80_FR_14195 80 FR 14143 - Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

80 FR 14143 - Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 52 (March 18, 2015)

Page Range14143-14145
FR Document2015-06160

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 52 (Wednesday, March 18, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 52 (Wednesday, March 18, 2015)]
[Pages 14143-14145]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-06160]



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has submitted 
the following information collection request to the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The notice for the proposed 
information collection is published to obtain comments from the public 
and affected agencies.
    Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected 
agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are 
encouraged. Your comments should address any of the following: (a) 
Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary 
for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the 
accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed 
collection of information, including the validity of the methodology 
and assumptions used; (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; (d) Minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses; and 
(e) Assess information collection costs.
    To request additional information on the proposed project or to 
obtain a copy of the information collection plan and instruments, call 
(404) 639-7570 or send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Written comments and/or 
suggestions regarding the items contained in this notice should be 
directed to the Attention: CDC Desk Officer, Office of Management and 
Budget, Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202) 395-5806. Written 
comments should be received within 30 days of this notice.

Proposed Project

    Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP)--(0920-0020)--
Reinstatement with Change--National Institute for Occupational Safety 
and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Background and Brief Description

    NIOSH would like to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR) 
to revise the data collection instruments being utilized within the 
Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP).
    On May 1, 2014, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) 
published final rule 30 CFR 70, 71, 72, 75, and 90. The new MSHA rule 
added surface coal miners, a respiratory health assessment, and 
spirometry testing for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to 
the previously mandated chest x-ray examination program. These 
additions are being referred to as the Expanded CWHSP (an additional 
component under the current CWHSP).
    This request incorporates all components that now fall under the 
CWHSP. Those components include: Coal Workers' X-ray Surveillance 
Program (CWXSP), B Reader Program, Enhanced Coal Workers' Health 
Surveillance Program (ECWHSP), Expanded Coal Workers' Health 
Surveillance Program, and National Coal Workers' Autopsy Study (NCWAS).
    The CWHSP is a congressionally-mandated medical examination program 
for monitoring the health of coal miners. The Program was originally 
authorized under the 1969 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act and 
is currently authorized under the 1977 Federal Mine Safety and Health 
Act and its subsequent amendments (the Act). The Act provides the 
regulatory authority for

[[Page 14144]]

