 U.S.C. 301) such that 
producers will be able to understand the coverage being offered. The 
policy language permits actuaries to form a clear understanding of the 
payment contingencies for which they will set rates. The policy 
language does not encourage an excessive number of disputes or legal 
actions because of misinterpretations.
    (1) If the submission involves a new insurance policy or plan of 
    (i) All applicable policy provisions; and
    (ii) A list of any additional coverage that may be elected by the 
insured in conjunction with the submission such as applicable 
endorsements (include a description of the coverage and how such 
coverage may be obtained).
    (2) If the submission involves a change to a previously approved 
policy, plan of insurance, or rates of premium, the proposed revisions, 
rationale for each change, data and analysis supporting each change, 
the impact of each change, and the impact of all changes in aggregate.
    (e) The fourth section must contain a marketing plan, including, as 
    (1) A list of counties and states where the submission is proposed 
to be offered;
    (2) The amount of commodity (acres, head, board feet, etc.), the 
amount of production, and the value of each agricultural commodity 
proposed to be covered in each proposed county and state;
    (3) A reasonable estimate of expected liability and premium, for 
each proposed county and state and total expected liability and premium 
by crop year based on the marketing plan and an estimate of the market 
penetration of other similar products;
    (4) If available, any insurance experience for each year and in 
each proposed county and state in which the policy has been previously 
offered for sale including an evaluation of the policy's performance 
and, if data are available, a comparison with other similar insurance 
policies reinsured under the Act;
    (5) Focus group results, both positive and negative reactions;
    (6) Market research studies that include:
    (i) Evidence the proposed submission will be positively received by 
producers; and
    (ii) Market estimates that show demand and level of coverage for 
which producers are willing to pay;
    (7) For submissions proposing products for specialty crops a 
consultation report must be provided that includes a summary and 
analysis of discussions with groups representing producers of those 
agricultural commodities in all major producing areas for commodities 
to be served or potentially impacted, either directly or indirectly, 
and the expected impact of the proposed submission on the general 
marketing and production of the crop from both a regional and national 
perspective including evidence that the submission will not create 
adverse market distortions;
    (8) Effects upon the delivery system or participants including:
    (i) Estimated computer system impacts and costs;
    (ii) Estimated administrative and training costs; and
    (iii) What, if any, efficiency will be gained;
    (9) Correspondence from producers expressing the need for such 
policy or plan of insurance; and
    (10) A commitment in writing from at least one approved insurance 
provider to sell and support the policy or plan of insurance.

[[Page 10014]]

    (f) The fifth section must contain the information related to the 
underwriting and loss adjustment of the submission, including as 
    (1) Detailed rules for determining insurance eligibility, including 
all producer reporting requirements;
    (2) Relevant dates;
    (3) Step by step examples of the data and calculations needed to 
establish the insurance guarantee (liability) and premium per acre or 
other unit of measure, including worksheets that provide the 
calculations in sufficient detail and in the same order as presented in 
the policy to allow verification that the premiums charged for the 
coverage are consistent with policy provisions;
    (4) Step-by-step examples of calculations used to determine 
indemnity payments for all probable situations where a partial or total 
loss may occur;
    (5) A detailed description of the causes of loss covered by the 
policy or plan of insurance and any causes of loss excluded;
    (6) Any statements to be included in the actuarial documents 
including any intended Special Provisions statements that may change 
any underlying policy terms or conditions; and
    (7) The loss adjustment standards handbook for the policy or plan 
of insurance that includes:
    (i) A table of contents and introduction;
    (ii) A section containing abbreviations, acronyms, and definitions;
    (iii) A section containing insurance contract information 
(insurability requirements; Crop Provisions not applicable to 
catastrophic risk protection; specific unit division guidelines, if 
applicable; notice of damage or loss provisions; quality adjustment 
provisions; etc.);
    (iv) A section that thoroughly explains appraisal methods, if 
    (v) Illustrative samples of all the applicable forms needed for 
insuring and adjusting losses in regards to the submission, plus 
detailed instructions for their use and completion;
    (vi) Instructions, examples of calculations, and loss adjustment 
procedures that are necessary to establish the amounts of coverage and 
    (vii) A section containing any special coverage information (i.e., 
replanting, tree replacement or rehabilitation, prevented planting, 
etc.), as applicable; and
    (viii) A section containing all applicable reference material 
(i.e., minimum sample requirements, row width factors, etc.).
    (g) The sixth section must contain information related to prices 
and rates of premium, including, as applicable:
    (1) A detailed description of the specific premium rating 
methodology proposed to be used and the basis for selection of the 
rating methodology;
    (2) A list of all assumptions made in the premium rating and 
commodity pricing methodologies, and the basis for these assumptions;
    (3) A detailed description of the pricing and rating methodologies, 
    (i) Supporting documentation;
    (ii) All mathematical formulas and equations;
    (iii) Data and data sources used in determining rates and prices 
and a detailed assessment of the data and how it supports the proposed 
rates and prices;
    (iv) A detailed explanation of how the rates account for each of 
the risks covered by the policy; and
    (v) A detailed explanation of how the prices are applicable to the 
    (4) An example of both a rate calculation and a price calculation;
    (5) A discussion of the applicant's objective evaluation of the 
accuracy of the data, the short and long term availability of the data, 
and how the data will be obtained (if the data source is confidential 
or proprietary explain the cost of obtaining the data); and
    (6) An analysis of the results of simulations or modeling showing 
the performance of proposed rates and commodity prices, as applicable, 
based on one or more of the following (Such simulations must use all 
years of experience available to the applicant and must reflect both 
partial losses and total losses):
    (i) A recalculation of total premium and losses compared to a 
similar or comparable insurance plan offered under the authority of the 
Act with modifications, as needed, to represent the components of the 
    (ii) A simulation that shows liability, premium, indemnity, and 
loss ratios for the proposed insurance product based on the probability 
distributions used to develop the rates and commodity prices, as 
applicable, including sensitivity tests that demonstrate price or yield 
extremes, and the impact of inappropriate assumptions; or
    (iii) Any other comparable simulation that provides results 
indicating both aggregate and individual performance of the submission 
including expected liability, premium, indemnity, and loss ratios for 
the proposed insurance product, under various scenarios depicting good 
and poor actuarial experience.
    (h) The seventh section must contain forms, instructions for 
completing forms, and statements for all forms applicable to the 
submission in a format compatible with the Document and Supplemental 
Standards Handbook (FCIC 24040) found at http://www.rma.usda.gov/handbooks/24000/index.html.
    (i) The eighth section must contain the following:
    (1) A statement certifying that the submitter and any approved 
insurance provider or its affiliates will not solicit or market the 
submission until at least 60 days after all policy materials are 
released to the public by RMA, unless otherwise specified by the Board;
    (2) An explanation of any provision of the policy not authorized 
under the Act and identification of the portion of the rate of premium 
due to these provisions; and
    (3) If applicable, agent and loss adjuster training plans.
    (j) The ninth section must contain a statement from the submitter 
that, if the submission is approved, the submitter will work with RMA 
and its computer programmers as needed to assure an effective and 
efficient implementation process. The applicant must consult with RMA 
to determine whether or not the submission can be effectively and 
efficiently implemented and administered through the current 
information technology standards and systems.
    (1) If FCIC approves the submission and determines that its 
information technology systems have the capacity to implement and 
administer the submission, the applicant must provide a document 
detailing acceptable computer processing requirements consistent with 
those used by RMA as shown on the RMA Web site in the Appendix III/M-13 
Handbook. This information details the acceptable computer processing 
requirements in a manner consistent with that used by RMA to facilitate 
the acceptance of producer applications and related data.
    (2) Any computer systems, requirements, code and software must be 
consistent with that used by RMA and comply with the standards 
established in Appendix III/M-13 Handbook, or any successor document, 
of the SRA or other reinsurance agreement as specified by FCIC.
    (3) These requirements are available from the USDA/Risk Management 
Agency, Beacon Facility Mail Stop 0812, 9240 Troost Ave., Kansas City, 
MO 64131-3055, or on RMA's Web site at

[[Page 10015]]

http://www.rma.usda.gov/data/#m13, or a successor Web site.
    (k) The tenth section submitted on separate pages and in accordance 
with Sec. Sec.  400.712 must specify:
    (1) On one page, the amount received for an advance payment, an 
estimate of the total amount of reimbursement for research and 
development costs (new products only) or an estimate for maintenance 
costs for the year that the submission will be effective (for products 
that are within the maintenance period); and
    (2) On another page, a detailed estimate of maintenance costs for 
future years of the maintenance period and the basis that such 
maintenance costs will be incurred, including, but not limited to:
    (i) Any anticipated expansion;
    (ii) Anticipated changes or updates to policy materials;
    (iii) The generation of premium rates;
    (iv) The determination of prices; and
    (v) Any other costs that the applicant anticipates will be 
requested for reimbursement of maintenance costs or expenses;
    (l) The eleventh section must contain executed (signed) 
certification statements in accordance with the following:
    (1) ``{Applicant's Name{time}  hereby claim that the basis and 
amounts set forth in this section and Sec.  400.712 are correct and due 
and owing to {Applicant's Name{time}  by FCIC under the Federal Crop 
Insurance Act''; and
    (2) ``{Applicant Name{time}  understands that, in addition to 
criminal fines and imprisonment, the submission of false or fraudulent 
statements or claims may result in civil and administrative 
    (m) The contents required for concept proposals are found in the 
Procedures Handbook 17030--Approved Procedures for Submission of 
Concept Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of Research and Development 
Expenses. In addition, the proposal must provide a detailed description 
of why the concept provides insurance:
    (1) In a significantly improved form;
    (2) To a crop or region not traditionally served by the Federal 
crop insurance program; or
    (3) In a form that addresses a recognized flaw or problem in the 
    (n) The contents required for index-based weather plans of 
insurance are found in the Procedures Handbook 17050--Approved 
Procedures for Submission of Index-based Weather Plans of Insurance. In 
accordance with the Board approved procedures, the approved insurance 
provider that submits the index-based weather plan of insurance must 
provide evidence they have:
    (1) Adequate experience underwriting and administering policies or 
plans of insurance that are comparable to the proposed policy of plan 
of insurance;
    (2) Sufficient assets or reinsurance to satisfy the underwriting 
obligations of the approved insurance provider, and possess a 
sufficient insurance credit rating from an appropriate credit rating 
bureau; and
    (3) Applicable authority and approval from each State in which the 
approved insurance provider intends to sell the insurance product.

Sec.  400.706  Review.

    (a) Prior to providing a submission, concept proposal, or index-
based weather plan of insurance to the Board, RMA will:
    (1) Review the submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather 
plan of insurance to determine if all required documentation is 
included in accordance with Sec.  400.705;
    (2) Review the submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather 
plan of insurance to determine whether it is of sufficient quality to 
conduct a meaningful review such that the Board will be able to make an 
informed decision regarding approval or disapproval;
    (3) In accordance with section 508(h)(1)(B) of the Act, at its sole 
discretion, determine if the policy or plan of insurance:
    (i) Will likely result in a viable and marketable policy;
    (ii) Will provide crop insurance coverage in a significantly 
improved form; and
    (iii) Adequately protect the interests of producers.
    (4) Except for submissions developed from a concept proposal funded 
for advanced payment by the Board, reject and return any submission, 
concept proposal, or indexed based weather plan of insurance that:
    (i) Does not contain all the required information or is not of 
sufficient quality to conduct a meaningful review;
    (ii) Is unlikely result in a viable and marketable policy;
    (iii) Will not provide crop insurance coverage in a significantly 
improved form; and
    (iv) Will not adequately protect the interests of producers.
    (5) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section or if 
the submission was developed from an approved concept proposal, forward 
the submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan of 
insurance, and the results of RMA's initial review, to the Board for 
its determination of completeness.
    (b) Upon the Board's receipt of a submission, the Board will:
    (1) Determine if the submission is complete (The date the Board 
votes to contract with the expert reviewers is the date the submission 
is deemed to be complete for the start of the 120 day time-period for 
    (2) Unless the submission makes non-significant changes to a policy 
or plan of insurance, or involves policy provisions that have already 
undergone expert review, forward the complete submission to at least 
five expert reviewers to review the submission:
    (i) Of the five expert reviewers, no more than one will be employed 
by the Federal Government, and none may be employed by any approved 
insurance provider or their representative; and
    (ii) The expert reviewers will each provide their individual 
assessment of whether the submission:
    (A) Protects the interests of agricultural producers and taxpayers;
    (B) Is actuarially appropriate;
    (C) Follows appropriate insurance principles;
    (D) Meets the requirements of the Act;
    (E) Does not contain excessive risks;
    (F) Follows sound, reasonable, and appropriate underwriting 
    (G) Will provide a new kind of coverage that is likely to be viable 
and marketable;
    (H) Will provide crop insurance coverage in a manner that addresses 
a clear and identifiable flaw or problem in an existing policy;
    (I) Will provide a new kind of coverage for a commodity that 
previously had no available crop insurance, or has demonstrated a low 
level of participation or coverage level under existing coverage;
    (J) May have a significant adverse impact on the crop insurance 
delivery system;
    (K) Contains a marketing plan that reasonably demonstrates the 
product would be viable and marketable;
    (L) If applicable, contains a consultation report that provides 
evidence the submission will not create adverse market distortions; and
    (M) Meets any other criteria the Board may deem necessary;
    (3) Return to the applicant any submission the Board determines is 
not complete, along with an explanation of the reason for the 
determination and:
    (i) With respect to submissions developed from approved concept 
proposals, the provisions in Sec.  400.712(c)(1) shall apply; and
    (ii) Except for submissions developed from concept proposals, if 

[[Page 10016]]

submission is resubmitted at a later date, it will be considered a new 
submission solely for the purpose of determining the amount of time 
that the Board must take action;
    (4) For complete submissions:
    (i) Request review by RMA to provide its assessment of whether the 
    (A) Meets the criteria listed in subsections (b)(2)(ii)(A) through 
    (B) Is consistent with USDA's public policy goals;
    (C) Does not increase or shift risk to any other FCIC reinsured 
    (D) Can be implemented, administered, and delivered effectively and 
efficiently using RMA's information technology and delivery systems; 
    (E) Contains requested amounts of government reinsurance, risk 
subsidy, and administrative and operating subsidies that are reasonable 
and appropriate for the type of coverage provided by the policy 
submission; and
    (ii) Seek review from the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) to 
determine if the submission conforms to the requirements of the Act and 
all applicable Federal statutes and regulations.
    (5) Unless all the requirements for approval for submissions in 
this subsection are met or reasons for notice of disapproval exist as 
specified in subsection (k), provide a notice of intent to disapprove, 
including the reasons for the intent to disapprove.
    (c) Upon the Board's receipt of a concept proposal, the Board will:
    (1) Determine whether the concept proposal is complete (The date 
the Board votes to contract with expert reviewers is the date the 
concept proposal is deemed to be a complete concept proposal for the 
start of the 120 day time-period for approval);
    (2) If complete, forward the complete concept proposal to at least 
two expert reviewers with underwriting or actuarial experience to 
review the concept in accordance with section 522(b)(2) of the Act, 
this subpart, and Procedures Handbook 17030--Approved Procedures for 
Submission of Concept Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of Research and 
Development Expenses;
    (3) Return to the applicant any concept proposal the Board 
determines is not complete, along with an explanation of the reason for 
the determination (If the concept proposal is resubmitted at a later 
date, it will be considered a new concept proposal solely for the 
purposes of determining the amount of time that the Board must take 
    (4) Determine whether the concept proposal, if developed into a 
policy or plan of insurance would, in good faith, would meet the 
requirement of being likely to result in a viable and marketable policy 
consistent with section 508(h);
    (5) At its sole discretion, determine whether the concept proposal, 
if developed into a policy or plan of insurance would meet the 
requirement of providing coverage:
    (i) In a significantly improved form;
    (ii) To a crop or region not traditionally served by the Federal 
crop insurance program; or
    (iii) In a form that addresses a recognized flaw or problem in the 
    (6) Determine whether the proposed budget and timetable are 
    (7) Determine whether the concept proposal meets all other 
requirements imposed by the Board or as otherwise specified in 
Procedures Handbook 17030--Approved Procedures for Submission of 
Concept Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of Research and Development 
    (8) Provide a date by which the submission must be provided in 
consultation with the applicant; and
    (9) Unless all the requirements for approval of concept proposals 
in this subsection are met or reasons for disapproval exist as 
specified in subsection (l), provide a notice of disapproval, including 
the reasons for disapproval.
    (d) Upon the Board's receipt of an index-based weather plan of 
insurance, the Board will:
    (1) Determine whether the index-based weather plan of insurance is 
complete (The date the Board votes to contract with expert reviewers is 
the date the index-based weather plan of insurance is deemed to be a 
complete for the start of the 120 day time-period for approval);
    (2) If determined to be complete, contract with five expert 
reviewers and review the index-based weather plan of insurance in 
accordance with section 523(i) of the Act, this subpart, and Procedures 
Handbook 17050--Approved Procedures for Submission of Index-based 
Weather Plans of Insurance;
    (3) Return to the applicant any index-based weather plan of 
insurance the Board determines is not complete, along with an 
explanation of the reason for the determination (If the index-based 
weather plan of insurance is resubmitted at a later date, it will be 
considered a new index-based weather plan of insurance solely for the 
purposes of determining the amount of time that the Board must take 
    (4) Give the highest priority for approval of index-based weather 
plans of insurance that provide a new kind of coverage for specialty 
crops and livestock commodities that previously had no available crop 
insurance, or has demonstrated a low level of participation under 
existing coverage; and
    (5) Unless all the requirements for approval of index-based weather 
plans of insurance in this subsection are met or reasons for notice of 
disapproval exist as specified in paragraph (m) of this section, 
provide a notice of intent to disapprove including the reasons for the 
intent to disapprove.
    (e) All comments and evaluations will be provided to the Board by a 
date determined by the Board to allow the Board adequate time for 
    (f) The Board will consider all comments, evaluations, and 
recommendations in its review process. Prior to making a decision, the 
Board may request additional information from RMA, OGC, the expert 
reviewers, or the applicant.
    (g) In considering whether to approve a submission and when such 
submission will be offered for sale, the Board will:
    (1) First, consider policies or plans of insurance that address 
underserved commodities, including commodities for which there is no 
    (2) Second, consider existing policies or plans of insurance for 
which there is inadequate coverage or there exists low levels of 
participation; and
    (3) Last, consider all policies or plans of insurance submitted to 
the Board that do not meet the criteria described in paragraph (g)(1) 
or (2) of this section.
    (h) At any time an applicant may request a time delay after the 
submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance 
has been placed on the Board meeting agenda. The Board is not required 
to agree to such an extension.
    (1) With respect to submissions from concept proposals approved by 
the Board for advanced payment, the applicant must provide good cause 
why consideration should be delayed.
    (2) Any requested time delay is not limited in the length of time 
unless a date is set by the Board by which all revisions to the 
submission, concept proposal or indexed-based weather plan of insurance 
must be made. However, delays may make implementation of the submission 
for the targeted crop year impractical or impossible as determined by 
the Board.
    (3) The time period during which the Board will make a decision to 
approve or disapprove the submission, concept proposal or indexed-based 
weather plan of insurance shall be extended

