80_FR_18458 80 FR 18393 - Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board Chairs

80 FR 18393 - Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board Chairs


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 65 (April 6, 2015)

Page Range18393-18394
FR Document2015-07804

This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) Chairs. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 65 (Monday, April 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 65 (Monday, April 6, 2015)]
[Pages 18393-18394]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-07804]



Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board Chairs

AGENCY: Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice of open meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental 
Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) Chairs. The Federal 
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that 
public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.

DATES: Wednesday, April 22, 2015--8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 23, 
2015--8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

ADDRESSES: Doubletree, 2561 Perimeter Parkway, Augusta, Georgia 30909.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Borak, Designated Federal 
Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., 
Washington, DC 20585; Phone: (202) 586-9928.

[[Page 18394]]

    Purpose of the Board: The purpose of the Board is to make 
recommendations to DOE-EM and site management in the areas of 
environmental restoration, waste management, and related activities.
    Tentative Agenda Topics:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[cir] EM Program Update
[cir] EM SSAB Chairs' Round Robin: Topics, Achievements, and 
[cir] EM Budget Update
[cir] Roundtable Discussion: DOE Communication Strategies
[cir] Public Comment Period

Thursday, April 23, 2015

[cir] DOE Headquarters News and Views
[cir] EM Headquarters Waste Disposition Update
[cir] EM Safety Culture Presentation
[cir] Public Comment

    Public Participation: The EM SSAB Chairs welcome the attendance of 
the public at their advisory committee meetings and will make every 
effort to accommodate persons with physical disabilities or special 
needs. If you require special accommodations due to a disability, 
please contact David Borak at least seven days in advance of the 
meeting at the phone number listed above. Written statements may be 
filed either before or after the meeting with the Designated Federal 
Officer, David Borak, at the address or telephone listed above. 
Individuals who wish to make oral statements pertaining to agenda items 
should also contact David Borak. Requests must be received five days 
prior to the meeting and reasonable provision will be made to include 
the presentation in the agenda. The Designated Federal Officer is 
empowered to conduct the meeting in a fashion that will facilitate the 
orderly conduct of business. Individuals wishing to make public comment 
will be provided a maximum of five minutes to present their comments.
    Minutes: Minutes will be available by writing or calling David 
Borak at the address or phone number listed above. Minutes will also be 
available at the following Web site: http://www.em.doe.gov/stakepages/ssabchairs.aspx.

    Issued at Washington, DC, on March 30, 2015.
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-07804 Filed 4-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices                                                  18393

