80_FR_18556 80 FR 18491 - Approval of Noise Compatibility Program Update, Key West International Airport, Key West, Florida

80 FR 18491 - Approval of Noise Compatibility Program Update, Key West International Airport, Key West, Florida

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 65 (April 6, 2015)

Page Range18491-18492
FR Document2015-07732

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its findings on the Noise Compatibility Program Update submitted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 47501 et seq. (the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act, hereinafter referred to as ``the Act'') and 14 CFR part 150. These findings are made in recognition of the description of Federal and nonfederal responsibilities in Senate Report No. 96-52 (1980). On December 19, 2013, the FAA determined that the Noise Exposure Maps submitted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners under Part 150 were in compliance with applicable requirements. On March 11, 2015, the FAA approved the Key West International Airport Noise Compatibility Program Update. All of the recommendations of the program that requested FAA approval were approved. No program elements relating to new or revised flight procedures for noise abatement were proposed by the airport operator.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 65 (Monday, April 6, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 65 (Monday, April 6, 2015)]
[Pages 18491-18492]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-07732]



Federal Aviation Administration

Approval of Noise Compatibility Program Update, Key West 
International Airport, Key West, Florida

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its 
findings on the Noise Compatibility Program Update submitted by the 
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners under the provisions of 49 
U.S.C. 47501 et seq. (the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act, 
hereinafter referred to as ``the Act'') and 14 CFR part 150. These 
findings are made in recognition of the description of Federal and 
nonfederal responsibilities in Senate Report No. 96-52 (1980). On 
December 19, 2013, the FAA determined that the Noise Exposure Maps 
submitted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners under Part 
150 were in compliance with applicable requirements. On March 11, 2015, 
the FAA approved the Key West International Airport Noise Compatibility 
Program Update. All of the recommendations of the program that 
requested FAA approval were approved. No program elements relating to 
new or revised flight procedures for noise abatement were proposed by 
the airport operator.

DATES: The effective date of the FAA's approval of the Key West 
International Airport Noise Compatibility Program Update is March 11, 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Allan Nagy, Environmental Program 
Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Orlando Airports District 
Office, 5950 Hazeltine National Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822, phone 
number: (407) 812-6331. Documents reflecting this FAA action may be 
reviewed at this same location by appointment with the above contact.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces that the FAA has given 
its overall approval to the Noise Compatibility Program Update for Key 
West International Airport, effective March 11, 2015.
    Under Section 47504 of the Act, an airport operator who has 
previously submitted a Noise Exposure Map may submit to the FAA a Noise 
Compatibility Program which sets forth the measures taken or proposed 
by the airport Sponsor for the reduction of existing non-compatible 
land uses and prevention of additional non-compatible land uses within 
the area covered by the Noise Exposure Maps. The Act requires such 
programs to be developed in consultation with interested and affected 
parties including local communities, government agencies, airport 
users, and FAA personnel.
    Each airport Noise Compatibility Program developed in accordance 
with Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 150 is a local 
program, not a Federal program. The FAA does not substitute its 
judgment for that of the airport Sponsor with respect to which measures 
should be recommended for action. The FAA's approval or disapproval of 
each specific measure proposed by an airport Sponsor in a Record of 
Approval (ROA) is determined by applying approval criteria prescribed 
in 14 CFR 150.35(b).
    The Administrator approves programs under this part, if:
    (1) It is found that the program measures to be implemented would 
not create an undue burden on interstate or foreign commerce (including 
any unjust discrimination) and are reasonably consistent with achieving 
the goals of reducing existing noncompatible land uses around the 
airport and of preventing the introduction of additional noncompatible 
land uses;
    (2) The program provides for revision if made necessary by the 
revision of the Noise Exposure Map (NEM); and
    (3) Those aspects of programs relating to the use of flight 
procedures for noise control can be implemented within the period 
covered by the program and without:
    (i) Reducing the level of aviation safety provided;
    (ii) Derogating the requisite level of protection for aircraft, 
their occupants and persons and property on the ground;
    (iii) Adversely affecting the efficient use and management of the 
Navigable Airspace and Air Traffic Control Systems; or
    (iv) Adversely affecting any other powers and responsibilities of 
the Administrator prescribed by law or any other program, standard, or 
requirement established in accordance with law.
    Approval of a first time NCP or NCP Update is not a determination 
concerning the acceptability of land uses under Federal, state, or 
local law. Approval does not by itself constitute an FAA implementing 
action. A request for Federal action or approval to implement specific 
noise compatibility measures may be required, and an FAA decision on 
the request may require an environmental review of the proposed action. 
Approval does not constitute a commitment by the FAA to financially 
assist in the implementation of the program nor a determination that 
all measures covered by the program are eligible for grant-in-aid 
funding from the FAA. Where Federal funding is sought, requests for 
project grants must be submitted to the FAA Airports District Office in 
Orlando, Florida.
    The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners submitted to the 
FAA on October 29, 2013, the Noise Exposure Maps for the Key West 
International Airport. The Noise Exposure Maps were determined by FAA 
to be in compliance with applicable requirements on December 19, 2013. 
Notice of this determination was published in the Federal Register on 
December 27, 2013.
    On September 15, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County 
Commissioners submitted to the FAA the descriptions of the Sponsor's 
proposed noise compatibility measures and other documentation produced 
during the Noise Compatibility Program Update study conducted from 
November, 2011 through February 11, 2015.
    The Key West International Airport study contains a proposed Noise 
Compatibility Program Update comprised of actions designed for phased 
implementation by airport management and adjacent jurisdictions from 
September 15, 2014 beyond the year 2015. It was requested that FAA 
evaluate and approve this material as a Noise Compatibility Program 
Update as described in Section 47504 of the Act. The FAA began its 
review of the Noise Compatibility Program Update on September 15, 2014, 
and was required by provisions of the Act to approve or disapprove the 
program within 180 days