[[Page 10017]]

commensurately with any time delay requested by the applicant.
    (i) The applicant may withdraw a submission, concept proposal, 
index-based weather plan of insurance, or a portion of a submission or 
concept proposal, at any time by presenting a request to the Board. A 
withdrawn submission, concept proposal or index-based weather plan of 
insurance that is resubmitted will be deemed a new submission, concept 
proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance solely for the 
purposes of determining the amount of time that the Board must take 
    (j) The Board will render a decision on a submission, concept 
proposal, or indexed-based weather plan of insurance, with or without 
revision within 90 days after the date the submission, concept 
proposal, or indexed-based weather plan of insurance is considered 
complete by the Board, unless the Board agrees to a time delay in 
accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. Failure to approve a 
submission, concept proposal, or indexed-based weather plan of 
insurance constitutes intent to give of intent to disapprove a 
submission or index-based weather plan of insurance or disapproval of a 
concept proposal.
    (k) The Board may provide a notice of intent to disapprove a 
submission if it determines:
    (1) The interests of producers and taxpayers are not protected, 
including but not limited to:
    (i) The submission does not provide adequate coverage or treats 
producers disparately;
    (ii) The applicant has not presented sufficient documentation that 
the submission will provide a new kind of coverage that is likely to be 
viable and marketable;
    (iii) Coverage would be similar to another policy or plan of 
insurance that has not demonstrated a low level of participation or 
does not contain a clear and identifiable flaw, and the producer would 
not significantly benefit from the submission;
    (iv) The submission may create adverse market distortions or 
adversely impact other crops or agricultural commodities if marketed;
    (v) The submission will have a significant adverse impact on the 
private delivery system; or
    (vi) The submission cannot be implemented, administered, and 
delivered effectively and efficiently using RMA's information 
technology and delivery systems;
    (2) The premium rates are not actuarially appropriate;
    (3) The submission does not conform to sound insurance and 
underwriting principles;
    (4) The risks associated with the submission are excessive or it 
increases or shifts risk to another reinsured policy;
    (5) The submission does not meet the requirements of the Act; or
    (6) The 90 day deadline under subsection (i) will expire before the 
Board has time to make an informed decision to approve or disapprove 
the submission.
    (l) The Board may disapprove a concept proposal if it determines:
    (1) The concept, in good faith, will not likely result in a viable 
and marketable policy consistent with section 508(h);
    (2) At the sole discretion of the Board, the concept, if developed 
into a policy and approved by the Board, would not provide crop 
insurance coverage:
    (i) In a significantly improved form;
    (ii) To a crop or region not traditionally served by the Federal 
crop insurance program; or
    (iii) In a form that addresses a recognized flaw or problem in the 
    (3) The proposed budget and timetable are not reasonable, as 
determined by the Board; or
    (4) The concept proposal fails to meet one or more requirements 
established by the Board.
    (m) The Board may provide a notice of intent to disapprove an 
index-based weather plan of insurance if it determines there is not:
    (1) Adequate experience underwriting and administering policies or 
plans of insurance that are comparable to the proposed policy or plan 
of insurance;
    (2) Sufficient assets or reinsurance to satisfy the underwriting 
obligations of the approved insurance provider, and possess a 
sufficient insurance credit rating from an appropriate credit rating 
bureau, in accordance with Board procedures; and
    (3) Applicable authority and approval from each State in which the 
approved insurance provider intends to sell the insurance product.
    (n) Unless otherwise provided for in this section:
    (1) If the Board intends to disapprove a submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance or disapproves a concept proposal, the Board 
will provide the applicant with a written explanation outlining the 
basis for the intent to disapprove or disapproval; and
    (2) Any approval or disapproval of a submission, concept proposal, 
or index-based weather plan of insurance must be made by the Board in 
writing not later than 120 days after the Board has determined it to be 
    (o) If a notice of intent to disapprove all or part of a submission 
or index-based weather plan of insurance has been provided by the 
Board, the applicant must provide written notice to the Board not later 
than 30 days after the Board provides such notice if the submission or 
index-based weather plan of insurance will be modified. If the 
applicant does not respond within the 30-day period, the Board will 
send the applicant a letter stating the submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance is disapproved.
    (p) If the applicant elects to modify the submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance:
    (1) The applicant must advise the Board of a date by which the 
modified submission or index-based weather plan of insurance will be 
presented to the Board; and
    (2) The remainder of the time left between the Board's notice of 
intent to disapprove and the expiration of the 120 day deadline is 
tolled until the modified submission or index-based weather plan of 
insurance is received by the Board.
    (3) The Board will disapprove a modified submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance if the:
    (i) Causes for disapproval stated by the Board in its notification 
of intent to disapprove the submission or index-based weather plan of 
insurance are not satisfactorily addressed;
    (ii) Board determines there is insufficient time for the Board to 
finish its review before the expiration of the 120-day deadline for 
disapproval of a submission or index-based weather plan of insurance, 
unless the applicant grants the Board an extension of time to 
adequately consider the modified submission or index-based weather plan 
of insurance (If an extension of time is agreed upon, the time period 
during which the Board must act on the modified submission or index-
based weather plan of insurance will tolled during the extension); or
    (iii) Applicant does not present a modification of the submission 
or index-based weather plan of insurance to the Board on the date the 
applicant specified and the applicant does not request an additional 
time delay.
    (q) If the Board fails to render a decision on a new submission or 
index-based weather plan of insurance within the time periods specified 
in paragraph (j) or (n) of this section, such submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance will be deemed approved by the Board for the 
initial reinsurance year designated for the submission or index-based 
weather plan of insurance. The

[[Page 10018]]

Board must approve the submission or index-based weather plan of 
insurance for it to be available for any subsequent reinsurance year.

Sec.  400.707  Presentation to the Board for approval or disapproval.

    (a) The Board will inform the applicant of the date, time, and 
place of the Board meeting.
    (b) The applicant will be given the opportunity and is encouraged 
to present the submission, concept proposal, or index-based weather 
plan of insurance to the Board in person. The applicant must confirm in 
writing, email or fax whether the applicant will present in person to 
the Board.
    (c) If the applicant elects not to present the submission, concept 
proposal, or index-based weather plan of insurance to the Board, the 
Board will make its decision based on the information provided in 
accordance with Sec.  400.705 and Sec.  400.706.

Sec.  400.708  Post approval.

    (a) After a submission is approved by the Board, and prior to it 
being made available for sale to producers:
    (1) The following must be executed, as applicable:
    (i) If required by FCIC, an agreement between the applicant and 
FCIC that specifies:
    (A) In addition to the requirements in Sec.  400.709, 
responsibilities of each with respect to the implementation, delivery 
and maintenance of the submission; and
    (B) The required timeframes for submission of any information and 
documentation needed to administer the approved submission;
    (ii) A reinsurance agreement if terms and conditions differ from 
the available existing reinsurance agreements; and
    (iii) A training package to facilitate implementation of the 
approved submission;
    (2) The Board may limit the availability of coverage, for any 
policy or plan of insurance developed under the authority of the Act 
and this regulation, on any farm or in any county or area;
    (3) A submission approved by the Board under this subpart will be 
made available to all approved insurance providers under the same 
reinsurance, subsidy, and terms and conditions as received by the 
    (4) Any solicitation, sales, marketing, or advertising of the 
approved submission by the applicant before FCIC has made the policy 
materials available to all interested parties through its official 
issuance system will result in the denial of reinsurance, risk subsidy, 
and A&O subsidy for those policies affected; and
    (5) The property rights to the submission will automatically 
transfer to FCIC if the applicant elects not to maintain the submission 
under Sec.  400.712(a)(3) or fails to notify FCIC of its decision to 
elect or not elect maintenance of the program under Sec.  400.712(l).
    (b) Requirements and procedures for approved index-based weather 
plans of insurance are contained in Procedures Handbook 17050--Approved 
Procedures for Submission of Index-based Weather Plans of Insurance. In 
accordance with the Board approved procedures, index-based weather 
plans of insurance are not eligible for federal reinsurance, but may be 
approved for risk subsidy and A&O subsidy.

Sec.  400.709  Roles and responsibilities.

    (a) With respect to the applicant:
    (1) The applicant is responsible for:
    (i) Preparing and ensuring that all policy documents, rates of 
premium, prices, and supporting materials, including actuarial 
documents, are submitted by the deadline specified by FCIC, in the form 
approved by the Board, and are in compliance with Section 508 of the 
Rehabilitation Act;
    (ii) Annually updating and providing maintenance changes no later 
than 180 days prior to the earliest contract change date for the 
commodity in all counties or states in which the policy or plan of 
insurance is sold;
    (iii) Timely addressing responses to procedural issues, questions, 
problems or clarifications in regard to a policy or plan of insurance 
(all such resolutions for approved submissions will be communicated to 
all approved insurance providers through FCIC's official issuance 
system); and
    (iv) If requested by the Board, providing an annual review of the 
policy's performance, in writing to the Board, 180 days prior to the 
contract change date for the plan of insurance (The first annual report 
will be submitted one full year after implementation of an approved 
policy or plan of insurance, as agreed to by the submitter and RMA);
    (2) Only the applicant may make changes to the policy, plan of 
insurance, or rates of premium approved by the Board:
    (i) Any changes to approved submissions, both non-significant and 
significant, must be submitted to FCIC in the form of a submission for 
review in accordance with this subpart no later than 180 days prior to 
the earliest contract change date for the commodity in all counties or 
states in which the policy or plan of insurance is sold; and
    (ii) Significant changes will be considered a new submission;
    (3) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the 
applicant is solely liable for any mistakes, errors, or flaws in the 
submitted policy, plan of insurance, their related materials, or the 
rates of premium that have been approved by the Board unless the policy 
or plan of insurance is transferred to FCIC in accordance with Sec.  
400.712(l) (The applicant remains liable for any mistakes, errors, or 
flaws that occurred prior to transfer of the policy or plan of 
insurance to FCIC);
    (4) If the mistake, error, or flaw in the policy, plan of 
insurance, their related materials, or the rates of premium is 
discovered more than 45 days prior to the cancellation or termination 
date for the policy or plan of insurance, the applicant may request in 
writing that FCIC withdraw the approved policy, plan of insurance, or 
rates of premium:
    (i) Such request must state the discovered mistake, error, or flaw 
in the policy, plan of insurance, or rates of premium, and the expected 
impact on the program; and
    (ii) For all timely received requests for withdrawal, no liability 
will attach to such policies, plans of insurance, or rates of premium 
that have been withdrawn and no producer, approved insurance provider, 
or any other person will have a right of action against the applicant;
    (5) Notwithstanding the policy provisions regarding cancellation, 
any policy, plan of insurance, or rates of premium that have been 
withdrawn by the applicant, in accordance with paragraph (a)(4) of this 
section is deemed canceled and applications are deemed not accepted as 
of the date that FCIC publishes the notice of withdrawal on its Web 
site at www.rma.usda.gov.
    (i) Approved insurance providers will be notified in writing by 
FCIC that the policy, plan of insurance, or premium rates have been 
withdrawn; and
    (ii) Producers will have the option of selecting any other policy 
or plan of insurance authorized under the Act that is available in the 
area by the sales closing date for such policy or plan of insurance; 
    (6) Failure of the applicant to perform all of the applicant's 
responsibilities may result in the withdrawal of approval for the 
policy or plan of insurance.
    (b) With respect to FCIC:
    (1) FCIC is responsible for:
    (i) Conducting a review of the submission in accordance with Sec.  
400.706 and providing its recommendations to the Board;
    (ii) With respect to submissions:

[[Page 10019]]

    (A) Ensuring that all approved insurance providers receive the 
approved policy or plan of insurance, and related material, for sale to 
producers in a timely manner (All such information shall be 
communicated to all approved insurance providers through FCIC's 
official issuance system);
    (B) As applicable, ensuring that approved insurance providers 
receive reinsurance under the same terms and conditions as the 
applicant (Approved insurance providers should contact FCIC to obtain 
and execute a copy of the reinsurance agreement) if required; and
    (C) Reviewing the activities of approved insurance providers, 
agents, loss adjusters, and producers to ensure that they are in 
accordance with the terms of the policy or plan of insurance, the 
reinsurance agreement, and all applicable procedures;
    (2) FCIC will not be liable for any mistakes, errors, or flaws in 
the policy, plan of insurance, their related materials, or the rates of 
premium and no cause of action may be taken against FCIC as a result of 
such mistake, error, or flaw in a submission or index-based weather 
plan of insurance submitted under this subpart;
    (3) If at any time prior to the cancellation date, FCIC discovers 
there is a mistake, error, or flaw in the policy, plan of insurance, 
their related materials, or the rates of premium, or any other reason 
for withdrawal of approval contained in Sec.  400.706(k) exists, FCIC 
will deny reinsurance for such policy or plan of insurance (If 
reinsurance is denied, a written notice will be provided to on RMA's 
Web site at www.rma.usda.gov);
    (4) If maintenance of the policy or plan of insurance is 
transferred to FCIC in accordance with Sec.  400.712(l), FCIC will 
assume liability for the policy or plan of insurance for any mistake, 
error, or flaw that occur after the date the policy is transferred.
    (c) If approval by the Board is withdrawn or reinsurance is denied 
for any submission, the approved insurance provider must cancel the 
policy or plan of insurance in accordance with its terms.

Sec.  400.710  Preemption and premium taxation.

    A policy or plan of insurance that is approved by the Board for 
FCIC reinsurance is preempted from state and local taxation. This 
preemption does not apply to index-based weather plans of insurance 
approved for premium subsidy or A&O subsidy under this part.

Sec.  400.711  Right of review, modification, and the withdrawal of 

    (a) At any time after approval, the Board may review any policy, 
plan of insurance, related material, or rates of premium approved under 
this subpart, including index-based weather plans of insurance and 
request additional information to determine whether the policy, plan of 
insurance, related material, or rates of premium comply with the 
requirements of this subpart.
    (b) The Board will notify the applicant of any problem or issue 
that may arise and allow the applicant an opportunity to make any 
needed change. If the contract change date has passed, the applicant 
will be liable for such problems or issues for the crop year in 
accordance with Sec.  400.709 until the policy may be changed.
    (c) The Board may withdraw approval for the applicable policy, plan 
of insurance or rate of premium, including index-based weather plans of 
insurance, as applicable, if:
    (1) The applicant fails to perform the responsibilities stated 
under Sec.  400.709(a);
    (2) The applicant does not timely and satisfactorily provide 
materials or resolve any issue to the Board's satisfaction so that 
necessary changes can be made prior to the earliest contract change 
    (3) The Board determines the applicable policy, plan of insurance 
or rate of premium, including index-based weather plans of insurance is 
not in conformance with the Act, these regulations or the applicable 
    (4) The policy, plan of insurance, or rates of premium are not 
sufficiently marketable according to the applicant's estimate in the 
submission or fails to perform sufficiently as determined by the Board; 
    (5) The interest of producers or tax payers is not protected or the 
continuation of the program raises questions or issues of program 

Sec.  400.712  Research and development reimbursement, maintenance 
reimbursement, advance payments for concept proposals, and user fees.

    (a) For submissions approved by the Board for reinsurance under 
section 508(h) of the Act:
    (1) The submission may be eligible for a one-time payment of 
research and development costs and reimbursement of maintenance costs 
for up to four reinsurance years, as determined by the Board;
    (2) Reimbursement of research and development costs or maintenance 
costs will be considered as payment in full by FCIC for the submission, 
and no additional amounts will be owed to the applicant if the 
submission is transferred to FCIC in accordance with paragraph (l) of 
this section; and
    (3) If the applicant elects at any time not to continue to maintain 
the submission, it will automatically become the property of FCIC and 
the applicant will no longer have any property rights to the submission 
and will not receive any user fees for the plan of insurance;
    (b) The Board approved procedures and time-frames must be followed, 
or research and development costs and maintenance costs may not be 
reimbursed, unless otherwise determined by the Board.
    (1) After a submission has been approved by the Board for 
reinsurance, to be considered for reimbursement of:
    (i) Research and development costs, the applicant must submit the 
total amount requested and all supporting documentation to FCIC by 
electronic method or by hard copy and such information must be received 
by FCIC on or before August 1 immediately following the date the 
submission was released to approved insurance providers through FCIC's 
issuance system; or
    (ii) Maintenance costs, the applicant must submit the total amount 
requested and all supporting documentation to FCIC by electronic method 
or by hard copy and such information must be received by FCIC on or 
before August 1 of each year of the maintenance period.
    (2) Given the limitation on funds, regardless of when the request 
is received, no payment will be made prior to September 15 of the 
applicable fiscal year.
    (c) Applicants submitting a concept proposal may request an advance 
payment of up to 50 percent of the projected total research and 
development costs, and after the applicant has begun research and 
development activities, the Board may at its sole discretion provide up 
to an additional 25 percent advance payment of the estimated research 
and development costs, if requested in accordance with Procedures 
Handbook 17030--Approved Procedures for Submission of Concept Proposals 
Seeking Advance Payment of Research and Development Expenses.
    (1) If a concept proposal is approved by the Board for advance 
payment, the applicant is responsible for independently developing a 
submission that is complete and of sufficient quality as specified in 
this subpart by the deadline set by the Board.

