80_FR_10470 80 FR 10432 - Social Security Number Card Applications

80 FR 10432 - Social Security Number Card Applications


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 38 (February 26, 2015)

Page Range10432-10435
FR Document2015-03726

We propose to revise our regulations to allow applicants for a Social Security number (SSN) card to apply by completing a prescribed application and submitting the required evidence, rather than completing a paper Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. We also propose to remove the word ``documentary'' from our description of certain evidence requirements. These changes would provide flexibility in the ways in which the public may request SSN cards and allow us, in the future, to implement an online SSN replacement card application system, which we are currently developing. In addition, we propose to replace ``Immigration and Naturalization Service'' with ``Department of Homeland Security'' to reflect that agency's reorganization.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 38 (Thursday, February 26, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 38 (Thursday, February 26, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 10432-10435]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03726]



20 CFR Part 422

[Docket No. SSA-2014-0042]
RIN 0960-AH68

Social Security Number Card Applications

AGENCY: Social Security Administration.

[[Page 10433]]

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: We propose to revise our regulations to allow applicants for a 
Social Security number (SSN) card to apply by completing a prescribed 
application and submitting the required evidence, rather than 
completing a paper Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. 
We also propose to remove the word ``documentary'' from our description 
of certain evidence requirements. These changes would provide 
flexibility in the ways in which the public may request SSN cards and 
allow us, in the future, to implement an online SSN replacement card 
application system, which we are currently developing. In addition, we 
propose to replace ``Immigration and Naturalization Service'' with 
``Department of Homeland Security'' to reflect that agency's 

DATES: To ensure that your comments are considered, we must receive 
them no later than April 27, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any one of three methods--
Internet, fax, or mail. Do not submit the same comments multiple times 
or by more than one method. Regardless of which method you choose, 
please state that your comments refer to Docket No. SSA-2014-0042 so 
that we may associate your comments with the correct regulation.
    Caution: You should be careful to include in your comments only 
information that you wish to make publicly available. We strongly urge 
you not to include in your comments any personal information, such as 
Social Security numbers or medical information.
    1. Internet: We strongly recommend that you submit your comments 
via the Internet. Please visit the Federal eRulemaking portal at http://www.regulations.gov. Use the ``Search'' function to find docket number 
SSA-2014-0042. The system will issue a tracking number to confirm your 
submission. You will not be able to view your comment immediately 
because we must post each comment manually. It may take up to a week 
for your comment to be viewable.
    2. Fax: Fax comments to (410) 966-2830.
    3. Mail: Mail your comments to the Office of Regulations and 
Reports Clearance, Social Security Administration, 3100 West High Rise 
Building, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235-6401.
    Comments are available for public viewing on the Federal 
eRulemaking portal at http://www.regulations.gov or in person, during 
regular business hours, by arranging with the contact person identified 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arthur LaVeck, Office of Retirement 
and Disability Policy, Office of Income Security Programs, Social 
Security Administration, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-
6401, (410) 966-5665. For information on eligibility or filing for 
benefits, call our national toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-
800-325-0778, or visit our Internet site, Social Security Online, at 

    The use of the SSN is widespread in today's society. It is 
necessary for employment, to properly record a person's wages and the 
taxes paid on those wages, to collect Social Security benefits, and to 
receive many other government services. Commercial organizations, such 
as banks and credit companies, also ask individuals for their SSNs for 
many business transactions. As a result of this widespread use, the 
issuance of original and replacement SSN cards is one of our most 
requested services.
    Currently, a person can apply for an SSN by completing Form SS-5 
and submitting it, in person or via mail, to his or her local field 
office (FO) or a Social Security Card Center (SSCC), or by having one 
of our representatives file an application electronically through the 
Social Security Number Application Process (SSNAP) during an in-office 
interview. The applicant must also present, or mail in, supporting 
documentary evidence.
    In fiscal year 2013, we processed over 10 million replacement SSN 
card applications at FOs and SSCCs. It takes a field office employee an 
average of 14 minutes to process a replacement card application. 
Removing the requirements that applicants complete and submit paper 
Form SS-5 along with paper documentary evidence would allow us to 
develop convenient and efficient means to electronically process 
replacement SSN card applications and obtain acceptable supporting 
evidence, while retaining the security necessary to protect the 
integrity of the SSN and the card issuance process. Recent advances in 
technology provide us with additional, convenient options for the 
public to request government services. By pursuing the electronic 
approaches available to us, we expect to provide expanded service 
options that meet the varied needs of the public in a cost-efficient 
and environmentally responsible way.
    For example, we are currently developing a new online application 
that would allow certain members of the public to apply for replacement 
SSN cards electronically without having to visit one of our offices or 
mail in the application and supporting evidence. Adult U.S. citizens 
who are not reporting any changes to their record (for example, name or 
date of birth) would have the option to file for an SSN replacement 
card online after registering through the my Social Security portal. 
Eligible individuals would also be required to have a U.S. mailing 
address, (including Air/Army Post Office, Fleet Post Office, or 
Diplomatic Post Office mailing address) and a valid U.S. state-issued 
driver's license or U.S. state-issued identity card. During the 
application process, we would securely collect and verify required 
information electronically (for example, identifying information, 
mailing address associated with the individual requesting the card), 
and analyze each request for potential fraud. Moving this service 
online would allow customers to complete a request at any time, without 
the need to visit us in person. It would also help the public by 
allowing our employees to focus on other vital services, such as taking 
claims for benefits and conducting program integrity work.
    To ensure our SSN regulations support the development of convenient 
and efficient electronic service delivery options, we propose to update 
20 CFR 422.103 and 422.110 to remove the requirement that an individual 
who seeks a replacement SSN card must file an application at any Social 
Security office. We also propose to remove references to Form SS-5 
because our current process allows us to file an application 
electronically through SSNAP without the completion of a paper Form SS-
5, and our planned online application will not require the completion 
of a paper Form SS-5. We would replace, in instances where a 
description is necessary, mention of Form SS-5 with the term 
``prescribed application.'' A prescribed application would simply be 
the application form--whether a paper form, an online application, or 
some other method--that we determine to be most efficient and user-
friendly at any given time. Information about application procedures 
would be easily available to applicants on our Internet site and at our 
offices nationwide.
    We also propose to revise 20 CFR 422.107 to remove the word 
``documentary'' from our description of evidence required to obtain an 
original or replacement SSN card. We would still require evidence to 
establish eligibility and identity in order to obtain a new or 
replacement card. However,