                                              ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket                     has ended. From this time forward, this               provide copies of their protests only to
                                              number excluding the last three digits in               proceeding will be conducted in Docket                the party or parties directly involved in
                                              the docket number field to access the                   No. CP15–115–000, as noted in the                     the protest.
                                              document. For assistance, contact FERC                  caption of this Notice.                                  Persons who wish to comment only
                                              at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call                      Pursuant to section 157.9 of the                   on the environmental review of this
                                              toll-free, (886) 208–3676 or TYY, (202)                 Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9,                     project should submit an original and
                                              502–8659.                                               within 90 days of this Notice the                     two copies of their comments to the
                                                 Any questions regarding this                         Commission staff will either: Complete                Secretary of the Commission.
                                              application should be directed to                       its environmental assessment (EA) and                 Environmental commenters will be
                                              Kenneth E. Webster, Attorney for                        place it into the Commission’s public                 placed on the Commission’s
                                              National Fuel and Empire, 6363 Main                     record (eLibrary) for this proceeding, or             environmental mailing list, will receive
                                              Street, Williamsville, New York 14221,                  issue a Notice of Schedule for                        copies of the environmental documents,
                                              or call at (716) 857–7067.                              Environmental Review. If a Notice of                  and will be notified of meetings
                                                 Specifically, National Fuel requests                 Schedule for Environmental Review is                  associated with the Commission’s
                                              authorization: (i) To construct 96.65                   issued, it will indicate, among other                 environmental review process.
                                              miles of 24-inch diameter pipeline; (ii)                milestones, the anticipated date for the              Environmental commenters will not be
                                              to add 5,350 horsepower (hp) of                         Commission staff’s issuance of the final              required to serve copies of filed
                                              compression at the Porterville, New                     environmental impact statement (FEIS)                 documents on all other parties.
                                              York compressor station; (iii) to                       or EA for this proposal. The filing of the            However, the non-party commenters
                                              construct an interconnect meter and                     EA in the Commission’s public record                  will not receive copies of all documents
                                              regulation (M&R) station with                           for this proceeding or the issuance of a              filed by other parties or issued by the
                                              Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company,                         Notice of Schedule will serve to notify               Commission (except for the mailing of
                                              L.L.C.’s 200 Line; (iv) to construct an                 federal and state agencies of the timing              environmental documents issued by the
                                              M&R station and tie-in in Hinsdale, New                 for the completion of all necessary                   Commission) and will not have the right
                                              York; (v) to construct an interconnection               reviews, and the subsequent need to                   to seek court review of the
                                              with NFG Midstream Clermont, L.L.C.;                    complete all federal authorizations                   Commission’s final order.
                                              (vi) to modify an existing tie-in; (vii) to             within 90 days of the date of issuance                   Motions to intervene, protests and
                                              construct a pressure reduction station;                 of the Commission staff’s FEIS or EA.                 comments may be filed electronically
                                              (viii) to abandon, via sale to Empire, all                 There are two ways to become                       via the internet in lieu of paper; see, 18
                                              3.09 miles of National Fuel’s existing                  involved in the Commission’s review of                CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the
                                              Line XM–10 pipeline and certain other                   this project. First, any person wishing to            instructions on the Commission’s Web
                                              existing facilities; (ix) to charge an                  obtain legal status by becoming a party               site under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link. The
                                              initial incremental firm recourse rate for              to the proceedings for this project                   Commission strongly encourages
                                              the Project; and (x) for a limited waiver               should, on or before the comment date                 electronic filings.
                                              of General Terms and Conditions                         stated below, file with the Federal                   Comment Date: April 17, 2015.
                                              Section 31.1 of National Fuel’s tariff to               Energy Regulatory Commission, 888                       Dated: March 27, 2015.
                                              permit the Project’s Foundation Shipper                 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,               Kimberly D. Bose,
                                              to shift its primary delivery point for a               a motion to intervene in accordance                   Secretary.
                                              portion of the Project’s incremental                    with the requirements of the
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–07769 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                              capacity more than ninety days after its                Commission’s Rules of Practice and
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 6717–01–P
                                              initial request. National Fuel proposes                 Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
                                              to provide 497,000 dekatherms per day                   and the Regulations under the NGA (18
                                              of new firm natural gas transportation                  CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party                 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                              capacity.                                               status will be placed on the service list
                                                 Empire requests authorization to: (i)                maintained by the Secretary of the                    Environmental Management Site-
                                              Construct a new 22,214 hp compressor                    Commission and will receive copies of                 Specific Advisory Board Chairs
                                              station in Pendleton, New York; (ii)                    all documents filed by the applicant and
                                              construct 3.05 miles of 24-inch pipeline,               by all other parties. A party must submit             AGENCY:   Department of Energy.
                                              replacing 3.05 miles of existing National               5 copies of filings made with the                     ACTION:   Notice of open meeting.
                                              Fuel 16-inch XM–10 pipeline; (iii)                      Commission and must mail a copy to
                                              construct a new dehydration facility;                   the applicant and to every other party in             SUMMARY:   This notice announces a
                                              (iv) modify two existing tie-ins; and (v)               the proceeding. Only parties to the                   meeting of the Environmental
                                                                                                      proceeding can ask for court review of                Management Site-Specific Advisory
                                              acquire from National Fuel the
                                                                                                      Commission orders in the proceeding.                  Board (EM SSAB) Chairs. The Federal
                                              aforementioned 3.09 miles of Line XM–
                                                                                                         However, a person does not have to                 Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
                                              10. Empire proposes to provide 350,000
                                                                                                      intervene in order to have comments                   463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public
                                              dekatherms per day of new firm natural
                                                                                                      considered. The second way to                         notice of this meeting be announced in
                                              gas transportation capacity.
                                                 The total cost of the Project would be               participate is by filing with the                     the Federal Register.
                                              approximately $376,670,388 (National                    Secretary of the Commission, as soon as               DATES: Wednesday, April 22, 2015—8
                                              Fuel) and $74,348,362 (Empire).                         possible, an original and two copies of               a.m.–4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 23,
                                                 On July 24, 2014, the Commission                     comments in support of or in opposition               2015—8 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
                                              staff granted the Applicants’ request to                to this project. The Commission will                  ADDRESSES: Doubletree, 2561 Perimeter
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              use the National Environmental Policy                   consider these comments in                            Parkway, Augusta, Georgia 30909.
                                              Act (NEPA) Pre-Filing Process and                       determining the appropriate action to be              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              assigned Docket No. PF14–18–000 to                      taken, but the filing of a comment alone              David Borak, Designated Federal
                                              staff activities involving the proposed                 will not serve to make the filer a party              Officer, U.S. Department of Energy,
                                              facilities. Now, as of the filing of this               to the proceeding. The Commission’s                   1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
                                              application on March 17, 2015, the                      rules require that persons filing                     Washington, DC 20585; Phone: (202)
                                              NEPA Pre-Filing Process for this project                comments in opposition to the project                 586–9928.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:14 Apr 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

