80_FR_16064 80 FR 16006 - Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing Program (Renewal)

80 FR 16006 - Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing Program (Renewal)


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 58 (March 26, 2015)

Page Range16006-16007
FR Document2015-06906

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has submitted an information collection request (ICR), ``EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing Program (Renewal)'' (EPA ICR No. 0222.10, OMB Control No. 2060- 0086) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is currently approved through March 31, 2015. Public comments were previously requested via the Federal Register (79 FR 57928) on September 26, 2014 during a 60-day comment period. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments. A fuller description of the ICR is given below, including its estimated burden and cost to the public. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 58 (Thursday, March 26, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 58 (Thursday, March 26, 2015)]
[Pages 16006-16007]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-06906]



[EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0690; FRL-9922-35-OEI]

Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and 
Approval; Comment Request; EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing 
Program (Renewal)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has submitted an 
information collection request (ICR), ``EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle 
Testing Program (Renewal)'' (EPA ICR No. 0222.10, OMB Control No. 2060-
0086) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and 
approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is 
currently approved through March 31, 2015. Public comments were 
previously requested via the Federal Register (79 FR 57928) on 
September 26, 2014 during a 60-day comment period. This notice allows 
for an additional 30 days for public comments. A fuller description of 
the ICR is given below, including its estimated burden and cost to the 
public. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not 
required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.

DATES: Additional comments may be submitted on or before April 27, 

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, referencing Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2010-0690, to (1) EPA online using www.regulations.gov (our preferred 
method) or by mail to: EPA Docket Center, Environmental Protection 
Agency, Mail Code 28221T, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 
20460, and (2) OMB via email to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Address 
comments to OMB Desk Officer for EPA.
    EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included in the 
public docket without change including any personal information 
provided, unless the comment includes profanity, threats, information 
claimed to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other 
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lynn Sohacki, Compliance Division, 
Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, 2000 Traverwood, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105; telephone number: 
734-214-4851; fax number: 734-214-4869; email address: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supporting documents, which explain in 
detail the information that the EPA will be collecting, are available 
in the public docket for this ICR. The docket can be viewed online at 
www.regulations.gov or in person at the EPA Docket Center, WJC West, 
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The telephone 
number for the Docket Center is 202-566-1744. For additional 
information about EPA's public docket, visit http://www.epa.gov/dockets.
    Abstract: EPA has an ongoing program to evaluate the emission 
performance of in-use light-duty (passenger car and light truck) motor 
vehicles through surveillance and compliance testing, as well as 
special investigations in compliance with the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
    This ICR involves light-duty surveys and vehicle testing, which is 
strictly voluntary. A group of 25 to 50 potential participants is 
identified from state vehicle registration records. Three of the 
respondent pool are asked survey questions concerning vehicle 
condition, operation and maintenance. Additional groups of potential 
participants may be contacted until a sufficient number of vehicles 
have been obtained. Owners verify the survey information when they 
deliver their vehicles to EPA, release the vehicle to EPA, voluntarily 
provide maintenance records for copying, receive a cash incentive and, 
if requested, a loaner car, then receive the vehicle from EPA at the 
conclusion of the testing.
    Form Numbers: 5900-304, 5900-305, 5900-306, 5900-307, 5900-308, 
    Respondents/affected entities: Vehicle owners.
    Respondent's obligation to respond: Voluntary.
    Estimated number of respondents: 160 (total).

[[Page 16007]]

    Frequency of response: On occasion.
    Total estimated burden: 505 hours (per year). Burden is defined at 
5 CFR 1320.03(b).
    Total estimated cost: $11,277, which includes $0 annualized capital 
or operational & maintenance costs.
    Changes in Estimates: There is a decrease of 16 hours in the total 
estimated respondent burden compared with the ICR currently approved by 
OMB. This decrease is due to an adjustment of testing estimates based 
on the number and type of testing that has been conducted in this 
program over the past few years.