[[Page 10434]]

we would revise our rules so that applicants may provide or we may 
obtain other types of evidence to satisfy the requirement, such as 
through data matches or other agreements with government agencies or 
other entities that we determine can provide us with appropriate and 
secure verification of the applicant's true identity and other 
eligibility factors.
    These changes would provide us with the flexibility we need to 
adapt our SSN application process as necessity and technology allow. 
They would allow us to offer the public new, convenient service 
alternatives for obtaining SSN replacement cards, while maintaining the 
security and integrity of the SSN card and issuance process. We also 
expect these changes would reduce the public's need to visit our FOs, 
resulting in shorter wait times for individuals who choose to visit a 
FO for service.
    We also propose to update section 422.107(e)(1) to replace 
references to ``Immigration and Naturalization Service'' with 
``Department of Homeland Security'' to reflect that agency's 
restructuring in 2003.

Regulatory Procedures

Executive Order 12866, as Supplemented by Executive Order 13563

    We consulted with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and 
determined that this proposed rule meets the criteria for a significant 
regulatory action under Executive Order 12866, as supplemented by 
Executive Order 13563, and was reviewed by OMB.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    We certify that this proposed rule would not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities because it 
would affect individuals only. Therefore, a regulatory flexibility 
analysis is not required under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as 

Paperwork Reduction Act

    Although the regulatory changes described below are not subject to 
OMB clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), the new 
electronic SSN replacement card application will require OMB PRA 
approval. We will seek public comment in a separate PRA Federal 
Register Notice (FRN) for the new electronic process under OMB No. 
0960-0066. We will complete the PRA OMB clearance process, including 
publication of the two standard FRNs, before we implement the 
electronic SSN replacement card application. The public will have an 
opportunity to review and comment on the electronic SSN replacement 
card application at that time.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 96.001, Social 
Security--Disability Insurance; 96.002, Social Security--Retirement 
Insurance; 96.004, Social Security Survivors Insurance; 96.006, 
Supplemental Security Income; 96.020, Special Benefits for Certain 
World War II Veterans.)

List of Subjects in 20 CFR Part 422

    Administrative practice and procedure, Organization and functions 
(Government agencies), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Social 

Carolyn W. Colvin,
Acting Commissioner of Social Security.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, we propose to amend 20 CFR 
chapter III part 422 subpart B as set forth below:


Subpart B--General Procedures

1. The authority citation for subpart B of part 422 continues to read 
as follows:

    Authority:  Secs. 205, 232, 702(a)(5), 1131, and 1143 of the 
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 405, 432, 902(a)(5), 1320b-1, and 
1320b-13), and sec. 7213(a)(1)(A) of Pub. L. 108-458.

2. Amend Sec.  422.103 by revising paragraphs (b), (c)(1), and (e)(1) 
to read as follows:

Sec.  422.103  Social security numbers.

* * * * *
    (b) Applying for a number--(1) Application. An individual needing a 
Social Security number may apply for one by completing a prescribed 
application and submitting the required evidence. An individual outside 
the United States (U.S.) may apply for a Social Security number card at 
the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office, Manila, 
Philippines, at any U.S. Foreign Service post, or at a U.S. military 
post outside the United States. (See Sec.  422.106 for special 
procedures for filing applications with other government agencies.) 
Additionally, a U.S. resident may apply for a Social Security number 
for a nonresident dependent when the number is necessary for U.S. tax 
purposes or some other valid reason, the evidence requirements of Sec.  
422.107 are met, and we determine that a personal interview with the 
dependent is not required.
    (2) Birth registration document. We may enter into an agreement 
with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the District of 
Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and New York 
City, to establish, as part of the official birth registration process, 
a procedure to assist us in assigning Social Security numbers to 
newborn children. Where an agreement is in effect, a parent, as part of 
the official birth registration process, need not complete a prescribed 
application and may request that we assign a Social Security number to 
the newborn child.
    (3) Immigration form. We may enter into an agreement with the 
Department of State (DOS) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 
to assist us by collecting enumeration data as part of the immigration 
process. Where an agreement is in effect, an alien need not complete a 
prescribed application and may request, through DOS or DHS, as part of 
the immigration process, that we assign a Social Security number and 
issue a Social Security number card to him or her. An alien will 
request the assignment of a Social Security number through this process 
in the manner provided by DOS and DHS.
    (c) How numbers are assigned--(1) Application. If you complete a 
prescribed application, we will require you to furnish evidence, as 
necessary, to assist us in establishing your age, U.S. citizenship or 
alien status, true identity, and previously assigned Social Security 
number(s), if any. (See Sec.  422.107 for evidence requirements.) We 
may require you to undergo a personal interview before we assign a 
Social Security number. If you request evidence to show that you have 
filed a prescribed application for a Social Security number card, we 
may furnish you with a receipt or equivalent document. We will 
electronically screen the data from the prescribed application against 
our files. If we find that you have not been assigned a Social Security 
number previously, we will assign one to you and issue a Social 
Security number card. However, if we find that you have been assigned a 
Social Security number previously, we will issue a replacement Social 
Security number card.
* * * * *
    (e) Replacement of Social Security number card--(1) When we may 
issue you a replacement card. We may issue you a replacement Social 
Security number card, subject to the limitations in paragraph (e)(2) of 
this section. You must complete a prescribed application to receive a 
replacement Social Security number card. We follow the evidence 
requirements in Sec.  422.107 when we