the administration of the CWHSP. This Program, which operates in 
accordance with 42 CFR part 37, is useful in providing information for 
protecting the health of miners (whose participation is entirely 
voluntary), and also in documenting trends and patterns in the 
prevalence of coal workers' pneumoconiosis (`black lung' disease) among 
miners employed in U.S. coal mines.
    The total estimated annualized burden hours of 20,282 is based on 
the following collection instruments:
     Coal Mine Operator Plan (2.10) and Coal Contractor Plan 
(2.18)--Under 42 CFR part 37, every coal operator and coal contractor 
in the U.S. must submit a plan approximately every 4 years, providing 
information on how they plan to notify their miners of the opportunity 
to obtain the medical examination. Completion of this form with all 
requested information (including a roster of current employees) takes 
approximately 30 minutes.
     Radiographic Facility Certification Document (2.11)--X-ray 
facilities seeking NIOSH approval to provide miner radiographs under 
the CWHSP must complete an approval packet including this form which 
requires approximately 30 minutes for completion.
     Miner Identification Document (2.9)--Miners who elect to 
participate in the CWHSP must fill out this document which requires 
approximately 20 minutes. This document records demographic and 
occupational history, as well as information required under the 
regulations in relation to the examinations. In addition to completing 
this form, acquiring the chest image from the miner takes approximately 
15 minutes.
     Chest Radiograph Classification Form (2.8)--NIOSH utilizes 
a radiographic classification system developed by the International 
Labour Office (ILO) in the determination of pneumoconiosis among coal 
miners. Physicians (B Readers) fill out this form regarding their 
interpretations of the radiographs (each image has two separate 
interpretations, and approximately 7% of the images require additional 
interpretations). Based on prior practice it takes the physician 
approximately 3 minutes per form.
     Physician Application for Certification (2.12)--Physicians 
taking the B Reader examination are asked to complete this registration 
form which provides demographic information as well as information 
regarding their medical practices. It typically takes the physician 
about 10 minutes to complete this form.
     Spirometry Facility Certification Document (2.14)--This 
new form is analogous to the Radiographic Facility Certification 
Document (2.11) and records the spirometry facility equipment/staffing 
information. Spirometry facilities seeking NIOSH approval to provide 
miner spirometry testing under the CWHSP must complete an approval 
packet which includes this form. It is estimated that it will take 
approximately 30 minutes for this form to be completed at the facility.
     Respiratory Assessment Form (2.13)--This new form is 
designed to assess respiratory symptoms and certain medical conditions 
and risk factors. It is estimated that it will take approximately five 
minutes for administration of this form to the miner by an employee at 
the facility.
     Spirometry Results Notification Form (2.15)--This new form 
replaces previous forms 2.15, 2.16 and 2.17. It is used to: collect 
information that will allow NIOSH to identify the miner in order to 
provide notification of the spirometry test results; assure that the 
test can be done safely; record certain factors that can affect test 
results; provide documentation that the required components of the 
spirometry examination have been transmitted to NIOSH for processing; 
and conduct quality assurance audits and interpretation of results. It 
is estimated that it will take the facility approximately 20 minutes to 
complete this form. In addition to completing this form, acquiring an 
acceptable spirometry test from the miner takes approximately 15 
     Pathologist Invoice--Under the NCWAS, the invoice 
submitted by the pathologist must contain a statement that the 
pathologist is not receiving any other compensation for the autopsy. 
Each participating pathologist may use their individual invoice as long 
as this statement is added. It is estimated that only five minutes is 
required for the pathologist to add this statement to the standard 
invoice that they routinely use.
     Pathologist Report--Under the NCWAS the pathologist must 
submit information found at autopsy, slides, blocks of tissue, and a 
final diagnosis indicating presence or absence of pneumoconiosis. The 
format of the autopsy reports is variable depending on the pathologist 
conducting the autopsy. Since an autopsy report is routinely completed 
by a pathologist, the only additional burden is the specific request 
for a clinical abstract of terminal illness and final diagnosis 
relating to pneumoconiosis. Therefore, only 5 minutes of additional 
burden is estimated for the pathologist's report.
     Consent, Release and History Form (2.6)--This form 
documents written authorization from the next-of-kin to perform an 
autopsy on the deceased miner. A minimum of essential information is 
collected regarding the deceased miner including an occupational 
history and a smoking history. From past experience, it is estimated 
that 15 minutes is required for the next-of-kin to complete this form.
    There are no costs to respondents other than their time.

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
                                                                     Number of       Number of      burden per
          Type of respondent                    Form name           respondents    responses per   response  (in
                                                                                    respondent        hours)
Coal Mine Operator....................  2.10....................             388               1           30/60
Coal Mine Contractor..................  2.18....................             575               1           30/60
Radiograph Facility Supervisor........  2.11....................              40               1           30/60
Coal Miner............................  2.9.....................          14,560               1           20/60
Coal Miner--Radiograph................  No form required........          14,560               1           15/60
B Reader Physician....................  2.8.....................              10            3014            3/60
Physicians taking the B Reader          2.12....................             100               1           10/60
Spirometry Facility Supervisor........  2.14....................             100               1           30/60
Spirometry Facility Employee..........  2.13....................          14,560               1            5/60
Spirometry Technician.................  2.15....................          14,560               1           20/60
Coal Mine--Spirometry.................  No form required........          14,560               1           15/60
Pathologist...........................  Invoice--No standard                   5               1            5/60

[[Page 14145]]

Pathologist...........................  Pathology Report--No                   5               1            5/60
                                         standard form.
Next-of-kin for deceased miner........  2.6.....................               5               1           15/60

Leroy A. Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office, Office of Scientific 
Integrity, Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the 
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2015-06160 Filed 3-17-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 18, 2015 / Notices                                           14143

