80_FR_10364 80 FR 10326 - Special Conditions: Boeing Model 767-2C Series Airplanes; Isolation or Protection of Airplane Electronic-System Security From Unauthorized Internal Access

80 FR 10326 - Special Conditions: Boeing Model 767-2C Series Airplanes; Isolation or Protection of Airplane Electronic-System Security From Unauthorized Internal Access

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 38 (February 26, 2015)

Page Range10326-10328
FR Document2015-03969

These special conditions are issued for Boeing Model 767-2C series airplanes. These airplanes, as modified by The Boeing Company, will have a novel or unusual design feature associated with airplane electronic-system security protection or isolation from unauthorized internal access. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 38 (Thursday, February 26, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 38 (Thursday, February 26, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 10326-10328]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03969]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. FAA-2014-0710; Special Conditions No. 25-574-SC

Special Conditions: Boeing Model 767-2C Series Airplanes; 
Isolation or Protection of Airplane Electronic-System Security From 
Unauthorized Internal Access

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final special conditions; request for comments.


SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for Boeing Model 767-2C 

[[Page 10327]]

airplanes. These airplanes, as modified by The Boeing Company, will 
have a novel or unusual design feature associated with airplane 
electronic-system security protection or isolation from unauthorized 
internal access. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not 
contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design 
feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety 
standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a 
level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing 
airworthiness standards.

DATES: This action is effective on The Boeing Company on February 26, 
2015. We must receive your comments by April 13, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by docket number FAA-2014-0710 
using any of the following methods:
    Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov/ and 
follow the online instructions for sending your comments 
    Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30, U.S. Department of 
Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, West 
Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC, 20590-0001.
    Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket Operations in 
Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.
    Privacy: The FAA will post all comments it receives, without 
change, to http://www.regulations.gov/, including any personal 
information the commenter provides. Using the search function of the 
docket Web site, anyone can find and read the electronic form of all 
comments received into any FAA docket, including the name of the 
individual sending the comment (or signing the comment for an 
association, business, labor union, etc.). DOT's complete Privacy Act 
Statement can be found in the Federal Register, published on April 11, 
2000 (65 FR 19477-19478), as well as at http://DocketsInfo.dot.gov/.
    Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at 
http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time. Follow the online instructions 
for accessing the docket or go to Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of 
the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.

Flightcrew Interface Branch, ANM-111, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, 
Washington 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1298; facsimile (425) 227-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FAA has determined that notice of, and 
opportunity for prior public comment on, these special conditions is 
impracticable because these procedures would significantly delay 
issuance of the design approval and thus delivery of the affected 
airplane. In addition, the substance of these special conditions has 
been subject to the public-comment process in several prior instances 
with no substantive comments received. The FAA therefore finds that 
good cause exists for making these special conditions effective upon 
publication in the Federal Register.

Comments Invited

    We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by 
sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments 
reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the 
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data.
    We will consider all comments we receive on or before the closing 
date for comments. We may change these special conditions based on the 
comments we receive.


    On January 18, 2010, Boeing applied for an amendment to Type 
Certificate No. A1NM to include a new Model 767-2CX series airplane, a 
derivative of the 767-200, which later was renamed 767-2C. Later, 
Boeing requested, and the FAA approved, an extension to the date of 
application for FAA amended type certification to December 22, 2010.
    The Model 767-2C is a freighter airplane equipped with Pratt & 
Whitney PW4062 engines. This freighter has a maximum takeoff weight of 
415,000 pounds and can be configured to carry up to 11 supernumeraries 
(see Exemption No. 10691).