[[Page 10020]]

    (i) If an applicant fails to fulfill the obligation to provide a 
submission that is complete and of sufficient quality by the deadline 
set by the Board, the Board shall provide a notice of non-compliance to 
the applicant and allow not less than 30 days for the applicant to 
    (ii) If the applicant fails to respond, to the satisfaction of the 
Board, with just cause as to why a submission that is complete and of 
sufficient quality was not provided by the deadline set by the Board, 
the applicant shall return the amount of the advance payment plus 
interest at the rate of 1.25 percent simple interest per calendar 
    (iii) If the applicant responds, to the satisfaction of the Board, 
with just cause as to why a submission that is complete and of 
sufficient quality was not provided by the deadline set by the Board, 
the applicant will be given a new deadline by which to provide a 
submission that is complete and of sufficient quality; and
    (iv) If the applicant fails to provide a submission that is 
complete and of sufficient quality by the deadline, no additional 
extensions will be approved by the Board and the applicant shall return 
the amount of the advance payment plus interest at the rate of 1.25 
percent simple interest per calendar month.
    (2) If an applicant receives an advance payment for a portion of 
the expected research and development costs for a concept proposal that 
is developed into a submission and determined by the Board to be 
complete and of sufficient quality, but the submission is not approved 
by the Board following expert review, the Board will not:
    (i) Seek a refund of any advance payments for research and 
development costs; and
    (ii) Make any further research and development cost reimbursements 
associated with the submission.
    (d) Under section 522 of the Act, there are limited funds available 
on an annual fiscal year basis to pay for reimbursements of research 
and development costs (including advance payments for concept 
proposals) and maintenance costs. Consistent with paragraphs (e) 
through (j) of this section if all applicants' requests for 
reimbursement of research and development costs (including advance 
payments for concept proposals) and maintenance costs in any fiscal 
    (1) Do not exceed the maximum amount authorized by law, the 
applicants may receive the full amount of reimbursement determined 
reasonable by the Board; or
    (2) Exceed the amount authorized by law, each applicant's 
reimbursement determined reasonable by the Board will be determined by 
dividing the total amount of each individual applicant's reimbursable 
costs authorized in paragraphs (e) through (j) of this section by the 
total amount of the aggregate of all applicants' reimbursable costs 
authorized in paragraphs (e) through (j) for the year and multiplying 
the result by the amount of reimbursement authorized under the Act.
    (e) The amount of reimbursement for research and development costs 
requested by the applicant may be reduced based on:
    (1) The complexity of the policy, plan of insurance, or rates of 
premium, so requests for reimbursements for submissions:
    (i) Adding commodities to existing plans of insurance (i.e., Yield 
Protection and Revenue Protection under the Common Crop insurance 
Policy Basic Provisions, Area Risk Protection, Actual Revenue History, 
Whole Farm, Rainfall Index, Vegetative Index, etc.) may be reduced by 
as much as 20 percent;
    (ii) Using existing rating methodologies or commodity prices or a 
price methodology may be reduced by as much as 10 percent;
    (iii) Using existing policy provisions, procedures, etc., may be 
reduced by as much as 10 percent; and
    (2) The scope as measured by the agricultural commodities proposed 
to be covered or geographic area the proposed submission will cover, as 
determined by FCIC so requests for reimbursements for submissions:
    (i) That cover a single commodity may be reduced by 10 percent; and
    (ii) That cover a small geographic area compared to the total 
growing area for the commodity may be reduced by 10 percent.
    (f) Research and development and maintenance costs must be 
supported by itemized statements and supporting documentation (copies 
of contracts, billing statements, time sheets, travel vouchers, 
accounting ledgers, etc.).
    (1) Actual costs submitted will be examined for reasonableness and 
may be adjusted at the sole discretion of the Board.
    (2) Allowable research and development costs and maintenance costs 
(directly related to research and development or maintenance of the 
submission only) may include the following:
    (i) Wages and benefits, exclusive of bonuses, overtime pay, or 
shift differentials;
    (A) One line per employee or contractor, include job title, total 
hours, and total dollars;
    (B) The rates charged must be commensurate with the tasks performed 
(For example, a person performing the task of data entry should not be 
paid at the rate for performing data analysis);
    (C) The wage rate and benefits shall not exceed two times the 
hourly wage rate plus benefits provided by the Bureau of Labor 
Statistics; and
    (D) The applicant must report any familial or business relationship 
that exists between the applicant and the contractor or employee 
(Reimbursement may be limited or denied if the contractor or employee 
is associated to the applicant and they may be considered as one and 
the same. This includes a separate entity being created by the 
applicant to conduct research and development. Reimbursement may be 
limited or denied if the contractor is paid a salary or other 
    (ii) Travel and transportation (One line per event, include the job 
title, destination, purpose of travel, lodging cost, mileage, air or 
other identified transportation costs, food and miscellaneous expenses, 
other costs, and the total cost);
    (iii) Software and computer programming developed specifically to 
determine appropriate rates, prices, or coverage amounts (Identify the 
item, include the purpose, and provide receipts or contract or 
straight-time hourly wage, hours, and total cost. Software developed to 
send or receive data between the producer, agent, approved insurance 
provider or RMA or such other similar software may not be included as 
an allowable cost);
    (iv) Miscellaneous expenses such as postage, telephone, express 
mail, and printing (Identify the item, cost per unit, number of items, 
and total dollars); and
    (v) Training costs expended to facilitate implementation of a new 
approved submission (Include instructor(s) hourly rate, hours, and cost 
of materials and travel) conducted at a national level, directed to all 
approved insurance providers interested in selling the submission, and 
approved prior to the training by RMA).
    (3) The following expenses are specifically not eligible for 
research and development and maintenance cost reimbursement:
    (i) Copyright fees, patent fees, or any other charges, costs or 
expenses related to the use of intellectual property;
    (ii) Training costs, excluding training costs to facilitate 
implementation of the approved submission in accordance with subsection 
    (iii) State filing fees and expenses;

[[Page 10021]]

    (iv) Normal ongoing administrative expenses or indirect overhead 
costs (for example, costs associated with the management or general 
functions of an organization, such as costs for internet service, 
telephone, utilities, and office supplies);
    (v) Paid or incurred losses;
    (vi) Loss adjustment expenses;
    (vii) Sales commission;
    (viii) Marketing costs;
    (ix) Lobbying costs;
    (x) Product or applicant liability resulting from the research, 
development, preparation or marketing of the policy;
    (xi) Copyright infringement claims resulting from the research, 
development, preparation or marketing of the policy;
    (xii) Costs of making program changes as a result of any mistakes, 
errors or flaws in the policy or plan of insurance;
    (xiii) Costs associated with building rents or space allocation;
    (xiv) Costs in paragraphs (i) and (j) of this section determined by 
the Board to be ineligible for reimbursement; and
    (xv) Local, State, or Federal taxes.
    (g) Requests for reimbursement of maintenance costs must be 
supported by itemized statements and supporting documentary evidence 
for each reinsurance year in the maintenance period.
    (1) Actual costs submitted will be examined for reasonableness and 
may be adjusted at the sole discretion of the Board.
    (2) Maintenance costs for the following activities may be 
    (i) Expansion of the original submission into additional crops, 
counties or states;
    (ii) Non-significant changes to the policy and any related 
    (iii) Non-significant or significant changes to the policy as 
necessary to protect program integrity or as required by Congress; and
    (iv) Any other activity that qualifies as maintenance.
    (h) Projected costs for research and development for concept 
proposals shall be based on a reasonable estimate of the costs allowed 
in paragraph (f) of this section.
    (i) If a submission is determined to be of insufficient quality to 
refer to expert review, or is considered incomplete and is subsequently 
resubmitted and approved, the costs to perfect the submission may not 
be considered reimbursable costs depending on the level of 
insufficiency or incompleteness of the submission, as determined at the 
sole discretion of the Board.
    (j) Reimbursement of costs associated with addressing issues raised 
by the Board, expert reviewers and RMA will be evaluated based on the 
substance of the issue and the amount of time reasonably necessary to 
address the specific issue raised. Delays and additional costs caused 
by the inability or refusal to adequately address issues may not be 
considered reimbursable, as determined at the sole discretion of the 
    (k) If the Board withdraws its approval for reinsurance at any time 
during the period that reimbursement for maintenance is being made or 
user fees are being collected, no maintenance reimbursement shall be 
made nor any user fee be owed after the date of such withdrawal.
    (l) Not later than 180 days prior to the end of the last 
reinsurance year in which a maintenance reimbursement will be paid for 
the approved submission, the applicant must notify FCIC in writing 
regarding its decision on future ownership and maintenance of the 
policy or plan of insurance.
    (1) The applicant must notify FCIC in writing whether it intends 
    (i) Continue to maintain the policy or plan of insurance and charge 
approved insurance providers a user fee to cover maintenance expenses 
for all policies earning premium; or
    (ii) Transfer responsibility for maintenance to FCIC.
    (2) If the applicant fails to notify FCIC in writing by the 
deadline, the policy or plan of insurance will automatically transfer 
to FCIC beginning with the next reinsurance year.
    (3) If the applicant elects to:
    (i) Continue to maintain the policy or plan of insurance, the 
applicant must submit a request for approval of the user fee by the 
Board at the time of the election; or
    (ii) Transfer the policy or plan of insurance to FCIC, FCIC may at 
its sole discretion, continue to maintain the policy or plan of 
insurance or elect to withdraw the availability of the policy or plan 
of insurance.
    (4) Requests for approval of the user fee must be accompanied by 
written documentation to support the amount requested will only cover 
direct costs to maintain the plan of insurance. Costs that are not 
eligible for research and development and maintenance reimbursements 
under this section are not eligible to be considered for determining 
the user fee.
    (5) The Board will approve the amount of user fee, including the 
maximum amount of total maintenance that may be collected per year, 
that is payable to the applicant by approved insurance providers unless 
the Board determines that the user fee charged:
    (i) Is unreasonable in relation to the maintenance costs associated 
with the policy or plan of insurance; or
    (ii) Unnecessarily inhibits the use of the policy or plan of 
insurance by approved insurance providers.
    (6) If the total user fee exceeds the maximum amount determined by 
the Board, the maximum amount determined by the Board will be divided 
by the number of policies earning premium to determine the amount to be 
paid by each approved insurance provider.
    (7) Reasonableness of the initial request to charge a user fee will 
be determined by the Board based on a comparison of the amount of 
reimbursement for maintenance previously received, the number of 
policies, the number of approved insurance providers, and the expected 
total amount of user fees to be received in any reinsurance year.
    (8) A user fee unnecessarily inhibits the use of a policy or plan 
of insurance if it is so high that approved insurance providers will 
not sell the policy.
    (9) The user fee charged to each approved insurance provider will 
be considered payment in full for the use of such policy, plan of 
insurance or rate of premium for the reinsurance year in which payment 
is made.
    (10) It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to collect such 
fees from an approved insurance provider and any indebtedness for such 
fees must be resolved by the applicant and approved insurance provider.
    (i) Applicants may request that FCIC provide the number of policies 
sold by each approved insurance provider.
    (ii) Such information will be provided not later than 90 days after 
such request is made or not later than 90 days after the requisite 
information has been provided to FCIC by the approved insurance 
provider, whichever is later.
    (11) Every two years after approval of a user fee, or if the 
applicant has made a significant change to the approved submission, 
applicants must submit documentation to the Board for review in 
determining if the user fee should be revised.
    (12) The Board may review the amount of the user fee at any time at 
its sole discretion.
    (m) The Board may consider information from the Equal Access to 
Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 504, the Bureau of Labor Statistic's Occupational 
Employment Statistics Survey, the Bureau of Labor Statistic's 
Employment Cost Index, and any other information determined applicable 
by the Board, in making a determination whether to approve a submission 

[[Page 10022]]

reimbursement of research and development costs, maintenance costs, or 
user fees.
    (n) For purposes of this section, rights to, or obligations of, 
research and development cost reimbursement, maintenance cost 
reimbursement, or user fees cannot be transferred from any individual 
or entity unless specifically approved in writing by the Board.
    (o) Applicants requesting reimbursement for research and 
development costs, maintenance costs, or user fees, may present their 
request in person to the Board prior to consideration for approval.
    (p) Index-based weather plans of insurance are not eligible for 
reimbursement from FCIC for maintenance costs or research and 
development costs. Submitters of approved index-based weather plans of 
insurance may collect user fees from other approved insurance providers 
in accordance with Procedures Handbook 17050--Approved Procedures for 
Submission of Index-based Weather Plans of Insurance.

Sec.  400.713  Non-reinsured supplemental (NRS) policy.

    (a) Unless otherwise specified by FCIC, any NRS policy that covers 
the same agricultural commodity as any policy reinsured by FCIC under 
the Act must be provided to RMA to ensure it does not shift any loss 
under the FCIC reinsured policy. Failure to provide such NRS policy or 
endorsement to RMA prior to its issuance shall result in the denial of 
reinsurance, A&O subsidy and risk subsidy on the underlying FCIC 
reinsured policy for which such NRS policy was sold.
    (b) Three hard copies, and an electronic copy in a format approved 
by RMA, of the new or revised NRS policy and related materials must be 
submitted at least 150 days prior to the first sales closing date 
applicable to the NRS policy. At a minimum, examples that demonstrate 
how liability and indemnities are determined under differing scenarios 
must be included.
    (1) Hard copies of the NRS must be sent to the Deputy Administrator 
for Product Management (or successor), USDA/Risk Management Agency, 
Beacon Facility Mail Stop 0812, 9240 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 
    (2) Electronic copies of the NRS must be sent to the Deputy 
Administrator for Product Management (or successor) at 
Deputy[email protected].
    (c) RMA will review the NRS policy. If any of the conditions found 
in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section are found to occur, 
FCIC will deny reinsurance, A&O subsidy and risk subsidy on the 
underlying FCIC reinsured policy for which such NRS policy was sold.
    (1) If the NRS policy materially increases or shifts risk to the 
underlying policy or plan of insurance reinsured by FCIC.
    (i) An NRS policy will be considered to materially increase or 
shift risk to the underlying policy or plan of insurance reinsured by 
FCIC if it creates an incentive for moral hazard such as a financial 
incentive to increase the number or size of losses or, allows for 
aggregate indemnities in excess of the expected value of the insured 
    (ii) The NRS must include language that clearly states no indemnity 
will be paid in excess of the initial value of the insured commodity.
    (2) The NRS reduces or limits the rights of the insured with 
respect to the underlying policy or plan of insurance reinsured by 
FCIC. An NRS policy will be considered to reduce or limit the rights of 
the insured with respect to the underlying policy or plan of insurance 
if it alters the terms or conditions of the underlying policy or 
otherwise preempts procedures issued by FCIC.
    (3) The NRS disrupts the marketplace. An NRS policy will be 
considered to disrupt the marketplace if it encourages planting more 
acres of the insured commodity in excess of normal market demand, 
adversely affects the sales or administration of reinsured policies, 
undermines producers' confidence in the Federal crop insurance program, 
or harms public perception of the Federal crop insurance program.
    (4) The NRS is an impermissible rebate. An NRS may be considered to 
be an impermissible rebate if FCIC determines that the premium rates 
charged are insufficient to cover the expected losses and a reasonable 
reserve or it offers other benefits that are generally provided at a 
    (5) The NRS policy is conditioned upon or provides incentive for 
the purchase of the underlying policy or plan of insurance reinsured by 
FCIC with a specific agent or approved insurance provider.
    (d) RMA will respond not less than 60 days before the first sales 
closing date or provide notice why RMA is unable to respond within the 
time frame allotted.
    (e) NRS policies reviewed by RMA will not need to be submitted for 
a five year period unless a change is made to the NRS or the underlying 
policy or the loss ratio for the NRS policy exceeds 2.0. Once any 
changes are made to either policy or the five year period has 
concluded, the NRS must be resubmitted for review.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on February 13, 2015.
Brandon Willis,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
[FR Doc. 2015-03604 Filed 2-23-15; 8:45 am]


                                                      Proposed Rules                                                                                                Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                    Vol. 80, No. 37

                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday, February 25, 2015

                                                      This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    Risk Management Agency, United States                 and Budget (OMB) under control
                                                      contains notices to the public of the proposed          Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box                   number 0563–0064.
                                                      issuance of rules and regulations. The                  419205, Kansas City, MO 64133–6205.
                                                      purpose of these notices is to give interested                                                                E-Government Act Compliance
                                                                                                              All comments received, including those
                                                      persons an opportunity to participate in the            received by mail, will be posted without                 FCIC is committed to complying with
                                                      rule making prior to the adoption of the final                                                                the E-Government Act of 2002, to
                                                                                                              change to http://www.regulations.gov,
                                                                                                              including any personal information                    promote the use of the Internet and
                                                                                                              provided, and can be accessed by the                  other information technologies to
                                                      DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                               public.                                               provide increased opportunities for
                                                                                                                 All comments must include the                      citizen access to Government
                                                      Federal Crop Insurance Corporation                      agency name and docket number or                      information and services, and for other
                                                                                                              Regulatory Information Number (RIN)                   purposes.
                                                      7 CFR Part 400                                          for this rule. For detailed instructions              Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
                                                                                                              on submitting comments and additional                 1995
                                                      [Docket No. FCIC–13–0006]
                                                                                                              information, see http://
                                                      RIN 0563–AC46                                           www.regulations.gov. If you are                          Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
                                                                                                              submitting comments electronically                    Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) establishes
                                                      Part 400—General Administrative                         through the Federal eRulemaking Portal                requirements for Federal agencies to
                                                      Regulation—Subpart V—Submission                         and want to attach a document, we ask                 assess the effects of their regulatory
                                                      of Policies, Provisions of Policies and                 that it be in a text-based format. If you             actions on State, local, and tribal
                                                      Rates of Premium                                        want to attach a document that is a                   governments and the private sector.
                                                                                                              scanned Adobe PDF file, it must be                    This rule contains no Federal mandates
                                                      AGENCY:  Federal Crop Insurance                                                                               (under the regulatory provisions of title
                                                      Corporation, USDA.                                      scanned as text and not as an image,
                                                                                                              thus allowing FCIC to search and copy                 II of the UMRA) for State, local, and
                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule.                                                                                        tribal governments or the private sector.
                                                                                                              certain portions of your submissions.
                                                      SUMMARY:    The Federal Crop Insurance                  For questions regarding attaching a                   Therefore, this rule is not subject to the
                                                      Corporation (FCIC) proposes to replace                  document that is a scanned Adobe PDF                  requirements of sections 202 and 205 of
                                                      the General Administrative                              file, please contact the RMA Web                      UMRA.
                                                      Regulation—Subpart V—Submission of                      Content Team at (816) 823–4694 or by                  Executive Order 13132
                                                      Policies, Provisions of Policies and                    email at rmaweb.content@rma.usda.gov.                   It has been determined under section
                                                      Rates of Premium. The intended effect                      Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search
                                                                                                                                                                    1(a) of Executive Order 13132,
                                                      of this action is to incorporate                        the electronic form of all comments
                                                                                                                                                                    Federalism, that this rule does not have
                                                      legislative changes to the Federal Crop                 received for any dockets by the name of
                                                                                                                                                                    sufficient implications to warrant
                                                      Insurance Act (Act) stemming from the                   the individual submitting the comment
                                                                                                                                                                    consultation with the States. The
                                                      Agricultural Act of 2014, clarify existing              (or signing the comment, if submitted
                                                                                                                                                                    provisions contained in this rule will
                                                      regulations, lessen the burden of                       on behalf of an association, business,
                                                                                                                                                                    not have a substantial direct effect on
                                                      submitters of crop insurance policies,                  labor union, etc.). You may review the
                                                                                                                                                                    States, or on the relationship between
                                                      provisions of policies, or rates of                     complete User Notice and Privacy
                                                                                                                                                                    the national government and the States,
                                                      premium under section 508(h) of the                     Notice for Regulations.gov at http://
                                                                                                                                                                    or on the distribution of power and
                                                      Act, provide guidance on the                            www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice.
                                                                                                                                                                    responsibilities among the various
                                                      submission and payment for concept                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tim                  levels of government.
                                                      proposals under section 522 of the Act,                 Hoffmann, Product Administration and
                                                      and to incorporate changes that are                     Standards Division, Risk Management                   Executive Order 13175
                                                      consistent with those made in the                       Agency, United States Department of                     This rule has been reviewed in
                                                      Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic                      Agriculture, Beacon Facility, Stop 0812,              accordance with the requirements of
                                                      Provisions (Basic Provisions).                          Room 421, P.O. Box 419205, Kansas                     Executive Order 13175, Consultation
                                                      DATES: Written comments and opinions                    City, MO 64141–6205, telephone (816)                  and Coordination with Indian Tribal
                                                      on this proposed rule will be accepted                  926–7730.                                             Governments. The review reveals that
                                                      until close of business April 27, 2015                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            this regulation will not have substantial
                                                      and will be considered when the rule is                                                                       and direct effects on Tribal governments
                                                      to be made final.                                       Executive Order 12866                                 and will not have significant Tribal
                                                      ADDRESSES: FCIC prefers that comments                     This rule has been determined to be                 implications.
                                                      be submitted electronically through the                 not significant for the purposes of
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                                                                    Regulatory Flexibility Act
                                                      Federal eRulemaking Portal. You may                     Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, it
                                                      submit comments, identified by Docket                   has not been reviewed by the OMB.                       FCIC certifies that this regulation will
                                                      ID No. FCIC–13–0006 by any of the                                                                             not have a significant economic impact
                                                                                                              Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                       on a substantial number of small
                                                      following methods:
                                                        • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                   Pursuant to the provisions of the                   entities. The regulation does not require
                                                      www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44                   any more action on the part of the small
                                                      instructions for submitting comments.                   U.S.C. chapter 35), the collections of                entities than is required on the part of
                                                        • Mail: Director, Product                             information in this rule have been                    large entities. No matter the size of the
                                                      Administration and Standards Division,                  approved by the Office of Management                  submitter, all submitters are required to

