80_FR_15563 80 FR 15507 - Residual Interest Deadline for Futures Commission Merchants

80 FR 15507 - Residual Interest Deadline for Futures Commission Merchants


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 56 (March 24, 2015)

Page Range15507-15510
FR Document2015-06548

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or ``CFTC'') is amending its regulations to remove the December 31, 2018 automatic termination date for the phased-in compliance schedule for futures commission merchants (``FCMs'') and provides assurance that the residual interest deadline, as defined in the regulations (``Residual Interest Deadline''), will only be revised through a separate Commission rulemaking.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 56 (Tuesday, March 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 56 (Tuesday, March 24, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15507-15510]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-06548]



17 CFR Part 1

RIN 3038-AE22

Residual Interest Deadline for Futures Commission Merchants

AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or 
``CFTC'') is amending its regulations to remove the December 31, 2018 
automatic termination date for the phased-in compliance schedule for 
futures commission merchants (``FCMs'') and provides assurance that the 
residual interest deadline, as defined in the regulations (``Residual 
Interest Deadline''), will only be revised through a separate 
Commission rulemaking.

DATES: The final rule is effective May 26, 2015.

    Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight: Thomas Smith, 
Acting Director, 202-418-5495, tsmith@cftc.gov; Jennifer Bauer, Special 
Counsel, 202-418-5472, jbauer@cftc.gov; Joshua Beale, Attorney-Advisor, 
202-418-5446, jbeale@cftc.gov, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street 
NW., Washington, DC 20581.
    Division of Clearing and Risk: Kirsten V.K. Robbins, Associate 
Chief Counsel, 202-418-5313, krobbins@cftc.gov, Three Lafayette Centre, 
1155 21st Street NW., Washington, DC 20581.
    Office of the Chief Economist: Stephen Kane, Research Economist, 
202-418-5911, skane@cftc.gov, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street 
NW., Washington, DC 20581.


I. Background

    On October 30, 2013, the Commission amended Regulation 1.22 to 
enhance the safety of funds deposited by customers with FCMs as margin 
for futures transactions.\1\ The amendments require an FCM to maintain 
its own capital (hereinafter referred to as the FCM's ``Residual 
Interest'') in customer segregated accounts in an amount equal to or 
greater than its customers' aggregate undermargined amounts.\2\ The 
Commission established a phased-in compliance schedule for Regulation 
1.22 with an initial Residual Interest Deadline of 6:00 p.m. Eastern 
Time on the date of the settlement referenced in Regulation 
1.22(c)(2)(i) or (c)(4) (the ``Settlement Date''), beginning November 
14, 2014.\3\ Amended Regulation 1.22 also directs staff to host a 
public roundtable and publish a report for public comment by May 16, 
2016 addressing, to the extent information is practically available, 
the practicability (for both FCMs and customers) of moving the Residual 
Interest Deadline from 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the Settlement Date, 
to the time of settlement or to some other time of day.\4\ Furthermore, 
amended Regulation 1.22 provides that, absent Commission action, the 
phased-in compliance period for the Residual Interest Deadline 
automatically terminates on December 31, 2018.\5\ In the case of such 
automatic termination, the Residual Interest Deadline would change to 
the time of settlement on the Settlement Date.

    \1\ Enhancing Protections Afforded Customers and Customer Funds 
Held by Futures Commission Merchants and Derivatives Clearing 
Organizations, Final Rule, 78 FR 68506 (Nov. 14, 2013) (amending 17 
CFR parts 1, 3, 22, 30 and 140).
    \2\ See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(3)(i). As defined in Regulation 
1.22(c)(1), a customer's account is ``undermargined,'' when the 
value of the customer funds for a customer's account is less than 
the total amount of collateral required by derivatives clearing 
organizations for that account's contracts. See 78 FR 68513, n.30.
    \3\ See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(ii); See 78 FR at 68578.
    \4\ See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(iii)(A).
    \5\ See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(iii)(C).

II. The Proposal

    On November 3, 2014, the Commission proposed to revise Regulation 
1.22 to remove the December 31, 2018 automatic termination of the 
phase-in compliance period.\6\ In the NPRM, the Commission stated the 
intention to retain the Residual Interest

[[Page 15508]]

Deadline \7\ at 6 p.m. Eastern Time, unless the Commission takes 
further action via rulemaking.

    \6\ Residual Interest Deadline for Futures Commission Merchants, 
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 79 FR 68148 (Nov. 14, 2014) (amending 
17 CFR part 1).
    \7\ See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(3)(i). The term ``Residual Interest 
Deadline'' is defined in Regulation 1.22(c)(5). If an FCM is 
required to increase its Residual Interest as a result of customer 
undermargined accounts, the FCM must deposit additional funds into 
the customer segregated accounts by the specified Residual Interest 

    In the NPRM, the Commission stated that the removal of the 
automatic termination of the phase-in compliance period would provide 
the Commission with a greater degree of flexibility to assess all 
relevant data, including the costs and benefits of revising the 
Residual Interest Deadline. The Commission also retained in Regulation 
1.22 the requirement for Commission staff to publish for public comment 
a report addressing the practicability and costs and benefits of 
revising the Residual Interest Deadline, and the additional requirement 
for Commission staff to conduct a public roundtable on the issue.
    The Commission invited comments on all aspects of the amendments, 
particularly those regarding the practicability and costs and benefits 
of revising the Residual Interest Deadline.

III. Comments and Response

    The Commission received ten comments on the NPRM. The comments were 
submitted by the Futures Industry Association (``FIA''), CME Group 
(``CME''), National Futures Association (``NFA''), National Introducing 
Brokers Association (``NIBA''), Managed Funds Association (``MFA''), 
Coalition of National Producers and Agribusiness (``Agribusiness 
Coalition''),\8\ National Grain and Feed Association (``NGFA''), 
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (``NCFC''), the Honorable Heidi 
Heitkamp, United States Senate, and Chris Barnard.\9\ All ten comments 
supported the proposed amendments.