[[Page 10435]]

issue you a replacement Social Security number card.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec.  422.107 by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (c);
b. In paragraph (e)(1), removing each instance of ``Immigration and 
Naturalization Service'' and adding in its place, ``Department of 
Homeland Security''; and
c. Revising paragraph (g).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  422.107  Evidence requirements.

    (a) General. To obtain an original Social Security number card, you 
must submit convincing evidence of your age, U.S. citizenship or alien 
status, and true identity, as described in paragraphs (b) through (e) 
of this section. If you apply for a replacement Social Security number 
card, you must submit convincing evidence of your true identity, as 
described in paragraph (c) of this section, and you may also be 
required to submit convincing evidence of your age and U.S. citizenship 
or alien status, as described in paragraphs (b), (d), and (e) of this 
section. If you apply for an original or replacement Social Security 
number card, you are also required to submit evidence to assist us in 
determining the existence and identity of any previously assigned 
Social Security number(s). We will not assign a Social Security number 
or issue an original or replacement card unless we determine that you 
meet all of the evidence requirements. We require an in-person 
interview if you are age 12 or older and are applying for an original 
Social Security number, unless you are an alien who requests a Social 
Security number as part of the immigration process described in Sec.  
422.103(b)(3). We may require an in-person interview of other 
applicants. All paper or other tangible documents submitted as evidence 
must be originals or copies of the original documents certified by the 
custodians of the original records and are subject to verification. We 
may also verify your eligibility factors, as described in paragraphs 
(b)-(e) of this section, through other means, including but not limited 
to data matches or other agreements with government agencies or other 
entities that we determine can provide us with appropriate and secure 
verification of your eligibility factors.
* * * * *
    (c) Evidence of identity. (1) If you apply for an original Social 
Security number or a replacement Social Security number card, you are 
required to submit convincing evidence of your identity. Evidence of 
identity may consist of a driver's license, identification card, school 
record, medical record, marriage record, passport, Department of 
Homeland Security document, or other similar evidence serving to 
identify you. The evidence must contain sufficient information to 
identify you, including your name and:
    (i) Your age, date of birth, or parents' names; or
    (ii) Your photograph or physical description.
    (2) A birth record is not sufficient evidence to establish identity 
for these purposes.
* * * * *
    (g) Inability to verify eligibility factors. We will not issue an 
original or replacement Social Security number card when you present 
invalid or expired documents or when we are unable to verify the 
required evidence through other means, as described in paragraph (a) of 
this section. Invalid documents are either forged documents that 
supposedly were issued by the custodian of the record, or properly 
issued documents that were improperly changed after they were issued. 
An expired document is one that was valid for only a limited time and 
that time has passed.
4. Amend Sec.  422.110 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  422.110  Individual's request for change in record.

    (a) Application. If you wish to change the name or other personal 
identifying information you previously submitted in connection with an 
application for a Social Security number card, you must complete a 
prescribed application, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this 
section. You must prove your identity, and you may be required to 
provide other evidence. (See Sec.  422.107 for evidence requirements.) 
You may complete a request for change in records in the manner we 
designate, including at any Social Security office, or, if you are 
outside the U.S., to the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional 
Office, Manila, Philippines, or to any U.S. Foreign Service post or 
U.S. military post. If your request is for a change of name on the card 
(that is, verified legal changes to the first name or surname, or 
both), we may issue you a replacement Social Security number card 
bearing the same number and the new name. We will grant an exception to 
the limitations specified in Sec.  422.103(e)(2) for replacement Social 
Security number cards representing a change in name or, if you are an 
alien, a change to a restrictive legend shown on the card. (See Sec.  
422.103(e)(3) for the definition of a change to a restrictive legend.)
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2015-03726 Filed 2-24-15; 11:15 am]

