80_FR_18248 80 FR 18184 - Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; California; San Joaquin Valley, South Coast Air Basin, Coachella Valley, and Sacramento Metro Ozone Nonattainment Areas; Reclassification

80 FR 18184 - Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; California; San Joaquin Valley, South Coast Air Basin, Coachella Valley, and Sacramento Metro Ozone Nonattainment Areas; Reclassification


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 64 (April 3, 2015)

Page Range18184-18185
FR Document2015-07535

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing a proposed action to reclassify the Indian country pertaining to the Pechanga Band of Luise[ntilde]o Mission Indians (Pechanga Reservation) from ``Severe-17'' to ``Extreme'' for the 1997 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 64 (Friday, April 3, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 64 (Friday, April 3, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 18184-18185]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-07535]



40 CFR Part 81

[EPA-R09-OAR-2008-0467; FRL-9925-57-Region 9]

Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; 
California; San Joaquin Valley, South Coast Air Basin, Coachella 
Valley, and Sacramento Metro Ozone Nonattainment Areas; 

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is withdrawing a 
proposed action to reclassify the Indian country pertaining to the 
Pechanga Band of Luise[ntilde]o Mission Indians (Pechanga Reservation) 
from ``Severe-17'' to ``Extreme'' for the 1997 8-hour ozone national 
ambient air quality standard.

DATES: The proposed rule published on August 27, 2009 (74 FR 43654) is 
withdrawn with respect to the Pechanga Reservation on April 3, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken Israels, Grants and Program 
Integration Office (AIR-8), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
Region IX, (415) 947-4102, [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 27, 2009 (74 FR 43654), the EPA 
published a proposed rule to grant requests by the State of California 
to reclassify four nonattainment areas for the 1997 8-hour ozone 
national ambient air quality standard (``standard'') and to reclassify 
Indian country in keeping with the classifications of nonattainment 
areas within which they

[[Page 18185]]

are located. On May 5, 2010 (75 FR 24409), the EPA finalized the action 
as proposed except that EPA deferred reclassification of Indian country 
pertaining to the Morongo Band of Mission Indians (Morongo Reservation) 
and the Pechanga Band of Luise[ntilde]o Mission Indians (Pechanga 
Reservation) in keeping with the state's request for the South Coast 
Air Basin. On January 6, 2015 (80 FR 436), the EPA proposed to revise 
the boundaries of South Coast and San Diego ozone planning areas to 
designate the Pechanga Reservation as a separate air quality planning 
area for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. In the January 6, 2015 
proposed rule, the EPA indicated that, if the Agency finalizes the 
January 6, 2015 proposed rule, as proposed, the EPA would withdraw the 
August 27, 2009 proposed rule to the extent that the 2009 proposed rule 
relates to the Pechanga Reservation. See 80 FR 436, at 438 (January 6, 
2015). In the Rules and Regulations section of this Federal Register, 
the EPA is finalizing its January 6, 2015 proposed rule, as proposed. 
In light of final Agency action on the January 6, 2015 proposal, the 
EPA is withdrawing the August 27, 2009 proposed reclassification of the 
Pechanga Reservation for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 81

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Intergovernmental 
relations, National parks, Ozone, Wilderness areas.