[[Page 18492]]

(other than the use of new or modified flight procedures for noise 
control). Failure to approve or disapprove such program within the 180-
day period shall be deemed to be an approval of such program.
    The submitted program Update contained twenty-five (25) proposed 
actions for noise mitigation both on and off the Airport. The FAA 
completed its review and determined that the procedural and substantive 
requirements of the Act and 14 CFR part 150 have been satisfied. The 
overall program, therefore, was approved by the FAA effective March 11, 
    Outright approval was granted for thirteen (13) the specific 
program elements. No FAA action was requested or given for twelve (12) 
of the twenty-five (25) specific program elements.
    These elements are the sole responsibility of the Monroe County 
Board of County Commissioners to both implement and fund.
    These determinations are set forth in detail in a Record of 
Approval signed by the FAA on March 11, 2015. When a measure is 
disapproved by the FAA, airport Sponsors are encouraged to work with 
their local communities, governments and the FAA, outside of the formal 
Part 150 process as necessary, to implement initiatives that provide 
noise benefits for the surrounding community.
    The Record of Approval, as well as other evaluation materials and 
the documents comprising the submittal, are available for review at the 
FAA office listed above and at the administrative office of the Key 
West International Airport. The Record of Approval will also be 
available on-line at: http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/environmental/airport_noise/part_150/states/.

    Issued in Orlando, Florida on March 19, 2015.
Bart Vernace,
P.E., Manager, Orlando Airports District Office.
[FR Doc. 2015-07732 Filed 4-3-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices                                            18491