                                                 10432                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 affiliates.54 Under SBA’s current size                  commenter’s name, the organization                      By direction of the Commission.
                                                 standards, the entities with market-                    they represent, if applicable, and their              Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
                                                 based rates which are affected by this                  address in their comments.                            Deputy Secretary.
                                                 NOPR likely come under the following                       46. The Commission encourages
                                                                                                         comments to be filed electronically via                 In consideration of the foregoing, the
                                                 categories 55 with the indicated
                                                                                                         the eFiling link on the Commission’s                  Commission proposes to amend Part 35,
                                                 thresholds (in terms of number of
                                                                                                         Web site at http://www.ferc.gov. The                  Chapter I, Title 18, Code of Federal
                                                 employees 56):
                                                                                                         Commission accepts most standard                      Regulations, as follows.
                                                 • Hydroelectric Power Generation, 500
                                                    employees                                            word processing formats. Documents
                                                                                                                                                               PART 35—FILING OF RATE
                                                 • Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation,                created electronically using word
                                                                                                                                                               SCHEDULES AND TARIFFS
                                                    750 employees                                        processing software should be filed in
                                                 • Nuclear Electric Power Generation,                    native applications or print-to-PDF                   ■ 1. The authority citation for part 35
                                                    750 employees                                        format and not in a scanned format.                   continues to read as follows:
                                                 • Solar Electric Power Generation, 250                  Commenters filing electronically do not
                                                                                                         need to make a paper filing.                            Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r, 2601–
                                                    employees                                                                                                  2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352.
                                                                                                            47. Commenters that are not able to
                                                 • Wind Electric Power Generation, 250                                                                         ■ 2. Revise § 35.37(c)(1) to read as
                                                                                                         file comments electronically must send
                                                    employees                                                                                                  follows:
                                                                                                         an original of their comments to:
                                                 • Geothermal Electric Power
                                                                                                         Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,                 § 35.37    Market power analysis required.
                                                    Generation, 250 employees
                                                                                                         Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
                                                 • Biomass Electric Power Generation,                                                                          *      *     *    *     *
                                                                                                         Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
                                                    250 employees                                           48. All comments will be placed in                    (c)(1) There will be a rebuttable
                                                 • Other Electric Power Generation, 250                  the Commission’s public files and may                 presumption that a Seller lacks
                                                    employees                                            be viewed, printed, or downloaded                     horizontal market power with respect to
                                                    42. The categories for the applicable                remotely as described in the Document                 sales of energy, capacity, energy
                                                 entities have a size threshold ranging                  Availability section below. Commenters                imbalance service, generation imbalance
                                                 from 250 employees to 750 employees.                    on this proposal are not required to                  service, and primary frequency response
                                                 For the analysis in this proposed rule,                 serve copies of their comments on other               service if it passes two indicative market
                                                 we are using the threshold of 750                       commenters.                                           power screens: a pivotal supplier
                                                 employees for all categories. We                                                                              analysis based on annual peak demand
                                                 anticipate that a maximum of 82 percent                 IX. Document Availability                             of the relevant market, and a market
                                                 of the entities potentially affected by                   49. In addition to publishing the full              share analysis applied on a seasonal
                                                 this NOPR are small. In addition, we                    text of this document in the Federal                  basis. There will be a rebuttable
                                                 expect that not all of those entities will              Register, the Commission provides all                 presumption that a Seller lacks
                                                 be able to or will choose to offer primary              interested persons an opportunity to                  horizontal market power with respect to
                                                 frequency response service.                             view and/or print the contents of this                sales of operating reserve-spinning and
                                                    43. Based on the estimates above in                  document via the Internet through the                 operating reserve-supplemental services
                                                 the Information Collection section, we                  Commission’s Home Page (http://                       if the Seller passes these two indicative
                                                 expect a one-time cost of $576                          www.ferc.gov) and in the Commission’s                 market power screens and demonstrates
                                                 (including the burden cost related to                   Public Reference Room during normal                   in its market-based rate application how
                                                 filing both the tariff and the EQR) for                 business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                the scheduling practices in its region
                                                 each entity that decides to offer primary               Eastern time) at 888 First Street NE.,                support the delivery of operating reserve
                                                 frequency response service.                             Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426.                        resources from one balancing authority
                                                    44. The Commission does not                            50. From the Commission’s Home                      area to another. There will be a
                                                 consider the estimated cost per small                   Page on the Internet, this information is             rebuttable presumption that a Seller
                                                 entity to impose a significant economic                 available on eLibrary. The full text of               possesses horizontal market power with
                                                 impact on a substantial number of small                 this document is available on eLibrary                respect to sales of energy, capacity,
                                                 entities. Accordingly, the Commission                   in PDF and Microsoft Word format for                  energy imbalance service, generation
                                                 certifies that this NOPR will not have a                viewing, printing, and/or downloading.                imbalance service, operating reserve-
                                                 significant economic impact on a                        To access this document in eLibrary,                  spinning service, operating reserve-
                                                 substantial number of small entities.                   type the docket number excluding the                  supplemental service, and primary
                                                                                                         last three digits of this document in the             frequency response service if it fails
                                                 VIII. Comment Procedures                                docket number field.                                  either screen.
                                                   45. The Commission invites interested                   51. User assistance is available for                *      *     *    *     *
                                                 persons to submit comments on the                       eLibrary and the Commission’s Web site                [FR Doc. 2015–03741 Filed 2–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 matters and issues proposed in this                     during normal business hours from the                 BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                                 notice to be adopted, including any                     Commission’s Online Support at 202–
                                                 related matters or alternative proposals                502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676)
                                                 that commenters may wish to discuss.                    or email at ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov,
                                                                                                         or the Public Reference Room at (202)                 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION
                                                 Comments are due April 27, 2015.
                                                 Comments must refer to Docket No.                       502–8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email
                                                                                                                                                               20 CFR Part 422

                                                 RM15–2–000, and must include the                        the Public Reference Room at
                                                                                                         public.referenceroom@ferc.gov.                        [Docket No. SSA–2014–0042]
                                                   54 SBA  Final Rule on ‘‘Small Business Size
                                                 Standards: Utilities,’’ 78 FR 77,343 (Dec. 23, 2013).
                                                                                                         List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 35                    RIN 0960–AH68
                                                    55 13 CFR 121.201, Sector 22, Utilities.               Electric power rates; Electric utilities;
                                                    56 SBA’s regulations at 13 CFR 121.201 state that
                                                                                                         Reporting and recordkeeping                           Social Security Number Card
                                                 ‘‘[t]he number of employees . . . indicates the         requirements.                                         Applications
                                                 maximum allowed for a concern and its affiliates
                                                 to be considered small.’’                                 Issued: February 19, 2015.                          AGENCY:     Social Security Administration.