Type-Certification Basis

    The regulations listed in the type certificate are commonly 
referred to as the ``original type-certification basis.'' The 
regulations to be listed in A1NM are as follows:
    Under the provisions of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 
CFR) 21.101, Boeing must show that the Boeing Model 767-2C series 
airplane meets the applicable provisions of part 25, as amended by 
Amendments 25-1 through 25-130, and 14 CFR 25.1316 at Amendment 25-134, 
except for earlier amendments as agreed upon by the FAA. These 
regulations will be listed in Type Certificate No. A1NM after type-
certification approval of the 767-2C.
    14 CFR part 26 as amended by Amendments 26-1 through 26-6, and any 
later amendments in existence at the time of certification per 14 CFR 
26.5. For any future part 26 Amendments, the holder of this type 
certificate must demonstrate compliance with the applicable sections.
    14 CFR part 34 as amended by Amendments 34-1 through 34-5A, and any 
later amendments in existence at the time of certification.
    14 CFR part 36 as amended by Amendments 36-1 through 36-29, and any 
later amendments in existence at the time of certification.
    The certification basis also includes certain special conditions, 
exemptions, or later amended sections of the applicable part that are 
not relevant to these special conditions.
    If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness 
regulations (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain adequate or 
appropriate safety standards for the Model 767-2C series airplane 
because of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are 
prescribed under Sec.  21.16.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended 
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or 
unusual design feature, or should any other model already included on 
the same type certificate be modified to incorporate the same novel or 
unusual design feature, these special conditions would also apply to 
the other model under Sec.  21.101.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special 
conditions, the Model 767-2C series airplane must comply with the fuel-
vent and exhaust-emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the 
noise-certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36. The FAA must issue 
a finding of regulatory adequacy under Sec.  611 of Public Law 92-574, 
the ``Noise Control Act of 1972.''
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, 
under Sec.  11.38, and they become part of the type-certification basis 
under Sec.  21.101.

Novel or Unusual Design Feature

    The Boeing Model 767-2C series airplane will incorporate the 
following novel or unusual design feature:

[[Page 10328]]

    The electronic-system network architecture for the Model 767-2C 
series airplane introduces potential security risks and vulnerabilities 
not addressed in current regulations and airplane-level or system-level 
safety-assessment methods.
    This network architecture allows connection to previously isolated 
data networks connected to systems that perform functions required for 
the safe operation of the airplane. This data network and design 
integration may result in security vulnerabilities from intentional or 
unintentional internal-connection corruption of data and systems 
critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane.


    The Boeing Model 767-2C series airplane design introduces the 
potential for unauthorized persons to access, from internal connection, 
airplane-control domain and operator-information-services domain in the 
passenger-services domain. The Model 767-2C design further introduces 
the potential for security vulnerabilities related to the introduction 
of viruses, worms, user mistakes, and intentional sabotage of airplane 
networks, systems, and databases. As such, these special conditions 
address these vulnerabilities.
    The digital systems architecture for the Boeing Model 767-2C series 
airplanes is composed of several connected networks. This network 
architecture is used for a diverse set of functions, including:
    1. Flight-safety related control and navigation systems,
    2. operator business and administrative support, and
    3. passenger entertainment.
    The existing regulations and guidance material did not anticipate 
this type of system architecture or electronic access to airplane 
systems. Furthermore, regulations, and current system safety-assessment 
policy and techniques, do not address potential security 
vulnerabilities, which could be caused by unauthorized access to 
airplane data buses and servers. These special conditions are meant to 
ensure that security, integrity, and availability of airplane systems 
are not compromised by certain wired or wireless electronic connections 
between airplane data busses and networks.
    Special conditions have been applied on past airplane programs to 
require consideration of related security vulnerabilities. These 
special conditions are similar to those previously applied, except that 
the scope has been adjusted to be consistent with those features unique 
to the Model 767-2C series airplane.


    As discussed above, these special conditions apply to Boeing Model 
767-2C series airplanes. Should Boeing apply later for a change to the 
type certificate to include another model incorporating the same novel 
or unusual design feature, the special conditions would apply to that 
model as well.


    This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
on one model series of airplane. It is not a rule of general 
    The substance of these special conditions has been subjected to the 
notice and comment period in several prior instances, and has been 
derived without substantive change from those previously issued. It is 
unlikely that prior public comment would result in a significant change 
from the substance contained herein. Therefore, because a delay would 
significantly affect the certification of the airplane, the FAA has 
determined that prior public notice and comment are unnecessary and 
impracticable, and good cause exists for adopting these special 
conditions upon publication in the Federal Register.
    The FAA is requesting comments to allow interested persons to 
submit views that may not have been submitted in response to the prior 
opportunities for comment described above.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR part 25

    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.