Courtney Kerwin,
Acting Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. 2015-06906 Filed 3-25-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  16006                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 58 / Thursday, March 26, 2015 / Notices

                                                  status and development of Problem                         Webinar and teleconference                            EPA’s policy is that all comments
                                                  Formulations for each of the three pilot                information will be provided to                       received will be included in the public
                                                  chemicals: Chlorpyrifos, malathion, and                 participants requesting access via                    docket without change including any
                                                  diazinon. The agencies will cover the                   webinar and telephone.                                personal information provided, unless
                                                  following topics in their presentations:                  Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.                     the comment includes profanity, threats,
                                                  Description of the federal action and                                                                         information claimed to be Confidential
                                                                                                            Dated: March 17, 2015.
                                                  opportunities for refinement, USDA’s                                                                          Business Information (CBI) or other
                                                  geospatial data for mapping agricultural                Richard P. Keigwin, Jr.,                              information whose disclosure is
                                                  uses of pesticides, other sources of                    Director, Pesticide Re-evaluation Division,           restricted by statute.
                                                  geospatial data for mapping non-                        Office of Pesticide Programs.
                                                                                                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  agricultural uses of pesticides, species                [FR Doc. 2015–06931 Filed 3–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                Lynn Sohacki, Compliance Division,
                                                  range data, risk hypotheses and                         BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                                                                                Office of Transportation and Air
                                                  approaches to weight-of-the-evidence                                                                          Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection
                                                  analysis, and application of the interim                                                                      Agency, 2000 Traverwood, Ann Arbor,
                                                  scientific methods using examples for                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                          AGENCY                                                Michigan 48105; telephone number:
                                                  aquatic and terrestrial listed species.                                                                       734–214–4851; fax number: 734–214–
                                                     The agencies’ interim approach                       [EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0690; FRL–9922–35–                   4869; email address: sohacki.lynn@
                                                  document entitled, ‘‘Interagency                        OEI]                                                  epa.gov.
                                                  Approach for Implementation of the
                                                                                                          Information Collection Request                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  National Academy of Sciences Report’’,
                                                                                                          Submitted to OMB for Review and                       Supporting documents, which explain
                                                  dated November 13, 2013, and the
                                                                                                          Approval; Comment Request; EPA’s                      in detail the information that the EPA
                                                  presentation materials from the
                                                                                                          Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing                     will be collecting, are available in the
                                                  November 2013 stakeholder workshop
                                                                                                          Program (Renewal)                                     public docket for this ICR. The docket
                                                  are available at the following Web site:
                                                                                                                                                                can be viewed online at
                                                  http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/                            AGENCY: Environmental Protection                      www.regulations.gov or in person at the
                                                  endanger/2013/nas.html.                                 Agency (EPA).                                         EPA Docket Center, WJC West, Room
                                                     Presentations by the agencies                        ACTION: Notice.                                       3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,
                                                  supporting this stakeholder workshop                                                                          Washington, DC. The telephone number
                                                  will be made available on the EPA Web                   SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                                                                for the Docket Center is 202–566–1744.
                                                  site on April 1st (http://www.epa.gov/                  Agency (EPA) has submitted an
                                                                                                                                                                For additional information about EPA’s
                                                  espp), and in the docket identified by                  information collection request (ICR),
                                                                                                                                                                public docket, visit http://www.epa.gov/
                                                  EPA–HQ–OPP–2014–0233 prior to the                       ‘‘EPA’s Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle
                                                  workshop. Presentations supporting the                  Testing Program (Renewal)’’ (EPA ICR
                                                                                                                                                                  Abstract: EPA has an ongoing