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                              10009

                                                      perform the same tasks and those tasks                  limitations contained in the Act. Section             List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 400
                                                      are necessary to ensure that the concept                508(h) of the Act also requires that FCIC               Administrative practice and
                                                      proposal can be made into a viable and                  issue regulations to establish guidelines             procedure, Crop insurance.
                                                      marketable submission and any                           for the submission and Board review of
                                                      submission can be made into viable and                  policies or other material submitted to               Proposed Rule
                                                      marketable, actuarially sound insurance                 the Board under the Act. These                           Accordingly, as set forth in the
                                                      product. A Regulatory Flexibility                       regulations were published at 7 CFR                   preamble, FCIC proposes to amend 7
                                                      Analysis has not been prepared since                    part 400, subpart V (Subpart V) and                   CFR part 400 by replacing subpart V in
                                                      this regulation does not have an impact                 provided the process for making                       its entirety as set forth below:
                                                      on small entities, and, therefore, this                 submissions, its contents, the approval
                                                      regulation is exempt from the provisions                process, and the procedures for requests              PART 400—GENERAL
                                                      of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5                    for reimbursement of research and                     ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS
                                                      U.S.C. 605).                                            development costs and maintenance.
                                                                                                              Section 522 of the Act authorizes the                    Revise subpart V to read as follows:
                                                      Federal Assistance Program
                                                                                                              advance payment of research and                       Subpart V—Submission of Policies,
                                                        This program is listed in the Catalog                 development costs for concept                         Provisions of Policies, Rates of Premium,
                                                      of Federal Domestic Assistance under                    proposals and this proposed rule                      and Non-Reinsured Supplemental Policies
                                                      No. 10.450.                                             includes the procedures for requesting                Sec.
                                                      Executive Order 12372                                   such advanced payment.                                400.700 Basis, purpose, and applicability.
                                                                                                                 The Agricultural Act of 2014                       400.701 Definitions.
                                                        This program is not subject to the                    amended parts of section 508(h) as well               400.702 Confidentiality and duration of
                                                      provisions of Executive Order 12372,                    as other sections of the Act. One such                     confidentiality.
                                                      which require intergovernmental                                                                               400.703 Timing and format.
                                                                                                              change requires FCIC to develop                       400.704 Covered by this subpart.
                                                      consultation with State and local                       procedures for submitting index-based
                                                      officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR                                                                    400.705 Contents for new and changed
                                                                                                              weather plans of insurance. Another                        submissions, concept proposals, and
                                                      part 3015, subpart V, published at 48 FR                change mandated by the Agricultural                        index-based weather plans of insurance.
                                                      29115, June 24, 1983.                                   Act of 2014 requires submitters of                    400.706 Review.
                                                      Executive Order 12988                                   products for specialty crops to follow                400.707 Presentation to the Board for
                                                                                                              certain consultation requirements with                     approval or disapproval.
                                                        This proposed rule has been reviewed                                                                        400.708 Post approval.
                                                      in accordance with Executive Order                      grower groups in the major producing
                                                                                                              areas. The Agricultural Act of 2014 also              400.709 Roles and responsibilities.
                                                      12988 on civil justice reform. The                                                                            400.710 Preemption and premium taxation.
                                                      provisions of this rule will not have a                 contains amendments that require                      400.711 Right of review, modification, and
                                                      retroactive effect. The provisions of this              changes to review criteria and establish                   the withdrawal of approval.
                                                      rule will preempt State and local laws                  approval priorities and considerations                400.712 Research and development
                                                      to the extent such State and local laws                 of submissions under section 508(h) of                     reimbursement, maintenance
                                                      are inconsistent herewith. With respect                 the Federal Crop Insurance Act.                            reimbursement, advance payments for
                                                                                                                 In addition to the changes required by                  concept proposals, and user fees.
                                                      to any direct action taken by FCIC or to                                                                      400.713 Non-reinsured supplemental (NRS)
                                                      require the insurance provider to take                  the Agricultural Act of 2014, other
                                                                                                              changes are being proposed to provide                      policy.
                                                      specific action under the terms of the
                                                      crop insurance policy, the                              clarity or lessen the burden on                       Subpart V—Submission of Policies,
                                                      administrative appeal provisions                        submitters or FCIC. This rule contains                Provisions of Policies, Rates of
                                                      published at 7 CFR part 11 must be                      proposed revisions to definitions to                  Premium, and Non-Reinsured
                                                      exhausted before any action against                     clarify the meaning of terms used in                  Supplemental Policies.
                                                      FCIC for judicial review may be brought.                Subpart V as well as new definitions for
                                                                                                              terms that were either not defined or not               Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(l), 1506(o),
                                                      Environmental Evaluation                                previously used. This rule also contains              1508(h), 1522(b), 1523(i).
                                                        This action is not expected to have a                 proposed changes to clarify FCIC and
                                                      significant economic impact on the                      submitter responsibilities with respect               § 400.700 Basis, purpose, and
                                                      quality of the human environment,                       to timing, content, approval,                         applicability.
                                                      health, or safety. Therefore, neither an                reimbursement for research and                          This subpart establishes guidelines,
                                                      Environmental Assessment nor an                         development costs and maintenance                     the approval process, and
                                                      Environmental Impact Statement is                       costs, and potential user fees for such               responsibilities of FCIC and the
                                                      needed.                                                 submissions. To lessen the burden on                  applicant for policies, provisions of
                                                                                                              submitters, this rule proposes to reduce              policies, and rates of premium
                                                      Background                                              the number of printed copies of the                   submitted to the Board as authorized
                                                        FCIC makes available standard                         submission that must be provided to                   under section 508(h) of the Act. It also
                                                      policies for producers to insure certain                FCIC. This rule proposes to provide                   provides procedures for reimbursement
                                                      agricultural commodities against                        additional guidance for submitting                    of research and development costs and
                                                      various agricultural production risks                   concept proposals, including                          maintenance costs for concept proposals
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      and perils. Under the provisions of                     confidentially standards and advance                  and approved submissions. Guidelines
                                                      section 508(h) of the Act, any person                   payment provisions. This rule also                    for submitting concept proposals and
                                                      may submit or propose other crop                        proposes changes to guidelines for non-               the standards for approval and advance
                                                      insurance policies, plans of insurance,                 reinsured supplemental policies to be                 payments are provided in this subpart.
                                                      provisions of policies, or rates of                     submitted to FCIC including a proposed                This subpart also provides guidelines
                                                      premium to the FCIC Board of Directors                  provision to decrease the burden on                   and reference to procedures for
                                                      (Board) for approval for reinsurance and                FCIC by increasing the time FCIC has to               submitting index-based weather plans of
                                                      subsidy. These policies may be                          review such policies from 120 to 150                  insurance as authorized under section
                                                      submitted without regard to certain                     days.                                                 523(i) of the Act. The procedures for

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                                                      10010               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      submitting non-reinsured supplemental                      Applicant. Any person or entity that               have a familial relationship) with the
                                                      policies in accordance with the                         submits to the Board for approval a                   submitter;
                                                      Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA)                    submission under section 508(h) of the                   (2) Who will not benefit financially
                                                      are also contained within.                              Act, a concept proposal under section                 from the submission, concept proposal,
                                                                                                              522 of the Act, or an index-based                     or index-based weather plan of
                                                      § 400.701   Definitions.                                weather plan of insurance under section               insurance if approved, or from the
                                                         Act. Subtitle A of the Federal Crop                  523(i) of the Act.                                    administration of any approved policy
                                                      Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C.                        Approved insurance provider. A legal               or plan of insurance; or
                                                      1501–1524).                                             entity that has entered into a                           (3) Must not be employed by or work
                                                         Actuarial documents. The                             reinsurance agreement with FCIC for the               under contract or be associated in any
                                                      information for the crop or insurance                   applicable reinsurance year.                          similar manner to the applicant on a
                                                      year that is available for public                          Approved procedures. The applicable                regular basis.
                                                      inspection in your agent’s office and                   handbooks, manuals, memoranda,                           Endorsement. A document that
                                                      published on RMA’s Web site, and that                   bulletins or other directives issued by               amends or revises an insurance policy
                                                      shows available insurance policies,                     RMA or the Board.                                     reinsured under the Act in a manner
                                                      coverage levels, information needed to                     Board. The Board of Directors of                   that changes existing, or provides
                                                      determine amounts of insurance and                      FCIC.                                                 additional, coverage provided by such
                                                      guarantees, prices, premium rates,                         Commodity. Has the same meaning as                 policy.
                                                      premium adjustment percentages,                                                                                  Expert reviewer. Independent persons
                                                                                                              section 518 of the Act.
                                                      practices, particular types or varieties of                                                                   contracted by the Board who meets the
                                                                                                                 Complete. A submission, concept
                                                      the insurable crop or agricultural                                                                            criteria for underwriters or actuaries
                                                                                                              proposal, or index-based weather plan
                                                      commodity, insurable acreage, and other                                                                       that are selected by the Board to review
                                                                                                              of insurance determined by RMA and
                                                      related information regarding insurance                                                                       a concept proposal, submission, or
                                                                                                              the Board to contain all required
                                                      in the county or state.                                                                                       index-based weather plan of insurance
                                                                                                              documentation in accordance with
                                                         Actuarially appropriate. Premium                                                                           and provide advice to the Board
                                                                                                              § 400.705 and is of sufficient quality, as
                                                      rates expected to cover anticipated                                                                           regarding the results of their review,
                                                                                                              determined by the Board and RMA, to                      FCIC. The Federal Crop Insurance
                                                      losses and establish a reasonable reserve               conduct a meaningful review.                          Corporation, a wholly owned
                                                      based on valid reasoning, an                               Complexity. Consideration of factors               government corporation within USDA,
                                                      examination of available risk data, or                  such as originality of policy materials,              whose programs are administered by
                                                      knowledge or experience of the                          underwriting methods, actuarial rating                RMA.
                                                      expected value of future costs associated               methodology, and the pricing                             Index-based weather plan of
                                                      with the risk to be covered. This will be               methodology used in design,                           insurance. A risk management product
                                                      expressed by a combination of data                      construction and processes for the full               in which indemnities are based on a
                                                      including, but not limited to liability,                development of a policy or plan of                    defined weather parameter exceeding or
                                                      premium, indemnity, and loss ratios                     insurance.                                            failing to meet a given threshold during
                                                      based on actual data or simulations                        Concept proposal. A written proposal               a specified time period. The weather
                                                      reflecting the risks covered by the                     for a prospective submission, submitted               index is a proxy to measure expected
                                                      policy.                                                 under section 522 of the Act for advance              loss of production when the defined
                                                         Administrative and operating (A&O)                   payment of research and development,                  weather parameter does not meet the
                                                      subsidy. The subsidy for the                            and containing enough information that                threshold.
                                                      administrative and operating expenses                   the Board is able to determine that, if                  Limited resource producer. Has the
                                                      authorized by the Act and paid by FCIC                  approved, will be developed into a                    same meaning as the term defined by
                                                      on behalf of the producer to the                        viable and marketable policy consistent               USDA at: www.lrftool.sc.egov.usda.gov/
                                                      approved insurance provider. Loss                       with Board approved procedures, these                 LRP_Definition.aspx or a successor Web
                                                      adjustment expense reimbursement paid                   regulations, and section 508(h) of the                site.
                                                      by FCIC for catastrophic risk protection                Act.                                                     Livestock commodity. Has the same
                                                      (CAT) eligible crop insurance contracts                    Delivery system. The components or                 meaning as the term in section 523(i) of
                                                      is not considered as A&O subsidy.                       parties that make the policy or plan of               the Act.
                                                         Advance payment. A portion, up to 50                 insurance available to the public for                    Maintenance. For the purposes of this
                                                      percent, of the estimated research and                  sale. The delivery system includes, but               subpart only, the process of continual
                                                      development costs, that may be                          is not limited to RMA, approved                       support, revision or improvement, as
                                                      approved by the Board under section                     insurance providers, and agents.                      needed, for an approved submission,
                                                      522(b) of the Act for an approved                          Development. The process of                        including the periodic review of
                                                      concept proposal, and after the                         composing documentation and                           premium rates and prices, updating or
                                                      applicant has begun research and                        procedures, pricing and rating                        modifying the rating or pricing
                                                      development activities, the Board may                   methodologies, administrative and                     methodologies, updating or modifying
                                                      at its sole discretion provide up to an                 operating procedures, systems and                     policy terms and conditions, adding a
                                                      additional 25 percent advance payment                   software, supporting materials, and                   new commodity under similar policy
                                                      of the estimated research and                           documentation necessary to create and                 terms and conditions with similar rating
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      development costs.                                      implement a submission.                               and pricing methodology, or expanding
                                                         Agent. An individual licensed by the                    Disinterested third party. A person                a plan or policy to additional states and
                                                      State in which an eligible crop                         who:                                                  counties, and any other actions
                                                      insurance contract is sold and serviced                    (1) Does not have any familial                     necessary to provide adequate,
                                                      for the reinsurance year, and who is                    relationship (parents, brothers, sisters,             reasonable and meaningful protection
                                                      employed by, or under contract with,                    children, spouse, grandchildren, aunts,               for producers, ensure actuarial
                                                      the approved insurance provider, or its                 uncles, nieces, nephews, first cousins,               soundness, or to respond to statutory or
                                                      designee, to sell and service such                      or grandparents, related by blood,                    regulatory changes. A concept proposal
                                                      eligible crop insurance contracts.                      adoption or marriage, are considered to               that is similar to a previously approved

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           10011

                                                      submission will be considered                           that offers a specific type of coverage to               Special Provisions. Has the same
                                                      maintenance for the similar approved                    one or more agricultural commodities.                 meaning as the term in section 1 of the
                                                      submission if submitted by the same                        Policy. Has the same meaning as the                Basic Provisions (7 CFR 457.8).
                                                      person.                                                 term in section 1 of the Basic Provisions                Specialty crops. Fruits and vegetables,
                                                         Maintenance costs. Specific expenses                 (7 CFR 457.8).                                        tree nuts, dried fruits, and horticulture
                                                      associated with the maintenance of an                      Rate of premium. The dollar amount                 and nursery crops (including
                                                      approved submission as authorized by                    per insured unit, or percentage rate per              floriculture).
                                                      § 400.712.                                              dollar of liability, that is needed to pay               Socially disadvantaged producer. Has
                                                         Maintenance period. A period of time                 anticipated losses and provide a                      the same meaning as section 2501(E) of
                                                      that begins on the date the Board                       reasonable reserve.                                   the Food, Agriculture, Conservation,
                                                      approves the submission and ends on                        Reinsurance year. The term beginning               and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C.
                                                      the date that is not more than four                     July 1 and ending on June 30 of the                   2279(e)).
                                                      reinsurance years after such approval.                  following year and, for reference                        Standard Reinsurance Agreement
                                                         Manager. The Manager of FCIC.                        purposes, identified by reference to the              (SRA). The reinsurance agreement
                                                         Marketing plan. A plan that identifies,              year containing June.                                 between FCIC and the approved
                                                      at a minimum, the expected number of                       Related material. The actuarial                    insurance provider, under which the
                                                      potential buyers, premium, liability, and               documents for the insured commodity                   approved insurance provider is
                                                      the data upon which such information                    and any underwriting or loss adjustment               authorized to sell and service the
                                                      is based. Such data must include, but is                manuals, handbooks, forms, instructions               eligible crop insurance contracts for
                                                      not limited to, focus group results,                    or other information needed to                        which the premium discount is
                                                      market research studies, qualitative                    administer the policy.                                proposed. For the purposes of this
                                                      market estimates, effects upon the                         Research. For the purposes of                      subpart, all references to the SRA will
                                                      delivery system or participants, an                     development, the gathering of                         also include any other reinsurance
                                                      assessment of factors that could                        information related to: producer needs                agreements entered into with FCIC,
                                                      negatively or adversely affect the                      and interests for risk management; the                including the Livestock Price
                                                      market, responses from a reasonable                     marketability of the policy or plan of                Reinsurance Agreement.
                                                      representative cross-section of                         insurance; appropriate policy terms,                     Submission. A policy, plan of
                                                      producers or significant market segment                 premium rates, price elections,                       insurance, provision of a policy or plan
                                                      to be affected by the policy or plan of                 administrative and operating                          of insurance, or rates of premium
                                                      insurance, and if applicable, results                   procedures, supporting materials,                     provided by an applicant to FCIC in
                                                      from the consultation with the major                    documentation, and the systems and                    accordance with the requirements of
                                                      producer groups of specialty crops                      software necessary to implement a                     § 400.705. Submissions as referenced in
                                                      demonstrating their interest in                         policy or plan of insurance. The                      this subpart do not include concept
                                                      purchasing the product.                                 gathering of information to determine                 proposals, index-based weather plans of
                                                         Multiple peril crop insurance (MPCI).                whether it is feasible to expand a policy             insurance, or non-reinsured
                                                      Policies reinsured by FCIC that provide                 or plan of insurance to a new area or to              supplemental policies.
                                                      protection against multiple causes of                   cover a new commodity under the same                     Submitter. Same meaning as
                                                      loss that adversely affect production or                policy terms and conditions, price, and               applicant.
                                                      revenue, such as to natural disasters,                  premium rates is not considered                          Sufficient quality. The material
                                                      such as hail, drought, and floods.                      research.                                             presented is complete, understandable
                                                         National Agricultural Statistics                        Research and development costs.                    and unambiguous, so that a
                                                      Service (NASS). An agency within                        Specific expenses incurred and directly               disinterested third party can
                                                      USDA, or its successor agency that                      related to the research and development               understand, comprehend and make
                                                      collects and analyzes data collected                    activities of a submission as authorized              calculations, draw substantiated
                                                      from producers and other sources.                       in § 400.712.                                         conclusions or results to determine
                                                         Non-reinsured supplemental policy                       Risk Management Agency (RMA). An                   whether the submission, concept
                                                      (NRS). A policy, endorsement, or other                  agency within USDA that is authorized                 proposal, or index-based weather plan
                                                      risk management tool not reinsured by                   to administer the crop insurance                      of insurance is, or can result in, a viable
                                                      FCIC under the Act, that offers                         program on behalf of FCIC.                            and marketable insurance product with
                                                      additional coverage, other than for loss                   Risk subsidy. The portion of the                   actuarially appropriate rates, reasonable
                                                      related to hail.                                        premium paid by FCIC on behalf of the                 expected market prices, provides
                                                         Non-significant changes. Minor                       insured.                                              meaningful coverage, and that protects
                                                      changes to the policy or plan of                           Sales closing date. A date contained               the interests of producers and program
                                                      insurance, such as technical corrections,               in the Special Provisions by which an                 integrity. The material must be
                                                      that do not affect the rating or pricing                application must be filed and the last                presented in Microsoft Office format
                                                      methodologies, the amount of subsidy                    date by which the insured may change                  and must also contain adequate
                                                      owed, the amount or type of coverage,                   the crop insurance coverage for a crop                information that is presented clearly
                                                      FCIC’s reinsurance risk, or any other                   year.                                                 enough for the determination to be
                                                      condition that does not affect liability or                Secretary. The Secretary of the United             made whether RMA has the resources to
                                                      the amount of loss to be paid under the                 States Department of Agriculture.                     implement, administer, and deliver the
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                                                      policy. Revisions to approved plans                        Significant change. Any change to the              submission effectively and efficiently.
                                                      required by statutory or regulatory                     policy or plan of insurance that may                  Liability (guarantee), premium, and
                                                      changes are included in this category.                  affect the rating and pricing                         indemnity are clearly defined and
                                                      Changes to the policy that involve                      methodologies, the amount of subsidy                  consistent in calculation throughout the
                                                      concepts that have been previously sent                 owed, the amount of coverage, the                     policy materials and appropriate for the
                                                      for expert review are also included in                  interests of producers, FCIC’s                        commodity and the risks covered. As
                                                      this category.                                          reinsurance risk, or any condition that               applicable, the policy, loss adjustment
                                                         Plan of insurance. A class of policies,              may affect liability or the amount of loss            methods, underwriting procedures, and
                                                      such as yield, revenue, or area based                   to be paid under the policy.                          actuarial rating and pricing