    \8\ The Commission received two comment letters filed by the 
Coalition of National Producers and Agribusiness. The second comment 
letter was identical to the first with the exception of an amendment 
adding two additional signatories.
    \9\ The comments are available on the Commission's Web site, 

    The FIA and its member firms supported the amendments, stating 
their willingness to participate in the study and citing concerns that 
a residual interest deadline earlier than 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the 
Settlement Date might impose significant financial and operational 
burdens on both customers and FCMs. The NFA encouraged the Commission 
to consider industry comment on the timing and parameters of the study 
to ensure the Commission has the most complete information available. 
The NIBA, NCFC, NGFA, Agribusiness Coalition, and MFA added that an 
earlier Residual Interest Deadline could force the pre-funding of 
margin by FCMs, in turn causing increased operational costs on FCMs and 
their customers, which could result in the possible exit of certain 
customers from the marketplace. Senator Heitkamp also supported the 
proposed amendments and stated that the rule would provide end users 
with the certainty they need to run their businesses.
    All commenters supported the position that any future revisions 
should be done through separate rulemaking. The FIA and CME further 
stated that the opportunity to provide input on the setting of the 
Residual Interest Deadline was something consistent with the goals of, 
if not required by, the Administrative Procedure Act. Chris Barnard 
asked for certainty on the proposed retention of the existing deadline 
absent further Commission rulemaking, stating that such a requirement 
is open-ended.
    The Commission has considered the comments and is adopting the 
amendments as proposed. Amending Regulation 1.22 to require the 
Commission to conduct a separate rulemaking prior to revising the 
Residual Interest Deadline will provide market participants with an 
opportunity to review and comment on the Commission's staff's 
roundtable and public report. The amendments also provide market 
participants with an opportunity to review and to provide comments, via 
a rulemaking process, on any Commission proposed revisions to the 
Residual Interest Deadline.

IV. Cost-Benefit Considerations

    Section 15(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act (``CEA'') requires the 
Commission to consider the costs and benefits of its actions before 
promulgating a regulation under the CEA or issuing certain orders.\10\ 
Section 15(a) further specifies that the costs and benefits shall be 
evaluated in light of five broad areas of market and public concern: 
(1) Protection of market participants and the public; (2) efficiency, 
competitiveness, and financial integrity of futures markets; (3) price 
discovery; (4) sound risk management practices; and (5) other public 
interest considerations. The Commission considers the costs and 
benefits resulting from its discretionary determinations with respect 
to the section 15(a) factors.

    \10\ 7 U.S.C. 19(a).

    As noted in the NPRM, the status quo baseline with which the costs 
and benefits are compared is the Residual Interest Deadline of 6:00 
p.m. Eastern Time on the Settlement Date, which would apply until the 
Commission takes further action or, in the absence of further action, 
until December 31, 2018. The status quo baseline includes the automatic 
termination of the phase-in compliance period at December 31, 2018, 
which, absent Commission action, would move the Residual Interest 
Deadline to the time of settlement referenced in Regulation 
1.22(c)(2)(i), or as appropriate, 1.22(c)(4).
    As also noted in the NPRM, the status quo baseline is similar to 
this final rulemaking and, as such, the Commission believes that there 
is not likely to be any material differences between this final 
rulemaking and the status quo baseline in terms of the first four 
section 15(a) factors. The Commission notes that the amendments will 
alter the procedure followed with regard to the removal of the 
automatic termination of the phase-in period, which could alter the 
cost and benefit with respect to the fifth section 15(a) factor. The 
Commission specifically invited comment on the cost and benefit 
implications related to the fifth section 15(a) factor (``other public 
interest considerations''). However, the Commission received no 
comments that contained any quantitative data regarding the monetary 
value of any public interest considerations. As such, the Commission 
has considered the fifth section 15(a) factor qualitatively.
    All commenters supported the termination of the automatic phase-in 
compliance period. The CME stated that removing the automatic moving of 
the residual interest deadline will allow impacted market participants, 
including customers and FCMs, to provide comments on any proposed rule 
change that results from the study. In addition, the FIA stated the 
adoption of the amendment will also afford the Commission the 
opportunity to carefully consider the results of the staff study 
without being bound by an unnecessary deadline.
    The Commission agrees with commenters that a separate rulemaking 
prior to revising the Residual Interest Deadline will afford the public 
an opportunity to participate in any future decision-making concerning 
any possible movement of the Residual Interest Deadline. The 
termination of the automatic phase-in compliance period will grant the 
Commission more opportunity to consider the study and

[[Page 15509]]

the public roundtable, as well as an opportunity to receive and 
evaluate additional public comment on any proposed rule change.

V. Related Matters

A. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA'') \11\ requires Federal 
agencies, in promulgating regulations, to consider the impact of those 
regulations on small entities. The Commission has previously 
established certain definitions of ``small entities'' to be used by the 
Commission in evaluating the impact of its rules on small entities in 
accordance with the RFA.\12\ The final amendments would affect FCMs. 
The Commission previously has determined that FCMs are not small 
entities for purposes of the RFA, and, thus, the requirements of the 
RFA do not apply to FCMs.\13\ The Commission's determination was based, 
in part, upon the obligation of FCMs to meet the minimum financial 
requirements established by the Commission to enhance the protection of 
customers' segregated funds and protect the financial condition of FCMs 
generally.\14\ Accordingly, the Chairman, on behalf of the Commission, 
hereby certifies pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that the final amendments 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities.

    \11\ 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
    \12\ 47 FR 18618 (Apr. 30, 1982).
    \13\ Id. at 18619.
    \14\ Id.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA'') provides that a Federal 
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to 
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently 
valid control number issued by the Office of Management and Budget 
(``OMB''). This rulemaking amends requirements that contain a 
collection of information for which the Commission has previously 
received a control number from OMB. The title for this collection of 
information is ``Regulations and Forms Pertaining to Financial 
Integrity of the Market Place, OMB control number 3038-0024''. This 
collection of information is not expected to be impacted by the rule 
amendment approved herein, as the calculations which are already 
reflected in the burden estimate are not expected to change; the phase-
in period for assessing compliance relative to such calculations is the 
sole aspect of the collection of information that will be altered. The 
PRA burden hours associated with this collection of information are 
therefore not expected to be increased or reduced as a result of the 
final amendments.
    Accordingly, for purposes of the PRA, these final rule amendments 
would not impose any new reporting or recordkeeping requirements.

List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 1

    Brokers, Commodity futures, Consumer protection, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Commodity Futures 
Trading Commission amends 17 CFR part 1 as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 5, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 6g, 6h, 
6i, 6k, 6l, 6m, 6n, 6o, 6p, 6r, 6s, 7, 7a-1, 7a-2, 7b, 7b-3, 8, 9, 
10a, 12, 12a, 12c, 13a, 13a-1, 16, 16a, 19, 21, 23, and 24 (2012).

2. In Sec.  1.22, revise paragraphs (c)(5)(iii)(B) and (C) to read as 

Sec.  1.22  Use of futures customer funds restricted.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (5) * * *
    (iii) * * *
    (B) Nine months after publication of the report required by 
paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(A) of this section, the Commission may (but shall 
not be required to) do either of the following:
    (1) Terminate the phase-in period through rulemaking, in which case 
the phase-in period shall end as of a date established by a final rule 
published in the Federal Register, which date shall be no less than one 
year after the date such rule is published; or
    (2) Determine that it is necessary or appropriate in the public 
interest to propose through rulemaking a different Residual Interest 
Deadline. In that event, the Commission shall establish, if necessary, 
a phase-in schedule in the final rule published in the Federal 
    (C) If the phase-in schedule has not been terminated or revised 
pursuant to paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B) of this section, then the Residual 
Interest Deadline shall remain 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the date of 
the settlement referenced in paragraph (c)(2)(i) or, as appropriate, 
(c)(4) of this section until such time that the Commission takes 
further action through rulemaking.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on March 18, 2015, by the Commission.
Christopher J. Kirkpatrick,
Secretary of the Commission.