                                                    Name of Committee: Center for Scientific              085: Metabolic Reprogramming in                       the collection of information on those
                                                  Review Special Emphasis Panel; Program                  Immunotherapy.                                        who are to respond, including through
                                                  Project: National Biomedical NMR Resource.                Date: March 17, 2015.                               the use of appropriate automated,
                                                    Date: April 13–15, 2015.                                Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                    Time: 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.                           Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
                                                    Agenda: To review and evaluate grant                  applications.                                         technological collection techniques or
                                                  applications.                                             Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701          other forms of information technology,
                                                    Place: Doubletree Hotel Bethesda,                     Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892,                  e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                                  (Formerly Holiday Inn Select), 8120                     (Telephone Conference Call).                          responses; and (e) Assess information
                                                  Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.                     Contact Person: Denise R Shaw, Ph.D.,               collection costs.
                                                    Contact Person: Michael Eissenstat, Ph.D.,            Scientific Review Officer, Center for                   To request additional information on
                                                  Scientific Review Officer, BCMB IRG, Center             Scientific Review, National Institutes of             the proposed project or to obtain a copy
                                                  for Scientific Review, National Institutes of           Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 6158,              of the information collection plan and
                                                  Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 4166,                MSC 7804, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–
                                                  Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–1722,                       0198, shawdeni@csr.nih.gov.                           instruments, call (404) 639–7570 or
                                                  eissenstatma@csr.nih.gov.                                                                                     send an email to omb@cdc.gov. Written
                                                                                                            This notice is being published less than 15
                                                    Name of Committee: Center for Scientific              days prior to the meeting due to the timing           comments and/or suggestions regarding
                                                  Review Special Emphasis Panel; Member                   limitations imposed by the review and                 the items contained in this notice
                                                  Conflict: AIDS and AIDS Related Research.               funding cycle.                                        should be directed to the Attention:
                                                    Date: April 13, 2015.                                 (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance             CDC Desk Officer, Office of Management
                                                    Time: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.                         Program Nos. 93.306, Comparative Medicine;            and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 or
                                                    Agenda: To review and evaluate grant                  93.333, Clinical Research, 93.306, 93.333,            by fax to (202) 395–5806. Written
                                                  applications.                                           93.337, 93.393–93.396, 93.837–93.844,                 comments should be received within 30
                                                    Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701            93.846–93.878, 93.892, 93.893, National
                                                  Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892,                                                                          days of this notice.
                                                                                                          Institutes of Health, HHS)
                                                  (Telephone Conference Call).                                                                                  Proposed Project
                                                    Contact Person: Eduardo A Montalvo,                     Dated: March 12, 2015.
                                                  Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Center for            Carolyn A. Baum,                                        Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance
                                                  Scientific Review, National Institutes of               Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory           Program (CWHSP)—(0920–0020)—
                                                  Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 5108,                Committee Policy.                                     Reinstatement with Change—National
                                                  MSC 7852, Bethesda, MD 20892, (301) 435–                [FR Doc. 2015–06120 Filed 3–17–15; 8:45 am]           Institute for Occupational Safety and
                                                  1168, montalve@csr.nih.gov.                                                                                   Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 4140–01–P
                                                  (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance                                                                     Control and Prevention (CDC).
                                                  Program Nos. 93.306, Comparative Medicine;
                                                  93.333, Clinical Research, 93.306, 93.333,                                                                    Background and Brief Description
                                                  93.337, 93.393–93.396, 93.837–93.844,                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                          HUMAN SERVICES                                          NIOSH would like to submit an
                                                  93.846–93.878, 93.892, 93.893, National