The Special Conditions

    Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of 
the type-certification basis for Boeing Model 767-2C series airplanes.
    1. The applicant must ensure that the design provides isolation 
from, or airplane electronic-system security protection against, access 
by unauthorized sources internal to the airplane. The design must 
prevent inadvertent and malicious changes to, and all adverse impacts 
upon, airplane equipment, systems, networks, or other assets required 
for safe flight and operations.
    2. The applicant must establish appropriate procedures to allow the 
operator to ensure that continued airworthiness of the airplane is 
maintained, including all post-type-certification modifications that 
may have an impact on the approved electronic-system security 

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on February 19, 2015.
John J. Piccola, Jr.,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2015-03969 Filed 2-25-15; 8:45 am]

                                             10326            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             who are not senior officers and who                     our proposed rule in their comment                    PART 620—DISCLOSURE TO
                                             would not otherwise be considered                       letters. Furthermore, they expressed that             SHAREHOLDERS
                                             ‘‘highly compensated employees’’ but                    our proposal improves the disclosure
                                             for payments related to or change(s) in                 language and aligns it with the intended              ■ 1. The authority citation for part 620
                                             the value of the employee’s qualified                   purpose. The FCB also offered two                     continues to read as follows:
                                             pension plan. Also, the qualified plan                  constructive suggestions. The first                     Authority: Secs. 4.3, 4.3A, 4.19, 5.9, 5.19
                                             must have been available to all                         suggestion was to allow System                        of the Farm Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2154,
                                             employees on the same basis at the time                 institutions affected by our proposed                 2154a, 2207, 2243, 2252, 2254); sec. 424 of
                                             the employee joined the plan. Thus, the                 rule to disclose in a note to the Table               Pub. L. 100–233, 101 Stat. 1568, 1656, sec.
                                             proposed rule did not seek to change the                                                                      514 of Pub. L. 102–552, 106 Stat. 4102.
                                                                                                     that the calculation formula changed
                                             current reporting requirement regarding                 and describe the reason for the change                ■ 2. Section 620.6(c)(2)(i) is revised to
                                             payments such as those concerning the                   and its effects. Also, because data is                read as follows:
                                             ICBA. Rather, if any such payout to the
                                                                                                     reported in the Table for 3 years, the
                                             employee or change(s) in value to their                                                                       § 620.6 Disclosures in the annual report to
                                                                                                     FCB’s second suggestion was that each                 shareholders relating to directors and
                                             plan is due to a benefit plan that is not
                                                                                                     System institution be allowed to choose               senior officers.
                                             a qualified plan and the plan was not
                                             offered to all employees on the same                    the method of compliance that works                   *      *    *      *    *
                                             basis when the employee joined the                      best for that institution’s situation. We               (c) * * *
                                             plan, then the payout or change(s) in                   agree with the suggestion regarding                     (2) * * *
                                             value would be included in determining                  explanatory notes, but do not believe a                 (i) If applicable, when any employee
                                             whether the employee’s compensation                     change to our proposal is necessary.                  who is not a senior officer has annual
                                             reached the five highest paid threshold.                Such disclosure is not prohibited so                  compensation at a level that is among
                                             Thus, we believe that the proposed rule                 long as the disclosure is not misleading,             the five highest paid by the institution
                                             increases the effectiveness and                         incomplete or inaccurate. Whether a                   during the reporting period, include the
                                             transparency of the disclosure and                      System institution opts to restate one or             highly compensated employee(s) in the
                                             better achieves the original intent of the              all of the prior years’ disclosures or to             aggregate number and amount of
                                             rule, which we did not change.                          report the data prospectively beginning               compensation reported in the
                                                The ICBA also expressed concern that                 for fiscal year ending 2015, we would                 Compensation Table. However, exclude
                                             large one-time lump sum payments                        expect that any change in the method of               any such employee from the
                                             made to numerous employees at the                       calculations versus prior years’                      Compensation Table if the employee
                                             same time from a qualified pension plan                 disclosures be described in a footnote to             would be considered highly
                                             that was available to all employees on                  the Table to the extent needed so that                compensated solely because of