                                              Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea,                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         (ii) Derogating the requisite level of
                                              Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United                     Allan Nagy, Environmental Program                     protection for aircraft, their occupants
                                              Kingdom) have cooperated fully with                     Specialist, Federal Aviation                          and persons and property on the
                                              the United States, or have taken                        Administration, Orlando Airports                      ground;
                                              adequate steps on their own, to achieve                 District Office, 5950 Hazeltine National                 (iii) Adversely affecting the efficient
                                              full compliance with the goals and                      Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822, phone                  use and management of the Navigable
                                              objectives established by the 1988                      number: (407) 812–6331. Documents                     Airspace and Air Traffic Control
                                              United Nations Convention Against                       reflecting this FAA action may be                     Systems; or
                                              Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and                   reviewed at this same location by                        (iv) Adversely affecting any other
                                              Psychotropic Substances.                                appointment with the above contact.                   powers and responsibilities of the
                                                 This determination and certification                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
                                                                                                                                                            Administrator prescribed by law or any
                                              shall be published in the Federal                                                                             other program, standard, or requirement
                                                                                                      notice announces that the FAA has
                                              Register, and copies shall be provided                                                                        established in accordance with law.
                                                                                                      given its overall approval to the Noise
                                              to the Congress together with the                                                                                Approval of a first time NCP or NCP
                                                                                                      Compatibility Program Update for Key                  Update is not a determination
                                              accompanying Memorandum of                              West International Airport, effective
                                              Justification.                                                                                                concerning the acceptability of land
                                                                                                      March 11, 2015.                                       uses under Federal, state, or local law.
                                                Dated: March 13, 2015.                                   Under Section 47504 of the Act, an                 Approval does not by itself constitute an
                                              Antony J. Blinken,                                      airport operator who has previously                   FAA implementing action. A request for
                                              Deputy Secretary.                                       submitted a Noise Exposure Map may                    Federal action or approval to implement
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–07845 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      submit to the FAA a Noise                             specific noise compatibility measures
                                                                                                      Compatibility Program which sets forth                may be required, and an FAA decision
                                              BILLING CODE 4710–17–P
                                                                                                      the measures taken or proposed by the                 on the request may require an
                                                                                                      airport Sponsor for the reduction of                  environmental review of the proposed
                                                                                                      existing non-compatible land uses and                 action. Approval does not constitute a
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            prevention of additional non-compatible               commitment by the FAA to financially
                                                                                                      land uses within the area covered by the              assist in the implementation of the
                                              Federal Aviation Administration
                                                                                                      Noise Exposure Maps. The Act requires                 program nor a determination that all
                                              Approval of Noise Compatibility                         such programs to be developed in                      measures covered by the program are
                                              Program Update, Key West                                consultation with interested and                      eligible for grant-in-aid funding from the
                                              International Airport, Key West, Florida                affected parties including local                      FAA. Where Federal funding is sought,
                                                                                                      communities, government agencies,                     requests for project grants must be
                                              AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                airport users, and FAA personnel.                     submitted to the FAA Airports District
                                              Administration, DOT.                                       Each airport Noise Compatibility                   Office in Orlando, Florida.
                                              ACTION: Notice.                                         Program developed in accordance with                     The Monroe County Board of County
                                                                                                      Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations                  Commissioners submitted to the FAA
                                              SUMMARY:  The Federal Aviation                          (CFR) Part 150 is a local program, not                on October 29, 2013, the Noise Exposure
                                              Administration (FAA) announces its                      a Federal program. The FAA does not                   Maps for the Key West International
                                              findings on the Noise Compatibility                     substitute its judgment for that of the               Airport. The Noise Exposure Maps were
                                              Program Update submitted by the                         airport Sponsor with respect to which                 determined by FAA to be in compliance
                                              Monroe County Board of County                           measures should be recommended for                    with applicable requirements on
                                              Commissioners under the provisions of                   action. The FAA’s approval or                         December 19, 2013. Notice of this
                                              49 U.S.C. 47501 et seq. (the Aviation                   disapproval of each specific measure                  determination was published in the
                                              Safety and Noise Abatement Act,                         proposed by an airport Sponsor in a                   Federal Register on December 27, 2013.
                                              hereinafter referred to as ‘‘the Act’’) and             Record of Approval (ROA) is                              On September 15, 2014, the Monroe
                                              14 CFR part 150. These findings are                     determined by applying approval                       County Board of County Commissioners
                                              made in recognition of the description                  criteria prescribed in 14 CFR 150.35(b).              submitted to the FAA the descriptions
                                              of Federal and nonfederal                                  The Administrator approves programs                of the Sponsor’s proposed noise
                                              responsibilities in Senate Report No.                   under this part, if:                                  compatibility measures and other
                                              96–52 (1980). On December 19, 2013,                        (1) It is found that the program                   documentation produced during the
                                              the FAA determined that the Noise                       measures to be implemented would not                  Noise Compatibility Program Update
                                              Exposure Maps submitted by the                          create an undue burden on interstate or               study conducted from November, 2011
                                              Monroe County Board of County                           foreign commerce (including any unjust                through February 11, 2015.
                                              Commissioners under Part 150 were in                    discrimination) and are reasonably                       The Key West International Airport
                                              compliance with applicable                              consistent with achieving the goals of                study contains a proposed Noise
                                              requirements. On March 11, 2015, the                    reducing existing noncompatible land                  Compatibility Program Update
                                              FAA approved the Key West                               uses around the airport and of                        comprised of actions designed for
                                              International Airport Noise                             preventing the introduction of                        phased implementation by airport
                                              Compatibility Program Update. All of                    additional noncompatible land uses;                   management and adjacent jurisdictions
                                              the recommendations of the program                         (2) The program provides for revision              from September 15, 2014 beyond the
                                              that requested FAA approval were                        if made necessary by the revision of the              year 2015. It was requested that FAA
                                              approved. No program elements relating                  Noise Exposure Map (NEM); and                         evaluate and approve this material as a
                                              to new or revised flight procedures for
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         (3) Those aspects of programs relating             Noise Compatibility Program Update as
                                              noise abatement were proposed by the                    to the use of flight procedures for noise             described in Section 47504 of the Act.
                                              airport operator.                                       control can be implemented within the                 The FAA began its review of the Noise
                                              DATES: The effective date of the FAA’s                  period covered by the program and                     Compatibility Program Update on
                                              approval of the Key West International                  without:                                              September 15, 2014, and was required
                                              Airport Noise Compatibility Program                        (i) Reducing the level of aviation                 by provisions of the Act to approve or
                                              Update is March 11, 2015.                               safety provided;                                      disapprove the program within 180 days