                                                  Institutes of Health, HHS)
                                                                                                                                                                Information Collection Request (ICR) to
                                                                                                          Centers for Disease Control and                       revise the data collection instruments
                                                    Dated: March 12, 2015.                                Prevention                                            being utilized within the Coal Workers’
                                                  Carolyn A. Baum,                                                                                              Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP).
                                                  Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory             [30Day–15–0020]                                         On May 1, 2014, the Mine Safety and
                                                  Committee Policy.                                                                                             Health Administration (MSHA)
                                                                                                          Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–06121 Filed 3–17–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          Reduction Act Review                                  published final rule 30 CFR 70, 71, 72,
                                                  BILLING CODE 4140–01–P                                                                                        75, and 90. The new MSHA rule added
                                                                                                             The Centers for Disease Control and                surface coal miners, a respiratory health
                                                                                                          Prevention (CDC) has submitted the                    assessment, and spirometry testing for
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                following information collection request              chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
                                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                          to the Office of Management and Budget                (COPD) to the previously mandated
                                                                                                          (OMB) for review and approval in                      chest x-ray examination program. These
                                                  National Institutes of Health                           accordance with the Paperwork                         additions are being referred to as the
                                                                                                          Reduction Act of 1995. The notice for                 Expanded CWHSP (an additional
                                                  Center for Scientific Review; Notice of
                                                  Closed Meeting                                          the proposed information collection is                component under the current CWHSP).
                                                                                                          published to obtain comments from the                   This request incorporates all
                                                    Pursuant to section 10(d) of the                      public and affected agencies.                         components that now fall under the
                                                  Federal Advisory Committee Act, as                         Written comments and suggestions                   CWHSP. Those components include:
                                                  amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is                      from the public and affected agencies                 Coal Workers’ X-ray Surveillance
                                                  hereby given of the following meeting.                  concerning the proposed collection of                 Program (CWXSP), B Reader Program,
                                                    The meeting will be closed to the                     information are encouraged. Your                      Enhanced Coal Workers’ Health
                                                  public in accordance with the                           comments should address any of the                    Surveillance Program (ECWHSP),
                                                  provisions set forth in sections                        following: (a) Evaluate whether the                   Expanded Coal Workers’ Health
                                                  552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,              proposed collection of information is                 Surveillance Program, and National
                                                  as amended. The grant applications and                  necessary for the proper performance of               Coal Workers’ Autopsy Study (NCWAS).
                                                  the discussions could disclose                          the functions of the agency, including                  The CWHSP is a congressionally-
                                                  confidential trade secrets or commercial                whether the information will have                     mandated medical examination program
                                                  property such as patentable material,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          practical utility; (b) Evaluate the                   for monitoring the health of coal miners.
                                                  and personal information concerning                     accuracy of the agencies estimate of the              The Program was originally authorized
                                                  individuals associated with the grant                   burden of the proposed collection of                  under the 1969 Federal Coal Mine
                                                  applications, the disclosure of which                   information, including the validity of                Health and Safety Act and is currently
                                                  would constitute a clearly unwarranted                  the methodology and assumptions used;                 authorized under the 1977 Federal Mine
                                                  invasion of personal privacy.                           (c) Enhance the quality, utility, and                 Safety and Health Act and its
                                                    Name of Committee: Center for Scientific              clarity of the information to be                      subsequent amendments (the Act). The
                                                  Review Special Emphasis Panel; PAR–14–                  collected; (d) Minimize the burden of                 Act provides the regulatory authority for