                                              18394                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices

                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  determined in accordance with state
                                                Purpose of the Board: The purpose of                                                                        law.
                                              the Board is to make recommendations                    Federal Energy Regulatory                                Northwest provided landowners with
                                              to DOE–EM and site management in the                    Commission                                            a fact sheet prepared by the FERC
                                              areas of environmental restoration,                     [Docket No. CP15–110–000]                             entitled ‘‘An Interstate Natural Gas
                                              waste management, and related                                                                                 Facility On My Land? What Do I Need
                                              activities.                                             Northwest Pipeline LLC; Notice of                     To Know?’’ This fact sheet addresses a
                                                Tentative Agenda Topics:                              Intent To Prepare an Environmental                    number of typically asked questions,
                                                                                                      Assessment for the Proposed Union                     including how to participate in the
                                              Wednesday, April 22, 2015                               Meter Station Upgrade Project and                     Commission’s proceedings. It is also
                                              Æ EM Program Update                                     Request for Comments on                               available for viewing on the FERC Web
                                              Æ EM SSAB Chairs’ Round Robin:                          Environmental Issues                                  site (www.ferc.gov).
                                                Topics, Achievements, and                               The staff of the Federal Energy                     Summary of the Proposed Project
                                                Accomplishments                                       Regulatory Commission (FERC or
                                              Æ EM Budget Update                                      Commission) will prepare an                             Northwest proposes to modify its
                                                                                                      environmental assessment (EA) that will               existing meter station in Grande Ronde
                                              Æ Roundtable Discussion: DOE                                                                                  Valley, southeast of La Grande, Union
                                                Communication Strategies                              discuss the environmental impacts of
                                                                                                      the Union Meter Station Upgrade                       County, Oregon. The Union Meter
                                              Æ Public Comment Period                                                                                       Station Upgrade Project would increase
                                                                                                      Project involving construction and
                                              Thursday, April 23, 2015                                operation of facilities by Northwest                  the existing Union Meter Station’s
                                                                                                      Pipeline LLC (Northwest) in Union                     capacity from approximately 3,120,000
                                              Æ DOE Headquarters News and Views                                                                             to 5,500,000 standard cubic feet per day
                                              Æ EM Headquarters Waste Disposition                     County, Oregon. The Commission will
                                                                                                      use this EA in its decision-making                    of natural gas in accordance with a
                                                 Update                                                                                                     Facility Agreement between Northwest
                                                                                                      process to determine whether the
                                              Æ EM Safety Culture Presentation                                                                              and Avista Corporation, a local
                                                                                                      project is in the public convenience and
                                              Æ Public Comment                                        necessity.                                            distribution company.
                                                 Public Participation: The EM SSAB                      This notice announces the opening of                  The general location of the project
                                              Chairs welcome the attendance of the                    the scoping process the Commission                    facilities is shown in appendix 1.1
                                              public at their advisory committee                      will use to gather input from the public              Land Requirements for Construction
                                              meetings and will make every effort to                  and interested agencies on the project.
                                              accommodate persons with physical                       Your input will help the Commission                     The project would require
                                              disabilities or special needs. If you                   staff determine what issues they need to              approximately 0.2 acre of total surface
                                              require special accommodations due to                   evaluate in the EA. Please note that the              use occurring on previously disturbed
                                              a disability, please contact David Borak                scoping period will close on April 27,                and graveled land. Project construction
                                              at least seven days in advance of the                   2015.                                                 would occur within the existing 50-foot-
                                              meeting at the phone number listed                        You may submit comments in written                  wide by 100-foot-long Union Meter
                                              above. Written statements may be filed                  form or verbally. Further details on how              Station property.
                                              either before or after the meeting with                 to submit written comments are in the                 The EA Process
                                              the Designated Federal Officer, David                   Public Participation section of this
                                              Borak, at the address or telephone listed               notice. If you sent comments on this                     The National Environmental Policy
                                              above. Individuals who wish to make                     project to the Commission before the                  Act (NEPA) requires the Commission to
                                              oral statements pertaining to agenda                    opening of this docket on March 6,                    take into account the environmental
                                              items should also contact David Borak.                  2015, you will need to file those                     impacts that could result from an action
                                              Requests must be received five days                     comments in Docket No. CP15–110–000                   whenever it considers the issuance of a
                                              prior to the meeting and reasonable                     to ensure they are considered as part of              Certificate of Public Convenience and
                                              provision will be made to include the                   this proceeding.                                      Necessity. NEPA also requires us 2 to
                                              presentation in the agenda. The                           This notice is being sent to the                    discover and address concerns the
                                              Designated Federal Officer is                           Commission’s current environmental                    public may have about proposals. This
                                              empowered to conduct the meeting in a                   mailing list for this project. State and              process is referred to as ‘‘scoping.’’ The
                                              fashion that will facilitate the orderly                local government representatives should               main goal of the scoping process is to
                                              conduct of business. Individuals                        notify their constituents of this                     focus the analysis in the EA on the
                                              wishing to make public comment will                     proposed project and encourage them to                important environmental issues. By this
                                              be provided a maximum of five minutes                   comment on their areas of concern.                    notice, the Commission requests public
                                              to present their comments.                                If you are a landowner receiving this               comments on the scope of the issues to
                                                 Minutes: Minutes will be available by                notice, a pipeline company                            address in the EA. We will consider all
                                              writing or calling David Borak at the                   representative may contact you about                  filed comments during the preparation
                                              address or phone number listed above.                   the acquisition of an easement to                     of the EA.
                                              Minutes will also be available at the                   construct, operate, and maintain the
                                              following Web site: http://                             proposed facilities. The company would                  1 The appendices referenced in this notice will