    Dated: March 20, 2015.
Jared Blumenfeld,
Regional Administrator, Region IX.
[FR Doc. 2015-07535 Filed 4-2-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      18184                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 64 / Friday, April 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                        • Make sure to submit your                            without the exercise of any policy                     environmental health or safety risk.
                                                      comments by the comment period                          discretion by the EPA.                                 Therefore, Executive Order 12898 does
                                                      deadline identified.                                                                                           not apply.
                                                                                                              E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
                                                      C. Docket Copying Costs                                   This action does not have federalism                 VII. Statutory Authority
                                                        You may be charged a reasonable fee                   implications. It will not have substantial               Statutory authority for this proposed
                                                      for photocopying docket materials, as                   direct effects on the states, on the                   action comes from section 211 of the
                                                      provided in 40 CFR part 2.                              relationship between the national                      Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7545.
                                                                                                              government and the states, or on the
                                                      VI. Statutory and Executive Order                                                                              List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 80
                                                                                                              distribution of power and
                                                      Reviews                                                 responsibilities among the various                       Environmental protection,
                                                      A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory                    levels of government.                                  Administrative practice and procedure,
                                                      Planning and Review and Executive                                                                              Air pollution control, Diesel fuel, Fuel
                                                                                                              F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation                 additives, Gasoline, Imports, Oil
                                                      Order 13563: Improving Regulation and                   and Coordination With Indian Tribal
                                                      Regulatory Review                                                                                              imports, Petroleum, Renewable fuel.
                                                        This action is not a significant                                                                               Dated: March 24, 2015.
                                                                                                                This action does not have tribal                     Gina McCarthy,
                                                      regulatory action and was therefore not                 implications, as specified in Executive
                                                      submitted to the Office of Management                                                                          Administrator.
                                                                                                              Order 13175. This rule will be
                                                      and Budget (OMB) for review.                            implemented at the Federal level and                   [FR Doc. 2015–07478 Filed 4–2–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                                     BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                      B. Paperwork Reduction Act                              potentially impacts gasoline, diesel, and
                                                                                                              renewable fuel producers, importers,
                                                        This action does not impose an                        distributors, and marketers. Tribal
                                                      information collection burden under the                                                                        ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                                                                              governments would be affected only to
                                                      PRA. The changes made to the                                                                                   AGENCY
                                                                                                              the extent they purchase and use
                                                      regulations as a result of this action                  regulated fuels. Thus, Executive Order
                                                      impose no new or different reporting                                                                           40 CFR Part 81
                                                                                                              13175 does not apply to this action.
                                                      requirements on regulated parties.                                                                             [EPA–R09–OAR–2008–0467; FRL–9925–57–
                                                                                                              G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of                Region 9]
                                                      C. Regulatory Flexibility Act                           Children From Environmental Health
                                                         I certify that this action will not have             Risks and Safety Risks                                 Designation of Areas for Air Quality
                                                      a significant economic impact on a                        The EPA interprets EO 13045 as                       Planning Purposes; California; San
                                                      substantial number of small entities                    applying only to those regulatory                      Joaquin Valley, South Coast Air Basin,
                                                      under the RFA. In making this                           actions that concern environmental                     Coachella Valley, and Sacramento
                                                      determination, the impact of concern is                 health or safety risks that the EPA has                Metro Ozone Nonattainment Areas;
                                                      any significant adverse economic                        reason to believe may                                  Reclassification
                                                      impact on small entities. An agency may                 disproportionately affect children, per                AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                                      certify that a rule will not have a                     the definition of ‘‘covered regulatory                 Agency (EPA).
                                                      significant economic impact on a                        action’’ in section 2–202 of the                       ACTION: Withdrawal of proposed rule.
                                                      substantial number of small entities if                 Executive Order. This action is not
                                                      the rule relieves regulatory burden, has                subject to Executive Order 13045                       SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                                      no net burden or otherwise has a                        because it does not establish an                       Agency (EPA) is withdrawing a
                                                      positive economic effect on the small                   environmental standard intended to                     proposed action to reclassify the Indian
                                                      entities subject to the rule. This action               mitigate health or safety risks and                    country pertaining to the Pechanga
                                                      clarifies the data sources and                          because it implements specific                         Band of Luiseño Mission Indians
                                                      methodology used by EPA to establish                    standards established by Congress in                   (Pechanga Reservation) from ‘‘Severe-
                                                      the CWC price, establishes these prices                 statutes (section 211(o) of the Clean Air              17’’ to ‘‘Extreme’’ for the 1997 8-hour
                                                      for 2014 and 2015, and reinserts                        Act).                                                  ozone national ambient air quality
                                                      inadvertently overwritten regulatory                                                                           standard.
                                                      language. The impacts of the RFS2                       H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
                                                      program on small entities were already                  Concerning Regulations That                            DATES:  The proposed rule published on
                                                      addressed in the RFS2 final rule                        Significantly Affect Energy Supply,                    August 27, 2009 (74 FR 43654) is
                                                      promulgated on March 26, 2010 (75 FR                    Distribution, or Use                                   withdrawn with respect to the Pechanga
                                                      14670), and this rule will not impose                                                                          Reservation on April 3, 2015.
                                                                                                                This action is not subject to Executive
                                                      any additional requirements on small                                                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken
                                                                                                              Order 13211 because it is not a
                                                      entities beyond those already analyzed.                 significant regulatory action under                    Israels, Grants and Program Integration
                                                      We have therefore concluded that this                   Executive Order 12866.                                 Office (AIR–8), U.S. Environmental
                                                      action will have no net regulatory                                                                             Protection Agency, Region IX, (415)
                                                      burden for all directly regulated small                 I. National Technology Transfer and                    947–4102, israels.ken@epa.gov.
                                                      entities.                                               Advancement Act                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                                This rulemaking does not involve                     27, 2009 (74 FR 43654), the EPA
                                                      D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act                                                                                published a proposed rule to grant
                                                                                                              technical standards.
                                                        This action does not contain any                                                                             requests by the State of California to
                                                      unfunded mandate as described in                        J. Executive Order 12898: Federal                      reclassify four nonattainment areas for
                                                      UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538, and does                      Actions To Address Environmental                       the 1997 8-hour ozone national ambient
                                                      not significantly or uniquely affect small              Justice in Minority Populations and                    air quality standard (‘‘standard’’) and to
                                                      governments. This action implements                     Low-Income Populations                                 reclassify Indian country in keeping
                                                      mandate(s) specifically and explicitly                    This proposed rule is a technical                    with the classifications of
                                                      set forth in Clean Air Act section 211(o)               correction and does not concern an                     nonattainment areas within which they