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                                                  14144                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 18, 2015 / Notices

                                                  the administration of the CWHSP. This                                 pneumoconiosis among coal miners.                                        examination have been transmitted to
                                                  Program, which operates in accordance                                 Physicians (B Readers) fill out this form                                NIOSH for processing; and conduct
                                                  with 42 CFR part 37, is useful in                                     regarding their interpretations of the                                   quality assurance audits and
                                                  providing information for protecting the                              radiographs (each image has two                                          interpretation of results. It is estimated
                                                  health of miners (whose participation is                              separate interpretations, and                                            that it will take the facility
                                                  entirely voluntary), and also in                                      approximately 7% of the images require                                   approximately 20 minutes to complete
                                                  documenting trends and patterns in the                                additional interpretations). Based on                                    this form. In addition to completing this
                                                  prevalence of coal workers’                                           prior practice it takes the physician                                    form, acquiring an acceptable
                                                  pneumoconiosis (‘black lung’ disease)                                 approximately 3 minutes per form.                                        spirometry test from the miner takes
                                                  among miners employed in U.S. coal                                       • Physician Application for                                           approximately 15 minutes.
                                                  mines.                                                                Certification (2.12)—Physicians taking                                     • Pathologist Invoice—Under the
                                                    The total estimated annualized                                      the B Reader examination are asked to                                    NCWAS, the invoice submitted by the
                                                  burden hours of 20,282 is based on the                                complete this registration form which                                    pathologist must contain a statement
                                                  following collection instruments:                                     provides demographic information as                                      that the pathologist is not receiving any
                                                    • Coal Mine Operator Plan (2.10) and                                well as information regarding their                                      other compensation for the autopsy.
                                                  Coal Contractor Plan (2.18)—Under 42                                  medical practices. It typically takes the                                Each participating pathologist may use
                                                  CFR part 37, every coal operator and                                  physician about 10 minutes to complete                                   their individual invoice as long as this
                                                  coal contractor in the U.S. must submit                               this form.                                                               statement is added. It is estimated that
                                                  a plan approximately every 4 years,                                      • Spirometry Facility Certification                                   only five minutes is required for the
                                                  providing information on how they plan                                Document (2.14)—This new form is                                         pathologist to add this statement to the
                                                  to notify their miners of the opportunity                             analogous to the Radiographic Facility                                   standard invoice that they routinely use.
                                                  to obtain the medical examination.                                    Certification Document (2.11) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Pathologist Report—Under the
                                                  Completion of this form with all                                      records the spirometry facility
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NCWAS the pathologist must submit
                                                  requested information (including a                                    equipment/staffing information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 information found at autopsy, slides,
                                                  roster of current employees) takes                                    Spirometry facilities seeking NIOSH
                                                                                                                                                                                                 blocks of tissue, and a final diagnosis
                                                  approximately 30 minutes.                                             approval to provide miner spirometry
                                                                                                                                                                                                 indicating presence or absence of
                                                    • Radiographic Facility Certification                               testing under the CWHSP must
                                                                                                                                                                                                 pneumoconiosis. The format of the
                                                  Document (2.11)—X-ray facilities                                      complete an approval packet which
                                                                                                                                                                                                 autopsy reports is variable depending
                                                  seeking NIOSH approval to provide                                     includes this form. It is estimated that
                                                                                                                                                                                                 on the pathologist conducting the
                                                  miner radiographs under the CWHSP                                     it will take approximately 30 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                 autopsy. Since an autopsy report is
                                                  must complete an approval packet                                      for this form to be completed at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 routinely completed by a pathologist,
                                                  including this form which requires                                    facility.
                                                                                                                           • Respiratory Assessment Form                                         the only additional burden is the
                                                  approximately 30 minutes for
                                                                                                                        (2.13)—This new form is designed to                                      specific request for a clinical abstract of
                                                    • Miner Identification Document                                     assess respiratory symptoms and certain                                  terminal illness and final diagnosis
                                                  (2.9)—Miners who elect to participate in                              medical conditions and risk factors. It is                               relating to pneumoconiosis. Therefore,
                                                  the CWHSP must fill out this document                                 estimated that it will take approximately                                only 5 minutes of additional burden is
                                                  which requires approximately 20                                       five minutes for administration of this                                  estimated for the pathologist’s report.
                                                  minutes. This document records                                        form to the miner by an employee at the                                    • Consent, Release and History Form
                                                  demographic and occupational history,                                 facility.                                                                (2.6)—This form documents written
                                                  as well as information required under                                    • Spirometry Results Notification                                     authorization from the next-of-kin to
                                                  the regulations in relation to the                                    Form (2.15)—This new form replaces                                       perform an autopsy on the deceased
                                                  examinations. In addition to completing                               previous forms 2.15, 2.16 and 2.17. It is                                miner. A minimum of essential
                                                  this form, acquiring the chest image                                  used to: collect information that will                                   information is collected regarding the
                                                  from the miner takes approximately 15                                 allow NIOSH to identify the miner in                                     deceased miner including an
                                                  minutes.                                                              order to provide notification of the                                     occupational history and a smoking
                                                     • Chest Radiograph Classification                                  spirometry test results; assure that the                                 history. From past experience, it is
                                                  Form (2.8)—NIOSH utilizes a                                           test can be done safely; record certain                                  estimated that 15 minutes is required for
                                                  radiographic classification system                                    factors that can affect test results;                                    the next-of-kin to complete this form.
                                                  developed by the International Labour                                 provide documentation that the                                             There are no costs to respondents
                                                  Office (ILO) in the determination of                                  required components of the spirometry                                    other than their time.