                                            VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:42 Feb 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00035   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\26FEP1.SGM    26FEP1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          10433

                                                 ACTION:   Notice of proposed rulemaking.                hours, by arranging with the contact                  that would allow certain members of the
                                                                                                         person identified below.                              public to apply for replacement SSN
                                                 SUMMARY:    We propose to revise our                                                                          cards electronically without having to
                                                                                                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 regulations to allow applicants for a                                                                         visit one of our offices or mail in the
                                                                                                         Arthur LaVeck, Office of Retirement and
                                                 Social Security number (SSN) card to                                                                          application and supporting evidence.
                                                 apply by completing a prescribed                        Disability Policy, Office of Income
                                                                                                         Security Programs, Social Security                    Adult U.S. citizens who are not
                                                 application and submitting the required                                                                       reporting any changes to their record
                                                 evidence, rather than completing a                      Administration, 6401 Security
                                                                                                         Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235–6401,                  (for example, name or date of birth)
                                                 paper Form SS–5, Application for a                                                                            would have the option to file for an SSN
                                                 Social Security Card. We also propose to                (410) 966–5665. For information on
                                                                                                         eligibility or filing for benefits, call our          replacement card online after registering
                                                 remove the word ‘‘documentary’’ from                                                                          through the my Social Security portal.
                                                 our description of certain evidence                     national toll-free number, 1–800–772–
                                                                                                         1213 or TTY 1–800–325–0778, or visit                  Eligible individuals would also be
                                                 requirements. These changes would                                                                             required to have a U.S. mailing address,
                                                 provide flexibility in the ways in which                our Internet site, Social Security Online,
                                                                                                         at http://www.socialsecurity.gov.                     (including Air/Army Post Office, Fleet
                                                 the public may request SSN cards and                                                                          Post Office, or Diplomatic Post Office
                                                 allow us, in the future, to implement an                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                            The use of the SSN is widespread in                mailing address) and a valid U.S. state-
                                                 online SSN replacement card                                                                                   issued driver’s license or U.S. state-
                                                 application system, which we are                        today’s society. It is necessary for
                                                                                                                                                               issued identity card. During the
                                                 currently developing. In addition, we                   employment, to properly record a
                                                                                                                                                               application process, we would securely
                                                 propose to replace ‘‘Immigration and                    person’s wages and the taxes paid on
                                                                                                                                                               collect and verify required information
                                                 Naturalization Service’’ with                           those wages, to collect Social Security
                                                                                                                                                               electronically (for example, identifying
                                                 ‘‘Department of Homeland Security’’ to                  benefits, and to receive many other
                                                                                                                                                               information, mailing address associated
                                                 reflect that agency’s reorganization.                   government services. Commercial
                                                                                                                                                               with the individual requesting the card),
                                                 DATES: To ensure that your comments                     organizations, such as banks and credit
                                                                                                                                                               and analyze each request for potential
                                                 are considered, we must receive them                    companies, also ask individuals for their
                                                                                                                                                               fraud. Moving this service online would
                                                 no later than April 27, 2015.                           SSNs for many business transactions. As
                                                                                                                                                               allow customers to complete a request at
                                                 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      a result of this widespread use, the                  any time, without the need to visit us in
                                                 by any one of three methods—Internet,                   issuance of original and replacement                  person. It would also help the public by
                                                 fax, or mail. Do not submit the same                    SSN cards is one of our most requested                allowing our employees to focus on
                                                 comments multiple times or by more                      services.                                             other vital services, such as taking
                                                 than one method. Regardless of which                       Currently, a person can apply for an               claims for benefits and conducting
                                                 method you choose, please state that                    SSN by completing Form SS–5 and                       program integrity work.
                                                 your comments refer to Docket No.                       submitting it, in person or via mail, to                 To ensure our SSN regulations
                                                 SSA–2014–0042 so that we may                            his or her local field office (FO) or a               support the development of convenient
                                                 associate your comments with the                        Social Security Card Center (SSCC), or                and efficient electronic service delivery
                                                 correct regulation.                                     by having one of our representatives file             options, we propose to update 20 CFR
                                                    Caution: You should be careful to                    an application electronically through                 422.103 and 422.110 to remove the
                                                 include in your comments only                           the Social Security Number Application                requirement that an individual who
                                                 information that you wish to make                       Process (SSNAP) during an in-office                   seeks a replacement SSN card must file
                                                 publicly available. We strongly urge you                interview. The applicant must also                    an application at any Social Security
                                                 not to include in your comments any                     present, or mail in, supporting                       office. We also propose to remove
                                                 personal information, such as Social                    documentary evidence.                                 references to Form SS–5 because our
                                                 Security numbers or medical                                In fiscal year 2013, we processed over             current process allows us to file an
                                                 information.                                            10 million replacement SSN card                       application electronically through
                                                    1. Internet: We strongly recommend                   applications at FOs and SSCCs. It takes               SSNAP without the completion of a
                                                 that you submit your comments via the                   a field office employee an average of 14              paper Form SS–5, and our planned
                                                 Internet. Please visit the Federal                      minutes to process a replacement card                 online application will not require the
                                                 eRulemaking portal at http://                           application. Removing the requirements                completion of a paper Form SS–5. We
                                                 www.regulations.gov. Use the ‘‘Search’’                 that applicants complete and submit                   would replace, in instances where a
                                                 function to find docket number SSA–                     paper Form SS–5 along with paper                      description is necessary, mention of
                                                 2014–0042. The system will issue a                      documentary evidence would allow us                   Form SS–5 with the term ‘‘prescribed
                                                 tracking number to confirm your                         to develop convenient and efficient                   application.’’ A prescribed application
                                                 submission. You will not be able to                     means to electronically process                       would simply be the application form—
                                                 view your comment immediately                           replacement SSN card applications and                 whether a paper form, an online
                                                 because we must post each comment                       obtain acceptable supporting evidence,                application, or some other method—that
                                                 manually. It may take up to a week for                  while retaining the security necessary to             we determine to be most efficient and
                                                 your comment to be viewable.                            protect the integrity of the SSN and the              user-friendly at any given time.
                                                    2. Fax: Fax comments to (410) 966–                   card issuance process. Recent advances                Information about application
                                                 2830.                                                   in technology provide us with                         procedures would be easily available to
                                                    3. Mail: Mail your comments to the                   additional, convenient options for the                applicants on our Internet site and at
                                                 Office of Regulations and Reports                       public to request government services.                our offices nationwide.