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                                                      10012               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      methodologies must be clearly                           financial information in accordance                   0801, Room 3053 South Building,
                                                      identified and correspond to the risks                  with 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and no                        Washington, DC 20250–0801.
                                                      covered.                                                information related to such submission,                 (e) In addition to the requirements in
                                                        Targeted producer. Producers who are                  concept proposal, or index-based                      paragraph (a) of this section, a
                                                      considered small, socially                              weather plan of insurance will be                     submission must be received not later
                                                      disadvantaged, beginning and limited                    released by FCIC unless authorized in                 than 240 days prior to the earliest
                                                      resource or other specific aspects                      writing by the applicant.                             proposed sales closing date to be
                                                      designated by FCIC for review.                             (d) All submissions, concept                       considered for sale in the requested crop
                                                        USDA. The United States Department                    proposals, and index-based weather                    year.
                                                      of Agriculture.                                         plans of insurance, will be kept                        (f) To be offered for sale in a crop
                                                        User fees. Fees, approved by the                      confidential until approved by the                    year, there must be at least sixty days
                                                      Board, that can be charged to approved                  Board and will be given an                            between the date the policy has been
                                                      insurance provider for use of a policy or               identification number for tracking                    approved by the Board and ready to be
                                                      plan of insurance once the period for                   purposes, unless the applicant advises                made available for sale and the earliest
                                                      maintenance has expired that covers the                 otherwise.                                            sales closing date, unless this
                                                      expected maintenance costs to be                                                                              requirement is waived by the Board.
                                                      incurred by the submitter.                              § 400.703    Timing and format.                         (g) Notwithstanding, paragraph (f) of
                                                        Viable and marketable. A                                (a) A submission, concept proposal, or              this section, the Board, or RMA if
                                                      determination by the Board based on a                   index-based weather plan of insurance                 authorized by the Board, shall
                                                      detailed, written marketing plan                        may only be provided to FCIC during                   determine when sales can begin for a
                                                      demonstrating that a sufficient number                  the first five business days in January,              submission approved by the Board.
                                                      of producers will purchase the product                  April, July, and October.                             § 400.704    Covered by this subpart.
                                                      to justify the resources and expenses                     (b) A submission, concept proposal,
                                                      required to offer the product for sale and                                                                       (a) An applicant may submit to the
                                                                                                              or index-based weather plan of                        Board, in accordance with § 400.705, a
                                                      maintain the product for subsequent                     insurance must be provided to FCIC in
                                                      years.                                                                                                        submission that is:
                                                                                                              the following format:                                    (1) A policy or plan of insurance not
                                                      § 400.702 Confidentiality and duration of                 (1) Electronic format, sent to the                  currently reinsured by FCIC;
                                                      confidentiality.                                        address in paragraph (d)(1) of this                      (2) One or more proposed revisions to
                                                         (a) Pursuant to section 508(h)(4)(A) of              section by the due date in paragraph (a)              a policy or plan of insurance authorized
                                                      the Act, prior to approval by the Board,                of this section. The electronic copy must             under the Act; or
                                                      any submission submitted to the Board                   be provided as a single document so                      (3) Rates of premium for any policy or
                                                      under section 508(h) of the Act, concept                that when printed the order and content               plan of insurance authorized under the
                                                      proposal submitted under section 522 of                 exactly match the hard copy; and                      Act.
                                                      the Act, or index-based weather plan of                   (2) Two hard copies, mailed to the                     (b) An applicant must submit to the
                                                      insurance submitted under section                       addresses in paragraph (d)(2) of this                 Board, any significant change to a
                                                      523(i) of the Act, including any                        section and postmarked by the due date                previously approved submission,
                                                      information generated from the                          in paragraph (a) of this section. The                 including requests for expansion, prior
                                                      submission, concept proposal, or index-                 hard copies must exactly match the                    to making the change in accordance
                                                      based weather plan of insurance, will be                electronic copy.                                      with § 400.705.
                                                                                                                (c) Any submission, concept proposal,                  (c) An applicant may submit a
                                                      considered confidential commercial or
                                                                                                              or index-based weather plan of                        concept proposal to the Board prior to
                                                      financial information for purposes of 5
                                                                                                              insurance not provided within the first               developing a full submission, in
                                                      U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and will not be released
                                                                                                              5 business days of a month stated in                  accordance with this subpart and the
                                                      by FCIC to the public, unless the
                                                                                                              paragraph (a) of this section will be                 Procedures Handbook 17030—
                                                      applicant authorizes such release in
                                                                                                              considered to have been provided in the               Approved Procedures for Submission of
                                                         (b) Once the Board approves a                        next month stated in paragraph (a). For               Concept Proposals Seeking Advance
                                                      submission or an index-based weather                    example, if an applicant provides a                   Payment of Research and Development
                                                      plan of insurance, information provided                 submission on January 10, it will be                  Expenses, which can be found on the
                                                      with the submission (including                          considered to have been received on                   RMA Web site at www.rma.usda.gov.
                                                                                                              April 1.                                                 (d) An applicant who is an approved
                                                      information from the concept proposal)
                                                                                                                (d) Any submission, concept                         insurance provider may submit an
                                                      or the index-based weather plan of
                                                                                                              proposal, or index-based weather plan                 index-based weather plan of insurance
                                                      insurance, or generated in the approval
                                                                                                              of insurance must be provided:                        for consideration as a pilot program in
                                                      process, may be released to the public,
                                                                                                                (1) In electronic format to the Deputy              accordance with this subpart and the
                                                      as applicable, including any
                                                                                                              Administrator for Product Management                  Procedures Handbook 17050—
                                                      mathematical modeling and data, unless
                                                                                                              (or successor) at DeputyAdministrator@                Approved Procedures for Submission of
                                                      it remains confidential business
                                                                                                              rma.usda.gov and the Administrator at                 Index-based Weather Plans of Insurance,
                                                      information under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).
                                                                                                              Administrator@rma.usda.gov; and                       which can be found on the RMA Web
                                                      While the expert reviews are releasable
                                                                                                                (2) In hard copy format, with one hard              site at www.rma.usda.gov.
                                                      once the submission or an index-based                                                                            (e) An applicant must submit a non-
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                                                      weather plan of insurance has been                      copy provided to the Deputy
                                                                                                                                                                    reinsured supplemental policy or
                                                      approved, the names of the expert                       Administrator for Product Management
                                                                                                                                                                    endorsement to RMA in accordance
                                                      reviewers may be redacted to prevent                    (or any successor position), USDA/Risk
                                                                                                                                                                    with § 400.713.
                                                      any harassment or undue pressure on                     Management Agency, Beacon Facility
                                                      the expert reviewers.                                   Mail Stop 0812, 9240 Troost Ave.,                     § 400.705 Contents for new and changed
                                                         (c) Any submission, concept proposal,                Kansas City, MO 64131–3055, and one                   submissions, concept proposals, and
                                                      or index-based weather plan of                          identical hard copy must be provided to               indexed-based weather plans of insurance.
                                                      insurance disapproved by the Board                      the Administrator, Risk Management                      (a) A complete submission must
                                                      will remain confidential commercial or                  Agency, 1400 Independence Ave., Stop                  contain the following material, as

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                                                      applicable, in the order given, in a 3-                 executed between the applicant and                       (e) The fourth section must contain a
                                                      ring binder for hard copies and in a                    FCIC; and                                             marketing plan, including, as
                                                      single Microsoft Word document file for                    (10) A statement of whether the                    applicable:
                                                      electronic copies, with a table of                      submission will be filed with the                        (1) A list of counties and states where
                                                      contents, page numbers, and section                     applicable office responsible for                     the submission is proposed to be
                                                      dividers clearly labeling each section, as              regulating insurance in each state                    offered;
                                                      applicable. All relevant materials                      proposed for insurance coverage, and if                  (2) The amount of commodity (acres,
                                                      should be provided in the designated                    not, reasons why the submission will                  head, board feet, etc.), the amount of
                                                      section and not appended to the end of                  not be filed for review.                              production, and the value of each
                                                      the submission.                                            (c) The second section must contain                agricultural commodity proposed to be
                                                        (b) The first section will contain                    the benefits of the plan, including, as               covered in each proposed county and
                                                      general information numbered as                         applicable, a summary that includes:                  state;
                                                      follows (1, 2, 3, etc.), including, as                     (1) How the submission offers                         (3) A reasonable estimate of expected
                                                      applicable:                                             coverage or other benefits not currently              liability and premium, for each
                                                        (1) The applicant’s name(s), address                  available from existing public or private             proposed county and state and total
                                                      or primary business location, phone                     programs;                                             expected liability and premium by crop
                                                      number, and email address;                                 (2) The projected demand for the                   year based on the marketing plan and an
                                                        (2) The type of submission (see                       submission, including support for and                 estimate of the market penetration of
                                                      § 400.704) and a notation of whether or                 against development from market                       other similar products;
                                                      not the submission was approved by the                  research, producers or producer groups,                  (4) If available, any insurance
                                                      Board as a concept proposal;                            agents, lending institutions, and other               experience for each year and in each
                                                        (3) A statement of whether the                        interested parties that provide verifiable            proposed county and state in which the
                                                      applicant is requesting:                                evidence of demand;                                   policy has been previously offered for
                                                        (i) Reinsurance;                                         (3) Potential impacts the submission               sale including an evaluation of the
                                                        (ii) Risk subsidy;                                    may have on producers both where the                  policy’s performance and, if data are
                                                        (iii) A&O subsidy;                                    new plan will and will not be available               available, a comparison with other
                                                        (iv) Reimbursement for research and                   (include both positive and negative                   similar insurance policies reinsured
                                                      development costs, as applicable and, if                impacts);                                             under the Act;
                                                      the submission was previously                              (4) How the submission meets public                   (5) Focus group results, both positive
                                                      submitted as a concept proposal, the                    policy goals and objectives consistent                and negative reactions;
                                                      amount of the advance payment for                       with the Act and other laws, as well as                  (6) Market research studies that
                                                      expected research and development                       policy goals supported by USDA and                    include:
                                                      costs; or                                               the Federal Government; and                              (i) Evidence the proposed submission
                                                        (v) Reimbursement for expected                           (5) A detailed description of the                  will be positively received by
                                                      maintenance costs, if applicable;                       coverage provided by the submission                   producers; and
                                                        (4) The proposed agricultural                         and its applicability to all producers,                  (ii) Market estimates that show
                                                      commodities to be covered, including                    including targeted producers.                         demand and level of coverage for which
                                                      types, varieties, and practices covered                    (d) Except as provided in this section,            producers are willing to pay;
                                                      by the submission;                                      the third section must contain the                       (7) For submissions proposing
                                                        (5) The crop or insurance year and                    policy, that is clearly written in plain              products for specialty crops a
                                                      reinsurance year in which the                           language in accordance with the Plain                 consultation report must be provided
                                                      submission is proposed to be available                  Writing Act of 2010 (5 U.S.C. 301) such               that includes a summary and analysis of
                                                      for purchase by producers;                              that producers will be able to                        discussions with groups representing
                                                        (6) The proposed sales closing date, if               understand the coverage being offered.                producers of those agricultural
                                                      applicable, or if not applicable, the                   The policy language permits actuaries to              commodities in all major producing
                                                      earliest date the applicant expects to                  form a clear understanding of the                     areas for commodities to be served or
                                                      release the product to the public;                      payment contingencies for which they                  potentially impacted, either directly or
                                                        (7) The proposed area for the plan of                 will set rates. The policy language does              indirectly, and the expected impact of
                                                      insurance and if applicable, the reasons                not encourage an excessive number of                  the proposed submission on the general
                                                      why the submission is not being                         disputes or legal actions because of                  marketing and production of the crop
                                                      proposed for other areas producing the                  misinterpretations.                                   from both a regional and national
                                                      commodity;                                                 (1) If the submission involves a new               perspective including evidence that the
                                                        (8) Any known or anticipated future                   insurance policy or plan of insurance:                submission will not create adverse
                                                      expansion plans;                                           (i) All applicable policy provisions;              market distortions;
                                                        (9) Identification, including names,                  and                                                      (8) Effects upon the delivery system or
                                                      addresses, telephone numbers, and                          (ii) A list of any additional coverage             participants including:
                                                      email addresses, of the person(s)                       that may be elected by the insured in                    (i) Estimated computer system
                                                      responsible for:                                        conjunction with the submission such                  impacts and costs;
                                                        (i) Addressing questions regarding the                as applicable endorsements (include a                    (ii) Estimated administrative and
                                                      policy, underwriting rules, loss                        description of the coverage and how                   training costs; and
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                                                      adjustment procedures, rate and price                   such coverage may be obtained).                          (iii) What, if any, efficiency will be
                                                      methodologies, data processing and                         (2) If the submission involves a                   gained;
                                                      record-keeping requirements, and any                    change to a previously approved policy,                  (9) Correspondence from producers
                                                      other questions that may arise in                       plan of insurance, or rates of premium,               expressing the need for such policy or
                                                      implementing or administering the                       the proposed revisions, rationale for                 plan of insurance; and
                                                      program if it is approved; and                          each change, data and analysis                           (10) A commitment in writing from at
                                                        (ii) Annual reviews to ensure                         supporting each change, the impact of                 least one approved insurance provider
                                                      compliance with all requirements of the                 each change, and the impact of all                    to sell and support the policy or plan of
                                                      Act, this subpart, and any agreements                   changes in aggregate.                                 insurance.

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                                                         (f) The fifth section must contain the               minimum sample requirements, row                      depicting good and poor actuarial
                                                      information related to the underwriting                 width factors, etc.).                                 experience.
                                                      and loss adjustment of the submission,                     (g) The sixth section must contain                    (h) The seventh section must contain
                                                      including as applicable:                                information related to prices and rates               forms, instructions for completing
                                                         (1) Detailed rules for determining                   of premium, including, as applicable:                 forms, and statements for all forms
                                                      insurance eligibility, including all                       (1) A detailed description of the                  applicable to the submission in a format
                                                      producer reporting requirements;                        specific premium rating methodology                   compatible with the Document and
                                                         (2) Relevant dates;                                  proposed to be used and the basis for                 Supplemental Standards Handbook
                                                         (3) Step by step examples of the data                selection of the rating methodology;                  (FCIC 24040) found at http://
                                                      and calculations needed to establish the                   (2) A list of all assumptions made in              www.rma.usda.gov/handbooks/24000/
                                                      insurance guarantee (liability) and                     the premium rating and commodity                      index.html.
                                                      premium per acre or other unit of                       pricing methodologies, and the basis for                 (i) The eighth section must contain
                                                      measure, including worksheets that                      these assumptions;                                    the following:
                                                      provide the calculations in sufficient                     (3) A detailed description of the                     (1) A statement certifying that the
                                                      detail and in the same order as                         pricing and rating methodologies,                     submitter and any approved insurance
                                                      presented in the policy to allow                        including:                                            provider or its affiliates will not solicit
                                                      verification that the premiums charged                     (i) Supporting documentation;                      or market the submission until at least
                                                      for the coverage are consistent with                       (ii) All mathematical formulas and                 60 days after all policy materials are
                                                      policy provisions;                                      equations;                                            released to the public by RMA, unless
                                                         (4) Step-by-step examples of                            (iii) Data and data sources used in
                                                                                                                                                                    otherwise specified by the Board;
                                                      calculations used to determine                          determining rates and prices and a
                                                                                                                                                                       (2) An explanation of any provision of
                                                      indemnity payments for all probable                     detailed assessment of the data and how
                                                                                                                                                                    the policy not authorized under the Act
                                                      situations where a partial or total loss                it supports the proposed rates and
                                                                                                                                                                    and identification of the portion of the
                                                      may occur;                                              prices;
                                                                                                                                                                    rate of premium due to these provisions;
                                                         (5) A detailed description of the                       (iv) A detailed explanation of how the
                                                      causes of loss covered by the policy or                 rates account for each of the risks
                                                                                                              covered by the policy; and                               (3) If applicable, agent and loss
                                                      plan of insurance and any causes of loss                                                                      adjuster training plans.
                                                      excluded;                                                  (v) A detailed explanation of how the
                                                                                                              prices are applicable to the policy;                     (j) The ninth section must contain a
                                                         (6) Any statements to be included in
                                                                                                                 (4) An example of both a rate                      statement from the submitter that, if the
                                                      the actuarial documents including any
                                                                                                              calculation and a price calculation;                  submission is approved, the submitter
                                                      intended Special Provisions statements
                                                                                                                 (5) A discussion of the applicant’s                will work with RMA and its computer
                                                      that may change any underlying policy
                                                                                                              objective evaluation of the accuracy of               programmers as needed to assure an
                                                      terms or conditions; and
                                                                                                              the data, the short and long term                     effective and efficient implementation
                                                         (7) The loss adjustment standards
                                                                                                              availability of the data, and how the                 process. The applicant must consult
                                                      handbook for the policy or plan of
                                                                                                              data will be obtained (if the data source             with RMA to determine whether or not
                                                      insurance that includes:
                                                         (i) A table of contents and                          is confidential or proprietary explain                the submission can be effectively and
                                                      introduction;                                           the cost of obtaining the data); and                  efficiently implemented and
                                                         (ii) A section containing                               (6) An analysis of the results of                  administered through the current
                                                      abbreviations, acronyms, and                            simulations or modeling showing the                   information technology standards and
                                                      definitions;                                            performance of proposed rates and                     systems.
                                                         (iii) A section containing insurance                 commodity prices, as applicable, based                   (1) If FCIC approves the submission
                                                      contract information (insurability                      on one or more of the following (Such                 and determines that its information
                                                      requirements; Crop Provisions not                       simulations must use all years of                     technology systems have the capacity to
                                                      applicable to catastrophic risk                         experience available to the applicant                 implement and administer the
                                                      protection; specific unit division                      and must reflect both partial losses and              submission, the applicant must provide
                                                      guidelines, if applicable; notice of                    total losses):                                        a document detailing acceptable
                                                      damage or loss provisions; quality                         (i) A recalculation of total premium               computer processing requirements
                                                      adjustment provisions; etc.);                           and losses compared to a similar or                   consistent with those used by RMA as
                                                         (iv) A section that thoroughly                       comparable insurance plan offered                     shown on the RMA Web site in the
                                                      explains appraisal methods, if                          under the authority of the Act with                   Appendix III/M–13 Handbook. This
                                                      applicable;                                             modifications, as needed, to represent                information details the acceptable
                                                         (v) Illustrative samples of all the                  the components of the submission;                     computer processing requirements in a
                                                      applicable forms needed for insuring                       (ii) A simulation that shows liability,            manner consistent with that used by
                                                      and adjusting losses in regards to the                  premium, indemnity, and loss ratios for               RMA to facilitate the acceptance of
                                                      submission, plus detailed instructions                  the proposed insurance product based                  producer applications and related data.
                                                      for their use and completion;                           on the probability distributions used to                 (2) Any computer systems,
                                                         (vi) Instructions, examples of                       develop the rates and commodity prices,               requirements, code and software must
                                                      calculations, and loss adjustment                       as applicable, including sensitivity tests            be consistent with that used by RMA
                                                      procedures that are necessary to                        that demonstrate price or yield                       and comply with the standards
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                                                      establish the amounts of coverage and                   extremes, and the impact of                           established in Appendix III/M–13
                                                      loss;                                                   inappropriate assumptions; or                         Handbook, or any successor document,
                                                         (vii) A section containing any special                  (iii) Any other comparable simulation              of the SRA or other reinsurance
                                                      coverage information (i.e., replanting,                 that provides results indicating both                 agreement as specified by FCIC.
                                                      tree replacement or rehabilitation,                     aggregate and individual performance of                  (3) These requirements are available
                                                      prevented planting, etc.), as applicable;               the submission including expected                     from the USDA/Risk Management
                                                      and                                                     liability, premium, indemnity, and loss               Agency, Beacon Facility Mail Stop 0812,
                                                         (viii) A section containing all                      ratios for the proposed insurance                     9240 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO
                                                      applicable reference material (i.e.,                    product, under various scenarios                      64131–3055, or on RMA’s Web site at