                                                                                                                       ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Number of                      burden per
                                                                    Type of respondent                                                           Form name                                                     responses per
                                                                                                                                                                                                respondents                      response
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 respondent      (in hours)

                                                  Coal Mine Operator ........................................          2.10 ................................................................             388              1            30/60
                                                  Coal Mine Contractor ......................................          2.18 ................................................................             575              1            30/60
                                                  Radiograph Facility Supervisor .......................               2.11 ................................................................              40              1            30/60
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Coal Miner .......................................................   2.9 ..................................................................         14,560              1            20/60
                                                  Coal Miner—Radiograph ................................               No form required ............................................                  14,560              1            15/60
                                                  B Reader Physician ........................................          2.8 ..................................................................             10           3014             3/60
                                                  Physicians taking the B Reader Examination                           2.12 ................................................................             100              1            10/60
                                                  Spirometry Facility Supervisor ........................              2.14 ................................................................             100              1            30/60
                                                  Spirometry Facility Employee .........................               2.13 ................................................................          14,560              1             5/60
                                                  Spirometry Technician ....................................           2.15 ................................................................          14,560              1            20/60
                                                  Coal Mine—Spirometry ...................................             No form required ............................................                  14,560              1            15/60
                                                  Pathologist ......................................................   Invoice—No standard form ............................                               5              1             5/60

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                                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 18, 2015 / Notices                                                                         14145

                                                                                                            ESTIMATED ANNUALIZED BURDEN HOURS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Number of                         burden per
                                                                    Type of respondent                                                           Form name                                                        responses per
                                                                                                                                                                                                respondents                         response
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    respondent      (in hours)

                                                  Pathologist ......................................................   Pathology Report—No standard form ............                                         5               1            5/60
                                                  Next-of-kin for deceased miner ......................                2.6 ..................................................................                 5               1           15/60

