80_FR_10245 80 FR 10208 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance

80 FR 10208 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 37 (February 25, 2015)

Page Range10208-10209
FR Document2015-03763

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 37 (Wednesday, February 25, 2015)]
[Pages 10208-10209]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03763]



Federal Railroad Administration

[Docket Numbers FRA-2014-0124 and FRA-2013-0128]

Petition for Waiver of Compliance

    In accordance with Part 211 of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations 
(CFR), this document provides the public notice that by a document 
dated November 18, 2014, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation 
(Amtrak) petitioned the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a 
waiver of compliance from certain provisions of the Federal railroad 
safety regulations contained in 49 CFR, governing the operation of 
passenger trains on the Northeast Corridor (NEC). Relief was also 
requested from speed limitations imposed by the Order of Particular 
Applicability for the Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES) 
Order. [FRA Docket No. 87-2, Notice No. 7; 63 FR 39343; July 28, 1998]. 
FRA assigned the petition Docket Number FRA-2014-0124.
    Amtrak's petition incorporated by reference a prior request for 
relief in Docket Number FRA-2013-0128 (see 79 FR 8238; Feb. 11, 2014). 
Accordingly, additional comments may be submitted regarding the 
petition in Docket Number FRA-2013-0128 as well as on the new petition 
in FRA-2014-0124.
    The Amtrak petitions address two distinct requests. First, both 
petitions request permission to operate existing Acela trainsets, built 
in compliance with the specific requirements for Tier II equipment 
under 49 CFR part 238 subpart E, at speeds up to 160 miles per hour 
(mph) in three speed zones where track conditions can support higher 
speeds than currently operated. As discussed above, Amtrak's earlier 
petition in Docket Number FRA-2013-0128 proposed the same speed 
increase for a segment of track in Rhode Island, milepost (MP) AB 154.3 
to MP AB 171.7.
    The new petition in Docket Number FRA-2014-0124 adds a request for 
a 160 mph speed zone in Massachusetts (MP AB 194 to MP AB 204) and--
subject to completion of certain infrastructure improvements--a 160 mph 
speed zone in New Jersey (MP AN 33 to MP AB 55.5).
    In summary, Amtrak seeks a waiver of provisions in the ACSES Order 
and the 150 mph limitation for Tier II equipment in the Passenger 
Equipment Safety Standards to permit operation up to 160 mph in each of 
these discrete zones. Amtrak does not seek to use the existing Acela 
trainsets at speeds higher than presently authorized elsewhere on the 
NEC. Amtrak notes that increasing speeds in the subject zones would be 
subject to special approvals qualifying the existing Acela Tier II 
trainsets at the higher speed under 49 CFR part 213, Track Safety 
Standards, and regulations governing Positive Train Control, such as 49 
CFR part 236, Rules, Standards, and Instructions Governing the 
Installation, Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Signal and Train 
Control Systems, Devices, and Appliances. With FRA oversight, Amtrak 
has been conducting tests that, although not yet concluded, are 
intended by Amtrak to support qualification of the existing trainsets 
and train control system for 160 mph operation. Successful completion 
of these processes would be necessary for Amtrak to use any relief 
related to the Acela service that might be granted in this proceeding.
    Secondly, in Docket Number FRA-2014-0124, Amtrak requests approval 
to operate, on the ``spine'' of the NEC between Washington, DC and 
Boston, new trainsets that would be built to ``Tier III'' standards 
proposed by the second Engineering Task Force (ETF) of the Passenger 
Safety Working Group of the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC). 
Those standards were accepted by the full RSAC on June 14, 2013, (see 
``ETF_001-02--Proposed Ruletext for NPRM 1.docx,'' available on the 
RSAC Web site at https://rsac.fra.dot.gov/meetings/20130614.php.). 
Minutes of the June 14, 2013, RSAC meeting are available at https://rsac.fra.dot.gov/meetings/20131031.php.