                                              www.em.doe.gov/stakepages/                              seek to negotiate a mutually acceptable               not appear in the Federal Register. Copies of
                                                                                                      agreement. However, if the Commission                 appendices were sent to all those receiving this
                                              ssabchairs.aspx.                                                                                              notice in the mail and are available at www.ferc.gov
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                      approves the project, that approval                   using the link called ‘‘eLibrary’’ or from the
                                                Issued at Washington, DC, on March 30,                conveys with it the right of eminent                  Commission’s Public Reference Room, 888 First
                                              2015.                                                   domain. Therefore, if easement                        Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, or call (202)
                                              LaTanya R. Butler,                                      negotiations fail to produce an                       502–8371. For instructions on connecting to
                                              Deputy Committee Management Officer.                                                                          eLibrary, refer to the last page of this notice.
                                                                                                      agreement, the pipeline company could                   2 ‘‘We,’’ ‘‘us,’’ and ‘‘our’’ refer to the
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–07804 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]              initiate condemnation proceedings                     environmental staff of the Commission’s Office of
                                              BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                  where compensation would be                           Energy Projects.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:14 Apr 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00043   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:18:44
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:18:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of open meeting.
DatesWednesday, April 22, 2015--8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 23, 2015--8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
ContactDavid Borak, Designated Federal Officer, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585; Phone: (202) 586-9928.
FR Citation80 FR 18393 

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