                                                  previous stakeholder workshops held in                  No. 0222.10, OMB Control No. 2060–
                                                                                                                                                                program to evaluate the emission
                                                  April and October 2014 are also                         0086) to the Office of Management and
                                                                                                                                                                performance of in-use light-duty
                                                  available in this docket.                               Budget (OMB) for review and approval
                                                                                                                                                                (passenger car and light truck) motor
                                                     Representatives from Federal agencies                in accordance with the Paperwork
                                                                                                                                                                vehicles through surveillance and
                                                  will join the dialogue to answer                        Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
                                                                                                                                                                compliance testing, as well as special
                                                  clarifying questions regarding the                      seq.). This is a proposed extension of
                                                                                                                                                                investigations in compliance with the
                                                  pesticide registration process and                      the ICR, which is currently approved
                                                                                                                                                                Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7541).
                                                  Endangered Species Act consultation                     through March 31, 2015. Public                          This ICR involves light-duty surveys
                                                  process. The agencies see this workshop                 comments were previously requested                    and vehicle testing, which is strictly
                                                  as an integral component of the                         via the Federal Register (79 FR 57928)                voluntary. A group of 25 to 50 potential
                                                  stakeholder engagement process                          on September 26, 2014 during a 60-day                 participants is identified from state
                                                  developed for pesticide consultations                   comment period. This notice allows for                vehicle registration records. Three of the
                                                  that contributes to the agencies’                       an additional 30 days for public                      respondent pool are asked survey
                                                  commitment to adapt and refine the                      comments. A fuller description of the                 questions concerning vehicle condition,
                                                  interim approaches as we progress                       ICR is given below, including its                     operation and maintenance. Additional
                                                  through initial consultations.                          estimated burden and cost to the public.              groups of potential participants may be
                                                                                                          An Agency may not conduct or sponsor                  contacted until a sufficient number of
                                                  III. How can I request to participate in                and a person is not required to respond
                                                  this meeting?                                                                                                 vehicles have been obtained. Owners
                                                                                                          to a collection of information unless it              verify the survey information when they
                                                     You may submit a request to                          displays a currently valid OMB control                deliver their vehicles to EPA, release the
                                                  participate in this meeting to the person               number.                                               vehicle to EPA, voluntarily provide
                                                  listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                    DATES: Additional comments may be                     maintenance records for copying,
                                                  CONTACT. Do not submit any information                  submitted on or before April 27, 2015.                receive a cash incentive and, if
                                                  in your request that is considered CBI.                 ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                      requested, a loaner car, then receive the
                                                  Requests to attend the meeting in                       referencing Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                     vehicle from EPA at the conclusion of
                                                  person, or via webinar and                              OAR–2010–0690, to (1) EPA online                      the testing.
                                                  teleconference, identified by docket ID                 using www.regulations.gov (our                          Form Numbers: 5900–304, 5900–305,
                                                  number EPA–HQ–OPP–2014–0233,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          preferred method) or by mail to: EPA                  5900–306, 5900–307, 5900–308, 5900–
                                                  must be received on or before April 7,                  Docket Center, Environmental                          309.
                                                  2015.                                                   Protection Agency, Mail Code 28221T,                    Respondents/affected entities: Vehicle
                                                     Public parking is available for                      1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,                           owners.
                                                  attendees; follow blue signs to the lot.                Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB via                   Respondent’s obligation to respond:
                                                  There is a fee for all day parking.                     email to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov.                 Voluntary.
                                                     Attendees will need to present                       Address comments to OMB Desk Officer                    Estimated number of respondents:
                                                  identification at the Security check-in.                for EPA.                                              160 (total).