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                                                      http://www.rma.usda.gov/data/#m13, or                   submits the index-based weather plan of               the results of RMA’s initial review, to
                                                      a successor Web site.                                   insurance must provide evidence they                  the Board for its determination of
                                                         (k) The tenth section submitted on                   have:                                                 completeness.
                                                      separate pages and in accordance with                     (1) Adequate experience underwriting                   (b) Upon the Board’s receipt of a
                                                      §§ 400.712 must specify:                                and administering policies or plans of                submission, the Board will:
                                                         (1) On one page, the amount received                 insurance that are comparable to the                     (1) Determine if the submission is
                                                      for an advance payment, an estimate of                  proposed policy of plan of insurance;                 complete (The date the Board votes to
                                                      the total amount of reimbursement for                     (2) Sufficient assets or reinsurance to             contract with the expert reviewers is the
                                                      research and development costs (new                     satisfy the underwriting obligations of               date the submission is deemed to be
                                                      products only) or an estimate for                       the approved insurance provider, and                  complete for the start of the 120 day
                                                      maintenance costs for the year that the                 possess a sufficient insurance credit                 time-period for approval);
                                                      submission will be effective (for                       rating from an appropriate credit rating                 (2) Unless the submission makes non-
                                                      products that are within the                            bureau; and                                           significant changes to a policy or plan
                                                      maintenance period); and                                  (3) Applicable authority and approval               of insurance, or involves policy
                                                         (2) On another page, a detailed                      from each State in which the approved                 provisions that have already undergone
                                                      estimate of maintenance costs for future                insurance provider intends to sell the                expert review, forward the complete
                                                      years of the maintenance period and the                 insurance product.                                    submission to at least five expert
                                                      basis that such maintenance costs will                                                                        reviewers to review the submission:
                                                      be incurred, including, but not limited                 § 400.706    Review.                                     (i) Of the five expert reviewers, no
                                                      to:                                                        (a) Prior to providing a submission,               more than one will be employed by the
                                                         (i) Any anticipated expansion;                       concept proposal, or index-based                      Federal Government, and none may be
                                                         (ii) Anticipated changes or updates to               weather plan of insurance to the Board,               employed by any approved insurance
                                                      policy materials;                                       RMA will:                                             provider or their representative; and
                                                         (iii) The generation of premium rates;                  (1) Review the submission, concept                    (ii) The expert reviewers will each
                                                         (iv) The determination of prices; and                proposal, or index-based weather plan                 provide their individual assessment of
                                                         (v) Any other costs that the applicant               of insurance to determine if all required             whether the submission:
                                                      anticipates will be requested for                       documentation is included in                             (A) Protects the interests of
                                                      reimbursement of maintenance costs or                   accordance with § 400.705;                            agricultural producers and taxpayers;
                                                      expenses;                                                  (2) Review the submission, concept                    (B) Is actuarially appropriate;
                                                         (l) The eleventh section must contain                proposal, or index-based weather plan                    (C) Follows appropriate insurance
                                                      executed (signed) certification                         of insurance to determine whether it is               principles;
                                                      statements in accordance with the                       of sufficient quality to conduct a                       (D) Meets the requirements of the Act;
                                                                                                                                                                       (E) Does not contain excessive risks;
                                                      following:                                              meaningful review such that the Board                    (F) Follows sound, reasonable, and
                                                         (1) ‘‘{Applicant’s Name} hereby claim                will be able to make an informed                      appropriate underwriting principles;
                                                      that the basis and amounts set forth in                 decision regarding approval or                           (G) Will provide a new kind of
                                                      this section and § 400.712 are correct                  disapproval;                                          coverage that is likely to be viable and
                                                      and due and owing to {Applicant’s                          (3) In accordance with section                     marketable;
                                                      Name} by FCIC under the Federal Crop                    508(h)(1)(B) of the Act, at its sole                     (H) Will provide crop insurance
                                                      Insurance Act’’; and                                    discretion, determine if the policy or                coverage in a manner that addresses a
                                                         (2) ‘‘{Applicant Name} understands                   plan of insurance:                                    clear and identifiable flaw or problem in
                                                      that, in addition to criminal fines and                    (i) Will likely result in a viable and             an existing policy;
                                                      imprisonment, the submission of false                   marketable policy;                                       (I) Will provide a new kind of
                                                      or fraudulent statements or claims may                     (ii) Will provide crop insurance                   coverage for a commodity that
                                                      result in civil and administrative                      coverage in a significantly improved                  previously had no available crop
                                                      sanctions.’’                                            form; and                                             insurance, or has demonstrated a low
                                                         (m) The contents required for concept                   (iii) Adequately protect the interests             level of participation or coverage level
                                                      proposals are found in the Procedures                   of producers.                                         under existing coverage;
                                                      Handbook 17030—Approved                                    (4) Except for submissions developed                  (J) May have a significant adverse
                                                      Procedures for Submission of Concept                    from a concept proposal funded for                    impact on the crop insurance delivery
                                                      Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of                    advanced payment by the Board, reject                 system;
                                                      Research and Development Expenses. In                   and return any submission, concept                       (K) Contains a marketing plan that
                                                      addition, the proposal must provide a                   proposal, or indexed based weather plan               reasonably demonstrates the product
                                                      detailed description of why the concept                 of insurance that:                                    would be viable and marketable;
                                                      provides insurance:                                        (i) Does not contain all the required                 (L) If applicable, contains a
                                                         (1) In a significantly improved form;                information or is not of sufficient                   consultation report that provides
                                                         (2) To a crop or region not                          quality to conduct a meaningful review;               evidence the submission will not create
                                                      traditionally served by the Federal crop                   (ii) Is unlikely result in a viable and            adverse market distortions; and
                                                      insurance program; or                                   marketable policy;                                       (M) Meets any other criteria the Board
                                                         (3) In a form that addresses a                          (iii) Will not provide crop insurance              may deem necessary;
                                                      recognized flaw or problem in the                       coverage in a significantly improved                     (3) Return to the applicant any
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                                                      program;                                                form; and                                             submission the Board determines is not
                                                         (n) The contents required for index-                    (iv) Will not adequately protect the               complete, along with an explanation of
                                                      based weather plans of insurance are                    interests of producers.                               the reason for the determination and:
                                                      found in the Procedures Handbook                           (5) Except as provided in paragraph                   (i) With respect to submissions
                                                      17050—Approved Procedures for                           (a)(4) of this section or if the submission           developed from approved concept
                                                      Submission of Index-based Weather                       was developed from an approved                        proposals, the provisions in
                                                      Plans of Insurance. In accordance with                  concept proposal, forward the                         § 400.712(c)(1) shall apply; and
                                                      the Board approved procedures, the                      submission, concept proposal, or index-                  (ii) Except for submissions developed
                                                      approved insurance provider that                        based weather plan of insurance, and                  from concept proposals, if the

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                                                      submission is resubmitted at a later                    plan of insurance would, in good faith,               of insurance that provide a new kind of
                                                      date, it will be considered a new                       would meet the requirement of being                   coverage for specialty crops and
                                                      submission solely for the purpose of                    likely to result in a viable and                      livestock commodities that previously
                                                      determining the amount of time that the                 marketable policy consistent with                     had no available crop insurance, or has
                                                      Board must take action;                                 section 508(h);                                       demonstrated a low level of
                                                         (4) For complete submissions:                           (5) At its sole discretion, determine              participation under existing coverage;
                                                         (i) Request review by RMA to provide                 whether the concept proposal, if                      and
                                                      its assessment of whether the                           developed into a policy or plan of                       (5) Unless all the requirements for
                                                      submission:                                             insurance would meet the requirement                  approval of index-based weather plans
                                                         (A) Meets the criteria listed in                     of providing coverage:                                of insurance in this subsection are met
                                                      subsections (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (M);                     (i) In a significantly improved form;              or reasons for notice of disapproval exist
                                                         (B) Is consistent with USDA’s public                    (ii) To a crop or region not                       as specified in paragraph (m) of this
                                                      policy goals;                                           traditionally served by the Federal crop              section, provide a notice of intent to
                                                         (C) Does not increase or shift risk to               insurance program; or                                 disapprove including the reasons for the
                                                      any other FCIC reinsured policy;                           (iii) In a form that addresses a                   intent to disapprove.
                                                         (D) Can be implemented,                              recognized flaw or problem in the                        (e) All comments and evaluations will
                                                      administered, and delivered effectively                 program;                                              be provided to the Board by a date
                                                      and efficiently using RMA’s information                    (6) Determine whether the proposed                 determined by the Board to allow the
                                                      technology and delivery systems; and                    budget and timetable are reasonable;                  Board adequate time for review.
                                                         (E) Contains requested amounts of                       (7) Determine whether the concept                     (f) The Board will consider all
                                                      government reinsurance, risk subsidy,                   proposal meets all other requirements                 comments, evaluations, and
                                                      and administrative and operating                        imposed by the Board or as otherwise                  recommendations in its review process.
                                                      subsidies that are reasonable and                       specified in Procedures Handbook                      Prior to making a decision, the Board
                                                      appropriate for the type of coverage                    17030—Approved Procedures for                         may request additional information
                                                      provided by the policy submission; and                  Submission of Concept Proposals                       from RMA, OGC, the expert reviewers,
                                                         (ii) Seek review from the Office of the              Seeking Advance Payment of Research                   or the applicant.
                                                      General Counsel (OGC) to determine if                   and Development Expenses;                                (g) In considering whether to approve
                                                      the submission conforms to the                             (8) Provide a date by which the                    a submission and when such
                                                      requirements of the Act and all                         submission must be provided in                        submission will be offered for sale, the
                                                      applicable Federal statutes and                         consultation with the applicant; and                  Board will:
                                                      regulations.                                               (9) Unless all the requirements for                   (1) First, consider policies or plans of
                                                         (5) Unless all the requirements for                  approval of concept proposals in this                 insurance that address underserved
                                                      approval for submissions in this                        subsection are met or reasons for                     commodities, including commodities
                                                      subsection are met or reasons for notice                disapproval exist as specified in                     for which there is no insurance;
                                                      of disapproval exist as specified in                    subsection (l), provide a notice of                      (2) Second, consider existing policies
                                                      subsection (k), provide a notice of intent              disapproval, including the reasons for                or plans of insurance for which there is
                                                      to disapprove, including the reasons for                disapproval.                                          inadequate coverage or there exists low
                                                      the intent to disapprove.                                  (d) Upon the Board’s receipt of an                 levels of participation; and
                                                         (c) Upon the Board’s receipt of a                    index-based weather plan of insurance,                   (3) Last, consider all policies or plans
                                                      concept proposal, the Board will:                       the Board will:                                       of insurance submitted to the Board that
                                                         (1) Determine whether the concept                       (1) Determine whether the index-                   do not meet the criteria described in
                                                      proposal is complete (The date the                      based weather plan of insurance is                    paragraph (g)(1) or (2) of this section.
                                                      Board votes to contract with expert                     complete (The date the Board votes to                    (h) At any time an applicant may
                                                      reviewers is the date the concept                       contract with expert reviewers is the                 request a time delay after the
                                                      proposal is deemed to be a complete                     date the index-based weather plan of                  submission, concept proposal, or index-
                                                      concept proposal for the start of the 120               insurance is deemed to be a complete                  based weather plan of insurance has
                                                      day time-period for approval);                          for the start of the 120 day time-period              been placed on the Board meeting
                                                         (2) If complete, forward the complete                for approval);                                        agenda. The Board is not required to
                                                      concept proposal to at least two expert                    (2) If determined to be complete,                  agree to such an extension.
                                                      reviewers with underwriting or actuarial                contract with five expert reviewers and                  (1) With respect to submissions from
                                                      experience to review the concept in                     review the index-based weather plan of                concept proposals approved by the
                                                      accordance with section 522(b)(2) of the                insurance in accordance with section                  Board for advanced payment, the
                                                      Act, this subpart, and Procedures                       523(i) of the Act, this subpart, and                  applicant must provide good cause why
                                                      Handbook 17030—Approved                                 Procedures Handbook 17050—                            consideration should be delayed.
                                                      Procedures for Submission of Concept                    Approved Procedures for Submission of                    (2) Any requested time delay is not
                                                      Proposals Seeking Advance Payment of                    Index-based Weather Plans of Insurance;               limited in the length of time unless a
                                                      Research and Development Expenses;                         (3) Return to the applicant any index-             date is set by the Board by which all
                                                         (3) Return to the applicant any                      based weather plan of insurance the                   revisions to the submission, concept
                                                      concept proposal the Board determines                   Board determines is not complete, along               proposal or indexed-based weather plan
                                                      is not complete, along with an                          with an explanation of the reason for the             of insurance must be made. However,
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                                                      explanation of the reason for the                       determination (If the index-based                     delays may make implementation of the
                                                      determination (If the concept proposal                  weather plan of insurance is                          submission for the targeted crop year
                                                      is resubmitted at a later date, it will be              resubmitted at a later date, it will be               impractical or impossible as determined
                                                      considered a new concept proposal                       considered a new index-based weather                  by the Board.
                                                      solely for the purposes of determining                  plan of insurance solely for the                         (3) The time period during which the
                                                      the amount of time that the Board must                  purposes of determining the amount of                 Board will make a decision to approve
                                                      take action);                                           time that the Board must take action);                or disapprove the submission, concept
                                                         (4) Determine whether the concept                       (4) Give the highest priority for                  proposal or indexed-based weather plan
                                                      proposal, if developed into a policy or                 approval of index-based weather plans                 of insurance shall be extended

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                                                      commensurately with any time delay                         (3) The submission does not conform                later than 120 days after the Board has
                                                      requested by the applicant.                             to sound insurance and underwriting                   determined it to be complete.
                                                        (i) The applicant may withdraw a                      principles;                                              (o) If a notice of intent to disapprove
                                                      submission, concept proposal, index-                       (4) The risks associated with the                  all or part of a submission or index-
                                                      based weather plan of insurance, or a                   submission are excessive or it increases              based weather plan of insurance has
                                                      portion of a submission or concept                      or shifts risk to another reinsured                   been provided by the Board, the
                                                      proposal, at any time by presenting a                   policy;                                               applicant must provide written notice to
                                                      request to the Board. A withdrawn                          (5) The submission does not meet the               the Board not later than 30 days after
                                                      submission, concept proposal or index-                  requirements of the Act; or                           the Board provides such notice if the
                                                      based weather plan of insurance that is                    (6) The 90 day deadline under                      submission or index-based weather plan
                                                      resubmitted will be deemed a new                        subsection (i) will expire before the                 of insurance will be modified. If the
                                                      submission, concept proposal, or index-                 Board has time to make an informed                    applicant does not respond within the
                                                      based weather plan of insurance solely                  decision to approve or disapprove the                 30-day period, the Board will send the
                                                      for the purposes of determining the                     submission.                                           applicant a letter stating the submission
                                                      amount of time that the Board must take                    (l) The Board may disapprove a                     or index-based weather plan of
                                                      action.                                                 concept proposal if it determines:                    insurance is disapproved.
                                                        (j) The Board will render a decision                     (1) The concept, in good faith, will                  (p) If the applicant elects to modify
                                                      on a submission, concept proposal, or                   not likely result in a viable and                     the submission or index-based weather
                                                      indexed-based weather plan of                           marketable policy consistent with                     plan of insurance:
                                                      insurance, with or without revision                     section 508(h);                                          (1) The applicant must advise the
                                                      within 90 days after the date the                          (2) At the sole discretion of the Board,           Board of a date by which the modified
                                                      submission, concept proposal, or                        the concept, if developed into a policy               submission or index-based weather plan
                                                      indexed-based weather plan of                           and approved by the Board, would not                  of insurance will be presented to the
                                                      insurance is considered complete by the                 provide crop insurance coverage:                      Board; and
                                                      Board, unless the Board agrees to a time                   (i) In a significantly improved form;                 (2) The remainder of the time left
                                                      delay in accordance with paragraph (h)                     (ii) To a crop or region not                       between the Board’s notice of intent to
                                                      of this section. Failure to approve a                   traditionally served by the Federal crop              disapprove and the expiration of the 120
                                                      submission, concept proposal, or                        insurance program; or                                 day deadline is tolled until the modified
                                                                                                                 (iii) In a form that addresses a                   submission or index-based weather plan
                                                      indexed-based weather plan of
                                                                                                              recognized flaw or problem in the                     of insurance is received by the Board.
                                                      insurance constitutes intent to give of
                                                                                                              program;                                                 (3) The Board will disapprove a
                                                      intent to disapprove a submission or
                                                                                                                 (3) The proposed budget and                        modified submission or index-based
                                                      index-based weather plan of insurance
                                                                                                              timetable are not reasonable, as                      weather plan of insurance if the:
                                                      or disapproval of a concept proposal.                                                                            (i) Causes for disapproval stated by
                                                                                                              determined by the Board; or
                                                        (k) The Board may provide a notice of                    (4) The concept proposal fails to meet             the Board in its notification of intent to
                                                      intent to disapprove a submission if it                 one or more requirements established by               disapprove the submission or index-
                                                      determines:                                             the Board.                                            based weather plan of insurance are not
                                                        (1) The interests of producers and                       (m) The Board may provide a notice                 satisfactorily addressed;
                                                      taxpayers are not protected, including                  of intent to disapprove an index-based                   (ii) Board determines there is
                                                      but not limited to:                                     weather plan of insurance if it                       insufficient time for the Board to finish
                                                        (i) The submission does not provide                   determines there is not:                              its review before the expiration of the
                                                      adequate coverage or treats producers                      (1) Adequate experience underwriting               120-day deadline for disapproval of a
                                                      disparately;                                            and administering policies or plans of                submission or index-based weather plan
                                                        (ii) The applicant has not presented                  insurance that are comparable to the                  of insurance, unless the applicant grants
                                                      sufficient documentation that the                       proposed policy or plan of insurance;                 the Board an extension of time to
                                                      submission will provide a new kind of                      (2) Sufficient assets or reinsurance to            adequately consider the modified
                                                      coverage that is likely to be viable and                satisfy the underwriting obligations of               submission or index-based weather plan
                                                      marketable;                                             the approved insurance provider, and                  of insurance (If an extension of time is
                                                        (iii) Coverage would be similar to                    possess a sufficient insurance credit                 agreed upon, the time period during
                                                      another policy or plan of insurance that                rating from an appropriate credit rating              which the Board must act on the
                                                      has not demonstrated a low level of                     bureau, in accordance with Board                      modified submission or index-based
                                                      participation or does not contain a clear               procedures; and                                       weather plan of insurance will tolled
                                                      and identifiable flaw, and the producer                    (3) Applicable authority and approval              during the extension); or
                                                      would not significantly benefit from the                from each State in which the approved                    (iii) Applicant does not present a
                                                      submission;                                             insurance provider intends to sell the                modification of the submission or
                                                        (iv) The submission may create                        insurance product.                                    index-based weather plan of insurance
                                                      adverse market distortions or adversely                    (n) Unless otherwise provided for in               to the Board on the date the applicant
                                                      impact other crops or agricultural                      this section:                                         specified and the applicant does not
                                                      commodities if marketed;                                   (1) If the Board intends to disapprove             request an additional time delay.
                                                        (v) The submission will have a                        a submission or index-based weather                      (q) If the Board fails to render a
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                                                      significant adverse impact on the                       plan of insurance or disapproves a                    decision on a new submission or index-
                                                      private delivery system; or                             concept proposal, the Board will                      based weather plan of insurance within
                                                        (vi) The submission cannot be                         provide the applicant with a written                  the time periods specified in paragraph
                                                      implemented, administered, and                          explanation outlining the basis for the               (j) or (n) of this section, such submission
                                                      delivered effectively and efficiently                   intent to disapprove or disapproval; and              or index-based weather plan of
                                                      using RMA’s information technology                         (2) Any approval or disapproval of a               insurance will be deemed approved by
                                                      and delivery systems;                                   submission, concept proposal, or index-               the Board for the initial reinsurance year
                                                        (2) The premium rates are not                         based weather plan of insurance must                  designated for the submission or index-
                                                      actuarially appropriate;                                be made by the Board in writing not                   based weather plan of insurance. The