                                                 Clearance, Social Security                              By pursuing the electronic approaches                    We also propose to revise 20 CFR
                                                 Administration, 3100 West High Rise                     available to us, we expect to provide                 422.107 to remove the word
                                                 Building, 6401 Security Boulevard,                      expanded service options that meet the                ‘‘documentary’’ from our description of
                                                 Baltimore, Maryland 21235–6401.                         varied needs of the public in a cost-                 evidence required to obtain an original
                                                    Comments are available for public                    efficient and environmentally                         or replacement SSN card. We would
                                                 viewing on the Federal eRulemaking                      responsible way.                                      still require evidence to establish
                                                 portal at http://www.regulations.gov or                    For example, we are currently                      eligibility and identity in order to obtain
                                                 in person, during regular business                      developing a new online application                   a new or replacement card. However,

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                                                 10434                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                 we would revise our rules so that                       public will have an opportunity to                    officials of a State, including, for this
                                                 applicants may provide or we may                        review and comment on the electronic                  purpose, the District of Columbia,
                                                 obtain other types of evidence to satisfy               SSN replacement card application at                   Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin
                                                 the requirement, such as through data                   that time.                                            Islands, and New York City, to establish,
                                                 matches or other agreements with                        (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance               as part of the official birth registration
                                                 government agencies or other entities                   Program Nos. 96.001, Social Security—                 process, a procedure to assist us in
                                                 that we determine can provide us with                   Disability Insurance; 96.002, Social                  assigning Social Security numbers to
                                                 appropriate and secure verification of                  Security—Retirement Insurance; 96.004,                newborn children. Where an agreement
                                                 the applicant’s true identity and other                 Social Security Survivors Insurance; 96.006,          is in effect, a parent, as part of the
                                                 eligibility factors.                                    Supplemental Security Income; 96.020,
                                                                                                                                                               official birth registration process, need
                                                    These changes would provide us with                  Special Benefits for Certain World War II
                                                                                                         Veterans.)                                            not complete a prescribed application
                                                 the flexibility we need to adapt our SSN                                                                      and may request that we assign a Social
                                                 application process as necessity and                    List of Subjects in 20 CFR Part 422                   Security number to the newborn child.
                                                 technology allow. They would allow us                     Administrative practice and
                                                 to offer the public new, convenient                                                                              (3) Immigration form. We may enter
                                                                                                         procedure, Organization and functions                 into an agreement with the Department
                                                 service alternatives for obtaining SSN                  (Government agencies), Reporting and
                                                 replacement cards, while maintaining                                                                          of State (DOS) and the Department of
                                                                                                         recordkeeping requirements, Social                    Homeland Security (DHS) to assist us by
                                                 the security and integrity of the SSN                   security.
                                                 card and issuance process. We also                                                                            collecting enumeration data as part of
                                                 expect these changes would reduce the                   Carolyn W. Colvin,                                    the immigration process. Where an
                                                 public’s need to visit our FOs, resulting               Acting Commissioner of Social Security.               agreement is in effect, an alien need not
                                                 in shorter wait times for individuals                                                                         complete a prescribed application and
                                                                                                           For the reasons set out in the
                                                 who choose to visit a FO for service.                                                                         may request, through DOS or DHS, as
                                                                                                         preamble, we propose to amend 20 CFR
                                                    We also propose to update section                                                                          part of the immigration process, that we
                                                                                                         chapter III part 422 subpart B as set
                                                 422.107(e)(1) to replace references to                                                                        assign a Social Security number and
                                                                                                         forth below:
                                                 ‘‘Immigration and Naturalization                                                                              issue a Social Security number card to
                                                 Service’’ with ‘‘Department of                          PART 422—ORGANIZATION AND                             him or her. An alien will request the
                                                 Homeland Security’’ to reflect that                     PROCEDURES                                            assignment of a Social Security number
                                                 agency’s restructuring in 2003.                                                                               through this process in the manner
                                                                                                         Subpart B—General Procedures                          provided by DOS and DHS.
                                                 Regulatory Procedures
                                                                                                         ■ 1. The authority citation for subpart B                (c) How numbers are assigned—(1)
                                                 Executive Order 12866, as                                                                                     Application. If you complete a
                                                                                                         of part 422 continues to read as follows:
                                                 Supplemented by Executive Order                                                                               prescribed application, we will require
                                                 13563                                                     Authority: Secs. 205, 232, 702(a)(5), 1131,         you to furnish evidence, as necessary, to
                                                                                                         and 1143 of the Social Security Act (42
                                                   We consulted with the Office of                       U.S.C. 405, 432, 902(a)(5), 1320b–1, and              assist us in establishing your age, U.S.
                                                 Management and Budget (OMB) and                         1320b–13), and sec. 7213(a)(1)(A) of Pub. L.          citizenship or alien status, true identity,
                                                 determined that this proposed rule                      108–458.                                              and previously assigned Social Security
                                                 meets the criteria for a significant                    ■ 2. Amend § 422.103 by revising                      number(s), if any. (See § 422.107 for
                                                 regulatory action under Executive Order                 paragraphs (b), (c)(1), and (e)(1) to read            evidence requirements.) We may require
                                                 12866, as supplemented by Executive                     as follows:                                           you to undergo a personal interview
                                                 Order 13563, and was reviewed by                                                                              before we assign a Social Security
                                                 OMB.                                                    § 422.103    Social security numbers.                 number. If you request evidence to show
                                                                                                         *      *     *     *     *                            that you have filed a prescribed
                                                 Regulatory Flexibility Act                                 (b) Applying for a number—(1)                      application for a Social Security number
                                                    We certify that this proposed rule                   Application. An individual needing a                  card, we may furnish you with a receipt
                                                 would not have a significant economic                   Social Security number may apply for                  or equivalent document. We will
                                                 impact on a substantial number of small                 one by completing a prescribed                        electronically screen the data from the
                                                 entities because it would affect                        application and submitting the required               prescribed application against our files.
                                                 individuals only. Therefore, a regulatory               evidence. An individual outside the                   If we find that you have not been
                                                 flexibility analysis is not required under              United States (U.S.) may apply for a                  assigned a Social Security number
                                                 the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as                      Social Security number card at the                    previously, we will assign one to you
                                                 amended.                                                Department of Veterans Affairs Regional               and issue a Social Security number
                                                                                                         Office, Manila, Philippines, at any U.S.              card. However, if we find that you have
                                                 Paperwork Reduction Act
                                                                                                         Foreign Service post, or at a U.S.                    been assigned a Social Security number
                                                   Although the regulatory changes                       military post outside the United States.              previously, we will issue a replacement
                                                 described below are not subject to OMB                  (See § 422.106 for special procedures for             Social Security number card.
                                                 clearance under the Paperwork                           filing applications with other
                                                 Reduction Act (PRA), the new electronic                                                                       *      *     *     *     *
                                                                                                         government agencies.) Additionally, a
                                                 SSN replacement card application will                   U.S. resident may apply for a Social                     (e) Replacement of Social Security
                                                 require OMB PRA approval. We will                       Security number for a nonresident                     number card—(1) When we may issue