[[Page 10209]]

    Amtrak proposes to use Tier III equipment on the NEC at speeds up 
to 160 mph (rather than the 220 mph maximum contemplated for Tier III 
equipment operating on dedicated right-of-way). In support of this 
request, Amtrak has submitted a review of NEC operating experience that 
Amtrak represents as demonstrating a high level of safety, supported by 
compliance with FRA safety regulations and existing risk mitigations 
undertaken as voluntary measures. Amtrak notes that Tier III trainsets 
would be operated at greater than Tier I speeds (i.e., above 125 mph) 
only on the fully grade-separated portions of the NEC in designated 
high-speed zones.
    In further support of its Tier III request, Amtrak has submitted 
the report of a semi-quantitative risk assessment and a description of 
specific safety mitigations designed to compensate for the differences 
in crashworthiness between equipment built to Tier II and Tier III 
standards. Amtrak asserts that, with the existing and proposed 
mitigations, Tier III equipment can be operated at a level of safety 
equivalent to, or better than, operations with Tier II equipment. 
Amtrak's petition and exhibits are available for reference in Docket 
Number FRA-2014-0124.
    Amtrak asserts that all of the relief requested is consistent with 
safety and in the public interest.
    Copies of the petitions, as well as any written communications 
concerning the petitions, are available for review online at 
www.regulations.gov and in person at the U.S. Department of 
Transportation's (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC 20590. The Docket Operations 
Facility is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
Federal Holidays.
    Interested parties are invited to participate in these proceedings 
by submitting written views, data, or comments. If any interested party 
desires an opportunity for oral comment and a public hearing, they 
should notify FRA, in writing, before the end of the comment period and 
specify the basis for their request.
    All communications concerning these proceedings should identify the 
appropriate docket number and may be submitted by any of the following 
    Web site: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submitting comments.
    Fax: 202-493-2251.
    Mail: Docket Operations Facility, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC 
    Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, 
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal Holidays.
    Communications received by April 13, 2015 will be considered by FRA 
before final action is taken. Comments received after that date will be 
considered as far as practicable.
    Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written 
communications and comments received into any of our dockets by the 
name of the individual submitting the comment (or signing the document, 
if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). 
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the 
public to better inform its processes. DOT posts these comments, 
without edit, including any personal information the commenter 
provides, to www.regulations.gov, as described in the system of records 
notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at www.dot.gov/privacy. 
See also http://www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice for the privacy 
notice of regulations.gov.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19, 2015.
Ron Hynes,
Director, Office of Technical Oversight.
[FR Doc. 2015-03763 Filed 2-24-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    10208                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Conductors. The request was assigned                    communications and comments                           II equipment under 49 CFR part 238
                                                    Docket Number FRA–2014–0127. The                        received into any of our dockets by the               subpart E, at speeds up to 160 miles per
                                                    relief is contingent on KRSM’s                          name of the individual submitting the                 hour (mph) in three speed zones where
                                                    implementation of and participation in                  comment (or signing the document, if                  track conditions can support higher
                                                    the Confidential Close Call Reporting                   submitted on behalf of an association,                speeds than currently operated. As
                                                    System (C3RS) pilot project.                            business, labor union, etc.). In                      discussed above, Amtrak’s earlier
                                                       KRSM seeks to shield reporting                       accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT                  petition in Docket Number FRA–2013–
                                                    employees and the railroad from                         solicits comments from the public to                  0128 proposed the same speed increase
                                                    mandatory punitive sanctions that                       better inform its processes. DOT posts                for a segment of track in Rhode Island,
                                                    would otherwise arise as provided in 49                 these comments, without edit, including               milepost (MP) AB 154.3 to MP AB
                                                    CFR 240.117(e)(1)–(4); 240.305(a)(1)–(4)                any personal information the                          171.7.
                                                    and (a)(6); 240.307; and 242.403(b), (c),               commenter provides, to                                   The new petition in Docket Number
                                                    (e)(1)–(4), (e)(6)–(11), (f)(1)–(2). The                www.regulations.gov, as described in                  FRA–2014–0124 adds a request for a
                                                    C3RS pilot project encourages certified                 the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–                160 mph speed zone in Massachusetts
                                                    operating crew members to report close                  14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at                    (MP AB 194 to MP AB 204) and—
                                                    calls and protects the employees and the                www.dot.gov/privacy. See also http://                 subject to completion of certain
                                                    railroad from discipline or sanctions                   www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice                   infrastructure improvements—a 160
                                                    arising from the incidents reported per                 for the privacy notice of regulations.gov.            mph speed zone in New Jersey (MP AN
                                                    the C3RS Implementing Memorandum                          Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19,           33 to MP AB 55.5).
                                                    of Understanding.                                       2015.                                                    In summary, Amtrak seeks a waiver of
                                                       A copy of the petition, as well as any               Ron Hynes,                                            provisions in the ACSES Order and the
                                                    written communications concerning the                   Director, Office of Technical Oversight.              150 mph limitation for Tier II
                                                    petition, is available for review online at             [FR Doc. 2015–03768 Filed 2–24–15; 8:45 am]           equipment in the Passenger Equipment
                                                    www.regulations.gov and in person at                                                                          Safety Standards to permit operation up
                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 4910–06–P
                                                    the U.S. Department of Transportation’s                                                                       to 160 mph in each of these discrete
                                                    (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200                                                                        zones. Amtrak does not seek to use the
                                                    New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                         DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          existing Acela trainsets at speeds higher
                                                    Washington, DC 20590. The Docket                                                                              than presently authorized elsewhere on
                                                    Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.                 Federal Railroad Administration                       the NEC. Amtrak notes that increasing
                                                    to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                                                                             speeds in the subject zones would be