    Note:  The following appendices will not appear in the Code of 
Federal Regulations.

Appendices to Residual Interest Deadline for Futures Commission 
Merchants--Commission Voting Summary, Chairman's Statement, and 
Commissioners' Statements

Appendix 1--Commission Voting Summary

    On this matter, Chairman Massad and Commissioners Wetjen, Bowen, 
and Giancarlo voted in the affirmative. No Commissioner voted in the 

Appendix 2--Statement of Chairman Timothy G. Massad

    Today we are finalizing a change to a rule that concerns one of 
the most important objectives of the Commission, which is to protect 
customer funds. In addition, today's action reflects one of my key 
priorities since taking office, which is to make sure our rules do 
not impose undue burdens or unintended consequences for the 
nonfinancial commercial businesses that depend on the derivatives 
markets to hedge commercial risks.
    Today's action concerns Regulation 1.22, regarding the posting 
of collateral. When a customer's account has insufficient margin, a 
futures commission merchant must commit its own capital--often 
referred to as the FCM's ``residual interest''--to make up the 
difference. Regulation 1.22 sets the deadline for posting residual 
interest. That deadline, in turn, affects when customers must post 
collateral. The regulation provided that the deadline, which is 
currently 6:00 p.m. on the next day, would automatically become 
earlier in a couple years, without any Commission action or 
opportunity for public input.
    Last fall, we proposed to amend the rule so that the FCM's 
deadline to post ``residual interest'' will not become earlier than 
6:00 p.m. without an affirmative Commission action and an 
opportunity for public comment. Today, we are finalizing that 
    An earlier deadline can help make sure that FCMs always hold 
sufficient margin and do not use one customer's margin to support 
another customer, but it can also impose costs on customers who must 
deliver margin sooner. We will do a study of how well the current 
rule and deadline are working, the practicability of changing the 
deadline, and the costs and benefits of any change. Today's action 
will make sure that the Commission considers all those issues and 
that customers will have an opportunity to provide us with input on 
any future change the Commission may consider.

Appendix 3--Statement of Commissioner Mark P. Wetjen

    In the fall of 2013, the Commission made some important changes 
to rule 1.22, to which registered futures commission

[[Page 15510]]

merchants (FCMs) are subject. The revision to this rule, known as 
the ``residual-interest requirement'', clarified that one customer's 
funds could not be used by an FCM to cover another customer's margin 
deficit, but phased in a deadline for stricter compliance with this 
clarified standard. The change was designed to reduce risks to those 
customer funds placed in the care of FCMs, and were among a host of 
regulatory enhancements adopted by the Commission after two failures 
of large, registered FCMs in 2011 and 2012--MF Global and Peregrine 
    I supported those regulatory enhancements--including the 
revision to rule 1.22--because of the importance of the matter 
addressed in each: The safekeeping of customer money, which is the 
most sacrosanct duty that any financial institution owes to its 
customers. Today, the overall framework of regulatory requirements 
that registered FCMs must comply with is substantially different 
today than in 2011. For example, FCMs are no longer permitted to use 
customer funds for in-house lending through repurchase agreements; 
they are subject to restrictions on the types of securities that 
customer funds can be invested in; they must pass on customer 
initial margin on a gross basis to the clearinghouse; through LSOC 
(legal segregation with operational comingling) they must legally 
segregate cleared swaps customer collateral on an individual basis; 
and they were required to significantly enhance their supervision of 
and accounting for customer funds. As a result, the risks posed to 
customers funds stewarded by FCMs have been significantly reduced.
    The recent customer protection rulemakings all were well 
intentioned, but indisputably carried some additional costs and 
burdens for both FCMs and their customers. The analysis was made at 
the time, however, that those burdens and costs were outweighed by 
the benefits to FCM customers, especially against the very recent 
backdrop of hundreds of millions of dollars of customer funds having 
been stolen, or tied up in a bankruptcy proceeding, for at least a 
period of time.
    The release before us essentially re-weighs the cost or burden 
on one hand, and the benefit on the other, and comes up with a 
slightly different, but well supported, conclusion regarding the 
residual-interest requirement. The costs or burdens revisited in the 
release: (1) Uncertainty to the marketplace invited by a time-of-
settlement compliance deadline that was subject to future review by 
the Commission staff, which suggested a change could come to the 
requirements, but might not; and (2) the anticipated costs to FCMs 
of having to finance the funding to top up their customers' margin 
deficits, or the cost to customers of pre-funding their margin 
accounts with FCMs. And the benefit at issue in the release: The 
value to an FCM customer of ensuring that its funds will never be 
borrowed by an FCM to cover another customer's deficit.
    The inherent risk to this common practice by FCMs is that should 
an FCM become insolvent after it posts required margin to the 
clearinghouse, but before it collects margin deficits from all of 
its customers, the customers whose funds were used to cover a 
deficit might not see those funds again, or perhaps only after a 
protracted bankruptcy proceeding. This practice also is not 
technically compliant with how rule 1.22 is written, which prohibits 
FCMs from ``using, or permitting the use of, the futures customer 
funds of one futures customer to purchase, margin, or settle the 
trades, contracts, or commodity options of, or to secure or extend 
the credit of, any person other than such futures customer.''
    This final rule keeps the residual-interest deadline at the 
close of business on the day following the margin-deficit 
calculation and eliminates the future deadline of the time of 
settlement on the day following the margin-deficit calculation. The 
Commission staff is still required to perform a feasibility study to 
determine whether future, more aggressive residual-interest 
deadlines would be desirable.
    The comment file overwhelmingly supported the change in today's 
final rule--in other words, commenters took the view that the 
potential costs associated with the 2013 residual-interest rule 
appear to outweigh the risk that some of their funds could be lost 
in the event their FCM becomes insolvent after the time of 
settlement, but before an FCM collects margin deficits. Indeed, the 
risk that an FCM becomes insolvent during this precise timeframe 
without some prior notice to its customers of financial stress at 
the FCM is very low. Notably, many comments supporting this final 
rule were filed by FCM customers, the constituency rule 1.22 is 
designed to protect, and who appreciate the aforementioned risk. The 
Commission must respect the comment process and the FCM-customer 
viewpoint that today's rule better balances the cost and benefits of 
rule 1.22.
    Another relevant factor that supports the change to rule 1.22 is 
the risk of concentration within the FCM community as a whole, and 
what that means for the costs to customers of trading in derivatives 
and its related impacts on liquidity in those markets. The number of 
registered FCMs has decreased in recent years, which may make it 
more difficult for customers to manage their risk by limiting their 
ability to access the markets, or by making it more difficult for 
them to allocate funds between multiple FCMs to minimize 
concentration risk.
    The results of the public comment process, when considered in 
the context of the overall stronger regulatory framework for FCMs 
and the concentration in the FCM community described above, give me 
the comfort needed to support the changes to 1.22 contained in 
today's release.
    On the other hand, without the five-year phase-in period, we 
might see a reluctance by the industry to move as swiftly to 
streamline margin-collection practices and to take advantage of any 
technological solutions that may be developed. Some recent 
technology advances hold the promise to reduce the very sorts of 
risks addressed by rule 1.22 by facilitating real-time margin 
collection and settlement. To be sure, those advances would have 
been more seriously and expeditiously tested and--if they 
demonstrate merit--embraced without the change to rule 1.22 we are 
releasing today. In other words, just as in 2013 when the existing 
rule was finalized, I continue to believe that the most costly 
solutions for complying with rule 1.22 that were anticipated by many 
commenters should not be the ones ultimately embraced by the 
marketplace. Moreover, given regulatory requirements imposed by 
other regulators, today members of the clearing ecosystem are 
exploring a variety of solutions to new compliance and capital 
burdens that also would ease and enable stricter compliance with 
rule 1.22, thus minimizing further the likelihood that pre-funding 
customer margin accounts with FCMs will become the preferred 
solution to compliance.
    Finally, I note that a study and roundtable to review these 
advancements, and how they might lower risks and related costs, 
still are mandated by law, and I ask the Chairman to direct staff to 
move swiftly to comply with these regulatory requirements so that 
the Commission may act appropriately when and if it needs to. I look 
forward to continuing to collaborate with staff and market 
participants as we work towards enhancing the safety and efficiency 
of our markets.