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                                                      Board must approve the submission or                       (5) The property rights to the                        (ii) Significant changes will be
                                                      index-based weather plan of insurance                   submission will automatically transfer                considered a new submission;
                                                      for it to be available for any subsequent               to FCIC if the applicant elects not to                   (3) Except as provided in paragraph
                                                      reinsurance year.                                       maintain the submission under                         (a)(4) of this section, the applicant is
                                                                                                              § 400.712(a)(3) or fails to notify FCIC of            solely liable for any mistakes, errors, or
                                                      § 400.707 Presentation to the Board for                                                                       flaws in the submitted policy, plan of
                                                      approval or disapproval.
                                                                                                              its decision to elect or not elect
                                                                                                              maintenance of the program under                      insurance, their related materials, or the
                                                        (a) The Board will inform the                         § 400.712(l).                                         rates of premium that have been
                                                      applicant of the date, time, and place of                                                                     approved by the Board unless the policy
                                                                                                                 (b) Requirements and procedures for
                                                      the Board meeting.                                                                                            or plan of insurance is transferred to
                                                        (b) The applicant will be given the                   approved index-based weather plans of
                                                                                                              insurance are contained in Procedures                 FCIC in accordance with § 400.712(l)
                                                      opportunity and is encouraged to
                                                                                                              Handbook 17050—Approved                               (The applicant remains liable for any
                                                      present the submission, concept
                                                                                                              Procedures for Submission of Index-                   mistakes, errors, or flaws that occurred
                                                      proposal, or index-based weather plan
                                                                                                              based Weather Plans of Insurance. In                  prior to transfer of the policy or plan of
                                                      of insurance to the Board in person. The
                                                                                                              accordance with the Board approved                    insurance to FCIC);
                                                      applicant must confirm in writing,                                                                               (4) If the mistake, error, or flaw in the
                                                      email or fax whether the applicant will                 procedures, index-based weather plans
                                                                                                              of insurance are not eligible for federal             policy, plan of insurance, their related
                                                      present in person to the Board.
                                                                                                              reinsurance, but may be approved for                  materials, or the rates of premium is
                                                        (c) If the applicant elects not to
                                                      present the submission, concept                         risk subsidy and A&O subsidy.                         discovered more than 45 days prior to
                                                      proposal, or index-based weather plan                                                                         the cancellation or termination date for
                                                                                                              § 400.709    Roles and responsibilities.              the policy or plan of insurance, the
                                                      of insurance to the Board, the Board will
                                                      make its decision based on the                            (a) With respect to the applicant:                  applicant may request in writing that
                                                      information provided in accordance                        (1) The applicant is responsible for:               FCIC withdraw the approved policy,
                                                      with § 400.705 and § 400.706.                             (i) Preparing and ensuring that all                 plan of insurance, or rates of premium:
                                                                                                              policy documents, rates of premium,                      (i) Such request must state the
                                                      § 400.708   Post approval.                              prices, and supporting materials,                     discovered mistake, error, or flaw in the
                                                         (a) After a submission is approved by                including actuarial documents, are                    policy, plan of insurance, or rates of
                                                      the Board, and prior to it being made                   submitted by the deadline specified by                premium, and the expected impact on
                                                      available for sale to producers:                        FCIC, in the form approved by the                     the program; and
                                                         (1) The following must be executed,                  Board, and are in compliance with                        (ii) For all timely received requests for
                                                      as applicable:                                          Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act;                withdrawal, no liability will attach to
                                                         (i) If required by FCIC, an agreement                  (ii) Annually updating and providing                such policies, plans of insurance, or
                                                      between the applicant and FCIC that                     maintenance changes no later than 180                 rates of premium that have been
                                                      specifies:                                              days prior to the earliest contract change            withdrawn and no producer, approved
                                                         (A) In addition to the requirements in               date for the commodity in all counties                insurance provider, or any other person
                                                      § 400.709, responsibilities of each with                or states in which the policy or plan of              will have a right of action against the
                                                      respect to the implementation, delivery                 insurance is sold;                                    applicant;
                                                      and maintenance of the submission; and                    (iii) Timely addressing responses to                   (5) Notwithstanding the policy
                                                         (B) The required timeframes for                                                                            provisions regarding cancellation, any
                                                                                                              procedural issues, questions, problems
                                                      submission of any information and                                                                             policy, plan of insurance, or rates of
                                                                                                              or clarifications in regard to a policy or
                                                      documentation needed to administer the                                                                        premium that have been withdrawn by
                                                                                                              plan of insurance (all such resolutions
                                                      approved submission;                                                                                          the applicant, in accordance with
                                                         (ii) A reinsurance agreement if terms                for approved submissions will be
                                                                                                              communicated to all approved                          paragraph (a)(4) of this section is
                                                      and conditions differ from the available                                                                      deemed canceled and applications are
                                                      existing reinsurance agreements; and                    insurance providers through FCIC’s
                                                                                                              official issuance system); and                        deemed not accepted as of the date that
                                                         (iii) A training package to facilitate                                                                     FCIC publishes the notice of withdrawal
                                                      implementation of the approved                            (iv) If requested by the Board,
                                                                                                                                                                    on its Web site at www.rma.usda.gov.
                                                      submission;                                             providing an annual review of the
                                                                                                                                                                       (i) Approved insurance providers will
                                                         (2) The Board may limit the                          policy’s performance, in writing to the
                                                                                                                                                                    be notified in writing by FCIC that the
                                                      availability of coverage, for any policy                Board, 180 days prior to the contract
                                                                                                                                                                    policy, plan of insurance, or premium
                                                      or plan of insurance developed under                    change date for the plan of insurance
                                                                                                                                                                    rates have been withdrawn; and
                                                      the authority of the Act and this                       (The first annual report will be                         (ii) Producers will have the option of
                                                      regulation, on any farm or in any county                submitted one full year after                         selecting any other policy or plan of
                                                      or area;                                                implementation of an approved policy                  insurance authorized under the Act that
                                                         (3) A submission approved by the                     or plan of insurance, as agreed to by the             is available in the area by the sales
                                                      Board under this subpart will be made                   submitter and RMA);                                   closing date for such policy or plan of
                                                      available to all approved insurance                       (2) Only the applicant may make                     insurance; and
                                                      providers under the same reinsurance,                   changes to the policy, plan of insurance,                (6) Failure of the applicant to perform
                                                      subsidy, and terms and conditions as                    or rates of premium approved by the                   all of the applicant’s responsibilities
                                                      received by the applicant;                              Board:                                                may result in the withdrawal of
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                                                         (4) Any solicitation, sales, marketing,                (i) Any changes to approved                         approval for the policy or plan of
                                                      or advertising of the approved                          submissions, both non-significant and                 insurance.
                                                      submission by the applicant before FCIC                 significant, must be submitted to FCIC                   (b) With respect to FCIC:
                                                      has made the policy materials available                 in the form of a submission for review                   (1) FCIC is responsible for:
                                                      to all interested parties through its                   in accordance with this subpart no later                 (i) Conducting a review of the
                                                      official issuance system will result in                 than 180 days prior to the earliest                   submission in accordance with
                                                      the denial of reinsurance, risk subsidy,                contract change date for the commodity                § 400.706 and providing its
                                                      and A&O subsidy for those policies                      in all counties or states in which the                recommendations to the Board;
                                                      affected; and                                           policy or plan of insurance is sold; and                 (ii) With respect to submissions:

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                                                         (A) Ensuring that all approved                       § 400.711 Right of review, modification,              FCIC for the submission, and no
                                                      insurance providers receive the                         and the withdrawal of approval.                       additional amounts will be owed to the
                                                      approved policy or plan of insurance,                     (a) At any time after approval, the                 applicant if the submission is
                                                      and related material, for sale to                       Board may review any policy, plan of                  transferred to FCIC in accordance with
                                                      producers in a timely manner (All such                  insurance, related material, or rates of              paragraph (l) of this section; and
                                                      information shall be communicated to                    premium approved under this subpart,                     (3) If the applicant elects at any time
                                                      all approved insurance providers                        including index-based weather plans of                not to continue to maintain the
                                                      through FCIC’s official issuance system);               insurance and request additional                      submission, it will automatically
                                                         (B) As applicable, ensuring that                     information to determine whether the                  become the property of FCIC and the
                                                      approved insurance providers receive                    policy, plan of insurance, related                    applicant will no longer have any
                                                      reinsurance under the same terms and                    material, or rates of premium comply                  property rights to the submission and
                                                      conditions as the applicant (Approved                   with the requirements of this subpart.                will not receive any user fees for the
                                                                                                                (b) The Board will notify the                       plan of insurance;
                                                      insurance providers should contact
                                                                                                              applicant of any problem or issue that                   (b) The Board approved procedures
                                                      FCIC to obtain and execute a copy of the
                                                                                                              may arise and allow the applicant an                  and time-frames must be followed, or
                                                      reinsurance agreement) if required; and
                                                                                                              opportunity to make any needed                        research and development costs and
                                                         (C) Reviewing the activities of                      change. If the contract change date has               maintenance costs may not be
                                                      approved insurance providers, agents,                   passed, the applicant will be liable for              reimbursed, unless otherwise
                                                      loss adjusters, and producers to ensure                 such problems or issues for the crop                  determined by the Board.
                                                      that they are in accordance with the                    year in accordance with § 400.709 until                  (1) After a submission has been
                                                      terms of the policy or plan of insurance,               the policy may be changed.                            approved by the Board for reinsurance,
                                                      the reinsurance agreement, and all                        (c) The Board may withdraw approval                 to be considered for reimbursement of:
                                                      applicable procedures;                                  for the applicable policy, plan of                       (i) Research and development costs,
                                                         (2) FCIC will not be liable for any                  insurance or rate of premium, including               the applicant must submit the total
                                                      mistakes, errors, or flaws in the policy,               index-based weather plans of insurance,               amount requested and all supporting
                                                      plan of insurance, their related                        as applicable, if:                                    documentation to FCIC by electronic
                                                      materials, or the rates of premium and                    (1) The applicant fails to perform the              method or by hard copy and such
                                                      no cause of action may be taken against                 responsibilities stated under                         information must be received by FCIC
                                                      FCIC as a result of such mistake, error,                § 400.709(a);                                         on or before August 1 immediately
                                                      or flaw in a submission or index-based                    (2) The applicant does not timely and               following the date the submission was
                                                      weather plan of insurance submitted                     satisfactorily provide materials or                   released to approved insurance
                                                      under this subpart;                                     resolve any issue to the Board’s                      providers through FCIC’s issuance
                                                                                                              satisfaction so that necessary changes                system; or
                                                         (3) If at any time prior to the                      can be made prior to the earliest
                                                      cancellation date, FCIC discovers there                                                                          (ii) Maintenance costs, the applicant
                                                                                                              contract change date;                                 must submit the total amount requested
                                                      is a mistake, error, or flaw in the policy,               (3) The Board determines the
                                                      plan of insurance, their related                                                                              and all supporting documentation to
                                                                                                              applicable policy, plan of insurance or               FCIC by electronic method or by hard
                                                      materials, or the rates of premium, or                  rate of premium, including index-based
                                                      any other reason for withdrawal of                                                                            copy and such information must be
                                                                                                              weather plans of insurance is not in                  received by FCIC on or before August 1
                                                      approval contained in § 400.706(k)                      conformance with the Act, these
                                                      exists, FCIC will deny reinsurance for                                                                        of each year of the maintenance period.
                                                                                                              regulations or the applicable                            (2) Given the limitation on funds,
                                                      such policy or plan of insurance (If                    procedures;
                                                      reinsurance is denied, a written notice                                                                       regardless of when the request is
                                                                                                                (4) The policy, plan of insurance, or               received, no payment will be made prior
                                                      will be provided to on RMA’s Web site                   rates of premium are not sufficiently
                                                      at www.rma.usda.gov);                                                                                         to September 15 of the applicable fiscal
                                                                                                              marketable according to the applicant’s               year.
                                                         (4) If maintenance of the policy or                  estimate in the submission or fails to                   (c) Applicants submitting a concept
                                                      plan of insurance is transferred to FCIC                perform sufficiently as determined by                 proposal may request an advance
                                                      in accordance with § 400.712(l), FCIC                   the Board; or                                         payment of up to 50 percent of the
                                                      will assume liability for the policy or                   (5) The interest of producers or tax                projected total research and
                                                      plan of insurance for any mistake, error,               payers is not protected or the                        development costs, and after the
                                                      or flaw that occur after the date the                   continuation of the program raises                    applicant has begun research and
                                                      policy is transferred.                                  questions or issues of program integrity.             development activities, the Board may
                                                         (c) If approval by the Board is                      § 400.712 Research and development                    at its sole discretion provide up to an
                                                      withdrawn or reinsurance is denied for                  reimbursement, maintenance                            additional 25 percent advance payment
                                                      any submission, the approved insurance                  reimbursement, advance payments for                   of the estimated research and
                                                      provider must cancel the policy or plan                 concept proposals, and user fees.                     development costs, if requested in
                                                      of insurance in accordance with its                       (a) For submissions approved by the                 accordance with Procedures Handbook
                                                      terms.                                                  Board for reinsurance under section                   17030—Approved Procedures for
                                                                                                              508(h) of the Act:                                    Submission of Concept Proposals
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                                                      § 400.710   Preemption and premium                                                                            Seeking Advance Payment of Research
                                                                                                                (1) The submission may be eligible for
                                                                                                              a one-time payment of research and                    and Development Expenses.
                                                        A policy or plan of insurance that is                 development costs and reimbursement                      (1) If a concept proposal is approved
                                                      approved by the Board for FCIC                          of maintenance costs for up to four                   by the Board for advance payment, the
                                                      reinsurance is preempted from state and                 reinsurance years, as determined by the               applicant is responsible for
                                                      local taxation. This preemption does not                Board;                                                independently developing a submission
                                                      apply to index-based weather plans of                     (2) Reimbursement of research and                   that is complete and of sufficient quality
                                                      insurance approved for premium                          development costs or maintenance costs                as specified in this subpart by the
                                                      subsidy or A&O subsidy under this part.                 will be considered as payment in full by              deadline set by the Board.