                                             the same basis at the time they joined                  the reported data will not be misleading              payments related to or change(s) in
                                             the plan could represent significant cash               or incomplete. Therefore, we agree with               value of the employee’s qualified
                                             outlays for the institution during a                    the FCB’s suggestion to the extent that               pension plan provided that the plan was
                                             reporting period. The ICBA believes that                the 3-year reporting period raises issues             available to all similarly situated
                                             System institution owners should be                     for affected institutions, but we do not              employees on the same basis at the time
                                             made aware of these payouts. We agree                   believe that a change to the regulation               the employee joined the plan.
                                             with the ICBA and would expect that                     language is necessary. We have                        *      *    *      *    *
                                             such payouts be included in the                         addressed this issue in the compliance
                                             financial statements or notes thereto or                                                                        Dated: February 19, 2015.
                                                                                                     date information.
                                             discussed in the management’s                                                                                 Mary Alice Donner,
                                             discussion and analysis section of the                  IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act                        Acting Secretary, Farm Credit Administration
                                             annual report if material to the                                                                              Board.
                                             institution’s financial condition and                      Pursuant to section 605(b) of the                  [FR Doc. 2015–04023 Filed 2–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                             results of operations. As discussed                     Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601              BILLING CODE 6705–01–P
                                             above, the intent of this specific                      et seq.), the FCA hereby certifies that the
                                             disclosure item was not and is not to                   final rule would not have a significant
                                             include such payments in the                            economic impact on a substantial                      DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                             calculation of the top five highest paid                number of small entities. Each of the
                                             employees.                                              banks in the Farm Credit System,                      Federal Aviation Administration
                                                In its comment letter, the ICBA also                 considered together with its affiliated
                                             makes a number of recommendations,                      associations, has assets and annual                   14 CFR Part 25
                                             such as to disclose all employees’                      income in excess of the amounts that
                                                                                                                                                           [Docket No. FAA–2014–0710; Special
                                             compensation if that compensation                       would qualify them as small entities.
                                                                                                                                                           Conditions No. 25–574–SC
                                             exceeds the average income of the                       Therefore, Farm Credit System
                                             citizens in the surrounding geographic                  institutions are not ‘‘small entities’’ as            Special Conditions: Boeing Model 767–
                                             area, or to disclose the compensation for               defined in the Regulatory Flexibility                 2C Series Airplanes; Isolation or
                                             the twenty-five (25) highest paid                       Act.                                                  Protection of Airplane Electronic-
                                             employees for larger System                                                                                   System Security From Unauthorized
                                             institutions. We believe these                          List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 620
                                                                                                                                                           Internal Access
                                             recommendations go beyond the scope                       Accounting, Agriculture, Banks,
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                             of the proposed rule and cannot be                                                                            AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                                                                                     banking, Reporting and recordkeeping
                                             addressed in this rulemaking.                                                                                 Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                                                                     requirements, Rural areas.
                                                                                                                                                           ACTION: Final special conditions; request
                                             B. Explanatory Notes and Method of                        For the reasons stated in the
                                             Compliance                                                                                                    for comments.
                                                                                                     preamble, part 620 of chapter VI, title 12
                                               The FCB, the Farm Credit Council,                     of the Code of Federal Regulations is                 SUMMARY:   These special conditions are
                                             and the System association supported                    amended as follows:                                   issued for Boeing Model 767–2C series