Appendix 4--Statement of Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo

    I support the Commission's action to change the residual 
interest deadline, if necessary or appropriate, only upon a 
Commission rulemaking following a public comment period. This 
approach will allow the Commission to better understand the market 
impacts and operational challenges of moving the residual interest 
deadline. This approach is especially important given the likely 
negative impacts on smaller futures commission merchants who provide 
our farmers, ranchers and rural producers with critical risk 
management services.
    I call on the Commission to take the same deliberative approach 
to the de minimis exception to the swap dealer definition so that 
the de minimis level does not automatically adjust from $8 billion 
to $3 billion, absent a rulemaking with proper notice and comment. 
Like today's proposal, the Commission should only adjust the de 
minimis threshold if necessary or appropriate after it has 
considered the data and weighed public comments.

[FR Doc. 2015-06548 Filed 3-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 56 / Tuesday, March 24, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                   15507

                                            (SBREFA) requires FAA to comply with                    department, agency, or instrumentality;               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                            small entity requests for information or                and third, for all other operations.
                                            advice about compliance with statutes                     (2) [Reserved]                                      I. Background
                                            and regulations within its jurisdiction.                *     *     *     *     *                                On October 30, 2013, the Commission
                                            A small entity with questions regarding                   (e) Expiration. This Special Federal                amended Regulation 1.22 to enhance the
                                            this document may contact its local                     Aviation Regulation will remain in                    safety of funds deposited by customers
                                            FAA official, or the person listed under                effect until March 20, 2017. The FAA                  with FCMs as margin for futures
                                            the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT                     may amend, rescind, or extend this                    transactions.1 The amendments require
                                            heading at the beginning of the                         Special Federal Aviation Regulation as                an FCM to maintain its own capital
                                            preamble. To find out more about                        necessary.                                            (hereinafter referred to as the FCM’s
                                            SBREFA on the Internet, visit http://                     Issued in Washington, DC, under the                 ‘‘Residual Interest’’) in customer
                                            www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/                       authority of 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 40101(d)(1),           segregated accounts in an amount equal
                                            rulemaking/sbre_act/.                                   40105(b)(1)(A), and 44701(a)(5), on March 19,         to or greater than its customers’
                                            List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 91                                                                            aggregate undermargined amounts.2 The
                                                                                                    Michael P. Huerta,                                    Commission established a phased-in
                                              Air traffic control, Aircraft, Airmen,
                                                                                                    Administrator.                                        compliance schedule for Regulation
                                            Airports, Aviation safety, Freight, Libya.
                                                                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–06697 Filed 3–20–15; 8:45 am]           1.22 with an initial Residual Interest
                                            The Amendment                                           BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                Deadline of 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on
                                              In consideration of the foregoing, the                                                                      the date of the settlement referenced in
                                            Federal Aviation Administration                                                                               Regulation 1.22(c)(2)(i) or (c)(4) (the
                                            amends chapter I of title 14, Code of                   COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING                             ‘‘Settlement Date’’), beginning
                                            Federal Regulations as follows:                         COMMISSION                                            November 14, 2014.3 Amended
                                                                                                                                                          Regulation 1.22 also directs staff to host
                                            PART 91—GENERAL OPERATING AND                           17 CFR Part 1                                         a public roundtable and publish a report
                                            FLIGHT RULES                                            RIN 3038–AE22                                         for public comment by May 16, 2016
                                            ■ 1. The authority citation for part 91                                                                       addressing, to the extent information is
                                                                                                    Residual Interest Deadline for Futures                practically available, the practicability
                                            continues to read as follows:
                                                                                                    Commission Merchants                                  (for both FCMs and customers) of
                                              Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 1155,                                                                  moving the Residual Interest Deadline
                                            40101, 40103, 40105, 40113, 40120, 44101,               AGENCY:  Commodity Futures Trading
                                            44111, 44701, 44704, 44709, 44711, 44712,               Commission.                                           from 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the
                                            44715, 44716, 44717, 44722, 46306, 46315,                                                                     Settlement Date, to the time of
                                                                                                    ACTION: Final rule.
                                            46316, 46504, 46506–46507, 47122, 47508,                                                                      settlement or to some other time of day.4
                                            47528–47531, 47534, articles 12 and 29 of the           SUMMARY:    The Commodity Futures                     Furthermore, amended Regulation 1.22
                                            Convention on International Civil Aviation              Trading Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or                 provides that, absent Commission
                                            (61 Stat. 1180), (126 Stat. 11).                        ‘‘CFTC’’) is amending its regulations to              action, the phased-in compliance period
                                            ■ 2. In § 91.1603, revise paragraphs (c)                remove the December 31, 2018                          for the Residual Interest Deadline
                                            and (e) to read as follows:                             automatic termination date for the                    automatically terminates on December
                                                                                                    phased-in compliance schedule for                     31, 2018.5 In the case of such automatic
                                            § 91.1603 Special Federal Aviation                                                                            termination, the Residual Interest
                                                                                                    futures commission merchants
                                            Regulation No. 112—Prohibition Against
                                            Certain Flights Within the Tripoli (HLLL)               (‘‘FCMs’’) and provides assurance that                Deadline would change to the time of
                                            Flight Information Region (FIR).                        the residual interest deadline, as                    settlement on the Settlement Date.
                                                                                                    defined in the regulations (‘‘Residual
                                            *     *      *     *     *                                                                                    II. The Proposal
                                              (c) Permitted operations. This section                Interest Deadline’’), will only be revised
                                            does not prohibit persons described in                  through a separate Commission                           On November 3, 2014, the
                                            paragraph (a) of this section from                      rulemaking.                                           Commission proposed to revise
                                            conducting flight operations within the                 DATES: The final rule is effective May                Regulation 1.22 to remove the December
                                            Tripoli (HLLL) FIR under the following                  26, 2015.                                             31, 2018 automatic termination of the
                                            conditions:                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      phase-in compliance period.6 In the
                                              (1) Flight operations are conducted                      Division of Swap Dealer and                        NPRM, the Commission stated the
                                            under a contract, grant, or cooperative                 Intermediary Oversight: Thomas Smith,                 intention to retain the Residual Interest
                                            agreement with a department, agency, or                 Acting Director, 202–418–5495, tsmith@
                                            instrumentality of the U.S. government                  cftc.gov; Jennifer Bauer, Special                        1 Enhancing Protections Afforded Customers and