                                                 seek public comment in a separate PRA                   dependent when the number is                          you a replacement card. We may issue
                                                 Federal Register Notice (FRN) for the                   necessary for U.S. tax purposes or some               you a replacement Social Security
                                                 new electronic process under OMB No.                    other valid reason, the evidence                      number card, subject to the limitations
                                                 0960–0066. We will complete the PRA                     requirements of § 422.107 are met, and                in paragraph (e)(2) of this section. You
                                                 OMB clearance process, including                        we determine that a personal interview                must complete a prescribed application
                                                 publication of the two standard FRNs,                   with the dependent is not required.                   to receive a replacement Social Security
                                                 before we implement the electronic SSN                     (2) Birth registration document. We                number card. We follow the evidence
                                                 replacement card application. The                       may enter into an agreement with                      requirements in § 422.107 when we

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 38 / Thursday, February 26, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                              10435

                                                 issue you a replacement Social Security                 identification card, school record,                   (See § 422.103(e)(3) for the definition of
                                                 number card.                                            medical record, marriage record,                      a change to a restrictive legend.)
                                                 *     *      *    *    *                                passport, Department of Homeland                      *     *    *     *      *
                                                 ■ 3. Amend § 422.107 by:                                Security document, or other similar                   [FR Doc. 2015–03726 Filed 2–24–15; 11:15 am]
                                                 ■ a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (c);                   evidence serving to identify you. The                 BILLING CODE 4191–02–P
                                                 ■ b. In paragraph (e)(1), removing each                 evidence must contain sufficient
                                                 instance of ‘‘Immigration and                           information to identify you, including
                                                 Naturalization Service’’ and adding in                  your name and:                                        DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                 its place, ‘‘Department of Homeland                        (i) Your age, date of birth, or parents’
                                                 Security’’; and                                         names; or                                             Internal Revenue Service
                                                 ■ c. Revising paragraph (g).                               (ii) Your photograph or physical
                                                    The revisions read as follows:                       description.                                          26 CFR Part 57
                                                 § 422.107   Evidence requirements.                         (2) A birth record is not sufficient               [REG–143416–14; RIN 1545–BM51]
                                                   (a) General. To obtain an original                    evidence to establish identity for these
                                                                                                         purposes.                                             Health Insurance Providers Fee
                                                 Social Security number card, you must
                                                 submit convincing evidence of your age,                 *       *    *      *     *                           AGENCY:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
                                                 U.S. citizenship or alien status, and true                 (g) Inability to verify eligibility factors.       Treasury.
                                                 identity, as described in paragraphs (b)                We will not issue an original or                      ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                 through (e) of this section. If you apply               replacement Social Security number                    by cross-reference to temporary
                                                 for a replacement Social Security                       card when you present invalid or                      regulations.
                                                 number card, you must submit                            expired documents or when we are
                                                 convincing evidence of your true                        unable to verify the required evidence                SUMMARY:   This document contains
                                                 identity, as described in paragraph (c) of              through other means, as described in                  proposed regulations that provide rules
                                                 this section, and you may also be                       paragraph (a) of this section. Invalid                for the definition of a covered entity for
                                                 required to submit convincing evidence                  documents are either forged documents                 purposes of the fee imposed by section
                                                 of your age and U.S. citizenship or alien               that supposedly were issued by the                    9010 of the Patient Protection and
                                                 status, as described in paragraphs (b),                 custodian of the record, or properly                  Affordable Care Act, as amended. In the
                                                 (d), and (e) of this section. If you apply              issued documents that were improperly                 Rules and Regulations section of this
                                                 for an original or replacement Social                   changed after they were issued. An                    issue of the Federal Register, the IRS is
                                                 Security number card, you are also                      expired document is one that was valid                issuing temporary regulations. The text
                                                 required to submit evidence to assist us                for only a limited time and that time has             of those temporary regulations also
                                                 in determining the existence and                        passed.                                               serves as the text of these proposed
                                                 identity of any previously assigned                                                                           regulations. The proposed regulations
                                                                                                         ■ 4. Amend § 422.110 by revising