                                                  Leroy A. Richardson,                                                  dispensed to a new calculation of AAC                                      Any individual or group that wants to
                                                  Chief, Information Collection Review Office,                          adjusted by a multiplier of 1.1 for                                      participate in the hearing as a party
                                                  Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the                         multiple source drugs and 1.01 for                                       must petition the presiding officer
                                                  Associate Director for Science, Office of the                         single source drugs. In addition,                                        within 15 days after publication of this
                                                  Director, Centers for Disease Control and                             propose a reimbursement methodology                                      notice, in accordance with the
                                                  Prevention.                                                           of wholesale acquisition cost (WAC)                                      requirements contained at 42 CFR
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–06160 Filed 3–17–15; 8:45 am]                           adjusted by a multiplier of 1.05 for state-                              430.76(b)(2). Any interested person or
                                                  BILLING CODE 4163–18–P                                                defined specialty therapeutic classes of                                 organization that wants to participate as
                                                                                                                        drugs.                                                                   amicus curiae must petition the
                                                                                                                           The issues to be considered at the                                    presiding officer before the hearing
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                                                                                                       begins in accordance with the
                                                                                                                        hearing are:
                                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                                                                                                                 requirements contained at 42 CFR
                                                                                                                           • Whether the state’s proposed
                                                  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                                       increased payment methodology under                                      430.76(c). If the hearing is later
                                                  Services                                                              Louisiana Medicaid SPA 12–66–B                                           rescheduled, the presiding officer will
                                                                                                                        complies with the requirements of                                        notify all participants.
                                                  Notice of Hearing: Reconsideration of                                 section 1902(a)(30)(A) of the Act which                                    The notice to Louisiana announcing
                                                  Disapproval Louisiana Medicaid State                                  requires, in part, that states have                                      an administrative hearing to reconsider
                                                  Plan Amendment (SPA) 12–66–B                                          methods and procedures to assure that                                    the disapproval of its SPA reads as
                                                                                                                        payment rates are consistent with                                        follows:
                                                  AGENCY: Centers for Medicare &                                                                                                                 J. Ruth Kennedy
                                                  Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.                                         efficiency, economy, and quality of care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 State Medicaid Director
                                                  ACTION: Notice of hearing:
                                                                                                                           • Whether the state demonstrated that                                 Louisiana Department of Health and
                                                  Reconsideration of disapproval.                                       the proposed payment increases are                                          Hospitals
                                                                                                                        consistent with the aggregate upper                                      628 N. 4th Street
                                                  SUMMARY:    This notice announces an                                  payment limits set in implementing                                       P.O. Box 91030
                                                  administrative hearing to be held on                                  regulations at 42 CFR 447.512 which                                      Baton Rouge, LA 70821
                                                  April 30, 2015, at the Department of                                  provide that payments for drugs are to                                   Dear Ms. Kennedy:
                                                  Health and Human Services, Centers for                                be based on the lower of: (1) The                                           I am responding to your request for
                                                  Medicare and Medicaid Services,                                       ingredient EAC of the drug and a                                         reconsideration of the decision to disapprove
                                                  Division of Medicaid & Children’s                                     reasonable dispensing fee; or (2) the                                    Louisiana’s Medicaid state plan amendment
                                                  Health, Dallas Regional Office, 1301                                  provider’s usual and customary charges                                   (SPA) 12–66B, which was submitted to the
                                                                                                                        to the general public.                                                   Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
                                                  Young Street, Room 730, Dallas, TX
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (CMS) on December 20, 2012, and
                                                  75202, to reconsider CMS’ decision to                                    • Whether the proposed calculation                                    disapproved on December 11, 2014. I am
                                                  disapprove Louisiana’s Medicaid SPA                                   of EAC used in calculating upper                                         scheduling a hearing on your request for
                                                  12–66–B.                                                              payment limits (based on a multiple of                                   reconsideration to be held on April 30, 2015,
                                                     Closing Date: Requests to participate                              the AAC) is consistent with the                                          at the Department of Health and Human
                                                  in the hearing as a party must be                                     definition of EAC in 42 CFR 447.502,                                     Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
                                                  received by the presiding officer by                                  which defines EAC as ‘‘the agency’s best                                 Services, Division of Medicaid & Children’s
                                                  April 2, 2015.                                                                                                                                 Health, Dallas Regional Office, 1301 Young
                                                                                                                        estimate of the price generally and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Street, Room 730, Dallas, TX 75202.
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                      currently paid by providers for a drug                                      I am designating Mr. Benjamin R. Cohen as
                                                  Benjamin R. Cohen, Presiding Officer,                                 marketed or sold by a particular                                         the presiding officer. If these arrangements
                                                  CMS, 2520 Lord Baltimore Drive, Suite                                 manufacturer or labeler in the package                                   present any problems, please contact Mr.
                                                  L, Baltimore, Maryland 21244,                                         size of drug most frequently purchased                                   Cohen at (410) 786–3169. In order to
                                                  Telephone: (410) 786–3169.                                            by providers.’’                                                          facilitate any communication that may be
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                                          Section 1116 of the Act and federal                                   necessary between the parties prior to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 hearing, please notify the presiding officer to
                                                  notice announces an administrative                                    regulations at 42 CFR part 430, establish                                indicate acceptability of the hearing date that
                                                  hearing to reconsider CMS’ decision to                                Department procedures that provide an                                    has been scheduled and provide names of the
                                                  disapprove Louisiana’s Medicaid SPA                                   administrative hearing for                                               individuals who will represent the state at
                                                  12–66B which was submitted to the                                     reconsideration of a disapproval of a                                    the hearing. If the hearing date is not
                                                  Centers for Medicare and Medicaid                                     state plan or plan amendment. CMS is                                     acceptable, Mr. Cohen can set another date
                                                                                                                                                                                                 mutually agreeable to the parties. The
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Services (CMS) on December 20, 2012                                   required to publish a copy of the notice
                                                  and disapproved on December 11, 2014.                                 to a state Medicaid agency that informs                                  hearing will be governed by the procedures
                                                  In part, this SPA requested CMS                                       the agency of the time and place of the                                  prescribed by federal regulations at 42 CFR
                                                                                                                                                                                                 part 430.
                                                  approval to revise the current pharmacy                               hearing, and the issues to be considered.                                   In part, this SPA would revise the current
                                                  reimbursement methodology for                                         If we subsequently notify the agency of                                  pharmacy reimbursement methodology for
                                                  estimated acquisition cost (EAC) which                                additional issues that will be considered                                estimated acquisition cost (EAC) which is
                                                  is currently calculated as average                                    at the hearing, we will also publish that                                currently calculated as average acquisition
                                                  acquisition cost (AAC) of the drug                                    notice.                                                                  cost (AAC) of the drug dispensed to a new

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Document Created: 2018-02-21 09:39:30
Document Modified: 2018-02-21 09:39:30
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 14143 

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