                                            (or under a subcontract between the                     Counsel, 202–418–5472, jbauer@                        Customer Funds Held by Futures Commission
                                            prime contractor of the department,                                                                           Merchants and Derivatives Clearing Organizations,
                                                                                                    cftc.gov; Joshua Beale, Attorney-                     Final Rule, 78 FR 68506 (Nov. 14, 2013) (amending
                                            agency, or instrumentality, and the                     Advisor, 202–418–5446, jbeale@                        17 CFR parts 1, 3, 22, 30 and 140).
                                            person described in paragraph (a) of this               cftc.gov, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155                   2 See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(3)(i). As defined in

                                            section), with the approval of the FAA,                 21st Street NW., Washington, DC 20581.                Regulation 1.22(c)(1), a customer’s account is
                                            or under an exemption issued by the                        Division of Clearing and Risk: Kirsten             ‘‘undermargined,’’ when the value of the customer
                                                                                                                                                          funds for a customer’s account is less than the total
                                            FAA. The FAA will process requests for                  V.K. Robbins, Associate Chief Counsel,                amount of collateral required by derivatives
                                            approval or exemption in a timely                       202–418–5313, krobbins@cftc.gov,                      clearing organizations for that account’s contracts.

                                            manner, with the order of preference                    Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street              See 78 FR 68513, n.30.
                                            being: First, for those operations in                   NW., Washington, DC 20581.                               3 See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(ii); See 78 FR at 68578.
                                                                                                                                                             4 See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(iii)(A).
                                            support of U.S. government-sponsored                       Office of the Chief Economist:
                                                                                                                                                             5 See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(5)(iii)(C).
                                            activities; second, for those operations                Stephen Kane, Research Economist,                        6 Residual Interest Deadline for Futures
                                            in support of government-sponsored                      202–418–5911, skane@cftc.gov, Three                   Commission Merchants, Notice of Proposed
                                            activities of a foreign country with the                Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street NW.,               Rulemaking, 79 FR 68148 (Nov. 14, 2014)
                                            support of a U.S. government                            Washington, DC 20581.                                 (amending 17 CFR part 1).