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                                                      10020               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         (i) If an applicant fails to fulfill the                (2) Exceed the amount authorized by                   (A) One line per employee or
                                                      obligation to provide a submission that                 law, each applicant’s reimbursement                   contractor, include job title, total hours,
                                                      is complete and of sufficient quality by                determined reasonable by the Board will               and total dollars;
                                                      the deadline set by the Board, the Board                be determined by dividing the total                      (B) The rates charged must be
                                                      shall provide a notice of non-                          amount of each individual applicant’s                 commensurate with the tasks performed
                                                      compliance to the applicant and allow                   reimbursable costs authorized in                      (For example, a person performing the
                                                      not less than 30 days for the applicant                 paragraphs (e) through (j) of this section            task of data entry should not be paid at
                                                      to respond;                                             by the total amount of the aggregate of               the rate for performing data analysis);
                                                         (ii) If the applicant fails to respond, to           all applicants’ reimbursable costs                       (C) The wage rate and benefits shall
                                                      the satisfaction of the Board, with just                authorized in paragraphs (e) through (j)              not exceed two times the hourly wage
                                                      cause as to why a submission that is                    for the year and multiplying the result               rate plus benefits provided by the
                                                      complete and of sufficient quality was                  by the amount of reimbursement                        Bureau of Labor Statistics; and
                                                      not provided by the deadline set by the                 authorized under the Act.                                (D) The applicant must report any
                                                      Board, the applicant shall return the                      (e) The amount of reimbursement for                familial or business relationship that
                                                      amount of the advance payment plus                      research and development costs                        exists between the applicant and the
                                                      interest at the rate of 1.25 percent                    requested by the applicant may be                     contractor or employee (Reimbursement
                                                      simple interest per calendar month;                     reduced based on:                                     may be limited or denied if the
                                                         (iii) If the applicant responds, to the                 (1) The complexity of the policy, plan             contractor or employee is associated to
                                                      satisfaction of the Board, with just cause              of insurance, or rates of premium, so                 the applicant and they may be
                                                      as to why a submission that is complete                 requests for reimbursements for                       considered as one and the same. This
                                                      and of sufficient quality was not                       submissions:                                          includes a separate entity being created
                                                      provided by the deadline set by the                                                                           by the applicant to conduct research
                                                                                                                 (i) Adding commodities to existing
                                                      Board, the applicant will be given a new                                                                      and development. Reimbursement may
                                                                                                              plans of insurance (i.e., Yield Protection
                                                      deadline by which to provide a                                                                                be limited or denied if the contractor is
                                                                                                              and Revenue Protection under the
                                                      submission that is complete and of                                                                            paid a salary or other compensation);
                                                                                                              Common Crop insurance Policy Basic                       (ii) Travel and transportation (One
                                                      sufficient quality; and                                 Provisions, Area Risk Protection, Actual
                                                         (iv) If the applicant fails to provide a                                                                   line per event, include the job title,
                                                                                                              Revenue History, Whole Farm, Rainfall                 destination, purpose of travel, lodging
                                                      submission that is complete and of                      Index, Vegetative Index, etc.) may be
                                                      sufficient quality by the deadline, no                                                                        cost, mileage, air or other identified
                                                                                                              reduced by as much as 20 percent;                     transportation costs, food and
                                                      additional extensions will be approved                     (ii) Using existing rating
                                                      by the Board and the applicant shall                                                                          miscellaneous expenses, other costs,
                                                                                                              methodologies or commodity prices or a                and the total cost);
                                                      return the amount of the advance                        price methodology may be reduced by                      (iii) Software and computer
                                                      payment plus interest at the rate of 1.25               as much as 10 percent;                                programming developed specifically to
                                                      percent simple interest per calendar                       (iii) Using existing policy provisions,            determine appropriate rates, prices, or
                                                      month.                                                  procedures, etc., may be reduced by as                coverage amounts (Identify the item,
                                                         (2) If an applicant receives an advance              much as 10 percent; and                               include the purpose, and provide
                                                      payment for a portion of the expected
                                                                                                                 (2) The scope as measured by the                   receipts or contract or straight-time
                                                      research and development costs for a
                                                                                                              agricultural commodities proposed to be               hourly wage, hours, and total cost.
                                                      concept proposal that is developed into
                                                                                                              covered or geographic area the proposed               Software developed to send or receive
                                                      a submission and determined by the
                                                                                                              submission will cover, as determined by               data between the producer, agent,
                                                      Board to be complete and of sufficient
                                                                                                              FCIC so requests for reimbursements for               approved insurance provider or RMA or
                                                      quality, but the submission is not
                                                                                                              submissions:                                          such other similar software may not be
                                                      approved by the Board following expert
                                                                                                                 (i) That cover a single commodity may              included as an allowable cost);
                                                      review, the Board will not:                                                                                      (iv) Miscellaneous expenses such as
                                                         (i) Seek a refund of any advance                     be reduced by 10 percent; and
                                                                                                                 (ii) That cover a small geographic area            postage, telephone, express mail, and
                                                      payments for research and development                                                                         printing (Identify the item, cost per unit,
                                                      costs; and                                              compared to the total growing area for
                                                                                                              the commodity may be reduced by 10                    number of items, and total dollars); and
                                                         (ii) Make any further research and                                                                            (v) Training costs expended to
                                                      development cost reimbursements                         percent.
                                                                                                                 (f) Research and development and                   facilitate implementation of a new
                                                      associated with the submission.                                                                               approved submission (Include
                                                         (d) Under section 522 of the Act, there              maintenance costs must be supported by
                                                                                                              itemized statements and supporting                    instructor(s) hourly rate, hours, and cost
                                                      are limited funds available on an annual                                                                      of materials and travel) conducted at a
                                                      fiscal year basis to pay for                            documentation (copies of contracts,
                                                                                                              billing statements, time sheets, travel               national level, directed to all approved
                                                      reimbursements of research and                                                                                insurance providers interested in selling
                                                      development costs (including advance                    vouchers, accounting ledgers, etc.).
                                                                                                                                                                    the submission, and approved prior to
                                                      payments for concept proposals) and                        (1) Actual costs submitted will be
                                                                                                                                                                    the training by RMA).
                                                      maintenance costs. Consistent with                      examined for reasonableness and may                      (3) The following expenses are
                                                      paragraphs (e) through (j) of this section              be adjusted at the sole discretion of the             specifically not eligible for research and
                                                      if all applicants’ requests for                         Board.                                                development and maintenance cost
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                                                      reimbursement of research and                              (2) Allowable research and                         reimbursement:
                                                      development costs (including advance                    development costs and maintenance                        (i) Copyright fees, patent fees, or any
                                                      payments for concept proposals) and                     costs (directly related to research and               other charges, costs or expenses related
                                                      maintenance costs in any fiscal year:                   development or maintenance of the                     to the use of intellectual property;
                                                         (1) Do not exceed the maximum                        submission only) may include the                         (ii) Training costs, excluding training
                                                      amount authorized by law, the                           following:                                            costs to facilitate implementation of the
                                                      applicants may receive the full amount                     (i) Wages and benefits, exclusive of               approved submission in accordance
                                                      of reimbursement determined                             bonuses, overtime pay, or shift                       with subsection (f)(2)(v);
                                                      reasonable by the Board; or                             differentials;                                           (iii) State filing fees and expenses;

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            10021

                                                         (iv) Normal ongoing administrative                   Board, expert reviewers and RMA will                     (i) Is unreasonable in relation to the
                                                      expenses or indirect overhead costs (for                be evaluated based on the substance of                maintenance costs associated with the
                                                      example, costs associated with the                      the issue and the amount of time                      policy or plan of insurance; or
                                                      management or general functions of an                   reasonably necessary to address the                      (ii) Unnecessarily inhibits the use of
                                                      organization, such as costs for internet                specific issue raised. Delays and                     the policy or plan of insurance by
                                                      service, telephone, utilities, and office               additional costs caused by the inability              approved insurance providers.
                                                      supplies);                                              or refusal to adequately address issues                  (6) If the total user fee exceeds the
                                                         (v) Paid or incurred losses;                         may not be considered reimbursable, as                maximum amount determined by the
                                                         (vi) Loss adjustment expenses;                       determined at the sole discretion of the              Board, the maximum amount
                                                         (vii) Sales commission;                              Board.                                                determined by the Board will be divided
                                                         (viii) Marketing costs;                                 (k) If the Board withdraws its                     by the number of policies earning
                                                         (ix) Lobbying costs;                                 approval for reinsurance at any time                  premium to determine the amount to be
                                                         (x) Product or applicant liability                   during the period that reimbursement                  paid by each approved insurance
                                                      resulting from the research,                            for maintenance is being made or user                 provider.
                                                      development, preparation or marketing                   fees are being collected, no maintenance                 (7) Reasonableness of the initial
                                                      of the policy;                                          reimbursement shall be made nor any                   request to charge a user fee will be
                                                         (xi) Copyright infringement claims                   user fee be owed after the date of such               determined by the Board based on a
                                                      resulting from the research,                            withdrawal.                                           comparison of the amount of
                                                      development, preparation or marketing                      (l) Not later than 180 days prior to the           reimbursement for maintenance
                                                      of the policy;                                          end of the last reinsurance year in                   previously received, the number of
                                                         (xii) Costs of making program changes                which a maintenance reimbursement                     policies, the number of approved
                                                      as a result of any mistakes, errors or                  will be paid for the approved                         insurance providers, and the expected
                                                      flaws in the policy or plan of insurance;               submission, the applicant must notify                 total amount of user fees to be received
                                                         (xiii) Costs associated with building                FCIC in writing regarding its decision                in any reinsurance year.
                                                      rents or space allocation;                              on future ownership and maintenance                      (8) A user fee unnecessarily inhibits
                                                         (xiv) Costs in paragraphs (i) and (j) of             of the policy or plan of insurance.                   the use of a policy or plan of insurance
                                                      this section determined by the Board to                    (1) The applicant must notify FCIC in              if it is so high that approved insurance
                                                      be ineligible for reimbursement; and                    writing whether it intends to:                        providers will not sell the policy.
                                                         (xv) Local, State, or Federal taxes.                    (i) Continue to maintain the policy or                (9) The user fee charged to each
                                                         (g) Requests for reimbursement of                    plan of insurance and charge approved                 approved insurance provider will be
                                                      maintenance costs must be supported by                  insurance providers a user fee to cover               considered payment in full for the use
                                                      itemized statements and supporting                      maintenance expenses for all policies                 of such policy, plan of insurance or rate
                                                      documentary evidence for each                           earning premium; or                                   of premium for the reinsurance year in
                                                      reinsurance year in the maintenance                        (ii) Transfer responsibility for                   which payment is made.
                                                      period.                                                 maintenance to FCIC.                                     (10) It is the sole responsibility of the
                                                         (1) Actual costs submitted will be                      (2) If the applicant fails to notify FCIC          applicant to collect such fees from an
                                                      examined for reasonableness and may                     in writing by the deadline, the policy or             approved insurance provider and any
                                                      be adjusted at the sole discretion of the               plan of insurance will automatically                  indebtedness for such fees must be
                                                      Board.                                                  transfer to FCIC beginning with the next              resolved by the applicant and approved
                                                         (2) Maintenance costs for the                        reinsurance year.                                     insurance provider.
                                                      following activities may be reimbursed:                    (3) If the applicant elects to:                       (i) Applicants may request that FCIC
                                                         (i) Expansion of the original                           (i) Continue to maintain the policy or             provide the number of policies sold by
                                                      submission into additional crops,                       plan of insurance, the applicant must                 each approved insurance provider.
                                                      counties or states;                                     submit a request for approval of the user                (ii) Such information will be provided
                                                         (ii) Non-significant changes to the                  fee by the Board at the time of the                   not later than 90 days after such request
                                                      policy and any related material;                        election; or                                          is made or not later than 90 days after
                                                         (iii) Non-significant or significant                    (ii) Transfer the policy or plan of                the requisite information has been
                                                      changes to the policy as necessary to                   insurance to FCIC, FCIC may at its sole               provided to FCIC by the approved
                                                      protect program integrity or as required                discretion, continue to maintain the                  insurance provider, whichever is later.
                                                      by Congress; and                                        policy or plan of insurance or elect to                  (11) Every two years after approval of
                                                         (iv) Any other activity that qualifies as            withdraw the availability of the policy               a user fee, or if the applicant has made
                                                      maintenance.                                            or plan of insurance.                                 a significant change to the approved
                                                         (h) Projected costs for research and                    (4) Requests for approval of the user              submission, applicants must submit
                                                      development for concept proposals shall                 fee must be accompanied by written                    documentation to the Board for review
                                                      be based on a reasonable estimate of the                documentation to support the amount                   in determining if the user fee should be
                                                      costs allowed in paragraph (f) of this                  requested will only cover direct costs to             revised.
                                                      section.                                                maintain the plan of insurance. Costs                    (12) The Board may review the
                                                         (i) If a submission is determined to be              that are not eligible for research and                amount of the user fee at any time at its
                                                      of insufficient quality to refer to expert              development and maintenance                           sole discretion.
                                                      review, or is considered incomplete and                 reimbursements under this section are                    (m) The Board may consider
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      is subsequently resubmitted and                         not eligible to be considered for                     information from the Equal Access to
                                                      approved, the costs to perfect the                      determining the user fee.                             Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 504, the Bureau of
                                                      submission may not be considered                           (5) The Board will approve the                     Labor Statistic’s Occupational
                                                      reimbursable costs depending on the                     amount of user fee, including the                     Employment Statistics Survey, the
                                                      level of insufficiency or incompleteness                maximum amount of total maintenance                   Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Employment
                                                      of the submission, as determined at the                 that may be collected per year, that is               Cost Index, and any other information
                                                      sole discretion of the Board.                           payable to the applicant by approved                  determined applicable by the Board, in
                                                         (j) Reimbursement of costs associated                insurance providers unless the Board                  making a determination whether to
                                                      with addressing issues raised by the                    determines that the user fee charged:                 approve a submission for

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                                                      10022               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      reimbursement of research and                           deny reinsurance, A&O subsidy and risk                concluded, the NRS must be
                                                      development costs, maintenance costs,                   subsidy on the underlying FCIC                        resubmitted for review.
                                                      or user fees.                                           reinsured policy for which such NRS                     Signed in Washington, DC, on February 13,
                                                        (n) For purposes of this section, rights              policy was sold.                                      2015.
                                                      to, or obligations of, research and                        (1) If the NRS policy materially                   Brandon Willis,
                                                      development cost reimbursement,                         increases or shifts risk to the underlying            Manager, Federal Crop Insurance
                                                      maintenance cost reimbursement, or                      policy or plan of insurance reinsured by              Corporation.
                                                      user fees cannot be transferred from any                FCIC.                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–03604 Filed 2–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      individual or entity unless specifically                   (i) An NRS policy will be considered               BILLING CODE 3410–08–P
                                                      approved in writing by the Board.                       to materially increase or shift risk to the
                                                        (o) Applicants requesting                             underlying policy or plan of insurance
                                                      reimbursement for research and                          reinsured by FCIC if it creates an
                                                      development costs, maintenance costs,                   incentive for moral hazard such as a                  COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING
                                                      or user fees, may present their request                 financial incentive to increase the                   COMMISSION
                                                      in person to the Board prior to                         number or size of losses or, allows for
                                                      consideration for approval.                                                                                   17 CFR Parts 1, 15, 17, 19, 32, 37, 38,
                                                                                                              aggregate indemnities in excess of the                140, and 150
                                                        (p) Index-based weather plans of                      expected value of the insured
                                                      insurance are not eligible for                          commodity.                                            RIN 3038–AD99; 3038–AD82
                                                      reimbursement from FCIC for                                (ii) The NRS must include language
                                                      maintenance costs or research and                       that clearly states no indemnity will be              Position Limits for Derivatives and
                                                      development costs. Submitters of                        paid in excess of the initial value of the            Aggregation of Positions
                                                      approved index-based weather plans of                   insured commodity.                                    AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading
                                                      insurance may collect user fees from                       (2) The NRS reduces or limits the                  Commission.
                                                      other approved insurance providers in                   rights of the insured with respect to the
                                                      accordance with Procedures Handbook                                                                           ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
                                                                                                              underlying policy or plan of insurance                provision of Table 11a; and reopening of
                                                      17050—Approved Procedures for                           reinsured by FCIC. An NRS policy will
                                                      Submission of Index-based Weather                                                                             comment periods.
                                                                                                              be considered to reduce or limit the
                                                      Plans of Insurance.                                     rights of the insured with respect to the             SUMMARY:   On December 12, 2013, the
                                                      § 400.713 Non-reinsured supplemental                    underlying policy or plan of insurance                Commodity Futures Trading
                                                      (NRS) policy.                                           if it alters the terms or conditions of the           Commission (‘‘Commission’’) published
                                                         (a) Unless otherwise specified by                    underlying policy or otherwise                        in the Federal Register a notice of
                                                      FCIC, any NRS policy that covers the                    preempts procedures issued by FCIC.                   proposed rulemaking (the ‘‘Position
                                                      same agricultural commodity as any                         (3) The NRS disrupts the marketplace.              Limits Proposal’’) to establish
                                                      policy reinsured by FCIC under the Act                  An NRS policy will be considered to                   speculative position limits for 28
                                                      must be provided to RMA to ensure it                    disrupt the marketplace if it encourages              exempt and agricultural commodity
                                                      does not shift any loss under the FCIC                  planting more acres of the insured                    futures and options contracts and the
                                                      reinsured policy. Failure to provide                    commodity in excess of normal market                  physical commodity swaps that are
                                                      such NRS policy or endorsement to                       demand, adversely affects the sales or                economically equivalent to such
                                                      RMA prior to its issuance shall result in               administration of reinsured policies,                 contracts. On November 15, 2013, the
                                                      the denial of reinsurance, A&O subsidy                  undermines producers’ confidence in                   Commission published in the Federal
                                                      and risk subsidy on the underlying FCIC                 the Federal crop insurance program, or                Register a notice of proposed
                                                      reinsured policy for which such NRS                     harms public perception of the Federal                rulemaking (the ‘‘Aggregation
                                                      policy was sold.                                        crop insurance program.                               Proposal’’) to amend existing
                                                         (b) Three hard copies, and an                           (4) The NRS is an impermissible                    regulations setting out the Commission’s
                                                      electronic copy in a format approved by                 rebate. An NRS may be considered to be                policy for aggregation under its position
                                                      RMA, of the new or revised NRS policy                   an impermissible rebate if FCIC                       limits regime. The Commission’s Energy
                                                      and related materials must be submitted                 determines that the premium rates                     and Environmental Markets Advisory
                                                      at least 150 days prior to the first sales              charged are insufficient to cover the                 Committee has scheduled a public
                                                      closing date applicable to the NRS                      expected losses and a reasonable reserve              meeting to be held on February 26,
                                                      policy. At a minimum, examples that                     or it offers other benefits that are                  2015, which will consider, among other
                                                      demonstrate how liability and                           generally provided at a cost.                         matters, exemptions for bona fide
                                                      indemnities are determined under                           (5) The NRS policy is conditioned                  hedging positions. In conjunction with
                                                      differing scenarios must be included.                   upon or provides incentive for the                    the meeting of the Commission’s Energy
                                                         (1) Hard copies of the NRS must be                   purchase of the underlying policy or                  and Environmental Markets Advisory
                                                      sent to the Deputy Administrator for                    plan of insurance reinsured by FCIC                   Committee, the Commission will post
                                                      Product Management (or successor),                      with a specific agent or approved                     an agenda and associated materials, if
                                                      USDA/Risk Management Agency,                            insurance provider.                                   any, on the Commission’s Web site;
                                                      Beacon Facility Mail Stop 0812, 9240                       (d) RMA will respond not less than 60              additionally, access to a video webcast
                                                      Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64131–                     days before the first sales closing date or           of the meeting will be added to the Web
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      3055.                                                   provide notice why RMA is unable to                   site. In addition, and in connection with
                                                         (2) Electronic copies of the NRS must                respond within the time frame allotted.               the meeting, the Commission is
                                                      be sent to the Deputy Administrator for                    (e) NRS policies reviewed by RMA                   providing counts of the unique persons
                                                      Product Management (or successor) at                    will not need to be submitted for a five              over percentages of the 28 proposed
                                                      DeputyAdministrator@rma.usda.gov.                       year period unless a change is made to                position limit levels (currently provided
                                                         (c) RMA will review the NRS policy.                  the NRS or the underlying policy or the               in Table 11 of the Position Limits
                                                      If any of the conditions found in                       loss ratio for the NRS policy exceeds                 Proposal based on counts from the
                                                      paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this                   2.0. Once any changes are made to                     period of January 1, 2011, to December
                                                      section are found to occur, FCIC will                   either policy or the five year period has             31, 2012 period) in a new table, Table

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:09:17
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:09:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesWritten comments and opinions on this proposed rule will be accepted until close of business April 27, 2015 and will be considered when the rule is to be made final.
ContactTim Hoffmann, Product Administration and Standards Division, Risk Management Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, Beacon Facility, Stop 0812, Room 421, P.O. Box 419205, Kansas City, MO 64141-6205, telephone (816) 926-7730.
FR Citation80 FR 10008 
RIN Number0563-AC46
CFR AssociatedAdministrative Practice and Procedure and Crop Insurance

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