                                                 Social Security number(s). We will not                                                                        are necessary to clarify certain terms in
                                                                                                         paragraph (a) to read as follows:                     section 9010. The proposed regulations
                                                 assign a Social Security number or issue
                                                 an original or replacement card unless                  § 422.110 Individual’s request for change             affect persons engaged in the business of
                                                 we determine that you meet all of the                   in record.                                            providing health insurance for United
                                                 evidence requirements. We require an                                                                          States health risks.
                                                                                                            (a) Application. If you wish to change
                                                 in-person interview if you are age 12 or                                                                      DATES: Comments and requests for a
                                                                                                         the name or other personal identifying
                                                 older and are applying for an original                  information you previously submitted                  public hearing must be received by May
                                                 Social Security number, unless you are                  in connection with an application for a               27, 2015.
                                                 an alien who requests a Social Security                 Social Security number card, you must                 ADDRESSES: Send submissions to:
                                                 number as part of the immigration                       complete a prescribed application,                    CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–143416–14), Room
                                                 process described in § 422.103(b)(3). We                except as provided in paragraph (b) of                5203, Internal Revenue Service, PO Box
                                                 may require an in-person interview of                   this section. You must prove your                     7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington,
                                                 other applicants. All paper or other                    identity, and you may be required to                  DC 20044. Submissions may be hand-
                                                 tangible documents submitted as                         provide other evidence. (See § 422.107                delivered Monday through Friday
                                                 evidence must be originals or copies of                 for evidence requirements.) You may                   between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
                                                 the original documents certified by the                 complete a request for change in records              to CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG–143416–14),
                                                 custodians of the original records and                  in the manner we designate, including                 Courier’s Desk, Internal Revenue
                                                 are subject to verification. We may also                at any Social Security office, or, if you             Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                 verify your eligibility factors, as                     are outside the U.S., to the Department               Washington, DC, or sent electronically,
                                                 described in paragraphs (b)–(e) of this                 of Veterans Affairs Regional Office,                  via the Federal eRulemaking portal at
                                                 section, through other means, including                 Manila, Philippines, or to any U.S.                   www.regulations.gov (IRS REG–143416–
                                                 but not limited to data matches or other                Foreign Service post or U.S. military                 14).
                                                 agreements with government agencies or                  post. If your request is for a change of              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                 other entities that we determine can                    name on the card (that is, verified legal             Concerning the proposed regulations,
                                                 provide us with appropriate and secure                  changes to the first name or surname, or              Rachel S. Smith, (202) 317–6855;
                                                 verification of your eligibility factors.               both), we may issue you a replacement                 concerning submissions of comments

                                                 *      *    *      *     *                              Social Security number card bearing the               and request for a hearing, Regina
                                                   (c) Evidence of identity. (1) If you                  same number and the new name. We                      Johnson, (202) 317–6901 (not toll-free
                                                 apply for an original Social Security                   will grant an exception to the                        numbers).
                                                 number or a replacement Social                          limitations specified in § 422.103(e)(2)              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                 Security number card, you are required                  for replacement Social Security number
                                                 to submit convincing evidence of your                   cards representing a change in name or,               Background
                                                 identity. Evidence of identity may                      if you are an alien, a change to a                      Temporary regulations in the Rules
                                                 consist of a driver’s license,                          restrictive legend shown on the card.                 and Regulations section of this issue of

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:05:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:05:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking.
DatesTo ensure that your comments are considered, we must receive them no later than April 27, 2015.
ContactArthur LaVeck, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Office of Income Security Programs, Social Security Administration, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235- 6401, (410) 966-5665. For information on eligibility or filing for benefits, call our national toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1- 800-325-0778, or visit our Internet site, Social Security Online, at http://www.socialsecurity.gov.
FR Citation80 FR 10432 
RIN Number0960-AH68
CFR AssociatedAdministrative Practice and Procedure; Organization and Functions (government Agencies); Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Social Security

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