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                                            15508              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 56 / Tuesday, March 24, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                            Deadline 7 at 6 p.m. Eastern Time,                      has the most complete information                       determinations with respect to the
                                            unless the Commission takes further                     available. The NIBA, NCFC, NGFA,                        section 15(a) factors.
                                            action via rulemaking.                                  Agribusiness Coalition, and MFA added                      As noted in the NPRM, the status quo
                                              In the NPRM, the Commission stated                    that an earlier Residual Interest                       baseline with which the costs and
                                            that the removal of the automatic                       Deadline could force the pre-funding of                 benefits are compared is the Residual
                                            termination of the phase-in compliance                  margin by FCMs, in turn causing                         Interest Deadline of 6:00 p.m. Eastern
                                            period would provide the Commission                     increased operational costs on FCMs                     Time on the Settlement Date, which
                                            with a greater degree of flexibility to                 and their customers, which could result                 would apply until the Commission takes
                                            assess all relevant data, including the                 in the possible exit of certain customers               further action or, in the absence of
                                            costs and benefits of revising the                      from the marketplace. Senator Heitkamp                  further action, until December 31, 2018.
                                            Residual Interest Deadline. The                         also supported the proposed                             The status quo baseline includes the
                                            Commission also retained in Regulation                  amendments and stated that the rule                     automatic termination of the phase-in
                                            1.22 the requirement for Commission                     would provide end users with the                        compliance period at December 31,
                                            staff to publish for public comment a                   certainty they need to run their                        2018, which, absent Commission action,
                                            report addressing the practicability and                businesses.                                             would move the Residual Interest
                                            costs and benefits of revising the                                                                              Deadline to the time of settlement
                                            Residual Interest Deadline, and the                        All commenters supported the                         referenced in Regulation 1.22(c)(2)(i), or
                                            additional requirement for Commission                   position that any future revisions                      as appropriate, 1.22(c)(4).
                                            staff to conduct a public roundtable on                 should be done through separate                            As also noted in the NPRM, the status
                                            the issue.                                              rulemaking. The FIA and CME further                     quo baseline is similar to this final
                                              The Commission invited comments                       stated that the opportunity to provide                  rulemaking and, as such, the
                                            on all aspects of the amendments,                       input on the setting of the Residual                    Commission believes that there is not
                                            particularly those regarding the                        Interest Deadline was something                         likely to be any material differences
                                            practicability and costs and benefits of                consistent with the goals of, if not                    between this final rulemaking and the
                                            revising the Residual Interest Deadline.                required by, the Administrative                         status quo baseline in terms of the first
                                                                                                    Procedure Act. Chris Barnard asked for                  four section 15(a) factors. The
                                            III. Comments and Response                              certainty on the proposed retention of                  Commission notes that the amendments
                                               The Commission received ten                          the existing deadline absent further                    will alter the procedure followed with
                                            comments on the NPRM. The comments                      Commission rulemaking, stating that                     regard to the removal of the automatic
                                            were submitted by the Futures Industry                  such a requirement is open-ended.                       termination of the phase-in period,
                                            Association (‘‘FIA’’), CME Group                           The Commission has considered the                    which could alter the cost and benefit
                                            (‘‘CME’’), National Futures Association                 comments and is adopting the                            with respect to the fifth section 15(a)
                                            (‘‘NFA’’), National Introducing Brokers                 amendments as proposed. Amending                        factor. The Commission specifically
                                            Association (‘‘NIBA’’), Managed Funds                   Regulation 1.22 to require the                          invited comment on the cost and benefit
                                            Association (‘‘MFA’’), Coalition of                     Commission to conduct a separate                        implications related to the fifth section
                                            National Producers and Agribusiness                                                                             15(a) factor (‘‘other public interest
                                                                                                    rulemaking prior to revising the
                                            (‘‘Agribusiness Coalition’’),8 National                                                                         considerations’’). However, the
                                                                                                    Residual Interest Deadline will provide
                                            Grain and Feed Association (‘‘NGFA’’),                                                                          Commission received no comments that
                                                                                                    market participants with an opportunity
                                            National Council of Farmer                                                                                      contained any quantitative data
                                                                                                    to review and comment on the
                                            Cooperatives (‘‘NCFC’’), the Honorable                                                                          regarding the monetary value of any
                                                                                                    Commission’s staff’s roundtable and
                                            Heidi Heitkamp, United States Senate,                                                                           public interest considerations. As such,
                                                                                                    public report. The amendments also
                                            and Chris Barnard.9 All ten comments                                                                            the Commission has considered the fifth
                                                                                                    provide market participants with an
                                            supported the proposed amendments.                                                                              section 15(a) factor qualitatively.
                                               The FIA and its member firms                         opportunity to review and to provide
                                                                                                    comments, via a rulemaking process, on                     All commenters supported the
                                            supported the amendments, stating their                                                                         termination of the automatic phase-in
                                            willingness to participate in the study                 any Commission proposed revisions to
                                                                                                                                                            compliance period. The CME stated that
                                            and citing concerns that a residual                     the Residual Interest Deadline.
                                                                                                                                                            removing the automatic moving of the
                                            interest deadline earlier than 6:00 p.m.                IV. Cost-Benefit Considerations                         residual interest deadline will allow
                                            Eastern Time on the Settlement Date                                                                             impacted market participants, including
                                            might impose significant financial and                     Section 15(a) of the Commodity                       customers and FCMs, to provide
                                            operational burdens on both customers                   Exchange Act (‘‘CEA’’) requires the                     comments on any proposed rule change
                                            and FCMs. The NFA encouraged the                        Commission to consider the costs and                    that results from the study. In addition,
                                            Commission to consider industry                         benefits of its actions before                          the FIA stated the adoption of the
                                            comment on the timing and parameters                    promulgating a regulation under the                     amendment will also afford the
                                            of the study to ensure the Commission                   CEA or issuing certain orders.10 Section                Commission the opportunity to
                                                                                                    15(a) further specifies that the costs and              carefully consider the results of the staff
                                               7 See 17 CFR 1.22(c)(3)(i). The term ‘‘Residual
                                                                                                    benefits shall be evaluated in light of                 study without being bound by an
                                            Interest Deadline’’ is defined in Regulation            five broad areas of market and public
                                            1.22(c)(5). If an FCM is required to increase its                                                               unnecessary deadline.
                                            Residual Interest as a result of customer               concern: (1) Protection of market                          The Commission agrees with
                                            undermargined accounts, the FCM must deposit            participants and the public; (2)                        commenters that a separate rulemaking
                                            additional funds into the customer segregated           efficiency, competitiveness, and                        prior to revising the Residual Interest
                                            accounts by the specified Residual Interest             financial integrity of futures markets; (3)
                                                                                                                                                            Deadline will afford the public an

                                               8 The Commission received two comment letters        price discovery; (4) sound risk                         opportunity to participate in any future
                                            filed by the Coalition of National Producers and        management practices; and (5) other                     decision-making concerning any
                                            Agribusiness. The second comment letter was             public interest considerations. The                     possible movement of the Residual
                                            identical to the first with the exception of an         Commission considers the costs and                      Interest Deadline. The termination of
                                            amendment adding two additional signatories.
                                               9 The comments are available on the
                                                                                                    benefits resulting from its discretionary               the automatic phase-in compliance
                                            Commission’s Web site, http://comments.cftc.gov/                                                                period will grant the Commission more
                                            PublicComments/CommentList.aspx?id=1537.                  10 7   U.S.C. 19(a).                                  opportunity to consider the study and

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 56 / Tuesday, March 24, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                            15509

