80_FR_10111 80 FR 10074 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

80 FR 10074 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Office of the Secretary

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 37 (February 25, 2015)

Page Range10074-10075
FR Document2015-03906

The Department of Defense has submitted to OMB for clearance, the following proposal for collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)]
[Pages 10074-10075]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03906]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket ID DoD-2014-HA-0146]

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Defense has submitted to OMB for clearance, 
the following proposal for collection of information under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by March 
27, 2015.


    Title, Associated Form and OMB Number: Screening and Monitoring of 
DoD Personnel Deployed to Ebola Outbreak Areas; DD Form 2990, DD Form 
2991; OMB Control Number 0720-0056.
    Type of Request: Extension.
    Number of Respondents: 1,200.
    Responses per Respondent: 2.
    Annual Responses: 2,400.
    Average Burden per Response: 12 minutes.
    Annual Burden Hours: 480.
    Needs And Uses: The information collection requirement is necessary 
to ensure DoD personnel deployed in support of Operation UNITED 
ASSISTANCE are promptly evaluated for possible exposure(s) to the Ebola 
virus during deployment to, and within 12 hours prior to departing 
from, an Ebola outbreak country or region (West Africa). Ebola is a 
Quarantinable Communicable Disease as named in Executive Order 13295 
and supported by several DoD regulations and Federal laws. This 
information will be used by

[[Page 10075]]

DoD medical and public health officials to (1) ensure Ebola exposure 
risk is evaluated, (2) proper prevention and quarantine efforts are 
implemented, (3) appropriate medical care is provided, (4) medical 
surveillance programs are robust and (5) the spread of Ebola beyond 
West Africa is minimized. The DoD has consulted with the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of State, the Agency for 
International Development, and several Defense Agencies regarding 
disease control efforts and health surveillance in response to the 
public health emergency in West Africa. DoD has also specifically 
discussed these new information collections with representatives of the 
various Military Services, representing deploying military members who 
have participated in the development of the content of these forms.
    Affected Public: Individuals or households.
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Respondent's Obligation: Voluntary.
    OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet Seehra.
    Written comments and recommendations on the proposed information 
collection should be sent to Ms. Jasmeet Seehra at the Office of 
Management and Budget, Desk Officer for DoD, Room 10236, New Executive 
Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.
    You may also submit comments, identified by docket number and 
title, by the following method:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency 
name, docket number and title for this Federal Register document. The 
general policy for comments and other submissions from members of the 
public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on the 
Internet at http://www.regulations.gov as they are received without 
change, including any personal identifiers or contact information.
    DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Frederick Licari.
    Written requests for copies of the information collection proposal 
should be sent to Mr. Licari at WHS/ESD Directives Division, 4800 Mark 
Center Drive, East Tower, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA 22350-3100.

    Dated: February 20, 2015.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2015-03906 Filed 2-24-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    10074                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Notices