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:55 Mar 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00028   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26MRN1.SGM   26MRN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 58 / Thursday, March 26, 2015 / Notices                                                   16007

                                                    Frequency of response: On occasion.                   OW–2008–0719, to (1) EPA online using                   Estimated number of respondents:
                                                    Total estimated burden: 505 hours                     www.regulations.gov (our preferred                    198 (total).
                                                  (per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR                  method), by email to ow-docket@                         Frequency of response: Annual.
                                                  1320.03(b).                                             epa.gov, or by mail to: EPA Docket                      Total estimated burden: 198 hours
                                                    Total estimated cost: $11,277, which                  Center, Environmental Protection                      (per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR
                                                  includes $0 annualized capital or                       Agency, Mail Code 28221T, 1200                        1320.03(b).
                                                  operational & maintenance costs.                        Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,                      Total estimated cost: $6,534 (per
                                                    Changes in Estimates: There is a                      DC 20460, and (2) OMB via email to                    year), includes $0 annualized capital or
                                                  decrease of 16 hours in the total                       oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Address                  operation & maintenance costs.
                                                  estimated respondent burden compared                    comments to OMB Desk Officer for EPA.                   Changes in the Estimates: There is no
                                                  with the ICR currently approved by                        EPA’s policy is that all comments                   change in the total estimated respondent
                                                  OMB. This decrease is due to an                         received will be included in the public               burden compared with the ICR currently
                                                  adjustment of testing estimates based on                docket without change including any                   approved by OMB.
                                                  the number and type of testing that has                 personal information provided, unless
                                                                                                                                                                Courtney Kerwin,
                                                  been conducted in this program over the                 the comment includes profanity, threats,
                                                  past few years.                                                                                               Acting Director, Collection Strategies
                                                                                                          information claimed to be Confidential
                                                  Courtney Kerwin,                                        Business Information (CBI) or other
                                                                                                                                                                [FR Doc. 2015–06908 Filed 3–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          information whose disclosure is
                                                  Acting Director, Collection Strategies                                                                        BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                  Division.                                               restricted by statute.
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–06906 Filed 3–25–15; 8:45 am]             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                          Sarita Hoyt, State and Regional Branch,
                                                  BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                          Water Permits Division, OWM Mail                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                          Code: 4203M, Environmental Protection                 COMMISSION
                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,                   Privacy Act System of Records
                                                  AGENCY                                                  Washington, DC 20460; telephone
                                                                                                          number: (202) 564–1471; email address:                AGENCY: Federal Communications
                                                  [EPA–HQ–OW–2008–0719; FRL–9925–35–                      hoyt.sarita@epa.gov.                                  Commission (FCC or Commission or
                                                  OEI]                                                                                                          Agency)
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  Information Collection Request                          Supporting documents, which explain                   ACTION: Notice; one new Privacy Act
                                                  Submitted to OMB for Review and                         in detail the information that the EPA                system of records.
                                                  Approval; Comment Request; Effluent                     will be collecting, are available in the
                                                                                                          public docket for this ICR. The docket                SUMMARY:   Pursuant to subsection (e)(4)
                                                  Guidelines and Standards for the
                                                                                                          can be viewed online at                               of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
                                                  Airport Deicing Category (Renewal)
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov or in person at the               (5 U.S.C. 552a), the FCC proposes to add
                                                  AGENCY: Environmental Protection                        EPA Docket Center, WJC West, Room                     a new system of records, FCC/OMD–32,
                                                  Agency (EPA).                                           3334, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,                     ‘‘FCC Telework Program.’’ The FCC’s
                                                  ACTION: Notice.                                         Washington, DC. The telephone number                  Human Resources Management (HRM)
                                                                                                          for the Docket Center is 202–566–1744.                division in the Office of Managing
                                                  SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection                 For additional information about EPA’s                Director (OMD) will use the information
                                                  Agency (EPA) has submitted an                           public docket, visit http://www.epa.gov/              contained in FCC/OMD–32 to cover the
                                                  information collection request (ICR),                   dockets.                                              personally identifiable information (PII)
                                                  ‘‘Effluent Guidelines and Standards for                   Abstract: This ICR calculates the                   that is required as part of the FCC’s
                                                  the Airport Deicing Category (Renewal)’’                burden and costs associated with                      employee telework program. The FCC
                                                  (EPA ICR No. 2326.03, OMB Control No.                   information collection and reporting                  Telework Program provides employees
                                                  2040–0285) to the Office of Management                  activities required by EPA’s Effluent                 with the voluntary opportunity to work
                                                  and Budget (OMB) for review and                         Limitations Guidelines and New Source                 from home or another FCC approved
                                                  approval in accordance with the                         Performance Standards for the Airport                 telework location, including but not
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.                      Deicing Category (40 CFR 449.10 and                   limited to other approved alternate
                                                  3501 et seq.). This is a proposed                       449.20). Respondents affected by this                 worksite(s). This system will cover the
                                                  extension of the ICR, which is currently                information collection request are                    personally identifiable information (PII)
                                                  approved through March 31, 2015.                        covered by either EPA’s Multi-Sector                  that employees provide when they
                                                  Public comments were previously                         General Permit (MSGP), an equivalent                  complete the FCC Telework Request
                                                  requested via the Federal Register (79                  state stormwater general permit, or an                Form and Agreement, Home Safety Self-
                                                  FR 78428) on December 30, 2014 during                   individual stormwater permit, and the                 Certification Checklist for Home-Based
                                                  a 60-day comment period. This notice                    NPDES permitting authorities receive,                 Telecommuters and related
                                                  allows for an additional 30 days for                    process, and review permit applications,              documentation to apply voluntarily for
                                                  public comments. A fuller description                   and Notices of Intent (NOIs). Permitting              permission to telework and any related
                                                  of the ICR is given below, including its                authorities will also process and review              information that their supervisor may
                                                  estimated burden and cost to the public.                certifications of non-use of urea-based               include as part of the terms and
                                                  An Agency may not conduct or sponsor                    deicers, and monitoring data as                       conditions for teleworking. The FCC
                                                  and a person is not required to respond                                                                       uses the information in this form and
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  to a collection of information unless it                  Form Numbers: None.                                 related documentation to manage the
                                                  displays a currently valid OMB control                    Respondents/affected entities:                      telework program and to conduct
                                                  number.                                                 Commercial airports with at least 1,000               telework evaluations and audits.
                                                  DATES: Additional comments may be                       annual non-propeller aircraft                         DATES: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
                                                  submitted on or before April 27, 2015.                  departures.                                           552a(e)(4) and (e)(11) of the Privacy Act,
                                                  ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                          Respondent’s obligation to respond:                 as amended, any interested person may
                                                  referencing Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                       Mandatory (40 CFR 449.10 and 449.20).                 submit written comments concerning

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:55 Mar 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00029   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26MRN1.SGM   26MRN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:46:47
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:46:47
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesAdditional comments may be submitted on or before April 27, 2015.
ContactLynn Sohacki, Compliance Division, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105; telephone number:
FR Citation80 FR 16006 

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