                                                                                                            [Docket Numbers FRA–2014–0124 and
                                                    except Federal Holidays.                                FRA–2013–0128]                                        subject to special approvals qualifying
                                                       Interested parties are invited to                                                                          the existing Acela Tier II trainsets at the
                                                    participate in these proceedings by                     Petition for Waiver of Compliance                     higher speed under 49 CFR part 213,
                                                    submitting written views, data, or                                                                            Track Safety Standards, and regulations
                                                    comments. FRA does not anticipate                          In accordance with Part 211 of Title
                                                                                                            49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),                 governing Positive Train Control, such
                                                    scheduling a public hearing in                                                                                as 49 CFR part 236, Rules, Standards,
                                                    connection with these proceedings since                 this document provides the public
                                                                                                            notice that by a document dated                       and Instructions Governing the
                                                    the facts do not appear to warrant a                                                                          Installation, Inspection, Maintenance,
                                                    hearing. If any interested party desires                November 18, 2014, the National
                                                                                                            Railroad Passenger Corporation                        and Repair of Signal and Train Control
                                                    an opportunity for oral comment, they                                                                         Systems, Devices, and Appliances. With
                                                    should notify FRA, in writing, before                   (Amtrak) petitioned the Federal
                                                                                                            Railroad Administration (FRA) for a                   FRA oversight, Amtrak has been
                                                    the end of the comment period and                                                                             conducting tests that, although not yet
                                                    specify the basis for their request.                    waiver of compliance from certain
                                                                                                            provisions of the Federal railroad safety             concluded, are intended by Amtrak to
                                                       All communications concerning these
                                                                                                            regulations contained in 49 CFR,                      support qualification of the existing
                                                    proceedings should identify the
                                                                                                            governing the operation of passenger                  trainsets and train control system for
                                                    appropriate docket number and may be
                                                                                                            trains on the Northeast Corridor (NEC).               160 mph operation. Successful
                                                    submitted by any of the following
                                                                                                            Relief was also requested from speed                  completion of these processes would be
                                                                                                                                                                  necessary for Amtrak to use any relief
                                                       • Web site: http://                                  limitations imposed by the Order of
                                                                                                            Particular Applicability for the                      related to the Acela service that might
                                                    www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                                                                            Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement                      be granted in this proceeding.
                                                    instructions for submitting comments.
                                                       • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                 System (ACSES) Order. [FRA Docket                        Secondly, in Docket Number FRA–
                                                       • Mail: Docket Operations Facility,                  No. 87–2, Notice No. 7; 63 FR 39343;                  2014–0124, Amtrak requests approval to
                                                    U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200                 July 28, 1998]. FRA assigned the                      operate, on the ‘‘spine’’ of the NEC
                                                    New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                         petition Docket Number FRA–2014–                      between Washington, DC and Boston,
                                                    Washington, DC 20590.                                   0124.                                                 new trainsets that would be built to
                                                       • Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey                        Amtrak’s petition incorporated by                  ‘‘Tier III’’ standards proposed by the
                                                    Avenue SE., Room W12–140,                               reference a prior request for relief in               second Engineering Task Force (ETF) of
                                                    Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.                    Docket Number FRA–2013–0128 (see 79                   the Passenger Safety Working Group of
                                                    and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                      FR 8238; Feb. 11, 2014). Accordingly,                 the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee
                                                                                                            additional comments may be submitted                  (RSAC). Those standards were accepted
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    except Federal Holidays.
                                                       Communications received within                       regarding the petition in Docket Number               by the full RSAC on June 14, 2013, (see
                                                    April 13, 2015 of the date of this notice               FRA–2013–0128 as well as on the new                   ‘‘ETF_001–02—Proposed Ruletext for
                                                    will be considered by FRA before final                  petition in FRA–2014–0124.                            NPRM 1.docx,’’ available on the RSAC
                                                    action is taken. Comments received after                   The Amtrak petitions address two                   Web site at https://rsac.fra.dot.gov/
                                                    that date will be considered as far as                  distinct requests. First, both petitions              meetings/20130614.php.). Minutes of
                                                    practicable.                                            request permission to operate existing                the June 14, 2013, RSAC meeting are
                                                       Anyone is able to search the                         Acela trainsets, built in compliance                  available at https://rsac.fra.dot.gov/
                                                    electronic form of any written                          with the specific requirements for Tier               meetings/20131031.php.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:05 Feb 24, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00165   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25FEN1.SGM   25FEN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 37 / Wednesday, February 25, 2015 / Notices                                           10209