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:14 Apr 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00140   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

                                              18492                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices

                                              (other than the use of new or modified                  the RTCA Charter (FAA Order                           interchange (Badger Interchange) in the
                                              flight procedures for noise control).                   1110.77V) for two years, effective April              north and on US 12/18 from the West
                                              Failure to approve or disapprove such                   1, 2015. The administrator is the                     Broadway interchange in the west to the
                                              program within the 180-day period shall                 sponsor of the committee. The FAA and                 County AB intersection in the east in
                                              be deemed to be an approval of such                     seven other government agencies use                   Dane County in south-central
                                              program.                                                RTCA as a federal advisory committee.                 Wisconsin. Along US 12/18,
                                                 The submitted program Update                         On January 2, 1976, the FAA, the major                improvements at the US 51 (Stoughton
                                              contained twenty-five (25) proposed                     government user of RTCA products,                     Road) interchange will also be evaluated
                                              actions for noise mitigation both on and                assumed sponsorship on behalf of all                  from the Voges Rd./Terminal Dr.
                                              off the Airport. The FAA completed its                  government agencies. RTCA brings                      intersection in the south and to the
                                              review and determined that the                          together representatives of the                       Broadway intersection at the north.
                                              procedural and substantive                              government and industry to form                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              requirements of the Act and 14 CFR part                 special committees and steering                       Tracey Blankenship, Major Projects
                                              150 have been satisfied. The overall                    committees to provide advice and                      Program Manager, Federal Highway
                                              program, therefore, was approved by the                 recommendations on key operational                    Administration, 525 Junction Road,
                                              FAA effective March 11, 2015.                           and technological issues that impact the              Suite 8000, Madison, Wisconsin,
                                                 Outright approval was granted for                    Next Generation Air Transportation                    53717–2157, Telephone: (608) 829–
                                              thirteen (13) the specific program                      System (NextGen) implementation and                   7510.
                                              elements. No FAA action was requested                   the Air Traffic Management System. The
                                                                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                              or given for twelve (12) of the twenty-                 Secretary of Transportation has
                                                                                                                                                            FHWA, in cooperation with the
                                              five (25) specific program elements.                    determined that that information and
                                                                                                                                                            Wisconsin Department of
                                                 These elements are the sole                          use of committee are necessary in the
                                                                                                                                                            Transportation (WisDOT), will prepare
                                              responsibility of the Monroe County                     public interest in connection with the
                                                                                                                                                            an EIS for proposed improvements at
                                              Board of County Commissioners to both                   performance of duties imposed on the
                                                                                                                                                            the I–39/90/US 12/18 interchange
                                              implement and fund.                                     FAA by law.
                                                                                                                                                            (Beltline Interchange) and adjacent local
                                                 These determinations are set forth in                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The
                                                                                                                                                            road systems, a distance of
                                              detail in a Record of Approval signed by                RTCA Secretariat, 1150 18th Street NW.,               approximately 13.2 miles. The purpose
                                              the FAA on March 11, 2015. When a                       Suite 910, Washington, DC 20036, or by                of the project is to provide efficient
                                              measure is disapproved by the FAA,                      telephone at (202) 833–9339, fax at (202)             transportation system linkages, address
                                              airport Sponsors are encouraged to work                 833–9434, or Web site at http://                      substandard geometrics, accommodate
                                              with their local communities,                           www.rtca.org.                                         future traffic to an acceptable level, and
                                              governments and the FAA, outside of                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Steering                   improve overall safety. The EIS will
                                              the formal Part 150 process as                          Committee and Special Committee                       evaluate a range of alternatives for the
                                              necessary, to implement initiatives that                meetings are open to the public and                   Beltline Interchange, adjacent roads,
                                              provide noise benefits for the                          announced in the Federal Register,                    and connections to the local road
                                              surrounding community.                                  except as authorized by Section 10(d) of              network. The EIS will be prepared in