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:38 Feb 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00004   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\26FER1.SGM   26FER1

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                       10327

                                             airplanes. These airplanes, as modified                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      amended by Amendments 25–1 through
                                             by The Boeing Company, will have a                      Varun Khanna, FAA, Airplane and                       25–130, and 14 CFR 25.1316 at
                                             novel or unusual design feature                         Flightcrew Interface Branch, ANM–111,                 Amendment 25–134, except for earlier
                                             associated with airplane electronic-                    Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft              amendments as agreed upon by the
                                             system security protection or isolation                 Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue               FAA. These regulations will be listed in
                                             from unauthorized internal access. The                  SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356;                   Type Certificate No. A1NM after type-
                                             applicable airworthiness regulations do                 telephone (425) 227–1298; facsimile                   certification approval of the 767–2C.
                                             not contain adequate or appropriate                     (425) 227–1320.                                          14 CFR part 26 as amended by
                                             safety standards for this design feature.               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FAA                    Amendments 26–1 through 26–6, and
                                             These special conditions contain the                    has determined that notice of, and                    any later amendments in existence at
                                             additional safety standards that the                    opportunity for prior public comment                  the time of certification per 14 CFR 26.5.
                                             Administrator considers necessary to                    on, these special conditions is                       For any future part 26 Amendments, the
                                             establish a level of safety equivalent to               impracticable because these procedures                holder of this type certificate must
                                             that established by the existing                        would significantly delay issuance of                 demonstrate compliance with the
                                             airworthiness standards.                                the design approval and thus delivery of              applicable sections.
                                             DATES: This action is effective on The                  the affected airplane. In addition, the                  14 CFR part 34 as amended by
                                             Boeing Company on February 26, 2015.                    substance of these special conditions                 Amendments 34–1 through 34–5A, and
                                             We must receive your comments by                        has been subject to the public-comment                any later amendments in existence at
                                             April 13, 2015.                                         process in several prior instances with               the time of certification.
                                                                                                     no substantive comments received. The                    14 CFR part 36 as amended by
                                             ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
                                                                                                     FAA therefore finds that good cause                   Amendments 36–1 through 36–29, and
                                             by docket number FAA–2014–0710                                                                                any later amendments in existence at
                                             using any of the following methods:                     exists for making these special
                                                                                                     conditions effective upon publication in              the time of certification.
                                                Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to                                                                            The certification basis also includes
                                             http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow                  the Federal Register.
                                                                                                                                                           certain special conditions, exemptions,
                                             the online instructions for sending your                Comments Invited                                      or later amended sections of the
                                             comments electronically.                                                                                      applicable part that are not relevant to
                                                Mail: Send comments to Docket                          We invite interested people to take
                                                                                                     part in this rulemaking by sending                    these special conditions.
                                             Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of                                                                             If the Administrator finds that the
                                             Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey                   written comments, data, or views. The
                                                                                                     most helpful comments reference a                     applicable airworthiness regulations
                                             Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West                                                                                (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain
                                             Building Ground Floor, Washington,                      specific portion of the special
                                                                                                     conditions, explain the reason for any                adequate or appropriate safety standards
                                             DC, 20590–0001.                                                                                               for the Model 767–2C series airplane
                                                Hand Delivery or Courier: Take                       recommended change, and include
                                                                                                     supporting data.                                      because of a novel or unusual design
                                             comments to Docket Operations in                                                                              feature, special conditions are
                                                                                                       We will consider all comments we
                                             Room W12–140 of the West Building                                                                             prescribed under § 21.16.
                                                                                                     receive on or before the closing date for
                                             Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                                                                                  Special conditions are initially
                                                                                                     comments. We may change these special
                                             Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9                                                                         applicable to the model for which they
                                                                                                     conditions based on the comments we
                                             a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                                                                               are issued. Should the type certificate
                                             Friday, except Federal holidays.                                                                              for that model be amended later to
                                                Fax: Fax comments to Docket                          Background                                            include any other model that
                                             Operations at 202–493–2251.                               On January 18, 2010, Boeing applied                 incorporates the same novel or unusual
                                                Privacy: The FAA will post all                       for an amendment to Type Certificate                  design feature, or should any other
                                             comments it receives, without change,                   No. A1NM to include a new Model 767–                  model already included on the same
                                             to http://www.regulations.gov/,                         2CX series airplane, a derivative of the              type certificate be modified to
                                             including any personal information the                  767–200, which later was renamed 767–                 incorporate the same novel or unusual
                                             commenter provides. Using the search                    2C. Later, Boeing requested, and the                  design feature, these special conditions
                                             function of the docket Web site, anyone                 FAA approved, an extension to the date                would also apply to the other model
                                             can find and read the electronic form of                of application for FAA amended type                   under § 21.101.
                                             all comments received into any FAA                      certification to December 22, 2010.                      In addition to the applicable
                                             docket, including the name of the                         The Model 767–2C is a freighter                     airworthiness regulations and special
                                             individual sending the comment (or                      airplane equipped with Pratt & Whitney                conditions, the Model 767–2C series
                                             signing the comment for an association,                 PW4062 engines. This freighter has a                  airplane must comply with the fuel-vent
                                             business, labor union, etc.). DOT’s                     maximum takeoff weight of 415,000                     and exhaust-emission requirements of
                                             complete Privacy Act Statement can be                   pounds and can be configured to carry                 14 CFR part 34, and the noise-
                                             found in the Federal Register,                          up to 11 supernumeraries (see                         certification requirements of 14 CFR
                                             published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR                      Exemption No. 10691).                                 part 36. The FAA must issue a finding
                                             19477–19478), as well as at http://                                                                           of regulatory adequacy under § 611 of
                                             DocketsInfo.dot.gov/.                                   Type-Certification Basis
                                                                                                                                                           Public Law 92–574, the ‘‘Noise Control
                                                Docket: Background documents or                        The regulations listed in the type                  Act of 1972.’’
                                             comments received may be read at                        certificate are commonly referred to as                  The FAA issues special conditions, as
                                             http://www.regulations.gov/ at any time.                the ‘‘original type-certification basis.’’            defined in 14 CFR 11.19, under § 11.38,
                                             Follow the online instructions for
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     The regulations to be listed in A1NM                  and they become part of the type-
                                             accessing the docket or go to Docket                    are as follows:                                       certification basis under § 21.101.
                                             Operations in Room W12–140 of the                         Under the provisions of Title 14, Code
                                             West Building Ground Floor at 1200                      of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 21.101,               Novel or Unusual Design Feature
                                             New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,                      Boeing must show that the Boeing                        The Boeing Model 767–2C series
                                             DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday                   Model 767–2C series airplane meets the                airplane will incorporate the following
                                             through Friday, except Federal holidays.                applicable provisions of part 25, as                  novel or unusual design feature:

                                        VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:38 Feb 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\26FER1.SGM   26FER1

                                             10328            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                The electronic-system network                        unique to the Model 767–2C series                     airworthiness of the airplane is
                                             architecture for the Model 767–2C series                airplane.                                             maintained, including all post-type-
                                             airplane introduces potential security                                                                        certification modifications that may
                                             risks and vulnerabilities not addressed                                                                       have an impact on the approved
                                             in current regulations and airplane-level                 As discussed above, these special                   electronic-system security safeguards.
                                             or system-level safety-assessment                       conditions apply to Boeing Model 767–
                                                                                                                                                             Issued in Renton, Washington, on February
                                             methods.                                                2C series airplanes. Should Boeing                    19, 2015.
                                                This network architecture allows                     apply later for a change to the type
                                                                                                                                                           John J. Piccola, Jr.,
                                             connection to previously isolated data                  certificate to include another model
                                                                                                     incorporating the same novel or unusual               Acting Manager, Transport Airplane
                                             networks connected to systems that                                                                            Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
                                             perform functions required for the safe                 design feature, the special conditions
                                                                                                                                                           [FR Doc. 2015–03969 Filed 2–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                             operation of the airplane. This data                    would apply to that model as well.
                                                                                                                                                           BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                             network and design integration may                      Conclusion
                                             result in security vulnerabilities from
                                             intentional or unintentional internal-                     This action affects only certain novel
                                                                                                     or unusual design features on one model               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                             connection corruption of data and
                                             systems critical to the safety and                      series of airplane. It is not a rule of
                                                                                                                                                           Federal Aviation Administration
                                             maintenance of the airplane.                            general applicability.
                                                                                                        The substance of these special
                                             Discussion                                              conditions has been subjected to the                  14 CFR Part 25
                                                                                                     notice and comment period in several                  [Docket No. FAA–2014–0711; Special
                                               The Boeing Model 767–2C series
                                                                                                     prior instances, and has been derived                 Conditions No. 25–575–SC]
                                             airplane design introduces the potential
                                                                                                     without substantive change from those
                                             for unauthorized persons to access, from                                                                      Special Conditions: Boeing Model 767–
                                                                                                     previously issued. It is unlikely that
                                             internal connection, airplane-control                                                                         2C Series Airplanes; Airplane
                                                                                                     prior public comment would result in a
                                             domain and operator-information-                                                                              Electronic-System Security Protection
                                                                                                     significant change from the substance
                                             services domain in the passenger-                                                                             From Unauthorized External Access
                                                                                                     contained herein. Therefore, because a
                                             services domain. The Model 767–2C
                                                                                                     delay would significantly affect the                  AGENCY:  Federal Aviation
                                             design further introduces the potential
                                                                                                     certification of the airplane, the FAA                Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                             for security vulnerabilities related to the
                                                                                                     has determined that prior public notice
                                             introduction of viruses, worms, user                                                                          ACTION: Final special conditions; request
                                                                                                     and comment are unnecessary and
                                             mistakes, and intentional sabotage of                                                                         for comments.
                                                                                                     impracticable, and good cause exists for
                                             airplane networks, systems, and
                                                                                                     adopting these special conditions upon                SUMMARY:   These special conditions are
                                             databases. As such, these special