                                                    the proposed collection of information                  Student Registration Form; OMB                        Security Cooperation workforce
                                                    is necessary for the proper performance                 Control Number 0704–XXXX.                             database on the SAN, DISAM Student
                                                    of the functions of the agency, including                  Needs and Uses: The DISAM                          Database or the DISAM Personnel
                                                    whether the information shall have                      Information Technology Mission System                 Database would be unable to match
                                                    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the              (DISM): Is a web based portal designed                personnel to training and ensure
                                                    agency’s estimate of the burden of the                  to hold several web applications for the              compliance with DepSecDef directive
                                                    proposed information collection; (c)                    purposes of efficient administration of               and federal law requiring the reporting
                                                    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and               U.S. and international students, and the              of training of foreign nationals (ref.
                                                    clarity of the information to be                        effective management of DISAM                         AECA). The DISAM Personnel Database
                                                    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the                 personnel and guest lecturers. The                    in conjunction with the Travel Forms
                                                    burden of the information collection on                 portal provides DISAM personnel the                   maintains records of the personnel TDY
                                                    respondents, including through the use                  ability to submit travel request and                  travel and reimbursement as required by
                                                    of automated collection techniques or                   travel arrangements. Finally, the web                 federal law and DoD regulations.
                                                    other forms of information technology.                  based portal uses a relational database                 Dated: February 19, 2015.
                                                    DATES: Consideration will be given to all               to record, manage and report                          Aaron Siegel,
                                                    comments received by April 27, 2015.                    information about students, personnel,
                                                                                                                                                                  Alternate OSD Federal Register, Liaison
                                                                                                            travel. Reports of annual training of                 Officer, Department of Defense.
                                                    ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                                                                                            Foreign nationals to Congress as
                                                    identified by docket number and title,                                                                        [FR Doc. 2015–03785 Filed 2–24–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            required by 22 U.S. Code 2394 (Foreign
                                                    by any of the following methods:                                                                              BILLING CODE 5001–06–P
                                                                                                            Assistance Act (FAA)) and 22 U.S. Code
                                                       • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                2770A (Arms Export Control Act
                                                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the                         (AECA)).
                                                    instructions for submitting comments.                                                                         DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                                                                               Affected Public: Individuals and
                                                       • Mail: Federal Docket Management                    Households.
                                                    System Office, 4800 Mark Center Drive,                                                                        Office of the Secretary
                                                                                                               Disam Student Registration Form:
                                                    East Tower, Suite 02G09, Alexandria,                       Annual Burden Hours: 2388 hours.                   [Docket ID DoD–2014–HA–0146]
                                                    VA 22350–3100.                                             Number of Respondents: 4775.
                                                       Instructions: All submissions received                  Responses per Respondent: 2.                       Submission for OMB Review;
                                                    must include the agency name, docket                       Annual Responses: 9551.                            Comment Request
                                                    number and title for this Federal                          Average Burden per Response: 15
                                                    Register document. The general policy                   minutes.                                              ACTION:   Notice.
                                                    for comments and other submissions                         Frequency: On occasion.                            SUMMARY:   The Department of Defense
                                                    from members of the public is to make                      Disam Guest Speaker Form: (Still in                has submitted to OMB for clearance, the
                                                    these submissions available for public                  development).                                         following proposal for collection of
                                                    viewing on the Internet at http://                         Annual Burden Hours: 62.                           information under the provisions of the
                                                    www.regulations.gov as they are                            Number of Respondents: 249.                        Paperwork Reduction Act.
                                                    received without change, including any                     Responses per Respondent: 1.
                                                                                                               Annual Responses: 249.                             DATES: Consideration will be given to all
                                                    personal identifiers or contact
                                                                                                               Average Burden per Response: 15                    comments received by March 27, 2015.
                                                                                                            min.                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Fred
                                                       Any associated form(s) for this
                                                    collection may be located within the                       Frequency: On occasion.                            Licari, 571–372–0493.
                                                    same electronic docket and downloaded                      Average Totals:                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    for reviewing/testing. Follow the                          Annual Burden Hours: 1884 hours.                     Title, Associated Form and OMB
                                                    instructions at http://                                    Number of Respondents: 5024.                       Number: Screening and Monitoring of
                                                    www.regulations.gov for submitting                         Responses per Respondent: 1.5.                     DoD Personnel Deployed to Ebola
                                                    comments. Please submit comments on                        Annual Responses: 7536.                            Outbreak Areas; DD Form 2990, DD
                                                    any given form identified by docket                        Average Burden per Response: 15                    Form 2991; OMB Control Number 0720–
                                                    number, form number, and title.                         min.                                                  0056.
                                                                                                               Respondents are contractor personnel,                Type of Request: Extension.
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To                     non-DOD U.S. Federal Government,                        Number of Respondents: 1,200.
                                                    request more information on this                        Foreign Service nationals and industry                  Responses per Respondent: 2.
                                                    proposed information collection or to                   students, guest speakers and lecturers                  Annual Responses: 2,400.
                                                    obtain a copy of the proposal and                       involved in the Security Cooperation                    Average Burden per Response: 12
                                                    associated collection instruments,                      initiatives as prescribed by the President            minutes.
                                                    please write to: The Defense Security                   of the United States, Congress and                      Annual Burden Hours: 480.
                                                    Cooperation Agency (DSCA) (ATTN:                        Departments of State and Defense.                       Needs And Uses: The information
                                                    David Frasher, 220 12th Street South,                   Security Cooperation and Assistance                   collection requirement is necessary to
                                                    Suite 203, Arlington VA, 22202–5408 or                  programs as authorized by the Foreign                 ensure DoD personnel deployed in
                                                    call (703) 601–4459 or Defense Institute                Assistance Act (FAA), and the Arms                    support of Operation UNITED
                                                    of Security Assistance Management                       Export Control Act (AECA) are required                ASSISTANCE are promptly evaluated
                                                    (DISAM), ATTN: Donald McCormick,                        to be administered by qualified                       for possible exposure(s) to the Ebola
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    2475 K Street, Wright-Patterson AFB,                    personnel receiving formal education                  virus during deployment to, and within
                                                    OH 45433–7803, or call Director of                      through the Defense Institute of Security             12 hours prior to departing from, an
                                                    Academic Support, at 937–713–3340.                      Assistance Management (DISAM) or                      Ebola outbreak country or region (West
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              other authorized Security Cooperation                 Africa). Ebola is a Quarantinable
                                                       Title; Associated Form; and OMB                      agencies. If the information collected on             Communicable Disease as named in
                                                    Number: The DISAM Information                           the student registration form is not                  Executive Order 13295 and supported
                                                    Technology Mission System (DISM)                        collected, personnel looking to verify                by several DoD regulations and Federal
                                                    Collection; DISAM Form GSI–001 and                      the qualifications of individuals in the              laws. This information will be used by