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:20 Apr 02, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00026   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\03APP1.SGM   03APP1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 64 / Friday, April 3, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          18185

                                                      are located. On May 5, 2010 (75 FR                      DATES:  Comments are due on or before                  regular business hours in the FCC
                                                      24409), the EPA finalized the action as                 May 1, 2015; reply comments are due on                 Reference Center (CY–A257) at the
                                                      proposed except that EPA deferred                       or before May 18, 2015.                                Federal Communications Commission,
                                                      reclassification of Indian country                      ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                    445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC,
                                                      pertaining to the Morongo Band of                       identified by the docket number in this                20554. These documents will be
                                                      Mission Indians (Morongo Reservation)                   proceeding, GN Docket No. 12–268, by                   available electronically in ASCII,
                                                      and the Pechanga Band of Luiseño                       any of the following methods:                          Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
                                                      Mission Indians (Pechanga Reservation)                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://               Public Participation
                                                      in keeping with the state’s request for                 www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                      the South Coast Air Basin. On January                   instructions for submitting comments.                     Pursuant to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the
                                                      6, 2015 (80 FR 436), the EPA proposed                      • Federal Communications                            Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.415,
                                                      to revise the boundaries of South Coast                 Commission’s Electronic Comment                        1.419, interested parties may file
                                                      and San Diego ozone planning areas to                   Filing System (ECFS): http://fcc.gov/                  comments and reply comments on or
                                                      designate the Pechanga Reservation as a                 ecfs/. Follow the instructions for                     before the dates indicated on the first
                                                      separate air quality planning area for the              submitting comments.                                   page of this document. Comments may
                                                      1997 8-hour ozone standard. In the                         • Commercial overnight mail (other                  be filed using the Commission’s ECFS.
                                                      January 6, 2015 proposed rule, the EPA                  than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail                  See Electronic Filing of Documents in
                                                      indicated that, if the Agency finalizes                 and Priority Mail): Federal                            Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121
                                                      the January 6, 2015 proposed rule, as                   Communications Commission, 9300                        (1998).
                                                      proposed, the EPA would withdraw the                    East Hampton Dr., Capitol Heights, MD                     • Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
                                                      August 27, 2009 proposed rule to the                    20743.                                                 file by paper must file an original and
                                                      extent that the 2009 proposed rule                         • U.S. Postal Service (First-class,                 one copy of each filing. If more than one
                                                                                                              Express, and Priority): Federal                        active docket or rulemaking number
                                                      relates to the Pechanga Reservation. See
                                                                                                              Communications Commission, 445 12th                    appears in the caption of this
                                                      80 FR 436, at 438 (January 6, 2015). In
                                                                                                              St. SW., Washington, DC 20554.                         proceeding, filers must submit two
                                                      the Rules and Regulations section of this
                                                                                                                 • Hand-delivered/Courier: Federal                   additional copies for each additional
                                                      Federal Register, the EPA is finalizing
                                                                                                              Communications Commission, 445 12th                    docket or rulemaking number. Filings
                                                      its January 6, 2015 proposed rule, as
                                                                                                              St. SW., Room TW–A325, Washington,                     can be sent by commercial overnight
                                                      proposed. In light of final Agency action
                                                                                                              DC 20554. The filing hours are 8:00 a.m.               courier, or by first-class or overnight
                                                      on the January 6, 2015 proposal, the
                                                                                                              to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be               U.S. Postal Service mail. All filings
                                                      EPA is withdrawing the August 27, 2009
                                                                                                              held together with rubber bands or                     must be addressed to the Commission’s
                                                      proposed reclassification of the
                                                                                                              fasteners. Any envelopes and boxes                     Secretary, Office of the Secretary,
                                                      Pechanga Reservation for the 1997 8-
                                                                                                              must be disposed of before entering the                Federal Communications Commission.
                                                      hour ozone standard.                                                                                              • People with Disabilities: To request
                                                      List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 81                         • Instructions: All submissions                     materials in accessible formats for