                                                 The Record of Approval, as well as                   the Federal Advisory Committee Act.                   accordance with 23 U.S.C. 139, 23 CFR
                                              other evaluation materials and the
                                                                                                        Issued in Washington, DC, on April 1,               771, and 40 CFR 1500–1508.
                                              documents comprising the submittal,
                                                                                                      2015.                                                 Completion of the Draft EIS (DEIS) and
                                              are available for review at the FAA
                                                                                                      Mohannad Dawoud,                                      Final EIS (FEIS) are expected in 2016.
                                              office listed above and at the
                                                                                                      Management Analyst, Program Oversight and                Public involvement is a critical
                                              administrative office of the Key West
                                                                                                      Administration, ANG–A15, Federal Aviation             component of the National
                                              International Airport. The Record of
                                                                                                      Administration.                                       Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
                                              Approval will also be available on-line
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–07854 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]            will occur throughout the development
                                              at: http://www.faa.gov/airports_
                                                                                                      BILLING CODE 4910–13–P                                of the DEIS and FEIS. All environmental
                                                                                                                                                            documents will be made available for
                                                                                                                                                            review by federal and state resource
                                                Issued in Orlando, Florida on March 19,               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          agencies and the public. Specific efforts
                                              2015.                                                                                                         to encourage involvement by, and solicit
                                              Bart Vernace,                                           Federal Highway Administration                        comments from, minority and low-
                                              P.E., Manager, Orlando Airports District                                                                      income populations in the project study
                                              Office.                                                 Notice of Intent To Prepare an                        area will be made, with public
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–07732 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]              Environmental Impact Statement: Dane                  involvement meetings held throughout
                                              BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                                                                      County, Wisconsin                                     the environmental document process.
                                                                                                      AGENCY:  Wisconsin Department of                      Public notice will be given as to the
                                                                                                      Transportation (WisDOT), Federal                      time and place of public involvement
                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            Highway Administration (FHWA),                        meetings. A public hearing will be held
                                                                                                      Department of Transportation.                         after the completion of the DEIS.
                                              Federal Aviation Administration                                                                                  Inquiries about the EIS can be sent to
                                                                                                      ACTION: Federal notice of intent to
                                                                                                      prepare an Environmental Impact                       Craig.Pringle@dot.wi.gov. A public Web
                                              RTCA Federal Advisory Committee                                                                               site will be maintained for the EIS to
                                                                                                      Statement (EIS).
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              AGENCY:  Federal Aviation                                                                                     provide information about the project
                                              Administration (FAA), DOT.                              SUMMARY:   The FHWA is issuing this                   and allow for online public comment;
                                              ACTION: Notice of RTCA Charter                          notice to advise the public that an EIS               visit the I–39/90 Expansion Project Web
                                              renewal.                                                will be prepared for a proposed freeway               site, www.i39-90.wi.gov, under the
                                                                                                      interchange improvement project on I–                 Resources tab and Environmental
                                              SUMMARY:   The FAA is issuing this notice               39/90 from the County N interchange in                section. To ensure the full range of
                                              to advise the public of the renewal of                  the south to the I–39/90/94/WIS 30                    issues related to the proposed action are

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:14 Apr 03, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00141   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\06APN1.SGM   06APN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 11:18:21
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 11:18:21
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe effective date of the FAA's approval of the Key West International Airport Noise Compatibility Program Update is March 11, 2015.
ContactAllan Nagy, Environmental Program Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Orlando Airports District Office, 5950 Hazeltine National Drive, Orlando, Florida 32822, phone number: (407) 812-6331. Documents reflecting this FAA action may be reviewed at this same location by appointment with the above contact.
FR Citation80 FR 18491 

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