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:05 Feb 24, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00031   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25FEN1.SGM   25FEN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Notices                                           10075

                                                    DoD medical and public health officials                 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                 options for providing the forfeited
                                                    to (1) ensure Ebola exposure risk is                                                                          wages of incarcerated members of the
                                                    evaluated, (2) proper prevention and                    Office of the Secretary                               Armed Forces to victims of offenses as
                                                    quarantine efforts are implemented, (3)                                                                       compensation; including bodily harm
                                                    appropriate medical care is provided,                   Judicial Proceedings Since Fiscal Year                among the injuries meriting
                                                    (4) medical surveillance programs are                   2012 Amendments Panel (Judicial                       compensation for redress under section
                                                    robust and (5) the spread of Ebola                      Proceedings Panel); Notice of Federal                 939 of title 10, United States Code
                                                    beyond West Africa is minimized. The                    Advisory Committee Meeting                            (article 139 of the UCMJ); and requiring
                                                    DoD has consulted with the Centers for                  AGENCY:   Department of Defense.                      restitution by members of the Armed
                                                    Disease Control and Prevention, the                     ACTION:   Notice of meeting.                          Forces to victims of their offenses upon
                                                    Department of State, the Agency for                                                                           the direction of a court-martial. The
                                                    International Development, and several                  SUMMARY:    The Department of Defense is              Panel is interested in written and oral
                                                    Defense Agencies regarding disease                      publishing this notice to announce the                comments from the public, including
                                                    control efforts and health surveillance                 following Federal Advisory Committee                  non-governmental organizations,
                                                    in response to the public health                        meeting of the Judicial Proceedings                   relevant to these issues or any of the
                                                    emergency in West Africa. DoD has also                  since Fiscal Year 2012 Amendments                     Panel’s tasks.
                                                    specifically discussed these new                        Panel (‘‘the Judicial Proceedings Panel’’
                                                                                                            or ‘‘the Panel’’). The meeting is open to             Agenda:
                                                    information collections with
                                                    representatives of the various Military                 the public.                                           • 8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Administrative
                                                    Services, representing deploying                        DATES: A meeting of the Judicial                           Session (41 CFR 102–3.160, not
                                                    military members who have participated                  Proceedings Panel will be held on                          subject to notice & open meeting
                                                    in the development of the content of                    Friday, March 13, 2015. The Public                         requirements)
                                                    these forms.                                            Session will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end               • 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. DoD Overview of
                                                      Affected Public: Individuals or                       at 5:00 p.m.                                               Compensation and Restitution
                                                    households.                                             ADDRESSES: U.S. District Court for the                     (public meeting begins)
                                                      Frequency: On occasion.                               District of Columbia, 333 Constitution                   —Speakers: Department of Defense
                                                      Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.                   Avenue NW, Courtroom #20, 6th floor,                       subject matter experts
                                                      OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet                         Washington, DC 20001.                                 • 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Economic
                                                    Seehra.                                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.                       Needs of Sexual Assault Victims
                                                      Written comments and                                  Julie Carson, Judicial Proceedings Panel,                  and Barriers to Compensation
                                                    recommendations on the proposed                         One Liberty Center, 875 N. Randolph                      —Speakers: Law school professors
                                                    information collection should be sent to                Street, Suite 150, Arlington, VA 22203.                    with recent scholarship on
                                                    Ms. Jasmeet Seehra at the Office of                     Email: whs.pentagon.em.mbx.judicial-                       restitution and compensation for
                                                    Management and Budget, Desk Officer                     panel@mail.mil Phone: (703) 693–3849.                      victims of sexual assault crimes
                                                    for DoD, Room 10236, New Executive                      Web site: http://jpp.whs.mil.                         • 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. State
                                                    Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.                                                                             Compensation Programs: History,
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
                                                      You may also submit comments,                                                                                    Purposes, and Use by Military/
                                                                                                            public meeting is being held under the
                                                    identified by docket number and title,                                                                             Dependent Victims
                                                                                                            provisions of the Federal Advisory