                                            the public roundtable, as well as an                    altered. The PRA burden hours                           Issued in Washington, DC, on March 18,
                                            opportunity to receive and evaluate                     associated with this collection of                    2015, by the Commission.
                                            additional public comment on any                        information are therefore not expected                Christopher J. Kirkpatrick,
                                            proposed rule change.                                   to be increased or reduced as a result of             Secretary of the Commission.
                                                                                                    the final amendments.
                                            V. Related Matters                                                                                              Note: The following appendices will not
                                                                                                       Accordingly, for purposes of the PRA,              appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.
                                            A. Regulatory Flexibility Act                           these final rule amendments would not
                                               The Regulatory Flexibility Act                       impose any new reporting or                           Appendices to Residual Interest
                                            (‘‘RFA’’) 11 requires Federal agencies, in              recordkeeping requirements.                           Deadline for Futures Commission
                                            promulgating regulations, to consider                   List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 1                     Merchants—Commission Voting
                                            the impact of those regulations on small                                                                      Summary, Chairman’s Statement, and
                                            entities. The Commission has                              Brokers, Commodity futures,                         Commissioners’ Statements
                                            previously established certain                          Consumer protection, Reporting and
                                                                                                    recordkeeping requirements.                           Appendix 1—Commission Voting
                                            definitions of ‘‘small entities’’ to be used                                                                  Summary
                                            by the Commission in evaluating the                       For the reasons discussed in the
                                            impact of its rules on small entities in                preamble, the Commodity Futures                         On this matter, Chairman Massad and
                                            accordance with the RFA.12 The final                    Trading Commission amends 17 CFR                      Commissioners Wetjen, Bowen, and
                                                                                                    part 1 as set forth below:                            Giancarlo voted in the affirmative. No
                                            amendments would affect FCMs. The
                                                                                                                                                          Commissioner voted in the negative.
                                            Commission previously has determined
                                            that FCMs are not small entities for                    PART 1—GENERAL REGULATIONS                            Appendix 2—Statement of Chairman
                                            purposes of the RFA, and, thus, the                     UNDER THE COMMODITY EXCHANGE                          Timothy G. Massad
                                            requirements of the RFA do not apply                    ACT
                                                                                                                                                             Today we are finalizing a change to a rule
                                            to FCMs.13 The Commission’s                                                                                   that concerns one of the most important
                                                                                                    ■ 1. The authority citation for part 1
                                            determination was based, in part, upon                                                                        objectives of the Commission, which is to
                                                                                                    continues to read as follows:
                                            the obligation of FCMs to meet the                                                                            protect customer funds. In addition, today’s
                                            minimum financial requirements                            Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 5, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c,        action reflects one of my key priorities since
                                            established by the Commission to                        6d, 6e, 6f, 6g, 6h, 6i, 6k, 6l, 6m, 6n, 6o, 6p,       taking office, which is to make sure our rules
                                            enhance the protection of customers’                    6r, 6s, 7, 7a–1, 7a–2, 7b, 7b–3, 8, 9, 10a, 12,       do not impose undue burdens or unintended
                                                                                                    12a, 12c, 13a, 13a–1, 16, 16a, 19, 21, 23, and        consequences for the nonfinancial
                                            segregated funds and protect the
                                                                                                    24 (2012).                                            commercial businesses that depend on the
                                            financial condition of FCMs generally.14
                                                                                                    ■ 2. In § 1.22, revise paragraphs                     derivatives markets to hedge commercial
                                            Accordingly, the Chairman, on behalf of                                                                       risks.
                                            the Commission, hereby certifies                        (c)(5)(iii)(B) and (C) to read as follows:               Today’s action concerns Regulation 1.22,
                                            pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that the final              § 1.22 Use of futures customer funds                  regarding the posting of collateral. When a
                                            amendments will not have a significant                  restricted.                                           customer’s account has insufficient margin, a
                                            economic impact on a substantial                                                                              futures commission merchant must commit
                                            number of small entities.                               *       *    *      *     *                           its own capital—often referred to as the
                                                                                                       (c) * * *                                          FCM’s ‘‘residual interest’’—to make up the
                                            B. Paperwork Reduction Act                                 (5) * * *                                          difference. Regulation 1.22 sets the deadline
                                               The Paperwork Reduction Act                             (iii) * * *                                        for posting residual interest. That deadline,
                                            (‘‘PRA’’) provides that a Federal agency                   (B) Nine months after publication of               in turn, affects when customers must post
                                            may not conduct or sponsor, and a                       the report required by paragraph                      collateral. The regulation provided that the
                                                                                                    (c)(5)(iii)(A) of this section, the                   deadline, which is currently 6:00 p.m. on the
                                            person is not required to respond to, a                                                                       next day, would automatically become earlier
                                            collection of information unless it                     Commission may (but shall not be
                                                                                                                                                          in a couple years, without any Commission
                                            displays a currently valid control                      required to) do either of the following:
                                                                                                                                                          action or opportunity for public input.
                                            number issued by the Office of                             (1) Terminate the phase-in period                     Last fall, we proposed to amend the rule
                                            Management and Budget (‘‘OMB’’). This                   through rulemaking, in which case the                 so that the FCM’s deadline to post ‘‘residual
                                            rulemaking amends requirements that                     phase-in period shall end as of a date                interest’’ will not become earlier than 6:00
                                            contain a collection of information for                 established by a final rule published in              p.m. without an affirmative Commission
                                            which the Commission has previously                     the Federal Register, which date shall                action and an opportunity for public
                                                                                                    be no less than one year after the date               comment. Today, we are finalizing that
                                            received a control number from OMB.                                                                           change.
                                            The title for this collection of                        such rule is published; or
                                                                                                       (2) Determine that it is necessary or                 An earlier deadline can help make sure
                                            information is ‘‘Regulations and Forms                                                                        that FCMs always hold sufficient margin and
                                            Pertaining to Financial Integrity of the                appropriate in the public interest to
                                                                                                                                                          do not use one customer’s margin to support
                                            Market Place, OMB control number                        propose through rulemaking a different                another customer, but it can also impose
                                            3038–0024’’. This collection of                         Residual Interest Deadline. In that                   costs on customers who must deliver margin
                                            information is not expected to be                       event, the Commission shall establish, if             sooner. We will do a study of how well the
                                            impacted by the rule amendment                          necessary, a phase-in schedule in the                 current rule and deadline are working, the
                                            approved herein, as the calculations                    final rule published in the Federal                   practicability of changing the deadline, and
                                                                                                    Register.                                             the costs and benefits of any change. Today’s
                                            which are already reflected in the                                                                            action will make sure that the Commission
                                            burden estimate are not expected to                        (C) If the phase-in schedule has not
                                                                                                    been terminated or revised pursuant to                considers all those issues and that customers
                                            change; the phase-in period for                                                                               will have an opportunity to provide us with
                                            assessing compliance relative to such                   paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(B) of this section,             input on any future change the Commission

                                            calculations is the sole aspect of the                  then the Residual Interest Deadline shall             may consider.
                                            collection of information that will be                  remain 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the
                                                                                                    date of the settlement referenced in                  Appendix 3—Statement of
                                              11 5                                                  paragraph (c)(2)(i) or, as appropriate,               Commissioner Mark P. Wetjen
                                                   U.S.C. 601 et seq.
                                              12 47 FR 18618 (Apr. 30, 1982).                       (c)(4) of this section until such time that             In the fall of 2013, the Commission made
                                              13 Id. at 18619.                                      the Commission takes further action                   some important changes to rule 1.22, to
                                              14 Id.                                                through rulemaking.                                   which registered futures commission