                                                                                                              received must include the agency name                  people with disabilities (braille, large
                                                        Environmental protection, Air
                                                                                                              and docket number or Regulatory                        print, electronic files, audio format),
                                                      pollution control, Intergovernmental
                                                                                                              Information Number (RIN) for this                      send an email to fcc504@fcc.gov or call
                                                      relations, National parks, Ozone,
                                                                                                              document. All comments received will                   the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
                                                      Wilderness areas.
                                                                                                              be posted without change to ECFS at                    Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), or
                                                        Dated: March 20, 2015.                                                                                       202–418–0432 (tty).
                                                                                                              http://fcc.gov/ecfs/, including any
                                                      Jared Blumenfeld,
                                                                                                              personal information provided.                         I. Summary
                                                      Regional Administrator, Region IX.                         • Docket: This document is in GN
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–07535 Filed 4–2–15; 8:45 am]                                                                        1. In the Incentive Auction Report and
                                                                                                              Docket No. 12–268. For access to the
                                                                                                                                                                     Order, the Commission adopted rules to
                                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  docket to read background documents
                                                                                                                                                                     implement the incentive auction
                                                                                                              or comments received, go to ECFS at
                                                                                                                                                                     through which certain broadcast
                                                                                                                                                                     television spectrum will be repurposed
                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                  For detailed instructions on submitting                for wireless flexible use to create the
                                                      COMMISSION                                              comments and additional information                    600 MHz Band (See Expanding the
                                                                                                              on the rulemaking process, see the                     Economic and Innovation Opportunities
                                                      47 CFR Chapter I                                        ‘‘Public Participation’’ heading of the                of Spectrum Through Incentive
                                                      [GN Docket No. 12–268; FCC 15–38]                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of                   Auctions, GN Docket No. 12–268,
                                                                                                              this document.                                         Report and Order, published at 79 FR
                                                      Comment Sought on Defining                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                       48442 (2014) (Incentive Auction Report
                                                      Commencement of Operations in the                       Simon Banyai of the Wireless                           and Order)). These rules include
                                                      600 MHz Band                                            Telecommunications Bureau,                             procedures governing the transition of
                                                      AGENCY:  Federal Communications                         Broadband Division, at (202) 418–1443                  broadcast television services and other
                                                      Commission.                                             or email to simon.banyai@fcc.gov.                      operations out of the 600 MHz Band. As
                                                                                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                        described below, the procedures the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      ACTION: Proposed rule.
                                                                                                              document was adopted on March 26,                      Commission adopted permit certain
                                                      SUMMARY:   In this document, the Federal                2015 and released on March 26, 2015,                   operations to continue in the 600 MHz
                                                      Communications Commission                               and is available electronically at                     spectrum until a 600 MHz Band
                                                      (Commission) seeks comment on                           https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/                     wireless licensee ‘‘commences
                                                      defining the term ‘‘commence                            attachmatch/FCC-15-38A1.pdf. The                       operations’’ in its licensed spectrum.
                                                      operations’’ for 600 MHz Band wireless                  complete text of this document as well                 The Commission did not define the term
                                                      licensees in the context of the transition              as any comments, reply comments, and                   ‘‘commence operations,’’ but indicated
                                                      rules adopted in the Incentive Auction                  ex parte submissions will also be                      that it would do so in the pre-auction
                                                      Report and Order.                                       available for public inspection during                 process. By this document, the

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 15:28:46
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 15:28:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionWithdrawal of proposed rule.
DatesThe proposed rule published on August 27, 2009 (74 FR 43654) is withdrawn with respect to the Pechanga Reservation on April 3, 2015.
ContactKen Israels, Grants and Program Integration Office (AIR-8), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, (415) 947-4102, israels.k[email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 18184 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Intergovernmental Relations; National Parks; Ozone and Wilderness Areas

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