                                                    by the following method:                                                                                         —Speakers: Representatives from
                                                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                 Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C.,
                                                                                                            Appendix, as amended), the                                 national and state crime victim
                                                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the                                                                                    compensation associations
                                                    instructions for submitting comments.                   Government in the Sunshine Act of
                                                                                                            1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and                 • 12:15 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Lunch
                                                       Instructions: All submissions received                                                                     • 1:00 p.m.–2:15 p.m. How Victims Can
                                                    must include the agency name, docket                    41 CFR 102–3.150.
                                                                                                               Purpose of the Meeting: In Section                      Obtain Restitution or Compensation
                                                    number and title for this Federal                                                                                  for Crimes Under the Uniform Code
                                                                                                            576(a)(2) of the National Defense
                                                    Register document. The general policy                                                                              of Military Justice
                                                                                                            Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013
                                                    for comments and other submissions                                                                               —Speakers: Military Services’ subject
                                                                                                            (Pub. L. 112–239), as amended,
                                                    from members of the public is to make                                                                              matter experts
                                                                                                            Congress tasked the Judicial
                                                    these submissions available for public                                                                        • 2:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m. Perspectives on
                                                                                                            Proceedings Panel to conduct an
                                                    viewing on the Internet at http://                                                                                 Compensation and Restitution for
                                                                                                            independent review and assessment of
                                                    www.regulations.gov as they are                                                                                    Sexual Assault Victims
                                                                                                            judicial proceedings conducted under
                                                    received without change, including any                                                                           —Speakers: Civilian and military
                                                                                                            the Uniform Code of Military Justice
                                                    personal identifiers or contact                                                                                    practitioners, representatives from
                                                                                                            involving adult sexual assault and
                                                    information.                                                                                                       victim advocacy organizations
                                                       DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Frederick                 related offenses since the amendments
                                                                                                            made to the Uniform Code of Military                  • 4:45 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Public Comment
                                                       Written requests for copies of the                   Justice by section 541 of the National                   Availability of Materials for the
                                                    information collection proposal should                  Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal                  Meeting: A copy of the March 13, 2015
                                                    be sent to Mr. Licari at WHS/ESD                        Year 2012 (Pub. L. 112—81; 125 Stat.                  meeting agenda or any updates to the
                                                    Directives Division, 4800 Mark Center                   1404), for the purpose of developing                  agenda, to include individual speakers
                                                                                                            recommendations for improvements to                   not identified at the time of this notice,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Drive, East Tower, Suite 02G09,
                                                    Alexandria, VA 22350–3100.                              such proceedings. At this meeting, the                as well as other materials presented
                                                                                                            Panel will consider the adequacy of the               related to the meeting, may be obtained
                                                      Dated: February 20, 2015.                             provision of compensation and                         at the meeting or from the Panel’s Web
                                                    Aaron Siegel,                                           restitution for victims of offenses under             site at http://jpp.whs.mil.
                                                    Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                  the UCMJ, and develop                                    Public’s Accessibility to the Meeting:
                                                    Officer, Department of Defense.                         recommendations on expanding such                     Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–03906 Filed 2–24–15; 8:45 am]             compensation and restitution.                         102–3.140 through 102–3.165, and the
                                                    BILLING CODE 5001–06–P                                  Specifically, the Panel will consider                 availability of space, this meeting is

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:08:53
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:08:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesConsideration will be given to all comments received by March 27, 2015.
ContactFred Licari, 571-372-0493.
FR Citation80 FR 10074 

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