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                                            15510              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 56 / Tuesday, March 24, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                            merchants (FCMs) are subject. The revision              deficits from all of its customers, the               embraced without the change to rule 1.22 we
                                            to this rule, known as the ‘‘residual-interest          customers whose funds were used to cover a            are releasing today. In other words, just as in
                                            requirement’’, clarified that one customer’s            deficit might not see those funds again, or           2013 when the existing rule was finalized, I
                                            funds could not be used by an FCM to cover              perhaps only after a protracted bankruptcy            continue to believe that the most costly
                                            another customer’s margin deficit, but                  proceeding. This practice also is not                 solutions for complying with rule 1.22 that
                                            phased in a deadline for stricter compliance            technically compliant with how rule 1.22 is           were anticipated by many commenters
                                            with this clarified standard. The change was            written, which prohibits FCMs from ‘‘using,           should not be the ones ultimately embraced
                                            designed to reduce risks to those customer              or permitting the use of, the futures customer        by the marketplace. Moreover, given
                                            funds placed in the care of FCMs, and were              funds of one futures customer to purchase,            regulatory requirements imposed by other
                                            among a host of regulatory enhancements                 margin, or settle the trades, contracts, or           regulators, today members of the clearing
                                            adopted by the Commission after two failures            commodity options of, or to secure or extend          ecosystem are exploring a variety of solutions
                                            of large, registered FCMs in 2011 and 2012—             the credit of, any person other than such             to new compliance and capital burdens that
                                            MF Global and Peregrine Financial.                      futures customer.’’                                   also would ease and enable stricter
                                               I supported those regulatory                            This final rule keeps the residual-interest        compliance with rule 1.22, thus minimizing
                                            enhancements—including the revision to                  deadline at the close of business on the day          further the likelihood that pre-funding
                                            rule 1.22—because of the importance of the              following the margin-deficit calculation and          customer margin accounts with FCMs will
                                            matter addressed in each: The safekeeping of            eliminates the future deadline of the time of         become the preferred solution to compliance.
                                            customer money, which is the most                       settlement on the day following the margin-              Finally, I note that a study and roundtable
                                            sacrosanct duty that any financial institution          deficit calculation. The Commission staff is          to review these advancements, and how they
                                            owes to its customers. Today, the overall               still required to perform a feasibility study to      might lower risks and related costs, still are
                                            framework of regulatory requirements that               determine whether future, more aggressive             mandated by law, and I ask the Chairman to
                                            registered FCMs must comply with is                     residual-interest deadlines would be                  direct staff to move swiftly to comply with
                                            substantially different today than in 2011.             desirable.                                            these regulatory requirements so that the
                                            For example, FCMs are no longer permitted                  The comment file overwhelmingly                    Commission may act appropriately when and
                                            to use customer funds for in-house lending              supported the change in today’s final rule—           if it needs to. I look forward to continuing to
                                            through repurchase agreements; they are                 in other words, commenters took the view              collaborate with staff and market participants
                                            subject to restrictions on the types of                 that the potential costs associated with the          as we work towards enhancing the safety and
                                            securities that customer funds can be                   2013 residual-interest rule appear to                 efficiency of our markets.
                                            invested in; they must pass on customer                 outweigh the risk that some of their funds            Appendix 4—Statement of
                                            initial margin on a gross basis to the                  could be lost in the event their FCM becomes          Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo
                                            clearinghouse; through LSOC (legal                      insolvent after the time of settlement, but
                                            segregation with operational comingling)                before an FCM collects margin deficits.                  I support the Commission’s action to
                                            they must legally segregate cleared swaps               Indeed, the risk that an FCM becomes                  change the residual interest deadline, if
                                            customer collateral on an individual basis;             insolvent during this precise timeframe               necessary or appropriate, only upon a
                                            and they were required to significantly                 without some prior notice to its customers of         Commission rulemaking following a public
                                            enhance their supervision of and accounting             financial stress at the FCM is very low.              comment period. This approach will allow
                                            for customer funds. As a result, the risks              Notably, many comments supporting this                the Commission to better understand the
                                            posed to customers funds stewarded by                   final rule were filed by FCM customers, the           market impacts and operational challenges of
                                            FCMs have been significantly reduced.                   constituency rule 1.22 is designed to protect,        moving the residual interest deadline. This
                                               The recent customer protection                       and who appreciate the aforementioned risk.           approach is especially important given the
                                            rulemakings all were well intentioned, but              The Commission must respect the comment               likely negative impacts on smaller futures
                                            indisputably carried some additional costs              process and the FCM-customer viewpoint                commission merchants who provide our
                                            and burdens for both FCMs and their                     that today’s rule better balances the cost and        farmers, ranchers and rural producers with
                                            customers. The analysis was made at the                 benefits of rule 1.22.                                critical risk management services.
                                            time, however, that those burdens and costs                Another relevant factor that supports the             I call on the Commission to take the same
                                            were outweighed by the benefits to FCM                  change to rule 1.22 is the risk of                    deliberative approach to the de minimis
                                            customers, especially against the very recent           concentration within the FCM community as             exception to the swap dealer definition so
                                            backdrop of hundreds of millions of dollars             a whole, and what that means for the costs            that the de minimis level does not
                                            of customer funds having been stolen, or tied           to customers of trading in derivatives and its        automatically adjust from $8 billion to $3
                                            up in a bankruptcy proceeding, for at least a           related impacts on liquidity in those markets.        billion, absent a rulemaking with proper
                                            period of time.                                         The number of registered FCMs has                     notice and comment. Like today’s proposal,
                                               The release before us essentially re-weighs          decreased in recent years, which may make             the Commission should only adjust the de
                                            the cost or burden on one hand, and the                 it more difficult for customers to manage             minimis threshold if necessary or appropriate
                                            benefit on the other, and comes up with a               their risk by limiting their ability to access        after it has considered the data and weighed
                                            slightly different, but well supported,                 the markets, or by making it more difficult for       public comments.
                                            conclusion regarding the residual-interest              them to allocate funds between multiple               [FR Doc. 2015–06548 Filed 3–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                            requirement. The costs or burdens revisited             FCMs to minimize concentration risk.                  BILLING CODE 6351–01–P
                                            in the release: (1) Uncertainty to the                     The results of the public comment process,
                                            marketplace invited by a time-of-settlement             when considered in the context of the overall
                                            compliance deadline that was subject to                 stronger regulatory framework for FCMs and
                                            future review by the Commission staff, which            the concentration in the FCM community                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                            suggested a change could come to the                    described above, give me the comfort needed           AGENCY
                                            requirements, but might not; and (2) the                to support the changes to 1.22 contained in
                                            anticipated costs to FCMs of having to                  today’s release.                                      40 CFR Part 63
                                            finance the funding to top up their                        On the other hand, without the five-year           [EPA–HQ–OAR–2009–0234; FRL–9923–98–
                                            customers’ margin deficits, or the cost to              phase-in period, we might see a reluctance by         OAR]
                                            customers of pre-funding their margin                   the industry to move as swiftly to streamline
                                            accounts with FCMs. And the benefit at issue            margin-collection practices and to take               RIN 2060–AS39

                                            in the release: The value to an FCM customer            advantage of any technological solutions that
                                            of ensuring that its funds will never be                may be developed. Some recent technology              National Emission Standards for
                                            borrowed by an FCM to cover another                     advances hold the promise to reduce the very          Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and
                                            customer’s deficit.                                     sorts of risks addressed by rule 1.22 by              Oil-Fired Electric Steam Generating
                                               The inherent risk to this common practice            facilitating real-time margin collection and          Units
                                            by FCMs is that should an FCM become                    settlement. To be sure, those advances would
                                            insolvent after it posts required margin to the         have been more seriously and expeditiously            AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                            clearinghouse, but before it collects margin            tested and—if they demonstrate merit—                 Agency (EPA).

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:45:11
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:45:11
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThe final rule is effective May 26, 2015.
ContactDivision of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight: Thomas Smith, Acting Director, 202-418-5495, [email protected]; Jennifer Bauer, Special Counsel, 202-418-5472, [email protected]; Joshua Beale, Attorney-Advisor, 202-418-5446, [email protected], Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street NW., Washington, DC 20581.
FR Citation80 FR 15507 
RIN Number3038-AE22
CFR AssociatedBrokers; Commodity Futures; Consumer Protection and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

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