                                                                                                     publication in the Federal Register.                  issued for Boeing Model 767–2C series
                                             conditions address these vulnerabilities.
                                                                                                        The FAA is requesting comments to                  airplanes. These airplanes, as modified
                                               The digital systems architecture for                  allow interested persons to submit
                                             the Boeing Model 767–2C series                                                                                by The Boeing Company, will have a
                                                                                                     views that may not have been submitted                novel or unusual design feature
                                             airplanes is composed of several                        in response to the prior opportunities
                                             connected networks. This network                                                                              associated with airplane electronic-
                                                                                                     for comment described above.                          system security protection or isolation
                                             architecture is used for a diverse set of
                                             functions, including:                                   List of Subjects in 14 CFR part 25                    from unauthorized external access. The
                                               1. Flight-safety related control and                    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting                applicable airworthiness regulations do
                                             navigation systems,                                     and recordkeeping requirements.                       not contain adequate or appropriate
                                               2. operator business and                                                                                    safety standards for this design feature.
                                                                                                       The authority citation for these                    These special conditions contain the
                                             administrative support, and                             special conditions is as follows:
                                               3. passenger entertainment.                                                                                 additional safety standards that the
                                                                                                       Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,          Administrator considers necessary to
                                               The existing regulations and guidance                 44702, 44704.
                                             material did not anticipate this type of                                                                      establish a level of safety equivalent to
                                             system architecture or electronic access                The Special Conditions                                that established by the existing
                                             to airplane systems. Furthermore,                                                                             airworthiness standards.
                                                                                                       Accordingly, pursuant to the
                                             regulations, and current system safety-                 authority delegated to me by the                      DATES: This action is effective on The
                                             assessment policy and techniques, do                    Administrator, the following special                  Boeing Company on February 26, 2015.
                                             not address potential security                          conditions are issued as part of the type-            We must receive your comments by
                                             vulnerabilities, which could be caused                  certification basis for Boeing Model                  April 13, 2015.
                                             by unauthorized access to airplane data                 767–2C series airplanes.                              ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
                                             buses and servers. These special                          1. The applicant must ensure that the               by docket number FAA–2014–0711
                                             conditions are meant to ensure that                     design provides isolation from, or                    using any of the following methods:
                                             security, integrity, and availability of                airplane electronic-system security                      Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to
                                             airplane systems are not compromised                    protection against, access by                         http://www.regulations.gov/ and follow
                                             by certain wired or wireless electronic                 unauthorized sources internal to the                  the online instructions for sending your
                                             connections between airplane data                       airplane. The design must prevent                     comments electronically.
                                             busses and networks.                                    inadvertent and malicious changes to,                    Mail: Send comments to Docket
                                               Special conditions have been applied                                                                        Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                     and all adverse impacts upon, airplane
                                             on past airplane programs to require                    equipment, systems, networks, or other                Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
                                             consideration of related security                       assets required for safe flight and                   Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West
                                             vulnerabilities. These special conditions               operations.                                           Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
                                             are similar to those previously applied,                  2. The applicant must establish                     20590–0001.
                                             except that the scope has been adjusted                 appropriate procedures to allow the                      Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
                                             to be consistent with those features                    operator to ensure that continued                     comments to Docket Operations in

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:05:00
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:05:00
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal special conditions; request for comments.
DatesThis action is effective on The Boeing Company on February 26, 2015. We must receive your comments by April 13, 2015.
ContactVarun Khanna, FAA, Airplane and Flightcrew Interface Branch, ANM-111, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1298; facsimile (425) 227- 1320.
FR Citation80 FR 10326 
CFR AssociatedAircraft; Aviation Safety and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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