                                                       Amtrak proposes to use Tier III                      New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                          This request for nominations,
                                                    equipment on the NEC at speeds up to                    Washington, DC 20590.                                 particularly from tribal leaders, is in
                                                    160 mph (rather than the 220 mph                          Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey                      furtherance of the objectives of
                                                    maximum contemplated for Tier III                       Avenue SE., Room W12–140,                             Executive Order 13175 under which
                                                    equipment operating on dedicated right-                 Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.                  Treasury consults with tribal officials in
                                                    of-way). In support of this request,                    and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                    the development of federal policies that
                                                    Amtrak has submitted a review of NEC                    except Federal Holidays.                              have tribal implications, to reinforce the
                                                    operating experience that Amtrak                          Communications received by April                    United States government-to-
                                                    represents as demonstrating a high level                13, 2015 will be considered by FRA                    government relationships with Indian
                                                    of safety, supported by compliance with                 before final action is taken. Comments                tribes and to reduce the imposition of
                                                    FRA safety regulations and existing risk                received after that date will be                      unfunded mandates upon Indian tribes.
                                                    mitigations undertaken as voluntary                     considered as far as practicable.                     DATES: Please submit the names and
                                                    measures. Amtrak notes that Tier III                      Anyone is able to search the                        qualifications of individuals you would
                                                    trainsets would be operated at greater                  electronic form of any written                        recommend for appointment to the
                                                    than Tier I speeds (i.e., above 125 mph)                communications and comments                           TTAC by the Secretary, applications for
                                                    only on the fully grade-separated                       received into any of our dockets by the               appointment by the Secretary to the
                                                    portions of the NEC in designated high-                 name of the individual submitting the                 TTAC or comments on this matter,
                                                    speed zones.                                            comment (or signing the document, if                  before April 28, 2015.
                                                       In further support of its Tier III                   submitted on behalf of an association,
                                                                                                                                                                  ADDRESSES: Please send
                                                    request, Amtrak has submitted the                       business, labor union, etc.). In
                                                                                                                                                                  recommendations and applications to
                                                    report of a semi-quantitative risk                      accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT
                                                                                                                                                                  tribal.consult@treasury.gov, with a
                                                                                                            solicits comments from the public to
                                                    assessment and a description of specific                                                                      subject line ‘‘Treasury Tribal Advisory
                                                                                                            better inform its processes. DOT posts
                                                    safety mitigations designed to                                                                                Committee member recommendation or
                                                                                                            these comments, without edit, including
                                                    compensate for the differences in                                                                             application.’’ We will accept
                                                                                                            any personal information the                          applications for Secretarial
                                                    crashworthiness between equipment
                                                                                                            commenter provides, to                                appointments until April 28, 2015. Self-
                                                    built to Tier II and Tier III standards.
                                                                                                            www.regulations.gov, as described in                  nominations are welcome.
                                                    Amtrak asserts that, with the existing
                                                                                                            the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–
                                                    and proposed mitigations, Tier III                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                            14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at
                                                    equipment can be operated at a level of                                                                       Elaine Buckberg, Deputy Assistant
                                                                                                            www.dot.gov/privacy. See also http://
                                                    safety equivalent to, or better than,                                                                         Secretary for Policy Coordination and
                                                    operations with Tier II equipment.                                                                            Point of Contact for Tribal Consultation,
                                                                                                            for the privacy notice of regulations.gov.
                                                    Amtrak’s petition and exhibits are                                                                            Department of the Treasury, at
                                                    available for reference in Docket                         Issued in Washington, DC, on February 19,           tribal.consult@treasury.gov or 202–622–
                                                    Number FRA–2014–0124.                                   2015.                                                 2200. Please use the subject line
                                                       Amtrak asserts that all of the relief                Ron Hynes,                                            ‘‘Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee’’
                                                    requested is consistent with safety and                 Director, Office of Technical Oversight.              in email correspondence.
                                                    in the public interest.                                 [FR Doc. 2015–03763 Filed 2–24–15; 8:45 am]           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                       Copies of the petitions, as well as any              BILLING CODE 4910–06–P
                                                    written communications concerning the                                                                         Introduction and Background
                                                    petitions, are available for review online                                                                    I. Description and Mandate of the
                                                    at www.regulations.gov and in person at                 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            TTAC
                                                    the U.S. Department of Transportation’s                                                                          The TGWEA, signed into law by
                                                    (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200                  Call for Nominations for Treasury                     President Obama on September 26,
                                                    New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                         Secretary Appointments to Tribal                      2014, requires that Treasury establish
                                                    Washington, DC 20590. The Docket                        Advisory Committee                                    the TTAC. Committee members will
                                                    Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.                 AGENCY:   Departmental Offices, Treasury.             advise the Secretary on matters related
                                                    to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                                                                             to the taxation of Indians, the training
                                                                                                            ACTION:   Notice.
                                                    except Federal Holidays.                                                                                      of Service field agents who administer
                                                       Interested parties are invited to                    SUMMARY:   The Treasury Department                    and enforce internal revenue laws with
                                                    participate in these proceedings by                     (‘‘Treasury’’) seeks nominations for                  respect to Indian tribes, and the
                                                    submitting written views, data, or                      appointments by the Secretary of the                  provision of training and technical
                                                    comments. If any interested party                       Treasury (‘‘Secretary’’) to the Treasury              assistance to Native American financial
                                                    desires an opportunity for oral comment                 Tribal Advisory Committee (TTAC),                     officers. The Secretary will appoint
                                                    and a public hearing, they should notify                established pursuant to the Tribal                    three Committee members; the Chairs
                                                    FRA, in writing, before the end of the                  General Welfare Exclusion Act of 2014                 and Ranking Members of the Senate
                                                    comment period and specify the basis                    (Pub. L. 113–168, or TGWEA). The                      Finance Committee and House of
                                                    for their request.                                      TTAC will advise the Secretary on                     Representative Ways and Means
                                                       All communications concerning these                  matters related to the taxation of                    Committee will each appoint one
                                                    proceedings should identify the                         Indians, training and education for                   member. The TTAC Charter has been
                                                    appropriate docket number and may be                    Internal Revenue Service (‘‘Service’’)                filed; a copy of the Charter is posted at
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    submitted by any of the following                       field agents who administer and enforce               http://www.treasury.gov/resource-
                                                    methods:                                                internal revenue laws with respect to                 center/economic-policy/tribal-policy/
                                                       Web site: http://www.regulations.gov.                Indian tribes; and training and technical             Documents/TTAC%20Charter%202-10-
                                                    Follow the online instructions for                      assistance for tribal financial officers.             15.pdf.
                                                    submitting comments.                                    Nominations should describe the                          Recommendations for the four
                                                       Fax: 202–493–2251.                                   candidate’s qualifications for TTAC                   Congressional appointments to the
                                                       Mail: Docket Operations Facility, U.S.               membership. Submittal of an                           TTAC should be directed to the offices
                                                    Department of Transportation, 1200                      application and resume is required.                   of the four Members of Congress

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:08:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:08:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 10208 

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